#i dont really look into aus or tropes because like. my brain is very small so i just forget or dont relaly tihnk about it
GENUINELY so funny AraSawa occurred to you too for the hanahaki tags, but thinking about it, I appreciate both scenarios for different (but related?) reasons.
Because I've personally always found the base concept of hanahaki aesthetically immaculate, but impossible to relate to or take seriously. They don't love you back Specifically In A Romantic Sense so your options are either to DIE or have a surgeon come in and delete love.exe? Lol. Lmao even. Couldn't be me. Of course, to each their own, but sort of like what you were saying with Aoki and Yumeno, it's just not something I'm ever going to "get."
With MineDai, something I love about the canon dynamic is that I really don't get the impression Mine's even pressed about Daigo loving him back. Of course, there's a degree of "pining" as shown in his first character story, but it's also immediately subverted in that what Mine was pining for is a simple workplace friendship that would be more reflective of their status as oath brothers in his eyes. Like, fair enough, all things considered, right?
And in spite of the arguments that could be made here, I honestly do believe him overall when he says his love for Daigo is selfless and without ulterior motives. Even with his desire for friendship, it's super important to me that he resolved to never impose that upon Daigo unless it was what Daigo wanted. That's why Daigo had to be the one to initiate their friendship instead.
It's just refreshing, because often the execution of these types of concepts feel sort of adjacent to incel rhetoric in forcing two people together inorganically to lessen the "suffering" of one. Especially with the life-or-death nature of hanahaki played-straight pushing it to an extreme, and especially with the enormous backlog of fan-content where Mine is primarily only concerned with his own desires. But for Mine, because it doesn't cause him Suffering to not be loved back romantically (at least as far as he knows), "the problem of hanahaki" would not about The Pain of Unrequited Love, but a physical manifestation of extant problems.
It'd be about obliviousness, it'd be about miscommunication, it'd be about saying he's fine when he's not, it'd be about how the emotional barriers he puts up only serve to hurt him when his needs are unmet (kind of what we were talking about RE: Katase and past relationships; super excited to dig in and reply btw, I'm just rushing the Yokoyama clip for tomorrow), it'd be about workaholism and the need to overachieve in order to feel accomplished, loved, and wanted, and how all of that might intersect with physical illness.
That I can relate to and take seriously, because ignoring symptoms and keeping them to yourself so as to not inconvenience others really can kill you. Your crush not liking you back? Uh, not so much. But it's certainly not all gloom and doom either, because all of those things can be as comedic as they are tragic. So I think the Short, Sweet and Funny approach would be perfect.
And with AraSawa, it's kind of Just Works, right, precisely because it's another thing for Jo to endure in silence and make excuses for. "Just pretend it didn't happen. Brush it under the rug. That's what you do with secrets." It's so good as a representation of guilt and secrecy. And this is pretty much rehashing something my friend said (not about these two specifically) but if he just came clean, it might stop, but instead he continues to hurt both of them. The flavor.
In the case of Hanahaki for Mine and Jo, I do think and agree it would more be a matter not of their 'beloved' not liking them back, but just the fact they themselves either refuse to openly acknowledge the feeling, or don't try to confront the feeling and do something about it. It's more so an issue of themselves being so focused on being useful and overworking themselves that they give themselves sickness (that sickness spurring from that unspoken of love and the inability to express it because they don't know how to and whatnot)
Maybe it's just because I generally try to see things silly and funny, but yeah I dunno: letting your own overthinking or not wanting to be a disturbance just feels better than what's traditionally done with Hanahaki
#long post#snap chats#oh lord i was gona say something but i forgot OOPS#timing so funny i was just about to make a goofy arasawa post LMAO#BUT YEAH NO thats generally something i squint a bit with minedai too#im sure ive done it in the past as i was getting used to their characters and their dynamic#but mine really isn't like. super pushy. he's persistent but not without a basis yeah#like when daigo extends his kindness to him THEN he has the greenlight to dedicate himself#BUT i also dont think mine wants to inflict harm on daigo or inconvenience him#yk. while he's conscious of course. when he's comatose that's a lil different and then the mental illness takes over#OH I REMEMBER like mine really does seem as though he would just be content even with daigos friendship#anything beyond that's just like. an unimaginable bonus yk#but yeah. hanahaki where the problem isn't that they don't love X back but they're just so shut off not only has the potential to be funny#but it's just more interesting and more appealing since it's a more relatable feeling#even beyond just romantic feelings right. like i can think of a lot of times where i shut myself off from other people#or i just felt like i couldnt open up to other people not because of anything they did but just because of Myself and My feelings#and that's a lot more painful (or at least more understandable to me) than someone not liking me back#and that's not even jumping to jo's scenario where it does tie back to his tendency to run from problems#(despite his instance he's different now amirite) like it just ties of perfectly for these two#i dont really look into aus or tropes because like. my brain is very small so i just forget or dont relaly tihnk about it#but yaya hanahaki can be very funny/interesting in regards to these blokes#now i have a post to make. i'm excited to see your yokoyama post when you get to uploading it!
