#i draw the adorable duck oc
froog-water · 10 months
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me applying 5 points of psychic damage to my friend every time i draw their fnaf oc/s until they finally break and return to furry. the white animatronic is named Dolly Duck and the lil one is Betty Batter
@grimmori i am crawling under your skin. please go check them out !! <3
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sammysammer · 2 days
Do you have like a.. reference picture of your sona?
I don't really have an official one rn but I do have one made by my wonderful and talented friend @yunfox00!! :3
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(I have art block rn lol)
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camping-with-monsters · 5 months
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posting her because I can but I made a DDG related character strictly for an AU (she’s not canon in the slightest) about the idea of after Rouge’s death when her head was splattered, one of the seeds inside managed to find itself in an ideal spot to grow and thus creating a child that one, Rouge never got to meet, and two, Cinderella has no knowledge of.
She’s probably adopted into some other family now. Her name is Posy and I love her so much :) she’s 4 years old and you’ll definitely know that cause she always like to announce that. Posy likes to think she’s a little fairy princess because the way her back leaves grow makes them look like little wings and she loves that :)
Idk how much her current family knows about her uh. devastatingly harrowing origin but frankly she doesn’t know either so I mean. To everyone ever she’s a mystery but a sweetheart nonetheless.
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emiplayzmc · 2 months
Hooo boy, time for the ref sheets of two more Pink Addi OCs!
(Image text and IDs in the ALT text!"
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Introducing Click Velvet and their Trojan (or 'Copycat'), Clickbait Page!
Some extra info about the both of 'em under the cut because I have far too much info about my babies :D.
(Jsyk there is. A lotta rambling under the cut. Most of the longer stuff is under Clickbait :,) )
Click Velvet:
-Click is a loner Addison, which - in my AU - basically he worked his way to 'sentience' on his own rather than having anybody else helping him through that process. 'Sentience' is the Addison equivalent of reaching maturity, since when they first spawn all they can really think and do is working and advertising, but they slowly start gaining their own thoughts and personalities over time as they mature.
-Click is the S/O of my main Orange Addi, Banner! I've made ship art of the two of them before ^-^
-Click is an EXTREME lover of stuffed animals, his favourite being a small duck plush he named 'Tap,' which became a third joking 'mascot' of his and Banner's catering service 'Click or Tap the Banner.'
-Their leg is partially malfunctional because of a car crash - the leg is mostly fine now, but there are days where the wiring goes slightly off and it glitches or has a slower response time than normal, so he always keeps a cane on hand in his inventory just in case he needs it.
-He's a very sweet individual, and a very talented baker - he and Banner even have a catering service for parties! Click knows how to make just about any sweet treat you cam think of, and even makes his own root beer (although he doesn't sell this, despite Banner's gentle nudging. He prefers to have it as a drink for himself). He also happens to live above his bakery in the attic. I'll have to draw his room someday!
-He can be a bit of a neat freak / germophobe at times :,) Not as much as Target, but all Pink Addisons have a tendency to want things to be tidy - Click is no exception. Every part of his bakery needs to be SPOTLESS before the open hours of the next day, or else he frets about if something will be too dirty.
-Red velvet is his favourite flavour of just about anything he can work it into, so that's what he made his middle name! Click Velvet :D
-Click's a great photographer! Since his whole purpose is to generate 'clicks' on his store / website, he photographs all of the products in his advertisements to make them look as appealing as possible to customers.
Clickbait Page:
-Clickbait spawned in when Click was 19 and had wandered into the Dark Web on accident - Trojan Addisons are essentially 'virus copies' of a normal Addi's code, with some of their personality traits being shared between them, while any and all natural physical traits are shared (looks, glitches, et cetera). They have a chance of spawning in whenever a normal Addison wanders into the Dark Web.
-Trojan Addis all have a mark inside their mouths that indicates they're a Trojan, which is a small Web logo in a glowing bluish-green colour.
-Clickbait doesn't share Click's malfunctional leg, but he does share his farsightedness - he wears contacts over his camera lenses for that, but only when he's writing. He also shares Click's asexuality, adoration of anything sweet, skill in a kitchen (although Clickbait's pertains to making drinks rather than food), germophobia, and love of plushies.
-Clickbait is the youngest overall of my Addis, and also the youngest in his family! Clickbait wasn't a loner when he spawned - he was taken in by two other Addis who eventually became his 'sister' and 'father,' they'll get ref sheets later. Even though he's technically the youngest, only having been around for 16 years, he has the same mental maturity as Click, most of which was gained after he became 'sentient.'
-His given job is writing 'clickbait' articles. Given jobs are basically the first jobs that an Addison is assigned to once they're created, Trojan or not, that relate to their purpose. As a result, he's a bit of a pathological liar, making him very skilled at making up pretty believable lies on the spot for the articles he writes in newspapers (basically the type of ads and articles you see that are like 'You WON'T BELIEVE what happens to [So-and-So Celebrity] after they used this product!!').
-His second job was given to him by his dad - working alongside his sister as a bartender in their dad's casino, the Sapphire Retire. His father is... also really strict, and doesn't really like the idea of Clickbait or his sister having other jobs beside the casino and their given jobs. Because of that, Clickbait keeps his third job - working at Cyber Shoes II as a supervisor - a secret from both of them. Although this does stretch him quite thin at times, between working at Cyber Shoes by day, the casino by night, and writing his articles in between both jobs - the casino, Cyber Shoes, and the newspaper printing house all being pretty far away from each other in Cyber City doesn't help either.
-Clickbait acts VERY differently between the casino and Cyber Shoes II - at the casino, he's more of his natural self, which is rather awkward, quiet, and a little dorky. At Cyber Shoes, however, he's... not exactly the nicest to be around. He acts like a cold, sarcastic jerk around his co-workers to keep them from questioning about his actual life, since he doesn't want to get too attached to the job in case his father finds out. He doesn't actually DISLIKE anyone there, he's merely trying to keep them out of his personal life by discouraging people from interacting.
-Clickbait adores taking pictures of his Tasque, Bread, and dressing it up in cute little outfits - he also spoils Bread to no end, treating him like a little prince.
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lazy-writer-owo · 11 months
A Pirate Live.. (Ch. 1)
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Shanks x OC! fanfic
Summary: How young! Shanks and young! Josephine met for the first time when her father Edward fought Roger. feat. Buggy and this is like an epilogue to a long story of Josephine Edward.
Warning- (non)
P.s. English is not my first language so please bare with me, this is also me attempting to break my comfort zone of writing an x OC fic and my first one piece fic :'D Enjoy!
Third pov.
Josephine sits by the railing of the ship looking at the luscious forest Infront of her, Marco stand beside her keeping his sharp eyes on the young lady.
Her mischevious behaviour could have slip pass by him any moment but after an order from pops have made him stay behind to babysit the adorable little lady. Josephine Newgate, a ripe age of 8 years old the little lady have spend since her birth on the ship surrounded by pirates and the danger of the marines. But nothing could sway her as she knows her father and her big family would keep the danger away from her.
"Marco, can we pleasee go there? i want to see the fight so bad" Josephine begs at the blonde haired man after a few rumble and explosion happened deep in the forest, she have always want to see the notorious pirate that her father would always complain about name Monkey.D Roger. She never met the Roger Pirates, her father forbid her to ever come near them because of their dangerous nature.
"No, you know pops would kill me and he would grounded you from going on the docks yoi" Marco says as he lean on the railing beside her, bored at his babysitting duty and all he ever wanted was to join pops and the others.
The little girl pouts at his answer and the worst thing to be punished that she can't explore any island that they docked at. The little girl then do her best 'puppy face' towards her brother with her hand clasp together infront of her "Pretty pleasee Marco, i promise i would hide and stand far awayyy i just want to see them fight pleaseee"
Marco let out a sigh shaking his head and frown at the girl "No means no, you cause enough trouble this week". Marco crosses his arms over his chest, his demeanor now serious.
"But-" Josephine try to reason with Marco again before she was shut down quickly by Marco harden glare at her. "Okay..i guess i be in my room until they come back" the girl says defeated as she hops down from the railing and walk towards the stair leading to the lower deck.
Marco shakes his head with a sigh
Josephine pov.
I open the door to my room before shutting it and lock it, i glance around my room before ducking down of my bed reaching my hand under to retrieve my stash.
A sword that was supposed to be put away after training session and a small pouch for with a small sketchbook in it, Im determined that today is the day that i will see Roger and my father in action. I will draw the fight in real live!
After my body is halfway through the small round window beside the ship i glance back whispering "Sorry marco I promise i be quick" before pulling myself before slip and fall with a yelp into the shallow sea water.
After succesfully went on to the dryland,making sure pineapple head is not on the deck. I waste no time but make a dash into the luscious forest heading to the loud noises of swords clashes to one another and angry war cry. My lips broke out into a big smile, excitement course through everysteps i take as the noises grew louder and louder.
A Clearing come into view with 2 people quarelling one another, one is a familiar silhouete of my father while the other is a man with a red coat and a red pirate hat sat upon his head. But the most noticable about the other man have a long black moustache "wow he can rival father with that moustache of his.." i duck behind the thick branch of a fallen tree peeking at them.
