#i feel like you'd pull back from a kiss with ed feeling dizzy and out of breath
krakensmaw · 11 months
i'm awake and i'm thinking about how ed is touch starved and kisses like a man dying of thirst, like he's trying to pull your very soul from the depths and make it a part of himself
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steddiehyperfixation · 2 months
still into you (steddie ficlet)
Eddie wakes to the mouthwatering smell of bacon and eggs and fresh-made pancakes. He stretches lazily and heads to the kitchen to find Steve at the stove making breakfast, moving expertly between flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs and checking the bacon. A stupid kiss the cook apron is tied at the waist over his bare torso and sinful pajama shorts, and he looks just as delicious as the food he's cooking. The whole scene makes something warm and fluttery bloom bright in Eddie's chest. 
He sits at the counter and sighs dreamily, resting his chin in his hand as he watches him. “God, I have such a crush on you.” 
Steve looks over his shoulder with an amused expression that crinkles the smile lines at the corners of his eyes. “We're literally married.” 
“I know,” Eddie gushes, so in awe of this fact you'd think it was a new development even though it very much isn't. He marvels at his husband of 34 years, admires every inch of Steve's middle-aged body, every place where his time-worn skin is creased with signs of age and a life well lived and well loved. The beauty of him still knocks the wind out of Eddie, a breathless giggle bubbling up his throat. “But that doesn't mean I don't still have a massive fucking crush on you.” 
Steve huffs out a chuckle before turning his attention back to the stove, a quick duck of his head as if to hide a blush. 
Emboldened, Eddie stands and comes up to wrap his arms around him from behind. He nuzzles into Steve's neck, breathes in his salt and pepper hair and smiles into the curve of his shoulder. “I’m serious. Even after all this time, you still give me butterflies,” Eddie says, resting his hands over Steve's stomach and pressing gently to demonstrate his words, “right here, like I’m a teenager again. My aged heart still does very youthful backflips just at the sight of you, and I feel that rush of falling in love all over again, again and again, like it's the very first time.”
Eddie remembers a conversation he'd had with his uncle once, when he was much much younger and Wayne was about the age Eddie is now.  When you get older, you don't feel that type a’ love the same way anymore, Wayne had told him. It ain't the same heart-pounding, all-encompassing, get drunk off of it sort a’ giddy head-rush you get in your teens and twenties. It loses that kind a’ thrill, gets quieter. 
Eddie had found that thoroughly depressing, despite his uncle’s insistences that this was not a bad thing. Don't mean that love and attraction ain't there or that you can't feel it anymore, Wayne reassured him, it's just different is all. He'd shrugged then, his face like leather, worn and fond and bemused by his nephew’s wild youth. Old hearts get tired, Ed, he'd said. You'll get it when you get to be my age. 
Well, Eddie has gotten to be his age and he still doesn't get it. He does feel that quieter love, the kind that comes from shared routines and easy conversation and even easier silences, made up of trust and familiarity, the kind that settles into his bones like it was always meant to be there. But the thrill is still there too, as strong as ever. Steve still makes his heart race and his head spin. Eddie's stomach still flutters at his smile; his touch still sets off fireworks beneath his skin. Even now, Eddie feels a little dizzy just holding him, heartbeat faster. 
“We may get old,” Eddie continues his declaration, “but the way I feel about you never will.” He holds Steve tighter, hooking his chin over his husband's shoulder after pressing a kiss to it. “I will never get over the thrill of you, and my heart will never get tired of it.” 
“You are a dramatic old sap,” Steve says through a suppressed smile, rolling his eyes as he plates the food and turns off the stove, but then he's turning around in Eddie's arms and pulling him into a spirited kiss.
Eddie's blood feels like it's made of champagne, bubbly and fizzy and utterly intoxicated as Steve fills his senses. They kiss with the same clumsy passion they'd had at 21, too eager clashes of teeth and bruising lips. It's messy, inelegant, perfect, broken within seconds when their smiles become uncontainable. They pull apart, pink-cheeked and laughing. 
Steve grins. His eyes shine with all the same giddiness of infatuation and warmth of love as he holds Eddie's face in his hands and tells him, “I have a massive fucking crush on you too.” 
