#i dont want to be stuck in an echo chamber its not good for the mind
oifaaa · 1 year
You have the best opinions about anything DC. Never let anyone tell you otherwise 😀
This just reminds me that I have an ask from a wee while ago asking about unpopular opinions I have that I never answered bc I wasn't in the mood to but I might go find it now just so people are reminded that I too have shite opinions
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royposting · 2 years
Terf idealogies line up more and more with right wing idealogy. Repression of sexual thoughts, refusual to respect others identities. The only difference is you hate men instead of hating women. You scapegoat men for most probems in your life the same way republicans will scapegoat immigrants, queer people or the like. Ive looked into radical "feminism" before and its not something i believe truly helps anybody. To see other queer people follow the idealogy makes it feel like "look at me, I'm a good one!".
And yeah i need to stop doomscrolling when i get that urge, it happens only once a month, but at the same time it opens me up to other opinions like yours.
hi again,
first of all, id prefer if you didnt call me slurs. if you identify with a slur and want to call yourself that, i cant stop you, but i dont want to be called a word that means strange or odd when referring to my homosexuality.
secondly, its quite hard to understand what you mean. id like to understand how you mean it when youre comparing mens hatred of women to feminists blaming men for their oppression - from my POV, it seems similar to how white people structurally oppress people of colour, or how heterosexuals oppress same sex attracted people. men do oppress women, and sexism is very much a real thing - if we dont agree on that basic point, its very difficult to try to explain.
if youre open for discussion, id like to ask you - what is your particular definition of ”terf ideology”? its difficult for me to explain my views if i dont know what you percieve them to be, so to speak. very commonly, those who have the kneejerk reaction to hate us have no clue what we actually believe in.
id also like to see specific examples of radical feminists ”repressing sexual thoughts”, as i havent heard about that before. id also love to hear your definition of a right wing ideology - from your messages, it seems you define it as pointing out a structural oppressor, but i think you would agree that its not extreme right wing for people of colour to point out white people as oppressors, or same sex attracted people to point out heterosexuals. what is different in women pointing out men as their oppressors, and working together to liberate themselves and each other?
as for the doomscrolling, i think its certainly healthy to expose yourself to different opinions now and then to prevent being stuck in an echo chamber, but i also think it should be fun and engaging to do so. if it makes you upset or affects your mental health, you should probably try limiting it as much as you can.
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vcyongtae · 3 years
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why hello there folks it’s ya girl gemma && im so excited to be here !! with me today is grumpy gramps, mr moon yongtae, who’s been chillin in agdoeg since like basically the stone age :~) there’s some sparknotes of him under the cut if ud like to read, and pls pls pls go ahead and like this post and ull find a wild gemma creepin into ur dms ;~) also my discord is gemma#8039 so pls dont hesitate to ✨ call me beep me if u wanna reach me ✨
again, it’s a pleasure to be here and im so excited to write w each and every one of u !!
inspired by norman bates ( bates motel ) && dr jekyll & mr hyde
mom && dad are both dragons so he’s pure dragon blood, born in agdoeg in 1871
he is Omega rich bc he was alrd sitting on old money in 1871, so u can imagine how old this money is in 2021 lol$$$
his dad died when he was like .2 years old from gang activities ( his dad was heavily involved in the jeup clan ) so he basically has never met the man
mom is a socialite and she only ever wanted a family unit bc it would look good for her ✨ image ✨ so she kinda lost it w having been widowed and left w a dumbass kid who she has -2 idea what to do with
as a cute lil cherry on top, yongtae has some Extreme anger issues as a kid and a lot of it has to do w this weird aspect of his dragon power where he can morph like isolated parts of his body into a half-dragon half-human form ( it’s actually p neat cause he can tap into his dragon powers as a “human” )
this form is v heavily influenced by his anger ( like if he lost control of his anger the shifting quite literally goes haywire and its diff parts of his body constantly shifting and going back to normal, like the kid is straight up short-circuiting ) && when mom saw that she basically said Yuck go outside until u get urself tgt
whenever yongtae misbehaves, she just screams at and insults him rather than idk talking to her son and finding out whats wrong but what do i know right :~) when he does behave tho, she’s super nice and loving so i guess u could say it was just a lil confusing for a kid 
eventually develops the oedipus complex w his mom bc his mom constantly compares him to his Perfect Dad ( eg why are u such a shitty replacement, where is the food i ordered ?? ) so he feels like hes competing w a dead man for his mom’s love n affection, and when he does get it its a sickening positive feedback loop
mom is obsessed w maintaining her image and for that to happen, yongtae rlly needs to Not and learn to behave, so hes spent a lot of years w repressed emotions and he’s basically filled w a lot of self-loathing espc when he fails to rein in his anger && as an extension he also grows v v v disgusted at his half-human half-dragon shifting courtesy of his mom :~)))))
fast forward to early 1900s and yongtae has basically fully replaced his dad ( even picks up his dad’s gang activities ) and his mom is legit patting herself on the back, but he is still yongtae and his anger is still a part of him, so he does eventually snap a lil in public and mom goes back to screaming at him, comparing him to his dad ( who by this time, he truly hates && is just a quick trigger for his anger rlly )
yeah i hate to tell it to ya chief but he kills his mom in anger 😬 he also conveniently represses that traumatic event so if u ask him now he has no idea what happened to his mom, but the cops say its suicide ( bear in mind it’s the 1900s so sexism is at an All Time High && they have 0 forensics tech )
ALSO interestingly the cops are like yeah it makes sense that she killed herself cause she was kinda known to be volatile which is just so surprisingly to yongtae bc ?? mom has always valued composure so he just alw saw her as someone whos so composed but that’s the thing abt abuse !! you get stuck in this echo chamber and ur reality is so, so different from the true reality
… yeah so moving on yongtae has kinda just been floating around since the 1900s doing everything in his power to honour his mom’s wishes, which includes Fully repressing his anger etc ( but he does for sure take it out on like people he has to kill/confront/threaten as a capo so hes gotten A Lot more involved in gang activities since then )
but yes his day job is being a major shareholder ( like 5-15% per company ) in a lot of large tech and oil companies, he sits on the board of directors for a few of them to basically just give his vote y/n for wtv changes they wish to implement but thats it, most of his time is taken up by his hobbies n buttering up to high society n his capo duties
…aaand here’s some potential plots!!
