#muse tba
oblivionlotus · 1 year
//okay I've come up with a "blurb" I think is good for my TBA oc. Didn't take as long as I thought. Feel free to leave me feedback or whatever! Here it is:
If there was ever an English word that could describe the thirty-something Captain Hevan Batíste, it would be "bitch". In fact, she has helpfully tattooed that very word on her face in case of any confusion. The reasons behind this being the perfect word for her are long but each of them well-earned.
The irony of it, though. A word often employed by certain folk to describe an infuriating woman, bought and paid for in blood, stamped in ink, and on display as a lifestyle choice rather than a hissed word. The irony that someone like her should be named in a fashion similar to the English word Heaven (though it is not pronounced this way in her mother tongue).
If that alone isn't enough to give an idea of who Captain Hevan Batíste is, then you had better learn quickly; Batíste suffers no fools.
Those who have met her would describe her as being grotesque in appearance, but her behaviour - when she is pleasant - reeks of nobility and even gentleness. Indeed, the prison tattoo upon her face confirms her nobility - only the nobleblood criminals get inked with a black diamond. You feel a sense of confusion about her. In other words, Batíste comes across as a living puzzle.
Those who actually know the woman would say she is tough but always fair - you treat her well, and she will return that. They would warn against testing her and may even exhibit an air of being protective. They know in detail what she is capable of and would say she has more than earned respect.
Those counted as her brothers and sisters within the Cult of Damœ would praise her not only for her faith and her blood offerings, but also for her devout indulgence in representing Damœ's ideals: she is both grotesque and picturesque, kind and wicked, child of snake and child of man.
Unlike most other womenfolk of her home planet, she can hold a decent conversation and will speak to you as an equal. She insists upon that.
Some strangers may wade into a conversation with her with an expectation based on her appearance: she must be crazy, let's see what the crazy woman will say. Yes, Batíste is crazy, but not in the way these people expect. They will leave disappointed and will not be harmed for their assumptions. Batíste prefers they live, forever known as a fool by all who know better.
In public, surrounded by a chosen group of outcasts - the disabled, the ugly, the diseased - Batíste cuts a fine figure. Always dressed well, sporting a fine rapier sword on one hip and a top-gear lazer pistol on the other. In private, when all her fine regalia and weaponry are removed, she appears soft and vulnerable. This impression is aided by the fact that, when at repose, she removes her false mechanical leg. Yet she has slain a few people even in this state.
What is the truth, and what is the illusion? Who is this contradictory woman? Failing all other answers, she is simply, proudly that bitch.
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marcescenx-arc · 2 months
Your Tomura is shit. I feel like anyone could write him better. Probs why your friend is adding them to their blog. Why TF would he sleep with Hawks after Hawks killed Twice? Why TF would he kiss Dabi ? Why TF would he care about Izuku? Like. Do you have zero reading skill? Trying to fit in with the cool kids?
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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Hit the LIKE on this post for a short Valentine's themed starter !
I'll work on them during the weekend and post them through next week
Please, specify which muse(s) you want (you can ask for more than one)
Platonic Valentines are very welcome!
We don't need to have an established dynamic, I'm up for fun holiday-themed first meetings
We don't need to have interacted before either, it could be a good way to break the ice
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iedolon · 10 months
small small starter call? for hs aphelios by default if you don’t specify :>
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asinfinitum · 5 months
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"I vote we cancel Xaos for his crimes against humanity."
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starsandpigs · 3 days
me, setting down my homework for a split second when i remember i had the best ship with mabel & jack frost years ago when i first had this blog:
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coreofgold · 4 months
@rainbowmuses for Oz
"Have you ever tried talking to them? Getting your feelings across in a respectful yet firm way?" Niko asks, eating a little bit more of his ramen.
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candyredmusings · 5 months
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Diane McClintock - Bioshock
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leagueofdccm · 3 months
❝ It's been such a long time, Lord Bolton. ❞
sobbing because this takes me back || @boltxnbastard
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" Lord Bolton, my, my, my... you look well ! Fine as ever ! I've miss us. Now, we can focus on what matters truly ! Let's hunt Lord Bolton, together again ! I say we use Reek as our target practice ! "
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aserpent · 8 months
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you make your short king jokes and lucifer will tolerate them but his angelic form is roughly the size of the pyramids of old. big dragon/serpent with big wings, claws, and teeth. he's carrying you in his mouth.
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marcescenx-arc · 3 months
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God BLESS...
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offrozenmemoirs · 7 days
cheating death, anatomy class - ariortos
Uncomfortable Headcanons || Accepting! @allthatisleftinthedark
CHEATING DEATH - what does your muse think about death? are they afraid of it?
