#i don't cry unless its out of frustration and guess what is going to haPPEN!!! its fine were cool im venting
skellydun · 1 year
thinking about ending it all (quitting my job)
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
C-could we have more of the Bo and reader angst, maybe Bo finds her in the next down over and they finally resolve feelings? 👉🏻👈🏻
Oh Lord... I don't know if ya'll are ready for this. Better buckle up cause this angst train ain't got no breaks, baby.
Part One
Part Two
Bo x Reader Angst: The Only Way It Can Be...
It was just your shitty luck, you guess. You shitty, horrible, fucked up luck. You almost couldn’t believe it. Almost. Really, you absolutely could believe it, since it was fucking happening to you, right in front of your very eyes. You should have known better. You should have known that literally nobody stops at Ambrose unless they have no other options. Unless they have nowhere else to go. Banging your head against the steering wheel, you accidentally honk the horn a handful of times, which turns into several more done on purpose as you silently take your frustrations out on the now overheated, smoking car. Angrily grabbing your bag, you exit the car, slamming the door shut hard enough that the sound echoed in the quiet forest around you. Staring at the steam seeping through the hood, you felt a hysterical giggle surface to the back of your throat, making you shake your head as you paced back and forth. Suddenly, you kick the driver’s side door as hard as you can, barely registering the pain shooting up through your leg.
Several intense emotions crashed over you at once, making you feel lightheaded and sick to your stomach. You drop to the ground, burying your face in your hands as you struggle not to hyperventilate. This was a mistake. This was a fucking mistake- I fucked up I fucked up so bad oh God-! You force yourself to stand, crying out as you put weight on the leg you used to kick the car. Good- Gre- Fucking perfect I broke my goddamn foot- FUCK! You cover your face with your hand, choking out sobs in between panicked breaths. You force yourself to walk. You have to keep moving. You can’t stop. You can’t go back. You just fucking can’t…
How long did you walk for? A few hours, at least. Your foot made the walk painful and slow. The sun had already set, and it was too dark to see clearly. You had a flashlight, but you didn’t want to use it until you had to so that you wouldn’t attract unwanted attention. It was miserable. You were miserable. Does Bo even know that I’m gone yet? You bet Vincent sure did, and the fact it would be him that would have to remind Bo of your existence made you incredibly bitter and heartbroken.
You didn’t want to leave Vincent, or Lester, for that matter, but you wouldn’t go back for Bo. You just fucking wouldn’t. Over my dead body… Gritting your teeth, you forced your head down and continued on, exhaustion making your entire body heavy and barely responsive. You shut your eyes for a moment, staggering alongside the unused road, trying to think of something- anything else other than your current predicament. There’s something better out there for me. There is, I just have to go out there and find-
Your eyes snap open as you jump, too shocked to fully process what the hell that noise was, or what that bright light was for that mat- Oh no wait- F-Fuck..! This can’t be happening..! This- No, this isn’t-! How?! How could he catch up so quickly..?! You stumble, nearly tripping on your own feet as you limped as fast as you physically could, emotional tears of pain streaming down your face as you hear a familiar truck door being thrown open fast enough to nearly rip it off its hinges. Behind you, you could just barely make out a familiar voice, strained with a mixture of volatile emotions calling out to you, quick footfalls rushing at your heels.
“God DAMN- FUCKIN- STOP! Y/N, PLEA- SHIT, Y/N!” You’re all but tackled, screaming and swearing and kicking and biting onto the ground, unable to breathe and unable to get away. Bo was so much bigger and stronger than you… It was too easy for him to pin you down, straddling your legs so you couldn’t kick him off. He was still shouting, but you couldn’t hear anything over your own blinding panic.
“FUCK- FUCK GET- NO GOD- S-STOP! GET OFF OF ME! PLEA- STOP IT! DON’T- DON’T! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO-!” You don’t stop struggling and you don’t stop fighting him. This is your worst nightmare. You were so close. So fucking close..! Why..? Why did this have to happen..? Why did he have to go looking for you..? Why did he have to care now? He never did before, so why now..? Eventually, your squirming subsided, giving way to sobs that wracked your entire body. You fully expected to be hit. To be put in your place, to be reminded where you belong and to who you belong to, but it didn’t come. In fact, nothing else was said after you were pinned to the ground, after you started to beg to be let go, after you started screaming from the depths of your soul… The hold on your body went slack, as did the legs that were pinning your own. Between your broken sobs, you heard something that you thought wasn’t possible. You thought you were mistaken, maybe hearing your own cries ricocheting off the surrounding woods, but when you felt something soft drip onto the back of your hair, and eventually, something wet plop onto your neck, you knew that things were more serious than either of you had anticipated.
Bo’s weight lifted off of your and he staggered a few feet away, head turned away from you as he tripped on his own feet, falling flat on his ass as he clamped his hand over his mouth, trying in vain to choke down the tidal wave of emotions about to burst through the defenses he spent the better part of a lifetime building up to protect himself from people like you. Raising to your knees, you stare in shock, your own hysterics rapidly becoming numb as you’re overwhelmed by the scene in front of you. You’ve been with Bo for a good few years now, and you have never seen that man cry before. He’s been emotional, he’s been sad, melancholic, angry- enraged-, but even with all his emotions being on a hair trigger, and he might have gotten extremely close to crying once or twice, but he’s never cried once in your presence. Vincent once told you that Bo hasn’t cried since they were small children, just as their mother fell ill. You believed him. You heard bits and pieces of how fucked up their lives had been, and all three of them had to become callous and indifferent to others in order to protect themselves, so to see Bo not only crying, but completely hysterical? It was terrifying.
You felt things that you didn’t have a name for. You… didn’t want to see him cry. You didn’t want to see him ever again, but… God, you didn’t want to ever see him like this… Yet, a part of you took great pleasure in seeing him so low, so miserable. How many times did he leave me like that? Leave me to cry myself to sleep at night, only to pretend nothing had happened in the morning? It would be a lie to say you didn’t feel a bit vindicated in your feelings. He made you fucking hate yourself for years, and to see him doubled over and sobbing his little eyes out made you oh so fucking happy. A part of you was getting angry. Why the fuck did he even bother coming here..? I should just take his keys and get this over with… Your heart stubbornly slammed into your ribs, reminding you that yes, you still love him, even if he ruined your fucking life. You hate him as much as you love him, and if this keeps up, someone might get hurt…
“G-Give- Ngghhh… G-Give me y-your ke-eys... “ You stand on trembling legs, trying to ignore how much your heart aches at the pathetic sight before you. Bo shakes his head, reaching a shaking hand out to you. You smack it away before you even registered what he was doing. “S-Stop! Bo, g-give me your g-goddamn k-keys! Y-You’re no- You’re not gonna stop m-me..!” You hated that you couldn’t sound more confident. That you kept stuttering and stammering, but to your surprise, he doesn’t respond with anger or aggression. Bo only hangs his head, hand still over his mouth as the other goes to clutch at the front of his shirt. Another wave of tears is pulled from deep inside of yourself, making you turn your head as you struggle to keep your features neutral. You don’t want him to know how upset he’s making you. You have to be strong. I can still leave. I-I can still- I- Still can lea-
Bo staggers to his feet, covering his face with the crook of his arm. A part of you goes cold, thinking that you’re about to be dragged back to Ambrose against your will- He turns his back to you, a sigh broken a part by a sob that forces its way through his body. As you furrow your brows, opening your mouth to demand for the keys once more he interrupts-
“I- We- F-Fuck… N-Need to s-say s-sumthin…” He chokes on his words. Fuck.
“N-No…- Ahem- NO. I-I’m not- You won’t-” He holds a trembling hand up.
“Fuckin- J-Just- I-I need t-to- JUST F-FUCKIN STOP FOR A- sigh… I n-need to fuckin say somethin… Please, Y/N..” You pause mid sentence. He- Bo said ‘please’? W-What the..? You rock on your heels, chewing on a fingernail. He still had his back to you, but he didn’t say or do anything else, waiting for your response. Bo’s breaths came in short wheezes, occasionally broken up by the sobs still wracking his body. You’ve already made up your mind. I’m not staying… I won’t stay any longer… Bo won’t change your mind, and well…
“W-What…?” You winced at how hostile you sounded, but didn’t dare correct yourself. Bo turns around, head still hanging low as he furiously wipes the tears from his face. Clearing his throat, he takes a deep, shaky breath, still not looking you in the eyes.
“I-F-Fuck… I fucked up…” Bo struggles to speak in between heaving sobs. You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. Yeah? Ya think? No shit, asshole… You can see anger flash onto Bo’s features for a fraction of a second, before his face falls. Something deeper than simple self pity was eating at him. What could it be..?
“J-Jus- I fucked up- I fu- …I fucked up my-… o-our- I f-fucked up o-our f-f-famil-ly…” Your stomach dropped to your feet. Bo looked like he was going to be sick. You were going to be sick, too. Turning your body so he wouldn’t be able to see the tears running down your face, you suck in a deep breath, nodding your head to yourself.
“Y-yea- Haa… Yep… Y-You s-sure did, d-didn’t you..?” Bo shook his head, though he wasn’t disagreeing with you. His entire body shook uncontrollably, and it was only getting worse with each passing second. His eyes flicked over to you, but was unable to maintain his gaze. How could he? What’s done is done, and there’s no going back now.
“Bo, please stop.”
