Calum as otters
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and my personal favorite @mermaidcashton​​
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@be-ready-when-i-say-go​ @ghostofmashton​ @pxrxmoore​ @scribblesos​ @noshamenion​ @sexgodashton​ @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995​
Oh and I forgot @malumsmermaid for the otter post that gave me the idea
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wildflowerhigh · 5 years
Mom friend (l.h.)
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Summary: The boys get rowdy on a road trip, and you’re the mom friend.
Word count: 1K
A/N: This idea absolutely came from @scribblesos​, who also helped me edit the final product, so shout out to her, I love you💕 Go check out her stuff!
The beat of Bohemian Rhapsody thumped in your chest as Michael blasted it at full volume from the seat next to you. The other three boys sat in the backseat of the car, and all of them sang along to the song as loud as they could. You would normally join, but you were driving on a highway- you didn’t exactly want to cause an accident.
The five of you were best friends, and Calum had suggested that all of you should take a road trip for fun. You were driving now; you were fine with them messing around in the beginning, but it seemed like the more time passed, the more energetic they got. You loved them to absolute bits, but sometimes they just seriously got on your nerves.
“Keep it down, boys,” you pleaded, never taking your eyes off the road, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. You noticed other drivers scowl at you as they overtook your car. The headbanging guitar chords before the fourth verse of the song came, and it felt like all of them went into hyperdrive- the whole car was shaking as they moved with the song. “Guys, come on, calm down a little,” you said, much louder, but they ignored you. You could feel your anxiety slowly increasing, and you hoped they would just calm down on their own, after this song. 
Then you noticed that they weren’t wearing their seatbelts, and that flipped a switch in you.
“Okay, that’s it,” you roared, pulling into a service road that thankfully came up. Before any of them could question you had pulled over, you turned around and glared at the four boys, and they instantly realized that you were annoyed. 
“Why the hell aren’t you wearing your seatbelts?!” you berated. Bohemian Rhapsody ended and the next song started- you shot Michael a displeased look, and he quietly turned down the radio. “You’re on the highway! It’s basic fucking safety!” You saw them wince at your swearing, and you immediately felt guilty for screaming at them.
You lowered your tone and continued, “I get that you guys are excited for this, and I am too, but we can’t compromise on basic safety, guys, come on, okay? Put on your seatbelts.” Your four best friends murmured in agreement, and fastened then. You nodded, honestly still a little peeved. You pulled back onto the highway, and when you noticed how quiet they all were, heads hung low, you smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry for screaming at you,” you said, glancing at your rearview mirror. “You can still rock out, just don’t blow my head off.” They visibly lightened up, and Michael grinned at you, leaning over to turn up the music. “Don’t get too hyper either!” you warned jokingly, and they laughed.
“In our defense, Luke made us drink a lot of soda,” Calum said.
“I didn’t make you drink shit!” Luke retorted, and they started bickering, making the other three chuckle. You smiled to yourself, feeling content being with your four best friends.
Some time later, you sat in the back, curled up against Luke’s side, head on his shoulder. Ashton had taken over the driving, and the car was a lot quieter than it was before- turns out, their energy did have a limit.
You had your eyes closed but you weren’t asleep. The boys didn’t know that, however, and they started talking about you.
“I can’t believe she cares this much about us,” Michael murmured, and you assumed he had gestured at you. The other three hummed in agreement.
“She literally pulled over to make us wear our seatbelts, I swear she’s like a mom,” Ashton whispered, but it didn’t sound bitter at all. He sounded thankful, actually. You were worried that they were mad at you for snapping at them, but hearing them speak so lovingly about you had you taken aback.
“She’s the best,” Luke murmured, and you felt his fingers carefully tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. You involuntarily leaned further into him.
“Of course you think that, you’re practically in love with her,” Ashton muttered. It took everything in you to not open your eyes and jump to your feet. Ashton quickly added, “But yeah, she is the best.”
You could feel the vibrations of Luke vigorously shaking his head. “No I’m not, shut up,” he hissed and Calum giggled softly.
“Sure you’re not, mate,” he replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
Luke sighed. “Okay, maybe I like her, but don’t freaking tell her,” he gave in, and your heart skipped a beat. Holy shit, Luke liked you. The sweetest of them all, the cute golden boy who you had always had a soft spot for. This was something you could get used to.
“You should tell her soon, dude,” Michael said, and once again, you felt Luke nod.
“Yeah, soon,” he murmured. “When I get the courage.”
“Well, maybe the right time will come during this road trip,” you heard Mikey whisper. “And if you don't tell her by the time we come back then I swear I  w-” he was cut off by Ashton suddenly hitting the brakes,and the car lurched. Before you could fall out of your seat, Luke put his arm around your shoulder, holding you from falling forward. Your eyes shot open automatically.
“You okay?” Calum asked, and you nodded, smiling. 
Luke still had his arm around your shoulder, and he gave you a concerned smile., “Thanks,” you whispered, and he nodded. You snuggled into his chest, your hand fisting his shirt in the process. His arm curled tighter around you as the car continued smoothly.
“Awww, look she’s all cuddled up into him!” Ashton gushed and immediately the other two cooed, and you smiled into his chest when you felt Luke rest his chin on your head.
“Guys, shut the fuck up, I’m tired and sore and Luke is comfy,” you grumbled, and the other three snickered, “Ashton keep your eyes on the damn road or we’re gonna pull over and I’M not even the one who’s driving.” You could feel Luke’s breath on your head as he giggled. 