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pashminalamb · 2 years
im so sorry you have to go through that as a writer 😭 i personally find it unfair and stupid?? i feel like things are never completely original and always Inspired off of something one way or another even if it’s unintentionally and small. out of all the fan fictions out there and plots and aus and suddenly when someone picks a popular au and theme it’s copying someone who used the same? i personally never read whatever this is about so maybe im misunderstanding something but fully trust that you make your own work. i really hope you dont listen to any of the hate you get because it’s just not true 😭 youve made other great fics and are a good writer. people need to just chilll, its not the end of the world (swear some might act like it because they have nothing better to do). people want to stick up for a writer they like and so will i but please use your brain sometimes gah damn. theres probably a similar fic out there but with a different anime 😭 copy is such a silly word in the writing field. unless its word for word or the resemblance is actually really noticeable that it’s a replica then yeah sure— but similarities in a popular trope? 💀
Exactly my point! fanfiction is never purely original- its basically things that we experience, fantasize and think about that are strewn together for characters that are/ were never originally ours to begin with (and it makes me think if we can be technically sued for defamy or not- but then again these platforms are famous for it)
To begin with, i write my fics according to the character's personality. After making breaking rules and showing how Sae can be, its only time that i write a bullying fic about it. And its not like this troupe was created yesterday, its been present since fanfiction came. There are so many troupes like fwb, bully x nerd, villain x hero, mafia! au, smau, royalty au, forbidden! love etc. and there are so many fanfics that have been written along these troupes that they tend to coincide or even match - dialogue wise or even plot line. now if i pick up the troupe bully! x nerd! there are so many different routes to it like :
Nerd being the bully's tutor ,Nerd being the bully's lab partner - either for chemistry or biology, Nerd being the bully's childhood friend etc. depends on which one you pick and in this case i decided to go with the second one. Picking up with what anon said abt me taking an ask and outright accusing me of seeing it and using it- since i follow other blogs, if anyone knows me here (and i say this not from a place of arrogance)- i am a very closed off person and literally don't interact with other blogs, neither do i tag them or vice versa nor go into their ask boxes - the last time i dropped in a suggestion for a fic i was planning to write in a fellow fandom writer's box - which was a street racer! fic for one of the characters i wanted to write for (after watching tokyo drift) , it literally turned up the next day in the 'x reader' from a famous author with the excuse of anons asking them for a street racer fic of the same character i wanted to write for. And i felt really bad and hurt cause someone took it with it going over 2k notes in a week when i was just a small time writer - but i didn't say anything neither did i want to jump to conclusions so i shook it off. and even now i see people paraphrasing my work or twisting the plotline so that it looks like the work wasn't originally mine and after talking it through with a friend who pointed it out; erotica and romance are not unique genres and there tends to be an overlap between the two, so i can't call a person out like that. and this is not even literally published work.
Even tumblr has their own writing prompts along with many other blogs that create them for writers to use - would they fight over the same dialogue that fits the plot line that they saw would fit which matches with each other?
And yes, i do create my own works. i'm open to suggestions sure- but i produce my own content. i followed writing prompts for a while but wasn't really interested in and started thinking of my own dialogues along with plots. For eg, i started working on an emperor! sae fic earlier in april this year, but since i wanted to be of a good quality, i went down to the point of studying about imperialism in japan in more detail - but the fic is still a doc and not out yet and i am pretty sure there is someone out there who is working on something similar or maybe the same thing or discussing about it unlike me cause i had one too many ideas taken from my blog - again benefit of doubt cause some minds can think alike.
So when anon decided to come at me, i wasn't happy about it- esp when i have gone through the same thing and when they don't even know me or the kind of person i am nor interact with my posts. and it was only one - i can tell cause the way they were waiting for me to answer their ask. Luckily, Zari stepped in and ended the discourse early cause from my time on tumblr for 4 years i've seen how bad it can get along with how far anons can take it.
And even after Zari and i settled the matter, this anon wouldn't let go of it- coming into my box and pinpointing out even the smallest of the detail despite the writers (who are supposed to write the content) settling the issue. To begin with, they don't even know me and even had the cheek to tell me about my online activities despite not knowing me (that too from behind anonymous); i literally don't owe them or anyone a justification for the content i write or post especially someone who wouldn't even show me who they are. And i totally agree with you. Standing up for a writer you like is good thing, but use some common sense before you decide to accuse someone or think through twice before you write something about someone you don't even know cause it could cause damage to a reputation they have built online - while you are on anonymous. cyberbullying and harassment are real issues and they can hurt people (luckily it didn't get to that point) and why would i even copy an idea? i would literally have more to lose than to gain with backlash; does it really look like i would want to put myself through that? sadly some people lack that sense of logic.
