#i don’t normally write with rhyme? but i’m trying something new ig
eucalyptgem · 1 year
the last time i woke up in tears
was a dream that i’d had where you were no longer here
and your spot is empty
and i’m struck with the fear of always sitting alone in the back seat
it’s a grief that i’ve never known -
i’ve never lost someone so close,
but as dream and reality superimpose
i remember an alternate life spent alone.
my first memory is the day you were born:
the waratah jersey and the pigtails id worn
but mostly your face-
and now the nausea hits
i know your absence doesn’t really exist but will eventually
in big ways, for sure,
but also in ways just as small
as a concert without you or that gap on the wall where your height should be marked
(above me, because of course you became tall)
and eventually one of us will be the first to go
but before that day i’ll make sure you know that i love you
i love you
i love you
even when you steal my blurryface vinyl
and also my jewellery
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valerie · 4 years
TWITL – week twelve – sheltering in place
We have been sheltering in place since Monday. When the order came in, it felt so numbing but we had already been self isolating so it also didn’t feel so drastic. It’s stressful and lo, reading things on the internet and watching the news DOES NOT HELP. Yes, let’s be informed with the facts and recommendations on what we can do to mitigate the situation but the conjectures and the rumors and the out and out lies DO NOT HELP. Well, it doesn’t help me. I’m trying to find that balance. I don’t want to ignore what’s going on but I don’t want it to be the only thing on my mind, especially if so much of it is something I cannot control…
So what did we do this past week? Well, we did do another grocery run and our refrigerator and pantry are well stocked at this point. If people would stop hoarding and just buying what they need for a couple weeks, things would be fine. After all, no one has said you can’t go buy food and other household items. Be smart people. Be diligent. Be safe. BE KIND…
I did go in to work for a couple of hours. Not sure if I’ll be able to go in again but I do have lots of work on my desk that need tending. But since nothing can be done at this point, I’m not really in a hurry. No one can really do anything right now. It was weird to be in the office without anyone there but it was great too. No germs spread by me!
the pattern
In this confinement, there are some bright spots. Let’s go bullet style on this:
Tyler Rich & his virtual Rather Be Us Tour. The real tour has been postponed (not cancelled!) and for now, Tyler has been gracing us with IG live “shows.” Wednesday was “Jammin” with Tyler and his friend Hunter Hill (music and drinks and funny stories), Friday was the live acoustic concert (so good!), and Sunday was Day Drinking with Tyler and Sabina (so fun with their various guests). The IG live sets have been a wonderful reprieve from the stress of this current situation…
Simon Kassianides and his daily poetry reading. Simon started reading one poem a day for his followers and I AM LOVING IT! First of all POETRY. Second of all, poetry recited in an English accent. Third, Simon reading poetry in his lovely English accent. It might just be that I’m still sweet on him (and I am, admittedly) but I love that he’s sharing his favorite poems with us. Hell, I love that he likes poetry!…
I’ve started writing a poem a day (again). I was inspired by Simon reading poetry every day and thought I’d do one better by writing a poem every day. I’ve been posting them to my IG story (so they disappear every day) but as I wrote this, I realized I should have highlighted them so I did! I loved writing a poem every day when I did it all those years ago so it’s interesting to start up again. Of course, the poems are super rough and when I’m a little desperate, I’ll do haikus. Maybe I’ll try other forms. I freestyle most of my poems but sometimes, if I’m particularly inspired, I rhyme…
Video chatting and technology in general. I was able to video chat with my sister and cousins this past weekend. Thank goodness! It was good to actually talk, as opposed to just texting or posting on social media. We talked about how our days were going, touching a little on our respective situations. It was good to touch base and I hope we do more of it during this shelter in place and then of course after this is over.
Oh yes, Jack Whitehall’s May 2nd show has been postponed. Am I bummed? YES. Did I expect it? Yes indeed. I hope that when it gets rescheduled it’s on a Saturday and I can still attend. I do so want to see him live and maybe, just maybe even meet him. Maybe?
Star Trek: Picard – We just have one more episode. I can’t wait and yet I wish it wasn’t already almost over! I have enjoyed every single episode so much and I am so glad that there is a second season in the works. If you can, watch it!
