#i feel like most politicians don't read the bills they sign
nimenianemone · 2 years
I want a twitch streaming politician that reads aloud and annotates bills they are reviewing on stream for full transparency.
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ur-deadmeat · 5 months
I can't believe you associate with Thehauntedcemetery or ghost or whatever the fuck she wants to be called.
yoooo first hate anon just dropped!
anyway hi anon! If you're concerned about things such as mental health issues, the well being of trans persons, or wanting to make a difference in general I would reccomend signing petitions, emailing or calling your local politician, protesting, registering to vote, and much more. Any of the things listed and so much more are much MUCH more productive than coming online onto Tumblr going on ANON and partaking in internet discourse revolving around literal children. If you're too young to do anything listed above might i suggest finding a hobby like reading books or crochet!
Unfortunately, unlike you, I have more important things like a job and bills to worry about than bothering over things like supposed stolen kins and fictional others or most any of the involved online discourse. If you wish to be Civil about this feel free to pop off anon and we can chat otherwise refer to the above paragraph!
Thanks for the concern xoxo <3
PS: another other hate anons wanna come whine in my inbox ya'll are gonna get ignored. I don't chat with people too scared to show their faces and i am too damn grown to fight with children.
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twobuckhowie · 1 year
Guns Don't Kill People, Stupid Politicians Kill People
With more than 20 People Shot last night at an Alabama birthday party, with only four deaths, and Two Deaths, with four injured in Louisville, I thought this Post from February 26th, 2016 would help explain on how I feel about Gun Control. And don't tell me about the bullshit lies where "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
This is playing right into the Republican's hand where they get richer and they have the poor killing each other over scraps so they can claim during election time that "We need more white supremacy type of cops to protect our streets so we can let them run wild and kill innocent civilians too! For a safer America!" Yes, it's my opinion. Yet here are some facts.
Anonymously Anonymous
Take A Test To Own A Gun
White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police ...
******* And when you thought people couldn't get any more ignorant, here comes the "Iowa Lawmakers, (Who) Approve Bill That Would Let Kids Have Handguns." By Kim Bellware for The Huffington Post.
I thought Texas had a bunch of Jackasses for Lawmakers, "Texas 'open carry' law passes, allowing guns in holsters on the street." The Guardian.
"Texas lawmakers approved carrying handguns openly on the streets of the nation’s second most populous state on Friday, sending the bill to the Republican governor, Greg Abbott, who is expected to sign it and reverse a ban dating to the post-civil war era."
I'm sure all the republican people living in Iowa were so upset by Texas beating them out on the "Open Carry Law," that the only thing they could think of to do, to be ahead of them in ignorance was to, "Give Guns To Children."
"Children of all ages in Iowa would be able to lay down their toy guns and pick up the real thing under a bill that passed the state House of Representatives. Statehouse Republicans, including the bill's sponsor, Rep. Jake Highfill, said the the legislation was an issue of parents' rights designed to correct "an injustice in Iowa code” that now forbids children 14 and younger from handling pistols. Allowing people to learn at a young age the respect that a gun commands is one of the most important things you can do,” Highfill told The Washington Post on Wednesday. The alternative, he said, is “turning 18 with no experience.”
If we only had a system in place that could teach someone how to handle a gun? I know that setting up Classes at a Firing Range with specially Professionally Trained Marksman to teach people, Under Age, how to handle a firearms would start a whole new industry. And who would train the Professionals Trainers? But we already have these moronic Laws in place with kids killing kids.
Couldn't the Law have specified, before a youth was allowed to have a pistol, even under parental supervision, they would have to have these Classes With A Professional and then be Certified before they got a gun?
If you ask me, most parents don't even know how to handle a gun. I knew a few grownups who carried guns and they didn't have a clue on the safety issues.
Some of them are in jail now and the other is dead from a self inflicted wound.
Stupid people think you can carry a gun in their belt instead of a holster.
I wouldn't want their children carrying guns around if they were taught by their parents who thought it was cool just to carry one!
If you are thinking of getting a gun, check these websites out and maybe we will have one less accidental shootings.
National Handgun Safety Course
Education & Training
This is,
Raised In A Family That Respected Guns - And If Anyone - In Our Family - Older Than I - Saw That I Was Playing With Or Disrespecting A Gun - They Had The Right To Whip My Ass - Then Tell My Dad So He Could Whip My Ass Too
Jim Hauenstein
“The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.” - P.G -
That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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owlsbride · 3 years
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Icha Icha and Prejudice: The Book Club
Chapter V: A Suitable Marriage
"So…" Sakura answered, arriving at an obvious conclusion observing her cup of sake "now you have to go all way to Suna to solve Naruto's mess."