Your eyes finally met. It was painful. So fucking painful… You can see it in his eyes. He really does believe that this is his fault… Good. It was his fault. All his fault… Bo was mulling something over in his head, you could tell by the way he absentmindedly pulled the sleeves of his jumper down, hiding the scars wrapped around his wrists. It was always a bad habit of his, and something he did when he was feeling vulnerable. He threw his hands down before he started to shuffle to his truck.
“Get in.”
“I said get. IN.”
“I said NO.”
Bo quickly turned on his heel, face flushed as he physically bit his tongue to prevent himself from speaking out of turn. Burying his face in his hands, he brings them up and through his sweat damp hair, pushing his brown locks out of his face.
“I-I’m fuck- I-I- …oh god… I’m n-n-not takin ya to A-Ambrose…” Furrowing your brows, you cock your head to the side, unsure if you heard him clearly.
“I- You- What-?”
“D-Don- Please just- Before I c-change my mind. Jus- Takin ya over yonder, alright..?”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Bo was… He’s helping me leave..? No, it’s a trick- it has to be a trick. He’s going to take you back to Ambrose and you’ll never be able to leave again. He- Bo’s full of shit. He doesn’t want me to go. He’d never let me go…
Bo stops walking, but doesn’t turn to face you. His shoulders twitch, but makes no other move otherwise. You take a step towards him, swallowing the bile rising to the back of your throat. Bo starts walking again, head low. Anger starts to boil inside of you.
“Give me the fucking keys, Bo. I’m not going anywhere with you.” You spat, walking towards him, picking up speed with each step forward you take. Bo doesn’t react when you nudge him forward slightly, nor when the subtle nudging rapidly grows into harsh shoving. “Hey, asshole! Are you fucking deaf?! I said ‘Give me your damn KEYS!!!’” No response. You bite your lower lip. Fucking prick..!
You shove him hard enough to knock him off balance, but he doesn’t fall. Instead, he turns to face you, face deeply flushed with anger and something else. He looks like he has a hundred different things he wants to say, but says nothing at all. Something inside of you was at its breaking point. You were angry. You were hurt. You want to leave. You didn’t want to be anywhere near Bo, anymore. You wanted to see him suffer… Hurt… You wanted to inflict pain onto him, just like he had done to you for all these years. You’ve never been so pissed off before. You need to leave. You need to fucking leave..!
“I’m fucking leaving, either in your truck, or on foot, and I will be alone either way. So, either give me your goddamn keys, or fuck off back home.” You spat inching closer to him. Bo doesn’t move immediately, rather stands still as a statue, looking you in the eye, almost as if he’s challenging your commitment to leaving. You don’t waver or back down this time. You’ve made up your mind. You deserve more than he’s given you, and nothing will change that fact. You aren’t going back to Ambrose, no matter how much it hurts. Bo can see that in your eyes. He doesn’t want you to leave, in fact, it’s taking every ounce of his willpower to not forcibly haul your ass back home. Bo fucked up. He fucked up, and it’s time he faced the consequences of his actions. No matter what he has said or done to you, he really, truly does love you, even now, as you're all but spitting in his face as you are leaving him and his brothers forever, he loves you more than anything. He’s been such a selfish asshole, not just to you but to everyone in his life. Letting you go won’t right all his wrongs, hell, it won’t even right most of them, but… It’s something that he has to do. He has to let you go, for your sake, and for his and his brothers, too. You being miserable in Ambrose won’t fix anything. It’ll make you hate not just him, but Vincent and Lester, too, and they’ll hate Bo more than they already do if he ever hurt you like that. Bo’s not a good man, he’s probably one of the worst ones out there, but maybe, just maybe, if he does this, this one, little thing, maybe he’d finally be a man that his mama could be truly proud of.
In the middle of a rant you were screaming into his face, one that he hadn’t heard a word of, he backed up a few steps, so that he was a few feet from you and out of the road. He points to the truck, throat squeezing shut as panic washed over him. “K-Keys already in ‘em…” You blink, confused. You couldn’t find your words, so Bo helped you out. “Keys in ‘em, so just get already…” He pulls his hat over his eyes, waiting for your response. When you stutter out a ‘what do you mean’ he sighs heavily. “Y/N, the keys are in the fuckin truck so just take the damn thing and get out of here, already… I- sigh- told you already: I fucked everything up, and the only way to make it right is to let ya go, so go…” There weren't any more tears left to cry. Bo’s eyes ached, as did his throbbing heart. He saw several different emotions flash over your face: anger, resentment, sadness- just about every bitter, upset feeling one could have all at once. A part of him wished you had beaten the shit out of him, at least then he’d feel justified in his conflicting feelings. But no, you stand there quietly, staring at his feet, contemplating what he had told you. Keys are in the truck. All you have to do is get in and drive off.
You take one step towards the truck, then two, then three, then pause. Turning back to Bo, things were still bubbling up inside of you. He’s letting me go, in his truck, willingly… He really did love you. It was a shame he couldn’t show it until it was too late… You found yourself walking over to him, standing toe to toe with him. What am I even doing…? You thought as you placed your hand on his shoulder. You stand on your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pull him down into the last hug you’d ever give him. Bo hesitates, but gently hugs you back, tightening his hold on you as you tighten your own. It was hard. So damn hard… You really didn’t want it to be like this, but, alas, it was so. You pulled back slightly, and, against your better judgement, placed a chaste kiss to his lips.You both ended up sobbing, breaking the kiss as you turned on your heel, covering your mouth with your hand as you hopped into his truck.
You cast one last look at him, barely visible in the darkness beside the road. You close the door, and turn the key in the ignition, cringing as it roars to life. Your heart was beating faster than it ever was before. Shifting it into gear, you sneak one last look at Bo. He’s already started to walk away, already behind the truck and starting on the long walk home. Alone. Vincent and Lester are going to be devastated… Another sob wracks your body as you press on the gas pedal, starting on your own long journey out of here. You aren’t okay. You won’t be okay for a while, but eventually? Eventually, you’ll come around. You’ll get back on your feet, and you’ll learn how to love not just yourself, but the world, again. It’ll be hard, but that’s life. It’s not fair, and it isn’t even just, it simply is, and you will make of it what you can. As will Bo, to the best of his ability. But he won’t bounce back like you will. He’ll withdraw even more, from himself and his brothers, especially his twin. He’ll become darker, crueler, even more volatile than ever before. Nothing will soothe the void that your absence will leave, and there will be no one that can fill it, either. There’s only one you, and you're gone forever. Bo will live with this ache for the rest of his life. It’s the least that he can do, his punishment, if you will. Being alone and miserable was the only existence that he could ever lead, anyways. It was just like his mama always said: he was a little monster, an accident, lesser than Vincent, useless, a burden, unlovable… He was unlovable, and it was no less than he deserved. He’s ruined enough things in his life… Bo will die alone, bitter and heartbroken.
It’s the only way it can be…
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
succumb (1/?)
Note: "?" because I don't know if I'm actually going to continue this. All I know is that I saw this post from Liccy and couldn't stop thinking about it (hopefully you don't mind me leeching a little off of your fantastic hc). I just had to write something or else I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. Unless I decide to make more of this, I'll keep this just in Tumblr for now.
Summary: While collecting firewood after a harsh day of traveling, Wild and Hyrule find themselves ambushed and alone, facing a mysterious enemy that wants Hyrule for something Wild doesn't understand... or more specifically: they want Hyrule's blood.
Tws and warnings in tags
It’s a night filled with the chill of air fresh after rain. The damp grass and twigs lining the ground below the still dripping trees squish below Wild’s boots as he walks, his eyes sharp for anything that could be useful.
Today’s been a rather taxing day on his energy, and he can tell it’s been the same with the others. The constant rain has caused the paths to become slick with mud and the rivers too dangerous to cross. To top it all off, they don’t even know who’s world they are in; making it so that as they journey they don’t even know where they are going.
Wild hates the rain.
But luckily, he’s not assigned with the behemoth task of finding dry firewood alone. Hyrule walks beside him, his pants and tunic blotched with dark colors thanks to the puddle he had fallen into a few minutes before.
The quite literal stumbles here and there put aside… they’ve actually done a decent job at gathering firewood so far. A few hours into their search they both have arms cradling rather hefty loads of dry twigs and branches found in miracle spots hiding under rocks and undergrowth, untouched from the rain.
A cold win stirs, causing Wild to suppress a shiver as he straightens out of picking up another stick to add to his impressive collection. He probably should have worn a warmer tunic while heading out, but Wind was looking miserable in the cold and didn’t look used to this kind of chill, so he had lent his snowquill tunic and didn’t have the heart to take it back as the poor kid sat sniffling in the driest part of camp.
Wild mentally begins to make a list of things he has that could go in a warming soup once they have a fire going. If none of them have colds tomorrow morning, he will eat Legend’s hat.
“We should head back,” Wild calls towards his companion. Behind him, Hyrule straightens up from where he was quite hilariously resembling an old man squatting down to pick up a book they have dropped. His arms are overloaded with wood, and Wild’s sure if he bends any lower he would be struggling to pick up the sticks he will undoubtedly start dropping.
“You think we have enough?” Hyrule asks.
Wild hums and looks at the two armfuls they have gathered. They need enough to last them for dinner and through the night, and a little extra if the fire happens to go out from unpredictable rain storms through the night. It’s not like Wild’s scars would be able to help him tell the oncoming storms; they’ve been none-stop aching since they found themselves in this unfamiliar forest.
