#i don't like ginny but she honestly deserves better than harry
sweeethinny · 10 months
What Love Turns When It's Over
"When all this is over," Ginny began, and already feeling Demelza's disapproving look she added: "And it will. It's a tragedy with an announced end, I know that... But when this is all over, I'm going to leave broken."
"Don't talk like that, even if things go wrong, we have to hope that they will get better. Sadness only exists because happiness exists, I told you that." Ginny nodded, she understood her friend, understood what she was saying and knew that it all made sense, she didn't disagree with her, but she also knew that her and Harry's story would hardly have an alternative ending, if there was such a thing as soul mates, they were two souls who found each other at the wrong time, on the wrong day, in the wrong year, and in the wrong story.
Maybe in another life, a story with other characters, experiences different enough to change the ending.
"Not with us," Ginny shrugged, even though it caused her almost physical pain. "And it's going to hurt so bad." She gave a sad smile. "So, so much so that I don't think I will ever get over it, even though I know I will eventually, but it will be difficult... Loves like that, that don't work out, hurt more than those that do. My story with Dean worked out if you see if a certain point of view, and the end didn't tear me apart, I've lived with him all we had to live for, but with Harry... We won't have time, or chance, and that's what hurts the most. He will forever be my "what if" and the pain of doubt destroys much more." Ginny sighed, wiping the single tear that trickled down her face, blinking rapidly to hide all the thousand more she wanted to spill from her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say." Demelza looked almost insulted that she couldn't help, she was a very good friend, she felt Ginny's pain as if it were her own. "It's unfair for the two of you to experience this… You deserved more."
"That's what everyone will always say," She said, looking up at her dorm ceiling. "I don't know if it comforts me more to know that it is an announced end, because at least it gives me time to prepare for it, or I would just like to be caught off guard… I live our moments always thinking "will this be the last? Is it the last joke he tells me? Is this the last time I hear his laugh? Is this the last time we do this?" and I never get the answers. I know we have to take one day at a time, but the anxiety of the end keeps me from that, so I feel like I'm in mourning long before I have to go to the wake. Remember when I said I heard Tonks saying that before love is gone, one side always knows it's over? I feel that way. While Harry is finding everything as vivid as possible, I think I'm morbid on his side waiting for the moment where I bury our love and I can finally grieve. I know it all sucks, I had to be more optimistic, have more hope, think that I also deserve a happy ending, but honestly, I can't fool myself that much."
None of them said anything else, they didn't have anything else to say, as Ginny said, it was a tragedy foretold, she just didn't know when it would all end.
Without much to say, I thought about it a few days ago already. Things aren't that easy and I think Ginny is the character who understands that the most
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
ROUND TWO! It is still technically tomorrow so yeah.... 😁
-(Remus. Safety. A port in the storm while everything shattered around him.)
Oh honey, hugs all of the hugs. This whole passage is fucking beautiful. The moment of Harry realizing Shouta is testing him and appreciating it. Recognizing where the adults in his life failed him and seeing that the man in front of him won't fail his students in the ways Harry was failed. AAAHHHH
-(Dark eyes looked him up and down. “Take ten. No need to traumatize them by throwing a zombie at their feet.” 
Harry scoffed, edging around Shouta to open the door he hadn’t bothered locking (anyone who could break into UA and get past all of the staff to a top floor flat and could get around Bill’s wards deserved to steal his shit honestly) and shooting the man a rather unimpressed look even as he nodded for him to follow. “I know damn well you own a mirror being married to Yamada so the only other options are you’re blind and just a very good actor or you’re so deep in denial you truly believe you don’t look worse than I do and I’ve literally died four times.”)
AAHAHAHAHUENJDSAKGNR CALL HIM OUT! but for real I love this. We see sassy Harry and Shouta, sir, pot kettle. ahahaha
-(Twenty teenagers looked back at him, eyes bright with suspicion as they shifted their stances to cover the little girl in their midst. The little girl who had no problem popping her head around a massive shoulder to beam at Harry and Shouta as they approached. 
“Hi, Harry-san!” The white haired girl waved. “Did you bring more cookies?”)
Leave it to the tiny human to relieve the tension of the room. And sassing Bakugou to boot. Love it.
-(With a shriek of laughter Eri launched herself from the green haired kid’s back and wormed her way between the protective gathering of teenagers to collide with Harry’s leg, going up on her toes to check the container. “Where’s Teddy?”
