#i dreamt of her three cats yesterday when I have 3 of my own????
vehder · 2 years
aware of the several atrocious red flags i ignored yet i still find myself missing this person a year later. wtf is that
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mothlegs · 1 year
dreamt of. unreality..? and illness
idk how to content warn this so read at your own risk
the first of my dreams were like...a zombie apocalypse, i think, but the zombies were extra stupid and...made..of sand..??
a guy helped me get a shotgun and then immediately got shot by someone??? i felt kinda guilty but it's not like i couldve done anything- the aim thingy on the shotgun sucked
something abt explosions. couldnt find my family, was really just running around trying not to get eaten. some of it was in a mall, which was like hoh similar to yesterday where i ran around a mall with something that looked kinda like the Baron from wwdits after escaping from the cops who were after me cause i ran away from school with a punk girl
i dont think i remember anything else from that dream. but then there was illness
im pretty sure the illness was Decima from Wolf 359 ??? and it made people like...idk what it's called, like doing a bridge pose kinda but with their limbs bent and their back flat, and then having the creepiest expressions
i saw one that was standing like that but on the tips of its toes and eueurghh creepy
i was so scared of this illness i was considering suicide just so i wouldnt get infected (this happens fairly often in my dreams ???)
there was more creepy shit to the illness that i dont remember
thenn dreamt something about. i dont even know what the point of the trip was
so like. im with this guy in a camper van and we're going to this place, the rest of my group home is in the normal van. we get there and i dont remember anything from it except i watch some creepy videos that like...break me
my neck is all wrong. im wearing a pearl necklace?? and when i take it off my neck is. broken. like theres a big, opposite of a dent on the upper part, and each time i move the necklace theres different weird stuff with my neck
like im slightly out of reality
we go home and things just get worse. i cant figure out how to turn off some sound, it keeps playing when i stop the video
i try playing other things but it just plays as they play. it's a sound of unreality
one of the videos i saw was with some freaky doll..? like a monster doll, almost gorey but not actual gore it was just so freaky
and the creator was a japanese man, and in the preview of the video he faints? and the title was something like..."moments from [the show] that make [creators name] seem almost human" ??
i get food somehow. something is wrong with it
we stop at like...a drive thru pizzaria but it's not a pizzaria, they just give us food when we stop there. we see a van on the other side covered in perfect scribbles
something is wrong with that entire place, and the food
we stop at an abandoned grocery store. i steal deodorant but it's...weird..?? like theres 3 parts and apparently you have to mix them and then it's some weird paste?? also it was made by nestle
we pick up the guys parents?? and his dad. eats. the deodorant mixture. cause he thought it was candy. ???
we talk a bit about hating nestle and how unethical most chocolate production is
at some point i hallucinate a doll walk past me. and other things, i start hallucinating badly and consider going on antipsychotics
the guy im with feels bad for me
at some point i slightly phase through my seat
i try rewatching the videos that broke me but it doesnt work
we've been driving for half an hour. i ask how long till we're home. he says two hours. im not sure i'll survive the trip
in a dream that feels related to all the others. me and someone else go to a ladys apartment. her window is open, and front door, and apartment complex door. we worry.
we get up there and theres some kinda lock? but the person im with figures it out fast. we're there to help her, apparently
there are three cats. one of them is my irl cat bella, and then theres a new kitten. it's screaming. the lady and other person dont handle it very gently, i worry for it cause it's very very small, shouldnt be away from its mom
i hold it and sway it gently like a baby, and i think i feed it. it stops yelling and seems to feel safe with me
i sit down with it and bella
then. my mom is there? maybe she was the other person. shes been...playing genshin??? and she says bella is named after a character she hates and she shows me her playing as barbara and i say her name is bella. there was something about the kittens name too but i no rememby
aaand i think thats it. i pet bella also, she was so big in the dream compared to irl. shes very tiny irl, grew a lot less than sia or even just her twin brother, hes as big as their dad now but shes teeny.
