#i dunno what that bird was supposed to be but he is a mascot for this series i suppose
lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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And there we have our title, Thanks to Them.
Now, I already know the titles of the next two episodes and the secret message they spell out, so I won’t dwell on that. I don’t really have any predictions based on the title alone and I’ve already gone over some of my bigger predictions. For example, that the kids are going to discover some Titan’s blood in the Human Realm, Philip will pop up to cause trouble, and this will possibly lead to some flashbacks or expansion on his backstory.
I am ready to be wrong however, it wouldn’t be the first time. Being wrong is not a moral failing, although staying wrong might be considered one.
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Camila: ”I never expected to be a mother of six.” My mom, mother of seven: ”Get on my level, scrub.”
I gotta agree with her that the old shack looks a lot nicer now that they’ve fixed it up though. It’s got everything a cool clubhouse needs; light strands, plants, a bean bag, somewhere for the club mascots to rest, a minifridge for snacks, a basketball hoop, plants, schematics for an interdimensional portal door. Normal things you find in a teenage clubhouse.
So the kids are learning Spanish from an app that for legal reasons is totally not Duolingo, not at all. It’s, uh… Bilingua. Original character, do not steal.
They’re struggling, which is understandable, learning a new language is very hard. Vee doesn’t have any problems though, because, as you know, basilisks have the gift of tongues which lets them speak any language they hear.
Oh, and it seems like I was on to something when I pointed out Flapjack was acting weird before. It’s because he is acting weird. Pecking at the floor, looking for something, and refusing to tell Hunter what it is. At the top of my head, I’d guess he’s looking for Philip. Maybe he can sense the remains of the dictator moving under the floorboards or something.
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…or maybe it was this thing he sensed.
You know, I was just about to stop and point out how Amity’s plan was a Bad Idea, but then Amity went and literally tripped over a Plot Point before I hit pause.
So. What have we got here? Some magical doohickey left by Eda? A stolen artifact Philip left during a brief return to the Human Realm before he lost the portal door? The box with the bowl from the Engelsfors Trilogy?
”Fifteenth century China. Varnished woodcarving. A whole lot of magic too. Exquisite craftsmanship. But what you see is of course just the surface. The item inside is significantly older. From the time of the first Council.” 
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Inside we find… some kind of map. I watched just a few seconds further, and Amity points out that the eye symbol kinda looks like the eye on the old portal door. And yea, I agree, though I would also like to point out that there is a door symbol right above it. So, you know, that’s a pretty big clue too.
There was a golden symbol with a bird on it on the box. The Gravesfield town symbol is a golden shield with a bird on it, though this one is different.
Next to the eye symbol is another diamond with what looks to me like an ear in it. And some squiggles which could be soundwaves? At the bottom of the page we find three more diamonds. Two small ones and one big, mirroring the top of the page. One of the small diamonds has a ribbon in it. The other small diamond has… I dunno, it kinda looks like one of those cartoon fight clouds Donald Duck would find himself in. The large diamond at the bottom has a hand with what looks like a drop of something. 
…yeah, I’ve no idea what most of this means. the best I have is that the hand at the bottom with the drop is supposed to represent either a Titan bleeding or someone trying to get the Titan’s blood.
The middle of the document makes a bit more sense to me, it’s clearly a map. It has the town with little houses and trees, a path to follow, and even an ”X marks the spot.” Solklart, as we say where I’m from. The one thing that’s a bit confusing is the roman arch in the middle of the map. Maybe that represents the building where the buried treasure chest can be found.
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”FATe VS FRee Will”*
”The Plight of the Hero”
”’Foes vanquished, he trod the shores of his fatherland, family by his side, finally at peace.’ This epic ends with the homecoming of not just a man, but a hero.”
Laying it on a little thick, aren’t we? What is this, a kid’s sho-oh.
(*hey teach, why the heck did you write it like that??)
(also, I gotta say, this school goes hard with the halloween decorations)
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ask-aph-baltics · 5 years
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muthaz-rapapa · 5 years
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Team Wabbit
 (\_ /) (•ㅅ• )  (____)0 
Was just thinking of unimportant stuff as usual and actually, when I first saw the HG leaks, I was like “huh, don’t we have enough bunny/bunny-like mascots already?” i forgot about the cats and dogs for a moment, i dunno why lolol xD;
So I went back and counted (wth, throw Whip in there too b/c why not) and this doesn’t even include the ambiguous ones like Chypre and Coffret...
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...but it just got me wondering if there’s some other woodland creature besides “rabbit” that could go well with Grace’s flower theme.
I mean, apparently Nyatoran...
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...is a cat fairy but my mind just keeps telling me “He’s a taiga boi!” cuz of those stripes and the “tora” in his name so I assumed at first that the fairy partners were based on endangered species or wild animals. *shrug*
Which is why it struck me odd that they decided to give the Pink Cure a rabbit again. Yea, there are wild rabbits but Rabirin is the least creative-looking of this batch so I thought “oh, they took the lazy route again and just went with the most boring but marketable instead of something more interesting”.
YEaRGh, it’s not important but that’s just what I thought at first.
Though now I’m curious. If the mascots were based on endangered species, then what alternative fairy partner could they have given Grace?
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I guess to suit a Pink Cure’s personality, maybe a chipmunk (if it has to be furry) or a bird (don’t have enough of those) or a butterfly (to be closer to the flower theme, I suppose).
I was gonna say ladybug but then I remembered Ribbon and Glasan from HaCha but apparently they’re part panda, part turtle based or something...?
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......anyways, still holding out for the day we get owl and fox fairies. Or anything else that hasn’t been done yet.
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acrobaticcatfeline · 6 years
Logan Alastair and the Slytherin Curse (the Hogwarts AU)!!!
Word Count: 3391
TW: Oof, ok so, bullying, violence, blood mention, bruises, um, its implied that Patton can see through invisibility spells and has more understanding of things than he should which might be a squick(is that the right term?), IDK Patton just knows... a lot more than he should. I think that’s it? let me know if there’s anything else!
Notes: Here it is!!! God I swear the headcannon had like thirty notes up until a few days ago and then it exploded!!! It’s at 206 notes now heck I’m glad this is something yaller excited for! I hope you enjoy reading this as much is I enjoyed writing it!!! This is the first half of the “intros”, once I’m finished introducing at least Virgil, we will be up into the 3rd year and we’ll have some shenanigans of the boys just being boys!
Pairings: nothing... yet. some slight slight hints at logince at the end? eventual logince and moxiety and maybe more, IDK yet if I’m adding more characters.
Summary: “you are a disgrace to this house. The sorting hat has made its first ever mistake it seems, good to know.” Logan Alastair didn’t choose to be a wizard, are you kidding me? He wants to be back at home with his dogs and parents and dealing with normal bullies, not ones that could kill you with the wave of a hand! This is all way too much at once, but maybe things will get better with a few friends...
“you are a disgrace to this house. The sorting hat has made its first ever mistake it seems, good to know.”
The snarling replies from every person at his house table caused the boy to cast an invisibility charm and run to his common room. He felt the gazes still, likely from the house ghost, as he hid on the other side of the stone wall. He was lucky to have overheard a Slytherin mention the password, otherwise he would have probably flung himself into the lake. He flicked his wand and his belongings appeared on his bed. He sat on the floor, casting an illusion spell that lasted much longer, pulled out his spell book, and picked up his new owl, affectionately named merlin. He held the bird close as he read through his book, practicing different spells he saw as simple enough that any pure blood would know. He had always been a bright kid with a passion and speed for learning. On the train here he had hidden in an empty carriage and been practicing different spells that could be used for defense and very simple attack spells.
He had no disillusionment that this new school would be free of bullies, and after getting sorted he already wanted to leave and sleep in his own bed and hug his dog. He should have pulled a “harry potter” and asked the sorting hat to keep him out of Slytherin, but he had hidden and saw no need until he had already gotten sorted.
Now, Logan Alastair sat hidden in a veil of illusions so he could read his books in silence. He traded focus from his spell book over to his history book. He enchanted it quickly to search for passages about Slytherin. The first bit of information he got was about Salazar, telling stories of his hatred of muggles and ‘mud bloods’ as they called them. After a quick search he realized just why his housemates shouted this at him. He brushed it off soon after, looking at the dark tinting of his skin and grimacing, didn’t seem far off from what people at home said about him. It seemed much less hurtful than what some muggles had called him before. Regardless, he continued through the book, smiling fondly at the fact that merlin, the famous wizard merlin, was a Slytherin true of heart. He read about Severus Snape, and while he seemed like less of a genuinely good person and more like a selfish jerk that just so happened to not be the absolute worst, it was nice to see instances of not evil cruel Slytherin’s. He then traded focus yet again to a recent history of Hogwarts, and the battle of Hogwarts told by survivors. He did the same spell, getting far more positives than before. It told of less well known Slytherin’s that did good in the end. Regulus Black, Andromeda Tonks, Draco Malfoy, Astoria Malfoy, so many that had shady roots that redeemed themselves in more ways than one during the battle and onwards. He read a small bit on Isolt Sayre who had a short blip saying they were a direct descendant of Slytherin but had fled to the new world after escaping her murderous relative.
This of course led him down a rabbit hole, searching for the name in any other book, and after a few minutes he found that she had been the one to institute the school of Ilvermorny and had broken the pure bloodline by marrying a muggle. Well he had a new role model geez… he made it to the magical beast’s textbook and smiled as he recognized the authors name as a famous Hufflepuff who was known for defeating Grindelwald, a terrifying purest the likes of Voldemort but you know, he had a nose and skin pigment. He had always read exceptionally fast, it was the thing that occupied his time in his youth, as he couldn’t make friends very easily. He thought it had been hours when the rest of the Slytherin students made it up, however he had only been there for approximately half an hour. He quickly stashed his things and sat on his bed, drawing an illusion of him sleeping as a curtain on his bed. He looked through and saw people actively find a bed as far from his as possible, and he had no problem with that. He sat watching closely as everyone set their bags down and luckily for everyone, everyone ended up 2 beds away from him at least. Logan felt his stomach grumble and cast disillusionment on himself and dashed out of the common room quickly. He made it up to the kitchen area soon, knowing that he would be able to get past the house elves easily. He went to grab food only to get swatted by… something. He turned over and saw a boy who looked his age with big round glasses nearly falling off his face. The boy has curly red hair and his eyes are ocean blue behind the red frames he wore. He wore a yellow and black jumper over a pair of black sweatpants with the Hufflepuff mascot across its leg. Another look at their face and he saw freckles scattered everywhere and he was surprised he hadn’t noticed them sooner. However, he seemed to have taken a while to respond as the boy crossed his arms and pouted at him.
“uhm… you can… see me?”
The boy rolled his eyes somewhat playfully and gave a grin at him. He changed his posture to a more relaxed one, putting his thumbs in his pockets as he answered.
“well of course I can silly! You’re just slightly glittery! Why, am I not supposed to see you?”
“well, no? no you’re not, this is a chameleon spell I'm supposed to be blended in with the environment no one should be able to see me!” he got grumpy and shed the charm, glaring at the annoyingly taller student.
“oh well geez I dunno! Oh, hey you’re not glittery anymore!!!”
“did I do the spell wrong? Does this spell only make me less corporeal? Oh gosh I need another cloaking spell oh god my housemates will see me, and they’ll kill me what was I thinking? Maybe, maybe there's another train out? I can just go home to my dog and I wont have to do this magic stuff it’s not worth it I didn’t want this I wanted to grow up like a normal kid and see my parents everyday and go to school with normal bullies, not ones with literal death machines the size of a pen why did I come this is stupid I bet this isn’t even real maybe if I just go to sleep Ill be back at home-”
“hey kiddo, calm down! I uh, I don’t know how to help you out, uhhh, here, let’s get you some food and get you sitting down somewhere so you can breathe. Come on kiddo lets get you some food.”
After stacking a plate sky high with food, the boy hands Logan the plate and pulls out his wand, tapping on some barrels then causing one of them to fly open. The boy looks towards Logan again waving his wand at the plate and chants ‘ebublio’ to which the plate gets surrounded in a bubble. He grabs it from him and beckons Logan as he hops into the barrel. Logan, who now has his food on the line follows, somewhat hesitantly. They reach the end of the passage and the boy turns yet again and waves his wand this time at Logan, chanting the word ‘colovaria’ and when Logan looked back at his robes, he was shocked to see he wore Hufflepuff colors.
“sorry, it’s a precaution. No one from another house has ever come inside the Hufflepuff common room and if word got out that some year one kid let one in, I would be done for. Anyways, sit on down kiddo, anywhere you feel like it, though, the couches are super-duper comfy.”
Logan honestly had no idea what to do with the last few minutes, so he did as instructed, and giggled softly as the boy dramatically popped the bubble. He grabbed a piece of bread off the top and takes a bite, eyes widening in awe at the good taste. After getting over the initial shock he looks at the boy curiously.
“what's your name?”
The boy giggled heavily and smiled a big toothy grin. Logan felt slightly bad about the fact that he automatically noticed the slight gap in his teeth. He fiddled with his bright red frames and bowed dramatically.
“where are my manners!!! Hello Logan, I am Patton Scamander!!! The one and only!!! Pfft I sound silly, don’t I? anyways yup yup I'm the 4th generation of Scamander hufflefluffs!!!”
Logan stared at him blankly for a good few seconds before his eyes finally widened in realization.
“wait, you’re related to Newt Scamander? Isn’t he the one who”
“yup! He wrote fantastic beasts! And apprehended Grindelwald!!! Oh, and my mom is Luna Lovegood! She’s a hoot and a holler let me tell you, she thinks I'm quirky!!!”
Logan was in disbelief. This kid was the son of famous Ravenclaw wizard Luna Lovegood. And the great grandson of newt Scamander the magizooligist. Granted he literally only learned all of this information today, but he had a general idea that Grindelwald was a magical Hitler and thus made anyone involved in his capture war heroes and at least back home he was told to respect war heroes for defending their freedoms and yada yada, Logan was rambling.
“wait, that means your mom knew Albus Dumbledore!!! I uh, I only found out about him today, I only found out a lot of stuff today, but wasn’t he like”
Logan wasn’t able to form words for what he had been trying to convey and started vaguely gesturing and Patton just nodded and agreed. After finishing his food, he got up and poked at the entrance, trying to figure out how to leave.
“aw, leaving so soon Lolo? We were just beginning to become friends!!!”
“uh, well its late and we do have class tomorrow and I should probably sleep…”
“well can’t you sleep over? We have plenty of time to get our books between breakfast and our first class! Speaking of which, what's your first class?”
“uhm, well I guess I can? I dunno… um, when did we get our schedules?”
“oh, we don’t get them until tomorrow technically, but I have a pretty general idea of what I have, I guess. Was just wondering if you did too!”
“oh, no I uh, I don’t even know what classes there are. I didn’t know magic existed until today.”
“oh!!! Oh… oh you poor muggle born got sorted into Slytherin I'm so sorry!”
“speaking of which, what is the differences between each of the houses?”
“oh geez, uh how do I explain this… ok so my house is Hufflepuff! Hufflepuffs are in general, hard workers, who are dedicated patient and loyal! We are known for being just and true and our motto is ‘do what is nice’! We’re also great finders! Ravenclaws are smarty pants!!! Wisdom, intelligence, creativity, cleverness and knowledge, that’s them basically, they value brains over brawn! Their motto is ‘do what is wise’. Gryffindors are brave, adventurous, loyal, courageous, daring and chivalrous, they’re the storybook heroes! Their motto is ‘do what is right’. And Slytherin’s… well they have good qualities! Not all of them are bad! Obviously, because you’re really nice!!! Ok so they’re generally cunning, resourceful, ambitious, intelligent, and determined and they’re natural born leaders! They love being in charge, but they’re often arrogant and prideful, their motto is ‘do what is necessary’. The reason they get a bad rep is because many dark wizards are alumni from that house. It’s also a stereotype that all Slytherin’s are pure bloods. Its not far from the truth but anyone can be a Slytherin. I mean even harry potter fit into the house! The only reason he was a Gryffindor was because he begged the hat for anything else because Draco Malfoy made a bad impression on him. Slytherins are not bad, I feel a need to emphasize this. I feel bad for you because the current members of the house are less than savory. They aren’t evil, but they’re certainly not very nice. And it sucks that your first experience with wizards is them calling you names and hiding under the covers until the sun goes away.”
“heh that was very specific…”
“you’re a rather easy read Logan, you’re very interesting nonetheless!”
“um. Ok? Thanks, I think?”
“you’re positively welcome!!!”
Months pass, and Logan has picked up the habit of spending nights with Patton in the Hufflepuff commons. At this point in the year, late April, he’s already gone home for visits twice, and he’s contentedly walking back to the Hufflepuff commons after a walk through the library.
Of course, him being who he is, he notices a fight in the corridor. All he can see at his vantage point is green and red, a punch to the face and the greens laughing. Of course, the Slytherin’s were torturing innocent students again. He ran towards them and yelled, waving his wand and shouting ‘stupefy’ leading the two Slytherin boys to fall over. He swished his wand at the Gryffindor in front of him, saying ‘wingardium leviosa’ before booking it to Hufflepuff quarters.
He’s surprised to make it all the way there without getting caught, though the pictures on the walls can talk and… he might’ve passed Severus Snape and he did not want to be in the open when headmaster McGonagall heard about it. She’s a Gryffindor after all, she might get the wrong idea.
No no, he would say, no I wasn’t the one to knock him out I swear, it was two of my housemates who I don’t know because I'm terrified of them and that’s why I took the Gryffindor kid to my friend who knows healing magic and no its not a Hufflepuff, sorry I don’t know there house of course not because I didn’t go into the Hufflepuff commons, no ones been in the Hufflepuff commons, of course it was a um Ravenclaw yeah it was a Ravenclaw cuz they’re smart and would know healing magic, I mean they do know healing magic, of course I wouldn’t make a bet on maybe heheh yeah so in conclusion I'm sorry please don’t expel me miss McGonagall I did nothing wrong!
Yeah that wouldn’t work in the slightest. Hopefully he was fast enough that Snape didn’t see his face. Or maybe he wouldn’t tell because he was biased toward Slytherin’s. Let’s hope. Either way at the moment Logan had to enter the code for the Hufflepuff dorms as quick as possible because he did not want this Gryffindor to wake up and panic. He wordlessly changed the color of both their robes before jumping in the barrel.
“Patton? Patton there might have been an incident?”
“Comin Logi-bear!!! Ooh geez what happened!!! Logi you know fighting’s bad, how’d you end up in this situation?!?!?! Oh, give him here, oh I know him the poor thing looks half dead!!! Come on kiddo we’ll fix you right up!”
Patton grabbed the floating boy and carried him to the couch. He ran back and forth, grabbing bandages, ointments, elixirs, ice, anything and everything to make the boy less in pain. He set a bag of ice on his face, the spot Logan saw him get punched, put ointment on a cut on his lips and one on his eyebrow, and poured a little bit of the elixir in the boys’ mouth. He then rolled up his sleeves and checked out his arms, finding quite a few breaks of skin and bruises, indicating possible fractures. Patton looked over at Logan before looking back towards the arm he was bandaging.
“so, what happened lo? He’s a wreck, I doubt you could’ve done this if you wanted to!”
“why do you always assume the worst in me?”
“I don’t! I usually assume the best in you, but I prepare for the worst. Worst case scenario isn’t you getting grumpy this time! You’re not this strong, and you usually realize your mistakes sooner, you wouldn’t have caused this much damage before your conscious weighed back in. Really lo, it’s obvious.”
“I'm going to ignore your oddly astute conclusion in favor of defending myself. A couple of other Slytherin’s were ganging up on him and I was on my way back from the library when I bumped into them. I unfortunately have a moral compass-”
“that’s me!!!”
“-and I stupefied the lot of them, and grabbed this one who was knocked out, likely due to the impact on his cranium, the only actual hit I saw thrown. I imagine the two were cruel enough to continue attacking him even if he was unconscious on the ground. So, I brought him to you. If its of any importance, he’s from Gryffindor.”
“oh yeah, no I know who he is Logan, he’s a friend of mine, Roman Weasley. With the Weasley name I wouldn’t doubt any of it. The same people in your house that hate you hate him for the same reasons. Weasleys are blood traitors, willingly involving themselves with muggles, muggle borns, half-bloods, the whole nine yards. Cedrella black was disowned for marrying a Weasley, to put it in perspective. Their family is part of the sacred 28, the list of all currently completely pure-blooded families. For the most part all the families are Slytherin predominant but there's still the Weasley’s and Longbottom’s, as well as some others I can’t list off the top of my head, that defy that rule. Of course, the Slytherin’s make the biggest deal out of it, but anyways. Its good you brought him he is worse for wear the poor thing.”