A few minutes later, you were already falling asleep as the car coasted towards your destination, and just before you dozed off, you felt Luke kiss your head softly. You hoped no one saw your cheeks turn red, and you could swear you heard Luke sigh in content.
Join the taglist
Requests are open!
@raabiac @vipclifford  @josierosie  @calntynes
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Hi! I'm an 5SOS fan, and I've made a blog, and I'm determined to stay on this blog longer than the others I've had in the past. Who are some of your favorite people to follow?
Hiya my love!! I have so many, here we go;
@heartbreak-5sos they are the best, I love them so much, they are an amazing writer and also very kind and funny 10/10 would recommend 
@cal-pal-cuddles I just adore this blog, actually accidentally named a fic after her URL
@calpops Writes amazing stuff and is a HIGHLY recommended follow
@calntynes Just an all around amazing writer and I love her stuff(also high key inspired me to start writing, okay imma stop being a weirdo now)
@cakesunflower Okay, this blog has ruined my life on multiple occasions, such a talented author and write true pieces of literature!
@moancurly Cause she my boo and her blog is awesome
@scribblesos This blog is the best creative dump ever!!!
@irwinkitten I mean, if you don’t follow her you are thoroughly missing the fuck out
@singt0mecalum Because she will ruin your life in the absolute best possible way with her writing
@calumspeachy Because, because, you just must, its that simple
@foolish5sos all around great blog
@lilacsos She is such an talented writer and artist and is highly under appreciated 
@calsjackets Great blog!! 
@calumisanactualangel If you couldn’t tell already I am a Calum stan and this account KILLS me repeatedly
@dammitbands Reason: Tumblr is pointless without following
@flannelpunkcalum MY LIFE was ended by the blurbs on this blog
@fratcalum I mean the URL says it all, every reason you should
@rosecoloredash is a must
@rip-lukes-balsamic a superb blog that you just have to follow
@roselukes you need this blog blessing your dash
@talkfastcthood i just loves it so much
@uncrownedqueeen You simply must
@pretendtobepunkrock Like, just, YES
@post-traumatic-mess Yes, all I have to say and I think it captures it all
@saintcalum You have to, its such a great blog
@dropdeadcalum This blog caused me to drop dead
@glitterprincelu much talent to be found
@vintagehoods I love with my whole heart
Thats it I believe, if I forgot you, I am so so so sorry, I still love you with my whole heart, there are just so many good blogs!!
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
Broken Lenses Part 5 (Ashton Irwin)
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fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x oc
warnings: Cute Ash moment, you’re welcome
word count: 1.1k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Ashton wasn’t one to check tabloids often, but today one caught his eye. He was on Twitter, replying to tweets from fans when he saw a new trend pop up, this one about his old friend Harry, one of the people who helped launch his career.
Harry stepped out with a mystery girl today in Charleston. Anyone have any pics?
One of the top tweets read.
He was out with All Time Low and their crew for lunch.
Ashton was confused. Why was Harry with Alex and the guys? How did they even know each other? He kept scrolling, finding a picture that made his heart drop. There was Harry, mid-walk, holding hands with the blue haired girl he had bumped into the other day.
Of course, he should have known she would be with someone, or he should have at least asked. Mentally cursing himself, he closed out of Twitter, throwing his phone to the other side of the couch.
Luke looked up from his guitar, casting the drummer a confused glance. “What’s up with you?”
“She has a boyfriend.” Ashton ran a hand through his tangled hair with a groan.
“Who? Camera girl?” Ashton nodded at his friend, who let out a soft laugh.
“And? It’s not like you’ve never caused a relationship to end before.”
“She’s with Harry?”
“Your little brother?”
“No.” Ashton rolled his eyes, “Styles.”
“Oh.” His friend fell silent, fiddling with his instrument for a moment before looking back up at him. “If you really like her, dude, don’t give up.”
“Who said I was going to give up?”
“Your face.” It was Luke’s turn to roll his eyes. Ashton always hated that his bandmates could read him so easily.
“Why don’t you go out there?” The blonde asked him.
“What? Are you crazy?”
“No. Mate, you have the week off. For once in your life, do something spontaneous and go.”
“They’re on tour, Luke-“
“Quit making excuses, Ash.” Luke rolled his eyes. “Just go.”
The day had turned to night, the mood having changed as well. The majority of the evening had consisted of yelling, tears and curse words. After their peaceful lunch, Harry and Iris headed back to the hotel where things took a turn. Harry mentioned something about Iris going radio silent after what happened with her mother, she countered with the fact that he never tried to contact her, and a long fight ensued.
Finally done with the arguing, Iris hoisted her camera bag onto her shoulder and left the hotel. After her mess of a night, she wanted to spend some time doing what she loved.
With her head down, she stepped out of the building, immediately knocking into someone, her bag falling to the floor. “I’m so sorry.” She muttered quietly, looking up to see a familiar man in front of her, illuminated by the moonlight. “Ashton?”
“Iris?” He asked, taking in her appearance. Her hair was thrown up messily, bags sitting under her eyes. “Are you okay?”
“What are you doing here?” She asked, completely avoiding the question. She didn’t want to talk about had happened.
“I have a few days off and Alex said there was an empty bunk on the bus.” He smiled softly. An older woman cleared her throat, catching the attention of the pair, who quickly grabbed their things and moved away from the door. “Where are you off to this late at night?”
“I’m just going to go shoot around.” She shook her camera bag before placing it back on her shoulder.
“Want some company?” He watched as her face twisted for a moment before she nodded.
