#light is the representive term for energy existing
somewhereinneptune · 9 months
The string within shadow and light
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Credits : Art belongs to Gabriela Wasiewicz, and other aesthetic pics belong to their respective owners.
‘’ Evil is natural. It is innate in all humans. But while it can't be defeated... it can be controlled. In order to control it, and live the life of a true hero, you must learn to see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two.”
Hayao Miyazaki
Greetings! Hope all is well, and if not, I hope it will be very soon. This is the first post of a series I’ll be posting regarding the 12th astrological signs where I write my own personal (not factual, obviously) takes on the signs in terms of their Yin and Yang sides, or their shadow and light, however you wish to perceive it. This is written from a place of acknowledgement that all humans possess a blend of human emotions which vary in essence and intensity, as well as the level of healing and awareness one has accumulated, and there is absolutely no judgement or a stereotype such as ‘’This sign is better/ this sign is good/ this sign is bad’’ , if anything, one of the reasons I decided to begin this series is to shed light on false bias and stereotypes regarding signs and how astrological charts work. If you proceed with reading, hope you do so from an open mind.
PS : I’d like to note that a person with prominent placements of a sign may act on the Yin trait and its very opposite at the same time as everyone is human and humans are usually fluid in nature. This series’ aim is not to create two split versions of the signs which people may only exist on either, but rather to show the two sides and what goes within. Thank you!
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Season Date: March 21st-April 19th
Element: Fire
Modality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Mars
Ruling House: First, Ascendant
Body Part Association: Head
Other: Masculine
Occupation association: Athlete, physical - activity related jobs
Beginning this series with the first astrological sign of the 12th; Aries. Ruling the first house known as the Ascendant or the ‘rising’, we begin briefly with the theme of ‘I’ with this sign; This sign is our first introduction to individuality, self-concept, and recognizing ourselves as individual parts forming webs of societies within this world. It is also the point where the world perceives us from its own lens and how we reflect fragments of ourselves to that world. To each person, the sign sitting on the cusp of the first house will be different depending on the different birth information, but today we will focus on Aries as a whole, especially the way it manifests itself within light and shadow aspects.
Now, what do I mean when I say ‘light and shadow aspects? As mentioned above in the introduction of the series, this refers to how the sign manifests itself in an individual’s chart depending on the level of inner work/ growth they’ve undergone and how Aries varies within its different fragments. You might have stumbled upon the term ‘Developed/Underdeveloped’ and this is sometimes a debate within the Astrology community. In my own personal opinion, this term presents itself in how much maturity one possesses within a specific area of life, and how far in their growth have they gone regarding a specific part which can be seen reflected in the astrological chart through certain signs, houses, aspects, etc.
The Arian fragments within the light
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Aries in its ‘Light’ or more Yang energy is the child full of enthusiasm, optimism for life, the days ahead and the million possibilities on the horizon. If you’re into Tarot, ‘The Fool’ card is a good representation of Aries here. Aries here shows us the endless potential which starts with a spark and grows into a wildfire of ideas, potential paths and projects to explore. Aries is a very adventurous sign, running on Adrenaline rush and quick impulses, leaving little to no care for calculation and strategy.
Individuals with prominent Aries placements are usually those on the extroverted / loud and chatty side, those who want to live life to the fullest, explore and try all that there is to try, go after whatever increases their inner fire. Anything daring and even ‘crazy’ is within Aries’ cup of preference. Another trait to note is that of being a Go-getter; Aries is a cardinal sign, which means once they’ve set their eyes on something (or someone) they won’t stop until they reach what they’ve set their eyes on.
Aries is also very fun to be around. Those people usually exist on the surface of things; Though they’re very fiery and hot- tempered, they rarely take things too seriously and they mainly concern themselves with having a great time, exploring the world, and testing their limits, which are rarely limited or restrained.
With connections, when it comes to those individuals Aries care so much for, they take the label of ‘ride or die’; Those individuals are the ones who wouldn’t fear standing up for you in the middle of a crowd doesn’t matter how intimidating the atmosphere is- I almost forgot , this sign is heavily associated with leadership since it rules individuality, so those people are usually the ones who prefer to call the shots, take initiative whether its speaking up, planning a trip or a hangout, or leading a cause or project.
Romantic connections wise, Aries placements are usually the pursuers and the initiators; With prominent Aries placements, these individuals are usually the ones who go after their person of interest as they usually possess more daring elements and love the idea of having something to go after, it adds more fuel to them that they go after a goal and see it through. Apart from that, due to their Mars and fire-like nature, these individuals love passionately- not exactly deeply, but more intensely especially on the physical and sexual side, though when truly falling for someone, they can be devoted.