Anyway, this was just a small bump along the route. i'm keeping the fic on the blog cause some people liked it, but i probably won't revisit it- and i'm moving onto writing for more characters based on wips i created a while back but are unfinished. And i'm glad to see you enjoy my works, it means a lot to me when someone drops in messages like these!
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა♡
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corysmiles · 3 years
Some headcanons for stuff that happens after Techno adopts a group of giants as his family!
Also, I see I have been dubbed ❤ anon in the tags. I guess thats what I get for abusing that emoji lmao. I just have so much positive vibes to give!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
• Phil isnt really their dad, more like that "eldest brother who raises the others" trope. When Techno finds this out, he accidentally becomes the second eldest sibling who the youngers turn to when Wilbur and Tommy find out Techno is older then them. Its usually just played for jokes, but they also just genuinely look up to their tiny brother.
• Phil will 100% let Techno sleep tucked in his wings when he needs extra heat, or just whenever he wants. It makes bird brain very happy when smaller flock is sleeping safely protected by his wings.
• Wilbur being able to phase through walls might be a lot of fun, but because itd make the story boring with how fast Techno would get caught Im gonna say Wilbur cant go invisible like he can in origins lol. But after Techno becomes family, Wilbur will abuse it to poke into Technos spaces that are too small for the giants to get inside.
• Tommy finds out from Techno that he is some famous warrior back home, and came out here because they thought that Giants would be the only thing to finally defeat him. Tommy is so excited and wants to try sparing with Techno. Techno points out the obvious problem, how he can only handle anything the size of or smaller then baby zombies and thats when their mindless monsters, otherwise Tommy can win very quickly with a single hand. So Tommy challenges Techno to find a way he could reasonably take Tommy in a fair fight. By the end of the week, Phil and Wilbur are watching Tommy screaming his head off as he gets pinned to the ground with string and stakes to hold him. Techno is laughing his head off as he sits on Tommys head. Techno can officially say not even a giant 100 times his size can beat the mighty Technoblade.
• When Techno decides to stay there and live in giants land, they build a small extension to the house thats Techno sized so he can still feel normal when hes too overwhelmed by how big the rest of the house is, as well as just give him a space where he can reach every cupboard or drawer or just have a bedroom his size. It connects to the main house, but is raised off the ground to about the giants eye level with a ladder to get outside so debris or snow cant block him in if he needs out from there.
• Techno still returns to where he came from, from time to time so he can compete in fighting competitions and also tell them hes not dead. No one knows hes now living in the giants land, but maybe once or twice someone does try and follow him home to kill him when hes vunerable and probably gets killed by a giant zombie.
• The giant sbi want to follow Techno to see him compete, but also understand why they cant. Tommy tried convincing Techno to have them have a competition over here so they can see, but Techno points out that if giant mobs dont kill them then theyll see the human type giants and possibly try and hurt them. Even if they wont likely succeed, itd be needless slautering of the humans who try.
• Maybe if magic is in this au, Phil or Wilbur could figure out a shrinking potion that theyd just have to take one every few hours while traveling in Technos land so they can pretend to be humans, and inevitable shinanigens where they temporarily loose their supply of potions mid visit happen.
YES YES YES!!!!!!!
And I hope it’s okay that I made you ❤️, it seemed fitting and you deserve all the love :] (and yes I always love shrinking potions)
I assume it would be Tommy who wouldn’t plan for how long the competitions were. He thought he’d packed enough bottles of the shrinking pots, but apparently not. As soon as Techno saw what had happened he rushed Tommy out and away from anyone who would try to kill him. Lucky for them, not many people wanted to mess with THE technoblade and a literal giant.
(I’m kinda taking this from something I did for the little streamer au but ignore that I’m uncreative shhhhhh) Along with having a little room for Techno, the giants put up small boards and ladders all over the walls and the ceiling so he could get around without needing any help. It also made it easier to talk to the giants since he could sit at eye level with them whenever he wanted.
FLOCK INSTINCT MY BELOVED :> What if sometimes Phil just kinda snatches Techno and keeps him in his wings fit long periods of time. And if he can’t find Techno and his flock instincts kick in one of his crows will go find the human and being him back.
Big brother Techno tries to teach Tommy how to fight so he can protect himself. It’s pretty difficult teaching a giant how to spar but Techno does his best. He is the best fighter in the world after all.
After Wilbur laughed at Tommy for getting tied up by Techno, he woke up the next day trapped in ropes. (Tommy thought it was hilarious)
What if Techno accidentally drank some of the shrinking potion and made the giants panic because where did the human go????omg where is he??? oh no, he can get smaller????????????
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ocularose · 3 years
Hey! I hope that you're having a wonderful day (≧∇≦)! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged/liked something from you
Oh wow i wasn’t expecting this, thank you ✌️!! This is always fun to do and to get!
1- Drawing! Sometimes because of depression etc it can be hard to do, but it’s always THE thing that makes me happy. The act of drawing is truly what makes me happy, but having others like what i do is always such a good feeling! The main reason i share art in public is in hope that my self-indulgent things (which is all of them) can inspire and/motivate people to do their OWN things. And to give content to those who like the same content as me.
