#i don't. really wanna write dsmp anymore. not that i don't like dsmp i do but it's no longer my wheelhouse
supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
I heard about this Shubble person recently, I stayed out of drama as much as I could but, what happened now??? You even wrote this in one of your tags "#I really did love him a lot (parasocially)". I was busy this week so I don't know what is happening now.
I highly recommend people watch Shubble’s vod on her twitch channel (I don’t have a link but I can’t imagine it’s that difficult to find). Be mindful though as the vod does talk about abuse which is a very triggering topic, so make sure to be taking care of yourself. I’m gonna put the rest of the post under the cut, so people can easily scroll past this if they want to.
As a little summary, Shubble streamed yesterday and talked about her abusive ex. She didn’t name anyone, but she also wasn’t hiding who it was, and contrary to what some people may say, a lot of the dots being connected are stuff we know from past streams and comments from friends and not leaked info.
So, the incredibly most likely case is that it was Wilbur. I’m not gonna get into everything Shelby said because she said it on her stream, but the signs do point to Wilbur, and you’d have to reach significantly further to claim she was talking about someone else. There’s not a lot of British male ccs who have a bigger audience than her who have a history of biting people and have reason to be going on long travels (tour) where they wouldn’t see each other often.
Listen. I was a certified dreambur blog, okay? Everyone who glanced in my direction knew that I was a Wilbur fan. Everyone knows that I loved him so fucking much. But that’s not an excuse to bury my head in the sand and ignore everything, y’know?
Anyway, this is gonna be the last time I talk abt this publicly (I’m sure my friends will hear more in DMs though sorry <3), so I’m gonna throw a bit more stuff here abt my blog going forward.
I will eventually talk abt c!wilbur again. I’m still gonna write my silly little c!dreambur aus, I’ve just put them on the back burner. regardless of cc actions, I genuinely do love so many of the characters on the dsmp. I’ll probably be focused on some other fics for a while, but c!wilbur’s my cat and I don’t think he’s leaving my brain soon. I just need a little time.
I think cc!wilbur is someone who needs help. and I genuinely do hope he gets that help. but having mental health struggles isn’t an excuse. and I just can’t see myself engaging in his content in the foreseeable future. you’re not gonna see me post neg about him. you’re just likely not gonna see me post anything about him at all.
I’m happy to know Shubble has an amazing support system. I’m so sorry she had to go through something so horrible. I’m wishing her nothing but the best, and everyone should check out her YouTube channel!! I haven’t watched her newest video yet, but I did watch Lizzie’s pov of the collab, so I know it’s a fun concept
If people have questions that this post doesn’t answer, then I’m happy to answer them in DMs, but I don’t wanna talk abt this publicly anymore. (I reserve a right to change my mind though if I for some reason feel the need to post abt it again)
Anyway, take care of yourselves. Love is never ever wasted, okay? And all that love belongs to you. And it’s always a good thing to put more love out into the world. Never feel guilty for loving, okay? 🫂
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dvskf4llz · 1 year
Hey!! I saw that ur requests were open and i had something in mind if u dont mind
Could you do a s2 Jimmy Solidarity x reader who had previously died from the dsmp? Like after their canon death there, someone from the dsmp sent them off and into the empires, where they met and fell in love with the sheriff
Here you go!! This took a bit of a while to write xd. I apologize if this is not what you wanted.
(I had to rewatch the manburg festival bc I forgot what happened during that time.)
𝓢2!𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔁 𝓖𝓝!𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
My Sheriff ♡
Warnings: This oneshot will include the following: kissing, swearing, violence, panic attack, murder. If you're are not comfortable with these things the dni.
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Manburg's Festival was happening tomorrow. The ex-president and your brother figure, Wilbur was telling you not to join them in the war since you were on your last life. You 2 started arguing while the others were watching not sure if they should step in or not.
" You are not joining us [Name]! It's too risky!" Wilbur yelled at you, even if he was insane he still cared a lot for you.
" Will I'm not a child anymore! I can protect myself! Just because I'm on 1 life left doesn't mean I'll die out there!" You yelled back at Wilbur
" Should we stop them?" Tommy whispered to Technoblade
" Nahh, I wanna see how [Name] will win." Technoblade whispered back
You 2 were arguing for about 10 minutes until Wilbur decided to give up and let you join them.
" Fine [Nickname], but you better stay near one of us. Don't go running off fighting alone." Wilbur sighed, You lifted your fist in the air
" Don't worry Will, I won't!" You had said excitedly
The next day, you were getting ready for the festival making sure not to forget anything.
" Ok Enchanted Netherite armour, check! Enchanted Netherite sword, check! Golden Apples, check! Emergency Netherite Sword, check! Enchanted Netherite pickaxe, check! Enchanted Netherite axe, check! Potions, check! Bow and arrows, check! Trident, check! Now that should be everything!" You were happy since you didn't forget anything, you were also happy because your other brother figure, Technoblade was kind enough to supply you with some of the items you had just checked off. You heard loud knocking and yelling, you figured it was Tommy, your younger brother figure. You went to the door and opened it and saw Tommy, Tommy holding a excited and determined face.
" Are you ready [Nickname]?!" Tommy shouted excitedly, you chuckled
" Yes Tommy I am." you replied while slightly chuckling
" Well let's go woman!" Tommy pulled you running towards Pogtopia. You see you didn't really live in manburg nor did you live in any of the other nations, you were simply just outside all of the nations (though you originally lived in l'manburg you just moved out When Manburg became a thing). When you two arrived, you saw Wilbur and Technoblade talking with each other. You couldn't really hear them but you figured they were just talking about the plan.
" GUYS [Nickname]'S HERE!!" Tommy had yelled, the two looked over at Tommy and you. You waved at them and they went over to you two, Wilbur and Technoblade started bombarding you with questions such as: ' Are you fully ready? ', ' Are you sure you wanna do this? ', ' Do you have everything on you? ' ' Do I need to collect more stuff first? '. You sighed,
" I'm okay guys, You don't need to worry too much about me." You had said to them, they stopped talking and looking at each other with concerned faces. They then just shrugged and looked back at you,
" If you're really sure then." Technoblade said, Wilbur checked his watch and realized manburg's festival is gonna start soon.
" Well we better get going." Wilbur walked outside with the rest of you following him.
