#i feel like i would have remembered seven calling yoosung a yandere????
gifti3 · 8 months
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I dont remember this call
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My thoughts on all the Mystic messenger characters and their routes :
Ok, last week I finished playing the mystic messenger game. I completed all the routes, DLCs etc. And, OMG, WHAT A RIDE WAS THAT ! . It doesn't have any appealing plot like other otome games, but this game sure did capture my heart,which most of the otome games fail to do so. The fact I could relate to some of the characters, I felt bad for them, concerned, weirded out at times , and so happy when they changed into a happy person because of me. The game deserves all the praise it gets, 10/10 👍
In this post, I will give my rating based on my playthrough for each character, and I will also say who is my true route as well, i.e, the route I fell in love the most, And please remember, these are based on MY opinions alone, please don't come at me, if it doesn't match yours 👀, Feel free to share your opinions about the characters as well & this post is way long beware ~☆
My playthrough order : I followed the recommended playthrough to get a clear picture of the storyline.
Zen 》Yoosung》 Jaehee》 Jumin 》 Seven》 V 》 Ray.
And for your kind information, I never played this game to get a bad ending, i didn't want to hurt those precious fictional characters just for getting one CG 🤐, but I do know what happens
SPOILER FREE!, I will be just giving MY OWN ratings , except for the rika part lol don't worry, ladies.!
Anyways, let's just jump into it ;),
Zen 🤍:
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His route : 9/10 ( not the best route, but I liked it anyways, as he is my 1st route)
His character: 8/10 ( I don't like narcissism or narcissistic people, I know it was his coping mechanism, but I kind of dislike those type of men, his attitude in Jumin's route, kinda pissed me off apart from that , he is great ! )
Is he my true route ? : NO, I don't like guys who are narcissistic, I understand that that its was his coping mechanism, to make him believe in himself, but still being narcissistic all the time is not ok, I have a bad memory because of those type of guys, moreover, I am not that confident irl 😂 , I mean the MC in Zen's route,will have to say lots of weird ass choices, and the fact that will impress him⁉️, i wouldn't even say those choices irl to anyone . I wouldn't mind being friends with him though. He is definitely the ideal BF material, but he is just isn't for me..Sorry, Zen.😅
Yoosung 💚 :
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His route : 9/10 ( apart from the "You are just like Rika", I personally enjoyed his route, the character development was the best at the end 👌)
His character : 9/10 (OMG! He is just so cute, I am not the one to get attracted to the 'younger guy' type, but this guy just changed everything for me, but he needs lots of attention , beware, yandere yoosungs will pop out if u don't care about him enough, and the fact this guy was the only one who was supportive for Jumin's relationship with MC in Jumin's route , showed how much of a cutie he is!, unlike others 😒, he was a bit annoying in V's route, but it is understandable, he deserves to knw the truth about the person who he admires )
Is he my true route ? : Kind of a YES & a NO. Eventhough I enjoyed his route more than Zen, like I said earlier I am not into those 'younger guy' type, he is a guy who loves to be babied and protected by a mature MC , and well...I am not that mature either 😛,in reality, I am a independent person, but when it comes to relationships, i liked to be babied 😏. I personally think he deserves someone better than me, I don't want to ruin his happiness 🥺
Jaehee 🤎 :
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A friend in need is a friend indeed, my bae,Jaehee! 😄
Her route : 7/10 ( ok, I am gonna be honest here, I did not enjoy her route, I was happy that she realized her dreams and goes for it, but do we have to ruin a character just for making this route dramatic? Yes, I am talking about Jumin, Do u guys even know, how much I struggled to even start Jumin's route, I was literally scared of him because of his potrayal in this route as that jerk which he was btw,this route actually made me avoid Jumin for sometime.I expected the relationship between Jumin and Jaehee to become a healthy one, but oh well, whatever, & the after ending was just frustrating,all the RFA members just isolated Jumin, seriously, eventhough he did wrong things ,I felt so bad for him, imagine his thoughts at that moment , ugh...Jaehee deserves a better route, I am just not a fan of 'downgrading one character to give more importance to the main one', it's just bad writing)
Her character : 8/10 ( she is an amazing friend, a bit mature one at that. But personally i felt , if she really wanted to pursue her dreams ,she could have resigned, if she is not liking it . She was behaving a bit ignorant at times, especially in Zen's route. She could have communicated with Jumin beforehand about her difficulty in handling the job? I knw it's very difficult to suddenly quit the job, but she has every right to resign,she does have the money to open a coffee shop, thn why?. Don't come at me, and tell me that I hate her just because she is a female character,HELL NO, I like her but still her route made me have mixed feelings. She was being rude at times , I really understood why CHERTIZ did this, to show women can liberate themselves to work for their dreams, but in a professional point of view, I still think the route could have been handled better. Small businesses success isn't as easy to get, and in my point of view it would have been nice to show how MC and Jaehee make it through in her route rather than making Jumin a jerk, because it ruined Jumin at first for not only me but also a number of players ,but oh well,🏃‍♀️, I do like her, she could be a great friend, nothing more that that )
Is she my true route? : NO, I am straight. I see Jaehee as a friend. Some ask a romantic route for her, but I don't mind about that , I was just glad that I could help her to realize her dreams as a FRIEND.
Jumin 💜 :
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I don't see a selfish jerk here, I see a soft boi , in a gigantic body, who is just lonely
His route : 10/10 ( Seriously, I did not expect to like his route one bit, I thought I would hate him more, but turns out, I freaking fell in love with the flawed "him" , HECK YEAH! this was the only route where i was being TRUE TO MYSELF, did not refer any guides, understood his loneliness, I could relate to him so bad, I was happy to help him during his vulnerable times 🤧.Zen was annoying ,but I didn't care much about it, because I knw why he was like this. I prefer the good ending, and yes he does propose for marriage to whom he have talked for only 11 days, but I was very sure he will listen to you, if u don't want the marriage immediately )
His character : 9/10 ( He is so cute in his own way,mature, intelligent,awkward and even gets insecure,because he thinks he does not deserve you?! , you deserve better than me ,Jumin 😫, he does get possessive and irrational and that could make others uncomfortable, but for me, I understood that as well, being an empath myself ,as this dude never had a relationship with anyone,he is new into this, I don't mind teaching him new things about the world, about love. His characterization in Jaehee's route was god awful and cheritz did a bad job in it , I think they decided to make him like this, just for DRAMA,Jumin might have a bad way of showing emotions but he is not a soul less demon. I have seen people calling Jumin an abuser, but I didn't see that at all, he was being an idiot and he acknowledges it, every damn time, an abuser doesn't do this at all, and no..I don't think Jumin is dominant daddy material one bit like how the fandom perceives him. This is his first relationship with a woman, I feel he would be sweet, embarrassed loving and a loyal husband material, and I love his "opposed to living together before marriage" thing as well, as my religion follows that too as well )
Is he my true route? : A. BIG. FAT. YES. HE IS JUST MY TYPE, dear lord. I have never seen someone so perfect and also with flaws just like me , this guy made me realize that all along, I just never showed empathy towards others and that's why no one wanted to talk to me irl, I didn't care what people told about me. He seriously made me understand my own flaws and I corrected it, he made me into a better person, big thx , Mr.Jumin . Morever , I was being myself in his route only, I loved all of his calls , he brings up the strangest things just to talk to you, that's just so cute WTH , this man will be so loyal I am sure of it !.I don't really care about his riches, I am just in love with his true self 😫🥺
707 ❤ :
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The main man of this game, hmmm....
His route : 7/10 ( ok, I was so hyped to play his route , cuz even before I started to play this game, 707 was so popular, I expected a lot, but it was a meh for me...he did have a VERY HEARTBREAKING PAST , he was suffering from a lot of things, I understand. But the whole route wasn't that gud though...and his secret endings are just painfully depressing and angsty, V's death just broke my heart, I felt so frickin bad for Jumin, how would he even handle those things?.It just destroyed me completely. Moreover I don't find 707's jokes funny at times, his route had good plot, but 707 failed to impress me in his own route)
His character : 7/ 10 ( oh boi,I am scared that I would be slaughtered with hatred for telling this, the fact that he was faking his own personality was very shocking to me, I did not expect that. I despise tsunderes ,and 707 is the literal definition of it, so yeah, It ended up being annoying for me. Even though I was hella depressed like 707 before, I couldn't find him #relatable at all. I don't knw why , but I couldn't see him more than a friend 🚶‍♀️)
Is he my true route? : NOPE. I was not impressed by him at all, don't knw why lol, I tried to like him as he is THE REAL TRUE ROUTE,but it is still not getting into my heart, maybe because I already started to love Jumin, idk. I felt bad for 707, I wouldn't mind helping him as a friend, but as a significant other...NAH....,I am not into these type of guys 🥴,sorry seven...