night bloods members: yongtae is a huge family man and ever since losing his mother, he’s latched on to the gang as though it’s his new family !! even tho he’s a capo, he doesn’t think of his soldiers as expendable and he truly feels every loss. he has a deep respect and loyalty towards the gang, and he’s hella devoted !! so yeah any night bloods members pls hmu yongtae is HERE FOR U
members of high society: yongtae is heavily engrained in high society, just as his mother had always wanted him to be. he’s v v introverted and known to be a bit of a recluse, but i think it’d be cool for him to actually enjoy the company of some of the people he meets from there !!
members of other gangs: bc of his loyalty for night bloods, he is obv v against other gangs and he thinks of them as the Devil. i’d love to see some animosity between him and members of ivory lotus / howlers ( the ones that’s somehow revealed to him / he found out belongs to opposing gangs ) !!
relatives: honestly anyone w dragon blood im sure yongtae’s parents had siblings maybe they could be ur muses’ grandparents or smth HAHA
flings: yongtae is a bit of a recluse and he also isn’t the type to sleep around but honestly he’s like 150 y/o dude im sure he’s had a one night stand or 2 ( also sadly hes straight so females only for this !! )
his dad’s murderer: this person would have to be 170 y/o+ and not from night bloods but yeah his dad died from gang related activities so maybe ur muse could’ve killed him somehow ?? this person would hella be his archnemesis && it’s a weird feeling of both hatred bc his life could’ve been so good if his dad were alive, but also a lil jealousy bc he hates his dad so it’s hella conflicting
this is all i can think of for now but i am more than down to brainstorm !! again, if u wanna plot pls hit that LIKE button && i will turn up into ur dms !! am beggin at this point huhu :~)
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
I see what you mean! Also the image of Curufin specifically being humiliate/paraded is very evocative! I guess I want 2 know if there are ever times when maedhros tells nolo/fingon+curufin to do something and curufin tries to refuse/slack off bc *he* feels humiliated by it and fingon/nolo are just like 'shut up and go along with it, itll be over faster/don't get me in trouble too'? i imagine they were much gentler towards their own family ofc but fingon seems to (rightfully) hate curufin. is nol
*nolo ever like 'curufin you literally used to do this all the time--don't you remember how much all of you relished in punishing 'disobedience''? it just seems like a fascinating power dynamic where ostensibly curufin, nolo, and fingon (and tyelpe later) are on the same 'level' but they dont actually all like or trust or work together and maedhros does treat them differently (he seems more affectionate with fingon?). so them interacting alone or while with mae is so interesting bc they are cons
*constantly scheming to try and make things better for themselves or at least Not Worse but totally could fuck it up for each other. i also wonder if nolo/fingon are gentler with celebrimbor once he finally comes of age and joins them? do they like...tell him what to expect when he's afraid of it happening in the future, or give him any adivce, or comfort him when it does happen? does curufin do that either or does he just refuse to think abt it? i cant iamgine nolo/finno being mean to tyelpe
wondering eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other. does curufin actually do it well? does he do a good job? does fingon? obviously neither want to touch each other, but if its nolo+fingon they have an incentive to cooperate just to make it easier on each other. do curufin & fingon actually work towards this? does fingon do a decent job bc he knows there will be consequences? what would punishment actually be if there would be any?
also i have to say its darkly ironic that being so 'low' spares fingon & nolo some very poignant humiliation that maedhros inflicts on curufin. do they still get ordered to do things to each other at parties or was that just something the feanorions did as teenagers & maedhros has 'grown out of'? (also do nolo/fingon ever get to write letters to turgon&aredhel? would they get a chance to see them if they visited? do t&a ever try to rescue them? would they rescue curufin/tyelpe too?)
There are definitely times when Curufin refuses to do things, but Nolo and Fingon would rather get it over with. Maedhros doesn’t call them all to his chamber that often, but when he does it’s for something elaborate. Also, Maglor has permission/access to them as well, and once he gets over it being weird to fuck his (former) brother, he’s going to want full on erotic plays. Curufin has been “broken in” enough that he no longer tries to run or attack, but he still has his pride. He mostly realizes that he has to obey orders for outright sex acts, but if he feels like he’s the butt of a joke, he’ll just stand there. Or sometimes if a chore is particularly humiliating, he’ll also refuse to do it, even if it’s moving something heavy that really needs multiple people.
When Curufin’s being uncooperative, Nolo will try to reason with him. “There’s only two ways this is going to end. You do it now; or you stubbornly refuse to until they punish you and then you do it. I know it’s unpleasant, but there’s no way around it.”
Fingon, by contrast, doesn’t expect reasoning with Curufin to work. If Curufin’s the only one who will get punished, Fingon leaves him to it. If not, Fingon will try to physically force him to go along. Maglor’s script calls for Curufin to crawl on his knees; Fingon trips him. Maedhros wants them all to leave their robes in their room and come to him naked on the balcony, so there’s nothing to worry about getting blown away; Fingon grabs Curufin’s hand after his bath and starts walking. It turns into a physical fight once or twice, until Maedhros makes it clear he’s far too busy to deal with them fighting, and next time anyone is punched, both of them (or perhaps even all four) will be whipped. After that, they’re both careful to keep it to plausibly deniable “bumping into each other”.
When Curufin actually disobeys in front of Maedhros, there’s really nothing Nolo or Fingon can do.
