#i love my brother but if he doesn’t stop stealing my beanies every time i go home to visit i will need to Enact Violence (affectionate)
eucalyptgem · 1 year
the last time i woke up in tears
was a dream that i’d had where you were no longer here
and your spot is empty
and i’m struck with the fear of always sitting alone in the back seat
it’s a grief that i’ve never known -
i’ve never lost someone so close,
but as dream and reality superimpose
i remember an alternate life spent alone.
my first memory is the day you were born:
the waratah jersey and the pigtails id worn
but mostly your face-
and now the nausea hits
i know your absence doesn’t really exist but will eventually
in big ways, for sure,
but also in ways just as small
as a concert without you or that gap on the wall where your height should be marked
(above me, because of course you became tall)
and eventually one of us will be the first to go
but before that day i’ll make sure you know that i love you
i love you
i love you
even when you steal my blurryface vinyl
and also my jewellery
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From A Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)  
Chapter 3
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A/N: Hellooooo there!!! here is the next chapter, sorry it took me so long, I hope the others will not take nearly as long!! anyways, I really hope you like it and lmk what you think PLEASE!!! Also biggest thanks to Ash cause like, why not, she’s helped me with this and literally everything😂😂
ALSO this one is from both of their POVs, so the change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: lots of cursing, mentions of Pretty Little Liars, another attempt at Swedish (if its wrong pls lmk) I think thats it, if you think I missed a warning please inform me!!! 
Summary: Brock has a plan... he executes it.
Word Count: 2.7k
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
PRESENT (thoughts) ---------------
For you, your hardcore crush on Elias was very secretive. Only you, Quinn, and Marky know about it and you are not about to tell anyone else. Elias, he’s so funny, his humor is the exact same as yours and he never fails to make you laugh, even though he barely talks to you. He makes fun of your brother, just like you, and is extremely quick-witted with his comebacks.
And as for Elias, he's the only one who knows about his feelings, because he has worked hard to suppressed them. She has the best laugh. Elias tries his hardest to make her laugh whenever he can because every time he hears it makes his chest fill with warmth.
He has the best style and it’s so fun to see what he wears. Every once in a while there are a few questionable items, but overall, he always looks great. You love to see that he’s willing to take those fashionable risks. It’s better than what every other hockey player wears. The go-to of shorts and a t-shirt with a beanie. 
She looks amazing in everything that she wears without even trying. She could be in a dirty sweatshirt and sweatpants and he would still think she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Her hair, her shoulders, the curve of her hips and back, all of it was perfect. But his favorite thing had to be her legs, they went on for days and the contour of her muscles was so beautiful to him. Safe to say any day she wore shorts, Elias had to try extra hard not to stare.
He has the most beautiful face you've ever known. His jawline was immaculate, like nothing you'd ever seen. His light golden blonde hair was so unique and it reflected the light in the prettiest way, at every angle. His smile, while dorky, was also something you couldn't stop yourself from staring at, always making you smile too, at how adorable he looked when he was happy. 
She is totally off-limits.
He doesn’t like you.
You loved your brother, but my god could he be stupid sometimes. He’d texted you TWENTY minutes ago to meet him in the break room and he still wasn’t there. You’d texted him 7 times and he hadn’t responded. You had started to text him an eighth time when the door opened.
“There you ar- Oh. Hi Elias, what’re you doing here?” instead of your brother, like you had thought, it was the gorgeous swede, wearing a pair of glasses that complemented all of his features, a light blue sweatshirt, a backwards snapback, and a nice pair of black sweatpants...needless to say he looked quite sexy. Especially compared to you, you were wearing one of Quinn’s Canucks sweatshirts (that you definitely didn't steal), leggings, you had your hair up, you didn't have any makeup on so you looked, well, not sexy (in your opinion).
“Uh, hi Y/N, um is Brock here?” he asked as he closed the door behind him and looked around the room.
“No, he told me to meet him here like 20 minutes ago and he still isn’t here,” you said.
“Weird, he told me to meet him here like 15 minutes ago,” Elias explained.
You shake your head and laugh, knowing exactly what’s happening.
“What?” he asked, reasonably confused as to what’s going on.
“Elias can you do something for me?” you asked, he nodded. “Go try and open that door, please,” you instructed him.
He walked up and just like you were thinking, the door didn’t move.
You laughed again then shouted, “OH, FUCK YOU BOESER!!”
“What’s happening right now?” Elias said tugging at the door still.
“Brock is a FUCKING CHILD is what’s happening, he locked us in.”
“What? Why?”
“Who knows?” you, that’s who. You knew precisely why Brock would want to lock the two of you in together. Because his best friend didn’t like you and he wanted the two of you to get along. You pulled this trick on Brock and his friend Julia, in high school when they had a big fight. 
“Well, how long will he keep us in here?” Elias questioned.
“Why, do you have somewhere to be?” you asked him.
“No, I’m just wondering.”
“Don’t want to be alone with me that long?” You said with a laugh, even though you weren’t joking (he didn’t have to know that).
“What? No, why would you think that?” he seemed genuinely upset at your suggestion.
“I don’t. It’s just- never mind” you stopped yourself.
“Y/N, what is it?” he pushed.
“I don’t know,” you said, then you gave in to his request, “it’s just that you never want to be alone with me, and you never talk to me, I just assumed you didn’t like me”
Elias let out a loud laugh and sat down next to you on the couch, “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re my best friend’s little sister.”
“Well let’s see the evidence shall we…”
You went on to describe the events of the summer party at Bo’s house in August of 2019. The night you felt confirmed your suspicions that the swede didn’t like you. 
It was early August so you were wearing a white short-sleeved blouse with pink flowers, and a white denim mini skirt. You and Brock had arrived late because Brock was trying to get his hair all “floofy and perfect”
As you walked in, you said hi to everyone, made your rounds of greetings. Once you finished, you ended up right where you thought you would, talking with Thatcher and Troy. As you were talking, you made eye contact with Elias across the room and waved at him. But he didn’t wave back or smile or nod like you were expecting, he rolled his eyes and turned around.
Elias stopped you there
“Wait wait wait, that’s is not what happened” he dismissed your details of the story.
“Yes, it is! I waved and you looked so annoyed!” you insisted.
“Ok, this is what I remember...”
Elias was talking to Brock about God knows what. Brock was in the middle of talking when he glanced over and saw Y/N, Troy, and Thatcher all talking to each other. He was looking at Troy who was pointing at Y/N and Thatcher making kissy faces. Implying what he was afraid of: Thatcher and Y/N were together in some way. So yeah, he rolled his eyes and turned around, because he was a little hurt and a lot jealous. (though that's not exactly what he told you)
“I rolled my eyes and turned around because I thought It was so ridiculous to think that you would ever like Dems,” liar, “like I thought Stech was being stupid, that would make no sense YOU liking HIM,” he laughed, he’s a lying liar who lies. Though he did think that wasn’t even possible. Having seen how annoyed she gets around Thatcher now, the thought that she’d ever like him in a way that was anything more than ‘annoying friend that I have to deal with’ Seemed inconceivable. She is so far out of his league it’s not even funny.
You didn’t say anything, just looked down at your feet. The boy you have a very hardcore crush on right now is talking about his good friend that you had a minor crush on back then. 
Elias could apparently tell you weren’t telling him something “...Y/N”
“Mhmm” you hummed, still no eye contact.
“What is it?”
“Uhh, so, here’s the thing,” you said sounding quite guilty, “I may or may not have, you know, hadacrushonthatcher… back then” you mumbled.
Elias was silent for about 5 seconds and it felt like you had died and come back to life within those seconds. “I’m sorry, did I hear that right?”
“I don’t know,” you turned to the door, “hey Brock, now that you’ve humiliated me, may we leave? I would like to go home and wallow in my self-pity.”
“No, wait Y/N. It’s fine, why does it matter? You don’t like him now?” he correctly assumed.
“God no, ew,” you scoffed.
“Ok, so why does it matter?” he genuinely wanted to know.
“It doesn’t, I guess. I just don’t want you to think I like him is all” God he’s going to figure it out.
“Yeah, no. I’ve seen how annoying he is'' Elias replied. Thinking the only reason she didn’t want him to know was that you liked a certain friend of his. The other Swede in the group. Since the incident at Brock and Y/N’s place, he has come to learn that they aren’t together, he’s familiar with the term “cuddle buddies” now which doesn’t make any sense. But he can’t deny how Y/N and Jacob act around each other. Sure, Quinn explained that they don’t think of each other as anything more than that. He even said that Marky goes on dates all the time. Even still, he knows he’ll never be the one Y/N has her eyes on, and even if she went crazy and did think of him that way, he could never act on it. Brock would kill him, and as he keeps having to remind himself: his friendship and on-ice chemistry is too important to risk. 
“Yeah well, Marky’s great too,” he said, pulling your attention from the way he looked in those glasses, and that hat...damn.
“...Yeaaaah?” you said, suddenly quite confused as to where he was going with this. You nodded your head, wordlessly telling him to continue.
“And, uh, I think he’s great… really…. great'' he almost seemed annoyed by what he was saying. More importantly, you were extremely lost.
“Elias, stop being vague. You're confusing me,” you said plainly.
“What Y/N, do you not know what I'm getting at?” he said, assuming you knew what he meant, continuing to stay all vague and Swedish.
“Obviously not,” you rolled your eyes and looked back at his still annoyed face.
“You and Marky? I think he's great...you know…” he paused and took a deep breath, then mumbled, “for you”
You burst out laughing, “Elias Fredrik Pettersson”
“Fredrik?” he whispered to himself with a smirk at the way you said his full name.
“I’m not dating, nor do I want to date Jacob Markstrom.”
“Yeah right,” he said in his classic sarcastic tone. 
“I don't! Our personalities clash so bad! Have you not noticed that?” you shouted trying to make it clear to him.
“I mean, I don't know” his face was turning red at his seemingly wrong and laughable accusation.
“Ok, Elias, look at me,” he did with his goddamn beautiful eyes, “Think about it,” you told him.
And he did as you said. 
One night, in particular, stood out, it was about 4 weeks ago and the Canucks were on the road. Quinn and Elias were sitting on Quinn’s bed. The door burst open, Y/N ran in, Jacob following close behind. 
Y/N sat next to Quinn and tucked her head into his neck.
“Woah, Y/N/N what’s wrong?” Quinn held her head and hit pause on the episode of Pretty Little Liars they were in the middle of watching. Elias turned and watched the events, knowing he’s most likely going to just be an observer for the rest of this interaction
She pulled her head out of Quinn’s neck. At this point all of them were sitting up, Jacob on his bed, the other three all on Quinn’s, “Marky is an ASS,” she said, looking directly at Marky.
“I am not, she’s being a drama queen,” he defended himself.
“I’m sorry have you met her?” Quinn laughed, “She’s literally the complete opposite of a drama queen”
“Fine, ask her what happened then” Jacob gestured at Y/N.
“Y/N/N” Quinn asked her to continue.
“Well” she started, “this dumbass Giraffe tried to get me to talk to the ever so beautiful Gabriel Landeskog.”
“How is that so horrible, he’s such a nice guy?” Jacob seemed genuinely confused.
“I’m not social Marky!! I don't do that, he so hot and I looked like an idiot.”
“No, you didn’t. oh my god,” Jacob said, rolling his eyes. “du är precis som Elias (you are just like Elias)”
“aj (ouch)”
“God, I hate it when you guys do that” Quinn whispered.
Y/N continued, “JACOB, I said, and I QUOTE, ‘Woah, damn’ and then stood there staring at him like an IDIOT”
“You did not?” Quinn said, laughing.
“Huggy, I swear to god, I will slap you” she turned and looked at Quinn with legit murder in her eyes.
“Ok, but yeah, Marky you don’t do that shit to Y/N. She’s just like me, we don’t socialize well.”
“I don’t get it, like I know you’d rather stay in when I want to go out, I just didn’t think it was this bad.”
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” she said, shoving her hands in her hair, “I looked so stupid. And did I mention HE’S HOT”
“Wow, you really have a thing for Swedes, huh?” Quinn quipped.
Her eyes widened. “Quinn Hughes, shut the actual fuck up” she shoved the giggling defenseman. Quinn just stayed laying down and continued to laugh, he then looked at Jacob with a knowing glance and a grin, and Marky giggled. Elias assumed it was because Jacob was aware of Y/N’s feelings.
Elias had been observing this interaction from afar, afar meaning about 2 feet away on the opposite side of the bed. He completely agreed with her, if he was shoved into an uncomfortable situation with someone he’s never met, he’d act just about as stupid as she did. And even he had to admit, Gabe Landeskog is hot as FUCK.
“Ok, Y/C/N/N, I’m sorry. But I didn’t know it was that bad. Side note, how come all of my close friends except for like 3 are super antisocial. I mean look in this room. You three are the exact same.”
“Wow… this right here, THIS is why you are only good for hugging” she gets up and walks over to the other bed where Marky is sitting.
“You’re so sweet to me, you know that?” sarcasm evident in his tone, he hugs her.
“Marky, you know I’m not sweet.”
Elias grinned to himself at that. She was right, she’s not sweet. She’s not mean but she surely isn’t sweet. Just like him. And she was the perfect amount of smartass, beautiful, loving, funny, antisocial, tough, and strong. She was literally everything he could’ve wanted.
Before he let himself get too lost in that thought of her again, he responded “ok, yeah I guess.”
“Didn’t Quinn tell you that I don't like Marky like 10 times?”
“Yeah, but I just- the way you guys act around each other. It just would make sense.”
“Well, now you know.”
Silence filled the room once more, you looked over at Elias. he was smiling and looking down at his hands. You continued to be mesmerized by just how beautiful the boy in front of you looked. With his backwards snap back and sweats, it seemed as though he had just thrown on a random outfit, and to anyone else that was probably what they would think. But that didn't matter to you, he was just so pretty and it filled your brain with too many thoughts. thoughts that you knew you shouldn't be having about him because he clearly wasn't your biggest fan. But that got you thinking even more (which is dangerous), he was acting different, it seemed as though he had let his guard down. He's never done that with you, in fact it felt like when you were around him, his guard was reinforced. He looked a little softer, sweeter, the guy you met at the Dice-and-Ice gala, you think. All you wanted was for that guard to stay down, giving you access to the guy you had a crush on, not just his hard outer shell. 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
WIP Wednesday #15
Since Jason's birthday is tomorrow and all, I'm doing something longer as a treat. A triptych, if you will!
Content warnings for child abuse and neglect, alcoholism and food insecurity.
Thalia wakes up, like she usually does, to Jason curled against her with his fingers in his mouth. She can't easily put him in his crib by herself, but her mattress is on the floor and there's nowhere for him to fall, so she can ensure that she's there to hold him whenever he wakes up crying. Her shirt's a little damp, but this time it's just because he's drooling in his sleep. Last night, thankfully, was free from disruptions.
For him, at least.
He's a year old today, and she hasn't seen their mother since two nights ago, slumped on the couch with an empty bottle of vodka on the ground next to her. The door to her room is closed. Whether she's in there sleeping it off or out somewhere getting drunker, Thalia has no idea.
Bitterly, she doesn't care. It's not like their mom cares about them, either.
Jason yawns, his hair sticking up like a cockatoo's feathers. The first eye contact of the morning always leaves him giggling and reaching for her, and the feeling of his small, warm body flopping onto her brings her focus back to where it should be.
"Happy birthday, shrimp."
"Happy," he repeats, nosing at her stomach.
It's up to her, like usual, so she gets him dressed and ready and gives him the last of the cereal to occupy himself while she digs through her closet to find the old coffee can she stashed there.
Every time she thinks she can get away with it, she lifts a bill from their mother's wallet and puts it in the can. Every nickel she finds on the street, every dime she pulls from the couch cushions; it all adds up, a little at a time.
After carefully saving as much as she could for the past few weeks, she's squirreled away enough. She takes out a fistful and stuffs it in her pocket, then re-buries the can under a pile of her laundry.
Today's special, and she'll cover the loss somehow— by sneaking some extra groceries under her coat again, if she has to.
Jason's finished with his breakfast by the time she emerges, sitting patiently and playing with the plastic dish she'd given it to him on. Her sweet baby brother, looking up at her with a smile so sunny you'd think they were living like kings.
Her chest feels tight and her throat's in no better condition. After a deep breath, she reaches down to grab his hands.
"Do you know what birthdays mean?"
He takes a second to think about it as she pulls him to his feet, then shakes his head.
"Birthdays, Jason," she says, grinning— it's harder to dwell when he's holding onto her hand— "mean birthday cake."
The gas station a block away at least has the miniature kind wrapped in cellophane. He won't know the difference, since he hasn't even been introduced to the concept of cake yet, but she'll still have to make it up to him with a real one someday.
By the time Jason turns two, Thalia has shoplifting down to an art form.
People are usually too busy fawning over how precious her brother is to pay her much attention, and having Luke along makes it almost easy. Jason adores him, and he's happy to draw focus away from her by translating the toddler babble and proclaiming that they're his favorite babysitting clients, which conveniently explains the lack of adult supervision.
Thanks to him, she's managed to get Jason something a lot better than cake.
She saw it in the window of a toy shop and immediately knew it was perfect, but it cost more than she'd scrounged in the past six months. She'd been resigned to the idea of stealing a brownie instead, and then last night, Luke showed up at her doorstep with it tucked under his arm and his face split into a wicked grin.
She's not sure she wants to know how he managed to smuggle it out without getting caught, but the way Jason lights up when he lays eyes on it, happier than she's ever seen him, is enough to make her ignore the uneasy feeling.
She can't help but mirror it back to him, her heart swelling with emotion as he flings his arms around the stuffed animal's neck. It's almost as big as he is.
"That's right. It's a wolf puppy. She's named after a mama wolf called Lupa."
The real Lupa is the matriarch of a pack living at a conservancy in San Diego county. Her likeness is an embodiment of the fiercely protective love Jason should have gotten from his own mother, and which has fallen to Thalia and her limited capabilities instead.
Jason rolls over, still holding tight to his new doll, and lays his head in her lap. If she's coming up short, he certainly hasn't noticed.
"My Lupa?"
He's gently petting the wolf's fur, in a movement that's strikingly similar to how Thalia's petting his hair. She blinks a few times to chase away the burning in her eyes.
"Your Lupa."
