#i dont think he would i think he had tact and understanding and probably kept his conversations w kevin under wrap
dayurno · 6 months
we need to put jean moreau in a room alone with kevin, renee, and jeremy and just see what happens. i think it would be uh. im blacking ojt and nauseous and my nose is bleeding i shant say
i wish this would lead into sex i think if kevin jeremy and renee were in the same room with jean it would probably be to make an intervention of sorts........... like a parent teacher meeting because jean is on the brink of drinking dish washer again. :(
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
i feel so lucky that tonight i discovered your tumblr page by chance as i myself huge huge huge fan of asoiaf and fire&blood fan and they are powerful distraction from my upsetting daily routine i need to get through. Therefore, i spend everyday daydreaming thinking brainstorming lots of things
my recent question mark in my head is about Jahaera and aegon the third situation. So in the book it says, jahaera and aegon were very very quiet very reserved and didnt spend any time together since their 2 or 3 year long childmarriage they both endured. And i am also thinking even children werent initiative, but they were also kept apart from each other . As regents and other powerful adults wanted to have more power and bigger chance to getting closer to the crown through marriage. And if jahaera or aegon needs to be chosen to get rid of , that would be jahaera in their eyes as jahaera being declared the heir and sitting on the crown could be a potential for other female heirs being set aside question their rights. Therefore i feel jahaera was chosen for to be killed instead of aegon , just because of the gender not because of whether this is green or black case.
Anyway i should just get to my question , in the book cannon, after jahaera’s suicide(murder), aegon the third reportedly give jahaera’s own doll to myrielle peake(hand of the king’s daughter)
this is sooo weird to me, and i genuinely dont think george martin just put it out that detail for no reason. Apparently in the book myrille played with the doll as if it was a real one so thats a obvious hint to how myrielle and her father the hand of the king wants myrille as queen very much. But what i can not understand is why the hell aegon had jahaera’s doll and gave it to myrille, like why did it have to be jahaera’s own doll
i feel you are so far the best person i ever read about understanding george martin and understanding uncovering things
do you have any insight into this detail in the fire blood book? Why would aegon give jahaera’s doll to myrielle when he could just gift brand new doll to myrielle? Its not like aegon the third would be short of money to buy a simple 1 doll.
and aegon the third and jahaera were said several tomes in the book how they had no contact no closeness nothing between them, they only sat quietly next to each other in formal royal events which was again so rare.
i wonder maybe that was not the case? Maybe they just started to be friends and hand of the king got scared and thats why he insteaf of murdering jahaera later he did it before aegon the third would get attached to her better?
And also what do u think of jahaera and aegon the third pairing in general? I love daenaera so much and i dont think daenaera made aegon feel anything negative but i feel jahaera and aegon could had reached deeper feelings whereas i felt daenara was superficial beautiful positive distraction
Hey, sorry I'm answering so late ... I usually take off from the computer on Friday-Saturday and then come back on Sunday Night - though I'm writing this at 4:30AM on a Monday Morning.
And, I feel you, times are pretty lean around here too on a personal level and as a writer I tend to retreat to fictional worlds - my own or others - to get through the day. Which is why I get sucked into Downton Abbey and HOTD. So, I got you ... you're among friends on that regard.
I'm not sure I've got an inside track to GRRM's thinking, though we tend to be kindered spirits in terms of writing tact and methods. I've just been a fan for a good thirteen years and used to get into the weeds with fan theories and the like.
I'll be honest with you, Aegon III giving away Jaehaera's doll like that really, really - REALLY - bothered me. It's a personal tick of mine, probably because I've always been a pretty poor guy and didn't have a lot of toys - I've learned to be a book and imagination kinda person. So, I get super sentimental about toys - especially dolls. And it twisted me up inside when I read that.
I would be wary of believing "Fire & Blood" because it isn't a reliable source of the actual events - it is written and sourced by many unreliable narrators with their own agendas. So, the idea that Jaehaera and Aegon III had no contact or closeness can't really be taken as fact when, most likely, the conspirators who murdered Jaehaera fucked with the records.
To be honest with you, Jaehaera and her death is another casualty of "Oh shit, this is gonna be part of a TV Show ... let me change this." Because, when I first read "A Song of Ice and FIre" and "Dunk and Egg" Aegon and Jaehaera where the parents of Daeron, Baelor, Daena, and the others. Daeron "The Young Dragon" was literally named after Daeron "The Daring" because he was the uncle of Jaehaera and a hero to the common people of Westeros. It made sense.
Now, I've come back to the fandom a few years to see that GRRM has got a Velaryon hard-on and that he killed off Jaehaera and changed it so that Aegon III ended up marrying his niece or some shit. So now, naming their eldest kid Daeron makes absolutely no sense other than perhaps Aegon III admired Daeron a lot as a kid, despite the fact that Daeron was the biggest reason for Rhaenyra's death.
I'm sad to say that the doll part is something new to me that I, myself, have only read recently and I cannot grasp for the life of me the point of that little detail, beyond, Aegon III was just trying to be nice. Though, I would subscribe to your theory that Aegon and Jaehaera were probably closer than the book lets on, close enough that he would keep her favorite dolly when she was gone and think it important.
I don't know, man ... that whole retcon to the end of the war bothers me a lot. There isn't a point to it other than GRRM trying to shoehorn in the Velaryons wherever he can to make them more important so that people will care about them in the upcoming show.
Also, I still have my first edition " A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" Illustrated hardcover version that still has Jaehaera Targaryen as Daemon Blackfyre's grandmother and Aegon II and Helaena marked as his Great-Grandparents. And the post script that says that Aegon V (Egg) married his older sister, not a Blackwood.
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lukeysgirl · 5 years
swallow me whole | c.t.h pt. 2
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synopsis: nasty calum hood smut w a decent storyline? pt 2: another party but on a cruise ship. 
word count: 12k+ 
authors note: a long but good read, i pinkie swear! got a few lovies in my taglist, but i dont be doing tglists too much. i just wanna write and whoever gets to see it, sees it. enjoy! <3 
part 1 here
The next mornings sun kindly kissed you awake. 
An incredible warmth was bestowed upon your shoulder as you slightly turned over. You slowly began opening your eyes, subconsciously bringing your hands up to wipe away the dried tears. A yawn escapes your dry lips, forcing your body to sit up and lick them moist. Seeing as it was now daytime, you were pleasantly shocked at how nice the room truly looked. 
It was a very modern looking room. White walls with black wood drawers and such things to compliment. You looked down to see that the sheets, too, were black and white. But they were silky smooth and catering to your skin, as you were enveloped in a comfy fantasy. But paintings were hung around the room to give the yin-yang room several splashes of color. 
You also realized you were placed into the bed much properly compared to where you had went out cold last night. You looked over to the unoccupied space of the bed, wondering where Calum had gone. Turning over to the bedside table, you noticed that your phone sat nicely at the corner of it. Tapping it awake, it illuminate several notifications that you did not want to deal with. 
“Nope,” you groaned, flipping the phone over so you could stretch. You reach for the sky, comforting your bones before removing the blanket from your warm body. But when you looked down at your legs, you crinkle your nose in disgust. Your dress and body was cum-stained, seeing as you essentially slept in hormones. “Fuck me...” 
You look around once more, noticing that the door to the room was closed. Shrugging, you get on your feet and slowly peel the skimpy dress from your body. It was difficult, considering you needed someone elses help to put it on and take it off, but you managed. You then replace it with the blanket, covering your body while holding onto each ends of it. Wings, you thought to yourself with a smile. 
The morning sun caught your attention, your feet treading lightly on the carpet. You walk over to the large glass wall, basking in the beauty of the city. It would seem dull to people who prefer the city in the night, but the beauty of it was not exclusively nocturnal. The day time, too, compliments how tall the skyscrapers truly were, and the Hudson River that ran through it all. 
You suddenly heard the door open behind you, and a deep, “oh, you’re awake.” Turning around, you see a groggy Calum Hood stand at the doorway. He had still been in the outfit from last night, but his cock wasn’t out and about. His face looked better then when the two of you were at the bar, but he wasn’t smiling. You look down to see his hands offering a steaming mug. “I made you a cup of tea for your throat.” 
