#i don't even watch this show anymore
also before i forget this blog exists again i need to ask
did y'all like volume 9?
⚔♡ Mod Penny ♡⚔
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evren-d · 20 days
Vi (presumably) being left out of the undercity revolution is breaking my heart. I don't want a Jinx redemption arc and I don't want the sisters to magically be reunited under the new faction, but this is all that Vi wanted seven years ago, to fight with her people for a better life, and for her to be outside of it now 😩
I'm seeing a kind of, "serves her right for choosing the wrong side" attitude and ????? I can't think of a single major choice that wasn't a vote for Powder and/or the Undercity, I never once saw her choose Piltover, unless I'm missing something? I know she's in enforcer uniform in some of the clips, but I don't know under what circumstances/duress/context/goals, so I can't judge that yet. What I can judge is her expression there and she looks like she's going to vomit in a shoe and hang herself in the barn.
Said it before and I'll say it again, if it's just about being sweet to Caitlyn (or not being happy to shoot her dead at the drop of Jinx's hat), catching feels from someone showing tenderness and who displays overall GOODNESS, regardless of class loyalty and proves their good intentions multiple times in life and death situations, is not the same as switching sides politically or turning a blind eye on the Undercity plight.
I can see the show characters rejecting her as a traitor, and it makes sense from their POV, heck, she rejects SEVIKA as a traitor to the undercity, but we can see the whole picture. I don't see where Vi ever acted in Piltover's best interest or expressed a desire to further their goals.
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
call me crazy and controversial but I don't think nancy did anything wrong, nor is she fundamentally a bad person for what happened to barb in s1, and I absolutely do not think she needs to be redeemed. the end of her character arc should always be about reaching a point of self-compassion and forgiveness—specifically by healing enough to allow herself to move past her guilt and belief that she caused barbs death by letting herself become close to others and form intimate friendships. especially with robin (who imo she was cagey with in s4 because of her trauma around barb)
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shannonsketches · 6 months
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The way I will simply never recover from this page:
Vegeta's Panic and then IMMEDIATE affection for his new baby
Vegeta being excited to have a daughter
Goku assuming his wife Magic'd their children out of herself
Supreme Kai being embarrassed for Goku
Beerus getting wasted
Bulma saying she will raw dog her husband frequently and expeditiously with her whole chest, in front of god and everybody
Whis being like 'i gotchu babe 💅 but i gotta borrow ur man first or there'll be no more boning for anybody lol'
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
so i finally watched the ml movie in a language i understand with good visual and audio quality. its still bad.
i may write an essay.
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thatbuddie · 4 months
i'm sorry. i have kept quiet about this for so so so long. but i can't any longer. i'm just sorry.
if you call buck "evan" you don't understand him as a character. if you call buck "evan" you don't understand the show.
the minute someone refers to buck as "evan" they are immediately telling on themselves.
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stormyoceans · 3 months
We are really that good? I'm scared off by the large number of couples. Is each of the couples sufficiently disclosed in the script? You're so excited about this show. I'm skeptical, but maybe I should try?
but all jokes aside, let's talk about it. when it comes to reviewing shows, i always try to be as honest and objective as i can, so im not just gonna lie to you and pretend we are is a masterpiece. it's very much not. if you enjoy plot driven stories then this series is very much not for you because the plot is basically non-existent, or rather.. all the different dynamics between the characters ARE the plot. to me the show is a slice of life in the connotation that's given to it in anime and manga: a narrative that takes place in a recognisable everyday setting, often in a school, and that focuses on interpersonal relationships. this isn't to say slice of life shows with a character driven story can't be masterpieces, they absolutely can, but we are is not..very refined, there are some things that do not make much sense to me and the way the story is told can be a bit frustrating at times, not to mention that for a director who likes to show a million angles of the same moment you'd think the editing would be top notch but it's just. it's not, okay, it looks like my hair after i chop it off over the bathroom sink at 2 am when i cannot sleep, that shit's ROUGH
all this being said, im still enjoying this show TREMENDOUSLY. and believe me, no one is more surprised about this than i am. tbh i can't quite explain to you why it works for me when other (maybe even better) shows don't, it just feels very genuine, the humor isn't over the top, the characters are all extremely likeable, and i love that they're giving the platonic relationships the same weight and importance as the romantic ones. and i mean..im mostly insane about phumpeem because apparently that's THEE Dynamic™ for me, but since there are four different pairings i feel like there's something for everyone
although when it comes to development, since you asked, i do want to point out that pondphuwin and winnysatang's pairings are clearly the main ones (before anyone comes at me, i do remember the cast saying this), but aouboom still get a fair amount of screentime and they're the heart of the show tbh. the only pair that's suffering in this regard is marcpoon, but honestly it makes sense considering they had to reshoot stuff
so, um. yeah ;;;;;; this is way too long and it's probably a mess but i wanted to give you an honest and complete overview so you know what you're getting yourself into if you do decide to give it a chance. i actually started to like the show more and more after episode 3, so maybe if you have a free evening you could just try it out and see if you can get into it!!!!!!
tl;dr: it's not a masterpiece and it has its shortcomings but it's highly enjoyable and although not all couples have the same amount of screentime and development i think everyone could find something to like in the show
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wenellyb · 3 months
I've seen people who ship non-canon couples could get toxic and in my opinion the writers never want to cater to those fans who harrass cast, complain constantly and spread hate on their official social media.
