#i don’t mean lionheart like ‘i’m your sword i’m your dog’ they do NOT have that dynamic i just mean extreme loyalty and trust
jerreeeeeee · 6 months
the thing about taako and lup is that they lowkey have a king and lionheart complex but they’re both each side of it
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lucifer-lacroix · 5 years
Interview With a Witcher Chapter 2
Geraskier - Fanfic - Romance - Fantasy - Netflix Series - Wild Hunt - Future Plot - Ravenloft
(For Chapter 1 go here)
Geralt rode up to the castle that Jaskier had circled his map of Novigrad. Out on the far coast of the western reaches, a once-abandoned castle was in the middle of being rebuilt. Blanketed construction scaffold lined the wall while dozens of men brick and repair the stonework. A new settlement of families had moved in, and there were large dogs who ran around with kids in the late hours of the afternoon. The dinner bell rang in the distance as Geralt rode through the homes towards the castle. About three hundred meters off Jaskier came around the bend with sweat dripping from his brow and he struggled to catch his breath. He ran the entire way by hopping fences and using a shortcut to catch up to Geralt who was now in eyesight. By the time Jaskier had reached village his legs were ready to give out as he leaned against a tree trying before he could continue.
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“Halt!" A guard dressed in black armour stopped Roach before she could step onto the bridge. "You have arrived at Castle Ravenloft. What is your business with his Majesty King La’Croix of Ferelden." The knight addressed Geralt with a salute. "I’m here on behalf of Julian Alfred Pankratz... Viscount of… Lettenhove, the owner of the Chameleon. The theatre wishes to personally invite his ...highness to the next show." Geralt nodded to the guard after stumbling over the name. "Sir Eckhart will show you the way." The guard motioned Geralt to cross the bridge where a man sat on horseback wearing midnight armour and a violet caplet on his shoulder.
As Geralt crossed the bridge, he felt his heart beating in his throat as Roach came to a stop in front of the black knight. "Sir Witcher." The black knight removed his helm and revealed himself to be a man with raven hair and tipped ears. "His Majesty bids you welcome. I am Sir Nathanial Eckhart, Knight commander and personal guard to his majesty Lucifer La’Croix King of Ferelden who is here fleeing from the blight with his people. If you pose a threat to his grace or his guests, I have authority granted to me upon King Radovid V ruler of Redania to strike you down where you stand. Are we clear?" "Crystal." Geralt replied as he was lead towards the stable up the mountain trail.  
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Jaskier had finally caught his breath and took off running once again. Once he reached the gate he was just in time to see Geralt be led away by a knight. Jaskier cursed “Shit Balls fuck! Dammit! Geralt!” Jaskier quickly approached the bridge sliding to a stop. “Halt!” the guard said, “What business do you have at Castle Ravenloft?” Jaskier gave a small flourish, “I have come to invite the King my magnum opus performance The Princess and the Frog live on stage in three days time at the Chameleon. Forgive my friend he seems to have arrived before me and didn’t bother to wait for me. So hard to find good help these days.” The guard looked over the exhausted-looking mess which was Jaskier as he ranted. His hair mussed, and his skin clammy and red. The bolero he was wearing under his arm, with the top few buttons of his shirt undone.
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The guard waved to the battlements above as a man with a crossbow ducked out of view. “You will have to come back…” The guard started to turn him away when Jaskier started protesting. “Wait, wait! I am a Viscount of Lettenhove. I am the proprietor of the Chameleon. Please let me prove to his royal highness that I am indeed the greatest bard that will ever rejoice his name.” The guard hesitated and looked away for a moment before lowering his spear. “Go a head.” He said and let Jaskier through with a wary glance. “You will wait for Sir Lionheart to lead you inside.” The guard looked up to the battlements again and waved. A teenager ran down the stairs and appeared a few moments later wearing scouts armour and a purple caplet “Sir…” the boy had a sour pout on his face as he walked up to the Jaskier. He had long raven hair tied in a ponytail, and youthful looks but walked about with a scowl as if someone had to spit in his waterskin. “So you’re the famous bard Dandelion?” Sir Lionheart asked. “You’re pretty old looking.”
Geralt and Roach followed Sir Eckhart in eerie silence, no questions or resistance into his person or his goals as Geralt stared at the silver sigil on Sir Eckhearts back. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind him, slowing Roach down to listen. Before he could focus, Geralt spotted a man with a crossbow pointed at him from the battlements. “Keep moving.” Sir Eckhart spoke, breaking the silence between them. “Not a very nice way to greet a guest…” Geralt spoke and stopped the horse as the Knight turned around and drew his sword. “You are no guest. You are a witcher who threatens this castle. March.” Sir Eckhart sat tall on his horse sword at the ready, making Geralt sweat. A fight was not what he expected and when Geralt tried to draw his sword he heard Jaskier close by.  
Jaskier followed behind Sir Lionheart. “Hey! It’s seems as if there is a misunderstanding, I know the King he came to my show last month!” Jaskier over sharing as he fluttered around the knight. “I apologize for my friend barging in without—- ” Jaskier noticed a glimpse of silver-white hair ahead of him. “GERALT!” He called out. “Jaskier what are you doing here?” Geralt asked and jumped off of Roach. If he was going to be shot, he didn’t want her caught in the crossfire. “Get on Roach and go.” Geralt said sternly. “I shouldn’t have come alone, but it’s too late.” he tried to speak, but Sir Lionheart drew a knife and pointed it at Jaskier’s neck from behind. “Not a step further. You will deliver your invitations in person. You know, because you’re so chummy with the King” Sir Lionheart threatened.
