#i feel like this book just yes and-ed my horror daydreams
dragqueenpentheus · 1 year
reading a horror book that full has my heart beat THUNDDRING in my ears ah!!!!!!! i wanted to read it during my infusion tomorrow but they do heart rate tests and this will NOT fly
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3. Sources of Inspiration - Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass (The Art of Storytelling)
“Remember that your influences are all sorts of things. And some of them are going to take you by surprise. But the most important thing that you can do is open yourself to everything.”
Here are some more of my personal notes to The Art of Storytelling. Neil Gaiman uses a lot of allusions (references to other stories) in his stories, and they are just as wide-ranging as his storytelling interests (oh yes, one of the things I LOVE with his writing).
Neil mentions his admiration for the following authors, and sometimes alludes to them in his own work: 
James Branch Cabell: American author who wrote fantasy and comedy in the 1920s and '30s. 
Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany: A prolific AngloIrish fantasy author. His novel, The King of Elfland’s Daughter (1924), established some of the most central themes of fantasy writing in the twentieth century
Ursula K. Le Guin: American author who wrote the Earthsea Cycle (1968-2001), which is comprised of six books and numerous short stories, and which tells tales of the fictional fantasy world of Earthsea
P. L. Travers: British author who wrote Mary Poppins (1934) and a whole series of books inspired by it
Btw I love that he mentions how he was inspired by Lou Reed. And how his wife, Amanda Palmer, was inspired by Judy Blume. Inspiration can come from many places, and not just from the ones we think of as our writing heroes. That makes me think of all the music I have listened too, and how I’m influenced by that. Oh well. 
Old stories can be approached from new angles. Create a compost heap of inspiration and how to draw from your experiences to make a story uniquely your own.
All writers have a mental compost heap. We create our compost heap from everything you see and the people you encounter.
Don’t tell people how they should feel. Tell them what happened and let them feel. 
Tell stories about the people around you. Real people are more interesting than anything you could make up.
For story ideas, you can take fairy tales but flip the perspective: eg, from her Stepmother’s perspective, Snow White could be a villain, a vampire princess, with a necrophiliac prince, and the stepmother is a HEROINE for trying to save the world (I remember I read a flipped Cinderella horror comic once when I was a kid, and I still remember it… so.. he has a point, this is effective). 
Neil suggests many tools for approaching an old story from a new angle. 
Change point of view.
Modernize themes
Switch a story element (new location or new type of story)
Make it yours
‘Where do you get your ideas from?’ is a real question. Authors are scared of  answering because they often don’t know the answer themselves.
Ideas come from daydreaming. “The only difference between writers and other people,” says Gaiman, “is that we notice when we’re doing it.”
Ideas come from asking yourself simple questions, like “What if…?” (“you woke up with wings?... your sister turned into a mouse?....), “If only…” (“a ghost would do my homework”) and “I wonder….” (“what she does when she’s alone”), etc…. These questions, in turn, generate other questions.
Ideas are only starting points. You don’t have to figure out the plot. Plots “generate themselves” from “whatever the starting point is.”
Ideas can be people (“There’s a boy who wants to know about magic”); places (“There’s a castle at the end of time, which is the only place there is”); images (“A woman, sifting in a dark room filled with empty faces.”)
We get ideas from confluence — two things “that haven’t come together before”, coming together (“What would happen if a chair was bitten by a werewolf?).
“You get ideas from two things coming together. You get ideas from things that you have seen and thought and known about and then something else that you’ve seen and thought and known about, and the realization that you can just collide those things.”
For a re-envisioning of popular fairy tales, check out some of the following titles (damn I need to get some reading done):
Red as Blood (1983) by Tanith Lee 
Tales of Wonder (1987) by Jane Yolen 
Snow White, Blood Red (1993) by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (ed.)* 
Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins (1999) by Emma Donoghue 
The Wilful Eye (2011) edited by Nan McNab (ed.) 
Happily Ever After (2011) by John Klima (ed.)* 
Clockwork Fairy Tales: A Collection of Steampunk Fables (2013) by Stephen L. Antczak (ed.) 
Unnatural Creatures (2013) by Neil Gaiman (ed.)* 
Beyond the Woods (2016) by Paula Guran (ed.)* 
The Starlit Wood (2016) by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe (ed.) 
The Djinn Falls in Love and Other Stories (2017) by Mahvesh Murad and Jared Shurin (ed.)
