#i dont know what this one is. i said this in our server and strike went 'adri saying that while someone turns blue in his hands'
calliesmemes · 7 months
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UNHINGED SENTENCE STARTERS FEATURING THINGS SAID BY MYSELF AND MY FRIENDS WHILE WRITING AS OUR MUSES IN A CRACK-BASED NONCANON GROUP CHAT. This post is dedicated to Em, Liz, Tanny, Nellie, Mel, Ange, and everyone else in the server who recognizes these quotes — you know who you are 😈
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Have you forgotten that you should not steal someone’s property? ”
“   I could slap that smug look off his face right now! ”
“   Your ears are a lie. ”
“   Woah woah that's - that's a bad word. ”
“   I don’t know if it’s allowed and quite frankly I don’t care. Fuck the rules. ”
“   Time for gremlin activities! ”
“   I hate this man. Let's prank him. ”
“   We are all going on strike today I swear ”
“   Looks like I need to invest in a kid leash. ”
“   I support her saying what needs to be said! I am done with the silencing of women!!!! ”
“   I like the dramatics. ”
“   I did not ask for a second opinion. ”
“   You seem to be doing a great job at being a nuisance. ”
“   do you want me to bring you cheese? ”
“   Next move, start chewing on the door frames ”
“   I like crumbs. They are like a little midnight snack in my bed at night. ”
“   if he wants to be a worm, LET HIM BE A WORM ”
“   the rest of you suck my toe ”
“   To be fair I am simply vibing. ”
“   I am going to commit a war crime! ”
“   I am manifesting being happy. ”
“   Am I gonna talk shit WITH you guys? because im down to talk shit about pretty much anyone ”
“   Who says? We shall revolt without question. ”
“   Let's just start burning stuff. ”
“   Did you just call me... small? ”
“   Can I convert you with my kazoo propaganda? ”
“   We were radicalised by The Little Mermaid. ”
“   Penny in the swear jar, now. ”
“   My last words are, bros before hoes. ”
“   The old men are trying to be trendy. ”
“   I can do whatever I want too! ”
“   Can we go one day without an interruption from an American? ”
“   I am so sorry. He enjoys conflict. ”
“   Why is he so tall? ”
“   For legal reasons, kids, that's a joke. ”
“   Would you like to fight the adults? ”
“   You're not meant to bite people, it's frowned upon. ”
“   He’s a fun killer, don't listen to him! ”
“   Ow! Stop kicking me! ”
“   I have quite literally begged you not to kick, hit, or bite today. ”
“   BUT I thought we were buds, pals, amigos, chums, friends. ”
“   Oh shiiiii someone’s in trouble ”
“   How much caffeine have you had in the last hour? ”
“   I'll be honest they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't speak. ”
“   Is this goof meant to be dead or what? ”
“   I am a witch. ”
“   This one reeks of self confidence when he clearly doesn't think before opening his mouth. ”
“  I call bullshit on that rule! ”
“   The point is I have a cane and I’m not afraid to use it. ”
“   If you slap me, I’ll cane you. ”
“   Yippee for women. ”
“   Sorry for being British. ”
“   Oi who's playing that ominous music? ”
“   I'm strong because I eat carrots. Oh wait or is that to see in the dark.... it's for something. ”
“   I will say sorry when i'm caught, don't you worry. ”
“   ... He's done for. Broken beyond repair. Someone play Taylor Swift. ”
“   Please refrain from punching one another. ”
“   He is becoming one with the spider I believe. ”
“   If anybody asks I will say I made you, then you will not get in trouble! ”
“   Can I be a girlboss too? I am not rude to women and I do what i like ”
“   Yippee for patriotism! ”
“   … i could make you guys rat costumes ”
“   Do you think if we started stealing bread we would lose our jobs? ”
“   why do British people ”
“   … you all need therapy. ”
“   Do you ever feel if you breathe the wrong way he will bite you? ”
“   I actively avoid whatever this is. ”
“   CARRY ME. ”
“   What if, and hear me out, they both promise not to do it again? ”
“   I wanna steal all his socks. ”
“   My socks were stolen! ”
“   Hey, watch it now. Only I'm allowed to insult me. ”
“   You couldn’t whisper to save your life. It’s pitiful. ”
“   Both of you are insufferable. ”
“   The law is overrated. ”
“   I’m afraid. Miss, you aren’t my type. ”
“   No. I swear on my life. I am being a gentleman ”
“   I support women’s wrongs. ”
“   He bites? Are you .. joking? Please say you're joking. ”
“   If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain ifyou're not into yoga if you have half a brain if you like makin' love at midnight in the dunes on the cape then I'm the love that you've looked for write to me and escape 🎶🎶 ”
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spearxwind · 2 years
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You can have this one too
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Short sword - Reader x Cassian bond. Shorter.
Prompt - i’m literally so obsessed with cassian rn could you write something with him? i was thinking something along the lines of a badass reader (i hate when the reader or oc is weak, like no we want a #girlboss) and idk you can continue the rest <3
"Get your winged bastards in the air. Now." You stood chest to chest with Thesan, not caring if your muddied armor smudged his fragile white robes. His eyes flared with rage, but he did not move. Such a bold move of a commander of a different court all together to be yelling orders to a high lord. The surrounding area seemed to pause, waiting for the impending fight. He scoffed, then finally turned from you. Those billowing robes began leaking light, readying him to winnow. You reached out, like a viper ready to catch its prey. Instead of the hood of that perfectly white robe, your hand was caught by a large tan hand. With a red siphon glowing atop it. You scowled, ripping your hand away from him. Thesan disappeared into a flash of white light. The surrounding crowd quickly got back to work when you shot them an icy glare. Seeing their legion commander bloodied and in a hellish mood was enough to strike fear in all of them. "We have our own forces to worry about." Cassian muttered under his breath so only you could hear. He kept pace with you easily, years of training and marching together ensuring so. Remembering how he would pin you so easily when you first started training only fuled you to train hard enough to be able to beat him. Hand to hand combat with him was your favorite, aside from the secret nights you laid together with him under an empty field of stars. You walked faster, boots slushing in the mud from too many soldiers in a small area. The smell of so many males was overwhelming to most, but years of camps exactly like this made you immune to any new smell. "And Thesan has his, which he isnt' worrying about in the slightest." You ground out through your teeth. You nodded to the server as you approached, picking up a bowl. "Thesan is posturing. How would it look if he took orders from a legionnaire of a different court?" "I dont give a shit how it looks, Cas. Your Illyrians are the ones that need the help." you took a bite of the stew. It burned your mouth but warmed your belly in a way that made everything else okay for a moment. It was bland, but after hours of battle anything tasted amazing. "Maybe you should be a little more concerned." You glanced at his dirty face. He scowled slightly, but didn't retaliate. He sipped his stew, much slower than you devoured yours. "I get you're pissed off, but we need to be strategic with our allies as well as the enemies." He said, voice soft. His boot knocked yours slightly under the table. A reminder to not rush. To not dive and give fully to battle. To not yield fully to that intense warrior side. Your heart gave slightly to that small touch. "We need to be able to come back from this." He set his spoon down, lowering a look at you. He didnt look away until your eyes met his. Your jaw clenched, holding back all the biting rage you had waiting inside. "We will make Thesan look a fool when we take that base without his Perregryns." You gave in to those warm eyes, knocking his foot back under the table. His grin was warm, welcoming. Proud. He took something from the bench seat beside him and held it out to you. Something wrapped in a thick white cloth. Marred by his dirty hands. "That's my commander." He said with a wild grin. He took the napkin from the plate and revealed a massive roll. Your mouth watered. You could have moaned. Maybe you did, because his laugh and blush made you glance around to see if anyone else had heard. "I need you here, always." He gripped your hand tightly before you took the roll. Your eyes met his, the strange seriousness there. The non comedic Cassian that you knew to rarely ever come out. You squeezed his hand back and nodded. Finally, he set the plate down in front of you. And you did in fact moan at the first bite. "Mother above, it's still warm." You savored the buttery softness in your mouth. Cassian laughed, wiping his hands with the napkin. "Only the best for you." You didnt care that people watched as you devoured the roll, or that you kicked Cassian under the table when he commented about those sounds you
made. You were distracted from the irritation Thesan brought, for the moment at least. Cassian and brought you that peace. You would be forever grateful. "Tell me, what was your plan once you had grabbed Thesan?" Cassian said around a mouth of stew. The dining hall around began filling up more as soldiers returned from their watches and switched shifts. The loud clattering of plates and bowls made the environment more welcoming. You wiped the crumbs from your mouth, taking a long drink and considering before answering. "I dont really know. Pray, maybe? That he wouldn't kill me. Or his Guards wouldnt I guess." Cassian rolled his eyes, but remained unsurprised at that. "Maybe hold him down as best I could in the mud until he agreed to letting his Peregryns fight with us." "I dont think mud will bother him much." Cas slurped the broth from the bowl, dripping slightly on to his black armor."I've seen him in battle." His eyes seemed haunted for a second before he shook it off. You watched as he finished the stew completely, much like you had minutes before him. You checked your sword at your side habitually. Like running your hand over your arm, feeling for any bumps or scratches. "You gotta stop doing that. You're going to put a wear mark in it." He scolded lightly, eyeing your hand on the pommel of your blade. You glared at him, he was always criticizing how much he thought you over relied on your short sword and not the longsword on your back. "Get the blacksmiths to forge a shorter long sword, then I'll use it." you stood, "Wouldn't that still be a short sword but lighter?" He fell right into your innuendo, face first. A rarity for him. You knew he would have caught it if you both weren't so battle ready. You said the rest a bit louder than necessary - "The length of the sword doesn't matter, what does is how it's wielded." You winked before walking away. soft chuckles rang out near him. He sat in silence and cursed at your back, watching you walk out of the dining hall. He noted each warrior that glanced a bit too long, and let his rage simmer. Save it for another time. He gripped his bowl a bit harder than necessary when he placed it in the bin of dirty dishes.
