#i don't get to the cold water fast enough so it stings like a bitch
concerto-roblox · 2 years
just made the same cup of coffee three times and now i'm crying how's your evening going
#so i'm at work and we didn't use to serve coffe but now we do#and i have never made coffee before in my life#and it should be fairly simple bc it's instant#but i forget to turn the machine on when i get to work#and then this guy tells me his coffee is 'freezing cold'#which it literally wasn't it was literally warm but apprently coffee is supposed to burn the roof of your mouth or whatever#i say sorry and then try not to cry bc i feel stupid#and then i go wait for the water to heat up more and i keep putting some in a cup to test how hot it is#i think it's hot enough but after i've made it i start panicking it's not hot enough#and the sink is broken so i go outside to poor it down the drain#and then i TRIP and spill it all over my hand#turns out it was hot enough bc i burned my whole hand and started actually crying#i don't get to the cold water fast enough so it stings like a bitch#then i go make the coffee AGAIN (while crying) and try to calm down#i go give the guy his coffee and say sorry it took so long and i pretend the machine is broken bc i'm so fucking embarrassed#this time he seems nice and says thank you but idk if it's cos he heard me crying or not#i try to hold it in but i accidentally make a weird noise while walking away and i'm hoping he didn't hear me#and yeah now i feel stupid AND i hurt myself#girlies do not believe anyone who says autism isn't a disability 😔#just realised i misspelled coffee in the first tag but i'm on mobile and am not going back to change it lmao#how to be cringe 101#i may delete this idk i don't normally vent on here but i needed to talk abt it to calm myself down#and i can't call either of my parents bc of the stupid *******#sorry i'll stop i honestly feel better now
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amara-scott · 3 years
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Movie: Divergent Characters: Eric Coulter x f!Reader Categories: Anger, Fluff, Eric
“Again.” Another jump, down to the ground, push up followed by another jump. Kick, kick, uppercut, hook. My hands fall to my knees, hunched over I try to gulp down the pain in my burning throat. I don’t know if it’s tears or sweat but it’s covering my hot face.
“Again.” He sounds more and more stern. I blink a couple times, standing up straight and am about to do the whole circuit for the- what, 40th time? I lost count long ago. My bones shake and muscles ache. It’s past the point where only numbness is left and I am scared I won’t feel anything anymore after I am done today. If I will ever be done. If he lets me.
I jump and am about to go down to the ground, my hands planted on the cool mat, feet ready to kick back into a plank but my arms shake before they give out and I fall to the ground face first. The ground cooling my cheek. I close my eyes and only hear my breathing, it's loud. Just as my thumping heart. Sweat stinging my eyes now.
“What are you doing?”
My eyes snap open at that question and I feel full of rage and hate. Just- frustration spreading inside every fiber of my being.
I twist my head around, supporting myself on my elbows. “Taking a break maybe?” I say, trying not to sound ironic or rude- but I do. I really don’t care though. I am past the point of just sucking it up.
“What did you say?” He challenges, his cold orbs boring into mine as he folds his arms and shifts in his stance, glaring down at me. His lips twitching into a not so amused smile before sneering down at me.
“I said- taking a break, maybe.” I repeat and twist, sitting with my knees angled up, placing my arms atop. Eyes now down between my legs on the ground. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. He still is a leader. Someone I should respect and who's orders I have to follow.
“Stand up, now.” I sigh with closed eyes and stand back up, looking at his arms, chewing my lower lip.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
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I gulp and look up, trying not to forget to breathe. My heart calmed down but once I meet his eyes, my heart rate picks right back up.
“You’re not here to take breaks. You understand?” I nod quickly, not really having enough energy to even form words. He keeps silent for a moment longer, knowing that I struggle to keep up the eye contact. He smirks at the end, moving his head a bit closer, leaning forward.
“I’ll see you here tomorrow. Same time." I force myself not to close my eyes and sigh in frustration.
"-Actually, for the rest of the month. Every day.” My eyes grow a bit wider and I want to reply, talk back- but he just raises his pierced eyebrow, daring me. I gulp down my pride and nod once.
“Go.” His jaw is clenched and I quickly, dizzily grab my bottle and move past him, walking quickly.
Why, of all people, does he hate me so much? Am I doing that bad? I didn’t feel like I was. I rarely lost a fight and Four even complimented me after a few. I can’t say the same about Eric though. He never spoke. Only to correct or mock. Nothing kind ever left his lips.
With a sigh I fall into bed after my shower, not even in the mood to go get any food. I’ll just eat more tomorrow at breakfast. My eyes sealed shut and I doze off.
Eric is back at it, yelling at an initiate for losing and telling them to go back to the punching bags. He scoffs and turns around, his eyes wandering around the room and landing on me. I quickly turn away, holding the knife tightly between my fingers and focusing on the target ahead. The clashing of knifes the only sound I hear until he stands next to me.