Westworld – I’ve decided that I like any episode featuring Maeve and the amazing talents of Thandie Newton. She is a treat to watch and utterly mesmerizing…
The Mentalist – The hubby has been watching this show and I’ve watched a fair share of the episodes. I’m almost sorry we didn’t watch it during its original run but I am glad we can go through them at our own pace. Last night we got to Charles Mesure’s episode and we’ll be seeing William Gregory Lee’s episode soon as well. It was actually rather nice seeing Charles and thinking, oi, I’ve shaken hands with him! Such a sweet guy. And of course, I’m very much looking forward to Greg’s episode. I might have to do screencaps. Who am I kidding? I’m going to do them.
view through the bathroom window
I hope everyone out there is being safe and diligent. Stay home so we can flatten that curve. The sooner we flatten that curve, the sooner we can get back to a more normal life. While you’re sitting home, maybe take the time to learn something new about yourself and the world. I’m striving for balance. I hope you’re doing the same…
Be well. Be diligent. Be safe.
Oh, and stop hoarding stuff like toilet paper!
from TWITL – week twelve – sheltering in place
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thelostdaimon-blog · 7 years
Just In Case
I get not wanting to go to my IG page...maybe you don’t even have an IG, so here is ALMOST all my post on my IG to catch you up on some of the writing i do. Not all of them have names, but they should be all separated by my name. 
Tell me you want to love me
Tell me that I'm your one and only
Tell me that I will be your everything
Tell me why those words seem to sting
Why do they leave such a sour taste
Why does their meaning feel so displaced
Why do I feel like you are giving me excuses
Why do I feel like my emotions leave me useless
And when things ended so abruptly, was it me
And when I see you with her, am I to act carefree
And when my heart breaks, is it not suppose to hurt
And when this all happens, am I not to fall apart?
Don't worry about me, I'll be alright in the end
Don't worry about my feelings, no need to make amends
Don't worry about my heart, it used to being broken
Don't worry about my words, nothing else needs to be spoken
D’Anna Nicole
Every time you say I love you
I never know what to do
My heart skips a beat
My souls feels complete
And I have to wonder if it's really true
Every time I say I love you
Are you feeling anything new
Do these words have the power I want them to hold
Do they make you feel like you are finally whole
Maybe their meaning has fallen through
D’Anna Nicole
From “You”
Why do I wear my heart in my sleeve
And my feelings on my chest?
Why are my thoughts tattooed down my legs
And my past engraved on my skin?
Why is every word I write bleeding red
As if it came from my own veins?
Why is every word I speak painfully light
As if it was ripped out from my lungs?
Why do my fingers shake the pen in my hand
Like I'm afraid of what the ink may say?
Why do my arms wrap so carefully around me
Like they are so ready to give me crumbling body false security?
D’Anna Nicole
From “fairytales”
When I was younger I’d hideaway
Tucked in my own world everyday
From my mother’s excuse
For my father’s abuse  
My books became Bibles
For a Godless world without disciples
D’Anna Nicole
From “a rose by…”
She bled once for her mother who only knew how to leave her
She blood twice for her father who never knew how to love her
She bled for every cruel word that was ever spoken to her
She bled for every man who tried to love her but only left her
Her blood painting  picturesque poetry of passions and paradise
Overlaid on patterns of unsurmountable pain meant to entice
Her mind into believing that she was actually good enough
That someday she could actually be loved by someone
And if there is a single thing she learned from that day
It's that your soul will always be stained red, you can't wash it away
D’Anna Nicole
We layed in bed silently intertwined. My head on his chest, I traced the outline of the tattoos placed above his heart. I listened to each of his heartbeats, trying to put it to song so I could remember it, every moment; when he was gone.
D’Anna Nicole
It's the morning of surgery
When I went in and wondered
This is as simple as it gets
But I have tinges of regrets
What if  something were to happen
What if the simple went wrong
There are things I haven't done yet
People I love that need to be kept
That when I realized I hadn't lived
I hadn't experienced life the way I was meant to
D’Anna Nicole
Sometimes I have to sit and ponder   When is it that our minds decided change From believing in all the world's wonder To being weighed down by our own chains
D’Anna Nicole
I miss you and I love you I could never forget you The hug we shared and The kisses that showed you cared I don't ever want to know a day Where I can't be with you I know I couldn't ask you to stay So I'll find a way to pull through But it won't be the same Hearing you say my name No it won't be the same And I'm the one to blame How I felt, just wasn't enough And what I said, didn't compare And we chose not to discuss The love we knew we shared So I miss you and I love you I could never forget you But I've been left here and Without you, I'll disappear.
