#i don't even want to know what other actors etc support Israel i know there's a ton of them
dracolizardlars · 5 months
Also I've never posted anything about this so far but I just... i just feel the need to say by this point... I hate what's happening in Palestine so much, so so so much and the longer it's going on the more I just can't comprehend it and how it's just being allowed to keep happening. I normally don't really engage myself with international affairs (well or even my own country's politics) because my mental health is bad enough as it is, and I never usually post about any of it either, but... Yeah... This is a new scale of awful. This is the most bothered by something happening in the world that I've ever been. It feels like a bad timeline. It feels like a horror movie. My own country is supporting it btw.
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I'm not 100% sure how to articulate this, but something that has been bothering me about I/P discourse (especially in the last month, it's gotten so much worse) that I haven't seen talked about in a productive way is the "yoking" effect that the extremist ugly takes create for the good-faith people just trying to talk about their issues. And I see it on both sides, and have felt compelled to act this way myself.
Essentially, when I talk about antisemitism (especially the significant spike in the last month), my goal is focused on educating people about the antisemitism and urging them to do something about their own behavior, help groups that are working on it, and/or become part of the people working on advocacy to that effect. I just want to talk about the antisemitism, and have that stand as a topic on its own terms. But the problem is, I'm a Jew and extremists on both sides have made it so that anything I post about this requires disclaimers that I also support the rights, freedoms, and care about the lives of Palestinians also. And I do! But that's not the point. The point is that Jews facing antisemitism should be able to talk about this without bringing in a whole separate topic to prove we're worth listening to. And I saw this with Israelis trying to talk about the grief they were feeling after the Hamas pogrom; they couldn't do it without either including some kind of statement about wanting peace, separating Hamas from Palestinians as a whole, etc. or face relentless antisemitic abuse.
And this effect comes both from outside people [supposedly] supporting Palestine being awful unless the Jew in question attaches sufficient disclaimers, as well as [supposedly] pro-Israel people who couldn't help themselves from spouting off dumb racist shit in their posts on otherwise valid topics.
But as I've watched things play out, and Western outsiders become more and more antisemitic in their [supposed] support of Palestine, I've noticed Palestinians and their not-antisemitic allies having to couch their [valid] criticisms of Israel with caveats about how antisemitism is not okay, or else face harassment when talking about their legitimate issues - even ones that aren't about Israel at all.
That's what I mean by "yoking" - this inability to talk about ourselves and our own issues without bad faith actors coercing us to address the other and "prove" that we're worth listening to. It's dehumanizing, because it means that our legitimate issues are always and only ever able to be discussed in the shadow of the other. They aren't allowed to stand on their own without risking harassment.
Anyway, I think the reasons we got here are complicated, but I lay most of the blame at the feet of uninvolved westerners using this conflict as a proxy for their own problems. I don't know that there's a way to fix this at this point, either, because the discourse has become so unbelievably toxic. I think the closest thing I've got is just the suggestion that if you see a Palestinian (or ally) talking about Palestinian issues and not being antisemitic about it, don't derail what they're saying even if they don't specifically denounce Hamas outright and/or antisemitism in their post. And if Jews (including and especially Israelis) are talking about antisemitism and/or legitimate issues and aren't being racist or Islamophobic about it, don't derail what we're saying even if we don't offer caveats denouncing the Israeli government and/or Islamophobia/anti-Arab racism in that specific post.
We can support each other in the face of danger and want peace without having to constantly be forced to talk about other issues and divert focus from our own issues.
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outsidereveries · 6 months
The People start hate the idols buy or promoted Starbucks recently*génocide 🇵🇸 but in final they know the idols are obliged to sponsor the brands
This is obvious propagand by Starbucks, they know the kpop idols should follow their rules anyways
I think this is dumb ,they think someone support génocide if they drink cup of brand zionist ...
Here you are wrong (at least in my point of view) because this is not dumb at all but to make an effective boycott it has to be even harsher.