Twenty minutes later, he had checked into his room for the night and they were on their way out onto the streets of Charleston. Iris has hardly spoken since their initial greeting, and Ashton was more than curious as to what had happened. He decided not to push, though. Instead, he watched as she stopped and snapped pictures of various things they encountered as they walked.
An hour or so had passed before Ashton decided that he needed to say something. “Are you okay, Iris?” He asked as she knelt down, taking a shot of a passing car.
“What?” She paused for a moment before turning to him. “Oh, um yeah.”
“You seemed a little out of it when you knocked into me earlier.”
“It’s nothing.” Iris shrugged. She didn’t want to talk about her relationship drama. Well, could she even call it a relationship? God, this was all so confusing.
“Is it about Harry?”
“What do you mean?” Iris asked the man, who tried to look at anything but her.
“You guys we’re trending on Twitter earlier.” He responded. She mumbled a quick curse before she spoke again.
“Of course.”
“How long have you guys been together?” The words fell out of Ashton’s mouth before he could stop them.
“It’s complicated,” Iris answered with a sigh.
“Want to talk about?” Iris shook her head no.
“I’d rather just keep doing this.” She held up her camera, watching as Ashton nodded slowly.
The early hours of the morning found the pair on the top of the hotel. Ashton leaned on the corner, watching as Iris snapped pictures of the view as the sun was beginning to rise. He let out a muffled yawn, looking down as he shuffled his feet. The shutter of her camera caused him to look up with a tired smile.
“Did you just take a picture of me?” He asked, watching as she nodded with a grin.
“You looked cute.” Her phone rang, interrupting any further conversation. She pulled it and let out a quiet sign before answering. “Hey, Ri. Yeah, I’m around. Why? Oh. I don’t know. It was a lot and I don’t think I’m ready to face him. Yeah, I know. I’m up on the roof with Ashton. Yas, he’s here.” She let out a giggle midway through her conversation and Ashton smiled at the sound. “I don’t know. Yeah, I’ll be down there in a few. Love you too, Ri.” She hung up the phone, finding Ashton watching her. “What?”
“Nothing.” Ashton shook his head with a smile. “Do you have to go?” 
“Yeah, Rian wants to get coffee.” 
“Do you want me to come?” Ashton asked, a quiet, inadvertent yawn escaping his lips.
 “No.” Iris laughed softly, “You should get some sleep. I didn’t mean to keep you up all night.”
“It’s fine.” He let out another yawn. 
“C’mon you dork,” Iris rolled her eyes, grabbing Ashton’s wrist with a smile. “Let’s go.” 
tag list: @damselindistressanu @scribblesos
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lilacsos · 5 years
I was tagged my @iloveluek
L- Let’s Be Young by Picture This
I- In and Out by Blonder
L- Left Alone by Houses
A- Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier
C- Cemetery by COIN
S- Sabotage by Moby Rich
O- one more touch by joan
S- S.T.A.Y by Nightly
I wasn’t sure if there were rules so I just picked songs I really like right now :)
I tag @i-calumhood @scribblesos @rip-lukes-balsamic and anyone else! Including YOU who is reading this
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yeosangscorndog · 5 years
I’ll be posting my first fic/work in two weeks cause I’ve got finals now. In the meantime don’t hesitate to request for blurbs or oneshots! I’d love to write for you 💜💜
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wildflowerhigh · 4 years
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i was tagged by @fullmoonclifford to do this, thank youuu💕
the highlighted ones are the ones I chose,, i love how for half the questions i just chose both lmao
I'm tagging @scribblesos @not-in-the-same-5sos @calum-uncrowned @wildflowerirwin and whoever else wants to do it!
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wildflowerhigh · 4 years
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i got tagged by @not-in-the-same-5sos to do this, thank you, love ya
this is very badly coloured but idc it's the hot takes that matter
I'm tagging @scribblesos @calum-uncrowned @wildflowerirwin @fullmoonclifford and whoever else wants to do this (I'm late to the game so just ignore if you've already done it)
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
Broken Lenses Part 4 (Ashton Irwin)
fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x oc
warnings: Mr. Styles #sorrynotsorry 
word count: 900 (short, oops)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
She was cleaning her lenses when her phone rang. There was still a couple of hours until the show, so she picked it up. “Hello?” She asked as she wedged the phone between her ear and shoulder. The line was silent for a moment before she heard someone speak.
“Iris?” She sucked in a breath. Was the universe trying to get back at her for something she didn’t know she did?
“Harry?” His name left her lips in a whisper. “H-hi.”
“How are you?” He asked her. She set down the lens that was in her hand, moving to sit on the couch. Everyone was in the arena so she had the bus to herself.
“I’m okay.” She answered after a moment of silence.
“I heard about your mum. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.” I breathed out. “What have you been up to since-”
“A lot of writing and performing.” He cut her off before she could finish.
“Oh.” Iris wasn’t sure what came over her as the next sentence slipped out of her mouth. “I miss you.” Harry was silent on the other line for a moment.
“I miss you too.” Iris smiled softly, letting out a hum. “Where are you right now?”
“Dallas. I’m kicking off a new tour today with All Time Low.” Iris said quietly.
“Where will you be tomorrow?”
“Kansas City, then two days in Charleston.”
“Charleston?” She heard him quietly, his accent stronger than it normally would be.
“Do-do you want to come?” She asked, hoping his answer would be yes. They needed to talk.
“Jordan is booking my ticket as we speak,” He laughed softly, making her smile. As much as she wanted to continue talking, she knew she had to get ready for the show.
