#i dont even play video games i just know this guy from pop culture
vivitalks · 2 months
cryptonomica employee kirby is such a chiller i wish i could take him more seriously but unfortunately in my mind he looks exactly like this
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yoshi-p · 5 years
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everyone and their dog is doing it and everyone is absolutely allowed to share their opinions so i want a turn but first let me clarify:
hello im yase, been around since 1.0. I am of turkish and nogai descent and i can speak fluently in tatar, turkish but my english doesn’t hold 100% so i will be all over the place.
Unfortunately this will all be word of mouth and may be taken as vague posting, but I have experienced issues since the release of 4.0 and would like to give my opinions. I want to let this all off my chest this is just a huge vent basically so i guarantee my english will be terrible.
another point is ITS A VIDEO GAME GUYS (does not apply to everything but some people really need to take a step back because people are concerned.)
Here’s the hot topic I’ll talk of first: garleans. I personally do not play one as I prefer to play characters that would never be involved in a sense with the political agenda because in real life im too stupid to comprehend anything like that so i wouldn’t even know how my character would behave with the hot topics. I really do think people need to take a step back and see that everyone who is putting in their input is making solid points but personally I would never compare them to nazi germany though I see why people are generalising. I always saw it as tsardom of russia with the use of roman influence as well, something obvious in naming conventions and the way the ranks/monarchy(?) works but it’s not so clear what the main influences of most places in this game if you have a look at the bigger picture. Without like full on spoiling, its weird to have this view to me with the knowledge that ascians are behind this. Are you implying anyone who plays or was influenced by ascians is also under this umbrella? 
Also why THE HELL WOULD YOU TAG SOMETHING KNOWING IT WOULD GET A LOT OF TRACTION AND RESPONSE THEN BE LIKE “you guys misunderstood, I was expressing my feelings” lol no. “ I don’t understand where this is coming from, and at this point, I don’t really want to.” then why did you even fucking bother do it in private dont tag it.
You are COMPLETELY valid to feeling uncomfortable, it is fine because with how much of this world we have there will be aspects some of us don’t like. You are not inclined to involve yourself with someone if they roleplay as a garlean but you do not need to start publicising it in a way that will paint the community in black and white when its truly a wider spectrum.
from that initial and very brief tagged post there popped up many others and new discourse is arising, opening discussions about many things which is better then being blind to it all. but if you have personal grievances with someone and you state its over, let it be over. It’s not healthy behaviour. it’s also troubling to see someone complain a lot about the game and continue to play, no one is forcing you or holding a gun to your head. take breaks if you need to and play less frequently. like, real life is so much more important and there are people in this community that prioritise relationships with players etc.
Also, please stop fucking talking about mongolian/turkic/turkish culture like you know things. 99% of the big mouths in this community are americans. like majority are white americans. 
over the course of this expansion i have had many people of varied backgrounds share with me some terrible experiences and i myself have seen some truly stupid shit. 
it is absolutely not hard to tag a post and ask around, someone will pop up. I’ve been doing my very best to let everyone i know that i can help with learning about my culture or to find someone who would be more then happy to explain and share with other cultures. But when you go off of a documentary you saw of Genghis khan or only know of the tourist white people scenes of istanbul you as a community say some TRULY dumb shit.
I like to try and be patient because i myself when approaching someone of a culture i admire and am curious about i want that in turn. But if you say to me things like “Ainu aren’t real” or “Tatar people have nothing in common with tribes from the Altai mountains” its hard to do so.
FFXIV regions are not just “Germany” “Turkey” “Mongolia”. If you think this, it’s clear to me you don’t know shit and are too lazy to explore, further just google shit its not that hard. I had someone tell me that my people could never be in this game since its “Straight up mongolia” fucks sake NO ITS NOT. The designs vary and i can see the differences in simple things like words because i actually bother to do research even coming from a turkic culture. There were some beautiful little things dropped that linked to not only my people but others like Uyghur and Altai. The only place in FFXIV i think could only have a singular influence is Kugane, because from a foreigner’s perspective that’s already interesting enough. Many people have grievances and real issues with how SE has handled Doma’s influences and no one ever talks about that. Representation for asia in media has turned into this mess of specific east asian countries, the trio that even then gets categorized into China/Japan with brief mentions of Korean culture. 
Its frustrating. There are people who are happy to teach you. Who are willing to show what is wrong with the picture.
I have read several posts about Turkey/istanbul/Antalya. Yall fuckin weird you guys seem to think its in U.A.E or some shit with how you act. It’s in the Mediterranean/Europe/Asia/Middle East and there is no such thing as a specific looking Turkish person. You claim everyone is specifically white/brown, HELL NO. It’s a mixed nation and that’s the history of the land, if you had ever fucking stepped in turkey and spoke to any person on the street they’ll say their heritage that lead them to there. People claim Ala mhigo’s influences are turkey but i have yet to see that. As someone who has lived there and has heritage there and is strongly connected to that culture, i dont see it. sure the ala mhigan gown had patternings but thats also present in my nogai culture too because parts of turkey’s society descended from the line of the Kayi tribe. Just fucking LEARN TO READ GUYS. None of you guys even know what the altai mountains mean and i could sit and explain over and over again if you let people SPEAK.
Look at Thavnairian items. We have outfits that are completely different, a full length dress and then a bustier. you can’t start generalising things in video games to be one culture you have to realise most places in this game have several influences. We don’t know a lot but everything we have been given has been varied enough to pin point it to ONLY one influence.
I don’t want to just keep going about this simply because im growing frustrated.
The thing with Viera complaints. I think some are valid but some are stupid. For one as I make this post it hasn’t even been confirmed so there is no reason for policing Viera to a severe extent. Considering all the Ivalice content in game has been an alternate universe kind of thing its dumb as shit. But feol viera being made without understanding the knowledge that people who have played rw picked up is quite frustrating. As a community, its important to help people when we have information that others may need that they cant understand the context of.
I know people are worried about them being fetishized, that is my legitimate fear too as a huge ivalice fan. But this is a repeated cycle especially when we consider generalizations like miqo’te especially seekers and belly dancing or when au ra arrived and people thought xaela were genghis khan basically. 
The game is not solid, there are so many holes in the lore and the plots and i know people hate that but we fill the gaps with our own opinions and theories. While I understand some people think we need to move forward in 2019 because “japan is xenophobic”, its a very difficult thing to do. THEY DO HIRE PEOPLE FOR CULTURE ADVISING. THEY TRAVEL OFTEN AND DEVELOP WITH THIS. IT’S NOT LIKE THEY WENT ON GOOGLE AND SAID “yeah a japan land would be fun” they literally have people hired specifically for this stuff. however, at the end of the day its a company that has yet to show it can evolve with the times. Its becoming more and more evident with the recent patterns of main titles in FF and side projects having so many issues in story/lore/management. remember 1.0 basically died being absolute garbage and this is salvaged from that.
its really late and i had a terrible evening so i may not be making the most sense but theres more important things to worry about then to make this game a miserable experience when it could be a huge learning opportunity for everyone. There’s no need to generalise people into categories because of characters they choose to develop but its important to note with majority of people standing up higher on the pedestal are those speaking for the minorities groups that have direct influences in the game.
also lol if you fucking say ainu aren’t real to me one more time i will fucking throttle you
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black-kpop-fans · 7 years
So i wanted to touch on something regarding this resent submission: http://black-kpop-fans.tumblr.com/post/163601458566/my-thing-with-koreans-and-anti-blackness-is-that Real shit guys, they know what theyre doing is offensive across the board regarding people of the african diaspora. Them trying to correct stuff now has nothing to do with sam being nice and coddling them about racism, colorism and the things they face on korea because plenty of other black people have been saying the same things for years. Further than that youve had afro-asians who live and work in korea and even work in korean entertainment who have brought up the issue they face when it comes to this topic too. Its being addressed now a decade later because korea is being spotlighted. With that spotlight the ugly aspects and things they are doing are getting attention and they dont like the bad image. Its also coming to a head because younger koreans aren’t taking that shit anymore. Anyways ive added some expert to prove to you that nothing with them addressing it has to do with african diaspora being less of a population in korea like: Exhibit A: I came across a link on the Grand Narrative that discuss as titled- Three Decades of Black face in Korea- http://populargusts.blogspot.com/2012/03/three-decades-of-black-face-in-korea.html?m=1
It basically breaks down what’s been going on in Korea concerning it. Here’s the thing, The media companies in Korea knows that black face is wrong, and they stopped doing it for a time because the Olympics was being held there and people from Africa would be attending, as quoted…
“Lee Bong -won performed in blackface doing the "Sikeomeonseu’ routine for more than a year in 1986 and 1987 on the KBS program "Show Video Jockey”. He described the impact the program had, saying that when ‘sikeomeonseu’ was broadcast, it was so popular that children who couldn’t paint their faces black instead found another way - and drove sales of coal briquettes up. This performance stopped at the end of 1987, he explained, because during the 1988 Olympics there would be people coming from Africa, and they decided then that “We don’t want to denigrate black people” and “It would be better not to do it.”
Another instance:
In December 2006, an incident occurred on the program 'In a room salon with hot foreign women’ (also known as Minyeodeului suda) when two women - one of them black - were singing the song 'Oppa’ on stage while a panel of Korean men hooted along. As the song was ending, one of the men, singer Cheon Myeong-hun, put on a rasta wig and started jumping to the music and shouting.
He was in fact shouting “시커먼스, 시커먼스. 망했다, 망했어” - just like in Lee Bong-won’s 'sikeomeonseu’ routine.
What happened next, no one could have predicted. Korean netizens reacted negatively to what he did, particularly because he was doing it in front of a black woman, which they thought was racist. Oranckay, whose blog is no longer with us, said at the time something along the lines of that it was the most hopeful thing he’d seen in regard to racism in Korea. The incident was covered at the Marmot’s Hole and Metropolitician.
*pay close attention to them knowing the use of blackface is wrong so they banned it during the olympics specifically because they didnt want to offend theyre african guests who were there for the games.
Exhbit B: http://hyphenmagazine.com/blog/2009/11/4/new-york-times-spotlights-racism-south-korea Exhibit C: A KOREAN TIMES ARTICLE WRITTEN BY A KOREAN IN 2009! its been reloaded so the date is different but 2009 guys! When the hallyu wave was popping off. But yall seriously didnt think they knew then???? http://m.koreatimes.co.kr/phone/news/view.jsp?req_newsidx=150883 Exhibit D: 2009 article https://mobile.nytimes.com/2009/11/02/world/asia/02race.html Guys i could literally keep going for days with links to articles, testimonies, and songs talking about what black people have been saying all along about living in korea and the things they face…even stuff dating back to the korean war. I feel like at this point yall are playing respectability politics and trying to make it seem like its a new that its been addressed or called out now when nothing about its new. Only thing thats changed is that with the expansion and spotlight of of kpop, korean culture and with the internet and spread of information korea really cant run from this stuff any longer so theres nothing left for them to do but try to address it. That being said it doesnt mean theyll stop doing antiblack stuff, or that just because they have a black person talking about it on a tv show or in a song, or a few netizen translation comments mean anything, because obviously the antiblackness hasnt stopped but they know people are really watching, wont let up and people will hold them accountable for their mess. And dont get it twisted im glad its becoming a bigger conversation, people are taking it seriously and people are addressing stuff but i just dont like how people act like people havent been talking before now.
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gaybaconprincess · 7 years
I found an old Doc with a Marching Band AU so take it
Jericho / Joseph Wilson (Flute)
‘That one gay friend who has a better fashion sense than me’
Don’t pronounce his last name as ‘willis’ like the principal or he will f you up
And by that he means he’ll get his scary brass boyfriend to f you up
Probably the sassiest person in Band
He is an angry human espresso and if you look at Kyd Wykkyd for too long he’ll break your leg
Very protective of his batnerd
Kole is also a flute n they are very good buds
Vows to one day burn the school’s band uniforms so they have to buy new ones
Calls everyone ‘fam’
If it’s possible to be that one controversial archetype he will be it
He is also the school’s biggest male feminist
Bumblebee is the biggest female feminist
Also he likes penciling in weed symbols (despite the fact he has never touched a drug in his life) all over the school campus
Mainly only joined Band because the Wilson bunch were sitting at a family dinner once and somebody (he doesn’t even remember anymore like maybe ROse?? Maybe Father????) said that the only instrument he could play was his twangy guitar and ofc he took that as a cHALLENGE
Raven / Raven Roth (Clarinet)
Very dark humour
Only real friend is Jericho bc they like to complain about Grayson together
Also Jericho is the only person who laughs at her jokes
Has more power over people than she lets on
Dating the head cheerleader helps too (angel)
Pretty chill
Not v good at physical fighting but just her all around dry personality will intimidate you
The woodwind section is filled with very violent human gnomes it seems
she has a tumblr indeed but trust me yOU DONT WANT IT
its filled with actual witch spells and v v gory things 
Joined Band for the extra credit, stayed for the time away from home
Her home consists of her usually absent mother and emotionally abusive father (my way of inserting Trigon in here somewhere) and Joey is really the only person that knows and she can just vent to
They’ve had well over a few crying sessions
 SeeMore / Seymour Johnson (Saxophone)
Joined band bc he’s a broke idiot in need of a scholarship
Joined saxophone because mEMES
Plays ‘we are number one’ every f-ing time Kyd so much as looks at him
bf(f)’s with the Herald
Totally thirsty for some brass trumpet boy but totally not the Herald oh no
(it’s so the Herald)
Has hit himself in the face with his sax thirteen too many times
Wears the nerdiest glasses possible but no one can say shit bc he’s the best marcher they’ve got really
Chillest of the chill you will ever meet
Cries @ disney movies
Probably watches conspiracy theory videos in his free time
Is slowly attempting to bring tumblr humor into the real world
also afraid of chickens. look its a really long story k.
 The Herald / Malcolm Duncan (Trumpet)
Best friends w/ Jericho even tho Jericho regrets it
*Jericho walks into the Band Hall*
‘aND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA’ *trumpet noises*
He and Seymour meme together
Is just obnoxious in general
Pulls candy and other food items out of nowhere at the worst times
Just wants people to hang out with after school. Hot Spot’s no fun and Jericho’s family is insane.
 BumbleBee / Karen Beecher (French Horn)
Is just way too tired for this
Mom friend
Doesn’t have time to deal with everyone’s shit
Joey can relate
‘malcolm duncan i dare you to blow that trumpet in my ear oNE MORE TIME’
Is everyone’s big sister but mainly Mal’s
Makeup game is always on point
Wants to kick Seymour and Mal in the throat everyday bc jUST KISS YOUR SEXUAL TENSION IS RUINING THE REHEARSAL
 Kyd Wykkyd / Elliot Knight (Trombone)
Toll pencil is dating smol espresso
Looks mean and scary but just wants hugs and colored pencils
‘Deal hugs not drugs’
Makes too many puns
Literally every other sentence has some hidden pun in it
Loves picking Joey up and carrying him around
Gives people really terrible nicknames
Biggest weab of them all
‘I sexually identify as Terezi Pyrope’
Don’t even say the word homestuck/undertale around him he’ll either start crying or laughing maniacally
Has memorized all of Light Yagami’s lines on Death Note
Quotes Steven Universe (mainly Pearl) on a daily basis
k like,,,,you think,,,you tHINK he’s the smart friend.
if you’ve ever seen any Roosterteeth video ever
He is Gavin Free.
The embodiment of ‘wot if...our legs...didn’t know they were lEGS???’
Joey just kinda shushes him and pretends to know what he’s talking about
Billy Numerous / William Strayer (Euphonium)
Mammoth’s ultimate wingman
‘God bless murica’
Mispronounces words on purpose to piss off Kyd and Raven
Hates his pointy marching shoes
Hides tennis balls in the saxophones to Seymour’s dismay
Got hit with a trombone once and then had to pay for it to be fixed
Totally not kyd’s
Likes to make fun of Joey’s height which is WHY he got hit with a trombone
Roots for BBQ places every time the Band stops to eat on a trip
‘Aight but...does Wykkyd is gay??’
Mammoth / Baran Flinders (Tuba)
Is the most intimidating person you will ever meet and he kNOWS IT he GLOATS IN THAT FACT
‘We were just asking why she wasn’t at rehearsal today’
Is also a vry broke idiot but somewhat enjoys band
The aMOUNT of times he has been stopped by football coaches and borderline bribed to be on the team
Is the one who shamelessly sprints the whole way to the cafeteria everyday
‘Foods before dudes, sorry’
He and Billy often have eating competitions
Jericho lives in fear every time he’s not tardy for class
Also looks mean but will cRUSH YOu....with a bear hug
When asked what 2 plus 2 was he responded with a very startled and nervous 22
Kid Flash / Wally West (Percussion)
He and Kyd Wykkyd have had a lil rivalry goin on since the fiRST TIME KYD STOLE HIS APPLE JUICE IN PRE-K
Y do you think he joined percussion… (it’s because percussion is usually seated behind trombones and Kyd hates drums and loud noises)
bUT on the plus side his ADHD is now a lot less terrifying
During practice he literally just plays Hall of Fame on repeat
‘No...no no….no no plEASE STOP TOUCHING MY HAIR’
(jokingly) chants the word ‘gay’ and slowly gets louder every time Kyd so much as sPEAKs
He and Kyd have sarcasm competitions
Also memes but less out loud and more…
Jinx / Jaya Salem (Pit)
Just wants a nap
All the time
Someone get her an energy drink
Puts up with Kyd + Mammoth + Billy + See-More’s shit not to mention her little brother most of the time
It’s Gizmo. The little brother is Gizmo.
‘I just...want to just like...can I plug myself into a charger? Can I do that, is that a thing?’
Literally the only person out of her friend circle that passes most of her classes
‘Do you think if I concuss myself I can get out of practice for today?’
all of her jokes are also either self depricating or just insulting to others
Punk Rocket / Thomas Leonard (Drum Major)
‘Well y’know...i’m already in a Band so like...how hard could Drum Major be?’
Very hard. He made a mistake. He regrets everything.
School Principal: ‘are you aware that your hair is white?’
Rocket: ‘are you aware that your a fUCKING SQUARE???’
He got suspended after that
‘Okay look I know it looks really gay that I’m riding on a motorcycle with my really hot buddy but it’s not - fuck that is really gay, maybe I’m really gay.’