My mouth open in awe at the sheer power that the other man can withstand my father's attack and his haki, no doubt that is the man that rival my father. Monkey.D Roger, every each time their swords clash blew a gush of wind that blew my hair only widens my eyes and mouth to watch the 2 most dangerous pirate of the sea fought in-front of my very eyes!
But the blast blew and cut through some of the trees around me, i let out a yell as the trees fall around me before a warm hand grasp onto my hand and pull me up and dash away from the clearing to behind a rock. My eyes closed as the debris and dust stings, as we lean behind the rock catching our breath after the slight run of adrenaline. Then i realize that im with an unkown person before i reach for my sword and point it at them with a yelp "W-who! are you!?".
Standing before me is a boy same age as me with both of his arms raised in defense as the tip of my sword point at him. A strawhat rest on his head covering his fiery red hair, what an odd color. Is the boy also a pirate? i mean he have a sword strapped on his waist. Finally! a kid who is also a pirate like me!. He look at me with a tint of red on his cheeks before he snap us out of the state
"What are you doing here? do you know how dangerous it is here?!"
Taken aback by his outburst i lower my sword pointing my finger at him voice raise "and why do you care? im here to watch my father!"
The boy tilt his head confuse at my word "huh? your father?" his eyes blinking looking at me weirdly "No way, your father is a pirate from Whitebeards Pirate?"
i huff, a sword still in my hand as i put my other hand on my hip "Duh and he is-"
"Shank duck!" a voice cut through my sentence before another boy jump from on top of the rock straigh to me. I let out a scream as i see a flash of blue before a body just slam on to me knocking me on the ground, my sword flew from my hand. i let out a grunt as a ringing in my ears and hea throbing at the hard impact of the ground, the red-haired boy panic to see his best friend knock the defensless girl "Buggy! what are you doing! get off of her!"
The boy on top of me then scream aswell at his friend "She was pointing her sword at you! im only trying to help!".
i open my eyes and see a boy with a big red nose, we make eye contact before i let out a scream "GET OFF OF ME YOU WEIRDO!!" i push the blue haired boy ontop of me away before scrambling bakwards hand reaching for my sword before the red-hair quickly come near me to stop me from getting to my sword "Hey hey wait dont!"
"Stay back!" i point my sword at them, i though that i could be friend with the kid but they just want to kill me at this point "Y-you were with the roger pirate right, that's why your friend try to kill me!"
The red hair boy quickly shakes his head along with his hand as he grew nervous "No no! trust me im only trying to keep you away from the battlefield!" i snap back with "Then why is he trying to snap my neck?!" i point back at the blue haired kid
"Because you were trying to kill Shanks!"
"No i wasn't!"
"You were pointing the sword at him!"
What a good first impression huh. We glare at one another like you can see the electric connecting our intense staring contest before it was broken by Shank stand in between of us "Okay, okay stop it. My friend here can be a bit of an idiot since he does not have any common sense in his brain"
"Hmph clearly, what kind a man knock down a lady" I huff as i lower my sword. "You're not a lady! what kind of a lady handle swords!" Buggy as his friend says his name yelled pointing his finger at me.
"A kind of lady that can beat your ass!" i scream back as i went near him. Shank facepalm at the scene infront of him before he reach between them and push them apart slightly "Buggy please stop insulting her, it has been forever since we met anyone that are the same age as us in a pirate crew" The red-hair smile widely before turn his head to the girl.
"Im shanks, the idiot that knock you is Buggy we're from the Roger Pirate crew" He says still wearing the big smile as he extend his hand for a proper shake. Josephine look at the boy eyes widened slightly as she heard him, they are from the Roger Pirate? no way!
"W-wait i didn't know that the Roger Pirate have children on the crew, my father never mention that" The girl blinks at the new discoveries before buggy bugs in (hehe) "Well who's your father??"
"Oh its-"
"Josephine!!" a gruffy voice yelled as the three children tense and look up to see a figure of non other than Whitebeard descend with his weapon raise aiming at the two younger roger's crew. The boys scream frighten by the sudden appereance of the very angry Whitebeard, Roger appear infront of the children using his sword to block the attack creating a loud blast of wind that almost knock away the children.
All three of the children were shaken, buggy knees weakened as he sat on the dirt eyes wide. While Shank have wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and cover her head eyes closed by the debris and dust. Out of instict Shank have quickly pull Josephine close shielding her away from the danger, a sense of protectiveness over the girl.
"Get your filthy hands away from her!" Whitebeard voice booms as he aims at the two boys before the girl pull away from Shank's embrace spread her arms wide "Father don't!" she screams loud with her eyes close. Whitebeard weapon then stopped once again by Roger's hand hold tightly on the handle "My my i didn't know you have a daughter Whitebeard Hahaha! This is interesting my friend!"
"You're whitebeard daughter?!" the two boys yelled out shock to know the girl infront of them are no ordinary daughter to a common crew member but THE Whitebeard daughter.
The girl says nothing as she open her eyes to meet the glare of her very upset father, before meekly says "Im sorry Father.."
(To be continued....)
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emilou-keen-gear · 10 months
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Duckvember Day 10: Human Duck
I decided to turn my Twisted Strings of Fate cast into humans for this art prompt. I found it very interesting because one, I haven't drawn humans in a long time. And two, I got to play around with skin tones as I thought about race and what would affect their skin color.
Launchpad, Drake and Jim are caucasion. I gave Launchpad more of a tan because he's the outdoor type and probably works a lot in the sun fixing cars and the Sunchaser. Since I'm portraying him more within his time as Negaduck, I gave Jim a more sickly, sallow complexion, which I thought turned out well.
Fenton being biracial, it took me a while to pick the right skin tone, and even now, I'm not sure how it looks. But I love his design more than any of the others. He looks so adorable. Finally, there is Charity, my OC. With her DT race being lovebird, I gave her the darker skin because lovebirds are from Madagascar.
I loved working with the different face shapes and their expressions. It was really fun. I'm usually not the type to draw anthropomorphs, AKA furries, as humans, but this was kind of fun.
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pizza-feverdream · 1 year
Now it’s your turn! What’s your fav ship and reasons?
So currently I've cycled back to fixating on my ocs, so it would be these two
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(I didn't have any recent drawings saved to my phone and this picrew is adorable)(their names are iggy and hattie)
I also LOVe Red x Duck. I used to not like them too much but fannart and tiktoks have swayed me. They... deserve each other, that's for sure
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badgerwithagun · 5 months
I have an annoying problem. Like many of the degenerates on this twisted site I sometimes try to make up characters to interact with the actual characters in a show. I’m not great at it, but it passes the time. However, I have now created an OC I utterly adore and want to do more with. The only problem is he’s a Hazbin Hotel OC, and there’s less than 10 episodes for me to insert him in. His name is Sir Marius, he was a crusader knight. He, just like many other crusaders went off to Jerusalem because the church said God wanted them to kill a bunch of people. This turned out to be innaccurate. He killed a bunch of innocent people, only to be kidnapped by some survivors from a destroyed town, who after burning him emotionally by pointing out that no god who loved humans would order this, then burned him literally. On a large pile of wood. Can you blame them? He ended up in Hell and decided the only way to atone for his sins was to defeat the Devil in single combat. This obviously didn’t work, but surprisingly each time he was just thrown out instead of being gloated over and destroyed. After being thrown so far and hard he broke through the surface layer and entered the catacombs beneath Pentegram city (it’s been there since the dawn of hell it’s definitely been rebuilt many times) he found a creature. A Great Wyrm of the ancient world, contained in a magical bubble by some sinners. After freeing the beast he and it come to an understanding, and he rides the titanic serpent to his destiny, breaking down the castle walls and entering the Prince of Darknesses chamber. However it turned out the reason Lucifer couldn’t be bothered to destroy him was because he was moping over the loss of his pet, which Sir Marius just found. He was given a job as keeper of the royal menagerie, and it turns out delivering baby acidic giraffes gives a far greater feeling of accomplishment than being raised as a weapon. He met Charlie when she was a tiny child, and became very attached to her. With Lillith’s disappearance, Lucifer’s descent into duck based depression and Charlie seeking independence, he takes it upon himself to serve as his bodyguard (whilst subconsciously seeing her as the daughter he never had. You can’t judge your all off drawing OCs frenching Alastor) He thinks Vaggie and Charlie would be an adorable couple but doesn’t know they are in a relationship. When he finds out he will be shooketh and wonder if every time they asked to be alone it was so they could make out. He sometimes proofreads Niftys fan fiction whilst feeling guilty.
He could be described as Asexual, but he just describes himself as a charred corpse in cased in armour forged from regret and dark magic, so sex isn’t really on his mind. He does however have a girlfriend, an ancient, terrifying skeleton creature that doesn’t speak English and is probably among the first sinners to reach hell. They meet up and have picnics in the forsaken mountains every now and then. I keep trying to insert him into Helluva boss, but that would mean giving him more friends and I can’t do that.
