#i don t get itttt
looking at genshin builds like wowzers! those sure Are Numbers! Percentages even!
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gurorori · 1 year
E T and U from the ask game please?? :>
E - How many piercings I have?
tbh nawt so many :[ yet.... we had our earlobes pierced as a wee thing + gawt a septum piercing semi recently.. so, 3 total n_n
i have a few more planned so far but they seem a bit higher maintenance so i might take my time with em.. namely snake bites which i think i talk abt alllll da time, possibly some kinda brow piercings? idk. kinda wanted our nips pierced but i hear a lotta bad stuff ab it so..
T - 3 things I love unconditionally?
will i b too autistic if i say lolita. idk but even styles 'm nawt really into & wudn' wear myself i still have soooo much luv 4 all of em like i get so >>>>:DDD when i see Any Lolita ever. anyway....
hmmm next i will say nature. includin' animals an' plants an' anythin' relating 2 it, i'm nawt lik a guy who spends a loooot of time in da nature (i don' wanna b bitten by a tick tbh & it a lil dangerous out here) but i have a lotta appreciation 4 it... n feel strongly 4 it, even if it isn' always kind 2 me n_n")
annn' finally i'd sayyyyy I HAD DA WORD ON MY MIND BUT I LOST IT UGH WAT WAS ITTTT. IT. IT WAS. yea i can't remember da original thought anymore & can't think of much else :[
U - Favourite time of year, and why?
defnitely winterrrrr i guess dats like a child's answer cuz woo new year n_n but also our birthday, altho it don' bring much excitement 4 years now.. still i luv winter here even tho it COLD as hell. i luv snow & bright winter nights cuz everythin' is illuminated by the whiteness of da snow. so pretty. oh an' my favorite kinda snow? the one ya call слякоть. yea dat mushy & dirty watered down one ya usually have on roads cuz of the constant car traffic. i lik da sound it makes :p i also luv wearin' layers. an' i luv my new coat so i can't wait ta wear it this autumn & winter.
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
your cat is so cute!! im literally in love <333
so im not going to go super im detail because im not even sure what happened but basically for the mehndi "a pre-wedding celebration in Hindu and Sikh culture; during this event, the bride has a red-orange mehndi "stain" applied to her palms" copy and pasted this! but we want all the brides side to wear a variation of blue and the grooms to wear a variation of yellow while the couple wear green but the mother of the bride was like "this fucking indians they can't just let it be simple and such, i still don't understand why (brides name) can't wear white to the indian wedding"
in hindu culture you wear white to funerals!
we are trying our best to try and respect the brides wishes esp because she's never experienced an indian wedding before so my brother was like "oh (almost mlw) we don;t need to do the dress codes we can keep it simple blah blah blah" and she was like "NO SHE NEEDS TO WEAR WHITE AT THE WEDDINGGGG GRRRRRR'
keep in mind we are ALSO having a christan wedding for their side and letting them do whatever with no complaints
i dont know what happened after that but its just so frustrating for our side and the bride too because (future slw) was like "i will wear literally whatever i dont know why my mom is being so difficult"
ANYWAYYY HAVE FUN AT YOUR PARTY YOU DESERVE ITTTT and send photos of the tattoo fr !!!
i love you smmm, make sure to drink water, eat food, and smile :))
Tysm! I only have a few more updates until I'm done with the smau... T^T
Wedding drama is always the craziest drama 😳
Different Wedding culture is interesting! Most of the weddings I've been to have been red neck weddings💀 from my dads side of the family
Mil sounds like a nightmare
The mil is controlling af... It's the bridr and groom who has the final say so idk why she is fighting so hard
The mil sounds low key high key racist
And their having TWO WEDDINGS!! Like why can't she just be happy 💀😭
Honestly so happy that it's not only my graduation because I hate when all the attention is on me!
The party isn't until the beginning of August which is late but it's the only day all my family can come down
And my bff is happy because she is going somewhere and missing everyones party besides mine 🤞
Idk if i posted my tattoo before but it's a matching tattoo with my mom! Got it when I turned 16
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And these are the ideas for my new tattoo!