"Yes," Kakashi nodded, looking at the empty space behind her "I'm not exactly thrilled about it, but it's my job after all." He concluded finally directing his gaze to Sakura to look at her big furious green eyes. He suppressed an inner smile.
"But why? Why don't you send Naruto back again? He was the one that asked the Kazekage an extra train program to be a better Hokage" Sakura started annoyed "And Gaara accepted. What was he thinking? Besides, they both made this mess together."
It was infuriating. Gaara, the most collect man she has ever known, all so stoic, silently analyzing everything around him with his sharp mind. Separated from the world, absorbed in his thoughts with his celestial eyes always directed to the horizon, protecting his village. She couldn't understand it.
"Maa, Sa Ku Ra, calm down" Kakashi spoke with his soft tone, guessing what was going on inside her mind "Gaara may be the Kazekage, and a great one, by the way, a fine young man, but inside he's still a child. I think he's still trying to figure out what human relationships are all about, and when being too friendly or solicitous is too much. I guess he couldn't say no to a friend." There was so much tenderness in his words that Sakura sighed leaning back in her chair a little less angry.
"God, he's worst than Sai." Sakura agreed finally most to herself than to Kakashi thinking about the problems that the young man with black hair suffered and caused due to his lack of social empathy.
"Trust me Sakura, if I were to choose between them both..." Kakashi left the phrase hanging. He was not mad at the Kazekage nor Naruto, he was just tired and resigned with the last one. Naruto would never really change.
"Still..." Sakura began again "I don't know why you can not solve this problem from here. Was it that bad?
"You couldn't just start to imagine."
"But this weather..." She was less angry but pushier now.
"If I didn't know you better, I would think you don't want to let me go, Sakura" he spoke in such a suggestive way that Sakura trembled under his gaze "but I'm sure is not the case, right?"
"Of course not Hokage Sama" she was blushing, a lot "I'm just worried about the security of our leader." Sakura finally answered, wrinkling her nose. Kakashi laughed at her face.
"Relax Sakura, I'm not just an old useless politician".
"I guess you are right... you are not a politician" Sakura said, sticking out her tone.
"Careful Sa Ku Ra, the cat may eat your tongue someday" Kakashi answered her with a deep dark tone licking his own lips, or at least that's what she believed. Again the warm feeling forming in her low stomach, now she was sure, it was not her chakra.
"Yeah... anyway..." she tried to hide her excitement and shame at once adopting a much more professional stance, "I think I should go with you." She finished crossing her arms on the table.
"And that could be because...?" Kakashi leaned back on his chair taking distance from Sakura, eyeing her suspiciously, he had seen this coming. He knew that Sakura was going to ask her to go with him.
"I think it's pretty obvious Sensei." He hated the honorifics, but he just stopped fighting it a long ago with Sakura. It was just a mannerism, a way of speaking, not particularly a sign of respect or distance. It was merely their ways, and it was ok, strange and alluring at times, but ok.
"Go on..."
"I believe that the company of a nin doctor in this weird mission of yours, trying to recover Suna from the Tsunami named Naruto, could be of much help." She finished matter of factly.
"For what? a heatstroke?" Kakashi wasn't going to fall in her charms.
"Stop mocking me, Sensei" Sakura pouted. Now she was feeling hurt.
"I'm not mocking you." He smiled. She was cute sometimes. "I'm just saying that there are no risks in my short journey to Suna. It's a safe trip. Only three days and I'll be back; besides, you forget something."
"What?" Sakura asked in confusion
"You are on vacations."
"Yes, a vacation I didn't request for." It was evident that she still felt horrible about that decision.
"And yet, here we are. Having dinner in your second night of" Kakashi said raising his cup, even if he was not going to drink it with Sakura watching straight to his face.
"I guess..." Sakura did drink her sake and started again with all the Suna issue "So, you are going alone? Who is going to be encharged during these days?"
"I asked an old friend to help me here. Luckily she said yes. Having you not accepting the recess and Naruto trying to put his last training in practice is too much of a danger to leave the village alone. And no, I'm not travelling by myself" Kakashi gave her a wink.
"Hey! I'm not that bad. I'm not going to break the rules Hokage Sama". Sakura was starting to feel offended. She was not a girl anymore. He had to stop seeing her like one "I'm not a gir..."
"A girl. You are not a girl anymore." Kakashi finished for her "I'm well aware of that". Eyes darker.
