#i do not need people on my dash paying real life money trying to preach at me
sonknuxadow · 1 year
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
There's a sense of freedom that comes with anonymity of online interactions. This sense of freedom only exists because of the fact it's difficult for the real world to catch up with you in your real life. Unless of course, you go after the wrong one.
When a person goes after someone else solely because they think differently or have a strong opposing opinion, they often do so with a false gusto and bravery that only exists in the virtual realm. Like many say online, "You'd never say that to my face." And that's true for most people... but not all people.
And because of this anonymity, that affords all internet users the freedom to say whatever, a real life concern spawns from a virtual world. This real life concern is often referred to as "doxxing" where one internet user uses what clues and resources they have available to "expose" another internet user's real life. This has happened to many people I watch on YouTube. Some have even had to involve the real life police, as well as uproot their entire lives and move because of doxxing.
For example, Murky Meg has been doxxed a couple times now. She's had her real life threatened by doxxing. Terrifyingly, she wasn't the only target threatened because the douche flutes also brought her children into it. Yes, the same people who worship the Montecito Madam and preach the mantras of "compassion and kindness" and "leave children out of this" have gone so far as to go after Murky Meg's real life and real life children. And sadly, the threats and attacks never really stop. Especially when articles like the one I wrote about make the rounds. But Murky Meg doesn't allow this all to silence her; she keeps calm and carries on regardless.
Another example involves Yankee Wally. She was targeted repeatedly over copyright infringement on her YouTube channel, as well as having her social media accounts suspended repeatedly over the last few years. And even though Yankee Wally has never pretended to be anything or anyone else than who she is in real life, people have attempted to use her past as a weapon to discredit her. Those attempts are futile, though, because Yankee Wally has always been open and honest about her life. She's also been very clear to the people watching her that she will fight back if need be.
Then there's According2Taz. While Taz has gone through the same ringer that so many others have gone through (from doxxing to threats, harassment, and verbal abuse), she has also been attacked financially. Especially when it comes to her supporting good causes. Some twat waffles have sent her £0.01 via PayPal with notes attached. Notes that are grossly abusive, calling her fat and ugly, and saying her husband is cheating on her. Others have sent requests asking her to pay them £100 with notes attacking HRH Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge and her book. Murky Meg got a similar request, as well. But the most heinous impediment coming from the Montecito Madam's extremists, involved charity. Once, when Taz was raising money for Australian wildlife affected by the wildfires; someone reported her PayPal account and those funds were held up for some time before getting released for the cause. Then, again, Taz was targeted when she was raising funds to help an elderly woman who got robbed. Yes, the very same people, who stand on custom-made soap boxes emblazoned with the Sussex monogram, did everything they possibly could to marginally disrupt charity. Yet Taz does not waiver; she keeps going.
As bad as Murky Meg, Yankee Wally, and Taz have had it, they're sadly not alone. No, they are only three examples from a plethora of examples. Of that plethora, one more example comes to mind. That example involves DanjaZone (Ashli).
Ashli, who started her YouTube channel before the whole Megxit ordeal as a way to keep in touch with family, was even the subject of a blind item from CDAN (crazy days and nights). You see, Ashli and her family lost everything they had in a horrible house fire. Rumors swirled around the fire, but the most heinous comments came from the Sussex Squad's more prominent loudmouths. Some accused Ashli of lying about the fire in an attempt to scam people for money. Others called her white trash and trailer trash. So while Ashli was going through the loss of her home and everything she owned... while she was grieving the loss of family pets and irreplaceable family mementos... while she was down and out on her luck and trying to cope with all the pain and loss... while she was going through all of the attacks from doubters saying she faked the fire or was lying, that she was trailer trash... the disciples of the Duchess were laughing and celebrating her pain as a win. Never once considering the fact that Ashli has been in recovery for years now, and the stress from the fire coupled with the heartless, feckless attacks, could in fact push her over the edge.
No, the very same people, who scream via CAPS lock on social media that critics of Meghan should "leave her alone", that her critics drove the Montecito Madam to "suicidal ideation while pregnant" could care less about Ashli's mental health. Yes, the very same people, who lodged over 50,000 OFCOM complaints against Piers Morgan because he questioned their beloved's outlandish attacks during the Oprah interview, previously found no issues with attacking Ashli during one of the hardest times in her life. Yet, Ashli picked up the pieces and never gave up or gave into their attacks.
