#i do really like the sr1 layout
theonyxranger · 4 years
Do you have a favourite Normandy layout? Original, Cerberus retrofit, or ME3 Normandy?
I think the Alliance-modified SR2 is my favorite layout overall, but it loses points to the Cerberus layout for requiring a pointless load screen to get to the war room... and for bugging out when I walk on those panel gaps in the cockpit.
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shizuu-chann · 2 years
An ongoing list of why ME2 is my favorite game in the series:
This got long, longer than I planned, but *shrug*. Feel free to add your own reasons!
--No weapon weight restrictions, I can carry around an entire arsenal without penalties to power cooldown. Plus the ability to always carry around heavy weapons. I don't often USE the heavy weapons, but I like the security of having one.
--I love the game interface, everything from the color of the menu/loading screens to the sounds it makes when you make a selection. Despite the orange being a Cerberus thing, it's very gentle on the eyes, as opposed to the harsh blue of 1 and 3. Even just the footstep sounds and the walking speed (both on and off the Normandy, and with weapon drawn but not sprinting) scratches some kind of itch that just makes me very happy.
--Female Shepard doesn't walk/jog/whatever like a dainty princess. (Seriously, wtf is that hands-by-your-side thing? Why can't she walk like literally male Shapard/everyone else? I do not know a single person who walks like that irl.)
--The focus on building a team of trusted allies and friends is so much fun. Yeah, you get that in the other two, but ME2 is special in that there is a very heavy focus on characters and character development.
--Kai Leng isn't in ME2.
--The updated combat system is just a hoot and a half. ME1 was trash for powers, imo, particularly for non-biotic classes. I always end up playing 1 as a purely shooter game, bc I just can't seem to master where to aim my tech abilities, and they're pretty useless early game bc the cooldowns are so long. ME2 overhauls it completely, and some of the abilities (there's at least one for each class, sometimes more) are OP in the best way. Many of them get nerfed in ME3, not terribly but enough (like tactical cloak not hiding you from ALL enemies on higher difficulties, for one).
--The level designs for even just the silly N7 side missions are great. And while hthey're not strictly necessary for the story, most of them are a nice reprieve from Collector BS and loyalty missions.
--The bypass/hacking mini games are my favorite! I really miss them in ME3, and while the ME1 bypass/hacking was a little boring, I still loved being to lockpick stuff. It's satisfying to me to have the option/ability to hack shit and not just wave your omni-tool in front of a door to unlock it. Yawn.
--It has the best iteration of the Normandy, SR1 or SR2. The SR1, unfortunately, suffers from dated graphics (which isn't the game's fault) and a weird layout. The SR2 in ME3 was in the middle of retrofits when Earth was attacked, so all the exposed wires and holes in the walls just kind of look like an unfinished passion project from an amateur mechanic's garage. It was done on purpose, but it still just looks messy.
--I adore all the places/planets you can visit. Omega and Illium are two of my favorite places in the whole series. Omega, like so many other seedy locations, has a very specific kind of appeal to me, and I couldn't explain what that appeal is bc I don't even know. I just like it. Probably has something to do with the lighting and the liveliness of the place--plus, the music in Afterlife is fucking bangin'. (Also, I just really love Aria. Lol) Illium has a very similar feel to Omega, but more refined. It has a similar lawlessness, but in a corporate way that I usually don't like, but in this instance it's okay for me. Maybe I just like city scapes...
--It has my favorite energy of the series. By that, I mean ME1 is a little stiff; very good and fun, don't get me wrong, but it's the first game in the series. I like it because while the stakes are high, they're not ME3 high. ME3's energy is frantic; the galaxy is being invaded, whole civilizations are being wiped out, and the only time I'm not stressed while playing that game is during the Citadel DLC. ME2 has a perfect balance, I think. The stakes are high, bc human colonies are disappearing in their entirety, but it's still kind of a peripheral, background kind of urgency. Life still proceeds as normal in most of the galaxy, bc there isn't the IMMEDIATE threat of extinction looming over everyone/thing. You still just have simple missions, like helping your friends get their revenge or find closure, and the enemies are more fun. Reaper enemies get old (man, I fucking hate husks the most). Frankly, I love the amount of synthetic enemies in ME2 (the LOKI/YMIR mechs, specfically, not necessarily the geth heretics). I love how Heavy Disruptor Ammo makes them blow up :)
--Increased fuel for the Normandy (why did that disappear between games? I mean, other upgrades stayed, wtf), faster planet-scanning ability, personally like resource mining, most interesting planets.
--Paragon/Renegade interrupts introduced
I'm sure I'll think of more later, lol.
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
For Rhys: 18. playing with hair
from this list
On AO3 here
Finally got these two to talk about this one!  Whew!  Thank you so much for asking!!!!!