“With Weasley-Sensei. If your dad is okay with it you can come over for dinner tonight to see them.” 
She didn’t so much as look at Shouta. “Dad says yes.”)
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 THIS SWEET HILARIOUS CHILD! I CAN'T SHE MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS! The only thing that would have made this better is if Hizashi had been present to witness it.
-(This time, Harry did smile, letting every shattered piece of himself show in the lopsided lift of his lips. Let them see the boy he was: fifteen and so fucking angry at the unfairness of everything, sixteen and terrified of the monsters that lurked around every corner, seventeen and tired down to his very bones. Let them see the reflection looking back at them. 
One child soldier to twenty. )
god fucking damn the absolute beauty in the writing here. dsjabcim I'm speechless. 10000000000/10
-(“You look like a fucking fetus.” Bakugou hissed. “How the hell can you be a Top Ten?” )
Cackling at this. Just the phrasing. Hit me right in the funny bone for some reason🤣🤣
-(“Dormant.” At the kid’s surprised blink, Harry shrugged. “I have a no slur policy when it comes to my students. That includes against themselves.” Which had been developed the exact moment Aoyama hissed the word. Not that Harry was going to tell them that. )
Yup good policy, timing don't matter. Nope not at all.
-(they are in my top five most terrifying sisters)
Who's number one? Ginny or Hermione because I feel like that could go either way lmfao
-(“Welcome to the world, cub,” Harry breathed, pulling back to press a kiss to Teddy’s temple. “You hungry?” 
Teddy let out a jaw cracking yawn, rubbing at their eyes with the back of their hands, and blinked at him uncomprehendingly. After a second, they nodded. )
AAAAWWEWW The mental picture of sleepy little Teddy is just javirughdxkwiaiurytlh;iwo I CAN'T
-(Harry shrugged. “Bragging rights, mostly. I’m in a new country at a new job with very little of my reputation carrying over and only to a select few people who already knew about me anyway. All of you are the next generation of heroes and will more than likely make up a second chunk of the Top Fifty in the next few years. I need something to prove to my kid that I’m still cool when they inevitably decide one of you is their second favorite hero.” 
Disbelieving eyes came from all around the room. Well, except for Asui and Sero. As the two with the most experience with young children, there was not so much as a flicker of doubt in their eyes that street cred with a seven year old was Harry primary motivation. Harry smiled back  at all of them, unrepentant. )
Believe him guys. Believe him. 🤣🤣🤣And he's not wrong, room full of the future? He doesn't stand a chance at being his kid's favorite if he doesn't work for it🤣🤣🤣🤣
-(“If your ghosts try to convince you that dying is fun, just know that they are liars and it absolutely is not.” 
From the moment they had first met their new sensei, Izuku had been pretty sure that he was, on some level, completely fucking insane. )
-(One singularity recognizing another. )
I'm going to keep sounding like a god damn broken record but this entire passage is fucking poetry. Like fucking hell, 'it was more than their shared green eyes. more than the bruised eyes and too thin cheeks. more than the massive scar that took up half of the man's face that seem to glow with an eerie green light." jdfaiuhganfvjfdkalghr Fucking master of words you are.
-(“ Excuse me? ” First hissed, materializing at Izukums shoulder with the same pissed off cat expression he had given Second after he broke Izuku’s laptop during movie night. 
“You’re excused.” Potter-sensei shrugged. Shrugged. Like dealing with angry ghosts was normal for him. )
ahshasjiafownejwlafnuju SASSY HARRY!!!!!
-Okay death calling Harry a disaster twink in the end note completes my entire existence.
-(There was a snort and Harry lifted his head enough to see an unmasked Snipe grinning at the two of them. “Ah yes, the first day ‘how did my teachers ever put up with me’ guilt. Bright side, you didn’t have a single broken bone in your class and there was no Nezu level threat against humanity as a whole so y’all did a damn good job.” 
“The bar is so low,” Hermione whispered in horror, setting Harry off in half hysterical giggles.)
Nezu level threat is the most terrifying thing to happen on a teacher's first day, bar none. nothing else. nope.
-(Harry blinked. “Since when are you on a first name basis with Aoyama?”
