#i dont have an xiao yet but one day i will complete the set
chaoscontrolled123 · 2 years
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the gang's all here!!! my designs for the dreamtonics masc voicebanks based off of their logos, names, voices, and various archetypes of music student i encountered during college lol. feel free to use these for non-commercial purposes, just credit and link back to me!
KEVIN: the energetic theater kid who drags his buddies to dennys at 3am after a show. do NOT hand him the aux cable
RYO: the goth band kid who's teaching himself guitar but his main instrument is clarinet. do not hand him the aux cable either but for completely different reasons
MO CHEN: the wannabe composer who makes the music history exam study guides that everyone else mooches off of. has 400 hours in elden ring
AN XIAO: the popular choir kid who plays multiple sports and has constant scheduling issues. his major is "undeclared"
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
hi! i saw you were in need of genshin requests so could we do genshin characters when you wear their clothing? Like a jacket, cape, hat, that kinda vibe (I'm really into diluc but if you dont wanna write him that's okay :D)
Hey, Anon! Thank you for the request, and I'm sorry I took so long. My mental health was a mess.
I hope you don't mind, but I've included Kaeya, Albedo (Looking at you, @kreideprinzessin ), Xiao, Scaramouche and Childe with Diluc!
Is that my clothes?
How Diluc, Xiao, Albedo, Kaeya, Scaramouche and Childe would react to you wearing their clothes.
All fluff here. And crack on Scaramouche's part
Long fic.
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Master Diluc of the Dawn Winery had just returned home from Angel's Share and was yet to change.
He was still in his bartender uniform and was now looking for his signature coat, but it was missing.
"Adeline, where is my coat?"
The young master called out to his head maid, huffing in annoyance as he moved to pull off his tie, the very thing starting to stangle him.
"Adeline isn't here."
The voice of his lover rang out from the doorway, sounding oddly timid yet proud.
"Where is.... she?"
Diluc trailed off, his words getting caught in his throat at the sight of you wearing his signature coat.
You looked so, so cute, so adorable in his jacket.
His words caught in his throat as a blush settled on his face, stunned by the sight of you.
"Diluc? You alright?"
You asked as you walk closer to him, gently placing a hand on his arm as you slightly tilted your head in confusion.
Diluc's face turned as red as his hair before he cleared his throat, trying to quickly regain his composure.
"Are you wearing my coat?"
He asked you, wanting to make sure he wasn't just exhausted and seeing things wrong.
His heart beat a little faster at the sound of your chuckle, moving to gently hold his hands.
"Of course, 'Luc. I missed you, so I decided to wear your coat."
You explained, causing Diluc to nod slightly, still unable to stop staring at you wearing his coat.
"You seem to be in a trance."
You remarked, jokingly, which caused Diluc to choke on his saliva (or on air) as his face turned red again.
"I was kidding!"
You say, quickly as you gently rub his back, and Diluc cleared his throat once more.
"Well, you look good wearing my clothes. I wouldn't mind if you wore any of my clothes more often."
Diluc tells you, finally completely composed now, which had now turned the tables.
You were now the one who was blushing, and yet Diluc had not seemed to understand why.
"Diluc, are you sure?"
You asked him, and he nodded with a gentle smile, moving to gently pat your head.
"Of course. You look adorable in my clothes, so I'd be more than happy to see you wear any of my clothes at any time of the day."
Diluc tells you, tone filled with love and honesty as you smiled widely at him: a sight that Diluc was always happy to gaze upon.
Don't be surprised to see Diluc purposely leaving his clothes out for you to wear now.
You're happy wearing his clothes, he's happy to see you wearing his clothes.
Everyone is happy, and Diluc would have it no other way.
Except when Kaeya teases him. Then Diluc bans Kaeya from Angel's Share for a week.
Kaeya never learns. He just teases you about wearing Diluc's clothes instead.
Al light-hearted and with your and Diluc's permission, of course.
And yet you could care less. You feel safe and secure in Diluc's clothes. Why pay mind to Kaeya's teasing?
And you get to convince Diluc to lighten up as well, so Kaeya is allowed back into Angel's Share.
