#i do not think it applies with him and Fionna at all'
paragonrobits · 1 year
today's hot take: i don't read Fionna and Simon's relationship as parental at ALL, because while their initial foreshadowing is heavily romantic in nature (Ice Prince being depicted as a Tuxedo Mask-esque handsome icon being Fionna's essential establishing character moment for Simon before she is initially annoyed by his sour attitude and then comes to know him better and then care about him), there's a few other points for them explicitly not having a father/daughter dynamic at all, but the biggest one is that they are fundamentally peers.
This might not be readily apparent because of their ages, but at the ages they're at and that inform their world view and relationships to others like them, they're pretty much in the same bracket. Fionna is in her 30s, while Simon was originally 47 when he got the crown, and nearly in his 60s at this point; while you may assume that her being almost literally half his age works against the interpretation of them having similar experiences, they ARE at the age where age differences honestly don't really mean that much and gradually become irrelevant in terms of lived experiences.
The bigger thing, though, is that their status as complementary story foils are the most relevant bit for their characters.
Fionna and Simon are foils to each other, with a nearly identical start to their character arcs: they BOTH long for a different sort of world than the one they got, but from opposite directions. Fionna lives in a mundane 9-to-5 world and wants a magical world of adventure. Simon is in that world (after living through the gradual process to make a mundane world into a magical one) but he wants the more mundane experience he remembers once, and he just can't feel that he belongs in Ooo, just as Fionna can't help but feel all wrong for her mundane world. While Simon doesn't have any interest in making Ooo boring and normal, he DOES latch on fast towards the idea of becoming Ice King again even as he clearly hates it, because he desperately fixates on the idea of being needed by others, even (no, ESPECIALLY) if it hurts him in the process.
They both want to be heroes, in their way, and resent being part of worlds that they feel they don't belong in anymore, and clearly ignore multiple opportunities to find magic or meaning in the world right around them, and SPECIFICALLY ignoring them in pretty much the same ways, to the point that the episodes Fionna Campbelll and Simon Petrikov parallel each other, not just in titles but in general progression; they go through a lot of similar circumstances, to the point of encountering the same sort of circumstances that they ignore or swat away. It's not the magic or normal they WANT... or perhaps wanting isn't even the right word. Their experiences or vague memories of the world they used to know keeps demanding to have something more like that; they ignore friends and family, or explicitly go out of their way to not tell them anything; Simon shuts down his feelings and won't tell Finn or Marceline anything (almost certainly because he feels like he would be bothering them) and while Fionna goes to her friends for help, she doesn't really confide in them.
This extends even to their songs, Not Myself and Part of The Madness; they both have very similar overtones of depression, feeling out of place, and fundamental loneliness. Its different in the particulars; Fionna is weighed down by the mundanity and changelessness of her world, feeling alone even with her friends. Simon glumly wants to help people but he CAN'T do anything without magic; no one needs anything from him, and people (he thinks) aren't happy to see him.
Fionna longs for an inexpressible time of magic and without it, she feels lost and empty. Simon wants to be needed and feels empty inside BECAUSE he thinks he's supposed to be better now, but all it does is make him feel upset and bad about being upset. Fionna's primary issue is that she's... lost, in a similar way. She remembers her world being magical but not clearly, much as the vague impressions Simon recalls his experience as Ice King; we don't even know WHAT her life has been like, and its entirely possible that everyone's life is a blurry hazy mess in the mundane world she's gotten, but she and Cake are the only ones with the awareness to work it out and be unhappy. Both Simon and Fionna can't help but remember how things used to be, or that they COULD be another way, and be endlessly lost in their own gloom and dissatisfaction.
Past the point where they actually meet and are starting to like each other's company (to the point that they remain in contact across the gulf of worlds post-minseries), these factors and their generall dynamic (Simon as a wet cat in a perpetual state of OH SHIT while Fionna tries her best to be a bruiser but unfortunately finds that in her life she doesn't have the skills or power to pull it off, leading to them BOTH feeling useless) make them both feel like peers; people with similar problems in the same boat. A lot of Fionna's character development comes from her slowly realizing what she's actually asking from Simon and her growing fear of making her world as dangerous or frightening as some of the places she's seen, while Simon has to come to terms with the fact that he really DOESN'T want to be Ice King again and that he needs to come to terms with it.