“The Witcher and The Bard will both be greeting his Majesty this late evening. We will see if you are telling the truth. Put down your weapons, you are surrounded.” Sir Eckhart spoke loudly to catch his attention. “I pray you mean no harm, or else we will be forced to ensure the safety of our own.” Nathanial said as Geralt and Jaskier shared a worried glance. Although directed to surrender his weapons Geralt did not remove the swords from his back. “No thanks, I will keep them sheathed but you aren’t touching them,” he replied.
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In the main hall of the castle, a line of wine casks lined up along the wall each one the size of an elephant. Halfway down the foyer standing in front of a cask draped with red cloth sitting under a magnificent stained glass window stood a man wearing midnight blue evening robes, his long raven hair falling past his waist and tumbled into soft curls. It had been a while since he had last shaved and his balbo styled goatee was overgrown into a dense scruffy beard. Sir Eckhart escorted Geralt at sword point while Sir Lionheart held a dagger to Jaskier's back. They marched forward up to the King of the castle who turned to them with a wine glass in hand. "What is the meaning of this? Why are they being threatened." The King demanded. Jaskier had heard rumours but had not ever having been this close to King Lucifer La’Croix in person. His pale skin like snow contrasting his pure blue eyes which glowed in the dim light. "They claim to be inviting you to the theatre, but this one is a witcher he arrived in Velen by boat this morning." Sir Eckhart nudged his blade into Geralt's back, making him step forward. "So what? Has he posed a threat to me?" Lucifer asked, somewhat offended. Jaskier cleared his throat, “g—good evening,your highness,” he tried to greet the King, but he was slightly distracted with the dagger pointed at his back. His skin prickled with goosebumps knowing that this was a situation to employ wit and not brutality. “The Witcher is Geralt of Rivia. He is with me, not as a Witcher but as a fellow patron of the arts. My first muse,” Jaskier tried desperately to talk his and Geralt’s way to safety. Hopefully, Lucifer could sense his honesty and would be willing to listen.
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“Wait, I know you,” Lucifer said, looking at Jaskier for a long moment. “Yes! You’re the bard Dandelion the one with the catchy tunes but can be off-key in the high notes Your theatre runs those boorish plays in the slums. You need a better writer.” Lucifer said as he placed his wine glass down next to three others All of which were filled with various wines in the middle of a taste testing. Jaskier’s lips pursed as Lucifer told him his notes were flat. “Perhaps you’re tongue can be used for other things here this will be better… well put down the blades, and everyone have a taste.” Lucifer walked up to Jaskier and handed him a glass of white wine. “Sir Eckhart, go back to your post. Sir Lionheart you can stay.” Lucifer waved them off, but Sir Eckhart and Geralt were in the middle of a staring contest. “I don’t trust this witcher.” Sir Eckhart said and sheathed his blade.
“I have not lived this long by not being cautious, my friend, Sir Lionheart, will keep an eye on me. Won’t you son?” Lucifer smiled graciously, and despite the rough greeting of his armed guards, the King of Ravenloft was welcoming and kind.  “Not interested. Jaskier wants to invite you to his show at the end of the week and to write a good review, there isn’t enough creativity in Novigrad, and your words put a dent in business.” Geralt spoke up in defence of Jaskier, however, was incredibly distracted by the words Jaskier had used. Why would he say muse? Also, why would he say that in the past tense? As Geralt battled those thoughts in his mind, Lucifer’s gaze focused on the witcher with intensity as if he knew. Jaskier took a sniff at the wine, checking the aroma then took a sip. “Hmmm… not bad, there are some nice sweet notes in it,” he commented, examining the glass. Jaskier noticed the intensity in the air and tried to think of how to change the subject back to the reason why they were there. “Right, I would like to personally invite you, most gracious King Lucifer La’Croix to my latest show at the Chameleon, it will be a grand affair of song, dance, wine and music.” Jaskier said with a flourish of his hand and a jovial bow. “I am hoping my latest piece will inspire you to review us more favourably.”
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“No, you haven’t. You came to make sure Geralt didn’t try to kill me, you told him I am a vampire and witchers slay vampires so when he disappeared after your lovers quarrel you thought. What?” “Hold on that’s not fair.” Geralt tried to interject. “Oh yes, Geralt of Rivia, I know who you are the white wolf. My brethren have warned me of you.” Lucifer said with a smile, waving his fingers at Jaskier like he was a naughty child. “Oh, how the gods laugh upon me, a silly play is what reveals me to you,” Lucifer said and started to walk down the hall towards another cask. The torches in the room shifted as their flames all pulled towards the rear window, which was open. The sound of rain softly rattling against the glass as the leaves of trees began to sing. “I’m not come here as a Witcher.” Geralt snapped as Lucifer came to a stop at the next cast. This one smaller than the rest with a burned dwarven rune on the side of it. Lucifer poured another glass this one, blood-red with a pungent smell. Jaskier couldn’t place, but it was intense and inviting. “I admit, I invited him with me because I had figured out what you are and asked Geralt to accompany me because I was afraid to approach you alone,” Jaskier tried to plead his case to Lucifer. “But it was only to invite you to the show. That’s it, I swear to you. Nothing more, not even a threat for a good review! Your grace delighting our presence is all I need” Jaskier nervously laughed while Geralt stood there glaring at Lucifer with malice behind his gaze. “So you are a vampire?” Geralt asked as Lucifer brought the glass to Jaskier. “So what if I am? Does that make me the villain? A monster?” He asked and placed the cup in Jaskier’s hand after delicately taking away the white wine. “Tell me, do you find me that terrifying?”