Extras :
Not caring what others think or tell them what to do, risk takers, detached from structure and law, confident, self- assured/ self- certain, independent and self- reliant
The Arian fragments within the dark
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Coming down to the shadow or Yin side of Aries, this is where traits mentioned are taken to extremes, taking the toxic route of things; One of Aries extremes is their impulsivity which can manifest in various ways, from getting them in serious troubles due to their lack of thinking and mere adrenaline rush, to their emotional impulsivity which manifests in explosive anger and harsh treatment of others.
Aries on extreme cases struggle with anger issues; You’d see these individuals breaking things around, screaming at everyone irrationally, punching walls, or in very extreme cases breaking in physical fights or abusing those close to them. Thing is, Arians snap out of the blue, they have a quick temper that suddenly gets to them at times for things considered ‘little’ and that’s due to their fire nature, anger that comes fast, wrecks them and everything around them and goes just as fast. That’s one of the reasons those with prominent Aries placement are advised to channel their anger and energy through a healthy physical activity like work-out or a certain sport where that inner energy can balance out or stimulate itself in non- harmful ways.
A second of their extreme traits is their petty behavior due to over- confidence; This can manifest as someone constantly throwing the blame on others, always believing they’re right. Another reason for this is their over- competitive nature which drives them to want to win everything at any cost including discussions, debates, and even normal confrontations or one on one conversations as they’re prone to seeing everything as a battle they need to win and prove themselves through. This can manifest in childish and immature behavior where one individual is unwilling to cooperate.
To expand on the last line, Aries is sometimes associated with the phrase ‘My way or the highway’ as another of their extreme cases is their control issues where they take the leader role too far, dismissing others’ needs and different takes on things. They can get too commanding and expect things to go their way always without seeing the other side.
They can also take having fun too far and discard seriousness in the right time altogether, meaning they might want to exist only on the surface, caring so little about the deeper and more mature side of things, especially regarding situations that requires taking accountability, reflecting on different aspects of a situation or looking within.
Lastly, I’ve observed within prominent Aries placements that some of them might only go after someone and love- bomb them for the sake of the thrill chasing brings (the adrenaline rush chasing after a goal brings) yet once they get it, as in once their person of interest reciprocates the effort, they tend to lose interest. For some, they love the idea of someone that plays hard to get and the idea of the person giving in and wanting something with them is a turn off since there is nothing to chase and strive for anymore.
Final observations
I’ve noticed an interesting thing between certain signs where one reflects the lighter or surface-y side of things, while the other mirrors the deeper side of them.
An example is Aries and Scorpio: Both are ruled by Mars (Scorpio is originally ruled by Mars, and later on by Pluto) and though They vary in elements (Scorpio being of the water element), Aries seems to be the surface mirror to Scorpio, while Scorpio is the deeper mirror; Aries has quick - lasting temper, while Scorpio stays silent for long then holds grudges for years. Aries loves both intensely and sexually, but the focus is more physical intimacy, while Scorpio takes sex to a deeper sense of exploring the person and almost desiring to merge their being with their person of interest through sexual encounters.
Aries feels and goes with the spark fast, while Scorpio take their time to form intimacy. Scorpio hates the surface and surface- level individuals, while Aries cares so little for depth.
They both possesses similar traits, but they harness and express them so differently and I find that interesting.
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blueindigosan · 9 months
The Mesobasis: The Inert Stage
Mesobasis (μέσωβασης) is a conceptual term that represents an intermediate or balanced state in the human experience. It is composed of two opposing dynamics, catabasis and
anabasis, which are extreme states that respectively represent moments of challenge, difficulty and decline (catabasis) and moments of improvement, achievement and promotion (anabasis).
The Mesobasis is at the center of these dynamics and reflects the notion that human life is in constant oscillation between these two poles.
Human life is a complex dance between the duality of experiences: catabasis and anabasis. The catabasis represents moments of challenge, difficulty and decline, while the
Anabasis symbolizes improvement, achievement and promotion. Between these two opposite poles emerges the notion of "Mesobasis," an intermediate state that acts as balance in the oscillation.
constant of human existence. Mesobasis, a concept that has been discussed and explored based on the duality of human life, is a state that is characterized by its indifference to
what is and what is not, as well as all aspects of duality. This state is at the heart of two contrasting dynamics, katabasis and anabasis, and has an impact
deep in the human experience. Instead of being seen as a state that has emotions or intentions of its own, Mesobasis is interpreted as an inert and mechanical state. It is a place that does not
has no ethics or moral judgment. In Mesobasis, there is no place for personal preferences or human emotions, it is simply a stage in which human experience unfolds. A
The image that can help us visualize the Mesobasis is that of a vast ocean in which light and darkness, good and evil, intertwine without distinction. It is an eclipse of everything that
we know and do not know, a convergence of dualities in an indifferent state. This graphic representation shows us how the Mesobasis acts as a balance in the midst of the forces
opposites of life. One of the key ideas here is that the Mesobasis is neutral in its essence and, ultimately, it is the human being who gives emotions and meaning to this state. The
Numerous philosophies, viewpoints and psychologies that have emerged throughout human history are tools that help us understand and make sense of Mesobasis and duality.
that we experience in everyday life.