Again, these four examples are just the tip of the hypocritical iceberg. There are countless more examples out there. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people who criticize Meghan's and Harry's behaviors can all relate. Nobody is safe or off limits from this iceberg; from Royal Rota reporters, celebrities, and politicians to regular people who aren't rich, famous, or in possession of a global platform.
Yet nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, in the media or in journalism ever cover any of this. You can find articles galore written with the intentions of exposing "Meghan Markle Haters". Articles like the one I wrote about attacking critics and reducing us all to the stereotypes of racist, misogynist, bigot, envious, etc.
What that does is send a clear, prominent message to the people who cling to every word of the Montecito Madam. The people who cling to the wind coming from her mouth, her "close friends" or fake "palace insiders" hear those dog whistles loud and clear. The dog whistles that say "It's okay, keep attacking and hurting people. They're evil, hateful racists. They deserve the abuse. You're on the side of good. Go harder!"
When in truth, the wind they cling to coming from their beloved's mouth or mouthpieces is actually falsehoods, lies, and manifestations of grandeur that is no more real than Netflix's The Crown. No, the wind they cling to really comes from the south mouth of their beloved. But God forbid anyone hold their little cult accountable.
We cannot have a society where sensationalism trumps truth. We cannot weaponize the press and use it against people simply because they criticize the Meghan Markles of the world. It is unacceptable for the press, media platforms, or anyone with a prominent influence on society, to celebrate defenders of the Meghan Markle faith without first acknowledging the truth.
The truth, which is often dream dashing and harsh, is that "Meghan Markle Lovers" could care less about compassion, kindness, charity, children, or community. The truth is, they could care less about forgiveness or loving thy neighbors. We don't have to look to their savior figurehead to prove this to be true. We only have to look at the comments section or Twitter.
Those of us who criticize or dislike Meghan and Harry because of their behavior know all too well the truth will never be written up on the front page of the Sun, the Daily Mail, or People Magazine. The mirage of us being the racists, misogynists, or detesting haters sells papers. And the papers don't want to be in that same category.
Maybe one day the press will tell the stories of people like Murky Meg, Yankee Wally, Taz, Ashli, and countless others in an effective way that exposes the real haters in the relationship. Maybe one day, the victims of the Montecito Madam's cult following will be doxxed, exposed, and sent a new message. A message that says, "We see you for the hypocrites you are. You may repeat the preachings of your Madam like it's the new woke gospel, but you don't practice it. You're a big reason why people loathe your beloved. You make her look worse. You aren't defending her, you are condemning her. Keep it up, because we see you and we will expose you!"
If only...
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sunshinemellow-fic · 3 years
omg ok thank u for indulging me im about to write a WHOLE ASS NOVEL
disclaimer: i have exactly 0 actual qualifications to discuss this-- i am not a dermatologist or an esthetician or in any way certified and this is all just my nonsense opinion so please PLEASE feel free to disagree with it or ignore it
at different times in my life my skincare routines have been varying degrees of complicated (hello to the 7 step routines that were v popular a couple years ago) but i have settled on routines that are about 3-4 steps simply bc i realized i would rather invest in a couple gOOd products than try to sustain a larger more complicated routine, but this just personal preference
1. cleanser (optional) some people just like to use water in the morning which is FINE esp if u have drier skin. I like a gentle milky cleaner to clear off residual skincare from last night + it wakes me up 
2. some kind of antioxidant serum that is good for protecting ur skin from the day/oxidative stress! this is mainly an anti-aging precaution, so feel free to skip if that’s not something u care about v much. lots of people use vitamin C, but i personally like niacinamide for preventing oxidative stress bc it is easier to store since vitamin C can degrade w exposure to air and light and this is a p cheap and nice product whereas vitamin c can get pricier 
3.  SUNBLOCK ok i get it-- lots of people hate wearing sunblock and for v good reason. if u live in the states, lots of the formulations here are goopy, greasy, and leave a white cast which can be very frustrating if u are not white.
