#i drew a bear from the prompt of yeti
deathianartworks · 11 months
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bebepac · 4 years
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles prompt # 48 “Maybe it was confusing, but it’s wasn’t like anyone really cared, will appear in bold. 
This is chapter 3 of Pop’s Place.  To see what you’ve been missing so far, Please click here: Pop's Place Masterlist
Summary:  Mia and Daniel take a day trip to Wrightsville Beach to hang out on Hana’s boat with Maxwell, Leo, Liam, Penelope, Drake and Olivia. 
Warnings:  Profanity,  underage drinking, Olivia being an ass.  Mia pulls out some ginger jokes for Olivia. 
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Word Count: 1286
Song inspiration for this chapter  In This Diary by The Ataris
I don’t own rights to the music.
Tagging: @queenjilian @burnsoslow @loveellamae @bbrandy2002 @dcbbw​@nomadics-stuff @kimmiedoo5 @cordonianroyalty @cordonia-gothqueen @lodberg @glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @texaskitten30 @janezillow @atha68 @my0123456789universe @indiacater @losingbraincellseveryday @furiousherringoperatortoad @marietrinmimi  @xpandabeardontcarex @thanialis @hopefulmoonobject @sevenfuckslefttogive @ac27dj @queen-arabella-of-cordonia  @yukinagato2012 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @islandcrow @axwalker @sanchita012 @queenwalton  @gabesmommie1130 @mom2000aggie @gibbles82 @ramseysno1rookie @lovablegranny @nikkis1983 @marshmallowsandfire @hopelessromanticmonie  @storylineofnothing @katedrakeohd @coolpsychicempathhumanoid @cordoniaqueensworld​ @aestheticartwriting​ @batgirlassociationofgothamcity​ @thatdoctorownsme​ @seriallover99 @choicesficwriterscreations​
“No biggie, we’re just going to be on a boat at Wrightsville Beach with the rich kids from Prestonwoods. This is totally our life now thanks to you Mia.  Best summer Ever.”
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“Summer has only just begun, Daniel!"  Mia said.
She was pulling the convertible top up on her car, when she heard a whistle.
She glanced back seeing a Black SUV pull up next to them.
Of course, it was Leo being absolutely obnoxious.
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He jumped out of the car, grabbing Mia in a bear hug.  “Mama Mia Dancing Queen, what up girl?!?!?!”
“Hey Leo.”  Mia smiled at him.  
“What’s in the coolers?”   He pointed to Mia and Daniel’s matching pink coolers.
“Sammiches. What’s your contribution to this boat trip?”
“We brought the liquors.”  She watched as Leo spun a bottle in his hand, then went a  little over ambitious with it and the bottle slipped from his hand hitting the ground and breaking.
Mia jumped back just in time.
Liam, Drake, and Maxwell walked around the SUV.  
Leo was still staring at the ground in shock.
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Drake laughed.  
“I don’t know what just happened.” He said with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Maybe it was confusing, but it wasn’t like anyone really cared.
“What did you do?!?!?!?!?!” Maxwell screamed.
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Okay scratch that.  Maxwell cared.  
Liam shrugged his shoulders.  “We have 5 more… so… I think we’re good.”
Drake walked over to Mia, taking her cooler before anyone else had a chance.
“I got that for you.”  He said with a smile.  
“Have you guys been over here before?” Maxwell inquired.
“To the beach yes, but not this side.”
“Hana’s family has a house at the beach.  So we have to walk to her private  access gate.”
“Oh okay.”
As they walked over to the private access gate,  Drake took Mia’s hand, while they walked.   Daniel gave her a thumbs up sign.  
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There was really a man dressed in a suit holding a sign that said “Guests of Hana Lee.”
As soon as they got on the yacht, not so much a boat,  Hana grabbed  Mia by one hand and Daniel by the other.  “You have got to see these!  I know you will love them!”  She was showing Mia and Daniel her new designs.
Last to arrive were Olivia, and Penelope.  
She noticed as soon as Penelope got onto the boat, both of them were wearing the same swimsuit.  
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Of course Olivia noticed right away.  
“Isn’t that hilarious, Penelope,  you’re twinning with the new girl.”   She looked Mia over.  “I’m surprised that swim suit actually came in your size.”
“Liv cut it out.”  Liam looked at her annoyed.
“Why are you defending her Liam? That’s Drake’s job.  Are you gunning for Drake’s job?”