Lucifer asked, his gaze like a mirror Jaskier could see himself within. A window into the truth which Jaskier wished to see more of. “What are you doing?” Geralt asked, noticing how intensely they were staring at one another. Jaskier’s eyes glazed over, and a small smile appeared on his face. “No, you’re not a villain. Someone with an acrolite carved face and eyes that shine like crystalline glaciers? Not at all… misunderstood perhaps… hmmm… I want nothing more than to make you melt with heated passion at my performance, ” the bard pondered a moment examining Lucifer intently. “I’m certain you have amazing stories as well. Ones that could inspire song and lyric that would enchant the world over!” Jaskier seemed quite taken with Lucifer. His eyes sparkled with inspiration Geralt has seen before. “Please your highness, tell me your story. I will make people better understand you and your greatness,” Jaskier exclaimed wide eyed as he waited for Lucifer to reply.
Lucifer hungry eyes gazed upon Jaskier wrist, his black painted fingernail grazing across Jaskier’s delicate skin along the artery in his forearm. Lucifer attention taken away at how calm Jaskier was. When their eyes locked Lucifer was suddenly infatuated by him. Jaskier spoke nothing but the truth and Lucifer quickly let go of Jaskier’s wrist. A small imprint in his skin that was about to bleed as Lucifer stepped back away from him. “My story? It’s long and complicated.” Lucifer turned away from the question. Geralt suddenly confused by the whole situation as the two exchanged longing looks. “Jaskier?” Geralt asked as he focused on the lovey-dovey face he recognized since Jaskier made it to every muse he had ever taken. “Hey, snap out of it.” Geralt marched up to Jaskier and snapped his fingers in front of his face. Jaskier seemed not to notice his attention on Lucifer. “I have time, please. I must know,” Jaskier all but begged at this point. Lucifer was the most fascinating person he had ever met and damned all to hell he forgot to bring his lute. “Geralt, you horse’s ass. This is not about you!” Jaskier cried with tribulation.
“A pity I feel like on a different day and under different circumstances I would have enjoyed your company, but alas I cannot tell you my tale oh sweet… Jaskier.” Lucifer turned to Sir Lionheart and nodded his head. “Take the Witcher to the private suite and lock him inside until I figure out what Jaskier’s real plan is. Come here.” Lucifer beckoned to Jaskier who forced by magic walked forward. “What! Jaskier snap out of it!” Geralt went to strike the bard, but Sir Lionheart attempted to grapple him. Geralt slapped Jaskier across the face in an attempt to break the spell as Sir Lionheart failed at trying to grab hold of his arm.
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The teenager was not strong enough to fight against Geralt’s muscle. He palmed the boy in the face and knocked him on his rear using his Ard ability. The table leg holding onto one of the larger kegs broke as Sir Lionheart collided with it. Geralt watching at the barrel began to rock off its stand and onto the boy. Jaskier paused for a moment after Geralt slapped him across the face. He held his cheek looking a little dazed. “It’s alright, Geralt. I am just going to speak further about the cabaret. I very much want his approval,” still enamoured with Lucifer Jaskier would follow him anywhere. Geralt grimaced as Jaskier walked away and caught the keg before it rolled onto the kid. Lucifer watching them all as his expression fell to horror for what happened within moments of these two entering his castle. “It’s going to be that kind of night.” Lucifer sighed and with a wave of his hand, the table leg snapped back into place making everyone in the room stop for a second. “If you please. We will speak in my study. Come, Witcher, I will not harm him, less I steal from you his love.” Lucifer winked, and Geralt let go of the keg and used his Axii ability. Reaching into Jaskier’s mind using the powers of chaos taking control of his will for the first time. “Step back! He’s dangerous.” Geralt warned.
“Uh! That’s my move!” Lucifer gasped and noticed Sir Lionheart scramble up to his feet with his dagger drawn. “Halt!” Lucifer said to the knight before he attempted to stab Geralt from behind. Jaskier stopped moving and took a cautious step back from Lucifer. He blinked a few times as Lucifer’s charm went quiet at Geralt’s warning. Jaskier continued to step back until he was away from the vampire. His eyes didn’t leave Lucifer as he carefully and cautiously flead back to the witcher. “Geralt…” he whispered, “I think I should have just swallowed my pride and not have gone looking for the King’s approval.”
“You think?” Geralt snapped but realized he caused this situation at equal blame. “Listen, I am not here to kill you.” Geralt said firmly to Lucifer. Lucifer couldn’t read him, a blank slate and Geralt could not understand him. Jaskier was feeling overwhelmed while looking for and exit. He did not dare to move while a stalemate between his dear friend and a misunderstood vampire. The castle Ravenloft sitting in a cursed silence. It was an inspired moment, and Jaskier suddenly understood what he had been missing in his recent works. “Your Highness, I think Geralt and I would like to take our leave. I do hope to see you at the Chameleon at week’s end. I promise you it will be a show you will never forget!” Jaskier grovelled. “And walk into my assassination like a lamb to the slaughter?” Lucifer asked with a delightful grin. “How scandalous? You think once you came into my castle, I was going to let him go?” Lucifer asked, pointing to Geralt. “No, he does not leave… you may go and if you come back I will make sure you and everyone you love disappear. Luke take him away.” Lucifer dismissed the Bard and glared at Geralt. “You wish to fight me alone?” Geralt asked, noticing the room would be just the two of them once they left. Geralt’s witchers senses were paying attention to each and every little thing in the room. Lucifer was no ordinary vampire. The smell on him was old, like a carcass dug up from an ancient tomb. The simple parlour tricks Lucifer had shown so far just a hint from the aura of chaos which exuded from the King. Geralt hoped he had what he needed, superior oil for slaying undead creatures. A potion of black-blood already in his bloodstream to poison a blood sucker. All of these things which Lucifer had probably picked up on by the speed of his pulse. “Are you afraid of me?”
