#i don't want to dwell on s3 too much is so real
maddy-ferguson · 2 years
I hate to say it... sometimes we're kinda setting our opinion on something and going 'backwards' from that point when criticizing things and coming to a conclusion. like the bsy trope, we are setting our opinion that bc it is a (harmful) trope, the duffers supposedly put that trope to be subverted... because they cannot possibly be writing something trope-y/stereotypical when they sometimes subvert some things on the show. like in the other cases too-- did the duffers put that photography scene to be subverted later on by not making nancy and jonathan a couple or they did a writing choice as men without realizing how it came off as or bc they genuinely thought it would make the audience sympathize with jonathan in order to write a romantic jncy setup. after all, nancy and jonathan got together despite that scene and they started dating after and bc of that anyways... so...? same as the arguments like mike being secretly gay/bi bc he is straight, then it means he is a stereotype/trope who doesnt virtually have any specific *oppression* going for him compared to the other party members. so ppl are going from that assumption that mike must not actually be hetero bc if he's hetero then that's not subversive and something else has to be going with him (this is not byler doubt, i am just giving an example here in terms of how this sort of logic is being used, i am not saying mike is straight. thanks). but yeah, just because a character is supposed to be designed as more of an 'audience surrogate' for the viewers to relate to as a just bullied nerd kid with an 'every man' trope doesn't mean there is something secretive going on behind or the duffers write that situation to be subverted. and hopper is portrayed as an angry man in s3 who wanted joyce to just get her shit together so they could be a couple, and like... i dont want to dwell on s3 too much bc this ask is getting too long already but you get the point.
yes i get your point. and just i want to make it clear that i wasn't saying the s1 picture thing is something they'd feel the need to rectify/subvert by not making jncy endgame or anything, because obviously that ship has sailed, no one in-universe cares about that damn pic anymore😭 i meant to say jncy happened in spite of that, it was just an example of them writing something a 2023 audience wouldn't approve of (but people were already saying this in 2016) and of nothing coming out of it in the show. depiction ≠ endorsement whatever and jonathan apologizes for it but it really isn't that big a deal in the show when in reality it's like...yikes
but yeah i agree, it's essentially forming an argument in reverse? and i do it too, i feel like it happens simply because by now the biggest most convincing proof is burned into everyone's brain so we're obviously not repeating it 24/7. it's just that the conclusions you come to like that don't mean much on their own lol. but yeah, i know what you mean.
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kaokhss · 3 months
I don't understand all the negativity around this episode, from a certain part of the fandom. (actually i know very well why you're upset...but let's pass)
I absolutely loved Louis' revenge part, you could argue that it was way too fast paced but let's be honest, did you want it to last a whole episode? All the vampires were in the same place and asleep he had the advantage the only confrontation that we needed to see in more detailed was the one with Santiago, and as much as he is evil, Santiago is a ''young'' vampire right ?Louis could easily have the upper hand so it was a quick fight,it was satisfying .
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I'm not going to dwell too much on the dungeon part because I don't think it happened like that. We're probably still in Louis' modified memories by Armand, so let's move on.
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Why a powerful vampire like Armand would be threatened by Louis and not defend himself? Probably shame, disbelief and shock! He didn't expect that to happen at all! It was nice seeing Louis regains a little "power" i wasn't expecting a big fight and I think it's only the first confrontation.
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Louis was literally glowing the moment he came back to New Orleans, chatting with the cab driver, smiling and all. He is not even back to the old Louis,no it's a new Louis!
Finally the reunion with a Lestat who was not even surprised to see him there, he was waiting for him and knew it was his Louis. Really appreciated that they spoke openly,one of their biggest problem is obvious lack of communication?? Them grieving the loss of their daughter and admitting they failed her .