As a result of all that, they have a strong vibe of feeling like peers, not like a student and teacher or a similar dynamic.
(Also Fionna DID smooch Winter King with zero hesitation and while that didn't end well for anyone involved except PB, no one found this unusual in-universe. Except possibly Simon and HIS primary issue feels more like he thought of Winter King as a better version of himself in general and he got resentful about that.)
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nitw · 1 year
one thing i really like about the fionna and cake series - which also applies to the original episodes but obviously not with as much weight or relevance - is how the au characters aren't all just the same copy-pasted personalities of their ooo counterparts. this also goes for all the other dimensions they visit of course, but i wanna talk about our fionna's world in comparison to our simon's world specifically.
fionna is NOT finn. even though they're around the same age at this point they're different people shaped by different experiences and struggles. they're both sorta absent-minded thrillseekers prone to escapism, but while finn is hyper optimistic and has an innate desire to help/cheer up those around him (even if he doesn't always do it right), fionna seems a bit more reluctant on sympathizing with other people's problems, or at least it doesn't come as naturally to her, and even when she's focused her own goals she doesn't have the same drive. this is clearly a big part of her arc, but it takes a lot to motivate her to put genuine effort into things - even those that matter to her.
similarly, gary is NOT bonnie and marshall is NOT marceline.
like bonnie, gary is a huge nerd and a workaholic with attention to detail, but he's shown to have a lot less confidence in himself. he gets easily crushed by the disappointment of others, it embarrasses him to talk about his dreams and interests, and he's generally not very confrontational - in contrast to bonnie who's not only a monarch with a huge amount of responsibility on her shoulders, but also takes way more pride in her intellect and her work, and isn't afraid of voicing her opinions.
and like marceline, marshall is an extroverted smooth talker who uses art to express himself, and clearly has more baggage than he likes to admit, but i feel like the way he avoids his problems is noticeably different from marceline. while marceline tends to bottle everything up until she explodes (and isn't that good at hiding it), marshall seems more prone to distance himself completely from negative thoughts, as long as he can get away with it. like more of a "this is a problem for another day, i'll just ignore it and focus on what makes me happy right now" attitude. he also just seems to be more patient overall.
it's just really neat! like they've always tried to make the f&c counterparts feel different and fun in their own ways, but now that it's Their Show they obviously have to give even more depth to their identities, and i think it's been doing a great job of making us care about them for who they are.
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lhuxlux · 10 months
You know what? I absolutely LOVE the way Fionna & Cake (the show) told us how important Simon Petrikov (the one we know) was. Let's check out the most important universes. As expected, there will be spoilers:
Farmworld is pretty obvious itself. Simon was able to prevent the bomb that would have brought the Lich, which is pretty impressive itself, but that didn't stop the Lich forever and Simon wasn't able to take care of Marceline or even contact Hunson Abadeer. Because of this, Marceline dedicated her whole life (literal centuries) to guard the crown knowing it was too dangerous. Eventually, she dies after Farmworld Finn accidentally activates the bomb. Simon's sacrifice was noble, but it only delayed something that was inevitable and Marceline didn't have the best life guarding her friend and father figure's corpse for centuries due to the crown
Simon doesn't have the purpose of sacrificing his own life in order to save Marceline and other people. Becoming Ice King again for Fionna and Cake was a way to abandon and sacrifice the life he regained thanks to Betty. No one has such purpose, it was just Farmworld Simon's choice and we can see the consequences of his absence even years after those events occurred and our boy Prismo had to fix things a bit
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After that, the show presents us Winterworld and a version of Simon that managed to "conquer" the crown and seemed like the perfect outcome for everyone involved: Simon keeping his sanity without facing the consequences of not only using the crown but also being a magic user again to bring magic back to Fionna's world. Thing is MMS (Magic, Madness, and Sadness) applies to all magic users and it is unavoidable, all of them will show different degrees of those three characteristics. Winter King is no exception, he is still mad despite projecting most of his madness on PB. We can see this because he made an ice version of Marceline despite saying it would be unethical to do the same with Betty