Fun fact: Since Curufin is locked up in Maedhros’s bedroom for a week straight, it falls to Nolo and Fingon to look after Celebrimbor. He’s a terrified thirteen year old who just had his entire life upended, so they both have a lot of sympathy for him. (And he never hurt them, as that was a sexual privilege reserved for adults.) They teach him how to do the tedious chores, and where lunch is served for all the servants, and where extra cleaning supplies are kept if you run out of rags halfway through polishing the mirrors. They also explain how he’ll be expected to behave, and make sure to quickly greet any nobles they see in their work so that Celebrimbor can echo their response.
They don’t really know how to comfort Celebrimbor - him “losing” all his uncles, who he actually liked, is different than it was for Fingon - but they try. Nolo reassures Celebrimbor that Curufin will be back soon, after a few days he’ll be trusted enough to be out Maedhros’s direct sight, and Curufin was not seriously injured last time Nolo saw him. Fingon assures Celebrimbor that your father being trained to be a sex slave doesn’t actually mean he’ll stop loving you or wanting to hang out with you, though of course Curufin and Celebrimbor will have far less free time than they did before.
When Curufin here’s about this he’s furious. (This scene takes place with Curufin chained to a wall in the Servant Nolofinweans’ quarters, because that’s where  Maedhros put him for the night.)
Curufin: “Get away from my son! I won’t have you perverts corrupting him.”
Nolo: “What have we done that’s so perverse? All I’ve taught Celebrimbor is some useful cleaning tips.”
Curufin: “You’ve fucked your own brother, and your children! Fingon rode his brother’s cock in front of half the court, and your daughter spends most of her time in the palace naked and covered in seed.”
Nolo is not going to punch someone who is tied up and unable to punch back. At least, not unless directly ordered to. “You were often the one who ordered such, and yet you think yourself above us?”
Curufin: “I’ve ordered mules to carry things, and I’m above them too.”
Nolo: “You’re one to talk, with how you were gagging for Maedhros an hour ago.”
Curufin: “That’s different! He forced me to do it, you walked in there on your own two feet.”
Nolo: “I walked in because I knew I’d be dragged otherwise. I desire it less than you do.”
So yeah, they’re not exactly friends. Also, Fingon locked Celebrimbor in Aredhel’s old bedroom (with himself outside the door) when the argument started, to shield him from Curufin’s anger and humiliation. Hell get to talk to Curufin once Curufin is no longer talking about sex though.
eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to  save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other.
First off: Curufin is still definitely attracted to Fingon and Nolo. He resents being told what to do, but if ordered to fuck or touch one of them he will take the excuse to get his hands all over them. He probably still won’t do a useful job though - more of playing with Fingon’s nipples or cock with one hand, while one finger of the other is in Fingon’s ass so Fingon can’t pull away. Fingon considers prer to be defined as stretching and lubing Curufin enough that Maedhros will enjoy sticking his cock in, with Curufin in little enough pain that he can come if Maedhros tries for that. So Fingon just goes with three fingers from the start, and uses Curufin’s moment of surprise to reach back and prep himself a bit better. Sure, Curufin would be punished for doing a bad job, but Fingon would be stuck with inadequate prep.
Fingon doesn’t push Curufin away because Maedhros could be back at any moment, and he ordered them to prep each other rather than themselves. (Maedhros finds the thought of his sex slaves “playing with” each other very arousing, even though he knows it’s just a show for him.)
Maedhros goes for the thematic/ironic punishments. The next night, Maedhros orders Fingon to prep Curufin as badly as he was prepped, and then puts a giant dildo in Curufin. He can take it out when he comes, and he’s not allowed to touch his cock.
That’s assuming that Curufin’s bad prep “just” caused pain or injury to Fingon. If Curufin actually did such a bad job prepping Fingon that Maedhros had to wait, or felt pain, that would be terrible. Maedhros would beat him with a crop, and then chain Curufin’s hands behind his back - if he’s not going to use them as ordered, he doesn’t need them. If Curufin apologized very, very well the next night, Maedhros might unchain his hands before putting the dildo in.
(Fingon’s prep of Curufin is judged as adequate, especially if he touches Curufin’s cock enough to get it hard before Maedhros gets back. Fingon knows what his “audience” wants.)
Getting ordered to do things to each other at parties is mostly something Maedhros “grew out of”. He’s king now, and has a whole lot more power than just making “low” people fuck on his command. Possibly Maglor still orders it though. And Maedhros does like private shows, he just doesn’t need a big audience for his sex salves fucking each other.
I don’t think Maedhros would allow Nolo and Fingon to write letters back and forth with Turgon and Aredhel - too easy to plan an escape, even if Maedhros reads the letters too. He’d probably allow one way communication though.  Tugon and Aredhel can write letters to their family that will be read by a guard, but will reach their destination. Maedhros will occasionally have Nolo or Fingon attend him at court (clothed) so that everyone can see their subservience, and Turgon and Aredhel can know they’re still alive.
They would be standing beside Maedhros’ throne, fetching notes he left in his room, or a drink of water, or his lunch; wiping up any spills immediately, whether on the throne or the floor or Maedhros’s robes. Occasionally holding a book or similar where Maedhros can see it, without wrinkling his robe by setting it in his lap. After a year or so, Maedhros has Curufin attend him as well - in a beautiful gag the first couple times, just in case.
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pearlplusau · 5 years
Chapter 5- The insertion (Part 1)
Decades passed in the home world galaxy, everything was different now, as the planet slowly ripped in half, the anguish of the three diamonds remains unscathed and permanent as the infinite suns.
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After the incident, White Diamond isolated herself in her giant head ship all day, carrying out duties through simple mind control and formal messages to the higher ranked gems in her court, never needing to leave, never needing to see the empty palace of her starlight or the absent of the pink ship.
Blue Diamond wept, she wept day in, day out, as her only companion to feel happy together was lost and never would she returned. She suffered greatly from losing her, the sadness got so out of hand, under her eyes were dark bags as if they came to warn her about her powers draining her life force. Every now and then, she would visit Pinks sacred planets or the Human zoo, just to mourn for her, just to be reminded how she didn’t help as much as she should, just to feel what was left of her.