"So, Who is this friend of yours and with who are you travelling with?" Sakura asked incredulously. She didn't know Kakashi had friends except for Guy Sensei and Genma, (who were definitely not suitable for cover him in these three days) less a woman. Why was she a bit jealous, and why was Kakashi noticing it? He laughed a true-hearted laugh.
"Easy Sakura, Lady Tsunade is going to take my place these days, I think she is more than capable, don't you agree? He was genuinely asking her opinion.
"Wow!" Sakura said in surprise "She must really love you like to say yes."
"Doesn't everyone love me? He was such a Drama Queen. "And about the travelling arrangements, I'm going with Shikamaru."
"Well..." Sakura pondered "Shikamaru is really capable, and he is your advisor. I think he is the most suitable for the job." Sakura concluded.
"Yes," Kakashi stated. "though, I think he has his personal agenda on this journey."
"Oh... You mean..." Sakura didn't want to talk more words than necessary. She didn't know how much information Kakashi had about Temari and Shikamaru's relationship.
"Of course Sakura," Kakashi spoke as it was the most obvious thing in the world "The princess."
"So you know..." It was not a question.
"Sakura, I'm not the Hokage for nothing, you know?" There was fun in his voice. "I've seen how they look at each other, I've listened when they talk at the phone. I've been there when they fight together side by side at the Fourth War. It was just a matter of time." He finished almost with longing.
"Like us" Sakura whispered to herself not expecting Kakashi to listen.
"Like us, what? His eyes were gleaming. Sakura felt nervous.
"Just..." she had to think quickly. "Just like the rest of us, you noted the romance coming back then too." That was closed. Kakashi shifted his mouth uncomfortably under his mask, wrinkling his nose. He wasn't buying it.
"Yes." Disappointment in his words. "Anyway... I think a wedding is coming soon and it will become most profitable for both villages. Suna and Konoha united forever. Shikamaru and princess Temari, we couldn't ask for more." Kakashi spoked low.
A cold chill ran down Sakura's spine upon hearing Kakashi's words. It was the Hokage who spoke: cold, distant, calculating. She wasn't sure if she liked this version of Kakashi. Yes, she has witnessed terrible decisions that he had to make as the village leader, she had seen the horrors of the war and what makes people do. But why this bothered her so much? Was it because she had lost sight of the fact that he was the Hokage after all and not just his partner, friend, and secret fantasy? Was she so in love that, now, only one sentence about the convenience of marriage was enough to make all the bandages fall off?
Kakashi hadn't actually said anything about fixing a marriage, but that's what it sounded like, and inside her, it seemed painful.
"What's wrong, Sakura?" Kakashi asked full of worry. He had just realized after his lazy conversation that something had bothered Sakura.
"Is that how you see us?" Sakura began without looking at him "only as exchange goods, potential political deals or war unions thanks to a good marriage and the lineage that can come out of it?"
"I'm sorry, Sakura, but I can't see the problem there" Kakashi answered in all honesty.
"Sure..." Sakura said dryly in a mocking tone "then maybe I can go for the Kazekage. What do you think? I'm sure that is highly beneficial".
Kakashi was confused, but he was not going to recoil.
"Well, Sakura, good luck with that, cause I don't think Gaara is into girls..." He started doubting "Actually, I think he is into nothing at all, but that's your choice." Why was he getting angry? "Now, if instead, you would like to set your eyes on the brother, Kankuro, that could be something entirely different."
"You can start making the arrangements then, and as Hokage, you can walk me down the aisle." Sakura suppressed a tear.
"That would be your father´s job. I may be old, but that´s not my place" Kakashi retorted angrily, but without racing his voice.
"My parents lost faith in me long ago, I don´t think they are interested in my wedding, they think I´m already too old for that" She was sad, resigned. They have stopped talking to her when she refused to marry Sasuke, another suitable arrangement.
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not one of those characters of that stupid book of yours, Lizzie."
Sakura looked down, suddenly she was feeling a bit ashamed. She avoided his eyes at all cost, and she was safe by the waitress announcing that the restaurant was closing. Kakashi paid the bill without saying anything, and they both started walking home, strangely taking the same path.
Sakura was the first in breaking the silence.
"You are reading the book, eh?"
"Hmmm" Kakashi hummed as the only answer.
"Already bored?" She was watching at the stars.
"Actually no" Kakashi began "Even if I don't know yet what to think about it, debating my self between if it is a good manner manual or a statement of the women position in the society, I have to recognize it's quite interesting."
"You haven't read enough yet" Sakura was acting childish. How was it possible that he still didn't realize that the book was actually an ode to true love.
"I supposed." He closed the conversation.