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
eddie taking care of his girlfriend when she has a stomach bug </3
aw i love the idea of eddie being so caring and attentive to our reader when she's unwell!!
pairing | eddie munson x reader
word count | 537
warnings | vomiting, fluffiness, eddie being his extra cute self.
"Hurts so bad, Eds," You're crying, have been since you woke up and felt the telltale signs of the impending sickness looming over you. The sweating, the dizziness, the way your mouth filled with saliva - you knew all too well what was about to happen before it did.
Eddie's warm hand on your freezing cold, shivering back truly keeping you from diving over the deep end as your body convulsed - another loud, wet burp escaping you before more vomit was making its way out of your body, leaving your stomach tensed in knots and your throat raw with the burn of your stomach acid.
"There, there, sweetheart." Eddie coos quietly from his place perched at your side, hand rubbing in circles as you cry wetly, cheek pressed to the coldness of the toilet seat, "Let it all out, you'll feel so much better."
You knew Eddie was right, but you'd always hated being sick. Ever since you were a kid the Winter terrified you because you knew the chance of catching a sickness bug was higher than normal. You hadn't actually been ill with it for years, so this one hurt a little more than usual.
You're not sure how long you lie there for, heavy eyes lulling you into a light sleep, before you feel Eddie scoop you up off the ground, carrying you back to your room with ease.
He lays you down in the middle of the bed - on your side for safe measure, he'd heard too many horror stories about people choking on their sick to chance leaving you on your back -, surrounded by a cascade of pillows as he grabs your thick blanket and pulls it over your shivering frame, tucking it into the shape of your body until you're nested there like a cocoon.
You feel him shifting away, making to leave the room and you whine like a baby, opening your eyes and looking at him with a look of sorrow on your face.
"M'not going far, baby." Eddie reassures you, running a hand over your cheek and rubbing his thumb over it soothingly, "I'm just gonna get you some water and the bucket from the kitchen in case you need to be sick again, okay? I'll be right back."
It feels like he's gone for an eternity as you blink heavily, struggling to keep your eyes open as sleep tries to consume you. You're wiped out, exhausted from the vomiting - throat raw, tummy in knots and body shaking with fatigue from being awoken in the middle of the night.
When Eddie reappears you don't notice until the bed dips behind you and he pulls your back into his front tightly, holding you closely with an arm thrown over your middle, his large hand placed over your tummy through the blanket.
"Try an' sleep, sweetheart. I'll be right here if you need me." He kisses your hair and snuggles into you, his weight making you feel safe and at peace even though you're so unwell.
It isn't long before you're lulled into a deep sleep, the sounds of Eddie's breathing, the smell of his cologne and the weight of his body next to yours enough to help you drift off.
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dollys-perfect-world · 6 months
Fragile Petals♡
Another Andie x Sal fic!!!
Written with a LOTT of help from @pippafitzamobisleftblueconverse (they came up with the idea, literally wrote like half of this for me, decided the title, and wrote out a script for me so tysm luvv/p💝 Go follow themm!!!)
TW!!!: ED!!
Andie sat on her bed, her fingers trembling as she typed a message to Sal. The weight of her emotions bore heavily on her fragile frame, but she mustered the courage to reach out to him. "Hey, Sal. Can I come over for a sleepover?" she texted, her heart pounding in her chest.
Seconds turned into an eternity as Andie anxiously awaited Sal's response. Finally, her phone buzzed, bringing a glimmer of hope to her troubled mind. "Of course, my little flower," Sal replied. A small smile tugged at the corners of Andie's lips as she began to pack a small bag, her thoughts swirling with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
As she gathered her belongings, a wave of dizziness washed over Andie, threatening to pull her under. Her stomach churned, a stark reminder of her relentless battle with anorexia. Despite the persistent waves of nausea, she was determined to see Sal. She took a deep breath, mustering the strength to drive to his house.
Arriving at Sal's house, Andie noticed the absence of his parents or brother. A sense of relief washed over her, knowing that they would have the privacy they craved. Sal greeted her with a warm smile, his eyes filled with love and concern. He leaned in and gently kissed her, their connection offering solace in the midst of her struggles.
