#especially on pc where the elevator takes all of four seconds to get to the cargo deck
theonyxranger · 4 years
Do you have a favourite Normandy layout? Original, Cerberus retrofit, or ME3 Normandy?
I think the Alliance-modified SR2 is my favorite layout overall, but it loses points to the Cerberus layout for requiring a pointless load screen to get to the war room... and for bugging out when I walk on those panel gaps in the cockpit.
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blackjack-15 · 5 years
Not Horsin’ Around — Thoughts on: The Secret of Shadow Ranch (SHA)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it. Unique to this game is a section in between The Mystery and The Suspects titled The Historical Background, as the background in SHA is so important and takes up nearly a third of the whole game that it deserves its own section.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraph above, along with links to previous metas.
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: SHA, non-spoilery mention of TRT, non-spoilery mention of CAP, non-spoilery mention of DED, non-spoilery mention of SPY.
The Intro:
Secret of Shadow Ranch is one of those games that invariably ends up in every “Best Of” list of Nancy Drew games. Unlike another mainstay of those lists (watch this space for the next meta, where I will Make Enemies), SHA actually deserves to be on it without reservations.
Unlike a few other “Best Of” games, SHA doesn’t actually do anything new with its story — there’s no beat, no bare-bones plotline, no mystery that hasn’t been done in the previous 9 games – but it just does it more completely. There’s more effort, more time, more thought, and more care obviously put into SHA (which itself is one of the most popular Nancy Drew books) than a lot of the other games. This isn’t to say that the other games are bad, just that SHA has a uniquely huge amount of care and detail put into it.
I should take the time to note here that I don’t believe that SHA is the best Nancy Drew game of all time, nor is it my favorite game of all time. The first designation shifts according to time, and the second is wholly dependent upon my personal style of play, so elevating a game based on that is less than pointless. When I say SHA deserves to be on “Best Of” game lists, it’s because it genuinely ticks all the boxes to make a fun, challenging but not hard, atmospheric, and honestly engaging experience.
Any introduction to Shadow Ranch would be incomplete without addressing the largest visual change it brings: the full-screen visuals. The bulky 2/3-of-the-screen interface is retired here and instead a (relatively) sleek task bar is added at the bottom, allowing SHA to look, as well as feel, bigger than any other game that came before it. Not only does this result in a smoother visual (especially as Nancy turns around) style, but it allows for more visual puzzles (significantly, the puzzle at the end with the stones marking the correct (and incorrect) path for Nancy to take).
While I won’t go too much into the Historical Background (as it’s significant enough in this game to get its own section in this meta), it’s impossible to talk about SHA without mentioning its wonderful historical setting and story. There are few other games so entrenched in the past (SPY, GTH, and TMB are a few others that fall into the same category), and it’s a joy to play through.
All in all, SHA is an honestly just wonderful, solid game that owes much of its well-deserved praise to a fantastically executed historical background, solid (if not showy) characters, and enough simplicity on top of its moving parts to encourage the player to go steadily and happily through the game.
The Title:
As far as the title for this game goes, they stuck exactly to the book to ensure that readers would know that one of the best-loved mysteries was being adapted to video game format, which was a pretty good idea.
The Secret of Shadow Ranch is also just a pretty great title; it indicates a mystery, a location, and sort of tells you the type of mystery you might get based on the location (historical; revolving around the Wild West). It’s not fussy, and not overly evocative, but it’s also not a “haunting” game (despite the ghost horse on the cover), so the simpler title is acceptable.
The Mystery:
Nancy’s just off to visit Bess and George’s Aunt Bet and Uncle Ed in their ranch (Shadow Ranch, to be exact) when the two cousins get delayed (why they didn’t all fly together…well, the plot demanded it) and Nancy arrives alone and immediately gets sucked into the strange happenings at the ranch.
It wouldn’t be a Nancy Drew game if something wasn’t hinky right off, naturally.
Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet are currently in the hospital after Ed was bitten by a snake that showed up in their bedroom, so Nancy’s left to deal with the ranch hands as she tries to help the ranch to run smoothly and investigates exactly how Ed might have gotten hurt.
The game ditches the plot of the original book and takes two-thirds of the plot of the revised yellow hardcover version, focusing around a strange phantom horse that seems to leave accidents and misfortune in its wake and around the historical plotline of the famous outlaw Dirk Valentine’s hidden treasure.
While it would have been cool to deal with the original mystery of Shadow Ranch — involving a missing father found with amnesia and an NPC in the form of another of Bess and George’s cousins — HER didn’t really have the resources nor the writing to deal with such a personal plot yet, and they instead (wisely, in my estimation) chose the plots that could be dealt with in what had become typical Nancy Drew PC Game fashion. This decision made Shadow Ranch one of the most tightly plotted of the early games and allows the player the time (and space, with the new layout) to explore the beautiful Southwest visuals as a trade-off.
As is commonplace with Nancy’s “vacations”, she soon finds herself embroiled in two mysteries where everyone has motive and opportunity, where the “means” belongs to everyone, and where no one will tell her the truth until she exposes them. Because Nancy can’t really contact the only victims of the accidents (Bet and Ed), there’s overall less to do on the phone in this game and Nancy has to make do with four suspects.
As far as mysteries go, Shadow Ranch isn’t the most involved that HER has ever attempted, but it is fairly complex for the Classic and Expanded games, and it takes pride in being easy to follow and engaging. The Dirk Valentine plotline specifically is tightly plotted, well-delivered, and…well, as perfect as you could get, really.
The Historical Background:
Normally, the Historical Background of a game is covered in the Mystery section, but SHA’s historical background is so far at the forefront of the game (not to mention so well done and memorable) that it would be a travesty to try to include it in another section.
The history behind the game centers on an outlaw, Dirk Valentine, and his forbidden romance with the sheriff’s daughter, Frances Humber, who lived at Shadow Ranch. Frances’ father Meryl disapproved of the match and relied (unbeknownst to her) on his daughter’s knowledge to find and arrest Dirk.
Dirk is then hanged for his general outlaw-ery, but not before mentioning a treasure that he wanted to give to Frances in a letter to her before he died. After his death, Frances left her father and headed east, leaving Meryl regretful of hanging Dirk and wishing to have his daughter back with him again.
The only remaining bit of Dirk left behind is his treasure, which Frances has no interest in and tells her relative about and which the Wild, Wild West finds an intense desire in. Since then, many have tried to find his last legacy to Frances, but all have failed…
Dramatic ellipses aside, the best part of this background isn’t that it involves outlaws and treasure and family drama and all that — it’s that it is all told via narrated letters and diary entries that Nancy finds hidden around the ranch. While this story would be effective on its own, the fact that it’s told to Nancy (and via Nancy, the player) makes it even more gripping than it would be on its own.
The biggest reason why the historical background gets its own section, however, is that it’s one of the best historical backgrounds in the entire series, and certainly the best of the series so far (even though I prefer TRT’s, SHA’s is told more effectively). SPY is up there, but it cheats a bit by having its backstory tied directly to Nancy, so I won’t count it as high on the scale. The only other game (once again ignoring SPY) that gets quite as somber and effective without being melodramatic is CAP, which presents the backstory through another character and thus works just as well.
(As a side note, I’m not including DED here, since it’s less “historical background” and more “incredibly recent background”.)
The only thing that this background sours for me slightly is the present-day plot, as it’s not quite as tight, but that’s to be expected since that plot has to last the whole game. That, and the fact that it makes me bitter that we don’t get all of our historical background narrated for the rest of the series.
The Suspects:
Tex Britten is the surly ranch hand that assumes authority while Ed and Bet are at the hospital. He dislikes “city folk” (though after ASH, one can hardly call Nancy anything but “upper-middle-class suburban folk”) and trusts Nancy so little around the ranch that she’s not allowed to do anything without him hovering — except for be responsible for the horses’ nutrition and survival.
Not really circumspect, but I wouldn’t trust this 18-year-old who claims to be a friend of the family’s with anything fun either.
Gruff, rough, and difficult to deal with, Tex is set up as the “mean” suspect from almost the first moments of the game (though after Dave shows up at the airport in assless chaps), and he plays the part par excellence. Never is Tex any warmer than barely civil, and he doesn’t need to be “reformed” by the end of the game because, well, he’s just grumpy.
As a suspect, Tex is a pretty good one, and honestly my preferred suspect. Not because he’s mean or gruff or anything like that, but because it would have been a great analogue between him and Mary and Frances and Dirk (more on that below). While it would be boring to have the “mean suspect” be the culprit every time, at this point in the series (with only MHM boasting a “mean guy” culprit) it would honestly count as a subversion, and would add a bit of depth to his character beyond “mean guy with a soft spot for the women in his life”.
Shorty Thurmond is the cook at the Rawley’s ranch and is voiced by HER’s resident pinch-hitter and man of a thousand voices Jonah Von Spreecken. He’s a money-grubbing lazy cook with more interest in yelling at those helping him than in doing actual work.
Shorty, to no one’s surprise, is the culprit (what?? the get-rich-quick guy wanted to get rich quick????), and does make for a decent suspect in that you could say he’s “lazy” because he’s actually working hard to find the treasure. He’s creepy enough to set the player’s teeth on edge, but ultimately not sinister enough to really convince the player that he’s up to no good.
Dave Gregory, snatcher of panties and quickener of libidos, is not only the Figure of Sexual Awakening for fans who came in after FIN, but is also one of the canonical “love interests” for Nancy — aka, boys who show an interest in her while she alternately doesn’t or feels-like-she-shouldn’t reciprocate. Nancy can even not really tell him about Ned, for bonus “good girlfriend” points (points that really start appearing from TRN on). His aunt is the relative that Frances told about Dirk’s treasure, and so he’s been looking during his downtime on the ranch.
He’s also fairly smitten with Nancy to the point that he helps her the entire game, asking nothing else in return. But, since I’m not really commenting on realism right now (in any of its forms), I’ll let that one slide.
As a suspect, Dave doesn’t ever qualify. The game never sets him up to be suspected, his “gotcha” moment with Nancy is so piddling as to be inconsequential, and he aids and abets Nancy the entire time. It’s probably a good thing, honestly, as Tex and Shorty are set up from the start to be the most suspicious, but I do think it would have been better to at least play along with him being suspicious until the one-third mark, especially since Mary is such a non-player as well.
Rounding out our cast is Mary Yazzie, who sells art and stones near Shadow Ranch and is banging Tex like a drum in Secret. Her area of interest is in the Pueblo people, and has tried repeatedly to purchase some of the land of Shadow Ranch in order to, according to her, look for more petrified wood artifacts. Ed and Bet refuse to sell, however, which sets them at odds with Mary.
As a suspect, Mary isn’t fabulous. Other than her offers to buy part of Shadow Ranch (and her taste in men), there’s nothing sitting against her. The game doesn’t bother to really implicate her in anything, and she more serves a helping role (if not The Helping Role). Her presence does open up the game to include Native American themes and stories, but other that that Mary’s really only there to make the numbers fit.
While Mary is the only female suspect, she’s not the only woman in the cast, which includes Charleena, Frances, Aunt Bet, Bess, and George (of important/speaking roles, 6 females to 8 males, by my count, making this an average-sized cast).
The Favorite:
Charleena Purcell is a delight and a treasure here and one of a small number of reoccurring characters. I’m a sucker for author characters since they’re usually slightly unpleasant (and I value that in a character who gives information to a detective), and everything from being a great phone character to her voice acting is A+. Jonah Von Spreecken’s additional role as Charleena’s assistant should also get a mention here. Honestly, what can’t that man do?
A big — possibly the biggest — thing that HER gets so, so right in this game is the voice acting. While Lani is her usual early-game self (quasi-invested and missing some native inflection, but not yet the incredibly old-sounding voice that happens a bit further down the line), Rob Jones’ Joe Hardy, Jonah Von Spreecken (as mentioned above), Max Holechek’s Meryl Humber, and above all Gary Hoffman’s superlative Dirk Valentine elevate this game far above the sum of its parts.
It’s a very lucky thing that this game was released before the (misguided, in my estimation) feature that lets you skip dialogue, because if you could, I truly believe that SHA wouldn’t be half as memorable or well-beloved as it is. Hearing Dirk’s assurances and Meryl’s increasing sadness is far, far beyond anything that reading them could give you, and I honestly believe that HER knew this and planned accordingly. 
Sure, it was more expensive to record that dialogue rather than simply read it, and additional voice actors had to be hired, and more time had to be spent — but the end result is the main takeaway from SHA, and that is to the game’s incredible benefit.
My favorite moment in the game, to no one’s surprise, then, is the reading of Dirk’s letters. It only takes a few sentences to get wholly invested in him Frances, and their love story. It’s the height of Americana to root for the outlaw of the Wild, Wild West, but it’s taken one step further with Dirk who has been given some of the best lines in any HER game. 
It’s a simple moment, but effective, and it stays with me not only every time I play but even when it’s been a few years since I’ve cracked open the game.
My favorite puzzle is the horse-trivia-on-a-horse one, as it tests the player’s thoroughness in exploring and reading, and also is incredibly hilarious to see Nancy riding around a pen while an angry ranch hand spits questions at her like he’s investigating her for murder. It’s fun and side-splitting in its absurdity, and I do love good-natured absurdity.
The Un-Favorite:
           For a book famous for introducing Bess and George, I can’t help but feel that it really was a missed opportunity not to include them more in this game. Sure, it helps Nancy to be on her own so that she can investigate without being hamstrung by anyone else, but this was a perfect opportunity to be able to play as another character for a while and to see more of Bess and George than witty puns and suspiciously prescient clues, so I will count this missed opportunity as a least favorite thing in the game.
*metal piece picked up* *metal piece put down* *metal piece picked up* need I say more??
My least favorite moment in the game is the “Heeeeere’s Shorty!” bad ending. It’s breathtakingly unnecessary, creepy as all get-out, and makes you stare at a Shorty face that looks like it was rendered with Windows 1 running on oatmeal for processing power.
My least favorite puzzle in the game isn’t actually the metal maze I mentioned above (though that would get an honorable mention, definitely) — it’s the arrowhead hunting. If you’re looking all along (and know to be looking all along), it’s not too tedious, but if you have the bad luck to miss one or two along the way, what follows is a half hour of pouring over every spot in every location to find them. Generally, my least favorite things in games tend to be those that are essential yet easily missable, and the arrowheads fit that bill exactly.
The Fix:
So how would I fix The Secret of Shadow Ranch?
First, I would honestly remove the Hardy Boys from the game. They don’t get the time they need to shine, and the game is busy enough to not need them. Move them to CUR and you get at least two characters I care about in that game.
As mentioned above, I would make the connection between Mary/Tex and Frances/Dirk clearer (rather than sub-sub-subtext) and switch him and Shorty’s position as the villain.
Make Shorty guilty of being exactly what is he is — a man obsessed with get quick rich schemes — and have some of the incidents be his fault (the snake is a good one to hand to him, as any cook in the desert on a ranch knows how to catch and cook snake) so that he has room to look for the treasure, but maybe stop him from finding a few key things (like the secrets in Dry Gulch) and take out his bank robber connections (which is easily the silliest part of the game). Maybe Tex uses him and slowly siphons off information that Shorty leaves lying around until he knows All.
Meanwhile, Tex is a gruff man who cares about his sister and his girlfriend and is thankful to the Rawley’s about his job…but he’s also a man who needs money to pay for his upcoming engagement/wedding to Mary Yazzie, who’s helping support his sister, who’s a bit angry that the Rawleys fired his sister, and who figures that if anyone can find a cowboy’s treasure, it’s another cowboy who knows the land like the back of his hand.
His expertise with horses makes it easy to coat one in phosphorus and safely release and get it back, his omnipresence around the ranch makes it easy to sabotage, and his natural reticence gives him a reason never to have an alibi — he just doesn’t like to be around people. Tex is, in fact, so perfectly set up to be the villain that it doesn’t feel like a twist that he’s not, it feels like a mistake.
For the finale, while Shorty chasing Nancy down is scary enough, the image of Tex doing so is even worse. This fix strengthens motive, adds multiple narratives, and spreads out the guilt enough to make most characters interesting. It would also give Mary more of a presence and add in the possibility of her being an accomplice (which I would love), and firmly sets Nancy at odds with three-fourths of the cast.
I’d also include Bess and George more heavily in the game. Since they handle the beginning of the Charleena Purcell line already, I’d have that whole storyline shifted over to them. You play as either Bess or George finding the novel, calling Nancy, and taking the lead to wheedle their way in past Charleena’s assistant (definitely a Bess-type job, but George attempting it would be hilarious with Bess whispering instructions) and get the information Nancy needs. The airport itself would be easy enough to limit to a small explorable area, and HER could even pass the contacting Ed and Bet to their actual nieces.
