#i dunno what the snails and the tree is tho
wildfire153 · 5 months
Guys look at this cool tree i found one time, it's bark is weird looking.
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And here's are some snails I found in a pond too
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And here's some salamanders as well
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palialaina · 1 year
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(This is gonna get diary-like because why not RP like a goofy goober? Also, I really do miss the ingame screengrabber they had in earlier versions.)
Jina gave me a journal today. That was sweet of her. I'm honestly pretty lucky that she was the first person I met in the world. It feels weird to write in what she and all the other Majiri call 'ancient Human' but...
I dunno, that's just confusing. Bright pink void to suddenly new life? I still can't wrap my head around it.
But I've been here for a while now, so I guess it's not as bad as it could have been. Wish I could remember where I was before this, but like...
So, I finished building my hallway earlier. It's... well, I need to get another couple blueprints for it because that really is a *short* hallway and not really condusive to what I was wanting it for. Good thing I have a big garden and lots of seed makers. Veggies might take a while to grow, but they're easier than trying to hunt or go gathering for my coin.
I do think I finally got my yard set up near-perfect. I want more garden plots, but I also want to expand my house and stop sleeping in the front room, so like. Choices. Maybe I'll go see Uncle B in a couple days and get another plot to make what I've currently got more even? Not sure.
The kitchen finally feels set up right. Turning between stations is easy, and I didn't almost throw the butter in the oven again! I think I'm getting the hang of this cooking thing. (Though Reth doesn't need to worry. I don't plan on putting him out of business.)
Jel seemed happy to see me today, and was thrilled with the crystal lake lotus I found for him. I worry about him some; when does he sleep, I swear? I mean, I don't really have an excuse for staying up as late as I do either, but Jel gets like... four hours of sleep per day? I don't remember much, but I swear that can't be healthy.
I feel like him and Reth should have an Insomniacs Club or something.
Oh, Reth told me about the whole Majiri Path thing, and man. I thought Eshe and Calari could be strict, but the whole society seems really rigid. I don't know how it worked when humans were around in great number (we're coming back in great number though, I do worry about that...) but I don't think it was as inflexible as "if you step off your Path, you're an untrustworthy person." like..
Ugh. I feel like if you realize something's not working for you, then you should be allowed to pick a different job. Lettuce soup aside, Reth is a really good cook! People should be *proud* of him for figuring out something he likes!
...I really do wanna know what Zeki's got on him though. He does day shift at the inn, and then works Zeki's night market? What the heck? I am amazed he hasn't faceplanted into one of his own soup pots.
Um... Hm. Oh, I made a new tent for the loom and the glass maker, though I think I might put that in storage again. Tish's faith in my ability to make lamps and things is a *bit* misplaced... The worm farm will be handier right now.
I also finally made Dad's iron axe recipe.
*Ashura's* iron axe recipe. (Man, I have almost called him dad to his face like... five times this week. He just feels like a dad, the way Barduu is Uncle B! But like... Uncle B found it hilarious and told me to keep it up. I feel like Ashura would just get sad...)
Anyways, I made an iron axe, and I can finally get down thos ebig trees on my property. Now I just need to convince Hodari I've earned the right to make an iron pickaxe and then those big stone can go away too!
....well, I need to go get more stone any iron, so maybe that's what I'll be able to manage tomorrow. I can pop by and say hi to Najuma on the way, maybe she'll let me know what's bugging her? I need to bring her something to say thanks for helping me get Chanye the stuff he needs for his telescope anyways.
Okay. Plan for tomorrow! Mine all the stone and iron I can find over in Bahari (and hunt that stupid snail. Why are stripeshell snails so damn hard to find????), bring Najuma a copper bar? and see about finishing my second hallway piece, getting a third, and then saving up for more rooms. And more garden plots.
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tsurangaconundrum · 3 years
…so i found another dead bird. At school this time. I dumped out my thread and put the birdie in my plastic bag, which then went into my backpack and went home. It’s just in my freezer rn, really didn’t know what to do with it, I don’t have time to pick it apart AND the feathers are in good condition so I’m gonna look into preserving those. Today was a good day for finding random cool dead stuff, a bird, a dead cricket, a snail shell, and snake skin (not dead but still cool). Hopefully the three plastic bags keep it from stinking up the fridge?? I don’t think my mother would forgive me if it did lol.