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catfe-overlord · 4 years
Part 3
Read part 1 here
Read part 2 here
::in which the Bakusquad comes in clutch, and Kirishima and Bakugou have a cutesy moment together::
“Kiri, you with us?”
That voice was Ashido. Yeah, that was definitely her giggle that followed. Funny, because he was just dreaming about her.
“You were, were you?” she snorted. Someone else snickered.
Yeah, he’d dreamt they were at the amusement park. Kaminari got sick on a roller coaster. Ashido got cotton candy stuck in her hair. He’d nearly pissed himself in the haunted house.
Laughter erupted, jarring him out of the last remnants of sleep that were clouding his mind. He blinked up at his three friends, who were all grinning down at him, their giggles dying down to welcome him back to the world of the living.
“Do you always talk in your sleep, dude?” Sero asked, holding his stomach after laughing too hard.
“Uh, I wouldn’t know,” he retorted. “I’m sleeping.”
“Oh my gosh, that was hilarious. My face hurts from smiling so much,” Kaminari stated, wiping a tear from his eye. He forced himself to turn serious after a few moments of collecting himself. “Hey, Kirishima, I’m really sorry about electrocuting you yesterday. I panicked, and I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. It’s just, Bakugou is terrifying on a good day! When he turned on me and something was definitely wrong, like, he had claws and slit eyes and he looked like he wanted to cut me to shreds, I couldn’t stop myself! It happened so fast, I—”
“It’s okay, Kaminari,” Kirishima stopped him there. “I totally get it. Mistakes happen. It was probably a good thing you stopped Bakugou when you did. He could’ve killed someone.”
Ashido leaned in to give Kirishima a big hug. He was thankful for the warm embrace. Other than the new gauze Recovery Girl must have applied after he passed out, he’d slept shirtless and his blanket had fallen down to his waist at some point in the night. He could feel the goosebumps on his arms.
“How are you feeling?” Ashido asked after pulling away.
“Better. Groggy, definitely, but it’ll pass once I’m up and moving. Thanks.”
She pinched his cheek before standing up straight and snapping her fingers at Kaminari. “Fetch the gifts, peasant.”
He stuck out his tongue in her direction before turning toward a few plastic bags on a table across the room. He brought them over to Kirishima’s bed and dumped the contents at his feet. “Ta-da!”
It was everything Kirishima had purchased yesterday at the mall. His crocs and hair dyes and gel and the red sweatshirt. He was so relieved to see them. He’d spent nearly ten-thousand yen on everything, and after Bakugou had been hit he’d just dropped everything and didn’t think twice about it.
“Whoa! I can’t believe you guys found all my stuff,” he beamed, the smile evident on his face. “Bakugou’s too?”
“You bet!” Ashido winked. “We left his two bags outside his dorm, since the door was locked. I doubt anyone would have the balls to touch something of Bakugou’s anyway, so I don’t think we have to worry about it going missing before he gets back.”
“Speaking of Bakugou,” Sero said warily, “how’s he doing? I mean, I know you just woke up, but you were with him last night, right?”
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m honestly not sure how to answer that one. He was definitely still struggling with the quirk when I left him last night, but he’s a fighter.”
“What exactly did the quirk do you him?” Kaminari asked. “He looked terrible. And he had murder in his eyes, like, more intense than usual.”
Kirishima chuckled at that, but he didn’t really find it funny. “Aizawa kind of explained it to me. It’s like he’s stuck in some—how’d he say it?—oh, ‘animalistic rage’ is what he said. And it changed some of his appearance, but I’m sure you guys saw that. I’m actually going to visit him in a little while.”
“You are?” Ashido asked excitedly. “Where is he? Is he still here, at UA?”
“Uh, yeah, he’s in a safe room. But I’m not sure it’s such a good idea to see him right now. He could hurt you guys. The only reason I can go is because of my quirk.”