They spent the evening wrapped in each other's arms, finding comfort in their shared affection. Cuddling on the couch, their bodies intertwined, they reveled in the simple joy of being together. Their lips met in tender kisses, speaking volumes of their unspoken love.
As the hours passed, Sal decided to prepare dinner for both of them. However, he couldn't ignore the distress etched on Andie's face. Concerned, he gently asked, "What's wrong, my love?" Andie hesitated, her voice trembling, before insisting that she was fine.
But Sal knew better. He saw through the facade she wore, recognizing the pain hidden beneath her fragile smile. His heart ached for her, knowing that her struggle with anorexia had taken its toll. He couldn't bear to see her suffer in silence any longer.
Andie's vision blurred, and her body grew weaker by the minute. Sal's worry intensified, and he couldn't ignore the signs of her declining health any longer. "Are you okay?" he asked once more, his voice laced with genuine concern.
Before Andie could even muster a reply, she succumbed to her body's exhaustion, fainting in Sal's arms.
Sal didn't waste a second picking her up and holding her in his arms. It took him a moment to be able to move again, his eyes locked on Andie. He hated himself for not helping her earlier.
Sal walked over to the couch in the living room and layed Andie down. He was so gentle and careful with her that you'd think she was about to fall apart. He again just stood there looking at her for a couple seconds, then went back to the kitchen and finished dinner. It was pasta, and he made it the way he knew Andie liked it.
As Sal was putting the Pasta on plates, he heard the floorboards creek as Andie stood up. He dropped the spoon that was in his hand and rushed in.
Andie was trying to walk over to him, but Sal intervened before she had a chance. He picked her up and held her against him tight as she let out a dizzy giggle. Sal smiled despite how worried he was.
Sal usually didn't eat on the couch, but he thought it'd be better if Andie was comfortable while she ate. He sat their plates down on the coffee table and held Andie in his lap.
Andie wasn't going to argue about eating, not after fainting infront of Sal. Because she knew that she couldn't win. But that didn't stop the tears.
So, Sal settled on handfeeding her. He set his own plate aside, held andies plate, and helped feel her, going slow to make sure she wouldn't get sick or feel too bad. Sal worked to feed her carefully and wipe her tears as quick as they fell at the same time. Andie thought he was magical for it, honestly. She only ended up eating about half of the pasta on her plate, but to Sal, it was better than nothing.
Sal just put his plate in the fridge for later; Andie was his top priority. He pulled her closer since the plate was out of the way now. Her crying had stopped now, but she was still quiet. She hid her face in his shoulder.
Sal broke the silence. "You know I'll always love you, skinny or not. I don't care about your body." He paused, at Andie. "I'd much rather you not be skinny than be sick like this, My Flower."
Sal couldn't even tell if Andie was listening or not until he felt her tears starting to soak into his shirt. He let out a breath and just rubbed her back, letting her cry.
He turned on a show she liked on the TV for her. That made her sit up. Sal took that as his chance to wipe her tears and kiss her cheek. He frowned when she didn't have much of a reaction. So, he kissed her nose, and it earned him a quiet, tired giggle from her. He'd never been more proud of himself.
Sal sat and played with Andies hair as she calmes down. She kept her eyes glued to the silly show playing. Naomi once taught sal how to braid, and now he takes every chance he can to braid Andies hair. He practices on Naomi all the time, just to make sure it'll be perfect on Andie.
He had to stop short though, becuase Andie leaned back on him. He didn't mind though; this was better than braiding her hair. Andie kept watching the show silently until she mumbled, "I love you," and then turned to bury her face in Sals neck. Sals heart was far past melting, it was just ashes by now.
"I love you too, Little Flower."
Sal knew Andies eyes were closed due to being able to feel her eyelashes against his skin. And he knew that she'd fallen asleep about 2 minutes later due to her breathing patterns changing.