OH. Here i am talking about my dead stuff when i actually did something dangerous and exciting??? My mom dropped me off at the house then drove off, no big deal, right? The front door isn’t dead bolted during the day so me and my sister can get in after school. Except this time it was. Alright, fine, no big deal, i can go in through the garage. But of course it wasn’t working. My first reaction was to spam text my mom, but getting locked out is actually one of my Thoughts. So i was prepared. Every night before bed i check my (second story) window to make sure it’s unlocked, just in case. Fun fact about me, I’m a pretty good climber. Rocks, trees, buildings, if im not supposed to be up there thats exactly where im going.
I didn’t really want to do it because it’s kind of an intimidating climb, but because ive spent so much time thinking about it the panic had already set in so i was like. Lets fuckin do this. Hope i dont fall and break my neck.
When i was in middle school i was obsessed with getting up on the roof. So ive done it before but only from the ledge my window is on up to the main roof which is only like two feet. The part i was worried about was the transfer from the wall to ledge. Just. Reaching over with one leg and then shifting my weight and ugh. The worst part of any climb is when you have to move your arms without a good foothold, of which i had none. And i couldnt shift my weight without something to grab onto so you can see my struggle here. Also - shingles are hot. At the time i barely noticed but now the bottoms of my feet are burned ://///
Anyway i finally get onto the ledge, and that thing is STEEP. The side of the window that i was holding was honestly even worse than the holds on the climb up because it was a one handed type deal. With the other hand i was trying to get the window open which id somehow never considered how hard it would be to do from the outside. Dont worry i got it tho! Not all that far open but i just squeezed on in there. I was cussing the entire time like ‘holy fucking shit’ and i didnt stop until i was going downstairs. Then it was like ‘holy shit i just did that holy shit’. Got my stuff from outside, unlocked the door for my little sister, and texted my mom to let her know i got in. Like five seconds later the garage opened and my mom came in which was awkward. She went straight back to work.
I dunno if this is a particularly interesting story but holy fuck did it happen. Scary. Glad i get to tell someone because i cant mention a word of this to folks i know irl. Im just. Feels like im glitching whhoooooooooooo. Its dawned on me that this might make you worried, please dont let it, i dont think ill be doing this again anytime soon lmfao.
So! How has your week been???? Im gonna start reading wingfic again. The dead bird is a sign. Fr tho its such a nice bird like the other one was kinda gooey but this one is pretty dried out which is a desirable trait in a corpse. Feathers nice. See anything cool lately???????? I need updates bestie!!!!!!!!! Hope ur having a lovely evening
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im so glad to be the receiver of ur adventurous tales dba. also. congrats on the bird! glad u got a new corpse! pls update me w what u do w it. your agility is very impressive im glad u survived the climb. my week has been good, it's cold out all the time now so i get to wear a leather jacket like the little supernatural boy i am in my heart. it's not necessarily super "cool" but i did some stuff w algae recently and /i/ think its vv cool to see. theyre literally little circle guys. sick as hell. some of them are even NOT circle guys. amazing. also listened to a crow cawing today. he was also sick as hell.
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bishiglomper · 4 years
I took nap. And I dreamt the whole time.
For a while the dream took place in what initially looked like grandma's old trailer. She had a really nice elevated front porch. Except in the dream it was more the size of the farm house. Big front window tho.
Anyway grandma had her own back room. She wasn't home for some reason. Later I found her in her chair. We had the cats but later I was very concerned because the ones I was finding weren't ours. Like a tangerine and white fluffy thing. Sort of looked like Reno in his prime. And a couple tuxedos. A grey cat that was too skinny and sleek to be Ash. I picked him up like "who're you?" Meeoow. "Oh, it's (meowch?) I understand, Meowch. Nice to meet you." And I let him go. Had some random dogs I dont know either.
I don't know why dad's there but he's there in a lot of dreams. He's wrestling with the niece and I remember yelling at them not to stress his heart. Then we're on the couch, chilling om our phones and shit but it's really dark. Dad is cuddling with what I assume is a cat.