Ashido pouted. “I know you’re right, but it still sucks. Just keep us updated on Blasty, okay?”
Kirishima offered her a smile. “I will. And I’ll tell him you guys said hi.”
Sero stood then and stretched, cracking some of his joints. “So, Recovery Girl said you should be good to go once you were up. Wanna grab some breakfast?”
Kirishima could feel his mouth water at the thought. “An omelet sounds delicious right now.”
After Kirishima cleaned himself up, removed the last of the bandaging from his torso, and threw on his new red sweatshirt and his fresh crocs, the proclaimed “Bakusquad” made their way to the cafeteria. It was a Saturday, and other students were filing in and out at their leisure. Kirishima caught sight of Midoriya and his own group of close-knit friends, and they waved to one another.
Kirishima inhaled his food. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he took the first bite. His friends chattered amongst themselves, and he half listened to their conversations, but he didn’t say a word other than a grunt of affirmation here and there until his plate was clean.
His phone buzzed in his pocket as he was just leaving to head back to the dorms. It was Aizawa.
Heard Recovery Girl gave you the OK. Visit Bakugou whenever you want. Text me when you get here and I’ll let you in.
Kirishima smiled down at his phone. “Guys!” he said, stuffing the phone back into his pocket. “I’ll catch you later. Aizawa just texted me with the go-ahead to see Bakugou.”
Ashido slumped, but she waved him off. “Alright, but tell him we wanna visit soon too!”
“You got it,” he said, spinning on his heels and heading over to the building he remembered Aizawa leading him to last night.
Once he’d been buzzed in by Aizawa and lead down the elevator to the sub surface level that held his best friend, Kirishima suddenly found his stomach fluttering with nerves. He wasn’t sure which Bakugou was waiting for him: the angry, feral Bakugou he’d fought on the street yesterday or his angry, less-feral-more-bitter friend that he cared so much for.
Or maybe it was the Bakugou he’d said goodnight to. The quiet, careful Bakugou who didn’t dare hurt his friend. Who fought the quirk with every last ounce of strength he had to hold himself back.
When Kirishima peered through the one way mirror, it wasn’t a sight he’d expected. It was just Bakugou, still obviously under the effects of the quirk judging by the black, clawed hands and cat-like eyes, and he was just laying on his side on the shredded mattress, head propped up by his elbow. He was finishing up a bowl of rice and chicken, and he had a manga in front of him that he slowly flipped through.
“He’s been like this for the past hour,” Aizawa informed him. “He goes between ballistic and himself pretty often. I’ve had a few conversations with him this morning, but no one can get near him yet without him attacking. If you want to go in, I’ll allow it, but I want you to stay away from physical contact.”
Kirishima nodded. “I mean, Bakugou isn’t a very touchy-feely kind of guy on a good day.”
Aizawa swiped his key card through a small device attached to Bakugou’s door. The little red light turned green. “Well, he’s been asking when you’d come by.”
Kirishima was genuinely surprised by that. “Really? Why me?”
Aizawa sighed. “Because you’re his best friend.”
Kirishima tried to suppress his smile, but he knew he was failing miserably. Aizawa waited patiently while Kirishima pulled off his new sweatshirt and tossed it onto a chair before he finally opened the door for his student. He’d raised an eyebrow, surely wondering why the redhead decided to go shirtless, but he didn’t ask questions.
As soon as Kirishima stepped through the door, Bakugou looked up at him and stared for a long moment. His face slowly twisted into a snarl. Kirishima suddenly felt pretty self conscious and a hint of fear at what his friend might do next, but before he could say anything, Bakugou was yelling.
Kirishima stopped breathing. His heart might have skipped a beat. His lips twitched into a smile, so grateful to have his Bakugou back to normal, at least for now. “I was wearing my new sweatshirt, and I didn’t want you to ruin it.”
“Well, fuck. Go put it back on, dipshit.”
“But what if you get all angry again and tear it up? I like it.”