V 💙 :
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I can understand why Jumin and V were best friends...they be looking like DADDY 👀
His route : 8 /10 ( for me, I was happy that V finally understood that he was basically a obsessive simp for Rika, I hated that he blamed himself more, which somehow I agree, I feel like he could have said something to the RFA , yoosung was hella annoying in this route, he spoke as if Rika is an angel or something, which she is not btw, yoosung, she brainwashed saeran and freakin created a cult, and this is not something an angel would do 🥴, V is not just flawed or anything,he doesn't even love himself,and so clings to rika because she was so wonderful in her eyes as an idea .He kept the freakin truth hidden,just because Rika doesn't want to, of course, my baby,yoosung will ask about . V is too emotional,and he was a victim of rika's abuse and manipulation just like Saeran,I liked the plot and though I didn't fall in love with him , I did have a tinsy bit of crush on him, mainly because of his looks, more like a puppy love, the voice acting was on point 👌)
His character : 7/ 10 ( boi could have handled the situation with his crazy GF much better, he actually let Saeran get brainwashed by Rika, he could have done something, and the fact that he liked Rika only as an idea, showed that this guy was in a very toxic relationship, Rika and V are the perfect example of what happens when two people who doesn't love themselves date, and he was clearly the victim of Rika's abuse and manipulation. I also don't think he is an angel either, he has done some wrong things definitely, and the fandom should acknowledge his wrong doings)
Is he my true route? : NO. Though Jumin and V are very similar , I did not like the fact that he simped for his crazy GF out of his obsession alone and though, she was clearly showing red flags earlier, he thinks that the power of love can change her lol . He was so confusing for me to understand. 😂
Ray 💖 :
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His route : 10/10 ( The drama , the music, the plot & the voice acting was just fantastic, I was blown away by this route, but that doesn't mean I liked Saeran as a character, the boi needs therapy, not romance lol, sry,and the recovery from his brainwashed state was unrealistic )
His character : 7/10 ( seriously, the voice acting for both the personalities was just mind blowing, he is such a well written character, but his abandonment issues isn't something u should romanticize about, he loved the affection that the MC was giving , but one wrong move, he will change just like that , he confused affection with love. Some are telling that Jumin was abusive, which he is not btw , for me, suit Saeran was super abusive, WTH)
Is he my true route ? : HELL NO. Eventhough he was practically innocent because he was under the influence of that elixir or some kind of a drug and brainwashed by Rika , I would never in my life try to have a romantic relationship with those kind of people. I may like him after he receives proper therapy ,but NO, just No, I can help him as a person, but I wouldn't go for a kiss or something with him. 🙄
Rika 💔:
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This scene still gives me goosebumps 🙄
Her character : -infinity / 20 ( she deserves this uwu)
Ok, hear me out, I hate Rika so much , i know she has been through a lot, i really do.. but it doesn't mean you can emotionally abuse and brainwash Saeran, he would have been a better person,she turned a person who loves ice cream and cloud watching into a self destructive psycho, another story showed how much she is capable of by her words , She manipulated V to not tell RFA that she is gonna start a cult, WHAT THE HELL, V, do you not knw what she is trying to do here 😳 ? But whatever,V was being manipulated by her "playing as a victim" tactics, she also played with Jumin's feelings for her, I was about to throw my hands on her, how dare u do that to my man ??, made yoosung to obsess over her to make him think that she is absolutely a gud person, and left him to ponder over her so called 'passing' , making him unable to move on from her.
And oh god,the backstory did not make me feel bad for her one bit, it only made me understand why she has become like this. Like dude, I understood she had a shitty past, but so did the other members of RFA, but did they all become like a manipulative victim player? Hell no.. they learned from their mistakes and they change, but even when all the members were trying to help her, she denies that she doesn't need a therapy. She deserves a proper mental therapy and a proper jail time. NO EXCUSE FOR THAT, she did the same manipulation and brainwashing for all of her disciples to get them into Mint eye.
But as a character , Rika just rocked it for me , she was so successful in making me and a lot of the fans hate her as an antagonist. Her voice actor was so gud,she had such a good way of speaking manipulative, like God, I understood why all the RFA members were all kind of whipped for her, she is such a master piece as an antagonist. 🚶‍♀️🤫
Vanderwood 💞👀 :
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His character: 10/10 idk, why am I giving a rating for him though? I just love him 😂
Ok, I know he is a side character, but for some reason, I liked him more than 707 lol 👀, I just spoke with him only in one chatroom , but boi , was I whipped for him 😜
My favourite to least MM main characters and routes :
JUMIN - 19/20 ( 1st)
YOOSUNG - 18/20 (2nd)
ZEN & RAY - 17/ 20 ( 3rd)
V & JAEHEE - 15 / 20 ( 4th )
707 - 14 / 20 ( 5th, it's not that I hate him or something, it's just that I was neither IMPRESSED by his character nor the route, I don't mind him one bit! )
Rika -Though she doesn't have a route or a gud character she deserves a -infinity/20 ( and no place in my heart 🚶‍♀️)
Overall, this game is the best otome game ! , I actually paid for getting the hourglasses, I mean, I suck at patience, I was so intrigued by the story, but it was seriously worth it !. There are a number of otome games which charge more than this.
Thank you, Cheritz for creating Mystic messenger. This game totally changed how I perceived life, love ❤ and Romance 💕
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spiffyspuffy · 4 years
My Mystic Messenger Opinions
(That no one asked for)
Character: 8/10 I know a lot of people think Zens annoying but I find him endearing. One of the best things about this game is the complexity of the characters and I love that Zen’s cockiness is actually how he hides his insecurities. Even though he’s egotistical about himself, he’s never shallow with MC. He says multiple times that he doesn’t care about MC’s looks. He loves her for who she is and shows this in how he makes an effort to get to know her and be her cheerleader everyday. An underrated thing about Zen is how emotionally intelligent he is. He’s great at helping the RFA members when they need emotional support (Yoosung’s grief over loosing Rika, Jaehee crying from the stress of her job and MC’s shock at almost being kidnapped). 
Route: 2/10 Zen is a great character and he deserves a better route. The false rape accusation plot is horrible and offensive. Also, his route functions as an introduction to the game’s plot, so it’s exposition heavy and lacks action. The creators said that the lesson of his route is that when our insecurities are handled in a healthy way, they can push us to be better people. I love this message and I wish it had been highlighted more in his route.
Romantic Potential: 9/10 Zen is arguably the most dateable of all the characters. He’s a bad boy without being sketchy. He’s protective without being possessive. He’s kind without being a pushover and he’s smart without being pretentious. His biggest drawbacks are his overconfidence and and how busy he is with working. There aren’t any glaring red flags. 
~ More under the cut ~ 
Character: 7/10 I love this adorable theater nerd! She comes across as formal and stuffy at first, but reveals herself to be passionate and funny the more you get to know her. I gave her a lower score because she does have a strong personality that rubs me the wrong way sometimes (her jealousy of MC in Zen’s route, her lack of sympathy towards Jumin in her own route and her general rudeness towards Yoosung). She is the most mature of the RFA though, so her exasperation is warranted. Being mature and grounded also makes Jaehee the least complex Mysme character. I’ve got a lot of respect for her though!
Route: 5/10 Getting to engage in discourse about capitalism and the patriarchy? Amazing and hands down the best part of her route. It’s really inspiring to see Jaehee stand up for herself and choose to follow her dreams. I think it’s important for every young person to hear that they should have a positive work/life balance and demand that their employer supports that. Other highlights are Seven helping Jaehee by making the Power Point presentation for Jumin’s cat project, getting to fangirl with Jaehee over Zen and the creepy stalker plot. I thoroughly enjoy her route and the only reason the score is so low is because some of the other routes are seriously incredible.
Romantic Potential: 8/10 Jeahee doesn’t have any red flags either. I think she’s perfectly capable of having a healthy, romantic relationship with MC. The biggest issue standing in their way is Korea’s bias against lesbian relationships. As a fellow coffee lover and theater enthusiast though, I could definitely see myself or someone similar having a happy life with her, even if it might have to be in secret.
Character: 6/10 I can’t stand people who aren’t competent. Yoosung is a terrible cook, he barely cleans and he doesn’t pay attention to his studies. On top of that, 80% of his personality is that he’s a gamer AND he’s in love with his “dead” adopted cousin. Yuck. ~ But ~ I understand that he’s depressed and depression can seriously effect someone’s executive functioning. Taking all of those negatives away, we’re left with a young man who’s trying to his best to be taken seriously, which is something I can relate to. It’s nice to see imposter syndrome represented and I admire his loyalty to his friends. 