“Like two minutes ago, dad, keep up. They’re Aunt Fleur’s cousin and that makes us cousins so Yuuga is family and last names with family is weird unless it’s for a joke.” He didn’t have to look to know there was a duh expression on Teddy’s face,
“Did you ask Aoyama if you can use their first name, or did you assume?” Teddy’s silence was the only answer Harry needed. “Teddy—.”
point two seconds later
“Can I call you Yuuga because we’re cousins?” 
Teddy turned back to Harry, still wearing Aoyama’s face, and pointed at the teen over their shoulder. “See. Cousin.”)
-(A familiar snort had them turning to see a grinning Hizashi leaning over the back of the couch where Shouta was attempting to appear asleep. It would have been more convincing if the man wasn’t grinning into his sleeping bag. “That’s just parenting. If it helps, they can keep up with Eri so I highly doubt Teddy is going to cause too much damage.” 
They were probably right, but…
“Doesn’t one of those kids have shark teeth?”
“ Fuck.” )
Crying laughing oh my fucking god yes this is perfect
-There is something so special about how this moment between Nemuri and Hermione is written. True connection, not unnatural, just two women who have fought to protect their families and came out scarred and hurting relating and commiserating, stunning writing.
-(“If you stretched more, you could do it too.” Harry pointed out, slowly rising out of the stretch before bending backwards, more to annoy his brother than out of any real need for the stretch. His palms hit the mat behind him as he held the back bend without too much effort. 
Ron shuddered. “That’s horrifying to watch have I ever told you that?”
Harry took a few too-quick shuffle-crawl steps towards him, just to make Ron lurch back with a shriek. The shorter man hit the mat a second later, laughing too hard to keep himself up. )
NOT THE HORROR MOVIE IMPRESSION ahahahahahahahhahahahah
-(In the ring, Hermione missed the leg sweep sent from Hizashi and hit the mats hard. It didn’t seem to stop her as she turned to gape at him. 
“Harry James Potter are you telling me you saw Tom Riddles’ penis?” 
“No I’m telling Ron, Shouta, and Kayama. You just happened to be eavesdropping.” )
-(Honestly, there were worse ways to go rather than being murdered by a beautiful woman. )
Glory, Glory, what a helluva way to die!
-Shouta totally handed Ron his own ass, repeatedly and with glee
This is seven through nine! I'll be doing more tomorrow! I totally love this and want to keep going. I'm also interested in doing this with some of your other fics and maybe some tagged aus on here? if you're okay with it?
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I’m loving this so much it’s such a delight to see all the parts you enjoy if you want to do it with other fics/aus as well I’m totally down just be aware that I will probably tell you that I love you platonically more than once.
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vivithefolle · 2 years
I think one of the main things that really irritates me about the Canary Incident in Book Six is that it could’ve been used as a way for Hermione to learn that while you can feel hurt, it’s not okay to physically take that hurt out on someone else(which I think the fic Golden Bullets touches on). But instead the narrative treats that scene as either humorous/Ron deserved it when in reality- as much as I disapproved of Ron’s behavior before that scene- it didn’t warrant any sort of reaction like that. There are 19 years between the last chapter of Book 7 and the epilogue, so I really hope that somebody called Hermione out on that sort of behavior eventually and she learned to grow out of it, because reading that Canary scene years later is pretty…yikes tbh🤷‍♀️
You're right and you should say it.
Honestly, the thing that makes Hermione even more detestable to me is the post-canaries. Like... okay, right, let's just, let's say it was a "regrettable childhood incident", "one instance of abusive behaviour but that's just the one when abuse is a pattern so we shouldn't judge her too harshly", ok, ok, it's just one teenage mistake, teenagers hit each other and are idiots, yeah! Ok Hermione faced no consequences for the canaries but that doesn't mean she hasn't learned a lesson, maybe she did so off-screen, we know how much Rowling likes to develop her female characters off-screen (hi Ginny), so yeah Hermione can totally have learned it's not ok to attack people-
‘Could’ve been worse. Remember those birds she set on me?’ ‘I still haven’t ruled it out,’ came Hermione’s muffled voice from beneath her blankets, but Harry saw Ron smiling slightly as he pulled his maroon pyjamas out of his rucksack - Deathly Hallows
........................... Ron. Ron my darling. Ron my beloved. Ron my beautiful boy. Ron my sweetest summer simp RUN HOLY FUCK RUN.