You completely forgot about the two times he face fucked you. He walks over and hands it to you, in which to measly hold it with your blanket-covered hands, “thank you so much.” Brown eyes watch as you take a long swig of the tea. It was chamomile, and saccharine from what tasted like honey. It was just cool enough to drink and you smiled from the sensation. 
“Better?” He asks softly. 
You nod, “much, thank you.” Calum nods, giving you a small smile. You kept taking little sips, relieving your throat from its soreness. Calum looks over to see your dress sprawled on the floor, having him look over with a bit of concern. 
“Did I ruin your dress?” He walks over and picks it up. “I’m so sorry.” You shake your head, attempting to convince him that it was nothing. “Let me find you some clothes to wear for the meantime. I’ll give you the money to get this washed properly-- it must be expensive.” 
You watch the man disappear from the room as you continued to quietly sip your tea. He’s kind, you thought. That attitude you were introduced to when you met him was completely shadowed by his consideration. Calum Hood seemed like a nice guy, and he was pretty good in bed, too. His dominance took you aback, never having been in such a position. 
A vanilla night isn’t bad, but what Calum had done to you was beyond words. The way he took control of you, and used your body to his liking while still pleasuring you was so sexy. His lips were like nicotine, and his body was enthralling. You just wanted more and more. 
But you realized that this was probably a one-time thing, and you likely weren’t going to do anything else with him again. The thought made you pout, but you were glad you weren’t hooked. Liking someone would put a dent in your career. But you were sad to think that you’ll be remembering this for the rest of your life and he was going to forget all about you in hours. 
Your sorrow thoughts came to a halt though when Calum returned to the room with hands full of things. He had a black towel, an outfit, and hygiene things. “I figured maybe you would like to take a shower?” 
You smile, nodding graciously. You traded the empty mug for the morning bundle and held it happily. “You’re the nicest one-night I’ve ever met, thank you so much...” Calum frowned by your words but quickly regained himself. He held the mug a little more tightly. 
“I’ll take this to the kitchen,” he muttered, “the bathroom is to the left of this room, you’ll see it.” You nod, watching wondrously as the man left the room and headed off to who knows where. You put the bundle down on the bed and slip off the blanket. You wouldn’t want to bring that whole thing into the bathroom with you. 
Quickly, you grabbed your phone and rushed into the bathroom. Locking the door, you looked around to see how large the bathroom was. It was essentially the same amount of space as your entire apartment. Everything was of porcelain and granite, with metallic bathroom features such as the faucet and shower head. But the sink was just a flat rock, the shower could fit an entire bed, and there was a bath if you cared to use it. 
You placed your bundle down on the sink and turned on the shower. You looked at yourself in the mirror and widened your eyes. Your makeup was somewhat in tact, with a bit of mascara dragged below your eyes. But what really caught your eye were all the hickeys ornate on your neck. You leaned it, lightly touching them with your fingers. There was even a bit of dried up cum on your collarbones from it dripping from your lips. 
“Geez,” you sighed, shaking your head as you decide to distract yourself momentarily with your phone. Texts from Meri had spread like wildfire. She messaged you through iMessage, Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook. You felt immensely bad for worrying her, as those texts were complimented by several missed calls. 
You walk over to the shower, noticing a plastic holder that was meant to use your phone. Deciding to call her back, you put it on speaker and slip the phone in the protector. Two rings later, and you hear an abrupt, “Y/N!” 
You cower, “hi, Meri...” 
“Where the fuck are you?” Your best friend screamed through the phone. “I’m so fucking worried about you-- send me your location!” 
“Meri, I’m fine, everything is okay!” You insisted, grabbing the bottle of body wash. You lather it all over your body, removing your upper body and thighs of the dried up cum. “I... hooked up with someone last night.” 
“Yeah, I know!” She squealed, but didn’t seem as excited about it. “They figured out that it was you who went home with Calum Hood.” 
Your eyes were wide, “how was that possible? I had my face covered the entire time he was escorting us out!” 
“Yes but you didn’t have your face covered when I was escorting you in,” Meri explains with a sigh. You sucked your teeth, realizing her point. “They’re at my apartment looking for you.” 
“You’re kidding.” 
“I’m not.”
Fuck. You reach over for the plastic cap Calum provided you and covered your hair. Meri was already mad enough; you didn’t want her getting mad at you for ruining your hair. “I’m so sorry Meri, I didn’t mean for that to happen.” 
“I’m not upset, don’t worry about that,” Meri hums. “I’m just worried about you. Calum Hood is the bass player for 5 Seconds of Summer, if you didn’t know.” 5 Seconds of Summer? 
“All he told me was that he was a bass player of a band,” you informed her as you washed away the Old Spice body wash. “Are they a big band?” 
“I’ve played several songs of theirs before, Y/N,” Meri begins. “Do you not pay attention?” You deny recalling anything because you genuinely can’t remember. “Y/N, they’re a boyband. Their following is mainly a bunch of young girls whose ovaries pop for them.” 
You chuckle at her words but knew she had been serious. “I didn’t intend to hook up with anyone. But you were busy and you know I don’t talk with other celebrities. He just sort of showed up and we had a good conversation.”
“I know babe, I’m not mad,” Meri coos softly. She had always been so understanding, and you knew a small smile had spread on her lips. “He’s a chill guy, we’ve talked a few times before.”
You agreed, “he was very considerate. He brought me tea this morning and lent me his bathroom.”
“No wonder why you sound so weird!” Meri exclaimed. You giggled, “so... was he good?” Her voice suddenly calmed down and had been full of curiosity. You felt your cheeks flush, the shower steam making it worse. 
“He’s... really good,” you emit quietly. “I’ve never been with anyone like him.”
“He’s a top, for sure,” Meri predicted, “he gives off that Christian Grey vibe, doesn’t he?” You have no idea... “Did he hang you from the ceiling or something?” 
“Jesus Christ, Meri, no!” You waved at the phone. “He isn’t that perverted I don’t think.” As you washed yourself, you patted your chest and realized that Calum didn’t touch them. “He didn’t touch my chest at all last night.”
“Really?” Meri sounded just as confused. You cupped your breasts in self-consciousness. “I don’t know how he could resist them; they’re so cute!” You blushed, giving them a reassuring pat. 
“Maybe he isn’t a boob guy,” you put the idea out there. “He liked my butt more than my boobies.” Meri giggles. 
“Fuck it; he would have had too much fun with them anyways.” Meri was always great in reassuring you and regaining your confidence. “Anyways, send me your location so I can send someone to pick you up.” 
“It’s okay, I’ll take the subway back to yours,” you insisted. “You aren’t too far anyways.” You turn off the shower and reach for the towel. “Plus, nobody knows where he lives so I don’t want to just out his address like that.” 
“Well aren’t you sweet?” Meri boasted with a sugary tongue. “Fair enough. I’ll see you soon, okay? Make sure you eat something.” 
“Mm, I will, mom,” you agreed as you dabbed your body dry. “See you soon, love you.” 
“Love you too!” 
The call ends and you reach in to take your phone out. You felt like a brand new woman, with your skin emanating the smell of man. Giggling at this, you put the phone on the sink and finish drying yourself. You pull off the shower cap from your head as well. You noticed that Calum also provided a brand new stick of male deodorant. It was sweet of him to let you use one of his new sticks, even though you were going to smell just like him now. 
You lift up the shirt he provided you and looked at it. It was a large black dress shirt. Which was the worst choice, considering how sunny and warm it was out. But nonetheless, you appreciated the kindness and buttoned it up. It was big, but you managed to make it fit. You then pick up a pair of boxers that you were pretty sure he accidentally shrunk. It hugged your body kindly and you felt comfortable. He provided a pair of sweats as well but you were pretty warm from the hot shower you just took. 