“Harry, I have to go.”
“Okay, love.”
“Text me your flight info, okay?”
“Okay. Bye Iris.”
“By Harry.” She hung up the phone with a sigh just as Rian was climbing on the bus.
“What’s up?” He asked, looking at Iris as she ran a hand through her hair.
“Harry just called.” Her voice was soft as she spoke. “He’s coming to see me in Charleston.”
“Wait what? He just called? Out of the blue?” Rian took a seat across from her as she nodded.
“That’s- wow.”
“Yep.” Iris nodded. Her phone vibrated on the table and she flipped it over, thinking it was Harry sending him the flight info, but instead it was Ashton.
Hey there, shutterbug
“Shit.” Iris cursed under her breath. She had forgotten about Ashton with everything that had gone on that day. Guiltily, she set her phone face down without responding.
“Harry again?”
“Ashton.” She groaned. “Damnit.” She was just beginning to talk to Ashton and now Harry was making a reappearance in her life?
“Are you getting back with Harry?” Rian questioned.
“I don’t think we ever really broke up.”
Two days later, Iris sat anxiously as she awaited Harry’s arrival. They had decided that he would meet her at the hotel. She had already checked in and gotten their keys, and was now sitting on her bed. She picked at her nails, an old nervous habit of hers. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to see him, but she knew she needed to.
Before she left, she thought she loved him. She didn’t say anything, though, and now almost a year had passed and she wasn’t sure what she felt. She knew she missed him and the way his hair fell in his face when he was reading. She knew she missed the way he played with her hands subconsciously while holding them. She knew she missed the way his breath tickled her neck when they slept next to one another.
A knock on the door startled her. She stood up, smoothing over her outfit as she walked to the door. With a deep breath, she opened the door to reveal the brown-haired man she had been waiting for, a duffle bag in one hand, a leather jacket in the other. She moved to the side, allowing him to enter the room before she shut the door, watching as he moved. He set his bags down slowly, turning to face her with his cheeky smile. She barely had a moment to think before he wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. “I’ve missed you.” He mumbled into her blue hair, making her laugh.
“I missed you, too.” She answered, and she knew she meant it. She felt safe there, wrapped in his arms. They stood in the embrace for a moment before he finally pulled away, looking down into her eyes. Without thinking, she leaned up, placing a slow, soft kiss on his lips.
“Well that’s one way to say hello.” Harry laughed when they parted. A smile spread on Iris’ face. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Her phone went off on the bed, making her smile drop. ‘Please don’t be Ashton,’ she thought as she reached for it, letting out a relieved sigh when she saw it was Rian.
We’re going to lunch. Do you guys want to come?
“Who is it?” Harry asked, opening his bag and beginning to unpack.
“Rian. They’re all heading to lunch and wanted to know if we want to go.” Iris looked up at the man, watching as he shrugged slightly.
“I’m up for it if you are.”
tag list: @damselindistressanu @scribblesos
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
End Up Here Part 3 (Ashton Irwin)
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fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x Harlow Nicks
warnings: none? Idk man
word count: 1.3k+
Part 1 Part 2
I came downstairs a half an hour later, in a new, cuter outfit, to see hear the music playing in the backyard, meaning everyone was here. Mom rushed past me with some food, making me laugh as I followed her. Everyone was spread around the backyard, talking and drinking. 
"Guys, food!" Mom called as she placed the last dish on the table, taking a seat at the head of the table, the rest of us flocking in. I took my usual seat at the middle of the table, Lennon and Jack on each side of me. Alex took a seat across from Lennon, Zack across from Jack. "Hey, Cal!" Len called, catching the brown-haired boy's attention. "Come sit here." She sang, pointing to the seat across from me that Ashton normally sat in. Calum obliged, shooting me a soft smile as he took a seat. My cheeks heated up as I smiled back at him, taking a sip of my wine. Growing up, my mom traveled a lot, one of her favorite places to visit being France. Something she learned while there was that children were allowed to have a glass of wine at dinner, something she found fascinating and quickly adopted. When Lennon and I turned 13, my mom started the same thing with us- with permission from Lennon's father, of course. One thing she loved doing during these dinners was coming up with a theme based on where she had visited. My personal favorite was Spain. Tonight's, however, was Greece. The table was lined with souvlaki, dolmades, moussaka and briam. Dinner was lively, people talking about all that had happened over the last two weeks. I kept sharing glances with Calum, a smile never leaving my face. Everyone seemed happy- well, everyone but Ashton. He sat at the opposite side of the table by his father, not looking up from his plate as he ate. I nudged Len, who looked past me to her brother before shrugging. As dinner wrapped up, I helped mom bring in the dishes before going to meet everyone outside. "Hey, Harlow." Calum sang as he approached. "Can we talk?" I nodded at the boy with a smile, grabbing his hand and leading him over to the stage on the other side of the yard that we used to entertain during the summer. Taking a seat on the edge, I patted the spot next to me for Calum to sit, looking out on the rest of the yard. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked quietly, fiddling with the edge of my shirt. I doubt he wants to- "I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Oh. I was quiet for a moment, watching everyone interact. I locked my gaze with Ashton's, who still seemed unhappy, before looking up at the brown haired boy next to me. His eyes sparkled with hope. "I'd love to, Cal." I smiled at the boy, who grinned in return. "How's tomorrow? 7? I'll pick you up." He said happily. I nodded, leaning over and placing a small kiss on his cheek. "Sounds perfect."