2- METTATON. Him. The. Man. Of. My. Life. I may be aro but this? Man? Creature? With literally NO brain or braincells? My husband. Whether it’s think about him, drawing him, making AUs versions of him x1000 or seeing art of him (made by good people), it makes me very happy. The only reason i put it ‘below’ drawing is because the latter feels... Productive. I make so much MTT content (that i rarely share ngl... it’s too personal) that it’s like almost natural to me. I pratically make AUs weekly. Do i remember all of them? Not really. But it’s the thought that counts, and i may not be able to remember everything i did at once, but tend to recall things at SOME point. And of course i try to note/draw it as often as i can so i don’t forget.
3- Kinda ties to drawing? But character design. Definitely. I’ll probably never get tired of drawing disgusting looking creatures/monsters that are actually are straight up not meant to be taken seriously/meant personality and/or concept wise to be funny, or beautiful men whose personality is as the repulsive as the monsters mentioned above, and who- accessorily- are beyond stupid, and not to be taken seriously as well. There’s many more ‘tropes’ i enjoy drawing and designing, but. Yeah. It’s funny. I don’t even know what else to say. Makes me very happy.
4- Weird bugs. I just... Adore those animals, who- instead of developing simple ‘abilities’ like mammals (ex: a cheetah’s ability to be really fast, stuff like that) just kind of DECIDED to have actual super powers. With colorful, weird and varied appearances to top it all off. I say ‘bugs’ but that includes arachnids, crustaceans and much more. And it’s so utterly varied and a big world that i learn/find out about a species i didn’t know of practically monthly. And i still have to ‘dig’ (ha) through prehistoric species and THEIR super powers. Or weird appearance. Or both. In any case though i admire them from a safe distance, i don’t pick them up etc mostly because i know that it CAN be dangerous- both for me and potentially for the animal itself- and because... maybe it’s a weird reason, but because i want this small animal to be unaware of me- a creature so utterly big compared to it that it can never hope to understand me fully. Maybe ive read too much ocean/cosmic horror, but idk man maybe it’s better for this little animal to not interact with... fleshy mountains, whose ground vaguely pulses with a heartbeat. Like put that exact concept with a human instead of a bug and suddenly THAT’S terrifying- as it should be. Anyway bugs are great and my faves are mantis (any tbh but especially devil’s flower mantis) and centipedes (again any but especially feathertail centipedes)
5- big shocker that one- truly something that’s never been seen or heard of before, but my frieNDS? And famiLY (pets are part of the family)... they make me happy, and i do my best to make them happy too. There’s of course mutuals too! Im just shyer (is that a word?) with them... no idea why. I guess i just dont want to ‘get the wrong idea’ and accidentally break boundaries? Stuff like that.
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ashthatdrmmrgrl · 5 years
Ooh she's getting fiesty 😈😂 here you are, love ❤
1. What is your preferred place to write?
Laptop/computer, but since I dont have either anymore, my phone is my go to
2. When did you start writing?
I think it was 8th grade offically; my english teacher got me into reading and writing so that was the 2013/2014 school year I think
3. Favourite thing to write?
Idk, I like writing gay smut if that counts for something 🤷‍♀️
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4. Fluff or angst?
I'm good at writing fluff but I love reading angsty stuff
6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
Ideas come to me in dreams, otherwise if I'm watching a movie/TV, listening to music, or just seeing something during the day will spark something.
7. Do you listen to music to help you write?
Yes! I would get soooo distracted if I didn't; that way I dont hear anything outside my head and I can focus on my writing (I'm listening to music now as I'm answering these too actually 😂)
8. What's the biggest "challenge" for you as a writer?
Finding time to write at all; I've got so many ideas bopping around in my head but life gets in the way 😭😭
9. Where do you usually go to write?
My room usually; it gives me privacy and a lot less distractions than my living room or outside the house.
10. Can you give us a sneak peek at your current WIP?
Yes!! I love this scene so much so you get to read it again;
My phone buzzed in my hands and I look down to see Sofia's face smiling at me. I pause my music and pull my earbuds out. 
"The Kid's calling," I say aloud before answering. "Hey, Fi!" 
"Hey yourself, is Steve available? I've got history questions that I need help with and he's not answering his phone."
I roll my eyes but put the phone on speaker. "Steve, Fi needs help with her homework."
"What's up, kiddo?" Steve asks, keeping his eyes on the road. 
"Stupid history homework; about the Commandos and I thought, 'what better way to finish this then get it straight from the source, old man," Sofia says. Sam lets out a small laugh and Bucky shifts awkwardly beside me. 
"Alright, shoot," Steve says with a shake of his head. 
"Original 7 members? I only know 3 of them off hand," Sofia starts.
"Easy, Me, Buck, Dum Dum, Morita, Jones, Monty, and Frenchy," Steve says casually. There's a pause before Sofia's sigh echoes through the car. 
