#i do try and stay away from moonwood mill promise
queeniecook · 11 months
June 1
Soon, Caleb's first child would be born into the world. The due date is June 21st but babies have a history of doing things on their own time clock.
After paying a quick visit to his sister in Forgotten Hollow, he takes the Vatore private jet to Sulani. He promised Vera he would check in on her brother and his family.
After ringing the doorbell, he hears a voice telling him to come in and that "Mr. Apollo" would be back from the store shortly. The voice sounds oddly familiar to him and he doesn't understand why until he walks into the home.
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He hasn't seen her this close since 1846 but he still knows his cousin anywhere. "Lily." He says in shock. He can't believe his eyes yet he knows they never fail him.
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Lily freezes. She senses the vampire the moment he walks through the door and hugs the toddler in her arms closer to her. She relaxes only slightly when she hears Caleb's voice. A voice she hadn't heard in so many years. It sounds the same as the last time she actually spoke to him over a game of chess in the living room of the Vatore Mansion before he and Lilith were ripped away from their human lives.
"It's time for his nap. Let me put him down then we shall speak." Lily says before heading upstairs, not glancing at her cousin. She's not quite ready to really look at him.
The clouds have moved in and covered the island by the time Lily gets AJ to go to sleep. She heads outside to find Caleb. She can smell him. Gone is the scent of horses and hay that she used to associate with her cousin Caleb, now it's replaced with the smell of death and expensive cologne.
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It's hard for her to look at him, he looks the exact same but he's not the same. She on other hand, has aged. Slower than if she was still human but she's an old woman now.
"I never thought I would see you again this close." Caleb admits, she had always stayed in Moonwood Mill all these years. Every so often he or Lilith would get close to the town to catch a glimpse of their cousin, just to see if she's still living. 
Lily breathes heavy at this words. This close - they must be the vampires that Kristopher worried about sniffing around every so often. She isn't sure what to say. "I didn't want to see my cousins as they monsters they've become."
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"I did not choose to become this!" Caleb exclaims with anger. No, it had not be his choice by any means. "Helena changed me without my consent!"
Lily finally looks up at him. She had her suspicions all these years about what had happened. "What about Lilith?"
Caleb frowns, despite his sister and wife both trying to ease his guilt, he still feels responsible for his sister being a vampire. "She asked Count Vladislaus Straud to turn her. She did not want me to be alone."
Lily slowly digests the information. On one hand, she couldn't understand anyone wanting to become a blood drinking creature but on the other, she gets it deep down. Lilith and Caleb had always had a strong bond with each other.
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"You two have still drank innocent blood over the years. How many have you two killed?" She asks him. She has to know. 
Caleb thinks of how to answer this. Does turning three people between himself and his sister count as killing? Ciara counts, even though he thought Vera was dead. "I have turned two people. Liberty Lee and Inna Cents. I thought I had killed Liberty but that is another story." Caleb pauses. "Lilith turned her ex-boyfriend, Jackson but he asked her to. As for her killing anyone, that is her story to tell, not mine."
Lily waits for him to continue, trying to keep her emotions in check.
"I killed a witch named Ciara Scott. She kidnapped Vera and I thought she had killed Vera." Caleb actually has regret over taking Ciara's life, despite everything she did to Vera - she was still a living being. 
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Things grow quite. Both cousins are seemingly hugging themselves in an effort to find calm in the midst of their current emotional situation.
"I regret the bad things I have done." Caleb says truthfully. "I am on a strict plasma fruit and plasma fruit juice diet now. My wife would not put up with me going around and drinking from unwilling people and I really do not want to be that person anymore."
Lily slowly nods. She has heard bits and pieces while working for Apollo and Naya. She doesn't doubt that Vera would put up with that behavior from Caleb. "Lilith?"
Caleb sighs, out of habit and because he doesn't want to answer the question. "She drinks human blood once in awhile but does not kill them."