She can't give him the childhood that he deserves. It's a struggle to make sure even his most basic needs are met, and some days it feels like the whole world is united against them, but then he hugs her leg or curls up against her shoulder or tells her in that sweet voice love you, Taya—
And everything settles in her chest, refining itself into a white-hot determination.
She's all he has, and the one thing she can make sure he'll never want for is someone who loves him enough to fight for him.
She understands how the real Lupa must feel about her cubs. She knows, with more certainty than she's ever known anything, that if anyone so much as thinks about hurting her little brother— hurting her baby— she'll tear them to shreds with her teeth before they have time to run.
Everything is perfect. Thalia's made sure of it.
The party doesn't start for another hour, so she has to keep Jason occupied until then. He thinks she has lunch reservations and they're meeting at her place for coffee first— the second part is true; she has a pot of Kona ready to go as soon as he arrives.
While she's preparing his decoy surprise, the rest of his friends are in Manhattan, helping Percy and Sally get his bash underway. She finds herself quivering with excitement as she puts the last few touches in place.
The doorbell rings and she squeaks, shoving the main item behind a bookshelf before racing to answer the door.
"Happy birthday, shrimp." She stands up on her tiptoes and hugs him around the neck. "I have something for you."
Jason beams, pink, and squeezes her back.
"I told you last year that you don't have to get me anything. Your company is a gift in and of itself."
"Ha ha," she counters dryly, knowing he can hear her getting a little emotional at the sincerity on his face. "Very funny. Like I'm not going to try to make up for the ten of them that I missed."
She takes hold of his arm and pulls him into the apartment, past the kitchen to the hall that leads to her bedroom. She opens the door beside it, the one that used to be her study.
Jason's eyes go wide.
The desk is still there, but the chair is new, much larger than the one she used. The bookcase is the same, too, but she's put her video games in a box in her bedroom and filled the shelves with fresh sketchbooks and paints and pencils instead. The bed is new too, as well as the nightstand and the dresser.
Sally stripped and varnished all of the wood, and built a set of floating shelves that are currently storing a series of framed photos from Annabeth's camera reel. Piper decided on the paint colors— sky blue with a deep purple accent on the wall that slants to the ceiling. Leo took care of borrowing Jason's favorite sketches to make the framed prints above his bed, by pretending he was doing a photography project with them.
(He'd burst into laughter when she gave him Jason's baby drawings to frame too, and she'd almost punched him in the mouth— but then she'd noticed his voice was a little tight when he told her the crayon scribbles looked just like her.)
"Wow," Jason breathes, staring around the room as though he doesn't know where to land his focus. "This— is all of this for me?"
"Anytime you need an escape, you've got one. Think of it as your safe house. And there's one more thing."
Reluctantly, she steps away and retrieves what she hid earlier.
Jason's mouth drops.
"Lupa," he whispers, raising his hand. He stops himself halfway through reaching over, like he doesn't know if he should. "How did you find another one? I thought they were a limited run."
Thalia takes his hand, wrapping his fingers around the new doll's front leg.
"I traded twenty-seven ultra-rare mint-condition beanie babies for her with a collector in Montana."
"Do I want to know how you got twenty-seven ultra-rare mint-condition beanie babies?"
"It's not as sordid as you're thinking, I just spent a lot of time on Ebay."
Jason laughs, shaky, and sits down on his new mattress. He's probably not even conscious of the way he's running his thumb over Lupa's paw, exactly the way he did the first time.
He said that donating the original to charity was his idea, but Thalia has a suspicion he was pushed into it with a healthy dose of shaming and manipulation, and the look on his face— shocked, bright-eyed, a little scared like he thinks she'll disappear if he blinks— pretty much confirms it.
Thalia sits beside him and wraps an arm around his back. He slides down along the mattress until he's lying with his head in her lap.
"My Lupa," he says quietly, and she knows he remembers doing it before.
"Your Lupa," she chokes back. "For real, this time. Nobody's going to take her away from you, ever again."
It's different now, because Lupa is about the size of a two year old child, and Jason very much no longer is. She fits in the crook of his elbow, and he couldn't wrap his arms and legs around her if he tried.
Thalia tries not to think about all the nights between then and now that he's needed her, and didn't have her.
He smiles, wiser than his fifteen years.
(He's fifteen years old. God. She missed so much— thirteen months isn't long enough to even really begin to catch up.)
"I know they won't," he tells her. "You won't let them."
She's never going to get those years back. The only thing she can do is make sure she appreciates what she has now.
"I believe you would."
"I'll bite anyone who tries," she whispers back, leaning down to kiss his forehead. He bursts into laughter, reaching up to ruffle her hair like she used to do to him.
@perseusjackson-jasongrace @msdrpreist I still feel self-conscious about pinging people tell me if you'd prefer I didn't difjvhg
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Dancing in the moonlight
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Summary: Dean has it all. The looks. The money. He’s the most popular guy on campus. You are all he’s not. Shy. Nerdy. A loner. One day a pair of green eyes land on you and your life changes…
Pairing: Student!Dean x Student!Reader, Student!Sam x Student!Reader (platonic/best friends), Student!Sam x Jess, Meg x Jimmy Novak, Cassie Robinson, Lisa Braeden, Tyson Brady
Warnings: angst, language, shy reader, bitchy college girls, bullying, the reader is nerdy and smart, protective Dean, comforting, fluff, mentions of violence, talk about sex/oral sex, virgin reader/Dean, Dean is a virgin and not afraid to admit
A/N: Sequel to: Water under the bridge
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Around four months later…
“Gosh…Sweetheart. That’s… fuck me. I can’t hold it any longer. Am I even doing this right?” Snickering you correct Dean’s position, but he won’t stop cursing.
While Sam and Jess followed your orders for the next yoga position without any problem Dean looks like he’s going to die or something.
“You look awesome in those shorts…” While Dean falls onto the mat, cursing under his breath, Sam laughs about his brother’s clumsiness. 
“Shut up, bitch! That’s more complicated than it looks. I never did this before…” Grumbling Dean tries to get up, but his left thigh starts to cramp and he whines, calling for your help.
“Dean, relax.” Gently massaging Dean’s thigh, you give him a dirty look when he groans every time you get too close to his crotch. “Forget it. Do not relax that much!”
“Sweetheart…” Dean’s eyes meet yours and you sigh heavily. “You’re the perfect masseur.”
“I know, Baby now let me take care of you.” Jess nudges Sam’s side as you press your lips to Dean's forehead. “Does it still hurt?”
Dean hums silently, only wanting your attention, so he lies to feel your hands on his body and your lips pressing soft kisses to his face. 
“I think Dean should train more before he tries another yoga session with us.” Sam snickers and you give your friend a dirty look. 
Defending your boyfriend, you gently rub his thigh.  “He never did this before, Sam. Go easy on my Deanie Beanie…” Now Sam starts laughing and his brother calls him bitch once again. “Do not make fun of my pet name for Dean. He loves it…”
“I can imagine he loves it…” Giggling Jess looks at Dean who gives her a dirty grin. “You do?”
“My girl can call me anything she wants to. Now, how about we stop training and get to the relaxing on the couch part?” His best puppy dogs’ eyes focused on you Dean pleads for mercy. “Please…”
“I will order a pizza; Sam can get the cold beer out of the fridge and you can take care of your injured boyfriend.” Jess orders as you help Dean to get up. 
“Sweetheart, you are such a good girlfriend. You are one in a million.” Swooning Dean limps toward the bedroom you share for two months. 
Sam, Jess and you found a nice house four months ago and Dean suggested moving in together. You agreed that you will share a room two months ago.
You spend your nights with cuddling and making-out but so far, you didn’t take the last step. It’s not that you don’t want to have sex with Dean, but your doubts won’t let you relax enough so far.
“I can run you a warm shower and rub some ointment onto your thigh, Dean.” While Dean sits onto your shared bed he watches you prepare everything to make him feel better.
“Can I tell you something, Y/N?” Poking your head out of the bathroom you nod, smirking as Dean knits his brows together. “I…I was thinking about eating you out…”
“Dude!” Flustered you run toward the door to close it. “You can’t drop such a bomb!”
“I mean we fingered, and you gave me a handjob. I want to make you feel good, Sweetheart.” Dean eyes you up and down, lazily licking his lips as you bite your finger.
“This weekend Sam and Jess are away, and I thought I can go down on you and give it to you good.” Still unsure you step closer to sit onto the bed next to Dean.
“Dean what if I’d like to have sex with you?” Dean’s eyes widen and you can see his cheeks heat up, just like his ears.
You love that the tough guy your boyfriend is still can be embarrassed like a schoolgirl.
“Sex, like…sex…sex?” Dumbfounded Dean bites his lower lip, not knowing if he’s prepared to finally take the last step. “What if I am bad? God…what if I hurt you?”
Crawling onto Dean’s lap you press your lips to his temple. His hands cup your face and press your lips softly to his. 
“I know you would never hurt me. How about we do this ‘eating me’ out thing this weekend and talk about what you like, and I want to try before we take the next step.” Nodding Dean pecks your lips and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Love you, Y/N.” 
“Gosh, maybe I love you too, Winchester.” Rolling you over to land on top of you Dean starts tickling your sides and you laugh, fighting his hands. “Okay…okay…I love you too…”
“Damn right, Sweetheart. Now let me have this shower to relax my thigh and we can watch the movie you wanted to see.”
“Dean, it was you wanting to see Titanic, not me! Do not lie.” Grinning cheekily Dean give you a disapproving look.
“Fine. If anyone asks it was my idea. You’re such a softie.”
“HEY! I still want to know why she didn’t change position. She let him freeze his ass off, selfish girl.” Humming you pat Dean’s cheek as he keeps on talking about the most annoying movie you ever saw.
“Baby, he wanted to save her.”
“Yeah…but why not saving the guy too? I wanted a happy ending and that was just crap! Marrying someone else and dying to meet him again…Idiots…”
“Aw…” Peppering kisses all over Dean’s face you enjoy he chuckles as you ruffle his hair. “You’re such a sap, Dean Winchester. Now up and have a shower, Mr. Softie and we can watch the movie…”
“You can bet your cute ass on that. Make a sad face if Sam wants to watch something else. He can’t say no if Jess or you do so…” Pecking your lips Dean snickers before he leaves the bed to run toward the showers.
“Did you fake you are injured?” One shrug later Dean enters the showers and you fall onto the bed, groaning. “Little cheater…”
“Love you too, Sweetheart.” 
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While Dean lies on the couch to shelter his ‘injured’ thigh you lie on his chest, not interested in watching Titanic.
Sam made fun of you and Jess for wanting to watch the movie – Dean defended your choice. The little shit grins widely as he exclaims Jack could be alive if Rose would’ve been more like you.
“Aw…Sam. Dean is such a sap sometimes.” Jess swoons while you roll your eyes. “I bet Dean and Y/N would’ve saved each other.”
“Only if he doesn’t have to share his pie. You should see him hog the last slice. I have to fight dirty if I want to get a tiny piece…” Snickering you nudge Dean’s side while he’s engrossed in watching the last scenes of the movie.
“I always share.” Grumbling Dean looks at you, a dark look on his face. “I gave you my last chocolate bar last week.”
“It was a tiny piece and you had it in your mouth before I had the chance to eat it!” Bickering about pie, chocolate, and pizza you barely realize the movie is over. 
“That’s it, guys. You are officially the perfect couple.” Sam smirks as you throw a pillow at him. “You feed each other with food. It’s disturbing sometimes!”
“Love is not disturbing, Sammy.” Pursing his lips Dean gives his brother a wink. “Rather cute and adorable if it comes to my girl. She loves to hide sweets under her bed…”
“It was you stealing my sweets?” Grabbing Dean’s ear, you narrow your eyes. “I accused Jess! Dean Winchester!”
“I thought you would share with the man you love.” Shrugging Dean smiles as you pat his chest. 
“This means the last piece of pie is mine, Winchester.” Whining Dean looks at the fridge. “No discussion.”
“My girl gets the pie,” Dean grumbles but he gives in to make you happy.
“Maybe I’ll offer you a small bite.”
“As I said, disturbingly cute…”
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Walking through the hallway with Dean’s arm wrapped around your waist still feels odd sometimes. He still is popular, but for over four months he refuses to talk to his old clique.
Dean cut ties with all of them after what happened that day. Brady felt Dean's fist collide with his face until he had a broken nose and could barely speak.
Cassie and Lisa, well your boyfriend didn’t hit them, he would never hurt a girl, so Jess and Meg did the job.
You still have the video someone made of the ‘ultimate catfight’ between your friends and your archenemies. Dean couldn’t stop laughing as Lisa started to cry as she broke three fingernails.
Jess and Meg were relentless. While Jess fisted the girl’s hair, Meg punched their noses, kicked their shins until the self-declared queens of Stanford were reduced to little girls crying for their mommy.
The guy pushing you toward the car got arrested and will have to face the consequences of his doings, just like the other guy grabbing you.
Most of the time, Lisa and Cassie leave you alone. There are moments you feel their boring looks or hear insults leave their lips but you learned to ignore those people trying to drag you down.
“You look beautiful today,” Dean whispers in your ear as he leads you toward your favorite tree on campus.
Sam, Jess, Meg, and Jimmy love to sit there with you and Dean. Sometimes Meg brings her guitar to play a few songs while Jimmy tries so hard to sing.
“Dean Winchester, you little charmer…” While Dean sits under the tree you place your bag and books next to your boyfriend's stuff. You have an hour off so you will spend it with your boyfriend and friends once again.
“Come here and sit with me, Sweetheart. I want to tell you something.” Leaning your back against Dean’s chest you smile as he moves his arms around your waist. “Love you.”
“That’s what you wanted to tell me, Winchester?” Smiling you let Dean press his warm body closer to his. 
“I want my parents to meet you officially. I know you were at our house a few times before and that they know about you but…” 
Clearing his throat Dean smirks as you turn around to search his face. “I want them to get to know my girlfriend, not Sammy’s best friend.
“Dude. Mary loves me like a mom and John even kicked your ass once as you used a bad word.” Brow's furrowed you look at Dean and he sighs heavily.
“Damn, girl. I want this whole ‘I introduce my girl to my family thing’.” Dean insists and you nod before you press your lips to his.
“AW…look at this Lis. The holy virgin learns how to kiss a boy. Do you think she knows how a dick looks like?” Cassie snickers standing too close to your favorite place for your comfort.
“Nah, Cass. I bet she can’t satisfy a hunk like Dean. Maybe he’ll get bored soon enough. Someone like Dean needs a woman, not a toddler by his side.” Cassie sneers and Dean wants to jump up, but you hold him back.
“Fuck off, bitches!” Meg warns already storming toward your archenemies. “Didn’t you get your ass beaten enough last time?”
“We can give you more, bitch!” Jess adds and you snicker at her pissed attitude. She even snapped her fingers.
“You better leave now. We want to have a nice time without someone bitching around.” Sam clenches his jaw as Brady dares to look you, a dirty grin on his lips.
“No one wants a boring girl who can’t satisfy you, Dean. Why do you waste your time with a virgin?” Now Dean jumps up to bump his chest against Brady’s.
He’s silent for a moment before he meets his former friend’s eyes. “It’s not a shame to be a virgin and wait for the right person to sleep with for the first time.”
“Sure…” Lisa snickers. “I bet you prefer not having sex at all…”
“Yes, I do.” Dean retorts and your gasp at his next words. “To be honest, I am a virgin too! I waited for the right girl and Y/N is the right for me. I am not ashamed to admit I did not waste this special moment at someone like you or Cassie.”
Everyone falls silent. Sam looks at his brother like he got slapped. Jimmy turns pale while the girls cheer for Dean for being man enough to admit he’s ‘innocent’.
“Dude! I am proud of you…” Sam chokes out while you hug Dean tightly. “I don’t know if I ever was prouder, Dean.”
“How can you be a virgin?” Cassie blurs out. “You are hot and all, not like your girlfriend…” 
Jess waited for her chance and here it is. Her hand collides with Cassie’s cheek with a loud thud and Meg snickers as tears well up to Cassie’s eyes.
“This has nothing to do with being hot or not. I wanted to wait for the right girl and now I found her. This is my body and my decision! No one tells me if it must happen with eighteen, sixteen or thirty. If I want to wait till I danced with my girl in the moonlight it's none of your business." Dean grunts.
“Exactly, you loser. If you wasted your virginity to a random douche it’s your fault.” Meg grins devilish. “We all know it was during a party and you don’t even know who the guy was. For me, it was my Jimmy.”
“Now fuck off and let us have fun. We don’t need spoilsports or assholes around.” Jimmy deadpans as Brady wants to say something. “Go ahead if you can live with the consequences.”
After watching Cassie, Lisa and Brady walk off, you cup Dean’s face to press your lips to his. “I am so proud of you, Baby. I love you.”
“Love you too, Sweetheart.”
“Gosh, your kids will be as cute as hell.” Meg claps her hands looking at Dean and you. “Now little love-birds let Aunt Meg tell you everything about flowers and bees…”
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Tags will be added in the reblog.
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roadtripbois · 5 years
I,,, need,,,, more,,,,, sleepxiety,,,,,
here some random stuff about those cuties:
Virgil will whine a whole lot if Remy stops paying attention to him. sometimes Remy does it on purpose bc cute
if Remy is looking away and Virgil wants kisses he will tilt his head down to get him to look at him and just pout until he gets what he wants. it’s very amusing and adorable. again sometimes done purposefully
Remy loves kissing him super suddenly bc it makes him giggle every single time
Virgil loves giving Remy hickies at random times. it’s not really a sexual thing. he just likes marking him
Remy also loves marking Virgil but its definitely more sexual and more about ownership for him so unlike Virgil he’ll only do it when they have alone time
but Remy does kinda like exhibitionism a lil bit (just the thrill of almost being caught) so one time he tried to get Virgil worked up while they were in the car but Virge was like My Brothers Will Murder You If I Don’t First so Rem chilled
Virgil loves being carried so if they’re ever walking somewhere he’ll get Remy to give him a piggy back ride (if he doesn’t get one of his bros to)
Remy’s literally always wearing his sunglasses bc Aesthetic™️ and Virgil likes stealing his boyfriends things so sometimes he’ll take them and wear them
of course he also steals his shirts, jackets, hoodies, and sometimes beanies
sometimes Remy acts like he’s gonna kiss Virgil but instead he kisses his nose or just blows raspberries on his cheek. it annoys Virgil but also makes him giggle a lot so its fine
they’re obnoxiously flirty and affectionate. they’re that couple.
they play fight/have cute domestic arguments a lot. sometimes they’re kinda serious but not really. they just spend a lot of time with each other on the road and in and out of hotels & airbnbs so they’re bound to annoy each other. it always ends in laughter and kisses
they very rarely have actual fights. they try really hard to just have healthy discussions. if things ever do get heated they’ll sit next to someone else when they’re able to or stay apart for a lil while off the road until they’re ready to chill out and talk
yeah i dunno they’re just cute
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birooksun · 5 years
I'm (not) dreaming of a White Christmas
For @deviant-sasshole for the Reed900 gift exchange
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Nines looked around the small store Tina had dragged him into, many other shoppers crowded around them, all shopping for presents as well. He didn’t quite understand why Tina insisted he join her for shopping. He didn’t understand the whole purpose of everyone gathering together for only one day and forcing cheer upon themselves. They weren’t even religious. 