And, of course I don't condone Ron's behaviour while he was upset with Hermione hiding her involvement with Krum. I understand he felt betrayed and to him, dating is practically being married, so he thought he'd lost his chance, and so he lashed out at everyone and was being a total asshole as a result. But... yet, I can't help but see the way Rowling piles on the crap to make it so Ron blows a fuse. First she forces him back into the role of "haha loser Ron scared of playing Quidditch" when he'd have normally outgrown this thanks to the victory at the end of Book 5 (yes, it's "realistic" that his progress isn't streamlined, BUT THIS IS A BOOK. BOOKS DON'T OBEY THE RULES OF REALITY.), and he'd gotten over his jealousy of Krum at the end of Book 4 (but Rowling still poked fun at it in Book 5 before dropping it halfway through, ok why not) BUTT suddenly it's resurrected out of nowhere just to force Ron into a bullshit romantic jealousy plotline and... UUUUGH I hate HBP so much, and yet with all the bullshit Rowling forced upon Ron's character in that book he still comes out looking better than Harry "guess I'm not gonna help my friends at all cuz I have better stuff to do" Potter and Hermione "physical abuse is okay as long as it's the girl who does it!" Granger.
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clarrissanewt · 3 years
Hey. Can u do a Harry×fem!reader (Harry is such an underrated angel) where The reader thinks Harry deserves someone much better than her, maybe Ginny? Ginny is smart,attractive,funny cool and a badass. So,She ignores Harry thinking it would make his feelings cold abt her. I don't know what I want the end like so if u can make it angsty or fluffy,Up to u.
Pss: take care of ur self 💛
Mirror Mayhem
Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of blood and drowning
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A/n: cannot agree more, Anon, Harry deserves better. On the other note, thank you for the compliment!
Ps- are you a hufflepuff? (just curious)
"Isn't this funny?"
His dead voice snapped her to reality as she clenched her eyes in the realization that she had been staring...almost for an hour.
"Sorry?" She was quick to slip the piece of mirror inside her layers of clothes.
It had been in her routine, nowadays- patrolling out of the tent in turns, few discussions about the increasingly nebulous Horcrux hunt, then getting lost within the horizon of the small mirror and sometimes striking a small conversation with Hermione. It pained her to see Hermione so brittle after Ron had left.
"I had been thinking," he repeated, his gaze sternly fixed on her, "isn't this funny that you prefer to ogle at an ordinary shard of the mirror rather than talking to someone alive?"
He didn't sound larky and joking as he did months ago...years, really.
But what he didn't know was that this mirror wasn't ordinary.
It seemed like a trick of eyes to her, at first- the way the blasé mirror didn’t stare her back like always. But thinking it was just her hallucination after the near escape from the ministry, she didn’t think about it; slipped it inside her boots for future  use.
But the next time she had to stand up to it again was when it actually tore off a portion off her feet.
Bloody mirror.
And she felt like a daft idiot picking up the blood sodden mirror (she had to blink for at least five minutes to make sure that her conscience wasn’t fooling around her) because it just didn’t show her eyes...it reflected back a pair of unsettlingly, lush green eyes along with hers.
She had to whelve the small gift by Dumbledore as her breath hitched at the sight.
She had made a decision, and she was going to stand by it.
So there was no surprise when she shot an irritated yet quick glance sideways at his amusing comment.
He had observed too, quiet from sometime, how she started diverting her path as soon as she would see him, became the first one to wake up and needless to say, the first one to leave at night, and started talking to them meagerly...like he was a stranger to her now.
He well knew that the glass she had been pouring herself over was in Dumbledore’s will. Quite useless, unless you really count the fact that it could help you slaughter something in the absence of a wand.
“Fine. It’s quite settled then,” he slowly stood up from the drawf and dusty chair he had occupied, and snatching the locket from around his neck, dropped it onto her lap. “You are welcome to talk to me when I am dead.”
She kept her head down as he left her mallowing in guilt. 
The little image of Harry and Ginny bombarded somewhere in her brain as silvery tears slided down her cold cheeks.
Ginny was definitely better that her- she had mastered the bat-bogey hex, was a member of the Slughorn club, a famous quidditch player; while she- just a simple witch who never got any attention (not like she craved it). She seemed so minimal compared to her friends that people never acknowledged her existence with them turning their group into the Golden Quadlet...just a side kick to the Golden Trio.