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radio-charlie · 3 years
Kekistanis are not a single-cell organism ofc and so u get the bozo ones like the guy who tried to nazi-fy the thunderlotus server and failed lol, and the incredibly observant, organised and ruthless ones who infiltrate our communities and study us so diligently that they not only know all our pressure points, but also know how to imitate us flawlessly. something i know they try is to see what u are the most disillusioned with re: ur own communities, esp the ones u most expected to find connection and support in. then they mold their behavior accordingly, to give u a reprieve from that and make u think: yea u know what, for all the things ppl say abt these guys, at least they’re not [insert thing that hurt u the most abt ur community]. it sounds so simple and obvious that i look like a dumbo for pointing it out. but hey. it works like u wouldnt believe. so either ppl do not know better, or they just dont care abt anyone except themselves.
Someone else said this much better, but u do not even have to consistent w ur messages. u just have to strike the iron while its hot, and the impressions formed will last long enough to do the damage. if u play the idpol game well enough, ppl will excuse ur inconsistencies anyway, especially if it makes them feel like a good person, or if u depict ur inconsistencies as resonant to theirs and thereby make defending u abt defending themselves as well.
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
you're not active in discord anymore :((
ahahahahahahahha oops. you see smth happened and while i dont exactly want to dig previous drama back up, i’d vaguely touch up on it for the sake of transparency since i think you’re one of my close friends from a different server? cw: discourse below
so i only have one discord account that i share w multiple fandoms and this issue happened in a non-genshin one. to sum it all up, a good friend of mine (or at least i thought they were) leaked our private convos to a certain server and idk if you noticed this but when i chat, i cut up what i said. so what happened is they said a sexual line abt someone and i said ‘babe, we dont say stuff like’ line break ‘insert what they said’. and bitchass cropped the freaking ss into just me repeating what they said and sent it into the server. and basically they did that to ‘call out my disgusting behavior’ that was not mine in the first place. i tried to explain what happened and even apologized for my dumb way of chatting (in hindsight i shouldnt have apologized bc i literally didnt do anything wrong) and yeah. they wont listen and said some real toxic shit like k*ll yourself and stuff. i didnt really let it get into me but it did sorta hurt that they didnt even bother learning abt what really happened and just jumped on the let’s ruin lei’s life train as if they didnt know me for like years? anw got over that shit but i temporarily uninstalled discord to take a break. for some cursed reason i always get involved w toxic people at least once a year in discord. why are they like this :((
anw, i’ll get back into discord soon i think? i just need to refill my social battery again bc god freaking damn that was exhausting 😳 also im like super shy and introverted that striking up a convo is smth i get nightmares about (i enjoy talking tho and thats the dilemma)
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drabblesanddreams · 5 years
"Kiss to avoid the bad guys (or good guys)" with Fyodor please. Btw I love your writing it so good! Hope you have a lovely day as well!❤
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Thank you so much :D I hope you like it, i always am a slut for fyodor so dont be afraid to send in more requests for him (or any character rlly!)
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Kissing a man you always admired right before killing someone was something you never expected to happen in real life.
TW: None
Fyodor was an enigma. God built the pieces of his existence in such a way that one could only comprehend what was going through His mind when he created him. A puzzle so few in this world can only come close to deciphering, yes that’s what he was. You weren’t one to so foolishly believe you were one of those few capable of accomplishing such a feat.
You knew exactly the limitations of your intelligence, slightly above average at most. And that was when someone was gently pushing you to the direction of the correct answer. Thus, you looked up to Fyodor a great amount as in your eyes he was perhaps the most intelligence man in the whole wide world. And that chaos that he calls a mind was what goaded you in the first place. It lured you in what others would call a trap, yet he would call Rats in the House of the Dead.
It intrigued you quite much at first, his idea of what the world should be. It didn’t take you long to abide by his principles and join him in his quest to cleanse the world of its sins. The alluring features of his visage and mind took no time in persuading you. You easily threw aside your own principles and began to hold a strong belief in the man’s way of thinking. You knew to a certain degree that he was correct.
After all, how can people expect a better world if they’re unwilling for change.
Though, despite your complete and utter devotion to the Russian, you still held on to that stubborn quality of yours. A quality that he never really managed to shake out of you.
Currently, the two of you were in a high-end restaurant. An establishment only the rich would flock to, showing off their heavily decorated fingers and long, long dresses in any colour and texture available. You watched the customers as they ate, impatiently and anxiously waiting to be seated with Fyodor. The both of you were currently posing as customers yourselves.
Your (e/c)’s narrowed as they locked onto a woman who laughed gleefully, tilting back her head and exposing that long, porcelain neck of hers. She was the wife of a man who ran a prestigious company in the city. All thought what the public didn’t know that you did was that man secretly owed his success to his wife’s ability which was based on luck and success. The both of you were here in order to eliminate her, she was a prime example of the sins of this world.
You scoffed as you continued to watch her before turning your head towards your companion, “What are we waiting for? I can easily shoot her from here Fyodor,” you whispered, annoyed greatly, to your tall, dark-haired companion. He spared you a glance from the corner of his eye, striking violet disappearing from underneath black lashes as he blinked.
He whispered back as his he laid his hand on the small of your back, “Now, now, we can’t be too hasty,” he chuckled at your impatience as he continued to stare at the suited bodyguards situated near the madam’s table. You furrowed your eyebrows lightly as you examined his features. Pale skin stark against long silky black hair, he was surely a sight to behold. A true piece of art that would rival perhaps the work of Alexandre Cabanal’s work.
Shaking your head slightly, you forced yourself to ignore the increased rate of your heartbeat and instead chose to focus on the task at hand.
As both of you continued to wait to be seated, you decided to follow Fyodor’s gaze to the victim of the hour before returning your eyes back to him. You wondered what was going through his mind exactly at this moment, what genius stroke of thought had sprung up in the brilliance of his mind. You were truly grateful that you were able to stand next to him like this, to be able to assist him. He’d be one step closer to the perfect world that he always envisioned. The thought of what he was feeling sprang up in your mind, was he perhaps happy? Relieved? You had no idea; you rarely saw any form of emotion flit across his face.
All of a sudden, you saw his visage tense in the slightest. Surprised at this show of emotion, you quickly spin your head back to the table to see what had caused such a reaction. It wasn’t until your gaze landed on one of the bodyguards walking towards your direction that you felt your blood turn to ice.
You had no idea what to do, you were always so easily susceptible to anxiety in situations such as this. You were never good on thinking on your feet, so you spun towards the taller man, “Fyodor- “you hissed, worry clearly etched upon your face. Both of your faces were already plastered upon the threat list towards the Lady. If this bodyguard saw you there would be no doubt that you’d be able to get away, but then, in the end, the woman would still be alive.
Violet hues darkened to the colour of wine and you felt a shiver run down your back, no doubt he could probably feel it still. “I know.” Was all he said, and you felt yourself panic even more.
When you turned back, the bodyguard was much closer than before. Keeping your eyes on him, you opened your mouth to grab Fyodor’s attention once more as you noticed the was about to turn his head towards the both of you. The words never escaped your pretty mouth however, for you felt a cold hand on your cheek, directing your head back forwards as lithe arms pulled you forward.
Before you could even react at this sudden movement, you felt a pair of slightly chapped lips capture your own. You froze, unable to process this because it had suddenly hit you that Fyodor was kissing you. He pressed his lips harder against yours, demanding you to finally react. Your eyes widened exceptionally at this before they slowly closed. You felt the hunger emanating from him, a simple carnal desire willing to take over the both of you, entice you two in a dance of want and need before leaving you completely and utterly devoured by the power this man had over you. The caress of his lips was softer than you imagined, and you felt lost in him as you tilted your head, breathlessly and desperately trying to get closer to him.
You felt warmth bloom in the pit of your stomach as he pulled away. He looked at you then, taking in your flushed appearance, dilated eyes, and bruised lips. He smirked at you and you found yourself grow hotter at the sight. His violet eyes drifted to something behind you before capturing your gaze once more.
“It seems our cover is still intact,” he slyly commented, and you found yourself speechless as you no longer saw the bodyguard and instead a server came towards the both of you. The server said something, but his words fell on deaf ears as your blood continued to pound in your ears.
You could deal with your emotions later, right now you still had a mission to complete.