“I’m not gonna do that, fucker. And if I did, I’d just buy you a new damn sweatshirt.”
Kirishima smirked. “What, you’re not enjoying the gun show?”
He flexed, and the look on Bakugou’s face was priceless. His cheeks turned a deep shade of pink, and he turned away to glare at the wall. It took Kirishima a moment to realize he was blushing.
He put his arms down and turned back toward the door, but the smile was still evident on his face. “Alright, I’ll put it back on. But don’t ruin it, Bakugou. I swear, I’ll be really pissed off.”
Aizawa was already standing at the door holding the red sweatshirt. Kirishima thanked him and pulled it back on before making his way over to the wall beside the head of Bakugou’s bed. He slid down to the floor into a criss-cross position and stretched his spine.
“Kirishima,” Bakugou said then, a seriousness in his voice Kirishima wasn’t used to. “I wanted to apologize for yesterday. For hurting you… and ruining your favorite shirt… and probably losing all of the shit we bought.”
Kirishima blinked. “What?”
Bakugou glared at him. “I’m not gonna say it again, Shitty Hair, so accept it.”
“Oh! No, dude, listen. You don’t have to apologize for anything. The Bakusquad found all of our stuff. See?” He used a hand to refer to his sweatshirt and crocs. “I bought these yesterday when you were looking at those headphones. Ashido said they left your stuff at the dorms. And don’t worry about the shirt! It was getting pretty old anyway. I have lots of favorite shirts.”
“No, that one was the favorite. And I fucking ruined it.”
Kirishima tilted his head. “You were under a quirk, Bakugou. Really, it’s okay. I was way more worried about you than some stupid shirt.”
Bakugou looked like he wanted to keep arguing, but he managed to restrain himself. Instead, he said so quietly, “You called me Katsuki yesterday.”
Kirishima looked up at the blond, surprised. “Uh, yeah. I did. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I just… I thought maybe it would help? Like, help you to remember yourself, and overcome the quirk.”
Bakugou wet his lips. “Yeah. It did. Help, I mean. It did help me. So, uh, thanks.”
They were both quiet for a few long moments. Kirishima thought about the way his name sounded in Bakugou’s voice yesterday. He wasn’t going to point out that Bakugou had returned the favor in calling him Eijirou, thinking maybe he didn’t remember it. Kirishima didn’t want to make things awkward. Er, more awkward.
“You can keep doing it. If you want.”
Kirishima stared up at Bakugou, trying to read his calm expression, but the blond wouldn’t look at him. “Huh?”
He sighed through his nose. “You can keep calling me by my given name. I wouldn’t mind it. Fuck.”
Kirishima went light headed for a second. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod—!
He gave Bakugou a bright smile and a thumbs up. “Sure, Katsuki! And feel free to use mine too!”
Bakugou sank to the floor a few feet from Kirishima, leaning back against the cot. He had his arms wrapped around himself protectively. His face was still flushed pink.
“If you don’t want to waste your day here, it’s fine,” Bakugou spoke. “It’s boring as fuck, I get that. It’s Saturday, and I’m sure there are a lot of better ways you could be spending it.”
Kirishima laughed. “No way, dude. I’d rather spend time with my best bro, even if we’re stuck here. You’re not a chore, Katsuki.”
He seemed to shrink in on himself. “Well, you’d better fucking bring some cards or something next time. I’m not a conversationalist like you and the other extras.”
Kirishima made a mental note of that. “Cards. Gotcha. Anything else you’d like?”
Bakugou’s eyes tightened. “Mm. There’s a book I was reading that I left on my desk. You still have the other key to my dorm, eh?”
“Yep! So, cards and book. Got it. Just text me if you need anything else. You have your phone, right?”
He grunted in confirmation. “Aizawa has it. I don’t want it because I’ll probably just fucking break it. I’ll have him text you.”