Honestly, it hurted.
Hurted even more than piercing stabs or nose-blowing punches. And cascading the ugly, obnoxious locket strangled her breath.
But she was at fault in all this- or, wasn’t she?
As the world felt spinning around her, she brought up her hand to wipe the stains of guilt and rage from her face, just to find it even more soaked.
And as the faint glint of moonlight struck the blood sucking mirror, her eyes were focused on a little stick figure of- oh, that was a wand. Her wand.
It was pretty stupid, in her opinion, to leave the wand behind when you are considered as ‘Undesirable No-1,’ that too this late in night, deep in the forest with death eaters all around.
Classic Potter.
And with a last glance at their figures in the mirror, she tightened her grip at a puncturing rate around the wand and strolled into the forest, silently hoping that Hermione would be safe until she returned.
As tiny specs of snow flakes amassed the layers of hers sweater, she felt her breath torturing her more than relieving. She purely had no idea where Harry was. He had to be safe, for all she knew.
She would have surpassed the dark lane down the forest without a second thought if she hadn’t heard a deafening splash from there.
In horror, she whirled on her spot, terror seizing the control of her limbs; she stomped through the spearing and serated twigs and branches, and as soon as her gaze landed on his clothes and Hagrid’s pouch. A yelp eked out of her throat involuntarily as she dived inside.
Every part of her body screamed in protest. She felt every drop of air inside her lungs freezing slowly as she drifted headlong. The cold was agonizing; almost felt like sizzling on fire.
Before she could catch up with him (who was far deeper into the lake than her), something closed tightly around her neck.
Thrashing and suffocating, her numb fingers struggled under the hilt of the locket, unable to loosen it.
With these many layers of woolens and a strangling chain constricting her windpipe, she was sure to drown and die.
And when she came facedown with the snow, she had no strength to even move her fingers, let alone thank her savior. Still choking under the puncturing grip of the horcrux, a shaking hand reached up to her throat and cut the chain into her flesh.
With trembling fingers, her hand tried to graze the blood spitting spot when her savior gripped it.
His panting voice gave her enough strength to roll over on her back. He was sinking on his knees, without any clothes on his upper body which was shining blissfully in the clouded night. As if it was a reflex, she sat up with the support of her lax arms and started undoing one of her sweaters, which had turned to a very deep shade of violet from the drowning. 
Squeezing it free of water, she silently dabbed his shivering figure. At least he was safe.
“Why the hell,” he dangled the horcrux with shortened chain in front of her eyes as if in a parody of hypnosis, “did you not take this thing off before you dived? And why did you even dive?”
She couldn’t answer. Shuddering with the drenched clothes, she caught up with his pile of clothes and struggled to pull them over his head.
“Why had you dived- no, don’t pull that out.”
"I saw the sword of Gryffindor. Ron has it right now."
"Ron? Is he here?" She made a frail struggle to turn around as he continued.
"He will be back, Y/n. Take off your sweaters."
"Take them off- never mind."
He stood on his knees and dumped her layers of drenched and dull sweaters on the placid floor of snow. And without another word, he crushed her into a desperate hug, gently moving his hands on her bare skin to soothe out the goose flesh that were creeping on to her skin.
"It's fine. I've got you. You shouldn't have jumped inside."
"And you think I'd have let you freeze inside?" She pulled away from his chest and quickly slid down his sweater as they heard frantic footsteps approaching.
He was well aware that Ron's appearance was even more blissful than the silhouette of the silvery galloping doe that brought them the sword, so there were no surprises when his two friends flung their arms onto each other, a wail erupting from Ron's throat.
"Blimey, Y/n, I almost thought you were dead. If something like that would have happened, I would not have left you in peace, mate," he called Harry out.
But he didn't smile, didn't joke back at their platonic concern. His eyes were focused on the shard of glass which had helped him cut the chain...it looked sickly familiar.
He couldn't view his own self, except, it reflected two lips moulding together, moving in synch, with a rhythmic flick inside.
He well recognized that pair- it was his and Y/n's.
"It's the mirror of Erised, isn't it?"
His question almost made her heart drop down to the stomach. There was no way he could have found it.
"Wait. Is it the one which was in Dumbledore's will?" Ron looked between them, dumbfounded as she nodded in response. "Bloody hell, I read something about this while I was on a run from the Snatchers. It accepts blood, does it?"