The following afternoon, I began getting ready for my date with the help of Lennon. She picked out my outfit while I showered and got cleaned up. "Your outfit is on the bed." She pointed when I emerged from the bathroom. She had picked out a navy off the shoulder top and ripped jeans, and was currently looking for a pair of shoes. "Am I supposed to wear a bra with this?" I ask Len. "Not if you want to get to second base." She replied with a laugh. "I'm being serious Len." "I am too, Har." She laughed, standing up with a pair of boots in her hand. "Don't wear a bra. Trust me. You'll thank me." I changed into the outfit Lennon chose and finished getting ready. I took a seat in the entryway a few minutes to seven to wait while Lennon went back to her house to wait. 7 came soon after and I sat anxiously. 7:30 came and I sat back. Maybe he was stuck in traffic? 8:30 hit and I was beginning to lose hope. By 9 I had given up, grabbing my bag and heading towards Lennon's place down the street. I rang the doorbell and checked my phone, disappointed that I didn't at least have a text. "Hey Har. That was a quick date-" "What date?" I laughed bitterly, dropping my bag in the foyer before pulling off my shoes. "Are you okay? Did you get amnesia or something?" She asked, making me laugh again. "I wish. All I got was stood up." I said, making my way towards her kitchen to grab some of the emergency ice cream she picked up this morning. "Oh my god, really?" Lennon gasped. "He was so excited though!" "Maybe he was excited to make me look like an idiot." I grabbed two spoons from a drawer as Len discarded the top of the container. "Wow. I'm sorry Har." She said, taking a bite of the ice cream. "It's whatever. Can we just put on a movie or something? I think they just put Greatest Showman on Netflix."
Just as Rewrite the Stars was beginning, the doorbell rang loudly. Lennon let out a groan, getting up and heading to answer the door. "He- what are you doing here?" I heard her ask, prompting me to turn around. In front of her stood Calum, who glanced at me before looking back at her. "I need to talk to Harlow." "You blew it, Cal." She crossed her arms. I stood up and made my way over to them slowly. "It's okay, Len." I said softly to her. She shook her head slowly before taking a few steps away so she wasn't on top of us but was still in earshot. "What do you want, Calum?" "I want to apologize." "For what? Standing me up? Making me feel like an idiot?" I barked. "I wanted to go, Har, I really did but Ashton-" "Ashton what?" "He told me not to go out with you." He answered quietly looking down at his feet. "He what?" "He told all of us. Jack, Zack and Rian, too."  Cal stated. I let out a loud groan, turning to look at Lennon who pointed to the door to the basement. "He's down there." I said a quick goodbye to Calum before storming through the door and down the stairs. Ashton was sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room, strumming his guitar. "Are you fucking serious?" I shouted, catching his attention. "You told Calum not to go out with me?"Ashton raised his eyebrows at my outburst, a smirk falling on his lips. "What makes you think you can control who I date?" "You don't want to go out with Calum." Ashton laughed. "Oh, so now you know what I think?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Please enlighten me." "You're still young. You don't want to have the type of relationship you'd have with him, where you'd have to hide from the media. Trust me, I did you a favor." "No you didn't, Ashton! You have no idea what I want!" I shouted. "Don't try to control my life, Ashton." "I was just-" He started. "No. You can't control my life, Ashton, and that's final."
Se the Kissing Booth similarities? Hehe 
tag list: @damselindistressanu @scribblesos
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
End Up Here Part 1 (5SOS)
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fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x Harlow Nicks
warnings: rude men, talk of porn, so. many. celebrities.
word count: 1.3k+
"Are we going to the show tonight?"
"I don't know Len. We have school in the morning and-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. This is backstage though, Har. And Alex and the guys are supposed to be there."
"And that means I have to go why? You can go yourself."
"Rule 12. I need my sober sister." I looked over at my blue-haired best friend and rolled my eyes.
Years ago, around the age of 11 we, best friends since the age of two, decided to invent our own best friend code. The code, spanning 30 rules and more than 50 subclauses, covered everything from dating to drinking to even a very weird Rumpelstiltskin-esque one. Lennon wasted no time enacting Rule 12- one best friend must stay sober at all times so the other can get home safely- after we added it to the code when we were 15.
I tugged a hand through my dark brown hair as I let out a groan. Out of all of the rules in the code, Lennon always reminded me of 12 and 8- family members are off limits. She was born in Australia and raised in California by her father after her parents divorced, her older brother staying behind with her mom. When we were 12, her brother came to visit, and after a few years of spending the summer here, he decided to move out here full time with his bandmates. And that's who's show Lennon was trying to drag me to.
"I hate you." I groaned, rolling off her bed and heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?"
"To go get ready for this show. I don't want to wear my uniform there." I gestured to our ugly school clothes that I was wearing, making her laugh.
"You know guys like girls in schoolgirl uniforms? There's an entire category about it on por-" She started, but I slipped out of the door before she could finish. I turned to walk away but instead bumped into a solid mass being knocked back a few steps. I looked up, finding the smiling face of Ashton, Lennon's older brother.
There was no denying that he was hot. It was like saying gravity wasn't real. Sure, I had a crush on him for a while, but rule 8 was written into code so I forced the feelings away. Well, I tried. It hadn't really worked.
"What's the rush, Low?" Ashton smirked, his dimples showing. He and my father were the only ones who called me Low, and he knew I didn't like hearing it after my dad passed away the summer I turned 13.
"Your sister started talking about porn so I figured that was my cue to leave."
"Her schoolgirl porn thing again?" He asked, his accent making porn sound even more sexual than it already was.