Route: 8/10 This route is sooo good! Who can forget the night when the RFA starts being aggressively stalked by Minty Eye? And the pic Zen takes of a believer looking at him through his apartment window...chills. His route only gets better from there when he infiltrates Mint Eye with Seven. This is the first time we get to see the twins interact and damn, is it confusing. But in a good way!!   The biggest drawback is that MC is stuck in Rika’s apartment and doesn’t play much of an active role in the story. 
Romantic Potential: 7/10 Despite all the negatives I listed about Yoosung, I do think he’s capable of have a healthy, romantic relationship with MC. Yoosung is also the only true sub of the RFA men, which is a definite plus for some players. Yoosung’s yandere side is a huge red flag though. MC better watch out if she doesn’t dote on him as much as he wants. Once he falls for her, he’s all in. 
Character: 5/10 Unpopular opinion, but I hate Jumin. I understand that he’s some people’s guilty pleasure though. Jumin’s good aspects are that he’s intensely loyal, an animal lover and has a dry sense of humor. I appreciate how devoted he is to the RFA and it’s members. He offers to help Zen multiple times (albeit rejected), sends everyone body guards in his route and pays the hospital in the SE to keep Saeran’s identity top secret. What I’m not a fan of is the way he obsesses over MC and traps her in his house. This isn’t the first time he’s shown obsessive tendencies either. Seven explicitly states that Jumin acted this way with Rika in the past. Huuuge red flag.  
Route: 3/10 His entire route is fraught with rich people problems. I’m supposed to sympathize with him for an arranged marriage? All he had to do was say no. His father couldn’t force him. He’s possessive of MC because women have only ever wanted to be with him for his money? Not an excuse. Elizabeth going missing was a vaguely interesting story line, but Jumin’s relationship with his cat was cringey enough to overshadow the drama of it for me.
Romantic Potential: 3/10 Jumin has some serious issues. He’s never had a good female role model which has given him a deep seeded hatred of women. Remember when he tells MC that respecting women goes against his core beliefs? Yikes. Then, after meeting a woman who respects him and he actually likes, he locks her up and tries to change everything about her (cutting her hair, buying her a new wardrobe, teaching her the ‘proper’ way to walk, etc). We’re supposed to believe Jumin learns to be better by the end of his route, but he still proposes to MC after only a week of knowing her! I’m having a hard time picturing Jumin in a healthy relationship. 
Character: 10/10 I’m not saying Saeyoung is a good person. Far from it actually. But he IS very well written and extremely interesting. In the other routes, Saeyoung is energetic and funny, bringing much needed humor to heavy moments. It’s always a joy being in a chatroom with him. Then you have the reveal that he actually hates his job and that he was faking his personality, all to a sad and slowed down version of his theme song. This plot twist shook me to my core. What makes him so well written is that the devs did a good job dropping hints to his real personality in the other routes that players might not notice during their first play through. 
Route: 9/10 This route is a wild ride from start to finish. This is when the plot threads from the other routes come together and start make sense. This route has secret agents, assassins, a deadly bomb, kidnapping, an evil twin, a powerful cult... It’s action heavy while still carrying enough emotional weight to make me cry every time. Saeyoung’s route is heavy and emotional and sooo worth playing. 
Romantic Potential: 6/10 Saeyoung has a shady job and a complicated past. Choosing to be with him means putting your life in danger every day. If you’re okay with that, he’d be a decent romantic partner. He’s a little rough around the edges, but I do think he has potential to become more like his ideal self (God Seven) after reading his AE. He’ll always have that mean and serious side to him, but I don’t think he’s hopeless. 
Character: 4/10 He’s low-key the worst. I sympathize with his trauma from being abused by Rika, but I don’t understand why he feels the need to fix everything by himself. Rika might be the source of most problems in this game, but V is partially responsible for standing by and letting her get away with everything. 
My first issue with him comes from encouraging Saeyoung to join the agency. I know Saeyoung didn’t have many options, but how was encouraging him to train to become a hacker and assassin the best option?! On top of that, he stalked Zen per Rika’s request and took creeper photos of him, failed miserably at protecting Saeran and don’t get me started on how he loves Rika unconditionally. V has some good characteristics but I really don’t care about those when he’s so terrible otherwise. 
Route: 10/10 This route is *chef’s kiss* the BEST. I wouldn’t call it a romance since Vs barely in it but damn is it riveting. Saeran is the perfect amount of loving and unhinged, MC get’s to know Rika on a personal level and V finally gets to be active instead of just reactive like he is in all the other routes. It’s also  satisfying to find out how much V has been keeping secret and to get a glimpse into Rika’s psyche. But what really makes V’s route stand out among the rest is that there are spy action scenes like in Saeyoung’s route, but the player also gets to spend time in Mint Eye.
Romantic Potential: 7/10 I’ll be honest. I don’t think V will ever be able to move on from Rika. He’ll always love her, as evidence in his AE. Besides that drawback, I do think he’d be a good romantic partner for MC. V was never the issue in his past relationship with Rika. She was the abusive one and he was 100% the victim. I think he would treat MC just as well in their relationship as he treated Rika. 
Character: 7/10 I know I’m not the only one who loved the suave and cunning Saeran of the main routes who, after getting the therapy he needed, became an adorably shy and awkward man. Sadly, that’s not the character we got in AS. Instead, we met Ray, the split personality of Saeran’s psyche. Ray is charming and sweet as well as possessive and manipulative...which is something I’m into. But it’s not for everyone. Saeran’s real personality in AS is revealed to be angry and abusive and not at all similar to who he was in the main routes. I’ll give Cheritz props for writing a fairly accurate portrayal of disassociative identity disorder, but I think Saeran’s characterization is inconsistent. I get the impression Ray was an afterthought when creating AS. 
Route: 7/10 A mixed bag for me. I really enjoy any chatroom/scene with Ray. He’s undeniably creepy, but those scenes were entertaining in a dark romance kind of way. On the other hand, the Saeran scenes had a lot of unrealized potential. Abuse is never cool. All his route needed to fix this was a scene where Saeran explained to MC that he was pretending to hate her to appease Rika and the other believers. While this fake hatred is implied, I think it needed to be outright stated. It’s also hard to believe that Saeran overcame his DID in the course of one night. I know all routes are limited to 11 days, but this one needed more. Highlights of this route are Saeyoung being kidnapped by his father and of course, dark Yoosung with Elizabun. 
Romantic Potential: 7/10 I truly do believe that Saeran could go on and live a happy life in any of the endings where he escapes Mint Eye and receives therapy. While we only get a glimpse of what an emotionally stable Searan looks like, we know that he was kind and attentive with MC. Saeran is a giver and would do anything to make MC happy. Red flags are that Searan is still clingy at the end of his route. Yoosung makes a comment that he’s always holding MC’s hand when he sees them together. Also, his DID is something that will occasionally return and that’s something MC has to go into their relationship knowing. 
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
The RFA + The Minor Trio reacting to the fact that MC was reincarnated from another world? And they were a big fan of their game UwU
RFA + Minor Trio with a reincarnated Mc from another world
Heya! I hope you like this HC! Tell me your opinion! BTW! This reminds me of an Anime called something like, ,,Reincarnated in another world with my phone’’ or so.
,,Huh, I know you…“ Jumin mumbled when he first met you.
You nodded a bit flustered and looked down. However, you immediately looked up to his beautiful eyes again.
Jumin observed you and tried to understand where he knew you from.
Suddenly, his white cat began to meow from the ,,little“ prison, making your heartbreak.
,,MEOW!“ you commented and glared at him.
,,Season 3, Chapter five, we made a pact to always protect cats and now you-”
,,Now I understand,“ the dark haired man smirked and loosened his cravat.
,,You are Meowy from the Cat Game I kept playing,“ Jumin laughed, making you blush again.
In Jumin‘s opinion, he knew you already pretty well, but to see you as a living person made him want to get to know you even better.
He was so happy that his dream of meeting you in real life came true.
Jumin was afraid that he would lose you someday, but whenever he had you strongly in his arms, this fear was already forgotten.
(Story time about this Chapter. I don’t believe that I am a cat but holy shit there was a time when I always said MEOW. And once I was talking to a customer and accidentally said Meow because I got so shocked. I think she believed I was crazy.)
When he first opened the door he had to close it and open the door again.