After a moment of sizing up their bundles, Wild nods. “Yeah, if we’re smart with it we shouldn’t have to worry.”
Hyrule snorts. “Smart with it? Tell that to the blacksmith. He’s the one that tried to light Vet’s hair on fire.”
“In his defense, Vet kinda deserved it.”
“He accidentally caught Wolfie’s tail on fire.”
Wild snorts. “To be fair, he kinda deserved it too.”
Hyrule gives an unimpressed look to which Wild responds with a grin and as much of a shrug he can manage without dropping anything. The wind brushes past them and through the leaves in the trees, reminding them both that the night is approaching and banter can perhaps wait until they’re warm at a fire.
“C’mon,” Wild says, “we should get going.”
Hyrule’s face splits into a grin and rushes to catch up with Wild as he begins to walk back towards the direction of camp. The sound of mud squelching beneath their boots accompanies his thoughts as they go. He hopes they’ve set up the pots and pans he needs to make dinner like he asked them to. He’d like to get something warm in his belly as soon as possible and it would be so much quicker if the others realized they could maybe help make dinner sometimes.
He’s in the middle of planning out his next moves once they’re back with the others when it happens. It’s achingly familiar too—the way the air seems to turn foul and the shadows of the trees grow within the blink of an eye. Through his travels alone… before he fought and defeated Calamity Ganon… things were hardly ever perfectly okay. Safety was always rare, and things could go sour quicker than what you would expect. Wild quickly trained himself to always be aware of the dangers around him, even if everything seemed happy and safe. It saved his back more times than what he could admit, even if the pressure of anxiety pressing down on his ribs was more constant than a place for him to spend the night.
He could sense everything about to go wrong a moment before it does. He’s not sure what’s made him aware of the change—whether it’s the quieting of crows or the darkening sky—but one thing is for sure, this time he’s not quick enough to stop it.
He sees Hyrule twitch besides him and drop all of the firewood in his arms right into the mud. His hands fly to his neck as Wild drops his load and pulls out his sword. He hears a zip and catches the flash of light just in time to jump out of the way of a flying arrow.
Immediately, Wild is in battle mode. With practiced movements that he doesn’t even think about anymore, his shield is off of his back and on his non-dominant hand just-in-the-nick-of-time to block two more arrows with an equal number of thunks. With rising adrenaline, Wild looks over at Hyrule and what he sees makes his stomach twist. There, just a few strides out of arm's reach, Hyrule stumbles and tugs his hands away from his neck; grasped in his fingers is a small, thin twig with a feather on one end and a metal glint on the other. It isn’t hard to guess what’s exactly going on as Hyrule stumbles again with fluttering eyelids.
This isn’t any old attack from monsters in the forest, Wild concludes as he begins to rush towards his poisoned friend.
This is an ambush.
Just before Wild can reach Hyrule, a form jumps down from the trees between them. Wild has a split-second to recognize the glint of misshapen armor bent to fit a large reptile's body before the Lizalfols is swinging a sharp boomerang right for his throat. Wild steps back and raises his shield before he could be hit, however he has to work hard to suppress a frustrated snarl as he’s forced to widen the distance between himself and the barely standing Hyrule. He can see the other hero struggling to pull out his sword as more figures emerge from the surrounding trees.
“Alright, ugly,” Wild hisses under his breath as he shoves his shield out with calculated power. He needs to finish this quickly before Hyrule gets himself more hurt so he can figure out what poison was used and if the others are okay.
The Lizalfos screeches and stumbles back, waving its weapon wildly. Wild takes its struggle to regain balance as an opportunity to rush forward and swing his sword right for the weak spots of its armor. The monster screams impossibly high with unhuman chords before falling limp on his sword, however Wild doesn’t have time to celebrate before claws dig into his shoulders. Stifling a cry of pain, Wild is forced to let go of his lodged sword to catch his fall on his hands and knees. The well-known shriek of a bokoblin reaches his ears as he throws his weight to the side to dislodge the thing. Luckily, he’s successful, ending up on his back with the perfect position to swing his shield at the exact right moment to hit the bokoblin right in the snout as it tries to jump at him again.
“Champ!” calls a shaky voice. Hyrule.
He doesn’t sound too good.
And judging how there are several more monsters here than what he remembered before ending up on the ground… neither of them will be too good soon if he doesn’t act.
He scrambles to his feet, barely noticing how soaked in rain and mud he is now, and grabs a stick on his way up that he had previously dropped. He swings it like a bat at the next closest bokoblin—mourning his sword and mentally kicking himself for getting it stuck in the corpse of a fucking lizard—but he only manages to slightly stun it for a moment before its running after him with pig-like gurgles quicker than what he can properly lift his shield. However, before the creature can hit him, there's the flash of a friendly blade, cutting the beast down mid-air. Before him stands Hyrule, looking very pale with beads of sweat trailing down from his hairline. Wild’s about to nod his thanks, but two things happen at once that makes everything go completely downhill.
Wild sees Hyrule’s eyes roll up to his skull right before the air is knocked out of him via a viscous swing of a tail to his ankles, resulting in him landing heavily on his back.
Monsters all around him squeal with glee as Wild attempts to catch his breath and struggle to his feet. However, before he can do so, the heavy body of the lizalfos responsible for taking him down lands on his back, expelling any of the air Wild had left in his lungs. For a horrifying second, Wild’s almost afraid his head is about to be removed from his body with the flash of a sharp boomerang.
Shockingly enough, that doesn’t happen. While he feels the blade slide right against his jaw, his skin does not break. With the tug of a clawed hand in his hair, he quickly finds this isn’t a kind of ambush that he’s used to. Most surprise monster attacks stay exactly as it appears to be: an all-out attack with no more intentions than to stab things and scream loudly.
This one however is proving itself to be a little different. They want something, something that they’d keep Wild pinned on the ground with a blade to his throat alive.
Thanks to the hand holding his head up by his hair—sending a rather vicious kink into his neck as he’s still stuck on his stomach—Wild can see Hyrule completely collapsed on the ground with a few monsters hovering over him with excited snorts and grunt.
He can’t believe the two of them have been bested by monsters as low in skill as these.
Something more has to be going on.
And, just as that thought crosses his mind, there’s the sound of booted feet approaching on the soggy ground. The new presence comes behind from where Wild is pinned, so he cannot see them. However, based on the even steps and the whoosh of cloth, he can at least infer that they’re not a monster… or at least something a bit more humanoid.
His suspicions are confirmed once the figure steps into view. They look the build of a Hylian; though below the cloak that covers their face and exposes nothing but the shadow of a pointed chin… they must be a rather tall Hylian.
Which definitely isn’t good. Monsters are one thing—creatures born out of hatred and greed—but a Hylian who’s born as pure as any other human and animal in the world choosing to work with monsters? Deal with wickedness? They’re always the bigger threat. If the Yiga clan alone isn’t proof enough that Hylia’s creations can inhibit more darkness than the lowest of beasts, then Wild would ask what shrine you've been sleeping in.
Not like he could ask that now, not as the cloaked figure steps right past Wild without sparing a single glance. Wild cannot help but feel his stomach twist in fear as the person kneels down by the unmoving and unarmed Hyrule. They place a pale hand on Hyrule’s forehead, making Wild’s skin crawl.
“Get away from him!” Wild snarls, digging his fingers into the mud and attempting to push the heavy lizalfos off from him, but all that does is cause the creature to hiss and tighten the blade.
The cloaked intruder doesn’t respond nor quit in their endeavors of getting too close to Hyrule for Wild’s comfort. In fact, Wild almost thinks they didn’t even hear him.
He’s about to shout out once again—angry with being ignored—but the breath leaving his lungs fall silent as the figure brushes back Hyrule’s hair with a verbal sigh. Then, to Wild’s horror, the figure pulls back to their cloak to bring out a small vial filled with a deep purple liquid.
“What is that?” Wild demands as the lid of the vial is popped off and lowered towards Hyrule’s pale lips. “Don’t you fucking dare-” suddenly the air is squeezed from his body, forcing his protests to cease, as the lizalfos leans more of it’s weight onto his back to press his face down into the mud.
He doesn’t see what happens next, but he can put two and two together when a few silent moments pass before those human footsteps begin to finally head Wild’s way. The clawed hand in his hair loosens ever so slightly as slim fingers slip under his chin. Next thing Wild knows, he’s blinking through dripping eyelashes at the shadowed face of the cloaked figure.
Wild, of course, takes the opportunity to spit a wad of mud at the face of his enemy thanks to his little face-meets-dirt session.
He’s pretty sure he hits his mark, because in a blink of an eye Wild is no longer pinned on the ground, but lifted into the air by his neck. His feet scramble for purchase when there is none as his hands fly to his throat. The pressure on his neck is so intense that he doesn’t think to try and look at the face of his attacker. He can only gulp for trapped air like a fish out of water. Then, just like that, the pressure on his throat is released as he finds himself thrown back into the waiting arms of various monsters. Before Wild can attempt to find his bearings, his wrists are twisted violently behind his back; the motion almost yanks his limbs from their sockets. After a few gasps, it's all Wild can do to stand there with their physical restraints of clawed hands and send a cold glare at the cloaked figure.
The cloaked figure radiates irritation from where they stand, but Wild spares only a moment to bare his teeth at them before glancing back to where he'd last seen Hyrule.
He can’t see Hyrule’s face, but he’s no longer laying prone on the floor. He’s currently sat up with his chin limply touching his chest as a pair of monsters work together to bind his wrists behind his back.