Regarding the duration of catabasis and anabasis, it is suggested that these can be both temporary and chronic. This variability is related to the natural interaction
of the Mesobasis and the Tesla variables (energy, frequency and vibration), which adjust to these states. Prolonged catabasis and anabasis may be the result of Mesobasis
fulfilling its natural function and Tesla's variables leveling off in response to these experiences. A fundamental aspect of Mesobasis is its relationship with beliefs and systems
of beliefs. It is suggested that beliefs, luck, and metaphysical and abstract elements are effects of Tesla's variables and their convergence in this state. People can be
externally influenced by entities of other frequencies to achieve a specific purpose without their knowledge, believing that events are the product of chance or chance.
To illustrate this concept, we can turn to the wisdom of Madara Uchiha, who pointed out the intrinsic duality of existence. His famous quote: "Where there is light there are also shadows...
As long as the concept of winners exists, there will also be losers," reflects the idea that Mesobasis is a state where dualities coexist and interconnect, like reflections
in a prism Madara attempted to use his power to create a better world, but in the process, he created the opposite due to his fidelity to his wishes and the influence of Tesla's variables.
in the Mesobasis. In this context, mythological, religious and archetypal figures play a fundamental role. They are like avatars or creatures that personify the dualities of the
existence, be they gods, angels, demons, guardians or entities of the lower astral. These figures, often interpreted in a primitive way, act as intermediaries between the Mesobasis
and human experience. Although they do not directly influence our lives, they operate indirectly, using subtle methods to induce changes in our perception and experience of
reality. This induction has a profound impact on us, affecting our values, our frequency and the energy we emit. The light and the darkness, represented in these
archetypal figures, influence how we perceive and experience the reality around us. The Mesobasis is like a prism that reflects and refracts these influences, shaping our
perspectives and actions.
Within the Mesobasis, there are some concepts that help understand its operation:
Mesobasic Mithridatism:
Definition: Mesobasic Mithridatism is a concept that refers to the practice of consciously facing and experiencing small lapses of katabasis, that is, moments of challenge,
difficulty or decline, with the purpose of strengthening resistance and the ability to understand these situations. This practice is inspired by mithridatism, which involved ingesting
gradually small doses of poison to develop immunity against it.
Objective: The objective of Mesobasic Mithridatism is to learn to face challenges in a gradual and controlled manner, without being overwhelmed by them, and to acquire adaptation and resilience skills.
Application: People can apply Mesobasic Mithridatism by identifying small areas of their lives where they face difficulties or challenges and addressing them consciously and
gradually to learn from those experiences.
Mesobasic spagyrism:
Definition: Mesobasic Spagyrism is a concept that refers to the practice of consciously taking advantage of small periods of anabasis, that is, moments of achievement, pleasure or success, such as
opportunities to deeply understand the reason for that feeling of well-being and apply that understanding to everyday life. This practice is inspired by spagyria, an ancient
alchemical practice that involved the extraction and purification of active ingredients from plants for medicinal and spiritual purposes.
Objective: The objective of Mesobasic Spagyrism is to learn to recognize and appreciate moments of joy and achievement, and use them as catalysts for greater personal understanding and
emotional growth.
Application: People can apply Mesobasic Spagyrism by paying conscious attention to moments of happiness and success, analyzing what factors contribute to those moments, and
Use that understanding to improve your quality of life.
The Interconnection of Catabasis and Anabasis:
Definition: The interconnection of katabasis and anabasis in Mesobasis refers to the idea that these two opposing dynamics are intrinsically related and complement each other.
mutually in human experience. Katabasis represents moments of challenge and difficulty, while anabasis symbolizes improvement and achievement. The Mesobasis acts as a
balance between both. If none of them were related to each other, the Catabasis would only end in a scenario of death, and the Anabasis in a scenario of life without purpose or finality.
Goal: The goal of this interconnection is to enable people to experience a richer, more complete life, where challenges are opportunities for growth and achievement is met.
value it even more because of the understanding of the difficulty involved.
Application: People can apply the idea of the interconnectedness of katabasis and anabasis in their lives by recognizing that moments of challenge can lead to greater appreciation for
the moments of success and that the balance between both dynamics is essential for a meaningful life.
The Aeolipile Analogy:
Definition: The analogy of the Aeolipile is used to visualize the functioning of the Mesobasis. The Eolipila is a device that rotates due to steam expelled through curved tubes.
In this analogy, the Mesobasis resembles the air chamber in the Aeolipile, and the curved tubes represent the mechanical functioning of the catabasis with respect to the anabasis and vice versa.
Objective: The objective of this analogy is to show how the Mesobasis can constantly move and change, as if it were in a constant state of oscillation between catabasis and
anabasis. It also highlights that trying to achieve one dynamic can lead to the intermittent appearance of the other, and vice versa.