One big bundle of ‘oh no’ when you pop the question of ‘what’s your sexuality’
Gets wAY TOO INTO the really big moments when directing on field
Fell of the pedestal his first game
Over time actually starts taking Band very seriously and enjoying it
Slade Wilson
funds the Band’s everything
Addie cooks for the Band and helps with fundraisers
also I just really need an AU where Slade is just,,,,a good dad,,,,Joey deserves a good dad k
he was off in the army for a while so he comes back and apparently Joey is not four anymore?? and he has a boyfriend???? and turned out to somehow be shorter than his own mother?????????
Joey made ‘when will my father return from the war’ jokes the entire time to cope
Slade is still getting used to things and the crowd and screaming of football games makes him v uncomfortable but he goes to support Joey
who is off to the side trying to avoid looking at his father who is now waving his hands frantically
Rose comes too but mainly to make fun of the entire Band
Grant’s already in college so he don’t give a shit
Literally everyone in the Band lOVES Mr. Wilson and Adeline but Joey just wants them to leave him alone
still doesn’t know how he feels about Kyd 
Slade and Joey bond over Slade picking him up after practice and Joey iMMEDIATELY going into rant mode
surprisingly okay with Joey’s sexuality, he’s still getting used to it nonetheless
Mrs. and Mrs. Wykkyd
Kyd Wykkyd has two v lesbian moms and you can’t tell me otherwise like that’s my headcanon for him plus I love supportive gay parents that are better parents than the hets themselves
Kyd was adopted but they love their beautiful son v v much and he loves them
Kyd never really knew his biological parents and everyone acts like it’s a big deal but he he doesn’t?? care???? he knows who his parents are its Aarti Bindiya-Knight and Alison Knight duh
one of his moms is East Indian so he takes part in a lot of her culture just like his other mom does
he also gets vERY OFFENDED and filled with Righteous Anger when anyone discriminates or makes Indian jokes / lesbian jokes in class
Elliot is taller than both of his moms and usually has to bend down so they can hug him
Alison is American and very vERY kind hearted
Aarti has a very muscley stature and it taller than Alison. Her hair is cut short and curly and she looks like the person who will want to fight you and hug you at the same time.
Alison is v v short and has very light blonde hair that just kind wisps everywhere. V pale and really really likes sundresses.
Alison still tries to kiss Elliot on the cheek before he gets on the bus but Aarti holds her back so Elliot can run
she’s the cooking mom. she cooks. all the time. that’s how she shows her emotions.
‘Aar what if he forgot his backpack or his lunch do you think he’s doing okay what if someone is bullying him as we speak-’ ‘Ali. Ellie is fine. He is twice your height either way there is no way he is getting bullied.’
Alison got Elliot into drawing which he does a lot now
they are v v supportive of literally anything he does and most kids are actually kinda jealous. 
they still keep home videos from when Elliot was a baby despite his birthday wish being for them to burn all of the videos last year
Barry Allen
he’s the track coach at their school and everybody was ASTONISHED when he showed up to a football game
‘okay yeah I know where the track field is - can you all maybe chill I just wanna see my nephew hit his drums.’
He and Wally are the ‘Red headed Heathens’ of the school
a term coined by the principal himself
Barry is still trying to get Wally to join track (he is also still failing)
Blows his whistle like a fricking AIRHORN at games
Very big despite only working on his legs ever and also very affectionate so I hope you have a strong spine because he shows his appreciation via hugs
the only teacher with actual freckles
‘I would give you some cool pep talk Wally but to be honest I have no idea what’s going on just go out and have fun.’
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sharksfood · 7 years
so this thought just came into my head and i want to explore it.
in my life i’ve only seen 3 films so far that i read as books before they became movies. im not counting comic books/graphic novels that became movies bcs thats a little different, books that became tv shows, or plays that became movies. but its interesting to think about that.
i didnt read harry potter until well after the films (all of them lmao) were released, i’ve never read how to train your dragon, i’ve never read the hobbit/lotr, the animated alice in wonderland came out in the 50s, i have only recently read the last unicorn, i read World War Z after the movie came out (and ive never seen all of the movie), and i read the neverending story when i was cast in the play.
the books that i read before they came out in film are; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Warm Bodies, and Goosebumps.
Goosebumps kind of fits but it was made into a tv series first, and im not sure if i read the books or saw the shows first. i did both, i know that much.
I read Warm Bodies only bcs I wanted to see the movie but thought the book would be cool to read (its amazing and has a completely different feel from the movie), and Lion Witch Wardrobe was bcs my dad read it to me when I was younger. That and The Magician’s Nephew are the only Narnia books ive ever read.
I was going to try and read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children before the movie came out, but that work out for me.
if you want to count comics and graphic novels, then the list gets bigger. but comics already have the characters drawn out, so unlike books, you dont have an idea in your head on what the character looks like. that is so often changed in film, plus you loose so much detail and nuance when you go book to screenplay to film (this is also true with comics, but its still different)
However, and the biggest reason as to why I’m thinking about this, two movies will be coming out in the next few years, and both of them are based on my favorite books of all time (aside from the alice books of course). 
The first is Captain Underpants! I know that this is a book series with words and pictures, so technically its a graphic novel series, but they’re kids books! and those tend to have an awful lot of pictures. This series was my FAVORITE (other than the alice books) as a kid!! they were fun, hilarious, relatable, and just all around super great. So when i saw the trailer for the animated film that’s coming out this year based on the series i was ECSTATIC!! Were it live-action i would be bummed out since kids picture books usually fair better when animated (im not a fan of the diary of a wimpy kid movies....) but this animation is handled a lot like The Peanuts movie. The animation look like a color and 3D version of the exact art style!! its wonderful and im SO EXCITED
The other one, and this i am VERY VERY nervous about, is Ready Player One. that is my favorite sci-fi novel ever. i often say its my favorite book ever bc it deserves more love! and i do so much love it. ive reread it i dont even know how many times. and what do you know, they’re making it into a movie!! when i heard about this i had so many mixed feelings, and most of it has to do with the style of the book and the characters.
-Ready Player One Spoilers-
In Ready Player One the protagonist starts out as a dirt poor, fat, unattractive teen boy, and later he gets more physically fit/healthy and rich. he claims to still be unattractive at this point (mostly bcs he jues doesnt like how he looks and he looses all his body hair). this is very important to the character! i’m afraid that in this movie hollywood will do as they always do and make him a skinny conventionally attractive teen from the get-go. people will probably pull the Holes excuse of “the filmmakers didnt want to make the actor gain a bunch of weight and then loose it all” BULLSHIT they can cast a fat actor! and through his training and as they film the movie he can loose some weight or they can use movie magic (like when they made chris evans a scrawny little thing). its not that hard, people.
Another character, and this was super important to me and was a big subplot, is that Wade best friend, Aech, whom he only knows through the game (OASIS) plays as a white, straight, guy avatar, but they’re actually a black lesbian named Helen. And she plays this avatar to protect herself and to get a job and be taken seriously within OASIS. is super sad she has to do this, but its a big part of her character. she’s also fat as well, and im REALLY worried that in the movie she’s going to be a skinny straight white girl.
Two other characters who have important characteristics are Art3mis (Samantha) and the creator of OASIS James Halliday. Art3mis is Wade later love interest and GF. She is notable bcs her avatar is just like her, a chubby girl with black hair, but sans her port-wine birthmark. I know they’ll keep her birthmark, since its an intimate reveal, but they’ll probably make her skinny and i hate it. Now it’s only half canon in the books, but i’ve chosen to go with it, but at one point Wade talks about James Halliday’s childhood and his personality and all that, and mentions that he might have been autistic. Now, since it’s only he “might have been” in the books, the filmmakers will probably not make him autistic. That’s fucking sad to me, I mean, it would be amazing!! This character is one of the smartest, most famous, most prolific video game programmers/designers in history!! And he’s autistic! That is some wonderful representation and the filmmakers should jump on that opportunity. It’ll inspire so many autistic people who have a passion for video games to pursue their dreams. But, i have a hunch they wont go with it.
Two other characters, Daito and Shoto, are Japanese young guys who claim to be brothers (and their characters are) but are just friends in the real world. My initial hunch was that the filmmakers would keep them Japanese, but given the recent whitewashing of important Japanese characters, I have my doubts.
My few other concerns are that this movie won’t have 80s pop culture as the main style and focus of the era they book is set in, not to mention OASIS and most of people’s interests. It’s incredibly important to the novel, but so many dystopian movies choose to go with gritty, futuristic, edgy stuff. The other concern is how they will handle the real life vs OASIS look, since over half of the book takes place inside a VR video game. I’ve seen news that they are utilizing VR technology, but i havent read too much. I’m wondering if they’ll animate all of OASIS and the avatars and action and anything in the video game! That would be awesome.
So these are all my thoughts. I havent looks at who they’ve cast yet, so I’m going to do that right now. I do know that Steven Spielberg is directing it, which could be fantastic or terrible. Okay, cast time.
So the IMDB doesnt say who is cast as Daito and Shoto, but Wikipedia says that Win Morisaki of PrizmaX will play him, which is great! I hope that’s what happens.
Art3mis/Samantha will be played by Olivia Cooke, who in my opinion is way too old. She’s older than me! The character’s age (i think) isnt mentioned in the book, but she’s got to be 17-20, and Olivia Cooke looks older than that. She’s also not chubby, but hey, maybe they’ll fit that. She also doesnt have the birthmark, but that’s gonna be makeup. (wouldve been cool if they found an actress with a port-wine stain on her face...)
Parzival/Wade will be played by Ty Sheridan. He was Cyclops in X-Men Apocalypse. He’s the right age, but way too fit and attractive. DAMN IT Well, I guess there’s always makeup and special effects, but i’m 80% sure now they wont make Wade fat.....
Aech/Helen will be played by Lena Waithe who is almost PERFECT. She’s much older than Aech, who is around 18, but like Samantha i imagine they’ll have make up and acting to cover it. My biggest concern is that she’s not fat like Aech, which means they’ll use a body suit or effects or Lena will gain weight, or they wont do anything.....
T.J. Miller will be playing I-r0k, who is another OASIS player and a bigtime douchebag jerk. This is perfect. We don’t know his age, or really anything other than his personality and avatar, and T.J. Miller is hilarious so this/ll be great.
Mark Rylance will be playing James Halliday, witch is fine by me. He’s not quite what I imagined, but thats what makeup and wigs are for. He’s worked a lot with Steven Spielberg, so that makes sense as to why he’s cast here. I just hope he can portray an autistic character well and with respect.... (would be better if he IS autistic but ya know.....)
Simon Pegg will be playing Ogden Morrow, the co-creator of OASIS, and thats perfect. No complaints.
Nolan Sorrento (the antagonist of the book and head of operations at Innovative Online Industries) will be played by Ben Mendelsohn, who was Director Krennic in Rouge One. He is much older and not quite and slimy as I imagined him, but this can totally work. I pictured Nolan Sorrento as Andrew Scott in my head, since he seems like the perfect evil, charismatic, slimy, attractive but ugly inside business man.
So, after looking at the current casting choices im a little let down, but still excited! I’ll have to wait patienly for the trailer, since this thing is coming out in 2018. Dang, this turned into a Ready Player One post, but its been on my mind recently.
If you read through all of this, good job! let me know what you think! i probably dont talk about Ready Player One very often but thats bcs i dont know anyone in real life (other than my dad) who has read this book, and the online fandom seems nonexistent. Who knows?
But yeah, I guess I made this post bcs I wasn’t able to share the collective nervousness, complaints, and excitement of Harry Potter or LotR or Percy Jackson fans when their fav books became movies.
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MUST WATCH: CNN Producer caught on hidden camera, basically admits CNN is an awful journalism outlet that is not to be trusted.
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MUST WATCH: CNN Producer caught on hidden camera, basically admits CNN is an awful journalism outlet that is not to be trusted.
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derp report
Is this legit? How is this not exploding right now?
It will. It’s 3 am on a Monday night, this will go ham tomorrow morn.
Just about midnight here in California (but this story won’t see the light of day here). Looking forward to seeing this get huge
the world is better because of people like you. think i’ve seen your username before too
I appreciate that, you as well. Keep on the righteous path
He’s a bot
wow, a feel good bot and you can’t even see “his” post history. Really strange shit.
Except here on Reddit. The liberal circle jerk will keep it out of the main subs.
It’s O’Keefe so media will ignore it “cause he’s a criminal and propagandist”.
OANN will be playing this at 11a.m. Eastern
One America News Network said they are going to show the tapes at 11a.m. eastern!
7 hours later and it’s been taken down
Maybe that’s how.
This guy has been popped before for editing videos in ways that change the message and it was really early in the morning. The other thing is that his guy works for CNN Health, but w.e.
in ways that change the message
Any examples? I hear this said but in context his videos have always seemed equally damning. Taking down ACORN put a target on his back during an adminstration known for prosecuting joirnalists and political enemies so saying “zomg community service” doesn’t cut it for me.
Any examples? I hear this said but in context his videos have always seemed equally damning. Taking down ACORN put a target on his back during an adminstration known for prosecuting joirnalists and political enemies so saying “zomg community service” doesn’t cut it for me.
Any examples? How about the one you named yourself. O’Keefe had to pay out $100,000 to one of the former ACORN employees after he handed over the entire unedited videos which the California AG reviewed and found, “no evidence of criminal conduct on the part of ACORN employees nor any evidence that any employee intended to aid or abet criminal conduct.”
He even admitted in that case that he was just trying to damage ACORN and wasn’t acting with any sort of journalistic objectivity.
His entire career is like that. He releases “damning” video evidence which when compared to the raw video prove to be heavily edited segments which misrepresent the stated views of the people he films by removing context or chronologically shifting the video to make it appear bad.
By comparison, O’Keefe makes media outlets like CNN and Fox with their horribly biased and non-journalistic practices look like absolute angels.
You’re acting like the one good employee ACORN had absolves the other horrible employees who willingly helped a supposed pimp who was prostituting out underage girls and never sought help from a child advocacy group let alone the police after the meeting. You’re doing some subterfuge yourself. If O’Keefe’s undercover vids on ACORN encouraged a reform and improved protocol on how employees react to pimps and who they should contact after, then it was worth it bc, apparently, most of the employees don’t have an idea of what is right or wrong, including when it involves pedophilia.
No wrongdoing was found to have occurred by ACORN when the full video came out. That was the findings of the California AG office and the federal Government Accountability Office.
Well, half true. The case in California was a terrible case and Okeefe should be ashamed for not following through on what the workers did after he left. But the Brooklyn DA reviewed the tapes that affected their region and found that although they were heavily edited, the most damning words were still very much in context.
There was 100% wrong doing found at ACORN. You’re a liar. There was no criminal wrong doing. As being an unethical asshole is not against the law. One of the employees caught on tape had gone to the police and had been leading on O’Keefe. There was no way for O’Keefe to know that; the rest of the employees did not. That employee sued him as they lost their job and were doing the right thing.
Which means the rest of them were actively giving advice for criminal conduct and had no intention of reporting it to the police.
Not really, the msm just do to okeefe what they did to center of medical progress. Throw around ‘deceptive edit’ and dont back it up when the full tapes are released.
What part is fake?
It’s a project veritas release. The people who keep getting busted for releasing edited and out of context videos. The odds of this being legit are approaching zero. Basically, nothing this guy releases is true. He literally generates the fake for fake news.
Can you back that up?
Please provide citations.
Thank you, good sir.
I’m sure I’m the minority opinion here but project veritas has a history of editing video. I don’t think we should look too much into what they do until they release raw footage. When it cuts to the background images for the “because it’s ratings” part it sounds very different than the preceding lines. CNN does suck 99% of the time but that doesn’t mean any attack against it is credible.
All videos are edited. Every single one. This ‘deceptive edit’ crap falls apart when the full vidoes are released showing it in the same context.
Ok then let’s wait until the full video is released before making concrete judgments.
We do; and they are vindicated every time by those of us who bothered to watch them. Meanwhile useful idiots read an article from Salon that claims they watched the full videos and that the clips were deceptively edited. Releasing the full videos does not get the Democrats to shut up about “doctored” videos; as that is their only deflection of the deep seated corruption within their party and their political allies.
Can you provide a context in which his comments would be seen as ok?
It’s a business, people are like “The media has like an ethical…” psssshhhhh…
But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business
You honestly couldn’t make up a worse quote if you tried to. Holy shit.
The saddest part is his words wouldn’t be so damning if they weren’t so honest.
Probably the first time he does something honest, and it is going to backfire on him.
But muh context!
I’m sure they must have edited out a part at the beginning where the Project Veritas guy said “let’s play a game where I ask you questions and you make up fake answers that make CNN look as horrible as possible.” Or a part at the end where the CNN guy said “lol jk I really had you going there didn’t I?” Right guys??
So, politics aside. People stopped paying for real reporting and news. Combine the lack of interest in actual reporting, and the media mergers and newspaper buyouts, etc and you get this media environment. It rewards shock headlines and ‘fake news,’ because no one wanted to purchase journalism and even if they did, public trading of news companies means cost cutting and share holder profits are more important than news…. so what?
we have only one model that doesn’t get fucked by this and it is NPR. And NPR ain’t great, because government funding for it got cut years ago and the replacement ‘funding from ‘charitable foundations for agenda reporting,’ and listener donations sucks. So decent reporters bounce out of NPR ASAP and American suffers.
So the market is rewarding sensationalism, and firms are producing sensationalism?
But this isn’t anything new. Sensationalist news has been a part of the human experience for centuries.
Media mongrel Hearst from the early 20th century made his fortune off of fake news. It was common in the 19th and early 20th century. Some what died down in the mid 20th century; and became dominant again at the end of the 20th century.
we have only one model that doesn’t get fucked by this and it is NPR.
NPR has a horrible liberal bias. They’ll pick a topic like ‘The benefits of abortion’ and then discuss the topic in a somewhat fair manner. But the bias was built into the topic and no amount of honest discussion can overcome that, especially when 90% of the people talking are liberals.
I really like this response, because I agree, but not exactly in the same way. Your response illustrates a particular problem: You think NPR has a liberal bias, because you are to the right of it. I think NPR has a centrist bias, because I’m to the left of it. Either way, we both think NPR doesn’t represent our views fairly and doesn’t ask questions in an objective way.
NPR leans left; though not as much as CNN. If you were going to give it a scale of -10 to 10 (positive 10 being extreme conservative):
CNN: -4
NPR: -2/-3
Fox: 4
National Review: 8
So if you’re a typical reader of Salon or viewer of MSNBC and you have been duped into thinking you’re somewhat moderate; than you may think NPR is “towards” the center. But there is no doubt that it leans left.