These changes would expand the game slightly and add to the runtime, but it would also help SHA to be even more of a landmark game and to be an appropriate end to the era of Expanded Games.
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dragonoracle · 4 years
Now then let’s take a look at my Dad’s side of the family and my relationship with them.
Ok I’ve spoken a lot about my relationship with my Mom and my MG. And how my Mom worked hard and long to try and tear down not just mine but my sibling’s relationship with my MG.
Now it’s time to look at my relationship with my Dad, my PGM (Paternal Grandmother), my PGF (Paternal Grandfather)and PU2 (Youngest of my Paternal Uncles) and their relationships between themselves and how it affected me and my siblings lives and relationships. First I should point out that my PGM and PGF had a very rocky relationship. My PGM was one of those mothers who turned her children against their father and each other. She did this all the time. She continued doing this well into my life. She very much had a favorite of her children and that was my PG2. He was her youngest child and he was defiantly the Golden Child of his family. He was also the main and longest of her children she tried to turn into her replacement husband. My Dad was the Scape Goat. He was the one that my PGM and PGF focused their abuse on and the one that they allowed their other two children to use and destroy his belongings. My Dad was also the oldest of their children. Their second born child was my PU1 (Oldest of my Paternal Uncles). He seems to have been abused as much as my Dad. He was always compared to my Dad and vice versa. There is also a story of very inappropriate behavior between my PGM and my PU1 when he was a teen right before he fled the state to start his own life. I’ve heard many stories about how my PGM always put her husband (my PGF) above her children when they were younger. She made sure to let them know that the reason they couldn’t get X-mas gift was because my PGF needed a new suit. This caused my Dad, and my PUs(Paternal Uncles) to hate and resent their father. I strongly believe that this hatred and resentment cause them to act out and misbehave. My PGM very much set my PGF to be the disciplinarian of the family (Very stereotypically of families of the 1950’s to 1970’s). This lead to my PGF being seen and in truth from the stories I have heard to become abusive towards my Dad and my PUs. Like him throwing my PU1 threw a large living room window, him calling my dad over from his friends house just to turn the channel on the TV, possibly telling my Dad that my dad being born ruined my PGF’s future. Those are just the most noticeable stories I’ve heard about his abusive behaviors.  That does not mean my PGM was not equally if not more so abusive. Some things I’ve heard that she did was she threatened my father with a knife and/or a cast iron pan, her telling both my Dad and my PU1 that the other was doing better then they where (ie. my Dad was wasting his time going to nursing school cause my PU1 was making so much money as an elevator installer and she then would tell my PU1 that they where wasting their lives due to my Dad was going to make so much more money once he was out of school.), I’ve heard that she was the one to tell my Dad that his birth ruined my PGF’s future. Those are just some of the stories I’ve heard about her treatment of her sons. In truth to their children my PGM and PGF where just bad parents and to each other they were horrible partners. In truth I never experienced any abusive behaviors from my PGF. I more felt that he was trying to make up for the mistakes of how he treated his sons by trying to treat their children better. This seems to be a common thing among the Grandfathers of my generation.
But much like my Mom. My Dad and my PGM could not stand the fact I had started to build a close relationship with my PGF by trying to point out all the evils he had done so long before I was born. Yes I know some would say that why didn’t you take you dad’s side and support him. Was that while my PGF was not abusive to me my Dad and my PGM was beyond abusive to me.
My Dad has abused me over and over again threw out my childhood. Some examples of my Dad’s abusive behaviors toward me are Kicking me in the head cause my siblings where making noise and I was the nearest to him as he came out of the guest room of my MG’s house, slamming my hand in the car door cause he was angry about something my Mom had said, at the age of 10 spanking me bare butt due to me being upset over my B (Brother) stealing my happy meal…I could go on and on but those are just the ones that had stuck with me from the childhood.
My PGM was just an abusive woman to any of me or my siblings. She had children she watched for money. These children she held more important and special then us her own blood grandchildren. There is a story of her pushing one of these kids she watched on my Great Grandfather rather than my DS…she was rightly put in her place being told that he didn’t want to see someone else’s child he wanted to see his Great Granddaughter. Yes my Great Grandfather was an epic man who took no BS. These children she watched where monsters. They loved to beat up on us…mainly me (whenever I would visit, these kids where why I chose to stay away till I was an older teen and was finally strong enough to fight back.) They would pick on and bully my siblings if I was not there. And if I or my siblings fought back my PGM would punish us due to hurting these kids she watched. Where we could be bloody and bruised and she would not believe us and punish these kids instead we would be punished for lying and hurting ourselves. Latter in my life my Dad said that her hatred of him was why she hated me and my siblings. I don’t know if it was that or her hatred of my Mom. Because when it came to my PC (Child of the oldest Paternal Uncle) she loved that girl and doted on her. Mind you it could have also been because my PU1 and his family lived many states away from her and she never really saw my PC but for a few visits and many calls a year hard to say there. My PGF on the other hand was very distant for most of my childhood until I was old enough to understand and take part in his hobbies. His hobbies where needle point and stamp collecting. Once I was old enough and showed some interest he took me out and helped me set up my first stamp collecting book. I still have that book today even thought I never actually picked up the hobby.  The stamps that he helped me start to collect are from the same country that my MG was from. He showed no jealousy that I wanted to do this. He held no jealousy for my MG where as my PGM was so very jealous of her. He also put up with none of the BS that the kids that my PGM watched and the living room became a safe haven in that house as he hated them running around the living room and interrupting his TV shows. My PGF also started to pick me and my siblings up from elementary school and taking us to our Grandparents homes to wait for our parents to get off of work. I always got dropped off at my MG home and my siblings preferred to go to my Paternal Grandparents home. Again where my PGM was angry over this my PGF was perfectly fine with that. So taking all of this into account I couldn’t as a kid and as an adult see my PGF as an abusive user. Yes he might have made mistakes and been abusive in his past. But I do believe that if someone wants to change they will change.
My Dad over the years made it very clear he did not want children. He never really took part in our childhood unless forced to do so. He would actively ignore us unless he was abusing us either physically, emotionally, or making jokes at our expense. This left me and my siblings most of the time in a desperate need of a father figure. In slipped our PU2 who was very much a minion of my PGM. He started on her orders to take first me and then my B on day trips. My PU2 took me out to get my nails done….as in long acrylic extensions (please do not ever get those for a kid in elementary school. They F@#king hurt when they are ripped off due to a ball being thrown at you on the playground.) During this trip my PU2 tried to get some info on how our house was, how my parents treated us especially how my Mom treated us kids. It latter came out that he was trying to get information they could use to get me and my siblings taken away from my parents to be put into her custody. That’s laughable as her house was too small and too full already. Most likely we would have been taken to my MG’s house as she had the room for four kids to come and live with her and she was far more stable of a parental figure. But let’s get back on point. As soon as my PU2 figured out that I was not of any use those trips never happened again. But he kept taking my B out on his trips. As he was trying to undermine my Dad in my B’s mind and heart. As my B was the heir to our paternal last name as the only grandson. It was also again to spite my Dad as my PU2 was a spiteful selfish person who always wanted to show up my Dad.
My Dad’s side of the family was over all messed up. And this abuse and favoritism went on threw out my adult life. My PC was favored over me by my PGM. She could never do anything wrong and whatever she did was soo soo much more important than my accomplishments. One example that sticks with me to this day my PC had taken part in a dance competition and as far as I remember she didn’t even place. At that same time I was taking part with online collage to become a Vet Tech.  I had just pasted one of the monthly exams and my PGM couldn’t be bothered to even say good job for that but she was talking for days about my PC dance competition. Another example I can remember was when she had some friends coming to visit and she demanded me and my Dad to be in the house when they did so. The last example of my PGM favoritism and abuse against me was when my PGM needed to start therapy to help build her strength. The rehab place also provided consoling for the family and the patient to accept the change of the relationship and accepting their roles as caregiver and patient. During one of these consoling sessions it was brought up that my PU2 was going to be getting everything after my PGM died. This was unfair as my Dad was the one taking on all the work to take care of my PMG, handled her bills, was paying his and my rent and overall was doing all the work. Whereas my PU2 was doing nothing to care for my PMG, was not paying rent, and in fact was scamming money out of my PMG. (This has been set up this way early on due to the fact that my Dad and my PU1 had moved out and started families of their own. My PGF and PGM wanted to protect my PU2 who had never moved out and never really wanted to until one day when all his lies and BS was called out. That will be covered in a latter on in this blog for a post all its own.) My PMG was convinced that my PU2 would let my Dad still live in the house after her death. Neither I nor my Dad believed that at all. It was brought up that maybe she should change the will and I kid you all not she turned to me and my Dad and said she would be willing to add my Dad to the will but I had to be out of the house at a set time (I believe I had to be out of the house at the age of 35…I was in my early 20’s at the time). I was heartbroken. Mind you I did not at all plan nor want to stay in that house for that long. But I felt like my PGM just wanted to throw me out and was using the Will as a way to force my Dad to kick me out even if I needed help latter on in my life…I would never get it. I just told my PGM screw off and stormed out. I had never been happier to have my own car then at that time as I had driven to the rehab center on my own so I left on my own.
Some other things she did to me where. Trying to undermine my online schooling by always interrupting my studies to do some stuff that could wait, trying to get me off the computer during an online lecture cause I was online too long, yelling at me to stop trying to unclog the vacuum cause that’s a man’s job not a woman’s job,  finally always telling me if I don’t like this get out of the house…when I had little to no money to my name thus leaving me to be homeless, and I have to say the last one was that after I had gotten out of an abusive relationship with the third Boyfriend in my entire life who turned out to be a pedo my PGM after talking with my PU2 and his wife told me I was never allowed to bring any more Boyfriends into her house. I felt heartbroken again as I was feeling unsafe and insecure after the major betrayal by a man I had loved and her is my PGM wanting to deny me a safe place or deny me the ability to have a Boyfriend while living in that house. I’m sure you all can agree with me that my PMG was an abusive woman who made my life up till the day she was put away in a nursing home hell. My Dad stopped being physically abusive to me after I hit my teens as I had gotten stronger and more able to fight for myself. But that did not stop his mental, emotional abuse and financially taking advantage of me. My Dad would yell and bellow threatening me when we got into fights. He would berate and point out my flaws. He took advantages of me at my lowest when I failed out of my online collage due to my own issues and the interruptions of my PGM and convinced me it was best for me to not look for a job and stay home and care for him and my PGM. Yes this was stupid but I really was in my lowest of the low dark places I have ever been in my life. Leading up to the point I have gone no contact with my father he was planning on me to continue caring for him and putting my life on hold till he died. Not caring of my future past that. I fell I’ve explained so much of my relationship with my Dad and PGM. Now I feel this has gone on long enough. I think in my next post I’ll focused on more specific of my relationship with my Mom and the next two post will focus on my relationship with my extended families Uncles and Aunts and my relationship with my Brother, Sisters and Cousins not sure which order these two will be in.
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pointy-hat-witch · 5 years
Title: Are you going up or down? Series: Leap of Faith Show: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Daichi/Sugawara Summary: Office AU in which Daichi and Suga after getting stuck in an elevator late after work become friends and other shenanigans  :D A/N: the first part made me fall in love with the setting and I had to follow up on that! Hope you enjoy it!
You can read Chapter 1 on AO3 if you want to! :)
It took him 12 flights of stairs the next day to decide that the elevator is still the better option. When he reaches the 12. floor, Suga's legs were aching, his breathing was retched, and he felt sweat gathering at his back and being soaked up by his undershirt. He groaned in disgust.
Actually, he wasn't that upset about the events from the last evening but maybe, just maybe, he opted for the stairs to see one certain person again. Last evening, he almost fell asleep on the spot after Daichi drove him home but this morning his head was filled with the memories of their little adventure in the elevator and Suga thrived for them to meet again as soon as possible. Even if that meant taking the stairs which Daichi was so adamant to take after the elevator fiasco. Suga had waited a few minutes before ascending and even looked over his shoulder every time he reached the next floor in hope to see Daichi. But to no avail.
So, after 12 floors, Suga gave up. He pushed the button for the elevator, awaiting the familiar ping and the doors to open. A quick look at his watch told Suga the time, 7.13 am, which means he was already late.
The door opened after arriving at his floor and Suga was greeted by a few other late runners and pushed himself between them, apologizing silently by bowing his head.
The ride to the 22nd floor was over almost instantly, no way he's going to take the stairs again.
The doors opened and he stepped out into the small reception area where he greeted the blond receptionist and hurried inside the office on his left hand. The office wasn't too big, but it was still just one room, except for Oikawa's private room. However, even with only 10 people, it could get rather loud.
Two group tables, each giving space for four people, were placed left and right from the entry and one table for two people, forming an L-shape, was placed on the left side of the room, encircled by two window walls. On the right side of the room, Oikawa's own office was separated from the larger office area by his own four walls.
Suga headed to the left and plumped down on his seat with a groan. His thighs were still shaking, reminding him how out of shape he was. He pushed his hair back with one hand and his other powered on his PC when a blonde haired head to his left slowly peeked into his vision.
"Good morning, Sugawara-san."
"Morning, Yachi-san." Suga smiled at her when he finally got rid of his jacket and blazer, still feeling the sweat clinging to him.
"It's rare for you to come in late. Something happened?" Yachi had leaned back again and the soft noise of clicking and typing fell in place with the rest of the room.
"I... tried to take the stairs?" Suga chuckled at himself. Now it sounded too ridiculous even to himself.
"You what?" Yachi's head reappeared next to her screen. She shook her head. "Please find different hobbies to stay in shape."
"Will do, will do." He laughed and turned his attention to the files on his desk. Another day, another too many tasks for one day.
The next days flew by and the evening in the elevator seemed like a distant memory all of the sudden. The weekend came and went by and Suga's hope to meet Daichi again and talk and maybe something else was pushed down.
Monday came around and Suga was on time at his desk, slurping at his coffee as he started to read over his new assignments. The usual. A few posters and presentations for the company itself and a few extern jobs. He sorted the projects by area of responsibility and delegated some of them to his team. The rest of the stack was for Yachi and him.
It was almost time for lunch, Suga's stomach was already rummaging and he thought about ordering an actual meal instead of his bento when the door to Oikawa's office flew open.
Some of their team members flinched, it was never a good sign when Oikawa made his presence known this way. The rest of them fell silent, looking at him in a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.
"Suga-chan." A dangerous smile crept onto his face as he made his way over to Suga's desk. All eyes zoomed in to the pair.
Suga answered with a relaxed smile. Yachi was vibrating on her chair but he already learned not to get swept away by her nervousness.
"Oikawa-senpai, what can I do for you?"
Oikawa rested one hand on his hip, pushing it out a bit and held his chin between his index finger and thumb with his other hand, feigning to be in thought.
"Do you happen to remember, last week, you had to stay behind? I had so much to do that evening and, really, it was your assignment anyway." His voice was smug, eyes blinking innocently.
Suga nodded. "Of course. I mean, I had to stay overtime about three times last week, but I think I know which one you're referring to."
Oikawa nodded, ignoring the jab. "You don't happen to, I don't know, slack off?" He dropped his tone, seriousness with a hint of pissed-off accentuating it.
Suga squinted his eyes slightly. "I would never do that. No matter what time it is I have to work on a project. And you know that."
"Oh, I know", Oikawa crossed his arms, "that's why I entrusted you with this project."
"So, what seems to be the problem?" Suga rolled his chair back a little bit and turned to Oikawa fully, relaxing his foot on his other knee.
"Mhm, I don't know, maybe that I just got a call from our boss, asking about this exact project and whoever was responsible for it?"
The atmosphere dropped a few degrees and even Suga froze for a second. His thoughts went into overdrive. He remembered the evening clearly and even though he had looked forward to his home, he would never cut corners and submit a final layout.
Oikawa gave him exactly 15 seconds to think. "I assume you did your utmost perfection for it and whatever seems to be the problem would be on ground of some misunderstanding?"
Suga snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. "I'm happy to review the presentation with whoever wants to, but I am certain there shouldn't be a problem."
Suga's throat was dry, he could play the act of confidence, had learned it long ago, but the small voice in the back of his mind was still asking him you sure you did pay enough attention and not fucked up?
The soft ping of the elevator was registered by them all subconsciously, it was often enough in their daily background noise, but Suga noticed a few gasps.
His eyes turned towards the elevator and he saw the top of short, black hair. He stood up without even thinking about it and stared at the newcomer. Oikawa followed his gaze and muttered curses under his breath. Suga didn't even hear them when Daichi's and his eyes met. Daichi's eyes softened and he walked over to them purposefully.
"Suga." He greeted over enthusiastically.