Application: This analogy can be applied to understand that life is constantly changing and that moments of challenge and achievement can alternate fluidly. It can help
people to consciously navigate between these dynamics and appreciate the dynamic nature of the human experience.
Mesobasic Forces:
Definition: Mesobasic Forces are concepts that represent the fundamental dynamics in the life of a person who experiences constant changes and transitions, such as a
oscillation between two opposite but complementary states: the Katabasic Forces and the Anabasic Forces. The applications of these Mesobasic Forces are diverse and cover the
entire life of a person. In times of katabasis, Katabasic Forces can help people face emotional challenges, develop resilience and
make informed decisions. In anabasis, Anabasic Forces can drive personal growth, goal achievement, and enjoyment of positive experiences, however,
The person must first understand what is happening, otherwise they would only reach primitive conclusions and would not be able to correctly understand what is happening, possibly misunderstanding.
the situations and the nature of what happened. It is important to understand that these forces are not static, but are in constant flux, and the Mesobasis is a continuum where both
They are present at different times and proportions. Wisdom lies in knowing how to recognize and adapt to these forces, taking advantage of both the lessons of katabasis and the
anabasis opportunities to achieve balance and continued growth in life.
Catabasic Forces: These are manifestations of the characteristics that make up the element of Catabasis. They have a predominantly depressive or negative character in their entirety
and they are essential for catabasis to occur. These forces represent the dynamics that lead to decline, slowdown, or even suffering in a person's life.
They may include experiences of loss, obstacles, emotional challenges, or any other circumstance that leads to a feeling of descent or difficulty.
Anabasic Forces: These are manifestations of the characteristics that make up the element of Anabasis. They have a mainly stimulating or positive character in their entirety and are
essential for anabasis to occur. These forces represent the dynamics that lead to growth, advancement, and positive experiences in a person's life. They can include
moments of success, opportunities, healthy relationships or any other circumstance that promotes a sense of advancement, improvement and well-being.
Within this dynamic of forces, we can observe and determine the following:
Static Agents: These agents refer to forces that remain predominantly in one of the two camps, either in that of the Katabasic Forces or in that of the Static Forces.
Anabasics. They are like constant elements that influence a person's life consistently in a particular direction. For example, a person who tends to face
obstacles and constant challenges in your life you would experience the constant influence of Static Agents of Catabasis.
Flowing Agents: On the other hand, Flowing Agents are those forces that can move and change from one field to another in the Mesobasis. These forces are not fixed in a single
state and can adapt to a person's circumstances and decisions. They can be like currents that change direction, allowing a person to experience moments
of catabasis and anabasis at different times in their lives. An example could be someone who, through a change in mentality and approach, manages to transform moments of challenge into
opportunities for growth, thus experiencing a flow of Flowing Agents from Catabasis to Anabasis.
Some of the possible forces that arise from these dynamics, or are adjacent to them, are:
Karma as a Flowing Agent of the Mesobasic Forces: Karma manifests as a flowing agent in the Mesobasic Forces, which means that it is not limited to a single state, since
be it Catabasis or Anabasis, but flows between both states dynamically. This perspective reflects the idea that our actions and decisions can have repercussions both
positive and negative in our lives, and these repercussions are not predestined to a single state. Instead of a static, one-sided force, Karma is like a river that can
change its course in response to our actions and choices.
Conditioning and Free Will: The concept of Karma has often been associated with the conditioning of human behavior, where people seek to act in beneficial ways.
to avoid negative consequences. However, your perspective adds an additional layer by suggesting that this conditioning can be viewed through the prism of Mesobasis, where the
Constant oscillation between Catabasis and Anabasis can influence our choices. While Karma can act as a kind of reminder of the repercussions of our
actions, can also reflect how our decisions and behaviors can contribute to this oscillation between the states of the Mesobasis.
Intermittency of Catabasis and Anabasis: The notion that attempting to achieve one state can lead to the intermittent appearance of the other is especially relevant in the context of
Karma. If someone constantly strives to act in beneficial ways (Anabasis), they may encounter challenges and difficult times (Catabasis) that balance this tendency.
Likewise, those who have caused harm can experience moments of healing and redemption. This intermittency in the Mesobasis can influence how the consequences manifest themselves
The Emission and the Return: The analogy of Mesobasis as a stone that is thrown on the surface of water, where people emit desires and actions that then return as waves,
It is a powerful metaphor for understanding Karma in action. People's emissions, whether positive or negative, are like the stones they throw in the Mesobasis, and the consequences
Karmic are the waves that return to them. This constant interaction can reflect how our actions and choices influence our experience of life and the dynamics
between Catabasis and Anabasis.