I see something moving around our porch. Its snowy and everything is that overcast gray. I look. And there is an uptight polar bear walking across the porch. I'm like !!! And run to the people on the couch and start screaming "THERE IS A P O L A R B E A R ON OUR PORCH"
Dad just looks vaguely amused. Mom and grandma (in recliners) are the only ones to look startled. We got nervous because that fucker could just knock the door or window in. I look over and see dad still smilimg. He has this smile that could seem smug. I go over there and squint at the thing he's cuddling. It is a POLAR BEAR CUB. Like seriously? You put us in danger for a cuddle buddy? I take it. And it takes me a while to figure out how to get it outside the house safely without risking mama bear. I yelled at mom because she was walking by with our late Samoyed, Baby, intending to take him outside. (He looked so fluffy and handsome 😭)
I finally see a sliding window not blocked by much. It's got 2 layers. I unslide 1 layer, pop out the screen and just before I undo the other later a white poodle thing with its fur tied into a tiny ponytail on top of its head gets in my way. I shove it aside, slide the window open and shove the cub out of it and slide it back.
I look and the dog is on the other side of the glass nosing the bottom edge. I panic like OMG DID I REALLY JUST SHOVE THE WRONG THING OUT and I snatch it back in. Where it just looks at me. Yet somehow the bear has made it out. It has successfully run off with mom.
So things settle down. And I think 'yeah I'm getting out of here.' And I open the door to the porch and turn left down the steps. Now the sun it out, there's no snow, the weather feels breezy and fantastic.
Here's where it gets interesting for me because here is where I realize, oh yeah. I must be dreaming. And I'm looking at this expanse of grass and actual fields across the road. Like. You know what? I've never been able to fly in my lucid dreams. I'm gonna do that.
So I run a few steps and jump. I just sort of glide over the grass but hey! It's working! I get as high as the telephone wires but just pass through them. I make a loop and head toward the field, smiling contentedly because the breeze feels nice. It's very relaxing.
I keep flying and things change a little bit until I'm hitting wetlands. And dotting the area are figures that look like inflatable Minecraft people. They smile and wave as I pass by. I dip close a few times but not quite close enough to touch their outstretched hands. I go a little further and there's like a whole lake. With these inflatable. Things. Puffs? Pads? I flop down on one. So comfy! Like a waterbed. Roll roll roll. Flopflop. I let it take me wherever.
We hit a river or something. I'm being sucked between trees and its getting choppy and kind of scary. I find I can climb inside the thing via a chute in the side. I stick my face out to watch where we're heading. Still passing lots of inflatapeople. We finally hit calm water. Lots of trees sticking out of the water around me. It's a nice vibe.
My rafty thing has flipped so I half hang out of the chute trying to rock it back over. I can see the bottom is snail shell shaped. But 2D. Like a snail floaty. There's things like cup holders with debris and apples caught in it. I get tired of trying to flip it and give up, letting myself slide back down the chute feet first.
My feet hit something, I turn around and I'm very startled to find an inflataperson inside. I don't remember what he greeted me with because I was too busy WTFing over 1, inflataperson was not there 5 minutes ago, and 2, why did it look like Castiel?
Then I'm like. Ok. I was gonna invite one of these people on board anyway, it might as well have the bonus of being Cas. He's talking to me and as I listen I just sort of. Poke at him. He's definitely a blocky inflatable dude. Not sexy at all. Which should be noted because I get rather up in his business inpecting this thing. 👀 It was alive, I was curious, alright?? 🤔😅 Found absolutely nothing interesting. It even had inflatable seams. Although the spot where his neck is, or should be? Right above where his tie was painted on, was hot. I asked why. He kinda froze, but I backed off, thinking it was personal or like,... His life force or something.
