#i dont want drama i want funky lesbians doing cool shit having a good time
i love all the happy gay shows that are coming out (pun intended) recently, but when are we gonna get lesbians? and not as side characters to the gay shows?
I want middle aged women just living their best life and falling in love in some fantasy show about pirates or dragons or sth
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liathgray · 4 years
Ranking fmab characters worst to best
(Please don’t take this seriously)
1. Khymbleigh
- Lives in the sewers
- Committed mass murder
- Has a silly idiot hat
- Called me a dyke :(
2. Shou Tucker
- fuck this guy.
- Electric chair
- Also hes balding what a loser
3. Dwarf in the Bong
- mike wazoski lookin ass
- Literally the greasiest motherfucker on the planet
- Was one of the only characters introduced by NOT beating up Ed or Al..??
- Smells like rotten cabbage
4. Moy Rustang
- Incel
- Has stupid hair
- War criminal
- Teen dad
- Canon fat tits
- Useless🥰
5. Envy
- a bitch
6. Whorehenheim
- deadbeat
- Has never taken a shower in his life
- Only wears glasses because he thinks its quirky and cute
- Took the fattest bong rip of all time
- Also killed thousands
7. Tim Marcoh
- doctor and deserted the military
- honestly pretty chill
- But his name is Tim so... *cocks gun*
8. Bradley
- :/
- Killed a lesbian and thus is homophobic
- He wears an eyepatch despite having both eyes.
9. Elicia and Gracia Hughes
- tax evaders
10. Jean Havoc
- cool dude
- Cohntry boyy i luv youuu
- Did not look respectfully
- Smokes. Must be executed
11. Gluttony, pride and Sloth
- assholes but also what the fuck
- This boy like 10
- Wheres his babysitter
- fast????????
12. Armstrong
- his arms are strong
- Lil bitch
- Got his ass beat my his hot lesbian sister
13. Lust
- is sexy
- Murderer :(
- Big tibbies so she gets extra points
- She was just checking if roy and havoc were cake
14. Scar’s brother
- Truth took his cock.
15. Truth
- took Scar’s brother’s cock
16. Barry the chopper & the slicer
- criminals
- Almost killed Ed and Al
- Kinda sexy tho 😳
17. Greed (OG)
- greasy garbage man
- Got cucked after two eps
- Has dumb hair
- Was funny
18. Yoki
- He yo the ki or whatever
- I dont remember him
19. Fu and Lan Fan
- Legs for days!!!
- Breaking and entering
- Lan fan smugly cutting off her arm and saying “I beat you” awakened something in me
- Fu got shanked :(
20. Rose Thomas
- Maybe im gay. What of it?
- Almost shot Ed lmaooo
- Probably owns a ukulele
- Local
21. Greed 2.0
- stupid
- Beats the fuck out of Bradley
- Might’ve eaten dirt
- Went camping for five months instead of being helpful
- Aphobe :/
22. Ling
- freeloader
- Diabetic??????
- Smells like broke
- Gay little bitch boy
23. Sheska
- haha nerd
- I’m in love with you
- Was only in two episodes :(
24. Captain Buccaneer
- Off his shits always
- Took ten years to die lmfaooo
- MLM but a gatekeeper
25. Major Miles
- His facial hair is atrocious
- Otherwise? King
- Sunglasses indoors... ur on thin ice
- Turn around bright eyes...
26. Father Cornello
- So theres this middle aged man...
- Won the sexiest character poll on twitter
- Re🤢🤢 l🤢🤢. r-r-religous🤢🤢🤢c-cor🤮🤮 religious corruption
- Got gunched lol
26. Kain Fuery
- Has watched pulp fiction
- Haha glasses
- Probably volunteers at a animal shelter
27. Vato falman
- Skinny legend
- Genuinely cool and has development at briggs
- Go white boy go
28. Heymans Breda
- Has a moped
- Could crush my spine but wouldnt ❤️
- Crew cut 🤢🤢
29. Xiao Mei
- small and filled with rage
- Has good taste
- Gunch??????
- Literally so small please be careful
30. Gay chimeras
- cottagecore
31. Pinako Rockbell
- has been high off her ass for the past three years
- Sultry doctor who lives in a faraway town 😳😳😳 hello ma’am 😳
- Hair is definitely a weapon. Shits pointy
- Home wrecker
32. Sig
- wide
- Very wide
- Kiss kiss
- Only eats potatoes
33. Riza Hawkeye
- big arms big arms big arms biG ARMS BIG ARMS
- Would kill roy on sight
- she should kiss me
- rn
34. Maes Hughes
- had a band in highschool named frog soda or some shit like that
- Pretty cool! Nice to ed and al and winry
- Good dad
- Dead lol
35. Olivier Armstrong
- goth gf
- Sword.... sword hot.....
- Killed a dude for being annoying and I respect that
- Snorts snow and says its coke to freak people out
- Gay ass....
36. Ed Elric
- ok gay boy
- Makes everyones life hell. Good for him
- I’d steal his lunch money
- No tiddies?
- :/
- Short king
37. Maria Ross and Denny Brosh
- wlw mlm solidarity
- maria ... hold my h-hand...
- literally had nothing to do with this but got McFcuked anyways
38. Scar
- acab
- Was right
- Dilf
39. Al Elric
- likes cats so he’s automatically superior
- Malnourished 😔✌️
- Cha cha slide in full armour
- Mean but only to Ed ❤️
- I love when he *king noises*
40. Izumi Curtis
- kiss me sexy woman
- Stole from briggs because fuck the military
- .. m...milf..
41. Paninya
- fucking superb you funky little lesbian
42. Winry Rockbell
- NERD!!! NERD !!
- Curb stomps her enemies
- Acab but also stole Riza’s look so 😳
- Is she.. u kno💅
43. Mei Chang
- her life is a YA drama
- gained a dad by being perfect
- bullies Ed
- is better than everyone
And finally..... the best character in fmab...
Resurrected Trisha
- 😳😳😳
- Yes i do the cookin yes i do the cleanin
- 😩😩😩
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