In Mesobasis, the term "Kama" refers to a category of human desires and pleasures that include not only aspects related to sexual desire, but also
all forms of desires, impulses and aspirations that people experience in their daily lives. These desires and pleasures represent a fundamental aspect of the human experience in
the Mesobasis and play an important role in the dynamics of the Catabasis and the Anabasis. The Kamaloka, on the other hand, is considered the area in which these desires manifest themselves.
and are experienced. In this context, the Kamaloka is not simply interpreted as a spiritual plane, but rather as the earthly environment in which human beings live and pursue
your wishes. It is a space where individuals generate, pursue and seek to satisfy their desires and goals.
Henri Poincaré's Perspective on Laws:
The physicist-mathematician Henri Poincaré, with his statement that a law is a "constant link between an antecedent and a consequent, between the current state of the world and its state
immediately following", introduces the idea that natural laws and causal relationships are fundamental to understanding how the world around us works. This perspective
suggests that laws establish an unbreakable connection between what happens in the present and what will happen in the future, providing a conceptual framework for understanding and predicting
Kamaloka as the Wish World:
Instead of using the traditional concept of Dharma, Kamaloka is interpreted as the world in which we live, a space full of desires, inclinations and goals that we wish to achieve.
Here, Kamaloka becomes a stage where individuals must chart a path and travel it effectively to achieve their desires. Efficiency in the fulfillment of desires is
crucial, since failure can lead to frustration.
Mastemah and Obstacles in Kamaloka:
Mastemah, the angel of Hebrew mythology, mentioned as an executor of divine punishments but also as the angel of trials and challenges, becomes a symbol of obstacles
and challenges that individuals encounter in the Kamaloka, as well as other avatarized figures of equivalent understanding for their respective individuals. Mastemah is considered to personify
the evils and obstacles necessary for the advancement and purification of living beings. In this context, Kama, which translates as pleasure and encompasses aspects such as love and sex, is
becomes one of the goals of life in Kamaloka.
Kama Statics and Kamaloka:
In the perspective of Mesobasis, both Kamaloka and Kama are considered static agents, created primarily from the point of view of Catabasis. These agents are
designed as "necessary evils" or "necessary obstacles" that are an integral part of the journey of living beings. They resemble sandpaper that polishes something at high speed; his
function is essential for advancement and growth.
The Relationship with Anabasis:
However, not all individuals interpret these obstacles and evils of Catabasis as fair or desirable. By fearing the unknown and by not knowing the causes and characteristics of
These elements, some try to avoid them, artificially seeking to maintain themselves in a state of Anabasis. This can lead to an Anabasis illusion that eventually becomes
Catabasis. Some individuals feel the need to exercise control over their pleasures and evils in order to understand, process and overcome the Catabasic and Anabasic elements in a way
that they can live in harmony with the dynamics of Mesobasis.
Dukkha and Sukha as Flowing Agents in Mesobasis:
Dukkha, a term commonly translated as "suffering" or "pain", can be considered a flowing agent in the context of Mesobasis. Although suffering and pain are not
Eternal, they are often prolonged and difficult to endure, which links them to the dynamics of Catabasis. Although Dukkha is not explicitly a katabasic force, its nature
Negatively relates it to this dynamic. Its counterpart in flowing terms would be Sukha, which is experienced in prolonged periods of Anabasis, where positive forces and
Dukkha and Sukha as Enduring Elements in Catabasis and Anabasis:
Dukkha and Sukha play an important role in the duration of the periods of Catabasis and Anabasis. These elements influence the human experience during these dynamics. Although they are not
The only forces at play, they contribute significantly to the way people experience these periods of ups and downs in their lives. Dukkha and Sukha are mainly the
longevity elements of the periods of Catabasis and Anabasis, among other influential elements in the periods of both dynamics, as well as the functioning of human beings
with respect to these dynamics.
Visualizing Mesobasis as an Undulating Dynamic:
Instead of using the image of yin and yang to represent the duality between good and evil, the Mesobasis can be understood as a serpentine line with black and white dots on it.
each space respectively, in an infinite grayish space. This representation symbolizes the indeterminacy of Mesobasis and how its dynamics of Catabasis and Anabasis resemble a
wave in constant motion. This image reflects the oscillating nature of the Mesobasis and its role in the life of living beings.
The Duality between Ego and Soul and its Relationship with Dukkha and Sukha:
In the context of human beings, there is a duality between the ego and the soul. Some people focus more on their selfish desires and the pursuit of material pleasures, while others
others focus on spiritual growth and self-understanding. This duality relates to the dynamic between Dukkha and Sukha. Dukkha represents the sufferings and periods
of Catabasis that people experience when they follow their selfish desires, while Sukha represents the pleasures and periods of Anabasis that arise when they focus on their development
The Importance of Balance in Mesobasis:
It should be noted that no extreme is beneficial, whether it is an eternal Anabasis or an eternal Catabasis. Instead of these extremes, the ideal life involves finding a balance between
Catabasic and Anabasic forces in Mesobasis. This search for balance is essential for a harmonious and fulfilling life, where both Dukkha and Sukha can be understood and appreciated.
integral parts of the human experience.