Hyun couldn‘t believe his eyes.
You were really the girl in his favorite Dating Game.
You were really the hardest character to get in his game.
He noticed that your route was kind of odd lately. Ever since you joined the RFA the game you weren't uploading pictures.
Well, he didn’t care either way because you, as the newest RFA member seemed more interesting.
Now he knew why.
,,You…!’’ he gasped and hugged you, feeling happy about your arrival and your identity.
Both of you sat together for a long time and talked things out.
He had the feeling that he knew you for ages and that you were already his supporting soulmate.
No one knew, not even Seven, but Yoosung was fond of Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox.
How many times was he wishing for her to be there in real life?
One day, suddenly, he fell for a woman.
Someone who was totally different from Rika, but still strong.
Hair darker than his, but with the cutest voice he’d ever heard.
,,Ahri?’’ he mumbled.
Was he dreaming or hallucinating? He hurt his eye, after all. He was probably seeing wrong, right?
But no, you responded with a smile and hugged him, mumbling a soft thank you for recognizing you.
Yoosung fell from the clouds when he heard your words, but his happiness was stronger than the surprise.
So many days went over and the both of you just sat together, talking a lot and just enjoying the warmth of each other.
,,I never thought that this would be possible,’’ he moaned happily as he hugged you tighter.
,,I’m happy that our love was this strong…’’ you chuckled and hugged him back.
There were times when not even Zen could make Jaehee feel happy again.
But this game could.
It was a simple game. She had a backstory she could make up herself and had a coffee shop and you, her co-worker, supported her.
But with time the game began to influence her, making her scared and she decided to delete it.
That’s when you came into her life.
At first, when she noticed the similarities, she tried to be wary of you, however, with time she couldn’t help but just love you.
And when she wanted you to take the key to making a living together she knew that you were the one.
,,But,’’ she began, turning to you as both of you laid in bed ,,how was it possible?’’ she asked you.
,,I don’t know either,’’ you honestly told her, stroking her cheek.
,,One day I simply got reborn and… I just knew that there was someone who needed me and whom I had to find and support and then… I somehow came to the RFA. I didn’t know you were here… it was fated to be,’’ you chuckled and hugged her, falling asleep on her chest after that hard day while your girlfriend kept stroking you.
No data was found about you.
Saeyoung couldn’t find anything.
It was as if you didn’t exist.
But with time and the problems that came out, Saeyoung just couldn’t lose time on finding out your identity.
Until he took a better look and realized that there was a plausible reason; he went crazy.
,,How can you be the yandere, sexy girlfriend from that game?!’’ he whined as he watched you.
Same clothes as you wore there too.
Saeyoung was totally confused, but you somehow managed to explain to him that you somehow got reincarnated and that you were a living human being.
It took him some time, but he came to believe you.
And after some time it was proven…
The game now wasn’t a game anymore, but pure reality.
The wifi disconnected and Saeran couldn’t play the game ever again.
But it was okay, he thought.
Everyone and everything left him at some point. He knew how life went and that this was his fate.
However, this time it was totally different.
As if everything was planned, you somehow got reincarnated as the person he decided to brainwash.
But he realized sooner than you expected and you managed to save his life.
,,How…?’’ he wondered.
,,I could never leave you,’’ you confessed and finally kissed.
All those things he wished to do with you were becoming real now.
Walking through the garden at night, kissing your soft lips…
Saerean finally realized what real love and happiness was and your support didn’t die down, not even when Saeran needed your support to find his brother.
He didn’t even remember what game it was.
He didn’t remember how he came to play it or what it was about.
All he knew was that at some point you weren’t real.
Well, you were now, but you weren’t.
But it didn’t matter.
You were now alive and could support him with his best, stroking his head when he was sick because of the drugs and supporting him, telling him what he needed to hear and showing him the real life.
,,At first, I couldn’t believe it. You, an Al, suddenly came to life and believed that we, human beings were Als!’’ he laughed and stroked your head.
,,The first days of my transformation were very hard. I was easy to manipulate, but luckily my memories came back and I realized that I still had to accomplish a mission.’’
Indeed, you were only in this world to save him from despair, but you somehow managed to stay as a human being and love him forever and he didn’t have anything against it.
,,Do you know her?’’ Saeyoung asked Vanderwood when he kept observing you.
You smirked. You loved to see him like that.
Panic was written all over his face.
,,I’m crazy! You made me crazy!’’ Vanderwood whined.
It didn’t happen every day. His favorite character could finally breathe for real, get touched, or touch.
This was something that shouldn’t happen at all.
But it happened when Vanderwood was living it himself.
,,No,’’ you laughed.
,,Vanderwood, it is really me. You don’t recognize me because I don’t carry a gun?’’ you laughed.
You were actually his favorite game character: a soldier.
Slowly, you approached him and touched his cheek, feeling the warmth which was spreading through his body.
,,I’m real,’’ you gasped.
,,You’re real,’’ you smiled.
,,We are,’’ you lastly said and kissed him ,,let’s make the best out of it,’’ you nodded and made him finally hug you back.
Finally, it happened.
24.05.2020// 23.10 MEST
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yoosungiib · 7 years
Hi. Can you do yandere RFA + Saeran hc?
Quick note: I don’t think any of the guys/girl would do anything like this. So please do not misinterpret this as me saying the behaviour written for the guys in these headcanons are ok, or that I think they would ever act like this. I am writing this as if they were Yanderes. If you don’t know what a yandere is, yanderes show their love, after having been somewhat kind and gentle, through violence and brutality. Please read the trigger warning before reading.
Trigger Warning: abuse, violence, some nsfw content
RFA + Saeran as Yanderes
★ Yoosung ★
It’s basically canon that this boy is a yandere.
Yoosung had won you over the moment you two started talking in the RFA chat when you were lead to Rika’s apartment with his sweet personality and small ways of affection.
When you two became a couple in eleven days, you were so happy, as was Yoosung.
But to Yoosung, this was more than a relationship, but a bound and promise to each other that you would be together forever.
He was always a little protective, but his need to protect you turned into an unhealthy obsession.
Yoosung is always around you; you are never allowed to go out with your friends unless he is there, and you are not aloud to talk to any of the other guys in the RFA. It was hard enough convincing him to allow you to talk to Jaehee.
When he gets home from work and gives you the normal ‘I miss you’ kiss, he’ll take your phone and check it to make sure you haven’t been talking to anyone behind his back. And he will know if you deleted any messages.
That is the only time he will upright hurt you. Usually he’ll threat to hurt himself or he’ll cut himself as a way to manipulate you and keep you from leaving. But if you lie to him or try to hide anything from him,
He’ll shove you down and wrap his hands around your throat, his nimble fingers digging into your windpipe. He’ll bend down and whisper into your ear, “If you can’t be honest to me, you don't’ deserve to breathe at all.”
Sometimes you wonder why you still love him.
When he’s being kind and affectionate, holding you against his chest while he strokes your hair and you two watch a film, he feeds you the omelette he’s made, you tell yourself going through the mental torture and sometimes physical is worth it. You don’t want to lose what you have with Yoosung.
♪ Zen ♪
The actor is young and inlove, and you swooped in and stole his heart, showed him what real love is, and everyday you tell him just how grateful you are for him.
So he can not lose you.
He doesn’t have money, he doesn’t have influences, but he has his burning love and passion towards you, which is more than enough to convince him that a little pain in the relationship to keep you with him is copacetic.
He doesn’t want you as his manager anymore, but he takes you with him to every rehearsal.
However, there are strict rules that he has given to you. For one, you don’t watch his rehearsals but you have to stay in his dressing room for the entirety of his rehearsals. You could not leave.
One time you went to go to the bathroom and a cast member tried talking to you. Zen was livid.
He dragged you home and locked you in your room for hours until he finally let you out. You were a wreck at that point, and though Zen was still furious you disobeyed him, he had to comfort you.
“Jagiya, I did that for your own good. Those men are beasts. They will hurt you.”
But don’t get me wrong, he’ll then take a harsh grip on your chin and make you look into his eyes as he gravely says, “Disobey me again and I’ll chain you to the chair.”
❀ Jaehee ❀
Her whole life, she has felt like people have been in control of her, and has she has always worked for the praises of others, such as her aunt and Mr. Han.
She has been seconded to others, and treated as if she were nothing but a dog whose only job is to please her owner. At Least, that’s how she’s felt.
But now she has you, and she can control you. You are hers and she will make you work for her praises. She’ll make you crave it.
Everyday, she’ll look lowly on you. She’ll call you stupid, weak, pathetic, incapable, worthless, and watch you cry, not a tear of yours falling affecting her.