Simon cannot be a magic user because otherwise he won't be the Simon we know (Remember the Tiny Manticore mentioning how Betty changed as well after becoming a magic user?). He knew this every time he needed to use the crown in order to protect Marceline and survive. He acknowledged it was the only way to do it despite knowing the long-term effects and being aware he also hurt Marcy. Simon was no coward, he probably was scared and knew no one could save him from the crown's madness, and still tried to be himself when he could
Probably the reason why Winter King lost his Marceline was because he wanted to have the crown's power to survive without facing the consequences of using it, maybe he overused the crown itself until Simon was completely gone, making him unable or too dangerous to take care of Marcy. Winter king lived in a bubble in which he thought he was completely sane (which is not even possible if you are a magic user) and everything, including himself, was perfect. He wants to believe he's Simon but that's not the case, Simon is far gone and deep down he knows it when he took the name "Winter King" and decided to make his kingdom instead of using his own name and trying to live as Simon Petrikov, not some king
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And, of course... Vampworld
The perfect answer to the question "How important is our Simon Petrikov?"
A world in which Marceline was never raised by Simon, and Hunson was absent or didn't mind that his daughter was raised by the Vampire King. Marcy didn't become a vampire hunter and didn't help humans survive. This is because she was educated in a different way since she was very little, and keep in mind that Marceline was already thinking she was a monster because she couldn't comprehend why her mother couldn't be with her anymore. Vampire King just encouraged her to behave like an actual monster
Simon cared about Marcy and her education, seeing her as a scared little girl living in the end of the world, not a monster despite knowing she was different. Again, he admitted he was Marceline's father figure and raised her as his own. This is why Simon is scared and maybe even a bit sad when he watches Marcy acting in such a cruel way, and that's why he loses his shit and calls the Vampire King a bad dad, he couldn't stand seeing someone else encourage that behavior on Marceline
Simon's education wasn't the best, he had his own struggles due to the crown, but he did his best and that made a difference on Marceline's life, he even bothered to contact Hunson so she wouldn't be all by herself. It was a pity he didn't know that Hunson himself wasn't that good as a father but leaving Marcy all by herself would have been cruel
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And yet, Simon himself couldn't see this despite living it. He was still trying to save Fionna's universe by becoming Ice King again. Why? He thought his purpose was to help others by sacrificing himself, that's what he learned with Marceline when he took care of her, this made him think that Simon Petrikov didn't matter, only Ice King because he's able to make Fionna's world magic again and could stop Scarab, fueling his identity loss
Most people cannot realize how important they are, even if they didn't lose their identity. Sometimes it is too hard to know how important we actually are or we tend to forget and re-learn it, and this is something the show remarks despite Simon helped Fionna save her universe. He didn't need Ice King, but that doesn't mean it is over and he learnt his lesson
It is a longer process because there are ideas or thoughts about ourselves that are hard to abandon or not to pay attention to in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes
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rainbow-beanie · 1 year
Prediction for what’s gonna happen during episode 9:
Simon finally is reunited with Betty, in the form of globbetty, who is still conscious within glob.
She can’t possibly be separated from glob, cause she’s afraid that if/when she is, glob in just gonna try to end the world again. And she wouldn’t want to be responsible for the end of the world a second time.
Betty, possibly through telepathy, basically tells Simon that he shouldn’t worry about her, cause she’s alive and unharmed, and that he should focus on finding happiness himself, even if she’s not around. And possibly reminds him of all the people that care about him, like marcaline, Finn, princess bubblegum (possibly) and many others, he just needs to get himself out there and meet them. Not as ice king, but as Simon. The same Simon she had fallen in love with all that time ago. And that no matter where he is, she will always be with him.