After brushing your teeth, you the bathroom with your things and walk back into the bedroom. You place everything on the bed to tackle one thing at a time. You hung the towel from one of the hooks behind his door and placed the hygiene things as well as the sweatpants on his bedside table. You also took it upon yourself to do his bed as gratitude for his kindness. 
After doing all of that, you grab your phone, your dirtied panties, and your shoes and head out the room in search for Calum. The daytime gave you the opportunity to notice how lovely his apartment was. It was clean and ornate with photos of him and people you could recognize. Actors and musicians would smile pleasantly with him, allowing you to safely assume that he’s had a good time. 
Your feet carefully walk on the polished wood, admiring the simplicity that was his apartment. He clearly didn’t care to fill it much. You find yourself out of the hall and into the living room. It was huge, but a voice beckoned you over to give it much of a look. 
“Oh hey, you’re done,” Calum hummed. He was in the kitchen, with a spoon in one hand and a frying pan in the other. “Come come. Take a seat.” He glances back to gesture at the seats by the kitchen island. You take the offer and place your things on the chair beside you. Your thighs flourish in goosebumps when your skin touched the cool wood of the seat. 
“Your bathroom is very pretty by the way,” you begin quietly. “I’m jealous.” 
“You think so?” Calum took the compliment with a smile. “Did you have a good shower?” He steals looks over to you to see you nod. “I’m glad. Pressure is good?” 
“It was perfect, I promise,” you insisted, tapping your phone with the tip of your fake nails. You hear the sizzling of the pan, which made you curious. “Is that bacon I smell?” 
“Mm, you like bacon?” Calum glances back and smiles teasingly. “You can have as many as you’d like.” 
“I’ll just have a strip or two,” you downplay quietly. You then shyly look away, tapping on the granite tabletop. “Or five.” Calum chuckles at your silliness, and continued to cook. He decided on a simple breakfast of bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs. Only because he didn’t have too much food in the fridge, considering he was always eating out. 
“I really only eat breakfast anyways,” he explains. He shuts off the stove and places a full plate before you. You watch him place another plate across from you and head back to grab two glass cups and a pitcher full of orange juice. “We have apple juice and water if you don’t like orange juice.” 
“I’m not picky,” you insist. He smiles at you as you immediately dig in and take a bite of the toast. “This is the nicest breakfast I’ve had in a while so I appreciate it.” Calum places the two cups down and serves you a glass. 
“I take it you don’t eat much for breakfast?” 
“More like I don’t have the time for breakfast,” you admit sheepishly. “With school and work, I don’t really think much about it. I just brew a quick cup of coffee and I’ll be on my way.” 
Calum hums in comprehension. “So what about the weekends? You seem to have enough time right now.” 
“Well, I already finished all my homework and I have most weekends off,” you informed him. You stab a few pieces of egg and put it in your mouth. You chew quickly to continue talking, “and I didn’t have to make it this time so yeah, I have a pretty good amount of time on my hands.” 
He smirks at your words and nods. “By the way, I didn’t know you were Merigold’s plus one.” You nodded. “I should have known; you two give off the same nice and down-to-earth vibe.” 
“We get that a lot,” you say while taking another bite of bacon. “But she’s much prettier than me.” Calum snorts, causing you to furrow your brows. “Something funny, Calum?” 
“The fact that you think she’s prettier than you,” Calum begins quietly. His eyes stay on the plate, barely moving the pieces of egg with his fork. “It’s just a little funny.” 
“But she is.” 
Calum crinkled his nose and shook his head, “nah. Merigold is beautiful; nobody can deny she’s not.” He then lifts his head up, those deep brown eyes shooting arrows directly at your heart. “But she isn’t as gorgeous as you.” 
You roll your eyes, “you’re just saying that to be nice.” Calum shrugs while continuing to dig in. Your heart is absolutely racing now, the compliment making you think more than ever. He thinks I’m gorgeous? More so than Meri? He must be joking. 
After the delicious breakfast and the bit of chitchat, you took it upon yourself to help Calum clean the dishes. “You really don’t need to,” he tried to stop you but you were relentless and continued to clean the plates. It allowed Calum to finish the cycle of the laundry and put them in the dryer. 
“By the way,” Calum started as he came from the laundry room of his house, “I took it upon myself to wash your dress.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” you turned over, clearly in shock of his kindness. “I could have gone to the laundromat and done it myself.” 
“Well, you’re doing my dishes so I guess we’re even,” Calum gave you a wink before returning to set up the dryer. You blushed. This one night stand was straight out of a fantasy book written for middle-aged women. 
As you’re finishing up, you grab a towel to dry your wrinkled fingers. You turn to look for Calum, who walked back into the room slowly. He had a bundle of papers in his hand, clearly focused on the words printed on them. He suddenly looked stressed out, like the papers contained paragraphs of bad news. 
“I finished the dishes,” you sounded, having him look over and give you a smile. 
“Thank you so much,” Calum spoke softly. His voice had reduced to a more hush tone. His eyes were suddenly cloudy; he looked distraught. He sniffled a little bit before placing the papers down on the counter. “Anyways, when do you want to leave? I can take you home.” 
He was no longer the Calum behind the stove making the two of you breakfast. He was last nights Calum, with all the stress returned from the bar. “Don’t worry, I can take the subway back,” you insisted. You dried off your hands and headed straight for the laundry room. 
“Where are you going?” Calum called to you. 
You pulled your dress out from the dryer (which had dried extremely quickly) and changed. You left the clothing you borrowed in his hamper and embarrassingly slipped on your dirty panties. You return to him and grab your shoes from beside him that was on the chair. You bent down and slipped the on, knowing that the man’s eyes were on you. But doing this motion finally made you realize about your knees. 
“Oh.” Your thumbs rub along the scrapes and bruises that made themselves at home on your knees. They were blue and purple and red, and finally began to sting as soon as you paid attention to them. 
“Y/N, let me--” Calum started but you raised your hand and shook your head. 
“I’m good.” You grabbed your phone and remembered your strap that was still in the room. But you weren’t pressed about it as kept it in hand and headed straight for the door. 
“Y/N!” Calum called for you but you were already out the door. And he chose not to follow. 
Meri, like the good best friend she was, managed to get the building staff to sneak you in from the back. You swiftly followed her through the prohibited corridors and made it safely back into her apartment. The paparazzi remained outside like angry bees, waiting to pester you for details. 
“So much for covering my face,” you sighed in annoyance. You plopped yourself on Meri’s gray couch in defeat and slipped off your shoes. Meri closes the door and joins you. “Now they’re going to bother me for a while.” 
“I think you’ll be okay,” Meri hums as she toys with a strand of your hair. “Clevver news has you covered.” 
You express a puzzled look as Meri pulls out her phone and taps away. With a video now open, she turns her phone horizontally and holds it before the both of you. You watch attentively to see one of the Clevver reporters begin the daily scoop of gossip. 
“’Last night, bass player Calum Hood left last nights celebrity gathering pretty early, hand in hand with a woman in a red dress,’” the reporter says quickly. “’The woman, though, had been identified early this morning when pictures of the same woman in the red dress had first arrived to the party with best friend Merigold Leigh.’” 
Meri sucks her teeth, “they spelled my name wrong in the captions.” 
“’The woman, known as Y/N Y/L/N, was her best friends plus one last night at the party in downtown, New York. This has reportedly been the first time seeing Y/N going out with her best friend to this kind of outing.’“ 
“I mean,” Meri begins, “they aren’t lying.” 
“‘Coincidentally though,’“ the reporter begins with a smirk, “‘her first night out ended pretty quickly when 5 Seconds of Summer’s Calum Hood escorts her out and drive them away. Could this have been by coincidence or planned?’“ 
You scoff at the phone. “I’ve never met this man until last night! What the fuck is she on about?” Meri shrugs but insists that you watch the remainder of the video. 
“‘But she could also simply be one of the many woman Calum has been taking home since his arrival to New York a week ago,’“ the reporter informs. “‘Since his arrival, he has been out every night and has a different woman each time.” 