Okay, but head me out. Imma go with a modern setting for this one bc it would be hard to convince canonverse Xiao to let you wear his clothes.
He has the warmest hoodies ever and also the most comfortable hoodies ever.
How can you not wear one of his hoodies when it's not only warm and comfortable, but also smells like him?
I would ask to wear his hoodie, bc sir, ily and please just cuddle me already. Ayo, Lost, stop simping—
Anyway, Xiao would probably be out doing some shopping for your shared house or something.
You just being home alone would take the chance to steal his hoodie.
Except he walks in to you wearing his hoodie, his eyebrows raising in curiosity.
"Are you wearing my hoodie?"
He asks you, walking into the house and setting down the stuff he bought before eying you carefully.
You tried to play it off with a nervous chuckle, but Xiao just smiled, holding back a chuckle as he crossed his arms.
"Oh? Because as far as I can tell, the sleeves don't fit you quite right. Your hoodies all have the sleeves fitting you perfectly."
Xiao points out, his amusement slipping into his voice, letting you know that you couldn't fool him.
You sighed, knowing he caught you and that you might as well confess now as to why you wore his hoodie.
"Keep it."
Xiao told you before you could actually say anything, startling you to look like a gaping fish out of water.
"My hoodie looks better on you than it does me anyway."
Xiao said with a soft chuckle, moving to gently ruffle your hair, looking at you with a fond expression.
You smiled before throwing your arms around him to hug him
Something he reciprocated immediately, hugging you back and closer to him.
"So can I wear your clothes all the time?"
You ask, looking at him with a grin, and yet he simply hummed with a smile, gently leaning his forehead against yours.
"As long as you'd like to."
He tells you with a soft tone, looking at you with pure love and nothing else.
If you wear his hoodies in front of anyone else, Xiao would feel flustered, but also a sense of pride.
You wearing his hoodies is as if you, yourself, is telling everyone that you are the proud s/o of Xiao himself.
If someone remarks on how the hoodie looks on you, they'll be speaking to Xiao.
And who knows? Maybe Xiao wears something of yours as well, like a scarf of gloves
This way, he can also let others know that he belongs to you and that he's devoted to you alone.
Overall, he gives you his entire wardrobe if you asked him to.
Albedo had a few clothes of his that you wanted to wear.
Why wouldn't you wanna wear his clothes when you knew how comfortable they were?
And even better, they had his scent so you could smell it when you missed him.
But what to wear first? Well, why not his gloves?
Albedo was in the shower now, and his gloves were left out in the open for you to try on.
So, taking the chance, you slipped your hands into his gloves.
"Wow, these are warmer than I thought."
You mumbled to yourself, a feeling of warmth immediately spreading through your hands.
You then figured that this is how Albedo always had warm hands, no matter how cold it was.
Even if it was in freezing climates, Albedo's hands remained warm, and it was all because of these gloves.
"They have to be. You're just lucky those are my normal gloves and not the ones I use with chemicals."
Albedo's voice rang out from behind you, causing you to quickly turn around to see him.
Having just stepped out of the shower, his hair was still damp and he looked about ready for bed.
"Albedo! Y-you didn't take long in the shower."
You exclaimed with surprise, your face heating up with a pinkish hue as proof of your slight embarrassment.
Albedo simply shrugged with a small, yet somewhat smug smile, eyeing your hands carefully.
"Are they comfortable for you?"
Albedo asks you, gently holding your hands in his, as if trying to see if the gloves were a perfect fit.
"Yeah, they're really comfortable 'Bedo."
You tell him with a smile, gently holding his hands in return, causing him to smile again.
"You know, I'm more than happy to lend you my gloves when it gets too cold."
He offers you, causing you to chuckle before cupping his face gently.
"I'd rather have you warm my hands up instead if they get too cold."
You tell him as he leans into your touch, eyes closing the slightest bit before he kissed your forehead.
"That, I would be more than happy to do."
He tells you with a chuckle of his own, moving to rest his hands over yours.
Albedo always carries his spare gloves now when it's too cold, just for you.
He will hold your hands like you as him to, but he will also slip his gloves on your hands.
