#i dont wanna tag this
twobluep · 1 year
art dump
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class-1b-bull · 2 months
Can I ask what 1-B would be like with an S/O who shows their feelings mainly through lots of cooking and feeding?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - anything his s/o makes for him he will eat pretty quickly and then talk about how good it was for 5 minutes lmao. Like you blink and the food is gone. Fucking inhaled that shit.
Sen - he always asks his s/o for little snacks and stuff when he goes training and for similar things. He wont directly say anything specific about the foods but he will silently find ways to thank his s/o
Kamakiri - he wont openly say anything about it but he will point out if his s/o stopped. If they stop cooking for him he will point it out and say he rlly liked the food and they should cook for him more ykyk?
Kuroiro - he wont eat much of anything unless you cooked it at this point lmao. Like he will if he has too but he will always prefer his s/os cooking over anyone elses
Kendo - she loves when her s/o cooks for her and she started asking for them to teach her how to cook the things they've made her so she can return the favor
Kodai - if her s/o has a tendency to give her food as a love language then her love language becomes getting them the ingredients. She likes helping them prepare the foods and such but still lets her s/o do most of the hard stuff.
Komori - every time her s/o brings her food she immediately starts gushing about how good it is and she insists on sharing it with them
Shiozaki - whenever you cook for her she will pack it up and eat it as a mid gardening snack or for her lunch that day at school. Then later she will always make sure to tell her s/o how much she liked it and that they should make it again sometime.
Shishida - hes pretty large and his quirk takes up a lot of his energy so he needs to eat and sleep quite a bit. So if his s/os love language is cooking him things he loves it more than he could show.
Shoda - it dosent matter what it is he will eat his s/os cooking every time without fail and he will quietly thank them every time they make him something.
Pony - shes always so happy when her s/o makes her anything. She will give her s/o the biggest hug and gush about how good the food is <3
Tsubaraba - hes a bit of a picky eater but no matter how bad something his s/o made is he will eat all of it. He dosent have to worry about that though since he likes all of his s/os food
Tetsutetsu - if his s/o makes him something to eat they will be forced to listen to him talk about how manly knowing to cook is for at least five minutes. Every dish his s/o makes is the best dish ever according to Tetsu (and he will make sure everyone nearby knows)
Tokage - she instantly starts to praise her s/o about how good their cooking is while insisting they have some of what they made too. She will share it with them, they dont get a choice.
Manga - manga likes to take the little snacks hos s/o makes him and use what they taste like as inspiration for his next drawing (if that makes sense lmao) every time his s/o cooks him something he draws them something and hides it in their bag or room for them to find <3
Honenuki - he also really loves cooking and his love language is acts of service so whenever he sees you cooking him something he always helps in any way. He will run to the store to get a single spice if his s/o asked
Bondo - its the highlight of his day when his s/o comes to him with some food they made. No matter what his s/o made him he loves it every time.
Monoma - he keeps 'complaining' about how hes trying to stay nimble and thin for the sake of his quirk or whatever but at the same time he always eats everything his s/o makes and he even scolds them for not cooking him stuff in a while lmao.
Reiko - she likes the little snacks her s/o makes over the full course meals. Dont get me wrong she eats it no matter what but she prefers the snack foods to eat so he can share with her s/o while they watch a movie or smthn
Rin - he loves his s/os cooking lmao. He will always ask for little snacks when hes about to study or smthn like that. He insists on helping when they cook as well.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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r4t-g0d · 1 year
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Just a silly lil guy!! Idk why but I really like drawing them and it's much easier to draw it from and odd angle since they're so shapes and I love that!!
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mashmelly · 3 months
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I- this me. I spent the whole night drawing this
Ref undercut
Random and unnecessary information!
I was hearing murder documentaries podcast while drawing this
Anyway, here's the ref 'cuz why not
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buntsukim · 8 days
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theyre both freaky but coals freaky in the sex way and adams freaky in the evil way
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crashkeyes · 2 years
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sometimes you do have to sit down at your computer and draw the dumbest shit imaginable
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high-queen-of-exy · 2 years
So I wanted to do gender/sexuality headcanons cus pride month is almost over
Neil: demisexual, probably either also arospec or homoromantic, but really he's just really into Andrew. Trans because I said so, He/him
Andrew: greyromantic, very gay, he/him
Kevin: bisexual, weird feelings about gender, will not elaborate, genderqueer he/they
Nicky: he's gay, duh, he/him
Allison: transfem, bisexual, she/her
Renee: she/they lesbian
Dan and Matt are both bi because I said so
Aaron: token straight, that is all, he/him
Katelyn: trans women, we love to see it, straight, she/her
Robin: asexual, panromantic, and nonbinary, they/them
And the Trojans
Laila: a lesbian, she/her
Alvarez: pansexual, genderqueer, they/she
Jeremy: bisexual, transmasc, he/him
Jean: unlabeled, likes men, doesn't understand his attraction to women but it's there, he/him
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im so normal. posting proper pics SOME OTHER TIME
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plushii-gutz · 11 months
I hate Fallen Stars /j
Made the hair longer bc someone said he's like a sheep dawg and I liked it
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r0ttingsystem · 5 months
Given up on sleeping
First day of school after winter break in a few hours and we're freaking out
Does anyone wanna talk (we're desperate lmao-)
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di3dtry1ng · 7 months
Japanese: Yasashi Hito Desu
English: He's A Cool Person
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These are the headers for my *NEW* rentry!! (✿◠‿◠)
the filter was made by @normalsolutions, so credit to him!
