#i finally kinda understand what my math teachers meant with fictional numbers and whatnot lmao
koiandjelly · 4 years
I sat down and pieced together a first draft version of the “why and how and what” kinda deal explaining, mainly, why Etherivium is the way it is, how it is doing it, just... the general “what’s up” outline of the whole philosophical questions pertaining to the purpose and origin and whatever else is possible to ponder pertaining to not just life, but things existing at all.
Oh, and this is important to consider through this explanation, but the way in which Reality is structured and the way Concepts work and are used... it’s gonna be at times kind of vague when I describe it, due to the fact that I’m trying to explain cosmic forces that work with rules and conclusions and things like “infinity” and... well. It’s designed to be something much, much vaster, more complex, just unlike anything a human is meant to grasp. Just... fundamental laws and forces existing simply so it can be.
So, Etherivium was, at point that can’t be pinpointed in any sort of timeline due to the nature of Etheri’s structure and rules, it was a part of Etheri’s “body”, in a sense. By the nature of Etheri existing in every possible state in uncountable combinations of Concepts that generate finer and finer details, the inward expansion to match the Void’s outward expansion (if the possible amount of “space” is infinite within the theoretical limit of a Domain, the Void can be visualized as being “larger”, and always eroding away the limits of the “smaller” Etheri in that space it has established, while Etheri’s inward expansion matches the destruction of its “limits”, where it meets the Void, and ceases to be... They’re equal matches of creation and destruction.)
Anyway. With that in mind, Etherivium became its own separate entity, through the result of a possibility defying a counterpart to the fact that the Void is the counterpart to Etheri’s collective Concept of Existence. I’ve come to explain how this works by using the logic problem “Schrodinger’s Cat”, a paradox in which two Concepts that should render the other impossible, exist at the same time. Sort of. Life and Death are counterpart Concepts, basically perfect opposites in such a way that by all logic and all the things we’ve figured out and come to understand about the world, these two opposites can not exist at its most basic and fundamental state in a single (for simplicity’s sake) “thing” at the same time, because the presence of Life means that the “thing” is not Dead, while the opposite scenario should also be true, given that we are working in a theoretical “blank space” where there is only one way to define Life, Death, and the existence of the “thing” for which the Concepts apply. Through this logic/law/fact of how Reality should function, Life and Death can not coexist at equivalently opposite states, because this would result in a Paradox. Paradox referring to a logical feedback loop of, as I interpret it, fact and impossibility, so to speak, repeating constantly and creating a “glitch” or “error”. Due to the perfect duo of the concept of Infinity, and Existence, with the fact that Absence of Existence cannot manifest in totality within Etheri (simple summary of another long-ass TED talk on theoretical quantum mechanics of a Reality in which Magic is a factor (which is kind of the crux point for how and why this Reality functions as it does. Butterfly effect times ♾+1.) is that it’s another, different type of Paradox scenario, which works in tandem with the Void, and it’s the exception to the rule of everything existing in all possible and impossible states without collapsing... god I think I just realized what the fuck was going on with pre-calculus and those damn fictional numbers.) the result of the Paradox meeting a Counterconcept equivalent to it means that, indeed, opposites such as Life and Death can exist in the would-be impossible state of equivalent contradiction, without creating a critical error one would expect, because the one impossibility (and I mean a true, Word of God law of fact) that will never come to be throughout the Infinite combination of all things at once within the single, designated space for existence to be as it is (Etheri.) is for the Absence of All Concept to result. Through a separate but equal logical outcome of this, another Paradox can exist, as the law of Infinity -1. It’s Etheri’s crux point ensuring that Existence will never succumb to Absence of Existence, and will always replace that which is “lost” through the eternal expanse of its ultimate Creative force.