Knowing that villains don’t usually restrain corpses, Wild concludes that Hyrule is still alive and returns his anger at the cloaked figure.
Wild takes a deep breath and speaks through hissing teeth, “who are you?”
“I would watch your tongue, hero,” the figure says, their voice not distinct enough to be dubbed male or female. However, Wild can practically feel the annoyance in their tone traveling down his spine. “We don’t need both of you, and your small friend is not the expendable one.”
The words settle in Wild’s gut like moss covered stones. This really isn’t any normal attack or ambush… this was a targeted mission.
Hyrule is the target.
“What do you want with him?”
The figure chuckles, their shoulders bounce in such an undeniably human way that it makes Wild feel sick to his core. “It never fails to amuse me that none of you seem to truly understand just how much more powerful and important this one is compared to the rest of you.” The cloaked figure walks towards Wild with arms spread wide. “His blood alone is more powerful than any form of magic known to any sorcerer.”
“What are you talking about?” Wild spits, forcing his face to remain cold and angry despite the pool of confusion and fear that’s beginning to swell around those moss stones in his gut.
The figure hums and tilts their covered head. After another moment, they speak with an amused tone, walking slowly towards Wild. “That slate on your belt... you’re the hero from the far future, oh how convenient. Tell me, have you ever wondered why the monsters come back to life?”
Wild doesn’t get a chance to answer before the figure stops right in front of him. He hates that even though he cannot see their face, he can practically taste the smug victory radiating off from them.
“Don’t you wonder why the moon shines red with blood?”
Wild swallows. “What does that have to do with anything?” He looks over where Hyrule is placed. “What does that have to do with him?”
The figure chuckles and leans forward close enough that Wild can almost see an outline of a pointed nose. “Everything.”
Then, with a flick of their hand, something hard smacks against the back of Wild’s skull. The world spins and pain shoots through his head and into every speck of his body. He blinks, and suddenly he’s leaning bonelessly into the grasps of the monsters behind him, the corners of his vision going black.
The last thing he sees is the figure turning back towards Hyrule with a flick of their cloak.
Then, his eyes fall shut and he knows no more.
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ally-the-turtle · 4 years
I don't know if you still do stuff for Noragami.. But can I have Yato with a fem! S/O who has like FABULOUS legs. Like they dummy THICC but they are so beautiful! (Bonus if she can do a split!)
woop sorry for the late response-  i’m not very active in this account since I switched into my art account on my other computer xD 
But hey, sure! Y’know what, I might make this account a multifandom writing blog. 
Noragami’s my favourite anime but it’s been a while since I last watched it :”)) I hope he’s not OOC! 
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Warnings: You swearing like a sailor lmao Word count: 1467
No one would have ever thought that a girl with your legs could dance, let alone do the splits. 
It’s a stereotype, right? Thicc girl is too thicc to do anything blah blah blah
Well not you. 
You loved to dance. It was a form of art that you just connected with so strongly. Expressing yourself with just your body language was so extraordinary to you that you took on classes since you were just a child. Now a young adult, having just turned 19, you didn’t know what you wanted to do exactly. 
Future??? WHat’s thAT????
Currently, you were laying on your bed in your pyjamas which consisted of shorts and a tank top, under the sheets, looking up at the ceiling as random thoughts swirled in your head. Maybe you could go into the performing arts? Musical theatre performer? Dance teacher? 
“Ugghhh...” You groaned. “I don’t know what to dooo!” 
The performing arts was very physically demanding - that is, if you meant the requirements then you’re in. You had tried in the past to audition for dance classes and teacher positions but you had gotten rejected every time and all for the same reason:
Your weight.
What was most disappointing was that you had always been proud of your physical figure. You weren’t thin like a wire, you never were and unless you give up your happiness, you never will be. But you didn’t mind ‘cause fuck it - food is fucking delicious and people need to be more grateful of the awesome shit we get to consume. Ahem - anyway, you loved yourself. You love your body and you wouldn’t give it up for anything. You were beautiful. You had all the curves in all the right places. So many of your girl friends had told you they would give their soul to Satan to have your ass and legs. It was a weird way of complimenting you but you appreciated it either way. 
Still, you were upset. Just today you had auditioned for an elite dance class which fit your level. However you got rejected and even though they had told you that it was because you had come too late, you knew better, you knew it was because of your physical look which didn’t match their wants. 
“Beauty is so overrated.” You scoffed, thinking about how so many girls literally torturing their bodies just to fit society’s definition of beauty. 
wE LiVE iN A sOCiEty. 
“Huh?” You muttered, hearing a voice close by to you. 
“What the fuck?” You gasped, now fully aware that you weren’t alone in your room. Your eyes scanned the area and there in the corner, you saw floating eyeballs. 
“You’re not... beautiful...” It said. “We... can make you... beautiful...”
“Shut the fuck up! I AM beautiful!” You spat, getting your phone out to text your boyfriend, Yato, one word:
You got up from your bed in a flash as the phantom grew larger and came closer to you. But how? You were confident with yourself, there was no reason why a phantom would appear right next to you. 
You were confident... right?
“Beautiful... Beautiful...!” It spoke again, its voice multiplying as if there were 500 children speaking at once. 
“Shut up!” You yelled, baking up against the wall until it touched your back. 
It attacked, sending black mist towards you. However, you lifted your leg high, a full 180°. Suddenly you had an idea. 
“You wanna dance? Bring it motherfucker!” You challenged. 
The black blob of eyeballs and mist multiplied and all began attacking you however, you were able to avoid them by lifting your legs and moving your legs in graceful manners, as if you were dancing. You even did a few gainer front flips (A/N: y’know those flips that ballet dancers do? yeah that.) You were skilled and it showed. You were cartwheeling around, flipping and twisting to dodge the attacks. However you were starting to feel tired and soon enough, one of your flips ended up with you hitting your head against the wall and twisting your ankle. 
“Ah fuck!” You cursed, holding your ankle and panting loudly. The blob grew larger and was about to launch at you until there was a flash of light. 
“Sekki!” A voice called.
Then, the blob exploded and on the other side was the all too familiar God in the light blue scarf. 
“Y/N!” He called rushing to your side. “Are you okay?!”
“Dude.” You panted, leaning against him. “It’s fucking 1 am, a Phantom attacked me, I sprained my ankle and I’m tired. What do you think?” You sassed. 
“Yatooo!” His regalia, Yukine called. “Release me!”
“Oh, right.” Yato said before releasing his regalia, causing the katana to glow and reshape itself into Yukine’s human body. “Get some ice.”
The blond boy nodded before leaving the room. Yato’s blue eyes locked themselves on your bruised ankle which was starting to change colour. His eyes then shifted over to yours, as if asking how it happened. 
“A Phantom was here and attacked me.” You briefly explained. 
“It wouldn’t just appear right next to you like that. ” Yato persisted, his voice growing softer. “Did something happen?”
You paused before sighing out. “They rejected me.”
“What??” Yato shrieked. “But you’re an amazing dancer! You’re the best one I’ve seen in centuries!”
That comment made you slightly smile. “Thanks... I guess I’m more upset than I initially thought...”
Yato frowned before bringing you in for a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and yours were around his neck. You didn’t cry but your heart still felt heavy and having him by your side helped relieve the tension. 
“Why didn’t you call me sooner?” Yato asked, his thumbs rubbing against the thin cloth on your back. 
“I didn’t wanna disturb you. I know you’re a busy guy.” 
“I would’ve made time for you, honey. Nothing can ever be more important than your wellbeing.”
“Heh.” You chuckled, pulling away from him and caressing his handsome face. “Thanks.” 
Later, Yukine came back with a pack of ice and the two boys brought you to your bed with Yato holding the pack against your ankle. You suggested that they both stayed at your place since your parents weren’t home and they gladly agreed. Of course, Yato decided to sleep with you and Yukine took your parent’s bedroom. The idea of having a queen sized bed just for him made him so happy since he hadn’t been able to sleep properly due to Yato not having a proper shrine of his own. Sure, Yato’s “mini shrine” that Hiyori had made for him was registered but it was far too small for them to sleep in. 
Now, it was just you and the God of Calamity. 
“Did they tell you why?”
“They said that I came too late which was, in fact, not true, since I was one of the first to audition. They didn’t wanna say it to my face but it’s basically my weight. They think I’m too fat even though my skills are just as high as the other girls. Assholes...” You explained, furrowing your eyebrows. “Guess I’m far away from being in the performing arts...”
Yato frowned. “Don’t give up like that, Y/N, it isn’t like you.”
“How can I not?” You retorted. “I keep auditioning, again and again, and every fucking time, I get rejected! Why? Because of these fucking things!” You slapped your thigh in frustration. 
Yato’s hand was placed on top of your thigh, where you had just slapped and gently rubbed it. Then, he lowered his head and kissed it which made you blush, feeling awkward by the sudden affection. 
“Your thighs are beautiful, Y/N. They’re strong and yet so soft to lay my head on.” He smiled. “They can do amazing things. It’s just that no one is as privileged as me to see them in action~”
“Oh my God you perv.” You giggled, facepalming at the God. “Thanks.”
He smirked at you, moving his body closer to yours until his face was inches from yours. Yeah this was completely normal. You were 19, of course you’ve had sex with Yato. Hell, he was your first when you turned 18. It was not the best experience but you were glad it was with him. 