Business Insider did a piece of news source bias a few years back. NPR is, as per their research, not close to centrist but leftist .
This is cool link, however it does not say what you say it does, it says the ‘Audience of NPR is more liberal.’ It makes no conclusions about the content.
As a regular NPR listener, I can assure you that they spend a wildly disproportionate amount of time pushing issues that are only important to a tiny minority of the population (surprise: that would be a varied number of far-left activist groups that send them press releases on the topic). In the particular example I’m thinking of, the cause represents something like 10% of a 5-10% minority in the U.S. I hear the same “news” and “personal interest” stories promoting that issue literally every day. The only things that ever change are the names of the people involved (and maybe one or two minor details). It’s the exact same political narrative, hammered over and over and over again. It is literally no longer newsworthy, yet I still hear it in their “news” coverage every day.
The thing is, I’m sure that NPR doesn’t even realize how disproportionately they’re covering the topic. It’s of particular interest to them and most of their audience because it reinforces their preexisting worldview biases…and the issue has been weaponized and is now being used to attack anyone on the “other” side of that issue.
The thing is that they make no bones about it being liberal, and they are at least good at disclosure. You hear how liberal they are every 15 minutes when the call out supporters.
They also have conservative guests on all the time. Congressmen, PR staff from think-tanks, candidates and staff. They come off as smart, engaged people just looking to make things better. Sure, most of the audience and all the staff think they’re wrong. But it’s opposition, not smears
If you just want to know what’s going on in the world, you could do a whole lot worse.
I stopped listening to NPR during the 2012 election. They would have a “panel” about a political topic. The Moderator would be a hard core democrat. Then he would have 3 panelists on. One who was extremely far left (socialist), one who was a hard core Democrat, and one who was moderate (who they called a Republican). The “Republican” threw Romney and Republicans under the bus on every topic and talked about how Republicans were extreme (the guy supposedly representing Right).
That panel would have been horrible enough had they had a real conservative on there who actually believed in Republican policies (as he would be out numbered 3:1); but the fact that they put up a strawman of a Republican on just so he could provide legitimacy to the program was down right infuriating. Fuck that network.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. The real shock of this video should be the realization that all our media is like this, not just CNN.
Thank you for not going directly to the T_D “fuck MSM, CNN, they’re out to get us”…
I may not agree with most of y’all on a lot of issues, but I do agree that there are loads of issues plagueing(sp?) this country. Media and journalism being pretty damn high up there. Especially the fact that it is a driving force if the polarization and partisanship of politics we have today.
I am a big fan of government funded stuff like NPR/PBS/etc, but the thing I am worried about just as you are is how can this be funded by the [insert political party] without them having undue influence over content and context that is out out…it’s a tough question with a probably even tougher solution.
Every group will deny and try to fight news and reporting that makes them look bad. It’s PR, I get it, but when that party is directly responsible for the funding of said programming, how can one prevent retaliation when they report on the actions (good or bad) of that party.
If liberals can post salon and mother jones articles 24/7 on r/politics, they’ll probably believe whatever CNN told them anyway.
My new favorite is holding the independent up as some holy bastion of new reporting. Its little more than a tabloid
And the Guardian
US liberals like to pretend that UK news outlets are never biased
I would argue that UK news outlets are more biased.
But they’re European. Theyre much smarter than us hillbilly Americans /s
I’m in complete agreement. There is a very scummy element is These English news outlets. Have a read about the phone hack scandals if you want a good laugh
just goes to show how morally bankrupt CNN and the rest of the MSM is.
Cable news, in general, is wet, hot garbage.
Print and other forms of news are just as bad though.
It’s literally all dogshit.
This project verita video is amazing though. Puts it all out right in display.
We have the best undercover journalists, don’t we folks?
Amazing? I thought it was over produced and repetitive. They showed the same lines six times in a row.
That’s project veritas for ya
Still good that this is out there but the editing is crap lol
If everything is bad, where do you get your information?
Consensus and time.
Most of the time, most of the news from all these different “partisan” outlets is actually identical. There’s not much difference in the handling of facts, only the angle or the narrative. So when you’re looking up a story that actually matters, read the same story from 8 different, competing, clashing outlets so that forming a narrative is impossible.
News outlets are dishonest, but they don’t usually fabricate. Their spin is more like a reality TV show being edited, inserting context, or removing relevant facts. Reading all the different edits at the same time quickly reveals what is craft, and what is real. Once you do that, you have the facts.
The news brings you the facts because that’s what you ask for. But that’s not really what people want. Their business model is about offering clarity, interpreting the facts into understandable storylines. They take a complicated, crowded, confusing world, and make it nice and neat. Demand is created for a product that has nothing to do with facts. If the news industry was a gas station, facts would be the gasoline, and narrative would be the snacks and drinks.
“The news” is an entertainment product. News junkies are not informed people, they are just entertainment addicts. If you want to be informed, you have to think like a journalist, not an addict.
e: TV news is especially bad because of the medium. TV is slow, information-light, and non-interactive. Good for interviews and speeches, little else.
At the end of the day, this is what happens if you leave journalism to the free market. State sponsored news would be infinitely worse, of course, but this video is a perfect example of what happens when you try and make informing people a business.
I only trust news that doesn’t use click bait titles, doesn’t use dramatic language, and moves on to something else once the segment is over. That pretty much leaves pbs.
The current media situation is a direct result of the elimination of the fairness doctrine by Reagan, and especially the Telecommunications act of 1996 courtesy of Clinton. It’s astoundingly difficult to get a straight true version of almost any news event these days.
I know what you are trying to say, but I would actually argue it is easier.
With the internet and the democratization of information, it is not that difficult to get actual hard facts and even read spin from all sides and form your own opinion.
I think most people are just either lazy, don’t care, or want to read something from their perspective. With your take, it seems the only logical solution would be some state intervention or some new law, which would not be good.
That is a lot of trust in people. Most people just use the internet to find the “facts” to back their pre-conceived belief and stop there.
Its how we’ve ended up in/with huge echo chambers as the divide in the country grows and grows.
While I don’t necessarily disagree with your statement, and don’t trust people, I just think the vast majority don’t care.
Actually most people don’t give a shit about politics like us, and they shouldn’t. It is difficult to see that when you are passionate about it and caught up in discussion and the news everyday.
I don’t really give a shit about politics either. I just like being well-informed. That means being informed about the shell game that is modern American politics.
I sort of disagree about the internet part. I think the internet contributes to the problem because it allows people with zero critical thinking skills access to reams of truly fake news that they aren’t equipped to deal with. I recall a few months ago my Facebook feed lit up with stories posted by my more conservative friends and relatives about how Clinton was under indictment, and had fled the country in a private jet with the FBI hot on her heels. Then there was the whole pizzagate thing that ended with a guy barging into a pizza restaurant with a gun looking for a nonexistent basement full of pedophilia victims. I don’t know what the solution to all this is because regulating the internet in any way that would alleviate the problem would have massive negative consequences, and would most likely be unconstitutional to boot.
I understand your point, and it is made by many, if not most.
I just completely disagree, and believe you, and others, are blowing it out of proportion. One, I understand many people get their “news” from facebook, but it is not a news source. Rarely are people actually reading the articles posted, just the headlines and others’ opinions and then arguing in the comment section. It is more of an activity than just getting the news.
And ok people are dumb and lazy, but still, the majority of Americans, as they should be, are politically apathetic and actually don’t care about any of this shit. They just want their cute cat videos and memes, go to their jobs pay for their shit and pursue their own happiness. It is tough to see that when you are passionate about politics and see the craziness going on, as am I, but it is true.
And pizzagate was a fringe conspiracy, not believed by many, and I understand that more were open to it being true, but only a very small amount actually actively believed in it. And, overtime, the community who did actively believed in it shrunk, and I believe that is a direct result of continuous research and discussion on the open internet. That guy who went to the pizza parlor clearly was crazy and has some other issues, and was he motivated or spurred by this small fringe conspiracy community? Yes, probably, but again, it was very, very small. I am more concerned about main stream news outlets and the left openly saying the GOP is going to kill people and all republicans are Nazis, which is all accepted and mainstream, and if true, I mean somewhat justifies violence, if they are all Nazis and going to kill people?
So, you speak of trying to find a solution to something that is not really a problem. That is just what scares me, the left and right do that all the time. Err on the side of not making laws or regulations or “solutions”, freedom and the market takes care of it. The internet is much more of solution than contributing to a small problem. That form of thinking, even from a conservative point of view, only leads down the road to regulation and control, and less freedom.
I’d agree with you if I didn’t see people I regarded as reasonable and intelligent falling for this crap on a daily basis. I’ll also reiterate that I’m in no way advocating for more internet regulation, but I don’t buy the free market will fix things argument either. The free market follows profits, and telling people what they want to hear will always be more profitable, than telling simple truth.
Yes, the internet gives critical-thinkers the power to consume a ton of reports and form their own opinions, but most people aren’t doing this. Most people don’t use the internet for investigative or comparative journalism. Most people get their “news” from their television or radio broadcast of choice.
We don’t need new laws to regulate what can and cannot be reported. We don’t need a government agency picking winners and losers by controlling funding or airtime. We need some goddamn leadership. We need a president or other high-visibility leader who can be trusted, who has proven integrity, and who communicates with “both sides” to speak to the importance of holding journalists and media networks accountable.
We need the press to keep the government in check, but we need to keep the press in check. “We”, on average, don’t give a shit, so it’s hard to see this starting with us. The corporate click-bait press isn’t likely to usher a true leader into the White House, and the people there now sure as hell aren’t going to change their tune to their own detriment, so I don’t know how we get here. Sad.
“fairness doctrine” has nothing to do with this. It was a ploy to force radios to give liberal commentators shows that no one would listen to and they would lose money on.
Don’t forget that public trading of media companies means they are beholden to share holders, rather than accountable to the general public for the quality of their journalism.
hiding under the guise of the first amendment to publish stories like this is where it should be wrong, the first amendment shouldn’t protect news agencies from publishing false claims as the effect on public perception could be disastrous to the republic as we have seen this past year. It should be treated as yelling fire in a movie theater
It is absolutely amazing how deluded and ignorant the people over at r/politics can be.
This same video was posted there, and rather than be concerned about a CNN producer laughing at the idea of ‘ethics’ in their reporting, they instead claim that Okeefe only makes fake news. They are burying their heads so far in the sand that they will deny video and audio evidence, that couldn’t possibly be taken out of context, and merely attack the source. (not to mention that their favorite video against Trump, the Billy Bush grab-em-by-the-pussy video, is exactly the same type of video.)
Its the easiest way of dismissing evidence out of had without actually having to look at it.
Exactly why reddit is terrible, you can hide posts you don’t like and popular opinions go to the top.
I mean it’s good for sports and stuff, but terrible for anything opinion-formed.
They are burying their heads so far in the sand
Oh, they’re burying their heads all right, just not in sand.
Why all of the jump cuts? Veritas just opens themselves to all of this criticism. Show us the unedited video from beginning to end if it’s so damning. I will never trust a veritas video that’s not one unedited stream of content. They’ve burned bridges too many times before this to demand any less.
Have you ever watched a single investagative report in your life? All are jump cut because because there can be hours of filler between points. Do you really want to waste your time watching them order hot wings and excusing themselves for a shit?
They could make 2 versions available…
Tell you what. I’ll take 5 minute clips. Not 15-20 seconds. That make you happy?
O’Keefe released hours of raw footage for the Planned Parenthood release; and the useful idiots still ignored them. Essentially reddit was full of leftist saying “Well I read Salon; and they watched the full video and they said the clips were deceptively edited. So clearly they were doctored.”
Hopefully O’Keefe releases the raw video
PP does actually sell fetal organs though… totaling on avg. $2-3k for all the organs sold in 1 fetus. This is not some conspiracy theory either. There are published receipts and invoices from organ/tissue repository companies ordering these fetal organs directly from PP to then sell to biotech or academic centers.
Shipping tissues is expensive, they aren’t dumping a fetus’s liver into a leftover Amazon Prime box and sending it on 1-week USPS. It involves very expensive refrigeration packages, fast shipping, and so on.
It’s so morally despicable that they’re giving the tissues to science. We should be cremating and burying the 5-gram clump of cells instead.
So because there were “jump cuts” AKA getting to the point because people don’t have time to watch hours long videos, the entire video is fake?
Shouldn’t stop them from releasing the unedited video on the side, just to verify
They did the same thing with the planned parenthood stuff but people still dismissed it because of “dishonest editing” even though the full version showed the same. People just want to ignore whatever goes against their narrative.
Pretty sure all people do this.
The unedited video is likely 100s of hours long and wouldn’t be able to be uploaded as anything other than a .torrent efficiently.
No, but it certainly raises questions about the veracity of the reporting. Isn’t that what people are demanding these days? If something looks sketchy, call it out. Or is that only trotted out when the news goes against one’s own narrative?
the jump cuts are because this is a secretly taped conversation only loosely connected to the topic it is being presented as connected to. You have to remove context in order to present this in a way that gets the message out that the messenger wanted.
They admitted to clickbait and we’re saying it means conclusively there’s nothing real with Russia. It’s understandable since that’s a giant leap.
The same applies to Fox News as well. 24 hour cable news stations are all in it for the ratings and appealing to their base.
Two-sides of the same coin.
Cognitive dissonance
They said the same thing about the abortion videos that they were actually a setup, or maybe factually, a couple of scenes were taken out of context. Even if they were, that doesn’t dismiss the entirety of the content
You mean like how planned parenthood sells baby parts and the DNC was literally ripping up ballots? Sure seems legit.
Wait, are you actually denying that PP sells fetal organs to tissue repository companies? Bc there are actual invoices and receipts showing that these companies purchase fetal organs from PP to then resell to biotech and academic centers. The Congressional report is pretty black and white.
For profit? Yes. Which is what the video was trying to prove.
It wasn’t attempting to prove. It was showings there was probable cause for a criminal investigation. At worse they violated U.S. law, at best they were unethical ass clowns talking callously about a very sensitive subject. Either way it showed a deeply troubling culture at the heart of Planned Parenthood; and the left couldn’t allow that to be viewed by many.
You mean like how the representive from the medical research firm flat out said they were buying body parts? Is that what you’re talking about? Did you watch the unedited film that showed the exact same thing or are you falling for the ‘deceptive edit’ bs.
How about the several investigations afterwards that found no such thing is happening, and a grand jury actually indicting the people who made the video? https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html
Charges were dropped. Update your links.
indicting the people who made the video?
The charges on them keep getting dropped and chamged
Those indictments have all been thrown out. The state AG has been shown to collude with PP to bring those charges
Liberal judges, obviously, government conspiracy to get in on that sweet sweet fetal organ market.
Based on this sub, I have to assume you aren’t being sarcastic, in which case I’m sorry you actually think that way.
I am. People taking Project Veritas as a serious source while condemning CNN is hilarious – CNN’s pretty shit, but not literally-charged-with-a-crime unethical.
Thank God for the sarcasm. And of course, the subs this is exploding on are r/conservative, r/uncensorednews, and r/conspiracy (Would assume T_D but have them filtered out. I’m fine seeing the occasional post from these subs to know their take, but that floods the feed a bit much).
Ad Hominem attacks are the only way liberals know how to discuss things.
They are burying their heads so far in the sand that they will deny video and audio evidence
Exactly why the Dems will permanently push undecided voters to the right and continue to lose elections.
The media is not the enemy of the American people!
-The Media
r/politics moderators are removing these videos.
Here is r/politics labeling this as an “Unacceptable Source”.
Here is a working mirror to the video.
R/politics cant stand the truth
They’re awfully militant.
Reddit moderators on r/politics and r/news are typical leftists. They try to control free speech. They give an insight into what this country would be like if the left ever got control.
I take it this won’t be on r/news
Very fake news.
This is Wikileaks style, and it’s only part one
Someone make more popcorn
Well I just finished a bowl, but I can make some more if you’d like. Pop Secret Extra Butter, sprinkled with garlic salt and black/cayenne pepper ok with you?
Drowned in liberal tears I hope?
Where do you think the garlic salt comes from? Sometimes there’s even a hint of patchouli (from the hippies).
Trump is considering escalating our presence in Syria. The Senate is considering huge changes to health care. The Supreme Court just issued a bunch of interesting opinions, including one where Justice Kagan broke with the liberal justices to support a church.
CNN: lol, let’s just continue reporting the witch hunt.
This actually made me laugh. So many other legit angles they could’ve gone with vs Trump but nope. RUSSIA.
I think the REAL scandal here for the left is that a CNN producer was filmed enjoying some Chick-fil-A.
I’m not a conservative, but I’m glad this is coming out. When the media tries to whip people into a frenzy against each other, everyone loses.
Edit: Video source has a history of manipulation for conservative agenda, add grain of salt, remain skeptical of media corporations. Based on post history, /u/MiyegomboBayartsogt may be Russian propaganda shill.
Not everyone loses. Trump wins. Americans willing to work win. The people whipped into hysterical frenzy are losing it, but those indolent bed pressing citizens aren’t doing anything productive anyhow. Getting those types out in the street to pout and protest is probably the first exercise any of them have had in a long while.
You think hard-working people aren’t negatively impacted by shitty media?
So long as deep pockets and corrupt politicians can use the media with impunity to manipulate the electorate, the country is fucked. Sure, you and I might have jobs, but I’d rather strive for the quality of life under a less-corrupt regime than what exists today. Politicians actively use the media to divide the population, which distracts from actually governing the country and solving the problems millions of people have. It’s all about winning, not governing, which means American democracy is just a fucking sham…at least third-world dictators are honest about what they want.
in a normal just world, this would be in /r/all by now. Sadly, those that manages the algorithm is going to keep this from going to /r/all to reduce the red pilling as much as possible.
Two instances of it are right now, including this one. You probably won’t like the top comments on the one much higher up, though.
Wow I forgot about project Veritas. It’s oddly relieving to see them doing their thing without the stresses of the election season. It feels like I can sit back and relax and watch the dumpster fire that is the left.
Between the Russia narrative finally cracking, the democrats starting to eat each other, the Supreme Court ruling and now this, I am chuckling to myself at how right trump was. I really can’t handle this much winning in such a short amount of time. I need time to digest this much positive news. Can’t imagine how die hard liberals must feel.
Trump gambled absolutely everything – all his credibility, his political capital, his entire presidency – in a show down with the media.