Things become quiet again and the silence stretches until Lily speaks. "You're going to be a Father."
Caleb smiles for the first time since their encounter started. "Yes. Soon, Vera is due this month."
Lily nods, she was shocked, to say the least, when she learned of the pregnancy. She had to do some digging to find out how it's even possible. It seems magic can do many things. "Are things going okay with the pregnancy? Mr. Apollo says they are."
"They are outside of a warlock named James." Caleb says quietly, the smile fading from his face. "I think he may try something during the birth."
Lily growls low in her throat, if Caleb wasn't a vampire, he may have not heard it. "If you need my help..."Caleb looks at her in surprise but Lily holds up her hand. "The baby is my family. Whether he or she ends up being human, merfolk or...vampire. Still family."
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Caleb does something extremely risky for his kind as the rain beings to fall on Sulani. He grabs Lily and hugs her. It's a rare hug between a werewolf and a vampire, but Lily's offer of help means the world to him as does getting to see her again. He knows he's caught her off guard by how her body goes rigid. Lily thinks of throwing him off her briefly but she finds herself hugging him back. It has been over a hundred years since she's gotten to hug one of her family members. She lets everything go for the time being and simply enjoys the moment.
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romanticistsims · 2 years
Welcome to my blog, and thankies for checking it out, whether you plan to stay long term or ya dip out later. 🤗🤗🤗 My name's Keke. I guess you can call me Miss Keke or ma'am if ya wanna be super fun 💀.
I'm an adult sims player that occasionally does challenges and follows the rules but I mainly do my own thing, just keeping it real with y'all. I'm new to the whole storyline thing but I'll get into seriously one of these days; for now you get me rambling over cute pictures I take haphazardly, pray that I eventually get better at screenshot taking lmao.
My short and long term projects are down below.
Booker Legacy - here. The story starts with Naleisa Booker, a young adult sim exiled from Willow Creek by the Goth family and trying to rebuild her life in Oasis Springs.
CAS Adventures - here. Some misc things I do while tryna create pretty sims.
Madsen Legacy (Retired) - here. Shenanigans with Charlee Madsen and her failed foray into adulting and being a parent.
Blood Moon Rising - here. Dharia Holloway tried to make things shake in San Myshuno, but that didn't exactly pan out and the bills from her stint as a college student attending Foxbury definitely weren't going away either.
All of her problems seem like they'll be solved when her eccentric, estranged grandmother and "guardian", Anita, passed away, leaving behind her home and a sizeable fortune to be collected. The only catch is that Dharia can't live anywhere else but Moonwood Mill. It should be easy money....right?
The Horny Wayhaven Series - here. Shenanigans ensue with Special Agent Nate Sewell and Detective Nariah Tucker after they meet in San Sequoia. It was supposed to be a simple op for Nate but Nariah is a definite, delightful surprise.
The Liar's Promise - here. Phylicity Carr is much more than meets the eye, though her survival instincts have hidden most of her true strength from her family; she's an observer, a person who sees everything even when nobody wants her to.
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raynblaze · 2 years
Lucy’s Secret
Lucy, Farkas, and Athena all sat down in the living room. 
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“Athena…. I used to be like you. Wild and untamed. I’m not going to end you… just yet." Lucy paused for a moment and looked at both Farkas and Athena. "Instead, I would like to train you, and have your help in defeating Victoria Straud of Forgotten Hollow. That’s where the real threat lies.”
Athena looked at her curiously, as Farkas immediately interjected.
“Mother, you can’t be serious!” Lucy glared at her son, but Athena spoke up.
“First you try to choke me out, now you want to train me." Athena threw her hands in the air. "Do I even have a choice in the matter? “And what about my father? HE is the one I want to train me, not you!”
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Lucy let out a big sigh. She knew that this wasn’t going to go over well.
“I know where Greg is. But you won’t be able to reach him.”
Farkas stood up quickly, he was furious now.
“You WHAT?! You never told me this!”