She’ll be especially cruel if she catches you talking to any of the others in the RFA chat. They are her friends, but they can’t be yours. They’ll take you away from her if she isn’t careful.
Of course, she doesn’t like to hear you sob, but it’s all part of her plan,
To make you the dog.
It makes you work, it makes you desperate to please. And she loves it.
You are now the dog.
And when she thinks you’ve had enough of her ridicules, she’ll comfort and cuddle you. She’ll hold you against her breasts and tell you just how much she loves you and how amazing she thinks you are,
That is,
When you are obedient and accepting your stance in the relationship.
☂ Jumin ☂
You do not feel like his wife. If anything, you are a doll that he plays with, uses, and displays to the world as the perfect wife.
Love is shown in a way you had never seen before. He tells you that this is what real love is, and that all the other types of affection you may have received, was wrong.
“They will never love you like I love you. So forget them.”
Jumin is in full control. He controls what you wear, what you do - including when you use the bathroom and when you sleep -, what you eat, and what you say.
If you say anything that he does not like or approve of you, you’re punished.
He will withhold food, lock you up, humiliate you, or in worst case scenarios if he’s really angry, he’ll hit you. But he always says the same thing after every punishment as he holds your crying form against his chest.
“Do me right and I will be a loving husband. Do me wrong and you’ll live to regret it.”
You are not allowed to leave the house unless you have a female bodyguard. He doesn’t trust you with any other men.
Even so, you are only aloud to go to few places. His work place to see him, the bookstore, or a single clothings store.
He has all eyes on you between his security guards and special units watching you through televisions.
There is no escape, and nothing you can do. You are trapped with him, forever. And there is no one to hear your cries for help. No one to listen. No one to care. 
They’re all gone.
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Seven is probably the most sanest yandere considering he will not hurt you whatsoever, and he will not manipulate you either.
But he is possessive, and it is no secret to you or anyone that he is.
Tracking devices are connected everywhere on you from your clothes, your hair, and one was even injected into your neck.
When you go out into the town, he’ll either follow you or spy on you through CCTV.
The only time he’ll ever be somewhat rough or sadistic is when he’s angry. But again, he’s never hurt you.
But he will scare you into a submissive state by yelling or threatening violence.
You don’t know he would never do it.
To him, this is what love is. He’s never felt love before.
As he sees it, you have to protect your loved one, even if that includes doing things they may not like, or having to scare them a bit.
If it leads to them being safe at the end of the day, it’s ok.
You don’t need any of your other friends, all you need is him. He keeps you entertained, he keeps you laughing, he keeps you happy.
Everyone else is just a threat or will hurt you.
Only he can have you.
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
Pain is pleasure.
Well, your pain is his pleasure.
“You’re mine,” he says as he carves the first letter of his name into your stomach. “Only mine,” as he does the ‘A’. “forever,” ‘E’, “and ever,” ‘R’, “we will always love each other,” ‘A’, “right, MC?” ‘N.’
His calloused thumb wipes at the tear that slips from your tear duct as you nod your head.
“Tell me you love me, flower.”
You tell him you love him with a raspy voice, your throat clogged with cum from when he forces you to please him and dry from all your crying. He smiles, pulling you down for a gentle kiss that turns rough very quick.
This is what real paradise is.
Cages, whips, torture is what you’re used to. It has become your life.
You do love Saeran, or at least you think you do. He loves you because he tells you everyday whether it’s by making you or in the bed.
Saeran keeps you locked away and secluded from the world. You already know your entire family is dead. He told you it was a measure he had to take to make it clear you were only his.
Who knows about your friends, but you can only presume they were killed too.
Most of your day is spent with Saeran. There are few gentle moments in your relationship:
Sometimes, he’ll let you out of your cage and take you upstairs and watch tv with you. He’ll keep his arm around you and he’ll feed you ice cream. His touch will be so incredibly gentle that you’ll almost forget what he’s really capable of, and will surely do when the movie is over. You savor the moments where he’ll run his fingers softly up and and down your arms, caressing you. Or when he’ll pet your hair or braid it. When he’ll pull you down for a gentle kiss - not one with constant biting or his tongue being shoved down your throat. But soft, gentle, and loving.
God, you wish you could have those moments all the time.
“Remember, flower. You’re mine, only mine, forever and ever. We will always love each other. Don’t you dare forget that. My MC.”
Check out my masterlist for rules of requests!
***Until Christmas 2017, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED
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robultrash · 7 years
Reasons why the RFA is Shitty
I’m seeing a lot of discourse about the characters (Particularly Jumin and Seven) and I would just like to clarify that all of them have done pretty shitty things, or are capable of doing shitty things (Examples being Bad Endings) and here are the reasons why
Yoosung: First of all. his Rika dealios. Grieving is difficult, and honestly I never understood the reason for anger about Yoosung mentioning Rika so much, but as the new route shows, while they are not related by blood, they do share one thing in common, and that is they do not get the help they need, to the POINT that it HURTS their friends and loved ones. Yoosung’s refusal to get help damages his relationship with everyone, but especially Seven. I don’t think they are all that good of friends to begin with, but his inability to accept Rika’s death, is unhealthy, kind of annoying, and most of all, damaging, to both himself and his loved ones. Also, he’s reckless. Like, to the point of toxicity. 3/5 of his bad endings are him either dying or getting hurt because of his lack of patience, and that is at the expense of his life, your life, and Seven’s life. Usually for selfish reasons. Another thing, he’s still a child. Like, in the after ending he does grow up, but that’s only after his sacrifice for you. In every other child he shows no signs of growing up. And that’s if he isn’t working for Jumin (And even then he’s still pretty child like) And also, like, he switches personalities on you fast if he thinks you like someone else. Yandere Yoosung is basically canon and that is unhealthy AF
Zen: Let’s not talk about the narcissism, because that’s explained away and honestly we could all afford to love ourselves like that. Let’s talk about his terrible habits, like riding motorcycles in places where he could easily die. Or maybe his referral to his sexual drive as the beast, and that he openly admits that some men, including himself if enticed enough, can’t control themselves. In one of his bad ends, he literally peruses and hunts an uninterested MC. Like, he does not take no for an answer, and he admits that. And his rude relations with Jumin? Uncalled for and unacceptable. I get that Jumin reminds him what he should have been, but the game says Jumin was never once mean to Zen when he wasn’t mean first. Zen just refuses to get along with people he doesn’t like. What if he didn’t like Mc’s brother or dad or sister or friends, how would he treat them? Also, the whole princess and prince thing edges of sexist, but I would be willing to let that slide because of how often he sometimes flips the trope on it’s head, but he literally treats MC like a maiden in distress in almost all the routes. He’s much better about it in the V route but in the canon one’s he is possessive and demanding of MC even when he’s not the love interest (and probably especially because he is not the love interest) And this is a problem with all Zen and Yoosung, but they are super anti-gay. Like, the smallest of suggestions make them defensive. Again, this one is nit picky, but at least Jumin simply refuses such accusations.
Jaehee: (I’m not gonna lie, this one took me a while) She burns herself out on work so much that while it’s unhealthy for her, it would strain a relationship to the point where it wouldn’t work out at all. Her aggression towards MC in Zen’s route is pretty uncalled for. It even happens if you aren’t pursuing his route. She knows she can’t control Zen so she immediately jumps to going after you to try and intimidate you, which is pretty messed up. (If you have more problematic Jaehee things please share! I need my wife exploited.)
Jumin: He’s possessive, and while there is an explanation for it, there’s no excuse. He practically pushes MC to her death in his bad routes, and while you can argue and say that that wouldn’t really happen because it was the bad route, you have to take into consideration good route doesn’t mean most accurate. I probably would freak out and try and flee from the crazy almost stranger who was keeping me in his house under the word of ‘protection’. And also being kinky is okay, but his tying up of MC and picking out her clothes and the complete domination of one is not. That can be what both partners want, but the game doesn’t exactly make it clear that this is just some sort of sex thing. It could be MC’s whole new life, with no real say because of fear of Jumin. And why might MC fear Jumin? Maybe because he presses her into walls when he gets frustrated, and then half asses an apology, again under the ruse of protection. Even his good ending seems pretty damn controlling. 