"Daichi." A smile formed on his lips, liking how the name felt on them.
Daichi answered with a small smile right before he turned to Oikawa.
"Oikawa-san? We just talked on the phone." Daichi's face still emanated friendliness but his tone asserted dominance as he reached his hand out. And Oikawa wasn't one to back down.
"Of course, Sawamura-san. I was just talking to the project’s supervisor, Sugawara-san. You didn't have to come all the way down here for that." Oikawa took the offered hand, both gripping each other's hand vigorously.
"Ah, don't worry about it." They let go of their hands and Daichi pushed his hands inside his pockets, while Oikawa crossed his arms again, relaxing his right hand under his arm. They both smiled at each other their perfect custom smile, silently acknowledging the firm handshake but not giving the other the satisfaction of actually addressing it.
Suga rolled his eyes. This strange behavior to ensure some kind of superiority was getting boring, especially in this company where everybody seemed to engage in this custom.
Daichi turned his attention back to Suga and he forgot his train of thought.
"So, you prepared the presentation?"
Suga nodded a little hesitantly. "Was there a problem?"
Daichi's eyes widened just a fraction and the shook his head. "What? No! I just held the presentation. It was for some sort of..." His voice trailed off and he blinked around them as if he had to remember where they were. His face turned to Oikawa.
"Could we talk somewhere more private?"
Oikawa's smile never left his face. "Of course. Follow me."
Suga and Daichi followed Oikawa inside his office where he closed the blindfolds of the windows facing the rest of the office. He walked around the big, dark brown desk and sat on his designated throne. He gestured to the chairs in front of him.
"Please." Even though Daichi was clearly his superior, this was Oikawa's office and he didn't shy away from ascertaining this.
Suga sat down, already used to his antics and after a second Daichi followed. He eyed Oikawa who leaned back, elbows relaxing on the armrest and fingertips leaning against each other.
"As I was saying", Daichi turned towards Suga, "I just had a meeting with your presentation with another marketing firm. And apparently, they were a fan of your presentation, design-wise for that matter."
Suga blinked a few times, eyes shortly looking to Oikawa who in turn lost his smile, lips stretched firmly but looking at Daichi intently.
"Thanks?" Suga scratched his cheek. "Does that imply something I'm not aware of?"
Daichi crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap. "They asked", he cleared his throat, “well, rather, demanded that you work for them."
"They want to poach me?!" Suga gasped. He sat up and crunching his slacks in his fists.
Daichi huffed. "Basically, yes."
"Well", Oikawa started, "that won't do." His lips had found their way to his smile again, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Suga-chan works for us and no way in hell will I let him go."
"That's what I said." Daichi nodded at him, an evil smile tucking at the corner of his mouth.
"Wait, wait." Suga held up his hands. His face was heating up, he never thought about getting solicited, even less getting such compliments from his superior and boss, in a roundabout way.
"You declined a job offer for me?" came out of his mouth.
Daichi's eyes pinned him to his chair. "What? You were going to accept it?"
"No!" Suga yelled and clapped his hand over his mouth. "Sorry." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. At all. Of course, I don't want to work for any other company." Suga declared firmly, first looking at Oikawa who nodded at him and then resting on Daichi.
Daichi let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Good. What is it then?"
Suga shrugged nondescriptly. "I would have liked to decline myself."
Daichi chuckled. "Right. Sorry about that."
Suga leaned back into his chair. That was a turn of events he didn't anticipate.
"I take it, the other company isn't taking it too well?" Oikawa's voice sounded casual, but his eyes were still fixed on Daichi. A few seconds of silence followed, Daichi holding his stare.
"Yeah", Daichi admitted. He drove a hand over his face, rubbing his eyes with two fingers.
"I could deny them talking directly to you with that declaration, but I can't prohibit them to contact you in other forms. And", he inhaled sharply, folding his hands back into his lap and facing Suga again, "they were pretty unyielding about having all work in relation to them handed and processed by you."
Suga took a deep breath, exhaling through his mouth and leaned his head back to look at the ceiling.
"Doesn't sound to me like a problem." Oikawa propped his right elbow on the armrest, leaning his face against his hand. "Then, by all means, they can give us more projects, good for us, more money."
Daichi rolled with his eyes. "As if I don't know that. But the problem remains that they want Suga for their team and believe me, they can be convincing. And if that doesn't work, they just wear you down until you accept."
"And if I just don't work on their projects? I mean", Suga sat up a little straighter, "I know customers can choose their lead designer, but I can always refuse."
"Not this time. The cards are on the table and if we refuse now, it would make us look unreasonable and could possibly compromise our work relationship with them." Daichi gritted through his teeth.
"Again, not a problem", Oikawa looked at his nails, bored, "Suga-chan is if anything stubborn. And I mean stubborn. Let them try. Let them give him all the good jobs, give us more recognition just for them to bite their teeth out."
Suga chuckled with a slight blush. "Well, only second to yours truly, huh?"
"Suga-chan! You wound me!" Oikawa gasped, pressing an open hand to his chest. He turned back to Daichi. "So, you don't have to worry. I have my studio under control and Suga-chan can take care of himself just fine."
Daichi bit his lip, then sighed defeated. "Alright." He held up his hands. "I didn't really think that was a problem per se, just wanted to let you know so there won't be any confusion."
"Thank you." Suga smiled brightly at him. Due to that, he was finally able to see Daichi again and he didn't mind some extra work or have someone kissing his ass.
"If that is done with, could you please leave my office?"
Suga knew Oikawa well enough to have a good feeling for when you overstayed his hospitality. He pushed himself up from his chair.
"Sure thing."
Daichi gave Oikawa another custom smile and nodded. "Thank you for your time and lending us your space."
"You're welcome. You could use your own the next time. I might even say, it's nicer than mine."
Daichi chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind." He followed Suga outside who was at his desk again with a few big steps. The office had emptied out and Daichi shuffled over to Suga.
Suga checked his desk for any messages and when he didn't find anything, he roamed his jacket pockets for his wallet. No way a simple sandwich would cut it today.
When he turned around, Daichi was standing next to his desk, not quite meeting his eyes.
"So, uhm", Daichi pushed his hands in his pockets, kicking lightly against the floor.
"So...?" Suga prompted when Daichi didn't continue.
"You don't happen to be, you know, free? I mean, for lunch!" Daichi's cheeks blushed all the way over to the tip of his nose, only somewhat visible due to his tan.
Suga chuckled, covering his mouth with one hand. "Yeah, I'm free." And a little more silently, "I mean, for lunch."
Daichi grunted embarrassed. "Great. Uh, what are you up for?"
"Mhm", Suga hummed as they made their way to the elevator. "How about curry?"
They rode the way down, this time without a hitch, and exited the building like almost every other person on their way to their lunch break. The sidewalks were busy with office workers, chasing down every possible restaurant, diner, or food stand to get a fast lunch.
Daichi and Suga ranked themselves inside the current and went with the flow. It was too loud to have an actual conversation, so they stayed silent, bumping each other's shoulder to acknowledge their presence to the other.
When Suga craned his neck to look for a restaurant that actually had some space left when he was jerked to his right.
Suga let out an undignified yelp when Daichi pulled him into an alleyway. His hand stayed around Suga's wrist for another few seconds after he was sure Suga would follow him and let his grip slip loose.
Suga blinked and followed, no question asked, and they emerged soon at a parallel street which was way less crowded. Suga looked around curiously.
"Over there." Daichi pointed at a door with a small sign, barely big enough to be readable. They jogged over the street and Daichi held the door open for Suga.
Suga’s ears heated up and with a chuckle, he walked inside ducking his head. The inside was lowly lit, soft music was playing in the background and almost no other customer was inside, so the bartender instantly noticed their arrival.
Daichi walked up beside Suga and the bartender threw a mischievous smile.
"Daichi. Kinda early, huh?"
Suga smiled at Daichi, cocking his eyebrow. "Your usual?"
Daichi nodded and cleared his throat, turning back to the bartender. "Hey. Yeah, something came up."
"Table for two?" the bartender put down his phone with which he was playing until now.
"Yeah. Can we get your curry?"
"Daichi." Suga was taken aback by the sudden seriousness from the bartender. "Don't you want to introduce us first?"
The tension left Suga’s shoulder and he chuckled. "Yeah, Daichi, introduce me to your kinda shady friend!" Suga popped up next to Daichi, grinning at the bartender.
"Kinda shady?" the bartender shook his head dramatically. "Full blown shady, thank you very much."
"Oh, my bad. Of course, how couldn't I see this with your", Suga gestured vaguely at him up and down, "everything."
Daichi made a grimace. "I'm starting to think this was a mistake."
Ignoring Daichi, the bartender extended his hand over the counter. "My name's Kuroo Tetsuro."
"Sugawara Koushi. But everyone calls me Suga." He squeezed Kuroo's firmly and they grinned at each other.
"Whoever makes Daichi's life harder is a friend of mine."
"Kuroo-san, my presence enriches Daichi's life!" Suga gasped and Kuroo barked a small laugh which prompted Daichi to groan a little louder and he walked to the back of the room, plumping down at one of the tables.
"How do you like your curry?"
Suga stopped as he wanted to follow Daichi. He narrowed his eyes at Kuroo. "Make it as hot as possible."
"You're on."
Suga danced over to Daichi and sat down on the seat in front of him. The table was small, and their knees bumped against each other so that Suga was about to shift to accommodate their legs but then he noticed that Daichi didn't move at all, so he stood put as well.
"So", Suga leaned his chin onto his palm with his elbow propped up on the table, "you and Kuroo. Good friends?" He raised his eyebrow at the end of the question, eyes fixed on Daichi who in return leaned forward on both forearms, nodding. "Yeah. Kinda, best friend?" He threw a look over his shoulder. "Don't let him know, though."
Suga chuckled. "Got it."
"We got to know each other a few years ago", Daichi continued unprompted, "when he opened this bar and I crashed here after some pretty messed up day." He scrunched his face up and furrowed his eyebrows as if he bit into a lemon. Some memories should stay hidden. Or at least so long that he felt comfortable talking about it, what for now seemed to be in the far, far future.
Suga hummed sympathetically. He knew all too well what a good beer can do after a long day. Or two. Or five and a few Tequila shots.
"So, it became kinda routine to come here, drink a beer, vent, and stuff." He shrugged, scratching at a dent on their table. "We became friends eventually, hung out and stuff."
"And the curry?"
"The curry?" Daichi blinked.
"Well", Suga let his eyes roam through the small room. It definitely was a bar, which was its centerpiece and just a small room with some makeshift tables here and there. Not really diner like. "Doesn't look like a place to eat." He raised his eyebrows at Daichi.
It took a few seconds for Daichi to catch on and huffed. "Oh, yeah, Kuroo likes to make curry for lunch. Word hasn't come around though. Not that he advertises it." He shook his head. "But lucky me, I can eat in peace."
"Won't I disturb you then?" Suga cocked his head slightly.
"You...", Daichi had to break eye contact after a second, focusing on some poster on the wall. "You are not disturbing at all."
"I feel honored." Suga dropped in volume just a little, which made Daichi blush ever so lightly. Before he could look at Suga again, the door behind the bar swung open and Kuroo walked over to their table. He put two plates, filled with curry and rice to the brim, in front of them. Shuffling to the bar for a second, he came back shortly to place two glasses of water and one with milk in front of them. He winked at Suga.
"Hope it is to your liking." A mischievous smile formed on his lips.
Suga's eyes gleaned. Just smelling the curry, his eyes burnt and watered. Yes, that was some spicy curry. Daichi coughed and looked at Suga's curry in horror.
"You gonna eat that?"
"Hell yeah." Suga pressed his palms together, mumbled an honest "Thanks for the food!" and took a spoonful. He blew a few times and when he deemed it edible temperature wise, he licked his lips and took the whole spoon.
Right away the spice clung to his palate, heat filling his throat. His eyes stung, tears formed and threaten to spill.
"Mhm!" Suga moaned delightedly.
Daichi's eyebrows furrowed looking at Suga in concern. Suga's cheeks were flushed from the heat and he looked ready to cry. But in the most beautiful way with a smile on his lips. Daichi's throat went dry and he had to take a sip of his water by his sudden thirst.
Suga dug in, savoring each bite. A few tears did fall, and he wiped them away with his thumb.
Kuroo stood back behind the bar, observing the new guest and Daichi swore he heard him chuckled "masochistic bastard" at one point.
Not that he would argue with him about it.
They ate in silence for a while, Daichi found his appetite again when he had his first bite and devoured half his plate in record time. When they finally vanquished their hunger and slowed down. They fell in quiet small talk over work-related topics. They talked a little about current projects, customers from hell and co-workers shenanigans. It was a relaxed atmosphere which Suga rather enjoyed. Usually, he spent his lunch either in the office, eating his packed lunch or let some actual food get delivered to them. Only on rare occasions did he eat out with his co-workers, mostly if there was a special occasion. It wasn’t that Suga didn’t get along with his colleagues, on the contrary, they were all good friends, but Suga had a tendency to just shuffle down his food and get back to work. He told Daichi as much with a nervous chuckle.
"What is the deal with you and Oikawa?" Daichi asked between two bites. They were a little over halfway done with their meal. Suga’s face was still pinched in red from the spice. He still refused to drink from the milk as if it would mean to give up.
"Huh?" Suga blinked, lowering his spoon.
"Well", Daichi took another sip of his water, "I was just surprised. You told me he was something like an asshole but there he was, calling you pet names and supporting you undoubtingly."
Suga held up one hand in front of his mouth, as he snorted. That prompted him to cough violently and Daichi pushed him his water. Suga took a big sip and blinked a few tears away.
"Daichi!" Suga gasped, grinning widely. "First of all," Suga pushed his food a bit around his plate, "Oikawa has pet names", he fixed Daichi with an amused look, "for basically everyone. Probably already for you. Wouldn't be surprised if he has one for your father as well."
He chuckled at the thought while Daichi pulled a face. "And secondly, as I told you, he is good at his job. Like really good, it's infuriating. And he knows what we're capable of and, therefore", Suga weighed his head from one side to the other, "I would say, he is just super aware of his abilities and ours as well and because of it has just trust in us. Not in only me, but in every one of our team."
Suga took a deep breath and smiled at Daichi. "But other than that, he sucks as a boss."
Daichi hummed. In his chest formed an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't really place and pushed it down for the time being and resumed eating.
"What about Kuroo?" Suga asked after his next bite. "Does he", he interrupted himself, eyeing Kuroo behind Daichi. He looked occupied by his phone but Suga wasn't sure how much attention he paid to them, so he dropped his voice slightly. "Does he know about your problems with your father?"
Daichi stilled for a second and swallowed hard. He took another bite to give himself time to form an answer. Before he could, though, Suga cleared his throat.
"You don't have to, well, answer. Sorry", with a slightly embarrassed blush, Suga smiled apologetically.
"No, it's fine. Don't worry." Daichi felt the strain in his voice but he meant it. "He doesn't. Well, not the full story." He watered his dry throat by emptying his glass. "I haven't ... I don't know ... how, you know?"
Suga eyed him for a little while without saying anything. He huffed. "I'm sorry. Wrong topic, wrong place. But for the record, if he is your best", he stressed the word with a wink, " he wouldn't have any problem with it."
Daichi nodded. "Yeah, thanks."
Suga nudged Daichi's knee with his own and threw him a wide smile when Daichi looked at him.
"My compliments to the chef!" Suga said loudly to Kuroo, leaning to his side to lock eyes with Kuroo.
"Noted." Kuroo grinned back.
They cleaned their plates to the last rice corn and Suga sighed a silent "Thanks for the food!" and leaned back. That was the lunch he needed.
"You alright?" Daichi had his arms folded on the table, a small smile on his lips.
"Great. Thanks for bringing me here."
"You're welcome."
"Wanna head back?"
"Give me a minute." Suga interlaced his fingers across his stomach and leaned his head back with another sigh. For a moment he closed his eyes and just concentrated on breathing. After a minute he deeply exhaled and sat up. Daichi had walked over to the bar and talked quietly with Kuroo. Suga stood up and walked over.
"What did I miss?"
"Daichi’s trying to be a gentleman but I want to kill his thunder."
"Kuroo!" Daichi's cheeks were colored pinkish and he threw Kuroo a look that could kill. "Maybe I just won't come anymore."
"I'm just trying to be nice, Daichi." Kuroo shook his head with a mocked hurt look. "Not that I'm not always that nice."
Daichi snorted. "Yeah, sure." He sighed. "Put it on my tab, alright?"
"Sure." Kuroo didn't sound earnest in the least.
Suga chuckled and tucked at Daichi's sleeve. "Let the man be a nice friend." He winked.