I know I'm getting hoshi’s tiger drawing
But idk if I want the bear (for haechan) ... I was thinking something like it with the words “we on the way up” 😩
I still done know what nct dream tattoo I want ughh
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Also I've been drinking lots of water!!
Don't skip a meal!! Love yah <;3
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what the hell is wrong with me? and when i say this i fukin mean it. what the hell is going on? i really dislike this feeling (not hate, hate is too strong and too bad). but i really don,t like feeling like this, feeling like i do not recognize me, that im loosing myself, that im always shouting down my thoughts, and just replacing them with some fuking ugly ass shit puke hell repulsive reels.
where did all the thinking, all the.. ¿philosophy? all the wanting to be better, all the HOPE, YES, THE HOPE FOR SOMETHING BETTER TO HAPPEN, where did it all go?
anyways, sometimes i feel like im better without that 'hope'. like that wasnt hope it was just disconforment, like pure hate for everything i was and i did. it was tiring, but also i really wanted to get out of there, so i was always thinking and analazying myself, it felt so intimate, i liked it. and, however, apart from that, where did all the meditation, the talking with the universe, the smelling fresh air go? WHERE DID IT ALL GO? I FEEL LIKE IM FUKING DYING, LIKE IM FUKING FORGETTING EVERYTHING THAT MADE ME, ME. THAT MADE ME HAPPY, ALIVE, RELIEVED.
WHEN WAS THE LAS TIME I WENT TO THE ROOF OF MY HOUSE AND SMELLED FRESH AIR AND THA KED THE UNIVERDR FOR EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE? i felt like my life was shit but at those moments i had a lot of things to be thankful for, and it reslly made a difference, i feel like i dont do anything special now. like i work and then i come house, and if i dont hang out with anyone i just idk watvh my phone? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? I HATE ITTTT. like i get it, im way more busy now than a year behind, but I STILL HAVE FREE TIME AND I KNOW THAT VERY WELL. LIKE I DIDMT EVEN WROTE ANYTHING FOR NEW YEARS EVE, WTFFDDDD THAYS NOT ME. LIKE I COULD HAVE HAD TIME.
and i know than in another time in my life i would have like planmed some shit like well from now on im going to fuking stop using my phone and everytime i open a reel i will just fucking drop my phone and that kind of stuff, but the wordt part is that im not doing plans for getting better and happier and prettier im just living like a fucking npc LIKE WTFFFFFFF. like i have no motivation or any strongness ¿? for standing up for fucking besting my comfort zone im just libing in there and letting it be AND I CAN NOT LEAVE THAT SHIT BE.
another thing that it's like so fucking weird is like im feel that im also loosing my sense of style, i dont know how i want to dreess, im just letting my body and life decide my style, like i should be the one deciding every fucking aspect of myself, i dont know waht haircute would suit me bc defentmutely not the one im using with my new waves taht came out of nowhere, but i just kind of let it be AND I CANTTT I CANT LET IT BE THIS IS NOT ME THIS IS NOT THE GIRL I WAS LIKE 3 YEARS AGO AND I DONT FUCKING LIKE THAT SHE WORKED SO HARD TO BE SO PRETTY AND IM JUST LIKE IGNORING IT???
i know how this stops. this stops being the same girl i was when i wanted to be thin and pretty, and i did everything in myself for that.
this stops being the same girl i was when i wabted tu live in the moment and leave my fucking phone, and i suffered, i went through states i didnt know existed, i felt awkward, uncomfortable, boring, but i did it (even tho afterwards it all went to hell bc idk i just got bored/tired)
this stops being fucking determinate, knowing wht i want. and what do i want?
i want to leave my phone alone, i definetly dont want to spend time watching reels on my free time like i really really dont want that
i want to start reconecting with my enviroment and thoughts again, feeling the breeze, being thankfull, and really trying to become better everyday, and to control my mind and thoughts like i was trying some time ago.
i want to really focus on my self, my needs, desires, and image.
so, what i am gonna do?
maybe i will try spanish now, fucking cansada del ingles. que voy a hacer ahora entonces?