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microsuedemouse · 2 years
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it turns out that I actually kinda remember how to draw?? (please kindly ignore the janky proportions in the bottom image… I am. out of practice lmao. I love how their faces turned out, but his neck and their hands are weird, and her head might be too small? oogh.) I might try to mess around with my scanner and get a decent scan of this tomorrow, but in the meantime here's a hastily-edited photo.
back in uhhh, August? I started toying around with these new OCs, just kind of… for fun. I realised that I hadn’t created characters Just Because in literal years. every character had been for a Project. and I wanted someone just to play around with!
so, these two are Paz and Winnet. more rambles about them beneath the cut:
I’m starting to get Paz’s appearance down; Winnet’s still a little bit of a work in progress but I know more or less what I’m aiming for, at least. might end up darkening her hair colour... idk.
my starting point with these two was that I wanted to make a pair of super-squishy soft romantic characters - and specifically, I thought it'd be fun to design a couple with two very different aesthetics. annnd that eventually led me to Paz the (dorky) punk and Winnet the cottagecore/sort of mori girl-ish wheelchair user.
Paz is of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, and pretty heavily into the punk/diy scene, as well as being really dedicated as an activist. he spends a lot of time volunteering, going to protests/demonstrations, or going to shows. he's also super protective of his trans little sister, and ever since she came out, he's made a point of learning a lot more about trans issues in particular. (he also makes sure to have a prominent pronouns patch on every one of his vests and jackets!) he's a severe hemophiliac, and as a result doesn't have any piercings (or tattoos), but he enjoys wearing other jewellery like the ear cuff you see above.
Winnet is very sweet and feminine in her style, and values her independence and a simple, happy lifestyle. she can walk, but mostly sticks with her wheelchair, as a variety of health problems make her unsteady on her feet and also inclined to fainting spells. she works remotely as a transcriber, and is close with Alfio, her elderly Italian neighbour (who also owns the laundromat downstairs from their apartments). he calls her paperotta, a term of endearment something like 'little duck' <3 she's an avid crocheter in her free time, and a slightly less avid knitter. she also has a service dog, but I haven't decided on any further details on that front haha
they're both in their early twenties, and absolutely, ass-over-teakettle in love with each other. both are easily flustered, though probably Paz moreso; they get embarrassed by one another pretty often. their fashion senses converge at 'plaid.' they're both really interested in learning more about one another's hobbies and interests and overall worlds - he loves learning about all her houseplants, and wearing things she crochets or knits for him, whether they go with his look or not. by the same token she starts learning to be more politically active with him (and he's very good at helping her make sure that her accessibility needs are taken care of at, say, protests, or other events), and absolutely adores the battle vest he makes for her, and eventually even starts going to shows with him. their music tastes are as different as their fashion choices, but they learn to love one another's favourites :)
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eeveeiutions · 2 years
which of my many hobbies are you? 🎨🪡
a tag meme by @ dontstarve (keep the tag) [vent]
tagged by:
tagging: @anmorata DO THE VENT TAG MEME ON TUMBLR
emoji: 👄
- escapism
- prefers staying inside👄
- (almost) only online friends👄
- had a ds as a child👄
- fandom interacter
- one main hobby
- loves plushies👄
- youtube tutorials👄
- hates math
- too many unfinished projects
- artists in the family👄
- so little ideas👄
- doodles on their notes
- need to move (even if slightly)
- wanted to do art as a career
- no impulse control
- easily triggered
- animal crossing enjoyer👄
- "hey i could do that"
- likes the smell of wool [ bro idk what it smells like]
- anger issues
- prefers being outside
- (too) competitive
- unlearned the hate for sports
- has been in a mental clinic
- executive dysfunction
- loves helping friends w tasks
- dislikes baking
- vegetarian
- learns by observing
- ducks are adorable
- messy room
- improviser
- does the same thing 37 times
- too poor for proper art equipment
- overthinker
- thousand ideas, zero actions
- wants to develop a game👄
bonus: never will👄
- oc collector
- lore enthusiast
- vent art
- journaling / diary 👄
- life can be so beautiful👄
- really, REALLY trying
- loves writing
⭐RESULTS⭐ which hobby are you?
-> gaming
Sobs I'm a #gamer now
💕 Thanks for doing my tag meme!
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princessfanonanona · 2 years
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I posted 8,293 times in 2022
86 posts created (1%)
8,207 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,326 of my posts in 2022
#video - 1,032 posts
#danny phantom - 639 posts
#dc - 172 posts
#long post - 146 posts
#recipe - 75 posts
#food - 66 posts
#crossover - 63 posts
#batfam - 57 posts
#music - 56 posts
#batman - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
My unpopular opinions: positivity only!
I feel like there needs to be more love in the fandom so I'm gonna start a thing!
I absolutely adore the soup time joke in regards to the thermos
The amount of ocs and world building of the phandom is absolutely astounding
How the fuck do we have basically a phandom event every month?? Like yall put out so much content that I am shooketh
Danny being 14 and acting like a little shit is blessed
393 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
DP prompt: Mr. Lancer is formally introduced to Clockwork at parent-teacher night.
Hi berry I love you berry but stop sending me prompts that get away from me I'm dying (affectionate and joking)
Mister Lancer heaves the sigh of an underpaid teacher with a long, long night ahead of them.
So far the parents have been…normal. Expected responses to common patterns of students.
He leans back, away from the desk to rub his face. The next pair of parents has him debating the flask he stashed in his bag.
He had sent a notice for young Mister Fenton to attend with his parents, against common practice. The boy had taken it with resignation lining his very soul. His eyes betrayed something else though. It made him wonder; if something else was happening behind the scenes.
Afterall, why would a child show signs of fear?
Sitting up, Lancer looks over the file again, feeling like he was missing something paramount to the situation.
A knock on the door draws his attention up.
A mop of black hair is barely seen at the bottom of the window.
"Come in!" He calls straightening his notes.
The door opens and Danny trudges in with his shoulders bunched near his ears.
Lancer can't help but notice the slight limp in his gait and the way one arm is curled around his torso.
"Are you alright?" He can't help but ask.
Danny flinches, ducking his head lower to hide behind his bangs. 
"'M fine," he mumbles, shuffling his feet.
Lancer frowns, and looks back at the open but empty doorway.
"Are your-"
"No, they're not," Danny cuts in. He stands awkwardly beside the chairs in front of the desk. "Can we just get this over with?"
Lancer blinks at the level of aggression in his voice. He takes a moment to reassess, seeing the lines of tension as more than just fear and shame.
"Have a seat, Mister Fenton," Lancer says, keeping his tone even, his posture loose. Danny balks but does as he's told, curling up on the seat.
"I had wanted to go over a few concerns," Lancer says, making a show of pulling some files from the folder. He watches Danny tense further out of the corner of his eye. "However, I have decided that perhaps a…re-evaluation is in order."
He drops the papers into the trash.
Danny frowns, blue eyes flicking between the bin and his face.
Lancer waits, giving the boy time to collect his thoughts.
"Why?" It's small, barely formed without any malice.
"Because I believe I've never had the full picture," he answers, leaning forward on his desk to bend to Danny's eye level. "And I do see so much potential that's being buried away."
Danny scoffs looking away, "No potential here, I'm just the family fuck up."
Oh, and isn't that something.
See the full post
494 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
"Wake up, Mister Fenton."
He flinches, smooshing his face into his arms before lifting his head. 
Danny blinks. 
"Oh Great Expectations," Lancer sighs with relief. Knelt beside him in the blue grass, "How do you feel?"
"Uh…" he looks around, sitting up properly. 
They're in the Zone, half the class, minus Tucker and Sam. Sprawled out in the grassy field.
"What happened?" He asks instead. He tries to remember, pain lancing through his head at the effort. 
"Whereizit?!" Dash shouts sitting up with a jolt.
"Easy, easy," Lancer grabs Danny's shoulder to steady him. "You hit your head pretty hard."
"I did?" Danny blinks the spots from his vision, rubbing his eye with the heel of his hand.
Somewhere further away, Paulina stares up at the drifting purple clouds. Muttered Spanish filling the air.
"What happened?" Danny asks, giving up trying to remember anything. He pushes himself to his feet. "Is everyone else okay?"
"Ah, you should stay sitting," Lancer says, reaching out to grab him. "Your head-"
"'M fine," Danny waves off, taking a step out of reach. He looks over the field.
Everyone is awake, and either getting to their feet to gather closer or staring in open shock at everything.
A brush of cold runs down his spine, making him gasp.
Danny pivots, striking a hard and fast punch to the center of the floating eyeball that had appeared behind him.
"Fenton?" Dash squeaks.
Danny shakes his hand out as he looks down at the bent over Observant.
"Why do I get the feeling this is your fault?" Danny asks them. He can feel the stares of the students, but he doesn't look back.
"Lor-" Danny grabs the front of his cloak to pull them upright.
"Skip the formalities, what did you do?"
"It has been- Ah- discussed that The King's Advisory Court needed to be…addressed." The Observant places wrinkled hands on Danny's and forces him to let go.
Danny hums.
"We have made the executive decision to assign members to-"
Danny punches them again, this time in the stomach. They double over with a wheezing gasp.
"So kidnapping humans to the Realms was your bright idea?"