"How'd you know?"
"She had the same conversation with Alex the other day." He chuckled, shaking his head.
"I don't know how they're in a relationship." I giggled, watching as his dimples became more prominent as he smiled.
"It's the schoolgirl thing-"
"I'm going now," I shook my head, trying to move past him.
"Har," He grabbed my arm, preventing to get more than a foot away from him, "Are you coming to the show tonight?"
"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. "Rule 12." I looked at the boy, whose smile faltered but he nodded.
"I have to go. I need to get ready."
"Why?" His smile returned. "I like the schoolgirl look, too." My cheeks heated up and I turned away from him before he could see.
"Bye Ashton."
"Bye Low." 
Later that evening, I was standing side stage watching the crowd grow inside the Riff, getting ready to see Ashton and his band, 5 Seconds of Summer. Lennon was already off at the bar with her boyfriend, a friend of her brother's by the name of Alex, drinking their first of presumably many drinks as they waited for the show to start. The lights went dim, and I squinted, watching the four guys file onto stage and pick up their instruments. For a few songs, I just stood there and watched, mesmerized by their talent, before deciding to head towards the bar to grab a drink
"Water-" I announced loudly to the bartender who nodded in response.
"Make it a tequila and add it to my tab." A male voice came from behind me. I turned slightly to catch a glimpse of the man, who in the dim lighting looked to be in his mid-20s.
"A water is fine, thank you." I turned back to the bartender, who hurried off to get the drink before the order could be changed again.
"C'mon babe, let loose. Have a drink with me." The man, who was slurring his words slightly, said as he placed his hand on the small of my back.
"No, I'm good." I tried to shove the man's hand away, but he was far stronger than I was.
"Don't babe me." I shoved the man, whose drunken smile had turned into a scowl.
"Listen you bitch-" He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me into him.
"Get off of me!" I shouted as loudly as I could. The drums cut out on the stage, followed by the other instruments and static.
"Get off of her!" Ashton's voice came booming through the speaker. The man pulled me into him as I continued to fight. "I can see you from the stage. Knock it off. Let the girl go." By that time, the man was being off of me by Jack, the owner of the bar and one of my close friends.
"Harlow, get backstage now." He demanded.
With that, I made my way backstage to where most of the band and a few other friends were standing, Ashton, Lennon, and Alex being the only ones not in sight.
"Where's Len? I want to go home." I spit out anxiously, rubbing my arm as I looked around.
"She left with Alex half an hour ago." One of the guys, Rian, answered with a sad smile.
"Oh great. That's just great. We took her car here. Fuck." I muttered, taking a deep breath to keep from freaking out. "I'll just call my mom-" I reached into my bag, pulling out my phone, only to see that it was dead. "Are you fucking serious? Damnit." An arm wrapped around my shoulder, making me flinch as I looked over to see who it was
"Har, it's okay. It's just me." Jack smiled. To the people that knew him, he always seemed like a jokester, never really serious, but with me it was different. We had a strong connection. He was very protective of me, like an older brother would be and I was closer to him than anyone else- besides Lennon, of course. "I can take you home after I close up, if you don't mind waiting around for a while." He gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze, making me grimace.
"I think I just want to go home, Jay," I told him.
"I can take you home." A voice I knew to be Ashton's said. I turned to look at him, seeing his knuckles red with blood.
"You still have the rest of your set to do."
"We were in our last song when everything happened. Besides, I can't really play like this," He wiped his hands on his pants.
"What did you do?"
"Don't worry about it. Let's just get you home."
Part 2
Tag list: @damselindistressanu, @scribblesos
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
End Up Here Part 2 (Ashton Irwin)
Tumblr media
fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x Harlow Nicks
warnings: none? Idk man
word count: 1.3k+
Part 1
We arrived back at Ashton and Lennon's house a half an hour later, Ashton dropping his keys on the kitchen counter.
"Hey, Ashton?" I asked, breaking the silence that had surrounded us the entire ride back.
"Yeah?" He responded, reaching into the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.
"What did you do to your hand?"
"Don't worry about it, Low-"
"Did you hit that guy?"
"I wasn't going to let him get away with harassing a woman, especially not you." Ashton groaned, hitting the counter lightly, causing his hand to start bleeding again. My heart started beating faster. For as long as I had known him, he had never paid much attention to me, other than a bit of teasing here or there. It had never felt like he had cared, but maybe he really did. "You're like a sister to me, Low."
"Oh," I said aloud. I looked Ashton over, taking in his features. His brown hair was messy and greasy from sweat while his face was a light shade of pink, displaying a few small cuts that I hadn't noticed before now. Glancing down at his hands, I saw his cuts beginning to bleed even more, letting out a quiet sigh. "Ash, come on," I grabbed his arm lightly.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you to get cleaned up." I led him to the bathroom, looking for the first aid kit that I knew his dad had hidden in the cabinet like he had in every bathroom.
"I can take care of this myself, you know," Ashton said quietly as I poured some peroxide on a towel, pressing it to his hand lightly. He let out a low hiss, making me smile lightly.
"Consider it a thank you for defending my honor." I looked up at him, only to find him already staring at me with a small smirk. His chocolate colored eyes captured mine, the world seeming to pause for a moment, that is until the faint sound of a door closing on the other side of the house caught our attention. Ashton cleared his throat as I removed the towel, dabbing it around his wounds a few times before wrapping some gauze around his hand. "Uh, there you go," I said quietly, fumbling around with the kit, closing it and putting it back.
"Har? Are you here?" Lennon called from somewhere in the house.