voy a volver del trabajo. y no voy a abrir un puto reel. cada vez que vaya a abrir un reel, por mas que me duela, que se sienta totalmente extraño, lo voy a dejar a la mierda, encontrare cualquier otra cosa que hacer, pero BASTA DE REELS. en serio lo digo. dios son la 1 d la mañana pero buenooo era esto lo que necesitaba, reconextar conmigo y mi mente, por mas aue mañana me arrepienta. no escribi propositos d año nuevo y bueno, lo hago ahorA, jamas es tarde. jamas. jamas es tarde siempre estoy a tiempo.
ok; nada de reels, encontrare mas cosas en las que ocupar mi mente, hasta volvere a leer, no se, pero tengo que estar presente.
ademas, ese tiempo libre me va a dar tiempo de pensar en mi.
en agradecerle al cielo.
en pensar, disfrutar el aire.
llorar de felicidad.
y tambien pensar en mi, en mejorar mi fisico, mi apariencia.
que quiero ahora???? necesito los plasticos para hacer la iontoforesis. tengo que comprar eso. es un deber. tambien la oxibutonina, porque sentirse incomoda en una misma no es una opcion. si funciona la iontoforesis, ljego de vario tiempo me hago los piercingd que quiero, pefo antes, mi pelo.
tengo como 'peoposito' encontrar lo que mejor me siente, tal vez deba ir a la peluqueria, idk, tengo que encontrar la mejor opcion. pero en mi tiempo libre lo lograre.
mi mayor proposito este año es superar el miedo el re puto miedo que odio que detesto con el alma y no me deja vivir. pero es algo demasiado profundo para tratar ahora, es tarde y debo dormir.
como siempre, se empieza por metas cortas. mañana voy a llegar a casa y no voy a ver reels. voy a volver del trabajo y no voy a ver reels. ni jugar jueguitos. ni perder el tiempo con el cel. promesa. y veremos aue deriva de eso
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Tw: warning this fic as more than just emeto stuff and sickie. It has a little bit of gore and harming in it please proceed if you are ok with a mention of bl**d if not you can skip to the next part of the fic for regular emeto stuff and skip the text in this color if you don't want to see any of that.
Sickie: yoongi
Caretaker: Jimin
Yoongi has a nightmare and wakes up and vomits everywhere and runs to the bathroom. he’s sick and try’s to hide what happened from an undeceivable Jimin gets him to explain what was wrong and helps him after wards
Yoongi was sitting in a chair. He was unable to move his arms and his legs. They were bound to a chair by rope. He thought it was a rope. Something like that material. His eyes were being covered by some kinda wet cloth material. It was yanked from his face it pulled some hair that was tangled in the rag coving his face. He saw an elderly-looking man in front of him. The man moved over to the side to show all of the other bts members tied up in chairs beside him.
They were all panicking and crying out but couldn't speak because their mouths were gagged. All yoongi could hear were cries and words he couldn’t understand. Yoongi looked around. They were all dirty. Most of them were covered in scratches, marks, and bruises. Namjoon was different he was covered in blood that was leaking from his side. What the hell! what happened? yoongi thought. Yoongi saw hoseok to the left of him. his shirt was ripped and he could see a big slash on his arm. Oh my god, what happened to them? Who hurts them? Why are they here?
Yoongi’s heart started to race. “ they no talk …” The man pointed to the members. “ so now I do the talking” the man states. “ where is he?” He? Yoongi thought who is he even talking about?! “ you no talk then I shoot! The man pulled out a gun. "HEY, NO W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs. The man shot a bullet beside Jimin heard it and screamed. " STOP IT-
yoongi yelled at the man in anger. The other members started yelling. Jimin started wiggling in his seat. He was scared. They all were.
"TALK Or BROTHER DIES!" The Man yelled. Yoongi was so scared. "I DON"T KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM STOP ITTTT." The man pointed his gun at Jimin's head and fired. Jimin's chair flew backward. " Yoongi screamed and cried. he didn't know what to do. The man walked over to Junkook. Jungkook was fiscally shaking as if he knew what was about to happen. No yoongi shouted. "Please NO", tears were falling from his eyes. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT. The man fired his gun again. Jungkook cried his chair flew back but not before hitting him on the way down. Yoongi was shaking his body trying to escape. He felt sick to his stomach. "Yoongi screamed to the top of his lungs" the other boys were crying as well. Two armed men came from behind yoongi the walked in front of him. They emptied out their guns on the rest of the members. Yoongi screamed out loud.