"They are loyal to Lord Phantom," they gasp, glaring up at him
"You mean overzealous fans," Danny corrects, he leans over the Observant. "Send us home."
See the full post
821 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Danny rubs his temples, silently begging the building migraine to stop.
Unfortunately, that's not how migraines work.
His parents continue their screaming argument with Mister Lancer.
At this point they're so off from the original topic that he can't even remember what set them off to begin with.
(It was how to properly ensure the students safety.)
More unfortunately, they're in front of the entire school population in the gymnasium.
"You good?" Sam stage whispers from her place on the side of the makeshift stage.
"I'd rather deal with the Observants," he hisses back.
Sam winces.
Danny hiccups on a breath of cold air, as a presence solidifies behind him.
"Good, then maybe we can-" Danny grabs the hand that's placed on his shoulder and flips the Observant over, slamming them bodily between the adults.
The ensuing silence is deafening.
"Ancients, I swear if Johnny is nearby, he's getting souped for a month." Danny mutters walking closer to the ghost.
"Danny?" Maddie asks, a little bit shocked but something like pride in her eyes.
"Nuh-uh," Danny puts his hand up. "You're not touching this one."
Jack frowns, "But it's a-"
"I don't care-"
The Observant groans, trying to sit up. He stomps on their shoulder, pinning them to the stage.
"-and you shut up, I'll deal with you in a second."
The eyeball glares at him, "I will not be treated in such a manner."
Danny pulls out his thermos, "You want to be souped?"
The Observant holds their hands up, palms out.
"That's what I thought, now you two-"
"Did you just negotiate with a ghost?" Maddie asks, a little gobsmacked.
"Yes, now you two are going to pack your weapons up into the GAV and go home."
She frowns. "This is an educational-"
"Yeah no, it stopped being educational 30 minutes ago when you started a screaming match with Mr. Lancer."
"We did not-"
"I do have to agree," Principal Ishiyama says, watching the ghost warily as she steps on stage. "It would be best if you two were to leave, this assembly has officially lost its purpose. Or we can have you forcibly removed."
Maddie glares at her while Jack frowns, gaze bouncing back and forth between the ghost and Danny.
See the full post
1,356 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Danny stares at the glowing sticky note sitting innocuously on his notebook.
"Mister Fenton," Lancer says, drawing his attention up, "since you seem to be so studiously staring at your notes, perhaps you know the answer to my question."
Danny blinks.
He looks at the note once more before looking up.
"Is it 42?"
The class erupts in giggles as Lancer sighs. "That may be the answer to life but no that doesn't answer my question. Miss Sanchez, perhaps you know."
Danny tunes out to pick up the green sticky. Glowing blue ink glitters as it moves.
A single hand may lift a stone, but many can move the boulder.
Danny flips the note over, and back.
"What's that?" Tucker whispers, leaning forward on his desk to be closer to Danny.
"Bewildering, I need to visit Grandfather I guess."
"The mysterious one that you never mentioned before the C.A.T.S?" Sam asks.
"Mister Fenton," Lancer walks over. "There is no note passing in my class."
"But I wasn't-"
"Wow Fentina, don't know how you didn't expect to get caught with something that bright," Dash laughs.
"Pass it over," Lancer holds his hands out.
Huffing a sigh, Danny passes it to Lancer.
Or tries to.
The note passes through Lancer's hand.
Lancer blinks.
Danny blinks.
Lancer grabs the note again, fingers passing through.
"Wuthering Heights!" Lancer frowns, trying once more. "I'm losing my touch."
Danny flips the note and wiggles it. The sticky note does not make a noise. It does glow brighter however.
Lancer grabs Danny's wrists to move the note around to see it better.
"...Mister Fenton," he stares at the glittery ink, leaning closer.
"...yes Mr. Lancer?"
"This doesn't look like it's English."
"That's 'cause it's not."
"How the fuck-"
See the full post
1,714 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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memese-art · 20 days
Commenting on every single spread of my latest scketchbook bc why the fuck not
I finished this bad boy up a week and a half ago or so but I promissed myself that I'd try and post art at least once a week and I'm artblocked rn so yeah that's what we have for today
(also since it is kinda big I'll probably divide this into different posts so it doesn't turn into a goddamn THESIS)
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my first pages always tend to be a bit messy and disconnected and this is the case
the butterfly was apparently my "birthday butterfly"? I don't really remember. I really like how the duck turned out tho I made him in my arts history class :)
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now this one is kind of an homage to my cringe days from middle school lmao. I was cleaning up my art cupboard and found a bunch of little drawings and cutouts from 2018 so I decided to use them up
the only new thing is the jessie paege drawing but I don't really like how it turned out? idk I still have trouble capturing people's likenesses
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this spread doesn't really make that much sense? there's this super old art I did of Haley Williams from paramore apparently (if I'm bad at capturing likeness today, in 2019 I was even worse lmao) and my attempt to redeem myself right under it
and there's also a dnd character of mine on the following page. I adore her she's the love of my life
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the page on the left SUCKS ASS so much so I never even finished it up
the one on the right is ok I guess
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this one is pretty meh. I don't really like how it's so empty, it feels lacking
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I have no damn clue of what the page on the right was supposed to be ngl
the one on the left is cute tho, I've had these ocs since like 8th grade, I should draw them more
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again, a pretty meh spread, made out of pretty mid drawings. The mushroom guy is a dnd race called zethlera, and I get way more comfortable doing these little guys in the future, y'all will see
This is getting way too long and I'm getting tired of it so I'll put a stop to ir rn and add more in the future. I'll post them all under the "memese's scketchbook shenanigans" for future reference
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duckvenger · 1 year
The goth lit ask blogs were taking over my braincells, as they often do. @gabrieluttersonsuggestions, @garbageratsinatrenchcoat, @henryjekyllposts, @doctorlanyonblog, @imnotreanimatingthedeaddog, @clervalchats, and @thegothiclitcoffeeshop! I adore these asks blogs so much; they always light up my day, and reading replies to either my questions or other’s questions gives me a big ol’ smile.
Yet, it occurred to me that, even though I do not reply anonymously, I sort of reply as a character. I lean heavily into calling myself a vampire and sass and tease in ways that I ordinarily wouldn’t. I’ve... almost, accidentally... made an OC...
So, whilst bored out of my mind at work, I decided to ponder about what this ask-blog version of myself is like. I do not have time to draw him right now, but here are some rough rambles of my Goth Lit sona/OC.
“Ducky” He/they pronouns.
Vampire! Cannot remember his mortal life, so he kinda forgot his real name. Oops? Maybe someone can help him remember things?
Got the nickname “Ducky” because their bat form has a yellow tinted snout, resembling a duck’s beak.
Dracula hates him: Ducky owes Drac money and is kinda on the run from both him and many vampire hunters, like Van Helsing.
Being stalked by a hedgehog that he reanimated by mistake. Sometimes it’s a friend, sometimes it’s an ominous presence.
Thinks all arguments can be solved by showering people in apology flowers. (Flower language is a favourite of his!).
Speaking of flowers, they like to wear flower crowns and laurels. Their favourite flowers are blue hyacinths, sunflowers and yellow roses.
Thinks Edward Hyde and Frankenstein's Creature are really pretty, but is too embarrassed to admit it. (Also admiring Henry Jekyll and Gabriel Utterson from afar, but more in an admiration way than a crush way).
Hides their awkwardness behind their sass and formalities.
Visits Chauncey’s café purely to gossip and prank people (and totally not hide from vampire hunters).
I also made,,, some picrews,,,
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^^^ https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/331317.
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^^^ https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1414503.
My brainrot is very severe. I love these ask-blogs so very much, 。(*^▽^*)ゞ.
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But Know The Consequence Of Imagination’s Fear.
alt with just Bo :)
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sp00kworm · 4 years
Who needs lights?
Pairing: Durzub (Goth Male Orc) x Gender Neutral Reader
Warning: Suggestive Themes
This wonderful piece is based off a very lovely OC by @of-devils-and-drawings. Durzub belongs to her and I adored him too much not to make this for him. I’m a sucker for anything scary and/or orc.... and/or metal....and/or goth. 
You’d always found a little bit of comfort being in the alternative scene, even when others stared and watched in the street as you went past, going about your business, bundled in black layers or flares and platforms. It was something unique and different and it was very much a part of your life. The bars were always better places too. You laughed at the bar at your friend as the bar tender tied his platinum, lilac streaked hair back and started to mix the cocktail for the jug. It was easier to order in large pitchers and watch the band playing from the platform the bar was on. You watched the alcohol mix as the Fae grinned at you, revealing incredibly dangerous, sharp teeth and placed two straws into the jug before sliding it closer to the two of you.
You paid for it before laughing and turning a straw to the Faun, “To our health! Well, and my new job!” You cheered.
“Oh, for sure, finally you’re not broke and can pay for drinks!” She jeered as she pursed her lips and leaned down to take a few long sips, “Jesus Christ, Flix!” She coughed, “You trying to get us drunk and make us easy, or something?”