He then proceeds to hold your hands with the gloves on so that you two can still be close without you freezing your hands.
Whenever anyone sees you wearing Albedo's gloves, they think nothing of it, except that Albedo gave you a copy of his gloves.
They don't have to know it's actually Albedo's real gloves, right?
At home, Kaeya doesn't wear his eyepatch because he feels no need to wear it indoors.
And this man has a whole lot of eyepatches that he owns, like, an entire draw for eyepatches alone.
Sir, why do you need that many when you don't use half of them? Why keep them if they're not used?
So, you being his amazing s/o, who was bored while he slept, decided to try one one of his new eyepatches.
Taking the newest one he bought, you snuck to a room where he wouldn't hear you, and put it on.
"I am Captain Kaeya, and I inherited this eyepatch from my grandfather, who was the most famous pirate in the world."
You said, mimicking Kaeya as you tried to get your posture and attitude to match his.
"Aww, is my precious s/o trying to be like their amazing boyfriend?"
Kaeya's voice rang out from behind you, causing you to freeze. You had been caught, and he just woke up too.
You exclaimed, quickly turning around to face him, forgetting to take off his eyepatch.
"How cute. Now we can finally match."
Kaeya chuckles, a smug smirk on his face as he leans against the doorframe, arms crossed.
"Why do you even have so many unused eyepatches?"
You asked him, raising an eyebrow in slight confusion mixed in with slight suspicion.
Kaeya raised his hands in defense, walking closer to you before gently setting his hands on your hips.
"I've been waiting for you to take the chance to match with me."
Kaeya says simply, leaning his forehead against yours and closing his eyes.
You wrapped your arms around him while probably thinking that this was not unusual for Kaeya.
He's always planning random stuff.
But you love him, regardless of his behaviour, because he loves you as well and always takes care of you.
You know that at the end of the day, Kaeya still loves you and would do anything you asked of him.
From that day, Kaeya managed to convince you to wear an eyepatch to match him as well.
Crack hc over here /j
You know how Scaramouche always wears his umbrella of a hat?
You decided to wear it just to make fun of him (respectfully and playfully)
So when you saw Scaramouche, you ran up to him and made him think you were gonna hug him.
Only to snatch his hat off his head and put it on your own.
Scaramouche sighed, seeing your proud grin, and yet you struggled to see anything because of the size of the hat.
"How do you see anything?"
You asked him, causing him to adjust the hat slightly so you could see.
And now it was a bit heavy.
"You either see or you don't. Pick one."
Scaramouche huffed before you could complain, but he felt his heart swell with pride at the sight.
"You really are an umbrella head."
You laughed, causing Scaramouche to snatch his hat off your head and wear it again.
"This is why you're not allowed to wear my stuff."
He says, rolling his eyes before slipping a bracelet on your hand instead.
"I'm still gonna wear your stuff."
You say with a proud grin, causing Scaramouche to smile fondly at you.
"I know you will."
He took you to Snezhnaya to meet his family.
Except you had not anticipated how cold it truly would be and was now shivering your backside off.
"I told you to dress warm."
Childe told you with a shrug, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close.
You leaned into him, finding the warmth he provided comforting, but not warm enough to fight the cold.
"I didn't think it would be this cold!"
You snapped accidentally, your breath freezing in the air, causing Childe to sigh.
Your teeth chattering and hands that were iced over, yet felt like it was on fire made Childe give you his jacket.
"Here. It's made in Snezhnaya itself, so it will keep you warm. I'm used to the cold, so I don't need it."
He tells you before carrying you once his jacket was on you.
And he carried you to his house while you drifted off to sleep due to the warmth of his jacket.
As if he were a pyro user.
Childe couldn't help but admire how his coat fit onto your form.
He thought it made you look more perfect than you already do, and made a note to ask you to wear his clothes more.
And besides. Now he can be certain that everyone knows that you are the s/o of the mighty 11th Harbinger himself.
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cross-d-a · 3 years
I want to know ALL about Wu Xie embarrassing time traveler!Li Cu!!! ���✨ I'm also v intrigued by Nie Huisang death death death
(Also, Cross you have so many wips; I read in awe. And to think I thought I had a lot of star wars fix-it ideas! I only have anything at all written down for two of them!)