It seems like storyline always ends up becoming messy:
- Destiel, became semi-canon in the most chaotic way.
- Stucky: they had Steve go back in time to be with Peggy and even when he return made sure everyone knew Steve x Bucky was never going to happen.
- Japril, from Grey's Anatomy: they were canon but were divorced and then Japril fandom got super toxic when Jackson got with Maggie, in the end the writers wrote April off for seemingly no reason. I can't help but think that it was partly due to the fandom behavior.
My question is, do you guys know a fandom where the non-canon pairing became canon even though the fandom was toxic?
I only have these examples in mind but I want to know if there are more... because I'm thinking the writers usually will try not to "reward" that kind of behavior even when they might ha e originale planned to follow through with that plan.
I'm asking because I'm wondering what spm0e Buddie shippers think they'll acheive with their hateful behavior and also wondering why the normal shippers aren't calling out the toxic ones.
Your fandom driving an actor you claim to adore off of social media would be a wake up call for most.
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priquintana · 8 months
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PRISCILLA QUINTANA Good Trouble (5x16)
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panncakes · 7 months
there's a lot to be said about the tragedy of the loss of low-budget campy fantasy shows in western media bc unless they're like high-budget, overly-produced and stripped of any filler they get cancelled after one season of 8 episodes but truly one of the biggest defense in favor of them and why we need them is the malec wedding kiss in shadowhunters
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ithacanradio · 2 months
"do you miss kissing?" is a bonkers line to say to your newly acquired ghost friend as you're dying of hypothermia ily charles rowland
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dylanconrique · 6 months
if anybody on this goddamn show deserves to have a completely stress free wedding, where not one! single thing!! goes wrong!!!! it's tim and lucy.
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
I am so mad about how desperately into pan I am. he was specifically made to fuck me up. they dangled him in front of me like 'hey would you like to see a sad clown trickster with emotional intimacy issues and a heart of, if not gold, then some mysterious alloy with qualities not at all unlike those of gold at the end of the day?' and I went 'boy would I!' and now I'm lost. I'm on my knees he's like if reyes vidal was actually redeemable instead of just a 'release my man he did do all of that but I don't care' situation
#the way he seems so genuinely *delighted* by grace finding her voice and wants her to be able to make her music again#even when she's not the muse anymore............ what the fuck that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my LIFE dude#low-key grace's biggest fan musically at least fhsajkd#stray gods#stray gods pan#(this is not a slam on reyes btw the fact that he's unconscionable is part of the appeal in that specific case lol)#I went into the game mostly blind and from what I had seen I fully intended to romance freddie#and then... this bitch shows up for literally one song and I have to restart the whole thing before I even get to challenging a queen#because I now desire the goat guy carnally and I want to duet with him for the rest of forever thank u#also I don't think I can ever not romance him now seeing the contrast between what he gets up to in the endings#what do you MEAN if you don't romance him he just goes off and no one knows where he is. he's still just so alone??? no not on my watch#(if freddie is dead ( :( ) and you romance him there's an *adorable* part in the epilogue where he tells you hekate has him running around#getting lost relics back in a series of distinctly indiana jones-esque misadventures and it sounds like he's having the time of his life#if this is what it takes for him to actually talk to his family without anyone being complete dicks about it I must solemnly accept#the terrible burden of kissing him on every single run through of this game. it cannot be helped it's out of my hands now)
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Rosaria Champagne, “Law of the (Nameless) Father: Mary Shelley’s Mathilda and the Incest Taboo” // Star Trek: Deep Space 9, 2x22 “The Wire”
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sigery · 11 days
Imagine somehow both parts of the Bloodmoon survived except neither knew the other had because they couldn't feel each other anymore/were told the other was dead. Now imagine both sides are being taken care of by different members of the celestial family who don't communicate about it since Bloodmoon is not a easy topic to discuss.
Even better if Jack, Dazzle, and FC are the ones taking care of one of them and are managing to keep the adults from knowing. Even more better if Solar is the first to find out there is a very sad monster under the bed.
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glitterytorturedpoet · 2 months
i can't believe that for over 20 years i thought cole was just an evil demon that the most powerful witches in the universe had no idea how to cure, when the truth is they had every chance in the world, but at the last hour they decided to give up on him. he begged phoebe for help, and she threw his only chance away and broke his heart. he told her he couldn't do it, and she pushed him at his weakest. if i was cole i'd turn evil too. AND NOT BECAUSE I WANTED TO, BUT BECAUSE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE ABANDONED ME WHEN I NEEDED HER MOST. SHE WAS MY ONLY CHANCE. I TRUSTED HER. I TRUSTED THAT SHE COULD SEE THE REAL ME. AND THAT HER LOVE FOR ME WOULD BE ENOUGH TO SAVE ME, BUT WHEN IT MATTERED MOST SHE BANISHED ME TO RUIN SO I COULD SUFFER ALONE AND CRUMBLE IN MY WEAKNESS. SHE FORGOT WHO I WAS AND WHO I WAS TRYING TO BE. AND THE ONLY REASON I WAS IN THE PREDICAMENT I WAS IN WAS BECAUSE I WAS IN LOVE WITH HER AND TRYING TO HELP HER/ KEEP HER SAFE/ AND STAY ALIVE. I DID NOT HAVE TO PUT MYSELF IN HARMS WAY. unforgivable.
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