Once you arrived there, the 4 of you got off your horses. You and Technoblade went to where the festival was, while Tommy and Wilbur watched from afar. When you and Techno got there you immediately got tackled into a hug by none other than Tubbo, your other younger brother figure.
" [Nickname]!!! You're here!!!!" He said while grinning widely, you giggled and ruffled his hair
" I couldn't miss this chance to see you and my friends again." You hugged him back, you heard 2 gasps nearby. You looked and saw Niki and Fundy, Tubbo had pulled away then Niki and Fundy ran over to you and and hugged you while you almost stumbled
" [Name]!!! I can't believe you're here!" Niki said, Both of the two hugged you tighter.
" O-ok not too- tight I can't breathe-" You had said while trying to breathe, they immediately pulled away and asked if you were ok. You answered them it was fine, then Niki and Fundy made you and Techno follow them to play some games. Of course you and Techno started showing off your cool moves with your guys' tridents, you could hear Tommy and Wilbur mocking you and Techno through the earpiece you had and you sent them a death glare to where the said boys were hiding at they immediately stopped after.
After about half an hour it was time for Tubbo's speech, Tubbo had did your guys' sign language and he had signed his conversation with Tommy and Wilbur, You signed back signing that he should make his own decision and for him to really think about it. You guys smiled and nodded at each other, you and Techno went to sit beside each other. After a few minutes you heard the mic turn on and Schlatt started speaking in a weird voice, on the stage Tubbo can be seen trying to fix Schlatt's mic while in the audience Niki is just yelling at Schlatt.
You had a bored-looking expression on your face, Techno noticed and whispered to you if you were ok, you whispered back with a yep and Techno just nodded. After Schlatt's mic was fixed he started speaking about how he likes to make fun of Tubbo and you had frowned at that, but he did mention the fact that without Tubbo the festival wouldn't have happened, you felt proud of Tubbo for being this amazing to do something like this.
When Schlatt finished talking he let Tubbo speak and Techno yelled ' WOOO! STATE SECRETS! ' you nudged him and got him to stop, Tubbo then started his speech when he mentioned something Schlatt had said then everyone started cheering except you and Techno, Techno was yelling ' Boooooo! ' while you were just sitting there quietly.
" Schlatt has successfully washed all of the insects of our great nation! " Tubbo said, your eyes widened and you frowned
' The fuck is that supposed to mean Tubbo? ' You thought to yourself while Tubbo was continuing his speech
" Ladies and gentlemen I'd like you to look around - " Tubbo said before you cleared your throat loudly and raised your eyebrow, Tubbo realized and immediately corrected himself
" And others. As I was saying, I'd like you to look around at what we've built today, look at each other. All of this thanks to democracy and the leadership of Jschlatt! " Tubbo had said, you just rolled your eyes at the ending of his speech while everyone else was cheering
After a few more words you realized Tubbo was gonna say it, you leaned forward from your chair waiting for Tubbo to say it
" Let the festival Begin!" Tubbo had finally said it, your eyes widened and you smiled. You were kinda supportive of Manburg blowing up, sure you lived there but you didn't really mind since you were thinking the same as Wilbur, If we can't have it then, no one can.
You looked at where Wilbur and Tommy were and you saw Wilbur smiling and Tommy with wide eyes, Wilbur looked at you and you both nodded at each other knowing what Wilbur was about to do. You saw Wilbur run off to the button, you looked back at the stage seeing Schlatt and Quackity jailing Tubbo? You were confused but that changed when you heard Schlatt saying he knew Tubbo was working with Pogtopia, your eyes widened knowing what was going to happen to Tubbo.
You were panicking in the inside but somehow managed to now show it, Technoblade was called by Schlatt. You and Techno were confused but Techno went anyways, you were just watching him go to the stage. You looked away and saw Wilbur trying to find the button, you got your communicator out and texted Wilbur if he's okay; he replied immediately saying the button is gone, your eyes widened and you looked back at the stage to see Techno pointing his loaded crossbow at Tubbo. Schlatt was telling Techno to shoot Tubbo, you knew Techno was getting really pressured and the voices were probably telling him to do it. You were really nervous for Tubbo and was about to message Techno when you heard the fireworks. Your hands immediately covered your ears when all of a sudden you saw a firework going towards you, the last thing you saw was Techno carrying you while Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur behind.
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Meanwhile with Techno, Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur....
The 4 boys tried everything they can to see if you would wake up but it was no use, you were dead.
Tommy and Tubbo were sobbing while Niki was comforting them, Techno had tears in his eyes but couldn't be seen because of his mask, while Wilbur was just angry.
" WHY DID YOU SHOOT THEM TECHNO?! THEY WERE ON THEIR LAST LIFE!" Wilbur yelled at Techno, Techno looked towards Wilbur
" I DIDN'T MEAN TOO! I WAS UNDER PRESSURE!" Techno yelled back at him, Tommy stood up
" FIRST TUBBO THEN [NAME]?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TECHNO!?!" Tommy shouted while tears dropping from his eyes, Techno looked at him offended
" I TOLD YOU I WAS UNDER PRESSURE!" Techno had said angrily while tears also dropping from his eyes
The 3 started arguing with Wilbur and Tommy against Techno while Niki and Tubbo were trying to calm them down, what they didn't know was that something was going on with [Name].
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With [Name]....
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You woke up, you looked around and saw you were in a... Throne room?.... You stood up and looked around, until you heard a distorted voice
" Hello [Name].." you looked around and saw a figure, you couldn't tell who it was since they were wearing a Green Hood and a white mask over their face. You did notice that they had wings and what seems to be a halo.
" Who are you and how do you know my name? Also uhm, where am I?" you asked with a raised eyebrow
" To answer your questions, you are dead and you're in the underworld, I am DreamXD, God of life (or whatever he's the god of)." DREAMXD had said
" Wait I'm dead?" you asked
" Yes, You died from a firework. You were sent here because you're going to be sent somewhere else." XD replied, you were confused when he said that you were going to be sent somewhere else. That quickly changed when you started to get light-headed, the last thing you saw was XD reading a book and snapping his fingers. You passed out.
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Moments later....
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- U/N Joined the game. -
You landed on the ground while passed out, the Emperors/Empress' checked their commuincator and saw the notification. Everyone was confused on who was U/N.