Tina had tried to explain to him it was the culture, it was just what everyone did. She especially seemed to love the Secret Santa exchange the DPD was doing. He turned and looked down at Tina, she bright smile almost infectious. It certainly was for the other patrons, he fought the urge to smile as well. Joining her for shopping gave him an opportunity to shop for his own secret santa. 
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
Gavin Reed, the small slip of paper said. The man’s handwriting was a messy as himself, slanting to the left, ink leaving thicker dots at the end of each letter. He wondered for a moment who the other man had gotten as his gift recipient. Quickly the thought was pushed aside. It didn’t matter, he didn’t care. He certainly didn’t feel any jealousy wondering if Connor had Gavin as a Secret Santa. Even if the two still didn’t get along, he didn’t feel any jealousy towards the older model who got along much better with their coworkers at the DPD.
Tina gave a squeal and he wandered over to where she stood. In her hands was a hideous sweater. Even as an android with no human preconceptions, he knew in a nanosecond it was horrible. Part of him wondered who  she would foist it onto. A smaller part of him wondered if she would look at something so ugly and give that smile thinking about gifting it to him. He turned to her and just raised an eyebrow. She giggled and looked up at him.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
“I’m so going to give this to Eli. This is so ugly and it’s even got some Menorahs on it!” She gave that giggle squeal again. If he were human it might have hurt his ears. “Do you know how hard it is to find an ugly Hanukkah sweater? Christmas sweater, no problem. Hanukkah? Forget about it.” She giggled again and put it in the basket she carried. “Alright, let’s keep looking for other gift ideas.”
Nines didn’t understand, Elijah wasn’t part of the DPD. He couldn’t be her secret santa. There was no reason for her to get him that hideous sweater. Nines glanced down at his own empty basket as he quickly ran though his database. Elijah Kamski, half brother of Gavin Reed. At one time Tina and Gavin had been roommates in college before they joined the police academy. It made sense that she had met Elijah at some point in their lives. He followed behind her, looking around the racks and a shade of blue caught his eye. He left his spot as Tina's shadow and wandered over to it. He picked up the sweater and looked at it, scanning it as he wondered if he would gift him with that same smile given to the older model. Tina walked up to him, “That’s almost the same shade as Hank’s eyes. Even if he doesn’t love it, it would be great for him!” 
"May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white"
He turned from where he had been looking at the dog on the sweater. “It’s an exact match to his eyes.” He didn’t mention wanting someone else to smile at him, to not be intimidated, to not flinch away when he stared at them. Nines put the sweater in his own basket and walked away. Tina had gotten something for Elijah, so it wouldn’t have been odd for him to get a gift or two for acquaintances as well, right? 
The two of them continued to wander around the shop, their baskets slowly filling up with gifts for people they knew. Nines had almost cracked a smile at the gift Tina had picked for Gavin. A new coffee mug, but this one with part of a gun for a handle. He could preconstruct the response, Gavin and anyone around for the gift would give a laugh. He would then replace his own plain mug for this one. Nines wondered if people would smile and laugh at the gifts he picked for them. He shoved the thought aside. It shouldn’t matter. It didn’t affect his ability to do his job. He didn’t want Gavin to smile at him, or put his arm around him as he did Tina. 
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
The two of them paids for their shopping from that store before moving to put the gifts in Tina’s car and going to a different store. It was much more feminine than the one before it. He found a hair clip that would look nice on Chloe, before glancing around and picking up another similar one for Tina’s own long hair. He thought the faux pearls mixed with pale pink roses on a silver vine would look nice against the deep black of her hair. He wondered if she would put it in her hair right away and thank him. 
They didn’t stay long in that store before moving to the next one, still holding their small bags. This one had darker lighting than the previous store. Nines thought it fit with the brick wallpaper they had running along the store. He followed Tina to where she was looking at different piercings in a spinning case. “Oh this would be perfect if Gav still had his belly piercing!” He quickly shoved the thought of what he would like to do with that away. Gavin was his coworker, that wasn’t appropriate. At ALL. “He had to get rid of the tongue piercing too.” Tina gave a laugh and walked further into the store, leaving Nines behind as he stared at the piercings, trying not to think of what Gavin could do with that tongue. 
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
He quickly pushed the thought aside and followed after Tina, a small part of him hating her for putting those thoughts in his head. For giving him information he didn’t need. Even if he wanted it. He found himself standing in front of different beanies, one of them was a faded looking blue and had pointy cat ears on it. He immediately thought of his predecessor and cracked a small smile at it before picking it up. Tina saw it in his hands. “Oh that would look so cute on Connor! I love it!” 
“I can see him wearing it. He’s soft like that.” Kind, caring, sociable. Nines wasn’t, he was built for intimidation, for capture rather than interrogation. Nines pushed the thoughts aside as he continued to wander through the shop. He found different party games, Tina had already picked up a few, her bright smile making him wonder who the recipients would be. He looked to the side and found it, a gift he could get Gavin. Completely work appropriate, and not showing his affection for the man at all while still showing the idea of friendship. 
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
Tina gave a small frown. “Just buy him two gifts Nines. One for the work party and another for ours. I’m sure we can find something you want to give him.” She had a sly smile and Nines glared at her. Smug bitch.
“I don’t know what you mean. At all.” He wasn’t in denial. He did not have affections for Gavin. Did not want to kiss the man or be kissed by him either. And he was not obvious about it. Tina’s smug smile didn’t fade from her face as she dragged him over to the back corner of the store. A riding crop caught his eye and he thought of how Chole would love it and Elijah would turn red from embarrassment from everyone knowing. He wondered if his own feelings for Gavin were as obvious as those two were. 
"May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white"
Tina held up a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs and he laughed. They were horrible, not useful at all and yet. It was perfect.
The DPD party went off without a hitch. If one could call having to stop Chris and Tina from spiking the drinks as not being a hitch that is. He did, it was easy. He sent them over to Connor to harass. Tina left a glittery swack on his cheek after catching him with the mistletoe. He wondered where she got that glittery lipstick. She hadn’t brought it when they arrived. A quick scan of the crowd showed exactly one other person with the same lipstick. An ST300 named Rachel. He brushed that revelation aside for another time. 
The party at Elijah’s house was different, both more subdued and more rambunctious at the same time. Connor wore his beanie right away, Hank poked at the ears and laughed. Elijah spent the whole night in that hideous sweater. Apparently he loved it. Chloe helped Tina put her hair clip in. It was Chloe, Elijah, and Tina blushing at the riding crop. Chloe kept tapping people on the shoulder or butt with it for the rest of the night. 
Nines walked over to Gavin and help out the fuzzy pink cuffs, hoping this would work and not leave him feeling embarrassed. Not that he would be, not at all. “Gavin Reed, you’re under arrest for stealing my heart.” He placed the pink cuffs on Gavin, not wanting to look at the mans face. Not wanting to see rejection. He could hear the giggles from Tina, Hank’s cut off laughter. Connor probably covered his mouth, and Chloe’s gasp. 
Gavin’s laughter though, was unexpected. “Oh my god you’re such a dork!” Nines shoved aside the pain of rejection. The hands on his shirt and the pull from Gavin were unexpected. The kiss was pleasant though. He returned it happily. 
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smoljoelito · 5 years
best friends with CNCO
requested by/request: one of my mutuals requested this but I can’t remember which one for sure I forgot to screenshot I think it was @quierick​ or @cloudfiveclub​ OOF sorry
warnings: fluff and language
richard camacho
erick brian colón
chris velez
joel pimentel
zabdiel de jesús
tags: @quierick @mepuserojito @ericks-mala-actitud @woowoodaaboo @ella-se-vuelve-loca @joelsaww @honeyzhong @sarswilltakeyouout​ @pimentelssmile @whippedforcnco​ @notsoteenagegirl @richukisbb​ @besosdecnco @emsy55 @cloudfiveclub @erickspretend1​ @hardtoadore @pretendcnco (join my taglist)
♢ Richard
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Constantly making fun of you
Takes you grocery shopping
Makes sure you’re always feeling okay and checks in on you while on tour
Answers the phone like “Sup biiiiiitch!”
Aaliyah’s godmother
Shooting you with nerf guns
Receiving a punch in the gut every time he hits you in the head
Random wrestling matches on the floor
Him being shocked when you pin him down sometimes
Working out together
Starting kickboxing together
Likes to pick you up because you’re smol™
Gets mad when you tell him he’s also a shortie
Lots of swearing and dirty jokes from him
You’re pure so he gets slapped a lot
Protective like a brother oof you can’t have any boyfriend without his opinion
Asking you about songs he’s not sure about to make sure you like them
Helping him write music
Beatboxing while he raps has become a very popular thing with the fans on his Instagram story
Speaking Spanish with him but usually only when you’re mad/annoyed
Tries to dress you
You try to dress him
He has a key to your apartment so sometimes you’ll just come home and he’s chilling on the couch watching the soccer game
You’re like ? 
and he’s like hey how are you? Like it’s no big deal.
He tries to get you to be his wingman and get girls for him
Sometimes you actually do
He always points out girls in public
*eye roll*
If you point out a man it’s all “I will beat him if he steps even in your direction.”
Loving him unconditionally like family
♔ Erick
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So many bad jokes
But good thing you somehow find bad jokes funny
You too will just about be pissing your pants at how funny you think Erick’s bad jokes are
Because they are that bad
Super open about his feelings/emotions with you
Telling you everything
“Hey y/n! Last night at a club this girl grinded on me and she did a really good job!”
“Good morning, Y/N. I got really drunk last night and I just threw up, what’s good?”
Not being as protective
Actually tries to get you dates
“Hey Y/N, that guy is attractive!”
“Why don’t you go over there then?”
Lots of hitting when you’re annoyed
Lots of laughter
He steals your beanies and hats
You steal his hoodies
Sometimes you both dress each other
Making fun of him constantly
Getting protective when the other boys make fun of him
Only you’re allowed to make fun of him
Him making you laugh whenever need be
Lots of “checking up on you” texts
Practices singing in front of you
Always learns your favorite songs for when you have a bad day cause he’ll sing them and make you smile
Teaches you how to play guitar
Tries to teach you how to sing
Always his salsa buddy
Love him more than anyone else
☼ Chris
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He plays too much
Always making fun of you
like every opportunity that comes
Your comebacks are epic though, which he loves
Laughing so hard together that you almost throw up
Fave memory is when you made Chris laugh so hard he DID throw up
Protective over you only when the guy is bigger than him
Always cracking jokes together
All the guys love having you around cause you both literally light up the night with your smiles, jokes, and laughter
Chris buys you tickets to fly out to see him all the time
Steal his sunglasses and hats all the time
Acts like he cares but really doesn’t cause you wear them better than him
People ask if you’re married all the time
Going out to eat all the time to try new foods together
Chris singing to you when your sad which sometimes makes you cry harder cause it’s so pretty
Going clubbing all the time
Having flirting competitions with each other to make sure your game is as good as possible™
Playing pool with him
Making fun of him when he can’t get the 8 ball in
“You even have that bitch tattoed on your hand!”
Lots of swearing in Spanish
He also has a key to your house
but instead, you’ll come home and find him sitting on your kitchen counter eating a bag of chips
“You better put my favorite birthday cake Oreos down you little fucker.”
Sends you care boxes of different foods and items from really cool countries he goes too
Your fave: green tea Kit Kats from Japan
Somehow can find them in the US and gets them for you when you’re feeling down.
“Hey Y/N I wrote you a song, wanna hear it.”
*strums the guitar* “You’re a fucking bitch but I love youuuuu!”
A strong punch in the arm
*strums the guitar* “Now you see what I mean!”
(Courtesy of @erickspretend1) reenacting the “I love you biiiiitch, I aint ever gonna stop loving you biiiiitch” in public to make you embarrassed
Loving his dumbass too much
♡ Joel
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Color coordination in public
Dressing each other
Stealing his rings, hats, and any other accessories
Lots of dad jokes
Lots of smol giggles™
You're his personal photographer
Asks you to paint his nails sometimes
Lots of Disney movies
Always get each other tickets to plays for each other’s bday’s
Broadway & Disney carpool karaoke
Go to see Ed Sheeran and Shawn Mendes in concert with him
Sing there albums in the car
Always finding an excuse to sing
“Joel, sweetie, your famous. You don’t need to show off your voice anymore.”
Avocado everything
Calling him hoe-el when he pisses you off
Having to stop every time he sees a dog to pet it
“We should get a dog!”
“You’re gone touring for like 9 months of the year! I’ll have to take care of it!”
Texting you tea all the time
FaceTime’s right before concerts just to say a quick hello
Having the boys help you surprise him and fly out to see him in concert
Sees you in the front row and is like a deer in headlights
Dancing with him on stage to Pretend cause he taught you the choreography 
The fans adoring your relationship
Lots of ice cream, cuddles, and love
✰ Zabdiel
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A bit more of a quiet relationship
Calls you when he’s sad, anxious, or feeling off a lot
You always know the right thing to say to him and vice versa
Support each other immensely
Lots of late-night deep talks on FaceTime or like on a balcony if he’s home.
Lots of cuddling, especially when one of you isn’t happy
Uses you as a human sleeping bag and passes out on you all the time
“You’re so small!”
“You’re a tree! Tell me, is the air quality different up there? Maybe that’s why you say dumb shit cause you get light-headed.”
He’s chill, you’re not at all.
“Cálmete princesa!”
“It’s NOT that easy for me Zabdi!”
Using his height to your advantage and taking him grocery shopping.
“Could you get that please, Z?”
Helping you learn Spanish
Speaking/singing in Spanish to you when you’re anxious cause it calms you down for some reason
He sends coffee to your house sometimes when he’s on tour just the way you like it
Shows you pics of girls he thinks are cute all the time
Never lets you look at men
“You’re too good for him!”
“I just glanced at him! Do you know him?”
“No, but I am a man. His intentions are not good.”
Tries to hook you up with some of his friends.
Never works out.
Gives you hoodies before he leaves on tour
Buys you cute little things on tour and sends them to you
Surprises you at work sometimes when he gets a break from touring
Punching him in the arm after from making you cry in front of your coworkers
The boys fly you out sometimes when he’s having a rough week
Instantly his mood is back to normal
Lots of fluff, support, and love
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transheadcannon · 6 years
In Honor of the end of pride month (darn) Everyone is trans and everyone is at Pride
Trans boy (he/him)
Pan and ace
Is there with Shay his (trans) girlfriend
Total mom of pride
Is prepared for everything all the time no matter what
Has granola bars and water on him at ALL TIMES
Is constantly making sure that everyone is together and okay
Is especially worried about Lance and Pidge 
Especially when they’re both together
Help Lance sew their pride capes
Definitely brought a frying pan
For the Pun
Has a shirt that says “trans boys do it better”
Or “Frying PANS who knew right?”
I love Tangled I’m sorry
Definitely is wearing at least on form of floral print
Is terrified of losing Keith in the crowd
Really wants to get those leash backpacks for kids but for his friends
Hunk is the main supplier of glitter
You can bet your boots this boy painted his face
Will not stop throwing Pancakes at people
His pancakes are Holier than thou
So people eat them no matter what
Everyone, and I mean E V E R Y O N E  loves Hunk and will die for Hunk
Once, at pride, Hunk got knocked down by anti-lgbtq+ protestors
Everyone was there to make sure he was okay
A group of Drag Queens fought off the protesters
Those protesters never came back
Hunk will, without hesitation, punch any terfs he sees at pride
No exceptions
Probably brought a ukulele to play “Rainbow Connection” nonstop
Taking names, breaking hearts, Hunk Garrett
All the ladies are swooning
Shay once had to fight someone to get them off of Hunk
Hunk may be a bit less vocal about it but he his the happiest person there
Trans Demiboy (he/they)
(would date Nonbinary people too though)
Wears Croc Heelys to pride
Has a tendency to wander off which is really not good for Shiro or Hunk
Was roped into letting Lance, Allura and Coran do their makeup
One eye is demiboy colors
The other is Rainbow
Flannel and a black tank top
Lipstick (any color it changes year by year) to complete the look
Everyone thinks he’s gorgeous
Gets asked out by at least three (3) people at pride each year
First time they go to pride they cry
Everyone was so nice and kind and accepting
All his friends were so flustered because none of them had ever seen Keith cry
Keith probably got his wolf a rainbow bandana
Keith’s mom ( a well seasoned gay) is definitely part of the “Where the Hell is Keith Now?” Squad
Keith is normally the one that eats most of Hunk’s Granola bars
He and Lance usually fight over the last one
Keith, Pidge, Lance and Matt are in a “Who can get more glitter on who” war
Keith usually wins because this kid has reflexes like no one’s buisness
The one year Keith didn’t win was because someone Matt  accidentally hit Allura
No one stood a chance
Pride Month is what Keith lives for
Catch him at 3 in the morning June 1 vibrating after watching every episode of Queer Eye and drinking Shiro’s secret stash of Rebull
Keith, surprisingly, gets in absolutely no arguments (other than Lance) or fights during Pride
They don’t want to take away the safe environment young queers have
Definitely wears a beanie no matter what
He rotates his demiboy hat, rainbow hat, and trans hat
“Bro it’s like 100 degrees out aren’t you hot?”
“I’m dying on the inside.”