"I don't think my teacher would appreciate it if I put their names in as if we were best friends," Sofia says offhandedly.
Steve cleats his throat awkwardly. "Right. Uh, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Timothy Dugan, Jim Morita, Gabriel Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, and Jacques Dernier," Steve reiterates after Sofia's let's out little "uh huhs."
"Why were the Howling Commandos formed?" Sofia asks next. 
"To eliminate and wipe HYDRA bases off the map; although it seems we weren't very successful," Steve says with a frown and I see his eyes flash towards the rear view mirror, to look at Bucky, I'm assuming.
"Who did the Commandos capture during a raid in the Alps?" 
"Arnim Zola." 
There was a pause and I couldn't help but look over at Bucky who almost looked startled that he had spoken.
"Who was that?" Sofia asks a moment later. 
"Oh, uh, Sofia, that was Bucky," I say, my voice cracking at his name. Sofia stays quiet. I check my phone and see the phone was still connected. 
"Bucky?" Sofia asks, sounding doubtful.  "As in Stevie's Bucky?" 
I feel Bucky almost stiffen in surprise next to me. "Yeah, that would be him," I confirm. 
Sofia stays quiet for a few beats again before clearing her throat. "Right, well when do you think you guys are gonna be home? I hate all of this cooking I've gotta do now that you guys are gone, not that either of you were chef's," Sofia complains. 
"I'm not sure, kiddo," Steve chirps from in front of me. I lean my elbows onto the front seat and rest my head near his shoulder. "We've got something really important to take care of." 
"Okay, well stay safe, and don't do anything stupid; Sam, keep them in line," Sofia says with a laugh.
"Will do, Half Pint," Sam promises.
"Well, I'll talk to you guys later. And it was nice to meet you Bucky," she says. 
Bucky doesn't respond, but the rest of us say goodbye before I hang up. 
"Thanks, Steve," I say, clapping my hands over Steve's shoulders. 
"Anytime; I don't mind helping the kid out," Steve says. 
I ruffle Steve's hair before leaning back and laughing. Bucky was looking between Steve and I with confusion written all over his face.
"So the kid?" Bucky asks, his eyes resting on Steve for a moment before looking at me.
"Yeah, she's great," Steve says excitedly and flashes Bucky a smile. 
"She's my sister," I say and look down to see Sofia had texted me. 
I forgot to ask while on the phone but could you ask Steve if I can look through some of his stuff that the museum let him have back?
"Hey Steve, can she look through the stuff the Smithsonian gave back to you? She didn't say what for though," I ask. 
"Yeah, no problem, tell her I've got stuff in the chest at the end of the bed."
"Cool cool, thanks," I say and pass the information onto Sofia. 
"Not a problem," Steve says as he takes the off ramp and turns left. "Sharon's just up here," he points out a black car that was pulled over under the bridge. 
Steve pulls over and ducks out of the car and greets Sharon with a smile. 
Bucky sits up and looks out the front window, eyes flickering across the background, scanning the surrounding area. Bucky's knees hit the back of Sam's seat and he glares at the back of Sam's head. 
"Can you move your seat up?" He asks for probably the 100th time this trip, sounding bored.
"No," Sam replies once again. 
I roll my eyes and squish myself against the window. "Scoot over here more," I offer, pointing towards the leg room that I've got behind Steve's seat. 
"Thanks," Bucky mumbles and scoots over so his arm is pressed against mine. It was quiet while we watched Steve and Sharon talk as she popped her trunk. "So," Bucky starts quietly, trying to exclude Sam from the conversation. "How long have you and Steve been together?" 
Sam, of course, hears and snorts out a laugh, having to hold onto the door for support. 
I felt my face flush and I reach over the seat to smack Sam across the side of his head. "Shut up, bird brain. Steve and I aren't together though," I say, turning to look at Bucky who looked embarrassed. 
"Sorry, I just assumed…" Bucky apologizes. 
"Nah, it's okay, everyone apparently thinks the same thing," I say with a shrug. "Steve's like a brother to me. Plus right now he's not swinging this way."
Bucky's eyebrows shoot up as he looks at me with wide eyes. "So like, he's..?"
"Gay? Yeah, basically. He still likes women, but he's actually with my brother, Graham," I say, pulling up a picture of Graham, Steve, Sofia, and I on my phone. Tony insisted on us having more family pictures even though we were the least conventional family on the planet.
"So being… a homosexual," Bucky says, almost sounding like the term was weird coming off his tongue. "That's openly okay now? I don't mind, but the 30s really pressed people down, so I didn't think Steve… at least I think, from what I remember," Bucky trails off and looks out to see Steve giving Sharon a hug before grabbing the gear from the trunk. 
"He was hard on himself at first," I say, remembering how weird Steve would act whenever Graham would say something to try and test the waters. "I think knowing and befriending Graham really helped him a lot, seeing that it's not a mental illness, that you wouldn't be imprisoned or institutionalized for it."