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askyancy · 5 years
Yancy’s Trial
OOC: The following is the ENTIRE court room scenario that took place on the discord. Hey if you ain’t on there look how much you’re missing!  https://discord.gg/VRayPQs Better hop aboard huh! This Court case was between myself and my partner @markimoojackaboi​ who was in charge of the whole event with myself as: Mr Wallaby/Wilford, Yancy, Dr Parker, Bambam, Sparkles and him as : Mr D. Iplier/Dark  and our wonderful Warden @thegayneighborhoodcannibal​ A lot of Wilford’s case was assisted by the theorists of the server who spent from 5:30pm - 1am EST trying to corral Wilford into actually being a lawyer. Needless to say that didn’t go well but at least someone has that ability.  Please forgive any typos, mistakes, formatting as tumblr is a bitch.  Consider this the transcript of the case. Enjoy the read! It’s a long one!  -Mort
Saturday 30th November at 5:30 PM
Officials have started arriving, board members, District attorneys and the sort, all filling into the spectator seats. No jury, seems no one showed up for duty, or rather this was a prison case and not necessarily in need of one. This was at the hands of officials. Stepping through the doors you get the scent of the mahogany wood lining the entire facility, the traces of perfume and cologne from the officials and the scent of something..candy? The two lawyers directing the case are up front at the main two tables, a rather colorful suit on Mr Wallaby, but he looked most certainly charming, save for the fake mustache... on top of a mustache.. Whatever, you choose not to question it. You take a moment to linger in the stands listening a little to what Wallaby might be saying. Something about pancakes and syrup? Taking your seat at the front on an end seat, a notepad sits in hand. Taking notes on this case may be important to assist and who knows, maybe you'll even get called as a witness... A friendly face approaches, patting you on the shoulder, they seem to have familiarity with you and sit to your left. "Hey you remember me right? Arnie Velmont? We went to law school together?" You nod. "Yeah yeah! You don’t mind me sittin here? Don't really know anyone else here" A wave of the hand. He's fine. Your silence holds strong. As everyone takes their positions, a certain inmate is brought into the room a little roughly by Officer Rex, and made to stand to the side, he's heavily cuffed and clearly shaking. Even the Warden is shown to where he can sit. "All rise for the honorable Judge Bagel Noface-Noname." Rex announces, the crowd stand and so do you. The judge rolls onto the high seat and onto the table, settling there. The crowd sits and you follow suit. The court was now in session.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:08 PM
The prosecution waited in his seat for the Judges opening. Familiarize everyone with the case number, that sort of thing. He waited a little uncomfortably long, as the judge didn't actually have a visible mouth. The Man in the charcoal jacket and grey tie to match and thinly rimmed glasses, a mister D. Ipliére rose to his feet, rubbing his hands together and clapping them together. "Your honor this case is as open and shut as a  bad book," He looked up at the judge, "What we have here is bloodstained hands... And we will punish those responsible for this heinous act." He moves back behind his table and sits down, tucking his seat in so he was close to the desk. He'd make a perfect bureaucrat the way he prepared to take notes. But then his eyes snapped towards Yancy, irises like obsidian. He had the composure of a statue, but he had the presence of a coiled scorpion... ready to strike if you looked away for too long.(edited)
WallabyYesterday at 6:14 PM
Wilfor-Wallaby blinked as he watched, a quick mutter to himself over something before he stood. He didn’t have pants on. Looked like heart boxers... but oddly somehow he still looked good. "Your honnnooor~ What we reaaally have is an innocent sugarmuffin of a man who has done no wrong by anyone.. look at his widdle baby faaaceee" Yancy blinked, looking up, confused, taken aback and shook his head. Fuck.... This was gonna go horrible. "And I'll prove it!" he smirks, a smug lil fluffball as he sits back down "I’m doomed" runs across Yancy's mouth silently.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:27 PM
The DA was  firm man, imposing in a different way than say the Warden for example. He rose again so the.. Judge.. Wonderful... "The Prosecution would like to call prisoner 6247 of Happy Trails Penitentiary to the stand for cross examination." he was a rock in a river."
YancyYesterday at 6:32 PM
Yancy's stomach dropped and he started shaking again. oh god. oh fuck ok. deep breaths. done this before. He let Rex man handle him up to the stand, settling in the seat. Poor Yancy... he looked ready to cry. Wallaby frowned. This wasn't good. Calling his client up immediately. Hm.... Well.. If Yancy did as good as he had been maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Yancy's eyes passed over the prosecutor. A handsome man with an intimidating look. This man wasn't just his prosecutor... but his executioner if things didnt go well. Rex huffed putting a bible in front of Yancy. Yancy pulled a face at it. "m'not..er..religious type ya know.. uh...." Wallaby paused, dug around in his small brief case and held up something small, hurried over to put it on the desk then scuttled back. "..... yer kiddin" Rex raised an eyebrow and shrugged as Yancy obediently placed his hand on the pudding cup and then his other up...as best the cuffs allowed anyway. "Ye swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you...pudding cup" "I swears..." Yancy fidgeted a bit. Nervous.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:47 PM
The Prosecution's lip twitched slightly at the sight of the pudding cup. "Mr Yancy, is it?" He asked, moving again to the side of his desk, a couple pieces of paper in his hand. He made eye contact with the defendant.
YancyYesterday at 6:48 PM
Yancy tensed as the intimidating man came forward to question him, immediately flustering. "Ah wh- Well yeah but uh.. I er.. I go by Yancy." His cuff chains rattled a lot, a lot of hand fussing.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:51 PM
The man leaned back a little to move his long dark locks off his face and adjusting his glasses with the free hand. He touched the thinned rims just with the tips of his fingers with the confidence of a man who would never leave a fingerprint o n the glass. "My apologies, I forgot about prison names. If you would please make your statement for the record." He leaned his hip a little on the desk, looking at the paper.
YancyYesterday at 6:54 PM
Yancy shivered but lowered his gaze to the wood in front of him "I... I d-dont hav-.. I mean I dunno where youse.. want me to start I-..." His voice was barely audible, just loud enough for the prosecutor.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:55 PM
The prosecutor looked up at him. "I'm sorry did... did your defense not prepare you for this?" He asked, a smooth cold voice like a polished stone as he glanced over at Mr. Wallaby...His lip twitched subtlety.
YancyYesterday at 7:03 PM
Yancy went wide eyed and withdrew into his seat. Wallaby glanced over huh... poor Yancy. Didn't look too good "Ah.. just tell em what ya told me!" He gave a beckoning motion with his hand and a thumbs up. Yancy stared and sank a bit more in his seat "E...er... o-okay... " Yancy glanced up at the judge then the room "I er.... " Yancy cleared his throat. Deep breath. It's ok. "It kinda started with er... these t'ree inmates deys... sendin me messages. t'ought nottin of it a foirst and then t'ings escalated. Dey's called me out I called dem's out.... We agreed to meet up... I er.. we met up in de hallway and deys got the drop on me. T'ought I was meeting just one alone and dere was t'ree o dems... " he swallowed "Deys stabbed me..... I was in medical fer a whiles and... while I was dere deys attacked my friends.. set my cell on fire.. all my..belongins.... a-and den I heard em down the hall... deys was tryna hurt my friends..." he ran his hands together "I-.. I remember going forward t'.. t' Frank and... I.. I dunno I- I dont remember what happened next but I wokes up on the floor with my friends holdin me away .... I-.. den d' ward'n came in and I-........ " he trailed off his voice shaking.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:11 PM
The man's face softened in what looked like pity. "It's alright, you don't have to go further than that. Thank you for sharing." He full on faced Walllaby... He breathed sharply through his nose to compose himself  a little, clearly annoyed at the candy-coated defense lawyer. But he maintained himself, his voice never raised in volume from what he started with. He turned back to face Yancy. His face softened. "You've been through so much in this last week, haven't you?" He said, peering over his glasses a little. As non threatening as such an imposing figure could possibly be.
YancyYesterday at 7:13 PM
Yancy slowly nodded before he croaked out a more audible for court "y-yes" Wallaby leaned back in his chair feet up and a phone in his hands, grumpily swatting at that mosquito... gonna get it... you just wait... Yancy pinched his eyes shut "oh god..." whispered from him, just loud enough for Mr. Ipliére to hear it. Poor guy was terrified.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:17 PM
The lawyer looked at him with a slight head tilt... the poor thing.. "Are you alright? Do you need a moment?" he asked almost... sweetly.
YancyYesterday at 7:20 PM
Yancy shook his head. He shifted in the seat, bracing himself, deep breath. 4....7....8..... 4....7.....8.... "N-no I'm okay.... I-..... Just brings back some memories o d' last time I was in here... ya know?" he smiled bitterly but sat up, seemed he was capable of taking care of himself despite his lawyer being a useless mindless doofus. "You had questions, sir?"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:29 PM
The prosecutor nodded. "Any time you need stop, alright?... I know this is a heavy burden to ask of you..." A strange and seemingly indirect way of thanking him for his bravery. "Would you mind telling us, for the record, when did these messages start?" He leaned away from his desk.
YancyYesterday at 7:35 PM
Yancy took a deep inhale and sat straight. Be honest. Be short. "About 2 weeks ago? I'm not sure on de exact date, but it's been about 2 weeks." The more the prosecutor spoke the more Yancy seemed to relax a little. Wallaby had sat up again and was now digging through his bag, pulling out a large pieces of paper with crayon.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:44 PM
The Prosecutor looked down at his sheet, cross referencing something unseen. He nodded and moved over to the box. "Your honour, I hold in my hands Exhibit A, the direct messages received." He looked down at his sheet. "Yes it's.. quite colourful language..." He traced the lines with his fingers... looking for something specific.
YancyYesterday at 7:47 PM
The judge makes no movement, its a bagel. But the honorable judge does seem to approve. It seems the prosecutor is permitted to continue. Yancy looks away. God.... this is gonna show he had a phone... he could get the Warden in a lot of trouble if he wasn't careful..... Deep breath... Just a stage. Just another performance. A court room performance. He was just playing the criminal. Nothing wrong. Just..... why'd the prosecutor have to be so damned handsome! Wallaby finally digs something else out of his bag. a large wooden letter A. That's his exhibit A... yup...
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:54 PM
The prosecutor straightened his spine. "Such texts as and I quote, "What a boring game, let's make it interesting., a knife emoticon- Favorite stab wound," end quote.  That's quite frightening.." He didn't leave room for pause. "Or this one, I quote, 'Tell our dear friend BB that Sparkles is next. I'll make sure to leave a bedazzled finger under their pillow, Heart Emoji' end quote." He moved teh hand with the paper in it down to his side, quickly. He spoke loud enough to make someones ears ring. "Lastly and -i- quote Starlings are aggressive. Reckless. They pick fights at any chance they get. But enough of them. It's good to see you, mockingbird. -' End. Quote."
WallabyYesterday at 7:57 PM
Wallaby raised an eyebrow as he listened this time and stood up "Awbjection your honor. Relevance. How is this reveleleelephant to the matter at hand?" he waggled his stache a bit. He'd taken his pants off again. "Yancy sank a bit, bit his tongue. Well of course it was.. relevant... that was  Frank and-... Or was it? Maybe he should trust his lawyer? God.. he didn't know anymore.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:01 PM
The prosecutor raised his hands defensively, waiting the judges ruling. ..... A tap of the gavel. "My point, if it please the court, is his response to that very last message sent, A text message back... I quote. "y-youse…. All o youse is fuckin DEAD" end quote.
WallabyYesterday at 8:04 PM
Wallaby huffed, fake mustache atop his mustache hanging off a bit "Awbjection your honor! My client was very angwee. Those kinds of messages would make anyone mad! Doesn't mean that he'd hurt them! Sayin n doin are very different!" and yet here they where. Yancy bit his lip. shut up. stop talking. sit down youse dumb mustached fuck.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:12 PM
The Prosecutor backed up, hands up a little. "Withdrawn, your honour." He turned back, waved a hand a little, and faced him again, the man of someone commanding a stage. "The messages were sent to a cellular device in your posession, Yancy. Sorry... Yancy." He corrected himself. "How long have you, a convicted murderer with a wrap sheet to boot had a waterproof, shockproof, cellphone?"