“Dude, just take off the hat”
“pain is beauty”
“Dude, you’re going to pass out”
Lance once stole a beanie
It did not end well
Trans man (he/him)
Bi (or pan whichever suites your fancy)
Definitely has a baseball cap with Bi and Trans flags on top
The dad of pride
Definitely wears a fanny pack but only because they’re practical 
He keeps cookies and tums in there
Makes a point to dress like a dad
One year, The Squad convinced him to do drag
The results were actually amazing and Shiro can really work heels
Shiro was very flustered but very attractive
That day was Lance and Allura’s field day
Shiro does his own makeup for pride
Once got in a muscle flexing contest and won
Matt buys him a “I flexed and the Sleeves fell off” tank top to wear the next year
Has a shirt that says “Hi Gay I’m Dad”
Has one of those beer hats with the straws but he fills them with redbull
Despite Hunk yelling at him not to
Drinks more juiceboxes than water
Gets proposed to nearly every year
Hissed at someone when they wouldn’t leave Pidge alone
Once brought his teacup Chihuahua Tito 
The ladies were S W O O N I N G
Shiro and Krolia co-parent Keith in shifts
Shiro is Lance’s wingman
Or he tries to be at least
Most people are too focused on him
People always assume that he and Allura are together
They’re just wrestle buddies
Allura wins always and no matter what because Allura is a goddess
Matt and Shiro aren’t allowed to go anywhere together alone after The Indident
Basically, they both got wasted, ate a shit ton of sugar, and got lost
They also somehow ended up almost joining a cult 
So yeah those two need to be monitored. 
People have definitely bowed before Shiro
Everyone wants to be adopted by Shiro
Trans woman (she/her)
Is famous within the LGBTQ+ communtity
A true icon
Definite beauty guru and a GODDESS
Goes every year with her (trans) girlfriend Romelle
Refers to everyone as “my lovelies”
No one dares to flirt with her because she’s out of everyone’s league
Every time Allura breathes a terf gets punched
Every time Allura breathes a small trans girl gets her wings
Has her own float in the parade
Allura was Born on The First Day Of Pride
Allura also got in a muscle flexing contest and W O N
She hands out flower crowns in all pride colors
And she does it all IN 9 INCH HEELS
She and Romelle are a power couple
Taking names and Breaking hearts
Allura and Romelle
Dyes her hair pastel pink every year
Lance and Allura are unstoppable together
People always come up to her and ask her questions
She loves answering people
Haley Kiyoko is her anthem
Gets actual gifts from people
Coran is her gay uncle
Eats a crap ton of raisins 
One year, a group of terfs came up to her to yell at her
They all walked away in love
Transphobes don’t stand a chance against Allura
No one stands a chance against Allura
She is a Very Powerful Woman
Allura, although regal and a goddess is actually is the most excited for Pride
It’s a cool fun environment for cool fun people
Allura loves meeting people
Even to this day she’s afraid she’ll somehow mess up accidentally
Everyone knows that’s bull though
She and Pidge are the loudest at pride
Kills it every year in a crop top
Helps every years queer prom happen
She’s so powerful
Trans man (he/him)
Wears Shrek merch  nearly every year
No shirt
Has a speaker that plays nothing but Bo Burnahm’s “Everyone thinks I’m Gay”
And occasionally “All Star”
Was the biggest factor in why Shiro and Matt can’t hang out together
If he sees a bug, he WILL NOT let you stomp on it
No matter what age
At the end of pirde he’s always covered head to toe in insects and glitter
One year he ditched the Shrek merch in favor of dressing up as spider man
All of the kids swarmed him it was adorable
Another year he wore his fursuit and nearly started a revolution
Helps Pidge choose an outfit each year
Is also the one who buys all of Pidge’s pride things including glitter, flags, shirts
Other than Lance, is Allura’s biggest fan
Allura likes (platonic)  him, but Matt is too thick to realize that
He got rainbow Shrek merch and cried
Is actually like the older queer brother
Like the nerdy one that’s too afraid to go outside
Every year never gets less exciting for him
He’s Lance’s slightly more successful wingman
Gets sunburn every year
Even in the Spiderman costume which covers him from head to toe
Socks and sandals
Specifically to bug people
Obviously those are Shrek socks
What are we animals?
Matt keeps at least 3 cookies with him at pride
For emegincies
Steals most of Shiro’s juice
On the first day of Pride month plays “The most wonderful time of the year” on repeat until Pidge tries to kill him
“It is NOT the time for Christmas music”
Matt at 3 in the morning June first “IT’s the first day of gay lads”
He and Pidge always host a party after the Pride Parade
It mostly involves more glitter fights, except they get Shrio in on it too
Shiro, surprisingly always looses
When he hit Allura in the face with glitter he saw his life flash before his eyes
It was kind of pathetic
Definitely sneaks in Vodka in a water bottle
Nonbinary (They/them)
Before the Parade they roll in glitter to properly prepare
Once Matt had a “genius” idea
Let’s just say it ended with Pidge covered in cling wrap and glitter
Pidge wears sarcastic pride shirts and their floofy golf M.C. hammer pants
Pidge and Allura are devious little Shits
Allura taught Pidge how to walk in heels
Pidge taught Allura how to steal 50 candy bars without getting caught
They do both together
Pidge and Lance are mostly the reason why there are so many glitter fights
Pidge comes out again every year during pride month
Calls it their “Gender birthday”
Comes up with a new extravagant idea each year
Last year it was hot air balloons
This year they’re hoping to hack into NASA so they can rearrange the stars
Pidge pays for it out of pocket too though no one is sure how
Pidge drinks more juice than Shiro
Pidge will only refer to Shiro as “Papa Gay” during pride month
Lance is “ You Absolute Asshole Give Me My Rebull Back”
Tries to eat nothing but Skittles for the month but Hunk always catches them
Colors absolutely everything they can get their hands on rainbow
“Rainbow. The best color. The only color if you ask me.”
Has a shrine for Miles Mckenna
That is all I must say
“Hey Pidge,I’m a lesbian”
“I thought you were American”
Hates getting Misgendered at pride
Because I guess people gender people at pride
Will punch a terf
Has a T-shirt that says so
One year Lance did their make up
Or tried to at least
It did not end well
Pidge wouldn’t stop moving
Pidge once did Lance’s makeup
It did not last well
Mostly because Pidge has no idea how to do makeup
Pidge also protects the bugs at pride from feet
Trans boy (he/him)
Lance uses the glitter the best
Very decorative
(until the glitter wars)
Sometimes steals Keith’s lipstick to use
Allura and Lance always have to go out for coffee before the parade
That’s were they gossip
Lance is Hunk’s impulse control
Namely, if Lance doesn’t do something stupid Hunk will
“It’s a heavy burden”
“Lance, no one made you eat that many granola bars”
Lance is Shiro’s source of Redbull
Lance usually wears a pair of booty shorts and no shirt to pride
Allura lets him borrow a pair of heels each year
Lance owns a pair of platform crocs for pride
Is always a close second in the glitter wars
Owns a shirt with the words “Papa Gay” and Shiro’s face
Is probably the most vocal at pride
Makes his own flags for pride
Always paints at least 50% of his body pride colors
Once brought powdered chalk 
That did not end well
Even though Pidge messed up his makeup while doing it he still wore it out
Every year the children flock to him and every year he brings markers for the kids to doodle on his arms
Definitely makes signs each year
He saves them and hangs them up on his wall
His entire family came to his first pride
He was sooooo  happy
Lance’s family was mildly concerned but happy
Lance almost got roofied one year
He smelt it though
He got that scumbag arrested
After getting top surgery and not needing his binders he did a huuuuge give away
He was pretty much chucking binders at people
Definitely the kind of guy to have the really extravagant patterned binders 
People were crying and swooning
Has asked many times for Shiro and Matt to stop being his wing man
Everyone knew that wing man was Hunk’s job
Everyone knew that except Hunk
One year Shiro did his wings and he cried
I was going to do Coran but I ran out of space. I promise he’ll get his own post
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themurphyzone · 6 years
Absolutely Disastrous Ch 5
AN: Eileen and Marcus Underwood are underused. We need more Underwood family!
Ch 5: We’ll Call it a Day! Everybody Rest Up!
Once they’d taken the path back to Littleroot, it was only a five-minute walk to Zack’s house. There wasn’t much to the residential area of town. All the houses were painted in simple, earthy shades that blended perfectly with the forest.
“Lee’s got the beanie. Lance does not,” Zack repeated for the fifteenth time. “Don’t mix them up unless you want to find whoopee cushions in your beds.”
Melissa rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry so much. Milo and I have plenty of practice differentiating between Absol. Twins are a piece of cake.”
Milo stood out of range so the door didn’t splinter into pieces while Zack turned the doorknob. He kept a lasso at the ready in case a stampede of wild Pokémon tried to carry anyone off.
Zack frowned, jiggling the doorknob a few times. “Weird. We don’t lock it during the day unless nobody’s home.”
Giggles erupted from inside the house.
“Who is it?” a child’s voice called.
“It’s me, Zack!” Zack sighed irritably. “Open the door!”
“Sorry, that’s not the password! Please try again at the sound of the beep!”
“Lee, I have something important to tell Mom and I’ve had a long day already. I’m not in the mood for pranks.”
“It was Lance’s idea!”
“Was not!”
“Was too!”
“Lee! Lance! I want to see those hands squeaky clean before dinner!” a woman scolded. “And don’t lock your brother out of the house!”
“Yes, Mom,” Lee and Lance chorused. They continued to bicker as their voices faded away.
The door swung open, revealing a woman in comfortable house clothes. Zack looked a lot like her. Her eyes flicked over to Melissa and Milo.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you two before,” she said kindly. “Not from around here?”
“I’m Milo and this is Melissa!” Milo exclaimed. Diogee huffed at being left out. “And my partner, Diogee. Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten about you!”
Diogee snorted.
“We’re from the Mt. Chimney area. And we all just became Pokémon Trainers!” Milo continued.  
The woman blinked in surprise. She studied Zack for a long time, who shrank back from the sudden scrutiny. Then she smiled. “Zack, I know you have better manners than this! Milo, Melissa, come inside for dinner. I want to hear how you two managed to convince my boy to become a Pokémon Trainer in the span of one afternoon. Oh, and you can just call me Eileen. Dr. Underwood is a mouthful for house guests.”
Eileen’s tone left no room for argument.
“Marcus called when you left the lab, but all he said over the phone was ‘Zack’s a Pokémon Trainer now’ before hanging up,” Eileen remarked as she set two extra places at the table for Milo and Melissa. “I love him, but that man always forgets to explain the important details. When he got his first Pokémon, he left home without telling his parents goodbye and they filed a missing person report for him! Sometimes he’s just the epitome of absent-minded professor.”
“We had to rescue Dad from a swarm of Magikarp. Some pirate guy was dumping them into the lake and disturbing the ecosystem,” Zack explained. “Milo and Melissa did most of the work on that.”
“You’re the one whose friends with a wild Gyarados,” Melissa said, gently punching Zack on the shoulder. “Stop selling yourself short.”
“Is it true?” Lee demanded, rushing out of the bathroom. His hands were still dripping wet. “Are you a-whoa!” He stared up at Diogee, mouth open in shock. He turned around, cupping his hands to his mouth. “LANCE! GET OUT HERE! THERE’S A COOL POKÉMON IN THE DINING ROOM!”
Diogee growled slightly as Lee tried to touch his fur with still-wet hands.
“Lee, go dry your hands and don’t let me catch you touching someone else’s Pokémon without permission again,” Eileen warned.
“But, Mom-“
“Argue and you won’t have cherry pie for dessert.”
Lee scampered off immediately.
“Mom, can you look over our Pokémon after dinner? We want them checked before we start training,” Zack asked, scooping up a handful of silverware from a drawer and setting them next to every plate. “Oh, and they need a place to stay the night.”
“It’s no issue,” Eileen said. She stirred a large pot of soup on the stove. “Dinner’s almost ready. Melissa, why don’t you take the spare room? There might be a few boxes you’ll have to move aside, but it’s cozy enough. And Milo, we don’t have another bed, but there’s an air mattress we can set up in Zack’s room.”
Milo showed her a deflated air mattress from his backpack. “It’s okay. I have five air mattresses in my backpack! As my dad always says, it’s always good to have one on hand for sleep emergencies and random Ducklett attacks!”
Eileen’s nose scrunched up in thought as she tried to figure out how an average sized backpack fit five air mattresses. “But Ducklett aren’t native to Hoenn.”
Melissa shook her head. “With Murphy’s Law, any species of Pokémon can appear anywhere at any time. Doesn’t matter if they’re native to the area or not.”
The flames on the stove suddenly flared up, almost engulfing the bottom of the pot. Eileen hurriedly turned a dial, and the flames sputtered out with a click.
“Oh, and random fires may crop up too. I’ll just leave this fire extinguisher here. Comes in pretty handy,” Milo said, placing a fire extinguisher in the corner.
After a few minutes, Eileen recovered. “Alright. You seem used to handling these…situations. Just go put down your things and I’ll have everything plated when you come back.”
The twins spent their dinner watching the Pokémon eat. Eileen had to remind them several times to take a bite of their own food.
“-and that’s why Sara swore off secretly watching weight-lifting competitions between wild Machop!” Milo finished. “So, what’s Littleroot like?”
“Not gonna lie. It’s boring. But just ignore my personal bias. I’ll always prefer the city myself. Did Zack tell you we lived in Olivine before?” Eileen said. “It’s sort of the Johto equivalent to your Slateport. Zack’s grandfather runs a Miltank farm just outside there.”
“My big brother fell into the Magikarp pond,” Lee giggled.
Zack almost choked on his soup. “Don’t tell them that!” he squeaked.
“It’s not exactly news to us,” Melissa said. “Besides, you’re not the only one with irrational fears. Take Milo for instance. He’s afraid of Ranseinese fingertraps.”
Zack raised an eyebrow. “Ranseinese fingertraps?”
“They’re a fiendish, diabolical trap that limits one’s dexterity while slowly suffocating the poor little capillaries,” Milo said. He was adamant that they were the worst traps known to mankind.
Melissa rolled her eyes. “Milo, you’re supposed to push your fingers in, It loosens the binding.”
“That’s what they want you to think.”
“Um, Milo?” Lance piped up. He shifted in his seat when everyone turned to him. “I just wanna know…what’s the stuff in Diogee’s food?”
Diogee growled protectively, nudging his food bowl away from prying eyes.
“Don’t worry, he wasn’t trying to steal your food,” Milo said soothingly. “Anyway, the red splotches in his pellets are Razz Berries. In addition to flavor, their hard shells also prevent an Absol’s fangs from growing too sharp. You don’t want them cutting their gums.”
Lance jumped out from his seat. “Sorrymomberightback!” he called over his shoulder as he rushed off.
Eileen placed a slice of cherry pie on Lance’s plate. “He wants to be a Pokémon Researcher like Marcus. Always writing down Pokémon facts and care tips in his notebook.”
Noticing that Mudkip and Torchic were trying to climb up the empty seat to get to the pie, Milo gently pulled them off. They protested as he deposited them next to their food bowls.
“No,” Milo said sternly. “That pie is for Lance.”
Torchic’s feathers puffed out, and Mudkip chewed on his wrist.
“They’re a handful,” Eileen remarked. “You might as well relax tonight because you’ve got some serious training to do on the road.”
Since Eileen said she worked better when people weren’t watching over her shoulder, nobody would be allowed in the house’s clinic while she conducted the Pokémon’s checkups.
Milo and Melissa took the opportunity to freshen up before joining Zack and the twins in the living room.
“What’s it like living around a bunch of Absol? What do they like to eat? What kind of disasters do they sense?” Lance fired all the Absol-related questions he could think of at Milo.
Milo answered him the best he could, pausing every once in while to make sure Lance had enough time to write his responses in his notebook.
Melissa, Zack, and Lee passed the time with a game of Poképoly. The Underwood siblings only had a few bills each, while Melissa had no shortage of money. Zack rolled the dice, then moved his Bellsprout piece to a space that had a plastic replica of the Indigo Plateau.
“I own Mt. Silver. That’ll be 2500 please,” Melissa smirked, holding out her hand expectantly.
“Extortionist,” Zack muttered, grudgingly forking over his remaining money. Because he didn’t have enough, Melissa took the remaining amount from the bank.
“First lesson of Poképoly, Lee. Show no mercy, not even to family. Crush ‘em. Make ‘em weep,” Melissa said. “Oh, and you wanna aim for the spaces around the jail area. More bang for your buck.”
Lee nodded vigorously, while Zack was less than pleased about Melissa teaching about the ways of ruthless corporatism.
“Zack, could I use your desktop to call my family?” Milo asked. “I promised them I’d call after we visited the lab.”
“I wanna meet your family!” Lance exclaimed.
“Me too!” Lee agreed.
“Okay, but try not to blow anything up,” Zack warned as he logged into the computer.
Milo shrugged, knowing that he couldn’t promise anything since Murphy’s Law would always find a way to surprise them. “I’ll try, but no promises.”
“Melissa, were you gonna call home too?” Zack asked.
Melissa shrugged, folding her arms defensively. “I already texted Dad. Besides, he’s probably got something at the fire department right now.”
After the fiasco in the helicopter, Milo couldn’t blame Melissa for wanting her space. But she and her dad would have to face each other in Lavaridge. Maybe the journey would give her time to think things over.
While Milo entered his username into the video chat service his family used, Eileen and the Pokémon came into the living room. Mudkip pawed at Milo until he was settled in his lap. Diogee laid by his feet, watching Mudkip from the corner of his eye. Meanwhile, Torchic and Treecko climbed all over Melissa and Zack.
“Your Pokémon are all healthy. After a hectic day, all they need is rest,” Eileen reported. “My only concern is Mudkip’s tendency to put things in his mouth. While it’s natural for young Pokémon to explore the world through taste and texture, your Mudkip is old enough to be a starter and should’ve outgrown that habit by now.”
Milo glanced down at Mudkip, who nibbled at a pocket on his shorts innocently. “I’ve noticed,” he admitted. “Can I train this out of him?”
“I suggest teaching him what he can or can’t put in his mouth. Yes for designated toys or food. No to body parts. You can probably find some toys at the Poké Mart in Oldale Town.”
“Okay, we’ll get some toys!” Milo agreed. “Thanks for the tip!”
“It’s my job,” Eileen said.