WRITING EXERCISE: Choose a folk tale or fairy tale that you know well. Select one of the characters from the story for the following exercise and write a few pages about them, using one of the following prompts: 
Pretend you’re a therapist treating the character. Write a scene in which you discuss the character’s life and problems, then arrive at a diagnosis. 
Write a newspaper article describing the events of the story. For example, Snow White—Woman Hiding in Woods for Ten Years Found by Wealthy Hiker. Then write a story for that headline using journalistic objectivity. 
Have your character explain their actions to a jury 
WRITING EXERCISE In your journal, begin creating a compost heap. Title a page “Compost Heap” and write down the things that have captured your attention in the past week or month. These may become the source motivators of your writing, maybe of your career. Any writing project is an undertaking, and novels in particular, because they take so long to write, will require a sustained interest, so be sure to fill this page with your truth: What interests you? This can be anything: a word, a movie, a person, an event, so long as it inspired you. It can be subjects (cactus species, muscle cars, a voyage to Mars) or people/types of people (therapists, spies, your Aunt Germaine). Try to include things from other arts—for example, foods, music, or movies. In the beginning, make a practice of sitting down at least once a day to note things that interest you.
FOR YOUR NOVEL Create a specialized subset of your compost heap, which is a lexicon devoted exclusively to your novel. For example, if you’re writing about Greenland, gather all the words you can about snow, ice, flora and fauna, geologic formations, or weather occurrences. Research history and arts and science. Write down all of the words you love and that you think could go into your novel
Lesson comment:
Another really inspiring class. I have listened to this one several times already, and I seem to get new associations every time. Also, this is not the first time I have heard about the trick of twisting ideas around, and still... it’s a good thing to be reminded of. 
Wow, I somehow missed the exercises in this class (I’ll blame my undiagnosed ADHD). I’ll definitely look at those exercises. 
I also have this fairytale/ folktale idea in my “compost heap.” Actually, I have two ideas, but the newest one is a spin on two Norwegian folktales called “Kvitebjørn kong Valemon” (White bear King Valemon) and “Østenfor sol og vestenfor måne” (East of Sun and West of Moon). These tales are related to the myth of Eros and Psyche, and also to the story of Beauty and the Beast. I thought it could be interesting from the point of view of the so-called jealous third part of the story. Maybe. I might also try to twist a simpler folktale first, maybe one with the Ashlad (Norwegian folktale hero), from the princess’ point of view. I think it could be fun to play with those ideas + read some of the suggested literature. 
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remywrites5 · 7 years
Hi~ so I just found this and ended up binge reading everything. I pretty sure I cried just a bit when I got down to the very last of it and then I realized, ByTheGodstheyhaveaAO3 and fangirl squealed. I blame you for the awkward talk I had with my brother at 5:30 in the morning. Also Iloveyousomuchyourwritingisgorgeousimgushingineedtostop. I'd really appreciate a highschool au where one ask another out in front of everyone at a pep rally (your choice of ship) that's if your doing props.
Hi! You’re so sweet! Thank you so much for this adorable message. I’ll try my best, it’s been a while since I wrote fanfic but this just sounded so cute I couldn’t help it. 
Remus had never been the most attentive student in class. His mind had a tendency to wander and it usually got him into trouble, unlike his three friends that were usually getting into trouble because of the stupid things they did. Still, finding himself alone in homeroom was a new low and he couldn’t help feeling just a bit annoyed that none of his friends had bothered to mention the bell had rung. 
He quickly gathered up his books, mumbling to himself about why he spent time with such selfish bastards, and trying to think of a good excuse to tell his professor for his next lecture.
Remus blew his hair out of his eyes and glanced up to see Lily standing in the doorway. He gave a small smile and thanked god that at least one of his friends wasn’t a selfish asshole. Although a new addition to their group, Lily was already the voice of reason. Remus had tried to be that but Sirius and James were like forces of nature, there was no stopping them once they got an idea into their heads.
“The assembly is starting,” Lily reminded him, tapping her foot impatiently. “What are you doing still sitting here?”
“Nothing,” Remus said as he slung his bag over his shoulder. “Just thinking is all.” 
“Well as nice as it is to know someone in your group has a brain, we’re going to be late!” Lily walked determinedly over to Remus and grabbed him by the sleeve, tugging him towards the gym. 
“Where are the others anyway?” 
“How would I know?” 
“You are dating James after all,” Remus reminded her and he tried to keep up and not trip over his own feet. 