I know that everyone has already made hundreds of metaphors about them hugging during the the hurricane but it was visually very beautiful. Despite all the storms in their lives it's always Louis and Lestat 🖤
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So if they really met in New Orleans,it's Lestat's first real appearance on the show ?Well he was much more 'normal' than the way he was described by Louis and Armand, less flamboyant? But we must take into consideration that after the events in Paris he was surely no longer the same and lived a recluse life's, healing... I could never hate you Lestat.
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I didn't talk about Armand/Louis and Daniel/Armand because I honestly don't know what to say there is probably more to come in s3. Devil minioners there's no better way to start the big DM Adventures!
Louis back in Dubai and talking with Daniel like two besties, please writers you absolutely have to develop this friendship we need to see their dynamic. I know that Daniel is thriving, accepted and adapted to vampirism so well
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Claudia's dress and Paul portrait,can i cry? Two of most violent losses in his life, the ones to whom he never got to say goodbye and feels responsible for their deaths.They are here with him forever,the tree is gone just like Armand.
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I'm not really sure about the interpretation but Louis casually declaring war on the other vampires,after finally accepting his vampirism? he is that guy!
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Look at all the colors,he is Really free after almost 80 years in a black and cold controlled prison.The photography on this show is no joke each plans could be framed on a wall.
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I probably forgot a lot but it's already really long! But I don't forget to once again thanks Jacob Anderson for his multi-layered interpretation of Louis. obviously i say it every days and i will continue to say it, give that man every awards.
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ssaseaprince · 2 years
So I've definitely fallen into this, so this isn't meant to shame people. But I see a lot of people who hate Jack, and talk about him being the real villian of the show, or talk about how horrible he was to Will and how he lead to Will's "downfall". But everytime I rewatch the show, I'm reminded of the fact that while Jack was manipulative, Will was very aware of that fact. And Jack's way of being manipulative was trying guilt trip Will into staying at the BAU and continue working for him. Jack's form of guilt tripping was telling Will how guilty he'd feel if people died and he could've prevented it. He offers to let Will quit, but he tells him how if he goes back to his classroom, it'll be all be sour because Will would be looking at images of dead people he could have saved. In s3 when he comes to Will when he's living with Molly and Walter, he uses more dead families as a way to guilt trip Will into coming back, playing on the fact that Will now had a family of his own. But I don't believe that's why Will went back at all. I don't think he cared about any of those families, he may have felt a little sad, but definitely didn't care enough to come back for them. He could've moved on with his life and would not have dwelled on the fact that he could saves their lives. He came back because the temptation to see Hannibal was so strong he couldn't help himself. It was all about Hannibal, I think even if Jack hadn't shown up, Hannibal's letter would've eventually prompted him to return anyways. So again, while Jack is being manipulative, it doesn't really matter and it has no effect on Will. Will makes his choices not based on Jack, not based on his family, not based on saving lives. He makes his choices solely based on himself and later Hannibal. Jack does not have the sway he appears to. Just because Will follows Jack's lead and instructions, doesn't mean he's doing it because he's fallen to Jack's manipulation. What Jack wants just happens to play to what Will wants.
But Will was not, and did not continue working for the BAU because he felt guilty about people dying, or because he felt like it was his duty to save people. I firmly believe that Will could've quit, and he would not have felt guilty knowing he could've saved people. That was not his motivation. His motivation was manipulative in and of itself. He wanted to play hero, he wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't bad or morally corrupt. His logic was along the lines of, "well if I keep saving lives then the fact that I want to take them doesn't matter. I can't be morally corrupt if I'm saving people." I think he felt some guilt around his dark nature, but it was never actually about saving people for the sake of saving people, and that's what Jack thought was happening. So Jack's manipulation was useless, he was pushing Will using reasoning that Will didn't even care about. Will's reasons for working for him and staying were entirely selfish.