YancyYesterday at 8:17 PM
Yancy went pale, like he'd just seen a ghost, but slowly he knew being honest was key here. Then again if he answered he could get the warden, Hawk, Scarlet, a lot of others in trouble. He looked up at Wallaby. Wallaby was frantically waving his hand in front of his throat, shaking his head, giving zip lips and shushy gestures. "I... uh.......... I plead... fifth... your honor" he bit his tongue discretely inside his mouth. fuckfckfuck. He had to trust his lawyer.. shit.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:19 PM
The Prosecutor froze for a minute...
The Fifth Amendment, or Amendment V of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that protects you from being held for committing a crime unless you have been indicted correctly by the police.
He nodded. "... No further questions, your honour." He went and sat down... pen to paper and ready.
YancyYesterday at 8:26 PM
Yancy let out a sigh of relief. Welp that was one frying pan to deal with later.... His stomach twisted as he saw Wallaby wriggle back into his pants and hop his way to standing and wobbled his way over "Hey buddy!" ".....the heck are youse doing?" Yancy hiss whispered. "I'll assk the questionssss!" he smirked and Yancy went pale again. "Now .... Getting to the reaal grit o the situaaation! You mentioned in your stawry that you dont remember what happened between sneakin up on Frankie and waking up next to his dead bawdy. Correct?" "...Correct" Yancy was shaking again, it was audible in the chains as his leg bounced. "Do you get black outs often?" "I-er..... no" "Hm ok. Would you say you lose time? Or memories? any memory lawss that kinda thing?" he waved his hand around, rather sure of himself there. "Er... n-no...." Wallaby paused, turned "really? ah ok" welp there went that defense.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:30 PM
The prosecution takes notes. His rival sounded like he had just been plopped into this without warning! Meanwhile he himself had been studying the ins and outs of this case. He almost felt bad for the kid. But you'd never know by the looks on his face. He imagined this would be over quickly.
WallabyYesterday at 8:36 PM
Wallaby continued after a little waggle of the stache that was now fully falling off his face. One more of those and it was a goner. "Awlright. Would you saaaaay.... that this black out may have been connect to any mental health issues you may suffer from?" Yancy paused. Oh ..aha.. that's where this was going ok. "I er.. maybe... I was.. seein Doctah pahrkah fer a lotta stuffs." "So you would say that Doctah Pahrkah... i say dat right? Ah.. Would you say they were a credible source of informaaation on your mental health status that could have been the causes of this black out?" "... Yes?" He didnt sound sure but went with it. "Awlright. Next question. What were you doing before the incident? Before all the rawr rawr stabby stabby murder?" Yancy winced at that bit but hoped everyone would ignore the phrasing "I was... asleep. I was in my cell asleep on... confinement after a fight broke out with different inmates earlier. Er... dats another longer story though. Not related" "The bagel will be the judge of that!" Wilford huffed at him "So you were asleep!" "Yes" "Then how did you get in the cell?" "I.. I gets nightmares. Deys wake me up..keep me up a lot... I dont get a lot o sleep" "Ahuuuuuuuuhh.... Do you think this lack of sleep could contribute to your black out?"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:38 PM
Prosecutor raises his hand a little, barely looking up from his paper. "Objection, your honour, what's the point of all this speculation?"
WallabyYesterday at 8:43 PM
Wallaby paused "W- weeeellll... My poinntttt if ya let me get to it mister bawsy pants!" no regard for court ettiquette but that was a Warfstache for ya. "Is that if the boys sleep walkin he cant be accountable for his actions" He huffed, turned around "Where ya?" "I..... no? I dont know I dont remember but I do remember waking up and hurrying over" "Why the hurrry" "I heard my friends yelling sounded like they were in trouble.... then I saw..them and I-... Next thing I knew I was... being dragged away" "Sounds like sleep walking" Wallaby huffed and wandered back to the table "Your witness" he smirked at the prosecutor and Yancy put his face in his hands.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:46 PM
The Procecution rolled his shoulders back a little, rising to his feet. "Your honour may I approach the bench?" He asked. ...... He began the walk, but stopped, waiting for Wallaby to follow. This was more so he could talk to him in the middle of this.
WallabyYesterday at 8:50 PM
Wallaby linked and hopped up to join him, a hushed conversation...There's a lot of faff and fuss from Wallaby before he hugs the prosecutor with a squeaky noise then shuffled on back to his desk to sit back down, a smug look on his face
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:58 PM
The prosecutor straightened his tie and moved back... seemed his opposition was trying to plead insanity. “The court would like to call Dr Aiden Parker to the stand.”
YancyYesterday at 9:00 PM
Yancy relaxed and hopped out of the chair letting Rex man handle him again, nothing h wasnt used to. Dr Parker stood, fixed his suit jacket and wandered over. He set a small stone on the table
"I'm also Agnostic but this is a truth stone."
He let Rex give the speech. "
“I swear.”
 On to questioning. He set his hands neatly in his lap.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:01 PM
The prosecution is now limited to three questions each.”Dr Parker, you are a psychiatrist, correct? You’ve got an astounding CV. He said tapping his finger down onto the table next to him.”
Dr. ParkerYesterday at 9:04 PM
Parker keep a professional look to him. "I am the on site psychiatrist for Happy Trails Penitentiary, yes. .... and thank you" Wallaby raised an eyebrow, watching curiously. Seems at least his focus is in the right place now...(edited)
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:07 PM
*Two professionals back and forth with equal composure. “What’s it like working with some of the most dangerous people ever convicted?”
Dr.ParkerYesterday at 9:09 PM
Parker raised an eyebrow then put it down again.
"No different to the rest of my field. Danger only comes from those who feel it necessary to be a threat. I have yet to find anyone who is to be dubbed "dangerous" in my books"
His voice was odd... so were his eyes but they didn't hold much distraction.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:16 PM
The prosecutor mentally thanked the doctor for his easy manner and setting the foundation. “And yet within hours of being discharged from their medical bay, he was setting off small explosive devices, he manages to get re-armed, and now there he sits..” he points to Yancy, “having stabbed another human being 73 times. That’s more times than a human should naturally be able to do on their own by almost double.” He scuffed his heel and paced. “How many times will this happen again before a professional such as yourself considers them Dangerous.”
WallabyYesterday at 9:22 PM
Wallaby piped up "Awbjection! The bawmb was Bambams" Bambam went wide eyed and looked ready to bolt but stayed put. Yeah ok...they'd take that hit for Yancy. IT was their idea.... Parker waited for them to finish "
“Yancy was recently put in my care as per the Warden's request on regards of rehabilitation. The Warden believed that Yancy was capable of full rehabilitation and chances for Parole that Yancy was hoping to achieve. Called it Vacation."
He offered a small twitch of a fond smile
"However. Yancy has been unable to sleep. Myself and Dr Rothgott have discussed this and recently prescribed him medication to take to assist this, two days prior to the event occurring. While I agree 73 is ..excessive by any means, I also believe that Mr. Iplier was not in control of his actions at the time. Mr Iplier suffers from a great deal of what could potentially be Post Traumatic Stress. This in turn could be triggered by the sight of his attacker, bringing back the memories of his father of which he currently serves sentence for."
Parker sounded like he could have been a lawyer if he wanted to. How many court cases in his time as a doctor? "
“This being said, I would like to repeat that Yancy is new in my care and currently under going treatment. His sessions were recently pushed to daily one hour sessions.”
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:26 PM
The prosecutor put a hand on his desk and leaned back against it for a moment as if to think... He paused... “...One final question. Do you think, in your professional opinion, that this Post Traumatic Stress response, violent as it may be.... let me rephrase..” .... “Do you think he would do something like this again?”
Dr.ParkerYesterday at 9:27 PM
Parker leaned back a little confidently. "
“No. With the proper treatment he is now getting and the medication he is now receiving, I believe given the time for those medications to take effect and with a detective now on the case of what has been going on at the prison, the chances of Yancy having another episode are incredibly slim."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:33 PM
The prosecutor looked down, nodding slightly. Unfortunately he was running out of time. “No further questions.”
WallabyYesterday at 9:35 PM
Wallaby hopped up "Defense would like to call Warden Murder'Slawghter to the stand" He waggled his stache with a smirk. Gonna get em so good oh yeah! @The Sandwich was in for it! Look at this handsome fella- wait....... Abe?.. wait... no.. hang on.... OH! how about that! Abe had a brother! Wait what was Abe’s last name again? didnt matter!
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:37 PM
the prosecution looked a little confused. Didn’t he have any questions?... oh well he’s made his choice... time was slowly ticking away.
The WardenYesterday at 9:40 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter stood when his name was called, looking down at himself to ensure his attire was in order before making his way to the stand. He wasn't the religious type, but he swore on the bible anyways. He wasn't about to swear on a pudding cup. He licks his lips and makes sure his mouth wasn't too dry before he spoke. His expression was stern.
WallabyYesterday at 9:44 PM
Wallaby wanders over to the warden and smiles "You look a lawt like a friend o mine! ah anyway! Warden you over see everythin at the prison correct?"
The WardenYesterday at 9:46 PM
The warden nods slowly, hands folded neatly in his lap. He tried to ignore how his palms were starting to become sweaty. "I do."
WallabyYesterday at 9:46 PM
He nods and continues "And would you say you were close with your inmates, or rather Yancy?" he keeps his questions short n sweet
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:47 PM
Prosecution scribbles something down.
The WardenYesterday at 9:47 PM
Another nod. "Yes." His voice is steady and calm as if he had done this before.
WallabyYesterday at 9:48 PM
He continues "Alright, if you know Yancy so well, is this something that happens awften with him? Would you say he was a dangerous inmate?"