Hermetic Laws:
The Hermetic Laws, derived from the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, are philosophical and spiritual principles that describe the fundamental laws of the universe and
reality. Although these laws are metaphysical and spiritual concepts, we can analyze how they would relate to the dynamics of the Mesobasis that you have described, considering their functions,
objectives and nature.
Law of Mentalism: This law holds that "Everything is mind; the universe is mental." In the context of Mesobasis, it could be considered a static agent, as it establishes the basis for
the creation and perception of reality. The Mesobasis could reflect the interaction of the universal mind with the dynamics of Catabasis and Anabasis, thus creating the human experience.
In other words, this law tells us and clarifies that humanity functions as a prism that constantly and continuously reflects everything it interacts with, including each other.
Law of Correspondence: This law states that "What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like what is above." In the context of Mesobasis, it could be seen
as a flowing agent, since it suggests an interconnection between the higher and lower levels of existence, a more tangible way of interpreting the states of Catabasis and Anabasis.
This law tells us and clarifies that there are positive and negative aspects, and just as there is a positive part (Anabasis), there is also its negative analogue (Catabasis).
Law of Vibration: This law holds that "Nothing is still; everything moves; everything vibrates." In Mesobasis, vibrations could be interpreted as constant changes between states
of Catabasis and Anabasis. It would be a flowing agent that describes how people experience fluctuations in their lives. In other words, the indeterminate oscillation between these two states
and its multiple agents, forces and repercussions, as well as periods of stay and periods of absence in human life are caused by the constant movement of the inert Mesobasis. When
send "good vibes" or "bad vibes" can be elements or minor versions of this law, as a way of expressing our gratitude or discomfort towards something specific.
Law of Polarity: This law states that "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites." In the context of the Mesobasis, it could be related to the dynamics between Catabasis
and Anabasis. It would be a flowing agent, since people experience both negative and positive states throughout their lives. It is evident that this law teaches us that the only thing exempt
of duality is Mesobasis itself, and that the elements that circulate and undulate indefinitely through it are the states of Catabasis and Anabasis, as well as light and shadows, good and evil.
evil, heaven and earth, above and below, etc.
Law of Rhythm: This law holds that "Everything ebbs and flows; everything has its periods of advance and retreat, everything rises and falls." This law would be directly related to Mesobasis,
since it describes the cycles of Catabasis and Anabasis. The periods of oscillation between these states could be seen as a constant ebb and flow. We must also take into account the fact that
that pursuing one state can intermittently lead us to another and vice versa, showing the complexity of how these undulating states work in our own lives.
Law of Cause and Effect: This law states that "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause." In Mesobasis, this law could be interpreted as a description of how the
A person's actions (causes) lead to consequences (effects) that are influenced by their states of Catabasis and Anabasis, depending on the longevity of these states and the intensity
of them in the person, being able to twist or rectify their decisions, their actions, their reactions and their repercussions.
Law of Gender: Although this law is not a common part of the Hermetic laws, some interpretations include the "Law of Generation", which holds that "Everything reproduces itself from its like."
In this law, it is suggested that living beings have the ability to generate two types of energy or particles: Bions and Loosh. These elements are directly associated with the states of
Catabasis and Anabasis, which represent fundamental aspects of the dynamics of Mesobasis. The idea behind this statement is that these two types of energy, Loosh and Bions, are
intrinsically related and perpetuate each other. It is suggested that Catabasis and Anabasis are components of a continuous wave in Mesobasis, where the transition between these
states is fluid and constant. Although Katabasic and Anabasic states may differ in their characteristics, this perspective argues that they are interconnected and interconnected.
they influence each other.
-Loosh: It is described as the vital energy that living beings emanate when they experience negative emotions or feelings of fear. In other words, when people go through
Moments of suffering, sadness or tension are believed to release Loosh. This is related to Catabasis, which represents a depressive or negative state in the dynamics of Mesobasis.
-Biones: They are mentioned as translucent particles that emanate from living beings when they experience positive emotions or feelings of happiness and well-being. The Biones associate with
Anabasis, which represents a stimulating or positive state in the dynamics of Mesobasis.
In the dynamics of Mesobasis, Weltschmerz and Weltliebe can influence a person's perception and experience. Weltschmerz can lead to a state of discouragement and pessimism, which
It can make a person feel disconnected or dissatisfied with reality. On the other hand, Weltliebe can promote joy, gratitude and acceptance, which can lead to a
feeling of connection and satisfaction with the world around the person. Both concepts can be a natural part of the human experience and can vary in intensity depending on the
circumstances and influences of the Mesobasis. Ultimately, the ability to balance these two perspectives can be important in finding a sense of harmony and well-being.
in a person's life.
Weltschmerz: This notion refers to the feeling of sadness or melancholy that a person feels when they perceive that the real world can never live up to their expectations or desires.