Sheriff Jimmy offered to go to spawn to see who it is and the others agreed. Jimmy walked to spawn to see (h/c) person passed out on the ground, Jimmy rushed over to them and carried them. Jimmy then brought the person back to TumbleTown, The others were confused and concerned. Jimmy set the person down on a bed and Gem walked right beside the bed
" they don't seem familiar..." Gem said, she then checked the person's pulse and forhead.
" Though they're probably passed out, they'll wake up in a bit hopefully. Jimmy is it okay if they could stay with you for now?" Gem said while looking at Jimmy
" Of course." Jimmy replied and Gem nodded, a few moments later Gem and the other emperors went out of TumbleTown aside from Jimmy.
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Your eyes shot open and you looked around not knowing where you were, you heard the door open and saw a blonde(or whatever hair color jimmy has) man that had clothes of a sheriff. Your eyes widened and you started panicking, the sheriff noticed and ran towards you trying to calm you down.
" Hey hey.... It's okay..." He said hugging you, a few minutes later you calmed down. You then introduced yourself and the man introduced himself as Sheriff Jimmy or Jimmy. You two started chatting, you were telling Jimmy what had happened to you before you came here. Once you finished explaining you started to get hungry, Jimmy noticed that and mentioned he was going to get you food. Once Jimmy got the food ready you started eating while still talking to him, turns out you 2 have a lot of common interests. The next day you met the others and they were so friendly with you, Jimmy let you stay in TumbleTown since you hadn't built your empire yet. The next few weeks you got closer with everyone especially Jimmy, you were living with him afterall, slowly you may or may not have grown feelings for the sheriff.
As months went by you built your empire, [Choose whatever name you want for the empire]. The other rulers were really impressed with your empire, complementing it everytime they see it. Within those months your feelings towards Jimmy grew stronger, everytime you'd see him your face would have a slight pink tint. Gem and Katherine noticed this and started encouraging you to confess to the sheriff.
A few weeks later, you finally got the courage to confess to Jimmy. Coincidentally, Jimmy had asked you to hang out with him; you accepted and waited for when Jimmy was going to arrive. Once he arrived, you two went out and Jimmy brought you to a mountain where a picnic was set up. You teased him asking him if this was a date, he flushed but said indeed it is. You were surprised and flustered, that changed when you heard Jimmy saying if you were gonna join him or not. You of course sat down on the blanket, you 2 started eating while chatting. Once you 2 were finished eating, you noticed the Sun was setting and the view was just beautiful. You stood up and walked over at the edge of the hill and sat down, Jimmy did the same. You stared at the sunset amazed by the sight, you looked at Jimmy and saw he was staring at you softly. You two started staring at each other getting lost in each others eyes, until you two got snapped out of it and looked away flustered and embarrassed. You heard Jimmy sigh
" Hey [name] I uhm, have something to tell you." He said rubbing his neck, you looked at him
" I do too..." You replied
" How about we say what we wanna say together?.." He asked tilting his head, you nodded. You both took a deep breath
" I love you Jimmy/[Name]!" You both said in unison, both of your faces heated up when you realized what you both said. You stared at each other
" I- I love you too..." you both said in unison again, you both chuckled awkwardly. You two stood up and hugged each other, you slightly pulled away to look in Jimmy's eyes while Jimmy doing the same. You didn't notice but you and Jimmy were slowly getting close to each other, soon Jimmy just went for it and connected your lips together gently. Your eyes widened, but they soon closed as you both smiled in the kiss. Jimmy caressed your cheek while your arms snaked around his neck kissing him back, you two were just having a romantic moment when all of a sudden you hear multiple squealing and cheering. You both pulled away to see your's and jimmy's friends in bush cheering, they realized you two noticed them and their eyes had widened. They chuckled awkwardly and they all ran away, you and Jimmy looked back at each other and laughed. You then continued your romantic moment by kissing Jimmy and him kissing you back. You both pulled away and look into each others eyes lovingly, you shoved your head into his chest, he chuckled.
" Will you be my girlfriend [Name]?" Jimmy had said while you pulled away,
" I thought it was obvious silly but yes." You replied smiling at him, he grinned
" I love you dove.." He said holding you close
" I love you too.... My sheriff." you replied holding him close also
Your friends silently cheering and squealing while watching you two, turns out they never left.
You and Jimmy kissed each other again smiling lovingly in the kiss.
You two were just meant for each other. You were so glad to be sent to this server.
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That's the end! I hope you enjoyed this :D
excuse my grammar or spelling mistakes, I didn't proof read this yet.
might make hcs for s2!jimmy if someone requests it.
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icarusthefoolish · 2 years
Guys i need your help... I wanna write something again because i just got a thought... And i want to write it about Techno. It's been what almost 6 months?
And i really wanna write this about him because i think it would kinda be healing for me but i need people to tell me they would actually be interested in reading it.
Like yea my story's don't get a lot of attention or anything and thats usually fine with me I've learned to write because it's something i want to do not because i want other people to see it (even if it is a bonus) but this is actually important to me because it's gonna be a Story that is absolutely self indulgent because it's something to do with me and my experience with his passing and how i handled that.
I need your help moots @wrenqueenisboss @celestialking @sardonic-the-writer
I know most of my moots aren't in the Dsmp fandom anymore but i just need something to actually make me write and post it to make it seem worth it. I usually really don't give a shit if other people like my story's or even read them but this is different
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nnjthndr · 2 years
I started watching dsmp in February of 2021. I never posted anything then bc of my social anxiety (and maybe that was for the best).
I watched the stuff before that. I watched so many streams Live the prison streams, egg saga, Wilburs revival, las nevadas, nearly every beeduo stream. I am not exageratting when I say I have probably spent like a thousand hours watching it.
The story of dsmp is weird. It's mc roleplay at it's best and worst at the same time somehow. It had so many good writing, banger lines, Cool stories, characters and concepts and yet it had unsatisfying endings, wasted potentials and an unnecessary amount of angst (a good ending isn't a bad thing ffs).