Yoongi YOONGI? YOONGI?! he kept hearing his name being called out loud. Yoongi opens his eyes. He was breathing frantically. He couldn't catch his breath he was at home in his bed. Jin, Jimin,namjoon, and jungkook were all standing around him gripping him tightly trying to wake him up. He remembered what he saw. He remembered what happened to them but they were right here? and alive. yoongi's stomach convulsed he threw up inform of him on his blankets and sheets. The four members moved back "hyung" namjoon almost yelled.
Yoongi threw up and is now having a panic attack. Jin pats on his back roughly but makes him puke again. Yoongi pushes his and everyone's hands away. He got out of bed with his hands on his head and his stomach on his throat. He walked toward his bathroom. Jin followed him there. Yoongi felt like he was being smothered. like there was no air in the room as he walked. He felt like if he walked faster he'd find air or at least his body would be forced to breathe. He began running to the nearest bathroom. He didn't manage to make it to the toilet before his stomach convulsed.
I'm not sure that I like this one anymore but if you do let me know and I'll finish it
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missmildlywild-blog · 6 years
When family gossip is PRIORITY
Let’s see how do I wanna do this? This is my first blog ever and I really had a crazy day today. Like really. People around me are so full of shit and even when I tell them you so full of shit, they laugh at it like I am passing a joke but for real, I really mean it. 
So today I woke up with crazy texts from my sister about a cousin who gave birth. Unnaturally. I mean anyone who would look at her would say the same. I would too, honestly. But, here is the difference, I DON”T CARE. 
6:30 am and my phone is buzzzzzzingggggg with texts from every direction. Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber you name it. ‘I couldn’t resist. I commented on M. Did you seeeeee’ Well, I am not gonna disclose any names so stay with me with the initials a-iight! These were the first words of the day I read. 
Now you can imagine, how insane it’s about to get. While getting ready for work, I am seriously multi tasking. I mean seriously, kuddos to me for getting myself all together without taking any extra time. Managing video calls, washing my face, getting dressed, packing lunch, picking the shoes and making sure I got my lipstick on, I was on the phone the entireeeeeeee time. Responding back to chats, checking facebook, reading texts, displaying reactions, laughing and grabbing my scarf before I left the house. 
I don’t really want to indulge into details because it really does not interest me. So imma just impart some gyan (knowledge) and walk away from it. Here’s the deal yo, why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do you care so muchhhhhhh????? That person is not in front of you, does not sleep next to you, does not live with you, does not do no errands for you, ahem does not care about you then whyyyyyyyyyyyy why you so interested in their life?!?!?! 
What do you get out of itttt??? I mean if I was getting chocolates outta it hell yeah I’d participate but I won’t even do it for dolllassss. So basically all day today from 6:30 am to 4pm I have entertained this gossip and I am sure there may be more the next day but I can’t think about it anymore right now. 
I know if you reading this then you’d be like then girl tell her byeeeeee. Well, its my sister that I CARE about and I like talking to her, these are the only times we get along coz trust me if shits serious, then noBODY is talllking. nobody! 
So I talk and I listen and I say what I want to say and hear and laugh and spend time and sometimes say more than I should. So yeah that’s what I do and that’s what I did today. And I have lost my energy today into this BS. All this irrelevant topic has exhausted me now. Taken the most precious time of my day and made me realize - nothingggggg coz you know it-  Imma do this again. I know it. So I just wanted to drop this for y’all to know because I sometimes don’t say what I really really wanna say or what I am actually thinking, so this is where MY garbage gonna dump and this is a start! 
So welcome me to bitch about my thoughts ;) 
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classical-crap · 6 years
So hey, I´ve got a stupid question but I´d like to get your opinion on this! I recently changed my accordion teacher but I wanted to give my old teacher a gift to thank him for everything he´s done for me, I though to make a watercolor painting... My idea was to make a kind of abstract painting of a conductor with his orchestra (since my old teacher is also the conductor of an orchestra I´m in) but I don´t know if this idea is too ridiculous??? Should I go for it or just draw a landscape???
go for itttt
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usuallyeclecticmoon · 6 years
Lovely lovely time. Shar and Seonwoo are the best company sometimes, and I want to remember the small things about the night. 