Sara answered the video call within seconds. “MOM! DAD! MILO’S CALLING!” she bellowed.
“Are things boring without us?” Milo teased.
Sara kicked back in her chair, sighing dramatically. “Boring’s an understatement. Now I don’t have anyone to gush about Dr. Magnezone with.”
“Don’t you have your friends in Mauville?” Melissa asked.
“Not the same! I’d be a laughingstock if I told them I shipped Dr. Magnezone with Clefablebelle!”
“You like Dr. Magnezone?” Lee gasped. “He’s the coolest person ever! I liked the episode where he tricked the evil Trubbishdroids into destroying their own fortress!”
“Sweet! Young fan! Always good to see the young people enjoying Dr. Zone!” Sara exclaimed. “So how do you know my brother?”
Lee pointed to Zack. “My brother brought him and Melissa home! We’re having one big sleepover tonight!”
Lance jumped in, obscuring Milo’s view of the screen. “Do you live on an Absol farm too? Are they just as cool as Diogee?”
Milo let the twins dominate the conversation, content to hang back for a while as he tried to gently dissuade Mudkip from chewing on his pockets. There were already several tiny holes in them, and he wanted his shorts to last.
After ten minutes, Brigitte and Martin joined in. “Sorry. Martin’s tie got stuck in the sink. I told you not to lean over the disposal, honey.”
“I got my guitar pick back though. Besides, I still have six more ties for the week,” Martin said. His tie hung in ribbons around his neck. “I see you’ve already made some friends.”
“We helped Zack rescue his dad from a pirate guy’s plot to release Magikarp into the local ecosystem,” Milo said. “You should’ve seen us! Zack’s friends with a Gyarados and Melissa’s really good at commanding two Pokémon at once!”
“Now this I gotta hear,” Sara said.
Zack tilted the camera to give them a better view of the Treecko on his head. “They forced me to run away from a giant boulder within five minutes of meeting me.”
“In our defense, we didn’t have time to explain certain details,” Melissa added.
Martin glanced outside, then held up a hand to stop Milo from retelling the story. “Sorry, can you hold on for a few minutes? I need to shoo some wild Geodude away from the outdoor furniture.”
Milo agreed, and the conversation shifted to Sara gushing over how adorable their Pokémon were. Torchic jumped onto the desk, peering into the camera curiously. Melissa pried Torchic off, accidentally knocking the computer mouse to the floor.
Before Zack could put the mouse back, a Linoone snatched it out of his hands.
“Hey!” Lee protested.
“Don’t let him out!” Melissa shouted. “Torchic, use Peck!”
Torchic darted towards Linoone, who jumped over her with the mouse clutched in his teeth. She rapidly pecked at the couch while Linoone continued his getaway.
You’ve never seen him before, this is just his debut!
He’s Recurring Linoone!
“I didn’t know you had ghosts,” Milo said. The Underwood house didn’t seem like the kind to hold any supernatural creatures.
Eileen hit the fleeing Linoone over the head with a broom, forcing him to drop the mouse. Then she opened the front door, sweeping Linoone outside before locking him out of the house. Melissa plugged the mouse into the computer, shaking it to make sure it worked.
“We don’t have ghosts. I have no idea where those annoying commercial jingle guys came from,” Zack said.
Wait, is this Pokéstar Studios? We’re supposed to be disembodied voice actors for a movie.
“Completely wrong region, man!” Melissa shouted in exasperation. “That’s in Unova!”
“How do you mistake a house in Littleroot for a studio?” Zack asked.
That’s the last time we let Disembodied Reggae Space Voice give us directions. Dude still can’t let go of how we forgot the marshmallows on our last camping trip. Sorry for the intrusion. Thanks for your help!
“We must never speak of this incident again,” Melissa swore.
Milo turned back to the computer screen. Brigitte and Sara took the interruption in stride.
Then Martin returned, plucking a mustard-covered branch out of his hair. “So, you mentioned stopping a guy who talked like a pirate?”
AN: I used imaginashon’s art and notes of Lee and Lance as a base for their personalities. They’re both really adorable and I really wish they’d appear in MML because I’m sure they’d be a riot.  
As much as I love fanfiction, a downside of this medium is how cartoon gags don’t translate well to text. Sometimes I feel like Murphy’s Law doesn’t happen as often as it should because I can’t just have random things explode because Milo happens to be there. So I try to include it in the situations the characters get into instead.
Ransei is the region in Pokemon Conquest. I know it’s based off feudal Japan but there isn’t a direct equivalent of China.  
Melissa has a 133-0 winning streak in Poképoly. She’s keeping it that way.  
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I’m Sorry, What? 
Chapter Two, Jughead’s POV 
Read Me On Ao3
Pairing: Betty Cooper x Jughead Jones
Summary: Jughead Jones’ massive crush on Northside Princess, Betty Cooper, has him a bit…distracted.
note: hi babes! the response to Betty's POV of I'm Sorry...What? absolutely blew me away and I appreciate every comment, kudos, like, reblog, everything so so much! ❤ 
this is Jughead's POV of the same week. Enjoy!
Monday, 8:57AM
Nothing reminds Jughead that he is in desperate need of a haircut like her sitting almost directly behind him in their AP Geography class.
He’s pinching a point of his worn crown beanie, rolling it lazily between his fingers, as she walks by him, gripping her pastel pink binder to her chest before sliding into her seat.
His hand falls to the back of his neck, needing to ease his nerves as class begins, but he immediately feels his dark wild curls peaking out from beneath his beanie and his cheeks redden.
You need a haircut, boy.
He’d rolled his eyes at his father’s remark last weekend, but now that he can hear her scribbling away in her notebook, he’s hyper aware of how right his father may be.
Maybe she likes long hair? It’s not like it’s that long, his hand drops and he takes up tapping his pen lightly against his notebook as his mind wanders, no, she’s definitely not into long hair, that’s why she’s always with that Andrews guy.
He attempts to tune into the mountainous landscapes their teacher is droning on about, his fingers absentmindedly raising back to the crown point on his beanie.
But maybe she could be into long hair? A small smile plays on his face as he thinks about the far-fetched possibility of her running her fingers through his hair, playfully tugging on the curl at the base of his neck as they kiss, yanking a bit harder when things get a bit more heated...
“Jughead? Hello, I need a pen? Jughead?” Ethel is whispering to him, wiggling her fingers near his face to grasp his attention.
“Shit, sorry! What?”
Tuesday, 2:57PM
“I expect nothing less than perfection from the squad,” Cheryl is saying as her, Toni, and Jughead head out to the parking lot, “I can’t help that you’re the only person who meets my standards.”
His hands are shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket, their conversation fading as he glances around the parking lot. His motorcycle remains untouched in its usual spot and he’s about to tell them he’ll see them tomorrow when her name catches his attention.
“...Betty has really been improving and I think you just need to ease up on her a bit, babe,” Toni is saying, squeezing Cheryl’s hand affectionately.
“Betty’s a cheerleader?”
They stop in the middle of the parking lot as Cheryl arches an eyebrow in his direction and Toni smiles at him, curiosity coloring her gaze.
“She’s basically a cheerleader trainee, but yes, she’s a River Vixen-”
“Why do you ask? I didn’t know you knew Betty Cooper,” Toni interrupts her girlfriend and immediately Jughead wishes he had simply said his goodbyes and headed home. His cheeks are pink as he glances wearily between them and shrugs, adjusting his jacket like metaphorical shield.
“Yeah, she’s in my geography class or something,” he quickly says, wondering where the hell Pea is when he needs him as he rubs the back of his neck, “anyone else I know on the squad?”
Nice save.  
“I really don’t have time to relay the roster to you, Jughead,” Cheryl snaps, turning to place a soft kiss on Toni’s temple before smiling sweetly at him, “but I’m sure Toni will fill you in.”
She turns to walk to her car and he tries to avoid Toni’s stare as the flush in his cheeks only deepens.
“Well, I’ll see you later too-”
“Ohmygod,” she breathes, giggling once Cheryl is out of earshot, “you like Betty Cooper!”
He tugs on his beanie, shaking his head as a nervous chuckle escapes him, “uh...no...what?”
Wednesday, 7:42PM
Large pile of hot, freshly salted fries. Cheeseburger, double cheese, with the works. Extra chocolate milkshake with a cherry perfectly perched atop of swirl of whipped cream.
He literally could not be more excited about the meal in front of him, taking a moment to appreciate Pop for all of the good he’s done in this world just by simply existing…and, of course,  bringing this plate of food out.
“I will never understand how you can put away all that food and still be able to fit into any of your clothes,” Jellybean teases, dipping her fry into her vanilla milkshake a few times.
“I was born with a gift, JB, it would be a shame for me not to put it to good use,” he grins in return, taking a huge bite out of the cheeseburger, ketchup dripping onto his chin.
It’s then that he hears her giggle as she slips into the booth in front of him, hugging Veronica Lodge, who is seated next to the window on the bench seat they’ll share. There’s a frosty strawberry shake sitting in front of Betty, having already been ordered by her friends.
Her finger slips into the whipped cream before she steals an apprehensive glance at the other girls, who are currently looking at pictures on Veronica’s phone, and pops her finger into her mouth.
Her lips wrap around it in a perfect “o” as she sucks the whipped cream off and Jughead’s mind is nowhere near Pop’s Diner anymore. He’s back in the darkness of his trailer and her mouth, illuminated by the light of the moon, is wrapped around something a bit larger than her finger.
He groans inwardly, glancing down at the burger still gripped tightly between his fingers dripping ketchup onto his plate, in sheer disbelief at how immediate he had turned into an average teenage Neanderthal.
“Jughead? Hi, it’s your sister, Jellybean. You probably don’t remember me since you seem to have landed on planet Betty Cooper, never to return again,” Jellybean giggles, rolling her eyes at his currently distraught state.
“Sorry, JB!” he shakes his head, grabbing a napkin to wipe the smear of bright red sauce from his chin, “wait, what?”
Thursday, 7:47AM
The aroma of vanilla with a hint of honey is so faint he almost doesn’t notice it.
But then it surrounds him like a warm, comforting blanket on a chilly evening and he can’t help but shift his gaze to where she’s just walked past him.
Sweet Pea is leaning against the locker in front of him, chattering away about an old bike he’d seen strewn carelessly on the side of the road earlier this morning, but Jughead’s focus is elsewhere and his words fall on deaf ears.
She’s stopped in the middle of the hallway, her books pressed against her chest and her ponytail swinging lightly behind her as she giggles at something her friend is saying.
He finds himself wondering what it is that makes her smile so brightly at such an ungodly hour in the morning. Not even the hottest, largest, highest caffeinated cup of coffee could get him to smile this early, that’s for sure.
She glances in his direction, a curious smile now tugging at the corners of her mouth and he quickly brings his focus back to Sweet Pea, attempting to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks.
“Jones?” Sweet Pea raises an eyebrow, a playful sigh escaping his lips as he shakes his head, “I seriously don’t know why I bother talking to you before noon, man.”
“Shit, sorry, what?”
Friday, 10:49PM
The last thing Jughead has planned for his weekend is a Riverdale Bulldog after party.
And yet here he is, casually walking into an already-in-full-swing celebration at Thornhill. It’s dark and the music is blaring, making him and his Serpent brothers unnoticeable as they walk towards the kitchen, but he still feels out of place.
Arms wrap around his neck in an overjoyed drunken hug and a small, relieved smile falls on his lips when he realizes it’s Toni.
“I’m so happy you came! Let me get you all drinks!”
She quickly hugs Fangs and Sweet Pea, leading them all into an empty, yet also dark and loud kitchen.
She’s thanking them profusely for supporting her and attending the game and he wants to tell her that of course they support her. No Serpent left behind.
But she has just walked into the kitchen, a red solo cup firmly in her grip, and when her eyes meet his, his breathing shallows.
She walks over to him, resting the cup on the table as she offers him another bright smile.
“Wow, a football game and an after party?” she says, tilting her head as she teases, “you’re almost more Friday Night Lights than me now.”
He looks down, trying to play off the grin on his face before he raises his eyes to meet hers once more. She’s wearing a River Vixen t-shirt and jeans and he really wants to tell her how beautiful she looks.
But his nerves get the best of him and he clears his throat, now noticing that his friends are long gone, leaving him alone with her.
“Want me to get you a drink?” he asks her, offering her a soft smile, “must be a little dehydrated after all of that cheering.”
“I thought I saw you out there watching me,” she tilts her head and smirks playfully, making him roll his eyes as his heart skips a beat.
“You’re hard to miss, Betts.”
He runs his tongue along his bottom lip before offering a small smile and the smile reflected on her face is so genuine he can almost hear his heart pounding above the music.
She turns, grabbing a napkin and a pen so that she can jot something down. He glances towards the water bottles resting on the counter, uncertain of whether this is where the conversation ends.
But then she’s handing him the napkin and leaning into him a bit more to say, “I’m leaving now, but in case you’d ever like to do something other than notice me.”
She’s gone before he can reply, but her phone number is written on the napkin, and he’s definitely not hiding the grin on his face as he run his fingers through his hair, “wow, what?”
Leave a comment if you’d life, I love and appreciate your thoughts! ❤
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Burn ended the call and put his cellphone back into his pocket. Ella had informed him that due to recent events the dog park was not the best meeting place for their plan. However there would be a festival today in the city and that she knew the perfect guy for his brother to meet. The guy would be at the festival. Burn still didn’t want to get involved in this whole thing. What would be different about this time? Crash never showed real interest in any other guy than Turbo. But, the only part he had to play was to get his brother to the location and maybe Crash could make a friend at the least. Now to get him there. 
“It’s a really nice day out.” Crash said walking into the living room with Haze following. “Wanna get out and do something? I could use some fresh air” 
“There’s a festival today in one of the towns” 
That seemed almost to easy. 
The festival turned out to be a rather big flea market. This was a great thing to Burn, he could easily slip away and let the date that wasn’t a date unfold. He hated to admit he was starting to have fun with this. When Crash looked away to watch some performers who started to play Burn sneaked away. He went into one of the tents to see what was there. 
“Hmm, so what do you want to look at first?” Crash turned to see his brother had disappeared. “Burn?” Wonderful now he would had to go looking for him. Oh well Burn probably wanted to look at something. They would find each other later. Besides this gave Crash time to find a gift. His brother had done a lot for him since they moved to the sims, it would be nice to get him something. 
“Excuse me, are you Crash?” 
Some guy who was taller than Crash stood in front of him. His green hair was under a black beanie. He certainly had the bad boy in black look but his brown eyes were kind and his freckles sorta threw the bad boy image off. The image was restored with his arm tattoo. Instead of black ink it was all done in this light blue ink. 
“Who want’s to know?” 
“Thank mod. I was informed you were a twin and I’m not good at telling twins apart. We have some similar friends and I owed one a favor so here I am. I’m Ace” 
“A favor? What kind of favor?” Honestly Crash didn’t know what was going on right now.
“You’re still pretty new to this game right? Is this your first festival?” 
Crash wasn’t sure if he should answer after all this guy had not answered his question.
“I asked you a question first.” Who was this guy? He wished Burn hadn’t run off. 
“How about we start over than. I’m a friend of Ella’s. She told me about you and your brother and thought it would be nice for us to meet and be friends and all that jazz.” 
“I see” He knew what was going on here and he didn’t want to play this game. Burn didn’t run off by accident. This was a stupid blind date. It had to be. This guy specifically asked for him and said he was doing his friend a favor. Obviously he came here alone. He had one of two options. either he could ditch the guy or he could let the guy tag along for now and turn him down later. 
“Hey, I’m sorry I suddenly popped up.” Ace said. Crash broke his concentration. “Look you don’t have to but I wouldn’t mind hanging out if you’re down for it.” 
“Alright.” Crash smiled. Why not. This guy seemed to catch on that Crash wasn’t happy about this being a date. If he was willing to treat it as two friends hanging out then that was more than fine with Crash. 
“Hey, Have you tried the bubble machine yet?” 
“Huh? What bubble machine?” 
“I’ll take that as a no. It is a machine that up to four people can use at one time. It lets you blow bubbles obviously but the awesome thing is you can add flavors. You taste the flavor as you blow the bubbles. Its sorta this whole craze right now. Every festival has one.” Ace informed him. “Come try it with me” 
He grabbed Crash’s hand before he could respond and ran with him over to the machine. 
“This seems kinda childish” Crash said. He did want to try it but for some reason it didn’t seem like a thing Ace would be interested in. Than again he didn’t know the guy. 
“Perhaps, But I figured you could use a moodlet change. See that’s the nice thing about it. It can change your mood to one of two possible choices for each flavor. Let’s see what happens shall we?” Ace sat down and blew a few bubbles. Crash did the same. Why not. His brother had been the one to say they both needed to try new things. 
Happy. Crash felt happy. 
“There we go. Feeling better? I put in the plain flavor so we don’t have to worry about any powerful effects and most of the time it just makes one happy. So my dear, what shall we do next?” 
“I did have to buy a few things.” 
“Alright, perhaps after we can try some delicious food.” Ace suggested. Crash was feeling a little hungry but he had to get a few items he saw for the house before he forgot. 
“Sure thing. I won’t be long since I know exactly what I need to get.” 
Ace let Crash buy whatever it was he needed. He might have only agreed to this out of owing his friend a favor but he was enjoying himself. unfortunately the flea market only provided so much entertainment. 
“Alright, You know this place well. Where is a good place to get something to eat?” 
“That was fast” Ace said. 
“I told you I would’t be long.” 
“If you’re down for it I know this nice little bakery just across the street. That is if you like sweet things. We can get some dessert items then come back here if you want.”
Crash liked the idea. A sweet treat from a bakery, the idea was making him more hungry. 
“I’d love to.” he smiled. Ace linked arm’s with him and they made their way to the bakery. 
There were certainly a lot of choices to choose from. Crash wound up getting a slice of chocolate mousse cake and Ace got a slice of strawberry cheesecake. There was a bench on the edge of the festival where they sat to eat. 
“I’m glad I came her today” Ace broke the silence. “From the sounds of it we both needed this day no matter where it goes.” 
“So who was the one to set up this blind date?” Crash asked. 
“Ella. Your brother had talked to her about a few things the one day they were hanging out. She wanted to try to help. She knew I had been through a rough time as well recently and said I had to meet this guy she knew.”