Conservatives have been too chicken shit to do this for years, despite the fact we all know the media is mostly leftist propaganda. Trump came along and said, “Yeah, I’ll prove it,” and it’s working. It’s bloody well working. I am shocked how well he has flipped what looked like a hopeless narrative.
The media has lost its credibility. The deep state has been exposed to the disinfecting sun light. The Democrats have been so focused on chasing laser pointers like cats that they haven’t taken a moment to reflect on why they lost.
The Clintons are getting exposed as the snakes they are, and the whole Obama administration is taking a hit retroactively.
This is incredible. And we still might get another 2 Supremes.
tl;dr: Trump decided not to be the classic, well-trained house pet for the left. Is kicking ass. Who woulda thought?
Except the left still won’t see it that way. Still work to be done
The core of the left will never see it that way. We can only hope that a solid majority of the people will see how deluded the left is.
At least 25% of the population is irredeemable, it’s just a fact
No, just delusional leftists who would riot before accepting the rule of law.
Because you asked… I feel very little. There wasn’t anything in the video I didn’t already sort of know. It’s painfully obvious CNN has been hyping the hell out of this story with little to no new useful information. BUT, It doesn’t indicate at all however, that the Russia story is fake, just that CNN, like ALL cable news, is about selling a narrative their audience wants to hear, because ratings are king. I’d prefer CNN devote their time to reporting on the Nepotism, Cronyism, and incompetence of this administration, and shut the hell up about Russia until there is something to report.
CNN devote their time to reporting on the Nepotism, Cronyism, and incompetence of this administration
So stop the hysteria of a made up narrative to pick it up on a different made up narrative? Come on..
Appointing your untrained son in law to bring peace to the Middle East doesn’t smell a little like nepotism to you? You think there is no one more qualified in foreign diplomacy to tackle this task?
He should respond soon. Probably had to look up what nepotism means and is now digging through breitbart articles for an argument to regurgitate.
I feel like a lot of the things he said can be applied not only to CNN but Fox News and all cable news. Just with different agenda.
And BOOM! Just like that, CNN credibility destroyed.
To be fair, they didnt have any to begin with.
Did you not hear “mostly bullshit” and “do it just for ratings”? This is called lying when you print false stories. The lies that were printed out a few days ago by CNN got 3 people fired.
CNN is a partisan hack of an organization that acts like it’s the Pravda arm of the DNC.
This concern trolling would not be happening if say, Fox News were caught in this kind of scheming.
Can you quote where the reporter said the leaks are bullshit?
The dude said the Trump –> Russia headlines are bullshit, not that the Trump’s Team –> Russia headline are bullshit. He also justified Russia trying to swing our election, which isn’t exactly a denial of them doing it.
Without fake news and unfounded conspiracies, Rachel Maddow will be selling oranges on the highway
This is going to be spun as out-of-context quotes that are intentionally edited to sound as a bad as possible and there really isn’t any scandal here.
The man just straight up laughed at the notion of journalistic ethics. It looks pretty bad.
He was taken out of context!!! Maybe he was reading from a play script about a jaded and corrupt Fox News journalist. /s
I think you just scored a job at CNN.
I’m just going to go by the fact I’m seeing literally dozens of newish accounts and accounts that’ve never posted in many of the subreddits this story is being posted in trying to deflect and dispute the entire video as a sign that it’s a pretty big deal for CNN right now. Seriously, I’ve never seen this much damage control on all of Reddit. Even this thread is at 58% upvoted since it hit r/all. They are panicking trying to bury this one.
I’ve noticed for months now. They like to infect subs like r/uncensorednews and other alternative subreddits that were created to get away from the shills and astroturfing.
The #1 tactic of these people is to derail conversations and change the topic.
And yet the hardcore Reddit Lefties are still pushing the Russia story. Love it and hate it at the same time. Makes them look incredibly foolish, but in the end hurts America with their ignorance.
Number 1 Trending Video on YouTube right now and it hasn’t even been a day. Of course r/politics is silent. Here’s a comment from there.
Once again, this story is already debunked & confirmed as fake. This was a low-level associate intern who decided to spew bullshit about something he has no idea about. He’s not even working directly on the Russia team. CNN has been absolutely stellar as of late and this retraction just cements that they are an elite organization that goes the extra mile to fact check and verify their sources. Couldn’t be more pleased with the stellar work CNN has been putting out lately
It’s amazing to think that these people believe the media has any reason to have any sort of journalistic integrity. Its a business. I remember during Bernie’s campaign there was a post at the top of r/all about how Clinton was funded by CNN. But now that CNN aligns with their agenda they trust them. Unbelievable.
59% upvoted, LMAOOOO
1) CNN, Fox News, etc. are all stupid ratings-chasing bullshit. Anyone who doesn’t see that by now isn’t paying attention. It’s been getting worse and worse throughout my life – haven’t really watched any MSM in years, but I’m guessing it’s all pretty abhorrent by now.
2) I don’t really care if news outlets secretly think a story is bullshit or not – but I do care what the FBI thinks. They thought there was enough to warrant an investigation. And now the story has become more about impeding that investigation.
As soon as I saw this video I knew the thread would be brigaded
Damning quotes aside, the most interesting takeaway is how much day to day control Jeff Zucker has over the narrative.
The video was removed
I’m a pretty leftist dude but I think we all have known CNN lost credibility during the election cycle with how they put Clinton on a pedestal.
I mean we all knew it, but this is still one of the most sickening things I have ever seen and still shocking even when you know news is all staged and money driven for agendas. The worst part for me was when he only laughs at the idea of journalistic ethics…
Wow that guy’s gonna get suicided by 4 bullets to the back of the head
Damn this is exciting
R/news is in some hard denial.
CNN isn’t just fake news. They are very fake news. And apparently proud of it. I wonder how the kiddies in r/politics will try and spin this. I mean, he literally says they don’t care about ethics in journalism. It’s kinda hard to spin that.
Edit- oh. They won’t spin it. They will just ignore it apparently. Neato
Edit again- Hi shareblue! Thanks for stopping by to downvote us.
While I must admit I am generally liberal, even I have to say all the Trump-Russia collusion stories are getting old to see. Do I think some of the things that are reported, and some of Trump’s own actions and statements seem a little sketchy? Sure. But ultimately, that’s why there is currently some sort of investigation going on. I don’t need to hear about it every day because at this point there really isn’t too much more to report, and to be honest it just takes away from actually debating the policies that are being put out, especially health care currently. If something comes up in the future from this investigation or otherwise, sure let’s bring it up again and discuss it, but unless/until something like that occurs I would rather see more talk about policies.
While I must admit I am generally liberal, even I have to say all the Trump-Russia collusion stories are getting old to see.
This is the statement that should have the Democrats scared shitless.
It’s also why they’ve been trying to pivot away from the Russian witch hunt but they’re having trouble getting their people to stop. The base is convinced Trump is a traitor and won’t let up.
because they convinced them, what a vicious web we weave….
All of our intelligence says that Russia interfered and Trump says he fired Comey to slow/stop the Russia investigation, it’s not exactly all CNNs fault.
The country should be scared shitless, not just dems.
He fired comey because comey wouldnt hold a presser saying trump wasnt under investigation. Which is true and what comey told him on three diffrent occasions.
Was it dumb? Sure.
Was it interference with the russia investigation? Not even a little bit.
Share exact sentiment.
The worst part to me is how much a lot of the media alienates people, and how much I feel that extends into the everyday political discussion. You see it on all sides. I see it all the time when people call people on the left “libtards” or “snowflakes” and people on the left respond calling people on the right “Nazis” and “bigots” and “racists” and all it does it take away from substantive conversation and instead ignore any possible points that the other side may have because they are from the other side so let’s just call them names instead of actually refute arguments or points they have made.
you are a great, great great person
Concern trolls out in full force tonight.
What really blows me away is how divided along political lines so many people are. If you are 100 percent Democrat or 100 percent Republican on issues as far as the party line goes, you are also 100 percent moron. Every issue deserves discussion. There is nuance in politics which is why most congressmen go to law school.
If anything, this should be a wakeup call to everyone about their favorite news channels.
BREAKING NEWS::::: they’re all this way. They need money to make money. Fox, CNN, Breitbart, Inforwars, all of it is for-profit. They create sensationalized headlines that their viewers care about for some reason, and that’s how you keep eyes on the tube. It’s all despicable, but not surprising.
This is huge. Can’t wait to hear the official ShareBlue narrative on this one.
No mention of this on /r/politics. Head, meet sand.
Link broken???
Published at Tue, 27 Jun 2017 04:13:51 +0000
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from Aw Jeez Not This Liberal Crap Again http://strikingtherightbalance.com/must-watch-cnn-producer-caught-on-hidden-camera-basically-admits-cnn-is-an-awful-journalism-outlet-that-is-not-to-be-trusted-3/
0 notes
nebulous-walkabout · 7 years
sands of identity falling thru an hourglass
driving past danny bonaduce’s house everyday looking at the uncut grass and dereliction that was his property and feeling the dread that the life of the washed up dj on '104.3 the golden oldies' in chicago is one of the first emotions i remember feeling tied to music. the stale decaying music that got played over and over for people that wouldnt try anything new, to me seemed destructive and soul crushing. thats generally where we first experience music though, in the back seat of our parents car. and my mom loved the oldies. of course it wasnt until a decade later when he would come out as a crackhead on celebrity rehab that it really made sense why the red headed kid from the partridge family wouldnt mow his lawn. for some reason that i cannot find though, this feeling i got when i would drive past his house with my mom while listening to his radio show, is still the feeling i get when i hear most old music. my musical taste is shaped by what i would absorb in my first few years on earth. they were a strange time for me, like most awkward kids. and we moved a few times, like most awkward kids. but we also moved stratospherically thru the socioeconomic structure when i was too young to understand it. when i was 6 or 7 in the first house i remember, we got a bose cd player and i discovered my parents cds. one of the first ones i remember playing over and over was smashing pumpkins' mellon collie and infinite sadness. i remember springsteen albums everywhere. live. even 4 non-blondes. rolling stones. that stuff laid the foundation for how i would unconsciously receive music and form my own taste. of course after you discover your parents music, you hunt out your own. and in the early 90's that was all about MTV. sure when youre 8 you dont understand it. but you know what other people think is cool. and i think that was the point. i dont know how the older kids consumed their mtv, but i can tell you 90's kids and later were all told exactly what they should like and listen to by VJ's we wish we were still dressing like. thats what informed us. taught us what kind of music we should explore, so later when we were old enough to peruse the aisles of tower records alone we could actually find what we like. the thing that made mtv better than the radio early on was it was selling an entire culture, not just pop hits. all sorts of atrocities from the faux fashion world of 1994 were pushed into the minds of millions of kids who let it define their childhoods. from mtv you found the sound, then you went out and tried to find it again in something else. after school most days i would hang out at my neighbor's house, he was older and actually my brothers friend, but i remember coming into possession of a Green Jelly CD at his house one day and my world changed. it was something i thought was uniquely for me, but how could it be? thats what music was about back then, buying into the idea that youre cool for liking this thing that everyone else likes too. quickly after that you start in on green day, and you love dookie, but you love it more because you think the secret song is just for you. and its a treat. and you use the music to make you louder. and you scream. but everyone is screaming. and no one else can hear you. i remember where i was when the news came on and told the world kurt cobain died. i was in the living room being forced to eat macaroni and cheese by my older cousin. i can still remember the carpet, but not the furniture. and its not so much that as a nine year old that i cared so much that kurt cobain died, because as a kid you dont really know who he is, you just know hes nirvana and hes cool. and your parents want to keep you away from the tv bc they dont want you thinking about hot guys killing themselves. fine. but that only made you like nirvana even more. then thats the sound. all i ever knew was that i really liked loud music, and thats all i ever liked. you start hating that youve been listening to B96 with all the girls that would grow up to be wannabe valley girls. you run around thinking you like music before you really know what it is. your identity at this age starts to be formed by it, although at this age its formed around the cool shit you do on your bikes when youre with youre friends. it relies upon how long you hold the controller before you die and have to let your friends play whatever video game you just got.
and then you move. youre alone. youve gone from this world you knew, and had a place in, to a very different place. for me it was even stranger, moving from a normal neighborhood with friends next door, to a place where you couldnt see your neighbors house, and your friends were always a car ride away. the houses were huge. the land was massive. and youre alone in the center of both. you become dependent on finding ways to occupy yourself. you start making your own mixtapes off the radio. you continue to make them better, tape over the songs youre tired of. you steal your older brother cd's. and then my parents had one of these giant motorized satelite dishes installed. it got everything. my new source of new kinds of music was movies on tv. movies like bio-dome changed my musical course. you hear a different kind of punk. and sure now you look back and its shitty, but back then it represented a change. and you felt good, and you want to be pauly shore with stephen baldwins terrible dreadlocks. and you want to dye your skin blue and skydive strapped into a drum kit. so you start taking drum lessons. and then you realize youre the weird kid. i didnt care. i liked what i liked, i didnt fit in with the way the rest of the rich kids liked to be. sure i had friends, but i had more than enough time to sit at home alone and absorb the world i thought i wanted to be a part of. for the last couple years before the internet descended from the heavens my musical taste was almost entirely forged by movie soundtracks. empire records, dazed and confused, and trainspotting. ever since then the joy i feel watching a movie depends almost exclusively on what im hearing behind the the people talking. my choice of movie relies on music, and to some extent the reverse is true as well, although i can enjoy music without a movie, but i cant enjoy a movie without music. this is something that has remained true throughout the rest of my life up until today.  in fact, thinking back, it is probably the reason i love so many terrible movies, because if it has a good soundtrack i dont really care how bad the story is. i would find myself more and more trying to find music from movies when walking the aisles at tower. i always wished i had a tower closer to my house, so my trips were not as frequent as i would have liked. instead often times i was marooned at home watching the golden age of music video technology. a period in time where who was making what video was news. the last couple years of mtv's usefulness was a weird time, in that trl and the rest of its programming was pointing us all towards a very specific set of music and videos again. it was like we jumped back in time 10 years and all we were given access to was the top 10, just like the radio had been doing for years. but then something changed. and it was everything. all the sudden your reach was limitless with a computer. all of the sudden it didnt matter that i was sitting alone at home. i had a computer, and for the first couple years the music came to me at 56.6kbps over the phone. i would sit up in the office under my moms painting studio on the other side of the house and just watch those status bars slowly fill in while i waited for my music. there was no limit. you would hear bands on mtv, early in the morning or late at night, or youd watchsnl or conan or kilborn. you never knew any of the bands but they informed your musical zeitgeist. and after you heard something you would know if it was 'it' or not, and if it was, you put it in queue to download. next thing you know youre listening to narcotic by liquido. your infinite musical catalog in the year 2000 was only limited by one thing: your drive to find new music. and so thats the way its been for almost 20 years. with endless new music at my fingertips, im still always floored by certain songs that i love but almost never hear anymore. part of the joy comes from knowing people would laugh at me if they came across me listening to certain things i like. in most cases these songs are terrible and im in the minority for loving them but theyre a part of me. and if you can listen to 'give it up' by cut'n'move without getting into it, youre a robot. by the time i was a teenager i was just another white kid living in a whitewashed world all day, anytime i left my room i was surrounded by people walking around with starched collars. but at home and in my car i could listen to my music as loud as i wanted, i made an obnoxious effort to let people know i was them. i would drive around in a range rover, with the harmon/kardon sub in the back turned up all the way, didnt matter where i was, school, the park, practice, the country club, they all heard what i was listening to, it didnt matter if it was pearl jams' crazy mary or the st lunatics. our world changed when our ability to freely pick out our own music tailored by our own tastes and informed by exposure to stuff like thestraightdope.com or whoever's music was playing in the background of kurt loders news updates. since then ive used peoples taste in music against them. it wasnt that i really cared what they listened to as much as what they wouldnt listen to. its a good barometer in my eyes. people that cant discern good music for themselves generally cant do much at all on their own. its my firm belief that if youre open about not liking something then you should at least have a reason. were living in a time where every thing you see or do is interrupted by someone trying to sell you on their idea.  the freedoms to be yourself appear to again be fleeting. the last bastion of personal freedom is quickly becoming monetized in a way it hasnt been before. the same way mtv turned into the channel that plays teenage mom all day, people are finding ways to sell people the same generic package again. you have to fight hard to find your personal space in this world and be yourself. while my musical taste is a representation of me and me alone, its sort of like a batch of cookies. my cookie might have more chocolate chips but all the dough came from the same bowl.
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
Can YouTube star PewDiePie survive this latest scandal?
An image from YouTube Red’s “Scare PewDiePie.”
Image: YouTube red
How far is too far?
For PewDiePie ranked Forbes‘ highest-paid YouTube star of 2015 and 2016 that question had never been a problem.
In the last year, the Swedish gamer has: tweeted that he and YouTuber Jacksepticeye have “joined ISIS“; bashed reporters for singling him out in articles about the Federal Trade Commission and Warner Bros. “pay for play” settlement; hated on a rival channel which stars a 5-year-old; and trolled fans by saying he would delete his channel after he reached 50 million subscribers but instead deleted a secondary channel he barely uses.
Despite this, most fans stood by PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg. His business partners remained silent about his often inappropriate jokes and actions.
SEE ALSO: YouTube cancels PewDiePie show after anti-Semitic jokes
But on Monday, PewDiePie’s trolling posting videos containing anti-Semitic “jokes” and Nazi imagery cost him his biggest business relationships: Disney and YouTube.
Disney’s digital entertainment company Maker Studios dropped PewDiePie after The Wall Street Journal’s extensive review of the YouTubers recent videos. YouTube subsequently canceled season two of its Red series Scare PewDiePie, and removed the star one of their biggest names from the Google Preferred advertising program.
Image: screenshot/youtube
This is the first time such a huge YouTube star arguably the biggest YouTuber has faced such repercussions for his actions.
Now, the industry is at a crossroads. Will businesses reliant on YouTubers for revenue scrutinize their content more? And if they do, will it even matter for these stars, who have already built their own massive followings?
“This is a critical moment for the oftentimes awkward dance that YouTubers and brands have been doing,” said Chris Allieri, principal, Mulberry & Astor, a communications and public affairs consultancy.”Its a risk for brands to associate with YouTube talent, especially the irreverent and at times controversial ones.”
If PewDiePie mostly survives this big of a scandal, it will mean that anything goes in the YouTube world. And businesses may not even have a say.