Leaving and being apprehensive at first, it being so early in the morning (or late at night really). Getting pizza because sw was starving, talking about normal things. 
It;s funny, I dont know when we stopped having normal conversations. This is why I like spending time with sw and shar, they bring something different to the table; they’re more open to ideas, and to exploration, and discovering new things. Open mindedness is underrated. 
Just nice conversation, me squishing a slug and screaming, the line and the bitchy lady, the waiting, and then finally the show itself!
It’s fun. I don;t think I really understood the meaning of entertainment till now. 
I’m also realizing what I like. Other friends bring so much criticism and negativity to the table, which I find to be just so unnecessary. I find myself awkward with them sometimes because the things they talk about, the stress they give me, it all accumulates. Maybe they’re just not interesting people? No, that’s not true. 
It’s all in the stress. I dont want to be stressed out anymore, I am not going to allow myself to be this focused on silly things. That’s a true sign of maturity, which i would understand if i just relaxed. 
<3 <3 Happy day 
Exhausted but worth itttt
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dannyphantomluver2 · 7 years
American Victorious Twilight winx titans phantom book 1
Authors note -
Sorry for the long wait for A new stories don't hurt me! ( hides behind Danny)
this is based off A Larping thing me and my friends do.
Danny Phantom Season 4 crossovers
I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING THEY ARE OWNED BY WHAT they're OWNED BY COPYRIGHT IS Nick, Disney, Rainbow,4 kids TV, cartoon network/boomerang, Summit Entertainment.
DP Winxclub ADJ L Victorious Twilight, Teen Titans
this has nothing to do with any of my other stories so Dani hasn't returned yet.
Me - Yes now shut up and let's get to it
Some are introduced before others
I've been trying really hard and I think I got the writing down, let me know thanks.
Post PP
6 months after PP
and after
ADJL Series Final
Twilight American Winx Titans Victorious Phantom
No one's POV
Amity Park
It was A Typical Normal Day In Amity Park. Kids heading to School People heading to work.Ghosts attacking, What!.? that's not normal?! you ask. Well, it is to me you see Amity Park is the most haunted city in the world.How do we protect ourselves you say?
Well we don't protect ourselves you see Danny Phantom does who revealed himself to being Danny Fenton the son of professional ghost hunters ironic, isn't it? He saved the planet from the Disasteroid and revealed his secret to the world. So let's see how he's doing.
Danny's Pov
Sam and I were walking to my house after our date at the Amity Bowling Alley, I won by two. It was Friday so that meant date night for us.It's just not as private since I revealed myself after the Disasteroid Incident. The Camera crew of Amity Park News was A few feet ahead of us. Which meant the Paparazzi and Fans weren't far behind. I grabbed the mail As we entered Fenton Works. Scheming through the mail I noticed A specific one with A Chinese symbol of A Dragon on it. It was addressed to my Mother. Sam looked at me concerned, I must have spaced out. ''What is it? she asks, ''A Letter addressed to my Mom.''What's that Emblem on the Envelope?. ''A Dragon I say still examining the Envelope, she gave me A bewildered look.'' I don't understand either maybe I should give this to my Mom and ask Questions later. Sam nodded in agreement and we headed down to the Lab.