The problem with dsmp was, like any smp it completely depends on people playing the actual smp. And if they don't the smp simply dies. And dsmp was never something that could exceed a years time. Other smps that go on for a long time are more building and redstone focused (many of the dsmp members are not) or they have a wacky premise (dsmp does not)
The only reason people would log onto the Server was because 1) everybody was in quarantine 2) To roleplay
But then we could go outside again. And some of them didn't want to roleplay anymore. So they stopped logging on. And then some others followed suit. And slowly even people like foolish who streamed god knows how many fucking hours stopped. And so nobody was active anymore. Because what was the point of you being active if you're just gonna be alone in a fecking smp.
And so it died.
Or it should've died. Because unlike many smps that ended when people stopped playing it dsmp didn't. It could've. The story could've ended in so many different points before this and it would've been fine. But it didn't.
It kept going. It was like a suffering animal that needed to be put out of it's misery. But they kept it going.
They would do an event once like 5 months 10 people would join and nobody would log on again for another 5 months.
Lore streams would have 6 months between them.
They would say soon so many fucking times yet nothing would ever be soon, sometimes it would never happen.
Drm kept adding some new people which would get welcomed one day and the next day they were left alone (I feel really bad for those folks).
The very obvious miscommunication was so fucking irritating as it ruined a lot of peoples lore by them getting ignored or not being informed.
(The way some ccs ridiculed fans or even other ccs for liking or caring about lore was awful.)
And with all that I just wanted this smp to be put out of it's fucking misery (I wanted it especially for fans and ccs who gave a shit about this story)
I ended up dropping it at the end of 2021.
But the smp was dragged on and on and on...
And then there was the c!clingyduo ending. I did not watch the ending, dont plan on doing so ever. But from what I've seen other people say and from the recap I read. I can easily say: That the ending was BAD. I don't wanna go too indebt on it but what the genuine fuck was that message.
I am beyond dissapointed. I stopped caring about it long ago, my expectations were none but still, HOW can they fuck it up this BAD.
(Wilbur going to Utah is a better ending. HOW)
In the end I liked it and I hated it. (Some ccs are really cool and I really like their content beside the smp, follow them even now, some of them I would've rather I never knew them) Fandom was bizzare; one day I was having so much fun with the most creative and amazing fan content out there, one day I was questioning my own morality because of drama. It helped me through the pandemic as much as it damaged me mentally in ways. In the end though the positives outwayed the negatives, not by much, but today, I don't regret joining it (I think)
{Also The best and the only good part of that finale was when Jack Manifold said 'it's Manifolding time' and Manifolded all over the place}
These are a mere smidge of my thoughts. I have so many thoughts that I could write multiple essays of everything that I like and dislike about this smp. But honestly, what is the point.
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victoriacoffee · 10 months
Hey, I'm Victoria!
18 || she/her || likely never leaving the dsmp fandom at this point
◇ I'm mostly here for writing memes, art, and basically anything fanfic or fanart related to c!Staged Duo
◇ Shameless c!Dream apologist and c!Staged Duo enthusiast
◇ Dms and ask box open, but no politics pls I use this app as an escape from that stuff
◇ All my art will be tagged here under #victoriacoffee's art
◇ All my art will also be posted my Cara acc
◇ I also have a fine art insta acc and a crochet insta acc and a twitter, but I don't use these as often as they are dumpster fires lol
◇ As stated in my bio, I do a lot of different kinds of art, some of which include traditional and digital drawing, painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor), mixed media, crochet, and plastic canvas but also do collage and quilling sometimes and I've tried out a lot of random things XD
◇ I also write! Here's my Ao3 (It's almost entirely c!Dream whump and angst)
◇ I actually have oc's I should be writing about as well as other fandoms I wanna write about, but my 4 year hyperfixation on Dsmp is too powerful XD
◇ Also just so you're warned in advance, I write kinda dark stuff with a lot of graphic violence-
◇ c!DreamXD once said, "Death fuels me," and that's a pretty good description of me as an author tbh. No matter what I'm writing, the blorbos always suffer
◇ I also play video games but mostly Minecraft
◇ I'm a nightowl and I live on coffee and monster
◇ Also Punz is my favorite streamer. I used to have a rant here defending him but I don't think that's necessary anymore. I don't care if you love him or if you hate him, but if you're in my feed being a dick to him, I might block you because I don't really wanna see that shit
NOTE: this blog is mostly character/lore based. Though I may occasionally post about content creators, you can safely assume all my writing/art is meant to depict characters on the dsmp and not the content creators themselves unless stated otherwise
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zannolin · 1 year
IDK if you're still doing these - from the ask game
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
How long on average does it take you to finish a part/chapter of a fic?
i absolutely am thank you SO much. i love asks <3
🍢 Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
not in the conventional sense but i've gotten some really insensitive comments, and a while ago someone was essentially harassing me for like. trying to finish a fic for a fandom i wasn't really in actively. i won't share details but tl;dr that's why i don't talk about or write for dsmp anymore, heh.
🍠 How long does it take you to write one of your fics or a chapter/part?
depends per fic! i wrote collateral damage and paper faces in a matter of hours, while something as short as future days took four days over a span of a couple weeks. it took a full month to write all six chapters of growing pains, but three's a crowd, which is less than 2k shorter, only took a week. it's taken me since december of last year to work on split ends (which still isn't done...sorry, i was going to finish it in august but august haunted me with a vengeance, you know how it is) but i got without anesthetic done in, like, four? ish? months. a lot of it depends on school, work, what month it is (again with august), what i have going on outside school and work, my motivation level for each project (boy was i motivated to get three's a crowd and without anesthetic done especially, i remember them both vividly it was like exorcising demons. pyrrhic victory was like this too.) and like, just how my mental health is tbh. also if there's another fandom that sweeps in and kidnaps me, which happens sometimes. cough, shazam, cough. and if it's a multichapter fic that i have not finished prior to posting, i'm sad to say it but the level of engagement it receives (specifically: comments, because those are what i see most visibly and what actually make me feel good) is a big motivator. not like, "if i don't get attention i won't write" but if i'm struggling with a fic for whatever reason, and someone leaves a nice comment, i'm like damn, this person likes what i wrote. i don't wanna let them down. i should go work on that fic! @comfymoth was my no 1 cheerleader when i was writing the fey au and is a huge reason why it got finished or even written in the first place. there were such nice people in my tumblr inbox while i was writing it, and also for the ABBA au. something like wild geese or split ends (or even growing pains, but that was pre-written and it was hell every step of the way) doesn't get anywhere near that kind of attention, even from like one person, and it's fine and i don't particularly mind, but it means when i don't have motivation to work on them, they aren't high on my priority list, y'know? i dunno i hate when i'm like gIvE mE coMmEnTs because i am writing the world's nichest fic for myself and myself only, and i don't NEED comments for validation or whatever, plus if posting fnaf fic taught me anything it's that uhhh big active fandoms freak me the hell out!!! but they're nice. yeah. they're nice. okay that was a really really convoluted way of saying: wouldn't you (and i) like to know, weather boy.
ask game!!