“Ah,” you begin. “He’s a fuckboy.” You push away Meri’s phone and sigh. “Great, fucking wonderful.” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
“I let him fuck me raw,” you resign into your hands. “I probably have herpes or some shit now.” Meri quickly raised her phone and started looking through her contacts. “Meri, what are you--?” 
“Sh!” She pressed a finger against your lips. “Let me do what I do.”
After 2 rings, someone picked up and Meri was on attack mode, “Luke, I have a question or two and you’re going to answer, ‘kay?” 
You watched as she put the call on speaker and you heard a man’s voice, “geez, okay.” He sounded similar to Calum, but not as sexy. His voice was indeed hoarse but it was more clean and lighter. 
“Is Calum with you?” Meri blurted out. You slapped your forehead with your hand, taken aback by Meri’s audacity. 
“Oh yeah, I just got to his apartment,” the man, Luke, answered. “D’you want me to pass the phone to him?” 
A bit of ruffling noise later, Calum’s voice sounded through, “hello?” 
“Calum, do you have an STD?” Meri went straight to the point. You wanted to melt from the embarrassment, but you knew she had to do whatever it takes to reassure you. That’s what best friends are for after all.
“No, why?” 
“Because you fucked my best friend raw and she’s worried you might’ve given her a fuckboy disease.” Calum chuckles through the phone. 
“Let her know she has nothing to worry about,” Calum assured, though the both of you weren’t too convinced. “I promise.” 
Meri’s green eyes look into yours, shrugging at his words. You couldn’t tell if he was being honest or not because you’ve only known this man for a few hours. Meri decides that he’s in the clear and sighs, “whatever you say, Hood. But if she gets checked and they find something, I’m going after you.” 
“I give you full permission,” Calum chuckles again. “Anyways, was that all?” 
Meri was fuming from how lightly he was taking her, but you decided to takeover. Grabbing the phone from her hand, you put it close to your mouth and grin, “that’s all, Calum. Thank you!” 
“Oh, Y/N!” Calum enthusiastically cheers. “Did you get back safe? I didn’t catch your number so I couldn’t ask.” Your cheeks tinted pink from his consideration. Meri shoved your shoulder gently. 
“I’m fine,” you reply. “We’ll stop wasting your time now. Bye bye.” Calum began a breath as though he wanted to say another word, but you hung up before he had the chance. You hand the phone back to Meri and shake your head. “Who’s Luke?”
“Oh, Luke?” You nod. “That’s one of Calum’s band mates; Luke Hemmings. He’s the lead singer.” You nod, taking this information in. “When we go out tonight, I’ll point him out for you. He’s blonde with blue--” 
“I ain’t going out tonight,” you immediately dismissed. Meri looked at you in shock but you quickly stopped her, “this was enough fun for a weekend. I don’t want to be another celebrities one night.” 
“You won’t be if you don’t follow them,” Meri scolded. “Just stay with me.” 
“I don’t know if you’re gonna disappear on me again or not,” you dropped your hands on your thighs. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
“What, did Calum do something to you?” Meri asked worriedly. You shook your head, “then why won’t you go?”
“I don’t want to deal with the paparazzi,” you sighed in annoyance. “I’m in the gossip and that’s not what I want. You can deal with fame but I can’t. I just want to go back to being an irrelevant NYU student who only studies and drinks coffee.” 
“Well, we’re too late for that,” Meri replies. Her hands snake under your head and tilts it so you’d be facing her. “The paparazzi aren’t going to know about this party.” 
“Mm?” You furrow your brows in confusion. “Why not?”
“Because we weren’t supposed to talk about it and it’s not an easily accessible place,” Meri informs you with a smirk. You were still confused, but she quickly opens the small drawer of the coffee table and reveals two tickets. “The party is on a cruise ship.” 
“Meri, I don’t like water too much,” you say in a panicked tone. 
Before the both of you was a huge, egg-white ship. It was brightly lit up and parked right by the bay of Chelsea Piers. You’ve always seen many boats parked there, but you’ve never had the opportunity to get on one. Not that you cared for missing out-- boats weren’t your favorite vehicles. 
“There are no sharks in the Hudson River, Y/N,” Meri rolls her eyes. You two were linked by arms as you walked closer and closer to the boarding dock. Security surrounded you two, but Meri wasn’t wrong. There were no paparazzi in sight. 
“There was a whale in here a little bit ago,” you chime in. She shoves you playfully. 
“Stop being a wuss,” Meri said aggressively, having you suck your teeth at her. “Even then, if you really want to get off, there are speed boats surrounding the cruise and they’re on hold for calls every second.” 
You sighed. It was reassuring, but you still weren’t to excited about it. The boat itself was immensely intimidating and you felt immensely self-conscious with your outfit. 
Because there were going to be several pools, Meri forced a black one-piece bathing suit on you. It hugged your curves nicely, and had a very low v-neck so the inner sides of your breasts shower. You also had a pair of white booty shorts pulled on, which were short enough that the bottom of your ass cheeks showed. Hair was tied up and heels were hugging your feet kindly. You were embarrassed, but denying Meri had been hard nowadays. 
“This is gonna suck,” you sighed. You were glad that you didn’t have too many accessories on this time, but this outfit made you feel so exposed. You told Meri that you had no intention to get into any pool, but she wanted you to dress properly. “I already hate it.” 
“Shush!” Meri hushed you. All you could do was groan as the sound of the highway by the bay sounded with humming cars and honks. You walked passed lit up sidewalk lamps and made your way over to the boarding area. Celebrities of all forms were waiting around in groups, likely waiting for others before getting into the cruise. 
The two of you get in line, security still surrounding you as the staff in charge of boarding people had been walking down the line to check everyone in faster. Meri handed the tickets to the staff member, who poked holes in them before returning them back to her. Meri handed you one and instructed that you don’t lose it. You listen and immediately fold it and put it in the pocket of your phone case. 
Your anxiety rose as you two crossed the board walk, which was covered in a red carpet. You two enter the lavish cruise ship, which were ornate with golden lights and pictures of famous people on said cruise. Staff had sprawled all around, walking around the celebrities with plates of sushi and other finger foods. 
Meri guided you to the heart of the ship, which looked as extravagant as the Titanic at its time. A huge chandelier hung right above you with a large set of stairs that guided the two of you up stairs to one of the outer levels of the cruise. Meri was so excited that she dashed up and almost fell a few times. She was lucky you held her, or else her face would have met the floor by now. 
“Beautiful!” Meri squealed as you two finally reached where the party was. The pools seemed infinite as lights were installed in them and illuminated right out of the chlorine water. There were people everywhere in bathing suits, either dancing in the water or grinding on one another dry. You weren’t really sure how to react but you decided to focus on the excited ginger holding your arm. 
“This ship is huge,” you comment, basking in the largeness and luminous entity that was the cruise. You look over at the main component of the cruise, seeing several doors and people walking around. “What’s over there?” 
“Do you not know how a cruise works, Y/N?” Meri asked curiously. “Everyone is assigned a room if you want to stay overnight. Our rooms are right next to each other.” 
You frown, “why couldn’t we just share a room? It seems wasteful to give a room to someone like me.” 
“Because,” Meri began quietly. A huge grin touching ear to ear formed and she tapped her lips with her free hand. “There’s someone I want to spend the night with.” 
“Gross,” you shake your head, “and I’m gonna have to sleep right next to that. Geez, Meri...” 
“Or maybe not?” She raised the pitch of her voice. You raise an eyebrow towards her as she begins to guide you around the pools. “I want to sleep with a member in this band and lucky for me; its a two man band.” 
“Oh is it now?” You ask in a monotone voice. 
Meri nods her head happily as she walks you passed the bunches of people. She greets the people you pass with a back pat and a happy ‘hi!’ before reaching one of the many large Jacuzzi’s. And, to your surprise, you saw more than 2 people in there. 
“Aye, Meri!” Although your ears heard one thing, your eyes were looking at a completely different individual. At the farthest point of the Jacuzzi from where you stood was Calum Hood, with a woman sitting on him. You decide to find the face to the voice before indulging in the bassist’s exposure. 