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Geralt asked. Sir Lionheart following orders and forced Jaskier away. “Of course, a coward hides behind a lie. Is it so alarming that I fear death?” Lucifer replied nervously scratching his chin. Jaskier struggled against Sir Lionheart. “No, I’m not leaving without Geralt,” Jaskier had to think quickly. He needed to say something that would get Lucifer to let Geralt go. “I— I can’t perform the show without him! Geralt is one of my leads! Without him, there is no show!” Jaskier exclaimed as Geralt’s eyes widened with sudden enlightenment, and he nodded quickly. “Yes! I’ve been on the stage before with Irina and Pricilla last year. The play was called “The Doppler’s Salvation,” I played the witcher.” Geralt said speaking the honest to gods truth.
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“Do you expect me to believe Pricilla, the gorgeous, the grand and my love Let you perform with her? That is a laugh you can barely express the truth let alone a human emotion. Who pre tell are you playing this time? Another witcher? Do you take me for a fool?” Lucifer said rather astounded at the garbage coming out of the wolf’s maw. Jaskier butted in to wrangle the conversation in their favour. “Yes, Geralt is usually very method, but this time he will be playing the villain. A glorious call back to his first role in one of my stories,” he was getting elaborate. “Of course Pricilla will be our leading lady and as for my role… that will be a surprise!” Jaskier sounded as if he had planned all of this from the start, but truth be told he was making it up on the spot and going to need to write a whole new script that night if Lucifer let them go. For More Fanfics go ( here )
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crosbytoews · 6 years
hockey rpf fic rec
this is an assortment of all the hockey rpf i have bookmarked. it is organized by pairing. if any of this is not your thing that’s valid but i don’t wanna hear it 
these fics are posted on ao3 and most of them are locked so you will need an ao3 account to access them!
obviously i like everything on here but i bolded the urls of my absolute faves
Look at the wonderful mess that we made by sherlockelly
A name-on-wrist soulmate AU where being outed by a same-sex name is still newsworthy if you're in professional sports and is a very real concern for some NHL players. Despite the shifting attitudes, no one in the sport has ever come out publicly.
Tyler has always felt relieved that 'Jamie' could be a male or female name, it makes hiding his sexuality a lot easier. Jamie's not been so lucky.
Door to Door by Ferritin4
"Hey," Jamie says, pounding on the door. "Hey, open up!"
The dogs shut up.
"Hi, shit, sorry," says the stupidly fucking gorgeous man who opens the door in a tank top and boxers. "Shit, were the dogs loud? They get really excited when I come home."
"It’s three in the morning," Jamie says. On cue, a dog pokes its head around the corner to the entryway and bounces over to the — to this guy. It’s followed by another, browner dog, and Jamie has a moment of surrealist sleep-deprived horror where he imagines an infinite string of dogs forever bounding gleefully towards —
"I work two jobs. I’m Tyler," Tyler says, extending his hand. "Do you want to come in?"
Well, he’s not doing anything illegal, Jamie thinks, shaking it, because no criminal in the history of crime has ever willingly invited a cop into their house, and there is no one in the city of Dallas who hasn’t pegged Jamie as a cop within six seconds of meeting him.
Stating the Obvious by StormDancer
In which Tyler transfers to Dallas, makes some friends, and has emotions, none of which he's prepared to deal with.
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin
King and Lionheart by thehoyden
Sidney’s wedding day doesn’t go quite as he’d planned. When he’d bothered to imagine it at all, he’d thought of a nice June wedding in Nova Scotia, outdoors with the sun streaming down. He hadn’t imagined this hurried affair on the tarmac on a rainy and unseasonably cool day in early September, a month after his twenty-fifth birthday.
And Never Been Kissed by thehoyden
Sid didn’t introduce himself in the hallway, and he certainly doesn’t assume that people know who he is. So it would only be polite to thank Malkin again, this time more personally.
He could write him a letter. An email? No, a letter.
There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe by Shoshanah-ben-hohim
Amidst rising political tensions between Russia and NATO countries, the KHL and NHL failed to renew their labor agreement this summer. Due to the failed agreement and intense political pressure at home, the Russian NHL players do not return to the NHL.
By March, Geno has played almost a season in Russia, and accepts this is his new reality, no matter how much he misses Sid – until he finds the first child. This sets him and everyone he involves down a dangerous path of international intrigue.
Auston Matthews/Mitch Marner
as long as it's about me by Anonymous 
It takes about the length of their first practice for Toronto media to decide that him and Mitch are best friends. And, like, Auston’s been warned about the press in the city a million times, so he gets it. They want a story. He’d be fine with it, honestly, except for the small issue that Mitch Marner is the most annoying person on the entire planet.
I Never Thought He Wouldn't by MycroftexMachina
Mitch loves people. And usually people love him back. Usually.
we've got each other (and that's a lot) by LottieAnna
“I’m gonna be a groomsman,” Mitch says, then flops dramatically into the chair across from Auston, grabs Auston’s glass of whiskey, and takes a long sip. It burns as it goes down, and he makes a face. “Again.”
don't taze me, bro by staraflur
He doesn’t think Zeus is supposed to have a sword, but their Zeus does. So now Jonny does, because of course he’s in charge. He looks, Patrick is drunk enough to acknowledge, far better than anyone has a right to in a grody old Halloween costume that’s probably soaked up the butt sweat of dozens, if not hundreds, of Theta-presidents past. Jonny wears it, Patrick gets the sword. Win-win.
AKA that time there was a frat AU (of course).
Same Time, Same Place by brutti_ma_buoni
It should be a one-off, an awkward airport first meeting that goes nowhere. But this one goes somewhere. Back to Jonny's, for a start.
It shouldn't go any further, a one-nighter with no strings, and plenty of reasons for Patrick not to go back there. But Patrick won't let it go.