New York
Jake's POV
''Yo Mom what's with All the Packing! I asked as I entered the house and stared at all the Clothing around the Living room.''We have A Family reunion at Aunt Kathy's my annoying goody-goody little sister Hailey said glancing up from her book. ''Whaaaat, I say glancing at my Mom. ''Now Jake I know you don't care for your Aunt Kathy or cousin Gregory.''Which I quite frankly agree with you about. '' But It would be A good gesture, besides certain family members I haven't seen In A long time will hopefully be there.''Who Mommy? my sister says in her little perky annoying voice. ''My Sister's Maddie Fenton, Miriam Sparks, and Alisha Wu.'' I haven't seen them in years. '' If you saw them you wouldn't think we were related. She said chuckling slightly.''We never told you this but your Grandmother was American. ''She was born here not one ounce of Chinese in her blood. ''Wow Mommy! that's interesting ! ''right Jake? said, Hailey. ''Ya whateves,' I said.''When are we leaving? ''Next Saturday she tells me. ''Do you know if they have any kids?Hailey asks our Mom with excitement in her voice. ''Probably honey but maybe around Jake's age. I saw my Eleven-year-old sis bow her head in sorrow before I said goodbye. ''Alright I'm gonna head over to Gramps shop see yaz. I tell her before heading out then Dragoning up and heading to Gramps shop.
Danny's POV
'' Mom? you down here?! I yelled down the kitchen stairs that led down to my Parent's Lab. '' Yes Sweety. I hear her say. As we head down to the Lab, where we saw her in her usual Jumpsuit with Hood and goggles on, tinkering with the Spector deflector. I shuddered hoping she modified it to work with me than against me. ''Uh?Mom? I yelled over Mom's fire flare. ''Sam and I just got here and I got the mail and theirs one that really got our attention! I finally got my Mom's attention when she stopped what she was doing and took off her hood to look at me with those Amethyst eyes. ''What got your attention? she asked. ''This letter it's addressed to you with some Dragon symbol on it. I said as I handed her the letter. .We waited while she opened and read the letter her eyes bulged as if something horrible happened. ''What's wrong Mom? I asked after two minutes of A very awkward silence. ''It's A letter from my Cousin Kathy theirs A Wu Family Reunion Next Monday and since it's Spring break we have time to pack but Knowing Susan she Probably already started packing. ''Really Should we start Packing? I said looking at her curiously. ''Yes it's Next Saturday.'' I'll tell your Sister when she gets home. ''Well Sam and I are going to go meet Tucker for patrol I said. ''Alright sweety Oh you still need to tell me and your Father how you became Half Ghost. ''I will after Patrol alright? I told her, ''Sure sweety she says. ''Bye Mom I said before grabbing Sam by the hand and leading her up the stairs. ''Bye Mrs. Fenton, Sam says as we head out the front door.
New York
Jake's POV
We were ready for the Reunion we just needed to pack all of Gramps Magical Mojo.''Yo G, I said while picking up A box.''What'sThe Deal with the Reunion! all of A sudden it's messing with my Schedule Rose and I were going to go on A Date? ''Young Dragon you and I both know that you as the American Dragon has many responsibilities even if it's sometimes not Dragon related. G told me.
in Jakes' head
It's hard to believe him he always looks like he's pulling something.
out of it but still spaced out
''Sometimes that includes Family get together's like this. ''Aya! '' Jake are you even listening to me! (back to Earth) ''Sorry G, it's just I don't want to see the same annoying Family we see every year. ''This reunion will be different young one. ''How? I asked. ''My Daughter's Alisha, Miriam, and Maddie may come this year. ''Why hadn't they come before. I asked. ''Alisha had no children and thought being A dragon was unuseful so she skipped her Generation like your Mother. ''Miriam and Aunt Maddie didn't but I don't think they use it much. ''But they have gifted Children Miriam with her Fairy abilities and Maddie with Brains much like your sister. ''Maddie went to Wisconsin University Where she met your Uncle Jack. ''Another son In law out of the Chinese line no Dragon powers. My Grandfather said disappointedly shaking his head.''Miriam went to Alfea school for Fairies. ''Wait wait wait fairies? as in this size fairies. I said demonstrating An inch the size of A toothpick. ''Well no human size but she can miniaturize. ''Did they have Children? I asked. ''They did Maddie and Jack has two kids Jasmine and Daniel Fenton. ''Really? ''Yes Jasmine is seventeen and Daniel is fifteen. ''Miriam soon left the Palace and Married King Oritel of the planet Sparks. '' ''Whaaaaat?'' King, Queen? I said confused by all means .''Oh, I forgot to mention you your sister and your Cousins are Royalty young one.''Sorry, we never told you but you were too young to understand. ''It's ok ''When's the Reunion? I asked. ''Next Saturday G said. ''Oh alright where's Fu? ''Out with A poodle G says. ''Of course, I say. ''Well catch you later G. ''Goodbye young one. He says as I head out the door to head to my Date with Rose.
