xxgothchatonxx · 5 months
*knocks on @absurdistplayer 's door* special delivery of the Armandiest Armand to ever Armand reciting Shakespeare, as per your request/our discussion last night, mi'bestie :)
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theonyxranger · 4 years
9, 24, & 28 for the Mass Effect asks please!
9: What squad member do you bring along the most? Garrus because he's me BOY. There's no Shepard without Vakarian.
24: What enemy do you really hate fighting? Geth Juggernauts on insanity. Specifically on Rannoch when you come out of the elevator and you're surrounded with no cover... I want to cry.
28: What’s the most hilarious thing that’s happened to you while playing (a glitch, a mission that went haywire, etc)? Absolute favorite was definitely during a conversation with Udina when his eyes just started slowly rising up into and then eventually out of his head while he was talking. After about thirty seconds they were offscreen and he just had two big gaping holes in his face.
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krenniccare · 8 years
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“So where does the Vegemite go?”
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javertwenttoheaven · 4 years
I wasn't really tagged I don't think, but I wanted to do this anyway.
Rules: Tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: ...I'd rather not say...
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Philip Quast Strai- I mean asexu- Wait, no, str- Well..., uh..., one of the two can I be both? XD
Hogwarts House: I've never really seen Harry Potter, so I don’t know.
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
Current Time: 11:44am
Cats or Dogs: I'd rather have dogs, but cats are nice too as long as they belong to someone else.
Dream Job: Veterinarian... and author
When I Made My Blog: 06/21/2017 8:25:32 according to tumblr, but I didn't actually really use it until about a year later when I got into the Les Miserables fandom and made this a Les Mis blog.
Reason For My URL: Because people need to be educated on the fact that Javert went to Heaven and deserves to be in the Epilogue.
Tagging: @mistysblueboxstuff @endeavour12345 @musicalpasta @mossyrock16 @lovevanbeethoven @sapphyre-blogs @thisiswearbythestars1832 @gavinthorn24601 @lindemannsixx @absurdistplayer
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rear-admiral-rimmer · 4 years
Five people I’d like to know better & some stuff about me
Tagged by @omnishambolichologram . Thanks so much I’m honoured!! :D Sorry it took long, I have to do this on laptop.
Favourite colours: The green-blue combo? The red-ish purple and pink! Lol
Last song listened to: Joy Division’s Love will tear us apart - I’m sucker for anything typically English these days.
Favourite musician: Way too many, I usually just listen to separate songs I like from anyone, but namely could say: Marina, Lana Del Rey, Wombats, any cheesy stuff from 2000s really, all indie bands like Sticky Fingers, Glass animals, COIN? All of that.
Last film watched: So since my best friend found out i’ve seen NONE of the cult classics, we’re kinda going through them so it was first Back to the Future and yesterday Jumanji lol.
Last TV show watched: Fresh Meat, as I said, I’m on a hunt for any 90′s to 10′s purely English comedies, I really like the accents :D I watched Spaced with Simon Pegg too and it was hilarious. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them! The more Scouse accent the better btw :P
Favourite character: Arnold J. Rimmer, I never quite loved anyone the way I fell for him, I know I’m ridiculous but I just have a massive soft spot for him, I do have fictional-crushes problem ever since I can remember but it only ever brought me joy than problems so what! This wasn’t supposed to be a love letter, fair enough, but nobody else will really listen to this so let me have it, I love Rimmer, he’s pure, he’s fun, and most importantly he has so many issues he would keep me interested for decades, I just love my ball of neuroses :D.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: All of it?? I love all of it, I love food. Was tempted to say spicy and write another love letter for Lister but maybe another time..
Sparkling water, tea or coffee: Coffee and sparkling water is my holy combo!! Not in one cup, but like, to complement each other.
Pets: None at the moment, unfortunately :( would love a dog or a lizard.
Tagging a random few mutuals (I think) but anyone feel free! @lord-valery-mimes ​ @absurdistplayer​ @feline-ranger ​ @rimmers-swimming-certificate ​ @janamelie @shipper-in-red @reddwarfisalesbian
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Happy Holidays everyone and best wishes to you all! 🥰🎄🎁🍾🎅 (x)
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Also special thanks to @tatianaonegina/@fuckyeaminister​, @tonks-for-thememories​, @academicgangster, @gwinny3k, @absurdistplayer, @belphegor1982​ and @jamyfitzjamy for your kindness and support. You made these last few months much more enjoyable for me here on tumblr. I love you guys, all the best to you! ❤️🥳
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diamondorloj · 5 years
This or that
Thank you, @floating-in-the-blue <3
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl or perpetually exhausted pigeon | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagging: @jumpingpuddles @janetfraiser @absurdistplayer @queenology
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xxgothchatonxx · 3 months
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@absurdistplayer you're welcome, bestie 😂
edit: we are not talking about the American game show, we are talking about a Blair Witch Project knockoff from the early 2000s 😂
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theonyxranger · 4 years
Do you have a favourite Normandy layout? Original, Cerberus retrofit, or ME3 Normandy?