Rhys is pretty sure it’s bad form to yawn while Kaidan is in the middle of explaining the changes of the layout to the Normandy as they walk through the CIC.  In fact, he knows it is, but there’s not much he can do about it as tired as he is. Still, he’ll put forth the effort to push through as long as he can and then, maybe once they’re on the elevator or someplace where so many pairs of eyes aren’t focused solely on him or the two of them, he’ll ask the commander where his bunk is.  But for now, he plays his part, which requires him to tip his hat and smile in greeting at the young comms specialist who keeps glancing over at him while she runs through the most important messages that have come in for Kaidan.  Another yawn pulls at his jaw and Rhys has to turn away this time and cover his mouth with his hand.  
Kaidan’s hand knocking gently into the upper part of his left arm brings him back around sooner than he’d like.  There’s a knowing twinkle in his eyes, the kind that leaves Rhys now dreading being alone with him.  He hasn’t been sneaky enough hiding it.  You know, don’t you?  Dammit!
“Come on, let’s get you settled.”
It takes a minute for the lift to arrive, and during that time, Rhys glances around the CIC.  The color scheme is better – no more of the gold and black and overly bright lights – and Traynor, while as enthusiastic as Chambers once was, appears to be a bit more pleasant to deal with.  When the doors open and she glances over at them, Rhys tips his hat once more and enters.  
Kaidan chuckles as he follows inside.  “You sure you should have left the hospital so soon?” he asks as he fiddles with the control pad to set their destination.
Rhys growls.  “Hell, yes!  I swear if that doctor made me drink any more of that stupid concoction she brewed up, I’d –!”
Kaidan’s brow arches, but there’s a hint of a smile at his lips.  “The same ‘concoction’ that helps with your migraines?  I would think you’d be glad of the relief.”
“I was… until I tasted it.”  He can’t hold back a shudder.  “The benefits aren’t worth it, trust me.  Just be thankful you got new hardware on your return, otherwise she’d probably be chasing after you as well.”
It’s only as the lift comes to a stop that Rhys suddenly realizes where Kaidan has brought them.  “Your cabin?”
Kaidan, already two steps out of the elevator, turns back with a nod.  “Though you might want something a bit more private than the crew’s quarters.”  He frowns for a moment, then walks back over. “If you’d rather –?”
“No,” Rhys interjects immediately, cutting him off. In all honesty, he’s uncertain how he feels about it, but he also doesn’t want to completely shut off the possibility. “It’s… okay.  I guess?  I just… I didn’t think about this as an option.”  Because I haven’t figured out yet where we stand with one another.
“Rhys, you don’t have to stay up here if you don’t want to,” Kaidan insists quietly.  “I just thought you might find it more comfortable.  The crew aren’t Cerberus this time, it’s true, but they are just as curious.  Remember what it was like back on the SR1?”
Rhys nods.  He meets Kaidan’s gaze, stares at him for a long minute, and ponders what to do. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to be here.  In fact, truth be told, he’s thankful for the possibility.  Still, things are, or at least were, awkward on Mars, and he doesn’t wish to be put into that sort of relationship with Kaidan again.  He has no desire to ruin any friendship they might still have.  
Running a hand over his face, Rhys steps off the lift, moving past Kaidan.  As exhausted as he is, this probably isn’t the best time to think about such important decisions, either.  Best to go with his idea for now, at least.  “This is fine,” he repeats around another yawn.
Kaidan doesn’t challenge him on it any further, and they head inside.  The décor is different, but without a major overhaul, there is little about the structure that is changed except for an added display case for the models.  It doesn’t surprise him that Kaidan already has it half full.  As they move further inside and Kaidan steps over to his office, Rhys wanders over to the fish tank.  There are a few swimming around inside, and when he lightly taps his finger on the glass, they scatter wildly before making their way back to investigate the disruption.
Kaidan chuckles again and Rhys glances over his shoulder to find him watching.  “Some things don’t change, I guess.”
Heat fills Rhys’ face, but he smiles.  “You know me and critters.”
Jerking his thumb in the direction behind him, Kaidan replies, “That I do.  Hammy’s still with us, too.”
It takes a moment to focus, but Rhys finally finds the hamster cage on the shelf where it had been the previous year.  “Good to know.”
They descend to the lower level where Kaidan identifies a couple of places where Rhys can store his belongings.  “Are you going to want to come out on missions with me again?”
Rhys shrugs.  “Depends on the mission, I suppose.  I can take care of myself; you know?”
Kaidan huffs.  “Sure, if infiltration units aren’t involved.  Oh, and speaking of, you should know that EDI now inhabits the one we took off of Mars.”
Rhys blinks.  “The one…?”
Kaidan nods.  “The one that injured you, yeah.  Doesn’t look quite the same, and it’s definitely EDI inside it now.  Just thought you should know since she sometimes comes out into the field with us.”
Inhaling deeply to steady himself, Rhys drops onto the sofa.  “Wow. Okay, good to know.”
“Hey, you okay?”  Kaidan drops to sit next to him, concern etching his features.  “I know this is a lot to take in and you’re still on the mend, but –”
“No, no.  I’m good,” Rhys hurriedly assures him.  “I’m just a bit overwhelmed, I guess.  Strange to think the Reapers really are here.”  He shakes his head back and forth a few times.  “God, I wonder how my grandparents are.”
