#i feel like i went off track
wizzard890 · 1 year
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saturnvs · 5 months
art resolutions for 2024? or maybe art hopes for 2024
- draw at least one bella sara horse PLEASE
- draw more horses in general
- draw what i want to, not what i think i should
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whynotimtired · 2 years
Thinking about how there was like half a day where mike knew it was requited....
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delkios · 2 months
Still can't get over the fact that after a year (two?) with the Empire, Scorch makes commander while Boss led one of the top commando squads for three years with the Republic and never got promoted passed sergeant.
#republic commando#honestly i've got an entire headcanon regarding commandos' lack of upward mobility in the ranks#originally they were organized to serve directly under the jedi and commanders would exist in a parallel hierarchy to infantry#which they still did mostly#but after losing half their number on geonosis and realizing the jedi didn't know what to do with them they had a massive restructuring#only a couple divisions- like kenobi's -got commando squads but to ensure they were deployed properly they needed their own officers#so clones like gregor were taken from the command track and crosstrained as commandos#i imagine first gen commandos have very mixed feelings about this because suddenly outsiders are in charge of them?#and scorch and fixer and sev resent it because on one hand boss was absolutely wasted as a sergeant#on the other hand they looked at a fucking alpha-arc-desk-jockey captain maze and knew boss would be even more wasted off the field#trying to imagine scorch's reaction to his meteoric rise in rank suddenly leading hundreds of commandos and TKs and no foreseeable fieldwor#'no! how could they do this to me the great and loveable scorch!'#sev would find it hilarious that they gave scorch that much responsibility but also#he went mia as a private and now the others are all officers what the fuck#probably would've been more hilarious if scorch hadn't already been on the verge of snapping from ptsd and having abandoned a brother#and knowing fixer and boss are held hostage to keep him in line just as he knows he's a hostage to keep them in line (headcanon)#these tags are now novels#i just have a lot of thoughts about commandos okay?
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smokestarrules · 1 year
I’ve thought a lot about how Kikimora absolutely gave Lilith permission to call her Kiki, because she isn’t scared of Lilith and there’s no way she’d let Lilith call her that if she didn’t want her to. And also about how of the people who canonically regularly call Kikimora that, Lilith’s the only one Kikimora isn’t afraid of. (Unfortunately for me I’m obsessed with them and I know full well that I’m probably going to get nothing in the finale.) But do you have any thoughts on them?
I didn't until now! But when I do think about it, there's definitely something there, especially if you bring Philip into the mix. So basically what you have there is:
The Emperor, who is a) a human pretending to be a witch b) pretending to be looking out for them all and c) pretending to respect and/or need both Lilith and Kikimora. He knows he can't hurt Lilith because she shows up in his past and helps him and so he keeps her close. He hates her, by the way. That's why he keeps her around. He hates her so much because I think he's a little bit scared of her. Lilith, who scarred him for life. He loathes her. Kikimora, though, he hardly has any feelings about at all. She's useful. That's it.
On the other hand there's Kikimora herself: she knows more about Philip than anyone else, and she prides herself on that. She thinks she's irreplaceable. She doesn't know why he keeps Lilith around, because she's incompetent. But she puts up with her. She hates her, too. She knows Philip hates her and so Kikimora hates Lilith, more than the rest. She's not scared of her in the slightest, because Lilith is Lilith and in Kiki's eyes, Lilith has no earned any of what she's gotten.
Then there's Lilith. She's... well, she's not doing too much. She has no idea the Emperor hates her. She knows Kikimora does, but Kikimora hates everyone, so it doesn't really bother her on a personal level. She thinks she was chosen to be the leader of the Emperor's Coven because of her talent. She thinks the Emperor's Coven appreciates her. She thinks the Emperor will heal her sister, will right the wrong that Lilith committed.
She has no idea.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
does the tone of this succinct email suggest my academic advisor is annoyed with me or is it just that I put off eating lunch for 3 hours? and other fun games to play
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sharkneto · 1 month
Nothing activates my fight or flight like the car wash does
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krourou2 · 8 months
… y’know. I know it’s simply the nature of the Internet, but there’s something both oddly lovely and dreadful about how things can just… cease to be. Just stop being there. Vanish into dust, save perhaps hollowed ruins should anyone think to archive it, faint echoes of what once was.
Only ghosts remain.