Kirishima nodded. He’d stretched out his legs so their feet were almost touching. Aizawa was pretty persistent on avoiding physical contact, but Kirishima couldn’t help wondering if a simple touch really could throw his friend into a frenzy. He didn’t want to ruin the moment though, because he really did enjoy being with Bakugou.
It was at that moment Kirishima noticed the jolt that seemed to pass through the blond. His eyes were wide, and his hands were shaking as he stood in a rush.
“You should go,” Bakugou said quickly, unable to look him in the eyes.
Kirishima quickly scrambled to his feet as well, aware that Bakugou stood between him and the exit. “Are you alright?”
“Get out, Eijirou.”
Kirishima flew past Bakugou on his way to the door, but he stopped to look back at the blond. “I’ll be back later.”
Bakugou clutched his head—the source of his pain—but he managed a nod.
And with that, Kirishima left.
Oh boy oh boy I love these kids. They take up too much of my brain capacity. Anywho! I have two more chapters planned and I think that’ll be it. I have many a fic planned, and as much as I love this lil guy (which was honestly supposed to be a oneshot), I’m just about ready to move on. Also, I love prompt suggestions !!!???? So like ???? Please send them my way ???????!!!
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and stick around for the last two chapters (which will hopefully be up by the end of the week). Have a lovely night, friends
Read part 4 here
Read part 5 here
Read part 6 here
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lessonincanvases · 5 years
all of creatures and heroes!
omg angel
Pegasus: Last movie you watched?
mmm honestly i think it was inside out?? me n my girlfriend watched it together after watching midsommar the dichotomy of man xx
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?
FLEABAG and im just UGH
Centaur: Last book you read?
i reread nightfilm the other week!
Siren: Last song you listened to?
red door by julien baker ugh i stan forever
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
a nutella and banana crepe 
Cyclops: Last time you cried?
three days ago bc i was tired lol
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
today walking home from the bus bc it’s sunny and beautiful and warm today and my music was good and i just had a Fleeting Moment of True Joy
Sphynx: Last text you sent?
lmao i texted MANIC EYES to my girlfriend about a picture of her cat
Chimera: Last call you made?
my bank lol fuck phone calls 
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?
snuggled with my kitten 
Nymph: Last dream you remember?
the other night i dreamt that i was trying to organise my shit in a room that was full of rain and then my mother came in to have a conversation with me about something ?????
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
yesterday when i was visiting my friend in hospital and he showed me a video of his dog opening the fridge and stealing an entire block of cheese
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?
i have not bc i rarely remember my dreams and when i do they’re like. magical not anything real 
Theseus: What is your worst regret?
oh god um i think probably i regret letting my anxiety and fear of failure and rejection stop me from trying to actually get into acting schools 
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested?
nope im petrified of the police !
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
nope lol
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?
i have not
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.
uuuuuuuuuhhh so many of the things i did when i was young and awkward and i didn’t know how to be social without being super fucking weird 
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out?
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?
i’m incredibly academically articulate and good at the whole words thing so earlier this year i wrote a 2000 word personal reflection on an acting breadth subject i did in literally two hours and got an h1 on it lol 
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?
ya :)
Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?
i’ve actually done a lot of travel! i used to live in bermuda which was wild and also my family is really spread out and also big on travel so i’ve been to a lot of places in the states, cancun, england, france, scotland, switzerland, luxembourg, austria, prague, canada, new zealand, tahiti, and south africa! 
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?
yeah and it was terrifying 
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
ok ok so it’s really cheesy but like when i was doing some travel in europe on my own, i was in france for three weeks doing a french language course, and i went to a wine and cheese tasting thing the language school set up and after the thing i was walking to my host family’s house and it was sunset and late summer and warm and beautiful and i was the only one on the sidewalk and i remember feeling so giddy and free like the world was wide open in front of me and i literally danced down the sidewalk and i was twirling and laughing and so so happy and like the song i was dancing to is forever associated with this exact moment 
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