Kaidan makes a soft sound of agreement.  “From what little I’ve been able to find out, the Reapers are mostly sticking to populated areas.  I’m hoping they, and my family, are staying safe enough.”  
Rhys looks over at him.  “Your folks are okay?  They made it to the orchard?”
“They did,” Kaidan explains.  “Dad saw Mom there safely, then he headed back to Vancouver to help with the fight.  Last I heard, he was listed MIA and presumed…”
Groaning, Rhys reaches over and squeezes Kaidan’s leg, a simple and gentle reminder his isn’t alone.  “Your dad is pretty smart.  I bet his communications have just been cut off or something.  Maybe he’s hiding out until he can regroup with Alliance forces.”
Though tight, Kaidan smiles.  “Heh, yeah.  That’s my hope, anyway.”
As he pulls his hand back, Rhys has to cover yet another yawn.  “Sorry,” he mutters.  “I promise, it’s not the company.”  
With a laugh, Kaidan rises to his feet.  “Come on, let’s get you lying down.  You’ll feel better after a nap.”
Rhys follows him across the room to the bed, somewhat reluctantly, but too damned exhausted to care at this point.  When he gets there, he sits on the edge of the bed and toes off his boots.  Or, at least he tries to.  Kaidan plucks the cowboy hat from his head and sets it on the shelf behind the headboard before assisting with the boots.  Rhys can’t even find the energy to protest.  As he lies back, sinking into soft pillows and comfortable bedding, he’s only a bit surprised when the bed dips slightly to his other side.  Turning, he finds Kaidan settling in next him, a couple of datapads in hand.  His thoughts drift back to the previous year, to the times they’d spend together up here together, a refuge from the Cerberus personnel, and he can almost get that same sense right now.
“Relax, Rhys,” Kaidan murmurs.  In the next moment, his hand drifts over and starts combing through Rhys’ hair in a slow, steady, rhythmic motion.  “Get some rest.  You can get caught up on the worries of the galaxy later.  Right now, you need sleep more than anything.”
“Quit treating me like a child,” Rhys manages around yet another yawn, and this time his eyes remain closed.  
Kaidan’s laughter, soft and gentle, is a balm.  “Then stop acting like one.  You’re worse than a baby when it comes to fighting off sleep, I swear!”
“How would you know?”
Nothing but silence is returned, but it’s just as well. Oblivion beckons far too temptingly, and Rhys has no ability to refuse.  For the first time in months, he trusts someone else to watch his back for him as he sinks into oblivion….
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hifilounge · 4 years
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Season 3 Done and Dusted, What To Do Next Year?
Hi All,
So in this strange year that is 2020 it is amazing that we had a season at all in our Radical SR1 but fair play to Radical for pulling it off, we have just finished with 2 race weekends, one at Brands Hatch on the full GP layout, this was a first for me and was another tick on my motorsport bucket list then last weekend we signed off with 2 days at Donington Park which along with Silverstone if my favourite UK track.
At Donington the first race and qualifying was dry but then the end of the world happened as a monsoon hit, they tried to run the race but it was definitely the worst conditions I have ever driven in, even going round behind the safety car we had guys spinning off, give me a dry, hot and sticky track any day of the week, anyway after 5 laps it was abandoned, a sorry way to end the season but that kind of sums up 2020 I guess.
So that is the end of Season 3 in our Radical SR1, it has been brilliant fun with some huge highlights, I really never thought I would be lucky enough to get an opportunity like this, yes I wish I was faster but it really has been an amazing experience. What to do next year though, I can stay in the SR1, as there is talk of longer races next year which I like the sound off, take the SR1 into a different championship, upgrade it to an SR3 and try the 750 Moto Club or do something totally different, maybe look at racing a Lotus of some kind, one thing is for sure it is now in my blood so if I can I definitely want to carry on racing in one form or another.
Anyway please find some pictures below from Brands Hatch and Donington Park.
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hifilounge · 4 years
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Silverstone GP Fastest Lap From Last Year in Our Radical SR1!
Hi Everyone,
So as I am really missing my Motorsport I thought I would upload my fastest lap from last August when I raced our Radical SR1 on the full Silverstone Grand Prix layout which was a huge tick on the bucket list, I meant to post this last year but never got round to it but it is great to watch it again as although not as quick as the quickest guys out there is was quick for me and was probably one of my most satisfying laps since starting this racing game 3 years ago.
Funnily enough when I started testing on the Silverstone GP layout that weekend I was doing 2.23’s which felt really fast and when my team mate told me he was doing 2.16’s I just couldn’t get my head round where that extra time could come from so that became my mission and on the very last lap of  the 50 Minute race I pushed harder than I ever had and just broke into the 2.16’s, you can hear me shout out with happiness on the video as at the time it felt like an epic achievement.
I am carrying on racing this year, to be honest I think I am now totally addicted, but I will face a new challenge as I will be entering a new championship, the new race car is due to be finished being built anytime now so as soon as I have some more info I will post it.
Certainly can’t wait to get back out on track.
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