Sal was in an uncomfortable position to sleep in, but andie was comfy in his lap. And again, Andie was his top priority. One night of bad sleep was a price he was willing to pay just to know that Andie was sleeping alright. ♡
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
Can you do Jack x reader who has a hard time eating due to being insecure about their weight? If that's alright with you ^^
YESS!! Sadly, this one won't go too deep into detail, as I've had similar instances and it's a hard subject to touch on ^^,,
× 'You can't fool your body, you can only fool your mind.' ×
☆ ANGST INCLUDES: Heavy topics leaning upon ED's. ☆
DISCLAIMER: Anyone going through this. Please remember you're beautiful, no matter what. You can reach out. Asking for help doesn't make you weak. Please. I love you and so do many others. Please. If you need someone to talk too, I'm always here. I may be a stranger, but you matter the world to me.
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No one else seemed so obsessed with it, why did you?
It wasn't wise to listen to that voice, but you did.
You had a hard time eating,
Yet, you wouldn't admit it.
Cracked lips, Jack took notice once planting a kiss against your lips.
Tired eyes, Jack took notice once looking into your eyes.
Dizziness, Jack took notice once seeing you fall back upon the bed after trying to get up.
Cold skin, Jack took notice once putting a hand on your arm to ask you something.
Social isolation, Jack took notice once you started hiding away.
Easy to bruise, Jack took notice when you accidently tripped, and a bruise coated you, despite the fall not being hard.
You had dry skin, you were shivering, shaking, trembling, everything.
Until, one day, he came home early from the factory, a confused tinge coated his face once you weren't in sight. He slid his coat off his arms, easily folding it and hooking the back of the neck upon a little rod, that held his coat in place.
He bent over, as he unzipped the zippers upon the sides of his large, high-heeled boots. Soon sliding them off his feet, as he nudged them with the side of his foot, pushing them beside the coat rack.
He snaked towards the room, he should know you'd be there, right?
He didn't think to peek in. Instead, he noticed the door was cracked. He placed his large palm upon the door, as he pushed it open with a force. It practically swung open, as you snapped your head back. You were infront of a mirror, as you covered your stomach.
Shock tinged his face, as anger boiled inside of his head.
He walked over, he knew what you were doing. He had to of. He hissed out, asking you who picked on you...
But, you didn't answer. No answer.
The thoughts started tonclick. Snap in place.
You always said you already ate.
He could feel tears sting the corners of his eyes. Who allowed YOU to think of yourself like this.
"Don't tell me you don't like how you look," He hissed out, not in a harsh way, but a stern way, "Is this why you've been avoiding everything? Mainly eating?" He asked, his brows furrowing.
Tears pulled at your eyes, as you hung your head down, your face tensing into a clenched look, as you nodded. Trying to ignore that burning in your throat.
Anger sputtered out of his mind, rearing it's nasty head up. He scowled, as he put a hand upon the top of your head.
Sudden words of comfort, telling you that it was never the answer, it would have NEVER been the answer, your weight doesn't make you beautiful or not, why did you care so much!!
Yet, the words of your lover seemed to, atleast, make some.. Kind of impact.
You felt weak to ask for help...
But, he took your hand, angrily intertwining his fingers with yours.
"We will start with a small slice of pie. Only a single quarter of it. Then, we will build our way up," He spoke, as his hand gently squeezed yours, in a way to show he really did love and care...
He pulled you, soon plopping you into one of the dining room chairs.
The aroma of a Horner Pie filled the room, coating the whole place with a smell that could remind you of home.
It only took some time, soon, a small piece of pie was set infront of you. A distance away, as you caught glimpse of it.
He scooted a chair back, and he pulled it. Setting it beside you, as he sat himself down.
"Take your time," He said, as he stared towards the pie, before blinking towards you,
"No one's rushing you."
× 'I can help my mind to learn to trust my body.' ×
Please, enjoy, and please. Take care.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
99 jay Halstead
Prompt 99 'Let's have a baby'
A/N: It took me a minute to write this but here you go! Hope you like it as much I do. Posting this as a sort of celebration of the new seasons.
You came home with such an emotion painted on your face that it brought a smile to Jay's face despite the horrible day he had. There might've been casualties today but with you walking in with the biggest smile on your face, your dimple shining so much he was blinded, you could turn over any day.
"Look at you." Jay smirked, putting his beer down on the coffee table and coming towards you, waiting for you to finish putting everything away before leaning down and kissing you, feeling your smile against his lips.