Does that not feel like a tearjerker? I’m betting that the main reason the next episode is gonna be really emotional is cause Simon will finally have to come to terms with the fact that he cannot save Betty, at least for now. This is something prismo had told him, which is why he was mad at him. Cause to him it felt like the wish caster was another obstacle preventing him from saving her, even if we know that’s not the case. But it’s another thing entirely to hear the same thing come from the person he’s trying to save in the first place.
To make a long story short, I want the same thing I’ve wanted since the beginning of all this: for Simon to survive all this, make his way back to his version of ooo, and possibly find peace with the fact that he can’t save his princess like he had hoped. But instead of only feeling down about this, he reminds himself of what Betty had told him, about how there are so many people that still care about him and want him around, even if he’s not magical like everyone else.
Speaking of which, I’d love it if there was a plot twist that he still had control of ice and snow, even without wearing the crown, since he’s been ice king for so long, his body has already adapted to the feeling of the ice powers running through his veins. Now I can imagine you’d be wondering to yourself, “but beanie, if Simon still had control of the ice powers, then why have we not seen any hints of that yet?”
Well, I think we may have gotten a hint waaaaay back in episode 4, when prismo was scanning Simon’s brain, he gets a error message and then says this:
“Nope. Still locked.” Still locked? Now when I had first heard this, I thought he was talking about ice kings mind that he had been locked out of. But that wouldn’t make sense, since ice king no longer exists, so wouldn’t the error message instead say ERROR, DATA NOT FOUND. cause without ice kings mind, there would be no magic to keep the link open. But that still doesn’t answer the question as to what is locked. Well I’m thinking that something else might be locked, or in this case blocked, like something was jamming the signal.
His ice powers are blocked.
Why would it be blocked, you ask? Well we all know that Simon’s slow descent into madness prior to becoming ice king was extremely traumatic for him, to the point that he physically flinches at the sight of ice, and isn’t at all comfortable with wearing the blue gown/robe that had originally belonged to Ice king. Simon didn’t want anything to do with ice king, and that included anything related to ice and snow, even if it’s in the form of small ice cubes in a glass. Hs ice magic had been blocked off by Simon himself, albeit unconsciously, it’s like how sometimes someone will block out a memory related to a traumatic experience in order to heal, the same thing would apply to the ice powers. And Simons powers being blocked off is one of the main catalysts for Fionna and cake’s dimension being changed.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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bug-decal-kissing · 9 months
Hey friends!
A new work, All fun and games by DatWheatleyBoi, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It is Not Rated and No Archive Warnings Apply, and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "swap au, Enemies to Lovers, D&D campaign, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Board Games, Prohibitedwish crumbs"
You can read it here:
D&D SWAP AU CAMPAIGN YES PLEASE !!! Scarab do not scare the old man like that you're gonna give him a heart attack/silly. IS IT DESTINY THAT BINDS THESE TWO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS TOGETHER ? Y. YEAH/j
A new work, Sea Glass Wishes by quewp, was published today, with 1/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "siren au, siren prismo, human scarab, sorta - Freeform, Siren Scarab, Drowning, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, How Do I Tag, No Beta, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Sea sickness, Magic"
You can read it here:
SIREN TIME YEAAAAAAAAAAH !!! I WILL ALWAYS EAGERLY CONSUME MERFOLK CONTENT !! Scarab almost DIED and Prismo is just like 'take a nap man I'll get you some food :-)' I THINK HE NEEDS THERAPY/silly. I cannot wait until he realises he has to eat raw fish for the rest of his life/j
NSFW works are below the cut :].