Jack was an overworked government employee, and had tons of his own issues going on. Who can say that their boss at work never tried to manipulate them into working more? And then Jack was reassured by the fact that he made sure Will was seeing a very highly esteemed psychiatrist, who reassured him time and time again that Will was fine. And as much as Will said he wasn't fine, he'd turn around and say he was right after. Jack genuinely wanted to save people and he thought Will did too, his actions to achieve that weren't the best, but they were far from being bad enough to make him a villian.
I also feel like this idea comes from people babying Will, and forgetting that while he was a victim, he was a grown man who, while in denial, was fully aware of a lot more then he let on. He was incredibly manipulative, selfish, smart and rude. He did not stay in the BAU and jeopardize his mental health because of Jack, he did it for selfish reasons that had nothing to do with his boss. And that's not even beginning to talk about how racism definitely plays a part in how Jack is made out to be the villian even though Hannibal is literally a billion times worse. Not saying anyone has to like Jack, but it's important to deconstruct why you don't like him.
Anyways rant over, sorry.
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rawesomesauce · 1 year
the ultimatum s3 thoughts so far
Lisa: Abuser! Liar! Pick me! She was embarrassing from start to finish and I already know her bird ass not coming to the reunion. Get off my screen.
Brian: I'm so sorry you're trapped with this woman. He seems like a genuinely good guy, honestly just co parent and detach yourself from that unhealed toxic ass banshee.
Trey: 9/10, He is almost the whole package, but I really think he should let Riah go if he can't compromise on her wanting to have some experiences before marriage, cuz as a 24 year old still figuring shit out, I empathize with all her worries. That being said-
Riah: GIRLY! If you want to live your life for you like you say you do, you don't need your man to come with you to the city especially if he don't wanna be there! Also, either move past him catching feelings or end the relationship. It isn't fair to dwell on things, especially cuz you knew the consequences coming into this. I love her though, she's real one and I feel like we'd be friends.
James: I hate when men make their trauma everyone else's problem. Either make steps to heal or shut the fuck up! Why should the women around him accommodate to his brooding? Ryann deserves a man who is willing to communicate with her because she's such a catch, and I think she's settling for James and he can feel it too, so he strings her along so he feels he has the upper hand in the relationship. I hope to God she pushes for him to go to therapy or honey there's a big storm coming.
Ryann: I love this girl omg, she is so sweet and down to earth. But 7 years? They need time apart to date other people for real so she can realize some men are ready to put in effort immediately and don't need to be pulled by the ear. But I just know she'll settle anyways so it's sad.
Roxanne: At first I liked her, but realized she's one of those girl boss feminists very much giving barbieland at the beginning of the movie. She needs a wake up call, but her man is a coffee table so she's not gonna get one.
Alex: Before I get into why he bothers me, I have to point out I am so glad he put Roxanne in her place. She met her match with this guy and it pissed both of them off to not be able to walk over their partners which is why both of them came back to their exes with such relief. BUT this douchebag keeps telling Kat that she's "pleasant" to be around, and while that's a reasonable request for a future spouse to not be generally unpleasant, the way he says it is very much giving "keep sweet" if you know what I mean.
Kat: Referring to my previous statement, I wonder what religion this couple follows if any because the way Kat "submits" to Alex is familiar and disheartening to watch. That being said, Kat is such a people pleaser, she literally agreed with every single person on the show the entire time and the only time she argued or said a conflicting opinion it was in DEFENSE of Alex. So yeah, I worry for her.
Antonio: S to the I to the M to the P. Like i'm sorry roxanne despises you and you don't have the self respect or insight to vocalise it, because we KNOW you KNOW you just don't wanna say it. But in his defense, I think Roxanne is verbally abusive so she reinforces his insecurities and uses finances as leverage over him. If he wasn't so focused on self loathing he would see his relationship is a form of self harm and would take steps to leave. But I'm not a fan of victim blaming so I genuinely feel bad for him.
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angelhummel · 3 years
what’s your favourite klaine moments from each season?