Seven: Seven is a fucking douchebag, in all routes, in every stage of his route, and people who deny that are probably being hypocrites. If you can give Seven an excuse for all the shit he does, then literally everyone else gets one too. How is seven a douchebag? Ignoring the big things to start, he’s a dick to his so called friends. He tricks Yoosung constantly. And while they aren’t Sam Pepper level pranks, they are unjustly cruel, and constant, and he only does it to Yoosung because Yoosung is the only one openly intimidated by Seven. (Seven would probably go after Zen as well, since Zen has expressed his fear of Seven, but Seven knows if he did, he’d have Jaehee up his ass). He like, practically tortures Vanderwood, who literally babysits him when he’s being super fun Seven, and then has to try and control him when he goes serious Saeyoung. And, hes fucking mean as shit to MC when he does to the apartment. I totally understand the whole, have to push her away deal. But jesus he takes it too far sometimes. Remember when I said good end isn’t realistic end? Realistically, if someone did that to someone, they would turn the other direction immediately and nope out of there. He is a prick, and we’re expected to forgive him because... we want his good ending. 
V: He’s a liar, first and foremost. Even if it’s for the ‘protection’ of everyone, in the end it was because he didn’t want to out Rika to the others. The people who would have been most vulnerable to her. He did a pretty shitty job at protecting them too, because they die, like, a lot. I think Jaehee and Jumin are the only one’s who don’t have bad endings were they aren’t killed or controlled by Mint Eye. V knows the whole time she plans to drag them down and he just...does nothing? Like, at all. He doesn’t really ever try and stop Rika until Seven’s route. And he never really warns the RFA except through cryptic pleas, that like, make you want to just find out more. And also, he does not hide that he is in contact with Seven more than he is with the other members, which, must make everyone feel pretty fucking awful, especially Jumin, who is supposed to be V’s best friend, and V never really gives Jumin a break with that. And he’s just super self destructive. Like, if you are not a perfect goddess, he’s probably either going to lie to you, or become obsessed with you, or leave you to go right back to Rika. 
Saeran: Thought I was just gonna do to the RFA? YOU FOOL. Saeran I feel, legitimately has an excuse for his behavior, so I excuse a lot of it, He’s cruel and torturous and doesn’t give a damn about the innocent if they get in his way, but he’s literally under the mind control of drugs, and feels he relies on them. One of the only things I don’t think is excusable is his involving MC in all of this. Of course, without that there would be no game, but it’s one of the one things he pretty much had control over. Rika wanted to distract the RFA so she could get her files in the canon routes, and in V route MC is used to try and get secrets from the RFA. Literally, all of that could have been done without an outsider. They have plenty of followers that would have worked, who would have willingly lied for Rika and the cause without question. Like, this is less a fault in him and more a fault in the whole plan, it was just shitty to involve an outsider in the first place. 
Rika: I am actually not going to type one out for her because I know her actions speak mountains to all the bad shit she has done. One thing I would like to bring to attention though is that, she literally does to Saeran what her parents did to her, and while that’s common amongst the abused, my love for her won’t even erase that. 
I know probably no one read through all this, but I wanted to add this here: They are all bad people. It’s what makes them so human. One of the worst things about dating sims is the characters are near flawless, or their flaws make them more endearing such as fear of rejection. Dream Daddy is a big victim of that, one of the exceptions being Joseph. But it’s so important to recognize and accept these flaws. Because none of them are as extreme as I make them. If there was an option to just be friends with the RFA, that would resolve almost all of the flaws I mentioned above. They all have something bad inside them, but when they are at their best, what makes them so great shines through. Somethings are bad, Zen and Jumin’s bad endings being one, but that isn’t who the character is. That is who they are when they get pushed over the edge. Rika, is an extreme example of that. So stop this nonsense about pointing out flaws in other characters, because those flaws don’t make up the character, and they don’t mean shit in the end.
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saboddicted · 7 years
Some thoughts on V’s route on Mystic Messenger (SPOILERS!)
So, heyyyyy... I haven’t used tumblr properly in a very long while. In fact I barely post here, all I do is casually reblog and like stuff. However, today was the day I finished V’s route in MysMes and I have a lot to say about it.
Ever since it came out that I was very excited to play it because V is my second favorite character alongside Jumin and after Seven. I couldn’t play it right away because work is a bitch and schedules are a bitch and MysMes requires some attention at specific hours so I waited until I was on vacation.  When people began to head towards the juicy parts of the story I started to see so much hatred towards V that I was scared to play it but I was curious to know what the fuss was about. AND BOY WHAT A RIDE IT WAS. I took several screenshots to help me prove my points. Apologies if the order is all over the place, Tumblr isn’t the best for text + photo posts. Also yeah, sorry about my on-screen name of the game showing up.
First of all I want to begin by saying that I now see Rika with other eyes but I haven’t changed my opinion on V. To be fair, I never doubted that he truly cares about everyone. He might have hid a lot of shit but I sincerely doubt that his love and care towards the RFA was a charade. And that includes Rika.
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Let us not forget that from the beggining that V seemed to feel regret for what happened to Rika as he knew she wasn’t dead and had instead formed the Mint Eye cult. This, honestly, was something that was obvious since the very first time I played this game.
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Listen, I’m not here trying to full on defend V because I completely understand that he did shit wrong - very wrong - but please hear me out until the end. I’m making this as unbiased as possible.
I’d also like to point out that one of the very few people that ACTUALLY had some fair judgement in all of this was Jumin. He knows V better than anyone else in the RFA and besides he’s not really one to take sides unless it is appropriate.
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He really didn’t.
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Now, that’s not to say I agree with V’s method. Much like Rika, he also had the right intentions with the wrong method. I don’t agree that hiding secrets will make anything better but in V’s mind that was his way of helping the RFA so that they wouldn’t get hurt. I understand his POV. We as humans sometimes perceive that what seems right for us may not be right or harmless to others. V just wouldn’t say anything no matter what and instead was willing to sacrifice himself to save everyone - including poor MC who was tricked into thinking she was playing a game and talking to AIs like a dumbass - and that that sacrifice would sufice and put an end to everything.
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Now, I can totally understand his reasoning. Again, his intentions were good. Still, that doesn't change the fact that he continued to lie about Rika's whereabouts - that she wasn't dead - and what she had truly become. Not to mention Saeran. We all know from Seven's route that Saeran (or Ray) is his twin brother. This was honestly the only thing that bothered me to the end. Once more he wanted to protect Seven from the truth and never - ever - told him that his brother was in a deplorable mental state and that he was, in fact, the hacker he was fighting the whole time and who's now - supposedly - dead. I'm holding on to the hope that he escaped, to be honest. If there is no body, there is no death!! That's what I've learned from One Piece.
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I want to talk about Saeran/Ray for a bit now. He was the main reason why I despised Rika so much. To this day I still can't agree with her actions but I'll talk more about her after.
I'd like to take a trip to the past when Saeran first met V and Rika. Seven entrusted his precious twin brother to them and as far as I remember it was Rika who gave Saeran the hacking book. The Secret Ends also showed us what he suffered while he was in the Mint Eye and how his mind was bent and twisted into hate towards V but most importantly towards his own brother. The brother Saeran always admired and loved so much. As a result from all the drugs and elixirs, Saeran's mind was absolutely shattered. It broke my heart everytime I chatted with him and everytime he called. It was absolutely devastating.
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Someone please hug this boy.
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Ah, of course... How could I confuse the two... 
Okay, I said this would be unbiased and I'm standing to that. The Mint Eye is awful and what Rika did to Saeran is unforgiving but V also did wrong by standing there and watching all of this happen all out of fear of hurting others and not being trusted anymore. Of course that lying and hiding stuff is what ultimately makes someone not trust other people but it was like he couldn't think of anything else. Fear had absolutely blinded him.
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I know Seven would be very hurt if he found out but I'm also aware that he has the right to know. He SHOULD know. He should know what was going on with his brother and yet neither V nor Rika have told him a thing. V was an accomplice and that can be just as bad. Whether he was afraid or not he should've been the one stepping forward.
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But know let's talk a bit about Rika. I changed my mind a lot about her on some things but the one thing that still bothers me is... how can people defend what she did? Don't try to give me the "she's mentally ill" bullshit because we all know that just because you suffer from depression and other sorts of complicated mental disorders that doesn't mean you'll go around creating a freaking religious cult that uses bizarre methods of "salvation" to make people "happy". Rika most likely suffers from a multiple personality disorder - it seemed very clear from her chats.
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No, thanks.
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With this I agree to some degree.
Listen. I understand. I'm not disregarding mental issues as I am very well aware that the struggle is hard. I'm not putting Rika down for that. In fact, throughout my whole playthrough I tried to be as comprehensive as I could without letting myself get fooled by her words. She needs help but she doesn't want it. She doesn't accept it. She thinks "our" method is wrong and hers is right. You can argue that they will also drug you at the hospital but I think it's slightly different from, um... torture.