A new work, The Beginning is the End is the Beginning by grylos, was published today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Genocide, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Bombs, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Happy Ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Backstory, Slow Burn, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Physical Abuse, Explicit Sexual Content, Corruption"
You can read it here:
The Story of Brave Knight Scourge and his Nemesis, Promise the Wizard (an original story by Scarab), by anxietyrobot, was updated today, with 3/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Slow Burn, Alternate Universe- Medieval Fantasy, Dual Narrative, identity crisis, Dramedy, lots of baggage, Learning to be vulnerable, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to roommates to lovers, annoyances to lovers, they get worse before they get better, Alcohol Use and Abuse"
You can read it here:
COSMIC OWL CAMEO RAAAAAAAH/pos !!! The chariot tarot card is such a Scarab card; every day I am tempted to make a personal AT tarot card deck <- cannot afford the actual deck and they both got the lovers oooOOOOoooooo
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bug-buzzz · 1 year
I have a LOT of questions about the newest ep of Fionna and Cake. Mainly the farm world ep and farm world in general.
OK so, assuming this is the farm world from Adventure Time, there are a TON of things that don't add up. Here are my questions.
First off, there are a bunch of characters that exist in farm world that don't seem to exist in the land of Ooo. Mainly the Destiny Gang and family. But also the majority of bg characters, they don't seem to have Ooo counterparts.
Expanding on that, why do only SOME characters exist in farmworld and Ooo? Just off the top of my head I know we see Choose Goose (Bruce now), Jake, and Wildberry Princess in the newest fionna and cake ep. But in the original Adventure Time episode we also see Simon (deceased) and Marcy. Those are the only characters I know of that we see. This could be explained by saying that magic doesn't exist in farm world but it still should. Finn only wished The Lich out of existence, there should still be elemental magic but we don't see any of our elemental characters. And why not have non magic counterparts like in normal Fionna world? Why is it only some characters? It can't be just the non magic ones bc we see normal versions of magic characters.
Why does this farm world seem post-apocalyptic? Finn wished Ice Finn to go back to normal and the crown was removed from farm world. I think there are at least 2 farm worlds, one where Farm Finn became evil from the crown and another where it never existed. When the crown was removed this could've also removed the ice keeping the mushroom bomb from exploding which would explain why this farm world seems post apocalyptic. But even if Farm Finn did keep the crown, we know that the Mushroom Bomb already went off. Either way, the great mushroom bomb SHOULD have gone off but we see the same characters still alive. So the mushroom bomb must have been removed from the equation for them to all still be alive, we see a crater where the bomb was but if it did go off, that area should be radioactive and all of the farmworld ogs should be dead. Why is this world so messy and post-apocalyptic? It doesn't add up
We see a farm world version of Marceline in the farm world shown in Adventure Time, but for some reason, she's old. This makes no sense. Marceline doesn't age in Ooo because she's part demon part vamp, so do these not exist in farmworld? The only difference farm world SHOULD have with Ooo is that The Lich never (even ever) existed, but this shouldn't apply to other magic as well. The comets, elements, GOLB and the other primordials, and relics (like the crown) should all still exist. Hunson Abadeer should still exist as he is either a demon or a primordial monster (seen in The Lichs flashback along with Coconteppi and Orgalorg while scaring King of Ooo and Toronto) But the point is, why is ALL magic gone except for the crown in farmworld when only The Lich should be missing. Could the Lich control all magic? He is the oldest scholar of GOLB, maybe even older and above the primordial monsters and elements? Its also weird that Jake isnt magic in farmworld, we know Ooo Jake gets his powers from being a spawn of Warren Ampersand who is either a primordial monster or the same species as one of these monsters (seen in The Licks flashback) But that makes Prismo stronger than The Lich (since he was able to wish him out of existence) and in turn all the primordial monsters, but weaker than GOLB as he was not able to bring Betty back (or maybe he just can't bring people back from the dead? Since he couldn't bring Margles back either) it's weird.
Why does Finn still name his daughter Bonnibel in farmworld if PB doesn't exist in farmworld? Is she still there but not shown? Are all Finns destined to have children named after Bonnie and Jake? (Pillow Finn did) Did the name just come to him as a weird cosmic communication coincidence?