Yato’s hands moved upwards, his palms creating a soft sound against your skin, through the hems of your loose shorts until they reached your waist. His thumbs moved in circles which was pretty soothing for you. He rested his head against yours, smiling contently before kissing your head, then your cheeks and finally, your lips. The kiss started out soft but then it escalated quickly. 
“Your legs are beautiful, let’s see what they can do~”
Hope you enjoyed it!
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euphoriclove777 · 5 years
My Girl
Hello cuties!!! So you asked for more Fezco and I'm gonna give it to you. This one is actually a dream I had and its inspired by the song My Girl by The Temptations. I really hope you like it! And as per usual my love, give me some feedback in the comments and leave some requests! I really hope you like this one :) ALSO: If you'd li km e to get tagged in these, comment or leave an ask to let me know so you can stay updated whenever I post :D
Warnings: mention of guns, a bit of cussing, some blood/injuries, and PURE FLUFF
°☆•¤●□°♡•◇▪♧¤♤°☆° ▪♡°•♧▪○▪°
I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day
You covered Fezs eyes as you led him to the kitchen.
"Almost there baby just a few more steps!" you said giggling softly.
"It'd better not be a huge mess babe...with that glitter and shit you put on your eyes? I found that on me when I was making a deal, not cool." He said laughing as he spoke, holding his hands out in front of him clueless as to where he was going.
"Oh hush Fez!" You said with a bit of embarrassment in your voice. "Okay you can sit down."
He sat down hesitantly, putting his hands over yours, rubbing them softly. You giggled at the small affection, something he did often when he was anxious.
"Okay I'm removing it on three.....one...two...three!" You removed your hands revealing to him a beautifully decorated kitchen. Red and orange tassles hung from the walls, balloons almost everywhere. You had one a red party hat with the words Happy Birthday written in white cursive on it, much like everyone else. Rue, Jules, Lexi, Cassie, McKay, and Ashtray sat around the dinner table sporting the same look, except Ashtray had a red noise maker in his mouth which he blew once you removed your hands.
"Happy Birthday Bro! I hope y'all bitches can sing. One, Two, Three! Happy Birthday To You...." he said as they all sang happy birthday to Fezco who was in awe of the entire situation. He looked almost as if he was going to cry. No one had ever remembered his birthday before, let alone threw a party. He grabbed your hand and held it in his giving it a squeeze.
You touched his back and rubbed it softly. "Make a wish baby"
Fez looked at you with so much love in his eyes and smiled, blowing out the candles.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May
You sat next to Fez with your legs on his lap.
"Listen man, I don't want that shit in this neighborhood. I got nieces and nephews that live out here. I don't want them getting fucked up." He said with a calm yet distressed voice.
His hand was on your thigh, holding onto it as a form of security. Fez had on a 90s type grandpa sweater with jeans.
You smiled at him softly and looked at Mouse, waiting for his response.
"Look man, this is business. So unless you got a way to pay, you're gonna fucking sell it. Got that?" Mouse said with a smirk on his face looking at you. "Mmm what about this pretty baby. She's good enough payment."
Mouse stood up and walked over to you, touching your face.
Fez stood up abruptly and pulled a gun from its hiding place.
"Yo get the fuck off of my girl man. Don't fucking touch her." He said sternly with anger in his eyes.
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Mouse put up both of his hands. "Chill out, chill out."
"Nah man! Cause I don't think you fucking get it! Stay the fuck away from My Girl and this fucking neighborhood! I don't want these fucking drugs in here man! We good?!" Fez shouted angrily, still with the gun against Mouse's head. You jumped slightly, startled at how angry he'd become.
Mouse nodded his head yes and backed up slowly, leaving the regular amount of stock on the coffee table. "She must be real special cuz all these years I ain't ever seen you this worked up before." Mouse said slowly. He looked at you and smiled "I got a girl at home who does the same thing to me that you do to him. Make sure he takes real good care of you or Mousey will get him."
You nodded slowly and looked at Fezco, still holding up the gun. When Mouse and his crew filed out the house you stood up slowly and hugged Fez from behind. "Baby... they're gone....you can relax...."
He slowly put down the gun and set it on the coffee table. He pulled you in and kissed you hard with passion.
The kiss startled you initially but you wrapped your arms around your neck kissing him back
Well I guess you'd say, What can make me feel this way?
"My Girl" Fez said softly against your lips. "What?" You said with a giggle. You looked into his eyes.
He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Talkin' bout my girl" he said looking at you again and smiled, peppering you with kisses and taking you into the bedroom. Your laugh echoed throughout the house.
I've got so much honey the bees envy me. I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees
You walked into the gas station with a white sundress on and a basket in your hand, smiling. You knocked on Ashes freezer and he opened it quickly.
A smile spread on his face. "Does my nose deceive me or do I smell those bombass brownies?" He said excitedly. "Yep! Make sure you share with Fez." You said laughing with him. "Where is he anyways?"
"He should be out back" Ash said in between chews. You nodded and smiled, walking to the back if the gas station. You held a brownie on a napkin in your hand and approached Fez wearing a wife beater and jeans, covered in oil and grime from the car he was fixing up.
"Special Delivery for the best man in the world!" You said beaming at him. Fez looked at you with admiration and wiped off his hands on a towel. He walked to where you were standing and held you by the waist.
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"Is it one of those kisses I crave?" He said smirking. "Mmm I think it's something you've been missing...." you said, handing him the napkin with the brownie. Fez's eyes widened and instantly he turned into a little kid. He had a smile from ear to ear, biting into the brownie with crumbs on his face.
"Y/N baby you're an angel!! You've blessed me with these delicious brownies!" He said excitedly. You laughed and kissed some of the icing and crumbs off of his face.
He picked you up and wiped his face all over yours. Youboth stood there being a laughing mess with brownie all over you.
Well I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My Girl, Talkin' bout My Girl
"Fez! I'm home!" You said, putting the keys in the blue key dish that remained on the kitchen counter. You put down your purse and put groceries on the table. You grabbed a fresh dish towel to wipe down the counter but quickly stopped as you heard a groan of pain sound from the hallway.
Your ears perked up and anxiety immediately rushed into your heart as you held onto the dish towel tightly. "Fez....?"
You walked slowly into the hallway to see him laying there, his eye swollen and lip busted. You ran to him and sat by his side. "Fez?! What happened?" You said as you elevated him up into your lap.
He groaned again, frustrated that he couldn't speak properly. "He...he came looking for you. But I...I stopped him...I tried".
Tears filled your eyes as you pulled up his shirt slowly to reveal bruises all over Fez's stomach.
"Who baby?" You said sniffing and dabbing at his mouth lightly, cleaning up the blood.
"Nate....he wanted to get back at me....but he won't be back ever...ever again...nobody touches my girl..."
A tear spilled out of your eye and onto Fezs cheek. He slowly reached up to you and wiped your face.
"Don't cry, imma be okay....we're gonna be okay..." he said smiling softly, holding onto you. "As long as I've got you...."
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You awoke and felt the bed next to you. "Mmmmm...Fezzzzz" you said with a yawn, you opened your eyes and wiped them and sat up.
"I don't need no money, fortune or fame...." Fez said on his knees holding your hand and kissing it.
You looked down at him on the ground. "Fez baby what're you doing?" You said, adjusting your eyes to look at him.
"In this light you look like an angel...a queen....after what happened last week with the whole Nate situation I realized something.." he said with a bit of nervousness in his voice.
"What'd you realize?" You said, putting your hand on his cheek, lightly running your thumb over the faded yellow green bruise on his cheek.
"I've got all the riches baby, one man can claim" he said.
I guess you'd say
You laughed softly "What can make you feel this way?"
"My girl" he said smiling "talkin' bout my girl....will you marry me Y/N?" He got on one knee and reached into his pocket, pulling out a red velvet box and opening it slowly.
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Tears welled up in your eyes and you nodded lost for words.
"Yes?" He said.
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starsgivemehp · 5 years
☯ + Judgement Hall
Canon Drabbles | accepting
(WELLLLL this isn’t a drabble. It’s very long. BUT it just so happens I’d written this long ago from Frisk’s point of view, from an earlier version of Red, so getting to rewrite it in his POV and with updated backstories was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. So, here you are~!)
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“stop right there, kid.”
Red watched the human child come to asurprised halt, clearly startled by his sudden appearance. They hadn’t spokensince Snowidn, but he’d been there, watching, from Syren’s little concert tothe vents of Hotland to the winding hallways of the core. He wasn’t impressed.He stood facing them, his hands in his pockets, gaze narrowed. They gave himthat innocent, confused look, the same look they gave Mettaton, and Undyne, andVex, and anyone else who fought them. Like they couldn’t believe it. He grit histeeth.
“don’t gimme that look… you and i both knowwhat’s gonna happen next.”
They tilted their head slightly. They wereeven shorter than him, a child, their body stocky and still growing. Theirhands moved precisely, quick and confident.
‘Why are you here, Red?’
“don’t ask stupid questions. you made it allthis way, you beat my boss, and the captain, even the human-killing robot. youshould’ve died ages ago. how did you survive?”
They didn’t answer, their hands hesitating,and he scoffed.
“yeah, i know how. by making friends with them. by being nice to them until they spared you outof pity, or to return the favor. well, lemme tell ya somethin’, kid. no onespares anyone down here. that’s just not how the underground works. for years,there’s been only one rule. kill, or bekilled.”
Frisk set their jaw, straightening up, andfinally found words.
‘But I did neither of those things.’