Bucky still looks at Steve, but there was a small smile crooked at the corner of his mouth and his eyes seemed fond. 
"I'm happy for him," is all Bucky says in reply.  
"So am I," I say, patting Bucky's forearm with my hand. "So am I." 
11. How many stories have you written so far?
Well I've only ever completed 1, (excluding oneshots) but I've got... at leave 7 going, a few that I've discontinued, and a shit ton of ideas that haven't been written yet 😂
12. What's your favourite thing that you ever wrote?
Well I'm honestly so proud of my Beauty and the Beast Lashton fanfic that I wrote and the only one I've ever finished. But I'm also sooo proud of 2 WIPs that I'm writing with the lovely asker
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13. How many chapters does your longest series have?
I dont have any series yet, but my longest fic has like 200,000 words and no distinctive chapters yet (writing specific scenes then gluing them together)
14. What's your favourite character/person to write for?
I only really write Lashton or Stucky but I'm my cowritten books I have an OC be with Ashton Irwin and Bucky Barnes because DAMN they are kweens
15. "OCs" or "Reader" inserts?
I personally like writing OCs but I've been getting into readers lately
16. Can you tell us anything about your current WIP?
I suppose, but asker already knows since she's helping me write it 😂 it's a Marvel fic about these two girls and their brother who lose their parents in the Battle of New York in 2012. Brother is working for Stark Industries already when Steve asks my OC to join the Avengers but my OC and her brother keep that a secret from their younger sister (my friends OC). That's enough for now tho 😘
17. How long was the longest fic you ever wrote?
Question 13 kinda answered this question but its 200,000ish and growing
18. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel and 5sos mainly, but I used to do Supernatural back in like 2015/2016. I also dabble in Shadowhunter stuff too
19. What is/are your favourite fandom author/authors?
Well the asker is such an amazing writer I love her work, um, @Larry_Lashton on Wattpad is good, @moonstruckbucky and @sunmoonandbucky are phenomenal
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20. Have you ever written an AU?
That's basically all I write; I've only got one original piece and not many are real to whatever reality.
21. What is your favourite AU trope?
I have a weakness for Professor Seb/Bucky and I love stucky (and StuckyxReaders) so if you know of any hmu 😉
22. A fanfiction trope you can't help but love?
23. For how long have you been a fandom writer?
Shortly after I started writing, so like 2015?
24. Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it?
Absolutely! I usually loosely plot out the whole thing and try and hit the main points but by like... 1/4 or 1/2 way through depending on how long it is I'm like fuck I totally forgot I was going to add that (and by then it wouldn't make sense to add it in)
25. What do you do to motivate yourself to write?
Listen to music, but I also read what I've got to help myself get back into the flow of the story.
26. How did you find out you like to write?
Like I said it was 8th grade and my english teacher showed me this new side of reading that I didnt know about and then I was like fuck I can do this too!
27. Are there any writers (fanfiction writers or not) that have inspired you to start writing?
Well I used to only read the Twilight series, but then I read Cassandra Clare's books, and the it sorta branched out from there, so Stephanie Meyer and Cassandra Clare are who you should thank for that 😂
28. What's your favourite fandom to write for?
Does Stucky count as it's own fandom? Because that ship sails itself man #ExceptEndgame #FuckingSucked
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29. Describe your style in three words.
Um... smutty... gay.... fluffy?
30. What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written?
Well I've got one on Wattpad with almost 20k but it's a continuation of a story that has like 300k, otherwise most of my other ones on there have 4k actually.
31. Blurbs or drabbles?
Both are great, dudes 🤷‍♀️
32. Have you ever written smut?
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33. How long does it usually take you to write?
Used to be I could get like 20 chapters (decently long ones too) in about 8 months but now I'm not really posting anything and I'm slowly working on a current WIP
34. What's your favourite font to use when writing?
Ariel, size 11, 1.15 line spacing. Veranda is a nice font too though
35. What do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics?
I like long ones man; but I either write forever long ones or oneshots 😂
36. How do you keep yourself inspired? Seeing new things, listening to new music. Sleeping?
37. Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted it anyway?
I don't think so. I mean I've posted stuff that I wasn't excited about, but I don't think I've ever hated anything I've written
38. What's your "strong suit" as a writer?
My OCD with punctuation and formatting?
39. What's your favourite trope?
Friends who are oblivious to the other persons feelings so they dont ever make a move until they're drunk 🤷‍♀️ *40s Stucky bonus*
40. How many likes does your fics usually get?
300 for 4k reads on Wattpad
41. Have you ever used a prompt?
Absolutely! Sometimes you just need a little help and there ain't nothing wrong with that!
42. What is your weakness as a writer?
I am obsessed with the small details that nobody cares about (especially height comparisons) but I think that comes from my artistical side.
43. Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you wrote?
Oh absolutely, all the fucking time!