Why do we see a scarecrow of Ice Finn if the crown doesn't exist in farmworld? Do people just remember when Finn was briefly Ice Finn? And why isn't Finn insane from the crown? It affected him long enough for him to start changing so shouldn't it have made him insane?
Farm world is really weird and I have lots of questions. Lmk what you guys think.
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t4t-lumpygrab · 3 years
Fanfic Drabble Requests (Rough FAQ I will update as time goes on)
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ID: screenshot of Lemongrab 1 from Adventure Time smiling and punching the air with his left fist. ED. 
Current status: Requests open
Examples of requests I’ve done so far: 
LSP and Lemongrab play minecraft (770 words)
LSP and Lemongrab pick a movie to watch (fluff with minor hurt/comfort elements, 705 words) 
Lemongrab and Treetrunks hang out (1600 words) 
Lemongrab experiences fatigue and LSP looks after him (1440 words) 
Lemongrab deals with phantom pain and is helped by a lemon subject (hurt/comfort, 1000 words)
Fern and Lemongrab hanging out (mild hurt/comfort 1200 words)
General Rules:
-I work to a word limit of 500 words minimum and 1000 words maximum. (But I may go over if I feel like it this is fun for me)
-Please request a maximum of 1 fic at a time per person! Otherwise Charlie will overheat like a computer and die. 
-If requesting use the word please. I don’t want people to just send a list of what they want y’know! It feels a lil rude even if it’s unintentional. 
-So I am a Lemongrab/LSP obsessive first and a human second, so I’m gonna limit requests to stuff that features these two (Lemon people also fine though I love those lil creatures). This doesn’t mean you can’t request additional characters like Fern and Marceline, but the blorbos are mandatory. 
-I expect some sort of interaction after I post a request - :youtuber voice: please reply or reblog! (asks and dms also fine!) Thank you :)
Will Do! 
-Fluff, hurt/comfort, and angst. 
-Physical affection like hugs and kisses :) 
-Aus! Gonna try my hand at these 
-Gore: cannibalisms, amputation, wounds, body horror, basically anything that appears in the show. Though I ask people lean on the lighter side and not request very heavy gore. Plus I will probably shy away from graphic descriptions for fear of overstepping. If people are requesting gore feel free to list any limits you have! Like for example, someone might request a character getting injured and bleeding but not want any organ damage or bone exposure. Bit of a specific example but it’s to illustrate what I mean, though I will be erring on the side of caution. Also see Won’t Do for my personal limits.  
-Abusive dynamics: So I’ve written for lg1 and 2 before that’s basically what I mean! Those guys are fucked up but they also fascinate me… I guess in terms of potentially upsetting content, the same rules apply as for gore! Feel free to list any limits.
Won’t Do! 
-self inflicted wounds (self harm) and suicide, and character death that doesn’t happen in the show. (like lg1 and 2 being dead is fine but lg3 dying is no)  
-Genderbends (this is a Fionna and Cake hate zone sorry) 
-Crossovers. I’ve never rlly understood the appeal sorry. 
-I view Lemongrab 1 to be a villain and an abuser, so if I get a request like “please write him to not be abusive” I won’t do it because those aspects of his character are intrinsic to who he is! You’d have to change his entire life story, family and personal history, personality and values - basically, you’d have to create a completely different character. One which is, in my opinion, less interesting and a sanitised version of a character who can be used to explore some truly interesting horror themes. This isn’t to say that I don’t think he loves his family, and that he hasn’t been nice to them ever and spent time with them, but if I do get requests for more light hearted stuff I will probably drop hints that he sucks. 
-I guess elaborate/long things? I’m working to a 1000 word limit so stuff that has plot aside from just “1 thing happens” won’t fit my set word count.
-Sexual things. This goes without saying but no incest or fetish baiting. Don’t think I won’t notice we can all tell. 
-I obviously retain the right to refuse any request! 