We stayed on the rafty thing. I dunno how long we hung out but I got very attached to him. I remember meeting some girls at this lakeside cafe. They annoyed me though. I don't remember why. Things got fuzzy at this point. 😒
But yeah. I liked that dream. 🤔
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szopenhauer · 4 years
How would you describe yourself in three words? me, myself, I
How would others describe you in three words? depends 
Are you okay with long silences? Do they make you uncomfortable? depends
Do you believe in the paranormal?  some
How high is your pain tolerance? high
Do you bite your nails?: nah When you use stairs, do you usually hold the rail?: probably Have you ever eaten a snail?: nope Have you ever been stung by a bee?: I haven’t yet luckily  Are the best things in life really free?: no Have you ever planted a tree?: sure Are you wearing anything that’s gray?: not currently Are you more likely to text “Okay”, “OK” or just “K”?: ok or k or even kk but not okay When did you last check the time?: 20 minutes ago Do you keep spare change in a jar?: not in a jar Have you ever seen a deer (in real life)?: passing by (bus/train) Right now, what can you hear?: some noise from outside (neighbors’s music) and my parents’ voices Have you ever seen a bear (in real life)?: zoo Have you ever played Truth or Dare?: yup Are you wearing anything that’s blue?: not currently Have you ever eaten glue?: ewww, wtf Do you tend to buy clothes used or new?: used 
How often do you take painkillers? basically never Do you own any leather? fake only Do you party because you like it or because you’re supposed to? I don’t party
Do you have a therapist? not anymore Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? why not Ever used an online dating site? few Have you ever gotten a good grade in math class? yeah Have you ever seen a ghost? I think so Have you parents ever walked in on you having sex? sexting Do you think someone would ever want to marry you? maybe Do you like Thanksgiving? I’m against it
Have you ever thought you were drowning? as a kid
Do straight people make you uncomfortable? sometimes lmfao Would you ever dye your hair pink? doubt it Are you embarassed about your sex life or lack there of? sigh... Are you good at making conversation? dunno Do you go on a lot of dates? recently Are you a comic book geek? I don’t read comics
Did you just think of sex? why would I? Have you ever heard of The Cranberries? obvi
Have you ever lived in a mobile home?: I wanted to buy one
Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement?: nope
Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet?: not really
In the house - shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet?: slippers or socks at least
Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets?: more outside
Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent?: nah
A teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad, do you confide in her?: maybe
Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying?: depends
If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it?: doubtful
Do you like or hate to buy new shoes?: they’re expensive :(
Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot: I keep it around often now as I have a gf but when I was single I didn’t 
Do you enjoy doing things outdoors?: some, at times
Which of your parents do you laugh more with?: dad
Where do you keep your phone at night?: on my desk
Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money?: I feel uncomfy :(
Five things you need to throw out: ugh...
Do you think you’re clever? I have my moments
Can you remember how you celebrated your 10th birthday? I don’t 
Do you sleep well most nights? not really, not recently
Is there music in your head right now? Sour candy by Lady Gaga
Did you ever play cowboys and indians when you were growing up? I did not
Would you like to become a dancer? meh
What colour is the bathroom of your house painted? green and purple - I was choosing and painting too :)
Do you like the Austin Powers films? no
Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? if it’s my mess then it doesn’t bother me 
Do you ever wear black lipstick? I did in the past, had goth phase :P
Which colour would you rather have your hair: pink, grey or green? green or grey
Don’t you just hate the sound of people eating? often
Would you rather play a good or an evil character in a play? good
Do most people annoy you? absolutely
When was the last time you just wanted to be left alone? kinda now, just go to sleep everyone omg 
Would you rather have a lazy day or a day of being really busy? lazy
Do you like the way that spoken French sounds? not really
Do people find you “cute”? mostly because I’m short
Don’t you hate it when your cell phone dies in the middle of a convo? yeah Have you ever had to cancel a bank account? yep Was the last conversation you had an argument? sigh... If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? maybe not today but soon Is the last person you kissed, going to be the next person you kiss? if I’m ever going to kiss somebody yet then her How long was your longest make out? short because she forgets to breathe XD Do you want to dance? not now for sure Are you mad at anyone right now? ugh... What was the last thing you found pointless? everything is? If you could have anyone as your roommate, who would you choose? dad Have you ever changed the prices of items at a store? no but I took price and put it on the same product in a different color because I wanted that specific one and someone teared it  Do you go for walks often? would say so Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant? my mom wants grandkids so maybe not How strange do people say you are? just weird, they don’t really say how much  Have you opened food at a grocery store & ate it without or before paying? nooo  Do you believe in the 10 second rule? I’ve only heard of the 5 second rule which I also don’t believe in - once it touched the ground - it’s trash Have you ever been in a limo? nope
You ever kissed someone at your house? not in my house