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wriochilde · 9 months
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kizami in my mspaint.......
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yungfunguss · 1 year
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Oooooowowowowowoow Jamie back with another art post???????
Nina again, she's my blorbo and I love her
For You belongs to @ethaclone, I'm just a fan of his work
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
i think your theory about why huntric is more popular than gustholomule is partially correct but also. a lot of the fandom is teenagers who find 16 year old characters hot but are not attracted to the 12 (or maybe 13 now) year old bc he's too young for them. definitely sus when adults do it though
Yeah, I mean I'm not really interested in discussing the nuances of what teenagers find attractive I'm a grown ass adult and I am not gonna concern myself with whatever the teenage fans are doing or thinking and yeah, there's a lot of teens in the TOH fandom as there should be considering it's a show literally meant for them, but I'm gonna go out on a lim and say most of the prominent artists in the fandom who've been chruning out H*ntric content since Hunter's first face reveal are not teenagers and are in fact the same breed of fangirl that I was hoping and praying would go extinct with the J*hnlocks and the St*reks and the D*stiels and the St*ckys, the ones who always put the two pretty white men together and then gaslit themselves into thinking the show will make the ship canon one day if they just push hard enough and complain loud enough (in the case St*rek i know at least one of them got a woc love interest and you would not believe the vitriol they threw at that poor woman im just glad Willow's animated so there isnt an actress with her own face attached to the character having to deal with harassment).
I've just been in fandom spaces for a very long time and I saw this whole Huntlow anti drama coming a mile away when the first H*ntric ship posts dropped, I didn't know Willow would fall victim to the woc love interest curse but I did know that whatever the show did with Hunter was going to upset a very particular type of fan iykwim 🙄
As for Gustholomule I'm sorry, but idk if im willing to accept their age as the big reason their ship posts get less than a fourth the notes that H*ntric does, I mean look at the Supersons ship those two are even younger than Gustholomule and they've got a giant fanbase. I think there's a reason why the ship with two brown boys gets a hundred notes per fanart and the one with two white twinks gets ten thousand but thats none of my business i guess 🫖🤷‍♀️
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fuzzytrashbird · 1 year
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hi ok so if you’ve known me for a while (especially from a few specific discord art servers) you might recognize this character
her name is Ceres, i made her in arouuund 2019? and she was named by someone in a server. since the first concept, she’s gone through many redesigns and many story rewrites, which you can read a bit about below
you may be looking at this and thinking “mel. her face is covered in all of these. why is that?” or you’re not thinking that which is also valid. either way, that’s why i’m here right now talking about her. Ceres, being one of my personal favorites of my OCs, has had her face hidden since initial development because i HAD planned to do a visual novel with her where her face was revealed and it was this whole major thing. frankly? don’t remember most of the details now. 
her whole story then was that she didn’t really have any memories from before she was 15, she was just lost and taken in by a witch who was like “this child is mine now” (probably should’ve reported a lost teen in the forest with amnesia to authorities but oh well!) and she happily lived with this witch and the witch’s daughter until she accidentally got the witch killed via potion gone wrong and ran away from home because she couldn’t face her mistakes. 
THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!!! (not by a lot though) the amnesia is still a thing, she still gets adopted by a witch who REALLY should’ve thought more about taking in a random teen in the forest, and she is there when the witch is murdered. She also runs away from home, as she blames herself for the murder of the witch because of one TINY thing she did. 
long story short, Ceres jokes about thinking Eleanor, the witch, is an immortal being while in the village near the forest chatting with a local, as it didn’t seem Eleanor had aged since taking Ceres in years ago. this offhand comment sparked rumors throughout the village that managed to make their way to nearby villages and hit the wrong set(s) of ears. this, over time, leads to Ceres being informed Eleanor is in fact not human, and a certain man deciding to attempt (and succeed? at) murdering the ‘immortal’ being in the woods.  Ceres accidentally reveals Eleanor is, in fact, more than human, when said man was asking her prying questions and she gets nervous enough to make things obvious. upon watching the man murder Eleanor, Ceres runs away from the home, though not very far, as she doesn’t really know the world outside of the forest and village.  All of this led to Ceres wearing the veil thing over her face in hopes of hiding from Eleanor’s daughter, Bianca, as she feared Bianca blamed her for Eleanor’s death. Bianca didn’t blame her for anything, but she was still scared. 
but that’s stupid? or at least i think it is. so!!! i’m no longer hiding her face lol honestly don’t know why i did hide it initially like what was the point but here she is!!! i love her and i think she’s so pretty so i was always like why did i hide her face waaaahhh 
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my beloved forest witch <3 
also sorry about being ramble-y its 3 AM i’m in pain from a headache and back issues and i’m veeeery tired but i wanted to post this LOL 
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