How to request: 
You can reply to this post, or send an ask! Just keep in mind that I will not do anonymous requests (various reasons like it makes me anxious and also people you have blocked can send anons) :) 
However, the way I post requests is by making a post and then @ing the requester in a reply (as opposed to responding to an ask*) so if you don’t want your url attached to a request (which is totally fine and I won’t ask for any reasons or judge you!!)  - just say and I won’t do that!
*this is bc I’ve done requests in the past for people who ended out to be transmeds and other nastiness, and now the thing I made has their url attached to it :/ 
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bug-decal-kissing · 11 months
Hey friends!
Come Earn a Place in My Heart, by biteof22, was updated today, with 4/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Slow Burn, Unresolved Tension, Denial of Feelings, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Office, Mutual Pining, Auditor!Prismo tomfooleries, i pre-wrote this fic a month ago so posting is easier. i swear i'm not doing magic."
You can read it here:
Scarab's denial of his own feelings is going to give me rabies/silly. 'I'm not in love with Prismo,' he says as he goes into his car and went to a cafe and fell asleep in front of him literally yesterday and/j. COSMIC OWL APPEARANCE WAHOOO !!!
Light! Camera! Action!, by Zalupa2005, was updated today, with 2/? Chapters released! It is Not Rated and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Deviates From Canon, Homophobia, Falling In Love, Hurt/Comfort, Flashbacks, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Idiots in Love, Humor, all people, overtime, Office, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers"
You can read it here:
Scarab his own office now as he deserves <3. Seeing a normal-looking and acting Golb gave me whiplash he's not supposed to be normal!!!/j I love Prismo asking if Scarab hates him and Scarab not giving a direct answer it's very 👀 do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class, Scarab?/silly
Wrath of the Wishmaster, by Void_Ink_Studios, was updated today, with 7/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Scarab has identity issues, Orbo is the worst, Prismo gets mad, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Chronic Pain, Scarab has Chronic Pain, Established Relationship, Reminiscing, Backstory, Filling in gaps in the worldbuilding, Worldbuilding, Head cannon nonsense: GO!"
You can read it here:
FUCK ORBO ALL MY HOMIES HATE ORBO!!! Beloved Nightmo appearance as well, I think Prismo should get angry more often, defend his boyfriend :]. I love Scarab going to calm him down; I don't care if the 'cooldown hug' trope is overused I LOVE IT !!!!
This chapter is also on Tumblr !! You can find it here :].
NSFW works are below the cut :].
A new work, Cabin Fever by phoenixash234flames was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Established Relationship, Hand Jobs, Rimmingits hard to describe with these two"
You can read it here:
They're universe travelling together <333333 They're so happy and soft together it's making me want to cRY/pos. I feel like we need to come up with a new word for having sex with a wall sticker when you're a 3-Dimensional being/j. I LOVE THEM TRAVELLING THROUGH THE MULTIVERSE DOING IN-LOVE THINGS IT BRINGS ME JOY !!!!!
A new work, Blackened Heart, Blackened Soul by Rachrar was published today, woth 1/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Human, Priest/Demon AU, Priest Scarab, Demon Prismo, Catholicism Religious Guilt Slow Burn Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Cock Piercing, Dacryphilia, Virginity, I tagged the kinks even though it might be a bit until they happen so nobody is surprised, More may be added however"
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THE DEMON/PRIEST AU HAS A FIC NOW WAHOO !! I know therapy wasn't a thing in this setting but Scarab needs therapy. Prismo is Doing Things to him and it's making me go heeheeheehee.