#oh my gosh shut up krou#Does this make sense? It doesn’t make sense why am I asking#At this point this is simply screaming into the void to be honest. I’m not really expecting comprehension.#I absolutely have not spent two hours trying and failing to track something down besides web archive files wdym#I am not specifying what but just. What do you do when it died sixteen years ago. What CAN you do. Nothing.#Honestly this has all been very frustrating. Sifting and digging and all that remains is dust and faint inscriptions.#If you know what this is about you know what this is about.#But given I’ve made maybe ONE very passing reference in tags AT MOST odds are good you won’t.#… ok fine this is about anime. Specifically a subbing team that went defunct back in ‘07 that I’ve grown fond of#only to find out it’s all dust in the wind. No means of contact. The website’s been down since July ‘07. The usernames generic by now.#It’s all just… gone.#The only traces it ever existed are dull phantoms resting in the web archive.#The open plaza of the forum remains but behind the doorframes lies only rubble. Faded scripts and broken tools remain but little else.#What led me down this exact rabbit hole was a little notetaking project I’ve been working on#and I noticed one episode was subbed by a different team than usual. I got curious what the usual team’s translation looked like.#Turns out it doesn’t look like anything because it no longer exists as far as I can tell.#Not unless someone miraculously still has it after 16-17 years.#…… it feels good to get that off my chest honestly. Even if it is weirdly specific.
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antigonesghosts · 1 year
Thinking about the Doctor's response to Daleks pre and post the Time War.
This is by No Means a hot take but I find it so incredibly interesting, I was listening to the Eighth Doctor's Time of the Daleks and Yes, he is aware of how dangerous Daleks are but when you compare it to how every later Doctor reacts- that is someone who is SCARED, someone who genuinely hates them in ways that even scares themself- something we don't really see normally and I love that the show acknowledges the Time War in this way it's IMPORTANT that the Doctor is closed minded about them (and is also clearly a PTSD response)- they have every right to be! They thought they killed them all along with their whole species but they Survived and why should they survive when their own people are dead- later trapped far away from their reach.
And I think it's so interesting how the Doctor only ever goes back to Gallifrey when they have to- but when it's gone that's EVERYTHING gone- and not only is it gone IT WASNT EVEN WORTH IT. The Daleks aren't even gone. But everything else is. The Daleks shaped the Doctor and exposed so much of their character- even in the first season they are shown to be opposites, and the Doctor being called a 'good Dalek' is SO important- and so is their aversion to soldiers which I think as much comes from their hatred for themself but also the Daleks- and I think they hate being exposed to what they perceive as the truth- that they are more like a Dalek than they will ever admit to anybody
Also the parallels of Danny Pink and the Twelfth Doctor in season eight are incredibly important to me. Their guilt, how they feel about Clara, etc, it might seem like she's choosing between Real Life and the Doctor but she isn't- when looking at Real Life she can only choose the Doctor because that is what her life and death(s) have always revolved around- she doesn't know anything different! And the Doctor cannot stand him because they see themself in him. They think Clara deserves better- an idealised version of themself perhaps but someone who it not them- not a soldier.