It should be a disaster, a mismatch, a scandal, a shoddy secret regret. But... maybe not?
bring it if you really want it by staraflur
It starts like this:
Well, okay, Patrick has no idea how it actually starts. But as pertains to him (in other words, the important part), it goes a little something like so:
America, being a nation composed in large part of a melting pot of immigrants who may or may not have taken over land already owned by others using less-than-savory means, doesn’t have much of a magical national identity. Much less a magical continental identity. There’s no grand heritage going back thousands of years. Magical families home-schooled all their kids until, like, the 1800’s, and tough for the muggle-born, apparently. Hopefully you got noticed by someone who knew what to do with you before you got burned at the stake. Since you probably can’t control your powers, sport.
Call Me Royal Blue by cupstealer 
He’s always gotten his kicks giving Jonny shit, but never like this. He feels like the first person to combine ice cream and soda—A) in that he has combined two amazing things to make a more amazing thing, and B) in that Jonny is not having it.
Patrick and Jonny haven't been close friends in six years. Nothing a little friendly competition can't fix.
Random Pairings 
Jeff Skinner/Eric Staal
If Heaven’s Hypothetical by impertinence and shoemaster 
Jeff runs away from Toronto and finds himself homeless in Raleigh, where he accidentally starts serving eggs to Eric Staal.
Andrew Ladd/Ryan Kesler
Nothing Worth Knowing by beatperfume and shoemaster
Ryan Kesler hates Andrew Ladd on sight. College AU.
Erik Johnson/Gabriel Landeskog 
A Month of Sundays by Kelfin
Unlike some guys, who freak out when things get even a little bit gay, Erik is fine with this stuff. Erik's not even fazed when Gabe's attempts at flirting with him start to get semi-public, a fact that, by his own judgment, makes him at least five to seven times more tolerant than your average forward-thinking American.
Sidney Crosby/Claude Giroux 
The Battle of Pennsylvania by Robinjay
When they play at Worlds together, Claude Giroux firmly expects a fight to break out. At the very least, he expects derogatory remarks and barely contained fury. Instead of doing any of those things, Sidney Crosby just stares and Claude Giroux loses his damn mind.
In Hours Uncounted by remiges
Claude's grandparents take him to get his first name when he's ten—younger than most people start, but older than his grandparents when they'd had theirs done. His grandmother's skin is threaded red and gold with names, and Claude wants that, wants that sort of history for his own.
Sidney Crosby/Tyler Seguin
All New Kinds of Weather by concinnity and Pennyplainknits
Sidney Crosby, Tyler realizes, has just asked him about hooking up. Sidney fucking Crosby. Tyler blinks at Sid and takes a long drink of water. He has possibly never been as grateful for his slutty reputation as he is in this moment. Because, out of a whole room at least 30% of which would happily give Sid what he’d just, hesitantly, asked for, Sid chose him.
Also there are pancakes.
Alex Galchenyuk/Brendan Gallagher 
ain't never had a love like mine by bluejayys
Anna installs Grindr on his phone while he drives them back to his place, snickering as she fills out his profile.
“In your About Me section I said that you enjoy hockey, can speak three languages, and have been commended by fans for your excellent stick handling,” she says gleefully. Alex wonders when this became his life.
Brent Seabrook/Duncan Keith
Summerboys by stlkrchck
Brent Seabrook has no interest in working at Camp Quaquanantuck the summer before university. Unfortunately, his mom's signed him up, and he has to go. But between a cabin full of campers obsessed with Lady Gaga, a prank war with two other cabins, and his co-counselor Duncan Keith, Brent might just find himself enjoying the summer after all.
Tyson Barrie/Gabriel Landeskog 
Left-Handed Kisses by oflights
The one where Tyson's fooling around with Gabe, already way out of his league, and then finds out he's apparently fooling around with a prince. And he might be a little bit in love with him. It's pretty brutal.
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berensaats · 7 years
under the cut you will find 370+ otp tags. these were all taken from various song lyrics and quotes, except one or other i made up myself. they are unsorted, ranging from anything since skinny love to soulmates to friends with benefits to toxic relationships, exes, forbidden loves and so forth. tw: nsfw, mentions of battle and religious references. likes or reblogs are appreciated. hope you enjoy it!!
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otp: you could be my cure 
otp: take away all my sin ; give me a sweet prayer on my lips
otp: i’ll make you feel like you’ve been blessed
otp: i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be
otp: i’ll use you as a warning sign that if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind
otp: i’ll use you as a focal point so i don’t lose sigh of what i want
otp: i’ll use you as a makeshift gauge of how much to give and how much to take
otp: i’ve moved further than i thought i could but i’ve missed you more than i thought i would
otp: fear is the heart of love
otp: i will follow you into the dark
otp: you’re a king and i’m a lionheart
otp: though far away we’re still the same
otp: as the world comes to an end i’ll be here to hold your hand
otp: i find shelter in your arms
otp: your eyes look like coming home
otp: the unrelenting constancy of love and hope
otp: these violent delights have violent ends
otp: a love like this won’t last forever
otp: maybe it was just as simple as a change in your heart
otp: he can cut through these strings and open my wings
otp: this slope is treacherous ; i like it
otp: put your lips close to mine as long as they don’t touch
otp: i’d be smart to walk away but you’re quicksand
otp: too good to be good for me
otp: i’m wasted on you
otp: i’d kill for her ; i’d die for her
otp: two crowns and a gold cup
otp: if your heart is a dog fight then i’m ready to go to war
otp: your legs are the north star
otp: if you’re lost in this darkness i’ll carry your throne
otp: they try to break inside the walls with these lies but i’m pulling up the draw bridge
otp: we rose this love from the dirt
otp: no grave can hold my body down ; i’ll crawl home to her
otp: she’d give me toothaches just from kissing me
otp: i swear i thought i dreamed her
otp: she never asked once about the wrong i did
otp: my baby would never fret none about what my hands and my body done
otp: if the lord don’t forgive me i’d still have my baby and my baby would have me
otp: what a splendid mess
otp: maybe i just wanna be yours
otp: secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide than i thought
otp: we’re so late nights
otp: i always push my luck when i’m with you
otp: faded every night ; dancing all night long
otp: the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day
otp: do i wanna know if this feeling flows both ways?