‘Broadcast Yourself’
Since its inception 10 years ago, YouTube has operated under the motto “broadcast yourself.”
That in turn has made the platform home to anyone and everyone who wants to voice their views via vlogging. Overnight, an average Joe with solid views could become a celebrity.
For that reason, fear of consequence doesnt prevail in the digital space. Most digital stars arent contracted at a studio and most dont have a small army of handlers to whom they are accountable.
Many digital influencers achieved fame for themselves. And since their uncensored selves are the reason for their fame, they dont listen anyway, many in the industry who have worked with creators have told Mashable.
Image: getty images
There have been other instances where agencies and PR firms have dropped clients over conduct. But it’s never been this public, nor has it been with someone considered one of YouTube’s biggest personalities.
YouTube has never really censored PewDiePie. The platform’s guidelines give creators permission to be satirical. However, controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown are prohibited.
In a statement sent to reporters early on Tuesday morning, a YouTube spokesperson confirmed that the platform has decided to kill Season 2 of PewDiePie’s show and remove the PewDiePie channel from Google Preferred. The company, however, will not remove any of his channels.
For some in the industry, PewDiePie’s scandal serves as a reminder of what needs to be done when creators cross the line.
“There should be repercussions for any talent on any medium for promoting hate and intolerance,” Keith Richman, president of Defy Media, said in an interview. “We should value free speech and his right to say it, but that does not mean there should not be repercussions.”
Others, like Allieri, said it will help YouTubers with positive messages rise.
“I think that the horrible comments PewDiePie made and equally important his troubling response to the backlash, will give pause to the savvier YouTubers who are looking to associate with brands, monetize their channels and want to be known for bringing folks together and making people feel good.”
Fan support vs. business backing
PewDiePie got his start in 2010 making funny videos of himself playing games. He was one of the pioneers of the now popular “Let’s Play” YouTube genre, which features video game-play alongside footage of the players narration and reactions.
Maker Studios, which Disney purchased in 2014 for a whopping $675 million, boasts a network of about 55,000 independent creators who collectively draw in 10 billion views per month. PewDiePie, who joined the network in 2012 with just 3 million subscribers, was their biggest star by far.
YouTube had him plastered on billboards across the globe. Susanne Daniels, Head of YouTube Originals, has used Scare PewDiePie as an example of a successful series that actually drew in fans to YouTube Red.
PewDiePie now has over 53 million subscribers to his main channel.
His book This Book Loves You made the New York Times bestseller list and his YouTube Red series Scare PewDiePie before being canceled was a top performer. His second video game, PewDiePies Tuber Simulator, was downloaded more than 1 million times within 24 hours of its release.
Some think losing Maker Studios and YouTube’s support will definitely damage PewDiePie’s reputation.
“The things he posted and portrayed give license to supremacism by normalizing hate speech,” Allieri said. “Disney, Maker and YouTube helped him grow his presence – without them (or his other advertisers) he will be seriously challenged. Whether or not he immediately loses followers will remain to be seen. But this is a black mark that he may never shed. Ever.”
But many of PewDiePie’s most fervent fans seem to disagree. On Twitter, some were confused why PewDiePie was trending (pointing out that he had made it on BBC News). Others called out Disney and YouTube for cutting ties.
Seriously. Why is everyone dropping @pewdiepie now? This is old news and obviously people don’t understand comedy.
Vicki T (@vickitm) February 14, 2017
In general, the attitude toward PewDiePie among the YouTube community has either been burning hatred or fervent love.
#pewdiepie is just a goofy Youtuber fitting for the OCD generation, not a modern Goebbels. Hunt some real Nazis, why don’tcha?
TheWonderingIsraeli (@WonderngIsraeli) February 14, 2017
Even YouTuber Phil DeFranco, known for his videos about news and pop culture, suggested on Twitter the news could elevate PewDiePie rather than harm him.
Also to people saying this is the end of @pewdiepie‘s career…You are so incredibly wrong. He has the advantage here. You just don’t see it
Philip DeFranco (@PhillyD) February 14, 2017
YouTube star Casey Neistat, who announced in November that he is no longer going to keep a daily vlog, also weighed in.
“I’d like to preface all of it by saying I’ve met PewDiePie… in my very best judgment I don’t think the guy has a hateful bone in his body,” Neistat says in the video. “I don’t think his intent was to spread hate … [but] when you have 53 million subscribers it does come with a responsibility and that responsibility is to understand your audience and understand how your words are going to be interpreted. So while you are may be saying something is a joke, your audience may not always interpret it as that.”
PewDiePie didn’t respond to Mashable’s request for comment.
But on Sunday, he posted on his Tumblr that he wanted to clear some things up” about some of his videos featuring the anti-Semitic remarks.
“This originated from a video I made a couple of weeks ago,” he wrote in the post. “I was trying to show how crazy the modern world is, specifically some of the services available online. I picked something that seemed absurd to meThat people on Fiverr would say anything for 5 dollars. I think its important to say something and I want to make one thing clear: I am in no way supporting any kind of hateful attitudes. I make videos for my audience. I think of the content that I create as entertainment, and not a place for any serious political commentary. I know my audience understand that and that is why they come to my channel. Though this was not my intention, I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive. As laughable as it is to believe that I might actually endorse these people, to anyone unsure on my standpoint regarding hate-based groups: No, I dont support these people in any way.”
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lerPY5
from Can YouTube star PewDiePie survive this latest scandal?
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MUST WATCH: CNN Producer caught on hidden camera, basically admits CNN is an awful journalism outlet that is not to be trusted.
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MUST WATCH: CNN Producer caught on hidden camera, basically admits CNN is an awful journalism outlet that is not to be trusted.
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derp report
Is this legit? How is this not exploding right now?
It will. It’s 3 am on a Monday night, this will go ham tomorrow morn.
Just about midnight here in California (but this story won’t see the light of day here). Looking forward to seeing this get huge
the world is better because of people like you. think i’ve seen your username before too
I appreciate that, you as well. Keep on the righteous path
He’s a bot
wow, a feel good bot and you can’t even see “his” post history. Really strange shit.
Except here on Reddit. The liberal circle jerk will keep it out of the main subs.
It’s O’Keefe so media will ignore it “cause he’s a criminal and propagandist”.
OANN will be playing this at 11a.m. Eastern
One America News Network said they are going to show the tapes at 11a.m. eastern!
7 hours later and it’s been taken down
Maybe that’s how.
This guy has been popped before for editing videos in ways that change the message and it was really early in the morning. The other thing is that his guy works for CNN Health, but w.e.
in ways that change the message
Any examples? I hear this said but in context his videos have always seemed equally damning. Taking down ACORN put a target on his back during an adminstration known for prosecuting joirnalists and political enemies so saying “zomg community service” doesn’t cut it for me.
Any examples? I hear this said but in context his videos have always seemed equally damning. Taking down ACORN put a target on his back during an adminstration known for prosecuting joirnalists and political enemies so saying “zomg community service” doesn’t cut it for me.
Any examples? How about the one you named yourself. O’Keefe had to pay out $100,000 to one of the former ACORN employees after he handed over the entire unedited videos which the California AG reviewed and found, “no evidence of criminal conduct on the part of ACORN employees nor any evidence that any employee intended to aid or abet criminal conduct.”
He even admitted in that case that he was just trying to damage ACORN and wasn’t acting with any sort of journalistic objectivity.
His entire career is like that. He releases “damning” video evidence which when compared to the raw video prove to be heavily edited segments which misrepresent the stated views of the people he films by removing context or chronologically shifting the video to make it appear bad.
By comparison, O’Keefe makes media outlets like CNN and Fox with their horribly biased and non-journalistic practices look like absolute angels.
You’re acting like the one good employee ACORN had absolves the other horrible employees who willingly helped a supposed pimp who was prostituting out underage girls and never sought help from a child advocacy group let alone the police after the meeting. You’re doing some subterfuge yourself. If O’Keefe’s undercover vids on ACORN encouraged a reform and improved protocol on how employees react to pimps and who they should contact after, then it was worth it bc, apparently, most of the employees don’t have an idea of what is right or wrong, including when it involves pedophilia.
No wrongdoing was found to have occurred by ACORN when the full video came out. That was the findings of the California AG office and the federal Government Accountability Office.
Well, half true. The case in California was a terrible case and Okeefe should be ashamed for not following through on what the workers did after he left. But the Brooklyn DA reviewed the tapes that affected their region and found that although they were heavily edited, the most damning words were still very much in context.
There was 100% wrong doing found at ACORN. You’re a liar. There was no criminal wrong doing. As being an unethical asshole is not against the law. One of the employees caught on tape had gone to the police and had been leading on O’Keefe. There was no way for O’Keefe to know that; the rest of the employees did not. That employee sued him as they lost their job and were doing the right thing.
Which means the rest of them were actively giving advice for criminal conduct and had no intention of reporting it to the police.
Not really, the msm just do to okeefe what they did to center of medical progress. Throw around ‘deceptive edit’ and dont back it up when the full tapes are released.
What part is fake?
It’s a project veritas release. The people who keep getting busted for releasing edited and out of context videos. The odds of this being legit are approaching zero. Basically, nothing this guy releases is true. He literally generates the fake for fake news.
Can you back that up?
Please provide citations.
Thank you, good sir.
I’m sure I’m the minority opinion here but project veritas has a history of editing video. I don’t think we should look too much into what they do until they release raw footage. When it cuts to the background images for the “because it’s ratings” part it sounds very different than the preceding lines. CNN does suck 99% of the time but that doesn’t mean any attack against it is credible.
All videos are edited. Every single one. This ‘deceptive edit’ crap falls apart when the full vidoes are released showing it in the same context.
Ok then let’s wait until the full video is released before making concrete judgments.
We do; and they are vindicated every time by those of us who bothered to watch them. Meanwhile useful idiots read an article from Salon that claims they watched the full videos and that the clips were deceptively edited. Releasing the full videos does not get the Democrats to shut up about “doctored” videos; as that is their only deflection of the deep seated corruption within their party and their political allies.
Can you provide a context in which his comments would be seen as ok?
It’s a business, people are like “The media has like an ethical…” psssshhhhh…
But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business
You honestly couldn’t make up a worse quote if you tried to. Holy shit.
The saddest part is his words wouldn’t be so damning if they weren’t so honest.
Probably the first time he does something honest, and it is going to backfire on him.
But muh context!
I’m sure they must have edited out a part at the beginning where the Project Veritas guy said “let’s play a game where I ask you questions and you make up fake answers that make CNN look as horrible as possible.” Or a part at the end where the CNN guy said “lol jk I really had you going there didn’t I?” Right guys??
So, politics aside. People stopped paying for real reporting and news. Combine the lack of interest in actual reporting, and the media mergers and newspaper buyouts, etc and you get this media environment. It rewards shock headlines and ‘fake news,’ because no one wanted to purchase journalism and even if they did, public trading of news companies means cost cutting and share holder profits are more important than news…. so what?
we have only one model that doesn’t get fucked by this and it is NPR. And NPR ain’t great, because government funding for it got cut years ago and the replacement ‘funding from ‘charitable foundations for agenda reporting,’ and listener donations sucks. So decent reporters bounce out of NPR ASAP and American suffers.
So the market is rewarding sensationalism, and firms are producing sensationalism?
But this isn’t anything new. Sensationalist news has been a part of the human experience for centuries.
Media mongrel Hearst from the early 20th century made his fortune off of fake news. It was common in the 19th and early 20th century. Some what died down in the mid 20th century; and became dominant again at the end of the 20th century.
we have only one model that doesn’t get fucked by this and it is NPR.
NPR has a horrible liberal bias. They’ll pick a topic like ‘The benefits of abortion’ and then discuss the topic in a somewhat fair manner. But the bias was built into the topic and no amount of honest discussion can overcome that, especially when 90% of the people talking are liberals.
I really like this response, because I agree, but not exactly in the same way. Your response illustrates a particular problem: You think NPR has a liberal bias, because you are to the right of it. I think NPR has a centrist bias, because I’m to the left of it. Either way, we both think NPR doesn’t represent our views fairly and doesn’t ask questions in an objective way.
NPR leans left; though not as much as CNN. If you were going to give it a scale of -10 to 10 (positive 10 being extreme conservative):
CNN: -4
NPR: -2/-3
Fox: 4
National Review: 8
So if you’re a typical reader of Salon or viewer of MSNBC and you have been duped into thinking you’re somewhat moderate; than you may think NPR is “towards” the center. But there is no doubt that it leans left.
Business Insider did a piece of news source bias a few years back. NPR is, as per their research, not close to centrist but leftist .
This is cool link, however it does not say what you say it does, it says the ‘Audience of NPR is more liberal.’ It makes no conclusions about the content.
As a regular NPR listener, I can assure you that they spend a wildly disproportionate amount of time pushing issues that are only important to a tiny minority of the population (surprise: that would be a varied number of far-left activist groups that send them press releases on the topic). In the particular example I’m thinking of, the cause represents something like 10% of a 5-10% minority in the U.S. I hear the same “news” and “personal interest” stories promoting that issue literally every day. The only things that ever change are the names of the people involved (and maybe one or two minor details). It’s the exact same political narrative, hammered over and over and over again. It is literally no longer newsworthy, yet I still hear it in their “news” coverage every day.
The thing is, I’m sure that NPR doesn’t even realize how disproportionately they’re covering the topic. It’s of particular interest to them and most of their audience because it reinforces their preexisting worldview biases…and the issue has been weaponized and is now being used to attack anyone on the “other” side of that issue.
The thing is that they make no bones about it being liberal, and they are at least good at disclosure. You hear how liberal they are every 15 minutes when the call out supporters.
They also have conservative guests on all the time. Congressmen, PR staff from think-tanks, candidates and staff. They come off as smart, engaged people just looking to make things better. Sure, most of the audience and all the staff think they’re wrong. But it’s opposition, not smears
If you just want to know what’s going on in the world, you could do a whole lot worse.
I stopped listening to NPR during the 2012 election. They would have a “panel” about a political topic. The Moderator would be a hard core democrat. Then he would have 3 panelists on. One who was extremely far left (socialist), one who was a hard core Democrat, and one who was moderate (who they called a Republican). The “Republican” threw Romney and Republicans under the bus on every topic and talked about how Republicans were extreme (the guy supposedly representing Right).
That panel would have been horrible enough had they had a real conservative on there who actually believed in Republican policies (as he would be out numbered 3:1); but the fact that they put up a strawman of a Republican on just so he could provide legitimacy to the program was down right infuriating. Fuck that network.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. The real shock of this video should be the realization that all our media is like this, not just CNN.
Thank you for not going directly to the T_D “fuck MSM, CNN, they’re out to get us”…
I may not agree with most of y’all on a lot of issues, but I do agree that there are loads of issues plagueing(sp?) this country. Media and journalism being pretty damn high up there. Especially the fact that it is a driving force if the polarization and partisanship of politics we have today.
I am a big fan of government funded stuff like NPR/PBS/etc, but the thing I am worried about just as you are is how can this be funded by the [insert political party] without them having undue influence over content and context that is out out…it’s a tough question with a probably even tougher solution.
Every group will deny and try to fight news and reporting that makes them look bad. It’s PR, I get it, but when that party is directly responsible for the funding of said programming, how can one prevent retaliation when they report on the actions (good or bad) of that party.
If liberals can post salon and mother jones articles 24/7 on r/politics, they’ll probably believe whatever CNN told them anyway.
My new favorite is holding the independent up as some holy bastion of new reporting. Its little more than a tabloid
And the Guardian
US liberals like to pretend that UK news outlets are never biased
I would argue that UK news outlets are more biased.
But they’re European. Theyre much smarter than us hillbilly Americans /s
I’m in complete agreement. There is a very scummy element is These English news outlets. Have a read about the phone hack scandals if you want a good laugh
just goes to show how morally bankrupt CNN and the rest of the MSM is.
Cable news, in general, is wet, hot garbage.
Print and other forms of news are just as bad though.
It’s literally all dogshit.
This project verita video is amazing though. Puts it all out right in display.
We have the best undercover journalists, don’t we folks?
Amazing? I thought it was over produced and repetitive. They showed the same lines six times in a row.
That’s project veritas for ya
Still good that this is out there but the editing is crap lol
If everything is bad, where do you get your information?
Consensus and time.
Most of the time, most of the news from all these different “partisan” outlets is actually identical. There’s not much difference in the handling of facts, only the angle or the narrative. So when you’re looking up a story that actually matters, read the same story from 8 different, competing, clashing outlets so that forming a narrative is impossible.
News outlets are dishonest, but they don’t usually fabricate. Their spin is more like a reality TV show being edited, inserting context, or removing relevant facts. Reading all the different edits at the same time quickly reveals what is craft, and what is real. Once you do that, you have the facts.
The news brings you the facts because that’s what you ask for. But that’s not really what people want. Their business model is about offering clarity, interpreting the facts into understandable storylines. They take a complicated, crowded, confusing world, and make it nice and neat. Demand is created for a product that has nothing to do with facts. If the news industry was a gas station, facts would be the gasoline, and narrative would be the snacks and drinks.
“The news” is an entertainment product. News junkies are not informed people, they are just entertainment addicts. If you want to be informed, you have to think like a journalist, not an addict.
e: TV news is especially bad because of the medium. TV is slow, information-light, and non-interactive. Good for interviews and speeches, little else.
At the end of the day, this is what happens if you leave journalism to the free market. State sponsored news would be infinitely worse, of course, but this video is a perfect example of what happens when you try and make informing people a business.
I only trust news that doesn’t use click bait titles, doesn’t use dramatic language, and moves on to something else once the segment is over. That pretty much leaves pbs.
The current media situation is a direct result of the elimination of the fairness doctrine by Reagan, and especially the Telecommunications act of 1996 courtesy of Clinton. It’s astoundingly difficult to get a straight true version of almost any news event these days.
I know what you are trying to say, but I would actually argue it is easier.
With the internet and the democratization of information, it is not that difficult to get actual hard facts and even read spin from all sides and form your own opinion.
I think most people are just either lazy, don’t care, or want to read something from their perspective. With your take, it seems the only logical solution would be some state intervention or some new law, which would not be good.
That is a lot of trust in people. Most people just use the internet to find the “facts” to back their pre-conceived belief and stop there.
Its how we’ve ended up in/with huge echo chambers as the divide in the country grows and grows.
While I don’t necessarily disagree with your statement, and don’t trust people, I just think the vast majority don’t care.