The WardenYesterday at 9:50 PM
The warden suddenly sits up straighter. "Yancy is rarely ever, if not never, a violent individual. From what I've seen before the incident has been a rather tender and kind person; I do not think he is a dangerous inmate."
WallabyYesterday at 9:51 PM
Wallaby nods. "You walked in on the scene right? Can ya describe to us what you saw, specifically Yancy?"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:53 PM
Pen was at the ready, so far so good from the prosecutor view
The WardenYesterday at 9:55 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter is silent for a moment as he ponders over the question. "I...." He clears his throat and shifts where he sat. "When I arrived on the seen I saw Yancy, accompanied by Michael Gregory, Andrew Gregory, Jason Campell, Henry Valmer, and Tamara Rose, over the body of Frank Wallace. Yancy looked... Scared, to say the least, like he was shell-shocked. He didn't seem aware of his surroundings at the time." He looks at Wallaby the entire time he spoke.
WallabyYesterday at 9:57 PM
Wallaby nodded along, his back to th warden and more facing the crowd. "But can you describe to us the scene itself. The gruesome details the wounds the murder! ahuh" he turned to face him now. "What about the murder weapon, who had it?"
The WardenYesterday at 10:02 PM
"There was a lot of blood, and glitter. At the time of the scene I was not aware of who the victim was, only that he was clearly dead. Yancy and the other inmates I named were covered in Frank's blood." He starts to narrow his eyes as he wracks through the memory for details. "I believe the murder weapon was on the ground next to the body."
WallabyYesterday at 10:03 PM
Wallaby wafts a hand and wanders away "No more questions your honor. Your witness" He smiles to Mr Ipliére and takes his seat. Yancy is glaring at the pink mustache on Wallabys face with a look that could kill. He was doing so good dammit!
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:06 PM
The prosecution took a few minutes, writing something down before repeating. Standing up and beginning the walk. “Mr. Murderslaughter. You boast a safe place for rehabilitation over punishment. But surely your establishment has punishments In place.”
The WardenYesterday at 10:06 PM
"We do." He curtly nods in confirmation, watching the other closely.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:07 PM
The man stopped in his tracks and adjusted his glasses. “For the court, would you please go into detail?” He had to make this case solid.
The WardenYesterday at 10:11 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter huffs a bit. "Depending on the degree of the misbehavior, inmates may be confined to their cell; made to work janitorial duties while monitored by a guard; sent to solitary; or loose certain privileges such as un-timed showers, extra dessert, and ability to participate in monitored group activities."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:14 PM
Mr D. Ipliére remained like a brick wall in terms of comfort to be around. He paced a little with long slow strides. “Really? It almost sounds like you’re running a summer camp rather than a maximum security prison.… how can you expect to rehabilitate those with a 25-to-life sentence?”
The WardenYesterday at 10:19 PM
"It is rare I'm required to use any other form of punishment. Most inmates, including Yancy, show upstanding behavior and a sound ability to adhere and obey prison rules." The warden speaks up almost immediately.(edited)
WallabyYesterday at 10:20 PM
Wallaby takes out the banana....
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:23 PM
The prosecutor brought his hand up a little, coiling it into a loose fist. “And yet within the days leading up to this, there was another violent incident wasn’t there? And somehow it was only just out of view of the cameras. A lot of stuff seems to get missed....” his pacing sped a little. “Just how well do you know your inmates, Warden?”
WallabyYesterday at 10:25 PM
Wallaby slowly starts squeezing the banana
The WardenYesterday at 10:29 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter's eyes flickered over to the loose fist the prosecutor held up. "The violent behavior comes from the three inmates. I believe-" He pauses, staring past Mr. Ipliére and at Mr. Wallaby. He watches him squeeze the banana, his brows furrowing. "Er- I know some inmates more than others."(edited)
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:32 PM
The prosecutor steps towards him... deep in thought but yes never moving from him. “... one final question for you warden. Would it be safe to assume that a prison with divided gangs, literal tunnels between cells, and that such violations that make Alcatraz look like a country fair... such a prison can hardly call itself maximum security, wouldn’t you agree?
WallabyYesterday at 10:33 PM
Wallaby squeezed the banana so it spluttered everywhere "Awbjection! Leading the witness!" ((Edit: It’s against prison rules to squeeze the bananas. An intimidation tactic by Wallaby))
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:34 PM
”Withdrawn your honour... no further questions.”
WallabyYesterday at 10:36 PM
Wallaby grins. Got em! "No further questions."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:38 PM
”The prosecution would like to call prisoner 112113 to the stand.”
BambamYesterday at 10:39 PM
Bambam's chest sank. Shit... shitshitshit ok.. They slowly stood, letting Rex shift them over to the stand. They'd swear on the bible. Carefully leaning back, glasses nudged back up their nose and fixed the Prosecutor with as big a fuck you stare as they could manage.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:41 PM
The prosecutor was as phased as a stone. “You’ll have to forgive me, they seemed to have submitted your papers wrong I can’t seem to figure out your pronouns. Would you state for the record what you would like to be called?”
BambamYesterday at 10:43 PM
Bambam raised an eyebrow "They them.... Though I guess he/him is fine for like.. legal shit, just prefer they them... Agender." they didnt care about announcing it. Proud and comfortable in what they were. Their eyes flashed over to Yancy, then back again.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:45 PM
The Prosecution offered them the first genuine smile. “Mx Bambam. Would you state your relation to the Accused?”
BambamYesterday at 10:46 PM
Bambam set their hands in their lap. "He's my best friend. Known him for 4 years now. "
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:48 PM
”And in the four years you’ve known him, has he ever behaved like this before?”
BambamYesterday at 10:49 PM
Bambam frowned. He'd sworn to truth. "No.... I er.... Didn't know that was..even in him. Wasn't like him at all"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:51 PM
The prosecution furrowed his brow slightly. “And you were there for the incidents both inciting and the crime were trying the Accused for?”
BambamYesterday at 10:52 PM
"I was attacked by one of the assholes responsible for all this mess, and was there for them trying to kill my friend Hank, of which Yancy prevented yes." Bambam fed a little more information out. Get that shit into court early. They sneered a little, desperate to do everything they could to help Yancy.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:00 PM
Mr. D.Ipliére faced them head on. "And how did he prevent this attempted murder on.. Hank." Making sure he got the names right.
BambamYesterday at 11:05 PM
Bambam fidgeted a bit, growing annoyed. This was bring back bad memories. Court. Cuffs. Questions. Judge bagel. They wrung their hands together. Picking at the edges of their nails. "He protected us.... Yes it was excessive. But he kinda..snapped ya know? Wasnt himself. Me n Tiny had to pull him off but hes a strong guy. Took us a bit. Second he came to he completely shut down inside, didnt say a word just starin.... I’ve never seen him like that. But I dont blame him.... If he didnt do it ... those three bastards would just keep hurting us. Two of em are still at fucking large. And instead of trying to follow the trail of glitter we left on em, we're stuckin in court over stupid shit that wasn't Yancys fault! Meanwhile those two remaining dick heads are plotting a new way to get us all killed." they growled a little and settled back down. "Sorry just... Yancy got hurt because Warden told him not to hurt anyone. If we stuck by that we'd all be dead. What Yancy did was self defense and protecting us..."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:11 PM
The Prosecution stood and watched him spill. "It's alright, I understand that you all care for each other." His eyes were fixed on the witness. For a few moments he didn't look like he would say anything and would force them to be in silence for hours. "I know this is difficult, so.. in your own time. What do you think would be the reason as to why these three individuals are so easily able to slip out of the grasp of the guards seemingly unnoticed? What sparked the firecracker" He asked, tucking a hand in his pocket.
BambamYesterday at 11:12 PM
Bambam fidgeted their hands again, and yet unlike Yancy didn't make a sound with the chains. "Wish I knew. I've suspicions of my own on why they're attacking us, mainly him. ... but they’re speculations."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:14 PM
Mr. D.Ipliére nodded and turned on his heel, moving to the box and taking something out. He got closer to the stand. "Can you tell me what this is?" He said, holding up a photograph of a shiv. But there was a bunch more sheets of paper in his hand here."
BambamYesterday at 11:18 PM
Bambam leaned in to see the more minute details. "...27. Gave that one for Tiny to borrow. Defensive. It's a shiv. One of mine. I make them, I've a stash, Warden knows of this as I confessed and they have been arranging a cell search to confiscate em" Honesty. Yancy appreciated that. His face was in his hands again, his stomach churning, he felt sick.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:20 PM
Mr. D.Ipliére smirked and tucked a couple pages back. "These are all you're work, correct?" He said, "Let the record show I am submitting evidence found at the crime scene."
BambamYesterday at 11:21 PM
Bambam nodded "All mine. If they've a little B notched in the bottom they're mine. Some are a bit less specific but I can identify them."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:24 PM
He put most of them back... but held onto one.. He brought it back over. "This one in particular... did you make this one? Just confirming." ... He knew the answer. He gave them enough time to answer. .... "So how is it then... That Yancy came to acquire not one but two of your shivs and use them against this group of people twice? Did he say anything to you when he got them?"
BambamYesterday at 11:26 PM
Bambam gave the confirm. "Every single one of my friends has a shiv made by me. For defensive purposes. I fail to see how this is relevant. We had weapons. Yes. That's nothing new here."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:30 PM
The Prosecutor was sharp tongued.... but he softened. "Lets take it elsewhere then. You were there when he was discharged from medical. Did he in any way indicate that he would retaliate against the group that put him in there in the first place?"
BambamYesterday at 11:32 PM
Bambam licked their bottom lip. Irritated. "no. He was more worried about our safety since while he was in medical both me and my sibling were sent to medical as well. One for a cell invasion that I tried to tackle and unmask the bastard doing it, and then my sibling for when they set Yancy's cell on fire. We have the next cell over and my sibling got smoke inhalation." they grumbled a bit. "The real culprit needed to be in this court are the bastards running around dressed like a burger and a swan."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:33 PM
The Prosecutor nodded. "Thank you, Mx. Gregory. No further questions." He said, swooping back behind the desk."