“that’s right. you didn’t kill, and you weren’tkilled. well. good for you, kid. but now what? you can’t pass the barrier onyour own no matter how much ‘determination’ you have. you need a monster souland a human soul. and not just any monster soul, either. a monster soul thatwill persist long enough after death for you to take it and absorb it. a bossmonster’s soul. and as of right now, there are only two boss monsters. one isthe king. and the other… well, who knows where the queen went?”
Frisk lifted their hands, but he bulldozed on,unwilling to let them dig in with their talk of mercy. Not for this.
“so, kid, we got a good ending and a bad ending.the bad ending is, you walk past me and fight and kill our king – and he’s areal jerk, don’t get me wrong, but he isking – you take his soul, you pass through the barrier leaving us behind in apower vacuum. we fall into despair; monsters everywhere start falling down anddying. we struggle to survive and hope against hope that another human fallssoon. or… the good ending. you die. you give us your soul, and we break free ofthis mountain.”
Of course, the King had plans of war, butthose could be dealt with after. vex and undyne weren’t training for nothing,or just to beat up vagabonds. This kid didn’t need to know these things.
He pulled his left hand out of his pocket, palm up, hispupils softening a little around the edges. He did his best to look genuine.
“you can guess which one we’d prefer. i’m askin’ ya nicely,kid. do everyone a favor, and give it up peacefully. if you do, i’ll make yourdeath quick and painless. i’m a nice guy sometimes, y’know, and i don’t like toput in a lot of effort. fighting is a hassle, don’t you agree? “
He waited like that patiently, with his arm stretched out,while Frisk stared at him in shock. He wasn’t surprised. His offer wasdownright generous, compared to the other fights they’d been through. There wasa chance, a small chance that theymight actually take his offer, and he wouldn’t have to make this a big mess.But, he could tell already they weren’t going to take his offer. Of course. Hewas resigning himself even before their jaw set.
‘I’m going to return to the surface, and I’m taking you allwith me.’
Red sighed, flipping his hand for the palm to face Frisk.
“well, i tried it the easy way. now you get the hard way.”
He turned their soul blue and threw them into the airviciously.
Things seemed to blur after that. He was sure he’d beatenthem, he was sure he could smell the sickening tang of human blood, making histhroat close up and his soul thud in revulsion. But no, here he was again, hishand out, ready to turn their soul blue. He paused for just a moment, watchingthem.
“that expression…”
He turned their soul blue and flung them. They survived hisattack, slamming the CHECK button. He tried not to shiver, and instead smirked,enjoying their shocked expression at his piss-poor stats.
“what? thought i was stronger? i toldja i didn’t likefighting. but hey, you should’ve attacked while you had the chance, buddy.”
He attacked viciously, trying to dredge up the faintest hintof KR to make it easier on himself. He couldn’t. He couldn’t muster therighteous fury needed to make his magic spark yellow, to make his attacks domore than one measly point at a time. But even without it, he had tricks andworkarounds that gave him a severe advantage.
Things started blurring a little more, but he was gettingused to it. He was experiencing the time LOADs he’d theorized they were usingto win. But he still wouldn’t let them win.
‘Hey, Red! What do you call a skeleton that stuck its head inthe freezer? A numbskull!’“hehehe, good one kid. i’ll use it myself when i get tothe surface.”-- - - - - - - - -‘Did you sit on a pile of sugar, Red? Because you have apretty sweet ass!’“hehe. clever, but i’m a skeleton. i don't have an ass.”- - - - - - - - - -'Red, please, stop! You’vekilled me four times now!’“i know how to count,thanks. i’m a physicist. a well-rounded five, maybe?”
 - - - - - - - - - -
“lemme tell you a story.”
Red wandered over to oneof the pillars in the golden hallway. The kid was clutching their bleeding arm.The smell of blood made him nauseated, but he shook it off. He watched themwith his good eye, the blind right one closed to give him a casual look.
“so i’m a sentry atsnowdin forest, right? out there, in the middle of nowhere, is a door. the doorto the ruins, i’m guessing. but it’s perfect for knock-knock jokes. one time, iwas sittin’ there, crankin’ 'em out as usual, when i heard a voice. a laugh.someone was on the other side, and they liked my stupid puns. it was a woman. idon’t know her name, i never asked. but she really freakin’ loves puns. then sheknocked herself and told one of her own. she was good. we startedgoin’ back and forth, almost every day. we’ve been doin’ it for years now. it’sgreat.”
He knew he had a stupid,fond look on his face as he told the story. Even though he’d never seen her face,he had a terrible fondness for her.
“one day… thelady wasn’t laughin’ much. somethin’ was wrong, i could tell. y'know, i’mpretty good at telling stuff like that. so i asked her what was up. she neverdid get around to tellin’ me what happened. but instead, she asked mesomethin’. she asked me, 'Red, how do you feel about promises?’ and so i toldher, 'look lady, i don’t make promises to people unless i trust 'em a lot…but you’re one of those people. tell me what you want and i’ll decide.’ so shetold me this: “If a human ever passes through this door… please kill them.’”
'Wait, what?’ Frisksigned incredulously.
“it’s the truth.she said to me, 'Please kill them quickly and painlessly. Do not let KingAsgore torture them. Give them the mercy of a painless death from someone witha good heart.’ and so i promised her that. and then, all these years later,here you are.”
'But… but…’
“look. i take mypromises seriously. i keep 'em even if they could kill me. so i intend to keepthis one too.”
He pushed off from the pillarand outstretched his good hand again, palm up.
“you’ll never get outwithout killing the king, kid. we’ll never get out without your soul. this isthe best outcome any of us can hope for. i’ll make sure it’s painless. just takemy offer.”
It was sparing, in itsown way. Yes, they would die, but he could make it be painless. Hell, if it madethem feel better, he’d give them a hug and a last wish or dying request. He’dmake their name be known and immortalized. But, of course, they refused. Theylooked like they were about to start crying, which made his soul clench.
Don’t you do that to me, kid. I HAVE to dothis.
‘Red… I can’t. I refuseto die. I refuse to give up.’
“but why?”he asked, frustrated. “giving up is so much easier. it takes so littleeffort. it hurts less. just… give up, kid.”
‘I won’t.’
Red sighed, slowlydropping his hand.
“y’see? this is why i hate making promises.”
He rolled his shouldersand jumped back into the fray.
- - - - - - - - - -
He gave that speechseveral more times. He always gave them a chance. He couldn’t stop himself. Itwas a part of the ‘script’ he supposed. But he always doubled down after that.They kept sparing, insisting, and multiple times, he knew he snarled that hehated them as he sent another attack their way. He lost count. It had to beover 30 times he killed them total. And he could feel that he was getting tired.Reaching his limits. They were getting better and better.
No wonder they even got past Undyne.
The worst part was theirwords.
“if you’re not gonnadie, you stupid kid, then just kill me and get it over with!” he snarled, andthey reeled like they’d been struck.
“why the fuck not?”
‘Because I care aboutyou, I can’t kill you!’
“wha…?” He paused in hisattack, staring at them with darkened sockets. “you… care about me…?”
‘I care about all ofyou! I care about your brother, and Undyne, and Alphys, and I definitely careabout you!’
And that ridiculouslittle kid actually made it seem… believable.He recalled Vex going red in the face during their ‘play date,’ watching Undynechasing them down only to have her stalk over tot their house and mumble somethingabout cooking with them, raiding Alphys’s lab only to see her dumping out herworse experiments herself. They had all changed… Was it really only becausethis kid showed they cared? Was that really it?
…No. It couldn’t be.There had to be other things at play. It was all some sick game. He grit histeeth, yanking them with blue magic again.
“you don’t. those arejust words. if you really cared about me, about any of us… you would just die already!”
He saw vividly tearingthrough their fragile flesh with a dozen bones, the blood spattering. His soulseized at the gore, and he felt vomit welling up before the world blurred.
- - - - - - - - - -
“…survive this, and i’ll show you my specialattack!”
He had said those wordseight times before. He was fighting a losing battle. What was the point? Hethrew everything at them. Everything he had, until he was gasping for breath, themagic in his good eye sputtering, exhaustion sweeping through him. He fell tohis knees, the assault ending, and they were still alive. Bleeding, but alive.The smell was horrible, but he was too tired to even be grossed out by thispoint.
“hhh… hhh…hhh… why won’t… you… just die…?” he panted,his eye sockets completely blank now. “why… hhh… why won’t you…just… give up…? hhh… please… hhh… please just… give up…”
He held onto his ‘turn’with the last ounces of will he had in him. Even so, they shuffled closer,kneeling in front of him. He braced for the end. But instead, he heard theirsoft, mostly unused voice.
“I can never give up,Red. I’ve got to get out.”
“hhh… k-kid… i don’t… idon’t have… some special attack… that’s all i got… hhh… you, you beat me… i can’tkill you, s-so… so please, just… kill me instead…”
“No! I refuse to killyou. I refuse to kill anyone.”
“please… please, kid, i’m beegin’ ya… after allof this… i can’t do it… i can’t watch you kill the king… take away our hope. ican’t watch boss feel betrayed… i just… i can’t, kid, i can’t do this anymore,i can’t…”
He broke off in a soband hated himself deeply for that weakness. Here he was, crumpled in front of achild, crying pathetically like he was still a little kid himself. If anyoneelse saw, he’d be dead. But all Frisk did was put their little hand on hisshoulder, and rub gently.