“Trying to keep tabs on James Potter would be as hopeless as trying to drink upside down,” Lily remarked, finally letting go of Remus’ sleeve once she noticed how much he was struggling. “I mean, you must have some idea of that with Sirius.” 
Remus blushed down to his neck. “That’s different,” he insisted, straightening his jumper. “Sirius and I are just friends. I’m not in charge of what he does and he wouldn’t listen to me anyway.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Lily said, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly. “You two have sleepovers for Christ’s sake.” 
“They’re not sleepovers,” Remus responded defensively. “Sirius just hates being home so he crashes at my house. Nothing happens. We’re not like that.” 
“No?” Lily inquired, raising an eyebrow at him. “So you’re telling me you don’t have feelings for Sirius.” 
“Of course I have feelings for Sirius,” Remus said with a sigh. “Friendship and caring and all that stuff. That’s it.” 
“Does he know that?” Lily asked with a chuckle. “What good friends you are?”
“I’m sure he does,” Remus answered, biting his lip. It wasn’t like they had long conversations about feelings. If Remus even tried to bring up emotions around Sirius, Sirius would probably hit him. Sure, there had been a few nights together where Remus thought something might happen between them but it had always gone nowhere. It was for the best anyway. Remus could never imagine dating someone like Sirius Black. 
Sirius Black was the first friend Remus ever made at school. Remus had barely spoken the first few weeks after his family had moved to London from Scotland. He’d been so nervous to be in a new school that was much bigger than his old one. He’d kept to himself and kept his head down, lost in daydreams of being anywhere else. 
Sirius had come up to him in the library and sat down across from him. “Do you need a friend?” he’d asked so bluntly that it had stunned Remus for a good minute. Finally Remus had answered yes and that had been the end of it. It turned out that Sirius and James Potter were a package deal and Remus got two friends in the bargain. Soon after Peter Pettigrew began hanging out with them as well and their little group was formed. Then, after years of pestering her, Lily Evans had finally agreed to go out with James and had become and honorary member of the group. 
And despite the fact that James and Peter had been great friends over the years, Remus had always felt closest to Sirius. He could never forget that dark-haired eleven-year-old boy that had offered to be his friend for no other reason than he could tell how much Remus needed one. 
As they finally entered the gym, the entire place was already packed with the entire school. It gave Remus anxiety just looking at that many people. The only seats left were two at the very front, so Lily and Remus shuffled over and sat quietly. 
The moment they sat, the lights turned off and a hush fell over the gym. Remus was just about to turn to Lily and ask what was going on when a spotlight turned on and shone in the middle of the gym and standing under the brilliant light was none other than Sirius Black. 
“What the fuck?” Remus whispered under his breath as he watched his best friend’s face break out into a huge grin. “No, no, no, no, no,” Remus said over and over as he got a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. 
“I’m so sorry,” Lily said, putting his hand on his knee in sympathy. “I told him not to do this.”
“Do what?’ Remus asked, feeling every muscle in his body tighten in fear. “What’s he doing?” 
As if on cue, Sirius rose a microphone to his lips and began to sing. “When your legs don’t work like they used to before…” 
Remus felt his breath catch as Sirius looked right at him as he sang. Remus reached blindly for Lily’s hand and squeezed it tightly, hoping this wasn’t really happening, that his best friend wasn’t serenading him in front of the entire school with an Ed Sheehan song. 
Sirius sang soulfully as he got more and more into the song. As he finished the chorus, the lights changed as did the music. The beat picked up and the lights became more colorful while two spotlights joined the one of Sirius, one on James and the other on Peter. “So tell me what you want, what you really really want!” James sang, dancing under his spotlight. 
“I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want!” Sirius responded, doing the same dance. 
“So tell me what you want, what you really really want,” Peter said, joining in but not quite as gracefully as Sirius and James. 
“I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I really really really wanna zigga zig ah!” Sirius said, dropping down into a split that made the entire gym roar with applause and shouts. 
Beside him, Lily was practically dying laughing as she watched her boyfriend shimmy and shake his tall, gangly body. But Remus could barely take his eyes off Sirius who made every step look like pure sex. Girls behind Remus were shouting Sirius’ name and Remus felt like he was in an actual nightmare. 
The lights went out again and the music stopped. Remus closed his eyes and prayed whatever Sirius was doing was over. But instead the lights came back on and Sirius, James and Peter were joined by the cheerleading squad. 
“Give me an R!” Sirius shouted, lifting his arms up to the crowd. 
“Give me and E!” 