(this refers to the WIP tag game I completed a few days ago!)
Wu Xie being EMBARRASSING & Li Cu Time Travel: 
I’ve got a series of interconnected oneshots planned where Li Cu just- accidentally hops back in time to every drama/book and helps out the Iron Triangle. and it’s more like LI CU embarrassing WU XIE haha
I thought it’d be HILARIOUS if Li Cu got to see how Wu Xie (UR MY DAD BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOGIE) is so YOUNG and STUPID and EMBARRASSING when he’s young!! Wu Xie making (ACTUALLY) innocent doe eyes at an emo Xiao Ge?? GROSS. Wu Xie accidentally (DELIBERATELY?) setting off multiple traps in a tomb?? Li Cu is 10000/10 going to RECORD THIS on his phone and bring it BACK to the future and make fun of Wu Xie FOREVER. Also!!! There are SO MANY SNAKES in Ultimate Note!! And?? Conveniently?? Li Cu has a lil’ snake buddy?? MAYBE HE COULD HELP??? 
I basically want Li Cu being the Actual Competent One and the baby Iron Triangle floundering. Mostly Wu Xie. I want Wu Xie floundering. I also want Wu Xie SO EMBARRASSED when Li Cu hops back to his own time. 
wu xie: i hate you 
li cu: no u don’t u just told me u loved and appreciated me for saving ur life like ten minutes ago. there were tears in your eyes. actually they were streaming down ur face. u might have been hugging my leg and sobbing
Nie Huaisang death death death:
I think it’s hilarious that you picked out one of the resurrective immortality fics considering we were JUST talking about the old guard hahaha. This one I actually have a good chunk written so far, so here is a long snippet near the beginning. Context is that Nie Huaisang’s mother is VERY pregnant and she’s riding through the mountains to visit her family before she gives birth. WARNINGS for gore (kinda??) and child death and just- DEATH in general:
There are beasts in the mountains. Ravenous, born of fury and blood, more ragged spirit than flesh. Their claws are jagged and broken and their maws drip with sizzling saliva. They have roamed the mountains for years and years, and have only grown more enraged, voracious.
The Nie Clan have always harnessed the butchery of their past. Binding rage and ruin to themselves, channeling it through their hearts and into their swords until they are one and the same. Until it feeds upon their flesh and their spirit, gnawing on their bones, carving out a little space for itself between brittle ribs. Until, one bloody piece at a time, it consumes them whole.
The Nie Clan’s power is also the source of their doom, and these beasts who roam and know only hate hate hate are Nie-furen’s doom, as well.
They descend upon the Nie in the dead of night, a roiling mass of snapping teeth and furious howls. There is blood, screaming, desperate flashes of Dao magic and heavy blades. But there are too many and it is not enough.
But the mighty Phoenix of the West has always been filled with unmatched fury and she is full of new life and about to burst. She will not let her child die here today. Not before he can breathe sweet fresh air and keen that first high cry. Not before his father can cradle him in his arms and his older brother can plant a kiss on his forehead.
That rage within her swells. It devours her spirit and bleeds out her eyes as she screams screams screams- a raging beacon of power and brutality and every ancestor’s grief.
She slaughters everything in her path.
When she comes to, she is soaked in blood and there is pain in her belly and an ache behind her eyes and in every breath- but she is alive. She lies amidst the ruins of her people and the lingering darkness of vanquished spirits and Shan Xifeng—
She goes into labour.
It is long and hard, lasting through the night into the bloody dawn and beyond. She manages to crawl to the edge of their encampment but no further. She twists into a curl of agony and cries into the clouded sky.
Her son is born on the cusp of evening, just as the sun slides behind dark, ragged peaks. He is born soft and warm and silent.
Shan Xifeng cradles him in quaking hands. Cups his cheek to her breast. His tiny head is blood-streaked like his mother. Blood-streaked like her friends and family around her.
It is an irony that on one of the most important days of her life, she is surrounded by her loved ones and yet they are all dead.
“Little one,” she murmurs, and tilts his limp head. “Little one, please.”