Anyway the Doctor hates the Daleks for many reasons but at least a little because they hate themself
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#guess whos back in therapy bby 😎#the lady i saw was nice. 1st appointments r always a lotta blah blah blah so much to cover#and im always like bleh whatever im not that bad but when u put it all down on paper it is sorta a lot lol#i got the comment. hm u seem to kno a lot abt the dsm. and like listen. i have been meticulously categorizing my problems for the last 4#years. and i like to learn so ya kno. also said yea it sounds like u r having hypomanic episodes.#and asked if bipolar was a possibility and like if i was bipolar that would absolutely blow my god damn mind. im pretty sure its just pmdd#but whatever. im open to the possibility. mostly i wanna hear someone else perspective on this#i feel like im collaborating on a project. like gimmie ur notes i wanna see if were on the same track. bc im insane like that#i always feel bad when they apologize for asking invasive questions. like neh its fine. i got nothin to hide and i dont give a fuck#also i told a class of my peers that my distraction from research is drawing narut0 fan art. again bc i do not#give a single fuck. Professors response: hopefully we get to see it some day. bro. if u ask me i will show u. i do not care#i mean. probably nothing too weird but i feel like most of my stuff is safe to share. i just come off looking like a weeb i guess#but yea back in therapy bc my mum reminded me bc the ppl around me irl r also worried for my well-being based on my behavior lol#i mean its just bc i complain that im in like psychological pain a lot. so lots and lots of bitching abt my brain ^^#the lady i saw did fall a lil bit into my trap. like what woulf ur life look like if u had everything under control? bc it seems like ur#here and ur starting a phd what more do u want? and im like mwahaha but u see i can do school#i can do school so good. i am the best at school and thats it. i am otherwise barely functional#so i can be successful on paper and dysfunctional when it comes to having a life :-]#but whatever. well see what she wants to follow up on next week bc i threw a lot at her#also went to my office for the 1st time. it is really nice to sit in a working lab and watch ppl interact. but also i do feel like im#dying if i try to sit in that room with 2 other ppl lol. so well see how it goes. i may find somewhere else to hide#unrelated
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thirsty-4-ghouls · 6 months
I splurged on genes for one of my Auraboa with some money I was saving for more den slots
and I'm being so, so, good at not spending ALL my money on the pearlcatcher I breed and have been saving for a breed change because he had nice coloration but looked too much like his dad to be really interesting as a keeper without changing
I already spent money on one of the babies I hatched to turn them into this:
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(I'm going to give her branches sometime though) and I'm being so good not creating one of these with my pearlcatcher yet:
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but he's just standing there, with great potential :(
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bisexual-birdy · 2 months
i want a meemaw like sheldon :////
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seariii · 3 months
Huh... /pos
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carebird · 3 months
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Something similar had to have happened at least once, right? XD
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the-ark-awaits · 1 year
im well aware this is an irrational and stupid hill to die on, but again, i need to state, marble hornets is not creepypasta, at least in my opinion
this is what i think qualifies creepypasta ok? Written internet horror story. thats it. but the qualifier there is written. can there be a video series based on/to pair with a written creepypasta? hell yeah there can! can there be a larger story/arg elements around a creepypasta besides the main written story! hell the fuck yeah, just look at ben drowned! but i dont think marble hornets hits that qualifier, at least in my opinion
theres only really one written portion of the entire story, and well. you dont need it. its not a written story, its basically the exact same thing as the introduction video. i dont think it counts. marble hornets is something different, its a found footage horror and suspense series posted to youtube, its an arg, its what fans commonly refer to as ‘slenderverse’ (though i always thought that was a little funny considering its the only series with that term applied to it that isnt connected to any of the other series. im pretty sure multiple other slenderverse series have canonically stated that mh is a fictional series in their universes)
and heres another argument. ive never seen anyone argue that everymanhybrid is creepypasta. ive never seen anyone try and tell me that, idk, the walten files or mystery flesh pit national park are creepypasta. and heres why i think that is, and its just a theory but. back in 2009 and later when slenderman was new and marble hornets was new and creepypasta wasnt really a thing yet, the internet saw marble hornets clips out of context. fans of the series would post screencaps or clips of masky and hoodie, people would see them without knowing what it was from. in the nature of internet horror, someone saw a spooky image and ran with it, kind of like how jeff the killer happened. but marble hornets is its own horror story. so taking a character from that and just making them completely different from canon its like. well. if you took fucking, i dunno, spongebob, and were like ‘well i found out about this character from a story i read online which makes him the Internets Property!’ and someone else was like ‘hey just so you know, hes actually from an existing tv series, you should check it out if you like the character’ and then you were like ‘but hes my internet story character and i wanna keep him that way!’ like
like thats fine, i promise, but when yknow. its a character from something other people enjoy, theres like. a few common sense options to not be a dick here, yknow? either redeisgn the character enough that theres a clear difference between the original and the new version, or stop tagging the new version as the original. its not hard.
but yeah in conclusion, marble hornets isnt creepypasta imo, and once again id like to ask creepypasta artists to maybe please stop tagging your creepypasta posts as marble hornets, its a courtesy thing yknow? no ones asking you to stop using masky and hoodie, but we are literally begging you to stop tagging creepypasta posts with marble hornets. you know theres a difference, i know you do, and if you can look me in the eye and tell me a compelling argument for why there isnt and why you should be allowed to post about ticci toby and jeff in the mh tag ill eat my fucking hat
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Realizing I just want enough money to be able to pretend I'm rich for a few days and that's really it
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