“I see” 
“I’m surprised, I hear you are a stubborn one but yet you seem to be okay with me hanging on you.” Ace said. He thought this outing was going to be more difficult than it actually was. He knew a few things about Crash and it was those things that made him choose to meet him.
“I have know heartbreak too. A few times actually.” Ace said. Crash paused, If Ace knew about his heartbreak what else did he know? 
“I know that you’re all about that Turbo guy, I don’t really know him but I’ve seen him around.” 
Crash bit down on his fork. He wanted to say something but he didn’t know what. 
“I don’t get it. If he’s such a great guy then why is he not with you now? Oh well his loss really.” Ace studied Crash’s face. He wanted to make sure he hadn’t gone to far. He wasn’t trying to upset the guy. He smiled and gently put his under Crash’s chin to make him look up. 
“He better be careful because one day someone else is going to steal your heart if he keeps up his act.” 
A few performers began to play music. 
“Do you dance?” Ace asked. Crash shook his head.
“I’m a clumsy sort. Me and dancing doesn’t always mix.” 
“Good because I can’t dance that well. Funny since I visit the night clubs often. That’s how I met Ella.” Ace took out a paper and a pen and scribbled something down. 
“Here.” He handed it to Crash. “I know this was sort of a set up but I did enjoy my time. This is for if you ever want a real date or just someone to talk to.” 
Crash looked at the paper which had a phone number written on it. 
“I’ll let you find your brother now so you both can enjoy the rest of the festival.” Ace got up and left. Crash looked at the paper. He thought about throwing it away. he began to crumple it. Then he stopped and opened it to look at the phone number. He instead chose to fold it and put it in his jacket pocket with his phone. He got up and went to search for his brother.
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bowiebond · 7 years
Mal x Ben Sister!Reader
Warning: Magic, Miscommunication, like one swear word.
“I don’t know what to do, Mal…” You sighed, ducking your head as your hair slid down to cover your features from her view, but your shaky voice showed your distress enough. “Gil is…He’s the descendants of Gaston of all people. It’s just so – inconvenient!” You punctured the word with a throw of one of Mal’s pillows at her window. It gave a small rattle but stayed closed, pillow falling to the ground.
“Oh, (Y/N/N).” Mal scooted over closer to hug you. “If anyone deserves a happy ending in my books, I think you should have one. Even if it’s with that knuckle-headed idiot.”
“He’s not that dumb…It just takes time for him to understand things.” You mumbled dejectedly, and you knew you were right. You had bothered to give Gil a chance after all.
~~~ Flashback:
You sat alone in the library, tucked away on a cushion at the end of one of the bookshelves, delving into the story of Merida all over again. You’d read every fairy tale at least a dozen times. Your parents love story got boring after a bit, so you moved onto others.
You found yourself humming the one song you knew off by heart though.
“Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the – “
“Beast.” You jolted in surprise at the sudden duo that you could tell wasn’t your brothers voice. You looked up at the boy who had ended your melody, taking in his dried out blond curls that was held back by an orange beanie and the warm brown eyes on his handsome face.
“Yes. Beast.” You chuckled softly, standing with the book to your chest. “Not many people come to this section of the library. They don’t believe in the merit of reading the fairy tales of our ancestry.”
“I uh…I kinda got lost. This place is nothing like the Isle, it’s got way more…” The boy looked for the word, squinting his eyes at the book in your grasps. “Books.” He settled on with a shrug.
“You…Come from the Isle?” You had heard of the villain kids, of course you had, but you had only really made friends with the core four since they were friends of your brothers. You knew more had come, but didn’t bother to welcome them – you had your hobbies, they had theirs. You wouldn’t change your schedule just to mingle with them unless you found it necessary.
“Yeah! The names Gil.” He offered his hand to shake, making your chest swell. It was a simple action, but it made you happy not to be automatically expected to give her hand for them to kiss. You could deal with it at events, but you didn’t like random people kissing your hand.
“(Y/N) Bête.” You shook his hand, raising a brow when he gave no reaction to your royal last name.
“That’s a pretty name…I was meant to do something and now I can’t remember…” Gil frowned, looking around.
“Maybe…Find a book?” You suggested with a chuckle.
“Yeah! That, something for English. Something about an uh, spear guy that shakes.” He made motions as if he was shaking someone, making you laugh.
“Shakespeare? He’s two rows down, fourth shelf.” You smiled as he nodded with a wide grin, walking down two rows in your sight before pausing.
“Uh, where’s the fourth shelf?”
You laughed and went to help him. After some talking, you ended you suggesting you tutor him. He was extremely happy to have you as a tutor. It also meant you didn’t have to leave your favourite spot in the school.
~~~ Present:
“I still don’t know how you missed he was the son of Gaston.” Mal mused. “I mean, didn’t Ben tell you?”
“He looked really happy and thanked me for being so accepting, but I figured it was just because he was a VK!” You flopped back with a groan. “He didn’t even realise who I was until I said I was Ben’s sister. Even then, it took him two days before he realised we were twins!”
“Ouch.” Mal pursed her lips. “He’s been avoiding you, right?”
“Yeah…Kind of. If he talks to me, Harry or Uma are always nearby, watching. It’s kinda creepy because of how light that pirate’s eyes are. Almost glowing.” You shuddered.
“I say congrates to his future suitor in the haystack.” Mal shrugged, grinning at your small giggle. “See? This is fine. We can totally just trash talk boys and forget him.” Mal wrapped an arm around you, squeezing you tight to her sight.
“No…No, I really want to give this a chance, even if he’s the son of Gaston.”
“Then stop thinking that way.” Mal suggested. “He’ll always be a part of the Isle, but he’s part Auradon now. I can see how much he likes it here, so do the other two even if they don’t want to admit it. So, sure, he’s son of Gaston, but that doesn’t mean he is Gaston. You aren’t Belle or Beast either. You are (Y/N), the sweetest bookworm I know. Also, the most naïve person I’ve meant when it comes to getting peoples names.” Mal jabbed in tease, making you grin.
“Shut up! You cursed Ben to love you at first, so I think I get a pass on your judgement.”
“Ugh, twins. If only I had taken you both.” Mal planted a kiss on your cheeks as you blushed with a smile. “Just kidding. But that does give me an idea.”
“A surprise. Go! Be free, my birdy! I’ll fix your problem up by tomorrow.” Mal promised, sending you out of the room. You laughed at how extra she could be as you headed back to the library to get your mind off reality with a good book. You didn’t see the smile fall off her face as she created a plan to get you and Gil together.
The next morning, Gil approached you with a big hug that lifted you off your feet with a squeal.
“Put me down!” You laughed as he put you down with a large grin. “Good to see you.” You joked weakly, but you really were.
“I missed you.” He grinned as you blushed.
“Uh, thanks.”
“No problem. Can I walk you to class?” You had been dreaming. He seemed so genuine, yet dazed all at once.
“O-Oh okay.” You held your arm up to link them with him like you had gotten used to, but he only linked your fingers and squeezed your hand as you walked. This is what you wanted, but something didn’t feel right.
“Mal!” You cornered the purple haired fairy. “What did you do to Gil?” You narrowed your eyes. No way Gil would be this flirtation when he could barely get through a full novel without falling asleep. The past few days he’d been adoring you to the point that it scared you. You wanted Gil back to his adorable idiot-self, not that the praise was unwelcome on occasion.
“I just gave him some heart cookies.” Mal smiled tightly.
“I gave him a cookie, like Ben’s, but it just makes their affections stronger to the point where they can’t contain them. That’s why he’s so cheerful.” She gave a huff of amusement, lips pursed.
“Yeah, well he’s becoming the next Gaston without the vanity while I become his Belle. It’s creepy. Remove it.”
“I thought this is what you wanted?” Mal’s face fell. “Ugh, I keep messing up everything.”
“Mal, we do not need another Isle mission. You’re doing fine. I just need you to remove the spell.”
“Well…Go give him a kiss of true love or something.” Mal shrugged. “That always seems to work.” Mal turned on her heel and left, eyes down casted.
“Mal?” She ignored you. You sighed, shoulders sagging as you went to find Gil.
“Oi, fishbait.” You jumped when Harry’s fist banged your locker with a glare. “What ‘ave you done to our Gilly?”
“I – I’m sorry, it was a miscommunication with a friend and – “
“Oh, we’re fine.” Harry indicated to him and Uma who was glaring by him. “We want to know why he’s so buddy-buddy with ye. Ye aren’t trying to steal our boy, are you?” Harry’s words were light, but very threatening nonetheless.
“N – no! It was an accident. I…I thought I might like Gil, and I told a friend, but now everything’s weird and I just want Gil to be my friend again.”
“Mal?” Uma rolled her eyes when you nodded. “If you stopped looking at guys, specifically Gil, maybe you’d notice something that wasn’t there before.” Uma pulled Harry away to follow her, leaving you there to contemplate her words.
A few days after Mal and her spoke, Gil stopped his strange behaviour and you continued to be regular friends. You were beyond glad, but Mal wouldn’t talk to you.
“Tale as old as time, true as it can be, barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly…” You ran your fingers over the piano keys with gentle grace, soaking in the music. “Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared, neither one prepared, Beauty – “
“Beauty and the beast.” You jolted up from the piano in surprise at the sound of Mal’s voice. She was adorned in a purple and lilac silk dress, stepping into the ballroom with a soft smile.
“Hey.” Mal gave a sad smile.
“You haven’t spoken to me in two months, Mal. Why are you here?” You sighed, your mothers yellow gown suiting you well. You figured you had to look good for your birthday party.
“I know, I’m a terrible friend. But once I heard was your birthday…” Mal came closer, offering a small box to you. “It’s the least I could do.”
You took the box slowly, trying to sort through your feelings as you undid the ribbon. After Uma’s words, you realised you weren’t into guys. You liked girls, specifically, one girl you were friends with and didn’t even think to how she felt towards you.
You almost dropped the boxes when you saw what was inside. A beautiful silver band with a topaz jewel inside.
“Your brother helped me pick it.” Mal smiled at you softly. “There’s a little extra something inside the box.” You looked up at her before back at the box, taking out the folded piece of paper. You unfolded it slowly, hands shaking.
“I know things have been rough lately, but will you be my date to the ball? And maybe something more? – Mal.” You read out loud, grinning. “You bitch. No wonder you wanted to just talk trash about guys!” You broke into laughter, taking the ring out and slipping it on your right ring finger. You looked back at Mal, who waited with a small smile for your answer.
“So…Is that a yes?”
“Mm…You have a lot of apologising to do. But…So do I for not noticing.” You took her hand, linking your fingers. This felt much better. “Yes, Mal, I will be your date.”
“Awesome.” Mal’s tension visibly roll off her shoulders before she hugged you tight. “I literally would have died if you said no.” She laughed, drawing a chuckle for you.
“Well, lucky us then.” You pecked her cheek. “Now, as lovely as this present is, my birthday ball starts in half an hour, so let’s sneak off so a long awaited make out session before I have to show you off.” You grinned at her blush, pulling up the stairs with you.
Best birthday ever.
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zimmerdouche · 7 years
This is something I’ve had saved on my computer since like June but I still have a lot of thoughts about the Poindexter family.
I forget where it was I read this, and whether it was actually canon or not, but effectively it said that the entire Samwell Hockey Team came from a place of privilege because hockey is an expensive sport.
Consider: Dex is a multiple. More specifically, a triplet. Three kids going to college at once? And that money related stress, piled on since birth? Save your money, Poindexter, because even though you aren’t that bad off you aren’t the only one that needs tuition and equipment.
I know Ngozi tweeted about Dex only having an older brother but let me have this.
Let’s talk more about the Poindexter triplets.
Wyatt Joseph Poindexter
The youngest triplet. Laid back, big thinker, just wants everyone to get along.
He grew a beard after high school because he was so. Fucking. Tired. Of being mistaken for his older brother. He’s only an inch shorter and everyone called them the Weasley twins, there needed to be a change.
Poster Boy for the rustic hipster aesthetic. Plaid shirts with the sleeves rolled up, ripped jeans, knit beanie, Timbs, occasionally suspenders? Plus a beard? Actual Lumberjack Wyatt Poindexter.
At the University of Maine majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in music. He’d like to focus on music education for the hard of hearing.
Fluent in American Sign Language. (He is the Number One Fan of Holly Maniatty, interpreter at hip hop concerts.) Can also stumble his way through casual conversation in French.
L o v e s music and will listen to any genre. Literally any, but he especially loves stuff that he can play on his guitar, and artists like John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Brett Dennen, Counting Crows, so on and so forth. He loves listening to lyrics and dissecting meaning and context, and will write his own lyrics on occasion.
He was a sprinter in high school and was pretty good but chose not to continue in college even though a few schools showed interest.
Gay and demisexual. He came out after his freshman year, after a lot of soul searching, meditation, and GSA meetings, to his siblings, whose collective response was “oh shit me too, thank God.”
Drives a truck older than he is with a bench seat and a paint job that’s mostly rust. He hot boxes it regularly and honestly? A big Triplet Bonding Event, especially after the Poindexters start college, is driving out to the middle of nowhere at midnight with snacks and drinks and weed and smoking in the bed of the truck, looking at the stars, and talking about life.
Group chat: has it on Do Not Disturb because his siblings never shut up. Will occasionally interject with one liners. Sends Snapchat screenshots of himself looking Bored as Fuck in any lecture that isn’t directly related to his career path and also plaid related memes.
Winona Jane “Ryder” Poindexter
The second oldest/middle triplet and the only girl. Fiercely protective and stubborn. Will kick your ass. Will kick everyone’s ass. Will kick her own ass.
Everyone calls her Ryder (like, Winona Ryder, the actress) because she absolutely despises the name Winona. The number one way to piss her off is to call her Winona, or God forbid, Winnie (Will does it when he wants her attention. She threatens murder).
Also at UMaine, studying bioengineering. Her ultimate goal is to lead a research team focused on artificial organs, but she has also considered becoming a professor. She’d be a great lecturer because she tends to ramble.
A thrift store fiend with a need to look like she came straight from the nineties. She likes mom jeans, denim in general, crop tops, Chuck Taylors, and UMaine athletic wear. She also steals her brothers’ flannel shirts.
She was on the color guard in high school and continues to be on the color guard in college. She’s damn good at it too. Can do some basic gymnastics/tumbling, but the back handspring is about as fancy as she can go. Damn good at dancing in general. She also loves to swing dance, and while she couldn’t get Wyatt into it she managed to get Will to dance with her and he enjoys it much more than he’ll ever let on.
Her freshman spring semester she took a video editing class and part of the class was start a YouTube channel so that she could upload assignments to it. She chose to do a vlog channel and she titled it “Ryder Die,” and she just kinda stuck with it after the class ended. Will and Wyatt make regular guest appearances.
Lives for Spongebob related memes. It’s a problem. Wyatt had to ban her from showing Spongebob memes in the car because she would try to show him like one every three minutes while he was driving.
Bisexual as fuck and... uncomfortably open about her sex life. Ryder, your brothers do not want to know about that. Stahp.
Group chat: Ryder’s contact names from both of her brothers are just various Winona Ryder characters. She’ll purposely call Wyatt Will and Will Wyatt. “Guys how does this outfit look?” (30 seconds later) “Why am I asking you two I look fantastic”
William Jacob “Will” “Dex” Poindexter
The oldest triplet. High strung, reserved, very loyal and very protective, even more so than his sister.
His siblings call him Will, Samwell Men’s Hockey calls him Dex. His siblings will probably never call him Dex, it’s just weird. Do you call your brother by his last name? Why would you? You have the same last name!
Studying computer science/engineering at Samwell University.
Does the guy own anything that ISN’T plaid? Yes, he does, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at him. God, does he look like his brother.
Can stumble his way through a few songs on the guitar and can carry a tune better than his brother, (“Fuck you, Will! You’re not even going into music!”) but refuses to sing in public. He may hum, if you’re lucky.
Defensemen on the Samwell Men’s Hockey team.
Left handed so, basically, if Wyatt didn’t have a beard, they’d be completely mirrored. They are identical, after all.
Bisexual with a pretty strong male preference.
Group chat: Bickers with Ryder a lot, usually if he instigates conversation it’s to complain about his defense partner Derek Nurse. He does this often enough that Ryder suspects they’re dating. Once, when they were actually getting along, he sent a selfie and Ryder’s response was, of course, a Spongebob meme – “OH NO HE’S HOT!”
These three together? Oh boy
This bit is more about their parents but is required for context: Papa Marcus Poindexter is a Baptist worship pastor. Mama Cara Poindexter was Irish Catholic but converted after she started dating Marcus. They are… extremely conservative, more so than the rest of their extended family, and it’s not exactly a healthy environment for the triplets. They’ve all set off firecrackers in the baptismal pool though.
All three of them have like, three different personalities, depending on who is around them. There’s the “I’m with my parents” personality, which will always prevail in any situation and is very submissive and agreeable, the “I’m with my siblings but not my parents” personality, which will prevail provided their parents are not around and is very loud and laughter filled, and then “I’m with anyone else but not my siblings” personality, which is at any other time and shifts based on who they’re talking to.
Their group chat is. A mess. The name changes constantly and most of the time it’s just them bitching about everyone they know.
Favorite GC Names include:
Those Damn Poindexter Kids
Poindexter Meme Team
Will/Ryder/Wyatt is the Hot One
Which one are you again?
Fluent in American Sex Language
God Nerfed Us
Our Hair is Red because the Devil is Our Father
Mad 4 Plaid
Summer after their freshman year of college, some guy named Jake Nichols made a bet with his buddy that he could hook up with all three of them at least once. He did it, the madman, and they don’t figure it out until MONTHS later and it’s the best story to tell at parties, but only when all three of them are there together.
Wyatt and Will run in the mornings when they’re together, Will and Ryder will do dexterity training together, and Ryder and Wyatt will do your Everyday Gym Trip together (where Ryder does strength training and Wyatt general Fitness Upkeep).
Ryder and Wyatt visit The Haus when the Frogs are juniors:
So damn polite, oh my god, Bitty LOVES them because they all want to help in the kitchen like Dex does, and they brought even MORE food, bless their hearts. 
Wyatt gets along with Nursey like a house on fire. Ryder won’t stop doing eyebrow waggles at Dex every time he and Nursey say anything to each other.