"It does," she asserted. "It opened like that only."
"Blimey- it's reflection makes the sword of Gryffindor stronger-"
"Then we have got some work to complete," Harry interrupted and trudged towards a flat rock, gesturing them to follow.
"Is it, er- necessary to do it right now?"
"The faster we get rid of it, the better, Ron."
He nodded and his chin dipped down as he handed the sword to Y/n in listless movements before backing away.
"Merlin Boobies, I can't!" I've already almost splinched my hand while apparation- I saw the tent nearby, by the way. Let me go and er- surprise Hermione."
She turned speechless at the betrayal and huffed out a deep breath, fixed her gaze at the raven-haired boy.
Months of ceaseless struggle had overturned him...the silence and the sternness was agonizing.
"Why don't you finish it off? I'll do the rest."
"I won't," he replied with a perfect brevity. "You can do this. Just- just be careful, it will fight back. When I tried to finish off Riddle's diary, it tried to kill me. Just be safe, okay?"
She nodded shortly as a lump started forming in her throat.
"How are you going to open it?"
"I'll ask it," he looked at her hopefully. "Using parseltongue."
As the words came out of his mouth like a hiss and a snarl, the golden gates if the locket swung open with a click.
"Stab," he murmured, holding the locket steady on the rock.
She raised the sword with her quivering hands, half terrified and half glad that it didn't put up a fight until a small voice whizzed from the horcrux.
"I've seen your heart and it's mine."
"Don't listen," Harry commanded harshly. "Stab it!"
"I've seen your dreams, Y/n L/n, your deepest desires, your sacrifices for the boy you love, and yet his denial."
"Y/n, stab it- STAB IT!"
Still transfixed, the sword tip dangled over the scarlet, slit pupiled eye of Riddle but she backed away. There was a cloud of vague built oozing out, and Harry had to retreat too as the locket brusquely turned white-hot.
And he couldn't believe what was unfolding before his eyes. It was him; and Ginny was there too. Both the pseudo figures degrading her.
"Don't listen, Y/n. Stab!" His voice echoed and rebounded from the horizon of the naked trees.
He badly wanted to look away as the Riddle-Ginny intertwined herself around his pseudo figure, and their lips met.
He swore to himself that he saw Y/n's eyes mimicking Riddle's as she let out an abrupt and frustrated cry, and stabbed the locket straight in the centre, smashing it's intricate glass window. He ducked, thinking that there would be probably blood flying off, but it was over. Everything was silent...except her. She was shaking and panting heavily, head sunk into her knees, the sword lay forgotten on the stratum of snow.
Scooping up the broken locket and the small piece of mirror, he crouched beside her, his eyes turned heavenwards.
"Don't believe anything you heard."
He heard her sniffle as she tilted her gaze towards him.
"I couldn't stop it- I'm sorry, I- I should have tried-"
"It's okay. It's gone."
And this met a silence again. a silence that none of the them dared to break.
"Y/n? Can I believe you?"
She swerved fully towards him at this question, her shaking almost at the bay now. "I thought you did."
"I do. I just- I want go know about this," he flicked the mirror into her palm. "What do you see in this? Look, don't lie. I'm quite aware about your feelings now."
She smiled sadly at his prior sentence. "My feelings could be for Ginny too," she made a brave attempt to diffuse her perturbation.
"Fair enough. What do you see?"
"Your eyes."
One side of his lips twitched at her words as he smuggled the mirror back. "Want to see what I saw?"
And before she could reply to him with an obvious yes, their lips moulded concurrently, all like the same as he saw in the mirror.
Oh well, one horcrux was down.
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hogwart3-is-my-l1f3 · 4 years
Not everything works out
characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione granger, Y/N( your name), mentions of Ron Weasley
warnings: just the fact it has a lot of cheating 
word count:698
summary: Harry cheats on you twice and you move onto better things in life
A/N: Hey guy :) this is my second fanfic ever and its not very good and I kind of wrote it and finished it 4 minutes before class started so I hope you guy enjoy and don't be shy to request anything! 