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I don't doubt that at some point she loved V as well as I don't doubt that V loved Rika back. And I don't wanna say I told you so, but... I told you so. I've always seen their relationship as toxic and obsessive from BOTH sides. V thought that the way he loved her was right because he did everything she wanted, because he was her sun (seriously, I can't hear the word taeyang anymore), because he has unconditional love and he would still love her even if she hurt him (V, really?). Rika however seemed to me like she was too scared, thinking she wasn't worthy of love. She wanted to test his love and as sickening as it is I know she was terrified. Her whole life Rika had been rejected. Her biological parents, her foster parents... She was just a little girl and no one showed her the slightest bit of love (not including Yoosung, of course). That was until V showed up with his "ideal love like the sun". To me it seems like Rika became addicted to it, to that love, to that attention... at the same time that she had a hard time believing that he loved her. Do you see my point here? Both were trying to prove something to each other and through each other. I can see why Cheritz stated point blank that the core of their relationship wasn't love. Still, I don't doubt at all that they cared about each other. But this kind of behavior... isn’t justifiable.
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I hate the yandere face she does ;_;
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However, I’d also like to point out something Vanderwood said.
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Because, at the end of the day, V didn’t do anything to stop her and that was his biggest mistake.
Listen... Again, I understand that Rika was hurt and life has been nothing but absolute shit for her. I feel for her. But tell me. Is this right? Morals will always vary from person to person but let's put it simply: even if your ex-lover that left you because you denied medical and professional help and you felt hurt, like that person had never loved your "dark side", would you really go out of your way to make them a cripple and wish pain and agony upon them? Well then, Darth Vader - despite being mentally ill or not that would make you a bad person. You can't excuse EVERY ACTION on mental health. It'll only perpetuate the idea that mentally ill people should be disregarded as insane or evil. Rika suffers from severe depression and possible MPD but none of that justifies her actions - towards V, towards Saeran, towards the whole RFA, even towards herself. As much as I feel sorry for Rika nothing EVER justifies what she did. You might like and defend Rika but don't defend her wrongdoings. I understand. I adore V but I also can't defend everything he did. I'm not part of the "V did nothing wrong" group. No, he did a lot wrong. But you know what? Regret and admitting that you've fucked up are important steps towards change.
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But Rika wasn’t ready to accept change.
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Of course all of this was Rika's downfall as she couldn't accept that her ex-lover was moving on from her. Let's look at things objectively: their relationship was hurting both of them so why carry on? Why continue to be hurt and feel like garbage when you're 100% sure that it will never work out? I will say this again but their relationship was mostly toxic and obsessive and it wouldn't be fair for neither of them to continue living a lie. That being said, I also felt extremely sad for Rika. One of the last chats was absolutely heart-wrenching.
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I can’t bring myself to hate Rika anymore but I do despise what she did. I think it’s no use hating on them and it makes me very sad that people genuinely wanted for V to die. How inhumane can you be? This might be a game but wishing upon anyone’s death is a bit much. Sure, I was pissy too when I played Secret End 1 and wanted Rika to go in V’s place but we need to open our eyes and try to understand. V has been punished enough. Rika has been punished enough. They messed up but they’ve already suffered the aftermath. Letting go of the past and get help is important. 
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Rika didn’t allow anyone to take her “devil” because she was “the darkness” thinking people should love and accept her darkness. While it is true that for you to know happiness you also need some sadness in your life, this was never a matter of not accepting as she was. She was afraid that people wouldn’t love her if she showed how broken she is and misunderstood everyone’s intentions. I’m glad Jumin and Yoosung worked it out and took her away so she can be treated. I don’t think she is completely bad but she’s done wrong. A lot. It was time for her to accept the help instead of blaming herself over and over again. It was just sad to watch.
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Thank you, hero Yoosung
As for MC and V’s relationship I think it was well thought out. V wouldn’t be able to immediately love someone again but he began to change with her presence and her words. You might complain about MC having come to wreak havoc but considering everything that went down it was perfectly normal for V to feel attached to someone that genuinely cared for him and wasn’t there to test his love by hurting him (he almost went blind, he was drugged, stabbed... seriously, it’s a bit much). Aside from his mother (and Jumin in some form) V has never felt that warmth. The same could be said about Rika and that was perhaps why she felt like she could get closer to MC, thinking she could actually understand her. It’s complicated, really. Things like this do happen in real life and it’s no one’s fault, to be honest. Sometimes you fall out of love and find it within someone else. You might feel horrible at first but it’s your happiness that’s at stake. 
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I was glad that V only confessed to MC after coming back, two years later. It didn’t feel like his emotions were rushed and he had enough time to clear his head and start anew. Both V and Rika needed a new start, away from each other, and not make the same mistakes again. They were both in a bad place, mentally. It was as hard for V as it was for Rika. But toxic and abusive relationships.... are just a big no in my book.
TL;DR: I’m still hoping for V to eventually speak up about Saeran (and I hope he isn’t dead) because that is still bothering me. Nonetheless, I can’t bring myself to hate him. I wish people could give him the benefit of the doubt just as much as they give it to Rika. Please understand that he also suffered. He fucked up. Oh, he fucked up BIG TIME. Vanderwood told him he was just as bad as Rika and it is true. He covered up for her. Still, he has been punished enough. So has Rika. Both deserve a new chance at life and love. If it didn’t work out with each other than it’ll maybe work out with other people. Perhaps the writting could’ve been better and less repetitive but he isn’t a bad guy. And all things considered, Rika isn’t either. 
And that is it, folks. I think there are screenshots I didn’t use because Tumblr is weird and places them out of order. Not to mention this post is already long enough. Probably no one is gonna read this but if you do, please keep your hateful opinions to yourself. I’d rather read some constructive criticism instead of “I HATE V!!! HE SHOULD DIE!!”. Please gtfo my blog if you’re thinking about commenting something like that. I won’t even accept such words about Rika.
Thanks for your time.
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mystic-head-canons · 8 years
Yoosung meets a woman that has an uncanny resemblance to Rika at his college and becomes infatuated with her and begins neglecting MC
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@rfascenariios hahahahaha, so I sometimes accidentally open blogs and then end up scrolling through and I found this, even though I have a mountain of other head canons to work on, but I just love this so much, so here you go.
It started with a picture that Yoosung posted on the messenger
"I found Rika! Or, at least a woman that looks just like her! She's in one of my classes and her name is Yumi!"
He wasn't wrong. She did look just like Rika.
Yoosung talks about her constantly, getting to know her at school
Now, he and MC have been dating for about a year and a half now, and she gets kind of worried about the fervor in which he is treating Yumi
Yoosung gets invited out to a mixer with his friends, so MC is invited along and Yumi is there
MC gets to talk to Yumi and she's nice enough, but admits that she has her sights set on Yoosung
When MC tells Yumi that she and Yoosung are already dating, Yumi says, "Really? Because he treats me more like his girlfriend that he does you."
After the mixer, MC asks Yoosung if he loves her, and he says yes, of course, but she's still really nervous about the whole thing and not sure if she believes him
And his talk of Yumi continues to escalate, because she started asking questions about Rika and emulating her
Eventually, MC tries to express her hurt to Yoosung about the whole thing via messenger, but he doesn't understand why she's all bent out of shape
Zen and Seven get in on this as well, basically trying to explain what's going on in MC's head, but Yoosung refuses to listen
It's not until Yoosung skips a date with MC to hang out with Yumi that things get ugly
She's hurt, but she doesn't let it affect her too much, hoping he still loves her
Zen even yells at Yoosung for doing that
The next day, MC shows up at his school to drop off his lunch, which she always brings for him on Tuesday's, but Yumi sees her first, says that he's busy studying and, without being a student, you can't get into the library, so she'll take the lunch to him
As soon as she has the lunch in her hands, she tells MC, "Yoosung and I went out on a date, by the way. You should probably stop bringing him food. He's moved on."
MC walks away in tears
She goes onto the messenger and says that she needs to break up with Yoosung, as much as it breaks her heart, because he doesn't love her anymore
All he loves is a memory of Rika and the woman that looks just like her
He doesn't see it until after his class with Yumi, and he ends up frozen for a few minutes just staring at the message... until Yumi reads it over his shoulder and offers her condolences
Yoosung, having been snapped out of it, says he needs to go find MC and talk to her, he doesn't want to break up, he doesn't understand why she would do this
However, she's busy drinking with Zen and Jaehee, her phone is turned off, and Yoosung doesn't know where she is
That night, MC stumbles back home, still super drunk, and realizes that she accidentally went to Yoosung's apartment
Now MC is about to turn away when she checks the messenger and sees that he wants to talk about this, so she decides that now is as good as ever...