"What's with the smile?" Your husband asked, letting you drag him back to the sofa, sitting very comfortably on his lap which he did not object to.
You had to stop yourself from getting lost in his eyes, your hands cupping his jaw, not bothered with the prickly feeling his stubble brought.
"Let's have a baby."
You said very seriously, your smile dropping in your seriousness as you watched him closely for any type of reaction. The two of you had been married for nearly two years now and yes, you'd have the occasional talk about children but after the wonder-filled day you had as a paediatric nurse, you finally caved.
"Baby." Jay said under his breath, forcing you to pinch him to make sure this was definitely real life and not a dream. "Don't lie, it's not funny."
Your soft smile and hands on his face were what made Jay realise that this was real, the biggest smile breaking out as he chuckled.
"I thought you'd never ask." He pulled you into his embrace, your head falling into his neck, arms going around his chest while his went around your back, pressing multiple kisses into your hair.
Stifling your giggles against his lips, you continued to kiss him, quick, short pecks and long, passionate ones which was the cause of the two of you moving to the bedroom.
You thought nothing of your dizziness and sudden vomiting episode you had, blaming it all on the fact that it was flu season and you worked with kids who had no care for sanitation.
However, you did start putting some thought into it when you struggled staying on your feet, stumbling when you tried to get out your chair and walk towards a room to do your job.
It was purely coincidence that Will had a patient he moved from the ED up to the PICU, having just so been in the area when he witnessed you stumble in the corner of his eyes.
In a literal split second, Will was by your side, holding you up when your feet struggled to hold up your body weight. "Woah Y/N, you okay?"
Overly cautious and worried for his sister-in-law, Will watched your every move, waiting for something good or bad to happen or waiting for you to get your bearings together; he wasn't too sure.
"I- I'm okay." You slowly nodded, trying to blink the blurriness away and bring back your normal sight but failed. With how very poorly you were feeling, a heavy weight pushing down on your chest, you knew you weren't going to walk away from this alright. "Will, Will I'm gonna-"
Before you could properly warn him, you collapsed into your brother-in-law's arms, dropping like you were nothing but a rag doll.
"Get me a gurney!"
Waking up in a bed you couldn't familiarise yourself with was daunting and had it not been for the ring on the hand holding yours, you definitely would've tried to escape.
Hearing you groan, Jay's eyes snapped up to yours, sighing in relief when he saw you blinking in confusion. "Oh thank goodness."
"What happened?" You asked, still groggy from fainting. You eyed the needle in your hand, following the clear tube up to the IV bag hanging besides your bed.
"You fainted." Jay replied. Despite his endless hounding at his brother for answers, Will kept it short and promised that he would tell him everything once you regained consciousness.
"In the middle of the work?" You groaned, digging your palms into your eye sockets. Everyone was going to be like guard dogs around you for the next few days, even if you repeatedly reassured them you were completely fine.
Before Jay could reply with anything remotely snarky or sarcastic, Will knocked on the treatment room door frame, smiling at your conscious self, you were looking much better than you were back in the PICU where you looked near dead in his arms.
"Welcome back." Will smirked, glancing down at his ipad with information from your bloodwork and all the tests they did on you. He both ordered and read them hours ago, the only people knowing what it said was himself and Maggie.
Clutching your husbands hand, your tried to not dig your nails into his palm. "What is it?"
"Well... It's not an it." Will bit back a smile, putting down the ipad on the bottom of the bed that your feet didn't reach, thanking the nurse for preparing the ultrasound for him.
"Your blood tests showed elevated levels of HCG." He looked at the two of you, gauging your reactions which were very different, your eyes wide as you realised what he meant while Jay glanced between you two in confusion.
"Will, I don't-" Jay cut himself off when the nurse turned on the ultrasound, Will warning you of the cold, quickly applying gel and bringing the wand to your stomach.
It was too early to hear a heartbeat but you could clearly see a little blob sitting in a clear sack. The little blob was yours and Jay's and it was in your stomach where it would be for a long but short time of 9 months.
With tears in your eyes, you had a wobbly smile when you looked at Jay who tore his eyes from the machine, his green eyes watering too when they met yours.
"We're having a baby."
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