But he is silent as the dead around her and that grief swells again in her breast. It gnaws on her ribs and scrabbles at her throat and she is shaking shaking shaking.
“No,” she spits. “No! He has done nothing wrong! Nothing! Does he not deserve his first breath? His first cry? Does he not deserve the family that awaits him?!”
She screams into the sky and tastes blood between her teeth. “Take me instead! I beg of you! Please let him live! I would give my life! Every single one of them, so that he may live!”
Her sword quakes along with that dark raging thing within her and she clutches her dead son close.
The faint, elegant curve of a fan in the corner of her eye. The shift of cloth, the echo of a breath. The glimmering of ethereal gold and silver, like someone has spun the stars and sun above into delicate thread.
Summoned, like a beast to blood.
“All of them?”
Shan Xifeng knows better than to face an unknowable thing and so she bows as low as her broken body will allow. She stares into the bloodied dirt and breathes in dust and rasps, “Yes.”
“Hm.” A flicker of a stretching smile, coy, with a hint of sharp teeth. She does not see the fathomless dark behind those stark white teeth, a gaping void of ravenous benevolence. It is hidden behind the flare of the fan. “Do you understand what you ask for?”
“I do,” she says without hesitation.
The grin widens, lips scarlet and dark against bone-white skin. “Then I shall grant your wish.”
A shift of cloth, then a cool hand cups Nie-furen’s cheek, guiding her up. Her eyes flicker open and she sees what no mortal has ever seen, and then that fan whispers against her cheek and blood-red lips press against hers and the last thing she feels is her golden core trembling spasming dying as life is pulled from her breath- all the lives she has ever lived, the one she lives now, and every life she could have ever lived.
Shan Xifeng falls into the bloodied dirt beneath, still clutching her dead son to her breast. And then there is no one left living in that small clearing.
Pale, bony fingers trace a delicate line through the blood that lingers upon her cheek. It is still wet and useful. Stained fingers press against scarlet lips and the life held between stark white teeth is breathed anew into that blood.
Carefully, bone-thin fingers trace a deliberate character upon the newborn child’s left cheek. The blood shines, brilliant and devastating, before fading back into a gruesome name across pale skin. Slowly, the child begins to twitch, brows wrinkling in displeasure, before a high keening wail escapes tiny lips as the child take its first breath.
“Your mother does not know what she’s doomed you to.”
A day later, travelers upon the road hear a faint keening noise not far from their wagon. When they find the clearing, they gag and retch. When they find the weak, whining child clutched in his dead mother’s arms, they shake their heads and then stare at the crest emblazoned upon the woman’s clothes.
Two days after that, the child is delivered to Nie-zongzhu’s disbelieving arms.
“No,” he says, violent spirit quaking deep within him. “No. It- it is not true.”
The traveler ducks his head and clasps his hands in a bow. “I’m sorry, Zongzhu. We were not able to take the bodies with us. You’ll have to send someone to check, but…it was the crest of your house. And…” he hesitates, then nods to his companion who stumbles up and offers a sword.
Not just any sword. A dao.
Shan Xifeng’s dao.
“No,” Nie-zongzhu cries, falling to his knees.
“I-I’m so sorry,” the traveler stutters. “I am so, so sorry, Nie-zongzhu.”
Nie-zongzhu sobs, clutching his newborn child to his chest. “Little one,” he weeps. “Oh, little one. At least life is kind enough to have spared you.”
“Yong,” the traveler blurts.
Nie-zongzhu stares uncomprehendingly, tears running hot down his cheeks.
“It- it was written upon his cheek in- in blood. I- I think that is what his mother named him. She must have done it with her dying breath. She must have wanted you to know. He did not enter this world nameless.”
“Yong,” Nie-zongzhu echoes, trembling. “It- it is a good name, for my brave little boy.” He cups his son’s cheek and sobs. “Brave like- like his mother,” he murmurs, voice thin and quaking. “She named you well.”
And perhaps it is bravery that made Shan Xifeng give up the chance to ever be reborn. Perhaps it is bravery that saved her son’s life.
But it was all a mother’s wretched love, and Shan Xifeng did not write the character for brave upon her son’s cheek.