Patton waved his wand over the boy, Roman’s, face. Soon after, his eyes slowly opened, and soon after that he was flailing upward in panic, falling off the couch in attempt to escape a perceived threat. Once he fully recognized the situation, he let out a deep sigh and laid on the floor.
“Patton you really mustn’t do this to me I have enough nightmares of people in my face without waking up to it! Where am I even, I don’t recognize this part of Hogwarts.”
“sorry bout that Ro! Was just worried about you! You’re in the Hufflepuff common room!”
“huh. You know when you said it was next to the kitchen, I expected it to smell more like food.”
“I expected it to smell like weed but apparently wizards get high in other ways…”
Roman turned to look at Logan with an odd stare.
“what weed? Gillyweed? Snakeweed? Also, why? I mean I know the best herbology students are usually Hufflepuff but-”
“no not- ugh how do I say this, its, it’s a hum-mor-muggle thing. Its actual name is something different, but it’s a… it’s a bad thing that people can eat and smoke, but it makes them really hungry afterwards. It doesn’t matter.”
“that sounds weird. You’re weird, who are you? How do you know Patton?”
“I know everybody!!!”
“precisely that. I have become friends with Patton. It’s also why you’re here instead of having my housemates still attacking you like big jerks.”
Roman stares blankly at Logan and Logan questions why the boy’s cheeks redden.
“oh. Uh, thanks then. Uh, I should probably be going I have class, but um, what's your name?”
“Logan. It was a pleasure meeting you Roman”
“uh yeah, you too-”
“hold on Ro drink this! It’s a painkiller, it’ll help make sure the bruises and cuts don’t hurt.”
“oh, thanks popstar! Quite nice of you!”
He drank the elixir and gave Logan an odd look before absconding to class. Logan didn’t understand this, and he also didn’t understand the warm feeling in his own cheeks, or the smug look Patton had on his face. He didn’t quite understand what was going on, but he knew enough to know that he didn’t want to know more. At least, not right now…
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @fandoms-winkitywonk @thennevermind @the-shipper189 @confinesofpersonalknowledge @bruntriceballs @creativity-killed-thekitten @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing!!! Or if you want to be taken off my list!!!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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nanbatrash · 6 years
Why u never share headcannons ;u;
Oh haha.. well I dunno. I’m rarely asked about them. Plus I have tons upon tons.
Which all go into about five different aus I have. ((I have only shared two because the other three are fucked up and no one wants to see what kind of twisted shit I come up with))
Flower/ Coffee shop au
And the one concerning my oc. ((My friend likes to call it FloofBirdverse, because she’s obessed with calling Thia a fluffy bird, because in the beginning she was loosely based off a very fluffy canary that my oma owns))
So I guess I might share a few head canons for both just for giggles.
Flower/Coffee shop
- Everyone in the flower shop takes turns to watch Upa for their boss while working because they know he cannot afford to pay a babysitter. ((Plus, who wouldn’t want to watch that little bitter bundle of cuteness))
- Qi had a one night stand, thus creating Upa, and they tried to make it work, but they just had no chemistry and eventually she walked out.
- Trois got banned from going near the coffee pots and machinery due to a small incident involving him trying to “upgrade” them to his liking.
- Liang has a little school big crush in the flower shop’s owner, but shhhh don’t tell Hajime. Qi returns these feelings, and shows it by wearing a peach colored flower pin on his uniform.((Note: All members of the flower shop have their own flower pins if choice on their uniforms. It could be a rose, daisy, tulip etc. I’m pretty sure I’ve said this somewhere))
- Inori is a guardian of sorts to Youriki, Rokuriki, and Kokoriki, who are about highschool senior/college age in this ah.
- Kiji and Ruka used to date but had a falling out of sorts.
- Enki is in this Au, and doesn’t go to prison, but actually a correctional facility. He and his brother reconcile, though it takes Samon a little time to fully trust him again. Enki now currently runs his own little mini Dojo.
- Liang officially meets Qi at the dojo, where he’d go to train. Qi would be taking Upa there after he expressed his interest in martial arts. ((When Upa would watch his little ninja cartoons and then would try to mimic certain scenes, often times pretending Qi was the enemy))
- Uno likes to play the flirty waiter, often times competing with Honey in contests to see who can get the lady’s numbers faster. ((Though Uno’s heart will only ever belong to Jyugo))
- Nico is Mitsuru’s godson, who’s parents passed away. Nico still went though all the human experiments, and was quite broken when finally brought to Mitsuru. Tsuru has been patient and very loving towards Nico, helping him find his coping method in anime, taking him to various cosplay conventions and anything related. He hoped giving Nico a job as a bus boy would be a good lesson of responsibility for Nico, and thus far, has been a great thing for him.
- Hitoshi is currently in Hajime’s care, as their parents are always in business trips. ((Being workaholics runs in the family it seems)) Always having been left alone most of the time to care for himself and Hitoshi, Hajime developed a strong sense of sterness. He’s still a great brother to Hitoshi, not showing his love often, but when he does it’s usually meaningful, but short spent. Hitoshi is by far more easy going, not having had such a responsibility filled child hood like his brother. Their parents send them presents on holidays and pay the house bills. All the money Hajime earns is saved up for Hitoshi’s surgery. Both are hush hush about it to their parents.
- Honey and Trois are in a frenemys with benefits relationship, but as time goes in they become something more.
- Both shops once got in a war that ended with smashed flower pots, cups, and coffee stains alp over the side walks. Customers were traumatized.
- Unbeknownst to Tsuru, Kuu is the coffee shop’s resident mascot. He draws in a LOT of customers. And surprisingly for a long haired cat, rarely sheds.
That’s all I’ve got for right now for the Flower/Coffee shop. I need a witty name for this damn it.
And some headcanons for my oc because I rarely explore her headcanons.
- Fiercely over protective mommy who would adopt anyone and everyone if she could.
- Absolutely loves the smell of anything fruity. Unfortunate for Qi because he had to use green apple body wash for a while. Needless to say, he was ambushed a few times.
- Loves the bite. She has a mouth of razor sharp teeth, unfortunate for anyone who wants to do anything intimate with her.
- Dom as hell despite her quiet exterior.“God damn, it’s always the quiet ones that are into the kinky shit.” Quoting Qi from a role-play with a friend.
- 10/10 best kooky old grandma. Absolutely spoils her grandchildren. Plus always somehow has candy with her.
- She has really fluffy hair and absolutely terrible bed head.
- She and Upa often receive no help reaching things from the high shelves. So they must stick together. Que Thia holding Upa on her shoulders as he reaches the top shelf. Bravely going where no shorties have ever gone before.
- She’s actually not human haha. I don’t know what she is yet. But once every month she just kinda sleeps for a straight week, usually under a bed. The first time she had Samon panicking because “Oh shit! Inmate 76 is dead!”
- Is known by Upa and Liang as bird mom, bringer of way to many snuggles and teller of bed time stories, too ferocious to fend off.
- LOVES. TO. PAINT. There’s no doubt about it. Capable of creating gorgeous masterpieces but has no faith in herself. Flicks paint at those her back talk her. Just as effective as washing one’s mouth out with soap or putting then in time out.
- When not paired with Qi, in canon with her own Universe she has ten boys from a previous relationship. When with my best Bud’s oc Akuma, she has them and two twin whom both have decided to call Artemis and Apollo. And she has a step daughter from Akuma named Mona Cyan. She adores her like her own babus.
- Has to aus for her. -One where she and Qi adopt Upa and Liang, get out of prison, and have a happy little life as a normal family. - And one where she’s gothic af and scares the shit out of everyone in Nanba by drawing pentagrams on the walls, doing weird ass ritual’s, and bringing the dead back to life.
- she’s fast af, can out run anyone. Quoting an rp. “You cannon outrun me supervisor! I never tired! Even ask Qi!”
- Her eyes turn a pale blue when mad.
- Has a gorgeous singing voice, though she’s too shy to use it. It was only discovered after she tried singing to Upa when he was ill. The other two were supposed to be gone. Que flustered bird.
Anyways I probably got carried away, but have this. Keep in mind this is only a fraction of my headcannons for my aus. Don’t get me started on the cannon. Haha.
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bid00f-archive · 7 years
my boy tamama for the character thing. and or keroro
Yeah buddy! Time for a double feature, I can practically write an essay about these two, though really, I can write an essay about all five of the main Keronians. It is Not That Deep, but it certainly could be. So, thank you! They are surprisingly interesting characters to talk about in length if you read between the lines, so time to blab about the sugar guzzling tadpole and the sergeant himself~! 
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Favorite Thing About Them: 
🔰Ever since I got into Keroro like, three years back, I absolutely adored how he is the parody of the classic “cute and lovely” mascot character. He is obviously designed to look the cutest out of a cast of cute critters, just look at those huge eyes, sweet smile, and adorable little tail; so when it was shown that he has a less than cutesy side to him, I started to like him! It made him less of an archetype. I do have major issues with episode 7 Part B, but that was the episode that made me actually like Tamama since it showed that despite being cute, he still has problems and consequences for what he does which causes that sweet, sweet internal conflict.Tamama is truly a good guy, he just needs to grow but in an anime/manga that is like, 99.9% gags and slapstick that is on shaky ground.
⭐What I like most about Keroro is that, he can actually be a very sweet guy even though he usually has his own interests front and center. Episodes that show him actually helping out others tend to be the sweetest to watch, even when it ends more bittersweet, such as episode 5 when he tries to help a doomed toy store and its’ owner. He may be lazy and incompetent, or at least appears to be, but that is what actually makes him more appealing to me!
Least Favorite Thing About Them: 
🔰 His love for Keroro, while sort of sweet, can make him do some uncool things. First example being the aforementioned episode 7 Part B, the episode is done less severely than in the manga where he kidnaps Angol Mois to take naughty photos of her to send to Keroro, even going as far to strip her down. The anime  adaptation took it down a notch by having Tamama put her through “bootcamp”, but still, not cool! There is also episode 266 when he tries to kiss Keroro without his consent despite Keroro very obviously begging him not to, luckily Tamama realizes that the mature thing to do is to cut it out (plus he looked ridiculous in that pink lipstick) but again, still not cool! Actually, if I remember it right, he goes back at it by the end of the episode. What gives!
⭐Let’s be real here, there are times where Keroro is the one who first antagonizes Natsumi. She is already not very popular with fans because of her role, like how Dib is in Invader Zim though I am 95% sure that folks are less sympathetic to how many of Keroro’s schemes seem to focus more on just plain humiliating Natsumi than invading Pekopon because she is a girl. It is a shame because there is more to their relationship than being constantly at each other’s throats. In the beta, Keroro was supposed to be Natsumi’s Keronian partner and they still share enough similarities reminiscent of that. But anyway, sometimes it seems like Keroro targets Natsumi rather than her being the main obstacle blocking his invasion plans, since she is just a thirteen/fourteen year old kid it feels kind of weird to me. Prime example of this being episode 99.
Favorite Line: I still do not keep track of favorite lines, but here a paraphase from the dub that really made me laugh;
Tamama: “Well, he’s smarter than a jellybean, or most of ‘em.”
Angol Mois: “He tries his best when he’s not busy not trying.“
Tamama: “A jellybean can try but I’m still gonna eat it.”
🔰 Taruru for Tamama! Though I do ship them romantically together, it is an underrated and uncommon pairing but it actually has some traction on with JPN/Korean fans and for good reason! Taruru may not hero worship Tamama as much as he did, and they may have clashed during the Garuru Platoon arc, but there are still no hard feelings between the two! 
Taruru still throws a shoutout to Tamama in the manga chapters afterwards, and in the anime, lying to Taruru about the Keroro Platoon and the Pekopon invasion was Tamama’s biggest regret until he comes to peace with it and that only happens seasons after the Garuru Arc, Tamama still remembered and felt bad about it for all that time, and resolved it peacefully, and felt much better after it! That is probably the closest thing Tamama will get to positive character development so savor it. Like the Chibi-Keroro segments, sometimes I wish that the audience could be shown snippets of Taruru and Tamama’s time training in the Keron Army together, it could be a great way to world build since the Keron Army is still shrouded with ~mystery~.
⭐Keroro and Kululu is like a match made in heaven! Okay, maybe I am exaggerating that but those two are yet another underrated pairing even though they work so well together in all the wrong ways; they both like to scheme and can be self-centered jerks but with a heart of gold… which is located deep, deep down in Kululu’s case. I wish there was more focus on these two in canon, Kululu is one of the very few characters who seems to catch on that there is more to Keroro than Gundam, Gundam, blah, blah. After all, Kululu is the whole reason why Keroro has the Keron ☆ (Star) in the first place; but why would Kululu pull the strings to bring who is probably the least qualified to one of the top positions in the Keron Army? Did he do it for kicks or does he actually think Keroro can somehow pull it off? …It is most likely the former, but at least Keroro can make the job *~interesting~*, Kululu likes chaos and things that go against the status quo to keep himself from getting too bored, Keroro practically makes it his job description. Kululu probably has all the opportunity and resources to move to a higher elite platoon if he wanted, Sergeant Major remember, so to me it sometimes almost seems like he sticks around just to see what Keroro does next…and how badly he can screw it up this time.
🔰 KeroTama, baby’s first gays! Though honestly, I am not sure who was the first to bring it up but I second the idea that Keroro is sort of like, Tamama’s awakening. Sure he loves him, but Tamama is still young and as far as we know, nobody else has made him feel quite the same way as Keroro does and he copes with this badly. What I do like most about this pairing is that Tamama truly idolizes Keroro but he is just as ready to call him out and keep him in check too; like checks and balances, I think Keroro/any works best when he is with someone who is willing to go along with him but can also tell it to him straight. This is most apparent in the later (subbed) seasons and manga, Tamama becomes less of a yes-tadpole and more aware that Keroro is not the all mighty-hero he used to think back on Keron.
⭐On the other hand, for Keroro…he is my shipping bicycle, I dunno know exactly why but he seems to work out so well with so many characters though it varies a lot. Like, compare KeroDoro with KeroTama and the dynamics become very different; though for the record I am not a huge fan of KeroDoro due to how anime!Keroro lacks the most tact when it comes to Dororo, and how manga!Dororo basically treats Keroro like an annoying ex. Not exactly healthy but I do feel like there is potential if the two found some common ground and reconciliation, but that defeats the fun of shipping, canon is supposed to do the heavy lifting. So anyhoo, there is no OTP for Keroro; which may contradict what I had already said about Tamama, but in Keroro’s case it opens a whole different perspective.
🔰 Oh geeze, I think I have only seen this once and thank goodness but Tamama/Momoka. They are an underrated pair, Momoka herself is a very underrated character but together they are just plain underrated. Hm. I feel like the anime is somewhat at fault since Brutal Momoka is often seen snapping at Tamama, but to be fair, Brutal Momoka will snap at Paul, her guards, her maids, and just about anybody besides Fuyuki. 
There are certainly moments cute moments between the two where you know they care for each beyond Momoka putting up with him so she can get closer to Fuyuki, and Tamama only sticking around to freeload, but I still think this comes across to an audience that Momoka does not care much for Tamama at all. I personally see their relationship more like an older brother and younger sister, which is kind of funny given Tamama’s more childish tendencies. I do feel like that he sees her as the little sister who can 100% beat him up while Momoka sees him as an older brother who can still annoy her sometimes at best…or a beloved pet at worst, which is not so bad since Tamama tried to do the same thing. They are two birds of a feather who flock together, but it is far, far, far away from a romantic context.
⭐A nOTP for Keroro would be Fuyuki, which for the life of me I have no idea why it has traction with JPN fans but it is…there, I guess. I think I see it popping up more often than GiroNatsu, to put it in perspective. Keroro is very obviously an adult, alien or not, and there is enough emphasis on the power of friendship to show that Fuyuki is doing what Mois should probably be taking notes on. Keroro is the fun and goofy adopted uncle who takes Fuyuki out for adventures, and they have been through like, six near-life or death experiences together and pulled through so if that is not a sign of a beautiful friendship then I dunno what is.
Random Headcanon: 
🔰 Tamama likes eating fruits and vegetables, on an occasion! The food has to practically jump through hoops for him to accept it though. Fruit has to be candied or covered in chocolate, and the vegetables have to be very tender and thoroughly glazed with honey. It kind of defeats the purpose of healthy eating, but hey, Tamama may love sweets but even he has limits such as in episode 310.
⭐Keroro has ADHD and dyscalcuia, though the ADHD bit in particular might as well be canon. He is a very relatable character and call it self-projecting but I am preeetty sure that he has like, learning/neurodivergent disorders up the wazoo much like how Tamama acts like he has an almost textbook case of Borderline Personality Disorder. I doubt that Yoshizaki actually researches mental illnesses/disorders though, special mention going to his portrayal of Momoka and her mother’s disassociative disorders which are far from accurate.
Unpopular Opinion: 
🔰 Tamama’s jealous behavior is not a good thing, it is not cute. I almost never find it funny, it is more…sad. Seeing him antagonize, hit, and verbally abuse Angol Mois is close to painful to watch because you know Tamama is only doing it to make himself feel better and Mois, who genuinely sees him as a close friend, just takes it and no one intervenes. In the end, Tamama still feels like crap and one way or another, gets what’s coming to him. There is no actual conflict resolution so the joke becomes old hat.
It may be played off for laughs, but Tamama’s infamous jealousy is self-destructive and while this may be ~relatable~ to other fans, it is obvious to see how unhappy Tamama is when it comes to dealing with his negative emotions or even maintaining a sense of self, like, his greatest fear is a glamorized version of himself as seen in episode 123. That was…interesting. When Tamama acts out on negative impluses, which is always, he never comes on top so why anybody would say “that’s so me!” especially when considering Tamama rarely makes the effort to hold his own actions accountable is beyond me.
I would probably be more receptive towards it if Tamama’s jealousy tick was not so selective. Like, you would think he would be more jealous and resentful of Giroro or even Dororo’s relationship with Keroro since those three have known each other since childhood and still keep it pretty tight; or even Pururu since she can be just as tooth-achingly sweet as Angol Mois and shares close moments with Keroro yet Tamama has never felt threatened by any of them.
Jealousy may be a natural emotion but Tamama’s attitude is unhealthy and it is flanderized to the extreme in the anime. He almost got himself killed for bottling up his negative feelings but lashing out at others (*cough*Angol Mois*cough*) is not the way to go either. The manga version of himself seems to be more adjusted, or at the least by comparison though the regrets and self-loathing is kept consistent. Tamama in the manga may not even be as infatuated with Keroro anymore, in the later volumes it so rarely gets brought up again and in particular, his reaction to being asked if he “still respected Keroro ” was such as strange response that I am just like 🤔. Of course, infatuation is different from love and “respect” could be just how Tamama no longer trusts in Keroro’s leadership at all, but still, the idea of Tamama not being obsessed with gaining Keroro’s affection anymore is almost like imagining an entirely different character after watching 300+ episodes. But, the way I see it…in the manga, the fixation is just not there anymore.
⭐For Keroro’s case, hmmmm…well, not much to say about Keroro since the anime and manga does a bang up job at calling out his flaws and holding him responsible when things mess up, he gets away with nothing. There is no widely accepted headcanon or canon interpretation of him that I feel like counteracting either; in my bloomin’ onion Keroro is well rounded enough for being the resident loser/villain protagonist.
Song I associate with them:
Party Up (Up In Here) by DMX 🔰
Crayola Sunrise by RunFoxRun! ⭐
Favorite picture of them:
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This is so sweet, so pure, so perfect!
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craske · 7 years
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im really hyped to share it, hope you’ll like it!!
-Hey campers! I have great news!-
Max and others sat there, over a plate with questionable mashed potatoes, which were said to be quartermaster’s speciality. And yet these tasted like dirt. Everyone around had the same faces of doubt and disgust, because even the smell of this food was bad. And since when potatoes smell bad? Not a good sign. At all.
David, smiling and happy as ever, came in and stood there where all campers would see him, but most of them didn’t pay attention, which didn’t demotivate David at all. Max knew that there was almost nothing to make this man lose his optimistic attitude. And he couldn’t decide if it was impressive or just simply annoying. So he just sighted.
-Noone cares David. You made up some lame activity at 7 am, did you expect us to be jumping around? Or climbing on a wall?- Max said. It was true, yesterday David told campers that they will go out for some wood walk. And as if it wasn’t bad, they’d have to leave at 7am because David “wants campers to experience wilderness when at its most beautiful part of day!”. Nobody was excited. Well… Maybe Nikki, but sugar flows through her veins, so she jumped out from her bed as soon as she heard the trumpet, which Max wished he would never hear again.