“I didn’t think I had to …you told me you never wanted to go looking for him, so I didn’t think it was important to you! Please, let me finish…”
“No, this is too much. Athena comes here trying to attack Emilia, and now you want to help her, and TELL HER ABOUT GREG, WHO I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT!” Farkas was pacing now. Athena remained quiet.
“Farkas, I’m not letting Athena off the hook. Let me explain.” Lucy continued. “She’s either going to train with me or die. There is no alternative. Greg is at the top of a mountain and can’t be reached by anyone. He visited me when I was pregnant with Victoria and told me he was leaving Moonwood Mill for good. This must have been around the time Athena was born. Something must have happened, maybe between him and your mother?” 
Lucy looked over at Athena.
“My mother won’t tell me anything about him. I’ve already tried to get information from her. She’s useless.” Athena growled.
“Well, something happened…he visited me, and I was afraid he was going to try and attack me while I was pregnant.” Lucy continued. “He seemed lucid for the moment, and asked me about Farkas, but I told him that Farkas wasn’t interested in getting to know him. He seemed upset, but then told me he was going to Mt Komberi and that he would make his home away from the world so that he couldn’t hurt anyone else. He told me that nobody would be able to reach him, because he would be living in a very frigid climate that normal people couldn’t live in.” 
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Farkas stood still and looked over at his mother, but she kept talking. 
“He isn’t going to train you, Athena. I can, though. And if you help me defeat my daughter…then you can decide if you want to go see him.”
Athena looked at Lucy, then her brother. She knew there was tension between the two of them and felt confused and unsure. She couldn’t really say no, or else Lucy would end her.
“I’ll train under you, but I still want to visit my father eventually. That mission hasn’t changed.” Athena said.
“Fine. We’ll head out immediately, I don’t want you staying here any longer because I’m sure Eric is thinking of ways to carve your heart out. Let me talk to Farkas for a moment before we leave.”
Lucy pulled Farkas aside and saw that he was very upset.
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“I’m sorry for keeping this from you. Lucan knew as well, and he agreed we wouldn’t tell you. I truly didn’t think it was important, until now. Please… don’t let this damage our relationship.”
“I’m more worried that Athena Is just going to turn around and find him on her own!” Farkas growled. “There’s no way you can trust her…just because she used to be like you, doesn’t mean you have to help her!!”
“I will have a close eye on her, instead of her being out there hurting people.” Lucy said. “Her own family can’t control her anymore. If she steps out of line…I will take care of her. This is for the best, Farkas.”
“I just…don’t know what to think right now. I need to go be with Emilia.”
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Lucy nodded. “Please take care of her, Farkas. I will be back, I promise.”
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So before Lou attempted to burgle her, Juniper had met the more civil denizens of the Collective.
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(I'm not sure why she looks so dubious, as she's unlocked the 'Werewolf Ally' trait due to studying up at the Library.)
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There, that's more like it.
Today Kristopher invited her to the Humour and Hijinks Festival. (I'm allowing her to go to those and eat free food. But as strictly speaking she's meant to be living off her dumpster finds, she can't keep or profit from her winnings.)
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(Dude with butterfly meme) Is this a date?
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"So about that 'good boy' joke I made to Lou the other day - I know now that it was inappropriate but I want to better understand why it's inappropriate, if that makes sense?"
"Well, see Juniper. Sometimes it's not necessary to completely understand in order to practice allyship, but to accept that something being hurtful to your friend is reason enough to stop. But I will attempt to explain..."
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It was one of her goals to watch the fireworks, so I dipped into her paltry savings to buy the cheapest one available. Spoiler alert: I should not have bought the cheapest one available. It didn't work and that was 20 simoleons down the drain.
(Yeah, she was a little stinky. But if I had no access to running water and if a werewolf potentially looking for his next baby mother had invited me on an impromptu outing while I was in the middle of cleaning up at a bar restroom, then I would be too.)
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