otp: been wondering if your heart’s still open and if so i wanna know what time it shuts
otp: maybe i’m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
otp: have you no idea that you're in deep?
otp: she’s a silver lining climbing on my desire
otp: all i wanna hear her say is ‘’are you mine?’’
otp: are you mine tomorrow or just mine tonight?
otp: is it desire or is it love that i’m feeling for you?
otp: i want you to want me again
otp: you make my heart shake bend and break
otp: never knew loving could hurt this good
otp: you’re driving me wild
otp: kiss me on the mouth and set me free
otp: i can be the subject of your dreams
otp: don’t you wanna se a man up close?
otp: i’m pulling on your heart to push my lucj
otp: i still hide you in my poetry
otp: if it’s a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive
otp: when you look at me like that my darling what did you expect?
otp: i’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
otp: once again you had to greet me with goodbye
otp: i was sleeping in the garden when i saw you first
otp: bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh
otp: like the dawn you broke the dark
otp: you were the brightest shade of sun when i saw you
otp: like the dawn you woke the world inside me
otp: you will surely be the death of me but how could i have known?
otp: i can feel your pulse in the pages
otp: i have written you down now you will live forever
otp: i can’t say the words so i wrote you into my verse
otp: i had fallen in love with you before i knew
otp: my doubts fade when i’m kissing you
otp: everything has changed
otp: there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together
otp: it’s you that i’ve been waiting to find
otp: can you show me how we can escape?
otp: i’ll recover if you keep my alive
otp: you make it shine
otp: every part of me you change
otp: just hold me together ; tell me you’ll always want me to stay
otp: wanna be the one you steal ; wanna be the one you shield
otp: i wanna be the one that your love can heal
otp: they are the hunters we are the foxes
otp: love’s a fragile little flame ; it could burn out
otp: i know places we won’t be found
otp: just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it
otp: tell me when you’re gonna let me in
otp: why don’t we go somewhere only we know?
otp: i should just tell you to leave because i know exactly where it leads
otp: could end in burning flames or paradise
otp: when we go crashing down we come back every time
otp: kissing feels like healing
otp: like gods at the dawning of the world
otp: i would know him in death ; at the end of the world
otp: their hands meet and light spills in a flood
otp: he is half of my soul like the poets say
otp: there was never once weakness in wanting another
otp: reason was always conquered by love
otp: if one must be pitied for loving you ; i will love you as much as i must and as much as i can
otp: your closeness pains me
otp: i simply see more in us than we both are.
otp: even when you’re next to me it’s not the way i’m picturing
otp: you wanna be friends forever ; i can think of something better
otp: at least i got you in my head
otp: i wanna ruin our friendship ; we should be lovers instead
otp: i don’t wanna be your friend ; i wanna kiss your neck
otp: you found the real me
otp: there’s millions of reasons to love you
otp: we don’t even need a title
otp: you don’t got to be mine ; just be mine for the night
otp: we just try to keep those secrets in a lie
otp: your eyes will lead me straight back home
otp: my friends won’t love me like you
otp: friends should sleep in other beds
otp: friends shouldn’t kiss me like you do
otp: these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me
otp: you are the best thing that’s ever been mine
otp: you gave me roses and i left them there to die
otp: you gave me all your love and all i gave you was goodbye
otp: if we loved again i swear i’d love you right
otp: no place like home ; no place like her
otp: give a little time to me or burn this out
otp: we'll play hide and seek to turn this around
otp: all I want is the taste that your lips allow
otp: give me love like never before
otp: wonder what for ; why we keep coming back for more
otp: is the only reason why you’re holding me tonight ‘cause we’re scared to be lonely?
otp: we’re just reckless kids trying to find an island in the flood
otp: you can have the best of me
otp: give me your heart ; i’ll show you that love is always there
otp: if forever's gonna last then we'd better find the same direction
otp: i want you for so long ; tell me if it is so wrong
otp: trying to make it so clear ; hoping that we fall in love
otp: don’t give up on me when i stumble along
otp: remember my love for you won’t fade
otp: all your lights are red but I'm green to go
otp: i want you ; i’ll colour me blue
otp: only seeing myself when i’m looking up at you
otp: i know you’re seeing black and white so i’ll paint you a clear-blue sky
otp: without you i am colour-blind
otp: ain't nothing better worth imagining
otp: look for my heart ; you stole it away
otp: i want you to burn my bridges down
otp: i miss someone who isn’t mine to miss
otp: i dream about someone who isn’t mine to dream about
otp: i love someone who isn’t mine to love
otp: bring me some hope by wandering into my mind
otp: when it feels like i’m lost at sea you’re the song i sing
otp: you’re the anchor that i tie to my brain
otp: for your eyes only i will show my heart
otp: in a sea of lovers without ship and lovers without sight ; you’re the only way out
otp: i am an island ; you are the ocean
otp: i cannot have you without drowning
otp: i’m part of your world but i cannot have you
otp: i am deserted and you are too deep
otp: i cannot love you without losing me
otp: i will be your sword and shield ; your camouflage and you will be mine
otp: meet me on the battlefield
otp: everything could stay the same or we could change it all
otp: i met you in the dark ; you lit me up
otp: you made me feel as though i was enough
otp: i knew i loved you then but you’d never know
otp: just say you won’t let go 
otp: i bet you love me more after that first fuck
otp: i bet i love you more than i can say to you
otp: you’re my favorite kind of night
otp: used to be that i felt so damn empty ; ever since i met you no vacancy
otp: to commit our hearts to each other no matter what
otp: they say love is drowning and hell ; i’d let you drown me
otp: i fell in love tonight ; i didn’t mean to fall in love tonight
otp: if only i could hold you ; you’d keep my head from going under
otp: if we’re not meant for each other then why did we fall in love?