"Yeah-" I called back, making Ashton smile again. "Thanks again, Ashton."
"Anytime, Low." I opened the door of the bathroom to leave, coming face to face with Lennon.
"Hey, how was the-" She started but stopped when she saw her brother. "Uh, what's going on?"
"I was getting harassed at the bar after you left and Ashton took care of it." I said quietly. We both looked at Ashton, who confirmed the story with a nod.
"I'm so sorry I left, Har! I should have been there!"
"It's fine, Len." I smiled. "So where did Alex whisk you off to tonight?" I changed the subject, not really wanting to revisit what had happened again.
"Oh you'll never believe it-" She grinned, looping her arm with mine, dragging me towards the stairs, leaving a chuckling Ashton behind us.
The next morning, Lennon and I sat by the pool, soaking in the sun before our afternoon classes.
My phone buzzed, interrupting the episode of Supernatural I was catching up on, a text popping up.
From: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Hey everyone! Jaclyn from ASB here. Remember to bring your club fundraising ideas for the festival to the meeting after school at 4! Can't wait to hear all of your ideas!
"Hey, Len!" I called to my best friend, who was lounging on a far too large pizza floaty in the pool. "We have that meeting with ASB after school and we still have no ideas for the film club's fundraiser."
"I still say we do the burlesque show," Lennon said, pulling off her sunglasses.
"I don't think that's the kind of thing they're wanting." I laughed, sitting up. "What about like skeeball of the hammer thing?"
"Choir and Drama have those."
"Kissing booth?"
"C'mon Len, that's so cliché." I rolled my eyes.
"What about a date auction? People love that sort of thing."
"A date auction?"
"Yeah. We get a bunch of people from the club to volunteer and basically we auction off dates with them."
"That could be good." I nodded. "It's not as cliché as the last one, and it's pretty unique. Let's do that." Her phone went off on the table next to me, her boyfriend's band's song blasting loudly, signaling that we had to get ready for school.
The afternoon went by quickly, classes going by in a flash and ASB approving our idea for a date auction. Soon, we were back at my house, helping my mom get ready for our bi-weekly dinner party that all of our friends were invited to.
"So-" mom started, catching mine and Lennon's attention as we helped prepare the salad, "How did the meeting go today? What booth did you end up getting?"
"We're actually going to be doing a date auction." Lennon grinned, popping a cherry tomato into her mouth.
"Oh how fun! You know, I did one of those in high school-" My mom smiled, making us groan. "Alright, I'll stop talking about it." She laughed. "So who all is coming tonight?"
"Alex and his band." Lennon grinned.
"I think Ashton's coming with his." I piped in. Lennon turned and eyed me suspiciously before turning back to the tomatoes she was supposed to be cutting, but instead continued to eat.
"I heard from Mikey that Cal wants to ask you out." She said, her mouth full of the red fruit.
"Right." I rolled my eyes.
"Har, he's cute!" Mom squealed. "You should do it!"
"I don't think the best idea for my first date is going out with some rockstar and getting mobbed by paparazzi."
"He's already planned for that, Har. You should do it."
"Okay, I'll say yes if he asks, which I doubt he will." I sighed, putting emphasis on the word if.
"What about your dad, Lee?" Mom changed the subject, referring to Lennon's father George who was her best friend while she was growing up, "Is he coming?"
"I think he'll be here. He just got back from his business trip in Frisco." Lennon nodded. The doorbell rang loudly through the house before the front door opened and closed, Jack entering the house with a box of different bottles of liquor.
"I didn't know the new bar's new location was my kitchen." My mom laughed as he put the box on the island.
"I ordered too much this month so I figured I'd share the wealth." He laughed, grabbing a tomato from Lennon before placing a kiss on the top of my head. "How you feelin', kiddo?"
"I'm good." I shrugged. "I'm over what happened last night if that's what you're asking."
"Just wanted to make sure." He took a seat on one of the stools. "So when are you and Calum going out?"
"Oh my god, how'd you hear?" I let out a groan, causing everyone to laugh.
"He asked what I thought and I said he should do it." Jack shrugged. "I think you'd be cute together."
"Does everyone know?"
"Probably." Lennon and Jack said at the same time. They looked at each other for a moment before high fiving.
"So what are you going to say?"
"I already said I'll say yes." I shrugged. The kitchen was silent for a moment as we finished fixing dinner.
"Okay girls, you can go get changed now." Mom smiled as she wiped her hands on a towel. I looked down at what I was wearing, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, before looking back at her.
"I was just going to wear this?"
"Har, you're getting asked out on your first date today. Is that what you want to remember wearing when you look back at this in 20 years?"
The start of the Disneyland fic 
tag list: @scribblesos @damselindistressanu
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
End Up Here Part 4 (Ashton Irwin
Tumblr media
fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x Harlow Nicks
warnings: none? Idk man
word count: 1.3k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The next morning I made my way into the Lennon's kitchen, pouring myself a cup of coffee. I mindlessly took a seat at the island, scrolling through Twitter as I sipped my drink.
Someone cleared their voice behind me, causing me to jump, spilling some of my coffee on my lap.
"Damnit," I muttered, plopping my phone into the counter, grabbing a paper towel and beginning to dab at the drink stain.
"Sorry," Ashton laughed, "I didn't mean to scare you."
"What do you want?" I groaned, not looking up from the stains I was desperately trying to get rid of.
"Someone's not happy to see me." He smirked, pouring himself his own coffee.