They continue walking a few more blocks before arriving at Sakura's door. Finally, they face each other.
"Sakura, listen" Kakashi needed to clear some things before parting to Suna "What I meant earlier" he swallowed hard "I would never jeopardize the happiness of any of you for the good of the village. You are my priority. The marriage between Shikamaru and Temari is indeed a benefit to Konoha, but that does not mean that I'm directing your lives from a desk. All of you already risk enough every day out there. I would not take love out of your hands."
Sakura nodded with her mouth dry, she needed a drink, a strong one. She finally locked eyes with him and smile much more relaxed.
"Are you going to send me a text as soon as you arrived Suna?" Sakura asked in a happy tone.
"Of course" he simply answered, hands in his pocket.
"And are you going to send my regards to the Kazekage and his brother?" Now she was teasing.
"If that's what you wish..." Kakashi left the phrase got lost in the air. The storm menacing again once more the Konoha's sky.
Sakura laughed heartedly.
"Good night Kakashi Sensei, have a good trip." Sakura said, turning her back to him.
She suddenly stood frozen with her keys trembling in her hands.
Warm breath sifted through the mask ran down her neck and the lobe of her ear. Kakashi hadn't gotten to touch a single hair of her, but all of it rose on her body. Her breath stopped for an instant that seemed like hours, his words tickling as he spoke.
"Have a good night you too, Lizzie." And just like that Kakashi disappeared.
Inner Sakura was going to be happy.
So many things to say
1- It´s getting really really late here but I wanted to post it anyway
2- A little bit of tension is not that bad
3- Next chapter we may know, or not, what Naruto has done at Suna. Also, I´m pretty sure that the virtual chat is coming back.
4-Kakashi is making his homework after all.
5- I like the idea that Gaara may be a bit of asexual, though the story shows us different.
6- You Know what to do.
7- If there is anything else you would like to know, please write to me
8- Can somebody be so lovely and helpful and explain me how to link the chapters for making it easy to read? I'm almost as stupid as Kakashi with tech
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josiewe · 3 years
A strong message to all of congress, senate, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, to all the politicians! Every single congressmen or congresswomen and every single senators I implore you all to read each bill completely! We all have elected all of you into office to do your job for the American people! So if a bill is 100 pages or 5000 thousand pages it is your duty to read it all! And if it isn't for the best interest of the American people then ripped it out! We the American people are tried! President Joe Biden stated his first day the checks would go out! Instead we the tax payers had to pay for another impeachment! I realize most of you have big homes, refrigerators , freezers filled of food and your pantries! But think for one moment about the millions of Americans without all that! You have to have compassion in your heart and soul in order to be human!
I feel like all I have seen so far with executive orders signed by President Joe Biden is erase so many jobs! So sad to have this country shut down from any country coming in or out! So allowing immigrants to come into this country without covid testing and have schools closed? I mean like one day a week of school???? Do realize how crazy that even sounds? I guess now Congress is going to say that they cannot get checks out because some other crisis is happening! It's so sad how the American people are not important to all of the politicians that keep on delaying money being sent out to the American people! It really looks disgraceful! Have to wonder how we got here? Yes covid is a horrible destructive disease that has impacted not only the United States of America but the world! Have to wonder why so many executive orders? Why destroy so many jobs during an pandemic? Also allowing immigrants to enter the United States of America without being tested for covid. Not only having more Americans being infected by covid but also taking away more jobs! Have to ask a question? Who does this benefit? Also with so much fighting going on with the politicians have to wonder if they will ever grow up instead of acting like infants taking away their pacifiers! Or taking away a toddlers toy and watching them having a tantrum! I remember when life was so simple. As long as you had compassion and caring for other people you was having a great life. You worked hard to get what you wanted. You had pride to work for what you wanted and needed. People took pride in all that they did! And all due respect I have experienced racism throughout my entire life. But I had two parents that taught my brother and I to never allow anyone to define who we're! Without hatred or violence! Just curious Mr. President Joe Biden how can you continually talk about racism when you have never experienced racism in your entire life?
Also when my parents came to this country they learned to speak English before that they didn't get paid much money till they learned to speak English. Also they did not get any hand outs! Not that my parents would of ever accepted anything for not earning it! So to do the injustice of giving immigrants free food, housing, healthcare, and jobs have ask a question what about the millions of Americans that don't have food, housing, healthcare or a job? This is un-American! Thinking about others rather than the American citizens that have been suffering for almost a year! That is disgraceful! Maybe you should reflect on all you have done since day one of your Presidency! And ask yourself a question, do you have the best interest at heart of the American citizens? Think about that!
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