Flix rolled his eyes as he flipped a cocktail shaker over and caught it, “You wish Pip. You two haven’t ever been my type.” He snorted as his lilac, gossamer wings fluttered behind his back in irritation. He laid his burning black eyes on a group in the corner, “Though, I like the look of those troublemakers.” A claw raised to point at the group of Orcs who were gathered in the corner.
 Pip’s brown ears flicked before her hooves clicked against the black floor, the sparkly tiles reflecting the strobes from the stage. She grinned and flicked at the ring in her nose, her shaggy black hair flopping back over her dark eyes, “Oh,” She purred, “I didn’t know you were into the rowdy muscle-head sort.”
Flix flipped the cocktail again before giving her the middle finger and moving to serve the cocktail to a woman who had just come out of the crowd watching the band.
“Who are they?” You asked after taking a long drink of the cocktail, “I haven’t seen them here before?” You looked over at the group again before realising how perfectly they fit in here in the bar. All were dressed in a variety of fashion, from heavy leather, to chains, to netting. Others donned fancier items with flowing sleeves and long, tailored skirts and trousers. The majority were green in skin tone, but you looked at a few lighter coloured, grey toned orcs with interest as they were from the mountainous regions of the old country.
Pip clicked her tongue, “Muscle heads and trouble, the lot of them.” She took another few drinks before hopping back onto her bar stool and adjusting her net top over her ripped shirt. Around her waist was a thick leather belt, the studs dripping with thin metal chains that hung around her furry hips, “They come to shows like this and usually start fights.” She commented off-handedly.
 With a frown, you looked from her, to the group again, “They just seem to be drinking and watching?” You commented.
Pip snorted a short bleat again, “Yeah, wait until this gig really kicks off, then you’ll see what I mean. Last time I was here with them one of them decided it would be a great idea to upturn tables, and by that, I mean, upturn my drinks over my new dress.” She hissed venomously, “They’re assholes, the lot of them.”
“They don’t look like it…” You uttered as one of the Orcs stood from the group and dragged his friend up with him to get drinks. The rest of them hollered their orders before some of the group split off to join the crowd watching the band.
“Oh great. Here they come!” Pip cheered before moving two seats down and dragging you along with her.
“Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Pip.” Flix commented with a hiss and flutter of his wings, “They’re all lookers, I don’t see why you can’t look past that.” He shrugged his shoulders before smiling at the two male orcs at the bar, “What can I do for you two handsome fellas?” His eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings at them and you snickered at the scent of lilac flowers that drifted from him like a thick perfume.
 “Come on, Flix. Lay off it for one night will ya!” One of the orcs laughed before he elbowed his friend, “This guy’s new here. Don’t go scaring him off already. You lot need our custom.” The orc leaned back and scrubbed at his mohawk, adjusting his heavy cargo trousers. Fabric belts hung between the legs and down them and he wore a heavy half tartan kilt over the top. His face was littered with piercings and you could see why he looked like the sort to be causing problems.
“You know I love you all equally, Xurek.” Flix laughed, “But I was more excited for your lady friend over there. She’s new too huh?”
“Jesus, you never give up! Anyway,” Xurek took the other orc around the neck, “This is Durzub. He’s new in town. Just moved in from out from the sticks. He might look like a foul piece of work, but you’ve met Rakuh, so he’s not as scary.” Xurek laughed before he let the darker skinned orc go. The other male reached up to brush his black hair from his eyes. Most of his long black hair was braided in tight long threads, the braids sequenced with small beads along them with the rest straight and hanging over his shoulder beneath the wide brim of a black hat, emblazoned with a silver trim around the base. He turned, dressed in a black long shirt and coat, the end trailing behind him as he ducked out of Xurek’s grasp, brown eyes angry.
 Durzub snorted and tossed his head, the braids sliding back out of his way over his shoulder before he reached up to move his tangled chains from the ends of his hair, the necklaces hanging with silver teeth, “Will you stop dragging me around like a child, Xurek!” He snorted as he dragged his arm out of Xurek’s grasp and adjusted his hat again before sighing and taking it off, “Any way I could get you to store this behind the bar for me? Its new and these lot have a habit of throwing beer the later it gets.”
Flix fluttered his eyelashes again, “Sure thing, sweetheart.” He took the hat and turned around to hang it near the aprons, “Just grab me before closing and I’ll get it you.”
“Thank you.” Durzub rumbled before pulling his hair back again, tucking the straight length on his left side behind his ear, revealing rings of silver and studs of obsidian, which matched the rings, linked by a chain, on each of his short tusks.
“Don’t be nice to him, Durzub, he’ll eat you alive given the opportunity.” Xurek snickered behind his hand as he flapped his band shirt, trying to cool himself down, “His family ate children back in the day.”
“That was five hundred years ago!” Flix scoffed as he slammed two, pint glasses down on the bar, “So, was it two ales or two lagers?”
“We were thinking mead actually.” Xurek stuck his pierced tongue out before he played with the bar, “And not that piss water Weldrick buys for the goblins!” Flix ignored him and turned for the taps down the other end of the bar.
 Pip scoffed at the exchange, but you found your mouth opening at the sight of the long-haired orc and his scowl. He watched Flix’s wings before he turned away from Xurek’s chattering and pushed his hand over his mouth. You watched the exchange as Xurek stuck his tongue between the other’s fingers and couldn’t help but laugh loudly as Durzub cringed and recoiled.
“You’re fuckin’ disgusting.” Durzub rolled his eye and took a napkin from the holder to wipe the spit from his fingers and the skull rings which sat above his knuckles.
“Mmm, you taste like fresh meat.” Xurek hissed like a comically bad vampire, and you laughed again, but this time louder. It was loud enough that the two orcs looked down the bar to where you and Pip were sat with your cocktail jug.
“Well done! Now we have their attention.” Pip hissed in your ear before she kicked at your chair with one shoed hoof, clanking the metal with a vicious bang.
Xurek’s smile made you regret everything, as you watched his gaze shift from your face to the larger orc stood next to him, “Looks like we have an audience, Durzub.”
 The other male turned slightly on one heel, looking at you both with a raised eyebrow, looking over the two of you perched at the end of the bar, “Don’t mind this freak. He’s got a way of making everyone hate him.”
“Oh, that’s fuckin’ cold!” Xurek hissed at him, “After I introduce you to those bands too!”
Durzub rolled his eyes again as Xurek slinked around him to laze across the bar on one arm, his head propped up on his fist, “Bands which have given me nothing but persistent headaches.”
“Headaches but three magazine features!” Xurek wound his middle finger up before he smiled at the two of you again, “Ignore him. He was castrated at birth.” The statement earned him another gruff noise from Durzub.
“We don’t want your attention, Xurek.” Pip gave him a sardonic smirk, “Not unless you’re replacing those drinks from last time.” She leaned on her own open palm and bared her teeth at him, her hoof clicking against the bar stool.
“You’re a cold bitch, Pip. You know that was an accident.” Xurek whined, “Highlander honour.” He crossed his heart, “Anyway, why don’t I introduce you to my new friend here?” He wrapped his arm around Durzub, making the other spill mead down his fingers as he dragged him over to the two of you, “This is Durzub. He’s a music producer, and part time good looker.”
 “You’re a music producer?” You asked in awe before you turned and looked at the stage, “Are you here for these guys?” You pointed at the industrial band on stage as the lights went low and they started the intro for their next song. At the back here it wasn’t as loud, and you could readily hear the two orcs.
“Yeah. They’re a new signing.” Durzub rolled his shoulders in a shrug, “I never really sign their sort, but it seems like they have a decent following.”
“Come on, mate, we’re here to chill out, not to talk work.” Xurek groaned and laid against the sticky bar top before recoiling in disgust.
“I know, you great oaf.” Durzub placed Xurek’s drink next to him, “Are you both here to see the show?” He asked, his voice slipping from ‘totally pissed off’ into something that was ‘gruff but polite’. Either way, his soft country accent made you smile before you took a few mouthfuls of cocktail for courage.
Pip answered before you could swallow, “We come on a Friday to wind down. The gigs are always just a bonus.”
 She shot a look at you with her dark, goat eyes, warning you from speaking as she steered the conversation, “What about you guys? You here to bother people on their nights off?”
“Well, we know where we ain’t wanted.” Xurek shrugged his shoulders at Pip’s rudeness, “Sorry to harass you, but you don’t have to be a salty asshole about spilt drinks, you know.” He watched Pip’s temper flare and you ducked back as she slammed her hand against the bar top.
“You listen here you little asshole!”
“Little?” Xurek scoffed, “I tower over you, babe.”
Pip gave a bleat of anger before she swept her leg around you and cracked Xurek in the shin, “It was my new dress you ass for brains!” She hissed at him before she stood up to walk around you and face the orc head on.
“What do you want me to say, huh?!” Xurek goaded, “Oh I’m so sorry that my accident ruined something I couldn’t stop. Get over yourself thinking I did it on purpose!” He fumed with anger.
You leaned back before hopping out of your chair, taking the jug of cocktail in one hand and a tall glass in the other before you turned to Durzub, “Hey come on. They’re going to be screeching for a while. Want to go and sit on the balcony and watch?”