“Lukey-poo!” Meri lets you go to quickly dip into the pool to meet the blonde man half way. The white boy with blonde curls was pretty cute, with a dashing smile and heart-melting blue eyes. He seemed genuinely content to see your best friend as the two hugged one another. “How are you?” 
“I’m good; it’s so good to see you!” Oh, you realized. This is Luke, Calum’s band mate. You watch with a curt smile as the two were only thighs deep in the water, holding each other and exchanging the quickest set of words. He turned her a bit to see four other boys who were sat in the Jacuzzi, beers in hands and all smiles. 
“Ashton! Michael!” The largest man there stood up first, water dripping down his toned body. You bit your bottom lip as you watched the unnaturally red-haired man stand and give your friend an airhug. “Ashton, you can hug me; I’m not scared of water.” 
“Maybe not you, but your phone definitely is,” the built man, Ashton, joked. He turned over to meet your eyes as Meri continued to hug the other man beside him who you assumed was Michael. “I take it you are Merigold’s best friend, yes?” 
You nod shyly, watching as he moves through the water and offers you a hand. “I’m Y/N.” Ashton smiles as you shake his hand. “And wow, your hand is huge.” 
Ashton bursts into a joyful laugh. He, too, owned the broken Australian accent that Calum and Luke own. He must be part of the band, too. “I get that a lot. Will you be joining us this evening, Y/N?” 
“I’ve got nowhere else to go as soon as this cruise starts going, so,” you joked, having Ashton emit yet another hardy laugh. You smiled, noticing that Ashton didn’t let your hand go. 
“Come come, join us in the water,” Ashton insisted, in which you politely declined at first. But Ashton gives your hand a squeeze, his intoxicating hazel eyes practically begging you. “It’s warm, and there’s absolutely no sharks.” 
You snorted, with Meri looking back to laugh at Ashton’s reassuring strategy. You think for a brief moment before resigning and wiggling down your shorts as well as removing your heels. Holding it in your free hand, Ashton held your hand and helped you down carefully. He walked you over to the rest of the boys, who of which Meri had been ogling one of them. 
He’s the one she wants to fuck. But as you came closer and closer, you realized that the two man band had been people you recognized. “Oh shit,” you emit under your breath, “you guys are the Chainsmokers, right?” The two boys leaning against the rim of the Jacuzzi smile and chuckle at your reaction. 
“Nice to meet you,” the raven-haired man start, plopping his hand out from the water to offer it to you. “I’m Alex, and this over here is Drew.” You shake his hand first, realizing that this was the man Meri wanted to hook you up with while she took the dirty blonde man that also held his hand out. 
“It’s nice to meet you as well,” you smile while shaking hands with Drew right after. “I watched you guys win that Grammy a bit ago; congratulations on your success.” 
“Thank you so much,” Alex replies with a gracious smile. He gestures you over to sit beside him, with Ashton calling a server over to bring you a beer. It was this moment that you realized how kind a few celebrities can be. You take a seat beside Alex, with Drew beside him and Meri right next to him. The warm water relaxed your body as Ashton and Michael decide to stand in front of you all to make conversation easier. 
Michael introduces himself, in which you shake his hand happily. “I apologize that our bass player isn’t respectful.” You giggle as Luke comes over to join. “But you’ve got the lead singer, lead guitarist.” He pats his wet chest, “and the drummer.” He points at Ashton, who smiles contently. 
“Maybe you all can sing me a little something later,” you tease, as Luke looks over at the other boys. 
“I mean, I’m pretty pitch perfect right now,” Michael downplays, shrugging as you got distracted very quickly by how pale the boy was and how much ink was ornate around his body. “My voice is solely ready for Jet Black though.” 
Ashton laughs at him and shakes his head, “last chorus though?” Michael nods vigorously. “Yeah, alright. Luke?” The blonde boy also nods. They then look over at Calum, who was unsurprisingly making out with the woman on him. “Calum!” 
He pulls away from the girl and looks your way, immediately engaging with your eyes. There was a sort of longing and interest in his eyes that you couldn’t quite understand. His large hands that once held the woman’s waist under the water was now resting on the outer rim of the Jacuzzi that he was leaning against. His head was tilted up, having you ravish in his toned torso and how sharp his jawline was. 
“What?” His voice, deep and raspy, asked in annoyance. His eyes redirect to face meet with Ashton’s. “Can’t you see I’m busy?” 
“Can’t you see we have a guest?” Ashton points at you while still glaring at the bass player. “I think you two have met before.” 
“Huh?” He asked, his words licked with confusion. “Who?” 
You raised your eyebrows in shock. You didn’t know this man enough to be insulted, but you were surprised at his audacity. After face fucking you twice, eating you out, and ramming inside you for his climax, he suddenly doesn’t know who you are. You snorted, your hand feeling the hickeys ornate on your neck. He gave you tea, made you breakfast and washed the dress he had soiled. I misjudged you, you thought. You’re a prick. 
“I think it’ll sound just as good regardless if he joins in or not,” you immediately commented, rolling your eyes before looking back at Ashton with a smile. Meri snorted and muttered a ‘get fucked’ under her breath as she takes a swig of her beer. She passes you one, in which her happily take. “Please serenade me?” 
“Your wish shall be our command,” Ashton winks before looking over at Michael. The green-eyed boy clears his throat before he begun to sing. When he finishes his line, Ashton and Luke join in and they all harmonize. The way their voices complimented one another was impressive and you were pleasantly surprised. They’re really good. 
When they finished, everyone around who heard gave them an applause. You clapped against your bottle of beer, genuinely impressed by their voices. “Wow, can’t wait to add you guys to my Spotify.” 
They all laugh while bowing towards the crowd. You took a swig of your beer and engaged in conversation with the boys. 
A half hour passes, and you were all giggles. Michael had been telling you about how he was happily engaged and even showed you his band. Luke, Meri, Alex, and Drew decided to go participate in the surfing that they were conducting on the other side of the large cruise. Michael, soon after finishing his obsession with his lover Crystal, he received a text from her, inviting him over to her suite. 
That left just you and Ashton. 
“Ah no, we write some of the silliest shit sometimes,” Ashton explains through a fit of laughter. “We haven’t dated much in the first few years of our career and we wrote so much lovey dovey shit.” 
“I mean listen,” you tried to ease, “I’ll keep it a buck with you; that’s the stuff that sells.” 
Ashton nodded, “you’re absolutely right. That’s the shit that sells.” Ashton was right beside you, shoulders touching but he had the respect to keep from making any moves or overstepping. You could tell he had a surface-level interest in you, but he wasn’t intending to force himself on you. “Now, the band has changed completely.” 
“Luke’s dating Sierra,” Ashton began as he looked into the distance. “Fucking Michael is engaged and Calum’s busy being a fuckboy.” You two glance over at Calum, who was still making out with this chick, his hands pressing against her exposed back. “Fucking twat. And I’m here trying to figure my place with this girl.” 
“I take it you like her?” You ask curiously. 
“I do, a lot, actually,” Ashton’s words were true. “But she doesn’t exactly want to commit to me. She initially had a crush on that dickhead over there.” He points his chin towards Calum. You widened your eyes to this information. 
“You’re kidding.” 
Ashton shakes his head, “I’m dead serious. I’m not mad at him though; she liked him first and I can’t control her feelings.” You nodded comprehensively. “But Calum took advantage of that knowledge and began fucking her for a while.” 
Wow, you thought. Tonight had really been the worst night for Calum. You were learning all these things about Calum, which confirmed your not-entertained suspicion that he might be a bad guy. The way he acts seemed completely different with the way he actually was. 
“But as you expected, he got bored,” Ashton informed you. “I’m pretty sure she only started crushing on me because she got hurt, but sometimes you’ve gotta take what you can get.” 
“My sympathy goes to you, Ashton,” you admit quietly, “but isn’t that also taking advantage of her?” 
“Yeah, if I came to her,” he took another swig of beer. “But she went ahead crying to me, unknowing that I liked her. So she attached herself to me and that’s when I told her.” 