I think the Alliance-modified SR2 is my favorite layout overall, but it loses points to the Cerberus layout for requiring a pointless load screen to get to the war room... and for bugging out when I walk on those panel gaps in the cockpit.
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vitus-1897 · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to know better.
Tagged by @dreamsofamadman
Age: 26 Birth place: Waratah Current time: 10:32pm Drink you last had: Pepsi Max Easiest person to talk to: Kelli Favourite song:  None at the moment. Grossest memory: In love: No. Killed someone: Oh. You got me. I got away with it until this post. Love at first sight or should I walk by again: LAME! Middle name: Dennis. Number of siblings: Three. One wish: That I didn’t have to eat. Person you called last: Mother. Question you’re always asked: “Can you eat X?” Reason to smile: Song you last sang: Anywhere Out of This World - Reverend Bizarre. Time you woke up: God, who knows? Underwear colour: Vacation: Brisbane Worst habit: Not doing dishes. X-rays: Teeth, foot. Your favourite food: Pizza. Zodiac sign: Leo. Tagging: @rozorius, @mekhack, @absurdistplayer,
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I was tagged by @saltandlimes thank you! Rules are post pics of your lock screen, home screen, last song you listened to, and a selfie. My home screen is art by the incredible @charlesdances and if you look closely you can see my playlist is my Krennic. It's fabulous. I'll tag @tiaanjerjerrod @orsonkraennic @archistratego @absurdistplayer @shahs1221 @eustacefrog @bunn1cula @allthewians @th3rm0pyl43 annnnnd my partner @imperial-dingus you are under no obligation to post the selfie if you feel comfortable. Love you all!
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AIt’s harder than it looks. Enter your answers and then tag some people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real…nothing made up! If the person before you has the same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any words twice and you cannot use your name for the boy’s/girl’s name question. Have fun!
Tagged by @absurdistplayer
What is your name: Alexandra
A four letter word: Alps
A boy’s name: Alexander
A girl’s name: Alexandria
An occupation: Administrative Assistant
Something you wear: Armbands
A color: Aquamarine
A food: Apple
Something you find in the bathroom: Aftershave
A place: Australia
A reason for being late: Accident
Something you shout: Avengers Assemble!
A music group/band: ACDC
An animal: Antelope 
A street name:  Aberfeldy Close
A type of car: Alfa Romeo
Title of a song:  Agony - Into The Woods
Alright whoever wants to play can play
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acetracers · 11 years
from castielhasthephoneboxat221b
Numero Uno: Post the rules
Numeral II: Answer the 11 questions from the fabulous tagger, and create 11 more
(Some fancy word for Number) 3: Tag some peeps to answer (I guess it’s supposed to be 11, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…)
Final Rule: Inform the tagees
1) Biggest regret? erm just the general 'i wish i knew then what i know now' stuff. Maybe i'd be more confident or something.
2) Perfect revenge, on who?  hmm, I don't really do the whole revenge thing. But i'd do a poetic/ironic thing i guess? 
3) True love object (your favorite THING ever)  uh that's really hard. probably something my mother has given me? or my new laptop when i finally get it? 
4) You’re looking for ____ in life  happiness.
5) Grand master plan - or lack there of?  errr more of a lack of. Only real goal is family. And i'd love to travel. Learn languages. Write.
6) Favorite moment of this week?  Talking with brilliant friends when Mum comes home with one of my favourite flowers for me :3
7) Favorite smell?  The smell from my pj drawer, it makes my pjs smell like what mum's did when i was growing up. it's safety and home and all thatXD
8) Most fascinating time period in history?  ooh. all those old eras where mythology came about. Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, etc. Never really got taught much history, but those are probably my favourites.
9) Clothes or no clothes at home?  clothes. just more of those comfy, mismatched combos kinda thing.
10) If you had to pick ANY one place - real or fictional - to spend the REST of your life, no leaving, where would it be?  hmmm. The Enterprise? I mean, star trek has such a wonderful look for the future, and all that technology, and exploring space. 
11) Make your own question and answer it!  eep. what's the latest habit/trait i've picked up from a show? The thing where Spock raises his eyebrow/s. I keep doing that.  
new questions:
1) Are there any habits you've picked up from a character or actor?
2) Latest favourite book and why?
3) Is there an object you carry around with you a lot/all the time?
4) Favourite kind of weather?
5) What dream pet would you like to have?