“Give me an M!” 
“Give me a U!” 
“Give me a S!” 
“What does it spell?” Sirius shouted, pointing right at Remus. 
“Remus!” the crowd shouted back, everyone turning to look where Sirius was pointing. 
Remus ducked his head and felt his heart begin racing. He hated having everyone’s eyes on him, he hated the attention. Just what exactly was Sirius doing? 
To Remus’ horror, Sirius began to walk towards him as the music started back up. “The night we met I knew i needed you so, and if I had the chance I’d never let you go, so won’t you say you love me, I’ll make you so proud of me. We’ll make them turn their heads everywhere we go. So won’t you please be my baby?” 
As Sirius got to the chorus of yet another song, the cheerleaders, James and Peter began to dance in formation behind Sirius. Remus tried to swallow but the lump in his throat was too big. He was frozen in place as Sirius stepped closer and closer. 
He glanced behind Sirius and noticed the cheerleads were holding up letters on signs. D-A-T-E- M-E? 
Remus glanced back just in time to see Sirius dropping down onto his knees in front of him. Lily let go of his hand and Sirius took it. Remus had to fight ever implies to pull his hand away. “Sirius, what the fuck - “
“Hold on,” Sirius said, grinning up at him like a lunatic. “Big finish!” 
Sirius jumped up and hurried back to the center of the gym. The music changed again to Beyonce’s Crazy in Love as the group did an intricate dance to it. Remus would have found the entire thing hilarious if he wasn’t so mortified by what was happening. All he knew was that he needed to get out of there. 
Grabbing his bag off the floor, Remus bolted towards the door and didn’t stop running through the corridors until he could no longer hear the music blasting. He found sanctuary in the library and sat down hidden amongst the non-fiction section where he hoped to stay until school let out. Then he would ask his father about moving back to Scotland and hope he took to the idea. Or at the very least let Remus change schools. 
“Do you hate me?” 
Remus glanced up and flinched when he saw Sirius standing over him. He quickly looked back down at his knees. “No, I don’t hate you,” he mumbled, hugging his knees tighter to his chest to make himself smaller. 
“You just left, Remus.”
“Are you going to tell me why?” Sirius asked, sitting down next to Remus. 
“I was embarrassed,” Remus answered quietly. “The whole school was looking at me.”
“They were looking at me too,” Sirius reminded him. “I was the one up there making a twat of myself.”
“It’s different,” Remus insisted, shaking his head.”
“Because you’re you,” Remus said, dropping his head back against the bookshelf. “You’re Sirius Black who everyone loves. You don’t care what anyone thinks about you.” 
“That’s not true,” Sirius said, dragging his fingers through his long black hair. “I care what you think about me.” 
“Why would you care what I think?” 
Sirius barked out a laugh. “Were you not paying attention at all during my little display?” 
“I was a bit preoccupied being horrified,” Remus admitted. 
“Remus,” Sirius said, gently touching his face and guiding it so Remus had no choice but to look at him. “I was asking you out.” 
“Wait, what? You were?” 
Sirius’ brow furrowed. “Are you taking the piss, mate? The love songs? Having the cheerleaders spell out date me. What did you think was happening? That I was asking you for the answers to the maths quiz?” 
“I don’t understand,” Remus told him bluntly, trying to wrap his head around what Sirius was saying. He thought back to the assembly and what he could remember outside his own panic attack. 
“Remus, I want to be with you,” Sirius said, annunciating each word slowly and careful. “I’m in love wth you.” 
Remus sat quietly for a moment before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter. 
“What?” Sirius asked, shuffling nervously. “What’s so funny?” 
“You complete and utter wanker,” Remus said through his laughter. “What on Earth made you think that was something I’d like?” 
Sirius grinned and gave a small little shrug. ‘I don’t know, it was meant to be a big romantic gesture.” 
Remus took a deep breath and held his side where it hurt from laughing so hard. “Why do I put up with you?” he asked fondly, tugging Sirius forward. 
“I don’t know,” Sirius told him. “But I’m certainly glad you do. You never answered the question by the way.” 
Remus chuckled and kissed Sirius tenderly on the lips. “The answer is yes,” he whispered softly. “But if you ever do anything like this again I’ll kill you.” 
Sirius wiggled his eyebrows. “What about when I ask you to marry me?” 
“You pull a stunt like you did today and I’ll say no,” Remus warned him. 
“No you won’t.” 
“Try me.” 
“Not even one little song?” 
“A little dance?” 