So, with that in mind, there should be an infinite generation of new, separate Realities splitting from Etheri, but due to a Paradox pertaining to the Void introducing the Conceptual Rule of Infinity -1 to that which Etheri uniquely cannot defy (there’s a sub-string of another infinite possible “broken” possibilities existing where the Paradox of, as simply as I can put it, another Paradox of a Concept negating the Paradox, in which interacts with itself and forms a chain of events that extend in theorictical contradiction forever... The Infinity -1 Paradox will never create one such broken sub-string, simply due to the nature of it being at a higher load priority than every other Concept, thus why I call it a Paradox. It should not exist and breaks all the rules, but it does anyway, without allowing those rules to be bent by the Infinity Concept as it would with other Paradoxes, and does not break the generation of Etheri’s realities by nature of being a Paradox defined by its preventing the Absence Concept from resulting within Etheri. That’s literally the singular exception to the rule, and as the one (1) exception, this fact of the Infinity -1 Paradox also prevents its existence from being replicated and added to the pool of Concepts that make up Etheri’s Concept of Creation.)
So with all that explained, Etherivium’s creation as a “Space” (the concept of space being used here to mean, a non Void which invokes the Concepts of Existence and Creation, which are similar concepts that are also slightly paradoxical in relation to the six Core Concepts (Energy, Absence of Energy, Life, Death, Chaos, and Order) which I use as the definitive structure for every universe that functions with rules like our own (+Concept of Magic, and all that it envelopes as another sort of subset of Core Concepts I’m considering) meaning that if there is not Void, then Existence is in its place, and if Existence is in place, then Creation is also there, and with the Concept of Creation present, then the Infinity -1 Paradox is invoked in tandem with the Concept of Infinity, meaning that the logical combination of these Concepts as facts prevents the Reality from being deleted by the Void.
However, the nature of Etherivium’s existence coming to be meant that it introduced an equivalent Paradox in which it is both Flawed, but by the presence of the Infinity Concept, and a simulataneous corruption of Fact due to the unstable structure of its rapidly changing Existence, the resulting Paradox string introduced a Sub-Concept of Imperfection to the forming structure of Etherivium’s developing catalogue of available Concepts, further corrupted in Paradoxes that instantly worked its way to the event string involving the Infinity Concept, and thus the structure of Etherivium became... warped, in a sense. Glitched, but functional, as the primordial sort of sentience Etherivium has as an entity was, unlike in the way that Etheri has maintained equilibrium with its clash of infinite possibilities countering and being countered by resulting Paradoxes— which meant that Etheri in a chronological sense we know of, never has had to act with its own Concept of Sentience in a significant event of preservation (It both has, and hasn’t, but all remains at equality due to the Infinity -1 Paradox preventing any conception of the Absence Concept (Void)) Etherivium’s culmination of Paradoxes ever so slightly overcoming the Infinity Concept’s interaction with the Infinity-1 Paradox and the resulting interaction with the Imperfection Concept in itself became both a Paradox that is not a Paradox that is a Paradox— this combination of events resulted in a manual restructure of Conceptual Law and Paradoxical Law in a string that never resulted in Etheri because of the Priority effect on the Infinity -1 Paradox having existed at the same time as the Conception of the Domain, as once the Domain existed, the Concept of Existence was true outside of the limits of Etheri, and thus when Etheri and the Void began, the Infinity -1 Paradox was actually present before the Existence Concept and the Creation Concept, without creating any other paradoxes due to its technical beginning in a vacuum and becoming relevant in the dawn of the Ashen Domain.
So, when Etherivium became as it is, the Infinity -1 Paradox actually occurred at a point in theoretical “time” that caused it to flaw its influence on Etherivium’s Existence Concept, because the birth of Etherivium was in a way it’s own sort of semi-break of rules, so in the introduction of the Existence Concept, there was a burst of possible strings of events that created the Glitch otherwise unavailable to Etheri’s possible outcomes, through the Infinity -1 Paradox removing the Absence Concept. Etherivium did not succumb to Absence’s purest and most literal form, however, as the Imperfection Concept crippled its ability to corrupt Concepts into incomplete forms had more sub-string chains that corrected the collapse of equilibrium between Paradoxes due to the Infinity-1 Paradox occurring, which in itself is a massive Paradox! Now rather than the equilibrium state that Etheri exists in, Etherivium is working on a new overriding set of Laws born from the glitch-chain of errors creating errors, by invoking its Concept of Sentience, which brought upon the “emergency panic button” born from the existence of the Infinity -1 Paradox. It being a Law of Etheri’s perfect state of Existence and Infinity brought upon a sort of theoretical Conceptual set unable to be used in any meaningful way so long as the Paradox remains Law.
I’m breaking this up here.
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