Oooh that's a good question! Thank you! ♡♡
Season 2 - It's such stiff competition bc nearly every single scene of theirs in this season is golden. But I'm gonna go wiiith... their first meeting! I think it's just so crazy to see how, even tho they just met, there's an instant connection. Blaine's face just lights up when he first lays eyes on Kurt. And he's intuitive enough to see right away that something is wrong, and gets his friends to leave so he and Kurt can talk more privately. And Kurt instantly feels comfortable enough to open up about his problems, and Blaine empathizes with him, and does his best to help Kurt. And then later goes to help him confront his bully, even tho I guess that's a different scene. But that whole ep for them is *chef's kiss*
Season 3 - Ugh I still mostly like the Klaine stuff this season but idk. It's part of s3 so it still manages to feel wrong lol. But my favorite would have to be when Kurt congratulates Blaine on getting the part of Tony. He surprises him with flowers, and gives him lots of encouragement and talks about how perfect for the part he is. It shows that even tho Kurt is torn, bc of course he also wanted the part, he's mature enough to not dwell on his loss so much that he can't celebrate Blaine's win. And then Blaine has the adorable line about "you always zig when I think you're about to zag" it's just so sweet and it makes me smile
Season 4 - There's some gems this season but I'll say the phone call in Thanksgiving. It shows that even when things are rough between them, and even when they aren't a romantic couple, they're still close. They're best friends! And Blaine is just so relieved to hear from Kurt. And he tells Kurt he loves him and you think Kurt is gonna be like "I know" but he says he loves him too! It's so great and it's the first step towards their healing and getting back together so it's very important
Season 5 - I know it's redundant bc I think all Klaine scenes are good Klaine scenes but! This season has some great Klaine scenes! I really adore their heart to heart in Tested bc Blaine finally gets to voice his insecurities and Kurt comforts him and reassures him he's always going to love him. But he also has that great line about not being a delicate little flower that needs his boyfriend's protection. I love that. It's an emotional and sometimes difficult scene but it needed to happen so I'm grateful for it
Season 6 - I've said it before but I LOVE the scene in the elevator when they're playing that game. Bc it was all improvised by Darren and Chris and I think that's amazing! Because it's so little but it tells us so much. For Klaine, it tells us that they're still best friends even after more hardships, that they just get one another in ways no one else will, that they have so many little shared personal moments and inside jokes and all kinds of great tidbits like that. And for the actors, it shows us how well they understand their characters, and how much they understand and respect the relationship of Kurt and Blaine. And - contrary to some belief - it shows that they really are friends and have fun working with one another! And that friendship off screen really helped with the romantic relationship on screen and that just means so much to me! A lot of tv couples don't have that added layer of a real life connection, so I'm glad Klaine have that, and that Chris and Darren always treated the relationship with so much love and care and respect. It's what makes Klaine the best!
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iwantescapism13 · 3 years
Some of my thoughts regarding people's comments about certain topics / things mentioned by Amphibia crew...
"Anne has to confront the past, before she can proceed to the future..."
- This phrase has been bugging me ever since I read it on that Matt Braly interview. Why do I have a feeling... that Anne won't go back to Earth? Like... these 9 episodes (or less, because some are not dedicated to Earth) are all about Anne wanting to let her family know that she'll be fine... but it'll be the last time she'll see them. At least... for a (long) while.
"Anne hasn't given the butterfly pin to her mom yet..."
- If it's so important to the plot, as people continously claims it to be, then one probability is that Anne will give the butterfly pin to her mom after she opens the portal to Amphibia (as per the scene in that S3 sneak peak). This will give a much more impact on the above scenario (Anne not going back to Earth).
"The show isn't explaining how the disappearance of the 3 girls affect other people. Like, Sasha's and Marcy's parents."
- It IS concerning. Everybody assumes they ran away or they're dead but, the way that they said all those lines made it look like... it's all jokes. Like, "Woah! I thought you died! But oh well. You're here. Moving on!" I guess it's because it's Disney. They're just gonna move on from something like that because they don't want to dwell too much. Or maybe it's just something that will be tackled on later.