 Durzub seemed a little taken back by the offer, “Oh, sure.” He uttered as he pulled Xurek’s drink away from him and then took his own in hand and following you towards the stairs, leading to the viewing area above the pit. You found two stools and a table and happily placed your drinks on it before leaning on the railing to look down at the band as they headbanged together on stage.
Durzub sat awkwardly for a moment before he coughed behind his head, “So, what is it that you do?” He asked as he leaned over the table, eyeing the mixture of liquor and fruit juice in your jug.
You turned from the show and smiled, “Oh nothing as interesting as music production. I just got hired at a new modelling agency.”
“Do you model then?” He asked with wide eyes, “Because you’re certainly…”
“Oh, God no. Nothing like that. I work with brands and secure deals and shoots. I work with Skull Crusher and Tombstone mostly.” You smiled and sipped cocktail through your straw.
Durzub tucked his hair back again with a sweep of his hand, “That explains the look then.” He smiled softly, “Do you get some sweet discounts?” He asked.
“Like you wouldn’t believe. It’s never been cheaper to be a goth!” You cheered as you looked down at the rowdy beginnings of a mosh pit, then back to the bar.
 You gave a great laugh, “Well, looks like their argument is sorted.” You pointed at Xurek with his bruised cheek. He slammed back his drink before storming away into the pit, rushing through a mosh pit before his eyes caught sight of a human among the others. You grinned at his expression. Dumb struck.
“Jesus. I hope they’re ready to be pestered.” Durzub chugged a few mouthfuls of mead before he scoffed, “Whenever he gets that look, he ends up heartbroken a week later.”
“Well, it might be different this time, you know?” You smiled back at Durzub, “Maybe this is the one!” You cooed.
“You’ve got fairy tales in your head and cotton candy to go with it. He’s going to have a one-night stand then not shut up about her for the next three weeks.” Durzub held up three fingers as he drank some more, “Or he’ll relay every little detail to us on our next outing. He has zero filter.”  
“I can tell that much.” You laughed as you shuffled back in your seat, “What about you then, have you met your one?”
“My one?” Durzub scoffed, “Hardly. How old do you think I am?” He leaned on his fist and pointed back at himself, giving you a curious look.
 You felt like this was a trap, “Are you doing this so you can get mad when I guess wrong?” You asked as you pushed the ice around in the glass.
“Hardly. I’m not sensitive.” He grumbled as his painted fingers tapped against the side of the pint glass.
“Hmm, if you say so.” You leaned over the table to squint at his face. You’d worked with a few orcs before, but most were young models, sharp featured and tall, broad in the shoulders. Durzub was the same, though his face had wrinkles in places which would suggest he was far over twenty years old, “Thirty-six.” You decided with a smile.
Durzub let out a low laugh, “Not far off actually. I’m thirty-eight.” He pointed to the stage, “And I used to do that. Played in a band until about five years ago. Started as a producer then. Never looked back.”
“Oh wow. Who did you used to play with?” You asked in awe.
“A gothic rock sort of deal.” He replied before he looked into your pleading eyes, and relented, “Zi Gijak.”
“No way.” You rushed to stand from your seat as you recognised the Orcish name, “Black Blood!?”
 Durzub ducked his head, reaching for where his hat had sat before he realised, he wasn’t wearing it, “Keep your voice down, please.” He begged quietly, “I don’t need people in this place to recognise me.”
“How could they recognise you now? You look nothing like you did back in the day.” You stated before realising what you said sounded rude, “Not that you look bad now it’s just…”
He laughed at your awkwardness, “I know. I ditched the netting and bones a while ago.”
“You didn’t look half bad in it though, even five years ago.” You winked at him with a sudden rush of confidence, “Though I think this outfit suits you just as much.”
Suddenly, it was as though the intimidating exterior melted, and you watched Durzub’s face go flushed with embarrassment, “Thanks. It has been a change.”
Without making him any more embarrassed you changed the subject a little, “So what bands do you produce for now?” You asked.
“Quite a few. I used to work with SIREN before they got huge, but that sort of metal was never something I could do rather well, I thought.” He shrugged, “They’re with a more focused label now.”
“No way…This keeps getting better and better!” You uttered again.
 “Better and better for you. They were a headache and a half for me!” Durzub chuntered into his drink before he swallowed the last bits of it, “I’m glad they’ve moved up. They were good for business.” He smirked over the edge of the pint glass.
“Only thinking of the money.” You tutted playfully, “That’s no way to treat your bands.” You joked.
“Oh no, but that makes me feel better knowing my weekly migraines are worth the agony.” Durzub chuckled as he watched the band on stage, “These guys ain’t half bad for a show though. I think I picked the best from the bucket.”
“They have an interesting ensemble.” You smirked at the leather clad demoness as she slinked along the stage before she growled from her stomach, a crop landing against the hand of a handsy looking fan in the front.
“Interesting but it’s the sort of thing that gets you recognised.” Durzub noted as he watched, “This place is a refuge for all kinds of people. I’m glad Cal has got this place running with Weldrick.”
 “Who’s Cal? I’ve met Weldrick. Giant bright white minotaur, right? Build like a brick shit house with all the piercings?” You recalled.
Durzub nodded, “That’s him. He’s about eight foot tall too. Scariest mother fucker I ever did meet.” He shifted in his seat, “Cal is the co-owner, but he’s not around that often. He’s a vampire, but he’s not people fond.” The orc shrugged before offering you half a smile, “We all used to work together, believe it or not.”
“Wait…” Your mouth dropped open, “I’m actually stupid.”
“Cal was the singer of Black Blood. Weldrick ran our security back in the day.” He laughed at your open mouth before he leaned over to close your mouth with two large fingers. He brushed his fingers over your chin before leaning back and pointing to your drink, “Do you want anything else?”
“I’m okay thanks. I’ll keep your seat warm.” You joked as he stood up with a nod and grumbled about having something better than ‘shitty mead’.
 “I’ve never seen Durzub ever sit and talk with someone in a bar.” A deep, gravelly voice rang out from behind you. You turned around in your chair to see a tall, human looking male watching you, his sunglasses perched on the end of his nose as he regarded you with a mild amount of curiosity from over the lenses. He reached out a hand awkwardly, “Cal.”
“As in…” You took his hand, and flinched at the stone coldness of his grip, “Co-owner of the bar, Cal?”
“The very same.” He shook your hand lightly before his hand disappeared quickly back into his pocket, “I just came to say hello. I was curious. He hates attention in these kinds of places…”
“Just like you then, apparently.” You observed as you turned on your seat to face him. He was a giant man, but stony cold, and overly pale, looking almost grey around his reflective, steel-coloured eyes. They shone red as he turned, the bouncing curls of black hair spilling over his shoulders before he reached for a cigarette packet and cursed, seeing it was empty with only his lighter inside.
 “Cal?” Durzub returned with a large looking ale in his hand, “Weird time to show yourself. Unless you were planning to steal this one for a snack, hmm? As usual.” He scoffed.
“You know I’ve been off the blood for years…” Cal whispered as he rummaged in his other back pocket, before finding a small, slim packet of chewing gum, “I don’t…”
“Yeah. Save it. That’s what you said last time, Clarence.” Durzub huffed into his drink.
Cal’s back went ridged before he stooped over and unfolded the wrapper of his gum, “You don’t get to call me that.” He whispered again, his gravelly tone rumbling in the back of his throat before he slunk away, back into the shadows, and disappeared in a shadowy wave of his black hair.
“Sorry you had to see that.” Durzub rumbled from across the table, “Its…complicated.”
You span back around and smiled, “Don’t worry about it. I think Pip had more of a fight with Xurek.” You snickered as you turned to spy her sat at the bar, batting her eyelashes at Flix as he served, “Though I think she’s okay now. She’s turned her eyes on a certain someone.”
Durzub looked down at the bar and laughed as well, “Well I guess you know her type now.” He joked as he sipped at his ale.
“Yep. Scary pretty boys, who aren’t part of your friends.” You snickered as you sipped at the last of your cocktail and refreshed the glass.
 The band on the stage purred their final song as you took another drink, and you looked at your phone with wide eyes at the time.
“I have to get up tomorrow for errands.” You lamented, looking at the clock. It was almost midnight, and you knew Pip would be here for hours if you left her to her own devices.
“So, this is where the night ends.” Durzub laughed before he finished the last of his own drink, “Here.” He tugged out his phone, “Let me give you my number?”
You nodded and took your phone out to exchange numbers before checking it was working and showing him the message came through okay.
“Thank you for tonight.” You smiled at him, “We should do this again.” You leaned over and carefully placed a kiss on his flushed cheek, “For an grumpy music producer, you’re funny to be around.” You took your bag and looked at Xurek, who was busy pressing a human against the far wall, “And look after Xurek, huh? Looks like he might just get himself into trouble again.” You descended the stairs just as the orcs started cheering for the male and shook your head.
 After speaking to Pip, and confirming she had a taxi to get home, you exited the bar and shivered in the cold, before you felt a warm presence behind you, and a hand catch your own.