Yellow Diamond showed no more than what she already feels, anger. she would be in her chambers, attempting some long forgotten experiments of retrieved gem shards from the battle on Earth. Could she recognize her own soldiers from the rebels? No, it was impossible to distinguish gems by their shards, so she decided to continue the experiment. as she examines the various shards scattered on the counter,she thought of a plan . “If I can’t make a colony out of that hideous rock, then it looks like I’ll have to destroy it. White may have yet to approve my idea, but her refusal of talking anything regarding Pink won’t stop me from wiping that planet out of existence,” she thought as bitterness and anger fueled her, but she knew she was just as heartbroken as Blue, she just couldn’t show it.
She wiped off something from her eye and called out, “Pearl!”
The yellow pearl peeked out behind the counter with her arms in salute, “Yes my Diamond?”
“I want you to seek out the Inordinate one, and get her here immediately, I have a very important mission for her.”
“Yes,right away my Diamond!” Pearl bowed and left the room.
 Back on Earth,
The remains of a war was mostly scattered about, there abandon weapons, obilerated lands, and broken space ships here and there, but no gem shards were shining in the dusty bright dessert, and no real sign of battles can be seen.
A corrupted giant yam monster, the size of a giant boulder was rolling away into an abondoned kindergarden. The Crystal gems, which consisted of Garnet, Pearl and Coral panted as they chased the monster for the whole day, but it was too fast for them.
"Not that i know of, but we need a break, i dont think Coral here can withstand another hit from the monster." She pointed to the aformentioned gem as she looks like shes gonna collapsed at any moment.
Pearl was the first to recover herself and started, "That’s the third time this week it got away! Garnet! Can you see if we're able to take care of it?"
The fusion, paused and go through the multiple outcomes of the situation, but none shows a newly bubbled gem in her room.
The pink pearl was panting and wheezing as she was rather in low health, but she held her head up and assured the two gems that she's fine.
"Really! I'm fine! Let's keep goin-" She almost finished her sentence before collapsing.
Before she went unconcious, she heard Pearl mumbling and complaining, "I knew it was a bad idea! Why was she so insisting on coming along? She was the one that lost track and couldn’t keep a stable stance with it!”
“Pearl,” Garnet said, “You can’t blame her for the inevitable, besides, Rose needed sometime alone and she was the one that suggested we do it together since we can’t all just swing a sword and poof them in an instant! At least she’s trying her best.”
Pearl responded the fusion, “Well maybe, her best just isn’t-”
Coral passed out before she could comprehend her last words, and drifted into some sort of realm of the past, or rather, somewhere that’s so familiar but yet still the same.
She was standing in a dark room, but was suddenly lit up bright, she found that she was in White’s Head ship with her heels up in the air, her arms stiff and stuck in an unsual pose, and she was…greyscaled? Before her stood White Diamond herself, she looked pleased of what she’d just done.
‘Ahh yes,’ The great diamond spoke, but her voice was echoing from somewhere nearby, ‘it’s been a long time since I used my powers but looks like its doing just fine!’
She looked at Coral as if this was a fun game, and only she know how it ends.
‘Don’t be too hard on yourself pearl,’ Her voice was almost, sympathy, pitying the pearl, ‘You wouldn’t want to remember any of this now would you?’
She placed her index finger under Coral’s chin and lifted it up to her bright face, her nail was so sharp it was a miracle her skin didn’t poof on impact.
‘I’m doing you a favour,’ Her voice echoed more, it was louder this time. ‘That crack of yours will never truly heal, she can’t be seen with an old, broken pearl, you understand now don’t you? Besides, she has her new pearl now, so don’t you wory about a thing!’
Coral tried to spoke, she tried to defend herself, but she couldn’t even look away, she doesn’t know WHAT to feel. All she could remember was Pink demanding a colony from the diamonds.
“Now off you go!” A white bubble materialized around her and floated out of the White torso ship. Everything went dark.
 Back at the temple, Coral was lying in her room, tossing and turning and gasped, shes awake.
She found herself on a pile of human clothing, she doesn’t wear them, but they were soft, perfect to lie on and rest when needed. The different shades of pink from ranging from Light to Deep pink to medium violet red can be seen neatly placed in piles, almost the size of a human bed.
“What was that? I don’t think I ever... dreamt before?” Coral questioned herself.
She looked around and saw all the things too familiar, surrounding the pile of clothes was running water in a pink hue, stretching out longer and wider than the sea, but no deeper than a kiddie pool. Above her, pink clouds were drifting through, they seem endless as well, going to the same direction as the sea around her.
“Wait a sec,” Coral suddenly thought, “Weren’t we on a mission or something? Where are the others?” She rose up and took a step out of the comforting pile of fabric and ballerina her way on the water’s surface.
She concentrated and a door size glow materialized in front of her. As the light dimmed, rose stems with thorns glowed and departed, leading her outside her room.
Just as she was half-way through, she heard a voice, no, two voices talking aloud and complaining.
Rose’s voice was first recognized, “-too dangerous, you need Coral on this mission!”
‘For what? All she did was getting trampled and hit by that thing! Any more damage taken would’ve poofed her! Or worse!”
Garnet’s voice joined in, ‘That I agree.”
‘Well, even if she’s not capable of catching the corrupted gem, you should’ve leave her out like this, she’ll be heartbroken if she finds out you went without her!’
‘So? It’s better than her slowing us down! There’s so much more monsters out there, we won’t be able to bubble them all with her around! Garnet and I can’t fight AND  keep her safe at the same time!’
Garnet chipped in, ‘And it’s not that we dislike her, we love her, all of us, but if we’re gonna take care of the planet and avoid locals from getting harmed, we need to bubble as much as possible in the least amount of time.’