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
alright, it’s late enough that people aren’t necessarily looking, right?
so. uh. dsmp fans who still follow me. i once wrote this fic. it’s mildly popular. it’s called the inner mechanism of a black box. it’s about techno being stuck in prison and i’m pretty sure it’s the first fic of that genre to have gotten big; i distinctly remember writing it at a time where “good techno angst fic” was like, not a category that existed nearly so much. ah, the late 2020 dsmp fandom...
it’s... an interesting relic to me in a lot of ways. there are parts of this fic i’m extremely proud of. there are parts that i’m eehhh about. there are parts that also just... date it very specifically. when i call it an interesting relic, i mean “i wrote this pre-prison reveal; i distinctly remember kind of rushing to finish it around christmas because i was pretty dead certain the bedrock bros arc would end with the prison somehow” (i... wasn’t entirely wrong?).
it’s also a fic that it’s officially been more than a year since i’ve promised the sequel for... and almost more than a year since i typed real, meaningful words in that sequel document. however, someone in my inbox suggested to me at one point that i could just... post that unfinished google doc.
warnings: it’s not edited. it’s not done; several major plot beats i had planned never get hit. (i could add a bit of outlining at the end explaining what they were, though, and may do that.) it’s approximately 19 pages of poorly-paced, incomplete writing. it would also be a google doc i post on tumblr and link in the original fic because i refuse to post a half-finished fic to ao3. i’m sort of nervous about the idea of sharing it in general; it’s NOT DONE, and not done in several fairly big ways. plus, there are parts of it that... part of why it’s not done and will never be done is that there are big parts of it that still live in that december 2020 state, rather than the current state of the dsmp, which is like, totally fine, but it also means that there are characterizations i don’t really still stand by and decisions i wouldn’t make today and etc etc black box sometimes occupies a weird place in my head and its sequel a weirder one.
but... it would free me of this albatross on my back, to just post the unfinished document, admit to myself that i’m not gonna finish it, and... move on. plus for the people who like the fic, maybe the unfinished continuation is better than nothing? (black box stands pretty damn well on its own, i personally think, mind you, but, y’know, i told people at one point i’d write this.)
so i ask you all. is that something you’d be interested in seeing? unfinished fic and then my outline of what plans i did still have for the fic, and maybe also my more complete reasons for why i don’t think i want to finish it anymore. even if you didn’t read black box, maybe it’d be interesting to see? and if you did, maybe it’d be... not closure you see the fic doesn’t get to that part and the outline probably won’t help much but it’d be closure for ME. on the other hand, if you think “unfinished fic would hurt the ending of black box/would make me feel less closure/i don’t want to see your incomplete writing”, i want to hear that too? before i post this.
anyway this is a rant and a half for “would people be interested if i put half-finished black box sequel google doc on tumblr yay or nay”
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tobi-smp · 2 years
I know I just said this in dms but I am convinced that once c!crimes stories both end, it’s gonna be the final blow to the dsmp as a whole (assuming that Quackity, Sam (and sort of Karl) finish their character arcs beforehand, since as of now they have the strongest character lore aside from crimeboys)
Like I know a lot of people don’t wanna hear this and I myself hate admitting it but a good 90% of content anymore is purely headcanon and copium, and nothing that has truly been expressed or possibly ever will be expressed in canon. Most characters in fan content, aside from the ones that actually Are full characters and don’t slip to bad writing and whatnot, are just fans taking those characters and making them better than what the ccs can make.
Lemme be clear though, that making fancontent and making the characters more interesting and developed than canon could possibly ever provide is fine! Every fandom whose source material turned to shit has done this. But since we are all in the dsmp fandom, it’s just really unfortunate that it’s been added to that list.
Ik plenty of fic writers can do this series justice, I always have faith in them. And I know ppl will take inspiration from dsmp to make some of the most amazing shit imaginable.
But as it stands right now, almost no other cc aside from the ones I mentioned above have been able to really do anything interesting with their characters since early s3 and they’ve been shoved into the background and left to the waste side.
I definitely get that feeling. the big exception being characters with rock solid writing who aren't around much or aren't around Anymore (jack manifold, ponk, and slime are some of the best characters on the dsmp, but they aren't likely to carry season four any time soon. I'm gonna put out a missing persons report for c!dream in the next 10 minutes) and people with overall Good writing and characterization who haven't hit their stride with consistent storytelling yet (I've never been disappointed by foolish's writing for instance, and foolish is Around on the server quite often. but it's been a Good While since he really told a Story on the dream smp)
moreover, I think a lot of the new users have promise, they're just struggling to get their footing on a crumbling foundation.
but between dropped story lines, scheduling issues that go on into infinity, streamers deciding that they don't Want to engage with lore anymore, a lack of awareness and communication with other plot lines, and just outright Forgetting your own characterization and character connections we've gotten to the point where very few people feel like they're in character anymore. and the worse this issue gets the less confident I feel in these characters ever having a satisfying conclusion to their character arcs. or even, Character Arcs at all.
I've said it before, but it almost feels like I got tricked into being invested into stories and characters that ultimately did not matter and would never matter again. it's no secret that I started this blog because I was a techno stan, a bedrocker first and person second, and we know how that one turned out for me. but the sheer amount of time that I invested into the egg arc or the enderwalk series cannot be understated. I genuinely thought they were some of the most interesting stories happening on the dsmp and then just fizzled out and died.
the love that I put into clingyduo wasn't rewarded, the last time beeduo was interesting together was when wilbur was writing them, getting truly invested in niki during pogtopia lead to her character stagnating with nothing to do, why did c!puffy go out to buy milk after the red banquet and then never come back. etc etc etc etc
and the worst part about all of it is, I'm still invested. I'm not even just invested in the characters that haven't let me down yet, I Want all of them to be good. I'd gladly Give Them the chance to be good. because I'm some kind of fool
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
So c!Foolish is one my favorite characters so I kinda of headcanon he like half shark (shark will mark up they're partner) 🔥
Female reader please oh!! Can she be an ferret hybrid too...maybe?