HOWEVER!  there are decades and decades of studies proving how dangerous and expensive (with respect to healthcare in the long run) it is to live life without protecting ur skin from UVA and UVB rays, even if you live in an area that is cloudy and overcast, or if it is winter! dousing myself in SPF30 before leaving home feels like puttin on clothes at this point  
i think the best advice i have heard so far is that “the best sunblock is the sunblock you will wear.” it is VERY worth spending the time and effort on trying out different brands and products to find one with a consistency / shade that is comfy and that you can make a habit!
i personally like using a tinted one in place of makeup! i like the brand colorescience, but here are some general sunscreen recs from a dermatologist, some nice drugstore sunscreens, sunscreens that should look decent even if u are not white / the “”””””universal””””” shade that people pretend is all inclusive (i have heard good things about this brand in particular).
this is getting long AF so imma do short NIGHT ROUTINE:
1. cleanse! i like to double cleanse (use an oil-based cleanser, then a water-based cleanser, but this is personal preference; if u like using one cleanser then that works). i like albolene as an oil cleanser because even tho it is very thick and less elegantly formulated than other emulsifying oil cleansers, it is cheap af and it lasts forever and i would rather splurge on sunscreen hehe. i use the same milky cleanser from my morning routine after oil cleansing.  
2. active ingredient! active is a big umbrella term for ingredients that have been proven to solve some kind of “concern” (scare quotes bc nothing is truly a concern-- even aging is a natural part of life that should be embraced, not demonized), and they are typically delivered in concentrated serums. ur concern might anti-aging, managing acne, hyperpigmentation, etc. personally im into anti-aging stuff even tho i am young bean, so i like using retinol, but that is a whole separate convo bc it can be a harsh ingredient that you need to introduce carefully and slowly. other active ingredients might be salicylic acid/BHAs for acne, vitamin C or hydroquinone for hyperpigmentation, etc. 
3. moisturizer! moisturizer seals in ur active so it can do the heavy lifting and replenishes your skin barrier! there are different kinds of moisturizers-- emollient, humectants, occlusive-- and it is worth looking into the different kinds to figure out which works for your skin type! personally after i use retinol my skin can be a little dry and sensitive, so i like using a REAL THICK oily moisturizer. i like to splurge a bit on the drunk elephant one, but there are SO MANY good and well-priced moisturizers. 
this was LONG sorry to clog ur dashes but skincare is a personal passion! also, i think it is v important to do ur own research! if u cannot tell from all the papers i linked, i would much rather dig into science than pay attention to the marketing claims made by someone trying to sell something! following dermatologists on youtube and instagram is a v good way to get advice from experts that you would typically have to pay lots of money for.
gettin off my preaching soap box, sorry im like this, thank u for indulging me hehe
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weaselle · 5 years
pay no attention to this collection I just need to post it so I can find it
hit walls and floor... tall inside of my skull; if I never fall at all, clever's awfully dull - so if "push" says the door you'll be watchin' me pull - 'cause I only shop for china when I'm walkin' with bulls
Order me sit? dope, I'm askin' how high; I out right hope my notes are causin' outcry - where do I fit? miles as the cow flies - statistically shit, climbin' slopes to outlie
I can juggle knives, and proselytize, and wink my eyes in flirth (or mix words like mirth and flirt, like, ask what planet Dirt is wearth) I can lift a person by their soul, or... even let them down; I can fit myself to any role: demon, prophet, clown. I can write like frightened squid, or read a book from any shelf- but a lifeguard out at sea can drown, and I can't save myself
I want an adventurous crew, less than 100 and much more than 2; I've got an idea or four to do and believe that "to lead" isn't "ordering you" - I want be thicker than thieves: if one of us cries, everyone grieves; stacked deck for success, form small companies so that every ace dealt goes up all of our sleeves - I wish I had Boromir's horn; I stand full of arrows, small and forlorn I'd summon an army as sure as you're born and we'd rend every obstacle / mend what is torn
yo when it's late I don't know if debate is a pro that I'm prone to or con I conflate; yawn ok great it's the dawn of new date too soon gone like a pawn in a perilous state - do I wander or wait, keep closed yonder gate or transpose these ten toes 'til exposing my fate? if not off to bed nodding off head berates and refuses to do more than snooze/obfuscate
I don't have time enough to tell the clock to stop its ticking talk, while I'm sublimely sleepy, still ensconced in twos of shoes and socks; I'm staring off in awful need of themes that breed these searing thoughts- I breathe more air when all unfair reality congeals and clots; when sleep is claustrophobic, fear near stoic in its static stay, I ride my nightmares into mounts more suited to the dreams of day
time for me to be known from home to home, on the campaign trail like when Romans roam, I'mma do the damn thang, prevail and own every twist in this life-line vine I've grown
sick like a little bit with a bad tum and sniffle it's not a badda-boom bat beating but a wiffle hit; sleep like the bleeping sheep gotta wring it outta me, sore like a freaking score that you sing without a "c".