Never in your life did you think you ever fall in love. I mean EVER.. but that changed when you met harry potter. It wasn't easy to shoo away his never ending list of fangirls that honestly just kept growing. Nerveless he always assured you that you were the only one for him. So today on your upcoming 3 year anniversary you went to honeydukes to get him some sweets alongside some other presents when you saw him. You were about to run up to him when you heard him say something to the pretty ginger girl he was standing next to. You thought it was most likely Ginny so you crept on them to surprise them but you stopped once you heard him speak. 
“Ginny we need to stop do this sweetie” harry spoke sadly
“ But whyyyyyyy” Ginny whined dragging out the y for effect
“ Because this is wrong as much as i love you, you know this is wrong” harry spoke once again. Ginny stared at him with her eyes opened and her face turning into a angry one. 
you eyes glisten with tears waiting to let out and be free you bit your cheeks and turned around. He didn't deserve anything. when you enter your dorm and flopped onto your bed Hermione came through the door and instantly rushed to your bedside as you cried and told her what happened. You had always wonder why Ginny disliked you but you never thought that she’d ever do this. Hermione brought you some tea and chocolate and gave you a pep talk. Soon you decided to confront harry as you walked up the astronomy tower you heard voices. Harry was flirting with cho chang you weren’t sad this time instead you blasted the door open with a spell and walked right through the very carefully locked door that was blasted into bits. 
“ RON BLIMELY’” harry spoke his back was faced to you so you assumed Ron knew about this
“It’s not Ron” you spoke in a voice sweetly but it was laced with venom “ IT’S Y/N YOUR GIRLFRIEND, YOU BASTARD” At this point Cho Chang had made a swift escape. 
“ Y-YY-y/N” He said with his voice quivering scared of your next move
You circled him and laughed and stopped right near the door and finally spoke 
“ First Ginny Next Cho chang” your voice sound angered but you were just truly hurt “did you even know what day it was yesterday” Tears were at the brim and were about to be released and you walk away after waiting 3 minutes for a answer. 
“ It was our...... anniversary” you spoke and walked away
The next following days you had found out he had asked Ginny to the yule ball and you sighed. You didn’t care anymore and you had made amends with Ginny but not Harry. You and Ginny weren’t friends but you no longer hated each other. 
As the Yule ball approached you had ignored harry and he made no attempts to speak to you and so did Ron. Hermione was obligated to speak to you considering you were dormmates. 
Once the news got out you were single Boys piled up to ask you to the ball and you knew they wanted a quick shag. You accepted an invitation from a fairly handsome boy from drumstrang. 
The night of the ball came and as you entered everyone stared at you in awe and you saw a jealous Harry on the side and the drumstrang boy Felix gave you a hand and you smiled maybe things would be well but just not between you and the Famous Harry potter
You went on to work in the ministry and became the youngest minster of magic at age 20 and was known by the whole wizarding community and had a happy life with Felix who treated you 1000000 times better than Harry ever did and had a happily ever after.
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ridiculousravenclaw · 4 years
The Life of Elara Ware
This is a Harry Potter fanfic. Main character Elara is an original character by moi and is George Weasleys gf they started dating in 5th year. she's half blood hens the mention of muggle technology before anyone asks. And it's set during the GOF. I've never written anything like this before either so be nice.
Chapter 1
Elara couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She read the note again, unable to hide her relief at the sight of the familiar untidy scrawl. 'Elara its okay we're good. please dont worry. oh and Mom says you can still come. You'll have to share with Ginny and Hermione though. sorry we're a busy house at the moment. but seriously don't worry. None of us got hurt. A bit shaken up but we're fine. Dads been thrown into it at work though sorting it all. I've never seen him look so tired. and mums been really nice to us since we got back. Gotta say I dont know what's more annoying. The way she keeps fussing like we're about to drop dead any minute. I think I preferred her nagging. it wont last long. All it'd take is one glimpse of a joke wand or ton tongue toffee and she'll be back to her normal screaming self. Speaking of which, you wait till I show you what we've done. Think instant. projectile. vomit! genius huh? Anyway I'll see you really soon. Love your favourite red headed knight in shining armour.'
She rolled her eyes. George was many things but a knight in shining armour was pushing it.
Collapsing back onto her bed Elara felt the tension seeping off her shoulders. Ever since the news had broken the previous day about the attack at the quidditch world cup she'd been going out of her mind with worry. No matter how many times she tried she hadn't heard a thing let alone any news on the Weasleys. Until now. She closed her eyes and pushed away the dreadful images that'd been swirling in her mind. Each scenario more terrible than the last. Its okay. They're okay. You'll see them really soon. With that final reassuring thought she sat up and made her way downstairs.