otp: you wish i was yours and i hope that you’re mine
otp: i tasted the divine and she left my lips dripping with love
otp: wanna show you how it feels to rock with something thrill
otp: let me show you what it’s like to fuck with something right
otp: stop messing with those boys ; get you a lady
otp: even when the world is against us i’ll keep you warm
otp: wanna keep you warm like you know you want to be kept
otp: the ghosts that we knew will flicker from view
otp: you saw no fault ; no cracks in my heart and you knelt beside my hope torn apart
otp: give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light
otp: i will hold on as long as you like ; just promise me we’ll be alright
otp: we'll share my all and our children come and they will hear me roar
otp: my soul will find you each time
otp: when you walked into the room it’s like the sun came out
otp: fires like this can tear the world apart
otp: i’d rather take a hit and fall than never fuck it up with you at all
otp: sparks in the dark gonna tear through my heart and start a fire
otp: baby can we burn it slow?
otp: there is no love without burning
otp: i am in love with everything that is unreachable: the stars; the moon and you
otp: untouchable ; burning brighter than the sun and when you're close I feel like coming undone
otp: you can tell them you are mine ; i’m sick of games
otp: take these walls and rip them down
otp: i'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
otp: i lay down this armor for you
otp: i’ll be your escape ; i’ll be your safe place
otp: all I gave you is gone ; tumbled like it was stone
otp: thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
otp: we deserve a soft epilogue my love
otp: what can you steal from a thief? his heart
otp: she was my salvation ; i was her destruction
otp: come morning light you and i'll be safe and sound
otp: i will be your lover ; fighter
otp: i wanna fight for love
otp: i'm aiming high not to lose you
otp: your heart is afraid to want more
otp: i can't help but love you even though i try not to
otp: can’t help but want oceans to part
otp: i’m overcome in this war of hearts
otp: love like a lover ; shine in the dark
otp: i don't deserve your love but you give it to me anyway
otp: when I'm falling apart your arms are always open wide
otp: give me a reason to keep trying ; give me more than i could dream
otp: we should just kiss like real people do
otp: what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth?
otp: i will not ask you where you came from ; i will not ask and neither should you
otp: in search of silver linings we discovered gold
otp: we'll defy the rules until we die
otp: let's be sinners to be saints
otp: the world may disapprove but my world is only you
otp: if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me
otp: how can you expect me not to eat when the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?
otp: our hearts are too ruthless to break
otp: love ; i see it running through you
otp: fill up my old heart with new light
otp: loving in the moment is something luminous
otp: iscariot you fool
otp: i should’ve worshipped her sooner
otp: if the heavens ever did speak she's the last true mouthpiece
otp: i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
otp: offer me that deathless death and good god ; let me give you my life
otp: there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
otp: we were a fire with no smoke
otp: rags to riches but i'm addicted to being broken
otp: take my breath away ; you know i'm bound to choke
otp: when I close my eyes i still see your ghost
otp: distance makes the heart grow founder said by someone stronger than me
otp: let me take your heart love you in the dark no one has to see
otp: who wouldn't want it when he looks like that?
otp: if i try my hardest would you look my way?
otp: the only time i’d ever call you mine
otp: love is worship for which the heart needs no permission
otp: learn me hard ; learn me right
otp: love was kind for a time ; now it just aches and makes me blind
otp: you forgave and i won’t forget
otp: love will not break your heart but dismiss your fears
otp: lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
otp: lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
otp: where you invest your love you invest your life
otp: you heard my voice ; i came out of the woods by choice
otp: i will call you by name ; i will share your road
otp: wherever there is you i will be there too
otp: no matter where i sleep you are haunting me
otp: now your mess is mine
otp: my atlantis we fall
otp: we built it up to pull it down
otp: we might just end up crashing but I'm ready if it happens with you
otp: you're the only thing I know and I don't wanna let this go
otp: close to you i feel i'm at home
otp: we were built to last
otp: we could burn and crash ; we could take a chance
otp: like it’s our last dance
otp: he will never be satisfied ; i will never be satisfied
otp: it’s the feeling of freedom ; of seeing the light
otp: that doesn’t mean i want him any less
otp: at least i keep his eyes in my life
otp: look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit
otp: if it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it
otp: i don’t know how to say now to this
otp: hold my hand and now you're not alone
otp: you paralyze me and i don't know why
otp: lovers and enemies then we're back to friends
otp: like a shadow and a dancer
otp: the summer thrill is gone but we've never been so in love
otp: i can taste it my heart breaking
otp: if i die may it be of love and if i love may it be you
otp: my soul is enclosed inside your skin
otp: i lack the air you're not breathing next to me
otp: i will love you thief even if you keep my soul
otp: i will love you thief even if you invade my dreams
otp: i only find you in my dreams and since you aren’t here i will try to keep sleeping
otp: you have won each battle but you have not won the war
otp: i know you have been through some tough times but please don’t push me away
otp: i’d give whatever it takes to have you near
otp: sent a picture to my mother ; told her you are the woman i’ve always wanted
otp: if your body was a book i’d read a thousand chapters
otp: even if it takes my whole life i will wait for you
otp: i know there is still love in your eyes and your glance says you’ll return
otp: if you leave there is nothing left
otp: all the water in the sea could not put out all the love you’ve given me
otp: i’ll leave the door on the latch if you ever come back
otp: it will be just like you were never gone
otp: your streets ; they agonize me
otp: you sleep in my sleep ; you cry in my tears
otp: there is your whisper in my thoughts
otp: how's this relationship of your and mine ; it doesn't have a face and yet it's so deep
otp: unless we share someone's pain we don't get separated from our own
otp: what's the world to do with the love of these two
otp: if you shoot it's a fight and if you wink it's love
otp: veni vidi amavi
otp: this red love ; this remorse of love
otp: my name is love ; your name is love
otp: should i change my name or should i hide yours?