WallabyYesterday at 11:39 PM
Wallaby waggled his stache, the fake one falling off revealing a pink one. Abe nearly jumped out of his seat. SON OF A BITCH! He stayed seated. Had to behave. Shit.. Oh ho ho! Got him this time! He'd wait outside and arrest em! "Mx Bambam can you pleaaaseee explain to the court. If you make shivs for all of the inmates. Was it one of yours that killed the victim?" ".... Yes." "Was it one of yours that did the damage to Mr Yancy prior to the murder?" "......... Yes" "Ahuh. So in a seeeenseee this is more your fault?" "wh- What!? No? I mean... Yancy asked to borrow one. He never used it when he was confronted. It got stolen by Frank. We still havent found it." "Yeah huh." Wallaby spun his hand gesturing to continue. "Er... plead the ..fifth..." Wallaby rolled his eyes. "Question dropped. Next question." Wallaby rounded on Bambam
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:41 PM
The prosecution suddenly looked... confused. Objection on the grounds of leading the witness, but at least he caught himself.
WallabyYesterday at 11:48 PM
"You mentioned that you and Mr Yancy were close friends? Besties! Do you have bracelets?" Bambam gave the biggest wtf face imaginable. "Would you say that in those 4 years Yancy has shown any strings of violent acts at all?" "Wh-....." Bambam's face dropped. Yes... yes there was. The friendly shivvings to rookie guards, the fist fights with newbies. Not to mention that fight with Y/N.....  "Yes..." "Ahuh. Can you list a few instances?" "....... Couple of fist fights with other inmates. Kinda... dominance thing ya know? He's got a reputation to uphold. Nothing more than a black eye or anythin' nothing big. Served solitary for it each time" "What about those shivs of yours? Any violent tendencies?" "....... " fuck. What could he do. Pleading the fifth wouldnt work cos it wasnt about them here. Couldnt lie. Likely wallaby had the answer already. "We er.... contrary to popular belief we like it at Happy Trails.... We er.. sometimes have to ensure that we don't land up in parole. We dont want to leave. So..... Sometimes.. we have to er... Prod a couple guards or fellow inmates to ensure that doesnt happen...bu-..." no buts "Though we make sure not to aim anywhere lethal, or permanently harmful." "So what youre saying is that Yancy has a history of stabbing fellow inmates?" "Wh-. I" Wallaby raised a brow "How does that help his case? I-.... Youre gonna get him killed!" "Answer the quessstion" Wallaby waggled his stache at Bambam who shifted abruptly "What? No! He doesn't go around killing people! HE's a sweetheart!">>Wallaby frowned "He has 3 prior murder charges" "We all do" Bambam sneered "Doesnt mean were gonna go ape shit for no fuckin reason!" "And yet he did" "He wasn't himself!" Bambam stood up and Yancy did everything he could to keep his own composure. Sparkles shifting to stand and try to tell Bambam to sit down but Jimmy caught them. "But theres chance he could do it again?" "No! He had a trauma reaction to someone who tried to kill him and wasn't himself! Disassociated afterwards and just f-" he paused and looked to the prosecutor, then the bagel judge "This is fucking bullshit!!"/e
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:57 PM
The judge seemed to warn the witness to watch his temper and language with another tap from the gavel, however it might've just fallen off of it.. It was for not though. Bambam's sudden outburst would get them held in contempt. The prosecutor didn't seem to mind the case practically making itself. Like he said. Open and shut. He began putting some papers into an organized pile to put back in the evidence box.
BambamYesterday at 11:58 PM
Bambam kicked up a fuss as they were dragged out by Rex, tossed out of the room and given to some other guards to take care of. Sparkles could be heard jingling as they started shaking. This was bad. "No more questions~" Wallaby smirked and wandered back to his desk, leaning back and opened his snickers. omnomnom~
December 1, 2019
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:08 AM
The prosecution Put the rest of the file back into his briefcase and waited for the judge's word... Again longer than necessary. Closing remarks.
"Your honour what should have been a cut and dry case was dragged through the mud and hung out to dry. But we all know who's responsible for these horrendous actions. And we have to keep in mind the safety of not only the Accused, but the people he spends his time with and around. Therefore, I surmise that if the appropriate punishment as dictated by this our court was followed then the real problem - no - the real threat... would remain in place." He adjusted the rims of his glasses. "You've heard it here today that the prisoners don't wish to leave Happy Trails. That suggests not only that rehabilitation is not working, but that it is fostering this kind of environment where behaviour like this thrives. Gangs growing, crime rising. Fifteen years the prison goes without a fight. And now, suddenly, it's all growing. And it's all... Surrounding... The Warden." He paused. "But we're not here discussing the misdeeds of a prison warden, if we were we would be here for a very long time your honour." He chuckled. "But what the accused isn't the chair, isn't one death on our hands enough? Isn't this suffering enough? Daily one hour sessions aren't enough for a prisoner with PTSD. Real security measures must be put in place to protect everyone. These crimes cannot go unanswered. I hope you'll make the right decision, your honour. Think about what's best for the state, for the prison.... for the world."*
WallabyToday at 12:20 AM
Wallaby stood. "What we clearly have is a ruthless psychopathic murderer on our hands! One that can't be controlled! If not the chair then clearly the padded cells are what waits them!" Wallaby huffed. "While they are most certainly a sweetheart, inside lies a beast waiting to jump owut! I hope you make the right decision your honor!"
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:20 AM
There is a feeling in the air... like an old tube tv being left on all night.. there seems to be a red static effect around him for a few moments.
The bagel contemplated this for quite some time.........The room was silent... tense as it awaited a verdict.
In the case of  Mr. Y. "Yancy" Iplier for the murder of Mr. Frank "Tooth Wallace in this the year of our lord 20biteen... We the carbed find the defendant...
The door to the back of the courtroom swings open and loudly shuts behind as a woman in white storms in . She walks all the way from one end of the room to the other, storming like a man on a mission. "Your honour, this court room is in serious violation and has grounds to be dismissed as Mistrial."(edited)The prosecution looked mortified. "On what grounds?" "FOR ONE THING THE DEFENSE IS EATING THE JUDGE" "You're being ridiculous." "No! This whole thing makes no sense at all! Why does he have a giant letter A? Why does he have a GUN?" This woman was not pleased.*
WallabyToday at 12:34 AM
Wallaby goes wide eyed, quickly putting the half eaten judge down "wh- n-noooooo! It's a perfectly respectable cowurt room!" Wilford started to protest, gun wafting in the air
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:36 AM
The womans eyes lit up like fire behind her glasses. The Prosecution's demeanor cracked a little. She turned on her heel and just... walked behind the judge counter... Taking a piece of paper from in front of where the bagel used to be and reading it out loud. "Mr Y. Yancy. On the grounds of improper legal council proceedings and a seemingly under prepared lawyer defending you, I have no choice but to dismiss this case. You're free to go." She says firmly, taking the gavel and tapping it with a loud solid crack.
WallabyToday at 12:40 AM
Wilford fidgeted and wandered closer to Mr. Ipliére ..... "I-............." He fidgeted his hands together "Are we fired?"
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:45 AM
Mr. Ipliére smirked. "Probably won't be allowed to run another court show, ol' boy." He said with a little smirk. "Now... you should go celebrate with your client.  Enjoy the rest of your night, Mr... Wallaby." He gave a slight smile... And watched the woman put the courtroom back in order. The trial would go through an evaluation and, most likely, completely be appealed. She marched over to them both. "YOU! What in HELL where you thinking?" She asked loudly. "Kathryn please-" "NO! Don't you Kathryn please me! you were COMPLETELY unprofessional and nearly cost this man his life." There was a loud popping sound and the red around the man got a little brighter. He tried to walk away from her and his silhouette seemed.. delayed behind him. "Hey Get back here!" She shouted. He was leading the hurricane away from Wil and Yancy. No more shouting for one day...
WilfordToday at 12:47 AM
Wilford jumped back a bit "ah... probably nawt... ah but a good defense case from you! Sawry if my prosecution was a bit har-!!!" He jumped back and looked to Mr Ipliére. choosing to run with him instead. Heh this would be fun! More fn than a boring court room! "You still want that smoothie?" He chuckled as he ran with Dark away from the hurricane that was Kathryn.
DarkiplierToday at 12:51 AM
Dark shook his head. “....sure fine. Your treat though. I did so much research for thi-“ “GET BACK HERE” Power walking faster thank you fuck
WilfordToday at 12:52 AM
Wilford laughs, taking Dark's ring hand and suddenly they were gone with a little waggle of a pink mustache... left his pants behind. Yancy stared in...absolute disbelief. He was certain he was going to get the chair. Ba-bambam... they'd done so much to protect him. And the doctor too! And-..... Mr Dark... He glanced down to his right hand, thumb running over the letters. ....... Thank you.... both o you.... He kept his head down, just waiting. His body was still shaking, his back hurt it was so tense, his ribs hurt from hunching forward, his eyes were burning as tears fell down his face. Slowly his eyes passed tot he Warden........ Slowly but surely the officials obeyed the ruling of the angry woman and eaten bagel.... They filed out. Rex came to grab Yancy and the other inmates, dragging them all back to Solitary. Yancy, to the wardens office to discuss further with him. Court was no longer in session....
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inkhallucination · 6 years
On the morals of artist integrity or: What consist as theft within thieves.
I'll start this with a disclaimer.
I dont get involved in fandom drama. Not publicly at least. Least of all in a fandom I'm no longer part of. However. I'm feeling angry and indignated today, reason why  you'll have to bear this mouthful or rage today. I apologize in advance.
That said. Lets start.
As some of you in the yoi fandom might or not know , there's been a recent, lets call it witch hunt, or “call out” if you want to soften it. A certain fandom project (and numerous others over the last hours) decided to remove a certain fandom artist from their list of participants after discovering this artist traced other peoples art. This was followed by the mods of said original project DMing the mods of other fandom projects this artist took part of to inform them of the tracing incident and share the "evidence". As of now I've been informed the artist has erased all their accounts in social media as well as left any server community, and only accepts messages from friends they trust.