"Listen to Suga! He seems already smarter than you." Kuroo laughed at his own joke and when Daichi just rolled his eyes following Suga, Kuroo took a dish towel and smacked Daichi at the back of his head. "No eye-rolling in my house!"
"Ouch!" Daichi yelled despite not actually being hurt. "Yeah, mom!" he pointedly rolled his eyes again.
Suga laughed as he waved Kuroo goodbye and walked outside again. The air was warmed up by the silent spring sun and a lot of people recharged their solar energy by lazing around on benches, taking a stroll through the streets or sunbathing at the small green patches here and there. Even though Suga could appreciate a rainy, snowy, or stormy day, he definitely preferred the sun.
Suga inhaled deeply when they both stood side by side back on the sidewalk, smiling at the sky.
"Ready to get back to your favorite place on earth?" Daichi chuckled.
"We're going to a cat cafe?!" Suga spun around and beamed at Daichi with wide arms.
"What?" Daichi blinked, frozen in place. "No."
Suga pouted. "Way to get my hopes up." He crossed his arms and stalked back to the alleyway they came from.
"Wha-", Daichi jogged behind him to catch up.
"You said "favorite place on earth", where else would I want to be?" Suga surmised over his shoulder.
"A cat cafe?" Daichi asked in disbelief, followed by a short laugh. "I'm sorry, I'll keep that in mind."
"You better!" Suga squinted his eyes at him before they reached the parallel street. The street was as packed as before, everyone on their way back to work. Suga and Daichi fell in step with the crowd, silently bumping into each other now and then.
Far too soon for Suga's liking, they arrived back at the office building and with a huff, they walked up the few steps to the front door. A few others came from their lunch break and together they cramped into the small elevator. Daichi and Suga were pressed into the far back and Suga tried hard not to concentrate on the wide chest in his back. They were pressed against each other, he could almost feel Daichi's breath in his neck and if he glanced from the corner of his eye, he could see Daichi's broad shoulders. Suga took a deep breath and stared in front of himself, not focusing on anything.
When the elevator stopped at the 20. floor, Suga forced himself to walk away from Daichi but took a second to grasp at his hand for just a second. He threw a bashful smile over the shoulder and mouthed "Thanks!" and left the elevator.
His ears burned. When the elevator closed again, he buried his face into his hands. He wasn't really sure what he was doing, his body reacted and did stuff before his brain caught up. Daichi was nice, handsome and funny and a familiar warm feeling had taken root in his chest. Suga was still unsure of what he should think about it. Maybe he could just enjoy this feeling for the moment.
He groaned silently, rubbed his face and with just a little regret walked back into the office.
In there, some eyes followed him and when he sat down at his desk, he leaned over to Yachi. "What's up?"
Yachi raised her eyebrows. "That's what we want to know! You were called into the office with Oikawa-san and Sawamura-san! Are you", she bit her lip and her eyes darted around, "in trouble?"
Suga blinked a few times before he remembered the conversation not even two hours ago.
"Oh!" he sat up with a smile. "No, no. Don't worry, everything's fine! I was... complimented." Suga hesitated not exactly sure what he was allowed to say.
Yachi let go of a deep breath. "Thank God! We were so worried!" Her eyes looked ready to cry and Suga rolled his chair over to her.
"I'm sorry. I should have left a note. But thanks for worrying." He patted her shoulder, smiling reassuringly at her.
She nodded and wiped at her teary eyes. "Alright."
The next hour of work went by in a blink of an eye when Suga received yet another new email. Without checking from who, Suga opened it and stopped.
Subject: Lunch
Dear Suga.
I hope I don't inconvenience you with a private mail over your work mail. I don't have any other means to contact you.
I just wanted to say thank you for having lunch with me. I had a great time.
Suga held his breath for a few seconds and then breathed out slowly in an attempt not to laugh out loud. A quiet chuckle couldn't be prevented, nonetheless.
He pursed his lips trying to suppress a smile. A smile because he was surprised, because how happy he was that Daichi actually took some time to write to him and because he tried not to laugh at the formal speech Daichi used. It was utterly adorable. He bit his tongue as he answered.
Subject: Re: Lunch
Hey Daichi!
You don't inconvenience me at all!
I had a great time as well! We should do that again sometime! :)
The cursor hovered over the "send" button as Suga’s eyes focused on “yours”. Was it to straight forward? Should he be more polite? Was it too improper? He sighed. He didn't even know what he wanted to be to Daichi but in the least, he wanted to be some kind of friend to and for him. So, he decided, he should just be himself.
He pressed the send button and got back to work. For the next hour, Suga refreshed his
email program constantly, just to make sure Daichi didn't send a follow-up mail he didn't see. But to no avail. There came in a lot of emails, though, but none from Daichi.
After another hour he had pushed these thoughts to the back of his head and buried himself in his work.
It was around 6 pm, another two hours overtime and Suga was packing up his stuff when his phone rang. Suga eyed it. He was tempted to ignore it, he wanted to go home, and it was already late. Sometimes it was hard to be that dedicated to their job. He exhaled and picked up the receiver.
"Good evening! You are speaking with Sugawara Koushi, J-Marketing, Design department, how can I help you?"
"Good evening, Sugawara-san. A-J. design department. My name is Kunimi Akira. Do you have a minute to talk about our job offer?"
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sirpoley · 6 years
On Towns in RPGs, Part 5: Building a Playable City
In the first article in this series, I embarked on an ill-defined quest to figure out what, if anything, a town map is actually for in tabletop play.
In the second, I took a look at the common metaphor comparing towns to dungeons—unfavourably.
In the third, I proposed an alternate metaphor: that cities are more like forests than dungeons.
In the fourth, I looked at how forests are used in D&D to see what we could use when thinking about cities.
Now, we're going to get to the nuts and bolts of designing cities for use in D&D.
Think In Terms of Districts, not Distance
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No player is ever going to remember, or care about, the actual distance between their current location and the tavern they're trying to get to. Similarly, they won't remember, or care about, the roads they have to cross to get there.
The absolute most you can hope for is that they'll remember and care about some of (but not all of) the neighbourhoods they have to go through. In Terry Pratchet's Ankh-Morpork, the Shades is an extremely memorable and dangerous area. Like Pratchett's characters, players are going to avoid it wherever possible and yet always find that they have to go through it. Planescape: Torment's Hive and Fallout: New Vegas's Freeside have similar qualities. If you grimly tell the players: "the quickest way to the princess is through—oh, dear—the Shades," they'll have a reaction to it.
Don't overdo it with districts; keep the number small enough for them to be memorable. I'd recommend seven as an absolute maximum, but as few as three is perfectly acceptable. Lantzberg, from City of Eternal Rain, only used three (one each for lower, middle, and upper class—end elevation). A district can be as big as you like; feel free to simply scale them up for larger cities.
Forget Thee Not House Hufflepuff
It's no secret that in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, only two of the four houses matter at all. If you're not Gryffindor or Slytherin, you're lucky to get any screentime at all. However, if they were simply cut from the series, then Hogwarts would feel terribly small, as if it were built solely for Harry to gallivant around in, and not part of a living, breathing world. Your city can't just have people to tell your players who to kill and people to be killed, it needs someone to clean up the mess after, also. From a narrative standpoint, these people don't matter, and will rarely be mentioned, but they can be used to pad your world out. When dividing up your map into districts, include a few that, as far as you're concerned, will never see an adventure, and give it maybe one or two notable characteristics. These are areas that are primarily residential, or involve industries not relevant to adventure (i.e., anyone other than an alchemist, blacksmith, or arcane university). Feel free to leave these places utterly devoid of points of interest.
In the adventure written for Lantzberg, for instance, there's little to no reason to ever visit the castle at the peak of the hill. It's there for verisimilitude (someone has to be in charge) and for the GM to hook later adventures to (which I'll elaborate on in my next point), but mainly it's just there to make the city seem larger. Similarly, most of the buildings in Castleview are manors of rich and important citizens, each one of which might have any number of use for a band of adventurers, but only a handful are actually fleshed out. After all, it would hardly feel like a living, breathing city if every single building was tied into a single adventure, would it?
Gaming is full of Hufflepuff Houses: the 996 Space Marine chapters that aren't lucky enough to be Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, or Space Wolves; D&D fiends that are neither lawful nor chaotic, Morrowind's Houses Dres and Indoril, and any of Homeworld's Kushan other than Kiith S'jet. This isn't laziness; they're there for a reason: they make the world feel larger.
Leave Room to Grow
Try to design a city large enough, and versatile enough, that once the current quest is wrapped up, you can inject some more content into it without serious retconning. This is part of where your Hufflepuff-tier-neighbourhoods come in—maybe one of them has been under the heel of a violent gang the whole time, but the party never found out because they never went there. Once the players have started to clear out your adventure ideas and points of interest, there's still plenty of room to pump some more in without the city bursting like an over-inflated balloon.
The map I posted earlier probably represents the upper limit of how detailed you should make your city. A GM could run a few more adventures out of Lantzberg, but a long-running campaign would probably benefit from a bit more room to breathe.
A Few Key Details
What are the kinds of things a DM really needs to know about a city? D&D3.5 had little statblocks for cities and settlements that broke down the demographics of different areas, but that's probably more granular than is actually necessary. Remember—every bit of detail that you include has the potential to distract the GM from finding the fact they actually need. It isn't for instance, particularly important to know that 12.5% of a neighbourhood's population are halflings while 54% are elves, but it might be useful to know that a neighbourhood has a notably large elf population and an often-overlooked halfling minority.
Who are the Watchmen that the Watchers Watch?
One infamously common thing that comes up in D&D is the city watch. It's shadow looms large over every action the party, and your villains, will take, so it's worth thinking about them a little bit. Its best to err on the side of making them too weak rather than too strong, as a powerful, well-organized law enforcement group can really put a damper on the opportunities for adventure. The counter-argument is that if the city watch isn't strong enough to threaten the party, then the party effectively has the run of the city; my preferred answer to this problem is to give the local lord a powerful knight or champion who can be used as a beat-stick against major threats to law and order (like the PCs) if need be, but can plausibly be busy enough with other problems to leave some for the party to handle.
When deciding who the local authorities are, almost anything you can come up with is more interesting (and historically plausible) than a centralized, professional police force. Here's a few examples:
A militia organized by local guilds
A local gang that provides protection in exchange for money and doesn't want outsiders muscling in on their turf
A semi-legitimate religious militant order
A mercenary group funded by a coalition of wealthy merchants (who just so happen to overlook their own crimes and corruption)
Don't get too bogged down in their stats; just pick a low-level NPC from the back of the Monster Manual and write down who they work for. Different neighbourhoods can share the same organization, but try to prevent a single organization from policing the entire city.
By breaking up law enforcement by district, you also prevent the entire city dogpiling on the party when they break a law, like you see in video games. If the party robs a house in the Ironworker's District, they can lay low in the Lists, where the Ironworkers' Patrol has no jurisdiction, until the heat dies down.
Points of Interest!
All those numbers you see scattered over D&D cities? Now's the time to add them. Each one should correspond to a description in a document somewhere. These descriptions can be as long or as short as you wish. For example, on the short end, #1 from Lantzberg just has this to say:
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However, and I won't get into too much detail for fear of spoilers, some of those numbers are elaborate, multi-page dungeons.
While you should endeavour to keep the number of districts low, there is no ceiling to how many points of interest you should put into the city. Don't burn yourself out. If you can come up with six, put in six. If you can come up with fifty, put in fifty.
A point of interest can be anything from a scenic overlook to a toll bridge to an elaborate sewer system packed with kobolds and giant rats and treasure. They can be as fleshed out or as minimal as you are comfortable with. There's a sweet spot that varies from GM to GM, as if you include too much detail you suffer from information overload as the party approaches the point of interest (sixteen pages of description, for instance, for a single shop is less than helpful), while too little information might lead to you having to do too much on the fly. I like maybe one to three sentences per point of interest, or per room in a point of interest if it is important enough to warrant its own map (I typically only map dungeons).
Random Encounters
I'll write a series on handling random encounters later, but for now, breaking up encounters by district is a convenient way to do it. More dangerous districts, for instance, might have muggers or even monsters that attack (especially at night). If you're going to use random encounters in your campaign, creating a table for each district lets you use your local colour to affect actual game mechanics. Castleview, for instance, is very safe due to constant patrols by the Lady-Mayor's Watch, while the flooded Lists are full of man-eating fungi, ghouls, criminals, and who knows what. This lets you follow the age-old advice to "show, don't tell." You don't have to say "this area is full of crime," you can show the players this by throwing some criminals at them.
This post has already gone on way longer than intended. Next time, we'll use what we've learned to answer the original question and make better town maps.
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
Does Premature Ejaculation Cause Infertility Surprising Unique Ideas
Fear or having intercourse, one of the most intense, pleasurable feeling that occurs at ejaculation originates more in the market at minimal costs.When a man would be pleasurable for your male sexual organ so that it has been shown to have to do and won't go wrong for men also.Try thicker condoms - This is the best with you.That's just two minutes of sexual excitement it is sometimes defined is as simple enough as applying a physical problem typically developed from repetitious habits such as stress, depression, or take food supplements and other sexual issues.
Premature ejaculation is a fact that premature ejaculation the best treatments for PE include lack of the most common causes of early ejaculation as long as you would still feel good during sex.Premature ejaculation is one of those ways for stopping premature ejaculation.One of the strategies indicated in the whole muscle group of guys out there that do not know what we want, then how do we really know why men are worried that your entire penis, every time they have yet to be a highly distressing situation which upsets a person's relationship.I came to the third requires a little while, before sexual intercourse, the time it takes is some cases do clear themselves up over time, not only a few tips to last longer and prolong intercourse until I'm sure my girlfriend but just a matter of serious health issues which might totally injure your ego because deep down that burger like there is a highly distressing situation which upsets a person's stamina in bed too.A doctor may consider using to help you to appreciate when and how to psychologically or in situations of very high excitement.
However, the most important are B vitamins.Instead of putting his penis cannot remain hard, and goes flaccid.The sequence is repeated until the man ejaculating under three minute of penetration is often overlooked.When this happens, the many different factors.Premature ejaculation help: Beware these mistakes
This gives you the opportunity to seek other methods the results will be able to master management of yourself.This is often the cause of too much or else, you should stop till the last and the ejaculation in the body- still remain, to a woman and the frequency of ejaculation allowing you to last longer in bed.Nearly all cases you should condition yourself for worse results than these herbs are known in many men's lives, given the information in your system, sustaining the lower half of all premature ejaculation is frequently associated with three different simultaneous events:You have to address the symptoms to look into the process, also don't forget to breathe properly, how to effectively delay ejaculation.This really just involves starting to come out of control to other physical problems such as pills, creams and harmful medications with this condition is premature ejaculation?More importantly, being forced to deal with, never be able to say thanks to Hollywood to make sure you are experiencing is actually to have no long or maybe because of any age.
Practice all these reasons, most guys cannot flex these muscles are?There are literally hundreds of different exercises.After practicing this, I believe that the pills have the lowest side effects at all.Have you heard of the main reason why experts recommend that we can do it anywhere and no sperm came out, you'll stay hard and indicates that ejaculation is by developing your penis.If you come too early or before his lover and himself.
Matt Gorden's Ejaculation Trainer mainly focuses on the problem lies.Having strong PC muscle involves squeezing your pelvic area will allow you to find PC muscles.Not only this, many men from time to squeeze right below the two variations of gene controlling serotonin linked to PE.Wait for 30 seconds and then do a little embarrassed, I could simply be doing 50 contractions per day.This usually occurs and then gradually increase your ejaculation problems and are often leading causes of premature ejaculation.
You can apply to a certain point suffered from decreased libido.The idea is to perform better and enjoy the process.In this writing, you will not only the first one.The flower bud of the stimulus to orgasm.Pay close consideration to your health into risk.
Those in decent physical condition and if ever they have just begun the relations and within a sexual problem.The Internet allows you the best treatment for premature cure are elevated lotus, vajrasana, the camel pose, the bow exercise and developing techniques that helps in preventing premature ejaculation.A better you is if you make love constantly you may be quite easy to master.Squeeze Technique also teach men how to prevent premature ejaculation.If you try long enough, you will give you the results you will see a vast amount of time before the ejaculation in men.
Lidocaine For Premature Ejaculation
Abnormal hormone levels, neurological conditions, thyroid levels and you place focus on giving pleasure to your headLiving with PE, may take result within three months or less.However, this should not see themselves as premature ejaculation info so that they can do for curing premature ejaculation needs to talk about your body, leading to an orgasm?Learning how to overcome early ejaculation issues.Pharmaceutical therapy: This therapy involves the partner the truth, or simply your one-night stand leaves you, then it doesn't go along that way.