“I won’t. I care aboutyou, I’d never hurt you.”
He shook his head,sobbing quietly again. “if you cared about me, you’d do this for me… i’ve onlygot 1… i’m all out of HOPE. watchin’ you take away boss’s hope is gonna kill meanyway… this would be the less painful way to go, please…”
“I refuse.”
“why… not even for revenge?i killed you so many times i lost count.”
“Yes… But it doesn’tmatter. I know you’re a good person. You were fighting me to protect the peopleyou love.”
“that doesn’t excusemurder… and i ain’t the only one. so many have been cruel, anyone else wouldtake one look at us and just call us all bad people!”
“Well… I believe eventhe worst person can change. That everyone can be a good person, if they justtry. I’m going through life trying to be the best person I can be. Forgivingeveryone of their mistakes and bad choices, in the hopes they’ll try to becomebetter people too. It’s working so far… Hasn’t your brother changed? You sawhim after our date.”
Red wiped at his eyes,shifting to sit on his haunches slowly. “yeah, he… he looked happy… he hasn’tlooked so happy in a long time…” He looked up at them tiredly. “you… you changedhim, kid.”
“I’m glad! Because Icare about him a lot! And I’d never hurt him, especially not by killing you.You’re his precious brother. He loves you, you know. Even if he doesn’t say it.”
Red felt tears well up inhis sockets again. His soul throbbed. He knew, deep inside, it had just… beenso long since he’d acknowledged it. What with all of their fighting, theinsults, the punches, the disappointment and goading, the vicious cycle they’dbeen stuck in… Despite all of that…
“i… i know he does. ilove him too. that’s why i want him to get to the surface. i… want him to drivea cool car, and see the sun ride every morning…”
‘I want that too.’ Friskshifted back to signing now that he was watching them. ‘I’m gonna do it, Red. I’mgoing to set everyone free.’
“but how? we can’tharness the power of your soul without killing you, and we need it. besides,the king is…”
‘I’ll find a way. I alwaysfind a way.’
“heh…” He fell silent,looking down at his hand. He was exhausted, and emotionally wrung out, and…despite all of his conviction, there was something about Frisk. Something hecouldn’t help but trust. “somehow… i believe you, kid. i’m sorry foreverything.”
They smiled at him andoffered their hand. He took a deep breath, then took it to get to his feet.
The FIGHT ended.
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pokefanbri · 4 years
Im still fucking fighting, i keep telling myself im not gonna let go & Fuck everyone else who thinks I should. But sometimes there's the opposite, im just lost & idk what to do....hes not gonna come back...so why should I bother to keep fighting 😔 If someone asks me...
Are they worth it? Absolutely. Because theres always room for improvement & growth, & we've been doing that apart for ourselves now for 7months. Did they give u the respect and attention u deserved? Are we not more valuable than that? Hell no & hell yes lol. Look I was happy just doing that for him but yea when it came to me honestly it was like nah im good 😒 & i know how fucked up it is that id go along with his selfishness but I did. I did deserve better & he knows I did... i just didnt wanna lose him & did anything he needed me for... but I ended up losing him anyway 😔 theres a reason why u work on that kinda shit & grow together as you go so everyone is happy, its fair to say we both lost sight...I was eager to learn everything about him cuz I wanted to be closer...but I was blocked out & pushed away, he wouldn't open up & talk to me or show feelings for anything, even of me when he used to all the time...like he was scared of being too attached or didnt want to get hurt..he didnt trust me or was afraid to show his true self or show any emotion that'd be viewed as weak due to the typical be a man complex. Idk I was confused & didnt know what was needed to help fix things so yea i walked on eggshells & me showing affection of my own free will was out of the question most of the time...I couldn't touch him unless he wanted me to & rare occurrences for my own satisfaction. Its the reason why I cried all the damn time, I felt avoided & unwanted because my own attention lacked pretty badly. How tf do I love a fucknugget bobblehead like that lmao, cuz I dont give 2 flying fucks he was my man ok! & being close enough to him made me happy enough I guess, I still looked at him like he was my world even if I wanted to slap him for making me feel so lonely at the same time. I admit his needs came b4 mine, he liked it more that way & I took care of him more than I did myself. But if he had more effort to take care of my needs in turn & I were happier than I was, & us happy at the same time, then maybe I wouldn't be so hard on myself...cry all the time & smoke like a chimney 🙁
I still don't fully understand why he held back, communicating with me on a deeper level is supposed to be natural & pretty much all normal couples show an appropriate amount of affection & understanding to eachother....but it was kept burried...was he afraid id hate him, judge him, make fun? No, id love him even more! Idc how dark he may think he is or whatever past bs he's gone through or even if he was lying about anything...its okay it can't hurt u anymore dear & we can overcome it just tell me what it is thats lacking & let's fix this. Id say "sit down babe, tell me everything, whats on your mind, what can I do to help 😊" & id give him the most gentle kiss on the forehead. I'd do anything to see a smile from that face & it makes me smile too. I want to help him, he needs somebody to hold just as much as I do cuz the fact of the matter is babe, he's just as broken as I am, we both need someone to put back our pieces & become whole again...after we try doing it solo it can only go so far b4 u want that physical presence of another again to help u more so. He keeps everything bottled up & especially didnt let me see what was happening to him I had no clue, if he didnt like talking to anyone he at least had me but still kept me away from him, whatever it was festered in him & he changed his whole demeanor toward me, he became colder & shut me out for good 😔 Making me feel even more unwanted. We didnt help eachother through our problems & I really wanted to, I wanted to save us for the longest time way b4 the end. Idk maybe if he put in as much effort & we knew how to function better together instead of a Corolla with just 2 wheels then we'd probably be fine...& our suspension wouldn't be dragging on the asphalt 😂 Its not all on him for fault, I take equal amount of responsibility, we failed eachother, we didn't know wtf we were doing & 9/10 it was just friends with benefits with only 1 of us in love & attached, & the other not really caring with side pieces to chat with 🤷‍♀️
U know what 🤬 They're right, he's right, & now I'm actually starting to accept it the more I write. Maybe just maybe,HE DOESN'T DESERVE ME AT ALL. Im still upset and frustrated. To answer the question again from earlier no maybe he's not worth it. I suffered through his bs and 10fold heartbreak afterward!! If he can't own up, right his wrongs & bring us both peace then no he's not worth suffering for afterall, and ive been loving the wrong soul this whole damn time 😣 He kicked me to the curb cuz he a fucking coward! He cant admit his wrongdoings, ask for forgiveness, say im sorry or actually put the tiniest bit of effort into a relationship to make it work, but instead disposes of me so he wouldn't have to confront any of it & just continue on like nothing happened are fucking kidding me!!?? I thought u were smarter than this, its beneath you to just run away & pretend I never mattered to you when we both know I did!!!....& im crying again. Im still feeling the betrayal apparently, ill never be able to trust him fully again anyway, let alone other men now. I dont hate you, I love you very much. But I hate the evil from you that you've shown me. I should've known honestly, I was naive to see all types of disrespect but this was the worst part. I still love him but i do deserve better than that & I hope he's changed his ways. Trust a guy with a high track record of ladies & a handful of em in their hand..what u think 🤔 can trust be gained back? Can I get over the bad uncalled for lying shit he's said about me to other women to make himself look better? Idk 🤷‍♀️ I haven't been able to rest without closure for so long, but enough is enough im making my own. You're absolutely right, you'd just manipulate me further, I thought maybe we could be better than before...round 2 at some point in the future...but maybe we're not salvageable after all. Thats up to u, I did everything I could, but now if u were to ever come back idk if I'd jump into your arms or slam the door in your face, I just dont know. Its better that I try never speaking of u again, or think of you for as long as I can so that I can heal better....cuz loving you even after the fact is tearing me apart & making me lose focus on what matters more, myself. I fought valiantly as long as I could, 7 months is a long time to not shut up about u lol.. maybe you've been hearing me I wouldn't know. I have to force it or ill never be able to, ill still silently grieve but as much as it hurts, Its time. U were my rock, an asshole but a good one, the best gamer I got to know, a boss at alot of things, with the cutest lil butt, & somehow the love of my life. Other than maybe something valentines or anniv related in Feb ofcourse....Ur getting what u wanted, I have to do whats best for me now, I have to let u go. I held on for so long but Im really tired & emotionally drained, im just torturing myself when i need to stop, im defeated, nobody won anything, everyone got hurt in 2020 why should our relationship be any different, id say we gave it our all be we both know we didnt. This hurts me so much to do, like my heart is breaking again. Bye babe, I love you with all my heart. 💋💞 💟
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I tried to do what I could but if he left, I just gotta try to move on. If I take him back, I gotta consider how that's gonna look like & if I really got past the damage he did....obviously theres some I still haven't 😔 Its what im telling myself while trying to move past this. Others going through the same...We're in love and they ain't. We can't control their actions but we can control our actions. Im not a toxic person..only to myself, I love with all my heart, nobody bothers to understand...they just judge
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Junior & Nancy