You took another drink as well. “This is a lot of tea for me, you know. And I just met you.” The two of you share a laugh before you shrug. “I’m sorry to hear about all that though. I can imagine how awkward it must be between you and Calum.”
“What? Nah,” Ashton denied. “Me and Calum are like boyfriends. He isn’t a bad guy whatsoever. He’s actually got the biggest heart in the world.” You were finding that hard to believe now. “Currently, he’s been having a hard time but before all that, he’s the most down-to-earth guy. He apologized for hurting her even.” 
You glance over at Calum, your mind unsure as to how to deem him. He’s a good guy but also a bad guy but also a good guy? Your mind was racing as he continued sucking lips with the girl. “Sounds like someone who could ruin my life,” you muttered quietly. 
Ashton shrugged, “he’s just never been rejected before. Girls throw themselves at him left and right.” But right then, the drummer nudges you and smirks. “That is, until he met you.” 
“When Luke told him that Meri was bringing you tonight, Calum was formulating a whole plan to make you want him again,” Ashton informs you. “You’ve been the only girl who didn’t bother to ask for his number or any social media handle. He didn’t want you to be a one night stand.” 
You couldn’t believe it. Calum is being a giant prick because you were the first woman who didn’t care? Just because he was famous doesn’t mean that the world revolves around him. A one night stand is a one night stand; you weren’t bothered to ask for another night. You enjoyed that night and decided to carry on with your life. It wasn’t like you were going to date him. 
“That’s funny,” you softly reply, focusing down on the now empty bottle in your hands. “The morning after, he made me breakfast and let me use his bathroom. And after all that, he wanted me out of the apartment quickly.” 
Ashton begins to think a bit, biting the skin in his cheek. He then looks over and lowers his eyebrows, “was he looking at anything? Like his phone or any documents?” 
“Mhm,” you replied, “like this bundle of papers.” 
Ashton nods, “yeah no, it’s not you. Like I said, he’s having a hard time and those documents are the reason why. He honestly doesn’t mean to act so bipolar.” 
You began to ponder what was written in the documents, but they truly were none of your business. Whatever those documents held clearly bothered Calum and you weren’t intending to to pry. After all, you don’t even think you two can be considered friends. You’re more acquainted than anything. You know more about Ashton now than you do about Calum. 
“Anyways.” A subject change. “It seems Merigold was interested in Drew. Do you know if she’s got a crush on him?” 
“I dunno about a crush,” you shrugged, “she wants to fuck him.” 
Ashton snorts, “yeah? She’s planning on kicking you out for the night then?” 
“I have my own suite but we’re right beside each other,” you began with a sigh. “But she actually wanted me to fuck Alex so it was like a whole double-fucking thing.” 
Ashton chuckles, “how’s it working out for you?” You jokingly look around to spot the mentioned boy that clearly wasn’t around. 
“Not well, I think.” You giggle. Camila Cabello begins playing on the boat, with a bit of the noise settling down. Never Be the Same had been playing, and several people began dancing slowly against each other and quietly belting the tune. “I kinda really like this song.” 
“Yeah?” Ashton asked. He grabbed the empty beer bottles and put them on the outside of the Jacuzzi. “’Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine.’” This boy could hit some high pitches, you noticed. “’Suddenly, I’m a fiend and you’re all I need.’” He grabbed your chin, reminding you of the way Calum did, and winked. “’All I need... yeah, yeah, all I need...’” 
Ashton quickly grabbed you and placed you on top of him. You blushed, seeing how easy he was able to do that due to the water making your body incredibly light. You weren’t sure how you felt about this situation, considering you just met this man. But with the way his eyes were looking at you, you knew that you something. Unfortunately, you sort of had someone else in mind. 
“’It’s you, babe,’” Ashton sung quietly, “’n I’m a sucker for the way that you move, babe.’” His large hands supported your lower back, holding you close so you wouldn’t float away. “’And I could try to run but it would be useless...’“ 
“Ashton...” You didn’t want to seem rude, but fucking one band member and then fucking the next makes you feel like a slut. You didn’t even know how you managed to get into such a situation with Calum, let alone how you got into it again with Ashton. But hooking up immediately after one last night made your stomach churn. “I shouldn’t. I just fucked your bandmate yesterday and--” 
“I know,” Ashton quietly whispered, bringing your face closer to his. He gives you a wink, “just wait another minute.” You titled your head to the left in confusion while Ashton began cutting the space between your lips. His breath tickled your lips, “wait for it.” 
You felt his lips just barely touch yours before you hear splashes of water headed your way. Ashton laughed against your lips, pulling back as the both of you turn to see Calum rush your way. The water clearly slowed him down, but the fierceness in his eyes were piercing you. “Fuckin’ knew it,” Ashton mumbled under his breath. He looks at you and gives you a wide smile, “have fun.” 
“Huh?” You exclaimed. Before you knew it, a hand grabbed hold of your upper arm and pulled you from Ashton’s body. You attempt to pull away but you froze when Calum held your shoulders so you could be staring straight at him. “Calum, what the fuck--” 
“Shut the fuck up.” His voice was cold and vexed, as though someone had broken his favorite item. He gives Ashton an ill look, which Ashton repaid with a devilish smirk. “You’re so fucking annoying, Ash.” Calum could only roll his eyes.
“You can thank me later.” Ashton winks at you before waving his hands in dismissal. “Have fun, kids.” 
Calum began pulling you away, which made you instinctively grab your things and exit the Jacuzzi with him. He guides you away without a word, allowing you to just be met with his back. Toned and smooth, with his scapula protruding, which made you tempted to reach up and touch them. But right now, you weren’t having it with Calum. 
“Calum, where the fuck are we going? Let go of me!” 
His words were thin and formidable. You weren’t sure of anything at that moment except for the grip he hand around your wrist. You two were leaving a trail of Jacuzzi water, his entire body dripping more than yours. This man was looking good, you couldn’t lie. But you were not happy with being somewhat manhandled by this man. 
And, while you were at the idea of being manhandled, did nobody notice all the wounds you owned on your body? The scraped and bruised knees? The hickeys all over your neck? Was this normal for celebrities to see so they couldn’t be bothered to look at you? Even Meri didn’t say anything (which likely was to spare you from the embarrassment.) 
She’s a good friend, bless her heart.
But once again, she left you and you were having yet another deja vu moment with Calum. You could be at home, being a good girl and studying. Or maybe taking another shift so you could earn a bit more pocket money. Or sleeping, honestly. 
“Calum, where are you taking me?”
You trail close behind, noticing that he was taking you to the inside of the cruise where the seemingly endless floors of suites resided. He loosened his grip and gradually let you go as soon as you two got close to a crowded elevator. You would have escaped but he pressed his hand on your lower back, cautious of mentioned potential plan. 
“Be a good girl and just follow,” Calum murmurs, the two of you standing with several others. You grumbled, your eyes watching the elevator reach each floor before making it to the ground level (or your current floor.) Calum gets you in first so the two of you would be against the wall. But it was becoming cramp, so Calum took it upon himself to get you in a corner and cage you with his arms. 
“You must be joking,” you chuckled darkly under your breath. Calum’s chest pressed against yours, feeling your nipples perk from the A/C of the elevator and Calum’s body. “I should’ve just kicked you in the nuts and ran as fast as possible.” 
“I used to play soccer in secondary school,” Calum muttered by your ear. “Meaning that it would have been futile; I would have caught you already.” Rolling your eyes from his cockiness, you keep your arms tightly to your sides and emit a sigh. The elevator smelled of chlorine now; you longed for a shower. 
“I wish Ashton didn’t let you grab me,” you sighed in annoyance. You threw your head back and leaned against the elevator wall. “I was having a good time.” 
Calum brought his hand over to your face, pinching both cheeks with his fingers. Your lips were now vertical and popping out. “Wanna take back those words, Princess?” 
“Or else what?” You hissed, pushing his hand off of your face. “Whatcha gonna do? Bite me?” You bring a hand up to rub your neck. “I don’t think you’ve got much more bite in you.” 