otp: touch me with your body ; color me in your color
otp: my jewel and money is just you
otp: there is joy of love in the night and in everything you say
otp: the only thing i have in the world is your heart
otp: the heart flies ; it has got wings and attached to you
otp: here it's love and there it's fight
otp: this bed of yours and mine is a battlefield
otp: if you press the trigger i'll play kisses
otp: i've become lovely having read your name
otp: just for you i have gone mad
otp: like an expensive liquor and i've drunk it all in one gulp
otp: the shadows of your memories don't go away
otp: how do i end this distance?
otp: it's only this disease called love that is grown up
otp: once I'm lost in your talks i'd never want to come back to consciousness
otp: i've learnt to smile from you
otp: even on trying to remove ; your color doesn’t get off me
otp: i want to love in you and get lost in you only
otp: i want to hide you in my heart and not open it after that
otp: the one i have worshipped ; i’ve come face to face with her today
otp: with just the gaze of your eyes my heart has mended
otp: the story is only a tragedy if the god loves you back
otp: i wanted to tell him that i loved him but i was afraid that he would hear me
otp: you are my reality ; my most precious treasure
otp: you are the crown lying on my head
otp: luckily they don’t see how weak i become when i’m with you
otp: over the glowing hill we conquer
otp: we return to each other in waves ; this is how water loves
otp: let him be soft and let him be mine
otp: love is the only thing that turns this cage into a palace
otp: no one is chasing you but me
otp: i rub your tensed wrist like a pliant mouth ; i wait for spread fingers and a vulnerable palm
otp: these unarmored parts which are mine alone
otp: what are you more afraid of? that he gave you his heart or that you would gladly give him yours in return?
otp: just your heart in exchange for mine
otp: i didn’t know that i was starving until i tasted you
otp: in your eyes i see my bloodline
otp: you’re the rising sun ; you’re the setting sun
otp: i was with you before we were even born
otp: i have looked at you in millions of ways and i have loved you in each
otp: i will always love you ; i will always find you
otp: you are my fate this once and always
otp: hell is loving you in my sleep and waking up alone
otp: they know you walk like you’re a god ; they can’t believe i made you weak
otp: if it should be that i am hated for the simple sin of loving you then let me be despised
otp: take the mask off when you speak to me
otp: with his educated eyes and his head between my thighs
otp: i wanna sleep next to you but that's all I wanna do right now
otp: i wanna get close to you cause your hands and lips still know their way around
otp: the less time that I spend with you the less you need to heal
otp: you think my bruised knees are sorta pretty and i think your tired eyes are kinda nice
otp: it is never too late to begin our love again
otp: i tried to love you less ; i couldn’t
otp: i can’t go on if it’s not you
otp: even though I try so hard i can’t forget these feelings
otp: and i’ve been cold since you left
otp: despite everything it’s still you
otp: he was her warmth ; she was his peace
otp: we don’t have a lot but we’ve got each other
otp: please don’t be in love with someone else ; please don’t have somebody waiting on you
otp: this is me praying that this was the very first page ; not where the storyline ends
otp: what a lovely way to burn
otp: if i told you about the darkness inside of me would you still look at me like i’m the sun
otp: i’d be your shadow ; i’d walk with you
otp: in your breaths and in mine there is the same air
otp: as long as we’re together doesn’t matter where we go home
otp: i just wanted you to fuck me but then i got greedy and i wanted you to love me
otp: trying to make it work but man these times are hard
otp: even after all these years we just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time
otp: these times are hard they're making us crazy don't give up on me
otp: tried to break love to a science in an act of pure defiance i broke her heart
otp: you can break everything down to chemicals but you can't explain a love like ours
otp: there's no starting over without finding closure
otp: from what i've seen and i've heard when it comes to you there are no words
otp: see you in my mind then i open my mouth and it's silence
otp: there are no words you can understand ; only lovers can
otp: can't take the ache from heartbreak
otp: there's no fair in farewell
otp: if i could turn back time then i would rewrite those lines
otp: if i had to break the bank ; spend every penny on your dreams
otp: love ; like art
otp: you healed these scars over time embraced my soul you loved my mind
otp: you saw me cry say i'm still the soldier in your eyes
otp: it may not seem like very much but i'm yours
otp: you've fallen in love in the worst way and if you don't go now then you'll stay
otp: if you're looking for heaven it sure as hell ain't me
otp: how can i move on when i'm still in love with you?
otp: when a heart breaks it don't break even
otp: what am i gonna do when the best part of me was always you?
otp: kiss me with adventure until i forget my name
otp: true love ; hard to hide
otp: she found the colours to paint him where the world had left him gray
otp: she is electricity running to my soul
otp: the way you kiss me will work each time
otp: then we grew a little and romanticized the time i saw flowers in your hair
otp: i know i haven’t lost even though it’s too late to recover the heart you stole from me
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