Please and thank you ~ (・ω´・ ) 🍄 anon
C!Foolish x ferrethybrid!fem!reader
Warning : smut , bit of blood (nothing bad happening here)
A/n: a bit of headcanon-story here and welcome 🍄 anon also about the ferret hybrid idk much about ferrets so if i get something wrong please correct me
Dsmp masterlist
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Foolish loves giving you marks but often forgets his teeth are really sharp and sometimes it starts bleeding a bit but he kisses the pain away
There's never sex without him leaving marks everywhere without the places it's visible .But there are some times he gives you marks there where everyone sees it . It's often when he feels jealous that this happens but also if you pissed him off
His favorite places to bite are neck , thighs and back
He loves the bruises his fingers leave on your neck ,wrists and hips
It reminds him of what he is allowed to do to your body
Foolish pressed you against him , one hand freeing your neck the other one playing with your ferret tail. "Foolish please you just came home don't you wanna eat something?" " Yeah I wanna eat that between your legs out till you're screaming my name" he whispers before leaving 3 bitemarks that form a bit misshaped heart ....
(okay idk how to write smut stories anymore ig?)
Foolish loves it when you're giving him some marks .the next morning he's always starring at them in the mirrors memories from last night filling his head " if you want we can make it more tonight" you said in a flirty tone before leaving your blushing boyfriend
To get sub!foolish to obey your orders and not try to get back in control , you often have to tie his wrists down but he'll act like he isn't happy with that but just wait after you untie him , he'll be starring at the mark of the rope for minutes
It's short ik but yeah hope ya still liked it
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astroninaaa · 2 years
I been summoned yet again following the lore stream that have occur between c! Tubbo and c! Aimsey and let's just say... i wanna hear your opinion on it, considering Tubbo pushed Aimsey off the bridge which make them lost their first canon life for 5 days since they have arrived on the server... and well this is an interesting scene ngl...
Moralist Anon.
okay i'm not gonna lie,,,, that stream like. really settled in for me that i don't,,, care about the dsmp anymore? like- i'll keep following the egg, hannah's, quackity's, and i havent been able to check it out but i really wanna take a look at cpk's stuff and those people's plotlines but to me like. i'm kinda done. with c!benchtrio and c!wilbur and that part of lore.
a heart to heart now but. it's been the same plotlines repeating again and again with little to no satisfying resolution. like- okay, i know c!tubbo has problems opening up and that causes him to do things that cause issues to other people and then to never communicate about it. i already know that. i've been aware of that since i started keeping up with his character. what now? what happens now? what are we doing with it, other than having him fuck up time and time again and then feel bad and then have other characters be upset at him? what are we doing with it, other than having me read the stupidest takes ever done whenever i look through the c!tubbo tag? like. i've done that!!!!!!!! we've been there!!!!!! i want something new now!!!!!!! i want progress!!!!!! let him heal!!!!! or, if u really want to, make him worse, but make him face the consequences!!!!!
same thing for ctommy. i love the guy. i do. but like. cdream torments ctommy and ctommy has bad mental health has been the lore for quite a while. what now? what do we do with it? will we just repeat that? forever? like
i just feel a little bored? and this is not directly crit to the creators or to the characters- i just feel that like. personally, i want something else? i'd like to watch something different, something that goes beyond reestablishing character relationships and characteristics without shit being actually resolved, without those relationships and characteristics and characters in general progressing and developing and growing.
i was talking about it with the cove literally today and like- to me it feels a little like we're in a "heroes of olympus" era of the dsmp, where we make these characters that have already gone through shit go through more shit for no explicit reason instead of just letting them reap the positivity from their prior good actions and decisions.
there's very little to literally no satisfaction in seeing these characters win or heal or get better in anyway because i already know to expect something else to happen that will ruin it. and it's. boring, imo. it's just boring. and a little annoying too, because i wanna see them win! they're our heroes! i want to see them thrive! i don't need to see them go through the same route of miscommunication again! i already know they suck at communicating! why would i need to watch it happen a thousand times over when i've already watched it a million times over?
it just feels a little pointless to me. so idk.
it's not necessarily bad storytelling- it's just truly not my cup of tea anymore, to watch the same plotlines over and over. i'll probably still consume dsmp fan content and i still plan on finishing up firebird when i have time (which i will try writing son!!!!!!! bc im not having uni classes the next two weeks god bless) but. yeah. regarding c!bench trio, c!wilbur, and to an actually impressive extent c!emerald duo, i don't know how much i'll continue to keep up with the dsmp lore. that's one of the reasons why i haven't been that active, as well.
but ughhhh yeahhhhhh i'd love to hear anyone else's two cents on it as well tbh. like i'd really love to i don't know if my obsession is just gone or if i actually have a point LMAO
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stellocchia · 3 years
Stell. You know I like me my Fanfics. I read a lot of them. You know. Like. You KNOW.
So. I've seen a... Well it's not a trend but its in a lot of Fics. Both canon divergent and straight up aus, where Tommy has this relationship talk with someone who fucked him over. I'm gonna concentrate on canon divergent fics as examples for this since this is more about that anyways.
So Tommy has his talk with either Tubbo or Wilbur or sometimes other, but Tubbo and Wilbur are definitely the most prominent, and at some point in that talk there may or may not be that moment where there are just no words anymore. No answers to questions like "why did you never visit me in exile? Why did you abandon me?" Or "why did you lie to me and then just leave me behind? Why were you so willing to hurt me?" And most importantly "do you actually love me? Do you actually care about me?"
And in then there's this great depressing silence that ends with a desperate "you're my best friend/brother...."
And I fucking love those Fics
And they usually have another really fucking amazing like... Focus point to that conversation? I guess? Some other really cool point they're leading to with this?
But I haven't really seen a fic where Tommy's answer to that was "yeah. So what?"