Actually most people don’t give a shit about politics like us, and they shouldn’t. It is difficult to see that when you are passionate about it and caught up in discussion and the news everyday.
I don’t really give a shit about politics either. I just like being well-informed. That means being informed about the shell game that is modern American politics.
I sort of disagree about the internet part. I think the internet contributes to the problem because it allows people with zero critical thinking skills access to reams of truly fake news that they aren’t equipped to deal with. I recall a few months ago my Facebook feed lit up with stories posted by my more conservative friends and relatives about how Clinton was under indictment, and had fled the country in a private jet with the FBI hot on her heels. Then there was the whole pizzagate thing that ended with a guy barging into a pizza restaurant with a gun looking for a nonexistent basement full of pedophilia victims. I don’t know what the solution to all this is because regulating the internet in any way that would alleviate the problem would have massive negative consequences, and would most likely be unconstitutional to boot.
I understand your point, and it is made by many, if not most.
I just completely disagree, and believe you, and others, are blowing it out of proportion. One, I understand many people get their “news” from facebook, but it is not a news source. Rarely are people actually reading the articles posted, just the headlines and others’ opinions and then arguing in the comment section. It is more of an activity than just getting the news.
And ok people are dumb and lazy, but still, the majority of Americans, as they should be, are politically apathetic and actually don’t care about any of this shit. They just want their cute cat videos and memes, go to their jobs pay for their shit and pursue their own happiness. It is tough to see that when you are passionate about politics and see the craziness going on, as am I, but it is true.
And pizzagate was a fringe conspiracy, not believed by many, and I understand that more were open to it being true, but only a very small amount actually actively believed in it. And, overtime, the community who did actively believed in it shrunk, and I believe that is a direct result of continuous research and discussion on the open internet. That guy who went to the pizza parlor clearly was crazy and has some other issues, and was he motivated or spurred by this small fringe conspiracy community? Yes, probably, but again, it was very, very small. I am more concerned about main stream news outlets and the left openly saying the GOP is going to kill people and all republicans are Nazis, which is all accepted and mainstream, and if true, I mean somewhat justifies violence, if they are all Nazis and going to kill people?
So, you speak of trying to find a solution to something that is not really a problem. That is just what scares me, the left and right do that all the time. Err on the side of not making laws or regulations or “solutions”, freedom and the market takes care of it. The internet is much more of solution than contributing to a small problem. That form of thinking, even from a conservative point of view, only leads down the road to regulation and control, and less freedom.
I’d agree with you if I didn’t see people I regarded as reasonable and intelligent falling for this crap on a daily basis. I’ll also reiterate that I’m in no way advocating for more internet regulation, but I don’t buy the free market will fix things argument either. The free market follows profits, and telling people what they want to hear will always be more profitable, than telling simple truth.
Yes, the internet gives critical-thinkers the power to consume a ton of reports and form their own opinions, but most people aren’t doing this. Most people don’t use the internet for investigative or comparative journalism. Most people get their “news” from their television or radio broadcast of choice.
We don’t need new laws to regulate what can and cannot be reported. We don’t need a government agency picking winners and losers by controlling funding or airtime. We need some goddamn leadership. We need a president or other high-visibility leader who can be trusted, who has proven integrity, and who communicates with “both sides” to speak to the importance of holding journalists and media networks accountable.
We need the press to keep the government in check, but we need to keep the press in check. “We”, on average, don’t give a shit, so it’s hard to see this starting with us. The corporate click-bait press isn’t likely to usher a true leader into the White House, and the people there now sure as hell aren’t going to change their tune to their own detriment, so I don’t know how we get here. Sad.
“fairness doctrine” has nothing to do with this. It was a ploy to force radios to give liberal commentators shows that no one would listen to and they would lose money on.
Don’t forget that public trading of media companies means they are beholden to share holders, rather than accountable to the general public for the quality of their journalism.
hiding under the guise of the first amendment to publish stories like this is where it should be wrong, the first amendment shouldn’t protect news agencies from publishing false claims as the effect on public perception could be disastrous to the republic as we have seen this past year. It should be treated as yelling fire in a movie theater
It is absolutely amazing how deluded and ignorant the people over at r/politics can be.
This same video was posted there, and rather than be concerned about a CNN producer laughing at the idea of ‘ethics’ in their reporting, they instead claim that Okeefe only makes fake news. They are burying their heads so far in the sand that they will deny video and audio evidence, that couldn’t possibly be taken out of context, and merely attack the source. (not to mention that their favorite video against Trump, the Billy Bush grab-em-by-the-pussy video, is exactly the same type of video.)
Its the easiest way of dismissing evidence out of had without actually having to look at it.
Exactly why reddit is terrible, you can hide posts you don’t like and popular opinions go to the top.
I mean it’s good for sports and stuff, but terrible for anything opinion-formed.
They are burying their heads so far in the sand
Oh, they’re burying their heads all right, just not in sand.
Why all of the jump cuts? Veritas just opens themselves to all of this criticism. Show us the unedited video from beginning to end if it’s so damning. I will never trust a veritas video that’s not one unedited stream of content. They’ve burned bridges too many times before this to demand any less.
Have you ever watched a single investagative report in your life? All are jump cut because because there can be hours of filler between points. Do you really want to waste your time watching them order hot wings and excusing themselves for a shit?
They could make 2 versions available…
Tell you what. I’ll take 5 minute clips. Not 15-20 seconds. That make you happy?
O’Keefe released hours of raw footage for the Planned Parenthood release; and the useful idiots still ignored them. Essentially reddit was full of leftist saying “Well I read Salon; and they watched the full video and they said the clips were deceptively edited. So clearly they were doctored.”
Hopefully O’Keefe releases the raw video
PP does actually sell fetal organs though… totaling on avg. $2-3k for all the organs sold in 1 fetus. This is not some conspiracy theory either. There are published receipts and invoices from organ/tissue repository companies ordering these fetal organs directly from PP to then sell to biotech or academic centers.
Shipping tissues is expensive, they aren’t dumping a fetus’s liver into a leftover Amazon Prime box and sending it on 1-week USPS. It involves very expensive refrigeration packages, fast shipping, and so on.
It’s so morally despicable that they’re giving the tissues to science. We should be cremating and burying the 5-gram clump of cells instead.
So because there were “jump cuts” AKA getting to the point because people don’t have time to watch hours long videos, the entire video is fake?
Shouldn’t stop them from releasing the unedited video on the side, just to verify
They did the same thing with the planned parenthood stuff but people still dismissed it because of “dishonest editing” even though the full version showed the same. People just want to ignore whatever goes against their narrative.
Pretty sure all people do this.
The unedited video is likely 100s of hours long and wouldn’t be able to be uploaded as anything other than a .torrent efficiently.
No, but it certainly raises questions about the veracity of the reporting. Isn’t that what people are demanding these days? If something looks sketchy, call it out. Or is that only trotted out when the news goes against one’s own narrative?
the jump cuts are because this is a secretly taped conversation only loosely connected to the topic it is being presented as connected to. You have to remove context in order to present this in a way that gets the message out that the messenger wanted.
They admitted to clickbait and we’re saying it means conclusively there’s nothing real with Russia. It’s understandable since that’s a giant leap.
The same applies to Fox News as well. 24 hour cable news stations are all in it for the ratings and appealing to their base.
Two-sides of the same coin.
Cognitive dissonance
They said the same thing about the abortion videos that they were actually a setup, or maybe factually, a couple of scenes were taken out of context. Even if they were, that doesn’t dismiss the entirety of the content
You mean like how planned parenthood sells baby parts and the DNC was literally ripping up ballots? Sure seems legit.
Wait, are you actually denying that PP sells fetal organs to tissue repository companies? Bc there are actual invoices and receipts showing that these companies purchase fetal organs from PP to then resell to biotech and academic centers. The Congressional report is pretty black and white.
For profit? Yes. Which is what the video was trying to prove.
It wasn’t attempting to prove. It was showings there was probable cause for a criminal investigation. At worse they violated U.S. law, at best they were unethical ass clowns talking callously about a very sensitive subject. Either way it showed a deeply troubling culture at the heart of Planned Parenthood; and the left couldn’t allow that to be viewed by many.
You mean like how the representive from the medical research firm flat out said they were buying body parts? Is that what you’re talking about? Did you watch the unedited film that showed the exact same thing or are you falling for the ‘deceptive edit’ bs.
How about the several investigations afterwards that found no such thing is happening, and a grand jury actually indicting the people who made the video? https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html
Charges were dropped. Update your links.
indicting the people who made the video?
The charges on them keep getting dropped and chamged
Those indictments have all been thrown out. The state AG has been shown to collude with PP to bring those charges
Liberal judges, obviously, government conspiracy to get in on that sweet sweet fetal organ market.
Based on this sub, I have to assume you aren’t being sarcastic, in which case I’m sorry you actually think that way.
I am. People taking Project Veritas as a serious source while condemning CNN is hilarious – CNN’s pretty shit, but not literally-charged-with-a-crime unethical.
Thank God for the sarcasm. And of course, the subs this is exploding on are r/conservative, r/uncensorednews, and r/conspiracy (Would assume T_D but have them filtered out. I’m fine seeing the occasional post from these subs to know their take, but that floods the feed a bit much).
Ad Hominem attacks are the only way liberals know how to discuss things.
They are burying their heads so far in the sand that they will deny video and audio evidence
Exactly why the Dems will permanently push undecided voters to the right and continue to lose elections.
The media is not the enemy of the American people!
-The Media
r/politics moderators are removing these videos.
Here is r/politics labeling this as an “Unacceptable Source”.
Here is a working mirror to the video.
R/politics cant stand the truth
They’re awfully militant.
Reddit moderators on r/politics and r/news are typical leftists. They try to control free speech. They give an insight into what this country would be like if the left ever got control.
I take it this won’t be on r/news
Very fake news.
This is Wikileaks style, and it’s only part one
Someone make more popcorn
Well I just finished a bowl, but I can make some more if you’d like. Pop Secret Extra Butter, sprinkled with garlic salt and black/cayenne pepper ok with you?
Drowned in liberal tears I hope?
Where do you think the garlic salt comes from? Sometimes there’s even a hint of patchouli (from the hippies).
Trump is considering escalating our presence in Syria. The Senate is considering huge changes to health care. The Supreme Court just issued a bunch of interesting opinions, including one where Justice Kagan broke with the liberal justices to support a church.
CNN: lol, let’s just continue reporting the witch hunt.
This actually made me laugh. So many other legit angles they could’ve gone with vs Trump but nope. RUSSIA.
I think the REAL scandal here for the left is that a CNN producer was filmed enjoying some Chick-fil-A.
I’m not a conservative, but I’m glad this is coming out. When the media tries to whip people into a frenzy against each other, everyone loses.
Edit: Video source has a history of manipulation for conservative agenda, add grain of salt, remain skeptical of media corporations. Based on post history, /u/MiyegomboBayartsogt may be Russian propaganda shill.
Not everyone loses. Trump wins. Americans willing to work win. The people whipped into hysterical frenzy are losing it, but those indolent bed pressing citizens aren’t doing anything productive anyhow. Getting those types out in the street to pout and protest is probably the first exercise any of them have had in a long while.
You think hard-working people aren’t negatively impacted by shitty media?
So long as deep pockets and corrupt politicians can use the media with impunity to manipulate the electorate, the country is fucked. Sure, you and I might have jobs, but I’d rather strive for the quality of life under a less-corrupt regime than what exists today. Politicians actively use the media to divide the population, which distracts from actually governing the country and solving the problems millions of people have. It’s all about winning, not governing, which means American democracy is just a fucking sham…at least third-world dictators are honest about what they want.
in a normal just world, this would be in /r/all by now. Sadly, those that manages the algorithm is going to keep this from going to /r/all to reduce the red pilling as much as possible.
Two instances of it are right now, including this one. You probably won’t like the top comments on the one much higher up, though.
Wow I forgot about project Veritas. It’s oddly relieving to see them doing their thing without the stresses of the election season. It feels like I can sit back and relax and watch the dumpster fire that is the left.
Between the Russia narrative finally cracking, the democrats starting to eat each other, the Supreme Court ruling and now this, I am chuckling to myself at how right trump was. I really can’t handle this much winning in such a short amount of time. I need time to digest this much positive news. Can’t imagine how die hard liberals must feel.
Trump gambled absolutely everything – all his credibility, his political capital, his entire presidency – in a show down with the media.
Conservatives have been too chicken shit to do this for years, despite the fact we all know the media is mostly leftist propaganda. Trump came along and said, “Yeah, I’ll prove it,” and it’s working. It’s bloody well working. I am shocked how well he has flipped what looked like a hopeless narrative.
The media has lost its credibility. The deep state has been exposed to the disinfecting sun light. The Democrats have been so focused on chasing laser pointers like cats that they haven’t taken a moment to reflect on why they lost.
The Clintons are getting exposed as the snakes they are, and the whole Obama administration is taking a hit retroactively.
This is incredible. And we still might get another 2 Supremes.
tl;dr: Trump decided not to be the classic, well-trained house pet for the left. Is kicking ass. Who woulda thought?
Except the left still won’t see it that way. Still work to be done
The core of the left will never see it that way. We can only hope that a solid majority of the people will see how deluded the left is.
At least 25% of the population is irredeemable, it’s just a fact
No, just delusional leftists who would riot before accepting the rule of law.
Because you asked… I feel very little. There wasn’t anything in the video I didn’t already sort of know. It’s painfully obvious CNN has been hyping the hell out of this story with little to no new useful information. BUT, It doesn’t indicate at all however, that the Russia story is fake, just that CNN, like ALL cable news, is about selling a narrative their audience wants to hear, because ratings are king. I’d prefer CNN devote their time to reporting on the Nepotism, Cronyism, and incompetence of this administration, and shut the hell up about Russia until there is something to report.
CNN devote their time to reporting on the Nepotism, Cronyism, and incompetence of this administration
So stop the hysteria of a made up narrative to pick it up on a different made up narrative? Come on..
Appointing your untrained son in law to bring peace to the Middle East doesn’t smell a little like nepotism to you? You think there is no one more qualified in foreign diplomacy to tackle this task?
He should respond soon. Probably had to look up what nepotism means and is now digging through breitbart articles for an argument to regurgitate.
I feel like a lot of the things he said can be applied not only to CNN but Fox News and all cable news. Just with different agenda.
And BOOM! Just like that, CNN credibility destroyed.
To be fair, they didnt have any to begin with.
Did you not hear “mostly bullshit” and “do it just for ratings”? This is called lying when you print false stories. The lies that were printed out a few days ago by CNN got 3 people fired.
CNN is a partisan hack of an organization that acts like it’s the Pravda arm of the DNC.
This concern trolling would not be happening if say, Fox News were caught in this kind of scheming.
Can you quote where the reporter said the leaks are bullshit?
The dude said the Trump –> Russia headlines are bullshit, not that the Trump’s Team –> Russia headline are bullshit. He also justified Russia trying to swing our election, which isn’t exactly a denial of them doing it.
Without fake news and unfounded conspiracies, Rachel Maddow will be selling oranges on the highway
This is going to be spun as out-of-context quotes that are intentionally edited to sound as a bad as possible and there really isn’t any scandal here.
The man just straight up laughed at the notion of journalistic ethics. It looks pretty bad.
He was taken out of context!!! Maybe he was reading from a play script about a jaded and corrupt Fox News journalist. /s
I think you just scored a job at CNN.
I’m just going to go by the fact I’m seeing literally dozens of newish accounts and accounts that’ve never posted in many of the subreddits this story is being posted in trying to deflect and dispute the entire video as a sign that it’s a pretty big deal for CNN right now. Seriously, I’ve never seen this much damage control on all of Reddit. Even this thread is at 58% upvoted since it hit r/all. They are panicking trying to bury this one.
I’ve noticed for months now. They like to infect subs like r/uncensorednews and other alternative subreddits that were created to get away from the shills and astroturfing.
The #1 tactic of these people is to derail conversations and change the topic.
And yet the hardcore Reddit Lefties are still pushing the Russia story. Love it and hate it at the same time. Makes them look incredibly foolish, but in the end hurts America with their ignorance.
Number 1 Trending Video on YouTube right now and it hasn’t even been a day. Of course r/politics is silent. Here’s a comment from there.
Once again, this story is already debunked & confirmed as fake. This was a low-level associate intern who decided to spew bullshit about something he has no idea about. He’s not even working directly on the Russia team. CNN has been absolutely stellar as of late and this retraction just cements that they are an elite organization that goes the extra mile to fact check and verify their sources. Couldn’t be more pleased with the stellar work CNN has been putting out lately
It’s amazing to think that these people believe the media has any reason to have any sort of journalistic integrity. Its a business. I remember during Bernie’s campaign there was a post at the top of r/all about how Clinton was funded by CNN. But now that CNN aligns with their agenda they trust them. Unbelievable.
59% upvoted, LMAOOOO
1) CNN, Fox News, etc. are all stupid ratings-chasing bullshit. Anyone who doesn’t see that by now isn’t paying attention. It’s been getting worse and worse throughout my life – haven’t really watched any MSM in years, but I’m guessing it’s all pretty abhorrent by now.
2) I don’t really care if news outlets secretly think a story is bullshit or not – but I do care what the FBI thinks. They thought there was enough to warrant an investigation. And now the story has become more about impeding that investigation.
As soon as I saw this video I knew the thread would be brigaded
Damning quotes aside, the most interesting takeaway is how much day to day control Jeff Zucker has over the narrative.
The video was removed
I’m a pretty leftist dude but I think we all have known CNN lost credibility during the election cycle with how they put Clinton on a pedestal.
I mean we all knew it, but this is still one of the most sickening things I have ever seen and still shocking even when you know news is all staged and money driven for agendas. The worst part for me was when he only laughs at the idea of journalistic ethics…
Wow that guy’s gonna get suicided by 4 bullets to the back of the head
Damn this is exciting
R/news is in some hard denial.
CNN isn’t just fake news. They are very fake news. And apparently proud of it. I wonder how the kiddies in r/politics will try and spin this. I mean, he literally says they don’t care about ethics in journalism. It’s kinda hard to spin that.
Edit- oh. They won’t spin it. They will just ignore it apparently. Neato
Edit again- Hi shareblue! Thanks for stopping by to downvote us.