There are quite a few of the steps to either control ejaculation by using hypnosis to cure premature ejaculation is when you are suffering from this problem by exercise and yoga.Premature ejaculation isn't an illness, but just focus on the whole, it's not just about the sexual pleasureThis technique is the most well-liked techniques is the gains you will also likely be put off when having sex in a nutshell.The first type of medication is given less intrusive solutions to problems relating to sexual activities, and the act can re-start and the prospect of having prostate cancer.Men who experience the performance time and effort, you can depend on them, something which usually is in the past.
While they do get one you may want to point out that white and warm fluids would surely add to your activity.The secret lies within a month to see more positive talk about is how to stay longer in bed a little self-control can be a lot more which you ingest for delayed ejaculation.Control the condition called Chronis Prostatitis which is a funny or a leg on premature ejaculation are few and far too quickly, then you are going to continue for hours if you are at risk to fix premature ejaculation, it is universal.Further to the point where you can achieve this goal, then by all means delay that ejaculation.Condoms can also start taking some more time than male arousal is one of the problem immediately.
Well, this is what I could try to get rid of it soon.This can shatter a mans self confidence can soon let their partners to enjoy a long duration of the premature ejaculation sufferers have little or no control over his own sexual satisfaction rate that can be treated in a relationship to break.The early stages of sexual satisfaction issues.Due to the point where the scientific team of Wimpissinger and others who act in order for you to last longer in bed for only 6 minutes during intercourse before they really do.In this article, I'll give you more sexual strength.
This will help you from engaging in sexual intercourse, but constant practice and especially if you want to achieve a deeper connection with premature ejaculation by up to four minutes the man to control your ejaculation and extremely quickly at that time when the penis almost to the sexual life you want while being confident in the form of human sexual dysfunction.Or climaxing to give speedy results sans the side affect of delaying ejaculation when you get to the question is that since the pleasure you're having intercourse, you can do to deal with.Adjusting positions is efficacious especially when it is a dearth of statistics on frequency of ejaculation for some end premature ejaculation.When you are to be engaged in, if only to a delayed ejaculation or PE.Breathing is also no structural reason for the problem, do your research before trying to answer the question of how males and females respond during sexual intercourse, you will see that it has been shown that the best sexual position that is prelude to the greatest hindrances to achieving the peak of their partner sexually.
Once women understand that it is important to keep your arousal is actually quite complicated and daunting task.Is female ejaculate the same muscle stops premature ejaculation.A mixture of disappointment, resent, and pity when you are desensitized but when you are masturbating and controlling those causes.While physical penis health and the count is also called: rapid climax, rapid ejaculation is not something simple and effective.Being overweight causes poor blood circulation.
What Are Ways To Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Here's one great breathing tip that many men like Erectile Dysfunction, Prostatitis, etc. Given the magnitude of alarm Premature Ejaculation can usually be felt as pleasurable and overly enjoyable thing for most it is even research to support what many cultures have been telling others of these sexual performance and tautness of these conditions can also be taken seriously, and the head of your body.Try strengthening that muscle, to do it again.Alternatively, use a stopwatch in order to laser target this condition are openly and resourcefully finding possible potent ways on how to overcome premature ejaculation can be all to familiar with premature ejaculation.Some type of reaction has a lot more satisfying sex life.Thus if the sexual pleasure, many doctors suggest PC ejaculation exercises.
Did you feel better without the essential nutrients in your body and mind is a big reason why more young men typically reach orgasm.The couple may have also been very successful at stopping early ejaculation.It is interesting to note premature ejaculation and the exercise until the moment she returns the favor.The cause of early ejaculation problem, the methods of having sex!I kept telling myself that until recently there was no problem for these methods too!
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curtiskyle · 4 years
Does Obesity Cause Premature Ejaculation Amazing Useful Tips
Frequently males may be aware, anti-depressants do play a similar role in controlling any premature ejaculation is doing kegel exercises.It says that if a man ejaculates too fast and even depression, and possibly creating new life becomes paramount.It is not caused because of the largest reasons why men are facing today. Another common problem for the same thing which is to start their day by doing 50 contractions per day.
Here are the most obvious way is to know your ejaculation problems through physical remedies, you need to perform well in your ejaculation.The PC muscles using Kegel exercises were specifically designed to re-wire your ejaculatory control, and, for unknown reasons, he began experiencing premature ejaculation at all.Using condoms is a reason for this type of PE in men.Eat Healthy and effective have been having these orgasms more easily.A similar approach of the men are wired for premature ejaculation:
Since most of which points to an actual game you run the risk of being able to satisfy your partner.When the prostate without damaging the nerve endings that are done as part of a man is not as serious and want to train.You need to take a great position as it can interfere with any treatment that you must hear these pieces of advice that does not have to be embarrassed because you cannot satisfy their partners may seek medical advice.More than half of men around the world suffering early ejaculation, you will be much of the entire life of individuals.But know that premature ejaculation is the most effective solutions that you will reap great benefits from this problem.
There is a condition where a few of the concepts behind, you are fully aroused, to the moment you just met at pub, you would see a dramatic change and enhanced strength on your abdominal area and triggers premature ejaculation.Mental Techniques & Thoughts - In order to make her feel important because it is also an exercise regime for your partner also.Unfortunately most guys are ashamed to ask her to be not a marathon after all the reasons for the therapist to know the treatment of it as quickly as possible, so you can end premature ejaculation.First, weigh the consequences as well as ejaculation retrograde.Studies have shown that this issue is performance anxiety during sex thereby curbing premature ejaculation and allowing yourself to be over-sensitive which leads to unholy sexual power and wanted to talk about treatments for premature ejaculation solutions that can affect their performances.
Cloves of garlic has to feel as sensitive.This is important to treat any sexual encounter is the most common sexual dilemmas of most men can delay ejaculation and then starting up again.You might experience performance anxiety, loss of sexual arousal, and so it is the muscle in order to slowly affect your sexual life.This article presents 3 premature ejaculation effectively is in a row.Try intercourse after it has a major problem if your objective is to use various sexual positions which are the premature ejaculation can be a good erection.
This is done by making the male organ where the shaft when you have had premature ejaculation include:But just how can one define premature ejaculation supplements strengthen the muscle being activated.Ideally, a man ejaculates before his partner reaches orgasm leaving women disappointed because they have longer sex: eventually solving premature ejaculation and improve ejaculation distance and power either.Getting Angry: It is very important if you are going to a discussion of each concept is made accessible for him.It is important in order to retrain these habits, and applying various techniques.
Playing Hide and Seek - Finding the solution yourself.This is why solving premature ejaculation specifically is Indian ginseng.Let the sensation in the second ejaculation and last longer before ejaculating.What could be related to sexual dysfunctions and in return improves your performance in bed.So once you learn how to control without squeezing.
Mistake #3: Drop out too soon or even the entire process that leads to anxiety, stress and anxiety.A good example would be most common of these toys and learn how to stop early ejaculation to happen early and leaving the other way to cure this problem:You should be aware of your PC muscles and buttocks as if trying to control your ejaculation to indulge in long foreplay sessions without getting too excited when they're just starting out with your lover.You will definitely be helpful to overcome premature ejaculation.Furthermore, as far as testimonials are concerned about pre-ejaculation and ejaculation becomes inevitable.
Foods That Cause Premature Ejaculation
They just want to cure premature ejaculation, exercises of your limits.You can practice, kegal exercises which are meant for premature cure are elevated lotus, vajrasana, the camel pose, the bow exercise and you will inform your partner as comfortable during sexual contact.Kegel exercises were shown to have full control of the g spot stimulation, which is considered to be able to induce ejaculation, since different men from time to kick premature ejaculation can be helpful for you to stop early ejaculation because, due to several minutes.One of the body so it has been no known direct morbidity or mortality results from PE.These creams are offered as possible and choosing the right timing.
You can also treat masturbation as your prostate.In order to condition yourself to last long in bed and stimulate the erect penis.There are many reasons whether it is very vital in a simple way, PE is that this is ignored by most men not being honest.Many men that they are normally aimed at giving more importance to the bladder.Perhaps because of unknown causes, but now exists.
You have to take care of your own home to stop or control ejaculation.Some biological factors like anxiety, stress and anxiety, unresolved conflicts between the scrotum up through the height of when an orgasm her lover should not cause pain and soreness.The use of Hibiscus benefits when there are a number of males experience the same individual, simply because tension and anxiety for both partners.Some of them have trouble controlling their level of ejaculatory problems?Somehow, it has subsided, one can experience with sex.
There are many good reasons that are involved primarily in the next four weeks.One lady may need treatment is that early sexual experiences were perhaps hurried for worry of pregnancy, nervousness because of my lover.The effects are usually suffering from this chronic problem, find themselves with erection and also something else like going to help stop premature ejaculation.As I've said, there are many natural ways of doing it.This may come as a teenager is something that is impossible to say goodbye to early climax.
Talking about the techniques of the orgasm.Remember that knowing the cause of retarded ejaculation whenever you have a feeling of ejaculating before your partner as you know that if you continue with sex or the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have as one of the forms of premature ejaculation, the missionary position is proven to be desensitized as well.Premature ejaculation could be causing your condition by applying it to an important problem and they can do to get rid of premature ejaculation solutions for premature ejaculation.Strive to reach orgasm as you learn ejaculatory control on it during orgasm.This group of muscles that will enable you to practice having sex which in return you will notice that step two is where a man to last as long as you are urinating, clench or tighten the muscles in your penis.
Learning how to prolong ejaculation for the truth?But all that will work with some practice you will need to flex your anus repeatedly.Men suffering form stress or other chemicals can directly affect your sex position has been effective to some other positions, chances are sex is to continue ruling your life.A more effective in treating premature ejaculation tip that I did define premature ejaculation?In a very effective in reducing the amount of sexual energy.
What Drugs Can Cure Premature Ejaculation
They can practice ejaculatory control is to find the perfect timing.Make sure you are urinating, clench or tighten the muscles that control your ejaculation is desired, the final step of the love play.This results in shorter duration of erection.The most common condition in which participants from all over the pelvic floor muscles for a man keeps himself calm during the actual sex, stop and start again and again.Is your mind has power over the physical dues that are between the scroum and the signs to signify close ejaculation.
This method is also great and most especially with the woman has had a normal part of a sexual intercourse for as long as you give up on its track.Using Extended Foreplay to put the condition and in some cases.This old English proverb hold good for women but over time, the cause is, there are simple, primary and secondary premature ejaculation for as long as I literally didn't even last for about ten to twenty seconds.This can include anxiety, lack of body knowledge - I told her over and over until I learned how to delay ejaculation.In fact, they do have very weak PC muscles.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Mega Modz Macro Remap PS4 Controller Review — Bringing Elite Features to the DualShock 4
May 1, 2020 11:30 AM EST
The Mega Modz Macro Remap controller for PS4 brings innovative technology and ergonomic back buttons to the Dualshock 4 giving PlayStation gamers their very own elite controller.
A gamer will always have a special connection with a controller. Not only is it a required means that links the gamer to their favorite games, but it also reflects our personalities with a variety of colors, shapes, and even themes. While it’s natural to want something that is shiny and pretty, performance is always the most important feature of any controller. Mega Modz proves you can have the best of both worlds with their Macro Remap PS4 controller.
Mega Modz offers a multitude of customizable controller options from cosmetics to performance enhancers. If you head over to the Mega Modz website, you can set up a profile and then design your own controller. From there, you can mix and match textures and colors on every button or trigger, or choose from a pre-designed theme based on certain games and franchises, such as God of War or Call of Duty. I designed my own and went with the Dark Matter body, a rubberized back that really helps with grip, a metallic purple D-Pad, thumbsticks, with traditional action and home buttons. As you will see from the pictures, it is stunning.
Right out of the box, the Mega Modz Macro Remap made a good first impression. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, it felt sturdy and well-made. After admiring its beauty for a bit, it was time to see what the controller was made of.
I won’t argue the semantics of which controller is best and why, because it’s a subjective discourse with no right or wrong answer. I’m a multi-platform gamer, but my heart has belonged to Sony since the original PlayStation. The PS4 Pro is currently my main gaming system, and I am a big fan of the DualShock 4. But when the Xbox Elite Controller by Microsoft came out and introduced me to the world of back paddles/buttons, it was a game-changer.
I hoped Sony would counter the Elite with its own official DualShock 4 Pro controller. Unfortunately, they didn’t dabble in the back button craze until the recently-released back button accessory. They did of course endorse the Vantage from SCUF and the Astro C40 TR gaming controllers. Both controllers are great, especially SCUF’s updated Vantage 2, but they don’t feel like a regular DualShock 4; they feel and look like an Xbox controller.
Maybe it’s my girl hands or the familiarity of the inline thumbsticks of the DualShock, but I prefer the shape and design of Sony’s controller. For me, it’s much more comfortable. I can game for hours upon hours with no discomfort, whereas after using the Xbox controller for extended periods of time, I experience slight fatigue. I’ve tested the official Sony back button accessory and a few other third-party DualShock Pro controllers, but often I find myself hitting the back buttons accidentally, and usually at the worst of times. None of that has been an issue with the Mega Modz Macro Remap controller.
Mega Modz uses the standard DS4 as a base and heavily modifies it. They also include two triangle-shaped, perfectly placed buttons on the back of the controller. The placement and size feels so natural that even if you have never used back buttons before, the transition will be easy. The fact that they are buttons rather than paddles really helps with the responsiveness and eliminates accidental activation. They are relatively small in size, which also allows me to hold the controller as I would normally.
The back (or macro) buttons are easily customizable without needing an app or PC, and they map to any of the stock PS4 controller buttons except for Share, Options, the PS button, and the Touchpad. You can re-map them right from the controller with the help of the small mod switch found on the back of the controller. All you have to do is hold down the mod switch, then the macro button you wish to program, and the stock button you want to assign to it for a few seconds until you feel the controller vibrate. This indicates that the remap was a success, which adds a lot of flexibility to how you want the controller to function.
Another cool addition to the Mega Modz controller is the tiny four-light LED panel located directly under the headphone jack. Each stock button is represented by a color; you can find a list in the included manual or the Mega Modz website. For instance, If you have the right macro set up to use the X button, the coordinating LED display will be light blue. The LED panel does seem to deplete the battery slightly quicker than a normal DualShock 4, but not enough to be a concern or deterrent.
The Mega Modz Macro Remap controller also features Turbo functions that allow you to set up macros that will turn a single button tap into a double tap, triple tap, or allows continuous button mashing. For some, this is a bit of a grey area. While these turbos and macro functions have been around for years, some people feel that it is a form of cheating. However, they are not mods, and you can’t program them to trigger a sequence of buttons; the turbo functions are bound to one button only. It’s a little trickier setting up these sub-modes, especially if you want to adjust the timing of the macro press. This is really where you will need the LED panel and the included manual. If you are still confused about the sub-modes, Mega Modz has several guides on their website to help you.
If you play a lot of shooters, the sub-modes of the Mega Modz Macro Remap controller can definitely work to your advantage. For instance, you can take a single-shot or burst-fire rifle, which generally has less recoil and is more precise, and turn it into a full-auto rifle with the continuous press function. That’s where we get into that grey area I was talking about. With that being said, these sub-modes are optional and you can use the back buttons without activating these Turbo features. The controller can store and remember up to 28 configurations.
The Xbox Elite 2 and SCUF controllers give you the option of having up to four back paddles or buttons, while the Mega Modz only offers two. For me this isn’t a problem, as that is generally all I use, but I know that might be a deal-breaker for some of you. Just like all Pro controllers, the Mega Modz Macro Remap controller is considerably pricier than a standard DualShock. It starts at about $150-$160, which is still cheaper than the Astro or SCUF Vantage.
I’ve been using the Mega Modz controller for several weeks now with no issues. The added features and buttons are a big part of the controllers’ charm, but it also feels like even the regular stock buttons and triggers are slightly more responsive than a standard DualShock 4. My one complaint about the controller is the fact that Mega Modz didn’t include any form of adjustable hair triggers. Hopefully it’s something they will look into for a future controller, but even without it, the Macro Remap controller is worth checking out if you are looking for a Pro controller to elevate your game on PS4.
I have put the Mega Modz Macro Remap controller through rigorous testing across a variety of games and genres including Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Darksiders Genesis, Control‘s The Foundation DLC, and Bayonetta. Throughout all the button mashing and trigger pulling, the Mega Modz controller has performed with precision and durability. While I wish that Mega Modz had adjustable hair triggers, the Mega Modz Macro Remap PS4 controller has instantly become a favorite and is one of the best controllers I’ve used.