"Why would anyone be happy to see the devil himself?" I shot back, taking a sip of what was left of my drink.
"Ouch," he put his hand on his chest, faking hurt, "that hurts Low. That hurts." Lennon made her way into the kitchen, letting out a yawn as she looked between her brother and I. "What the hell happened to you?" She asked, taking a seat next to me at the island, drinking what was left of my coffee.
"Asshat over there scared me." I mumbled. Lennon let out a little hum in reply as Ashton chuckled quietly into his cup.
"You just haven't had enough caffeine to enjoy the view." He smirked.
"Bite me." I barked.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"In your dreams, Irwin."
"Will you two shut up?" Lennon let out a loud groan. "It's too early for your drama." She made her way over to where her brother was, refilling the glass before taking a long sip. "You guys need to go get ready for brunch at the pier."
"Shit. I thought that was tomorrow."
"Nope." She grinned, heading towards the stairs.
"Okay," I let out a sigh, "I'll just walk back to my-" I was cut off by a loud clap of thunder. "Oh, come on!" I let out a groan as the rain started pouring down. "Len," I turned, only to see she had disappeared up the stairs. "Really?" I rolled my eyes. "Damnit," I muttered under my breath.
"I'll take you home, Low." Ashton set his cup on the counter.
"No." I shook my head.
"You don't want to walk home in this." He crossed his arms. As if on cue, the thunder clapped once again.
"I'd rather walk home in this than be stuck in the same car as you."
"C'mon Low. It's five minutes and then you're home."
"No. And stop calling me that." I climbed off my stool, heading towards the door. I slipped on my shoes before grabbing my bag and opening the door.
"Low, don't-" Ashton started, but I cut him off by slamming the door shut. The end of summer rain was cold as made my way up the street towards my house, soaking me. My hair clung to my face as I walked, the claps of thunder making me jump. I heard a car pull up next to me, the window rolling down. "Harlow, get in the car."
"No." I shook my head, speeding up.
"You're going to get sick if you stay out in the rain. Just get in the damn car." I let out a loud groan, yanking open the car door and climbing in.
"Jesus, Har. What were you thinking?" Ashton asked as he rolled up the window.
"That I didn't want to be in the car with you." I crossed my arms as I sat back. Ashton didn't take his foot off the break, leaving us sitting in the middle of the street for a moment. Ashton finally put the car in drive, moving slowly.
"Why wouldn't you just let me take you home?"
"Because you're an asshole. Because I'm pissed about last night and the fact that you're the reason I got stood up."
"No. I talk, you listen." I barked. "I don't know where you get off telling people that they can't go out with me, but I'm done. I don't want to play whatever game it is that you seem to be playing, and I don't want you butting in on my love life. It's mine and I get to choose who is a part of it, got it?" We pulled up out front of my house and Ashton threw the car in park, staying silent. I rolled my eyes at him, opening the door and climbing out.
"Thanks for the ride," I said before slamming the door and running into the house to get ready.
The pier was silent, the summer storm having moved inland. Lennon and I sat at the table with her father, my mother, Jack, and Ashton, waiting for our food to arrive.
"So how's the date auction planning going, girls?" Len's father, Seth, asked.
"It's going good. We have all of our dates planned and woodshop is building our stage." Lennon smiled.
"Who all is auctioning off dates?" My mom asked, taking a sip of her tea.
"Well, you have Sam, Talia, Hallie, me, Har, and then we convinced Mikey and Luke to do it, too."
"You're doing it, Harlow? I thought you'd want to be more behind the scenes." Jack spoke up, looking over questioningly.
"We were short a girl so I had to. I'm not expecting much, though." I shrugged.
"Well maybe Calum will bid and you'll actually be able to go out on that date you were supposed to." Mom smiled. "What ever happened with that, anyway? Did you ever find out why he didn't show up?" I was silent, looking around before locking eyes with Ashton. He held my gaze for a moment before taking a drink and looking away.
"He had the stomach flu and spent the entire night-" I started, but mom cut me off.
"Say no more, please. Our food is here." She said as the waiters approached our tables, handing out our plates.
tag list: @damselindistressanu @scribblesos 
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
❤️ Compliments!! OMG NIYA I LOVE YOU, okay thats not a compliment but it is the truth!! You are a lovely human and whenever I post I always look forward to your comments and they mean the world to me. You are so beautiful, and kind and loving and I want to give you a hug!
🌈 Color Association! I have done this for you before and you were and still are orange, sunsets and life at the peak of living, of happiness and vibrancy, you are so wonderful like and bright and joyful!
💯 Blog Rates! I am gonna do @scribblesos​ for this one, I hope thats okay!
URL |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10| I really like it, its all cute and accurate, I mean, that is how I write so many of my fics, scribbling them down and later writing them on here.
Icon |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10| It is 100% my mood all the fucking time!
Header |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10| Well, it is accurate, I find it enjoyable though so it is a good creativity dump.
Aesthetic |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10| There isn’t really one 
Overall |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10| My dear, you run a fantastic blog! I love you honey!
✏️ Blurbs!
Hugging Ashton 
I feel like when Ashton hugs he doesn’t do it limply or sadly or stupidly, this boy would grab your wrist and spin you back into his chest, his muscular and tattooed arms wrapping around your waist, rubbing his hand up and down your back as he tucked his face into your neck, inhaling your scent, your scent being the thing that reminds him of home after traveling for so long. Eventually he would reluctantly pull back, his hands falling on your hips and holding you near to him. Kissing your forehead and mumbling “I love you,” against your skin.
800 Follower Celebration
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