“Hey!” Durzub grunted as he caught your hand, “Let me walk you home?” He asked, “No way in hell I’m staying to watch those lot gawk at Xurek strip a human down.” He sneered. His sneer softened as you interlinked your fingers together and squeezed his hand before looping an arm through his own, leaning into his body heat.
“Sure. You can walk me home.” You leaned into his arm again and smiled, “I live three blocks away, so it’s a bit of a short walk.”
“Better to spend time with you.” Durzub whispered before he looked at the night sky, “I’m still sorry about what happened with Cal…”
“Honestly, it never happened, okay?” You patted the orc’s large arm, “We all have our differences and reasons.”
“Still. I was rude.” He huffed before he reached for his hat and tugged at the brim, “I’m glad I got to meet you at least tonight.” You tried to ignore the way he tugged at his bottom lip before he adjusted the decorative chain over his lip and smiled, still a little awkward.
“Me too.” You purred back at him.
 The messages started off polite between the two of you, but it was quickly a regular thing for you both to message back within a minute or two depending on if Durzub was working in the studio or you were in meetings. You were both enamoured. It didn’t take long for you both to meet again, eating together in a restaurant which was a little bit too expensive for you. It was high end, and suited Durzub as he sat there eating, looking intimidating as he ate couscous and chopped vegetables before smiling and blushing with embarrassment as you complimented him and his outfit. For such a giant orc, with a bigger scowl, he was softened whenever you said something nice. Several nights together on dates lead to this one, finally going to his studio to see what he did, and to listen to something he had been working on. Excitement churned in your gut as you looked at the choker around your neck and touched the spikes around its surface before flicking the dog tag and grinning at yourself before you rushed for the door to meet Durzub.
 “Hey!” You shouted at the orc. He was stood out on the pavement, dressed in an old print of a Black Blood shirt with a screaming orc and vampire on the front, blood dripping from both of their mouths. He was dressed in dark jeans, littered with pocket chains and a heavy leather duster to combat the cool breeze. He looked up from beneath his broad rim hat. Instantly, Durzub’s perpetual scowl turned into a small smile, and you took hold of his hand before leaning up to kiss his cheek before placing a soft kiss against his bottom lip. He was always a little slow to catch up, but he returned the kiss with a gentle rub of his tusks to your chin.
“Hey stranger.” He rumbled before he gestured to the building, “My studio is on the sixth floor.”
“This doesn’t look much like a record label building to me.” You hummed as Durzub led you into the reception. A naga waved him on up with you, looking back at her work with a hiss and a grumpy frown.
“Not yet it doesn’t. Wait until we get into the actual building. This is just the polite front for greeting people.” The elevator dinged as he pressed the button and the two of you climbed inside. He pushed the button for the sixth floor and you jittered with anxiety as it moved upwards slowly.
“I’m excited and nervous.” You whispered as the doors opened on floor two and let some more people in.
“Don’t be, baby. You’ll be fine.” Durzub soothed as you continued up.
 The sixth floor was littered with records on the walls, gold, red, black and mixed dyes. You looked along the walls before Durzub tugged you down the carpeted hall. You followed a step or so behind, trying to read the framed records as you toddled behind him, little out of your depth. Durzub’s coat trailed behind him and you moved to not step on it as he stopped at his door. He unlocked it with a click of an electronic card and you watched the black door swing open to reveal the sound room.
“Wow.” You stepped inside in front of him and looked at the expensive sound equipment, keeping your hands to yourself to avoid being told off or ruining anything, “This is some expensive gear.” You grinned at him, “And pretty.” You peered past the soundproof glass to see the guitars and drum kit in the recording box and smiled at the pointed-v design one, knowing it was from when he played with Black Blood.
“I knew you’d spot that one.” Durzub said mildly before he threw his coat over a speaker and collapsed into his large office chair, the leather making him shiver with the cold against his arms, “This is where I spend most of my life, making kids realise that riffs are stupid in the wrong places.” He scoffed before tugging you a chair from the other soundboard and patting it, “Come sit. I have some things to show you.”
 Carefully, you placed your coat on top of Durzub’s before joining him by the large computers, eyeing the two screens as he logged in, squinting at the screen.
“Fuck. Glasses.” He reached into his desk drawer and pulled free a set of circle frame glasses, putting them on before cringing and looking back at you, “Not as young as I used to be…”
“You look cute in them.” You gushed as you scooted the roller chair forwards and made sure to sit as close to him as possible, “Being able to see is important, even if you don’t look as scary with glasses on.” You teased.
“Yeah…” He let the words drop off as he found what he was looking for and pulled free two sets of expensive headphones. Durzub leaned over and gently tucked them over your ears, holding them and holding up an ‘okay’ sign before he donned his own and pressed play. He leaned back in his chair and you sat impatiently before the noise of a gentle synth graced your ears, opening with a gentle melody before a guitar followed the same rhythm before chugging to life with slow riffs. It was gentle somehow still as the guitar started on a slowly moving rhythm along into the beginnings of a verse, sung by a vocalist you recognised as Durzub. The lyrics lilted about roses on a hill, growing in a graveyard around a forgotten tombstone before you grinned at the references to old vampire movies that the two of you enjoyed. The chorus was met with a litany of soft guitar and synth before a drum solo full of soft cymbal carried on. It was something made for the two of you, and you wondered just how long Durzub had spent making this song. Looking at the poorly hidden bags under his eyes, you figured it had been most nights after work.
 In the closing synth of the son, you laid your head against Durzub’s arm, against the tattoo of the roses around the gravestone. You pressed your lips to his skin gently before smiling and tugging the headphones down to around your neck, smiling up at the orc. Durzub copied the motion with another small smile, reaching to stroke at the top of your head
“That was beautiful. It’s hard to believe you made that just for me.” You whispered against his warm skin as the orc flushed with embarrassment, “Did you mean the part about making love on graves?” You teased gently before you slipped from your own chair, and into his lap, your fingers sliding up over the tattoos on his arms, tracing the thorns of the roses down before you traced the edge of the stem curling over his collar bone.
“Maybe not. Stone gives you a bad back.” He rumbled as his pupils went wide, watching your fingers as they slipped under the collar of his t-shirt, “But I would worship you just the same.” His hands moved from the computer to your hips, his fingers pressing into the meat of your backside before he leaned forwards to kiss you. You gladly accepted the advance, kissing the orc back, your tongue licking at his lips before you traced the rings around his tusks and wrapped your arms tighter around his neck.
 A soft moan escaped Durzub’s mouth as you pulled away. His lips were puffy and you leaned forwards to bite his lip, enjoying the second croak that escaped him as you leaned back on his thighs.
“What about this desk?” You asked under your breath.
Durzub grumbled, “There’s a lot of…” Your hand meeting his crotch shorted his brain for a moment, “I can make room.” He grumbled before he pushed the keyboard and monitor aside, leaving the desk free for you both. You laid back over the wood and grinned as you tugged on one of his tusks, forcing his face down so you could lay another kiss on his lips. Durzub moaned again as you reached up into his dark hair, tugging the braids at his scalp.
“Maybe you should make good on your song lyrics.” You purred as you kissed his cheeks and then bit at his neck before sucking a mark under his ear.
“Fuck.” Durzub hissed before he leaned over you, his fingers tugging at your clothes before he admired the collar around your neck and gave it a tug, “I hope you didn’t have any other plans.”
 Neither of you saw the audio recording button flashing red.
 ‘Everything was recorded. I’m keeping it. See you at the bar. x’
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“I find you absolutely fascinating.”
namjoon x reader (oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.2K
a/n: Lovelies! Namjoon and Daisy/reader are being cute and soft and in love again :(( I mean at this point you probably know the drill. These two are about to take a big step and thinking back on how they started... they deserve this! I hope you all enjoy, and thank you for reading! :))
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Strolling through the museum halls, you found it quite difficult to focus on the masterpieces surrounding you as you watched Namjoon stand in front of a colorful contemporary painting. Inspecting the piece, he leaned closer to it, his gaze bouncing from feature to feature within the work.
Nodding to himself, he put his pen to his notebook, jotting down a thought. You couldn’t help but grin at the way he absorbed knowledge, every piece of art intriguing him and inspiring him. It was something you truly loved about him.
Looking up from the paper, he slowly dragged his eyes from the piece to you, his orbs meeting yours as he noticed your smile. A bashful grin overtook his features, his dimples appearing as he stepped closer to you.
“Are you amused?” He asked, you nodding.
“Always by you,” you beamed. “I find you absolutely fascinating,” you confessed, amping up the cheesy tone of your voice to emphasize your playful teasing, though the words were genuine.
Shaking his head as he let out a breathy chuckle, he draped his arm around your lower back. Pushing his lips to your forehead, he snickered against your skin.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked, just before leaving a sweet peck to your temple.
“If you are,” you told him, Namjoon nodding his head. As he started leading you down the hall toward the exit, you halted, the man looking at you curiously. “Dimples, what do you think of this one?” You pointed to a painting, Namjoon’s head darting to the piece.
Humming in thought, he squinted at the painting. “I like the palette,” he nodded. “The colors are cool in tone, it’s interesting,” he continued, his eyes drifting back to you as you stared at the piece intently, feigning a serious expression. A smirk curved up on Namjoon’s lips as he watched you pretend to critique the piece. “What are you doing?” He chuckled, you fighting to hold back your grin.
