#i dont think itll be too bad but making carrds etc will be exhausting so yeah wip
oblivionlotus · 1 year
//okay I've come up with a "blurb" I think is good for my TBA oc. Didn't take as long as I thought. Feel free to leave me feedback or whatever! Here it is:
If there was ever an English word that could describe the thirty-something Captain Hevan Batíste, it would be "bitch". In fact, she has helpfully tattooed that very word on her face in case of any confusion. The reasons behind this being the perfect word for her are long but each of them well-earned.
The irony of it, though. A word often employed by certain folk to describe an infuriating woman, bought and paid for in blood, stamped in ink, and on display as a lifestyle choice rather than a hissed word. The irony that someone like her should be named in a fashion similar to the English word Heaven (though it is not pronounced this way in her mother tongue).
If that alone isn't enough to give an idea of who Captain Hevan Batíste is, then you had better learn quickly; Batíste suffers no fools.
Those who have met her would describe her as being grotesque in appearance, but her behaviour - when she is pleasant - reeks of nobility and even gentleness. Indeed, the prison tattoo upon her face confirms her nobility - only the nobleblood criminals get inked with a black diamond. You feel a sense of confusion about her. In other words, Batíste comes across as a living puzzle.
Those who actually know the woman would say she is tough but always fair - you treat her well, and she will return that. They would warn against testing her and may even exhibit an air of being protective. They know in detail what she is capable of and would say she has more than earned respect.
Those counted as her brothers and sisters within the Cult of Damœ would praise her not only for her faith and her blood offerings, but also for her devout indulgence in representing Damœ's ideals: she is both grotesque and picturesque, kind and wicked, child of snake and child of man.
Unlike most other womenfolk of her home planet, she can hold a decent conversation and will speak to you as an equal. She insists upon that.
Some strangers may wade into a conversation with her with an expectation based on her appearance: she must be crazy, let's see what the crazy woman will say. Yes, Batíste is crazy, but not in the way these people expect. They will leave disappointed and will not be harmed for their assumptions. Batíste prefers they live, forever known as a fool by all who know better.
In public, surrounded by a chosen group of outcasts - the disabled, the ugly, the diseased - Batíste cuts a fine figure. Always dressed well, sporting a fine rapier sword on one hip and a top-gear lazer pistol on the other. In private, when all her fine regalia and weaponry are removed, she appears soft and vulnerable. This impression is aided by the fact that, when at repose, she removes her false mechanical leg. Yet she has slain a few people even in this state.
What is the truth, and what is the illusion? Who is this contradictory woman? Failing all other answers, she is simply, proudly that bitch.
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