A faint sigh can be heard, the leader spoke, ‘If it means less suffering and less humans getting hurt, then I suppose it would be fine for Coral to have a time-out for a few days. You two need to rest, but you should head out before Coral wakes up, all right?’
‘Of course’ said Pearl.
‘Noted.’ said Garnet.
‘Good,” Rose ended, ‘Dismissed’
Coral slipped back into her room before any of them noticed her. She was processing what was heard while the rest of the crystal gems head back to their respective rooms.
I’ll show them, she thought, I’ll show that I’m capable of handling a gem monster AND myself!
When the coast was clear, she quietly tip-toe out of her room and went back to the last known location of the yam monster.
 Just outside the Earth’s orbit, various yellow spaceships can be seen in a form of a diamond, specifically, Yellow Diamond.
Inside the first spacecraft, with green and yellow glowing alien technology far advanced than anything that ever existed, and piloting each ships were handfuls of Era 1 peridots. These peridots each have a triangular gem and the same heights as pearls, but far more intelligent as they are very competent technicians. The peridots were capable of doing various tasks such as data logging, research, communication range bigger than the galaxy without external equipments.
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(Art by @gemfiles​, if you would like your artwork removed please dm me, as this pic here has the purpose of visual aids for the readers)
They were busy working on the coordinates and history of the planet Earth, typing required data and analyising it’s past reputation and current resources on the ships available platform and programs.
A peridot stood and walked off from her post, the others took no notice and persume their work. The peridot stood still in front of a door, and a scanner appears from the right wall. The contraption scanned her form for her gem and found it on the back of her left hand, the light scan turn from green to light yellow and beeped.
The door slid open and the peridot went through, her arms in diamond salute as she greets her superior officer.
‘My Anglesite,” She said, ‘I am here to report that we have arrived at the planet’s orbit, do I have your orders and coordinates to land ?’
‘My, my,’ The main gem-in-charge yellow Anglesite replied, wearing a white lab coat and triangular pointy shoulder pads in the colours yellow and white. She wore glasses so thin you could only notice it up front, the right side of her face was covered by her light blonde short hair.
If you think she’s the same as the other gems, she not, cuz her lower half was just hovering circle platform, so she would resemble a vase on the circular coffee table. But, the platform serves as a method of transport, as it is designed to float above any ground so she can travel as same as other gems, it’s just faster and requires her pretty much no energy to be in motion.
at the edge of the platform, robotic hands can sprout out and execute projects better and faster than a normal gem, weapons and defence systems? You dont need to worry about that.
The yellow gem continued, ‘Just as I calculated, looks like even the atmosphere is liking what will be done to that little chunk of rock, wiping it out of our starmaps will be so much faster, and then, the great Yellow Diamond will praise me for my work, promote me and i will finally have the chance to meet my glorious, shining White Diamond!’
The peridot was getting tired of hearing the “possibility” after the mission was complete, but she could only agree with her superior, ‘Of course she will my Anglesite! So, about the course-’
‘Ah yes, set the course towards north of the largest continent on the planet, that is where the final stage of the mission will commence!’ The yellow gem started giggling and laughing, but she gave one last order, ‘That will be all!’ and continued with her laughter.
‘Yes my Anglesite.’ Peridot trudged back to her position and set the course.
The ship entered the planet’s orbit and the technicians went to work.
 It’s been a few hours, the sun was starting to rise, the cold nigh air was starting to warm up the atmosphere as shadows began to crept under the desert lifeforms.
Coral was walking aimlessly through the desert, mumbling and kicking the sand, just wanted to catch that gem monster and prove to them she’s not useless.
I can’t believe they didn’t want me to come along, she thought, I’ve been with Rose longer than Pearl has, and I was there when everything happened, it’s not fair!
She kicked more sand, but the impact wasn’t obvious, since the whole terrain was a desert.
She sighed and sat behind a rock to take a break, physically and mentally.
The whole trip was to catch that monster but she’s done nothing but follow her “instincts” and it led her nowhere. There was no tracks, no damaged that looks like its from a giant yam monster, and most importantly, no idea whats next.
Wait, she thought, whats that on the sky?
Is that….a homeworld spaceship? No wait, there’s more than one?
Ohnononono, she thought, they’re coming back for us!
I have to go back! I have to tell Rose and Garnet and Pe-
Maybe this is the chance I’ve been waiting for, to prove that I can handle myself.
Yeah, I wont be able to fight off ships of soldiers, but I can do a little sneaking around, trying to see what’s really going on, or better yet, their plan of attack so we’ll know what’s coming!
Coral summoned her trusty lance and did a quick jog to catch up with the ships.
End of Part 1.
(Heyo, so...as you finish reading this youll notice it’s pretty different from the story before.
But its not like im trying a COMPLETY different thing, its kinda like the previous chapter where we see what happens on homeworld, but in this chapter, we’re dealing with something that doesn’t really have any leads from the canon series.
Sooo, yeah, the north of the largest continent, Yellow diamonds plan, corrupted monsters, you should have a pretty huge idea of whats going on.
Also, the new gem is very different from what we usually see, but there’ll be a concept art in traditional paper, and probs no colour, just for you guys to see what she looks like, cuz the description of her isnt so...Complete?
But feel free to draw her tho, cuz i guess she kinda an OC here? If you could tell, she’s a gem under yellow’s court, but she also contains little essence from white diamond, which is why she has two diamonds on her design.
So yeah, she will be posted in a few days or smth.
Aaaannddd thats abt it for now, if youre reading this, it means you respect what i have to say, and i thank you for that.
Happy reading!