“It’s phallic, is it not?” You asked, Namjoon’s eyes widening as he cocked his head, looking back to the painting.
“What?” He asked in shock. “Is it?” He questioned further, holding back a laugh.
“Yeah,” you held your hand out, dragging your finger in the air to draw the shape you were seeing. “Like that, see?” You asked, turning your head toward Namjoon.
“Fucking hell,” he chuckled, squeezing his eyes shut as he lowered his head, trying to hide his amusement.
“Jot that down,” you nodded to his journal with a smirk, Namjoon taking a deep breath as you began walking away from him. As you left down the hall, your boyfriend watched you go, shaking his head in utter amusement and fondness, a massive dimply smile spread across his face.
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Crowds of people surrounded you as you walked down the busy Seoul sidewalk, your hand intertwined with Namjoon’s. After about thirty minutes of walking, and finding yourselves at Olympic Park, Namjoon bumped his shoulder against yours. “Are you hungry?” he asked, looking to your face to see you smirk.
“Starving,” you giggled, Namjoon chuckling as he nodded.
“Good, come with me, babe,” he said mysteriously as you led you further into the park, your confusion growing.
“Are we getting something delivered?” You asked him, the man simply smiling.
“Something like that,” he said, giving you no further hints, you huffing though you couldn’t hold back your grin.
You walked for a few more minute, watching other couples stroll the park, people play with their dogs, parents as they watched their kids run around, until your eyes landed on a couple across the field who looked quite familiar.
“Wait is that Jin?” You asked your boyfriend, pointing at the recognizable man and his fiancé.
“Ah,” Namjoon simply said, changing the direction of his walking to get to his friend. “I almost walked right past you guys,” your boyfriend called out to them, Jin lifting his arms into the air.
“I thought you already did, you took forever,” Jin complained, you looking between the three people completely lost.
“What is going on?” You asked, just before giving the girl a hug, not missing the way she randomly held your face between your hands as she beamed at you, though you chose to ignore it for the time being as you simply giggled at her. Namjoon smiled shyly at you just as you followed his gaze to the picnic setup in the field and slowly realized what was happening. “Wait is this for us?” You asked in surprise. “A picnic?”
“Yeah,” Namjoon chuckled. “These two set it up for us. And cooked everything,” he explained, you looking to the couple with widened eyes.
“Oh my god, guys, that’s so sweet, thank you,” you expressed your gratitude, Jin brushing you off with a wave of his hand.
“It’s all Namjoon’s idea, he just needed some help with the execution,” Jin explained as your lips spread into a warm smile, your eyes glued to Namjoon as he ducked his head slightly, the man bashful under the attention.
The couple didn’t stay long, leaving you and Namjoon to enjoy your picnic alone, however your friend kept looking back at you both as she walked away with Jin.
“They were acting weird, don’t you think?” You pointed out to Namjoon as you both sat on the cute little picnic blanket.
“I don’t know, they seemed about normal,” Namjoon countered as he opened Jin’s old picnic basket.
“No seriously, look, she keeps looking back at us,” you nodded to the couple, your boyfriend looking after them with a small chuckle.
“She’s always strange though, is that really any different to how she normally acts?” He reminded you of your friend’s sometimes weird behaviors. Giggling, you nodded.
“Ok, kind of true,” you confirmed. “And I’m letting you dissing my friend’s eccentricity slide for now since you planned this adorable picnic” you teasingly added as you watched Namjoon lift a bottle of champagne from the basket. “Ooh, fancy,” you smirked, Namjoon’s dimples on display as he dug further inside the basket, setting different food containers onto the blanket. “Jesus, it’s a feast.”
“You said you were starving,” he pointed out, you giggling as you reached forward and opened a container of fruit. Bringing a berry to your lips, you watched the man as he uncorked the bottle of champagne. His face was full of concentration as he twisted the metal cage that held the cork in place. Dropping the wire on the blanket, he pushed up on the cork, both of you flinching at the sound of the pop, the cork being sent a few feet away and landing in the grass. “Oh, shit,” Namjoon mumbled as he set the bottle down, nearly knocking it over as he hurried after the cork, you having to catch it before it spilled all over your picnic set up.
Chuckling to yourself, you looked toward the man as he adorably made his way back, holding the object out toward you with a goofy grin on his face. There were several moments, nearly constant actually, where you looked at Namjoon and remembered all over again just why you wanted to spend your life with him. And as he sat back down, less than gracefully, dropping the cork on the blanket proudly, you found yourself in yet another one of those moments. What a blessing it would be to spend forever with this man.
As you enjoyed the meal your good friends put together for you, all you could think about was how unbelievably lucky you were in this lifetime to have found Namjoon. And how privileged you were to be on the receiving end of his love, along with his forgiveness. The man could have given up on you early on in your relationship, leaving you behind when you gave him nothing but insecurity and inconsistency. But he stayed by your side, showing you the care and patience that you’d never been given before him. He was a treasure, and he was yours.
The sun was setting over the city, casting Namjoon in a heavenly golden glow. Staring at him fondly, you wondered if he understood how beautiful he was; how beautiful you found him to be.
“You’re gorgeous,” he suddenly interrupted your thoughts, your jaw dropping slightly as he stole the compliment you were just about to give him.
“I was just thinking the same thing about you,” you grinned, Namjoon letting out a breathy chuckle. “You really are gorgeous, Dimples,” you appreciated him sincerely. “I never tire of looking at you, or talking to you, sitting with you in silence,” you shared, Namjoon’s eyes softening as he stared at your face. “You really are the most fascinating thing I’ve ever come across,” you whispered.
Namjoon’s adam’s apple bobbed against his throat as he swallowed nervously, a warm smile overtaking his features. “I have something for you,” he announced, digging inside his bag. Watching him curiously, your eyes fell upon the envelope he pulled out. Presenting it to you bashfully, you beamed.
“What’s this?” You asked as you took it, reading your name that was written across the front of the envelope. Carefully, you opened it, pulling out a folded piece of paper. You weren’t sure what the contents of the letter would be, but you had a feeling this was going to be a major moment for you and Namjoon. Opening it carefully and slowly, your eyes scanned the words across the page, mostly scribblings with crossed out words. But the first sentence told you exactly what you were looking at.
Etched in hangul were the words person and love. And below that, You make live to a love, was written in English.
Your heart raced as you realized this was the draft he started with when writing his song Trivia: Love.
Other single lines were scratched across the page such as, What if I go? If I go, would you be sad? And You’re my person, my desire, my pride, my love, my one and only love.
You could feel tears pricking your eyes as you read over the paper, the sentiment of the lyrics hitting you all over again; the love and vulnerability and purpose he revealed on the page, all feelings you caused him. The word destiny was written with an arrow pointing to, we’re meant to be. Do you feel the same?
At the bottom of the page, he abandoned single lyric ideas where he instead decided to write his thoughts plainly.
“This is love. I know it is, I just feel it. I’ve never truly known it before, but this is it. Like how the moon rises after the sun. You give meaning to my memories. Will you make memories with me forever?”
Lowering the paper to your lap, you looked across the picnic blanket to find your boyfriend holding a ring between his fingers, his eyes soft and large as he stared at you nervously. “Will you make memories with me forever?” He asked you, your breath leaving your lungs as the love you felt for the man rushed through your frame.
You couldn’t even form words as you began nodding, smiles overtaking both of your faces as you stood on your knees. Namjoon mimicked your actions as he met you in the middle, your mouths crashing into a needy kiss. Ignoring the other park goers, you and Namjoon were lost on cloud nine together.
Trailing kisses across your face, he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you against his frame as he held you close. “I’ve wanted to marry for years,” he chuckled against your hair, you smiling against his neck in response. “I wrote this song knowing I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I’ve known for years too,” you assured him. “You’re incredible, you know that?” You asked him, chuckling as you pulled away from him to look at his stunning face. His eyes held your gaze for a moment before they landed on your hand, his fingers grasping your hand as he slid the ring into place.
“Here’s to a lifetime of being forever fascinated by each other,” he said cheesily with a massive dimply grin.
“A lifetime,” you beamed. “That sounds perfect.”
Staring at each other for a moment, Namjoon broke the moment first by lunging forward, pushing you to the ground as he positioned himself above you. Kissing you softly, your hands brushed over the sides of his face.
“I almost put the ring in your champagne glass but I was afraid you’d swallow it,” he giggled adorably, your finger tracing over the dimple in his cheeks before dragging over his smiling lips.
“Now that would have been a story,” you teased as Namjoon kissed the tip of your finger. “Thank you, Joon,” you said suddenly, his eyes widening in question. “For believing in us even when I couldn’t.”
Smiling softly, he shook his head at you as if he shouldn’t be thanked for such a silly easy thing to do. But instead of speaking against your gratitude, he chose to gently press his lips to yours. Because it didn’t matter how you started your relationship or who believed in what. You were there, and you were in love. And he knew you both would be loving each other for as long as you both lived in this lifetime, and even into the next.
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