#i drove 3 hours to Costco and spent $70 on a turkey (hard to get in Japan)
choking-on-roses · 9 months
Here's a thought.
If you want things to "feel" like Christmas, you need to put some effort in.
Put up those Christmas decorations even though it's a chore.
Buy a gift for someone even though the shops are crowded and wrapping gifts sucks.
Make plans with people you care about even if it's a pain in the ass.
Buy a stupid Christmas sweater and wear it. Do some Christmas baking.
And most importantly, go find the people in your life (probably women lbr) and thank them for all the tireless effort they put in to make sure you had a festive Christmas in your childhood.
Don't just sit around and refuse to contribute and then complain that it doesn't "feel" like Christmas.
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