D’Anna Nicole
I see your name and I smile
If only it be for a little while
I can pretend as if I was still with you
As if this weekend we would do what we usually do
But that's not true
When I see your name I want to cry
Because your smile is too far away from mine
I would see you like I normally would
For its just an image on my screen
I have no reason to rhyme
There's no more rhythm in my heart
There's no more song in my soul
It's bleak
And motionless
I deserve nothing less
Than to see you everyday and to hear you say
My name on the tips of your lips
As if it were divine and forbidden
As if when you said it, you would possess me
You never wanted that for me
You always wanted to see me grow
To be the best version of me I could be
But at what cost
Never being with me
Is it good enough for you to know I’m alright
Even though I'll never be truly happy without you
Is it good enough to know that I'm safe
Even though it's not in the security of your arms
It's not enough for me
Tell me I made the right choice again
When most of the time it feels so wrong
Tell me it's for my future and education
When it all feels second to you
Don't regret it
I could try my best not to
But I regret not being with you
I could try my best to make the most of it
But I regret not sharing these moments with you
Was my love not enough?
For you to see it was always you
For you to feel the pain of letting you go
For you to know just how much I wanted you
For you to taste every bittersweet moment we had
Because now you're gone
                     Now I'm gone
                                   It's gone
                                                  And we may never get it back
I see you
I see the disbelief on your face as you see your little brother lifeless on the ground
I hear you
I hear the screams you shouted wishing he'd come back to you
I smell the scent of your cologne still on the shirt you let him borrow
I feel the regret filling your heart knowing they were looking for you
I taste
I taste the darkness filling your heart when you look at his girl and mother this way
I wish
I wish it didn't have to be this way
D’Anna Nicole
I want to be the one to make you happy but you never give me the chance I want to be the one you've always wanted But you leave without a second glance I am here if you want me The truth is I always have been I am here if you are willing To ever try and do this again
D’Anna Nicole
With a bullet in my chest
The cold hard ground becomes my bed
Where I could wake up and restart this day again
And show him how much that I cared
My breath is leaving me
And I can hear the cops running past me
I can hear more shots being fired
And I see his body fall beside me
When I looked into his eyes
I think I saw a glimmer and realized
He didn't want to die
And neither did I
As I lay there
Feeling life leaving my body
I remembered
He asked me for help last September
D’Anna Nicole
Put a smile on your face
And pretend everything is alright
Put on your battle paint
Because we’re fighting a war tonight
D’Anna Nicole
When I think about happiness
I always think of you
Love, is the word you say that makes me happiest
Love, is the only thing I know I feel that is true
You are the reason I am who I am today
Opening up was never easy to do, but so easy with you
Unlike any others, I don't want to go without you even for a day
My life only truly began when you entered it
And through all my ups and downs, you were there for me
Remember our summer, our kisses, our night moonlit
Remember our love, so deep, passionate, and carefree
You say you'll love me always, and I feel the same for you
My life I refuse to live or end without you
Everlasting love is all I'll ever feel, so I have one question for you
D’Anna Nicole
Momma you always told me to be careful
And you know I always listened
But them why did this have to happen
I was being safe that night momma, I promise
I didn’t drink a single drop that night
I was walking home the night he forgot what the law is
Momma I didn’t know anything was wrong
Until I smelled the coke and Hennessy
But by then, his headlights were the only thing I could see
D’Anna Nicole
It's plain and simple
It only comes down to this
I love you more than you know
And I just want you to be mine
Only mine
D’Anna Nicole
Carry me on your shoulders
As if I were your own sweet mockingbird
Carry me in your heart
As if you’ve never had it broken before
Carry me to the mountain top
Let the wind carry you in its wings
Only then can we really be free
Only then can we truly see
Only then can we fully be
The colors of the wind
The strength in the mountain
The love in life
D’Anna Nicole
I was weak when you first came across me
But I became stronger when I was with you
Now I’m without you
And I’m left to wonder
Did you ever want to me with me?
Did you ever truly love me like you say?
Did you ever want want to continue what we had?
They say “if you love something set it free.”
“If they come back, it was always meant to be”
Here I am sitting waiting for you
Are you waiting for me?
D’Anna Nicole
I stand by your side. Even though it hurts me.
I stand by your side even though my heart is shattered.
Your secret admirer whoever could it be?
Why can't you see, all along it was me? I guess it never mattered.