"Anne seems to be acting as per normal like she didn't just witness her best friend get stabbed."
- Honestly, I feel like she's internally panicking. She wants to do something already. But what can she do? She's just a 13 year old girl. The only things she knows is to search the internet or read those teen magazines because that's the best she can research. Obviously, the answers won't just magically appear (like in usual movies where just 1 search on the internet, and they can somehow get results *snaps fingers* just like that). In 'Adventures in Catsitting', she asked Hop Pop and Polly to help her search for a way back while she goes to the dentist. She really wants to find a way back, but she just doesn't know how to go about it. If I were her, I'd be confused too. She cannot ask her parents because... why would she? The Plantars doesn't know enough about Earth to have any ideas. She couldn't possibly go straight to the authorities or whatever because that's gonna endanger her frog family. In addition, she isn't like Marcy. Even if she goes to a library, what book is she gonna search for? She really wants to find a way back. As @.borkthemork mentioned, she's showing a forlorn expression in some frames. She's very worried. She wants to rescue her friends already. Most especially Marcy. But unfortunately, she just doesn't know where to start. If I were people, I'd try to see it in her perspective (as if she's a real person) and cut her some slack. Let her act normal. Because she's traumatised for sure. She just doesn't want to talk about it.
"Anne should go back to the antique store."
- I thought so too. She could've started from there, maybe ask how the owners how they got the music box and who donated it to them. But alternatively, maybe she didn't go because... she simply forgot where it was? It has been 5 months. So many events have happened, and maybe she's too preoccupied with other things that she... just didn't think about the simplest thing. But another alternative is, what if the store isn't there anymore? Like, it's some kind of magic thing where it only appeared that one time for Anne, Sasha, and Marcy to interact. And once that's been done, the store just disappears (ala the Bizaare Bazaar). Could also tie in with the "plot convenience" of the librarian "dropping a specific book" for Marcy to flip through and see the description of the music box. And that music box "just so happens" to be the solution to Marcy's problems. I don't know...
"- a member of the Amphibia crew mentioned something about a weird pacing that will definitely take people off guard- " (I couldn't find the exact quote anymore but it was something along these lines)
- I thought 'True Colors' was already something that took people off guard. So there'll be another one? If that's the case, maybe a weird pacing could be... romance? Because the main characters (as in the 3 girls) were never associated with it ever. It could be interesting to put that in.
Speaking of romance...
"'I wanna be someone better... someone that deserves you...'"
- Someone that deserves Anne's... friendship? Interesting that of all the things the writers can put on this part, they decided to go with this line... something that will definitely get the fans to assume that Sasha have feelings for Anne. It's like... they can go a different direction, if Sasha really doesn't feel that way. She could've said something like, "I wanna be someone better. I'll make things right this time." Or any other thing, basically saying that she had been a bad friend and a bad PERSON. But no. She particularly directed her change of heart towards Anne. That she changed so that... she can be deserving of Anne's friendship? JUST? I'll most probably put up a post on my own thoughts regarding Sashanne next.
"Anne blushed when Marcy was talking about Wartwood. It's not romantic in nature."
- I searched the meaning of 'blush' and majority states that it's due to embarrassment or emotional stress. Anne, obviously, wasn't experiencing any of this. So the next best meaning is 'romantic stimulation' (really, this was mentioned somewhere). Again, interesting that the writers decided, "yeah, for this small scene, we're gonna make Anne's cheeks pink. why? who knows. ;)". Like... she could just smile in awe at how Marcy can know that much when she just arrived in Wartwood. She can just grin widely, so ecstatic(?) that one of her best friends appreciate the place she stayed for months (and not have the thought of murdering anyone). But no, the writers thought to add that one tiny detail. I'll probably post my own analysis on Marcanne too.
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