-Oh come on Max! You will see how Mother nature wakes up to start new day! Lizards go find some warm spots, owls find their nests to rest, day birds sing the loudest at this moment and we might see deer with young! Isn’t it exciting?- David exclaimed, making Max even more grumpy. What does this man take every morning?
-But this is not only great news, fellow campers!- Counselor said, with no effect. Everyone still didn’t seem to bother, but have such things ever discouraged David? Nope.
- I received a call yesterday, a new camper is joining us today!- he exclaimed, and this time, surprisingly, some people looked at him with curiosity. At the same time Neil looked concerned, Nikki was close to exploding and Max just hit his forehead at the table.
-Not another Jermy Fartz…- he mumbled.
-It would be wierd at least if another kid like Jermy came- said Neil, sticking his fork into potatoes. He picked up the plate and turned it upside down, neither potatoes nor fork hit the table, they stayed in their place, sticked to the plate as if glue was used.
-This is…concerning…- he said, when putting his plate back on the table. His friend wasn’t even suprised about this, he never ate these potatoes anyways.
-Now i’m just more concerned about this trip David planned for today. Though on the other hand… maybe bear will maul me or some shit- said Max.
After the breakfast campers went back to their tents to grab important stuff and prepare for the walk into the woods. And nobody was eager to leave their tents after entering, but David literally dragged some of the kids outside, so it was clear, there is no way to avoid this. David was talking about stuff they will see, really happy about this, even more happy than the usual, which was slightly wierd for Max.
-Well… i think he is excited that new camper is coming today- said Neill, when Max pointed it out. Nikki just shrugged.
-Or he just has even better humor, i dunno- she said and ran forward, because she saw their camp mascot platypus, who disappeared two days ago. Everybody was a bit concerned, but only because it would mean they’d have to go look for new mascot. And nobody was willing to do it.
-There she goes…-
-Nikki will dominate all animals around, you’ll see-
-Yeah, maybe she’ll become alpha of some wolf pack or something-
Max laughed at this, but then got quiet and looked to the side, as if he remembered something not so nice. But he came back to reality after a moment. Kid smirked.
-What do you say we go half a mile with this loser and then turn around and go back to camp?- he said to Neill, who thought for a moment.
-What will we be doing there?-
-I dunno, maybe slacking off? Doing what you are supposed to do during summer?- said Max with irony in his voice. He wasn’t in a good humor today and felt like being super salty about everything. Neil just groaned in response.
-You really want to be pain in ass today, huh?-
-You have no goddamn idea-
When group reached the main cabin, in which they had eaten breakfast earlier, suddenly the group stopped. David looked a bit distressed, because somebody was on the roof of the lodge.
-Hey! What are you doing up there? Come down before you’ll get hurt!- he yelled, running towards the house. The person was sitting on the side of the roof, with their legs hanging down. And kid didn’t seem too concerned about where they were sitting.
David went inside the house, probably for the ladder, but when he was struggling to pull it through front door he noticed the kid got down on their own.
-Uhmm this won’t be necessary, mister- she said.
Other kids watched it mostly with interest, but nobody was nervous about this situation. They just looked at the new camper, who was actually probably 14 year old girl. She was wearing green hoodie with short sleeves, red long-sleeved shirt under it, blue shorts and typical high boots perfect for some treckking. She also was wearing yellow lumberjack gloves, but the thing that was most unusual about her was that her hair were dyed to be bright blue, though some brown was visible in places where hair was growing.
She stood there looking a bit guilty, but not scared. David put ladder down carefully. He would have big problems with Gwen if he broke it, because it was their only one and it is never sure when it will be useful.
-Gosh darnit you scared me! How did you get up there?- he asked when approaching that new girl. She scratched her head in embarrassment and smiled.
-I uh… climbed? I mean, i jumped on that box by the wall and grabbed the edge of the roof… i will get into trouble on my first day, won’t I?- she said. David looked at the girl and smiled, still a bit shocked after what he saw.
-Oh don’t worry about it! You kids would go anywhere! So, you are new part of our group for this summer, right?- he leaned towards the girl, who was visibly more comfortable when knowing she isn’t in trouble anymore.
-Yeah! I came here few minutes ago but nobody was here so I thought waiting will be good thing to do- she said.
-Well, if you are our new camper, please introduce yourself to us!- David exclaimed, grabbing her shoulder to turn her so he can face the group of other kids. She surprisingly didn’t seem to be intimidated, more like happy that she can finally leave her excess behind.
-Um… Hi, im Meg!- she said, rising her right hand slightly. David clapped his hands, excited.
-Well, it’s very nice to meet you Meg and I’ll let you know that you arrived just in time, because we were leaving to go to the woods for long and amazing trip!- he said. At the same time Max watched it all, bored. Let’s be honest, he didn’t expect a new camper to appear here in this way, but it’s nothing special. He tried to escape during his first day, just like Nikki  and Neil. Well… they wouldn’t try it if Max didn’t persuade them to do so.
He felt he won’t like this girl, Meg. She seemed annoyingly happy, just like David. Ok, nobody can be this fucking happy 24/7, but still. He smirked after a moment.
-We’ll see how excited you are ‘bout this shitty trip- he said quietly.
But there was one thing that he noticed, how she shivered when David touched her shoulder. It was wierd.
-Ok campers! Let’s go meet mother nature!- said David and went in the direction of that one path they mostly used when going into the forest. Everybody letted out a tired sigh, but followed David anyways.
-Zis isn’t going to be a good time- said Dolph who was walking in front of Max. Meghan waited for the group to pass, and then joined it at the end, happy to go to the forest.
Finally! Away from city, in the place where air is fresh, birds chirp and no sound of cars. Meg was really tired of that lil wierd city so he decided to take some vacation, it would be good for her health. Aaaand… she had a feeling her friends were getting fed up with her. So it will be good for everyone!
She was walking silently, watching the group and surroundings, excited to be here. Kids in front of her weren’t talking much, maybe because of the hour of waking up… There was… girl with green hair, dude which looks like Shakespare, magician, a black girl in some kind of cosplay, some brute, cool girltm, little boy who kinda resembled her of that one german dude, kid who apparently wants to be an astronaut, dude with fluffy brown hair and next to him boy with fluffy black hair, This is one interesting group, Meg felt that it’s gonna be great month. But there was no sight of that one kid with blonde hair she saw through the window of bus when she was coming here. She even pointed out to that scary driver some camper was out there in the forest, but he didn’t seem to care… or he didn’t hear her. It’s not sure, because he is so old he might be deaf.
-Uhm… sooooo…- she started, trying to make a conversation with two boys in front of her. Dude with brown hair turned around to look at her, though he seemed nervous, while black-haired dude didn’t even react.
-This is everyone in group, right?-
-Yeah, David wouldn’t let anybody stay in the camp during this trip- said that guy with brown hair.
-Oh by the way, what’s your name dude?- she asked, coming closer to hear these two in front better.
-Oh, I’m Neil and this is Max- Neil said while pointing at boy next to him, who just looked back at her. It’s been a long time since she saw somebody this bored. Well… guys in school looked like this few days ago.
-You are… Meg, right?-
-Yeah! And I’ll be honest with you guys, i have a feeling this is going to be one of the best summers ever!- she said, filled with excitement, while Max said to himself that he will always stay at least 5 meters away from her.
At that moment Nikki came back, covered in mud and with some twigs in her hair. She was holding something fluffy and small in her hands and before she said anything Meg ran towards her and kneeled, her irises really big.
-Is that a squirrel?- she asked, not stopping to look at the animal Nikki brought. She nodded furiously.
-Yea! And it has this funny thing on it’s head see?- She said
They were left behind, which made Max sigh in relief.
-I won’t be able to not do something to her. She is like… David or some shit- he said, not bothering to check if two girls are catching up.
-At least it isn’t another Jermy Fatrz- said Neil, but Max wasn’t sure which one of them would be worse.
-Hah, i dunno man-
After minute or two girls caught up, talking excitedly. Boys noticed they both had some scratches on their faces… Well, Nikki had some more new scratches. But they both looked really happy.
-Wow, I haven’t been attacked by a squirrel in a long time! Last time was when somebody feeded park squirrels with coffee-dipped nuts. It was wild dude!- Meg was talking loudly.
-Wow it even bit you! Didn’t it hurt?- asked Nikki, excited just like new camper, who shrugged and showed her hand with thick glove on.
- Nope, i didn’t feel anything! These are really useful!- Meg said, proudly.
-You wear them all the time?- asked Nikki, and Meg nodded in response.
-Well… Yeah! Just, you’ll never know what will happen next moment!- she said and two girls finally caught up with the group.
-Guyguyguyguys! That squirrel attacked us! It was wild! But we kicked it into the bushes!- said Nikki, really happy about this little adventure.
-Uhh… are you sure you won’t get sick? Some animals carry diseases… Well, al of them- Neil pointed out, while Max just shrugged.
-Oh don’t worry, you body must experience everything to be less vulnerable in the future- answered Meg, which ticked Max off even more.
-Wow, and i thought we can’t have more smartasses in this godforsaken place- he said, which caught Meg off-guard. She looked at him for a second. Wow, so this is the typical camp douche who can’t have fun apparently. She just needs another tactic when it comes to mr. Grump.
-Man, at least there are some smart people, huh?- she said, smirking. It sounded surprisingly salty, but Meg immediately dropped the salty mask and smiled again.
-Oh dude, come on. How bad can it be?- she said. Max turned around with a bit of satisfaction on his face.
-Oh you’d be surprised-
Nikki sighted.
-Well, you just have to be carefully around Nurf because he can pull out a lot of knives from his pockets. And we still don’t know where he gets these- she said.
-And uhh… David can be annoying- Nial added. Meg looked forward. David was leading group deeper into the forest, but they still were in this more open and brighter part of the woods. And the counselor seemed as ecstatic as when he greeted Meg back at camp.
-He seems nice. Is he always this happy?- she asked.
-Unfortunately, he is almost never down and I swear it makes me sometimes want to snap someone’s neck. Especially his- Max was the one to answer this time. Meg looked at him, slightly concerned about this last thing.
-Oh…- she said and for next hour they all four were silent, though when the group started walking around on more mountainous terrain, then everyone was wheezing, trying to catch up with David, because that son of a devil apparently had so much energy that mountains were the same as simple campgrounds. Even Nikki had enough of this and she just like others, literally threw herself on a ground when a break was announced. Max at that time approaches David, really mad.
-Wow, you’ve put us through such a shit I swear David, this trip must be worth this hell- he said aggressively, but counselor just patted the boy on his head.
-Oh Max, haven’t you noticed how wonderful it is? Haven’t you seen all these animals?- David asked cheerfully.
-Well, i saw one squirrel attack Meg and Nikki, but eh- boy shrugged. His words slightly concerned David. Why didn’t he know about this? He quickly approached two girls, talking while lying on that one bigger rock. It was pleasantly warm thanks to the sun.
-And then that bus caught on fire and…-
-Um, girls? I’ve heard you had a… situation… with wild animal. Are you both ok?- David interrupted Meg’s story, but she didn’t seem to mind.
-Nah, we’re good- she said and quickly got back to the story she was telling. Nikki was listening carefully.
-And believe me or not, we actually didn’t suffer! I had barely any burns or scratches! But my pal, he yhh… got blasted away by a bomb in that suitcase…- David didn’t hear anymore bc he had to go forward and check out their trail. He planned to avoid Sleepy Pine at all costs.
-Ok my feet will hate me for next few days and don’t expect me to get outta my bed- Meg said something, what everybody was thinking. It was long past evening meal, maybe 11pm at best. Nobody wanted to go eat anyways, sleep was their ultimate desire and as soon as the group reached the main lodge, they went to their tents as fast as they could. David had to show Meg her tent, which Gwen set up while they all were gone.
-Everyone wake up at 7am for breakfast in main lodge, where you get food made by our Quartermaster, you also can choose diffrent drinks. But no coffee-
Meg wasn’t listening, she just wanted this dude to go away, she was super tired and she couldn’t breathe good, but she tried to hide it. During the entire walk she had big difficulties with keeping up, especially on that mountainous part of track. She thought she’d suffocate.
-Ok David, i really need to sleep, thanks for everything- she finally said with hardly hidden pain. David smiled.
-Ah no problem. Good night! We are really happy to have you here at Camp Cambell!- he said and left. Meg quickly entered her tent and checked if tent drapes are closed and took off her shirt. Beneath which there were bandages wrapped around her torso, binding something to it. She took these off as fast as she can, revealing small, blue set of wings. She spreaded them as much as she could in this tiny tent and took few really deep breaths. It was such a great feeling, being able to finally breathe normally. She couldn’t leave the group to take these off, it would be suspicious. But let’s hope it won’t be the same during the rest of camp. Or she’d just pass out one day, and then people would be curious and they might find out…
Ok, don’t think about this, it won’t happen.
She took off her gloves too, revealing clawed hands covered with green scales, which were going all up to her arms and down her back. That’s why she was wearing those, but… Yeah lumberjack gloves are simply handy, today’s action with squirrel proved it.
-Damn, what a relief- Meg said and chuckled when throwing herself her bed. She finally could swear without anybody judging her.
-This is gonna be such a great summer- girl said and as soon as she closed her eyes she fell asleep. She really wanted to leave that city, it was starting to be really tiring, the everlasting noise and stench of her hideout behind that one library. Now she was there, surrounded by woods, with no sound of cars. Simply sounds of night.
It’s gonna be indeed best summer. Unless people find out what she really is…
But it won’t happen.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
April 10 Dancitron Stream - The Burbs
Smokescreen revealed that he’s friends with Nickel, beloved mascot of the DJD. Soundwave immediately ejected him. Whirl talked about how much he doesn’t want to think about Megatron’s junk, which of course caused the whole room to discuss Megatron’s junk.
Chillsins 8:25 pm *Billows into the room like so much windswept garbage.* NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm *Seats and benches pulled toward the video wall, snacks out, and doors and vents that aren't the entrance sealed.* Chillsins 8:27 pm *Yes, he has a drink in hand, complete with straw also. It's Monday night, he eats on Mondays.* NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm [[Greetings.]] FakeProwl 8:29 pm *quietly appears* NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm *Bobs helm toward from seat.* Chillsins 8:30 pm *Nods.* FakeProwl 8:31 pm *nods back, and moves to sit with Soundwave* Chillsins 8:32 pm *He's going to sit as close to the back as the seating allows. It's only polite. Also, he can watch everyone so there's that.* Chillsins 8:33 pm *Slurps briefly, just so you all know he can.* NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *Moves his arm so Prowl can make himself comfortable; hopes Windchill enjoys the Back Area. He likes it for the same reason.* FakeProwl 8:35 pm *he's not very corporeal at the moment, so comfort isn't a high priority; but he moves in so he can give off the illusion of it anyway.* NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm *Ah, yes. Distracted mun error.* chronosmith 8:36 pm *shuffles in with a canister in hand. He is not wearing clothes but somehow, inexplicably, gives off the air of a person who is wearing house shoes. Somehow* Chillsins 8:37 pm *Oh look, a wandering house bum!* FakeProwl 8:37 pm *ah! good. somebody he can hotspot his avatar off of.* *prowl is now corporeal* Chillsins 8:37 pm Whirl! *He raises an arm* My silky smooth avocado! chronosmith 8:38 pm *shoots Prowl an annoyed glance* You could've asked, you jerk. *but he doesn't revoke his corporeal privileges... this time* Windchill. My footstool. *he's gonna sit in the middle of the room, rather than the back, and gaze forlornly across the sea of tables* FakeProwl 8:38 pm You gave me permission in the past. I was under the impression that it was a standing arrangement. NoodlesAtNight 8:39 pm *Soundwave starts just a lil at the sudden solidness, then glances over at Whirl* [[It is good to see you again.]] chronosmith 8:39 pm Yeah well, you know what they say about assumptions. ...wait, you said impressions. *pauses* Either way. My official stance is: whatever. But ask next time. Chillsins 8:39 pm *He's debating moving from the back seating. We'll see.* FakeProwl 8:40 pm Very well. chronosmith 8:40 pm *tips his canister to Soundwave* I didn't go anywhere, but hey, back atcha. Chillsins 8:40 pm Oh really? We've barely seen you in weeks. *Or, he has but it's his own fault for being late all of the time.* chronosmith 8:41 pm You saw me LAST week. Now, I know it must be torture to go without my ILLUSTRIOUS PRESENCE for so long, so I'll forgive you. *he was also asleep for most of the time he was there, so Windchill is not really wrong* Chillsins 8:42 pm I missed you, my sweet banana pudding. NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm ((a warning: based on skim there's a couple of 😕 moments but i think it should otherwise be okay?)) chronosmith 8:42 pm ((gotcha!)) FakeProwl 8:42 pm (( 😕 in what sense?)) Chillsins 8:42 pm (( Don't worry 'bout me I'm impervious. )) FakeProwl 8:42 pm ((scary? racist? rapey?)) chronosmith 8:42 pm You can't get enough of calling me various food items today, can you? Chillsins 8:42 pm Nope. Am I coming on too strong? I can do more. *He lives on Earth, he knows lots of foods.* NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm ((i think i remember skimming over one fairly sexist bit and one thing that... i guess it would fall under the ableism label? i'm not 100% sure where it goes)) FakeProwl 8:44 pm *so. whirl is the one with the furniture kink. his boyfriend is the one with the food kink.* chronosmith 8:44 pm *GOD PROWL* Chillsins 8:44 pm *GACK* chronosmith 8:44 pm Hmm. *sets his canister down and stands up* I'll allow it. *he trots over to the bar in the meantime* I actually remembered to bring some actual money with me, barkeep. hardwiredgreed 8:44 pm [i am cat, bork] NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm *Ravage pops up over the side of the bar. Hello, Whirl.* [[Greetings.]] *At ... he's not sure who this is. Cheetor?* hardwiredgreed 8:46 pm i am an intelligent species fear me chronosmith 8:46 pm *bobs his helm at* You know what I need, mech. The good stuff. Get me a tall of the Gaugebuster. Chillsins 8:46 pm *snorts* FakeProwl 8:47 pm *murmurs* species that feel the need to assert their own intelligence usually aren't. NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm *Disappears back behind the bar to work on that Gaugebuster* hardwiredgreed 8:47 pm You trASH MAMMAL Chillsins 8:47 pm *He has to agree with Prowl on this one.* hardwiredgreed 8:48 pm you parking lot trash mammal FakeProwl 8:48 pm *slow, unimpressed blink* hardwiredgreed 8:49 pm parking lot trash NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm [[Desist.]] hardwiredgreed 8:49 pm fear me Chillsins 8:49 pm *Who just walks into a room and starts 'insulting' people? Weird.* NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm [[Disruptive mecha will be phased into the Wall.]] mauther 8:50 pm *....kind of a weird point to come in on, both in movie and in bar, but alright then. time to creep in the back and panic about where to sit* chronosmith 8:50 pm *he's good for the credits, as well as a long-overdue tip for his bartender* NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm *Ravage puts the drink up on the counter, then hops up and stares. Credits, you say.* Chillsins 8:50 pm (( Jeebus this threw me for a loop )) hardwiredgreed 8:50 pm [[wheres swindle when the credits pop out am i right]] chronosmith 8:51 pm I know you usually like barter, but I've got cold, hard cash for ya, if you want it. FakeProwl 8:51 pm *glances at Soundwave and mouths "parking lot trash mammal." bemused smirk.* Chillsins 8:51 pm *points* Gun. NoodlesAtNight 8:51 pm @Prowl: (txt): Ridiculous. This one not parking lot trash mammal since reformat. Chillsins 8:51 pm *Blinks, astounded.* NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm *Ravage taps the counter in front of himself. Place the credits, sir.* FakeProwl 8:52 pm @Soundwave «I didn't mean you. I'm expressing bafflement.» hardwiredgreed 8:52 pm [[what movie is this?]] NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm ((the burbs)) Chillsins 8:52 pm WHIRL. *Slurps for effect.* chronosmith 8:52 pm *does so, with a flourish* Courtesy of the saps who weren't sharp enough to catch me cheating at poker. mauther 8:52 pm *WINDCHILL DO NOT START* NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm @Prowl: (txt): Present understanding: none. chronosmith 8:52 pm *swivels his helm around to look back at Windchill* What? Chillsins 8:52 pm *He already started.* FakeProwl 8:52 pm @Soundwave «... If I HAD meant you, I suppose it probably would have been something like "runway trash bird."» Chillsins 8:53 pm Sit with me, you sweaty boob. NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm @Tarantulas (txt): Greetings. Suggestion: join. hardwiredgreed 8:53 pm someone say sweaty boob because shockwave can relate chronosmith 8:53 pm How about YOU sit with ME. I've already got my stuff on the table. *gestures to the canister he left to mark his place* hardwiredgreed 8:53 pm i will bite tarantulas i stg Chillsins 8:53 pm Hmm. *He slurps just a little, considering it.* NoodlesAtNight 8:54 pm =Unobservant players deserve fleecing.= FakeProwl 8:54 pm *is that a flash of purple in the back of the room?* Hello. mauther 8:54 pm *tarantulas is already edging away from windchill, the greeting from sw is welcomed with a ping* Chillsins 8:54 pm Okay, I'll do that. *He gets up and moves closer to Whirl's spot. NoodlesAtNight 8:54 pm *Swipes the credits into his subspace pocket and loafs* mauther 8:54 pm *ping for prowl too, apparently words are hard right now* FakeProwl 8:54 pm *pings back* hardwiredgreed 8:54 pm [[their smacking gives me anxiety ]] chronosmith 8:55 pm *nods cheerfully, scoops up his drink, and trots on over to his table* See? Much better seat. Chillsins 8:55 pm Yep, you're right. You got me. FakeProwl 8:55 pm ... You can sit closer. *to Tarantulas.* *he's not going to invite him straight to the couch without asking Soundwave, but he can at least invite him closer.* Chillsins 8:56 pm *He's going to succ quietly now.* smoketopus 8:56 pm 😮! /Going to wave at Tarantulas, and see if he should sit near Tarantulas/ chronosmith 8:56 pm *pops open his canister and immediately starts to mix his booze with whatever's inside, stirring a little* mauther 8:56 pm *wary squint, but he'll.... hm. maybe on the floor is best for now, close by but touching no one* *probably best if smokey stays away from tara, too close to prowl, heh* chronosmith 8:56 pm Thanks for toning down the gross mouth noises. smoketopus 8:57 pm Hey Soundwave, what's been going on in the movie so far? Chillsins 8:57 pm You're welcome, my prickly pineapple. NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm [[Neighbors with uneasy relationships are concerned about new neighbors who have never been seen until now.]] smoketopus 8:57 pm /Aw. Doorwings drooping some, going to look at maybe sitting near Whirl- Whirl's pretty cool./ chronosmith 8:57 pm Hmm. I'm a little too BLUE to be a pineapple... *looks down at himself8 I dunno if I could pull off yellow the way 'Bee does. ...did. hardwiredgreed 8:58 pm [[[is this a horror movie]] NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm ((comedy horror)) FakeProwl 8:58 pm *... stretches leg a little bit. nudges ped against one of Tarantulas's leg. spider leg or robot leg, whatever's closer.* chronosmith 8:58 pm *bobs his head to Smokescreen; as long as Windchill has no problems, and Smokescreen behaves, Whirl seems all right with this* Chillsins 8:58 pm Your eyeball is yellow, good enough in my book. smoketopus 8:58 pm Huh. Hopefully, they'll get used to their new neighbors! Chillsins 8:58 pm *He has no problems.* smoketopus 8:58 pm ... Wait, it's a horror? thebestdecepticonleader 8:58 pm Why do humans have such a strange range of annoying noises? NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm [[It is because they are made of meat.]] chronosmith 8:58 pm They take after you. NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[It... squishes.]] FakeProwl 8:59 pm Because you have a low tolerance for alien sounds. Chillsins 8:59 pm *Snorts.* chronosmith 8:59 pm *takes a long pull of his Mysterious Mixture* NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[Greetings, Starscream.]] mauther 8:59 pm *spider leg! twitch twitch. tarantulas is gonna glance back* ...Err, s-sorry. That is, hello. hardwiredgreed 8:59 pm if it makes disgusting noises i will cry thebestdecepticonleader 8:59 pm My voice used to sound okay There's always sounds stupid *theirs smoketopus 8:59 pm /Awesome! Smokescreen's going to start going through his subspace to maybe offer a drink to Whirl./ FakeProwl 8:59 pm Hello. *doesn't know what Tarantulas is apologizing for, so will ignore it. Maybe it was a reflex.* hardwiredgreed 9:00 pm [[aRE THOSE FLIES ]] mauther 9:00 pm *mumbles* Of course it's 666 chronosmith 9:00 pm *shakes his head and nods to his own drinks; Whirl's got a tall Gaugebuster that's about half-empty and a canister. He is good* NoodlesAtNight 9:00 pm ((bees)) hardwiredgreed 9:00 pm [[okay im less squicked]] smoketopus 9:00 pm ((yeahhh i was about to say FakeProwl 9:00 pm Does 666 have some sort of significance? chronosmith 9:01 pm Feel free to have a sip of mine, though. If you can handle it. *the Gaugebuster will strip the metal from your tanks; "excrutiatingly spicy" is an understatement for that drink* mauther 9:01 pm Religious figurative sign of evil, if I recall smoketopus 9:01 pm 666 has one of each of the Roman Numerals! NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm [[...The what?]] FakeProwl 9:01 pm Ah. Which religion? hardwiredgreed 9:01 pm christianity thebestdecepticonleader 9:01 pm There's more than one mauther 9:01 pm Christianity, yes Chillsins 9:01 pm It's the sign of the Breast smoketopus 9:01 pm Why don't they ever show the version with one of each number though hardwiredgreed 9:01 pm i think you mean beast Chillsins 9:02 pm No, I meant breast. hardwiredgreed 9:02 pm [[alLL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN ]] chronosmith 9:02 pm *snorts and takes another pull* Must mean I'm about to show up. NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[You're already here.]] chronosmith 9:02 pm If your non-food-related nicknames have anything to say about it. thebestdecepticonleader 9:02 pm Why do humans have more than one religion though, isn't it inconvenient? chronosmith 9:02 pm Unfortunately for all of YOU, I am. ...WE have more than one religion. Chillsins 9:02 pm *side eyes Whirl.* Maybe. chronosmith 9:02 pm At least, where I come from. FakeProwl 9:03 pm Why do Cybertronians have more than one faction? It's inconvenient. thebestdecepticonleader 9:03 pm My verse doesn't smoketopus 9:03 pm DCLXVI- it's even in order. Why's that a devil's number it's cool hardwiredgreed 9:03 pm Starscream I happen to find buddahism fascinating thebestdecepticonleader 9:03 pm Have more than one religion Chillsins 9:03 pm *Has to fight to avoid rolling his optics all of a sudden.* NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm [[Because most veterans insist on keeping their badges.]] FakeProwl 9:03 pm Rhetorical question. hardwiredgreed 9:03 pm Windchill calm your breasts chronosmith 9:03 pm Welcome, then, to the incredibly varied nature of the multiverse. Stranger things have happened, and they often do. NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm [[Ah.]] Chillsins 9:03 pm Having neighbors must be...such a terror. thebestdecepticonleader 9:04 pm Atheist and Primus/Unicron are the only options NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm [[It depends on the neighbors.]] smoketopus 9:04 pm Really? Prime worship isn't a thing there? NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm [[His are acceptable.]] hardwiredgreed 9:04 pm Optimus was atheist thebestdecepticonleader 9:04 pm no smoketopus 9:04 pm You don't get patron primes, Screamy? thebestdecepticonleader 9:04 pm Especially not me, I'm an atheist FakeProwl 9:04 pm Meant to illustrate that the fact that convenience plays no part in cultural constructs. Chillsins 9:04 pm *Shrugs. He has no neighbors, not really.* chronosmith 9:04 pm Yeah. *snickers* About... what? Four hundred or so of those neighbors, after all, are sweet, innocent, well-behaved, ADORABLE parasitic barnacles. smoketopus 9:04 pm No Thirteen? chronosmith 9:05 pm How could anyone dislike THOSE neighbors? NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm [[The OTHER neighbors.]] thebestdecepticonleader 9:05 pm Oh there were thirteen, but they are only messengers not something to worship chronosmith 9:05 pm Buncha minibots, right? And somewhere else, the Preds? smoketopus 9:05 pm Really? There weren't temples or festivals for any of 'em? hardwiredgreed 9:05 pm only Camiens worsip primes as gods NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm [[The Predacons are in the next city over. But yes.]] smoketopus 9:06 pm It's not worshiping them as gods thebestdecepticonleader 9:06 pm Pre war there was a celebation for the current one and another one to celebrate the rest NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm [[Optimus Prime was no god.]] chronosmith 9:06 pm I haven't met the minis, but the Preds seem like great neighbors. *raises his canister in a mock toast* smoketopus 9:06 pm Primus and Unicron are Gods- but the different Primes bring something to the table. chronosmith 9:06 pm *and takes a long drink* The only god I worship is Heqet. Praise. smoketopus 9:06 pm I'm not saying he was- you really think I'd think that? Ow. hardwiredgreed 9:07 pm pprimes are just people with a dohickey in their chest Chillsins 9:07 pm Praise be. hardwiredgreed 9:07 pm optimus wouldnt even BE a prime if it wasnt for shockwave carving out his chest smoketopus 9:07 pm technically we ALL have dohickeys in our chests NoodlesAtNight 9:07 pm {{Yes. It me, Bird.}} chronosmith 9:07 pm I've got some good ones. *gestures to his guns* smoketopus 9:07 pm ... I would show mine as an example but I'd reaaaally rather not chronosmith 9:07 pm *and then snickers at Laserbeak* thebestdecepticonleader 9:08 pm Most of them were highly irresponsible idiots smoketopus 9:08 pm so you're one? thebestdecepticonleader 9:08 pm no, I'm an atheist mauther 9:08 pm *the jacket!! tarantulas likes the kid's jacket, wow* chronosmith 9:08 pm ...wait, who're you asking, Smokester, and what are you asking them...? smoketopus 9:09 pm Starry over there- he said all Primes were highly irresponsible idiots. thebestdecepticonleader 9:09 pm they were chronosmith 9:09 pm Gotcha. Carry on. hardwiredgreed 9:09 pm Optimus was a simple archivest so I doubt he had any good knowledge smoketopus 9:09 pm but wait are you one Whirl? What would your Primely name be? chronosmith 9:10 pm *scoots back a bit and leans so he can lift first one leg absurdly high in the air, like a ballerina, and then carefully deposit it on Windchill. And then he does the same with the other* *LAUGHS* smoketopus 9:10 pm Whee Prime? Whirlimus? Chillsins 9:10 pm *Is visibly grateful, now he has feet to distract him from stupidity.* thebestdecepticonleader 9:10 pm Rodimus ran off 500,000 years before the next Prime was announced and hasn't so much as confirmed he's still alive or not chronosmith 9:10 pm I am absoLUTEly not a Prime. And, I dunno. I'm not compatible. *100% ABSOLUTELY LYING, HE IS AND HE KNOWS WHAT HIS NAME WOULD BE* NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm [[He doesn't remember human houses doing that in Jasper, Nevada.]] smoketopus 9:11 pm You'd really be surprised who's compatible. I mean, I haven't seen anything that makes you seem otherwise! hardwiredgreed 9:11 pm [[Optimus actually was carved out by Shcokwave like many others for the Matrix, when Optimus bonded with it he was in terrible pain, but rodimus said the matrix felt 'just right' inside of him]] smoketopus 9:11 pm Maybe they took out that feature for safety reasons, Sounds? chronosmith 9:11 pm That's because you don't know me, kid. I'mnot the WORST Autobot, but I'm a major contender. *shakes his head* No way could I ever be a Prime. Chillsins 9:12 pm *Trying to decide if this music is spooky or a Christmas jingle* thebestdecepticonleader 9:12 pm Who's worse than you Whirl? chronosmith 9:12 pm Also, I just plain wouldn't want to. *looks to Windchill* And if you keep calling me food names, I'm gonna start thinking of different furniture names to call you. smoketopus 9:12 pm Haha, no way. I'm way worse an Autobot and I was- anyway, if Sentinel could be one, you could be. hardwiredgreed 9:12 pm starscream Chillsins 9:12 pm You're on, my fuzzy peach boy. thebestdecepticonleader 9:12 pm yes hardwiredgreed 9:13 pm you're worse than whirl is what i am saying chronosmith 9:13 pm He's not an Autobot. thebestdecepticonleader 9:13 pm I'm not an Autobot hardwiredgreed 9:13 pm still chronosmith 9:13 pm Tyrest is one. He turned neutral eventually, but I still count him. FakeProwl 9:13 pm ... If he IS a murderer, he's very bad at hiding the body. hardwiredgreed 9:13 pm he is the leader of cybertron mauther 9:14 pm Trying to hide things in plain sight, maybe, hyeh thebestdecepticonleader 9:14 pm Neutrals are barely Cybertronian, let alone Autobots Chillsins 9:14 pm Wow, now. NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm [[It would have been simpler to dispose of the body in several smaller bags.]] FakeProwl 9:14 pm ... Tyrest was a good Autobot. When he was an Autobot, he was good. It wasn't until after he gave up the badge that he went bad. Chillsins 9:14 pm That's actually offensive, Starscreech. thebestdecepticonleader 9:14 pm it's supposed to be hardwiredgreed 9:14 pm can we talk about Necrobot ' NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm [[You knew him?]] *Soundwave sits up a little at the name 'Necrobot'. He's heard stories of that one.* FakeProwl 9:15 pm I worked with him at times. chronosmith 9:15 pm Let's see... who else. Pharma is worse. mauther 9:15 pm *wait, what did scream say about neutrals. squintsquint* hardwiredgreed 9:15 pm Necrobot is a doll ]loved his cape smoketopus 9:15 pm Wait, how is Tyrest a bad Autobot? He seemed nice when I met him. thebestdecepticonleader 9:15 pm By not fighting, you give up your right to have the say in any Cybertronian affairs after the war chronosmith 9:15 pm He went crazy and tried to genocide half the Cybertronian race. smoketopus 9:15 pm What. chronosmith 9:16 pm Also, I'm aware he went neutral Prowl. I'm still counting him. Besides, someone like THAT doesn't form his "strong opinions" overnight. hardwiredgreed 9:16 pm I have to go soon nerds chronosmith 9:16 pm He probably hated all CC mecha from the start. Secretly. thebestdecepticonleader 9:16 pm You don't want a say now, why should you have a say when it's safe? FakeProwl 9:16 pm He formed his "strong opinions" due to brain damage. He put a drill through his own processor. smoketopus 9:16 pm Aww, bye yellowtirebot! chronosmith 9:16 pm Somehow I find that hard to believe. NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm ((alas! a pleasure to meet you though)) [[...He thought the point of waiting was not attracting attention.]] hardwiredgreed 9:16 pm how rude smokescreen smoketopus 9:17 pm ... /He's side-eyeing Prowl some./ FakeProwl 9:17 pm Speaking as a CC mech who worked with him—no, he didn't secretly hate CC mecha from the start. smoketopus 9:17 pm Hey, nothing wrong with tires! chronosmith 9:17 pm First of all, if it was a secret, how would you know? Second of all, I absolutely wouldn't put it past you to lie about it to preserve his reputation. Y'know, keep things hush hush. Either way, I'm counting him. Being a good person ONCE doesn't make you any less of a bad persion in the present. Or, recent past. Or whatever. *gestures to himself grandly before taking another swig* FakeProwl 9:19 pm I would know because his behavior would have revealed it. And what reputation? He has no reputation to preserve. There's nothing to keep hush hush. He tried to murder half the species. chronosmith 9:19 pm Oh, we're not keeping that a secret anymore? FakeProwl 9:19 pm No. He's no less of a bad person now. But the bad person he is now is a bad neutral. He was never a bad Autobot. chronosmith 9:19 pm I mean, if not, then, sure. Whatever. FakeProwl 9:19 pm No. Rodimus released a—a press release about it to all of Cybertron. chronosmith 9:20 pm Either way, you're wasting your time with this, Prowl. *waves a dismissive claw* Save it. mauther 9:20 pm Wait, when did he release that? NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm [[Earlier this year.]] mauther 9:20 pm *does not know about tyrest* Chillsins 9:20 pm *Doesn't know half of this nonsense, is happier for it* mauther 9:20 pm ...You're.... hmmn. chronosmith 9:20 pm I must've been... preoccupied. Depending on when it was. *you're better of, Windchill* *off Chillsins 9:20 pm *He knows.* FakeProwl 9:20 pm We're having a hypothetical discussion about the worst Autobot rankings while watching human cinema. We're ALL wasting our time. Chillsins 9:21 pm Not me! *he raises his hand* chronosmith 9:21 pm Let me be more specific: you're wasting your time trying to convince me of something that you're not gonna convince me of, largely because I don't believe you. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[He found it educational, personally.]] FakeProwl 9:21 pm *gestures at Soundwave* NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[...His hair came off...?]] chronosmith 9:21 pm Anyway, example number two is Pharma, who I think we can all agree is worse than me. Chillsins 9:22 pm It's like a wig. Fake hair that people wear when they don't have any or something. smoketopus 9:22 pm It was pretty educational! I learned a bit more than I wanted to about a bot. FakeProwl 9:22 pm Agreed. smoketopus 9:22 pm ... Wait, could I get a wig, then? NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm *Why is he being gestured at? What did he do?* FakeProwl 9:23 pm *prove Prowl's point that he wasn't wasting his time, because somebody found it educational.* Chillsins 9:23 pm *Shrugs.* I don't think there's anything stopping you, Smokescreen. FakeProwl 9:23 pm *he wasn't talking because he thought he was going to convince whirl anyway.* smoketopus 9:23 pm Well, it probably won't fit my head. thebestdecepticonleader 9:23 pm Then make one Chillsins 9:23 pm Gotta get it custom, that's all. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm [["Religious supply store"? That's a thing?]] [[And what has Pharma done?]] *He knows a little of it himself, secretly, but he must pretend he doesn't* smoketopus 9:24 pm Pharma stole my t-cog at one point- he's a jerk. mauther 9:24 pm He what-?! smoketopus 9:24 pm Uh. FakeProwl 9:24 pm The DJD blackmailed Pharma into euthanizing Autobots to give their t-cogs to Tarn. thebestdecepticonleader 9:24 pm haha mauther 9:25 pm How did he get a hold of YOURS, Smokescreen smoketopus 9:25 pm ... You promise not to judge me for the story? Chaoit 9:25 pm -wanders in to the mention of the DJD. Wonderful- NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm [[It seems he's still at it.]] mauther 9:25 pm ...You probably ought to tell me another time, so long as your t-cog's safe for now Chillsins 9:25 pm *He has yet to discover what the DJD even are.* Chaoit 9:25 pm ....WHY are we talking about them? chronosmith 9:25 pm He killed a lot of his patients. When all he had to do was ask for an extraction, what a MORON. FakeProwl 9:26 pm If that was all he did, then he'd just be an average mech who gave in to fear. But he decided to try to escape Autobot judgment by unleashing a plague on his own base and killing everyone. thebestdecepticonleader 9:26 pm It's war killing is to be expected smoketopus 9:26 pm Sounds good to me! I don't need everyone to know about that story. FakeProwl 9:26 pm Killing YOUR OWN SIDE is not to be expected. thebestdecepticonleader 9:26 pm It is if you're a decepticon Chillsins 9:26 pm It is if you're a Decepticon, but. Chaoit 9:26 pm .... Chillsins 9:27 pm For most people it's definitely non-standard. *Looks faintly mortified.* NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm *Just motions to Starscream and Windchill* chronosmith 9:27 pm *snickers* Chaoit 9:27 pm Okay, what brought up the purple behemoth and his crew? FakeProwl 9:27 pm Soundwave asked what Pharma did that makes him such an awful Autobot. chronosmith 9:28 pm ...hmm, though, Tyrest and Pharma are both super dead. At least, in my dimension. So I dunno if they count. I MAY currently be the worst Autobot alive. Chillsins 9:28 pm *Shakes his head, turns back to his drink.* NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm [[An Autobot killing other Autobots is NOT to be expected, however. He sees the point.]] Chaoit 9:28 pm Ah Pharma smoketopus 9:28 pm Purple behemoth- phphhp. Fitting- he's a jerk, too, probably the worst Decepticon. chronosmith 9:28 pm Or, at least, the worst one that people KNOW about. Chaoit 9:28 pm He hits hard FakeProwl 9:28 pm And when Decepticons kill their own, it's usually a small handful, in power struggles or settling grudges. Chaoit 9:28 pm And shakes off damage far too well NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *Nods.* FakeProwl 9:29 pm He single-handedly killed an entire base. mauther 9:29 pm (( MR ROGERS (( GOOD Chaoit 9:29 pm Oh. Great. Wonderful. NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm [[Any who willingly associate with the DJD are not to be trusted. Everything else is extra reason to dislike him.]] chronosmith 9:30 pm Agreed, Chillsins 9:30 pm Who are the DJD? FakeProwl 9:30 pm He was far from "willing." chronosmith 9:30 pm ...do you have them in your universe? *pauses, and then adds, for levity* My delightful ottoman? Guess that answers THAT question. Chillsins 9:30 pm *Snorts.* Chaoit 9:30 pm I've only run into Tarn, and he's psychotic Chillsins 9:31 pm You hear that, guys? I'm DELIGHTFUL. NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm [[He could have terminated himself, or told someone.]] Chillsins 9:31 pm *Slurps in delight.* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm [[Both are preferable.]] smoketopus 9:31 pm Are the DJD really that bad? Vos seems pretty nice. chronosmith 9:31 pm The Decepticon Justice Division. They go after ex-Cons and torture them because, why the hell not? smoketopus 9:31 pm ... oh chronosmith 9:31 pm So, watch your ass. *nods* Chillsins 9:31 pm Oh, well. FakeProwl 9:31 pm He was blackmailed and afraid. Coerced cooperation isn't "willing" cooperation. NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm ((did it freeze/start buffering)) ((or am i just lucky)) FakeProwl 9:31 pm ((yep)) chronosmith 9:31 pm You're entirely too trusting, Smokescreen. Chillsins 9:31 pm (( Yes. )) chronosmith 9:31 pm ((yep!))) Chaoit 9:31 pm ((buffering smoketopus 9:32 pm I know, I know. Better to trust and be wrong than never trust, though, right? FakeProwl 9:32 pm It's unfortunate. Until that point, he was an excellent Autobot. Brilliant doctor. I hadn't even known about his skill with viruses. thebestdecepticonleader 9:32 pm I'm surprised that I'm yet to have a run in with the DJD if that's the case NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm ((...tubitv why)) chronosmith 9:33 pm Absolutely NOT. Chillsins 9:33 pm I'm pretty sure we don't have them where I'm from, else I'd know. chronosmith 9:33 pm That's what gets you killed, or seriously screwed up. Don't trust anyone, kid. Ever. NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm ((god. just give it a couple minutes i guess. i'll brb)) mauther 9:33 pm I'm afraid I'll have to side with Whirl on this one, Smokescreen Chillsins 9:33 pm (( KK! I for one would very much like to pee anyway. )) smoketopus 9:33 pm Messy, com.e on... chronosmith 9:33 pm *takes another long sip; the more he drinks, the more visibly relaxed Whirl becomes* Yeah, but a DJD from another dimension might still come after YOU. NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm [[We do not have them. That has not stopped them sniffing around.]] FakeProwl 9:34 pm *... stretches to rub Tarantulas with foot some more* NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm *His plating tightens up a little.* chronosmith 9:34 pm *gestures to Soundwave, unconsciously mimicking Prowl's earlier motion* Chillsins 9:34 pm Would they? *He scratches his chin.* thebestdecepticonleader 9:34 pm I doubt they could be worse than my Megatron anyway chronosmith 9:34 pm Yeah. They don't actually do what they do because of some, y'know, moral high ground--they just get off on torturing anyone they can get their hands on. FakeProwl 9:34 pm *noticed that tightening. offers hand?* chronosmith 9:34 pm So they would absolutely come after you--y'know. Once you get rid of that badge, officially. smoketopus 9:34 pm And Whirl, it hurts to not trust bots- I mean, sure, it's seriously harmed me, but. Chillsins 9:35 pm Fascinating. thebestdecepticonleader 9:35 pm But you're too trusting? mauther 9:35 pm *!! what. he's being touched again, ok. Leaning into it but still watching Prowl's hand and SW* chronosmith 9:35 pm *swivels his head to regard Smokescreen with a half-lidded stare* You'll learn. Give it time. Chillsins 9:35 pm Well, in that case. NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm *Quietly accepts. He doesn't quite need it, but he's not going to deny it either.* Chillsins 9:35 pm I guess I'd just have to kill them. chronosmith 9:36 pm Count me on, La-Z-Boy. smoketopus 9:36 pm That's one of those things I really don't want to learn! chronosmith 9:36 pm Any chance I'd have to get the drop on one of those guys? I'd take it in a sparkbeat. You' Chillsins 9:36 pm I'll keep that in mind. chronosmith 9:36 pm ll learn it whether or not you want to, kiddo. mauther 9:36 pm Ignorance isn't bliss, Smokescreen chronosmith 9:36 pm The alternative is that you'll die, instead. Chaoit 9:37 pm Ignorance will get you killed Chillsins 9:37 pm *Succs quietly, he'd like to finish his DINNER* chronosmith 9:37 pm The only possibly weak spot I know of is that they keep around some kind of minibot named Nickel. Kinda the DJD mascot. smoketopus 9:37 pm I know it's not, but with the war over and all, I'd rather trust bots than think everyone's awful from the start. 'Cause like, most Autobots are great, and faction doesn't really mean anything now that war's over. NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm (("coming right up" it says... hurry tf up rabbit)) chronosmith 9:37 pm If you get to her, you've got leverage. NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Quietly takes notes* smoketopus 9:38 pm Oh! Nickel!! I know her! She's the best! Chillsins 9:38 pm Their weak spot is that they're gonna be slower than I am. NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[You WHAT.]] chronosmith 9:38 pm *slowly turns to regard Smokescreen* Do you, now? That's interesting. mauther 9:38 pm He may know one alternate of her - don't get particularly excited, now chronosmith 9:38 pm I'm sure an alternate would do. smoketopus 9:39 pm ... Yeah? She lets me call her mom and stuff. wait what chronosmith 9:39 pm *just narrows his optic slightly in a sly look and takes another drink* NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[You call. The DJD mascot. A human creator term?]] Chaoit 9:39 pm ................. smoketopus 9:39 pm ......... Chaoit 9:39 pm Smokescreen How? No thebestdecepticonleader 9:40 pm why? Chaoit 9:40 pm No, why? chronosmith 9:40 pm *looks to Windchill* Just about anyone's slower than you, mech. I'll give you that. I'd get massacred in a fair fight against those guys. *shakes his head* Of course, that's why I'd make it an UNfair fight for 'em. NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm ((smokey mun permission to feeler scoop?)) Chaoit 9:41 pm How do you make it an unfair fight against them? smoketopus 9:41 pm ((permission! FakeProwl 9:41 pm @Soundwave «He calls a selfish, greedy miser whose hobby is interstellar genocide a "father figure." And you're surprised he has a similar relation with someone in the DJD?» chronosmith 9:41 pm *turns to regard Blaster with that same inscrutable look, and takes another drink* smoketopus 9:41 pm I mean, does it matter? It's no one's business there- I can call bots what I want, right? NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm *Soundwave's feelers whip out and coil Smokescreen up, with intent to lift high overhead* FakeProwl 9:41 pm *Prowl's adding a new tag to their repertoire: #revulsion* Chaoit 9:42 pm -stares back at Whirl- chronosmith 9:42 pm *oh, THIS is interesting; he turns his attention back to Smokescreen* Chillsins 9:42 pm I, too, am all about unfair fights... *What is happening.* smoketopus 9:42 pm /He's going to start attempting to squirm out of there/ SOUNDWAVE. WHY. Chaoit 9:42 pm -And up goes the Smokescreen- FakeProwl 9:42 pm *scoots out of Soundwave's way* mauther 9:42 pm Soundwave - /words/ first, what's - NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[You DARE befriend a DJD member and come HERE?]] chronosmith 9:43 pm *pours some more liquor into his canister, shakes it a bit, and says, AS he's drinking* I wouldn't try to talk him out of it, Tarantulas. smoketopus 9:43 pm ... What? Why's that a problem? I'm friends with a lot of bots. chronosmith 9:43 pm First of all, he's totally justified. Second of all--and most importantly--this is COOL. NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[-Stay out of this.-]] Chaoit 9:43 pm Smokescreen! mauther 9:43 pm I'm not - nevermind FakeProwl 9:43 pm *slides off the couch to sit next to Tarantulas and put a hand on his back* Not this time. Chaoit 9:44 pm They try to kill everything! smoketopus 9:44 pm I didn't know that when I befriended! NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm [[YOU KNEW IT AFTERWARD.]] *Coils tighten.* Chillsins 9:44 pm *Finish off his cube with a slurp, and peers through it-at the debacle, naturally- to be sure that it's empty.* chronosmith 9:44 pm To be fair--he didn't seem to realize this about Nickel, until I mentioned her. mauther 9:44 pm @Prowl: What in the world is going on?! Chaoit 9:44 pm Well, now you do chronosmith 9:44 pm Smokescreen, is that when you found out who her affiliates were? When I mentioned her? mauther 9:44 pm *he'll accept that hand though* Chillsins 9:45 pm *Smokescreen looks really funny with viewed through the bottom of a cube.* FakeProwl 9:45 pm @Tarantulas «I don't think it's my place to share.» smoketopus 9:46 pm Ow, ow- I'm not going to leave someone 'cause I don't approve of what they do. And I had a vague idea, but I didn't really know her involvement! mauther 9:46 pm @Prowl: ...understood. Please do tell me no one's getting hurt over this though NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm [[DON'T APPROVE OF WHAT THEY--]] *Sorry, Smokescreen. You're about to go headfirst through a mid-air bridge.* Chaoit 9:46 pm -well shit- chronosmith 9:46 pm Pfft. You talk about it like it's... it's tax evasion! You know they'd torture and kill people I actually give a damn about, right? You're okay with that? I need you to tell me, right now. Are you okay with that? Because I need to know where you and I stand. smoketopus 9:47 pm /Aaaand out he goes. He's going to grab the phase shifter and keep that on before trying to come back./ Chaoit 9:48 pm You do know one of them did make a very spirited attempt on me and the twins, right? Chillsins 9:48 pm *Rests his chin in his hand, and subspaces his cube.* chronosmith 9:48 pm *for the record, to those of you who can read his mind (which is one of you) Windchill wasn't the only face that flashed through it at that statement--he was thinking of Drift, the twins, Zori, and even, to some extent, Soundwave* ((KFLKRR HAHAHA THAT SHOT)) NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm *Immediately contacts the upstairs systems and revokes Smokescreen access to building.* smoketopus 9:48 pm /He needs to get back in the room first!/ FakeProwl 9:48 pm ((THAT SHOT)) Chillsins 9:48 pm ((I snickered it was...something else. )) Chaoit 9:49 pm ((fun shot)) FakeProwl 9:49 pm *looks at Soundwave* I trust he won't be back? smoketopus 9:49 pm ... @Soundwave ::Come on- I didn't mean it like that. I hate what they do, too. But Nickel's my friend, and helped me when other DJD members hurt me.:: Chaoit 9:49 pm ((did she get his eye? thebestdecepticonleader 9:49 pm Is his face getting injured going to be a running joke or a coincidence NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm *Soundwave takes absent-minded note of the Whirl thoughts. His feelers are still going to flick and twitch with restrained fury.* chronosmith 9:50 pm Well. Guess I don't get my answer. NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm *He'll draw them back in when he can make them stop.* chronosmith 9:50 pm *looks to Windchill* I feel responsible for this somehow. But I really don't mind. *takes another long drink* mauther 9:50 pm *tarantulas is gonna ping smokey to make sure he's alright but won't chat until things are calm* NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm *Smokescreen gets the equivalent of a busy signal.* Chillsins 9:51 pm Responsible? For what? FakeProwl 9:51 pm From abundant experience with Smokescreen, I can answer that question: he cares more about having as many friends as he can get than he cares about what they do. smoketopus 9:51 pm ... /Smokescreen's going to give Tarantulas a quick ping, before starting to spam Soundwave with pings/ chronosmith 9:51 pm I sort of mentioned Nickel. And the DJD. Which set this whole thing off. But, oh well. Better we all find out, right? thebestdecepticonleader 9:51 pm A strange way of thinking NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm @Prowl: (txt): Smokescreen presence forbidden. Chillsins 9:51 pm Well, yeah. But at that rate it was going to come out anyway. Chaoit 9:52 pm -huffs- FakeProwl 9:52 pm If he were here, Whirl, he might say that he cares about the fact that they'd kill the people you care about. But he'd also say he doesn't care enough about them to cut off contact with Nickel, or any of the others like her. chronosmith 9:52 pm *nods* Now the question is... what to do next. *taps his free claw on the tabletop thoughtfully* I mean. There's an opportunity here, right? *glances to Prowl and nods slowly* Chillsins 9:53 pm If he's going to go around making friends with everyone irrespective of the surrounding conflicts, he ought to expect that kind of reaction. NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm *Smokescreen's gonna have to ping someone else. None of his are being picked up.* Chillsins 9:53 pm *Windchill has no sympathy, whoops.* chronosmith 9:53 pm Yeah. *nods* FakeProwl 9:53 pm *... better switch to private comms* @Whirl «You're correct, there IS an opportunity here. But not an opportunity we should discuss with Tarantulas present. He considers Smokescreen a friend and is too neutral to care about the DJD.» chronosmith 9:54 pm But... even so. *he's a-thinking. This bit of info--that guileless, overly-trusting Smokescreen has a link with the DJD's weak point, is too promising to ignore. But he is NOT good at scheming* mauther 9:54 pm *it's just as well, bc tarantulas is holding his tongue for the moment* chronosmith 9:55 pm *luckily, he knows someone who IS, and he might give them a call later* @Prowl: Hm? Oh. Gotcha. Yeah. NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm *IS good at scheming, but probably would have slaughtered Smokescreen on the spot if not for everyone else here, so...* chronosmith 9:56 pm Anyway, whatever. Less talking about the DJD, more drinking. *toasts no-one in particular* You should hit the bar, 'Chill. Ravage mixes a mean drink. *he was 100% thinking of Getaway* NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm ((i know, i meant the one before it)) chronosmith 9:56 pm *and that is precisely who he intends to call about it* Chillsins 9:56 pm I don't hold high grade well, I fear. Or, well, I fear to find out. And you should, too. chronosmith 9:57 pm I fear nothing. For instance--you know what's in this canister? smoketopus 9:57 pm ... /He's going to try pinging Messy again./ ::Do you get what happened just now? 'Cause I don't.:: Chillsins 9:57 pm Sure don't, my sweet pickled asparagus. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm *Finally calm enough to pull them back in and sit back.* chronosmith 9:58 pm Well, my darling Loveseat--wait. Lemme do that one over. That one was too overt. Ahem. My darling armchair--it's medicine. mauther 9:58 pm @Smokescreen: No, I certainly don't, but I'll be doing my best to figure out. You - you're alright? Chaoit 9:58 pm So, who's got an idea of what is going on in this movie? chronosmith 9:58 pm You know what you're NOT supposed to do with this medicine? Chillsins 9:58 pm *Snickers. HE CAN'T HELP IT.* FakeProwl 9:59 pm *... he's still on the floor with a hand on Tarantulas's back. moves it to run his fingers around the bases of his spider legs.* Chillsins 9:59 pm I can imagine a lot of things you're not supposed to do with medicine, my fluffy doughboy. NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[The old neighbors believe the new neighbors are evil murderers and are trying to find the truth.]] Think about anything else but Tarn coming here. Anything. [[They are not subtle.]] smoketopus 10:00 pm @Tarantulas ::Thank you, anyway. I'll be fine- guess I'm not welcome there anymore, though... You don't dislike me, right?:: chronosmith 10:00 pm Well, yeah. But you're absolutely not supposed to mix it with liquor. But does that stop me? NO. Because I'm FEARLESS. mauther 10:00 pm *nyoop! tarantulas is sitting up straight, claws on the floor* That's - not there, please FakeProwl 10:00 pm *stops.* Where, then? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *Glances down to watch Prowl and Tarantulas.* Chillsins 10:01 pm *Sighs.* Chaoit 10:01 pm -snorts- Fun Chillsins 10:01 pm And how's being fearless working out for you? mauther 10:01 pm Erm, mostly anywhere else? *pause* ...You're in avatar, correct? FakeProwl 10:02 pm Yes, I am. chronosmith 10:02 pm I'm really really drunk, and my head's not hurting. Chaoit 10:02 pm ..... chronosmith 10:02 pm Which is a huge improvement over an hour ago, so in short: I'm doing AWESOME. NoodlesAtNight 10:02 pm *Ravage snorts and nibbles one of his paws.* Chillsins 10:03 pm *Squints one eye at Whirl.* Chaoit 10:03 pm ...big dog mauther 10:03 pm @Smokescreen: No, I really - no. And of course I don't dislike you FakeProwl 10:03 pm *switches to rubbing hand along the middle of Tarantulas's back.* chronosmith 10:04 pm *takes another long swig* Chillsins 10:04 pm My goodness, my jiggly blue raspberry jello. smoketopus 10:04 pm /Going to try to ping Soundwave again./ ::If there's something you're worried about, tell me! What do I have to do in order to come back? You know I owe you favors.:: chronosmith 10:04 pm JIGGLY. mauther 10:04 pm *hums - better. then snickers at whirl and chill* chronosmith 10:04 pm Look here, my precious little papasan, I am many things, but I am not JIGGLY. ((iui don't know how whirl would even explain to people he and windchill aren't An Item at this point. Nobody would ever believe him)) Chillsins 10:05 pm *Waggles his brows.* Not yet, you're not. chronosmith 10:05 pm *SNORTS* Chillsins 10:05 pm (( It's too late for them. )) chronosmith 10:05 pm ((all of prowl's wildly incorrect and hilarious assumptions are coming true before his eyes)) FakeProwl 10:05 pm ((prowl is completely convinced)) Chillsins 10:06 pm Anyway, what I'm saying is, if you're feeling down you ought to call me over. I'll kiss it all better. By that I mean you'll be so miserable with smooches you'll hardly notice anything else. mauther 10:06 pm (( my god windchill chronosmith 10:07 pm First of all, keep that gross mouth off me, you ingrate. *this is said with more humor than rancor* Second of all, you can't fix this. Nobody can. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm *Yes, he knows Smokescreen owes him. He's not willing to consider that right now.* chronosmith 10:07 pm HE tried--*points to Soundwave* And even HE was only marginally successful. Chillsins 10:07 pm *Kissy fish lips.* chronosmith 10:07 pm You're so GROSS. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[He - what. He never gave you a headbump.]] smoketopus 10:07 pm @Tarantulas: ::... Okay. That. That's okay. That's alright. ... I don't dislike you, either. Thank you.:: chronosmith 10:07 pm Huh? What, no I wasn't--pfft. I meant you climbing into my head. Chillsins 10:08 pm *Puffs up proudly.