Graduates are visiting bc plot and Ryder is well on her way to hook up with Ransom when he realizes that he doesn’t live there anymore and there’s no room to go to, whoops. He tried to ask Dex if he could flirt with his sister and Dex r e f u s e d to broach the topic with him. “If she wants to it’s fine.” “But-” “IF SHE WANTS TO IT IS F I N E.”
Wyatt brings his guitar and there’s a jam session in the front yard, somehow he convinces Will to sing. It’s an exciting time, Nursey brings out a ukulele and everyone’s humming along and somehow there’s a firepit is this even legal? The music is great though, even though it’s 3 AM and the Lax bros are pissed.
IDK how but they’d get Nursey and Dex together. They conspire with Chowder and maybe Bitty and just. Make it happen. Witchcraft.
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It’s The End Of Riverdale As We Know It - Phone Calls - Part 7
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Pairing: Jughead Jones x Gladys Jones / Jughead Jones x Jellybean Jones / Jughead Jones x Reader
Description: Jughead’s phone call to his mom doesn't go as expected.
Warnings: Angsty af. IT WILL BREAK YOUR HEART.
Word Count: 1632
A/N: Before anything. I dedicate this whole series to my twin @southsidejuggie. I know how much she loves Jellybean (same as I) and that has kept me interested and happy through writing a not so popular series. She has been giving me priceless feedback that I can never fully express how much it means to me. Thank you so much Zoe! - I broke my own heart writing this. Changed a few things from the show to add something of my own. It saddens me to say, but this is the final part for this series. It was a pleasure writing this. I hope you guys enjoyed this journey!  Happy 2nd episode.
Jughead lives his most fragile moment ever, feeling unable to take any other disappointments. First, he was betrayed by his closest only friends, then his dad’s trailer was trashed by the police when they arrested him for Jason Blossom’s murder. He can see nowhere else to turn to in Riverdale, so the apprehensive boy has one last glimpse of hope.
He stands in the phone booth outside the bus station, holding the piece of paper containing his mother’s number and a ticket. Before calling, he memorizes the number and slips the two sheets inside his travel backpack containing all his stuff. The line rings for a while before being answered. 
“Yeah.” That’s barely audible as loud conversation and plates clanking mix with her voice. 
“Hi, Mom.” This is the first time Jughead speaks to his mom since she left. He wishes it had been on better terms, but the boy had to learn the hard way early on to take what life gives you.
“Jughead! It’s been ages, so great to hear from you.” Gladys walks out of the diner lobby into the employees room to muffle the noise from the customers.
“Hey, guess what?”, Juggie asks in a somewhat cheerful way. Seeing his family again is the one light shining on the darkness that’s taking over his life.
“Did you win a writing award?”, the woman speaks through biting her fingernails, nervous she may say the wrong thing. “What?”
“I got a bus ticket to Toledo.”, Jug reveals excitedly, already anticipating how hugging his sister would feel like, finally able to see her play live.
“When? Why? Did something happen to your father?” That’s not really the news she was expecting nor the response he was hoping for.
“Yeah. I thought I'd come see you and Jellybean for a while.” Jughead feels weird at the need to have a reason for seeing them. In fact, something did happen to his father, but the beanie-clad boy doesn't think it’s wise to share that. 
“Oh, son... You know we are already crowded in here.”, she explains hardheartedly. 
“I could crash on the couch.” He’s been sleeping in thin mattresses on the floor at the Drive-in/School/Archie’s house, therefore a sofa would be an improvement, to be honest.
“I’m already sleeping on the couch so JB can have the spare room... There’s just no space. You get it?” Gladys opens her locker to look at a picture of the four of them under the tree house. She brushes her red fingertips over Juggie’s face. 
“Yeah.” His heart tightens, barely allowing blood to pump through.
“You know it’s not that we don’t want to see you. I work all the time and JB has school and she’s always at her friend’s house. You’d end up wasting your time.” 
“Mmm-hmm.” The eloquent writer can barely string two sentences together now. 
“And you don’t want to miss school, right?” At her every word, the light he was moving towards diminishes more and more.
“No.” He’s dumbfounded that’s one of her arguments, like that ever mattered before.
“Maybe when I save enough for an apartment of my own. You can even have your own room. It’s just not the right time, you understand?” In a different time maybe the prospect of that would've brought him joy.
“No, I understand.” Juggie is used to being let down by his father, but this is a new feeling for him as for when his mom left, the last thing she said was “I’m always here for you, Jughead.”. 
“Expenses aren't really that great. Your grandparents are already throwing at my face that they’re supporting JB.” Money, the one constant ruining his family. FP not earning any was the reason she left, not having any is the reason she doesn't want her own son.
“Look, forget I said anything, okay?” The freckled boy has to use all the strength left in him to not fall apart then and there.
“I’m sorry, Jughead.” Her words don’t mean a thing at this point.
“All right. Bye.” Jughead bites his bottom lip vigorously, trying to hold his tears in.
“Bye. I lov...” She’s cut off by Jug hanging up the phone. 
If he could crawl into a dark hole right now, he would. They boy changes his ticket to Toledo for one to the next bus leaving, but there’s still a long wait ahead. Before anything, Jughead wants to rid himself of the clothes that reminds him of the epic fail of the school dance. The closest place he can go is his dad’s trailer. Getting there, Jug finds two helmets on the ground, his and JB’s, dropped by unattentive police officers searching the place earlier. He thinks his sister has the right to know what’s happening. Before even realizing, her voice is echoing through the small trailer as he puts her on speaker. 
“Jug? Are you there?” Jellybean can hear his breathing.
“Yeah. I got something to tell you.” Jughead puts his beanie back on, for he needs all the comfort possible.
“Mom said you called and sounded weird. Does it have to do with that?”, the raven-haired girl asks. “Got worried something bad happened.”
“No... Everything is fine. Just wanted to see you guys.” In that moment, Juggie can’t burden his sister and the lie just fell from his lips.
“Are you sure?” She doesn't really believe him. “Before I’m incriminated, I yelled at mom for telling you to stay in Riverdale.” JB wanted nothing more than seeing her brother but her mother stopped that from happening. 
“Well, I’m not staying, anyways.”, he confesses unintentionally, speaking his thoughts out loud.
“What? You’re coming regardless?”, the confused girl begs for information.
“No... Nevermind that.” Her brother denies her wish.
“I can’t just let it go, Juggie.”, she insists.
“Look, I gotta go, talk to you soon, JB.” His heart is shattered into a million pieces now..
“NO! Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third! Don’t you dare hang up on me.”, she shouts desperately.
“I love you, Forsthia.” He hangs up in tears.
His phone rings immediately. Ignore. Again. 1 Voicemail. Let it ring. 3 Text messages from JB Jones. Deep sadness.Turn off. He wishes the world had an on/off button. 
He seeks mental refuge, turning to his only safe place in Riverdale. Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe. Deserted at this hour. Surprisingly, not too long after his hit of cafeine arrives at his table, the bell rings. Jug doesn't even make an effort to see who it is until the person is standing in front of his booth. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” He drinks his coffee and she sits next to him, still in her Homecoming dress. “I've looked for you everywhere. You just left me there. I had to find out what happened by Reggie gossiping.”, the hurt girl criticizes. “They went behind my back.”, he explains. “THEM, Jughead. Not me.”, she emphasizes by pointing at herself, but he just stares out the window, trying to keep himself together. “I know you are trying to leave. Do you know how much it would've hurt me if I found out you were gone?”, the girl confesses, her voice breaking from keeping tears in. He doesn't have the strength to reply. “He was set up. You’d know if you had stuck around.” That is the only thing that brings him back to reality, his eyes begging her for more information. “Alice confessed. She waited until he left to drop us off at the dance and set the gun in his closet, then called in an anonymous tip.” He can’t believe her words. “It was Grundy who killed Jason. They were having an affair, but then he wanted to be with Polly and she freaked out. Alice got the gun from Betty when she broke into Miss Grundy’s car...” He kisses Y/N into silence, for all he needed was to know FP’s innocent. 
Pop brings the girl an extra cup of coffee. “I’m sorry. I freaked out.”, Jughead explains, holding her hand firmly, scared of losing her, just as she was not too long ago. “I know. Just figured if you were going to run away you’d know I’d go with you.” she rests her head on his shoulder. “Can we put this night behind us?”, Jug requests. “Done.”, she agrees. “Ok. Now explain to me what happened.”, the inquisitive boy requests. “Sit back and relax, because things are about to get crazy. Even I can’t fully understand it yet.” Y/N instructs. “Alice found out Hal had stolen the files from the Sheriff. She flipped, thinking her daughters would be orphans if both their parents went to jail. So she confessed to both planting the gun and stealing the files.” That is indeed a lot to take in, but the boy listens intently. Even Pop is eavesdropping. “She told Keller from whom she got the gun and he brought Grundy in for questioning. She broke easily, for she’s very unstable.” That concludes the mystery they've been trying to solve for the past months. “My brain has frozen. That’s fucked up. Who would tell?”, Jug comments shockingly, taking all that in. “Now let’s get you unpacked, Mr.. You’re staying with me.”, Y/N instructs. The couple leaves the diner, feeling the weight of the world dropping from their shoulders. They leave everything that went wrong behind, as if it was just a nightmare.
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branlovestowrite · 7 years
Complicating Factors: Chapter 1
This is my work in progress fic, which I have only been posting on FanFiction.Net. After 12 chapters, my muse has fizzled out. I hope by revising & reposting this, I can get inspired again. Your comments and suggestions (chill vibes only!) are welcome and encouraged!
Complicating Factors 
Rating: M for language and smut in later chapters
Summary: Emma Swan is a single mother trying to contact her ex and father of her child, Neal Cassidy. While she expected some awkwardness when meeting Neal's mother, Milah Gold, she never expected the undeniable attraction she feels toward Milah's younger boyfriend, Killian Jones. No Magic, Modern AU. Captain Swan.
"Swan!" Emma jumped when she heard her friend Mu call out her name. She had been lost in thought as she sat at her desk, having a slow day. She had started working at Grumpy's Bail Bonds nearly two years ago, and spent most of her time doing administrative work: helping with contracts, filing, and managing the books. Working at a bail bonds agency had a lot less excitement than what was portrayed on TV.
'Mu' was short for Mulan, but she hated using her full name, thanks to her Disney counterpart. Mu liked to remind everyone that she was born a full 8 years before that movie came out and was named after the legendary Chinese warrior, not a Disney Princess. The woman was a few years older than Emma, her features reflecting her Chinese heritage, and enhanced by her purple hair and tattoos. Mu's short stature did nothing to reduce the intimidating air she gave off as she leveled her gaze at Emma now.
"I figured you were wearing earbuds by the way you ignored me," Mu said.
"Sorry," Emma replied. "I guess I got lost in thought. I was thinking about how dull this job is compared to what we see on TV shows."
"Well, that's because you haven't been out with me to chase a skip yet. But that's all about to change. You have a date tonight."
"What?" Emma asked, confused.
"This one likes hook ups. His history showed he likes blondes, so I put your pic up on Tinder. He wants to meet you tonight."
"You used my picture as bait?!"
"Relax!" Mu said. "I'll be there the whole time. You only have to go in and keep him occupied. I'll come up and cuff him from behind. Do you have anything slutty to wear?"
Emma was flabbergasted. "I don't know about this, Mu."
"Come on Emma! You need to learn how to do this sooner or later. The payout is way better than desk duty. I'll split tonight's take with you 50/50 if that will make you feel better."
Emma was uneasy with this plan, but Mu was right that she would need to learn this sooner or later. It had been hard to find a decent-paying job after her stint in jail, and she needed to start picking up skips if she ever hoped to have enough money to give her four-year-old son, Henry, the life she felt he deserved. She took a deep breath and said "okay."
"Great!" Mu said. "Do you need me to see if Aurora can watch Henry?" Aurora was Mu's girlfriend. They met in college, finding an immediate connection through their Princess-style names.
"Maybe," Emma replied. "Let me see if Regina can get him first. He's already got things over there and he and Roland are like brothers."
Emma's time in jail came after she was arrested for cocaine possession. She and her boyfriend at the time, Neal, had never done anything more extreme than some underage drinking and pot smoking, and even those cases were very rare. Emma hated the feeling of being out of control, and tended to stay away from drugs for that reason alone. She had no idea that Neal was dealing. Unknown to her, he'd hidden some of his stash inside her suitcase. He disappeared two days before the cops came to search the apartment. After their search, they'd asked Emma to identify if the suitcase was hers, and she stupidly did. They arrested her and pumped her for information about the supplier. Though she didn't know anything, she was sentenced to two years with credit for time served. She'd learned of her pregnancy shortly after her arrest. Unable to contact Neal, and having no family to speak of at the time, she'd had no choice but to let her son go into the foster system until she could finish her sentence. She was extremely reluctant for her son to be a foster child, remembering her own bad experiences, and she begged the Social Worker to find a good situation for him. He'd been placed with Regina, and lived the first two years of his life with her, until Emma was released, able to get a job, and set up a stable home.
After being reunited with her son, Emma realized she had no help. Regina offered to step in for Henry's sake. Regina was…prickly, to put it lightly, but she did truly love Henry. She and Emma were slowly starting to build a good relationship. It helped that Regina had recently married Rob, a man she met when Henry and Rob's son, Roland, were in daycare together. Rob was a widower whose wife died in childbirth. He and Regina began dating when the kids were a little older than two, and just married in a small ceremony about 6 months ago. Emma liked Rob, and though they were only a little more than 10 years older than her, in their mid-30s, Emma looked up to Regina and Rob as her surrogate parents.
Henry and Roland were very close in age and greatly enjoyed each other's company. They still attended the same daycare and had playdates nearly every weekend. It was not uncommon for Henry to spend the night at Regina's, though Emma usually did nothing with those free nights but sit around her small apartment and binge watch shows on Netflix.
She picked up the phone to call Regina and explained the situation. Regina said she was happy to help, and offered to let Henry sleep at her house and drop him off at daycare in the morning. Emma was grateful and said she would call to talk to Henry before the boys' bedtime.
With that out of the way, she returned to the situation of what to wear on her date. She didn't have anything slutty to wear, so Mu decided they needed to go shopping.
"I don't really have the money for a dress," Emma said.
"No worries," Mu replied. "I'll put it on my credit card. I'd consider this a work-related expense."
Emma knew better than to protest. She figured that whatever dress she got would definitely not be worn again unless they had another job like this one, so it was justified as work-related expense.
A few hours later, Emma stood in the back of the office, wearing a skin tight pink dress and black heels that were higher than any she'd worn before. In addition to buying the dress and shoes, Mu had dragged her to a salon for a blowout, which left her long hair hanging in soft waves down her shoulders. They'd finished the transformation by Mu dragging her to an empty office that served as a break room, saying it had the best lighting, in order to apply makeup. Emma had never worn this much makeup in her life. Her green eyes were rimmed with black liner in a cat eye shape that was just thin enough to not be garish. Her lips were accentuated with a soft pink color that emphasized their shape and made her face glow. As she looked in the mirror Mu held up, Emma couldn't help but feel pretty.
"Hot," Mu said. "I'd bang you if I were single."
Emma blushed involuntarily. "Thanks for the compliment," she said with sarcasm.
"Remind me when we get there to take a few pictures of you before we catch the guy. It will be useful if we need to pull this Tinder sting again."
They headed out to Emma's car, an old, yellow VW Beetle and the only thing Neal knowingly ever gave her. She was surprised she got to keep it once she was released from jail. She and Neal met when she was attempting to steal the Bug, which he'd already stolen. He must have gotten a clean VIN for the car, because when she got out, the keys were returned to her. Despite the bad memories from Neal, Emma loved this car. It probably wasn't the best family car, but it was reliable and had been a huge help when she was trying to rebuild her life.
Once at the restaurant, Mu and Emma reviewed the plan one final time and headed inside. Mu wore a beanie over her purple hair, and kept her distance several paces behind Emma. Emma spotted her target at the bar and walked over to him.
"Hi," she said, putting on her most charming smile. "Are you Jack?"
"Yes," he replied, returning her smile. "You must be Emma. I have to say, I'm somewhat relieved."
"What?" she said demurely. "You thought I lied on the app?"
"Well, truth be told, your profile pic doesn't do you justice."
She put her hand on his arm and leaned in a bit closer. "Same to you."
He winked at her, and Emma felt a rush of adrenaline. This was actually kind of fun. She continued to talk with Jack while they ordered drinks. The plan was for her to maneuver him to a secluded corner table that Mu picked when she scouted out the place, but Jack was proving resistant to moving from the bar. He seemed to want to show Emma off to the other men there, which made her want to scoff in disgust.
When Jack turned away to order more drinks, she let her eyes wander around. They landed on a man across the bar who was almost too good looking to be real. He had dark hair and lightly tanned skin. A scar was on his right cheek, just above the dusting of a copper-tinted beard along his jaw. Even in the dim lighting, she could see that his eyes were a brilliant blue. Though he was sitting, she could tell he was tall and muscular, and his body language exuded confidence. He met her eyes and held her gaze, raising his right eyebrow in a curious gesture. She had to stop herself from responding with a smile, remembering that she was supposed to be here with Jack. Tearing her eyes from the delicious-looking man, she refocused on Jack, who thankfully had not noticed her distraction.
Eventually she got Jack into the corner, and Mu came up and cuffed him, just as they planned. Mu told Emma that it would be better if she took Jack to the police station in the Bug and then came back for her. Emma agreed and wandered over to the bar. She was perusing the menu for something to eat when she felt someone walk up behind her.
"That was not how I expected your evening to end, love."
A shiver ran down her spine and she turned to see Captain Delicious. In addition to his amazing looks, he had one of the sexiest accents she'd ever heard. She tried her best to school her features and not give away her attraction.
"Well," she began, "I like defying expectations."
He smiled, and his whole face lit up. He gestured to the empty stool next to her. "May I?" She inclined her head and he sat down.
"So," he said, "were you in on that performance?"
"Yes. I work with the woman who took him away. She's my friend and she's training me."
"You work as a bail bondsman?"
"Bondsperson," she corrected. "It’s not official yet. Mu just started teaching me how to catch skips. Most of my days are spent at the office doing admin work."
"I see. Could you tell me your name? Or would that blow your cover?"
She smiled. "Emma. Emma Swan."