i got nothing to say, i'm all bluff in this play, i mean i'm here to swerve some verse it's clear i'm thumpin' away at the buttons with the letters on whenever it’s day like a cat attacks a sweater, just pretending it’s prey - I need to catch the thing I’m chasing, like, it’s gotta get caught, and so I jot it down a lot to try to capture the thought; but though the plot is often written out in dashes and sketches, i rarely cash in those checks, i need more carry than fetches, so I’m dreamin’ and dumpin’ out all the schemin’ or somethin’ and like, even if it’s meaningless these keys I’ll keep thumpin
with the internet i’m magic and i’m casting a spell call a song out of the air to here as clear as a bell private playlist from the A-list like i’m famous as hell making music moving quickly so I’m faster as well
“oh no” I shout “Where’s Trusty my phone?” I don’t know the whereabouts, must be shown- adjusted the tone of the ring to silence now trying to find it brings me to violence; really need to locate as I motivate to go today I throw the flippin’ sofa pillows hopin’ for a stowaway... but oh no way it’s gone I pray this song will make a tiny spell; a lesson less on lost forlorn and more intent on finding cell
pocket full of humbug, some'll argue/ some shrug but damnit my whole planet's stupid like it's on the Dumb drug will there be a U.S. war? (I mean ANOTHER on our list) maybe something civil: neo-drivel vs. power fist... maybe accidental, mental trump insulting china's boss I fear these pale tears will steer us straight into a giant loss
so many people on the earth are searching for a safe life the rich'll keep their swords but lord they'll take away our steak knife Nothing free for you and me our banking fees are never waved; an act by black or poor is "crime" for white or rich it's "misbehaved" They're pouring us an ethanol and calling it an eggnog - time to run away and trade these reindeer for a sled-dog; the season of the commie christ whose message hasn't landed yet: money only isn't evil if the people's needs are met
no thanks on the news, yo crank up the tunes, don't bank on the crankiness taking a snooze unless I get dressed from neckless to shoes and charge the horizon more wise than confused __________________________________________________________
hear the too late beep, missing two days sleep, and the road to a dream is a two way street; so the mood stays bleak though I do make sweet this coffee with cream and the brew ain't weak
been a While since I styled out the verbs and tenses, went around the Gates and straight hopped the fences; penUltimately gotta be a sultan of self: master mind, rule body, find my worth-and-my-wealth; if i'm quiet too long I'll have sloth not stealth so I try to move along and get my words off the shelf.
my projects: objects I invent/books writ - that shit won't pay the rent; throw fits, I have, it don't prevent: what's real from feeling devil-sent.
so I must be clever, do each: sum total; whatever needs eating this dead-beat goat'll; ask what is the art in a pace grown sickly? cut to the part where the chase goes quickly
Now hook or crook I must prepare, to tell each truth/take every dare stand hand on hips, and one in air, you can kiss my lips, or my derrière
got me a hit list, swear i'ma get this done til the sun goes under the business; witness, this is crazy and witless, lazy lately: maybe the wiz kid just hid restless - put to the test his quiz is bested get to the rest it's now or not again, get that got and then kill it til the whole damn lot is a slaughter pen, sweat til the wet drip drops gettin' hotter than the metal that your kettle corn kernel keeps poppin' in; hoppin' and hippin' and readin' what's written i gotta be gettin' to the List no skippin'! slippin like fall, new leaves i'm flippin - givin' my all just to keep on grippin'; breakin' what doesn't bend wrong way through, as i make it to the end of the long To Do
i post at the prompt, chew big what i've chomped; grew kid to a ghost haunting most of this pomp; listless within this to do list i'm swamped - spirit in fits, corpse slow to go romp
incautious swatches of saying; watch as he washes the playing: switching the swerving and swaying into some terms of conveying wishes conditions occurred in which this envisioned un-blurred digit could get itself heard and flip politicians the bird
in the trace of the face off you tasted last, is the scent of the sense made fading fast, so your dreams leak sieve-like hiking past a scared nightmare crew of an all-you cast
got me a pallet of shall get around to, climb out of shallow kie, it's not about you; just look at the play and see where the props ain't, take out a brush but don't rush it you'll drop paint; stop sayin' you're praying for planet like damn saint but get out and do, do it, do, 'til you feel faint; yes do it, true get into some writing, what you must chew is how much off you're biting, i dust off the lightning and plug it right in, if i play hard enough then my bluff just might win, all this tin in my pocket while walking about til the hat-caving camptown will clean me all out- my ten other projects, pretend money fudge it, i'll sell all my objects and end up with budget; i'd love it if some of my ideas ran, but i'll finish the one and be one happy man