Pearlplusauchap Pearlplusauchap5
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I looked through your A//nders critical tag, and you know what? You have good points & I agree with some of the stuff you've said. You have the right to feel the way you do & not get attacked by the fandom for your opinions. I'm sorry to hear that's happened in the past. :( And btw, I am an Anders fan. There are some of us that love him but never go to war for him. Real people are always more important than our fictional faves. Have a good day! (no need to post this, just wanted to let you know)
as much as i am an anti-and//erz blog, i don’t... have a problem with anyone personally if they do like him. in fact, to a degree, i think its healthy for people to surround themselves with people who don’t necessarily always agree with you, or you get stuck in an echo-chamber and it makes you stubborn.
there a lot of reasons i dont like him as a character, but i could put them aside if it wasn’t for the fact that a lot of his stans are god awful. not all, but a lot have attitudes that piss me right off.
anyone who looks at what i write could probably make the easy deduction that i like to write about danarius, i think he’s very interesting. im also very enamoured by milf meredith. not to compare the two of them in any way, but im sure we can all agree neither of them are... good people, by the end really. danarius is particularly scummy and awful. so i dont feel like im in any place to be like you can’t like villainous characters. because you can! i think thats fine!
but you also dont see me out here like danarius did nothing wrong uwu  
you can healthily enjoy characters with some really bad flaws but going down an echo-chamber of delusion that these characters are perfect, pure people is a very dangerous path.
the hypocrisy from a lot of fans makes me... suspicious. they’ll brush aside terrorism for their white man fave but be quick to criticise and demean a black woman like vivienne because they don’t agree with all her politics.
people are allowed to disagree with you though, on characters. sometimes characters remind people of their own abusers, of their trauma, and no one is allowed to tell you that you have to like a character who causes you real-life suffering. and//erz’s racist, sexist comments, his manipulative behaviour upset people and the fact that people get so up in arms about that is ridiculous. 
as you said, real people are always more important than fiction. 
anyway i didnt mean to go off on a tangent, this got a little long. i wish all the best to you too, anon.
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wyrddog · 5 years
my friends analysis of our conversations:
-you're inconsistant. you keep changing your mind, sometimes you agree to go to therapy, other times you "dont think its a good idea and wont help"
-you dont want to own up to anything YOU'VE done but i keep owning up to my shit
-you cant just say shit to me and then automatically block me as if im not allowed to defend myself at all
-you're irrational
-you're indecisive, this has been going on FOR A YEAR that ive been trying to do therapy with you. you say you will, literally at the beginning of the month you said "ill find someone to cover my shift" but then i message you close to when the session is happening and apparently you have work
-my concerns about you just wanting to go to therapy to prove if im manipulative are more financial than they are trying to avoid hearing that? im ready to work on that if my therapist agrees that im manipulative
-you keep leading me on, making me think you want to be my friend and work things out one second and then telling me i trigger you and everyone tells you not to talk to me the next
-i do get increasingly more aggressive in my messages, but to her (my friend) its reasonable because you keep getting defensive, deflecting, and rather than real aggression its more frustration when trying to communicate with you and you keep misinterpreting me out the ass
-you constantly contradict yourself
-all the art shit is really fucking shitty of you
-you cant say shit like that "im your type" and not expect me to think that theres feelings there and that you actually do still want something??? you lead me on with this you cant keep doing this shit
-i keep genuinly trying to help you, give you advice on things, and i genuinly wanted to rebuild a friendship and you just get defensive and apparently dont care about putting in as much effort EVEN THOUGH agreeing to do therapy kinda means just maybe you want to fix things just a little bit and that you just maybe possibly want to put in effort
-you want everything to be on your terms, i dont get a say in shit
-you're stuck in an echo chamber
-again these people who dont know me that you've probably exclusively talked shit about me with dont really have a say on if im manipulative, im leaving that up to my therapist.
-posting about me online without explicitly saying my name is still posting about me bc any of your old folllwers know who i am
-you act like im obsessed with you when i was just trying to repair a friendship, and now i was just trying to fucking communicate something to you
-you cant tell me "dont send me any more messages or ill block you" have me agree and then move on to do something else because i assumed you were done fucking talking, and then proceed to message ME with loaded questions (which apparently you think i do a lot) and then get mad when i dont respond right away BECAUSE I LITERALLY WENT TO THE GROCERY STORE.
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-you keep saying you need to go to your own therapist but never fucking go
-you keep tossing me around with your inconclusiveness
-when im begging at your feet to go to therapy, you're short with me, you act like its not worth it, you essentially act like i dont matter- as soon as i start saying "im done i dont care anymore about this friendship" you say "i just wanted to be peaceful :,,,((((" go fuck yourself. THATS MANIPULATIVE AS FUCK.
since you really want to play the game of "my friends keep telling me you're manipulative" i can also play this game and my friends think you're manipulative. maybe it would have been better if you just saw a therapist in the fucking FIRST PLACE AND ASKED THEM IF I WAS, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. its hard for me to take this shit seriously when you clearly just want to use it as fuel and to have something to make other people feel sorry for you. there is some shit i could share that you have done to me that if i did people would think you are fucked up. so seriously calm the fuck down with this blaming me for everything shit. grow. the. fuck. up.
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drinkshaming-blog · 7 years
>Gamzee: Transport eggs.
You illuminate the path ahead of you, unwavering in your light as you gingerly carry a large, padded basket full of eggs towards one of the incubation caverns. Your bare feet pad softly against the rocky ground, dark stone tinted a hundred colors from sweeps of blood and paint running through the crevices. As you walk, you sing to the basket under your breath.
Ahead, the entry you remember is gone, as well as several of the murals that were beside it. You stop and frown. Your memory isn’t that bad, is it?
“Gamzee!” calls a voice from down the tunnel. “Ataki’e!”
You look up and wave in greeting. “Ataki’la, kenna.”
A troll a few sweeps older than you, Datayn, approaches you, carrying an armful of failed eggs. She nods to the wall where the entry should be. “Eylna te hariek’a juni pate, ah, saulo tog’una fabrei ne’gi, tellai.” Her expression darkens momentarily. “Temai’e herum herei te taki’e kureti aue.”