In the context of Mesobasis, Weltschmerz could be related to the experience of Catabasis. When katabasic forces dominate, people may feel
overwhelmed by the perception that the world is a place full of suffering, disappointment and disenchantment. Catabasis can lead to a feeling of disconnection and pessimism regarding
reality. The term Weltschmerz means "Pain of the World" and manifests itself as a pessimistic view of the world.
Weltliebe: On the other hand, Weltliebe could be interpreted as the ability to love and accept the real world as it is, even when it does not meet all expectations and desires. In
the context of the Mesobasis, this could be related to the Anabasis. When anabasic forces predominate, people can experience a deep appreciation for beauty.
and the potential of the real world, despite its imperfections. Weltliebe could manifest as an attitude of gratitude, love and optimism towards life and the environment. The term Weltliebe
It means "Love of the World" and manifests itself as an optimistic vision of the world.
Mesobasic Times and Stays:
The dynamics of Catabasis and Anabasis are not necessarily limited by fixed and defined periods of time, but are cyclical processes that can vary in duration and frequency.
However, in a general sense, certain periods or cycles can be identified in which these dynamics appear to be more prominent or intense. These periods may vary depending on the
cultural and social circumstances and contexts. Below I provide you with an overview of these periods:
Cycles of Challenge: Periods of Catabasis are often characterized by challenges, obstacles and difficult times in a person's life or in society in general. These challenges can
manifest themselves as conflicts, economic crises, natural disasters, periods of war, etc.
Periods of Suffering: During Catabasis, people may experience emotional, physical or psychological suffering. This suffering can be individual or collective and can last
from days or weeks to years, depending on the situation.
Transformation Through Pain: Catabasis is often associated with moments of deep learning and personal transformation. Through pain and adversity, people can
gain perspective, develop resilience and learn important lessons.
Prosperity Cycles: Anabasis periods tend to be marked by prosperity, growth and harmony. These can be times of economic stability, advances
scientific and technological, peace and international cooperation, among others.
Periods of Well-being: During Anabasis, people usually experience greater emotional, physical and psychological well-being. Quality of life can improve significantly, and
Personal development opportunities are often more accessible.
Growth and Creativity: Anabasis can encourage personal growth, creativity and innovation. People can feel inspired and motivated to explore new
ideas and projects during these periods.
Periods of Prolonged Catabasis (Kali Yuga, Ragnarok, Apocalypse, Wars, etc.): During these periods, humanity may face significant challenges, conflicts and suffering.
Katbasic forces dominate, leading to a widespread perception that the world is a dark and desolate place. Spiritual and moral values can be eroded, and
Violence and chaos may prevail. People may feel trapped in a cycle of endless suffering, desperately searching for an Anabasis to bring them relief. During
During these times, people can develop a survival mentality, focused on the fight to survive in a hostile world. They may be prone to mistrust, fear
and aggression as defense mechanisms. Morals can be eroded, and the pursuit of immediate pleasures can be a way to escape suffering.
Periods of Prolonged Anabasis (Satya Yuga, Paradise, Elysian Fields, Heaven, etc.): In contrast, during these periods, humanity can experience peace and prosperity without
precedents. Anabasic forces predominate, leading to a feeling of harmony and well-being. People can live in a state of comfort and abundance, and there can be a lack
of significant challenges to overcome. This can result in complacency and a lack of motivation for personal growth and improvement because they are not faced with significant obstacles.
During these times, people can become complacent and content with the current state of things. They may seek instant gratification and avoid any form of challenge or
effort. Lack of adversity can lead to a decrease in resilience and the ability to cope with difficulties.
Generators of Catabasic Dynamics: Human beings are capable of generating events, actions or thoughts that feed the dynamics of Catabasis. This can occur when the
People act in selfish, destructive, or negative ways toward themselves or others. Your actions can contribute to an environment of suffering, conflict and despair. For example,
Wars, social injustice, and violent behavior are examples of human-generated manifestations of Catabasis.
Generators of Anabasic Dynamics: Similarly, human beings can also be active agents in the generation of anabasic dynamics. When people act in ways
altruistic, loving and constructive, contribute to the dynamics of Anabasis. Your actions can promote peace, harmony and well-being in your environment. The search for social justice,
Compassion and solidarity are examples of manifestations of Anabasis generated by human beings.
Balance and Mesobasis: Some people learn to live with both sides of these dynamics instead of becoming polarized at one extreme. They understand that life is full of nuances and that
both Catabasis and Anabasis are inherent aspects of the human experience. They seek a balance between their actions and decisions, recognizing the importance of facing challenges
and obstacles, but also to contribute to well-being and positive evolution.
Human Interactions: Relationships between people can be examples of how human beings interact as channels of these dynamics. Some people can play roles of
support and empowerment (Anabasis) for others, while some may represent challenges and obstacles (Catabasis). These interactions can be complex and vary depending on the
circumstances. One human being can be the Catabasis of another, just as one human being can be the Anabasis of another, resonating or rejecting each other.