“Oh Princess,” Calum hummed, pressing his forehead against yours, “you’re going to regret those words.” 
You two had reached the desired floor as Calum grabs you out of the elevator and begins walking towards his suite. You reluctantly followed, barely tipsy from the one beer you had given. This would be more bearable if you were drunk, but you preferred being fairly sober. Better to actually know what was going on rather than just mindlessly doing things in the moment. 
Your feet left several puddles, with mental apologies floating all around your head. But Calum didn’t seem to give a damn as you two made it to one of the ends of the hall worth of suites. A guard stood at the end of it, meeting eyes with Calum. 
“I.D.,” the guard asked. Calum fished his phone out from his pocket, which had been covered with a plastic protector. He lets you go momentarily but keeps you stood at the door as he took out his identification and presented it to the guard. You crossed your arms across your chest, knowing your nipples were still perky and evident. 
The guard nods, digging through his pocket with his eyes peered in to take out a keycard. He offers it to Calum, who takes it graciously and hands him a fair amount of money. They exchange a look before the guard begins to walk away from the suite, which you assumed was to take a new position at the other end. 
Calum grabbed a bit of your bathing suit and moved you back to dip the card into the lock. The red light turns green, and in one clean click! sound, the door is opened and the two of you are in. 
[Before we continue (if you’d like), play Can’t Imagine by Always Never]
Calum switches on the lights and you were presented with a beautiful suite. Unfortunately, with the situation at hand once again, Calum wasn’t going to let you ravish in it’s elegance. He drags you into the bathroom and flicks on the light in there. “Calum?” You ask but he locks the door of the suite and the bathroom before turning to you with such a serious expression. 
“Get in the shower,” Calum immediately instructed. You stayed still, attempting to comprehend exactly what was going on. He keeps his eyes locked with yours as he moves a bit closer. “Did I stutter?” 
Preventing the situation from becoming grim, you oblige and position yourself into the shower. You toss your things on the sink before you do and you turn to watch Calum. The toned man empties his hands as well and teases the waist of his swimming trunks. Heat bursts into your cheeks as his length, exposed and hardening, was exposed before you. 
“C-Calum,” you attempt to look away but Calum walks towards you and grabs your chin. He tilts your head down, forcing you to see his cock slap his stomach. 
“I didn’t tell you to look away, did I?” Calum growled, your eyes wide by the twitching and eagerness of his cock. “Get in the shower, put your hands on the wall. Don’t move a muscle.” 
You pressed your hands against the wall opposite from the shower head, your heart racing from nerves. Staring at the wall ornate with minimalist art of shells and waves, you listen as Calum turns on the shower. The glass shower door is closed, and the intimacy suddenly went up into flames. 
You couldn’t see it, but Calum opened up the bar of soap that hotels provide and began rubbing it between his wet hands. You could hear the soap squish and squeak in his hands. Then, Calum’s hand grabbed the bit of bathing suit between your thighs and pulled them up, giving you an annoying wedgie. “What the fuck, Calum?”
Smack! His hand met harshly with your ass cheek, causing you to lean your body against the wall. Calum chuckled coolly under his breath, “that’s Daddy to you, Princess.” He starts to rub the area that now stings, your ass foamed up with bubbles of soap. “I need my Princess clean before I can fuck the lights out of her.” 
You gulp, feeling his fingers gradually rub down towards the crevice between your glistening thighs. His long fingers teased, slowly rubbing between the lips of your pussy. You pressed your forehead against the well, the sensation sending twitch-inducing pleasure through your body. 
“C-Calum, quit it...” you measley fought, your eyes completely shut when Calum began rubbing your clit in circles with the tip of his middle finger. Your toes curled from his touch, but he suddenly halted. Shit, you thought. Wrong name. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” 
Calum smirked. “I know you are, Princess.” He continued stimulating your clit, rubbing it slowly as his free hand rubbed adoringly along the curves of your body. “You look good. Too good.” He gave your side a little pinch. “I didn’t like the way people were looking over at you.” 
“People were looking at me?” You asked curiously. You were completely oblivious to any eyes on you, considering you were constantly engaged in interaction and conversation with people to really notice. 
“I noticed you when you first came to the pool area on the main deck,” Calum admitted quietly. “I watched you come to the Jacuzzi. I watched the way Ashton held your hand and helped you in. I watched him mount you on top of him.” 
So he cares a lot. You smirked, allowing yourself a victory in your head. Even an asshole-acting chick magnet has enough energy to put aside his pride. “Didn’t think you noticed. You had a girl all up on you.” 
“Didn’t even bother to catch her fucking name,” Calum mumbled. His hands left your body for a quick moment to apply more soap. Suddenly, without warning, his hands shoved themselves between the front of your body and the bathing suit. You froze. “I was busy thinking about how I was going to bring you back here.” 
“O-oh really?” His fingers rubbed along your stomach. “But you already h-had a girl on you. Isn’t that-” his fingers crawled up to the space between your breasts, “-what you wanted?” 
“She wasn’t you.” His large hands reached your breasts and pressed his palms down against your nipples. You emit a strangled moan. 
“Her body was perfect,” you commented quietly. “S-seemed like your body t-type...” 
“You’re my body type.” He rested his head on your shoulder, noticing your arms struggling due to his satisfying touch. “Do you like the way I touch you, Princess?” You nod, biting your bottom lip harshly. He presses his cock against your ass. “Do you want me to fuck you?” 
You hum out an ‘mhm’ but it wasn’t good enough for Calum. His fingers wrap about your nipples and tug them harshly, making you jump. Your nails threaten to leave scratches on the wall, but Calum’s painful teasing was slowly sending you to the edge. “P-please...” 
His hands rub your chest easily with his soapy fingers, his index fingers constantly circling your nipples. “I will.” But after his words, he retracted his body from yours. You open your eyes and decide to turn around to face Calum. You watched as he detached the shower head from its holster and began spraying you with water. “But first, I need to wash you off.” 
“Calum!” For a moment, you two were sharing a laugh. Calum had been spraying warm water over your body, in which you simultaneously tried to get rid of all the soap as well as shield yourself from it. He was immensely entertained by your motions as you removed any spec of soap from your body. “I’m clean, I’m clean!” 
“Are you sure?” He kept spraying your chest. “I feel like you’ve still got a lil some some.” 
“Okay, okay.” Calum obliges and puts the shower head back where it was held. It continued to hit his back again while he neared you. He tugs on the bit of bathing suit covering your stomach and reverts back to a serious face. “Strip that off and go dry yourself. I want to see you on the bed when I’m done here.” 
You tilt your head to the side, “what will you be doing here?” 
He looks down, then meets your eyes again, “I’m not fucking you with a chlorine-covered cock.” 
“Nice alliteration,” you said under your breath. Calum smirked. You looked down at his cock, standing painfully hard right before you. Then, without much thought, you brought yourself on your knees (hissing in the process.) “Pass me the soap.” 
“Y/N, you don’t--” 
“It’s Princess to you,” you scolded from below, earning a heart-melting smile from the man before he offers the soap down to you. “I can’t let you do everything, can I?” You lather the soap all over your hands before you drop it on the shower floor. Calum emits a gentle moan as soon as you wrapped your hands around his cock. “...A newfound kink I see?” You teased, stroking his cock up and down. 
“It’s not a kink!” 
“It’s a soap kink.” 
“It’s not!” 
You snort, “I’m not convinced.” You rub his long cock, watching as his thighs tense up and his toes curl below you. 
“Y/N, you’re fucking touching my cock,” Calum exclaims in frustration. He threw his head back in euphoria. “Fucking... of course I’m going to react this way-- it feels good. B-but it’s not a-- fuck!” 
Calum was quick to grab your shoulders and bring you back on your feet. Your hands leave his cock, the combination of soap and precum dripping from your fingers. “Take that off, dry yourself off, and get on the bed. Not another word, okay?” You just watched as he took the shower head again and cleaned your hands. “Understood, Princess?” He emphasized. 