He extended his hand and she took it. As they shook hands he said, "Killian Jones, at your service."
"It's nice to meet you, Killian."
"And you, Emma."
"So, Killian, what do you do to earn a living?"
"I'm a professor. I teach History at Storybrooke U."
"Interesting," she said, dragging the word out. "How long have you been doing that?"
"Well, in my younger days, I was in the Royal Navy. But I never saw myself as a career soldier, so when my time was up, I got out. I spent some time traveling with my brother, and we went diving on shipwrecks. I started a blog about our travels, which turned into a book deal. Then I took the money from that, went back to school, and many, many years later, ended up with my PhD in History. My specialty is Maritime History, but I mostly teach World History now."
"A PhD? So you're actually Dr. Jones?"
He laughed. "Only to my students."
Their conversation continued, and Emma found herself truly enjoying the exchange. All too soon they were interrupted by Killian's phone ringing. He looked at the screen, frowned, and silenced the ringer.
"Apologies, love. I need to make my exit. I unfortunately need to go have an unpleasant conversation."
"Is everything alright?"
"Nothing dire. I just need to go talk to my sometimes girlfriend. She's been a bit hot and cold lately."
Emma's heart sank a little. Of course a gorgeous guy like him would have a girlfriend. She put on a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she extended her hand and said "It was really nice meeting you, Killian."
"You too, Emma. I hope I can see you again. Do you come to this bar often?"
She shook her head from side to side. "This is my first time here."
He fished out his wallet and placed one of his business cards on the bar in front of hers. "Well, if I can ever do anything for you, please reach out to me."
"Thanks," she said, unable to hide her disappointment at his departure. He put a hand on her shoulder and winked at her. Even that innocent touch was enough to fan the flame inside. He seemed to realize this, smirking as he walked away without another word. His arrogance helped her move beyond her attraction, and she scoffed out loud.
She put his card in her purse, finished her drink, and closed out her tab. When she stood to leave, Mu was there with a happy look on her face.
"All done!" she said. "Leroy will get you your cut tomorrow. Let's head back to the office so I can get my car. I need a hot shower."
"Sounds great," Emma said, following her friend out of the bar.
The next day started well, with Emma collecting her payout and finding herself $500 richer. She was tempted to spend it all on something frivolous, but she decided it would be better to save it. Nearly all of it went to her savings account, but she did set aside $50 to take Henry to do something fun that weekend.
After that she quickly finished the paperwork she had waiting, and gave a client a ride to court. When she got back it was lunch time and she was out of things to do. Mu wa in, so Emma decided to work on her personal project: trying to track down Neal.
Emma would be perfectly happy if she never saw Neal again, but she knew that wasn't fair to Henry. He was starting to ask questions about his father. Emma had considered lying and saving her son some pain, but Regina counseled her against it. After considering Regina's advice, Emma had told Henry that she didn't know where his father was, but that she would do everything she could to find him so they could meet.
The trouble was, Neal Cassidy was hard to find. There was no record of him in Boston. It was a somewhat common name, but every lead she tracked down was a bust. After a while, she started to lose hope. Luckily, her friend David, a police detective, offered his services to help.
Emma met David through his wife, Mary Margaret, a teacher at Henry's daycare. Mary Margaret was quite possibly the most upbeat person Emma had ever met, but she was so genuine that you couldn't help but like her. David was not quite as chipper as his wife, but still annoyingly positive. They were good people, and Emma was happy to have their help. She hadn't heard from him lately, but still felt it couldn't hurt to call.
"David Nolan," he answered when she called his cell.
"Have you still not saved my number in your phone, Dave? Or are you just messing with me?"
"Nope, still haven't saved it. I like the mystery of not knowing who's calling me."
"You're weird," Emma replied.
"I'm glad you called. I was meaning to call you. I got a lead on your project."
"You did?" Emma was cautious. She'd run into so many dead ends in this search.
"Yeah. I came across some arrest records from about 15 years ago. A kid gave the name Neal Cassidy at arrest, but his real name was Neal Gold."
"Of course!" She exclaimed. "He gave me a fake name. I'll add that to the list of lies he told me."
“Well, the trail runs cold there, but he was picked up by a woman named Milah Gold. She was listed as his mother."
"Milah Gold...I'll look her up. Maybe I can find her and get to Neal that way. Thanks Dave!"
"Happy to help. Oh, and Mary Margaret mentioned having you and Henry over for dinner Friday night. You in?"
"Sure. I'll let her know when I pick up Henry this afternoon."
"Great. See you then, Emma."
Emma hung up feeling refreshed. She began searching for more information about Milah Gold, and the search was immediately fruitful. Milah owned a small boutique in a trendy part of town that sold vintage clothes. Emma decided to pay the boutique a visit that afternoon, before she lost her nerve.
She parked a few blocks down from the boutique, in the first open spot she found. Taking a deep breath, she began to walk to the store. Unfortunately, she wasn't paying attention where she was going and ran right into a man carrying two cups of coffee, which were spilled all over her white shirt.
"Fuck!" She cried out. The coffee wasn't too hot, thankfully, but it stained her shirt and her bra was now clearly visible under the wet fabric. She looked up, ready to chew out the offender, when she recognized his blue eyes.
"Emma?" He asked before she could say anything.
"Killian...hi," she replied, giving him an awkward smile.
"I didn't expect to see you here."
"I could say the same."
"I'm here to-" he started, but was interrupted by the shop door opening and a stunningly beautiful woman with flowing brown hair stepping out. She was taller than Emma, and looked to be somewhere in her 40's. 
"Killian?" The brunette asked. "Is everything alright?"
"Milah," he replied. "I'm afraid there was a bit of a mishap with our coffees." He pointed to Emma.
"Oh no!" Milah replied, taking in Emma's soaked shirt. "Come inside dear. I am sure I can find you something to replace the shirt my boyfriend so haphazardly ruined."
It took Emma a moment to connect the dots. "Milah?" She asked. "Milah Gold?"
Milah stopped and stared at Emma. "Yes...and you are…?" Her tone was wary, but not unkind.
Killian stepped in. "This is Emma Swan."
"You know each other?" Milah asked. "Are you one of Killian's students?"
"Um...no," began Emma. She remembered Killian mentioning there was some tension with his girlfriend, and she chose to take his lead on this.
"Emma and I met the other night at Tony's. She had some trouble with her date."
Milah smiled, but there was definitely some jealousy there. "Always the gentleman."
Milah pulled Emma inside and found a shirt for her. She led the younger woman to the changing room and Emma gratefully replaced her shirt with the much nicer sweater. She tried to pay Milah for the item, but Milah refused, saying she would put it on Killian's tab.
"So," she said after Emma was cleaned up. "What brings you here?"
Emma sucked in her breath. This was awkward, but she would not back down. She hated disappointing her son.
"Do you have a son, Neal?"
"Yes…" Milah said.
"He and I used to date. I haven't heard from him in almost five years, but I really need to talk to him."
"Well, you see, he and I have a son together. Neal doesn't know about Henry. I want my son to have the chance to meet his father."
"Neal has a son?" Milah asked. "You mean to tell me that I'm a grandmother?"
"It would appear so," Emma responded. She took out her phone and showed Milah a picture of Henry.
"Oh," Milah replied. "He looks just like Neal did as a boy."
"Do you know where I can find Neal?"
"I'm sorry, no. I haven't spoken to my son in ten years. We're not on the best terms. Maybe Robert can help.”
"My ex-husband." Milah replied. "He's a lawyer, but he also teaches at Storybrooke U."
"With Killian?"
"Different department, love," Killian chimed in. "He teaches contract law."
Milah seemed to have forgotten Killian was there. She stepped closer to her boyfriend and looped her arm with his in a clearly possessive gesture.
"I don't like talking to my ex, but I agree that Neal should know he has a child. I'll reach out to Robert. Could you come by again on Saturday, maybe around 10? I should have an answer then. And maybe you could bring my grandson? I'd love to meet him."
Emma was unsure, but decided to continue on this path. Milah was obviously insecure about her relationship, but she figured it couldn't hurt for Henry to get to know another family member.
"Okay," she said. "We can do that."
"Great!" Milah said. She picked up a business card from the holder by the register and circled her cell phone number. "Call me if anything changes. I can't wait to meet Henry!"
Despite Milah's territorial behavior, Emma could see she was truly was excited about meeting Henry. She gave Milah a warm smile and said goodbye. Just then a customer came through the door, carrying a box of clothes. Milah indicated this was a client who was selling some pieces, and asked Killian if he would go get new coffees for them. They gave each other a chaste kiss and Killian followed Emma out the door.
Killian and Emma stood awkwardly looking at one another, just outside the store's entrance. He began nervously scratching behind his ear before saying "she's a good woman, Milah is. She's had a hard go of it, but she's got a good heart."
"Good to know," Emma said. Even now she couldn't shake the attraction she felt toward this man. He now had his hands in his pockets, the muscles of his forearms flexing as they peeked out from his rolled up shirt sleeves. She caught herself staring a moment too late, and looked up to see him with that damn eyebrow cocked up again.
"I have to go," she said as she felt her cheeks turn crimson. "See you around Killian."
"You too, Swan."
Emma got in her car and berated herself. What was she doing? This man was dating a woman she'd just learned was her son's grandma. Was she really lusting after a man who was, for all intents and purposes, Henry's step-grandfather?
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forestiyari · 7 years
Life In Plan (1/2)
A Captain Swan Modern AU
Rating: T
She’s 16 when he catches her, and their life goes on from there.
Disclaimer: None of the OUAT world belongs to me.
Although I’m not posting I have four WIPs that are taunting me.  This is me sitting down at 3:30am and saying “ignore them, just write something- anything”.
And I swear- despite appearances, this is Captain Swan, it’s not Liemma.
Part 2 will be posted later in the week.
Also on
Life In Plan
She's 16 when he catches her.
 "Bad form, Lass.  Take that out of your pocket and put it back on the shelf."  His hand on Emma's arm, grip tight- there's no chance of escape and his voice- low, commanding... Dangerous- brokers no room for argument... "Now."  Reluctantly she curls her fingers around the pilfered candy bars and withdraws her hand from her pocket, briefly considering throwing them in his face to try and escape, but his hold on her is so solid she doubts it's an option.
 He must be new here- the ill-fitted uniform marking him as a member of staff, but his accent decidedly foreign.  He's older than her, but not by much, and obviously much more observant than the other youths that work here- it's the first time in three months she's been caught.  Emma replaces the chocolate on the shelf, ignoring the pang of hunger that runs through her before meeting his gaze defiantly- challenging him to make his next move.
 "There,” A smile washes over his face and his grip relaxes, although he doesn't remove his hand completely.  "Was that so hard?"
 "Yes."  She bites back, determined not to agree with a word he says.
 "Tell me Lass, at the end of the day, when stock goes missing, who do you think gets the blame?  Whose wages get docked?"  He raises his eyebrows in question, obviously expecting her to answer- but it's honestly not something she's thought about before... It's not like she steals for profit.
 "Tell me Boy," Her lips curl back, a snarl in place, "Where else is my meal coming from?"  Emma gets the desired response- he jerks back, surprised, and she's free.  Because she's learned recently that no one expects a pretty blonde in glasses to be homeless, to be a runaway- and defying expectations gains her an advantage.  She should be running now, she knows this- the second his hand was off her arm she should have been gone- but now she wants an answer from him.
 He regains his composure slowly, straightens up and extends a hand.  She looks down on it, bewildered, because just what is she supposed to do with that? It takes a few moments to realise he's expecting to shake her hand.
 "Liam Jones, at your service."
 "Emma Swan.  Whatever."
 The next night she avoids the convenience store and heads uptown to the soup kitchen.  She hates it there- with the suspicious eyes and roaming hands and social workers it reminds her too much of the group homes she's experienced, but she can't go any longer without food and the warmth and shelter it provides is a nice distraction for a while.
 It's late- too late for any real food to be left- when she sees him enter.  Liam Jones, the boy from last night and for a fleeting crazy moment she imagines he's here for her- but no one comes for her, she learnt that long ago.  She can see his uniform collar peeking out from beneath the oversized knitted sweater he wears as he shuffles to the end of the line, accepting the dregs of stew with a small smile meant to appease the over-enthusiastic do-gooder that serves him without inviting conversation.
 She waits for him to leave then follows him, curious. He walks for what seems like miles- away from the convenience store and her usual haunts- before furtively climbing through a broken basement window.
 Dawn is threatening and she considers... Stupid... She's so far from "home" she won't make it back in time to sleep before the rush hour traffic makes it impossible and she knows her only real option is to take a leap of faith- to trust Liam on his pledge.
 At your service
 To say he's surprised when she lands beside him is an understatement, but after a long gaze and a nod he settles back down on his side. Wordlessly she mirrors him, their backs not quite touching.
 She's 17 when he saves her.
 Because this was never really what she planned to do, but just walking by isn't a commitment and considering doesn't mean deciding.
 And she's not really a virgin anyway- not since Mr Fowler and his son's education back in eighth grade.
 "What the hell were you doing on Hazel, Emma?" He doesn't shout and she really wishes he would- because she can deal with anger, with violence- but this silent, stubborn, disappointed rage she has no idea what to do with.  It's the kind of anger that implies caring and emotion and she's never been good at that.
 Never had a chance to be.
 "I wasn't on Hazel."  She lies, knows that he sees straight through it with the flash that shoots through his eyes, and some complicated unnamed part of her rushes to clarify.  "I mean... I walked down Hazel, but I wasn't "on" Hazel.  Not in that way."  And she wasn't.  Not yet. She hadn't decided yet.
 "Emma..." The relief in his face is evident, but he's no fool.  "I swear, if I find you're turning tricks..."  He grinds out the words through gritted teeth and she can't stop the anger from rising.
 "You'll do what Liam?"  The words slap him sharply and she sees the hard edge run from his eyes, replaced by something more... Desperate.
 "Just please, Emma.  Not you.  Come to me first."
 They're not always in each other's lives.
 Liam works every shift he can at the convenience store and around the holidays picks up extra at the factories- she's not sure how he manages it- knows that somehow he must have a bank account, some papers.
 Emma cleans occasionally- cash in hand from the nicer neighbourhoods- but only enough to get her through a few weeks' meals at a time.
 She lives in the moment while he saves.
 They've spoken enough for her to grasp why- to understand there's a brother he wants to provide for, wants to rescue and bring to The States.  She knows he's younger, knows Liam truly believes he can do it- save enough for an apartment, a flight, a visa.  Emma wishes she could believe in anything the way that Liam believes in his plan.
 But for the moment it's nice to know that there's always a solid back she can sleep against should she need it.
 She doesn't need it.
 She's 18 when he rescues her.
 When Emma and Neal's Bonnie and Clyde adventure stutters to a halt at a roadside, The Bug tired of running on fumes and steam pouring from the undercarriage.  She walks a mile back along the way they came to the payphone, praying Liam still works the midday shift and his manager will let him take a call.  He does, he will.
 But when she gets back to where she started there's no yellow VW waiting, no Neal with open arms and an easy smile.
 Somehow Liam gets the bus driver to stop in the middle of nowhere to pick her up.  She has no idea how, too out of it to really care.  She's sunburnt and sore and goddamn heartbroken.
 And that's before she realises she's pregnant.
 Liam never judges, never really says a word about it.
 He contacts the social workers, lets her hate him just a bit for that.
 He takes the looks, the comments in his stride- lets everyone believe that it's his fault, that he was irresponsible enough to knock up the teenager he's living rough with- just another pair of runaway statistics.
 He brings her the adoption papers, reads then through, tells her where to sign, lets her love him just a bit for that.
 Then it's over.
 The baby's gone and it's just Emma and Liam again. Except it's not.  Because he's almost done it, he says; almost has the deposit for an apartment and enough rent saved up to make it a viable option.
 And she loves him for it, she really does, is so happy for him.
 But then there's the reason she went off with Neal in the first place- because she doesn't belong in that world.  The world of apartments and steady income- that's life stuff and Emma Swan... She doesn't have a life, she has the here and now... Anything beyond that is a bonus.
Emma drifts for what seems forever.
 She knows that theft isn't a way of life.  She as good as promised Liam she wouldn't turn tricks. The gangs are easy to get into but impossible to get out of.  She can pull off the confidence tricks but the victims leave her feeling... Dirty...
 Emma doesn't have a plan.
 Emma doesn't have parents or a GED or transferable skills.
 Emma has a rucksack of clothes, a library card and three stretchmarks that refuse to fade.
 Emma has Liam, she knows she does... But Liam doesn't need Emma.
 She's 20 when he inspires her.
 "Emma, how hard is it to find a missing person, d'you reckon?"  He asks. It's winter and the window of the room he's renting doesn't close properly- the draft meaning they huddle on the bed in beanies and gloves.  And she knows it's a rung on the ladder of his plan but apart from the mattress being dry she doesn't see much improvement over the basement they've squatted in for free for years.
 "What sort of missing person?"  She responds with trepidation... Because she's spent too many hours at the library looking for any clue as to her parents' whereabouts and probably just as many looking into the history he doesn't tell her. She's gotten pretty good at computers.
 "You remember that guy Rick that I work with?"
 "The one who thought buying me McDonalds made us an item?"  She clarifies with a raised eyebrow- because they've laughed way too much over that fiasco.
 "The very same."  He grins back at her, not at all ashamed of having allowed her to defend her own honour, deleting the CCTV footage of her 'assault' now that he has managerial responsibilities.  "He hasn't shown up for work the past three days, which isn't unusual, but..."
 "Doesn't he owe you money?"  
 "$400 advance on his wages- out of my pocket."
 "How much do I get if I find him?"  She asks and he grins.
 "Done."  They shake and the following day Emma has a small fortune in her pocket.
 Emma's good at finding people.
 Really good.
 She gets it now- the planning, because when she brings in her first skip and is looking at the cash in her hands there's too much there to not plan.
 She could survive for a year on that pay check.
 Or she could start living.
 And after the third skip she brings it up with Liam- because comparatively there's not that much difference between a one-bed and a two-bed apartment in a nice enough area.  So that summer they move in and she has a room, a closet, a bed.  They share a kitchen and a television.
 At first she can't believe the bills, but it doesn't take that long to get used to.
 Their apartment, their things, their life.
 She's 21 when he breaks her heart.
 "I bought Killian a plane ticket- he'll be here on Thursday."
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