“Fine, no song and dance. Just you and me.” 
“Much better.” 
“I’ll save it for our first dance as a married couple,” Sirius joked, leaning in to kiss Remus again. 
“Oh god,” Remus said, covering his face in his hands. 
“I’m thinking we’ll start with My Heart Will Go On and then transition into something more upbeat.”
“Please stop talking,” Remus groaned, dragging his fingers down his face. 
“But if I stop talking I can’t tell you I love you,” Sirius said, taking Remus’ hands and lacing their fingers together. 
“You’re the worst.”
“I think you mean the best.”
Remus groaned and shook his head. “You’re really lucky I love you.”
“Don’t worry, I know that.” 
“You’d better be joking about that whole first dance thing.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” 
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grunklejam · 4 years
For the benefit of that one anon, I guess.
1. Name
2. Nationality
3. Age
Ancient. (27)
4. Birthday
28th July.
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign)
6. Gender
7. Sexuality
Heterosexual, but biromantic through the hizzow.
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself
I am a 5′6″ tall man with very deep set, tired blue eyes, a large nose and soft cheeks, perpetually unshaven with huge sideburns and indents in my cheeks where the fatigue has hit. I’m extremely pale and tend to look a little bit ill 99% of the time.
9. What do you/did you study?
I did a BTEC in game design. It was useless.
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have?
My job is alright. I’m a copywriter. Moving to a different company on Monday with a significantly higher wage. I’d love to pursue novel writing more after the release of my first book, but that’s a terrible idea of a profession and is exceedingly unprofitable.
11. Your birth order
Only child.
12. How many siblings do you have?
Only child.
13. Do you have good relations with your family?
Eh, kinda.
14. How many friends do you have?
A surprising amount considering I’m about as social as a solitary murder hornet.
15. Your relationship status
Engaged. Yes, really.
16. What do you look for in a SO?
They have to be @kyolicious
17. Do you have a crush?
18. When did you have your first kiss?
I can’t remember how old I was, but it was a cuban musician who was off his face on rum.
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
I prefer being with @kyolicious
20. What are your deal breakers?
Racism, homophobia, lack of interest in history, lack of interest in learning, thinking cartoons are crap. Fuck you, cartoons are great. Oh, and feet stuff. Foot fetishists are degenerate. 
21. How was your day?
I have no coffee. It’s terrible. 
22. Favourite food & drink
Sirloin, cooked rare with a cocktail bitter garnish. My favourite drink is Plum Porter by Titanic Brewery, one of the best beers I’ve ever tasted.
23. What position do you sleep in?
Fucking all over the place. I’m terrible at sleeping. 
24. What was your last dream about?
Probably @kyolicious
25. Your fears
Since I was a kid, I’ve had an obsession with maintaining a legacy and being remembered. My biggest fear is being irrelevant or forgotten.
26. Your dreams
To drive more steam engines. To marry @kyolicious. To have my own home. To get recognition for what I create. To be able to smoke cigars again. To write another novel.
27. Your goals
To drive more steam engines. To marry @kyolicious​. To have my own home. To get recognition for what I create. To be able to smoke cigars again. To write another novel. 
28. Any pets?
Two cats. Karl Isambard, and Punk Maxwell Barnaby D’artagnan. (we couldn’t choose a name)
29. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, drawing, pixel art, baking, cooking, collecting antiques.
30. Any cool places in your area?
There’s lots of really cool historic sites in West Yorkshire and I feel blessed to live in such a prime place of Industrial Archaeology. My favourite by far was an abandoned railway line near my birth village of Horbury, which still had the rails in place and was beautifully overgrown. It was my safe place for years.
31. What was your last awkward situation?
Probably waking up.
32. What is your last regret?
Probably waking up.
33. Language/s you can speak
I am abysmal at languages. English is all I know. @kyolicious is teaching me Swedish, though. 
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
Not particularly, but it’s fascinating.
35. Have any quirks?
I’m pretty much a giant ball of quirks. 
36. Your pet peeves
Chewing with mouths open, bare feet, loud noises.
37. Ideal vacation
It probably involves steam engines somehow.
38. Any scars?
Far too many.
39. What does your last text message say?
People still text?
40. Last 5 things from your search history
‘Keep reading tag tumblr 2020′ GPCS Firebox steam jets  Gravity Falls Wiki British Bangers American (long story) Amazon UK Saturnus Glogg
41. What's your [device] background?
42. What do you daydream about?
Probably story ideas!