“Throw it.” He commands and I take another deep breath, throwing and hoping I hit anything. But the knife just bounces off the wall and lands at the bottom of the target.
“Pathetic. Go get the knife.” I whip my head around and look at him with wide eyes.
“You mean- right now?”
“No, after practice. Of course now, go!” I flinch as he ends his sentence and turn back around, looking to the side as a couple people stop and watch.
“Did I say stop? Keep going, all of you.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second before taking a deep breath and not looking back as a few knives land in my way, only making me stop a few times. Don’t look back- don’t look back- don’t-
A knife whips right past my ear, I feel the wind brushing my hair away and I stop, watching it emerge from the target I practiced at. I grab the knife off the ground and turn around. Eric standing there with another knife in hand and throwing it up a couple times.
“Next time I won’t miss.” I can’t move my legs after that and Eric frowns, sticking the sharp weapon into the wooden box it’s usually stored in.
“Come on, get back here. You’re not done practicing.”
I want to say anything but I can’t, my feet also glued to the ground. I want to lift anything but I’m frozen.
“(Y/N)? Come on.”
“Stand up, hey!”
I gasp, sitting up in bed, breathing heavily.
"You looked exhausted, I just wanted to let you sleep longer." Emma sits down next on my bed, giving me a sad smile.
"Thanks, I probably needed that." I mumble, clearing my throat and sit up next to her, head in my hands.
"I brought you some food, don't tell anyone." She whispers and unpacks a sandwich and an apple, handing both to me.
"Wow, thanks, you're amazing." I side hug her, taking the food and gulping everything down with water. Emma giggles watching me and stands back up.
"You shouldn't eat so fast, you'll get a stomach ache- we have to be in the training room in ten." She turns around, smiling one last time and walking off to join some others on their way to the training room.
I sigh, remembering what will happen after training. The dream- it felt so real.
I get ready quickly, jogging down the hall and entering through the tall doors. Everyone is gathering in a circle and I join in, blending into the back of the group to maybe not get noticed.
"This week will be all about your aim. Especially throwing knives and shooting guns." I roll my eyes, shaking my head to myself. This is ridiculous.
"Any complains?" My eyes shoot over to Eric, who's stare is fixed on me for a second longer before wandering around the group. Some are shaking their heads or mumbling no. He saw my expression. I will suffer even more today. If that's even possible.
"Let's get ready then, the targets are back at the wall, pic one and start throwing." Four tells us and we make our way to the targets. I jog up to Emma, sending her a smile.
"You think you're any good at this?" She asks and I shrug.
"Well it's not like I would have a lot of experience so- I can just hope."
"I actually did throw knives a lot back in Amity." I frown, my eyes boring into the side of her face as she smirks.
"Well, more in my head but still. Not the first time I'm thinking about it. Maybe that helps." I chuckle and shove her lightly, both of us finding a spot and trying out the knives, holding them, turning them.
"You have to take multiple aspects into account when throwing a knife. The weight, size and distance to your target. Have a go." Four says and starts pacing behind us hands behind his back and observing. I glance around more, trying to find the piercing blue eyes and I find them, a few steps further down the line but he turns, as if he felt me watching him.
I get ready and try to mimic someone who just hit their target. Legs steady, slightly parted- arm leaning back and then- I close my eyes until I hear a clashing sound. The knife fell down, not even close to the target. Wow.
I try a few more times and get closer and even hit the target but the knife never sticks fully.
"What are you doing?" I flinch at his voice, nearly dropping the knife in my hand. I turn to the side, watching Eric.
"Trying to hit the target?" It sound more like a question as I'm not in the mood to come off as a smart ass or the ironic bitch I usually am.
"Well, you're not doing a great job then." He states and I nod, agreeing with him. There is a small pause before he raises an eyebrow with folded arms.
"Could you maybe- help me out?" I say before thinking about what I actually just said. I hear Emma snorting beside me, trying to cover it up with a cough. Eric's eyes find her for a second before coming back to me.
"Turn around." I frown but quickly follow his order.
"Angle your hips." I shift, one foot forward the other further back, trying to stand sturdy.
"Further." His hands find my waist and he twists it more, my breath hitching as I glance down at his fingers sitting atop my hips.
"Look up." He says, his breath hitting my neck before he steps back again. I focus on the target, reaching my arm back and twisting my shoulders.
"Don't just reach your wrist back. The whole arm." He pulls at my elbow, correcting my stance and I feel my skin burning from where he touched me. My skin tingling.
"Twist your whole body while throwing. Full force." I take another deep breath and do as I'm told yelling out this time, not closing my eyes, too curious if it changed anything.
It did. I hit the target. It sticks. I grin and turn to Eric- but he's already gone further down. I turn back forward and want to do it again. And again.
Maybe I'm actually looking forward to after-practice today.
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