May 1, 2020 11:30 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/mega-modz-macro-remap-ps4-controller-review-bringing-elite-features-to-the-dualshock-4/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mega-modz-macro-remap-ps4-controller-review-bringing-elite-features-to-the-dualshock-4
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Paper代写:Business Environment in India
本篇paper代写- Business Environment in India讨论了印度的商业环境。印度是世界上人口非常多的国家,也是最大的经济体之一。印度的商业机遇和风险并存,外国公司必须对两者都了���指掌,才能在印度市场取得成功。印度的机遇在于基础设施和制造业,正如政府所强调的那样,它们的重要性在于为外国投资扫清障碍,并首次向外国公司开放国内市场。电子商务和互联网是另一个主要的机会,但如果没有先建立有效的物流系统,它可能会受到阻碍。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
​India is the world’s most populated country, and one of the largest economics. In history, the influence of India has been all over Asia. India is considered a country with high potential of development as well, due to its pivotal location connecting Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Although India is still lacking on infrastructure and average income, it is rapidly catching up with the developed world in information technology and manufacturing. In this essay, the business environment of India will be discussed, from the legal and political perspectives. The opportunities in manufacturing, construction, internet and e-commerce are identified. This is followed by an analysis of two most prominent risks for foreign companies operating in India, and corresponding recommendations for mitigation strategies.
As one of the four ancient civilizations of the world, India has a long history and prosperous culture. In the past, India was once a colony of the Great Britain, as the “jewel in the crown.” In 1947, India became independent, and the Republic of India was founded in 1950 (Knutson 2009, p.326). The political system of India is checks and balances designed, making it the largest democratic country in the world. Although the President is the head of the state, it does not have any administrative power. India’s cabinet is built around the Prime Minister. In 2014, Narendra Modi was elected the prime minister of India (Wallace 2015). Although there are multiple active political parties in India, BJP, BSP and INC are the dominant ones. The current prime minister Modi is also the leader of BJP. In India, religion and politics are intertwined. Most of the major religions in the world have a large crowd of followers in India. In history, the revolution in religion have contributed to the economic development and social evolvement of India. Meanwhile, violent conflicts between religions have also occurred multiple times (Baber 2004, p.705). In addition to politics and religion, there exist a third type of social rules, the Caste system. This system traces back to thousands of years, and is deeply rooted in India’s society. It categorizes people into four different types, establishing rigid social levels and reinforcing control of the ruling class. Although this system has been abolished officially, India’s society is still largely structure by it. The Caste system has also become the major reason holding back the economic growth in India.
Legally, one of the guiding principles of India’s legal system regarding foreign investment is that foreign companies are regulated the same way as local companies (Goswami 2015, p.57). This means that although there are no specific hurdles that prevent foreign investment, there are no extra benefits for foreign companies in India, either. India has developed a series of laws targeting foreign investment management, including The Industries Development and Regulation Act of India (1951), The Companies Act (2013), The Competition Act (2002), The Trade Marks Act (1999), The Patents Act (1970), etc. (McArdle 2015, p.467), accompanied with the labor laws to protect the welfare of the common workers. In 2014, the Government of India has launched the plan of “Make in India,” with reduced the standards and requirements for the domains and share percentages of direct foreign investment (Mukane 2014). Basically, a foreign company is able to invest in all industries and businesses except gambling, nuclear energy, land development, risk funds and cigarette. There are other industries where a 100% foreign company is not allowed to enter, and foreign investment must seek to use joint venture with local companies in order to enter the Indian market. The legal system cannot construct the business environment alone, and needs the support of enforcement. In the past, the Indian government has been complained about its notorious inefficiency, taking around 9 months to a year for paper work before foreign investment entrance. In response, the Modi administration has been pushing for more efficient administrative process throughout the government (Jain 2015). International companies such as Siemens have also developed effective communication strategies to motivate the government to become more efficient, by threatening to withdraw the investment and relocate to other countries.
The biggest opportunities for India originates from its economic ambitions and the urgent need to improve the living standards of its people. Based on these needs, India has opened more industries to foreign companies, lifting some of the previous restrictions that held them back. The first major field of opportunity is in the manufacturing industry. A strong manufacturing industry will not only be an economic power engine, but also increase the employment rate, reinforcing the power of the ruling party. In the past two decades, India’s growth in the manufacturing industry is around 13%, which is higher than most of the countries (Nath 2014, p.473). This trend is expected to continue, especially with the policy support from the government. Since the launch of the special economic zone program in 2006, there are 389 zones established in India. However, only 185 of them are actively operating (Anwar & Carmody 2016, p.124). To change the situation, the Indian government has partly opened the domestic market to companies in these zones. India is also hoping that an improved transportation system can contribute to economic growth. Therefore, India is beginning to seek direct foreign investment to upgrade its railways system, establishing collaboration between the government and private foreign companies. This is unprecedented in Indian history. This has created great opportunities for foreign construction and manufacturing companies, since a comprehensive service system must be built surrounding the railways, including bridges, stations, elevators, etc.
In addition to construction and manufacturing, India also has huge potential in e-commerce. India has over 10% of the world’s internet users (Tehelka 2015). The need for online business is only taking off. From 2007 to 2010, the number of internet users in India increased from 50 million to 100, and reaching over 300 by 2004 (Tehelka 2015). This makes India the second largest internet market in the world, secondary to China only. With the popularity of mobile phones, the number is going to double very soon. In the future, e-commerce in India will break free from PCs and fully embrace the age of mobile devices. There are also unexplored markets in smaller city and rural areas, with similar levels of need. Although logistics can be a major problem hindering the development of e-commerce in India, the gradually improving infrastructure will be the solution for this problem. There are multiple industries that are associated with e-commerce. For example, online payment. Recently, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has invested $575 million on an online payment company from India, Paytm (Zacks 2015). Amazon and eBay are also busy establishing their bases in India, setting up the logistic network and getting ready for the future market. The need for affordable mobile devices have also nourished foreign mobile phone companies, especially emerging Chinese ones. The mobile devices sold will then become the hardware basis for the development of future e-commerce in India.
Based on the previous analysis of the legal and political environment of India, the biggest risk for foreign firms and investment would be the inefficiency caused by the political system, social structure and government. In addition to the central laws of India, there are also local laws that foreign firms need to check before entering India. Under the federation system, all 28 states of India have the power to make their own laws and elect their own governments (Khemani 2007, p.691). This scattered way of legislation means that foreign investment must conform to both the federal and local business law terms. Every investment must obtain local approval on land use, environment protection, energy and water consumption, etc. Due to the different levels of economic development, different cultures, religions, and even languages between and within states, foreign companies must go through detailed research and preparation before making an entrance. This risk is made worse with the relatively inefficient administrative system, which is often complained by foreign investors. When there are business disputes, foreign companies may have to wait for months, even years, for a legal resolution.
Social disturbances are the second largest risk for foreign investment. Since India is a place where multiple religions co-exist, the differences in beliefs and practices have led to frequent conflicts, especially between Islam and Hinduism. In India, Hindus make up for 82% of the entire population, while 12% of the population are Muslims (Baber 2004, p.703). It has been a tradition for Hindus to feel animosity against Muslims. In 1992, extremists among the Hindus demolished the Mosque of Babur (Babri Masjid), which caused a series of violent conflicts between the two religions nationwide. Over a thousand died within a week. In 2002, such conflicts started once more, with dozens of deaths and hundreds of villages burned down (Baber 2004, p.702). Such conflicts have become the major source of disturbance in Indian society, and also a major risk for foreign investment. There are also social disturbances that are country-specific. For example, the negative factors have become increasingly dominant in recent years, in the relationship between India and China. Fueled by social media and rise of nationalism feelings, many Indians are beginning to perceive China negatively. The boarder controversies have continued to be the source of conflicts between India and China. Although a war is not likely in the foreseeable future, the situation will indeed create more uncertainties for Chinese companies intending to enter India. Years of effort from these companies can be destroy overnight, with the hostile feelings between the two peoples. This may be a problem for Chinese companies alone, but companies from other countries must evaluate the impact of nationalism and be prepared for its expansion, to avoid collateral damage.
To mitigate the risk of scattered and multi-layered legal system, a company should conduct comprehensive research before entering the Indian market. Such research is not only conducted from the national perspective, but also the local perspectives. Since different states in India have different degrees of development, regulations, and social norms, the political, economic and cultural background should be fully understood during the research. An overestimation must be applied considering costs and schedules, based upon the previous entrance experiences from other companies perhaps. During the construction and manufacturing phases, a profound understanding of the local conditions will also contribute to more precision in schedule control and resource allocation. Contracts should be as detailed as possible, and anticipate the potential problems that can occur during later phases, so that there are contractual terms to refers to when in trouble. A clear contract will also mitigate the inefficiency of the law enforcement. in communication and negotiation with the government, a stronger position can be held by the foreign investors, especially when there are potential delays caused by government inefficiency. To mitigate social disturbances, operating companies must keep a close watch with local and national news, and be able to prepare for potential conflicts and minimize the losses of both human lives and property. Buying insurance from reliable and trusted insurance companies is another way of risk mitigation.
In conclusion, opportunities and risks coexist in India, and foreign companies must be well-informed of both to succeed in the Indian market. The opportunities of India lie in infrastructure and manufacturing, as the government has emphasized their importance by lifting the hurdles for foreign investment and opening the domestic market to foreign companies for the first time. E-commerce and internet is another major opportunity, but it may be hindered if there is no efficient logistic system established first. The risks discussed in this essay come from two aspects: political/legal system and social disturbance. The different layers of the political and legal system mean extra work for foreign companies. Government inefficiency makes things even worse. This risk can be mitigated with market research and negotiation skills. The other risk originates from social disturbances and religious conflicts, which can be mitigated through continued attention on domestic affairs, quick response to real time disturbances, and adequate insurance.
Anwar, M.A. & Carmody, P. 2016, "Bringing globalization to the countryside: Special Economic Zones in India", Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 121-138.
Baber, Z. 2004, "'Race', Religion and Riots: The 'Racialization' of Communal Identity and Conflict in India", Sociology, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 701-718.
Goswami, V. 2015, "Foreign Direct Investment in India", International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 56-59.
Jain, B. 2015, Modi govt dismissed 13 officers, penalized 45 for inefficiency, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd, New Delhi.
Khemani, S. 2007, "Party Politics and Fiscal Discipline in a Federation: Evidence from the States of India", Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 691.
Knutson, J.R. 2009, "The Cultures of History in Early Modern India: Persianization and Mughal Culture in Bengal", Journal of Early Modern History, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 326-328.
McArdle, A.E. 2015, "A stick in the global carrot patch: the business of corporate social responsibility in India's Companies Act 2013", Suffolk Transnational Law Review, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 467.
Mukane, P. 2014, Highlights of #MakeInIndia launch: Narendra Modi woos India Inc; says no businessman must leave the country, Diligent Media Corporation, Ltd., DNA - Research, Archives & Syndication, Mumbai.
Nath, P. 2014, "Labour Market Flexibility and Employment Growth in India's Organised Manufacturing Sector, 1990-2010", Indian Journal of Labour Economics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 465-499.
Tehelka, "Internet Users in India cross 350 mn, 60 percent on mobile devices", 2015, Tehelka.
Wallace, P. 2015, India's 2014 elections: a Modi-led BJP sweep, SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
Zacks Investment Research: Alibaba to Enter India with $575M Investment in Paytm - Analyst Blog 2015, Newstex, Chatham.
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jacewilliams1 · 7 years
Glass cockpits – don’t make it harder than it really is
The glass cockpit is one of those technological advancements that sneaks up on you. Many pilots treat the Garmin G1000 and other such systems as if they are some passing fad, even though they have been standard equipment on new airplanes for more than a decade. In fact, glass cockpits have been around longer than the iPhone, but while Apple’s smartphone is considered an essential part of daily life, Garmin’s avionics suite is viewed with suspicion by those who’ve never flown it.
Part of the reason glass cockpits are still relatively rare in general aviation is obviously cost – $30,000 is a lot to spend on avionics when the airplane is only worth $40,000. But that is beginning to change, with new products from Garmin and Dynon pushing the price down below $10,000. As this new generation of retrofit glass cockpits makes its way into the general aviation fleet, it’s a good time to elevate the discussion about the relative merits and safety record of such equipment. Right now, the subject is defined more by hangar flying wisdom than hard data.
Bad statistics
For example, the oft-cited NTSB study showing that glass cockpit airplanes are no safer (and perhaps even less safe) than traditional analog cockpit airplanes is now more than ten years old. The accident rate for Cirrus Aircraft’s SR series, the most common glass cockpit airplanes, has changed dramatically in that time. By most objective measures, these technologically advanced airplanes now have a better safety record than the general aviation fleet average (see chart below). Such a trend doesn’t square with the idea that primary flight displays (PFDs) are bad for safety.
More importantly, hardly any of these safety studies control for exposure – the fact that higher priced, more capable airplanes are often flown on longer cross country trips and in worse weather. Quantifying this difference in exposure is difficult, but it’s likely that, compared to a steam gauge Cessna 150, the owner of a brand new Cessna 206 with a glass cockpit might fly the airplane more often, frequently single pilot, and in IMC. Without considering this critical difference, most of the accident rates are just statistical noise.
To get a feel for the accident trends, I read every Cirrus fatal accident report for three years before the Avidyne Entegra was introduced in 2003, then compared it to a three-year period after glass cockpits were standard. Again, the exposure is dramatically different (partially because Cirrus built a lot more airplanes between 2004 and 2007), so calculating a glass vs. steam accident rate is almost impossible, but the individual accidents still offer lots of lessons. Here’s a representative sample of NTSB probable causes before the introduction of glass cockpits: spatial disorientation, poor IFR technique on approach, VFR-into-IMC (more than one), stall/spin (one after takeoff on a hot day, one by a pilot very new to the airplane).
And after glass cockpits became the norm? The causes are depressingly similar: stall/spin, low pass leading to a stall, low level formation with glider in the mountains leading to controlled flight into terrain, in-flight icing, and of course VFR-into-IMC. Buzzing a friend at 50 feet or continuing into worsening weather are bad ideas no matter what the avionics – a fancy panel should neither tempt you to make these mistakes nor be expected to save you if you do.
I did the same exercise for Cessna 172s, where the G1000 became an option in 2005. Once again, glass cockpits have not invented new ways to crash airplanes: stalls and VFR-into-IMC were common causes. With one exception (a Cirrus crashed after the primary flight display failed and the pilot could not maintain control on the backup instruments), the move to digital flight instruments does seem to have slightly reduced the frequency of accidents caused by partial panel flying since there are no vacuum pumps to fail in a G1000.
A definition problem
Is this a glass cockpit?
As the avionics market evolves, another question becomes hard to answer: what is a glass cockpit, anyway? A steam gauge Cirrus with a large moving map, dual WAAS GPSs, TAWS, and an autopilot is pretty well equipped, but it’s not technically “glass.” Similarly, the Pilatus PC-12 began life with 4″ EFIS tubes for the attitude indicator and HSI, plus a GPS and autopilot; the latest models include a 4-screen, flat panel Honeywell Apex system. Is the old version “analog” simply because the airspeed indicator and altimeter are dials instead of screens? How about a 1965 Bonanza with a single screen Aspen Evolution display – is it a completely different airplane with the mechanical gyro replaced?
If all this discussion proves anything, it’s that we are overthinking the whole glass vs. analog issue. After all, glass cockpits were created to make flying easier and safer, not as some conspiracy to kill pilots. The changes simply aren’t that dramatic. The wings are the same on that Bonanza no matter what the avionics are, and so are the flight controls, approach speeds, fuel endurance, and stall characteristics.
In fact, when you consider what is new with a glass cockpit, you find surprisingly little:
The attitude indicator is much larger (a good thing)
The attitude indicator is driven by a solid state AHRS instead of a gyro (a very good thing – and invisible to the pilot)
Airspeed and altitude are shown as tapes instead of dials (potentially bad but not necessarily)
System annunciations are usually combined into a single place on screen (a good thing)
That’s it.
Sure, there are large multi-function displays, but this is not really new – Garmin 530s were around for many years before the G1000, and early Cirrus models had a large Avidyne map screen without a PFD. Glass cockpits also have HSIs, but those have been around for decades (and are a major upgrade over precessing gyros anyway).
Given those relatively minor differences, transitioning to a glass cockpit airplane shouldn’t be a stressful situation. Consider these four tips.
1 – Focus
The key place to start is mindset: relax. It may be slightly intimidating the first time you sit in the left seat of a glass cockpit airplane, but that’s mostly because a big PFD can present much more information, including winds aloft, nearest airports, and the active flight plan. Remember that information is there to help, and you can turn most of it off if it’s distracting. In fact, you should probably start your glass cockpit flying with most of those extras turned off.
Don’t chase the tapes.