If only you knew how much I love you.
If only you knew that I was there.
If only you knew the way I look at you.
If only you knew how much I care
D’Anna Nicole
Colorless eyes
No teeth
Hard to rise
Can barely breathe
Life's been great to look back on
But then I realize it's almost gone
Mom’s face is fading from my memory
Life is just a cycle, it lives on infinitely
D’Anna Nicole
But I’m rooted in who I am
And like the tree that I’ll become
I will follow the path toward the sun
And if I get intertwined along the way
Well then that’s OK
But right now I’m just a sapling
With the world out there to see
And I’m still grasping
At what I’ll become
And it’s true that I don’t know the outcome
And although you may think those who wander are lost
I disagree, because I believe
It’s not about the destination
It’s about the journey
And while the wheel in the sky keeps turning
I can’t stop believing
No matter how faithfully devoted I was to you
I’m the one that’s crying now
And although you aren’t that far away
I feel like we are worlds apart
And it just keeps getting worse
So maybe
Just maybe
It’s time to go our separate ways
D’Anna Nicole
You want to know what it means for me to love you? It means I can't go a single day without thinking about you at least once. It means that every song I hear some how brings me back to you It means every night I dream of you I dream of all the time we spent with each other I dream of a future we could have together I dream I am laying with you, close to you, hearing each beat of your heart and feeling each of your breaths synchronized with mine It means that every time someone asks me if there is someone in my life, my every fiber begs to scream yes in utter bliss It means I find myself crying some nights because I only ever want to be with you, but you let me go so far away It means that I have lost a part of myself because for me to love you means you own my heart.
D’Anna Nicole
Am I really so unlovable
That I can't even manage
To find a way to love
D’Ana Nicole
Success and happiness  
The one thing we are all looking for
But what is success and happiness but an idea
A thought
Success is worth more to us than anything imaginable
Some would give up everything to have it
Tale of giving up your born child
Or selling your soul to the devil
But it never seems to be enough
We greed for more
In the hopes that it'll bring us happiness
But if you are looking for happiness in your success
Will it ever come?
In my experience,
You will constantly try to be more successful
But your happiness
Your true happiness
Will never come
So I urge you
Find it within yourself
Not to find happiness in your success
But instead
Find success in your happiness
Only then can you truly be
D’Anna Nicole
I've never been someone's first choice
No matter how many time I've cried
No matter how many times I've prayed
I'll always come second to someone else
I just want someone to want to be with me
Is that too much to ask for
Just this once
I want to be first
D’Anna Nicole
She tried to pretend to be content with what she had with him
But she would never be satisfied with a future so grim
Oh, how much she wanted just to be with him somehow
As if she was Juliet pleading, “Wherefore art thou!”
But she knew any and all efforts to tell him this,
How much she wanted to be with him, would be fruitless
Because she was picked to be rooted and moved elsewhere
Too far away from her dear lovers care
He wants her to go, to watch her flourish and grow
She, willing to stay, to be loved by him, her Romeo
D’Anna Nicole
I love you now the way I loved you then. my feelings for you have never changed and my love for you has no end. We've been through a lot, both together and apart, but I've always known it was you from the start. Not a day had gone by that I haven't thought of you and everything we've been through. I'm so happy that no matter what happens between us, I can still earn back your trust. I may not deserve it and I certainly don't deserve you, but I couldn't be happier knowing that you feel the same way too.
D’Anna Nicole
From the minute she felt the wind on her face, she had given up
There was no point in living
No one would miss her, her life was meaningless
So she jumped
From the minute she opened her eyes, she cried
It didn't work, she was alive
Not sure if she was upset or relieved
From the minute she wrote the first word, her spirit was lifted
Transcended from the page to existence
A medium of truth that saved her
From the minute she finished it, she found her savior
Not in an entity of divinity  
But I'm a daemon of writing that was lost
From the minute she found it, she found her reason
To continue, to write, to live
Her writings became her bibles, her truth became her gospel
So she was saved
D’Anna Nicole
The only thing left to say
Is that you left me
Heart broken
D’Anna Nicole  
I want to be with Mars
The truth is I love him
Despite the distance
I want to feel close to him
But we are afraid
Afraid of being together
Of hurting one another
But that doesn't make me
Love him any less
It makes me want him more
You are my Mars
And I'm your Venus
I love you and I think you love me
We are meant to
be together
So why can't we?