She gets her phone out to start recording because she knows she won't remember in the morning
....only to walk up the stairs to his apartment to find that Yoosung's kissing Yumi
MC drops her purse out of shock, and when he hears the sound, he freaks, and tries to push Yumi away (what he was trying to do all along)
MC doesn't hear him calling after her and just half stumbles, half runs away
She posts a picture on the messenger of Yoosung and Yumi kissing
"I thought he wanted to talk to convince me not to leave him. Guess I was wrong. I was wrong about everything."
Zen tries to jump to his defense, saying that Yoosung looks uncomfortable, like he doesn't want it, but MC just says, "I need to go drown my sorrows in ice cream and romance movies. I'll check the messenger once a day from now on. Don't worry about me."
She does as promised, sits at home, crying, eating ice cream, and watching anything with a romance premise
Her coworkers worry about her when she's at work because her eyes all puffy and red, but she just explains that she had a really bad break up
One coworker offers to beat him up for her once they hear the details, but she declines
She tries to get Jumin's advice on killing her emotions so she can stop hurting
Yoosung finally manages to ambush her a few days after she saw him kissing Yumi at her apartment before she leaves to go to the grocery store
He explains that Yumi was there trying to help him (or so she claimed), then suddenly grabbed him and kissed him. She then tried to convince him that MC didn't love him and only Yumi could
But Yoosung knows better, he feels like a jerk, and realizes that Yumi is nothing like the Rika he knew (which wasn't necessarily the real Rika, but he doesn't know that)
He begs MC to take him back
MC states that they'll start with the dinner she's about to make, and they can go from there
They go grocery shopping, then cook and eat together
He ends up kissing her goodbye at the end of the night
And twenty minutes after leaving, he comes back and, just-
This impulsive, loving yandere child just drops down on one knee with a ring in his hand
A few weeks later, Yumi has made no further progress with Yoosung and is getting frustrated, and when MC shows up on campus again to give Yoosung his lunch, Yumi goes to confront her.... then sees the ring on her finger
Before Yumi can approach to ask what's going on, Yoosung is there, kissing MC, giddy as ever to see her
Yumi is forced to walk away and save herself the embarassment
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yoosungiib · 7 years
OMG I love you headcanons so much!!! Your writing is just amazing!
Thank you so much! That means a lot
RFA + Minor Trio reacting to MC’s ex trying to get back with them
★ Yoosung ★
It started with frequent texts that were merely just bothersome to you, and envying for Yoosung, but you could handle it.
But then it turned to following you around, stalking you, sending you weird pictures he’s taken of you.
And the text messages which had been direct in his message that he just wanted you back, had become inappropriate and vulgar.
You told Yoosung that you could deal with it,
And you constantly assured him it was only him that you loved.
Of course, Yoosung trusted you.
It was your ex he didn’t trust.
Yoosung was so sure that one day they would do something that would get you hurt or take desperate measures to get you back.
Yandere mode was definitely on, and Yoosung was crazy protective over you.
You finally reached your limit when your ex came banging on yours and Yoosung’s door, demanding he see you.
The face you made had Yoosung in a fit of rage; it wasn’t one of fear, but by the way you scrunched up your face showed how frustrated you were getting and how much you were reaching a breaking point.
And… your eyes were turning red. Were you crying?
Aw H e L L no, not on Yoosung’s watch.
Yoosung practically busted the door open for him, dragging him in the room and screaming at him to leave you alone.
Innocent boy is stronger than he looks.
He’s able to fling the ex around, surprisingly.
“You dare look at her again, I’ll take those eyes of your sockets, you understand me? Leave her alone! She doesn’t want you.”
Your ex gets the message, and by year, the texts die town till you get no more, he stops following you, and you finally feel at peace.
♪ Zen ♪
Immediately jealous, and he thinks he has a right to be.
You do too, but you have to remind him of the times you’ve held back from being jealous of all the girls he’s with.
You assure him you don’t want your ex back and that you have no feelings for him.
“Zen, we’ve been through so much together, and I would never give what we have up. I love you.”
Yeah, yeah, ok jagiya, but do you not see hear him banging on the doors at night?
Zen has even caught them once taking pictures of you while you were on a date!
It bothers you to quite an extent that your ex keeps following you, but you can’t help but admit you just don’t want to deal with it.
You don’t like him and you’ll never go back to him.
You’re sure he’ll get the hint soon and just give up.
Zen isn’t so sure about that.
“All men are beasts.”
He takes the matters into his own hands by confronting the ex at their workplace.
With a couple threats and warnings, Zen is able to get the message across.
However, he denies it when you ask if he has something to do with the messages stopping.
❀ Jaehee ❀
Your ex girlfriend was not abusive, but she had a controlling streak and a tendency to be vicious, which was the key reason for the break up.
You were glad to say goodbye to her, and happy starting your new life with Jaehee.
Jaehee was the love of your life.
So of course you were incredibly frustrated and upset by the fact your ex was now spamming you with messages and coming to your window at night begging you to get back at her.
Jaehee watched as you slouched on the bed, plopping your head in your hands.
She sat beside you and wrapped her arm around you, kissing your temple and promising she will sort it out.
‘Sorting it out’ consisted of asking Jumin for a favor.
Though he grumbled, he was more than happy to help.
He sent bodyguards to watch the area and paid for your restraining order on the ex.
At first you thought it was a bit much, but the peace and quiet and excitement in your new life was coming back now that your ex was not interfering.
“Thank you, Jaehee.”
“Ah, don’t mention it, MC. How could I not help you when you’ve helped me so much?”
☂ Jumin ☂
Please, they don’t even get past the first guard, and Jumin has his number blocked.
You don’t even know he tried contacting you.
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
He knew before you did.
Yeah, he watches you shopping through security camera’s while he’s working, just to keep you safe.
But he notices a man hiding behind shelves and isles, looking over at you.
At first he freaks, thinking this person is out to get him by hurting you.
But then he remembers you mentioning a rather yandere ex who would follow you around and was extremely protective.
You broke up with them because you felt you were in a cage.
When you came home, he showed you the CCTV tapes of your ex and endured your scolding for watching you and you came up with a code word in case anything were to happy.
“Saeyoung, we can’t use ‘fire’ as a code word. We’ll cause a panic.”
“Not if you whisper it into the phone~”
Seven is just really worried that your ex will try and kidnap you or something.
You think he’ll stop if you just confront him but Seven won’t let you do that.
When you start getting texts from him with the utmost cringe;
“My heart yearns for you.”
“I find myself at night remember your soft words.”
“What I’d do to hold you right now.”
Saeyoung sends him a couple viruses so he can’t text you anymore, and posts the CCTV tapes of him taking picture of you and stalking you on their facebook.
He laughs as the comments come rolling in calling him a perv and a creep.
You don’t think it was the best idea because you felt it should have been up to you to handle it,
But nethertheless you appreciate what he’s done, and you treat him well that nigh~.
❆ V ❆
Poor dude is blind and your ex takes advantage of that by sneaking around him and pulling you away quietly so V is confused when you don’t answer.
At first, you are hesitant to tell V because you don’t want to make him upset.
He’ll blame himself, he’ll find a way to take the burden.
So you talk to Jumin for help with your issue, and asking that he does not share anything with V.
Of course, because they’re best friends, Jumin felt an obligation.
And he tells V your dilemma.
V’s all over you, asking if you’re ok, if you were hurt and why you didn’t tell him.
You explain it was something you just didn’t want to bother him with, but not something you thought you could handle by yourself.
He’s a little hurt you did not tell him what was going on, but he’s willing to look by that because he just wants to help you.
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
The minute Searan figures out your ex is trying to get you back,
He’s livid.
And he’s out to kill.
The situation is handled pretty quickly.
Your ex see’s Saeran and psh, all hopes go down the drain and he’s done with his attempts.
All Searan needed to do was stare at the guy for him to realize he’d be making a mistake if he were to interfere.
✌ Vanderwood ✌
He doesn’t like seeing you getting upset by your ex’s stalkerish actions,
And the creepy texts you get at nearly midnight.
Also, he’s a tad jealous though he won’t tell you, even though he knows you would never go back to your ex.
Not only that, he doesn’t have to time to deal with your ex.
So when he sees him peeking around the corner in town,
Pulls out the taser and
“V-vandy, you can’t do that, you’ll get in trouble.”
“Eh. Just forget. He won’t be talking anytime soon,”
He says slinging his arm around your shoulder and pulling you away from your twitching ex.
Problem solved
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