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“Olivia, not everyone wears a size Bitch like you do.  Mia and Penny look great in their bathing suits.”  
“Old Navy rocks!”  Penny said to Mia, giving her a high five.  Maybe Penny wasn’t so bad.  “Liv thought I spent $100 on her birthday gift.  $5.99 at Old Navy.”  Penny whispered.
Okay Penny was not bad at all.  
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Leo made everyone drinks, that were about 90% alcohol with a splash of the mixer.  
“No thanks,” Mia said when he went to hand her a red solo cup.  
“You’re breaking my heart girl!!!”  Leo had a sad look on his face.  
“I am not much of a drinker, sorry Leo.”
Liam had planned for this. He had noticed Mia didn’t drink at the pool party either.  “Mia, come over here, I have some waters, sodas, and apple juice.”  
He flipped open their big charcoal gray yeti cooler.  
“What would you like?”
Mia gasped.  “I love this apple juice in the glass bottles.”
“So do I,  you mean to tell me you have something in common with Richie Rich?”
Mia laughed.  “Can you let that go already? It was bound to happen I guess wasn’t it?”  He got one handing it to her, and then himself one.  
“You’re not drinking either?”
“I don’t have to drink to have a good time.  It’s the company.  Cheers.”  
She clinked her bottle against his.  
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She walked back over to Drake.  
“Don't let Liam fool you, he drew the short straw, he's DD tonight.”  
“That makes sense.”  
“Your friends are fun, well minus Olivia.  Next time let’s just be us. Okay?  I want to get to know  you better, without all this going on.”
“I promise Mia.”   Mia kissed him.  
“Get a room.”  Leo exclaimed.
"Why you mad bro?"
“So weird to see Drake with a girlfriend isn’t it Liam?”  Olivia said intently staring at him. “You really should work on hiding your jealousy better. It’s all over your face.” she whispered to him.
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Finally it was time to eat before they took the jet skis out on the water.  Everyone put  their combined  items on the table.
Pops had let Mia go to the restaurant and make sandwiches with hoagie rolls, and her and Daniel had made nice sandwiches for everyone.
Olivia sneered.  “Ugh sandwiches, isn’t that like poor people's food?”
“I’m so sorry Olivia.”
“Whaaat?” Maxwell inquired.
“Mia’s about to get that ass!”  Liam whispered to Leo and Drake.
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“If I would have known you were going to be here Olivia, I would have packed you a soul to eat.  But as you can tell, I’m fresh out. So I guess it’s poor people's food, or your soulless ass is going to starve. You decide, because I'm tired of playing around with you. You got one more time.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
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Everyone laughed.  
But she noticed Olivia shut her damn mouth and ate a whole sandwich.  
“Why are we doing this again Drake?”  she was bobbing into the water next to the jet ski.  He pulled her on behind him.  
“I’ll tell you exactly what it is, you two are both alpha females and neither of you back down from a challenge.”
“So you better win Drake. No pressure.”
“We all have our parts to play.”
She glanced to her right seeing Liam and Olivia on the jet ski next to them.
“You know they dated right?”
“Not a surprise at all.”  
"Hold on tight."
"So to the buoy and back first one back gets bragging rights for the rest of the day. In 3…..2…..1…."
Before Leo said go Liam took off spraying them with water.  
Drake took off behind him. Mia screamed in delight holding tight to Drake.  By the halfway point around the buoy they got there at the same time. Olivia scowled at them. On the way back Drake saw his opportunity to take the lead. They headed for a huge wave Liam was avoiding. Mia saw it at the same time.
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"Oh my God!" She screamed bloody murder while the jet ski went airborne for a few seconds.  Landing in a splash a few meters in front of Liam and Olivia claiming the win.
Back on the yacht "Bragging rights to Drake and Mia!" Leo screamed."Liam… you fumbled at the one yard line."
When night fell, she could tell Hana was super excited.
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"What is it?" Mia and Daniel asked.
"My dad has a fireworks display planned for us that should be starting right about…. "
Everyone looked up hearing the crackle of the fireworks, as the display began. Mia immediately found Drake to sit by his side. He put his arm around her. She snuggled closer to him.
She noticed Liam watching them. Drake saw too but neither of them cared,  as he pulled her closer to him kissing her.