While analyzing this subject a question arised between me and some mutuals that discussed this incident.
What consists as artist theft?
Art theft, as many artists whose lead precense is on social media are well aware of, is a serious problem. It's not okay to take another persons work without their permision and repost it with or without credit. There's a fair share of content creators who depend on their online presence to make a living and redistributing their work affects this. That's something we all agree on. However, what happens when an artist "steals" from another artists? 
This might be a little confusing so I'll clarify by explaning the incident further. As the former mod of a fandom zine (former being the part they were not aware of) a mod from the original project contacted me to foward a link to a google drive with the “evidence”. Said images I will not share here cause in case you don’t know the identity of the artist I’d rather not contribute in slandering their name. If you already know who they are and would like the images you can DM me. In any case, the images showed the following: multiple cases of similar or near identical facial expressions, the imitation of pose and shading from one piece to another; and one case of redrawing an art piece keeping the poses and color schemes but replacing the originally used characters with YOI ones. 
Based on this we can come to the following conclusion: The definition of art theft (in this case, between artists) may be defined as the copy or use of partial or complete concepts and structural composition of an art piece. 
And by this definition, every artist is an art thief. 
Now, don’t cross your arms and give me the stink eye. If you’ve ever taken a  pencil and remotedly tried to create something, be it writing, illustration, music, esculpture, whatever your choosen medium is, you know you have copied a concept. There’s no piece of content in the world that is entirely original. 
But Orange, you may say; yes, there’s no original piece of content in the world, but there’s a stretch between taking inspiration from something and reproducing it to the perfect angle and shading! And I’ll say to you: Little Timmy, there’s a secret we content creators hord like evil dragons, a shameful secret we hold on tightly in fear of retaliation. The right pose, angle and shading does not come to us in a holy ray of knowdlege. It just does not happen. Your favorite artist, has, is, and will use reference pictures to copy the exact goddamn pose, to know how to work that lightening, and to know how to draw your favorite character in a way that doesn’t make them look like mashed potatoes. 
We are content creators, not magicians. 
The definition of artist, by the Cambridge Dictionary is: someone who paints, draws, or makes sculptures. Which alright, excludes lots of other types of art but moving on.  
That artist might have copied poses, yes, expresions, ways of shading and concepts. But here’s a newsflash. So has every other artist in their lives. More so, every artist who ever redrew a caption, a character, they’re copying concepts, ideas, sometimes down to every little detail. And you know what makes that art theirs? They did not copy paste the original piece and slapped their signature on it. They took a work already existing, transformed it into something else and made it their own by doing every brushstroke, by adding their own style and visión to the piece. That’s art. 
Art and skill don’t come from some magical “talent” or “genious”. It comes from years of practice and hardwork. And a great deal of that hardwork comes from copying other people’s work, analyzing it, coping the feel of it. You watch, learn, and integrate, that’s how art styles and skill are born, that’s how they continue to grow. 
And here’s the final piece of thought. That artist took a long time to develop their style, they had the bravery to go online and present their work. And maybe they copied some parts, maybe they redrew others. They did not take another artists work and say it was theirs. Their crime if you really want to accuse them of something, was using their references too accurately. And now they have been accused on every fandom circle. Their name has been slandered, I’ve seen actual people say that they’re gonna rip off the pages with work they produced to “not support theft”.  There’s no going back from that. All the work they put on making an online presence is gone. If they ever try to show up under a different name all it would take to ruin them again will be to connect them with this incident. Even if the original mods who started this recognized all they’ve done to them for something that is literally common practice among artists, there’s no going back. And here’s why: no one took the time to question this. No one decided to look beyond de accusations. We all trusted the judgament from the original posters without making critical thinking of our own, or deciding to further investigate to know exactly what was going on and make a decision of our own. I’m not saying the original posters had bad intentions, they took their own decision on what they thought. But everyone else decided to take it in strike, no eyebrows raised or questions asked. In another time I would have been one of this people. 
Someone screamed witch and the fandom ran for the wood, tied the accused to the pole and lighted the flame. 
And I don’t know about you, but in a community created to support and share our mutual appreciation of a series, to have fun without being judged; that’s something scary to see. 
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Way of the Ronin Issue #2
Way of the Ronin Issue 2 Setting: Night Time at the soup cafe. Panel 1 the elder of the restaurant talking with the blonde headed hostess inside of the restaurant. Holly: but I don't know what he wants he said something about waiting for a friend. The Elder: What else did he say? Panel 2 Holly: Why dont you ask him? The Elder: no I cant. Gods dont speak to mortals they dont want in their company Panel 3 She angrily picks up the silvery tray with an ornamental tea pot and two cups. Holly: Fine ill ask him why is he here. Panel 4 She Walks into the soft breezy outside to the wooden patio, where the knight lay waiting in the elder's rocking chair. Panel 5 Her heart skips a beat walking toward the large figure. Panel 6 The knight Looks immediately at her. Panel 7 The knight: I almost had to help you if you where more skidish- in a playful tone Panel 8 Holly: So its you Oshin, god of Passing, Death, and Souls Panel 9 Oshin: So That's what they call me nowadays? Wow, I need to work on that Panel 10 Holly stops at his side and hands him a cup of berry tea. Oshin: Thank you Panel 11 She puts down the silver server's tray onto the railing Panel 12 She grabs her own cup and sips a little of the tea. Panel 13 The knight takes his mask and lifts it up just enough to show his jawline and his lower face. Panel 14 He drinks a little of it as she looks to see if she can see a face. Panel 15 Oshin: Its very nice.*He puts down the tea cup onto the table next to him* You have more questions? Panel 16 Holly looks back at towards the outside again as Oshin looks back Holly: Yeah, Why are you here? Panel 17 Oshin: I think everyone should ask that question once in their life I think its be- He looks towards the sky and she looks at him weirdly Holly: N-No I meant why are you in Vreatio? Panel 18 Oshin: Oh, sorry heh heh, yes a very important person is showing his or herself during the Right He looks at back at her and scratches the back of his head. Panel 19 Holly: oh She looks of from him saddened about her situation. Panel 20 Oshin takes another sip. And looks over toward her. Panel 21 Oshin Flashes behind her Panel 22 And touches the back of her head with orange energy pouring out from it and purple from his hand Panel 23 We see holly as a child looking up to her dad Her Dad: I told you once I told a million times- Panel 24 Its dangerous out there- Her Dad scolding Panel 25 They Age a bit to where she is a tween Her Dad: I wont allow you to Do the right, you will- Panel 26 They age More to where she is a teen Her dad: marry someone when you are of age and make sure our family- Panel 27 They age more to where holly is now Her dad: goes on so we wont let you ask anymore and that Is final! Panel 28 Oshin is back where he was sitting and holly looks back at him. Oshin: you can join if you would like.. It would be my pleasure... Panel 29 Oshin's eyes light up and looks at her and her soul. Her soul radiates a faint orange. Holly: R-R-REALLY? Panel 30 Oshin nods Panel 31 Holly's face turns to glee Panel 32 She runs inside Panel 33 Oshin takes another sip of his tea Panel 34 He sets his tea back down Oshin: at least she is exited, chuckles
Panel 35 The Next day Setting: the Rocky Shore beach, mid day Natalia is standing 6ft from the shore, Her grandfather next to the shore with a special looking gong going into the ground of the shore. The crowd is looking from the safety of the town's limits, Oshin and Holly are standing on a balcony nearest to the shore. Grandfather: Town of Cratio, I am proud to anounce that My granddaughter has turned of age to take the Right, Panel 36 Grandfather: And with this trial she will prove to everyone she can leave the village and make us proud. Panel 37 The Grandfather pulls a large percussion stick, winds up his strike. Panel 38 He hits the gong with the stick. *BRWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGGGGGG* Panel 39 The gong sends a vibration to the ground and into the water and causes a small wave going out. Panel 40 One set of eyes appear from the depths. Yellow and speckled with an outline of the iris blue. Panel 41 The creature breaches onto the shore with skin of purple and yellow spots. Panel 42 A person whispers in the background: The creature is larger this year. Another whispers she has to kill that thing? Panel 43 Holly: I guess we are in for a show. Panel 44 Oshin looks back to her: did you take right? Panel 45 Holly looks a little embarrassed: well about that the only reason I can leave is because of you. Panel 46 Oshin looks around his surroundings and spys a man with a large bladed cleaver. Panel 47 Oshin:*chuckles* well.. he flashes in and out like a blur Oshin: we are going to have to change that. Panel 48 She looks puzzled at him Panel 49 looks at her hand cause it is weighted. Her hand has the cleaver Panel 50 She looks back up shocked and embarrassed Holly: What? Uuuuuuummmm Panel 51 He grabs her by the waist and puts her over his shoulder. Holly: STOP PLEASE STOP Panel 52 Oshin calmly: don't worry it'll be fine. He jumps over the balcony onto the shore Panel 53 The beast looks about as it fully takes in its surroundings and looks at Natalia. Panel 55 Then darts its eyes over to the guy carrying the girl with a cleaver. Panel 56 He sets holly down next to Natalia Panel 57 Oshin: Excuse me Mr. Sabotoshi I need to borrow this Oshin grabs the stick Grandfather: Excuse me? Panel 58 Oshin: TWO RIGHTS HAS ONLY BEEN DONE ONCE A MILLENIA NOW ITS TIME AGAIN A small part of the crowd cheers Panel 59 the rest to cheer. Panel 60 Then another with purple eyes purple spots and yellow body comes out of the water same size as the last one. Panel 61 The beast looks over at the yellow one and nudges him aside as Oshin stands in front and middle of the beasts Panel 62 They both inhale and give a shreik Panel 63 The crowd cheers for the Holly in a Waiters suit with the cleaver up and Natalia in the samarai gear with her katana raised ready for battle. Panel 64 Oshin: BEGIN FOR THE RIGHT OF PASSAGE. Him in between the frog beasts, with their mouths open. Panel 65 The Yellow one lashes his toungue out. Panel 67 It wraps around Oshin Panel 68 Oshin: -PINCHE PUNTA RANA- He yells as he is pulled back first into the frog beast's mouth. End of issue 2
Please let me know what im doing wrong i like feedback ^_^ aka Message me!