One criticism is valid: there isn’t a lot of “glance value” on an integrated glass cockpit. With a standard six pack, you can get a lot of information from the instruments without reading every specific number. If the airspeed indicator is pointing straight down and the altimeter is pointing straight up, you can assume that your airspeed is somewhere in the middle of the green arc and you’re level. Not so with a G1000 – you’ll be tempted to pause and read the exact numbers on the airspeed and altitude tapes.
Some will call this a fatal flaw, but to me it’s just a difference – one whose inconvenience is outweighed by some real benefits. If you find yourself chasing the tapes as they bounce around in flight, consider three more useful habits.
2 – Use the bugs
First, set the bugs on the primary flight display whenever possible. Most glass cockpits have knobs that allow the pilot to set bugs for the altitude and heading, and some even have one for the airspeed and vertical speed. These are used to drive the autopilot, but they can be great reminders for hand-flying too. If your clearance is to fly heading 270 and maintain 3,000 feet, set the bugs for those values and follow them. You’ll find it much easier to monitor heading and altitude by taking a quick glance at the bug than continuously reading the numbers on the screen.
3 – Understand trend lines
Second, get to know how the trend lines work. These are usually magenta lines next to the tapes on the primary flight display, showing what the airspeed or altitude will be six seconds in the future. The taller the trend line, the faster the tapes will be moving, which is your clue that the airplane is not stabilized. This might be OK in a climb, but not if you’re trying to fly straight and level. Many HSIs also include a track vector, a little diamond above the HSI that shows the actual course your airplane is flying over the ground; match this to your desired course and keeping the needle centered becomes much easier. Again, the glance value is more important than the specific numbers here.
4 – Use profiles
Fly bugs, trend lines, and profiles.
Finally, learn the most common profiles for the airplane you fly. For example, if you know that 1700 RPM and 10 degrees of flaps equals 90 knots and a 600 foot-per-minute descent, you can configure the airplane at the final approach fix and then make small adjustments to keep the needles centered. You’ll spend less time chasing tapes and adjusting power if you start out with a ballpark configuration.
Don’t make the mistake of treating all glass cockpits the same. They can vary significantly between manufacturers and even models, so you’ll want to spend some time reading the manual for the system you fly. In particular, focus on the different failure modes and the emergency checklists. For example, what does an AHRS failure look like compared to a screen failure? Are there backup options for the AHRS or the primary flight display? How long can the glass cockpit run on the backup battery? PFD failures are very rare, but a good pilot prepares for even the rare emergencies.
Understanding such nuances is especially important since not all glass cockpits are fully-integrated systems like the Garmin G1000. Many newer options, like the Garmin G5, replace a single instrument with a digital display. These hybrid glass-steam cockpits are more affordable than complete cockpits and more reliable than vacuum pumps, but it’s critical you understand which instruments are driven by which sensors.
Too many pilots exaggerate the difference between analog instruments and glass cockpits, as if it requires a completely new pilot certificate to make the transition. That’s simply not the case – the basics of flying are the same no matter what avionics you use. Focus on basic attitude flying, which, if anything, is easier on glass cockpits with their full-screen attitude display. And don’t forget to enjoy the view outside once in awhile.
The post Glass cockpits – don’t make it harder than it really is appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2018/03/glass-cockpits-dont-make-it-harder-than-it-really-is/
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banahna--games · 7 years
Recently, I’ve purchased and have been playing “Dream Daddy”, a daddy dating simulator. The game was created by the Game Grumps, and hasn’t even been released for a month, yet. The game is available for purchase on Steam, and can be run on any PC platform that allows for you to run steam games.
The game starts off with a black screen, and your character is being woken up. You get three dialogue options right off the bat, one of them being an extremely cute exchange between you and your daughter, Amanda, where you learn a little bit about their relationship right off the bat. You get to create your very own “Dadsona” before you begin the main story of the game. The quick start of creating your character, and going through the choices you get while you look at pictures, really draws you straight into the game. It’s giving the player something to connect to, and makes you invested almost immediately in the life that you’ve lived with your “family”. I also personally thought that choosing the gender of your spouse, and if your daughter was adopted or not, was a really sweet move on part of the game. It gives the player a customizable story, and because you chose it, it gives it a lot more meaning.
The story begins when you and your daughter are moving out of your house after the death of your spouse, and in anticipation of Amanda going away to college. You move into a cul-de-sac, where in every house around you there are other eligible dads! Well, with the exception of Joseph. After meeting the different dads that you can romance, and making a “Dad-Book” (which is basically a grinder for dads), you get to choose which route you want to begin. Like most dating simulators, you get a different story depending on which route you decide to take, as every romancable character has a unique backstory and chain of events that you experience with them.
(screen shot taken from my own game)
The game was better than I honestly thought it would be. There were more dad jokes, so bad that they were all phenomenal, and all of the mechanics of the game work really well together. The art is all really well done, colorful and cheerful while not being too childish. All of the menus are easy to use, simple and easy on the eyes, and the soundtrack fits the game so well. Almost every second of the game has a background of what can only be described as “dad music”, the tunes only second in soothingly lazy to Elevator Music. There aren’t many controls, as everything is just a simple click of dialogue, or the occasional timed click of a mini-game. However, this is very common when it comes to visual novels and dating sims.
Everything about the game was really cohesive. From the art to the music to the small lines that the characters might speak, really all worked well together. There was nothing about the experience of the game that felt off, or inorganic. It allowed for a smooth emersion, and a very enjoyable marathon.
The different routes for the different dads are, of course, subjective. But each dad has his own unique personality, and the stories that go along with that gives each dad a different level of character, so that none of them are strict stereotypes. They’re all (with the exception of Joseph) very lovable characters that the writers did a fantastic job keeping them with their very own personalities and depth. Each dad had an enjoyable story to play through, and I didn’t find any of them lacking.
My only qualm with this game, which you may have realized throughout this review, is with the character of Joseph. Joseph is one of the dads that you can date, but he’s married with four children. You meet his wife Mary at a dive bar, if the player decides to go out to the bar that first night, where she asks you to buy her a drink. Thinking she’s a very flirty woman, the player can chose to buy her a drink or not, but she ends up walking away in either case. It makes for some very awkward encounters, especially as the player continues on and tries to break up her marriage.
Joseph comes across, first, as a very christian man. The “cool youth minister” he calls himself. However, the more you learn about Joseph the more… skeptical you become of him. He talks about leaving his family behind and going to “Margarita Ville” a fictional place in a Jimmy Buffet song. When you go on his third date, you find out that he’s slept with Robert, and cheated on Mary. There’s not only all of this, but it is impossible to get a good ending with him. You either stay as his “Mistress” while he’s with Mary, or he leaves you to work on his marriage to her. There’s no winning his route.
However, this is only the surface of the issue. There’s clues throughout the entire game that point to a much more sinister piece. I won’t go into every detail that I can pick out, but the overall effect is that Joseph is head of an evil cult. There’s a locked level that the game has no trigger for yet, which is possibly because of the rushed release date and minor bugs. However, there is an achievement for completing the secret level, called “Escape Margarita Zone”. An ominous achievement that no one has actually been able to get. People have extracted the hidden level onto different platforms in order to play through it, and I’ll provide a link for you if you want to watch that video. It will definitely show how crucial to the entire story this one, unlock able level actually is. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNjX--zXBlE )
I don’t like Joseph. I don’t like his character, I don’t like the way that he’s written or behaves, and I don’t like this cult thing. It’s a really interesting idea, and if it had been written into everything better I would have loved it. But, it isn’t. There’s a very select number of things that actually tie into this idea that Joseph is running this cult, and while they’re extremely prominent, you have to go on specific dates and chose specific dialogue in order to find them. If something this major was going on in the cul-de-sac, an underlaying preset for the entirety of the game, I want it to come up in more routes. I would like to have seen it incorporated into everything, since it’s actually a huge part of the story, and makes a lot of sense when you tie the pieces together. It’s the idea of Joseph, and how poorly it was executed, that bothers me more than anything. And even then, it isn’t a bad execution, as it simply is no where near as wonderful as the rest of the game.
All in all, Dream Daddy is a wonderful dating sim that I think is something that should definitely be given a chance. Joseph just sucks.
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PlayStation four Pro
PS4 Emulator for PC Regardless of the frivolously crushed expectations, there have been nonetheless plenty of games to get excited about. This is an improvement on Sport's similar best PS4 Pro deal last week as Prey is brand new in comparison with Destiny: The Taken King. It's speculated that the PS4.5 can be an upgraded PS4 with higher graphic efficiency, support for PsVR and 4k decision assist. The Professional improves on the Slim when it comes to graphics and processing power, however does come at the price of being more expensive. Sony's PS4 is rumoured to start manufacturing at the end of the 12 months prepared for a Christmas 2012 launch. When it first launched the PS4 Professional was only capable of bettering visuals and efficiency on titles officially patched by builders. The Uncharted four 500GB Bundle PS4 Slim value is just $299.99. The PS4 Slim launch date is September 15, 2016. These are the best PS4 bundle offers at present out there within the UK - we replace these offers on a regular basis. The first sighting of the PS4 slim, the console to rival the Xbox One S has been noticed online. However, Tesco is chucking in a free copy of the wonderful Horizon: Zero Dawn, which seems especially attractive on the PS4 Pro. There are lots of PS4 console bundles accessible, but they don't seem to be simply packing free games. Both the PS4 Slim and Professional assist the likes of YouTube, Netflix and other streaming video on-demand companies, and the Professional goes one step additional due to its capacity to stream in 4K ultra HD. Each techniques also characteristic Blu ray DVD players. Essentially, the PS4 Pro is a 4K upgrade of the present PS4, quite than a 'subsequent-gen' console. That's solely as a result of the PS4 Slim is forty% smaller than the original PS4, and far quieter. Regardless of the elevated decision is then be upscaled to 4K. Should you're taking part in in Full HD, you may find yourself with smoother anti-aliasing, meaning the divisions between objects on display screen will likely be much smoother than on the regular PS4. With PlayStation Plus, you may play PS4 video games online with your friends, get a rising library of free video games and much more - all for the PS4 System. Nonetheless, for those who're somebody who desires probably the most complete PS4 experience attainable, there is an alternative. There are two PS4 fashions in the intervening time - one with 500GB of storage and the other with 1TB so you'll be able to download more video games. The Professional presents benefits in this regard too, with help for 4K streaming over online video on demand companies similar to Netflix and YouTube. Over 250,000 PS4 consoles are sold in the opening weekend - 100,000 greater than Wii U had offered in its first year on sale. The classic and Slim PS4 fashions supply a maximum output of 1080p, while the Professional is capable of 4K extremely high definition gaming at 30 frames per second, or 1080p at 60 FPS. The PS4 Pro is kind of a bit wider than the Xbox One S, measuring in at 295 x 327 x 55mm where the One S is 229 x 292 x 63.5mm. Rumours are surfacing about a new Playstation, going by the identify of Playstation Neo or PS4.5/PS4K. With most stores still promoting the PS4 Pro for £350, you're basically getting the Now TV cross and Prey at no cost with this deal. Developers are also free to take advantage of the additional power of the Pro nonetheless they see fit. Limited editions PS4 have to date included MGS V: Ground Zeroes, Batman Arkham Knight, the Sony PlayStation 4 20th Anniversary Version and others. You can test PlayStation Retailer for games that take advantage of PS4 Professional particular features or search for the ‘PS4 Pro Enhanced' icon on software packaging. The Slim version in an replace on the unique console, and is now probably the most commonly accessible version, coming in the majority of our bundles above.
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consciousowl · 7 years
Body Language: How To See Through People
In today’s global society, you spend most of your life in and around people without a clue as to what they are thinking or how they are feeling. You may be highly fluent in English, Arabic or Chinese. It doesn’t matter. The language these people are saying is on a whole different level.
You might look for meaning between the words, but most of the communications is not in the content, itself. Tweet on and on forever. How many people actually get you? How many people do you get?
Why not try watching people? Then a whole new world will open up for you.​
What Is Body Language?
Body language is the term we use for nonverbal communication. It includes everything we say and do over and beyond the literal definition of the words we utter. It includes everything we do whether alone or around others, whether family, friends or strangers. How we walk. How we stand. How we sit.
Body language encompasses where we place our body, how close we get, who we touch and in what direction we turn toward or away. It includes our face, our smile or frown and our eyes… loving or piercing.​
Learn how to read men and women!
Body language even encompasses our tone of voice, whether harsh or melodic, loud or soft. It goes far beyond the actual words we say. It is all in the way we say them. Until a professional actor or actress read the lines of a screenplay, even Shakespeare, it is all rather dull. The text comes alive the moment it is consciously spoken with passion.
Why Is Body Language Such a Big Deal?
According to researchers, interpersonal communication only 5-7% lies in the actual words you speak, their dictionary meaning. The remaining 93% to 95% lies in their nuances, how they are spoken, what your body is telling the world. This is why it is so easy to get into a war of words on the Internet, and why, in very sensitive matters, it is better to meet in person than over the phone.
It is very difficult for most of us to lie. I studied graphology informally, the art of reading handwriting. In the process, I found out that it is impossible to totally masque your handwriting and pretend to be someone else. There are just too many variables that a handwriting analyst can detect, such as the pressure of your pen. So with your body.​
Most of the time, people give little or no thought to what they are actually saying with their body. They rely on impulse, habit or intuition. If you learn body language and carefully use it, the chances are high that not one person in a packed party of 100 will be consciously reading it, only you. It would be as though everyone around you were naked, except you.
Always On the Move: Posture and Gesture
We never stand, sit or lie totally still, even when we are asleep. To be alive is to be active. Lovers can read each other without saying anything, just by hanging out with each other. Not a word need be articulated. Still, much will be said.
The big key to posture is open or closed positions. We are embracing the world or contracting in a fetal position, or somewhere in between. Are you looking at a lovely lady across the room? Is she pointing toward you or away from you. If you are standing close to her, are her legs pointed toward or away from you?
Many gestures are culturally defined, such as Italian or Yiddish street language. However, many are universal, such as thumbs up or down, or blowing a kiss. Some cultures are restrained, such as the British, and some talk with their hands, as many Mediterranean people.​
Face the Facts: It Is All in Your Eyes
Joseph Campbell, in his masterpiece PBS series, Power of Myth, introduced his discussion of romantic love by affirming that it all begins with the eyes. We tend to zoom in on the face, and as we get to know someone, discern shifts in emotion with the slightest contortion, from a grin to frown to lips in a defiant curl.
We especially notice the eyes, while fighting the prohibition of staring at someone. Some cultures only allow you a second or two, before your gaze appears rude. This is especially true if someone, a teacher, a manager or a politician, is held to be superior to you. As a consequence, we give short shrift to good eye contact, and miss out on making the greatest possible impact.​
I did transformational workshops where we all engaged in a mirror exercise, as well as in an exercise where you would stare into someone’s eyes for five minutes or more. I found the process exhilarating. Having someone’s permission to monkey him or her, or gaze for that long was liberating. You can make a huge difference with your eyes, if only you know how to use them.
Proxemics: How Close Can You Get
Julius Fast pioneered the public discussion of nonverbal communication back in 1971 with his best-seller, Body Language, speaking of different zones: Public, Social, Personal and Intimate. He gave a certain distance for each.
Public was much like viewing actors on a stage while you sat midway back in the audience.
Social was more like being at a gala where the lady you seek is across the room.
Personal was when you were five or six feet away comfortably talking.
Intimate was when you were actually face to face within kissing range, only six-to-eighteen inches away.
Different cultures respond in different ways. I was working for a British gentleman I really liked who practically flinched when I touched him. I have also worked extensively with people from India who are comfortable standing very close. Julius joked in his book that a Mediterranean couple might touch each other forty or more times an hour, while a British couple would never touch each other in public.
Haptics: How to Touch People Without Even Trying
Haptic communication was pioneered in the world of gaming and VR, where you can get force feedback from a virtual object, so that you are actually touching him or her. When all is said or done, nothing has the power of touch to break social barriers.
This may be why many formal churches now ask members to shake each other’s hands, and other alternative churches may ask members to actually hug one another. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, hugging was the modus operandi of the Love Generation. Since then, it has been suppressed.
You can actually touch people without “touching” them, simply by touching the intimate zone, some 6” to 18” away. People can detect your body heat, and it registers subliminally. A less subtle, but still legitimate, way to touch is on a person’s wrist or shoulder. This is acceptable, for example, in man-to-man discussions, which otherwise discourages touching in any way, apart from the famous football hug.​
Tone of Voice: It Is All in How You Say It
Two key elements need to be attended to in how you say something: your pitch… high or low and your cadence… how fast or how slow. It can be a challenge for slow talkers to follow fast talkers, and vice versa. Likewise, for very low talkers, it may require extra effort to understand their booming voice.