Your eyebrows lift and you study the wall, or rather the unwieldy rubble that makes up the wall. It’s difficult to tell where there’s been a recent collapse because there are so many old collapses-- there’s an old saying that goes hariek’a hennei kala re’ue ni’a, or ‘every wall of the caverns is made of someone’s ruins’. Datayn says eight jades and forty eggs were lost to a collapse three nights ago. You turn your gaze back to Datayn with a soft smile. “Auwae. Malai, malai, kenna.”
She smiles back. “Malai, malai, tellai.”
“Reke’te aue hyeni’el keji keia unelli te orema?”
“Paela taei ke me’ei.”
“Fa’ele key te jyre’kl te haeme’ai saulo taki’e?”
“Ah, raenu keai ke’ea ne’a dayn, melliaku.”
“Ta, auwae. Kelli’a ieneta ue!” You carefully rotate one of the eggs in your basket.
“Ieneta ue,” she echoes, nodding towards the failed eggs in her arms. “Temai’ilee kaki morei, shereya, Gamzee.” She laughs at her own joke and allows you to adjust the rhododendron in her hair before she continues on her path and you alter yours, turning right at the next fork to make your way to another incubation cavern.
As you walk, you check your messages, scrolling through a couple notifications about various projects you’re collaborating on (and sighing softly at your conversations with Tavros and Karkat respectively) until you reach your conversation with your supervisor.
GAMZEE: no worries, motherfucker GAMZEE: youll get a chance to see these legs again sooner or later haha JAREED: |et’s aim for ‘sooner’. GAMZEE: sure thing :o) JAREED: you are hard at work, i assume? GAMZEE: be up and carrying some motherfucking eggs around right now actually JAREED: oh! are you, uh. |uminescent? GAMZEE: yeah haha i lights all up whenever shits dark GAMZEE: helps a brother get around easy JAREED: that’s pretty hot.
Your smile widens. Motherfuck, for all the respect he doesn’t have for you, this thing you’re doing with him feels pretty good.
GAMZEE: you think? JAREED: yeah, the who|e g|owing thing, as we|| as the makeup stuff you wear. JAREED: and you. you are beautifu|. GAMZEE: haha damn thanks GAMZEE: thats all some nice shit to hear from a motherfucker as you GAMZEE: which, here cant make no judgements cause i dont all talk to so many highbloods JAREED: you are the first jade i’ve spoken to as we||. GAMZEE: really? JAREED: yes. i have heard stories about friends of friends who have had… encounters with jades, of course, but it is difficu|t to discern how much of that is pure boasting. JAREED: i think most tro||s want to find out what it’s |ike. GAMZEE: wow GAMZEE: that mean a brother just got lucky or something? JAREED: yeah, i got to see you for myse|f. GAMZEE: all kinds of motherfucking good shit that be haha GAMZEE: this fucker getting to talk at ya such how, shades and looks and everything JAREED: nothing you say makes sense. it’s cute. GAMZEE: haha aight JAREED: it’s because you speak that backwards jade dia|ect, right? it’s very exotic.
Does he think you’re speaking in the mother tongue? Does he think that’s the mother tongue?
GAMZEE: sure GAMZEE: so this all you tryna make a story for ya friends friends to gossip at, if ya catch? JAREED: abso|utely. i want you.
Oh, man. This is obviously intensely objectifying, but fuck it’s nice to be wanted. Why don’t you fall in love with people who fetishize you like Jareed does, again? (Because you would and do choose real, all-consuming, unrequited love over someone fickle who actually wants you any night. Which is a miracle unto itself.)
GAMZEE: thanks :o) JAREED: i’|| try to find an excuse to visit the caverns soon. GAMZEE: oh aight JAREED: is the new diet for the mother grub working out? GAMZEE: yeah shit be going down right as rain yo
You hear singing and see flickering light ahead, and shut off your palmhusk, checking on the eggs instead of paying attention to the new message vibration. Before long, you find yourself cutting through an enormous cavern where rows of jades are hauling on lines and handling levers to move huge vats of genetic material (a job far too delicate for machines- one off-temper unit and the entire gene pool could be poisoned). You walk down one of the lines as they continue to sing, and stop beside one particular troll.
“Yo, Kerede,” you greet him.
The jagged scar on his face twists as he smiles up at you, continuing to haul in time with the song. “Hey, brother. How’s the night treating you?”
“Some fine shit, tellai. You?”
He shrugs as much as he can. “Got stuck hauling, but we having a good time here.” Something catches someone’s attention; they raise their hand and call for the others to stop. The motion pauses and several trolls hurry over to check out whatever’s wrong with the slurry. Kerede steps away from the line; you decaptchalogue a skein of water and hand it to him. “Thanks, man. You going to the festival this week, right?”
“Yeah, motherfucker just heard of all that,” you reply. “Gotta pay respects and shit. Been a while since the last big event, anyway.”
“True, shit’ll be nice.” Kerede carefully pours some water over the back of his neck. “Anyways, I’m near finished with the inseam on that hat for ya’ friend. Probably be done in a night or two, depending how busy I am. Having a nice time with it.” He finishes dousing himself in water and holds out his arms invitingly; you carefully hand your basket to him and stretch. 
“Damn, aight. Thanks. Anything a motherfucker can do back at ya?” you ask.
He thinks about that for a moment. “Oh, I been working on some fancy dress for my palemate’s wriggling day in a few perigees here, could use some patterned silk for a shawl kinda thing.”
You nod. It isn’t repayment for his services, that isn’t how things work down here; it’s a way to keep busy, to keep creating, to help a brother. And this sounds like something you’d enjoy in your free time. “What size you thinking? Might need to find some help getting dyes and all.”
“Well-” A call goes up for workers to return to their places. “Shit.” He hands your basket and water skein back to you and repositions himself beside the line. “I’ll message you the details, okay?”
“Sounds good, brother.” You smile at him. “See you.”
He returns your smile and you’re on your way again as the singing starts back up.