No, it was not Yong for bravery, but Yong for eternal.
And it is not his mother who wrote it.
Perhaps it is bravery that saved her son, but is the curse of eternity really a kindness?
No, no Shan Xifeng did not truly understand what she asked for.
But Nie Yong soon would.
The next section starts with:
The second time Nie Yong dies, he doesn’t even realize it.
He is four years old.
and the third section starts with:
The third time Nie Yong dies, his Adie kills him.
He is nine years old.
It’s basically an Angst Fest with a happy ending bc...I just need a happy ending Always. I just REALLY love resurrective immortality and I love making my favourite characters Suffer :)
I hope these were fun and satisfying to read!! 
(also omg NO it’s a CURSE!!! I WISH I could just finish SOMETHING!! ANYTHING!! OMG!!! I am so envious you’ve managed to restrain yourself to a few!! Also!! I am SUPER excited to find out more about your fix-its!!! :D)
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shijiujun · 4 years
[起承] Chris’ Mini Concert in Taipei 20191222 - Summary
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As promised, the concert summary!! 
First, let’s look at this gorgeous background and what Chris wore in his first song - Totally magical my god and GALAXY THEMED!!! Okay it was actually purple themed because he likes the colour and a lot of fans actually turned up in purple things. 
Being the dumbass that I was, I did not do that because I didn’t even THINK OF IT HONESTLY so in my haste i had to go buy some purple cap that is really cute (unicorn-themed!) and yes turned up for the concert.
I went with a lovely new friend this time along with two other friends (all of who I met on Tumblr!!) and when we first reached the venue, there were so many other fans there already as usual giving out freebies - I have completed a set of five plastic fans with Chris and Jake faces printed on it, and now I have three plastic sheet 2020 calendars with Chris’ lovely face on it so amen. A lanyard also, and ooooh like they printed fake passenger tickets with chris’ face on it HAHA
Venue/Seating: 20 Rows, 20 Seats, 10 on each side with a row cutting down the middle and then a stage - In terms of venue I think it was a pretty cozy venue, definitely smaller than the venue for the Trapped Taipei and Taichung fanmeets so everyone got a much better view. This is the venue they used for the first History Party
I was seated in the 4th row, which was farkinggggg close. Ann and Elle were seated in the 2nd row, and we were technically all in the same area - BEST
So after we were seated, suddenly there was a lot of commotion from the fans, and that’s when we realised that ANDY AND KENNY WALKED IN!!! They came in with caps and face masks on, and they sat themselves in the first row on the right section - I’d like to mention that seated in the same row were also Chris’ parents, his brother (real or like bro I haven’t figured out yet), Diane and Director Lee from Trapped (ahhhh Diane is farking pretty) and yes, Jake was not there, BUT BUT BUT I do believe he was invited, but he’s just busy with work. Jake and Zhang Guang Chen (the guy who plays Andy in Trapped) both liked Chris’ concert photo on Instagram!!
Photos weren’t allowed, and they were damn fucking strict about this which I honestly DONT UNDERSTAND but am not surprised at - It’s like he’s thanking his fans for turning up and he’s really touched and everything and all fans want to do is have some really nice photos of him you know CRIES IN A CORNER - So it was like the Trapped fanmeet media mafia again, people standing at the sides watching and making sure you dont take photos
BUT BUT BUT in the first two songs they couldn’t control us all because we were ALL taking photos, which is why I have photos from the first two songs but NOWHERE ELSE, but tbh the first song’s visuals were so beautiful that those were all I needed for photos, seriously - Which is nice because I rented a cam for this and I REALLY WOULD HAVE CRIED IF I WALKED AWAY WITH NO PHOTOS
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He sang a few Chinese ballads, and then he went to change clothes, and THEN HE TURNED UP IN THIS SHIRT AND DANCED TO THE WEEKND’S CAN’T FEEL MY FACE
At the beginning of the concert he told everyone that he wasn’t going to cry and we all called bullshit on that and hahaha lo and behold he cried halfway through and then at the end A LOT
Xiao Yi hosted it again!!! My god, I love Xiao Yi so much, he’s honestly the best and he’s way more handsome in person than he is on Instagram HAHAHA and I love how close he is to the Trapped boys
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I do have more photos of this but they’re all half blur because I was trying to dodge the photo police, but hip thrusting moves? Check. Skin reveal? Four holes in his shirt, CHECK.