I will take for example the famous people in USA. We saw that to support Palestine, you risk to lose your job - gigs, brands, doesn't matter. I saw it with some actors for example. Therefore, if the k-pop idols want to be relevant there, they are definitely obligied to support Israel. For this part I can agree. Otherwise they'll lose their jobs. Here, Selena (Gomez) is an example for why she didn't took a side and more importantly, said that she is not siding with anyone. From what I remember, Hadid sisters didn't took side either because of the same reasons, same as Selena. The propaganda isn't by SB itself but rather that if there are actually sponsored videos THEY AREN'T PUBLICLY "Paid Partnership" on TikTok and other social medias, THAT IS THE ISSUE. I saw that video with Somi, and since she's an idol, she automatically becomes more or less an influencer. Therefore IF THERE ARE PAID PARTNERSHIPS TELL EVERYONE YOU EARN SOMETHING FOR IT - PRODUCTS, MONEY, IDFK WHAT ELSE. JUST TELL THEM. That's the issue. I was in this industry, i know what i am talking about. Otherwise Somi and everyone else will immediately be called out for "supporting a company that supports Israel", even if they actually don't.
Specifically to the mentioned brand from you, it's EVERYWHERE. In many countries. To be effective for one country, the boycott has to be very massive to even somehow affect SB. I do live in small city that doesn't have SB, McD (and I don't buy anything from there when I am in bigger city) and I don't watch Disney. I don't use Always pads for years too. I also don't drink Coca-Cola, however I do drink Bankya from time to time (local water that is from Coca-Cola's company here that I actually do like) and I try to not buy it as much as possible. However, I also personally boycott another water company that confirmed they poison many fish species in a lake from what I remember. When I shop in smaller shops for water, sometimes I don't have choice. (I cannot remember for other Israel supporter companies) But I am just one, it has to be done by dozens of people if possible. This applies to everything. The boycott doesn't affect anything and the losses aren't big. Be smart, don't use big brands, drink coffee or smoothie in LOCAL PLACES, not these big Israel supporting companies!
The issue here is that if idols do show an actual OBVIOUSLY VISIBLE support to either side, they'll be called out anyways from either their audience OR sponsors/bosses/etc. There are losses anyways.. and maybe that's what I saw months ago :)
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findingnemosworld · 7 months
You know what's disgusting? Apparently Melissa Barrera was fired from Scream 7 because she shared on Twitter a book by a non-Zionist Jewish scholar who talked about how Israel for years has been a colonialist and imperialist state and how the U.S.-backed media only shows Israel's view of things. Instead Noah Schnapp is still in Stranger Things even though he said Zionism is sexy.
The film's producer accused her of being anti-Semitic, promoting hate speech, making false accusations of genocide and even distorting the Holocaust. Melissa took to her instagram and gave a strong message: "I also come from a colonized country (Mexico)…. Palestine must be free. They tried to bury us, but they don't know we are seeds." Melissa's fans in Mexico have shown all their support for the actress and have called for a boycott of the movie when it is released.
it's been known since day one that the big heads in hollywood control and brainwash actors by using media to dehumanize the oppressed and victimize the oppressors, its been like this for ages ( even in my country libya, we are labeled as barbarians ... rude, extremist etc )
same goes for palestine, iraq ... and every country, the western media and leaders as a whole thrive on chaos, and division.
I've seen Melissa's work, she's an incredible girl and down to earth from her interviews, unfortunately hollywood doesn't want that, they want sheep that will promote their z*onist propaganda, I bet you that Noah doesn't know a damn thing about what is actually going on, ( he's merely a puppet being moved accordingly and as long as he's getting money, he doesn't give a shit )
Now do I think she will be blacklisted, ( hard to decide but we shall see ) but from what I've seen, genuine actors and artists begin to fade away from the public eye or be blacklisted by the film and music industry when they start to free themselves from the toxic waste that is hollywood.
Case in point, Kanye West ( I don't necessarily like him but some of the stuff he says is spot on )
Melissa is a real one, she knows what oppression is, she's done her research unlike other actors and artists.
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