Because. So much of Dreams manipulation was just answering "I'm your friend/best friend" as an immediate debate ender. And I really really REALLY wanna read a fic where that conversation Tommy has with either Tubbo or Wilbur stirs the topic to "the status of relationship is irrelevant to your actions or emotions. It's just a Titel"
Like. Not even "if you're my best friend/brother then you wouldn't have done that" or anything like that. But a "yes. You are my best friend/brother. Now answer my question of if you really care about me and love me"
Because it's a... Topic (??????) I see a lot in Fics. Looming in the background but never really being addressed.
Like. In Tommy Fanfics relationship Titels are thrown around like they're an answer to questions so much. And I wanna be clear here that this isn't criticism. This isn't even a pet peeve of mine or anything. I enjoy it. It's how ppl think. It's how ppl in the dsmp CANON think.
But godddd I'm so fucking emotionally horny and needy for a fic to just talk about that.
To address how Tubbo and Wilbur should really think about how they even feel about Tommy. If they even actually care or love him. Without using "of course I do, he's my best friend/brother" as an immediate out of that introspection.
Because sometimes you don't. I don't think Wilbur really cared about Tommy at the end of pogtopia and I feel like in current canon he doesn't really either. Like. He cares about Tommy but he doesn't CARE about Tommy.
Do you get what I mean??
Hhhh this was a rant a long time coming
Oh I absolutely understand what you mean! And hhhh yeah, yeah that's something I would love to read. Maybe even love to write.
It's just such an interesting facet of those relationships to me, like, getting to the bottom of whether that care and love that once was undisputably there still is, or even if it's enough.
Because, like, for example with Wilbur I completely agree with you. I feel like Wilbur genuinely cared once. Now I think he cares more about Tommy as a constant in his life than he does about him as a person. And Hitting on 16 reinforced that for me.
And with Tubbo I feel like it's a relationship that fell apart. Maybe that care is still there somewhere but there is distance and detachment now. And sadly that's just how most friendships fall apart normally. At some point, when you clearly cannot be bothered to put in any effort to maintain a certain relationship, you have to admit that maybe you just don't care anymore. That maybe that friendship isn't worth it for you anymore. And I feel like on Tubbo's side that's where we're at.
And both of these could be really cool in a very sad way to explore.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
Heyyyyyyyyy! I saw your requests were open, and I was wondering if you would take a request like this. Really like your wander character, and was wondering if you could write about some of their adventures that don't have anything to do with the DSMP? Okay to not answer this if ya don't wanna, that's chill
hello! of course, i get so giddy when i get requests for the wanderer character. i hope you enjoy!
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
Wander pt 5 - The Trail Left Behind
genre: series, DSMP AU, oc
warnings: none
pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
masterlist <3
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They hardly remember their name anymore. They don't see the point in it. Eventually, they'll grow tired of it, whether is in three days or five hundred years. And they don't keep track of their birthday anymore. They hardly remember it either way, but at least they never have to feel guilty about free items after a long trip. Technically they're not lying about it being their birthday, cause it could be, or it could not.
Things had changed over the years. You'd think they'd pick up on it, but the fact that they always had their face in a tattered journal was enough distraction. They saw the rise of new species and the loss of others. In fact, they remembered the day they found themselves face to face with a group of Drowned while exploring an amethyst geode.
They remember vividly stepping into the water utterly perplexed by the large egg-shaped item sitting cozily at the bottom of the pond. They mined their way in with just enough time to get a breath of fresh air.
They looked around the dark place and lit a torch. The entire geode glowed with the simple light as they observed the way the purples reflected and shined. As they stepped forward they heard a click behind them. Then three more. Then the gurgling groans of the drowned.
Shit, they thought. Here they were, a room no bigger than 20 blocks, faced to face with a group of mobs. They weren't sure what to do at first but observing their surroundings, quickly decided to use the formations to their advantage.
They jumped, creating a beautiful melody and shaking the amethyst shards within the geode. The drowned stopped, seemingly confused by what was happening. This gave them the chance to perform a defensive move, a simple swing with their ax in order to push them away.
They jumped again, and a shard fell to the ground. The drowned looked stunned and confused as they began to move towards them, swinging more frequently. Then they took out their pickaxe, hitting the wall a few times until shards began falling down, pricking and injuring the drowned as they held their shield above their head hoping to not take any of the damage.
It had worked, and they had gotten a few shards and some new copper ingots.
Another time, they had been trading in the Nether, hoping to find some more potions and ender pearls. Things took a turn for a worse when they accidentally stepped too close to a chest, forgetting the golden armor they lacked, and opened it to reveal some Netherite ignots. There was a squeal then lots of running as they weaved their way around the bastion trying to avoid the angry piglins and terrifying brutes. They had made it out that day, thankfully, due to a large body of lava and alone ender pearl, they had luckily placed into their inventory.
They weren't always sure where they were going. Quite frankly, they didn't care. After a few centuries, it doesn't really matter where the paths they took carried them. They had probably walked the path years before and just couldn't recall because of how often the world changed. They remembered the first time they'd gotten too close to a mountain goat and almost lost an eye, or the first time they'd seen a monument in the ocean.
Regardless, they weren't sure they'd trade the life they'd lived, the people they'd met, and the stories they had, just for a kiss of eternal sleep.
But that could change today or tomorrow. They never knew.
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
1, 2, 6, 8, 12, and 22!
im doing urs first. just for fun
my god holy moly this got so long readmore time
1. Show your most recent wip
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pspspspps [waves the prospect of ship art in front of you] if you do artfight i'll draw concordia ex machina next
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
FIVE? i don't draw that much!!! hold on i'll go browse
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In no particular order! Veylin's bust painting is my fav ive done of any of those, i'm still rlly proud of nohope and planhz's sprites, i reaaaaaally love how i did the color and overlays on that abby headshot, and the dogy is an artfight attack from last year that is everything i love about my older lineless art style!!!
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
Alright buckle up folks this is a longer one
So I'm gonna answer this in two parts basically. The first part is artists that inspired me to start drawing what I like, especially fantrolls-- so a lot of my friends really!! Wanting to be in this community is what made me start actually doing art as something I was passionate about!!!!! The second part is actually twitter artists that inspired me to actually renovate my art style, try new things, and actually grow as an artist in ways that I really just never did here before.