While I must admit I am generally liberal, even I have to say all the Trump-Russia collusion stories are getting old to see. Do I think some of the things that are reported, and some of Trump’s own actions and statements seem a little sketchy? Sure. But ultimately, that’s why there is currently some sort of investigation going on. I don’t need to hear about it every day because at this point there really isn’t too much more to report, and to be honest it just takes away from actually debating the policies that are being put out, especially health care currently. If something comes up in the future from this investigation or otherwise, sure let’s bring it up again and discuss it, but unless/until something like that occurs I would rather see more talk about policies.
While I must admit I am generally liberal, even I have to say all the Trump-Russia collusion stories are getting old to see.
This is the statement that should have the Democrats scared shitless.
It’s also why they’ve been trying to pivot away from the Russian witch hunt but they’re having trouble getting their people to stop. The base is convinced Trump is a traitor and won’t let up.
because they convinced them, what a vicious web we weave….
All of our intelligence says that Russia interfered and Trump says he fired Comey to slow/stop the Russia investigation, it’s not exactly all CNNs fault.
The country should be scared shitless, not just dems.
He fired comey because comey wouldnt hold a presser saying trump wasnt under investigation. Which is true and what comey told him on three diffrent occasions.
Was it dumb? Sure.
Was it interference with the russia investigation? Not even a little bit.
Share exact sentiment.
The worst part to me is how much a lot of the media alienates people, and how much I feel that extends into the everyday political discussion. You see it on all sides. I see it all the time when people call people on the left “libtards” or “snowflakes” and people on the left respond calling people on the right “Nazis” and “bigots” and “racists” and all it does it take away from substantive conversation and instead ignore any possible points that the other side may have because they are from the other side so let’s just call them names instead of actually refute arguments or points they have made.
you are a great, great great person
Concern trolls out in full force tonight.
What really blows me away is how divided along political lines so many people are. If you are 100 percent Democrat or 100 percent Republican on issues as far as the party line goes, you are also 100 percent moron. Every issue deserves discussion. There is nuance in politics which is why most congressmen go to law school.
If anything, this should be a wakeup call to everyone about their favorite news channels.
BREAKING NEWS::::: they’re all this way. They need money to make money. Fox, CNN, Breitbart, Inforwars, all of it is for-profit. They create sensationalized headlines that their viewers care about for some reason, and that’s how you keep eyes on the tube. It’s all despicable, but not surprising.
This is huge. Can’t wait to hear the official ShareBlue narrative on this one.
No mention of this on /r/politics. Head, meet sand.
Link broken???
Published at Tue, 27 Jun 2017 04:13:51 +0000
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from Aw Jeez Not This Liberal Crap Again http://strikingtherightbalance.com/must-watch-cnn-producer-caught-on-hidden-camera-basically-admits-cnn-is-an-awful-journalism-outlet-that-is-not-to-be-trusted-2/
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MUST WATCH: CNN Producer caught on hidden camera, basically admits CNN is an awful journalism outlet that is not to be trusted.
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MUST WATCH: CNN Producer caught on hidden camera, basically admits CNN is an awful journalism outlet that is not to be trusted.
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derp report
Is this legit? How is this not exploding right now?
It will. It’s 3 am on a Monday night, this will go ham tomorrow morn.
Just about midnight here in California (but this story won’t see the light of day here). Looking forward to seeing this get huge
the world is better because of people like you. think i’ve seen your username before too
I appreciate that, you as well. Keep on the righteous path
He’s a bot
wow, a feel good bot and you can’t even see “his” post history. Really strange shit.
Except here on Reddit. The liberal circle jerk will keep it out of the main subs.
It’s O’Keefe so media will ignore it “cause he’s a criminal and propagandist”.
OANN will be playing this at 11a.m. Eastern
One America News Network said they are going to show the tapes at 11a.m. eastern!
7 hours later and it’s been taken down
Maybe that’s how.
This guy has been popped before for editing videos in ways that change the message and it was really early in the morning. The other thing is that his guy works for CNN Health, but w.e.
in ways that change the message
Any examples? I hear this said but in context his videos have always seemed equally damning. Taking down ACORN put a target on his back during an adminstration known for prosecuting joirnalists and political enemies so saying “zomg community service” doesn’t cut it for me.
Any examples? I hear this said but in context his videos have always seemed equally damning. Taking down ACORN put a target on his back during an adminstration known for prosecuting joirnalists and political enemies so saying “zomg community service” doesn’t cut it for me.
Any examples? How about the one you named yourself. O’Keefe had to pay out $100,000 to one of the former ACORN employees after he handed over the entire unedited videos which the California AG reviewed and found, “no evidence of criminal conduct on the part of ACORN employees nor any evidence that any employee intended to aid or abet criminal conduct.”
He even admitted in that case that he was just trying to damage ACORN and wasn’t acting with any sort of journalistic objectivity.
His entire career is like that. He releases “damning” video evidence which when compared to the raw video prove to be heavily edited segments which misrepresent the stated views of the people he films by removing context or chronologically shifting the video to make it appear bad.
By comparison, O’Keefe makes media outlets like CNN and Fox with their horribly biased and non-journalistic practices look like absolute angels.
You’re acting like the one good employee ACORN had absolves the other horrible employees who willingly helped a supposed pimp who was prostituting out underage girls and never sought help from a child advocacy group let alone the police after the meeting. You’re doing some subterfuge yourself. If O’Keefe’s undercover vids on ACORN encouraged a reform and improved protocol on how employees react to pimps and who they should contact after, then it was worth it bc, apparently, most of the employees don’t have an idea of what is right or wrong, including when it involves pedophilia.
No wrongdoing was found to have occurred by ACORN when the full video came out. That was the findings of the California AG office and the federal Government Accountability Office.
Well, half true. The case in California was a terrible case and Okeefe should be ashamed for not following through on what the workers did after he left. But the Brooklyn DA reviewed the tapes that affected their region and found that although they were heavily edited, the most damning words were still very much in context.
There was 100% wrong doing found at ACORN. You’re a liar. There was no criminal wrong doing. As being an unethical asshole is not against the law. One of the employees caught on tape had gone to the police and had been leading on O’Keefe. There was no way for O’Keefe to know that; the rest of the employees did not. That employee sued him as they lost their job and were doing the right thing.
Which means the rest of them were actively giving advice for criminal conduct and had no intention of reporting it to the police.
Not really, the msm just do to okeefe what they did to center of medical progress. Throw around ‘deceptive edit’ and dont back it up when the full tapes are released.
What part is fake?
It’s a project veritas release. The people who keep getting busted for releasing edited and out of context videos. The odds of this being legit are approaching zero. Basically, nothing this guy releases is true. He literally generates the fake for fake news.
Can you back that up?
Please provide citations.
Thank you, good sir.
I’m sure I’m the minority opinion here but project veritas has a history of editing video. I don’t think we should look too much into what they do until they release raw footage. When it cuts to the background images for the “because it’s ratings” part it sounds very different than the preceding lines. CNN does suck 99% of the time but that doesn’t mean any attack against it is credible.
All videos are edited. Every single one. This ‘deceptive edit’ crap falls apart when the full vidoes are released showing it in the same context.
Ok then let’s wait until the full video is released before making concrete judgments.
We do; and they are vindicated every time by those of us who bothered to watch them. Meanwhile useful idiots read an article from Salon that claims they watched the full videos and that the clips were deceptively edited. Releasing the full videos does not get the Democrats to shut up about “doctored” videos; as that is their only deflection of the deep seated corruption within their party and their political allies.
Can you provide a context in which his comments would be seen as ok?
It’s a business, people are like “The media has like an ethical…” psssshhhhh…
But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business
You honestly couldn’t make up a worse quote if you tried to. Holy shit.
The saddest part is his words wouldn’t be so damning if they weren’t so honest.
Probably the first time he does something honest, and it is going to backfire on him.
But muh context!
I’m sure they must have edited out a part at the beginning where the Project Veritas guy said “let’s play a game where I ask you questions and you make up fake answers that make CNN look as horrible as possible.” Or a part at the end where the CNN guy said “lol jk I really had you going there didn’t I?” Right guys??
So, politics aside. People stopped paying for real reporting and news. Combine the lack of interest in actual reporting, and the media mergers and newspaper buyouts, etc and you get this media environment. It rewards shock headlines and ‘fake news,’ because no one wanted to purchase journalism and even if they did, public trading of news companies means cost cutting and share holder profits are more important than news…. so what?
we have only one model that doesn’t get fucked by this and it is NPR. And NPR ain’t great, because government funding for it got cut years ago and the replacement ‘funding from ‘charitable foundations for agenda reporting,’ and listener donations sucks. So decent reporters bounce out of NPR ASAP and American suffers.
So the market is rewarding sensationalism, and firms are producing sensationalism?
But this isn’t anything new. Sensationalist news has been a part of the human experience for centuries.
Media mongrel Hearst from the early 20th century made his fortune off of fake news. It was common in the 19th and early 20th century. Some what died down in the mid 20th century; and became dominant again at the end of the 20th century.
we have only one model that doesn’t get fucked by this and it is NPR.
NPR has a horrible liberal bias. They’ll pick a topic like ‘The benefits of abortion’ and then discuss the topic in a somewhat fair manner. But the bias was built into the topic and no amount of honest discussion can overcome that, especially when 90% of the people talking are liberals.
I really like this response, because I agree, but not exactly in the same way. Your response illustrates a particular problem: You think NPR has a liberal bias, because you are to the right of it. I think NPR has a centrist bias, because I’m to the left of it. Either way, we both think NPR doesn’t represent our views fairly and doesn’t ask questions in an objective way.
NPR leans left; though not as much as CNN. If you were going to give it a scale of -10 to 10 (positive 10 being extreme conservative):
CNN: -4
NPR: -2/-3
Fox: 4
National Review: 8
So if you’re a typical reader of Salon or viewer of MSNBC and you have been duped into thinking you’re somewhat moderate; than you may think NPR is “towards” the center. But there is no doubt that it leans left.
Business Insider did a piece of news source bias a few years back. NPR is, as per their research, not close to centrist but leftist .
This is cool link, however it does not say what you say it does, it says the ‘Audience of NPR is more liberal.’ It makes no conclusions about the content.
As a regular NPR listener, I can assure you that they spend a wildly disproportionate amount of time pushing issues that are only important to a tiny minority of the population (surprise: that would be a varied number of far-left activist groups that send them press releases on the topic). In the particular example I’m thinking of, the cause represents something like 10% of a 5-10% minority in the U.S. I hear the same “news” and “personal interest” stories promoting that issue literally every day. The only things that ever change are the names of the people involved (and maybe one or two minor details). It’s the exact same political narrative, hammered over and over and over again. It is literally no longer newsworthy, yet I still hear it in their “news” coverage every day.
The thing is, I’m sure that NPR doesn’t even realize how disproportionately they’re covering the topic. It’s of particular interest to them and most of their audience because it reinforces their preexisting worldview biases…and the issue has been weaponized and is now being used to attack anyone on the “other” side of that issue.
The thing is that they make no bones about it being liberal, and they are at least good at disclosure. You hear how liberal they are every 15 minutes when the call out supporters.
They also have conservative guests on all the time. Congressmen, PR staff from think-tanks, candidates and staff. They come off as smart, engaged people just looking to make things better. Sure, most of the audience and all the staff think they’re wrong. But it’s opposition, not smears
If you just want to know what’s going on in the world, you could do a whole lot worse.
I stopped listening to NPR during the 2012 election. They would have a “panel” about a political topic. The Moderator would be a hard core democrat. Then he would have 3 panelists on. One who was extremely far left (socialist), one who was a hard core Democrat, and one who was moderate (who they called a Republican). The “Republican” threw Romney and Republicans under the bus on every topic and talked about how Republicans were extreme (the guy supposedly representing Right).
That panel would have been horrible enough had they had a real conservative on there who actually believed in Republican policies (as he would be out numbered 3:1); but the fact that they put up a strawman of a Republican on just so he could provide legitimacy to the program was down right infuriating. Fuck that network.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. The real shock of this video should be the realization that all our media is like this, not just CNN.
Thank you for not going directly to the T_D “fuck MSM, CNN, they’re out to get us”…
I may not agree with most of y’all on a lot of issues, but I do agree that there are loads of issues plagueing(sp?) this country. Media and journalism being pretty damn high up there. Especially the fact that it is a driving force if the polarization and partisanship of politics we have today.
I am a big fan of government funded stuff like NPR/PBS/etc, but the thing I am worried about just as you are is how can this be funded by the [insert political party] without them having undue influence over content and context that is out out…it’s a tough question with a probably even tougher solution.
Every group will deny and try to fight news and reporting that makes them look bad. It’s PR, I get it, but when that party is directly responsible for the funding of said programming, how can one prevent retaliation when they report on the actions (good or bad) of that party.
If liberals can post salon and mother jones articles 24/7 on r/politics, they’ll probably believe whatever CNN told them anyway.
My new favorite is holding the independent up as some holy bastion of new reporting. Its little more than a tabloid
And the Guardian
US liberals like to pretend that UK news outlets are never biased
I would argue that UK news outlets are more biased.
But they’re European. Theyre much smarter than us hillbilly Americans /s
I’m in complete agreement. There is a very scummy element is These English news outlets. Have a read about the phone hack scandals if you want a good laugh
just goes to show how morally bankrupt CNN and the rest of the MSM is.
Cable news, in general, is wet, hot garbage.
Print and other forms of news are just as bad though.
It’s literally all dogshit.
This project verita video is amazing though. Puts it all out right in display.
We have the best undercover journalists, don’t we folks?
Amazing? I thought it was over produced and repetitive. They showed the same lines six times in a row.
That’s project veritas for ya
Still good that this is out there but the editing is crap lol
If everything is bad, where do you get your information?
Consensus and time.
Most of the time, most of the news from all these different “partisan” outlets is actually identical. There’s not much difference in the handling of facts, only the angle or the narrative. So when you’re looking up a story that actually matters, read the same story from 8 different, competing, clashing outlets so that forming a narrative is impossible.
News outlets are dishonest, but they don’t usually fabricate. Their spin is more like a reality TV show being edited, inserting context, or removing relevant facts. Reading all the different edits at the same time quickly reveals what is craft, and what is real. Once you do that, you have the facts.
The news brings you the facts because that’s what you ask for. But that’s not really what people want. Their business model is about offering clarity, interpreting the facts into understandable storylines. They take a complicated, crowded, confusing world, and make it nice and neat. Demand is created for a product that has nothing to do with facts. If the news industry was a gas station, facts would be the gasoline, and narrative would be the snacks and drinks.
“The news” is an entertainment product. News junkies are not informed people, they are just entertainment addicts. If you want to be informed, you have to think like a journalist, not an addict.
e: TV news is especially bad because of the medium. TV is slow, information-light, and non-interactive. Good for interviews and speeches, little else.
At the end of the day, this is what happens if you leave journalism to the free market. State sponsored news would be infinitely worse, of course, but this video is a perfect example of what happens when you try and make informing people a business.
I only trust news that doesn’t use click bait titles, doesn’t use dramatic language, and moves on to something else once the segment is over. That pretty much leaves pbs.
The current media situation is a direct result of the elimination of the fairness doctrine by Reagan, and especially the Telecommunications act of 1996 courtesy of Clinton. It’s astoundingly difficult to get a straight true version of almost any news event these days.
I know what you are trying to say, but I would actually argue it is easier.
With the internet and the democratization of information, it is not that difficult to get actual hard facts and even read spin from all sides and form your own opinion.
I think most people are just either lazy, don’t care, or want to read something from their perspective. With your take, it seems the only logical solution would be some state intervention or some new law, which would not be good.
That is a lot of trust in people. Most people just use the internet to find the “facts” to back their pre-conceived belief and stop there.
Its how we’ve ended up in/with huge echo chambers as the divide in the country grows and grows.
While I don’t necessarily disagree with your statement, and don’t trust people, I just think the vast majority don’t care.
Actually most people don’t give a shit about politics like us, and they shouldn’t. It is difficult to see that when you are passionate about it and caught up in discussion and the news everyday.
I don’t really give a shit about politics either. I just like being well-informed. That means being informed about the shell game that is modern American politics.
I sort of disagree about the internet part. I think the internet contributes to the problem because it allows people with zero critical thinking skills access to reams of truly fake news that they aren’t equipped to deal with. I recall a few months ago my Facebook feed lit up with stories posted by my more conservative friends and relatives about how Clinton was under indictment, and had fled the country in a private jet with the FBI hot on her heels. Then there was the whole pizzagate thing that ended with a guy barging into a pizza restaurant with a gun looking for a nonexistent basement full of pedophilia victims. I don’t know what the solution to all this is because regulating the internet in any way that would alleviate the problem would have massive negative consequences, and would most likely be unconstitutional to boot.
I understand your point, and it is made by many, if not most.
I just completely disagree, and believe you, and others, are blowing it out of proportion. One, I understand many people get their “news” from facebook, but it is not a news source. Rarely are people actually reading the articles posted, just the headlines and others’ opinions and then arguing in the comment section. It is more of an activity than just getting the news.
And ok people are dumb and lazy, but still, the majority of Americans, as they should be, are politically apathetic and actually don’t care about any of this shit. They just want their cute cat videos and memes, go to their jobs pay for their shit and pursue their own happiness. It is tough to see that when you are passionate about politics and see the craziness going on, as am I, but it is true.
And pizzagate was a fringe conspiracy, not believed by many, and I understand that more were open to it being true, but only a very small amount actually actively believed in it. And, overtime, the community who did actively believed in it shrunk, and I believe that is a direct result of continuous research and discussion on the open internet. That guy who went to the pizza parlor clearly was crazy and has some other issues, and was he motivated or spurred by this small fringe conspiracy community? Yes, probably, but again, it was very, very small. I am more concerned about main stream news outlets and the left openly saying the GOP is going to kill people and all republicans are Nazis, which is all accepted and mainstream, and if true, I mean somewhat justifies violence, if they are all Nazis and going to kill people?
So, you speak of trying to find a solution to something that is not really a problem. That is just what scares me, the left and right do that all the time. Err on the side of not making laws or regulations or “solutions”, freedom and the market takes care of it. The internet is much more of solution than contributing to a small problem. That form of thinking, even from a conservative point of view, only leads down the road to regulation and control, and less freedom.
I’d agree with you if I didn’t see people I regarded as reasonable and intelligent falling for this crap on a daily basis. I’ll also reiterate that I’m in no way advocating for more internet regulation, but I don’t buy the free market will fix things argument either. The free market follows profits, and telling people what they want to hear will always be more profitable, than telling simple truth.