43. Describe your dream home
A countryside cottage, with exposed wood beams, a bit of stained glass and a superb internet connection. A bath is a must.
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion
I’m atheist. I generally believe religion and faith in general is a heavily important part of the human condition, and if it makes it easier for people to live, so be it. However, I’ve no time for it completely taking over people’s lives and views. Your view on what’s moral and what’s just should be based upon human perspective, not what’s in a mistranslated ancient book.
45. Your personality type
I honestly forget.
46. The most dangerous thing you've done
Probably a brief stint urbexing. 
47. Are you happy with your current life?
It’s always a work in progress. Always moving forward to an extent, but my cynical 
48. Some things you've tried in your life
Uh. That’s a very vague question. I’ve tried most things and disliked many.
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?
Lots of jumpers, tight fitting jeans, tons of band T-shirts, a selection of waistcoats, tailcoats, top hats and button up shirts.
50. Favourite colour to wear?
Red and / or black.
51. How would you describe your style?
Outdated, and anachronistic, no matter the occasion.
52. Are you happy with your current looks?
I hate how I look.
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
Strip it off with a potato peeler, replace with Vincent Price.
54. Any tattoos or piercings?
Nope and nope.
55. Do you get complimented often?
More than I’d ever accept.
56. Favourite aesthetic?
Victorian Noir.
57. A popular trend that you dislike
Ear stretching. What’s all that about? I don’t understand.
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with?
With Love to an Ex by Gorillaz - Ft. Moonchild Sanelly.
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like.
Paris to Berlin by Infernal.
60. Favourite genre?
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?
Gorillaz, easily.
62. Hated popular songs/artists?
I can’t stand Ed Sheeran. Most musicians I can dislike and go without hating, but I categorically despite the man and everything his work stands for.
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5
I don’t use one of those shuffle-doo-hickies.
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can, but I’m exclusively terrible.
65. Do you like karaoke?
66. Own any albums?
Over 1,500 at last count. About 250 physical.
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?
I don’t.
68. Favourite movie/series?
Oh god, I love so many movies.
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc
Animated, detective, mystery, noir, horror, psychological, period.
70. Your fictional crush/es
I don’t have any. Genuinely.
71. Which fictional character is you?
M. Gustave from The Grand Budapest Hotel. With a sprinkling of Stan and Ford Pines.
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so
Dipcifica from Gravity Falls. So much so that I’ve written a fairly successful series off of it.
73. Favourite greek god?
Gotta love Zeus. Lightning flinging prick.
74. A legend from where you live that you like
None very locally, but the Legend of the Chained Oak in Staffordshire is very close to my heart.
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist?
I fucking adore art, especially in comic books. Kev Walker is one of my all time favourite artists, matched very closely by Ben Willsher. I’d kill for that level of skill.
76. Can you share your other social media?
Instagram: Jamooneyart Twitter: Jamooneyart Deviantart: Jamooneyart That was easy.
77. Favourite youtubers?
Jim Can’t Swim, Ashens, Down The Rabbit Hole, Guru Larry and Internet Historian.
78. Favourite platform?
Platform 2 of York Railway Station. What?
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?
The majority of my fettered existence.
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite?
The Civ series, Sea of Thieves, OpenTTD, Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo, Railway Empire, Anno 1800...
My favourite is probably OpenTTD. I’ve pumped obscene amounts of time into it. Can’t beat the classics.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)
Gorillaz - Rise of the Ogre, The Disney Studios Story, The Hound of Baskervilles, To Kill a Mockingbird, Notes on Noses, Judge Dredd: Satan’s Island, Judge Dredd: Origins - Day of Chaos, Judge Dredd, The Lion’s Den, Judge Anderson of Psi Division: Fallen Angel, The Ultimate Guide to British Comics, Tank Girl: Odyssey...
82. Do you play board/card games?
If I’m in the mood.
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?
84. Favourite holiday
85. Are you into dramas?
Oh yes. But I do love drama mixed into a more evocative genre.
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
Erase bigotry.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?
Cleuricaun. Those guys have a great gig.
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?
Flytip my corpse, so I can inconvenience people one last time.
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?
One of those twats who’s a millionaire from advertising shit on instagram.
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
I’m 178 years old. I know how to juggle antique glass Tiffany lamps. I find these types of question very tedious.
95. Cold or hot?
96. Be a hero or be a villain?
Be a neutral evil.
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?
Controlling time.
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
100. ..... or .....?
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