I know I'm gonna forget a lot of people but the ones that come to mind right away for people who had an Impact on me back in the day are !!U!! gabriel 8bit-mau5, newt indig0trolls, my friend max who's no longer in the community, my friend lumiet who doesn't even do fantrolls but is really cool, and god a lot of old blogs whos muns are just gone now..................... wistful sigh :(
BUUUUUT as for artists who made me want to actually grow again in my. Wait hold on
[sets out a sign that says CRINGE WARNING -- I LIKED DSMP IN LATE 2020-EARLY TO MID 2021]
Okay now that that's out of the way! Some of the artists who made me actually want to learn and change and GROW again are giraffeleggos, mielzy_png, and WolfyTheWitch on twt :3 Mielzy especially is an art streamer who has a huge focus on being introspective and taking criticism and wanting to grow and always be improving in a direction they want. Hella cool to see someone be like, never satisfied in a "i love art and drawing so i want to grow and do it as well as i can as a respect for the craft" type of way. I don't think any of these guys except for Wolfy are actually into dsmp anymore but when I got into their content they were all dsmp fanartists so.
Okay this is really long actually so I'll quit there. Wait no actually here's a list of a handful of folks whose art inspires me to keep learning nowadays (also mostly all my friends)-- nero ramgodd, roe roetrolls, dami ask-the-troll-boys, greg lordtonic, and an extra special shoutout to chase sasster for making me want to write again. I just wanna do the cool art stuff like my really awesome friends so bad yall
8. What do you like most about your own work?
Hrmmmmmmmmmmm okay this one is tough bc both I wanna say "nothing bc I have a lot of strengths" and "nothing bc there's always room for me to grow and improve so even my best strengths aren't as good as they could and will eventually be"
But like. I really like how I paint actually
12. Show your favourite drawing from this year
FROM THIS YEAR.... ok let's comb thru my art tag
Oh wait easy simple. The whole fuckin aliquid ex nihilo comic. That took me so goddamn long but it was a labor of love and I desperately want to do more 1-page song comics like that but unfortunately they take me like 2 weeks if I do full lineart and that shit sucks
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There are a lot of things I want to redo on it that are also things I redid in the process of making this comic but as is the nature of being so used to drawing sprites I forget how to draw people in actual poses and also interacting with things. I still think overall just because also of how funky I got with the coloring, framing, the fact that this is the first comic ive ever planned and fully completed ever, etc. that this one's my fav thing I've drawn in 2022 thus far
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
Nighttime and also whenever I'm medicated LMAO I can NEVER focus on drawing if I'm off my meds idk how I did it before
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shoezuki · 4 years
I wanna say words about how the plot twist of Eret betraying L'manburg worked really well and the plot twists happening right now haven't but I don't really know how to go about it. I don't think it's just a difference in Wilbur vs Dream's writing cause cc!Wilbur didn't know about the betrayal till it happened and I don't think Dream was writing back then, so it was all Eret doing that. But I still feel like the characters were able to react and grow because of that betrayal a lot better than they are now. Maybe it's because the betrayal was when all of them were live and acting and not in a stream with just two people but idk.
i wasnt around durin that time when the Original betrayal/traitor thing happened but like. that shit had Such an impact. im 90% fuckin sure like All or most the following ‘plot twist’ attempts n the whole ‘traitor’ bullshit that keeps bein pulled up is BECAUSE of how hard eret’s betrayal Hit. 
honestly i think like. why That worked so well was largely due to lack of writing back then. there was a point where it wasnt so much of characters and ‘lore’ in that even If they were gettin some writing coordination in there on wilbur’s part it was still New. 
there wasnt so much of distinct ‘characters’. largely how the ccs were acting was as They are. eret’s betrayal wasnt something they needed to Act for because it wasnt Actually, genuinely expected. lmanberg were shocked because it was ACTUALLY a shock to them. 
it was GOOD because all the cc’s reacted organically as they Would when genuinely shocked, because they Were in a sense. but also it wasnt so outlandish to be outside of the realm of possibility. 
originally the conflict was more lmanberg vs. dream smp. it was very us versus them, black and white. but eret’s betrayal muddied that. it introduced moral dilemmas and grey characters. we saw it a Lot with wilbur’s character as it was the key point that lead to his paranoia and distrust and ultimately his demise. 
although i like. i feel eret’s betrayal fucked herself over. from then it became more Plot and wilbur’s writing, and eret’s character wasnt Relevant anymore. not in the plot. only her betrayal really was important. and any attempts at eret’s end to bring himself back in the plot and Redeem himself was Shot because like. wilbur’s writing was set in motion. also i feel that the betrayal reactions was So strong even fandom wouldnt have let them back ‘in’. 
but yea. youre absolutely right. in my mind the whole reason we Have morally grey characters and the question of whats wrong and whats right be so Prevalent in dsmp is Because eret did a fucking great job with that. 
in my mind eret is like.... his ‘character’ is opposing to techno’s in foundation. he’s not unwaivering or as firm as techno. he’s kinda like. dynamic, kinda like Surprising and conflicted and Unexpected. but also still layered and considering eret’s words bout their character they Do have a core idea they still stick by. kinda like tommy but good ksjglksgklh
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astroninaaa · 2 years
i agree with ur last post about the plotlines a lot. i actually think it COULD be a turning point for ctubbo bc this isnt really repression anymore, but the simple fact is we dont have faith anymore in that actually happening.
i still like watching some of dsmp lore but i dont really read fics or feel invested as i used to
YEAH EXACTLY. like. it's not that i don't "trust" that the ccs will actually do anything to progress it. it's just that this has happened so many times before without resolution that i don't feel,,,, invested? i just genuinely don't care if he did this or that or if ctommy feels like this or that bc ive already watched that!!!!!! if i wanna see that again i'll just watch vods idk.
and i know it sounds mean but it's like- it's not. it's not mean-spirited or neg in any way it's just like. i genuinely dont feel invested anymore, just like u said. and i havent read fics besides the ones i was already keeping up with before. and like i still plan on writing the fics i have started, specially firebird, since i have a lot of worldbuilding for it and actually love that fic a lot (i have........ so many plans), but in regards to the actual dsmp. i just dont know anymore idk
and since i've been really busy with moving out of my parents's house (omg did i tell yall about that.... nina lore i moved out) + university, i havent been able to catch streams and, when i look at tumblr and see ppl talking about the same plotline with slightly different elements i just dont feel interested enough to watch vods? ugh i dont know
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