* I am gross. chronosmith 10:08 pm As far as I KNOW you've never tried to kiss my mental problems away, and I THINK I'd remember that. Chaoit 10:08 pm -settles to pick at a bit of paperwork- NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm [[No. He never has.]] mauther 10:09 pm @Smokescreen: I'll comm you later? NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm @Blaster: [[Busy again?]] FakeProwl 10:09 pm *in response to "kiss my mental problems away," murmurs in Soundwave's general direction,* Should have tried that while I was in the hospital. chronosmith 10:10 pm ((hospital smorches)) Anyway. ...what were we even talking about? *blinks slowly at Windchill* mauther 10:10 pm *he hEARD THAT* chronosmith 10:10 pm Uh, my... trundle bed? Wait, no, that one sounds too suggestive, too. Chillsins 10:10 pm You were trying to trick me into drinking high grade. Chaoit 10:10 pm @ Soundwave :: Yeah. Just need to edit a few things on this :: chronosmith 10:11 pm Dammit. I can't pick furniture that sounds innocuous. Chillsins 10:11 pm I could be your loveseat. *he waggles his brows again.* chronosmith 10:11 pm *SNORTS and kicks him. But not hard* smoketopus 10:11 pm @Tarantulas ::That sounds good... I hope we can hang out sometime.:: chronosmith 10:11 pm You're gonna make all these nice people sharing their bar with us THROW UP. NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm @Prowl: (txt): Finger bitten. Partial attempt credit. Chillsins 10:12 pm *Cackles.* I have to admit, you're at a bit of a disadvantage here. Most all furniture is made for sitting on. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm *Lightly wiggles his matching one to make his point.* [[He's seen worse.]] mauther 10:13 pm @ Smokescreen: Yes, I'll - obviously not shortly, but yes. chronosmith 10:13 pm Yeah. And food is not inherently sexy in any way. *attempts to make a face. His optic just squints oddly and flickers* FakeProwl 10:13 pm *glances at Soundwave* A valiant effort. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm @Blaster: [[Silence preferred?]] chronosmith 10:14 pm Well, rest assured, I'm not about to do anything that'll make you regret inviting me here. Well. *amused glance* More than I'm sure you already do. NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm [[...And that depends where the fuel comes from.]] Chillsins 10:14 pm *His optics turn all crinkly, like those of someone having far too much fun at another's expense.* smoketopus 10:14 pm @Tarantulas: ::Thank you. I really like your company!:: NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm *Puffs up a bit. "Valiant effort". How pleasing!* Chaoit 10:15 pm @Soundwave :: No. It being too quiet in my office is why I'm here :: smoketopus 10:15 pm /He's going to try comming Soundwave one more time./ ::Come on, Soundwave. If there's anything I can do to see the movie again, let me know. If I gotta offer you to check out my mind or promise something or whatever.:: mauther 10:16 pm @Smokescreen: Yours as well - although you really ought to watch what you say around certain people, for your own safety NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm *.........................................* chronosmith 10:18 pm Anyway, if you can't have high grade, go ask him to mix you something else. Maybe Ravage can--*pauses, optic lighting up; his neck swivels around until he's looking directly behind him, 180 degrees, like an owl* Ravage! Can you mix up a non-alcoholic Gaugebuster? Does that work? NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *Gonna forward Smokescreen's last message to Prowl. He doesn't know what to do with it. Most of him never wants to see the mech again. A little bit wonders if he could learn something about Phase Sixers.* =85 percent efficiency.= Chillsins 10:20 pm I doubt I have anything decent to- *he fakes a yawn* -barter with. chronosmith 10:20 pm Okay, so--okay. I've only tasted this thing properly once. And it'll kill you. It'll make you wish your mouth was dead. It's -awesome-. Of course, right now, with this--*gestures to his helm* it tastes... totally different. But still. You gotta try it. Chillsins 10:20 pm *He's lying, what he does have is worth more than a virgin drink though.* chronosmith 10:20 pm I'll buy it FOR you. Chillsins 10:20 pm So...what you're saying is. You will pay to have me dead. *He seems to think this is funny.* chronosmith 10:21 pm I'll pay for you to taste this amazing drink. And also wish your mouth was dead. But it's really good. Like... okay. Maybe--I'll admit. First of all, I'm drunk. Second of all, my... I;'m skewed on this. ANY taste is good taste, right? Even painful taste is still A TASTE. God, I keep saying taste. It's losing its meaning. Taste taste taste, Chillsins 10:22 pm *Sticks his tongue out.* Chaoit 10:22 pm -flinches- chronosmith 10:22 pm The point is. The point IS. Get one and stick your horrific giraffe tongue into it. YEAH THAT THING--*points at it* FakeProwl 10:22 pm @Soundwave «Absolutely take advantage of the offer. But don't take advantage of it now. If you haven't been answering his messages, don't start now. Wait until you have time to come up with a list of things to search for in his head, and until you've established a safe site where you can interact with Smokescreen without any chance of the DJD tracking you.» Chaoit 10:23 pm .... Chillsins 10:23 pm Hmm. Okay. I'm what you would call foolhardy. NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm *A tiny, tiny, reluctant nod.* Chillsins 10:23 pm I was born to suffer. Chaoit 10:23 pm O-okay, that was a bit...no thank you NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[You do not like fire?]] Chaoit 10:24 pm Explosions like that Chillsins 10:24 pm But, my sickly sweet potato, if I die...you know who you have to answer to. Chaoit 10:24 pm Just...ah... chronosmith 10:24 pm I'll be sure to deliver your coprse to the waiting arms of your mate. Maybe he can resuscitate you. Chaoit 10:24 pm Not too terribly fond of them mauther 10:24 pm *tarantulas is pretty distracted right now, but leaning on prowl just cos* Chillsins 10:25 pm Perhaps. He's raised parts of my from the dead before. I wouldn't put it past him. FakeProwl 10:25 pm *quietly wraps arm around Tarantulas* chronosmith 10:26 pm Ugh. That's an INNUENDO, isn't it? You've killed me libido for a week with that one. You're just as bad as Quark. Chillsins 10:26 pm Maybe. chronosmith 10:26 pm *sets his canister down and stands up, somewhat unsteadily* Ravage! Make me one of those things! I'll pay you! NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm *Streeeeetches and slips off the bar to do as asked.* smoketopus 10:26 pm ((I'm heading off. Have a night everyone)) Chillsins 10:26 pm *reaches out, in case Whirl decides to topple on over.* (( Goodnight! )) NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm ((night)) mauther 10:27 pm (( night !! i'm gonna IM ya smokey mun chronosmith 10:27 pm ((Night!)) FakeProwl 10:27 pm @Soundwave «Smokescreen is an idiot, so probably the best thing you might find is personal information about the DJD, Black Shadow, and Megatron. Potentially exploitable personal information, true, but little more.» chronosmith 10:27 pm *he's gonna shuffle to the bar and lean on it* thebestdecepticonleader 10:28 pm ((I have to go 😞 )) NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm ((aww... byeeeee)) FakeProwl 10:28 pm *baffled look at Whirl* What's QUARK been doing to your libido? Chillsins 10:29 pm *Watches Whirl go.* chronosmith 10:29 pm Destroying it. Chillsins 10:29 pm (( Have a good night! )) FakeProwl 10:29 pm ... How?? chronosmith 10:29 pm Talking about disgusting things, like Megatron's junk. ugh. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm @Prowl: (txt): That Megatron long known. Exploitable personal information... accepted trade, if far away. Chillsins 10:29 pm *Snickers.* FakeProwl 10:29 pm ... NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[...Why does Quark care about Megatron's array.]] FakeProwl 10:29 pm Why in the world has he been talking about Megatron's junk. chronosmith 10:29 pm Hell if I know! YOU ask the guy. The less time I spend talking about it, the better. Chillsins 10:29 pm Phew. *Even he's not THAT bad.* chronosmith 10:30 pm I'll be shocked if I'm able to get charged up in the next CENTURY because of that guy. Chillsins 10:30 pm *Waggles his brows where Whirl can't see, he assumes.* Chaoit 10:31 pm .... chronosmith 10:32 pm *he totally can't. He's clinging to the bar for support and watching Ravage work* NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm *Ravage is being lazy today. He finally puts the drink up.* Chillsins 10:32 pm *Snickers a little and gets up.* FakeProwl 10:33 pm ... Hold on, Whirl let me just—be certain that I have this sequence of events correct. chronosmith 10:33 pm *Whirl will slide over the same amount of credits as he did before* You're a peach. Windchill, lemme try this first. ...*looks to prowl as he takes a sip, once again talking while he's drinking as if that's a normal thing* Shoot. Chillsins 10:34 pm Hey man, fruit is my thing. *Fine, he'll wait here for now.* FakeProwl 10:34 pm Quark has been making comments to you—which you clearly do not want and do not appreciate—about Megatron's sexual equipment. Have you expressed to him that you don't want these comments? chronosmith 10:35 pm *how tasty is this compared to the regular Gaugebuster?* More or less. Just sexual comments here and there that make me cringe. It's whatever. If I get REALLY mad about it, I'll just go cave his face in. He usually doesn't bother me that much. FakeProwl 10:35 pm Have you expressed to him, clearly, that you don't want these comments? chronosmith 10:36 pm Pretty much. I mean, mostly it's threatening and all, the usual. FakeProwl 10:36 pm He's persisted after you made clear you don't want these comments? chronosmith 10:36 pm *ambles over to hand Windchill the drink* That's as good as you're gonna get, though. The less I think about this, the BETTER. FakeProwl 10:37 pm ((WAIT THAT'S CARRIE)) ((I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE HER WITHOUT THE BUNS)) chronosmith 10:37 pm You talk to Quark if you wanna get the details. Ugh. Lord. Just talking about this--quick! Someone, anyone, say something sexy. Deliver me from this hell. FakeProwl 10:37 pm In cases of sexual harassment—which is what you have just described—I tend to get more accurate reports from the recipient than the perpetrator. Chillsins 10:37 pm *Raises his hand.* Juicy giblets. chronosmith 10:38 pm Okay, well, later, then. Cos I'm drunk. Windchill, you're not helping. FakeProwl 10:38 pm Thank you for your cooperation. Chillsins 10:38 pm *Takes the offered hand now that he's said something decidedly not sexy.* Chaoit 10:38 pm ...oh. it's over Chillsins 10:38 pm *Sits back down and pats his lap where Whirl's feet belong.* NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm *Is listening with fascination to this whole mess about Quark. He smells future problems on the wind.* mauther 10:39 pm *so many future problems* chronosmith 10:39 pm *flops down and props his feet up where they belong* FakeProwl 10:39 pm Unless you want to take action on this case—which it sounds to me like you don't—that's all I need to know. chronosmith 10:39 pm You've all failed me, miserably. Chillsins 10:39 pm Sorry, mech. I used up all of my sexy words for today. chronosmith 10:39 pm Nah, if I wanna take action, I'll TAKE ACTION. You know what I mean. *clicks claw menacindly* Chillsins 10:39 pm *Eyes the...beverage, suspiciously.* FakeProwl 10:40 pm ... *nudges Tarantulas* mauther 10:40 pm *is nudged* Yyyyes? Chillsins 10:40 pm *Sniffs it.* FakeProwl 10:41 pm *quietly* Whirl has made what is, under the circumstances, a very reasonable request to be distracted with something sexy. He likes guns. You have a lot of guns. chronosmith 10:41 pm *grabs his own Forbidden Mixture off the table and toasts Windchill with it before drinking more* Chillsins 10:41 pm What do you think the chances of me dying right here are if I toss this whole thing back in one go? NoodlesAtNight 10:41 pm =Find out.= chronosmith 10:42 pm I'd take a sip first. That way, if you don't like it, I can get the rest. Because I do. Chillsins 10:42 pm *Thinks.* Okay, that seems fair. mauther 10:42 pm *loud sputtering* W-what? /Prowl/ FakeProwl 10:42 pm Just a suggestion. I thought you two got along. Chillsins 10:42 pm (( Prowl just what kind of establishment do u think this is. )) FakeProwl 10:43 pm *Whirl is no friend of Prowl's. But NOBODY deserves to be haunted by the image of Megatron's junk.* Chaoit 10:43 pm ((ohmygodprowlno mauther 10:43 pm *quieter* F-for one thing, are you suggesting I display arms in an explicitly peaceful establishment? chronosmith 10:43 pm ((in this moment, whirl and prowl are closer than ever before, bound by their mutual disgust of Megatron's junk)) ((bless)) Chillsins 10:43 pm (( I shed a single tear at the beauty of this moment. )) chronosmith 10:43 pm Eyy, Soundwave! Can I make a request? Chillsins 10:43 pm Okay, here I go. NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm [[Hmm?]] mauther 10:43 pm *hush* I got the impression that Soundwave wasn't in a mood to be, err Chillsins 10:44 pm *Shoves his tongue into the glass.* chronosmith 10:44 pm Any song by Cheap Trick that ISN'T "I Want You to Want Me." Cos that is kind of a lame song. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm *Immediately, if secretly, distracted by the tongue.* FakeProwl 10:44 pm ... *leans over to Soundwave and murmurs* In the interest of distracting Whirl from the nigmtmarish mental image that is Megatron's junk, would Tarantulas be permitted to show off his weaponry, provided he has no intention of using them? Chillsins 10:44 pm UHHHNNNNNNNn. *The Uhhhnnnnn of REgret.* chronosmith 10:44 pm Isn't it great? *his optic is curved in an expression of Actual Genuine Joy* Chillsins 10:45 pm *Slowly retracts his tongue like an injured octopus arm.* NoodlesAtNight 10:45 pm *Considers this. Megatron's junk IS a nightmarish mental image, and it's one people like to inflict on him from time to time too for some reason.* chronosmith 10:45 pm No good, eh? Chillsins 10:45 pm Give me a moment to decide. mauther 10:45 pm You're /not/ serious, Prowl Chaoit 10:45 pm -doesn't get what is going on, but not gonna ask- Chillsins 10:45 pm *Takes an actual sip this time.* *His face tries to implode on itself.* chronosmith 10:46 pm *LAUGHS* NoodlesAtNight 10:46 pm (txt): Accepted. Warning: Fired shots require serious punishment. Chillsins 10:46 pm *Coughs a little.* chronosmith 10:46 pm I nearly fell out when I tasted the full thing, too. But I mean... it's still GOOD, right? It's so intense. I love tasting. FakeProwl 10:46 pm *leans back over to Tarantulas* Soundwave gave his approval. Chillsins 10:47 pm Gee, Thanks Whirl. This is living. What an experience. mauther 10:47 pm *WHY* FakeProwl 10:47 pm As long as no shots are fired. chronosmith 10:47 pm *nods slowly* It is. Chillsins 10:47 pm *Shakes his head, his face still looks tortured.* Give me your drink can, boob. chronosmith 10:47 pm *Whirl's appreciation of the rare pleasure of being able to taste his food has given him a bit of a warped perspective on what's "good"* ..why? *peers at. Are you trying to take his Forbidden Mixture away* Chillsins 10:48 pm I'm giving you back half of this potion. chronosmith 10:48 pm *sets his canister on the table and gestures to it* By all means. mauther 10:49 pm *toward prowl/sw* I don't see any reason why I should - I - he's already quite sufficiently distracted by - *what is this evening even, he's not used to coming to movie nights* Chillsins 10:49 pm *Carefully squints and, holding Whirl's booze steady in one hand, doles out half of his poison with the other.* FakeProwl 10:50 pm You don't have to if you don't want to. Chillsins 10:50 pm There. More for you, you wild tangerine. chronosmith 10:50 pm Thank you... er. You. Coffee table. FakeProwl 10:50 pm I thought you might want to help. You don't have to. Chillsins 10:50 pm *Nods. Acceptable.* chronosmith 10:50 pm *takes a swig of the New Forbidden Mixture* At l;east I'll be able to get DRUNK again. ...even if the extra bit is non-alcoholic. Chillsins 10:51 pm Now my chances of dying are reduced by half, but oh well. *he sighs despondently.* chronosmith 10:51 pm *perks up* Chillsins 10:51 pm Maybe I just need to get used to it. But not today. mauther 10:52 pm IIIII think he's fine. *but now tarantulas is never going to forget this tidbit* NoodlesAtNight 10:52 pm (txt): Disappointing. Soundwave: also interested. FakeProwl 10:52 pm All right. NoodlesAtNight 10:52 pm (txt): ...Not same way. Chillsins 10:52 pm *Wish him luck, here he goes.* mauther 10:52 pm *...damnit now he's actually itching to show his guns. /why/* chronosmith 10:52 pm ((don't lie soundwave)) NoodlesAtNight 10:53 pm ((he's not really into guns. he's just curious where tara is keeping them)) chronosmith 10:53 pm Not bad, Soundwave, I don't think I've actually heard this one. I dig it, though. mauther 10:53 pm (( someone convince him :V chronosmith 10:53 pm It's like--it's almost--almost arrhythmic, yeah? Chillsins 10:53 pm *He gulps the rest down in a single swig, a gagging sound, a shudder, and a sudden prune face.* chronosmith 10:53 pm ((whirl already put forth his plea. It still stands)) Chillsins 10:53 pm (( Windchill is not aware of this conversation and so can offer no support. )) NoodlesAtNight 10:53 pm [[He liked the lyrics.]] mauther 10:54 pm (( apparently someone's GUNSHY chronosmith 10:54 pm *snickers* I can guess why. NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm ((punnnnn)) chronosmith 10:54 pm Is that you, eh? Is that your title now? Soundwave, High Priest of Rhythmic Noise? FakeProwl 10:54 pm *well, if Tarantulas isn't going to do it. Prowl leans against him again.* Chillsins 10:55 pm *Still making a face, but it seems he survived.* mauther 10:55 pm *lean accepted, but tarantulas is wiggly now* chronosmith 10:55 pm Spicy, right? Chillsins 10:56 pm *coughs.* Spicy like my butt. That's a lot of spicy. NoodlesAtNight 10:56 pm [[...No. Best not. Someone will think it means rhythmic noise in the berth rather than through speakers.]] chronosmith 10:56 pm ..pfft. That's lame. NoodlesAtNight 10:56 pm [[And while he IS proud of his talents, he prefers to keep them to a select few.]] chronosmith 10:57 pm I pictured like... a dude on a mountaintop. In some kinda fancy ro--*stares* Chaoit 10:57 pm ....? FakeProwl 10:57 pm *INTENSE SIDE-GLANCE* chronosmith 10:57 pm *snickers* mauther 10:57 pm *snickers but then feels awkward* Chaoit 10:57 pm -right over his helm- chronosmith 10:57 pm I still think smiting your enemies from a mountaintop wearing some kinda weird ceremonial robes is cooler, to be honest. NoodlesAtNight 10:57 pm *The picture of blank-masked innocence.* chronosmith 10:57 pm But: good to know. Chillsins 10:57 pm *Would snicker, but makes a pathetic wheeze instead.* NoodlesAtNight 10:58 pm [[His frame is too angular and pointed. Robes would catch.]] chronosmith 10:58 pm *now looks to Windchill* I... don't have. Any kind of response for that. You nightstand you. Hey, that's why you get em specially TAILORED. Chillsins 10:58 pm *Winks, at least.* NoodlesAtNight 10:58 pm ((i'm laughing at INTENSE SIDE-GLANCE because he wasn't actually referring to anyone in particular... he was just saying)) chronosmith 10:58 pm Not gonna like I think you could pull off the "tall, imposing dark priest" look. *appraising look* Even though you're kinda short. FakeProwl 10:59 pm ((but now he's THINKING ABOUT THOSE TALENTS)) chronosmith 10:59 pm ((now we all are)) mauther 10:59 pm (( and tara's thinking about prowl thinking about those talents NoodlesAtNight 11:00 pm [[Organized religion has never been his style. He prefers more personalized forms of worship.]] Chaoit 11:00 pm ..... mauther 11:00 pm *SQUINT. is that some more innuendo* chronosmith 11:00 pm Well, you know where I stand. Praise Heqet. Chaoit 11:00 pm huh chronosmith 11:01 pm And, nobody said anything about a CHURCH. Chaoit 11:01 pm That got chaotic NoodlesAtNight 11:01 pm [[Repression usually does, Blaster.]] [[Where would he be a High Priest, if not a church?]] Chillsins 11:01 pm *He'd frick in a church. Nothing is sacred.* *Holds his now empty glass up to his mouth.* *Leans over to Whirl.* chronosmith 11:02 pm Like I said: On top of a mountain, ideally during a thunderstorm, smiting his enemies with deadly Rhythmic Noise. *looks up at Windchill* NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm [[Perhaps if nightclub ownership fails to pan out.]] chronosmith 11:02 pm *snickers* NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *And it was both the truth and innuendo, which is just how he likes things.* chronosmith 11:02 pm Lemme know if you decide to do it. I wanna be there for that. Chillsins 11:03 pm *Using the the glass like a microphone,* Ooh, you touch my tralala. Chaoit 11:03 pm True. It does.... chronosmith 11:03 pm *SNORTS* NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm *Plausible deniability and all that* Chillsins 11:03 pm *He offers the microphone' to Whirl to finish.* mauther 11:03 pm Personally I think he ought to continue here, if his music taste is anything to go by *appreciate dat 80s* chronosmith 11:04 pm *leans into the cup* Congratulations Windchill. Just when I thought my libido couldn't sink any lower, you somehow killed it HARDER. mauther 11:04 pm *oH NO* Chillsins 11:04 pm *HOWLS with laughter.