#i don't talk about Rommie very often
I saw that pic of the obsidian head hellhound and now I wanna know more bout them.
That's my character Jacqueline's pet hellhound, Romulus! :3 I don't draw him very often because I'm a dummy and gave him a feature that's difficult for me to draw lol
Jacqueline's had him since he was a pup, so of course he's particularly attached to and protective of her. If she doesn't like you, best believe he won't either. And if you threaten her...that's a one way ticket to getting your skull crushed between his teeth.
He's as big as a wolf and his fur is just as thick. Practically a walking space heater with how he radiates heat. I imagine him smelling like a campfire rather than like brimstone.
Very smart boi. He understands what's being said to him perfectly, though whether or not he wants to listen depends on who's talking haha. He can't speak, but he makes noises that sound remarkably like words. Including people's names.
like a lot of my characters, he looks scary and CAN be the terrifying harbinger of doom he appears to be...but he's also a big ol' baby and a Good Boi™
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jslittlebirdie · 2 years
Omg, hi! I just saw your amazingly beautiful Eddie headcanon about braiding hair and I had a thought. I shower and braid my hair every night and I’m glad I’m not alone in sometimes struggling to do it myself. I love that Eddie would learn to braid your hair and help you. But I’ve always wondered about J. I like to think that he’d see you struggling with your hair, roll his eyes, and take over for you. He’d be surprisingly good at it? Maybe it’s calming for him to do. Just some J thoughts🤭
Hi sweet anon☺️❤️ First, please excuse me that it took me a few days to answer your ask. I'm reading everything and I will answer everything, but I'm very busy with life. Plus, I wanted to write a little something based on this scenario. So I hope you will like it. Second, thank you so very very much for your kind words. It means so much to me. This was the first time I wrote for Eddie, so it makes me really happy to hear that you enjoyed it🥺 Anon, you are definitely not alone with this. I'm struggling a lot with doing my hair, so I like to think that they would help us💜
Ah! I totally agree with you!!🤭💕💕 I always imagined that J could braid hair. And he does it pretty well. I don't know how he learned it. But I believe that he has a lot of secret talents that he will show you in the right situation and surprise you with. Maybe just to see your face and then cackle in amusement.
So imagine something like this:
taglist: @ajokeformur-ray @sacredempressnatlyia @rommies
J helps you braid your hair. wc: 1,032
J is in your bedroom and sits on your shared bed, wearing only a pair of sweatpants. Still remnants of makeup on his pretty face, which he didn't wipe away properly. He clicks his tongue and bobs his legs up and down while looking at the clock for what feels like the thousandth time. He grows more and more impatient, maybe a little worried. He knows you take longer in the bathroom than he does - he's always rushing through his night routine, just taking care of the basics; for you, you often tell him to please be gentler with himself, oh you loved and cared so much for your clown. But at this point, it's taking too long even for you. J runs a hand through his greenish curls, groans and gets up to go to the bathroom.
J is always very attentive and alert, but your loud cursing and swearing is hard to miss, even when the bathroom door is closed. He frowns and knocks. After the last incident, he knocks on the door before just rushing in. "Toots? Everything okay in there?"
A loud clatter and another curse full of frustration. At any other time it would have amused him to hear you like this, since you're usually very reserved and rather shy. But the whole situation is a bit too uncertain for his taste, his alarm bells are ringing loudly. You two are safe at your home, none of his henchmen or enemies know about this place. But J knows that pressure and stress of life are eating at you and sometimes you silently cry in the bathroom so he won't notice. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit.
"Yeah, yeah. 'M fine. The door isn't locked if you wanna come in." Your voice sounds muffled, as if you are talking through clenched teeth.
And that's actually what you're doing. When J finally opens the bathroom door and sees you, his worry and tension vanish instantly and he lets out the air he didn't realize he was holding with a sigh. The corners of his mouth twitch upwards into a big grin and he chuckles. You turn around and blink at him. You stand in front of him in your pjs, a towel wrapped around your shoulders, hair dripping from the tips. Nose wrinkled in frustration, a hair tie between your teeth. Your arms are starting to go numb from the uncomfortable position you're holding them in, desperately trying to work your long hair with your wet hands. And the noise J heard had been you throwing the hairbrush into the sink in a small fit of rage.
J rolls his eyes at you and laughs. "Ah, I get it. So you're just trying to braid your hair again, sweets. Was wondering what was taking ya so long, thought you'd forgotten about me." He slowly walks towards you and stops next to you. He takes your hands in his and moves them, making you sigh in relief. "Want me to help ya?"
"You can really braid hair?" you ask him and cock an eyebrow.
The next moment you let out a squeal as J scoops you up into his arms. He takes the hairbrush from the sink and then carries you into the bedroom, where he plops you down on the bed. You are a silly and giggling mess with wild hair. And if J is honest, his heart skips a beat. This is the most beautiful and adorable sight he has ever seen. He sits down next to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead with an extra loud mwah, which makes you giggle even more. "Yes, I can. Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it, silly thing. Now come here."
You smile and move closer to him. And after giving him a soft kiss on his cheek, you turn your back so J can reach your hair. The first thing he does is brush it carefully before dividing it into three equal sections. You can hear all of his soft noises as he licks his lips and scars in concentration. And it sounds like home. His touches feel like home. J is your home.
You yawn, feeling completely relaxed to be so close to him. His warmth enveloping you and making you feel tired. "How did you learn this? I mean, to braid hair."
"I dunno. Just picked it up at some point," he shrugs.
J lets your soft strands of hair slip through his bare fingers and then starts to cross them. He sighs deeply. Not only does he have an effect on you, you have an effect on him as well. The way his hands work almost by themselves is soothing to him and slows his racing thoughts. Your sweet scent, your calm breathing. Now it's J's turn to yawn. He always tries to hide how exhausted he is when he comes home after a long day. But the dark circles and heavy eyes speak for themselves. You both need rest badly.
"Tadaa!" he exclaims when he's finally done with your braid. He gives it a playful little tug and then places a soft kiss on your neck. "You wanna take a look at it to make sure I did it right?"
"No. I know it's perfect. Thank you." You turn and look at him. With each passing second, you find it harder to keep your eyes open. A whine escapes your lips and you reach out to touch him. "I'm tired. I just want my J. Pretty please."
"I get it, toots." J chuckles and coos at how cute you are. The mattress moves under you as he pulls you to him and brings you both into a lying position. His strong arms wrapped tightly and securely around you. "I gotcha, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
You pepper a few sloppy kisses all over his face until your eyes close and you slowly drift into the land of dreams. "I love you so much."
Another soft kiss on your forehead. I love you too. Then his tiredness wins and he dozes off as well with his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck.
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