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viralhottopics · 8 years
As coaches take a step back in ‘Counter-Strike,’ team leaders rise to the challenge
Astralis celebrates after winning the ELeague Major in Atlanta, Jan. 29, 2017.
Image: matt kline/mashable
Astralis and Virtus.pro were tied 14-14 when Virtus.pro used their last remaining timeout to figure out exactly how to turn the tide to take the next two rounds.
A tactical timeout gave teams 30 seconds to convene and was the only time coaches are allowed to speak outside of warm-ups and halftime.
Seconds ticked away. The crowd of thousands grew louder at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta.
“Let’s go Astralis!”
“Let’s go VP!”
The fans’ dueling chants filled the historic theatre as the two teams deliberated.
The coaches, breaking their silence, had half a minute to dish out everything they’d kept pent up.
Virtus.pro’s Wiktor “Taz” Wojtas likened his coach’s timeout speeches to a beatless rap that Jakub “Kuben” Gurczynski dished out as he paced back and forth behind the five Polish players.
Astralis put its faith in its in-game leader, Gla1ve, and it paid off.
On the other side of the stage, Astralis coach Danny “Zonic” Srensen talked strategy with his Danish team, but letting the players do most of the talking.
Once the 30 seconds were up, it all came down to the players and the designated in-game leader. For Virtus.pro, it was Filip “Neo” Kubski, a 29-year-old Polish veteran who has been rolling with the same lineup since 2013. For Astralis, it was Lukas “Gla1ve” Rossander, a 21-year-old Danish star who only just joined the squad three month ago in October.
The round started. Virtus.pro ran in to set up a defense with a weakened economy. Astralis moved toward bomb site A, reversing the last round’s rush on B.
Gla1ve was sure that VP didn’t have enough money for an AWP sniper rifle, and he knew that VP’s designated AWPer Janusz “Snax” Pogorzelski would probably be posted up behind the bomb site on A, so he told teammate Nicolai “Dev1ce” Reedtz to line up the shot. He hit Snax in the leg, hurting him badly but not killing him.
That was enough information, though, to encourage Gla1ve to tell the whole team to rush in. With a flurry of bullets and grenades, the five Astralis players overwhelmed the three VP players defending A, quickly putting Astralis at a 4-2 man advantage and forcing Virtus.pro’s two remaining players to hide in hopes of saving their weapons for the next round.
Astralis found them anyway and took them out, debilitating VP before match point and securing a thrilling 16-14 victory.
A major moment . . . #ELEAGUEMajor http://pic.twitter.com/H31nwo0DbD
Astralis (@astralisgg) January 30, 2017
Astralis put its faith in its in-game leader, Gla1ve, and it paid off.
Since making the top eight of every single Major since the first event in 2013, the Astralis squad took home its first Major championship, the first Major championship since Valve banned coaches from speaking during CS:GO games in August 2016.
The coach ban
Valve’s ban on coach communication came without warning and applied to all Valve-sponsored CS:GO events, which includes Majors the most prestigious and important tournaments in CS:GO. Third party tournament organizers adopted the rule quickly, with ESL One New York in early October being the first premier tournament to institute the new rule.
Valve explained in its announcement that it wanted CS:GO competitions to be about the players in the server.
“Since the goal of our events is to identify the best five-player CS teams that exhibit the best combination of all CS skills, the current participation of coaches in the game is not compatible with that goal,” Valve said.
Coach-reliant teams were forced to adjust. Coaches were forced to adjust.
Before the ban, several top-tier teams had coaches standing behind players during matches acting as in-game leaders. With a sixth person focusing on opponents’ movements, the game’s economy and team positioning, players were freed of that responsibility and allowed to focus primarily on their own movement and crosshair placement.
Teams like Ninjas in Pyjamas, Team Liquid and Na’Vi relied on their coaches to provide this up-to-the-second game analysis, and Valve’s new limitations prompted outrage across the board. Players, analysts and coaches voiced their opposition online, even those on teams who had a player in-game leader like SK Gaming’s Gabriel “Fallen” Toledo.
Tomorrow we will discuss between players about many subjects. I see progress happening between ourselves. Important for everyone involved
Gabriel Toledo (@FalleNCS) August 17, 2016
Valve wasn’t going to budge.
On the organization side of things, Team Liquid’s general manager Steve “Joka” Perino was equally unhappy with the rule.
“My mindset was, ‘What is Valve doing?'” he said. “[Having a coach] was great for us because we had all this firepower and when we could just have this guy be the conductor it made perfect sense. So when [the ban] happened it was quite the blow.”
Coach-reliant teams were forced to adjust. Coaches were forced to adjust.
Five months after the coach restrictions were announced, the first Major of 2017 was kicking off in Atlanta. By that points, teams had enough time to adjust, CS:GO commentator James Bardolph said.
“I think that the biggest issue that teams had was [that] when Valve first came out with that ruling, a lot of organizations had a knee-jerk reaction,” he said. “They gave the teams no warning, no transition time. They said, ‘You gotta follow this rule immediately, this is the rule now,’ which is not an intelligent way to do things, and not really fair for the teams, so we saw some struggle with that. But, again, theyve had time to adjust now.”
Coaching outside of games
Despite the tempered role of coaches, every team at the top level has kept a coach on the team because of the value they bring to organizations. CS:GO analyst and ELeague host Richard Lewis said he thinks coaches are absolutely necessary in pro-level Counter-Strike.
“The coaches are still there, just not [standing] behind [their players],” he said. “Theyre still there to talk in between rounds, talk in time outs, talk backstage before the games, after the games. They can still travel with teams. I think any organization worth its salt should have a coach.”
Astralis’s coach Danny “Zonic” Srensen has been with the team since 2015 and has successfully survived the new ruling.
“We pretty much adapted to the change instantly when Valve put it through,” Zonic said after the team’s quarterfinals win against Na’Vi. “Obviously right now it works.”
“Its more clear what my actual job inside and outside the game is.” – North’s coach Casper “Ruggah” Due
That doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult though.
“It can be really tough standing behind the team and sometimes I see stuff that I want to communicate to the team,” he said.
On the other side of the coin, Zonic’s job is also a bit easier, in a way.
“You have to also remember that it can be really stressful to have six guys talking in teamspeak,” he said. “And this kind of crowd, as well it can get [noisy] in the communication so Ive been helping them and being with them in every practice weve had at home, trying to fix communication and fix small mistakes that we make so that they can pretty much play themselves and dont rely on a coach.”
North’s coach Casper “Ruggah” Due echoed that sentiment a day before the team’s quarterfinals match against Virtus.pro.
“Im very limited in what I can do but I think its also helping out my role because before I could be wearing 10 different hats for things I needed to do during and before games,” Ruggah said. “Now its more clear what my actual job inside and outside the game is.”
North’s coach Casper “Ruggah” Due at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Jan. 26, 2017.
Image: Dave vagts/mashable
Coaches are more like analysts now, watching what players and opponents are doing and giving feedback after the action happens instead of controlling every move at every moment possible.
“Of course, it would be easier for me to help out during the round if I have a good read on what [opponents] are doing, but thats also why I need to be more on point during my preparations and during the time outs,” Ruggah said.
Players have to do their own reading, which usually falls on the shoulders of the in-game leader.
The rise of the in-game leader
Even before the coach restrictions, SK Gaming’s Fallen acted as the in-game leader to the Brazilian team, leading them to win two back-to-back Majors in 2016. The coach ban didn’t have a huge impact on SK Gaming.
“I think there are coaches that act as in-game leaders for their teams for example [Sergey “Starix” Ischuk of Na’Vi] and [Wilton “Zews” Prado of Team Liquid] but for us, I have always been in-game leader so we dont suffer too much for that,” he said.
In-game leaders have a unique job. Fallen keeps the players motivated during games and makes calls on where they should move to and what areas to cover while SK’s coach, Ricardo “Dead” Sinigaglia, focuses on helping the team with their own individual strengths and struggles rather than analyzing what the other team is doing.
The coach ban dialed back the role of coaches who acted as in-game leaders, but it also put smart, yet oftentimes underperforming players back on the map.
“When you make that decision, you cap the level that Counter-Strike can get to because its not being coordinated,” Lewis said about the coach ban. “But, equally, it adds this fascinating little mini drama because players like [Godsent’s Markus “Pronax” Wallsten] and [North’s Mathias “MSL” Lauridsen] are statistically terrible. Pronax especially…is one of the lowest level performing pros if we just go on kills. But hes a great in-game leader, hes a great tactician, he knows how to activate players and [how to] use them. So, suddenly, this rule has effectively prolonged his career and players like him.”
The coach ban dialed back the role of coaches who acted as in-game leaders, but it also put smart, yet oftentimes underperforming players back on the map.
You won’t see many of these players who have in-game leader roles at the top of stats charts, but they’ve become vital to their teams over the past few months regardless.
“If we dont have the coaching rule, why would you keep Pronax?” Lewis said. “‘I dont need him, I dont need his skillset.’ So you effectively kill a generation of in-game leaders. MSL wouldnt be on a team, Pronax wouldnt be on a team. What would they do? Who would pick them up? I think CS would lose something if we marginalized guys with those skill sets.”
This points back to Valve’s original reasoning behind the coach ruling. The competition at these events is about the five players in the server, and part of what’s needed of those players is a deep understanding of the game, something that takes years of practice and studying to develop.
That in-game leadership is what led Astralis to hold up the ELeague Major trophy in January. Gla1ve read his opponents and made a call, and the team trusted him and went for it, solidifying the Danish team’s lead and leading to its victory.
The Astralis players pulled off something crazy and Virtus.pro’s coach stood behind his team with clenched fists.
The Major came down to the players.
BONUS: Astralis crowned ‘Counter-Strike’ champions at the ELEAGUE Major
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2l91ms4
from As coaches take a step back in ‘Counter-Strike,’ team leaders rise to the challenge
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