A new work, Boys Will Be Bugs by NeilEatsRaccoons was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Post-Series: Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Top Prismo, Bottom Scarab (Adventure Time), Light Dom/sub, Dom Prismo, Scarab is a hermaphrodite, Hermaphrodites, Body Horror, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, Gay Sex, Bug anatomy, Anatomy Lessons, Prismo and scarab are in physical forms for the duration of this fanficWings, erotic wing touching, Wing Kink? - Freeform, Adventure Time - Freeform, your honor theyre gay, The story has nothing to do with the cave town song I just couldn’t think of a title, Penis In Vagina Sex, Penis Licking, Tentacle Dick, Sub scarab, Dom/sub Undertones, Healthy Relationships, scarabs kinda mean but it’s jokey, Consensual Sex, Light Petting, Kissing, Boys In Love, Boys Kissing, he/him scarab, Bug Scarab"
Prismo and Scarab have so much potential for their anatomy, it's always cool to see what people do with it. Like yeah, they're not gonna have normal genitalia they've been around since before genitalia was even a thing/j. Fellas is it gay to confess your love only after you've fucked?/j
A new work, Stab Me Gently by Thehyperfixationking was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Somnophilia, Blanket Permission, blanket consent, Tentacle Dick, I'm so sorry, Spreader Bars, Sex Toys, Vibrators, Cock Rings, I had a vison so bad that god should take my sight away, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Voyeurism, kinda sorta, Prismos kinda a freak ngl, The Author Regrets Everything, I Can't Believe I Wrote This"
You can read it here:
PRISMO GOT HORNY AGAIN :(/j. I wanna see Scarab's reaction it would be funny; jumpscare!! now you're horny :-)/j.
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bug-decal-kissing · 10 months
Hey friends!
El caballero y el Mago, by DULname, was updated today, with 6/? Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with no additional tags :]
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Prismo: wow this forest is so nice and peaceful I sure hope nothing bad happens to me out here-
FINALLY CAUGHT HIM WAHOO but uh oh ! Now people are trying to kill Scarab !! Thus begins their reluctant allyship and maybe even more >:]<
Seraphyllic, by DrakianDH, was updated today, with 15/20 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, and Major Character Death, with additional tags "scarab the god auditor - Freeform, prismo the wishmaster - Freeform, Priscrab, ProhibitedWish, Scrabby, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no beta we get turned to legos like the lich, Adventure & Romance, Story within a Story, Eventual Happy Ending, Maybe - Freeform, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, You gotta work for the comfort, begining poem important, each chapter a word, prepare"
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DARK MEDIEVAL MYSTERY DRAMA CONTENT WAHOOOOO !!!! I agree with Prismo, I think Vermilion and Prismo should kiss maybe :] and surely it will not a reflection of their actual relationship hohohoho of course not/silly. AND PRISMO GETS TO TOUCH THINGS FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE YEAAAAAAAH
That Won't Fly With The Boss, by just_a_somebody, was updated today, with 8/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Prismo x scarab, ProhibitedWish, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Headcanon, might've given him trauma, please just hear me out - Freeform, what if scarab had wings like scarab beetles are supposed to?, key word had, it makes sense with canon, (to me at least), My first fic, Be nice to me, Post-Canon, and they were ROOMMATES, this can probably be considered as scarab having ptsd, PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Developing Relationship, scarab needs therapy, This is going to be a long fic, it’s the journey that matters, but I swear I have an ending in mind"
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The comfort part of hurt/comfort is finally here :,] my poor little bug man he needs a kiss and a blanket and also therapy please/lh. LET HIM BE WEAK LET HIM BE SAD </3 and screw orbo all my homies hate orbo/j
Wrath of the Wishmaster, by Void_Ink_Studios, was updated today, with 20/20 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Scarab has identity issues, Orbo is the worst, Prismo gets mad, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Chronic Pain, Scarab has Chronic Pain, Established Relationship, Reminiscing, Backstory, Filling in gaps in the worldbuilding, Worldbuilding, Head cannon nonsense: GO!, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Implied Sexual Content, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Suicidal Thoughts, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Non-Graphic Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, cosmic gore, is that a thing?, It is now, Happy Ending"
This chapter is also on Tumblr! You can find it here :].
PRISMO WISH YEAH !!!! I love Prismo getting his own wish because he would very much so be afraid to make one after seeing how horrible they can go. But now he can be 3D and WALK and DO THINGS AND IT MAKES ME HAPPY A VERY BITTERSWEET ENDING TO ONE OF MY FAVOURITE WORKS :]
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