6) If you could have a mini-version of any character or actor, who?
7) Trips away! Like em? Where to? 
8) What are you listening to right now?
9) Do you prefer writing or drawing?
10) Is there any strange/foreign food you'd like to try?
11) Do you have any family involved in any fandom?
Alrighty, done :D sorry it took me a bit, these take me agesXD
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xxgothchatonxx · 7 months
@absurdistplayer *messaging me about how Totally Not Concerned they are about episode five of the new Bad Batch season*
Me: *quite knowledgeable in the art of the Episode Five*
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xxgothchatonxx · 4 months
@absurdistplayer : ...do I have Issues™?
Me: I mean, we met on Tumblr (through Young Dracula specifically! 😂)
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
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I posted 8,811 times in 2022
819 posts created (9%)
7,992 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,860 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#interview with the vampire - 436 posts
#hannibal - 358 posts
#our flag means death - 310 posts
#dracula - 266 posts
#myst is me - 209 posts
#dracula daily - 207 posts
#precious fluffy angel - 205 posts
#the sandman - 173 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 163 posts
#once upon a time - 149 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#or my favourite - 'this relationship that is full of red flags is actually toxic because the guy is old...' i've seen that at least twice 😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
"they brought back what makes Dracula so terrifying as a villain, especially to women" my dude I need to HEAR this essay PLEASE
Yeah I really should have said "particularly to women" because the general theme is applicable to anyone of any gender but in this film, it's about women- this is why I shouldn't write reviews late at night, bloody hell. 
(edit) I feel I should clarify something - please do not watch The Invitation thinking that it’s going to be an A24-style Serious Horror Flick. While it’s got some serious themes included in the story, it is still very much a love-letter to old relatively-campy gothic horror vampire flicks. I had a ton of fun watching this film, but I also picked up on the thematic elements, too. 
Anyway - I'm going to be vague here because I don't want to spoil things but here it goes (and this is a combo of my opinions and what the director/writer has said about her intentions)
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The way I see it, The Invitation is based around the interpretation that Dracula is a symbol of rich, powerful older generations preying on, controlling and wanting to destroy younger generations. In this case, preying on, controlling and wanting to destroy women. It also explores how that level of power corrupts others and drives people (particularly rich, powerful people) to do insanely immoral acts, just for the sake of approval from their higher-ups. And just how far back this kind of evil goes.
It also explores how women from different eras and class backgrounds react when having their choices taken away from them. Some are power-hungry and are more than happy to sacrifice their choices for the sake of a higher position and don't give a shit about when it happens to women in lower classes, while others are struggling to find the courage to stand up for themselves so they accept that this is the right way for them to live and try desperately to find the positives in this.
But then there's Evie, the main character. She is modern woman from a working class background who is looked down on by her rich clients at her job where she works as a catering server, and can't stand it when she sees workers being mistreated by their bosses. So she's brought into this grand, elegant world filled with luxury and is swept off her feet by the lord of the manor. But then she realises that the price she must pay in return is the loss of control over her life. To basically become a prisoner and slave to her master/husband's whim... yeah, not-spoiler-alert-cos-its-in-the-trailer, she doesn't take that lying down.
So, to summarise - it's all about breaking this centuries-old cycle of violence against women and dismantling a system that thrives off the oppression of women.
Very topical film, wouldn't you agree?
But yeah, in conclusion - I fucking loved this film. These themes are present throughout and made even clearer as the film goes on. I highly recommend checking it out (it seems to be divisive so it might not be good to you but that’s ok if that’s the case - this is just my opinion) and I hope my vague ramblings make sense 😂
458 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Hmm... a dandy gentleman who is mocked by his peers because he can’t live up to stupid society’s standards of what a “real man” is... and a laidback yet grumpy chaotic Goth who has a notorious reputation but is really not that bad, all things considered... 
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I guess what I’m saying is, Stede and Edward are (well, might be, it sure looks like it) the Ineffable Husbands: Pirate Edition.
461 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
One thing I really appreciated about The Sandman on Netflix was that it wasn’t gratuitously violent. This is a dark comic series, I understand that. But, personally, I think it’s way more effective when its either implied or you see the aftermath and even then not nearly as much as you’d think. 
And I know the show did tone down some of the most disturbing elements from the comics but even then, it was still effectively disturbing without being gross about it. There was also a lot of focus on the dread and suspense building up to the horrific act than showing the actual act. Which is really good because that gives you more time to connect with the characters, so that when they do die or don’t die, you have a relatively strong emotional reaction. 
Look, i’m a “less is more” kind of gal. And I thought that was extremely well executed here. 
678 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Remember when it was revealed that Morticia’s mum was the Wicked Witch of the West? 😂
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1,078 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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