Yes, the internet gives critical-thinkers the power to consume a ton of reports and form their own opinions, but most people aren’t doing this. Most people don’t use the internet for investigative or comparative journalism. Most people get their “news” from their television or radio broadcast of choice.
We don’t need new laws to regulate what can and cannot be reported. We don’t need a government agency picking winners and losers by controlling funding or airtime. We need some goddamn leadership. We need a president or other high-visibility leader who can be trusted, who has proven integrity, and who communicates with “both sides” to speak to the importance of holding journalists and media networks accountable.
We need the press to keep the government in check, but we need to keep the press in check. “We”, on average, don’t give a shit, so it’s hard to see this starting with us. The corporate click-bait press isn’t likely to usher a true leader into the White House, and the people there now sure as hell aren’t going to change their tune to their own detriment, so I don’t know how we get here. Sad.
“fairness doctrine” has nothing to do with this. It was a ploy to force radios to give liberal commentators shows that no one would listen to and they would lose money on.
Don’t forget that public trading of media companies means they are beholden to share holders, rather than accountable to the general public for the quality of their journalism.
hiding under the guise of the first amendment to publish stories like this is where it should be wrong, the first amendment shouldn’t protect news agencies from publishing false claims as the effect on public perception could be disastrous to the republic as we have seen this past year. It should be treated as yelling fire in a movie theater
It is absolutely amazing how deluded and ignorant the people over at r/politics can be.
This same video was posted there, and rather than be concerned about a CNN producer laughing at the idea of ‘ethics’ in their reporting, they instead claim that Okeefe only makes fake news. They are burying their heads so far in the sand that they will deny video and audio evidence, that couldn’t possibly be taken out of context, and merely attack the source. (not to mention that their favorite video against Trump, the Billy Bush grab-em-by-the-pussy video, is exactly the same type of video.)
Its the easiest way of dismissing evidence out of had without actually having to look at it.
Exactly why reddit is terrible, you can hide posts you don’t like and popular opinions go to the top.
I mean it’s good for sports and stuff, but terrible for anything opinion-formed.
They are burying their heads so far in the sand
Oh, they’re burying their heads all right, just not in sand.
Why all of the jump cuts? Veritas just opens themselves to all of this criticism. Show us the unedited video from beginning to end if it’s so damning. I will never trust a veritas video that’s not one unedited stream of content. They’ve burned bridges too many times before this to demand any less.
Have you ever watched a single investagative report in your life? All are jump cut because because there can be hours of filler between points. Do you really want to waste your time watching them order hot wings and excusing themselves for a shit?
They could make 2 versions available…
Tell you what. I’ll take 5 minute clips. Not 15-20 seconds. That make you happy?
O’Keefe released hours of raw footage for the Planned Parenthood release; and the useful idiots still ignored them. Essentially reddit was full of leftist saying “Well I read Salon; and they watched the full video and they said the clips were deceptively edited. So clearly they were doctored.”
Hopefully O’Keefe releases the raw video
PP does actually sell fetal organs though… totaling on avg. $2-3k for all the organs sold in 1 fetus. This is not some conspiracy theory either. There are published receipts and invoices from organ/tissue repository companies ordering these fetal organs directly from PP to then sell to biotech or academic centers.
Shipping tissues is expensive, they aren’t dumping a fetus’s liver into a leftover Amazon Prime box and sending it on 1-week USPS. It involves very expensive refrigeration packages, fast shipping, and so on.
It’s so morally despicable that they’re giving the tissues to science. We should be cremating and burying the 5-gram clump of cells instead.
So because there were “jump cuts” AKA getting to the point because people don’t have time to watch hours long videos, the entire video is fake?
Shouldn’t stop them from releasing the unedited video on the side, just to verify
They did the same thing with the planned parenthood stuff but people still dismissed it because of “dishonest editing” even though the full version showed the same. People just want to ignore whatever goes against their narrative.
Pretty sure all people do this.
The unedited video is likely 100s of hours long and wouldn’t be able to be uploaded as anything other than a .torrent efficiently.
No, but it certainly raises questions about the veracity of the reporting. Isn’t that what people are demanding these days? If something looks sketchy, call it out. Or is that only trotted out when the news goes against one’s own narrative?
the jump cuts are because this is a secretly taped conversation only loosely connected to the topic it is being presented as connected to. You have to remove context in order to present this in a way that gets the message out that the messenger wanted.
They admitted to clickbait and we’re saying it means conclusively there’s nothing real with Russia. It’s understandable since that’s a giant leap.
The same applies to Fox News as well. 24 hour cable news stations are all in it for the ratings and appealing to their base.
Two-sides of the same coin.
Cognitive dissonance
They said the same thing about the abortion videos that they were actually a setup, or maybe factually, a couple of scenes were taken out of context. Even if they were, that doesn’t dismiss the entirety of the content
You mean like how planned parenthood sells baby parts and the DNC was literally ripping up ballots? Sure seems legit.
Wait, are you actually denying that PP sells fetal organs to tissue repository companies? Bc there are actual invoices and receipts showing that these companies purchase fetal organs from PP to then resell to biotech and academic centers. The Congressional report is pretty black and white.
For profit? Yes. Which is what the video was trying to prove.
It wasn’t attempting to prove. It was showings there was probable cause for a criminal investigation. At worse they violated U.S. law, at best they were unethical ass clowns talking callously about a very sensitive subject. Either way it showed a deeply troubling culture at the heart of Planned Parenthood; and the left couldn’t allow that to be viewed by many.
You mean like how the representive from the medical research firm flat out said they were buying body parts? Is that what you’re talking about? Did you watch the unedited film that showed the exact same thing or are you falling for the ‘deceptive edit’ bs.
How about the several investigations afterwards that found no such thing is happening, and a grand jury actually indicting the people who made the video? https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html
Charges were dropped. Update your links.
indicting the people who made the video?
The charges on them keep getting dropped and chamged
Those indictments have all been thrown out. The state AG has been shown to collude with PP to bring those charges
Liberal judges, obviously, government conspiracy to get in on that sweet sweet fetal organ market.
Based on this sub, I have to assume you aren’t being sarcastic, in which case I’m sorry you actually think that way.
I am. People taking Project Veritas as a serious source while condemning CNN is hilarious – CNN’s pretty shit, but not literally-charged-with-a-crime unethical.
Thank God for the sarcasm. And of course, the subs this is exploding on are r/conservative, r/uncensorednews, and r/conspiracy (Would assume T_D but have them filtered out. I’m fine seeing the occasional post from these subs to know their take, but that floods the feed a bit much).
Ad Hominem attacks are the only way liberals know how to discuss things.
They are burying their heads so far in the sand that they will deny video and audio evidence
Exactly why the Dems will permanently push undecided voters to the right and continue to lose elections.
The media is not the enemy of the American people!
-The Media
r/politics moderators are removing these videos.
Here is r/politics labeling this as an “Unacceptable Source”.
Here is a working mirror to the video.
R/politics cant stand the truth
They’re awfully militant.
Reddit moderators on r/politics and r/news are typical leftists. They try to control free speech. They give an insight into what this country would be like if the left ever got control.
I take it this won’t be on r/news
Very fake news.
This is Wikileaks style, and it’s only part one
Someone make more popcorn
Well I just finished a bowl, but I can make some more if you’d like. Pop Secret Extra Butter, sprinkled with garlic salt and black/cayenne pepper ok with you?
Drowned in liberal tears I hope?
Where do you think the garlic salt comes from? Sometimes there’s even a hint of patchouli (from the hippies).
Trump is considering escalating our presence in Syria. The Senate is considering huge changes to health care. The Supreme Court just issued a bunch of interesting opinions, including one where Justice Kagan broke with the liberal justices to support a church.
CNN: lol, let’s just continue reporting the witch hunt.
This actually made me laugh. So many other legit angles they could’ve gone with vs Trump but nope. RUSSIA.
I think the REAL scandal here for the left is that a CNN producer was filmed enjoying some Chick-fil-A.
I’m not a conservative, but I’m glad this is coming out. When the media tries to whip people into a frenzy against each other, everyone loses.
Edit: Video source has a history of manipulation for conservative agenda, add grain of salt, remain skeptical of media corporations. Based on post history, /u/MiyegomboBayartsogt may be Russian propaganda shill.
Not everyone loses. Trump wins. Americans willing to work win. The people whipped into hysterical frenzy are losing it, but those indolent bed pressing citizens aren’t doing anything productive anyhow. Getting those types out in the street to pout and protest is probably the first exercise any of them have had in a long while.
You think hard-working people aren’t negatively impacted by shitty media?
So long as deep pockets and corrupt politicians can use the media with impunity to manipulate the electorate, the country is fucked. Sure, you and I might have jobs, but I’d rather strive for the quality of life under a less-corrupt regime than what exists today. Politicians actively use the media to divide the population, which distracts from actually governing the country and solving the problems millions of people have. It’s all about winning, not governing, which means American democracy is just a fucking sham…at least third-world dictators are honest about what they want.
in a normal just world, this would be in /r/all by now. Sadly, those that manages the algorithm is going to keep this from going to /r/all to reduce the red pilling as much as possible.
Two instances of it are right now, including this one. You probably won’t like the top comments on the one much higher up, though.
Wow I forgot about project Veritas. It’s oddly relieving to see them doing their thing without the stresses of the election season. It feels like I can sit back and relax and watch the dumpster fire that is the left.
Between the Russia narrative finally cracking, the democrats starting to eat each other, the Supreme Court ruling and now this, I am chuckling to myself at how right trump was. I really can’t handle this much winning in such a short amount of time. I need time to digest this much positive news. Can’t imagine how die hard liberals must feel.
Trump gambled absolutely everything – all his credibility, his political capital, his entire presidency – in a show down with the media.
Conservatives have been too chicken shit to do this for years, despite the fact we all know the media is mostly leftist propaganda. Trump came along and said, “Yeah, I’ll prove it,” and it’s working. It’s bloody well working. I am shocked how well he has flipped what looked like a hopeless narrative.
The media has lost its credibility. The deep state has been exposed to the disinfecting sun light. The Democrats have been so focused on chasing laser pointers like cats that they haven’t taken a moment to reflect on why they lost.
The Clintons are getting exposed as the snakes they are, and the whole Obama administration is taking a hit retroactively.
This is incredible. And we still might get another 2 Supremes.
tl;dr: Trump decided not to be the classic, well-trained house pet for the left. Is kicking ass. Who woulda thought?
Except the left still won’t see it that way. Still work to be done
The core of the left will never see it that way. We can only hope that a solid majority of the people will see how deluded the left is.
At least 25% of the population is irredeemable, it’s just a fact
No, just delusional leftists who would riot before accepting the rule of law.
Because you asked… I feel very little. There wasn’t anything in the video I didn’t already sort of know. It’s painfully obvious CNN has been hyping the hell out of this story with little to no new useful information. BUT, It doesn’t indicate at all however, that the Russia story is fake, just that CNN, like ALL cable news, is about selling a narrative their audience wants to hear, because ratings are king. I’d prefer CNN devote their time to reporting on the Nepotism, Cronyism, and incompetence of this administration, and shut the hell up about Russia until there is something to report.
CNN devote their time to reporting on the Nepotism, Cronyism, and incompetence of this administration
So stop the hysteria of a made up narrative to pick it up on a different made up narrative? Come on..
Appointing your untrained son in law to bring peace to the Middle East doesn’t smell a little like nepotism to you? You think there is no one more qualified in foreign diplomacy to tackle this task?
He should respond soon. Probably had to look up what nepotism means and is now digging through breitbart articles for an argument to regurgitate.
I feel like a lot of the things he said can be applied not only to CNN but Fox News and all cable news. Just with different agenda.
And BOOM! Just like that, CNN credibility destroyed.
To be fair, they didnt have any to begin with.
Did you not hear “mostly bullshit” and “do it just for ratings”? This is called lying when you print false stories. The lies that were printed out a few days ago by CNN got 3 people fired.
CNN is a partisan hack of an organization that acts like it’s the Pravda arm of the DNC.
This concern trolling would not be happening if say, Fox News were caught in this kind of scheming.
Can you quote where the reporter said the leaks are bullshit?
The dude said the Trump –> Russia headlines are bullshit, not that the Trump’s Team –> Russia headline are bullshit. He also justified Russia trying to swing our election, which isn’t exactly a denial of them doing it.
Without fake news and unfounded conspiracies, Rachel Maddow will be selling oranges on the highway
This is going to be spun as out-of-context quotes that are intentionally edited to sound as a bad as possible and there really isn’t any scandal here.
The man just straight up laughed at the notion of journalistic ethics. It looks pretty bad.
He was taken out of context!!! Maybe he was reading from a play script about a jaded and corrupt Fox News journalist. /s
I think you just scored a job at CNN.
I’m just going to go by the fact I’m seeing literally dozens of newish accounts and accounts that’ve never posted in many of the subreddits this story is being posted in trying to deflect and dispute the entire video as a sign that it’s a pretty big deal for CNN right now. Seriously, I’ve never seen this much damage control on all of Reddit. Even this thread is at 58% upvoted since it hit r/all. They are panicking trying to bury this one.
I’ve noticed for months now. They like to infect subs like r/uncensorednews and other alternative subreddits that were created to get away from the shills and astroturfing.
The #1 tactic of these people is to derail conversations and change the topic.
And yet the hardcore Reddit Lefties are still pushing the Russia story. Love it and hate it at the same time. Makes them look incredibly foolish, but in the end hurts America with their ignorance.
Number 1 Trending Video on YouTube right now and it hasn’t even been a day. Of course r/politics is silent. Here’s a comment from there.
Once again, this story is already debunked & confirmed as fake. This was a low-level associate intern who decided to spew bullshit about something he has no idea about. He’s not even working directly on the Russia team. CNN has been absolutely stellar as of late and this retraction just cements that they are an elite organization that goes the extra mile to fact check and verify their sources. Couldn’t be more pleased with the stellar work CNN has been putting out lately
It’s amazing to think that these people believe the media has any reason to have any sort of journalistic integrity. Its a business. I remember during Bernie’s campaign there was a post at the top of r/all about how Clinton was funded by CNN. But now that CNN aligns with their agenda they trust them. Unbelievable.
59% upvoted, LMAOOOO
1) CNN, Fox News, etc. are all stupid ratings-chasing bullshit. Anyone who doesn’t see that by now isn’t paying attention. It’s been getting worse and worse throughout my life – haven’t really watched any MSM in years, but I’m guessing it’s all pretty abhorrent by now.
2) I don’t really care if news outlets secretly think a story is bullshit or not – but I do care what the FBI thinks. They thought there was enough to warrant an investigation. And now the story has become more about impeding that investigation.
As soon as I saw this video I knew the thread would be brigaded
Damning quotes aside, the most interesting takeaway is how much day to day control Jeff Zucker has over the narrative.
The video was removed
I’m a pretty leftist dude but I think we all have known CNN lost credibility during the election cycle with how they put Clinton on a pedestal.
I mean we all knew it, but this is still one of the most sickening things I have ever seen and still shocking even when you know news is all staged and money driven for agendas. The worst part for me was when he only laughs at the idea of journalistic ethics…
Wow that guy’s gonna get suicided by 4 bullets to the back of the head
Damn this is exciting
R/news is in some hard denial.
CNN isn’t just fake news. They are very fake news. And apparently proud of it. I wonder how the kiddies in r/politics will try and spin this. I mean, he literally says they don’t care about ethics in journalism. It’s kinda hard to spin that.
Edit- oh. They won’t spin it. They will just ignore it apparently. Neato
Edit again- Hi shareblue! Thanks for stopping by to downvote us.
While I must admit I am generally liberal, even I have to say all the Trump-Russia collusion stories are getting old to see. Do I think some of the things that are reported, and some of Trump’s own actions and statements seem a little sketchy? Sure. But ultimately, that’s why there is currently some sort of investigation going on. I don’t need to hear about it every day because at this point there really isn’t too much more to report, and to be honest it just takes away from actually debating the policies that are being put out, especially health care currently. If something comes up in the future from this investigation or otherwise, sure let’s bring it up again and discuss it, but unless/until something like that occurs I would rather see more talk about policies.
While I must admit I am generally liberal, even I have to say all the Trump-Russia collusion stories are getting old to see.
This is the statement that should have the Democrats scared shitless.
It’s also why they’ve been trying to pivot away from the Russian witch hunt but they’re having trouble getting their people to stop. The base is convinced Trump is a traitor and won’t let up.
because they convinced them, what a vicious web we weave….
All of our intelligence says that Russia interfered and Trump says he fired Comey to slow/stop the Russia investigation, it’s not exactly all CNNs fault.
The country should be scared shitless, not just dems.
He fired comey because comey wouldnt hold a presser saying trump wasnt under investigation. Which is true and what comey told him on three diffrent occasions.
Was it dumb? Sure.
Was it interference with the russia investigation? Not even a little bit.
Share exact sentiment.
The worst part to me is how much a lot of the media alienates people, and how much I feel that extends into the everyday political discussion. You see it on all sides. I see it all the time when people call people on the left “libtards” or “snowflakes” and people on the left respond calling people on the right “Nazis” and “bigots” and “racists” and all it does it take away from substantive conversation and instead ignore any possible points that the other side may have because they are from the other side so let’s just call them names instead of actually refute arguments or points they have made.
you are a great, great great person
Concern trolls out in full force tonight.
What really blows me away is how divided along political lines so many people are. If you are 100 percent Democrat or 100 percent Republican on issues as far as the party line goes, you are also 100 percent moron. Every issue deserves discussion. There is nuance in politics which is why most congressmen go to law school.
If anything, this should be a wakeup call to everyone about their favorite news channels.
BREAKING NEWS::::: they’re all this way. They need money to make money. Fox, CNN, Breitbart, Inforwars, all of it is for-profit. They create sensationalized headlines that their viewers care about for some reason, and that’s how you keep eyes on the tube. It’s all despicable, but not surprising.
This is huge. Can’t wait to hear the official ShareBlue narrative on this one.
No mention of this on /r/politics. Head, meet sand.
Link broken???
Published at Tue, 27 Jun 2017 04:13:51 +0000
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from Aw Jeez Not This Liberal Crap Again http://strikingtherightbalance.com/must-watch-cnn-producer-caught-on-hidden-camera-basically-admits-cnn-is-an-awful-journalism-outlet-that-is-not-to-be-trusted/
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