44. Have you ever done a collab with another writer?
Yes! Only 1 other writer who is also the asker 😘😘
45. One thing you love about fanfiction?
I think it's an amazing thing to write because people already have deep connections with the characters so you dont have to waste the first part telling their story (unless it's an AU, but even then it's totally okay to just jump right into it!)
46. What's your favourite emotion to cause your readers?
I definitely enjoy leaving them on the edge of their seats, but I also love writing fluffy scenes that make peoples hearts flutter
47. What's your favourite thing about writing?
The creativity and ability to create a reality! There's endless possibilities and that's so fascinating and amazing to me
48. Do you post your writing on other platforms? I only post on Wattpad, but I have thought about posting things on tumblr too! Thoughts?
49. What app/apps do you use to write?
Either google docs or just in Wattpad itself
50. One thing you don't like about fanfiction?
Some people get the characters totally wrong personality wise and that sorta bugs me when reading because I get confused
51. Least favourite trope?
Coffee shop AUs are a little boring unless somebody brings something new to the table (like one of them is a vampire or witch or single parent instead of just like OH this barista/customer is cute). But if I come across a coffee shop AU I'm not going to NOT read it, you know?
52. Favourite words to use when writing?
No? I mean I know everyone's writing is different and unique to the person but I don't think I have any favourites.
53. Least favourite words?
When writing straight smut I get uncomfortable with certain words people use to describe the female anatomy other then that no 🤷‍♀️
54. Do you usually like what you write?
Yeah! And if I don't, I'll change it until I like it before posting it 😂
thank you @scaryaryanna for the lovely ask and thank you to anybody who stuck around to read everything ❤❤❤❤❤
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owlways-and-forever · 6 years
Hello, it’s your CS Secret Santa! I hope you’ve been having a pleasant few weeks and that all this Tumblr uproar hasn’t been too depressing! Don’t worry, you’ll still be getting your Secret Santa fic from me, even if I have to snail mail it to you! :D I’m with you on favorite types of fanfiction: it really depends on my mood. I also enjoy unplanned pregnancy fics! 1/7
I think it’s seeing Killian and Emma interact in the situation and the way that Killian always is able to break down her walls and convince her that he will be there for her and the baby that just makes me melt inside! I think my favorites are multi-chapter canon divergence AUs. I like seeing how all the different writers in the fandom think things could have gone differently based on one or two small changes to canon. I love writing AUs too! 2/7
I still haven’t really hit my stride with consistently writing fanfic, but I keep hoping that practice makes perfect. What other fandoms are you a part of ? I’m going to have to go read all your fics now! 😉 Are there any other tropes that you would prefer I steer clear of? Or any tropes that you just absolutely love and I should try to include? I will tell you upfront that I’m not personally comfortable writing smut, so I’m sorry but I’ll probably leave that part to your imagination. 😉 3/7
My family has always had a tradition of putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, so that kind of marks the beginning of Christmas music and movies and general festivities for us! And it is nice to get a whole month of Christmas joyfulness to help with the greyness of winter. Ick! Unless you like winter, which in that case, more power to ya! You’ll have to tell me more about your family traditions after all the secrecy is over! 4/7
My husband is third generation Czech so his family also does some traditional recipes around the holidays (mainly desserts!) and I’ve always been envious of families who have held onto their special roots like that! I love cooking and baking too, so I’d love to eventually hear what kinds of food you usually make! Does your family usually do big parties/get-togethers for the holidays? Or do you tend to be more laid back and kind of low-key?I would love including some Aladdin and Jasmine! 5/7
They were honestly one of the only good parts of season six in my mind! I just wasn’t a big fan of the overall writing by the point. Which was sad, but what can you do… Did you watch the whole show or was there a point where you stopped? I stopped watching live after the first half of season 5 and then just watched on Netflix. And I never watched season 7. Did you have a favorite season and least favorite season? Haha, I know exactly what you mean about Snow and Charming. 6/7
Actually, I still consider them two of my favorite characters, but their actions and characterization in the back half of the show is just… yeesh. You also perfectly put into words exactly what I’ve felt about their idealistic look on relationships! I’ve never been able to express that very well before, but just yes to all of what you said!I hope you got all those asks and Tumblr didn’t screw it all up!!! But either way, talk to you again soon! 7/7
Hello Santa! I’ve missed you! I’ve been having an alright week, nothing terribly exciting going on. I’m not too worried about the tumblr nonsense. I mean, I don’t like it and I don’t agree with it by any means, but I understand what they’re trying to do, and how difficult it can be to execute. I know there will be mistakes and it will be a bother, and I totally understand people wanting to leave, but I’m sticking around, at least for a while. But I’ve been on ao3 and ff.net for a while, so I’ll be keeping those up, and I’ll probably explore some additional accounts at some point. We’ll see.