-Death is something that fascinates Ariortos, not in a way that he wants to avoid it, but he wants to study the afterlife in some fashion besides talking to reapers...Unfortunately, as a necromancer, if he were to run into a follower of Pharasma, he would be public enemy number one. Though he considers being able to work on dead bodies to reshape them into something else, or combining necromancy with botany to make undead plants a worthy pastime...
In a weird kind of way, he admires Lady Hirume for her blessing of life upon plants.
ANATOMY CLASS - what were your muse’s favorite and least favorite classes in school?
-Ariortos' favorite subjects within school were botany and magical theory. He excelled in them and was recognized with creating a new strain of flayleaf, though it should be noted that smoking it is very ill advised, as it's more akin to being used as a tranquilizer that knocks out chimeras or other large beasts.
His least favorite subject was the history of the Graneayan empire itself. He dislikes the propaganda that's pushed and also hates the sections describing the fate of dragons, to him, it's such a waste of good creatures and for them to end up as decorations for noble houses saddens him. His second least favorite? Theater.
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noctudreams · 9 days
Drew with his gentleman belief of kissing the palm of his partner. Calling them "love" or "rose" or "darling".
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starlitwishes · 1 year
@kabukiccentrics The delay in his reaction made her hesitate herself, concern for the Balladeer swelling inside her. Concern that only grew bigger when he finally was pulled from his shock, but instead of responding… He lunged forward to begin his search anew, only instead of looking for information about the Traveler’s twin, it was for information on his own.
When he quickly gave up and turned to her, angry, accusative, yet desperate, she winced. The accusation was spot on, and she almost stepped back from the force of it, but she resisted the urge and instead stepped towards him.
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Unable to meet his eyes–furious, broken eyes torn between hope and despair, eyes that expressed the vivid humanity within him despite his rejection of it–she bit her lip and aimed her gaze instead at his own trembling lips. “I did know. But I did not keep it from you with the intention of never telling you.”
She swallowed, and she felt more sure of herself with the stabilizing action. “Truthfully, I don’t know where he is,” she answered, briefly meeting his eyes again before letting her gaze drop back down. “I know you want to know–and I would to, but I hadn’t been able to find him yet.”
It was a half truth. She had some leads, but…
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Her reaction was that of the cat that ate the canary--guilty as charged. So she had known, she had kept it a secret from him. Of course she did--and no excuse she gave Scaramouche would be believed.
After all, she hid the truth from him--what else could she be hiding?
"Whoa, wait, what's going on?" Paimon started, looking between them. She was confused and disorientated, just as the Traveler had been. "What happened? What was that memory? Paimon's... Paimon's not sure what's going on anymore--"
The Traveler shook their head, finally free from the dizziness of witnessing the same memory. They looked between Nahida and Scaramouche, the latter's accusatory anger and furious eyes making them tense.
"What's... going on?" They asked, turning to Nahida. "What was all of--"
"--You're a damn liar," Scaramouche interrupted with a sneer. "You know something, don't you?! You've kept this much from me, now answer me! What do you know?! Where is he?!"
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
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You learn throughout the entire game that Ivor values truth and honesty. Something that is real, sincere, and has faith. When this is challenged because of the order, it severely affects his character. It makes him cynical, unempathetic, and extremely defensive. He even goes against his own values ( as seen by tricking Petra ). Eventually, when he sees just the damage he has done and how much it has changed him, he decides that he doesn't need to be this way and reverts back to being a benevolent man. In general, he is an in-depth, morally grey character. Some bits in the expansion pass, and Season 2 Ivor, completely do away with who he is and it's severely disappointing. Even making him comedic relief. Below are some canon divergencies that make my Ivor back to who he is SUPPOSED to be in Season 1, while still including his character development.
When Ivor realizes he can have actual, authentic adventures with Jesse and his gang, his true colors come out. He is an enthusiastic man that is learning to break free of keeping his emotions down, and is super excited at the expansion of knowledge. He is super frantic in a positive way, bouncing and jumping and flailing. I wouldn't be surprised if he experiences stemming when he does this. But irregardless, Ivor isn't fucking stupid. He displays innate intelligence and sophistication in episodes 1-4. He wouldn't toss that aside when things are supposed to be serious. He would know the difference between letting shit go to the wind and allowing himself to go crazy. Because of this, my Ivor does not misuse the dirt blocks or the lava in episode 5. He continues to help them build the bridge as normal, though still continuing to complain about being pushed around.