Junior: What are you gonna do? Nancy: I've never had less of an idea Nancy: What can I do? Junior: I wish I knew for you Junior: But no, I don't Junior: By the time I worked it out, I knew it was too late but maybe if I'd said something to you, we could've avoided it playing out like this Junior: I'm sorry Nancy: Don't apologise to me, please, I can't start sobbing outside of this office Nancy: You've done nothing wrong. It's me who messed everything up Junior: I'm sorry, no wait, scrap that Junior: You can't help what you felt Junior: You're not the first person to get a crush, everyone's just acting like it for the drama of the thing Nancy: But I chose to act on it Nancy: You didn't see her face. It was... Nancy: I've got no words for it Junior: Oh, Nance Junior: There's no other way she could react, or would've Junior: I'm not judging but how did you get this caught up? Its not like you Nancy: I thought she wanted me to. Genuinely I'm not just making an excuse Nancy: We had a connection. The way we'd talk, I didn't imagine that, I can't have Junior: At best though, that could never be more than friendship, she's a married teacher, a straight one Junior: not to go over it now, you know Junior: What a mess Junior: Tristan is being Junior: its bad Nancy: He has a right to Nancy: I'm so stupid, oh my god Nancy: They couldn't hold of mum or dad yet but when they do... Junior: Yeah but, he's trying to make it something it ain't, get the anger but I wish he'd keep the gay hate to a minimum Junior: Oh God, babe Junior: how mortifying Junior: I'll find a hole to bury you in Nancy: Thanks Nancy: I've literally become a lesbian stereotype. The predatory one Nancy: If my brother ever finds out I'm gonna have to get you to bury him too Junior: We're doing our best to keep it on the DL, strictest of confidence Junior: but if your rents talk to mine, he'll suddenly take an interest no doubt, eurgh Junior: You weren't being predatory, at least, that's now how you meant it Junior: and she's in the position of power so she always had the upper hand to push you away Junior: which, I guess, she did in the end Junior: would've been helpful if she'd have clued up before now but we can't blame her Nancy: I'm gonna have to move back, aren't I? How can I stay here. I can't Nancy: I love her and I've done this to her Nancy: What if she loses her job because of me? I might have wanted him to leave her, or vice versa, but I never wanted that Junior: Not necessarily Junior: She won't Junior: Not to rub salt in an open wound but its very clear it came from you and not her Junior: Its not going to come to that Junior: There's only this year left, we can stick it out together, I've got you Junior: anyway, rumours follow, don't they? Idk how but that's the magic of teens, better if you face it head on Junior: own it in the ways you can Nancy: You make everything sound so straightforward, no play on words meant Nancy: I should have told you everything Junior: I get why you didn't Junior: it got to be real when it was just in your head Junior: wow, sounds harsh but, yeah? Nancy: I'm gonna hear much worse Nancy: At least you're coming for a good place Junior: We need to decide on your side of the story, so we can stick to it Nancy: What's the point? Everyone already knows what happened Junior: Yeah, there's definitely the key facts you're not gonna be able to run from Junior: but its all about how you sell it Nancy: What are you saying I should do? I can't throw her under the bus Junior: No, of course not Junior: I'm not explaining it well 'cos I can't do it myself Junior: but you know, the old, hold your head up high regardless of how you're really feeling Junior: acting as if you're not as phased as you are, too, not lying about what happened, just acting as like its less of a thing so people will get bored, you know? Nancy: Have you met my mum? Holding my head up high won't be a problem Nancy: Casually trained at it Junior: Yeah, no, good Junior: I know its gonna be hard Junior: but it will help this all be over sooner Nancy: That'd be nice Nancy: It's new for the rumor mill but not me Junior: How long? Nancy: Since I came here, pretty much Junior: Oh, honey Junior: That's such a long time to have those kind of feelings Nancy: I know Nancy: How did I get here? Junior: I dunno Junior: We all build things up in our minds, fantasies and that Junior: it just got out of hand because it was uncheck Junior: like I said, you're not the first or last Junior: Its okay, it will be alright Nancy: You're only saying that to make me feel better, I get that, but it's kind of working anyway Junior: I'm honestly not Junior: You know what went down wasn't cool but I think the outcome is more than enough punishment without me needing to be a dick about it Nancy: but I wouldn't blame you if you were Nancy: You asked me so many times who I fancied, if I'd just said, it would have stopped it, I would have come to my senses enough not to try and kiss her Junior: But you wanted to Junior: more than you wanted to be logical and sensible Junior: for better, or worse, as its transpired Junior: its easy to beat yourself up about it now Nancy: I should've beat myself up before hand Nancy: Repeatedly over the head Junior: I'll get you a time-turner and a mallet, like Nancy: Much appreciated Nancy: Can you arrange a bodyguard too, for Rio more than Tristan tbh Nancy: She's gonna be livid Junior: Not with you Junior: She'll get it better than me, she's had her fair share of crushes, I'm sure Nancy: Have you really not? Nancy: Envy you at this point Junior: Nope Junior: I'm like a sexless slug Nancy: They have a nicer label for that, to let you know Junior: Yeah, I'm not into that Junior: Never say never, you know Nancy: Unlike you have my judgement Nancy: Unless* Nancy: Never say never with your straight, married, teacher Junior: When is it okay to laugh cos like Nancy: Go ahead Nancy: We have to Nancy: I can't cry rn and still face everyone Nancy: I'm not THAT good at holding my head high Junior: are you gonna take some time off or just Junior: face it from the jump Nancy: I think if I walk away it'll just make it harder to come back Nancy: If I'm staying here then I need to carry on Junior: Agreed, from that POV, definitely the best thing to do Junior: but don't force yourself to do things you can't Junior: we can go cry in the toilets whenever you need, okay? Nancy: Have a gorgeous mascara moment Nancy: Maybe my mum will force on a flight back to London Junior: Maybe Junior: Or roll up on you here Junior: such fun Nancy: Oh god, she probably will Nancy: I know I brought it on myself but....please no Nancy: Parent swap with me really quick? Junior: They'd despair but give it my best Junior: At least your Dad is going to be too awkward to say anything Junior: Small blessing Nancy: I wish that was a like father like son trait Junior: Thank god for the mute button Junior: shame it doesn't cover all communications, including IRL Nancy: Honestly Nancy: If I thought I hated Irish class before Junior: Yeah, no escaping how bad that's gonna be Junior: 😬 Nancy: If I pretend I've had a straight awakening now will that make it better or worse Nancy: She turned me everybody, nothing to see here Junior: I think it'll take you from the butt of the gay jokes to the butt of the slag ones Junior: which might be easier to handle but Junior: might have to display some straightness and we're not a convincing couple to say the least Nancy: Plus you're my cousin Nancy: That'd just create more rumors Junior: Yeah preferably you're going straight for someone not in the fam Junior: Idk, who are the most elligible bachelors around Junior: Hmm Nancy: Tristan's off the table Nancy: Lovehate only happens in YA Junior: Plus, all that rage, probably closeted himself, if we're following the rules of YA to the letter Nancy: And if we're going classical, he probably wants to sleep with his mum too Junior: 🤢 Junior: oh no Junior: flip the script on 'em, go for a younger boy Junior: preferably not weird young, like year below tops Nancy: Oh god Nancy: Boys are so Nancy: Even hypothetically it's a no Junior: 😂 Junior: I don't think you're gonna be pulling this off effectively any time soon Nancy: You're right. Back to the drawing board I go Nancy: Thanks, June, for talking me off the ledge Junior: Wouldn't be worth much as a bestie if I didn't Junior: we've got this Junior: it only FEELS like the end of the world Junior: that's comforting, right? 😏 Nancy: Until I think about how bad you said Tristan is handling what happened Junior: Yeah, well, reckon Rio will be having words Junior: he just needs to get it out of his system Junior: look sufficiently sorry and miserable and he should be satisfied, then you can get on with your life, like Nancy: I do feel sorry and miserable so as long as I can get it across instead of looking like a unrepentant bitch Nancy: We'll see Junior: Yeah Junior: he's not awful, like Junior: It probably sucks having teacher parents, but that ain't a reason to take out years of frustration on this sitch Nancy: He can't be that bad, she raised him Junior: Oh, babe Junior: you've got it so bad Nancy: I wish there was a mute button for feelings Junior: You've got to start putting in the work Junior: Conscious uncoupling Nancy: That'll be as much fun as having the chat with my parents Junior: I didn't promise fun Junior: Strictly business Nancy: This is why lesbians die at the end of every movie, isn't it? Nancy: No fun Junior: Mhmm, its not just bed death you've gotta avoid Junior: its alright, you've been scorned, that'll further your plot development, no need to die today Nancy: Just living with the heartbreak then. Fantastic Junior: Unfortunately Junior: Its survivable, so I'm told Junior: and there's lots of songs and films on the subject to keep you company Nancy: You're angling for a hetero rom-com watching session because the male leads are always hot. I see you Junior: You need some straight drama in your life Junior: it will make you feel so much better about your own Nancy: Her being straight was a big part of my drama Junior: Yes and no Junior: Even if she was gay, Nance, it wouldn't have happened, alright? Junior: You need to remember that Junior: what if you have a nice lesbian lecturer at Uni, you don't wanna go through this again, thinking it'll be different Junior: its a no go whatever the circumstances Nancy: I know Nancy: I'm trying Nancy: I don't want to go through this again Junior: I know Junior: Its a complete perspective overhaul Junior: It'll take time Junior: you'll get there Nancy: I better Nancy: I don't wanna be stuck here in this place Junior: You won't be Junior: You've got a whole life of new, better experiences waiting Nancy: Brain swap? If I was as smart as you I could graduate early Junior: You're plenty smart, its truly not that far off now Junior: Final stretch Nancy: You're right. It just feels like forever rn Nancy: My own fault Junior: It does though Junior: clock watching all day every day Nancy: Definitely Nancy: Same
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