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The way Mia felt as he kissed her, under those fireworks, took Mia's breath away.  Maybe Mia really did want a boyfriend, and maybe….that guy was Drake.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
I mentioned on Tumblr that this would be up shortly and, despite me being 'on a break' for November while I work on my novel, here's a 7.7k word orc story. It’ll be up on Tumblr in a few days’ time. As always with me, it's a bit plotty and very fluffy, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I said on Discord too that the reader's best friend is a yeti, and his design is based on the yeti from 'The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor'  who are adorable fluffy goofballs.
So, here's my late Orctober offering for you, featuring one Giant Fluff, eight smaller fluffs (huskies), three bigger fluffs (snow-bears), fluffy cliches, fluffy snow, and one Big Gentle(tm)... The reader is female, but for ~90% of it gender isn’t mentioned. It’s really only in the nsfw bit at the end…
With a shiver you stepped outside, the snow squeaking and crunching eerily beneath your too-thin boots, and you drew the soft fur of your jacket up around your neck. Squinting through your clouding breath, you blinked, eyelashes icing up before you had gone more than three paces, and the inside of your nose was quite literally frozen, but it didn’t matter. Selkie Rock Point was one of the most northerly villages on the continent, and not counting the various nomadic peoples who lived even further north, it was one of the last places to find permanent shelter and warmth. It was also home.
Tradewatch sat a little further south along the coast, and in the winter the great ice-breaker ships with their dwarven-forged metal prows could still get through until relatively late in the year, but up here you were locked in by sea ice much earlier.
You’d grown up here, the middle child of one of a handful of human families in a village comprised mostly of selkies and white-furred bear-folk, centaurs, cervitaurs, werewolves and other shifters. Most of the people who lived up here had thick fur or a natural resistance to the cold. Your siblings had left to go to the larger towns further south, but you still bred sled dogs in the house where your parents and grandparents had done the same thing.
Now, as you trudged on foot down to the store to stock your nearly empty cupboards up on essentials, a fresh flurry of snow swirled around you and you narrowed your eyes. If you breathed too deeply, it bit into the back of your throat, but you were relatively used to the cold by now.
Out of the murk of the perpetual twilight that choked this part of the world in the winter, you began to make out the large, dark shape of perhaps a centaur. The closer they got, the more details you could pick out, until you finally figured out who it was and called out to them. “Linny! Hey!”
The huge, dapple grey centaur, swaddled up in layers of coats and fur too, startled a little, but laughed. She had a dark fur hat on over her ice blonde hair, and all you could see of her face was a pair of dark brown eyes, her lashes also rimed with ice. “Hey,” she laughed back once she’d recovered her composure. On her back, already covered in a layer of snow, were two large panniers, though they looked empty despite the fact that she was returning from the shop.
“Everything alright?” you asked. Something felt wrong about the way she moved, a strange tension seeping through the air, though you weren’t quite sure what it could be.
She shuffled. “Yeah, just… uh… there are some ice orcs at the general store… I… I didn’t get very close. I thought I’d come back later. From what I heard, they’re only passing through on their way south.”
Ice orcs.
There were a number of clans of the grey-blue skinned orcs living this far north, and they had a reputation for being vicious, bloody-minded raiders, though not all of them were. A few of them were trappers and hunters by trade, earning their living by taking their sleds pulled by huge snow-bears down to Tradewatch and then across to Eyrie Point. Sometimes they passed through this little collection of houses on their way through, but they rarely stopped to talk or share the time of day with anyone.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” you hissed as the wind bit at your exposed cheeks.
“Don’t let me keep you,” she said. “I’ll see you at the Whisky Tumbler tonight?” she added with a swish of her tail.
You nodded. “I’ll be there.”
As much as you were nervous of the orcs too, you really needed some more food, so you ploughed on through the deep snow, eventually arriving at the Selkie Rock general store. Outside it were three loaded sleds, and each one was hitched up to a colossal snow-bear. Muzzled, though not cruelly, the bears were either lounging around in the powder like a seal on a summer beach, or, in the case of the one at the front, sitting alertly, rounded ears pricked, nose snuffing at the scents on the wind.
Giving them a wide, cautious berth, you swallowed apprehensively and scuttled into the shop, glancing over your shoulder at them. As you yanked back the heavy door and stepped inside, you collided instantly with something as solid as an iceberg. As you bounced off and your arse hit the half frozen floorboards of the deck outside the shop, you gazed directly up into the face of a truly huge ice orc.
He didn't look amused.
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