As stated before, Ivor's personality shines when he realizes he can be free from the Order and do adventures the way he wants them to. But this again, doesn't take away his intelligence. He isn't stupid. He would know better than to let lava flow freely across the ground as a hazard. My Ivor still uses the lava, but he would build a glass barrier first so that the lava doesn't go out and destroy people. If anyone chooses to complain afterwards, he would still get defensive and bash them because he still believes he has freedom to build. If Jesse decides to tear it down anyway, even after he has put up the safety precautions, he will be cynical toward Jesse and see him as someone who doesn't let people express freedom. Basically, "Ivor will remember that." 💀
I'm going to be completely honest. I hated season 2 Ivor. Through and through. Though they did his personality right, I fucking despise the whole ninja bit. I thought it was stupid. They made him into comedic relief and it's severely disappointing. It was funny, don't get me wrong, but I really disapproved. So, that whole ninja shit is NOT GOING TO BE ON MY BLOG. Ninja Ivor never existed. In fact, quite the opposite. Ivor is extremely insightful when it comes to people. He analyzes. He knows. Think about his relationships with people when it comes to the Order! His whole issue is that he couldn't trust them anymore. He was so close to them because he knew them in and out, until he realized who they became. Not to mention, with how cynical he became, I think it would be natural that he knows people. He has a way with his words. And people who have been hurt this way, naturally have an inclination to read people and sweettalk to them.
When Romeo/The Admin came to tell him about this other Jesse, he immediately knew something was off. Even if Jesse chose to destroy his house and Ivor didn't really enjoy Jesse, he would know them well enough to realize that they wouldn't abuse the power like that. Even back when they were fighting the Witherstorm, weapons and tools were utilized for plans only. There wouldn't be any exaggeration or authoritarianism. Ivor would know something is up. But because he is intelligent, he would lead Romeo/The Admin on and pretend to go out to kill Jesse. He would be himself, using potions and enchantments as opposed to his fighting skills. Ivor isn't well-versed in fighting, not like he is brewing. He would stock up on Strength II potions, and Potions of Harming -- he would almost overexert himself, even play with Romeo/The Admin by pretending to be super excited and brewing this like SUPER harming potion that kills someone the moment it splashes on them. But in reality he would give it to Jesse to use on Romeo/The Admin. Though, if Jesse has been poor to Ivor by this point, he would express his hatred doing this for him and how he feels that he doesn't deserve it.
This is very important to my Ivor and his character. Depending on what Jesse tells Gabriel to do when they defeat the Witherstorm depends heavily on the growth of Ivor and the ending of Season 2. It seems that though Ivor will remember what Gabriel says, it doesn't make a huge or massive difference. I am going to make it have a massive difference. If Jesse tells Gabriel to have everyone continue to believe the lies, Ivor will never change. He will remain cynical and defensive. Hard to trust others. Hard to get close to others. The ending scene in Season 2 never happens. He will continue to live in BeaconTown, helping Jesse and Lukas, going out with Petra/Jack/Nurm. He does not want to reconnect with his friends because now to him, they will never change.
If Jesse tells Gabriel to tell the truth, Ivor begins to soften up. He realizes that maybe there can be trust in people again. He wants to search for them and reconnect with them, and thusly the ending scene of Season 2 happens, but in an entirely different way. Ivor comes up to Jesse and expresses that he needs to leave. That ever since he saw Gabriel do the one thing he never thought any of them would do, he has slowly changed. And now he wants to make amends and start to heal the rift between his friends. He slowly loses his defensive nature, and becomes an unbeatable force for good. His grey area disappears.
Jack is super stoked to meet Ivor. Ivor expresses how much he loves meeting his fans. But, Jack expresses his love for Ivor from the old Order of the Stone. I don't believe Ivor would be very excited to see his fans from that era. He would love and accept them just as he says in the game! But, he would express how it's stupid of him to look to the Order because of who they were and what they did. However, if Jesse makes Gabriel admit to their wrongdoings, Ivor will be less resentful of the Order and express his excitement more than expressing Jack's stupidity for believing in the Order.
These are all of the canon divergencies! I hope they make sense to you and I hope you can understand what I did them for! I loved Ivor from the first season and to see him become something like that was really disappointing. If you have any questions, please ask me! Keep in mind I won't change anything about this, but I will help you in plotting the differences with our muses when it comes up!
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coreofgold · 4 months
@lavendaers for Wen
Narrowed eyes observed the jade in his hand. Niko always turns to it when lost in thought. Maybe because it's a comfort to him, something from a past he lost, maybe it's because it's been with him for a while but he always narrows his eyes and feels it in his palm, like a good luck charm. At hearing a voice, he quickly snaps out of it, putting it away. "Yes! I'm, listening. . .now. I was thinking before."
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