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? hope not Are you in a good mood right now? ... Do you want someone to call you right now? no thx How artistic are you? kind of Is it possible that you’ll ever be a cat lady? dog lady if anything Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? blergh Have you ever been in a situation where you had to be around your ex everyday? luckily not Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone? I did Could you go a day not talking to the last person you kissed? I could but I won’t  Are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? sorry but no Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? my mom questioned it Do you find graveyards scary? nah When was the last time you made a pinky promise? recently Is there anything written on the shirt you’re wearing right now? there is Are you shorter or taller than most of your friends? shortest Honestly, do you double dip? might Anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad? more than one thing Have you ever kissed underwater? no, would never If you were paid 1 million dollars, would you kiss someone that was the same sex as you? I do it for free Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mother
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? meh
Can you say “Sally sells seashells by the sea shore” fast without messing up? I can  Is there anything plaid near you? What is it? not near Was today a bad hair day for you? obvi Do you have all teeth? still Have you ever been sent a postcard in the mail? From who? I even been part of this postcrossing website in the past Do you know how to do the moon walk? I know/can do it Which subject are you better at - science or history? was better at science but I forgot almost everything I learned in school by now Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? believe me or not but someone did even tho I think it was a lie Are you the youngest person living in your house? I am  Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? yep Are you wearing pajamas right now? not yet Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? mom When was the last time you attended a barbeque? I hate barbeques so never and don’t plan to What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? swings? Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? I don’t remember
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1. How are you, really?  In class, quit bored... 2. Pizza or chicken nuggets? nuggets pizza, duh 3. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Korea or Japan 4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Veterinary 5. What are you looking forward to? I really want to buy Wings YNWA! or traveling to Korea but that one is less probable 😭 6. Do you like chocolate? CHOCOLAATE?! CHOCOLATEEEEE?! CHOOOCOLAAAATEEEEEEEE?! duh! comment if you imagined the voice 😭 7. What’s your favourite joke? I don’t have one, well lately the Bois Too Svage or BangTan Savage  8. Are you a religious person? Nope 9. If you had a magical pet snail what would you call it? Jungkook... joking Haru or Mymagicpet or maybe Who imagine the situation 10. How do you like your steak cooked? (if you eat it) half-done 11. If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why? I like tigers but I would be a koala, lazy and sleepy all day 12. What phone do you have? LG G4 stylus 13. Have you ever got blackout drunk? nope, I have high tolerance, also I don't drink too much 14. What do you think people think of you? I'm a smoldering bitx but a good friend. 15. If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn? I would like to speak all the languages in the world 16. What’s something you want right now? Bts repackage album YNWA 17. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yup a younger sis 18. In general what do you think about art? I like A LOT classic and in general I'm really interested in it excluding contemporary, abstract or conceptual art. Also I LOVE Leonardo da Vinci. 19. What are some of the first things you do in the morning? Stare at the wall thinking about life... lie I just stare cuz I wanna sleep again. 20. Marvel or DC? Marvel 21. Do you like to talk on the phone? I guess...? it’s fine with me 22. What’s your favourite song? Right now Not Today by BTS 23. What would you do if you won the lottery?  Buy a plane and travel to Korea. 24. What’s your middle name? Don’t have one 25. Do you have any pets? Well the owner of my flat has two dogs they are wit me tho if it counts if they don’t nope I dont have any. 26. What was the last dream you can remember about? Some aquatic monster steals my soup and throws it through the window... I swear... what’s wrong with me  27. Are you single? Yup 28. Do you like scary movies? absolutely love them 29. What were you thinking about before you come on tumblr? My life is going to be better with it. 30. Favourite flavour of ice cream? vanillaa 31. What’s your last text message say? My best friend called me Bitx and I answered Whore 32. What are some things you are scared of? Dead maybe? oh and my mother when she’s angry 33. Do you like travelling? YAAAS 34. If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? Will I meet BTS? or at least will I go to one of their concerts? 35. What kind of people are you attracted to? Korean 36. What do you do? Now I'm answering this, in general I study Graphic Design at a random university in a random country 37. Do you feel uncomfortable if someone who you don’t know is physically close to you? Yes... yes I do 38. What has been your worst haircut/style? My mom decided for me when I was like 10 years old, I looked like Dora the explorer. 39. Can you play poker? Of course I do!  40. Where were you when you had your last kiss? Like... dunno when I was 14? I guess...? 41. What’s your favourite flower? The sakura flower for the ones who doesn’t know is the cherry tree and the iris flower 42. Do you buy from charity shops? Where I life there’s no many of them, almost any so... Nope I don’t 43. Are you ticklish? A lil bit. 44. What do you do for fun? Listen to music, draw, enter Tumblr, read... a lot of shit actually. 45. What was the last thing you ate? Ravioli with cheese sauce  46. If you met a genie who offered you three wishes, what would you wish for? (more wishes doesn’t count) My... there are a lot of things... I don’t know, probably then my family would be safe until they die and TREAVEL TO KOREA AND WORK FOR BTS (which includes meeting and talking to them) 47. Favourite band? BTS 48. Do you have any tattoos? If so what are they? I don’t have any. They are inexistent 49. Have you ever been fishing? Yep 50. What was the last present you received? Shoes... The Adidas superstar I know they are not the trend now but, first I’m always late 2nd I don’t give a shit 😊
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