* *He seems to have largely recovered from the experiment.* NoodlesAtNight 11:04 pm [[Deep-treaded tires with glowing hubcaps.]] Chillsins 11:05 pm It's okay if you don't know that song, we can pick a different one. FakeProwl 11:05 pm What? *sorry he wasn't listening, what's this about interesting tires* mauther 11:05 pm Yes, /what/? chronosmith 11:05 pm *snickers at Windchill* Also--yeah, what now? Tires? NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm *Motions to Whirl.* [[Whirl said his libido was destroyed again. He was offering a boosting comment, as requested last time,]] FakeProwl 11:06 pm *well it worked on Prowl* chronosmith 11:06 pm Oh. Well, I appreciate the effort. I could take or leave tires, though Chillsins 11:06 pm *Ears prick up at this song choice* Chaoit 11:07 pm ....? NoodlesAtNight 11:07 pm *It worked on him too. That's why he chose it.* chronosmith 11:07 pm *pauses and takes a contemplative swig* Still better than picturing Megatron's JUNK. Ugh. NoodlesAtNight 11:07 pm [[He will aim a little closer to your tastes next ti-- MUST you.]] [[He IS a telepath.]] chronosmith 11:07 pm If I have to suffer, so do all of you. ... Chillsins 11:07 pm *Snorts, and sets the glass down.* Not me. I'm invulnerable to junk. Chaoit 11:08 pm -seriously just confused at this conversation now- chronosmith 11:08 pm *suddenly things very hard of this picture: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/03/article-0-0D47217900000578-586_634x450.jpg * FakeProwl 11:08 pm If it makes you feel any better, Whirl—at the present time, the Autobots possess no conclusive evidence that Megatron even HAS junk. NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm *Texts Whirl the word "Praise"* chronosmith 11:08 pm *SNICKERS* Lord. One can only hope. NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm [[Is that unusual?]] chronosmith 11:08 pm *shrugs* I... don't know. mauther 11:09 pm /Please/, first of all, why are we referring to interface arrays as junk NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm *Don't worry, Blaster. They're all being drunk or filthy. Or in Whirl's case, both.* chronosmith 11:09 pm I mean, I was born with mine, but I don't know how it works in other dimensions? FakeProwl 11:09 pm It would put him in the minority, but it's not overly remarkable. Chillsins 11:09 pm *Raises his hand again.* chronosmith 11:09 pm Because APPARENTLY my aray isn't STANDARD, somehow. Chillsins 11:09 pm Mine is called junk because it's trashed. Chaoit 11:09 pm -Makes more sense now, thanks- chronosmith 11:09 pm *mostly just drunk. And brutally blunt* Chaoit 11:09 pm Oh! That's why you guys were upset about think of....oh. FakeProwl 11:09 pm I'm referring to it as junk because Whirl referred to it as junk. chronosmith 11:09 pm Windchill. ...well I can neither refute nor confirm this. I'll take your word for it. mauther 11:10 pm Yes, thank you Windchill, that explains it completely Chaoit 11:10 pm -just got what the conversation was about- NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Yes. Unpleasant, no?]] Chillsins 11:10 pm You're welcome, folks. I'm here to help. Chaoit 11:10 pm Ew chronosmith 11:10 pm I'm referring to Megatron's, specifically, as junk. Because it's MEGATRON. FakeProwl 11:10 pm And we're talking about Megatron's, so I'm not inclined to be respectful toward it. *did he and Whirl just say the same thing* chronosmith 11:10 pm SEE? This guy gets me. *points at Prowl* Chaoit 11:10 pm Why are you talking about it at all? chronosmith 11:10 pm ...which I think should be worrying to both of us. Chaoit 11:10 pm Ewww FakeProwl 11:11 pm ... It probably says more about Megatron than it does about either of us. chronosmith 11:11 pm Good point, Blaster. Let's not talk about it any more. mauther 11:11 pm Can we just - can't we just talk about something else then? Primus, even guns, I don't care at this point Chaoit 11:11 pm Yeah, something else chronosmith 11:11 pm Guns are the perfect thing to steer us away from this arousal-destroying abyss. Chaoit 11:11 pm Anything else at this point FakeProwl 11:11 pm *... oh, right, Tarantulas gets uncomfortable talking about sex things.* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm [[...He misses the resonance blaster.]] *His contribution.* Chaoit 11:12 pm The what blaster? FakeProwl 11:12 pm It was an impressive weapon. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm [[He dislikes external weaponry, but he would make an exception for another one.]] Chaoit 11:12 pm Oh, that weapon in the documentary? NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm [[Yes.]] chronosmith 11:12 pm It WAS neat. There isn't nearly enough sound-based weaponry out there. Chaoit 11:12 pm Heh FakeProwl 11:13 pm @Soundwave «If you have any follow-up questions about our universe's standard anatomy, you may ask me privately.» *since Soundwave DID ask one.* Chaoit 11:13 pm Because some of the dangerous ones require tuning to work Chillsins 11:13 pm Well, sound based weaponry's efficacy would be too readily affected by the surrounding atmosphere or lack thereof, so that's why. Chaoit 11:13 pm I should know, I have several mauther 11:13 pm I - I must have missed it, is it just as the name suggests then? NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm @Prowl: (txt) Preference: now, later? FakeProwl 11:14 pm @Soundwave «Whenever you'd like.» chronosmith 11:14 pm Well, yeah, but you can say that about a lot of tech, probably. You gotta give yourself room to be CREATIVE! Weaponsmithing... *places a claw over his cockpit* Is an art. One I don't posses, really. But I can appreciate it. Chaoit 11:14 pm Yeah I mean, it's fun to figure out what does what Chillsins 11:15 pm *Snorts.* mauther 11:15 pm Oh, I see 😮 chronosmith 11:15 pm Pfft. You big show-off. *amused glance at Soundwave* Chillsins 11:15 pm *Oh my god.* mauther 11:15 pm And I suppose one could say it's an art, but I never really did consider myself an artist Chillsins 11:16 pm *If only it were the Shrek 2 version.* chronosmith 11:16 pm I used to be. *that probably only slipped out because he's dunk. Whirl pauses, and then follows it up with a nice, long swig* What about you, my exceedingly comfortable sofa? Got a favorite weapon? NoodlesAtNight 11:16 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Perhaps over comm. Full crowd distracts. Chillsins 11:16 pm Um. FakeProwl 11:16 pm *acknowledging ping* Chillsins 11:16 pm *He got distracted.* NoodlesAtNight 11:16 pm [[He wasn't showing off. Showing off would be playing back the whole fight.]] chronosmith 11:16 pm Besides your butt, which crushes everything in its path. Chillsins 11:17 pm Let's see. *He holds up his hand to count on his fingers.* Oh, not counting my butt? Damn. FakeProwl 11:17 pm *... kind of considers Tarantulas an artwork. but won't say that out loud.* chronosmith 11:17 pm Hey, I didn't say showing off was a BAD thing. Chaoit 11:17 pm That looked painful FakeProwl 11:17 pm *did he think artwork? he meant artist. haha. ha. haa.* Chillsins 11:17 pm *Lifts one finger.* My mind is my first choice. chronosmith 11:17 pm ((PRWL)) mauther 11:17 pm (( sdgfdhgf Chillsins 11:18 pm (( That's naughty. )) Chaoit 11:18 pm ((prooooowl NoodlesAtNight 11:18 pm *Offers Windchill a tiny playback of applause. He likes that choice.* chronosmith 11:18 pm *shrugs* I can see how that'd be a thing, yeah. mauther 11:18 pm See, Windchill, the mind may be the ultimate weapon, but you have to USE it to make other weapons that are more immediately applicable to violent situations chronosmith 11:19 pm *y'all are lucky he's JUST drunk enough to lack coordination, or he might have launched into this song* Chillsins 11:19 pm *Then rises a second finger.* Then, my old nucleon charge rifle. Seems I don't have either, these days. chronosmith 11:19 pm *if this were a certain other song, you'd all be doomed* Chillsins 11:19 pm You think I don't know how a mind works? *Please Whirl, do it. He'd join, you know it.* mauther 11:20 pm Honestly, a simple energy blaster is sufficient in most cases, but a - a nucleon charge rifle? Hhm. chronosmith 11:20 pm *Whirl becomes suddenly and genuinely attentive, expanded optic and perked antenna and everything* Nucelon charge rifle, eh? You should tell me about it, sometime. Chillsins 11:20 pm Listen. FakeProwl 11:20 pm ... ......... Chaoit 11:20 pm ...... NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm [[...Oh. And a V32.CYBR Corrupt@r. He would also want one of those again.]] FakeProwl 11:20 pm ..................... How would it work. Chillsins 11:20 pm It may be built for reaching out and touching people, but it turns out you can shoot people from up close too. chronosmith 11:21 pm Soundwave. That's the goofiest name I ever heard for a weapon. I love it. Chaoit 11:21 pm ....yikes Chillsins 11:21 pm Pretty versatile if you've got a handle on it, if you mind the rate of fire. *Gasps.* *He loves this godawful song.* mauther 11:21 pm *claps his claws over his head, noooo* Chillsins 11:21 pm *That's it, he's singing along. Sorry guys.* chronosmith 11:21 pm *this is not The Song. Whirl does not join in* mauther 11:21 pm *smokescreen was the last one to rickroll him and he doesn't want to think about any of that* Chillsins 11:22 pm *You are all weak.* Chaoit 11:22 pm Wow. chronosmith 11:22 pm *I am not weak I am just PARTICULAR* FakeProwl 11:22 pm *prowl has Absolutely No emotional reaction to this song* Chillsins 11:22 pm *Leans over to sing as close to Whirl's head as possible without spitting on him* chronosmith 11:22 pm *deapdan stare back* *slooowly drains the last of his Forbidden Mixture* FakeProwl 11:23 pm *... a little bit of an emotional reaction to Tarantulas suddenly curling up, though.* What? Chillsins 11:23 pm *Sticks his tongue out for the finale since it is now ruined.* chronosmith 11:23 pm *oh, now here we go. Whirl's gonna lean back and just quietly let this one wash over him* mauther 11:23 pm *he's letting his head go once the song switches, that's fine* chronosmith 11:23 pm *he likes this one* mauther 11:23 pm Oh? Nothing NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Has added Windchill to his Collection* FakeProwl 11:24 pm Are you alright? chronosmith 11:24 pm Good on you for picking the best version, Soundwave. Chillsins 11:24 pm *He would be scared to know what that means if he knew what that meant or that it happened.* NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm [[He likes them both. It is... a favorite.]] chronosmith 11:24 pm *nods silently* mauther 11:25 pm I'm - perfectly fine, I simply don't enjoy that song. NoodlesAtNight 11:25 pm *It just means Windchill has joined the Cybertronian Choir Fantastic* FakeProwl 11:25 pm Ah. chronosmith 11:25 pm The violins in this one really make it. FakeProwl 11:25 pm *well. prowl will probably never hear that song again. but if he does, he'll keep tarantulas away from it.* NoodlesAtNight 11:25 pm *The slightly waving feeler sticking out a small ways would agree.* FakeProwl 11:25 pm ... So, about that nucleon charge rifle...? Chillsins 11:25 pm *Right, so something to fear then.* mauther 11:26 pm Yes, please do tell Chillsins 11:26 pm *Raises a single eyebrow.* chronosmith 11:26 pm *cycles a barely-audible, contented sigh* But yes. Okay. I've sat here long enough, yammering you guys' audials off. Chillsins 11:26 pm *Here he was hoping you'd all be too distracted to talk about that.* mauther 11:27 pm *nope, guns on the mind apparently* Chillsins 11:27 pm What about it? chronosmith 11:27 pm *removes his feet, clambers up, and streetches, nearly swaying himself onto the floor* NoodlesAtNight 11:27 pm [[If you insist.]] [[Do you require bridge assistance?]] chronosmith 11:27 pm I'm gonna go hit the sack before the medicine wears off. Chillsins 11:27 pm You leaving, my malty vinegar? chronosmith 11:27 pm Nah, nah, I got this. I am. You... uh. You shelf. Chillsins 11:27 pm You want a goodnight kiss? *He bats his obscene eyelids.* chronosmith 11:28 pm *someone should make a bridge for him tho he's done the equivalent of mix cough syrup with liquor, he should not be bridging* *reaches over and very gently bonks Windchill on the head with his claw* There. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm *...Will probably handle that for him.* FakeProwl 11:28 pm *windchill may be the one with the rifle being discussed here but as prowl's asking about it about 70% of his attention is on tarantulas* Chillsins 11:28 pm Owie, that'll do it. chronosmith 11:28 pm Your turn. FakeProwl 11:28 pm *he's expecting it to take, like, five minutes for tarantulas to figure out how to replicate whatever it is* Chillsins 11:29 pm Give me your claw. chronosmith 11:29 pm No. You gotta whap me. Chillsins 11:29 pm That's not a smooch you mixed berry smoothie. But okay, if it will make you feel better. *Lightly whaps his shoulder.* chronosmith 11:30 pm But probably don't whap me on the hea--thanks. *nods solemnly* Chillsins 11:30 pm Now get Soundwave to bridge you home, with my blessing. mauther 11:30 pm .....When you're done with that, Windchill *vague claw wave at the mushiness* I wouldn't mind hearing about the mechanism of action of the rifle... or, I mean, if it's /simpler/ you could just hand me the schematics, of course chronosmith 11:30 pm All right, all right. Bridge me, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:31 pm [[Mind your footing.]] *Because one's going right under Whirl to right outside the LL.* chronosmith 11:31 pm *as Soundwave says that, he's transforming. You have a wobbly helicopter in your bar now* Chillsins 11:31 pm *Turns just enough to wink at Tarantulas. He'll get to you in a moment.* chronosmith 11:31 pm *he Descends* FakeProwl 11:31 pm *FREE BIRD* Chillsins 11:31 pm Bye, my angel food cake. *He waves.* FakeProwl 11:32 pm *... no free bird* NoodlesAtNight 11:32 pm *He'll free bird before Prowl goes.* chronosmith 11:32 pm Seeya, my divine divan. NoodlesAtNight 11:32 pm [[How -do- you know so many human fuel items.]] mauther 11:32 pm *how dare you wink at he who cannot wink back* Chillsins 11:32 pm *SNORTS.* chronosmith 11:32 pm *zoop. Whirls gone. God only knows where his drunk ass will end up tognight* Chillsins 11:32 pm *Frogspeed, my friend. Frogspeed.* NoodlesAtNight 11:32 pm *It's been connected to something that's going to distract him if he thinks about it. Better not with Windchill and Blaster still here.* FakeProwl 11:33 pm *... fair.* Chillsins 11:33 pm I know a lot of food items because I know a lot of things about Earth. I've lived there for...a while. Infiltrating, you know. chronosmith 11:33 pm ((SEE Y'ALL)) NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm ((bye!)) Chillsins 11:33 pm Holoforms are fantastic for picking up the culture. mauther 11:33 pm (( BYEEE FakeProwl 11:33 pm ((GNIGHT)) Chaoit 11:33 pm ...why call someone names based on things for eating? Chillsins 11:33 pm (( BYYYYYYE. )) Chaoit 11:33 pm ((g'night! Chillsins 11:34 pm Because, it's funny. NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm [[...He should get one. It would be easier than other setups.]] Chaoit 11:34 pm ...I guess? mauther 11:34 pm They really are useful - but don't get distracted, Windchill *taptaptap with spider leg on floor* NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm [[Ah. His apologies. He did interrupt your question.]] Chillsins 11:35 pm I haven't forgotten, I've been avoiding the subject to see just how much pressure you're going to put on me about it. mauther 11:35 pm Aha, I see. That game you spoke of, of course. Chillsins 11:35 pm Also, Whirl was leaving. Something like that. I am a seeker of Vos, and a Decepticon. It comes with the territory. Anyway, it seems to me that you have more than a normal level of interest in the thing. mauther 11:38 pm Naturally. Weaponized nucleon was only barely a phenomenon in my universe before it was banned entirely *tsktsk internally* Chillsins 11:38 pm A shame, that. mauther 11:40 pm DO you have the schematics somewhere? Or would that be something I have to eat some more straws to get from you? Chillsins 11:40 pm Of course I have them. FakeProwl 11:40 pm *and it was banned for very good reasons, but he's not going to say that when Tarantulas might be up to Science* Chillsins 11:40 pm Along with the schematics for other things that might be worthwhile to universes with your...problems. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm *Curious tilt* mauther 11:41 pm *squint* My universe has quite a few problems, you might have to specify which subset Chillsins 11:41 pm I can reproduce. mauther 11:42 pm *would choke if he had a drink, but thankfully it just comes out as a cough* Chaoit 11:42 pm -awkward- FakeProwl 11:42 pm *zero emotional reaction* mauther 11:42 pm Ah, I see. FakeProwl 11:42 pm ((CRO PLZ)) NoodlesAtNight 11:42 pm *Doesn't find it awkward at all. It's an important problem to solve, even if he doesn't personally want anything to do with it.* ((IT WAS THERE AND I WASN'T NOT DOING IT)) mauther 11:42 pm (( sDGF i didnt realize Chillsins 11:42 pm *Shrugs.* (( I missed it )) NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm <---Jessie)) FakeProwl 11:43 pm <--- Jessie's girl)) mauther 11:43 pm Personally I'm more interested in the rifle than the reproduction aspect <--- singer)) Chillsins 11:44 pm (( Pffft. )) Chaoit 11:44 pm ((yep mauther 11:44 pm (( honestly it might be more accurate to say bizarre love triangle but this definitely works Chillsins 11:45 pm Well, good for you. We should all aspire to an interest in shooting our enemies in the forehead. mauther 11:45 pm That's not the only thing one could do with weaponized nucleon, you realize Chillsins 11:45 pm I'm sure. That is, however, not what mine was for. It was for shooting people in the forehead. mauther 11:47 pm *spider shrug* That doesn't mean I'm not still interested Chillsins 11:47 pm You're interested more in the weaponizing aspect than that particular application. FakeProwl 11:47 pm ((there's kokomo, and here whirl's already gone. shame.)) NoodlesAtNight 11:47 pm ((ikr 😞 )) Chillsins 11:47 pm (( Damn u Whirl. )) mauther 11:49 pm Yes, but - we're talking in circles. Either you intend to tell me of it or you don't, that's really all I mind at the moment FakeProwl 11:49 pm ((yeeeee my jam)) Chillsins 11:50 pm (( So good. )) *He shrugs.* mauther 11:50 pm (( ive never seen most of these music videos and boy are they Gems FakeProwl 11:50 pm ((nice use of green screens)) Chillsins 11:51 pm I have a question: why should I tell you? mauther 11:51 pm Because I asked nicely. Or, hyeh, I think I did. Chillsins 11:51 pm I traded my previous integrated one for, well, quite a bit. Last I heard it was making a name for itself installed on some gunship. *He's scratching his chin, musing a little.* FakeProwl 11:53 pm *... if windchill starts trying to wring cash out of tarantulas, prowl's probably the one who's going to foot the bill.* FakeProwl 11:54 pm @Tarantulas «If he ends up uncooperative—Brainstorm's created a few blueprints for nucleon weapons that were banned before production. And all he needs to share his work is a fascinated audience that understands what he's saying.» mauther 11:54 pm If you're hinting that a more serious exchange would be required for me to get even the most basic specs from you, I'm... hhmn. *gets the comm* Chillsins 11:55 pm *He'll wring whatever he can get, he'll wring you like a dirty dishrag. He has little to no resources and a mind for hard negotiation.* You do that, lest I think you're planning to take advantage of me. mauther 11:56 pm ...You know, I might be best served waiting until you feel fit to drop the schematics on me as it suits your whimsy, honestly Chillsins 11:56 pm Listen, one freebie isn't a trend. mauther 11:57 pm *visor smile* Chillsins 11:57 pm You can make me an offer, or I'll assume you're not that interested. *He has what YOU want, remember.* Is making it worth my while so hard? *Ya darned cheapskates.* FakeProwl 11:58 pm @Tarantulas «There's no sense in paying him for something you could probably figure out how to make yourself in under a week.» Chillsins 11:59 pm *He's going to get up and return his used glass to the bar.* Yesterday Chillsins 11:59 pm *He's not necessarily asking for cash.* NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Ravage swipes it over* mauther 12:00 am *mentally waves off the comm* ...I'm - not going to make you an offer, especially since I have no idea exactly what I FakeProwl 12:00 am ((sPIDERWEBS)) mauther 12:00 am 'd be bargaining for But in any case I think I'll have to decline your invitation to an exchange at the moment. Chillsins 12:01 am True, but if I give you the schematics to look over you'll just take them. *He shrugs, sitting back down.* mauther 12:01 am (( .....cro NoodlesAtNight 12:01 am ((*laughs forever*)) mauther 12:02 am (( /cro/ Tsk tsk, so little trust Chillsins 12:02 am You can come talk to me when you decide to stop trying to wheedle me out of what's mine. mauther 12:03 am Honestly this simply started as a casual conversation about weapons, I wasn't attempting to "get" anything out of you until you yourself started getting serious, so to speak FakeProwl 12:03 am ((*thumbs up*)) Chillsins 12:03 am *He stops to think about it.