Some time later, you see seashells dotting the walls of the tunnel, most broken into a few pieces by centuries of pressure at least. A few jades are carefully digging some of the shells out of the stone. They must be on break. You watch them gently scrape at the insides of the shells, presumably to make sure they’re the type that can be used to make a certain rich fuchsia pigment. One of the trolls calls to you and asks if you’d like some dye from these once it’s been treated. You say yes, definitely, and thank him-- without stopping; you’ve wasted some time already and you don’t want these eggs to cool down too much.
A few minutes later, you’re humming softly to yourself and the eggs when a smaller troll, barely younger than you, falls in step beside you. There’s something strange about the shape of her torso, not distinctly noticeable but undeniably there; she herself was killed in a collapse not too long ago. She’s holding a basket of eggs as well, you notice as she amiably joins in with the words to your song. “Cover your crystal eyes, and let your colors bleed and blend with mine... Making, uh-- motherfuck, forgot the lyrics.”
You laugh. “‘Sup, Ellane?”
“Thirsty as shit,” she replies frankly.
“Mm, I feel ya. Should check in with Ya’alei? Motherfucker might got something to spare,” you suggest. Ellane nods. “Mine best friend got me all fed couple nights ago,” you add, some pride in your tone.
She cocks her head. “Who?”
Her eyes widen, a grin playing across her face. “The cute cerulean who was here like last week? He is, so. Oh.”
You give another soft laugh, keeping an eye on your basket. “He’s the only cerulean you ever met, sister.”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen them in movies. He’s motherfucking cute. Have you ever met another cerulean, anyways?”
Shrug affably. “Nah, I ain’t. Got a good point.”
“Was he the one you went out with?” Her gaze traces the colorful shapes on the cavern walls as she moves past them.
“Yeah.” You smile at the memory.
“Sweet messiahs, that must have been so cool. How was that, anyways?”
“Some miracle shit. Brother took me to see some wildflowers and all, we sat around most the night. Hardly wanted to come back.” There’s probably some totally obvious note of disproportionate happiness in your voice.
She quirks an eyebrow. “So are you pale for him or what?”
“Yeah,” you reply simply. The two of you reach the entrance to the incubation cavern and head inside, navigating around clutches of eggs to find an open space. This area is tinged with the sulfurous smell of the hot air channeled up into this chamber from the boiling wells deep below. You step over one of the naturally occurring vents that line the wall of the cavern, feeling its intense heat on your legs-- it reminds you of the sweeps before the game, when you were the youngest troll in the caverns and your relatively diminutive size made you the perfect candidate to lower yourself down into the vents and locate blockages or problems. It reminds you of crawling for what felt like weeks through narrow winding tunnels, sometimes having to press your back and feet against the sides so you didn’t fall, of scraped shoulders and skinned knees and damp clothing, of a parched tongue that painfully juxtaposed the air so humid you thought you’d suffocate, of heat rashes and ambiguous chemical burns, of having to grope your way along the wall through total and inexhaustible darkness. 
Motherfuck, you wish you had your bioluminescence then. Maybe you’ll go back down there sometime. You smile and continue to follow Ellane, breaking your trance with “Sorry, what’d you motherfucking say?”
“Does he know?” she repeats.
“Don’t think so,” you say as she sets her basket down and lays a thick cover out in a wide, shallow depression in the cavern floor. “Ain’t trying to make it known, but ain’t tryna hide it neither.”
“Are you gonna make a move?”
“Nope. Motherfucker ain’t any way, like, available for that feelings shit, nor interested in a brother. Just friend shit.” You set down your own basket and start transferring the eggs to the cover.
She examines one of her eggs and then sets it aside with a little sigh. “And you’re happy with that?”
“Sure thing.” You smile down at the eggs. “I love him, ya know, don’t need nothing back. Brother knows I’m there for him, that’s the best I motherfuckin’ need.” You know if he knew how you feel, he’d try to cut ties with you; you know it’s bound to happen sometime. But he’s here for now, and you’re happy with that, and the little pining lump in the center of your chest just reminds you how good you felt when he was yours. And that’s not a bad thing. You squint at the ceiling, trying to fit words together. “It’s, uh. You know, tou’na leiva, for a motherfucker, like takalou na’e hekemai? Reke ali’i jeya fe’all, gaiye pala he works shit out. It all... hennai ali’e ta, last time. Kinda, um, ehuwei te’a. Miracle shit.”
She gives a little nod. “Ah, I got you. Ca’ali te, brother.”
You adjust an egg in the clutch with a laugh. “Yeah, ca’ali te.” Ellane reaches over to you and wipes at what you assume is a spot of smudged paint near your jaw, starting to hum another song. You quickly check your messages again; before Kerede’s recent message about the shawl for his moirail is one from Tavros, which does hurt a little, as fresh wounds tend to do. You smile, at her in thanks and at yourself for being able to help Tavros out as well as you can.
The mineral deposits in the incubation cavern glimmer as you and Ellane make your way out, the light from your bodies reflecting against the crystals, and you take a moment to take in the huge murals that illuminate the walls nearly as much as your bioluminescence does. They bear lines of scripture, depict messiahs and cavern workers and flowering trees and moon cycles, scenes of violence and kindness.
The caverns are beautiful, you think for the hundred thousandth time over the course of your life, all decked out in centuries’ worth of paints and stardust stains in every color imaginable, all full of siblings in their own paints and flowers and stardust singing songs and performing ancient rites and lighting their paths with the radiance of their own bodies. Making inks and baskets and clothes purely for the love of making. No wildflowers could be this vibrant, you think. You work hard, all of you, scraped shoulders and blistered palms and crushed ribs, hands grasping blindly in the dark, purely for the sake of creating something good, and you have. Here, deep beneath the surface of Alternia, is the garden of the sun.
These caverns must have been a lifeless place before the Faith was born-- you can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for your people back when they were really slaves. And without the Faith, they still would be. Without the Faith, you can only imagine that these caverns, here beautiful, the garden of the sun, would be dark and empty.
You like to think that you’re like the caverns.
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