each piece is news, new peace in reach; tho a few of you choose nude tweets of Preach- but the rest got best bits fittin' here, what tests my pets must sit and hear: forget that past rush last two years going mash-gas fast 'til we're clashing gears, it's clear no room for fear to be, but the info flash is a blast to me- from the crashing sea to the land locked loam, we're lashed to the new word womb to tomb; and it's all fantastic like plastic foam that'll patch like magic a tragic home, or a tech part heart in 3-d print that'll let docs talk too intelligent; it's so elegant, that an elephant could do operations like he hella went: to harvard med my head is full but the school yard's sharp like a shaving tool; i'm a raving fool, but i drink it in, article particles 'til i sink and spin, win wonder i'm under delusions grand- will i sunder illusions and understand? or is it too much fuss will i cuss and worry, will i do what's just 'mid the dust and fury all i know is i go with the flow i find, tryna rein in my brain while i fill my mind
so often was the A.M. spent prayin' for mayhem, like seeing riots firing inspired me to 'amen'; i'd hate when the job sucked, my robbed luck, i'd get stuck- attempts at free society my hopes and dreams were all fucked; but lately (don't hate me) the game is less crazy- i bust twice as lustrous if bosses don't make me; So new to the bragging, i catch up from lagging and write down solutions more lucid less nagging
no sleep awake i sit and wait until the mill will dim/abate some whim shall take my fancy fate is to be sleeping dreaming state my eyes won't close i'll type i 'spose i'll write a night time rhyming prose those words i've heard but rearranged their meaning seeming weird and strange i've changed but how i could not say i only know no other way yet days gone by then who was i my mind was mine but what i tried to bind untied it flies! it runs! i rue what once i 'knew'; so dumb- untruth undo what time has done i can't so chant of what's to come oh spin oh sing oh show such things oh paint me what the future brings if won't be still then say your fill i pray my brain abstain from frills and spill the beans and give me scenes of things that help divine the means which plan to make which paths to take? i sit and wait no sleep awake
rework this
i want things to be different, starting with me; like to find me a new mind, with new eyes to see; like to start a new life, with new ways to be; can't be hard to do right, or this dude might flee- but i like the older version, no aversion to he: the kid who up and did lots, and got up from knees; who figured bigger sub-plots, and thought it was neat; who questioned syncopation, by stepping off beat; so i'd like to start a nation, a tribe or a team; one with no reservations just, a vibe and some steam; a group think to shout out 'thou shalt know peace' and to try it they're provided with some elbow grease; what i mean is, i think it's, so nice to be me; and the thing is the scene seems a singularity; but my brain goes, down more roads, than the branches of trees; and with more crew, i might do, more glancing with ease; so for multiples of loyal, one/two/three: i might try it royal, and become true We
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thewordonmainstreet · 7 years
We Need A Real Workplace Anti-Harassment Strategy That Works As Hard As I Did (Until I Got Bullied Out)
I’ve been bullied out of 4 workplaces so I know the deal.  I was mob bullied at all of them which is the most painful type of bullying to endure.  It was like reliving being beaten up in the schoolyard all over again, yes, it’s 40 against 1 but this time they’re not throwing stones, they’re unleashing psychological terrorism.  Workplace mobbing is defined can be overt and intentional, taking the form of rudeness and physical intimidation but often it is subtle and possibly unintentional, involving social ostracism and exclusion i.e. conversations cease when the victim enters the room or during interactions, co-workers are hostile or passive aggressive.  And don’t I know that all too well.  Companies lie to your face when they make you complete modules or read training material saying how they are dedicated to being an employer of choice free of workplace harassment and if you experience harassment to come forward.  I did duly document every incident of harassment, approached management and asked for their help in a timely manner when I needed their assistance to bring a bully down.  Did I get a listening ear and a firm promise that things would get better so I don’t feel like I’m going to war when I’m going to work?  No and no is always the answer.  Management simply doesn’t want to deal with complainers, they want employees to tough it out and stay silent because anything that isn’t about better sales isn’t worth their time.  A complainer never wins and is usually constructively dismissed.  So they’re essentially bullied out of the workplace because they were bullied. I fervently tried to keep my jobs but I know that my employer took the bullies’ side and likely didn’t even have a serious conversation with them.  It was just so obvious as nothing ever changed.  There is no resolution unless you have a lawyer.   Money talks, always has and always will.