The house was silent, which was to be expected. Her parents were working so she was home alone again. She didn't mind. After all these years she was used to it. Used to the last minute I've got to gos and sorry I'm going to be home lates. They weren't to blame, such was the nature of their jobs. Elara looked around the spacious hallway. The mid afternoon sun shone through the glass door at the end of the hall and lit up the stairwell. Its beams reflecting off the crystals of the chandelier. Her parents had worked hard to pay for all this and they did it all for her. She knew better than to be ungrateful for a few lonely evenings here and there. She glanced across at the clock. 4:30. She was unsure when to expect her mother but Elara knew her dad wouldn't be home anytime soon. She looked at the letter again still clutched tightly in her hands. It was no surprise Mr Weasley had been called in. From what her father had told her the ministry was trying to get every available person in to figure out who was responsible for the disaster at the world cup. As an experienced member of the department of international magical cooperation; Hamlin Ware had been one of the first called on the scene and he hadn't been home since. This told Elara one thing. The ministry of magic didn't have a clue who was behind it or why they attacked.
4:40. It hadn't occurred to her that she'd been stood on the second to last step for 10 whole minutes lost in thought. "get a grip" she muttered to herself under her breathe as she walked towards the kitchen. She was staring at the cupboards trying to decide if she was hungry enough to start cooking dinner when the phone rang.
"Hey honey. how are you doing?" Her mother sounded exhausted on the end of the line.
"yeah I'm good. I've finally heard from George. He's okay. they're all okay."
"well thank heavens for that!" she said. Elara heard her mothers exhale of relief. "yeah I know. He said I'm still okay to stay there for the last few days of the holidays"
"see? we said he'd be alright didn't we? oh and I really don't want to impose on their family, especially after this, but... oh thank the lord for Molly Weasley. Yes. If shes truly okay with that then great. It'd be a massive help. Look I'm sorry my lovely but Adrian's sons not well again. poor lad. hes had to take extended leave to look after him. I mean, why the mother can't look after her own boy now and again is beyond me but, hey, that's none of my business i suppose. And Veronica's being her usual, I'm too important to do any work, self. Oh you should have seen her earlier. 'oh look at me in my brand new Porsche'. its orange! and not a nice orange like a sunset or something. no, like fake tan gone wrong, that's what it looks like. Uh. Anyway. Breathe Mary-Anne. The point is I'm the only other translator in the office that speaks fluent enough Polish for the conference next week. I'm sorry darling that's 2 weeks in London"
Elara could feel her mothers guilt almost radiating through the speaker.
"it's okay mum. really I understand. i dont mind. I'll go to the Weasleys and they can take me to kings cross itll be fine."
"oh my girl what did I do to deserve you?"
"hmm, not sure. but it must've been good. maybe you saved a village from plague in a past life"
Her mother chuckled. Then she grew silent. After a moment she said
"I'm probably going to be late tonight too"
there was no hiding the hint of sadness in her voice.
"I know" Elara said "it's okay. theres some leftovers hiding in this kitchen somewhere and they've got my name on them."
"Mum. stop. it's fine. look I'm going to have some food. have a shower. then have an early night. honestly you're not missing out on much. I'll see you tomorrow. okay?"
"okay. oh Larie I love you. more than anything in this world.
"love you too mum"
"oh and remember to check the doors locked properly and..."
"and check the security systems running. I know mum I've got it"
"you checked your trunk? you're starting your newts this year. Can't be leaving anything important behind."
"yes I've checked it. I've got everything packed dont worry."
Her mother sighed. "okay. see you later."
Elara couldn't help but roll her eyes everytime. but still she compulsively checked the front and back door locks and the flashing screen of the home security system. Online. She knew it would be. But from a young age her mum instilled this pattern. "you must be safe Elara." she'd said. "always be safe" The overprotective persistence of her mother used to annoy her as a child. But now Elara found comfort in the metaphorical safety net her mother cast for her. It let her know that she was loved.
Making her way back to the kitchen she pushed the days worries from her mind. It looked like another evening of peaceful me time she thought. and she was going to see George soon. She smiled to herself. She had missed that cheeky grin.
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