Anyway, the entire show was filled with like crazy good dance numbers and Chris sang songs such as A Whole New World, and also two of his self-composed songs!! I can’t remember what the first song was called but he did sing this at the Taichung fanmeet, and the second song is called 「不想分開」which means ‘Don’t Want To Separate From/Leave Each Other’ and they’re pretty good 
Chris said that HE MIGHT have some album/single release activity next year and asked us to look forward to Jan 2020 I don’t know what to expect tbh HAHAHAHA
And Chris also sang Della’s song from Trapped - and halfway through the song DELLA APPEARED AND STARTED SINGING WITH HIM!! And he was so touched that he started to cry (as always, the crybaby), then the audience and Xiao Yi got Della and Chris to duet one of Della’s other more popular songs, and then SHE WAS THE BEST BECAUSE SHE led Chris down the stage and into the crowd and got him to touch everyone’s hands (okay not everyone, but whoever who could reach him) - Unfortunately I was literally two arms length away from him, so I didn’t even try reaching out for him but as always he came real close, and I got to witness that face up close for the fifth time this year, thank you god and all the higher powers above and buddha for giving me this excellent year
And everytime Xiao Yi and Chris asked questions to the audience Kenny would be like this absolute fanboy yelling from his seat - Gotta love the friendship between them
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Xiao Yi printed like photos of him and Chris and stuck it on chocolate bars and gave them out to the audience for like question and answer LMAOOOO funniest shit ever - So XY asked how much do we love Chris, and the first fan was like ‘I left my kid at home to come and watch Chris’ and then another one was like ‘I came here on a TOUR and now I have left my tour group secretly for a few hours so I can come attend this’ LMAOOOO
And CHRIS’ attire was fucking on point that day, all his outfits were like fucking A+++++++++ like sexy and handsome and WOOOHOOO
Okay and now storytime - The one SHITTY thing that happened during the concert:
So there was this older lady seated in the first row, and in the beginning she kept getting up to talk to the staff and I didn’t think much of it - You know maybe she’s a hardcore fan or something and she knows the staff and has some special connections or whatever
And then, LITERALLY HALFWAY THROUGH A SONG, she stands up and she starts shouting. I’m not joking, she starts fucking shouting and pointing at like some fans in the second row saying, “Why is it they can take photos but I can’t?! You guys are too much!!!”
Mind you all, Chris is literally PERFORMING and she’s making a scene
So the staff get her to sit down, and then we think it’s the end of it right, but no she proceeds to yell at shout the same thing across like three fucking songs, and then at one point she stands up and tries to get attention from the staff to come and catch another fan seated behind her because she’s taking photos 
In the end no one else in the vicinity dared to take photos or whatever and she was still being a bitch and yelling - And the dumb thing is that she wasn’t asked to leave. This crazy woman in the first row making a scene and she’s not being asked to leave wtf
And then she just keeps shouting throughout the entire concert, and at two instances Xiao Yi had to say “Hey guys, everyone, be good okay? Everyone, please be good”
Okay and then some point in between crazy lady brings out a decanter of like whiskey and chugs it down - Like so wild
So okay, she’s sitting in the first row, and it doesn’t take a genius to know that the risk of sitting in the first row or at the sides is that staff can easily get to you to ask you to not take photos - and she’s in the “because I can’t have it NO ONE ELSE CAN” mode, which is like... okay that’s one thing, but the other part is-
And she was just plain fucking rude she was honestly yelling and scolding like other fans, and I feel like that she doesn’t have a right to do that
Around me were ALL the major Chris fanclub/fanaccount fans and they were all like wtf is wrong with her? 