* mauther 12:03 am It's quite alright though Chillsins 12:04 am You specifically asked me to give you the schematics. Which, I am not opposed to in and of itself. What if I make you an offer, then. I'll give you the schematics, provided you replicate the weapon for me. Just one. mauther 12:05 am ....And then what? Chillsins 12:05 am Then I don't much care, so long as I get a working rifle. FakeProwl 12:06 am *... seriously considering the offer* mauther 12:06 am *sideglance at prowl, he is too* FakeProwl 12:06 am *on the one hand, that's handing a powerful weapon to a Decepticon* Chillsins 12:06 am *Technically soon to be ex decepticon, hence the need for a weapon.* FakeProwl 12:06 am *on the other hand, if they don't take it, somebody else simply could.* mauther 12:06 am How soon would you want it by, if I were to acquire the schematics today? Chillsins 12:07 am *We had the DJD discussion already.* mauther 12:07 am And I'm assuming you have some source of nucleon? FakeProwl 12:07 am *plus, if he was a real threat as a Decepticon, Whirl wouldn't be so cozy with him. He might be a Decepticon but he's not much of an enemy.* Chillsins 12:07 am *ARE YOU SURE, PROWL.* FakeProwl 12:08 am *"being dangerous" and "being a danger" are two different things. Prowl has no knowledge about whether he's dangerous, but the evidence suggests he's not a danger.* Chillsins 12:08 am *A fair assessment.* On me? No. mauther 12:08 am *funny pfft noise* Chillsins 12:08 am But I might be able to locate it. FakeProwl 12:09 am *puts hand on Tarantulas's arm* Don't make any promises for a fast turnaround. You've got another project you need to finish first. mauther 12:09 am That's precisely why I was asking. *mostly* Chillsins 12:10 am It would require a space bridge to access, any stockpiles I can dredge up out of old records will be located on my Cybertron or the remains of Decepticon outposts. It would take some research at the very least. FakeProwl 12:11 am I may have access to Decepticon stockpiles in our universe, too. mauther 12:11 am *whoa ok that sounds like a lot more than he was thinking* Chillsins 12:11 am *Welcome to Windchill's world.* It is also possible that we could readily purchase it on Cybertron, I could look into that also. mauther 12:13 am That's - that should be sufficient. I mostly meant to imply that I wouldn't be able to supply you with any myself, and that I would require an amount for the replication process itself Chillsins 12:14 am I know, and I am offering solutions to the problem. mauther 12:14 am Clarified. Turnaround time expected? Chillsins 12:15 am Time is measured in numbers by you lot, I don't do well with those. mauther 12:15 am Well, to put it another way, is there a time by which you might specifically require it Chillsins 12:15 am Unknown. Give me an estimate of how long you think it will take. *He's working on it.* Once you have the nucleon, of course. mauther 12:17 am Honestly I can't say, depending on a current project, but - *glance at prowl.* FakeProwl 12:18 am *glances back. yes?* mauther 12:18 am (( can i just reference some vague timepoint in the reasonable future, chillmun? FakeProwl 12:18 am *... "glances back." as though prowl hadn't already been looking at tarantulas.* Chillsins 12:19 am (( Sure because he's just going to tell Tarantulas to double whatever time frame he comes up with.)) (( He's not picky. )) mauther 12:19 am *urgh. why did he think prowl could help him with something that's HIS job* FakeProwl 12:20 am *prowl doesn't know how much time this is gonna take. he understands nothing about tarantulas's process except "insert plan; magic happens; receive weapon."* mauther 12:20 am Maybe before the end of the <insert time period here>? Tentatively, highly subject to change Chillsins 12:21 am That's gibberish to me, mech. FakeProwl 12:21 am *... hold up. free bird guitar solo. prowl is on another plane of existence rn.* Chillsins 12:21 am *He will be missed.* FakeProwl 12:21 am *back in five minutes.* Chillsins 12:21 am Whatever you just said, double it. mauther 12:21 am *vaguely concerned about prowl, but keeps going* Chillsins 12:21 am Sooner would be better, but I won't come knocking before then. mauther 12:23 am /More/ time? To assure quality? Because that's hardly - *nope don't get too arrogant* ...ttthat's a reasonable idea. Chillsins 12:23 am To allow for unforeseen circumstances. FakeProwl 12:24 am *hhhh.* *bliss.* Chillsins 12:24 am *He's not actively implying that you can't handle the workload, but he's compensating anyway.* mauther 12:24 am *no offense taken* ...I think we might have a deal FakeProwl 12:24 am *okay, what did he miss?* *oh. good.* Chillsins 12:25 am *Is giving Tarantulas these schematics the responsible thing to do? No. He shuns responsibility.* *He'll just get them elsewhere anyway, if he puts his mind to it. It can't exactly be helped.* mauther 12:26 am *having anything to do with tarantulas is irresponsible, but look at them all* Chillsins 12:26 am *point made.* *He shrugs again, as casual as you please.* Sounds good to me. mauther 12:27 am ...It's not /that/ easy, is it? Chillsins 12:27 am We can get it in writing, if you like. Short of that, we have witnesses. FakeProwl 12:28 am It sounds like a solid bargain to me. mauther 12:28 am True enough. *looks around* NoodlesAtNight 12:28 am [[All said is recorded.]] Chillsins 12:28 am *Nods at Soundwave. He was counting on that.* mauther 12:29 am I don't quite care for formalities, so audio agreement is just as fine as written mauther 12:31 am ...I suppose you can transfer the schematics at your leisure then, either in person or commlink, although make sure to use this one *ping! it's his business one, super special sparkly* Chillsins 12:31 am *Consider it transferred.* I'm sure you'll let me know if my assistance is needed in acquiring the nucleon. mauther 12:32 am Certainly. FakeProwl 12:32 am @Tarantulas «Tell me your thoughts about the schematics once you receive them and have time to review them.» mauther 12:32 am *consider tarantulas already getting lost in the files in his head* *absentminded ping to prowl* Chillsins 12:33 am *Tarantulas might notice the scale of the thing is once again silly, but that's to be expected at this point.* FakeProwl 12:33 am *oh. well. that was fast.* mauther 12:33 am *just a "yes" ping mostly* FakeProwl 12:34 am «............... Come over to share your thoughts. If you have time.» mauther 12:35 am *after a bit of zoning out, Tarantulas shakes his head* Would it be a faux pas to say it's been a pleasure doing business with you? I suppose, well. It is literal after all Chillsins 12:35 am *He snorts.* Not at all. mauther 12:36 am @Prowl: Soon - not sure how soon. This has been... quite the evening, to say the least. FakeProwl 12:37 am @Tarantulas «Well. I'm off work today. So. If it fits your schedule.» mauther 12:37 am I wasn't intending on lingering this long, but - *glances over at soundwave??* I'm glad I have, and I hope I haven't been imposing? NoodlesAtNight 12:38 am *Soundwave flicks a hand.* [[He would have insisted you move it elsewhere if you were.]] [[The company is enjoyable.]] Chillsins 12:38 am *We've seen what happens when Soundwave insists.* NoodlesAtNight 12:38 am *That was a little more extreme than usual, but... yes.* mauther 12:38 am @Prowl: /What/ schedule? Hyeh Chaoit 12:39 am -Yeah. Went from movie night to weapons deal- mauther 12:39 am Very well. In any case, I really ought to be going. *although he doesn't move an inch* FakeProwl 12:39 am @Tarantulas «I'm not going to pretend I know how your system works. NoodlesAtNight 12:39 am *Oh, that's not unusual at all, here. Nearly crushing Smokescreen to death and throwing him out a bridge is.* Chillsins 12:39 am (( Let's not forget attempted gun show for the titillation. )) mauther 12:40 am (( one day. one day Chillsins 12:40 am (( We wait with bated breath. )) *Windchill stretches, kind of sitting out this drum solo more than anything.* mauther 12:41 am *amused pet on the head for prowl* NoodlesAtNight 12:42 am *This human must have had such a good time carrying on like this...* Chaoit 12:42 am -Yeah. That...that was something- -A very worrying something- FakeProwl 12:42 am *he'll endure it.* NoodlesAtNight 12:42 am *Fortunately, it doesn't happen often. On either side.* Chaoit 12:43 am -That's good. For both sides- FakeProwl 12:44 am @Tarantulas «... I don't think I ever got a proper yes-or-no answer. Are you going to come over, or...?» NoodlesAtNight 12:44 am *Soundwave's plates ripple, then settle.* mauther 12:44 am @Prowl: Oh? Yes. Yes I will. At some point. I'll give you - some sort of heads up FakeProwl 12:45 am @Tarantulas «Today? Or at some vague point in the future?» Chillsins 12:46 am *He stretches again with a satisfied grunt, and gets up off his enormous butt.* mauther 12:46 am @Prowl: Today. After my next recharge, probably NoodlesAtNight 12:46 am *Nods a to-be-goodbye to Windchill.* FakeProwl 12:46 am @Tarantulas «Very well.» mauther 12:46 am *someone drag tarantulas out, he's being a bum* NoodlesAtNight 12:47 am *Not about to be the one to do it.* Chillsins 12:47 am I'm out, nerds. *Nerds is a compliment, okay.* NoodlesAtNight 12:47 am [[Farewell.]] mauther 12:47 am *duly accepted* Until next time, then FakeProwl 12:48 am *Prowl's gotta go home. and shower. and tell the Constructicons not to come upstairs when they get home.* Chillsins 12:48 am *He's off to do a little digging into that nucleon, just to get a head start. If Tarantulas doesn't need it, then he still knows.* Chaoit 12:48 am -stretches and stands- Chillsins 12:48 am *He waves.* NoodlesAtNight 12:48 am *Nods to Blaster too.* FakeProwl 12:48 am *prowl's trying not to get his hopes up but they are going to be alone and talking about science.* Chillsins 12:48 am Oh, by the way. mauther 12:48 am This message has been removed. Chillsins 12:49 am If I keel over and die, I'm blaming Ravage. And Whirl. That concoction was killer. NoodlesAtNight 12:49 am *Distant purr-rumbling from the bar* Chillsins 12:49 am *Good show, Ravage. He'll wave in your direction specifically.* NoodlesAtNight 12:51 am *Ravage closes his optics and rumbles more. Yes, good. Appreciate his learned talents.* Chaoit 12:51 am -waves to Soundwave on his way out- G'night. Thanks for the show. NoodlesAtNight 12:51 am [[You're welcome.]] mauther 12:51 am *eeeeventually tarantulas gets up. he really doesn't want to and you can tell by the way his limbs linger on and around prowl's avatar* Chillsins 12:52 am Anyway, see you guys next time. *This time he vanishes for REAL.* NoodlesAtNight 12:52 am *Can absolutely tell. But if Prowl's not been upset with that, all he'll do is watch. Tarantulas can't do anything much to hurt an avatar anyway.* FakeProwl 12:52 am *the sooner you leave, the sooner you can go visit the real thing* mauther 12:52 am *truth* FakeProwl 12:52 am *that said: somehow, prowl doesn't notice the lingering.* mauther 12:53 am (( cro omg NoodlesAtNight 12:53 am ((obviously half of this stuff isn't ic chosen)) mauther 12:53 am (( ofc xD ahh. do you two mind if i and/or we ftb here cos im about to pass out NoodlesAtNight 12:54 am ((np)) FakeProwl 12:54 am ((yeh i assume tara's leaving now)) mauther 12:54 am (( mhmm, shoulda been gone FakeProwl 12:54 am ((gnight! good to see you here)) mauther 12:54 am (( <3 twas definitely fun NoodlesAtNight 12:54 am ((yep!)) FakeProwl 12:55 am *well, if tarantulas is gone. prowl's gonna relocate briefly back to the couch next to soundwave.* NoodlesAtNight 12:55 am (txt): Greetings again. Pleasant evening? FakeProwl 12:57 am Pleasant enough. NoodlesAtNight 12:58 am (txt): Good. Improvement. (txt): Deal also interesting. Will deliver record copy. FakeProwl 12:59 am @Soundwave «I recorded it too, but thank you.» NoodlesAtNight 1:00 am *Bobs his head. Very good.* NoodlesAtNight 1:02 am *Motions for Prowl to come closer for a second.* FakeProwl 1:03 am *don't need to tell him twice* NoodlesAtNight 1:05 am *Excellent. Visor lifts up enough to bare his mouth (but not his optics again, not for something so quick) and let him give the side of the avatar's helm a vaguely linger-y kiss.* (txt): Rapid recovery medicine. (txt): Delayed treatment. *And down it goes again.* FakeProwl 1:07 am *oh. leans into it for as long as it lasts.* ... Appreciated. NoodlesAtNight 1:08 am *Small nod.* NoodlesAtNight 1:10 am (txt): Maintain safety levels, gather necessary rest. Questions, Constructicon medical assistance appreciation package sent soon. FakeProwl 1:11 am I will. ... If Smokescreen decides to go talk to his good friend Nickel about this evening, and she talks to her little friends... I doubt I can do much for you that you can't do for yourself. You can bridge, after all. But—we do have some experience protecting defectors from the DJD. NoodlesAtNight 1:15 am *His shoulders pull forward and tense, as if he's already preparing to fend off an attack.* (txt): Some precautions in place. Other options preferred. Experience offer... *Please hold. He's trying to work out how to take all the bundle and word it.* NoodlesAtNight 1:17 am *In the end he settles for slowly tapping the big glowing spot on his chest a grand total of twice.* (txt): Deep gratitude. FakeProwl 1:19 am *thin smile* I hope I can offer enough to be worth it. I hope even more that I won't have to. NoodlesAtNight 1:20 am (txt): Belief this one's deployers worth sparing: enough. Second hope given agreement. Existing encounter: sufficient. FakeProwl 1:23 am *small nod* FakeProwl 1:24 am *... well. prowl HAD been planning on telling soundwave before he left that there's a decently high chance he'll be having Danger Sex tonight. But he feels like maybe that's, mm... inappropriate for the current tone of their conversation?* NoodlesAtNight 1:25 am *He would be more displeased NOT to know* *Danger is Danger, be it DJD or Spide* FakeProwl 1:25 am *he decides he'll comm soundwave if it becomes imminent.* I suppose I should get going. NoodlesAtNight 1:26 am (txt): Acknowledgment: reluctant. Next opportunity awaited. *Slowly rises and nods.* FakeProwl 1:27 am *nods back.* I'll see you next time. NoodlesAtNight 1:28 am (txt): Next time. *Goes to fiddle with the speakers and load up... er, something. He needs a distraction after this evening for several reasons and by Primus he will have one.* FakeProwl 1:28 am *flickers and disappears*
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magic5ball · 3 years
Nature Trail to Hell Arc V: Back into Hell (IX)
Chapter 9: The Dread Chaunt of Sardoth
“Dang right!” crowed the bird. “And I’m here to save your freaking a- I mean, behind.”
On my end, shock became curiosity right quick.
“So, not to be a butt or anything, but why are we on a plane?”
At least, the place we were in sure looked like the insides of a plane: some kind of ecru cylinder with rows of seats facing one direction and an aisle in the middle. And in between each row were little windows where clouds racing by outside. Topping it all off was the issue of SkyMall F-Bomb somehow clutched in his wings.
My ex-friend cocked an eye at this question, like I’d just asked him what the color yellow was.
“No, Watt, we’re inside the world’s biggest taco!”
“Then where’s the ground beef and sour cream?”
F-Bomb smacked his head at this. “Okay, first, that’s only American Tacos! Second, I was being sarcastic, you f- I mean, you moron! Yes, we’re in a plane. A plane in your imagination!” He fluttered his wings all slow-like at the last part for emphasis.
I thought back to when I was still conscious. Remembered that dumb ‘Orange you glad’ sticker.
“We’re inside my head, then.”
F-Bomb grinned as well as he could with that stiff beak of his.
“Yes, that’s what I said. And I’m here to save the fuc- the freaking day!”
Granted, this raised a lot more questions than it answered, mostly how being in a plane in my imagination was my secret to stopping an eldritch demon lord from taking over the world, but if there’s one thing my crazy summer had taught me, it was to hear folks out, no matter how nutty they sounded. That being said…
“And how are you going to do that?!” I sputtered, engaged as I was in some grade-A skepticism. “Ms. Hoebag- er, Bob-Sardoth has the whole camp under his satanic thumb! And here I am, stuck in my own brain because I was too dumb to realize the goth kid just wanted to hang out with me!”
From the tears started gushing down my face as F-Bomb literally took me under his wings, something I honestly never expected of the guy.
“And now I am a no good douche canoodle talking to his own imagination!”
“Look, Watter-chan,” started F-Bomb “I’m astral projecting myself all the way from Kyoto to do this, so you better not go giving up on me!” He tore up his issue of SkyMall and gave it to me as tissues. “So shut up and listen when I tell you you’re not a bad kid! Just an idiot who’s made some really, really poor life choices!”
If F-Bomb thought this was somehow helping, it really wasn’t. I just wanted to sink through the floor and fall into the sky, like that girl from the song about a thousand miles.
“Okay, okay! Maybe that wasn’t the best way to phrase it. But my point is, everyone screws up sometimes, Watt, and you’re not any more rotten than anyone else because of it!”
“Yeah! You just have to change a bit, is all. I mean, look at me!” he cried, pointing to a giant pillow enjoying an in-flight movie in one of the seats behind him. It had a girl with a red sweater drawn on it. “And say hello to my new girlfriend, Tosaka Rin!”
“Girlfriend? What happened to Sailor Moon?!”
“As did I, Watter-chan. My point is, anyone can change, so you better shape up, because right now, there’s a girl up there who could really use your hand!”
“I don’t know, F-Bomb. She’s kind of mad at me. And tricked me into raising the spawn of ultimate evil. And called me a meanie-bo-beenie.”
“First, have some soap kid. Wash that filth out of your mouth. Second, have you ever thought, that maybe, just maybe, she’s doing this because she thinks she’s a bad seed, too?”
“I dunno.” I sniffled. “Her allegiance to Bob-Sardoth seemed pretty sincere.”
“Or maybe the bad guys have been using her as a puppet so long she believes that’s all she’ll ever be! Maybe she just thinks she don’t deserve happiness. Believe me, Watter-chan, I’ve played a lot of Japanese dating sims. I’m a senpai on this sort of thing.”
“Then how the heck am I supposed to help her?”
F-Bomb got real frustrated at this. For a moment I could almost see the old him raging from under that bird-face of his.
“THINK! You son of a-“he glanced at Rin “ham sandwich! What’s the number one rule of good people?”
Now, this one seemed simple, but if three years of elementary school pop quizzes had taught me anything, its’ that these questions always have some sort of trick. In other words, I just had to point the old finger gun in the dark, and fire.”
“Uhhh. They don’t want to hurt their friends?”
F-Bomb grinned larger than any brid should have been able to. “BINGO! Now pass go and collect your daily double!”
“F-Bomb, I don’t mean to be a butt, but I don’t see how this helps me…”
“What I mean is, you need to sing THE CHAUNT.”
For a few seconds I puzzled over this little bit of weirdness, before the pieces started coming together.
“Wait, that song?! But if I sing that-!!”
F-Bomb put a big old feather over my mouth. “It’s a risk you’re going to have to take!”
“But HOW?! What’s to stop Bob-Sardoth from just cutting me off midway through?! We don’t even have a camp mascot to-”
“Who said you’d have to use a camp mascot?”
My body went cold as I realized just what that crazy bird was getting at. Now, I’d been through my fair share of crazy schemes, but THIS!...
“B-but nobody knows all the lyrics!” A petty excuse, I know. Just a piece of me hoping that maybe there might be another, less life risky way.
F-Bomb sighed in the shrill way only dinos can. “Don’t go pulling my leg, kid. I think somebody DOES know. He’s just too chicken to admit it!”
Because after a wild, crazy summer of getting thrown into the frying pan a thousand times over, I couldn’t deny the weeabird facing me was right. I knew exactly what I needed to do. Just never imagined it would be so undignified, and especially not that it would be Ms. Hoebag of all people who’d inadvertently handed me the key to humanity’s salvation!
Slowly, I lifted my keister outta my seat. There was a camp in desperate need of my day saving expertise.
That, and one more question nibbling my tiny ten year old brain…
“F-Bomb, who’s flying the plane?”
“Huh? Oh yeah! Rin!”
Both of us turned to see her still lying in her now reclined chair, snooze mask over her eyes.
As if on cue, the tail end of the plane snapped off, sucking us out into the sky.
“Oh, and one last thing!” screeched F-Bomb moments before he vanished into the wild blue yonder. “I know I’ve been a turd and a half, but thank you for being my-!”
To make a long story short:
There was falling.
There was screaming.
Everything went black.
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