You nodded, earning an eager smile from Calum as he helped you out of the shower. You quickly grabbed a spare towel and your things but before you could escape the bathroom, Calum dips out from the shower and gives your ass a spank. “H-hey!” You squeaked. But when you glanced back to glare at the man, he only gave you a darker, more cynical look in return. 
“Not another word,” Calum hums, his brown orbs instructing you to proceed before making any more bad moves. You leave silently, your skin quickly accumulating goosebumps due to the strong A/C. You shivered, lacking interest in stripping due to the bit of warmth the bathing suit provided. 
But, you were to listen. Walking over to the large king sized bed, you toss your shorts and phone on the bedside table provided. You drop the towel on the bed and begin to peel off the bathing suit. With a bit of a struggle, you remove the soppy article of clothing from your body. Shivering some more, you find solace in wrapping yourself with the dry towel you grabbed. You could still smell a bit of chlorine on your skin, but the soap was able to fairly mask it. 
The sound of the shower suddenly subdues, and you’re only left guessing what Calum could be doing. You keep your naked body wrapped with the towel while taking a seat on the bed. You watch as Calum Hood walks out of the bathroom and slowly makes his way to you. 
Your body completely defied you and instantly reacted to seeing Calum’s nude body. It was built and toned, with tattoos kissed perfectly in his skin. The muscles were absolutely not subtle, and you desperately wanted to feel them. Ride-able thighs and a thick cock stopped right before you, with a hand under your chin to force your head up. You met his hungry eyes, gulping from their intensity. 
“You seem distracted,” Calum hums quietly. He bends down to get a closer look at you. Your cheeks tint pink. “Like what you see, Princess?” 
Submissively, you nod. Although you were mad earlier and preferred to continue a conversation with Ashton, you couldn’t deny your hormones. Calum knew how to fuck, and you didn’t mind an opportunity to feel good. His thumb rubs along your trembling bottom lip, his cock completely hard and pressed against his stomach. “I’m going to face fuck you again, Princess.” 
You lips quivered, “b-but my throat is still--” 
“Did I ask?” Those brown orbs were engulfed in darkness, with all sorts of devious plans that you couldn’t even imagine. “Come.” He lays down on the bed, his head comfortably settling into the pillows by the headboard. He gestures you to sit between his legs. You nest there quickly, your hands immediately wrapping around his cock and waiting for instruction. “Comfortable?” You nod. “Then go ahead, Princess.” 
You lean down, familiar with this request as your mouth immediately took in his entire member. Calum’s throaty moans are forced out, his cock twitching contently in your mouth. You felt yourself gagging a bit when his tip teased the beginning of your throat, but you had to brace yourself. Because Calum wasn’t intending to remove your mouth from his dick anytime soon. 
His hands quickly found themselves webbed up in your hair, a string of moans escaping before he slowly forced your head up and down his length. Tears develop once again and you held on tightly to his muscular thighs. “F-fuck, Y/N... your mouth feels so fucking good...” 
His praise encouraged you to twirl your tongue around, eager for his cock to cum already. Your precum had already been leaking down between your legs and onto the bed sheets. You mentally apologized to the maids that would be cleaning this room eventually. Saliva streamed down his cock as he quickened his pace and solely focused on reaching his high. 
“’M close, Princess,” he informs you quietly, his voice shaky and husky due to his approaching climax. He forced his cock down your throat, your cheeks shining from your tears. But when you looked over at Calum, all you could see was his jawline. His head was thrown back, working towards his euphoric moment as his hands continued to force your head up and down his member. 
But finally, he came. 
Forcing it down your throat and relieving your throat with coughs, you watch as Calum sits up and moves to sit on the edge of the bed. He keeps you between his legs, but taps one of your legs. “Lift your leg over.” You do as told, with his leg between the two of yours. “Now sit.” 
“Sit?” You asked, your hands wrapping around his neck for safety and grip. He holds your waist for extra support and waits patiently. “On your thigh?” He nods. Emitting a sigh, you slowly letting yourself down and immediately arc your back from feeling his skin against your pussy. 
“Geez, Princess,” Calum began to tease with a smirk, “you’re so wet... it’s like you enjoy it when I fuck your face.” You stay quiet, shutting your eyes as doses of pleasure shot all about your body from just being still. “Princess, you’d feel much better if you moved.” 
“I-I know, I just...” You didn’t know what to say, really. You were already feeling good just feeling his thigh below you. He was incredibly warm and his large hands on your waist kept you paralyzed. 
“Guess I still gotta do a lot.” Without wasting a second, Calum used his strength and moved you up and down his thigh. You emit staggered moans, feeling your precum spread along his thigh. Your body writhed, your arms wrapping a little tighter around his neck. “You okay, Princess?” 
“Mhm,” you strained out. Calum chuckles, using one hand to continue moving you up and down his thigh. His resigned hand went ahead and took hold of one of your breasts. “F-fuck, Daddy...” 
His thumb circled around your nipple, forcing it erect while tilting it up so he could wedge it between his teeth. Pleasure hatched through your bones, feeling the stimulation of your pussy against his thigh and the way he nipped and nibbled at your nipple. It was killing you-- you wanted to get fucked already. You were tired of this teasing and touching when you wanted to be completely ruined by this man. 
“Alright, fuck this.” Calum’s patience runs dry from teasing you. His hands grab your waist again to lift you onto his cock. You assist, your legs now on either side of his as he forced you down onto his cock. Your mouth blurts out sinful words, feeling as your pussy was ravishing around Calum’s dick. “Fuck...” 
“Sh-shit...” His fingers dent into your waist, his pelvis thrusting into you to get his cock as deep as possible. He bounced you on his cock, with his hands ensuring that you’re pushed down immediately as soon as you’re almost completely off his cock. You hold on tightly, your acrylics digging into Calum’s back. You wanted to apologize immediately, but it didn’t seem like he minded. 
As he continued, he brings his lips to your ear and nibbles on it. His thrusting made your brain stupid, but you definitely focused when he began to talk, “Princess, I have an offer for you.” His voice is serious right then. “And you aren’t allowed to say no.” 
You continue to indulge while waiting quietly (but not quite) for his words. “I want you to be mine for the rest of the time that I’m in the city,” his whispers. “You can have whatever you want in return.” 
“Y-you offering to be my s-sugar daddy, Daddy?” You struggled out between moans. 
“If that’s what you want.” 
You shook your head, backing up to look into Calum’s eyes. Your eyes threatened to shut from the pleasure but you forced yourself to meet his gaze. “W-we can just be f-fuckbuddies-- I don’t want your-- fuck-- money...” 
Calum’s eyes widened, completely going still from your words. Your body calmed down from the pleasure and you tilted your head in confusion like a dog. “You don’t want my money?” You shook your head. “You straight up just want to fuck?” 
“W-well, yeah?” You say honestly with a sigh. Sweat accumulated all over his face, but you could still see a sudden gentleness wash over him. “Did you want me to ask you for money in exchange?”
“N-no, I just.” Calum stutters. “It’s usually what I expect...”
You shake your head and smile, lifting one hand to give Calum a gentle slap on his forehead. “Then you should expect the unexpected from me. I’m not some golddigger or cloutchaser.” You wrap your arms around his neck again and shrug. “If you’re giving me pleasure, I’d like to return the favor with the same amount of pleasure.” 
Calum could only blink, somewhat in awe from your words. You poke the back of his neck, watching his eyes burn into yours. “You’re only here for a little bit of time so I’d rather you spend less than what you’ve probably already spent.” The two of you sit in a bit of silence. His cock gets harder inside your pussy. “I-is that a deal?” 
Calum breathes in for a moment before changing positions. You were now lying down on your back, with the man hovering over you. His cock was very much still inside you and his chest pushed down onto yours. “I’m going to devour you, Princess,” Calum insists in a hush tone before sitting back up. He holds onto your waist once again and begins to rail you, your mind going completely blank and your hands losing feeling. 
You weren’t quite sure what you agreed to, but you were subconsciously praying you wouldn’t be regretting it. 
another long part but a goodie (kinda). let me know whatcha think right in here and ill be starting the next part! <3 
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