#i dont wanna spoil but i was soooo sure i knew who would survive and well..
seashell-telephone · 8 months
just finished the burning god and the end of the poppy war trilogy and… i was so sure i knew what would happen but i did NOT and now im crying… again…
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imthetoxin · 6 years
My thoughts on the season 5 premier. I had to get this out of the way. Ft. a bit of everyone here and there. Again spoilers ahead soooo read at your own risk. Also, feel free to message me if you think i’m wrong about something. As long as it isn’t blatant hate, i’d love to talk about it!
1- I keep reading a lot of Clarke disappointment going around and i’m not saying there are actual posts venting hate towards her, but commentary here and there about the most obvious things. The main one being she gave up on the bunker. 
Nah son, she is not WonderWoman/Super hero here that can lift off all that rubble and debris with her bare hands. On her own. And just because she has one small human child helper doesn’t mean they can lift off the heavy rocks that is locking the bunker. They have no supplies and I doubt Clarke sat down with Raven to learn how to make bombs. Plus more explosion would only cause more rocks to fall ontop so chilllll with that. 
2- She didn’t give up on the bunker even after 6 years. The only difference is, Madi is assuring her which only proves that anytime she tells the story there’s always a bit of worry there. Um, hello, Clarke’s mother is still down there. Also, Clarke knows everyone down there is alive, and Octavia --as assured by Madi who is a huge Octavia fan keeps reminding her. 
I know a lot of people think Madi is Octavia’s number one fan because of their connection of living underground, but I think there’s more than that. I honestly think Madi wants to be as fearless as Octavia. Speaking of which here’s my number 3.
3- --Also, someone please explain to me why everyone assumes that the fight club Octavia is running underground is actually some sort of sick, cannibalistic thing? I refuse to believe that...Someone just message me about this and explain this please. That is if you understand it all by watching a trailer for the next episode. Also, can we just take a moment to applaud Octavia’s character development. She turned her fear-- her nightmare, her weakness (whatever you wanna call it) into her mother fucking strength and turned it into fight club. Need I remind you guys taht she is down there with 13 clans. Ya’ll really think they’re gonna sit idly by, sing kumbaya around the beds and procreate to make a better future for their bloods or whatever? Nah, i’m pretty sure they’re all going to form alliances either with or against Octavia. She cannot remain soft hearted. 
Plus, I can see Octavia walking in Lexa’s shoes right now. After Lexa lost the love of her life, she was devoted to her people, their safety and protection, the ‘blood must have blood’ motto because love is weakness. I don’t think she should get all this hate, in a way it just makes sense. Octavia had only loved Lincoln (as far as we know unless someone came along within the 6 years) but she lost the man she loved. From the beginning she wanted to leave, but all she’s been doing as a child even is fighting-- Fighting her fears, fighting for her brother, fighting with her brother, fighting against the world, all she’s known is fight. Let’s take it easy on Octavia a bit, shall we?
4-- In regards to the radio though, I know a lot of us Bellarke shippers want it to be canon that Clarke has been talking to Bellamy. I think she’s been trying to reach everyone. Not just Bellamy. I mean it would make sense if she was just talking to him, but when you think of it, she doesn’t know if they’re alive. So a signal, any contact from anyone would assure her. Their life was literally in Clarke’s hands. She’s been carrying on that hope for years because she doesn’t want to be the reason why her friends died. She just needs someone to answer her. That is why she also wonders more about her space friends than the bunker because she knew they were protected and that they will find a way to live and survive. She can’t say the same for them in space but she’s keeping that hope. 
5- Lastly but not the least... Not the biggest fan of Becho (bellamy x echo) because I just don’t get them as a romantic ship. I would have honestly understood Braven, but i’m going to assume that they did not want to spoil their mutual respect/friendship and ruin it by crossing over to a romantic ship-- unless it just happens later.  Now, dont’ get me wrong, Bellamy and Echo are both great characters. Although Echo’s morals can be questioned, but i’ve read a lot of posts where everyone’s morals can be questioned so hating Echo would just mean hating everyone else and I get that. But when it comes to Bellamy, i’d understand if he forgave her to the point of trying to work with her, just not to the point of dating her. I guess I just have to see more of it to understand it better ya know. Kind of like watching Murphy grow as a character. 
6- Can we all just appreciate the friendship that has formed though. I mean like I said, the becho romance aside, I like that they’re all together. Monty, Jasper, Harper, Bellamy, Raven, Echo, Murphy, Emori. They grew a lot and I would love to see more of their team work. 
All in all, I think this season we’ll be watching history slowly repeat itself. I mean compare this season to season 1 and two and you’ll see why. My theory is they are going to form alliances with the prisoners that have landed, and yes there will be deaths, but it won’t be as bad. (unless they kill off our favs and leave memori broken up....)
Im just not as disappointed as everyone else has been. They were kids (literally teenage delinquents + Bellamy) and now they’re adults. Let’s see how their decisions affect us now! 
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