D’Anna Nicole
The the thing about being in an emotionally abusive relationship is
You don't know that you are in one until it’s too late
Or maybe you do know, but you refuse to believe
You tell yourself this time it’ll be different
But it never is.
D’Anna Nicole
She will continue to break herself
Until someone learns to stay
And help her put herself back together
Only for her to break again
She's waiting for the one who will stay
No matter how many times she breaks
D’Anna Nicole
I'm not changing myself for you
I refuse to
I'm not changing myself for anyone
I am changing
But I'm changing for me, myself, and I
D’Anna Nicole
I had a dream last night and you were in it
I don't know why I dream about you but I do
It happens quite often so I wonder
Is it because I miss you, because I loved you
Is it maybe because you are thinking about me too
I had a dream last night and you were in it
You were protecting me from things
I didn't know I was afraid of
Was it because you were always trying to protect me
Was it because I let myself misunderstand you
I had a dream last night and you were in it
But no matter how odd the dream was
No matter how much sense it did or did not make
The only question on my mind when I awoke
Was if maybe you still dream of me too
D’Anna Nicole
You've asked me time and time again
When did I realize I loved loved?
What moment? What were we doing?
The thing is, there was no moment.
There wasn't a sudden realization.
Loving you didn't come that easily.
When you found me I was broken.
And I won't lie, I still am.
I built walls around my barbed wire heart
With the sole purpose of keeping you out.
I loved you then and I love you know
Because you didn't let that stop you.
Each brick you tore from my walls
Was a moment I realized I'd love you
For the rest of the life I've been blessed to live
When I first saw you, you loved another girl
But your devotion to her  tore out a stone
The times you let me cry, the times you let me scream until I forgot what it all was for
You tore down my solid wall
When we kissed, when you laughed,
The moments in silence when I looked at you
In those moments when we both knew forever
You obliterated all my defenses
So you could ask me again
Though I doubt you'd give me the chance
But you could ask me a million times
You could ask me until the day I died
When did I first realize I loved you
And my answer will forever be
I have always loved you.
D’Anna Abril
I have been made to feel broken
I have been pushed down
I have been beaten
I have been bruised
And in this case I have been stabbed
In places both domestic and foreign
To my heart and my soul
I have tried to die
I have struggled to live
I have loved
And I have lost
I have felt the happiness of company
I have endured the loneliness of solitude
I have fought for what I believed in
And I have been silenced by my fear
I have had things handed to me
I have had many more taken away
And through all of this, through everything
I have never wanted something more
Than having you by my side
D’Anna Nicole
I don’t let myself love
I don’t let myself say what needs to be said
I want to love a man but I can’t
Because I can’t even love myself.
I’ve never had confidence in who I am
Never told myself I could be better
I’m selfish in my want for self-preservation
I contradict myself constantly
And I do this all without hesitation
Loving myself has been so complicated
I thought it was impossible
If I can’t love myself no one could love me
So I tried to kill myself by the count of three
I put on a mask so no one will see
How damaged I truly am inside
Because I’m afraid they’ll always leave
But it’s time to leave that all behind
Because I deserve to be loved
By myself and others
It may take me a while and I may need help
But you, I promise you
I will make it less complicated to love you.
D’Anna Nicole
We've both become so distant
From who we were when we met
I used to fall to sleep to your heartbeats
Now I can barely remember their rhythm
I don't know if it has been time or distance
Or maybe we’ve just both grown
But I wish it hadn't been so far from each other
I can't help but to remember the time we spent together
Each moment we’ve ever shared
I know things weren't always perfect
But they were always ours
And that love that I felt
That's what I'll never forget
D’Anna Nicole
If you love me
Hold on
Hold on to me
Cause I'm crumbling at your feet
If you love me
Hold on
Hold on to me
Cause I can hardly breathe
If you love me
hold on
Hold on to me
Cause I'm a little unsteady
I'm seconds from fleeing
Can't handle all the screaming
I'm tired of all the weeping
Hold on to me  
Finding no reprieve in dreaming
Cutting just to start feeling
Now I can't stop the bleeding
Hold on to me
If you love me
Hold on
Hold on to me
Cause I feel myself slipping
Hold on to me before I'm gone
D’Anna Nicole
The only thing people
Can never take away
From you is your name.
Each name has its own power
What's yours?