Amity Park
Danny's POV
''I'll miss you. Sam tells me as we were packing the R.V to head to the Airport to go to New York. ''I'll miss you too, I tell her. ''You sure you and Tuck can handle AmityPark without me for the weekend? ''Of course, Go mingle with your Family. ''Alright I love you. she tells me. '' I love you to tell her. She then grabs the collar of my shirt and gives me the most passionate kiss I had ever felt from her since we started our relationship.
''See you soon. she tells me. ''See you, I say getting into the R.V sitting next to my Sister, Just as the R.V started up and we rode off out of AmityPark heading to the Airport to head to New York to meet my Mom's side of the Family. I hope they don't think I'm odd because of my powers. Because I know they heard the News after I saved the Planet.
Jake's POV
''I'll miss you. My Girlfriend Rose tells me. ''I'll miss you too I tell her.
She gives me A kiss and leaves. ''Come on Jakaroo my Dad tells me If you want to meet your new Cousins you better hurry and get in the car. ''Dad? ''You Just Found out six months ago that you married into A Family of Magical Reptiles.''You really want to go diving head first into it. '' I mean they're probably going to freak when they find out you know. ''Mom what about the Dragon Council? ''Well Jake I just don't know she tells me. Awwww Maaaannn.
No one's POV
Little Did the Ghost Boy and the American Dragon knew is that Prince Aragon and the Dark Dragon would team up to defeat The American Dragon and the Infamous Danny Phantom.
Author's note
Jake - Dooooooooooo itttttt doooooooo it
Danny - you know you want to. We know you want to right Cuz?
Jake - Oh ya yo press that fav and follow button!
Danny - Press it press it press iiitt!
Box Ghost - BEWARE! Do not press the mysterious button of horror!
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Let´s talk about this FUCKING WONDERFUL playlist. It just originally caught my eye because MGK was in the pic but they switch it out regularly I guess^^ It´s like someone created a modern emo playlist and I AMMMM SOOOO HERE FOR ITTTT!!! I listen to it multiple times a day ´cause it´s just so fucking purrrrfect. Before you start the yada yada yes I´m an original emo kid (that old indeed^^) and a lot of the music I asscociate with that time is pop punk. But not just. Sometimes it´s about the lyrics too. To be honest I´ve never been great with labels in music. Of course when we think emo we also think like Bullet For My Valentine and Simple Plan and stuff like that but none of that “heavy” shit is in here. Not that Simple Plan didn´t have some songs that would totally fit in here. They diddddd. But like that it´s just a light hearted new emo wave. From the vibe anyway. The lyrics are heartbreaking/filled with fuck off attitude sometimes. Just like the good old days where we just sat in the darkest corners playing with razorblades *irony off* Someone did throw some retro bangers in there though. Misery Business? Check Yes Juliet? I can feel your nostalgic ass playlist creator. Thanks for that :3 Also how the fuck did the latter just now pop into my orbit??? That song is from 2007 and I would have fucking loved the shit out of it. Reminds me a lot of Plain White T´s early stuff. Let´s get to a few of the songs I keep on constant repeat from this playlist though. Just for the heck of it: FLAMES (of course man, Mod Sun & Avril are just SO DOPE together and I couldn´t be more exited about them being an acutal couple as well*-*), LOVE RACE (big hype girl for MGK anyway, what a cool dude and Kellin - how awesome the hell is he? never been on my radar before), DIRTY (grandson mannnn, the whole dude is fucking amaaaazing, what a lyricist!!! looove the message of this song), KARMA (it´s Mod Sun again but for real allllll of his songs just fucking slap!). But the rest is so great as well. Like there´s no song in this playlist I don´t like. How crazy is that? And so much Travis Barker. Whatever that dude is a part of lately is just next level! I honestly could.not.recommend this playlist more^^ Now go and listen! Ps: Yes I will totally talk about some of these songs individually again ;)
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