When it comes to enforcing Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, critics say it’s the workers — not the government — doing the heavy lifting.  If you want your money or workplace fairness, pestering the Ministry of Labour and your MPP and MP are part of the deal.  The other gaping wide flaw in the system is that by law, workers are supposed to confront their employer about possible mistreatment before filing a complaint with the Ministry of Labour.  When a complaint is lodged, employers are notified and are given the employee’s name, often leading to immediate dismissal. Well duh.  So speak out and there goes your job.  All the more reason why claims should be strictly confidential.  It’s not unusual for it to take 9 months to get a resolution to an Employment Standards complaint.  Under the current model, employers have almost no incentive to obey the law in the first place. The Ministry of Labour has a team of a mere 180 enforcement officers to look into employment standards violations across the entire province, half the number devoted to Occupational Health and Safety inspections. Of the 15,485 employment standards complaints made in 2014, just 2,768 prompted workplace inspections. A workplace of choice for public servants who really don’t want to work but a system that is an epic failure for those who badly need a voice. This model depends on vulnerable employees learning the law and starting a legal fight with their employer without legal protection.  Violations of Employment Standards are treated as minor infractions deserving of perhaps a $200.00 slap on the wrist fine but not deserving of real justice.  And so the employer re-offends because it’s just $200.00. The other factor is while employers can afford lawyers, employees cannot.  So we’ve got a midget facing a giant that they can’t conquer.
I’ve made 2 claims which were rejected by them and sent onto the Occupational Health and Safety Board and the ruling was that if I wasn’t being bullied for a human rights reason (i.e. race, religion, sexual orientation), then I had no claim.  Which was completely, abjectly wrong.  You can most definitely be bullied in the absence of any human rights factor.  They may have been jealous of my winsome ways with customers or of my steadily happy mood.  You can be bullied for anything from the colour of your hair to what neighbourhood you live in to how you wear your makeup to what type of cellphone you have, etc.  Seriously, just about anything, bullies are ruthless and random.  It’s a re-run of high school all over again most of the time but this time you’re being paid for it - lucky that or you would have been gone the first week.  The government manages to mess up everything they touch and some old lady at one of my jobs and I were talking politics and she said “It’s all a racket, it’s all a racket”.  It sure is woman, it sure is.  No expert at policy, what I propose is a hotline or reporting tool that takes workplace harassment as seriously as a workplace injury.  Because harassment hurts.  Ministry of Labour officers will swiftly order workplaces to remedy unsafe workplaces and issue deadlines for that compliance but workplace bullying doesn’t even cause the Ministry to stir.  In a culture that continually blathers on about anti-bullying, mental health and safe spaces, we don’t practise what we preach do we?  In the schoolyard yes but once you’re an adult earner, you’re on your own.
Legal Aid, the Law Society of Canada and community legal aid clinics don’t deal with employment law so most low waged, low resourced workers are out of luck for recourse.  I don’t accept the fact that because I can’t afford a lawyer that I can’t have justice.  I am a perilously-employed low wager who needs better laws to keep me employed.  Either pay now or pay later.  Pay for me to keep my job by providing timely intervention for me or pay later in higher social service costs.  Ontario’s Bill C168 is a small step in the right direction but we need a leap forward in the way of tangible help for those who find themselves bullied.  As the province bolts ahead to raise minimum wage to an audacious $14.00 an hour in January 2018, what better time to hold employers accountable for their anti-harassment policies that they continually fail to enforce.  I’m tired of working my tail off for employers who blazon complete adherence to a code of conduct for employees but seldom enforce it if the behaviour affects an individual and not a customer.  Because there are 100 other people waiting outside the door to take my job, an employer isn’t going to waste his time in meetings with me and the bullies.  But the double standard on turning a blind eye to harassment is getting old.  If you’re going to talk that talk, you’ve got to walk that walk.  I’m tired of crying in the bathroom and eating my lunch in my car.  Being bullied has dashed my hopes of long-term employment, worsened my mental health issues, turned my resumé into a document so full of holes I might as well name it Swiss Cheese, and cost my family thousands.  I am an ODSP recipient that is just trying to better her life and take less money from the system but the system is a total failure at keeping the vulnerable employed.  I have looked high and low into what supported employment I could get but there is none.  Having a job and being treated fairly is a fundamental human right and I refuse to be wronged again.  I just refuse.
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