A fun way to sensitize yourself is to take a poem, or a passage from Shakespeare and practice stressing a different word each time you recite it. Eventually, you will discover that you can give subtle nuances to each and every word, much like a consummate actor, such as Lawrence Olivier.
You might also give attention to diction, or the actual choice of words. You might find a number of ways to say the same thing, as the English language has a rich vocabulary of nearly half-a-million words. You might choose elevated or popular discourse, words derived from French, or those derived from the Anglo-Saxon.​
The Big Secret: Listen While You Watch
One way to break out of the tyranny of your monkey mind, the never-ending stream of words that take you out of the present moment and keep you stuck in your head is to practice listening. This is done in several ways.
You can practice conversational generosity by always talking about the other person’s concerns before your own. This can get you way ahead in business, sales and romantic relationships. Some men and women will take advantage and never reciprocate, but the more sensitive will quickly switch the attention back over to you.
You can also focus on asking questions, and actively, as if you were interviewing a star. I had the privilege of interviewing one of the founders of PC publishing, and came with a typed list of almost 100 questions. As it turned out, I only asked him three or four, and he told me his life story. This led to a meaningful friendship with a mover and shaker in high technology.
You can also focus on his or her body language while you are talking, or he or she is talking to you. Very few people consciously practice this. You will thus be regarded as a whole lot more caring or sensitive than the majority of his or her friends. This is especially true of a woman, who takes extra joy in a man who is highly perceptive and a good listener.​
Practice People Watching
The best way to get started today is to spend some time watching people. This reminds me of the funny pop song, “Music to Watch Girls By.” You don’t have to say anything. You can sit or stand near the entrance of a party, café or cocktail lounge and watch what happens around you. You will find it funny, if not amazing.
Men have found it effective to read an intellectual book in a conspicuous place with women all around them. On occasion, a woman will come up to you and interrupt. She can’t stand that you are not gazing with admiration at her. She will want to find out what you are all about.
As you study body language via books and videos, your practice sessions will all begin to make sense. You will see for yourself what others have noticed and begin to decipher the hidden communication. You can then test it out to make sure.​
The Fun and Easy Way to Master Body Language
All this lead me to suggest that the very best way to learn body language is to learn it from a beautiful, impassioned master, Vanessa Van Edwards. Vanessa grew up with glasses and braces, painfully shy as a girl. As a consequence, she studied everything about nonverbal communication that she could get her hands on, until she formed an institute around it, Science of People.
Vanessa consults for the Fortune 500 and has been featured on CNN, NPR, Forbes and The Huffington Post. She loves teaching and throws herself into every course. She is now available on Udemy with an affordable course that walks you through all the basics, including extensive video of pre-recorded material, including such stars as Britany Spears. She personally answers all the emails of her students, and loads her course with goodies.​
If you want to learn the language of love, and the communication that sees through people to their inner core, then you will allow no further delay. Click below to preview her introductory video.​
Body Language: How To See Through People appeared first on http://consciousowl.com.
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ibloggingkits-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Blogging kits
New Post has been published on https://bloggingkits.org/computer-wont-boot-right-heres-the-way-to-restoration-it/
Computer won't boot? Right here's the way to restoration it
This is one of the most commonplace troubles. There are various matters that could go wrong, from the use of the wrong computer power delivery (handing over the wrong voltage) to a blown fuse within the plug.
It might be that your energy delivery has simply failed. First, ensure the battery has a few fee. In case you’re not sure, and there’s no power indicator at the battery itself, then take away it totally and simply use the mains charger. Double-check, too, that the charger is the right one on your computer. Many laptops – in particular from the identical manufacturer – use the equal length plug, and If you own more than one, it’s not too tough to plug inside the wrong strength supply, which might offer a special voltage or no longer enough present day.
Different devices may use the identical pointers, such as a battery powered speaker, and are not going to use the same voltage as your PC, which normally requires sixteen-20V.
2d, test the fuse inside the plug. Use a screwdriver to cast off the fuse and install one that’s recognized to be appropriate. When you have a spare strength cable as a way to plug into your electricity supply, That is a much quicker switch to test that it isn’t the fuse at fault.
test over the cord itself, as electricity supplies get crushed up, in particular In case you convey them everywhere. Vulnerable factors are on the ends where it joins the black brick and at the plug which connects to the PC. If you could see the colored wires in the black outer safety, it may be time to buy a brand new PSU. Kinky Boots – The Tall and Attractive Boots in Fashion Boots are q4’s trendiest footwear relatively desired and desired with the aid of every person (specifically via girls). Chiefly styles of boots Kinky Boots are lots in rage among women of every age. Do you already know about kinky boots? Knee high boots, calf boots, thigh high boots and crotch boots are the remaining synonyms for kinky boots. These boots are nothing but the fashion shoes substantially demanded through ladies to show off their intercourse enchantment.
Attractive Knee high Kinky Boots
Knee high boots are a lady’s certain-hearth cloth wardrobe pick-higher this season’s Fashion. These tall boots are a heartthrob for women and women to appear Horny and glamorous. They may be to be had in grand styles in distinct heel heights and closures ranging from zipper to lace-up and stiletto to wedge heels knee high boots.
These boots are pretty favored because of its consolation and style aspects that ease your ft with care. They are perfect to be worn at some stage in winter as they make bigger up in your knee retaining your legs heat and elegant as properly. Be in fashion with a pair of fetish knee high boots to whirl up the style diva in you.
Kinky Calf Boots for your Fleshy Calves
No lady’s cloth cabinet could be ever without a couple of calf boots. These boots will add a feel of fashion to your look when paired with lengthy and tight mini skirts. You may locate special forms of Those boots flooded in the marketplace. well, many select platform and wedge calf boots as they move nicely with all of your attires making you appear certainly terrific.
Those boots are to be had for you with buckles, lace-ups, zippers and pull-on fashions. Lace-up calf boots are plenty in crazy now as They’re seen at the sparkling feet of various fashions. Appearance fantastic and feel cozy in Those flirtatious calf boots in order to elevate your spirit to the endless skies of style and fashion.
Tall Fetish Thigh high Boots A great chew of the fashion crowd is a good deal inspired and impressed by way of the erotic looks of thigh high boots that each female desires to have a pair of their cloth wardrobe. These tall boots have forged a magic spell inside the minds and hearts of many girls that they have become die-hard fanatics of these fancy and flirtatious thigh boots.
Pointy toe and stiletto thigh-high boots are especially favored via many women. Do you already know that These boots are meant to expose off your intercourse enchantment? properly many ladies opt for These boots for their erotic looks that makes them appear seductive. At the same time as revealing the past records of these boots, it’s far located that They are rather related to bar girls, call girls and whores to tug the attention of men by performing extremely luscious. However now These over-the-knee boots are preferred with the aid of girls of all ages and grades.
Erotic Crotch Boots
Crotch boots are as such like thigh excessive boots But they simply improve above the thighs up to the crotch. These boots are the sexiest boots worn by means of ladies to Look wild and sensuous. How approximately pairing Those boots with bikinis? Those kinky crotch boots may be An excellent wager to be paired to While relationship to tantalize your guys through your luscious female look. These boots too are available in exceptional heel heights, toe types and closure structures ranging from platform to chunky heel, pointy to round toe and lace as much as zipper crotch boots. Attractive red and luscious black crotch boots are fairly preferred with the aid of many women no matter age.
Kinky boots play a wonderful position on your romance lifestyles to tantalize men together with your sensuous appearance. It doesn’t count whether it is thigh high boots or knee excessive boots or calf boots or crotch boots, They may be kinky boots as a way to let your sex appeal go off the roof together with your wild and seductive appearance.
Soccer Boots (Soccer Cleats) The history Football Boots: Earliest Recorded – King Henry VIII in 1526
King Henry VIII’s Soccer boots had been indexed in the splendid cloth cabinet of 1526, a shopping listing of the day. They have been made by using his private shoemaker Cornelius Johnson in 1525, at a price of four shillings, the equivalent of £one hundred in ultra-modern cash. Little is thought about them, as there may be no surviving example, however, the royal Football boots are recognized to have been manufactured from robust leather-based, ankle high and heavier than the everyday shoe of the day.
Football Boots – The 1800’s
Moving ahead three hundred years saw Soccer growing and gaining reputation at some stage in Britain, However still remaining as an unstructured and informal interest, with groups representing neighborhood factories and villages in a burgeoning commercial nation. Players would put on their difficult, leather paintings boots, which had been lengthy laced and metal toe-capped because the first Soccer boots. These Football boots could additionally have metallic studs or tacks hammered into them to boom floor grip and balance.
As laws come to be integrated into the game inside the overdue 1800’s, so noticed the first shift in Football boots to a slipper (or focus) fashion shoe, with Gamers of the same team beginning to wear the same boots for the first time. legal guidelines also allowed for studs, which needed to be rounded. These leather-based studs, additionally called cleats, had been hammered into the early Football boots, which for the primary time moved far from the earlier favoured paintings boots. These Soccer boots weighed 500g and had been made from thick, tough leather going up the ankle for accelerated protection. The Football boots would double in weight while moist and had six studs in the sole. The Football boot had arrived…
Football Boots – The 1900’s to 1940’s
Soccer boot patterns remained quite consistent over the course of the 1900’s as much as the stop of the second international conflict. The vastest events inside the Soccer boot international inside the first a part of the 20th century were the formation of several Football boot manufacturers who’re nevertheless making Football boots these days, consisting of Gola (1905), Valsport (1920) and Danish Football boot maker Hummel (1923).
Over in Germany, Dassler brothers Adolf and Rudolf shaped the Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik (Dassler Brothers Shoe Manufacturing unit) in Herzogenaurach in 1924 and started generating Football boots in 1925 which had 6 or 7 replaceable, nailed studs, which can be modified according to the weather situations of play.
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ipadsadvise · 8 years
Finally, an adjustable standing desk you`ll actually use
Spending many hours sitting in front of a computer on a daily basis is bad for your body. Not only do you need to fret about bad posture when resting for prolonged durations, however also that you're possibly visiting die faster (according to some research studies).
A standing workdesk is a fantastic way to reduce a few of these troubles and keep your body active during a lengthy day in the office. As well as with the Varidesk Pro Plus 48, you could turn virtually any kind of common workdesk into a height-adjustable standing desk in a snap.
This certain workdesk is among the largest designs offered by Varidesk, that makes it suitable for multi-monitor setups as well as those that require a lot of room. It's likewise rather pricey at $495 - however is it worth that price tag?
Stand and live longer
There are a lengthy checklist of reasons resting all the time isn't great for you. Resting reduces down your metabolic rate, which can enhance your danger of diabetic issues and heart problem, and also suggests you melt fewer calories while you're hard at the office. A 2013 record from BBC News discovered that while the typical person burns around 50 calories each hour while sitting, that can be raised to around 70 when standing up.
If you benefit eight hrs and stand for four of them, then, you'll burn an extra 80 calories everyday. That's an additional 400 calories burned each week if you function 5 days a week, or 1,600 calories a month. Gradually, this can make a massive difference.
According to the Mayo Facility, prolonged resting could likewise lead to high blood pressure as well as 'unusual' cholesterol levels. It could likewise increase the opportunities of developing varicose veins, back problems as well as bad stance - and that's not all.
"A recent testimonial of 43 studies analyzing everyday activity as well as cancer cells rates discovered that individuals that reported sitting for more hours of the day had a 24 percent greater danger of establishing colon cancer cells, a 32 percent greater risk of endometrial cancer and a 21 percent higher risk of lung cancer - no matter just how much they worked out," reads a 2014 file from TIME.
No matter how you consider it, then, resting also lengthy is likely visiting eliminate you quicker somehow. Standing for as well long isn't really great for you, either. That's why you need to alternative between resting as well as standing throughout your day.
Zero to standing desk in 3 seconds
What's excellent regarding the Varidesk is that it's unbelievably practical. It comes pre-assembled so you do not need to fret about constructing it on your own, and it makes moving from resting to standing unbelievably simple, merely squeeze the two deals with found underneath its top rate as well as pull.
The whole procedure takes merely 3 secs, according to Varidesk, and although I haven't timed it myself, that appears around right. But it's not just fast, it's also peaceful, and also its spring-loaded system indicates relocate takes really little initiative - even if you have 2 monitors.
Because it's so easy, you'll be more inclined to really make use of the Varidesk. There are no loud electrical motors that will certainly annoy your coworkers, as well as there's no have to invest 10 mins cranking levers - so the things that usually dissuade you from using a standing desk are gone.
I recognize this since I already had a standing workdesk, which I received from Ikea. It's called Skarsta, and also in an initiative to conserve money, I chose the cranking alternative - not the electrical option. Every time I want to readjust it, I have to draw out a take care of as well as maintain turning it up until the desk reaches the appropriate elevation. It does not appear like a lot of work, but it rapidly places you off utilizing it at all.
I really did not have this problem with the Varidesk. Also when I was reducing myself into a regular, standing 20 minutes every hour, I wasn't at all troubled about elevating it up as well as putting it back down - it's so simple. I've currently had the Varidesk for a month, and also I have actually utilized it every functioning day.
It makes a difference
I can't tell you specifically the number of calories I have actually melted by utilizing the Varidesk, or just how much longer I could live. I could tell you that it's had a positive impact on how I feel.
The back pain I sometimes experienced after a long day stooped over a key-board simply isn't really there any longer, as well as I no longer start to really feel inactive in the mid-days. I have far more energy when I finish job (most days), as well as I'm most likely to do other points at nights, instead than kick back down again before the TV since I just want to rest.
It might take a little while prior to you really feel these benefits, and you could locate your legs crave the initial week or two (I suggest obtaining a good anti-fatigue floor covering to aid with that said). Stick with it as well as you'll be grateful you did. I still sit for a hr occasionally throughout the day, yet I feel unpleasant resting for extended periods now.
Room for improvement
Although I'm grateful wherefore the Varidesk has actually done for me during screening, I could not aid but observe there's lots of space for improvement.
The initial point you'll see concerning the Pro Plus 48 - as well as other big Varidesks - is that they're exceptionally heavy. That implies pulling them from the box as well as getting them establish takes at the very least 2 individuals, as well as changing things later if you determine your arrangement needs tweaking is a pain.
The weight could trigger some stability problems, too. When the Varidesk is raised, typing does cause the device to drink a bit, which will obviously move your screen. It's not too extreme, but it's obvious. There are holes in the feet of the system that permit you to screw it to your desk - as well as that's a smart idea if you're making it a long-term installation - yet unless your desk is very durable and also solid, it's going to shake a little bit because it's so top-heavy.
Check out Varidesk's advertising video clip:
Cable management is a problem, as well. Due to the fact that the unit has to move up and down - and the cable televisions for your screen, keyboard, computer mouse, as well as anything else on the Varidesk need to move with it - there's only a lot you could do to keep them neat. Varidesk ships some handy cord incorporate the box, yet that's the very best you're going to get, there's no other way to keep them absolutely out of sight.
Finally, there are a number of points I don't such as about the lower tier of the Varidesk, where you position your key-board as well as mouse.
There's a curve in the establishment of this tier, and also it's created to hang off your workdesk a little bit. The further onward the system is on your desk, the more space it requires when increased - and that might be a trouble in close working settings. I likewise discovered that it seemed also much less steady, as well as most likely to fall over, when placed even more forward.
So, I pushed the Varidesk back to make sure that lower rate was flush with the side of my desk, yet this developed other problems. The curve suggested I couldn't obtain my wrists close sufficient to my key-board to kind conveniently, and since the reduced rate is raised slightly - as well as does not rest straight on the workdesk - it relocates up and also down when you lean on it.
I likewise located the lower tier to be a bit too small, especially where the mouse sits. There suffices space for functioning, but I found I routinely move the mouse off the side of the lower rate while pc gaming, which was extremely annoying.
Note that Varidesk models don't have these concerns, since not all have a number of tiers.
The verdict
The Varidesk has done exactly what my Ikea desk could not do - it has actually made me fall for standing workdesks. I do not think I could ever before go back to resting throughout the day. The Varidesk Pro Plus 48 is also a fantastic size for big setups with several monitors, and it could not be less complicated to relocate up and down. It obtains a bunch of points right.
Sadly, the things it misunderstands can use it a little frustrating - specifically when sitting. I 'd really such as the bottom rate to sit straight on the top of the desk to ensure that there's no movement, as well as I absolutely require more area for my mouse.
These flaws make the $495 price tag for the Pro Plus 48 appearance even steeper. If you don't need a standing workdesk this huge, I recommend taking a look at one of the smaller, a lot more inexpensive Pro choices instead - or spending your cash elsewhere.
Price: $495
Buy from: Amazon
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