Ugh, I’m totally with you! Killian convincing Emma that he wants to be around and be there for both of them is just too cute! It makes me all mushy. Also, I love seeing all the different names people come up with for their kids - names totally fascinate me in like a super nerdy way. Especially middle names. I think I’m very much in the minority of the fandom though with not liking Hope. Also, I see so much in fandom about their kids always being blonde and looking like Emma and just like… statistically speaking its not likely, and as a statistics person, that always bugs me. Like it’s fine if its just one kid, goodness knows that happens (both my parents have darker hair and I was white blonde as a baby and then blonde until I was an adult #towheadsunite). But when its like four kids and they’re all blonde the stats person in me gets very ruffled. I’m not sure I’ve read any mc canon divergence fics, but I always find them interesting. Mostly because I just find it’s not really a type of writing that I’m good at. The fun thing about AUs for me is that you get to world build, taking snippets from canon and snippets from the AU you’re fitting it into and make it this whole new thing. Say you’re writing a Pride & Prejudice AU, you get to pick parts of the plot that you like and twist them so it’s slightly different, and maybe you throw in some magic and see how that changes it. You get to choose what parts of Elizabeth Bennet’s personality Emma has, and what traits she brings over from canon Emma. And that’s just so much fun to me, to be able to create that way, and fit things just how you like them. But I find that when I’ve tried to write canon divergence I get too bogged down in the details - canonically, who was there and what had already happened and who knew what, and what magical abilities are there - and the story somehow gets lost in my brain. But I admire people who can write it, I think it shows phenomenal creativity to take a story and then run away with it and see how if you just change something small it can ripple out into the whole story. What are some of your favourite canon divergence stories?
I’m not consistent either. I try to at least write a little bit every day, but it always depends on what’s going on and how inspired I feel. I do have this excel thing where I keep track of how much I write for each of my WIPs each day, which I like. It helps me visually see the progress I’m making, and I’m definitely a visual person. The only other fandom I really write for is Harry Potter, but I like Doctor Who, West Wing, Downton Abbey. I think DW is really the only fandom of those. Honestly I watch way more shows than it ought to. I can’t think of any other specific tropes right now, either to include or avoid. Sorry, I know that’s not very helpful. I don’t mind not having any smut, I’m also not very comfortable writing it, and only selectively comfortable reading it.
Oooh, that’s a nice tradition! We always put our tree up kind of whenever we feel like it. I don’t know if my mom’s done hers yet, and my dad insists on waiting until the 12th so it’s the twelve days of christmas, no matter how many times I tell him that that’s not what that means. My roommate and I put our tree up last weekend though, so it’s all decorated now. We’re actually going to do a little “family photo” with the two of us and our pets tomorrow, which should be a riot. Haha, I do like winter! I love the cold bite in the air and the fairy lights everywhere and bundling up. And I especially love snow. It’s my favourite. But I’m also a January birthday, so I dont think I had much choice in liking winter.Oh my goodness, we do huge get togethers. Mostly just because our family is big. My mom has 8 siblings, and all but 2 are married, and then I have somewhere around 15 cousins, plus partners, so a normal holiday dinner for us is usually over 30 people. Thanksgiving is usually the biggest holiday for us, because somehow it’s worked out that that’s what most people can make it for. Christmas is still big, but less people travel for that, and I think it’ll probably continue to dwindle as cousins get married and stuff. This year will actually [probably] be the first year that I haven’t spent Christmas with my family, so it’s going to be a little weird for me. Boxing Day we typically go to my dad’s brother’s house, and I see his side of the family because they’re English. It’s always fun, and its usually the only time all year that I get to see them, but it’s also strange because I’m the only girl. It’s a more low-key day though, so generally if I need some quiet time I just grab a book and find a cozy spot. Last year was really nice though and two of my cousins and I stayed up super late and told stories and bonded. What kind of food is traditional for Czech christmases? I wonder if it’s similar to Polish food…
I definitely stopped watching live at some point in grad school, but I couldn’t tell you exactly when. It wasn’t really a conscious choice so much as just having a ton going on and not always being around to watch. I never watched s7 though. Once Emma and Killian were gone… well, I gave it a try, but I only got like 3 episodes in or something before I decided it wasn’t for me. Maybe one day I’ll go back and watch it, but I haven’t done a OUAT rewatch for a few years.I know that’s their fairytale story and everything and that’s kind of the point of them to some degree, to be that “ideal true love” but idk. I guess it just seems a bit garrish in the way that the other relationships really have to work for their happy ending. And snowing hits their bumps too, but… they kind of iron themselves out? One of the things that I liked about OUAT was that it was still fairytales, it was still fantastical, but it was realistic when it came to characters. They were broken, complicated, imperfect. The people themselves weren’t fairytale versions of anything. Except snowing. And from the perspective of being that fairytale ideal, they’re done well, of course, and I think that’s why people like them. But it’s so different from everyone else on the show.Anyway, that was a lot, but it was so wonderful talking to you! I hope we get to chat again soon! (Also sorry for not really asking any questions, but it’s nearly 1am now and WAY past my bedtime so I’m going to get some shut eye and then post this when I wake up.) Cheers!
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