D’Anna Nicole
She cheated on you
She abused you
She hurt you
More than you care to admit
You are scared to death
To ever let a woman
Into your heart and life like that again
She didn't just break your heart
She crushed your soul
Now it all feels like a dead weight
Buried deep within your chest
But what you don't see is me
That I am here
Burden me with the weight of your world
I gladly carry it upon my shoulders
Let me lift your heart and mend it
Until you are strong enough to do it on your own
Let me love you in all the ways she couldn't
In all of the ways you deserve to be
Just give me the chance to show you
D’Anna Nicole
I was trying to write a poem
About trying to find the perfect man
And how he doesn't exist
But I just couldn't finish it
Because he does
Because he is you
But now I have to write a poem
About trying to find my happiness
Knowing that I can never be with you
The problem is, despite all that
You are still the only man
Capable of convincing me
To name my child after Batman
You are still the only man
Capable of making me
Get tacos in the middle of the night
You are still the only man
Who I'd ever allow to drive
120mph on a highway with me in the car
You are still the only man
Who could make me dependent
On sleeping with someone else
You are still the only man
Who's heartbeat lulled me to sleep
Who's breathing made me feel secure
You are still the only man
I wish I could wake up to everyday
And have movie marathons with
You are still the only man
I could say if asked to marry him
I would unequivocally say yes without regret
You are still the only man
I imagine seeing at the alter
While I walk down the aisle
You are still the only man
I envision have that large family
That we both dreamed of together
I get it now
That because you love me
You feel you have to protect me from you
And that's what love is to you
But you don't get it
It's because I love you
That I can never be happy with any other man
And you can tell me all you want
That I will find better
But the truth is that doesn't matter
Because for the past year
My heart has beat in sync with yours
And I wouldn't have it any other way
And that's what love is to me.
D’Anna Nicole
I have been told my entire life
By family and friends
Social media and movies
That the perfect man
Well he just doesn't exist
But now I'm being told to never settle
For anything less than mr. Right
Well truth be told, they’re probably right
My mr. Right, my perfect man
He probably just doesn't exist
But if he did,
He'd probably be something like this
D’Anna Nicole
Sometimes I wonder why I am here
Or I guess the better question is,
Why am I still here?
Everyone has a past
Some people have had it hard;
Some have had it harder.
But why is it that some people,
They rise from the ashes,
While the others go up in flames?
D’Anna Nicole
Today I was reminded of all the people I've lost
Through death,
through misunderstandings,
through distance.
Today I was reminded of all the pain I've endured
Inflicted on others,
Inflicted by others,
Inflicted on and by myself.
Today I was reminded of all the people I've gained
The children born,
The friends I've met,
The family I've built.
Today I was reminded of all the great experiences
That I have experienced,
That we have experienced,
That's has yet to come.
Today I was reminded that despite all the negative you may see in your life, there's always something positive waiting to happen right behind it.
-D’Anna Nicole
I'm having one of those days
Where I'm finding myself waiting
Pushing people out the door
So that just for a moment
I am alone
And I can cry
Not for any particular reason
But I know they wouldn't understand
If they saw me
They’d want to fix me
But can I be fixed
Can I stop having one of those days
Where I find myself waiting
For everyone to leave
So I am alone
So I can cry
For no particular reason
Will there be a day
When it all just
-D’Anna Nicole
They say mother always knows best
But this time I think she is wrong
It's true that I'm still young momma
But no matter how many times
I repeated that to myself
It doesn't change the fact
That I don't feel young, I feel more matured
It's true that I should enjoy myself momma
But I want to enjoy the finer things in life
Not these pointless parties
Wasting precious moments on Whiskey
I want to be creating my legacy
It's true that I won't find “the one” with one man momma
But I don't want to play the field
I don't want the meaningless one nights stands
I'm tired of wasting my time, my energy, my love
I want more
It's true that I'm too young to settle down now momma
But that doesn't mean I'm not ready to slow down
To find someone to enjoy life with
To find someone who I can eventually marry
To find someone to be the father I want for my kids
I know you don't want me to make your mistakes momma
I know you want better for me
I know you worry about me finding the right man momma
I know we don't have the best track record for men
But I know I can do it
You've always known what's best for me momma
And I've always trusted you and your advice
But this time I need you to trust me
I'll always be your little girl momma
But now I'm grown and
I'm ready to slow down
-D’Anna Nicole
I need you to love me
                    Love me
                    Love me
I need to love myself
-D’Anna Nicole
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