Basically she was such a disruption and idk why she wasn’t asked to leave
Worst of all, in his every very last song, Chris actually sang half a verse to her directly, and IDK if he knows her, or maybe heard that she was being very enthusiastic, or didn’t know that she was being a crazy bitch, in any case, Chris effectively rewarded her bad behaviour
A lot of the fans were really upset about that, because this woman fucked up the entire experience for us (just imagine someone yelling like two rows in front of you and shouting and pointing throughout the whole like 45 minutes) and Chris basically signalled to her that it’s okay to be a nuisance to everyone else, even if it was done accidentally
Otherwise, A+ concert!!! So happy to be in Taipei again and seeing the boys!!!!! And Lisley and Kana were both there as well, and i have to say I really, really love Diane <3333
Concert was a little bit short imo but the tickets weren’t expensive so it’s alright. No fan benefits this time HAHAHA
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loversarcanas · 5 years
1, 12, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, 43, 50, 52, 54, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, and 92 :3 (I def went a lil wild but FUN ASKS)
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? teacups! they’re so delicate and cute and have such pretty designs on them! (i actually collected tea sets for a short while before i ran out of space at home, so i want to keep collecting them when i move out and have more space). Coffee mugs are a close second though, they’re so cozy!
12. name of your favorite playlist? Aphrodite! It’s a playlist I made for my current D20 Modern character, and while it isn’t anywhere near complete you can listen here if you like!
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? I have a pair of comfy white and pink flip flops that I’ve been wearing since last spring, i’m a total flip flop ho and I love how low effort it is to wear them
21. obsession from childhood? already answered! it’s pokemon!
22. role model? honestly I don’t really have any role models I can say, I’m someone who really wants to be my own role model and be a positive role model for other people!
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Swimming!!! Though I’ve only done it once so far this year… I feel like I could live in the water and though I’m a bit rusty on it I learned how to semi breath underwater for some short periods of time
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? ice skating!!!! again its been way too long since i last did it but it feels so free and fun
29. best way to bond with you? talking about stuff we’re both into!!! i love making new friends talking about pokemon or anime or veganism, dnd, art, hobbies, lots of stuff!!! honestly just talking to people who are friendly and kind makes me so happy and is the best way to bond with me!!! (though i think you wouldl need a good amount of patience lol i get anxiety and forget to message back a lot…)
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? cardigans!!! hoodies are a close second but i only like them in cold weather. cardigans are light and flowy and especially the long cardigans are my favourites
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? oof thats kinda tough because ive laughed a lot but i remember this one time aaaages ago when my bunny hope was still alive, we had a box of thin mint girl scout cookies on our coffee table and she was having her free roam of the house. she sat on her hind legs at the table and pulled the whole box off and ran back to her pen with it!!! cookies spilled behind her on her way and she took one (1) bite out of like 3 different cookies before we finally got her. i loved that rabbit with my entire heart she was so funny
52. favorite font? i couldnt find the exact one that i downloaded a while ago but i like fonts kinda like this 
Tumblr media
54. what did you learn from your first job? not to stretch myself thin to the point of tears every day lmao
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? i dont think i would have a catchphrase so much as i would just throw up a peace sign and call myself a dyke LMAO
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? kdjffhgskdl i feel bad i cant think of anything off the top of my head sorry!! ;;
62. seven characters you relate to? OOH HELL YEAH okay: Sayaka Miki from PMMM, Sayaka Maizono from Dangan Ronpa, Chiaka Nanami from SDR2, Nico Yazawa from Love Live, Dia Kurosawa from Love Live Sunshine, Yang Xiao Long from RWBY, and Glimmer from She Ra
63. five songs that would play in your club? God this is. such a good fucking question
Coloris - she
Hit and Run - Breathe California
I Like it Loud - Cash Cash
Play Hard - David Guetta ft. Ne-Yo & Akon
Casual Affair - Panic at the Disco
64. favorite website from your childhood? ABSOLUTELY neopets. that shit slapped and it still does (bonus second place was theN.com bc of that one avatar game i can not remember the name of)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? i cant think all the way back but today i tried peach gummy rings flavored with lime chili powder and i almost threw up. i dont understand. i love both of these things separately. why do they taste so awful together…… top 10 anime betrayals
lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? ideally? fairy lights. i love the suttle beauty of dim lights. but im also a bitch who struggles to see so i need at least some of the other lights. rip
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