"Semiscender" is a proposed neologism that is etymologically derived from the word "Mesobasis." In this context, "Semiscender" is conceived as the Latin translation of what
"Mesobasis" means. The idea behind this word is to represent the notion of an intermediate or balanced state in human experience, similar to how "Mesobasis" reflects the idea
of being in the center or passing through a middle between two opposite dynamics, such as katabasis (descent) and anabasis (ascent). More simply put, "Semiscender" could be understood
as "passing through the middle" or "advancing through the means", highlighting the idea of balance and transition in the human experience. Some characteristics of this concept are:
Recognition of dual states: The person is aware that life is full of moments of challenge and difficulty (katabasis) as well as achievement and advancement (anabasis).
Conscious navigation: Instead of being carried away by these states, the person develops the ability to consciously navigate through them. This means that it is not
He clings excessively to moments of success nor fully immerses himself in moments of difficulty.
Search for balance: The person actively seeks a balance between these dual states. Understand that excesses in either direction can be harmful,
such as not sleeping at all or always sleeping. Therefore, seek to maintain a middle ground that is healthy and beneficial to be able to deal and manage it in a better way.
Resistance and Resilience: The practice of "Semi-cender" involves developing the resistance and resilience necessary to overcome challenges and obstacles without being overwhelmed by
they. It also means learning to appreciate moments of success without falling into complacency or arrogance. People with the ability to "Semi-cender" might be more resistant to
extreme emotional fluctuations. They would be able to face challenges and difficulties (catabasis) without falling into despair and enjoy moments of success and joy (anabasis).
without falling into excessive euphoria.
Mental Balance: A "Semicension" would imply the ability to maintain a balanced state of mind amidst the fluctuations of life. It would be the ability to stay calm and
mental clarity both in moments of challenge and in moments of success.
Emotional Balance: A Semiscension could manifest as a balanced emotional state, where a person is able to experience both moments of challenge and difficulty (catabasis).
as moments of achievement and joy (anabasis) without being overwhelmed by either extreme. Instead of fluctuating between emotional highs and lows, the person is in a state of
emotional balance in which you can manage challenges calmly and appreciate successes without excesses of euphoria.
Adaptation to changes: Semiscension could involve the ability to adapt effectively to changes in life. Instead of resisting change (catabasis) or clinging
to comfort (anabasis), the person can go through changes with flexibility and acceptance. This means you can deal with transitions in a less traumatic way and take advantage of
the opportunities that arise. Adaptability would be a prominent characteristic of those who can "Semi-Cend". They would be able to adjust to different circumstances and changes in
life without experiencing overwhelming stress or unsustainable euphoria.
Constant Learning: Those who practice "Semicension" could be avid learners of life, drawing lessons and wisdom from both difficulties and achievements.
This would contribute to constant personal growth.
Flexibility of thought: The "Semicension" could be related to the ability to maintain an open and flexible mind, avoiding extremes of dogmatic thinking and being
able to see nuances and grayscales in complex situations.
Tolerance of Uncertainty: People with "Semiscension" may be more tolerant of life's uncertainty and less disturbed by unexpected changes and challenges.
Balanced decision making: In a Semiscension, important decisions are made in a balanced and conscious manner. The person does not get carried away by emotional impulses or
is paralyzed by fear, but carefully evaluates the options and chooses a path that lies in the middle between excess caution and excess audacity.
Awareness and Self-Observation: "Semicension" would require a deep awareness of oneself and one's own emotional and mental reactions to challenges and achievements. This
It would include the ability to observe oneself impartially and reflect on how one is responding to different situations.
"In the 'Semicension' perspective, life is not reduced to a black and white dichotomy, but rather presents itself as a complex range of shades of gray. Sometimes, certain moments
They may seem more extreme to us, either towards black or white, due to the temporal duration of the katabasis or anabasis experience compared to others. This can lead us to
feeling like we have made a significant discovery, when in reality we are observing the constant interplay of human dynamics over time. In other words, not
"We are not necessarily discovering something entirely new, but rather exploring the richness of nuances and transitions that exist in the human experience."
"It is highly plausible that the constant interaction between Catabasis (the descent or diminution) and Anabasis (the rise or growth) has given rise to the existence of states
differentials in duality. This suggests that, before Mesobasis, reality was characterized by undifferentiated chaos, similar to the concept of 'Wuji' in Eastern philosophy. In
In this state, neither Catabasis (representing death) nor Anabasis (representing life) existed, implying the absence of a discernible beginning or purpose. Everything was a
disorder of unimaginable proportions.
Some tools used in the Semiscension to go through the multitudinous states of catabasis and anabasis are:
The Placebo Effect and the Nocebo Effect are concepts that can have a significant impact on people's lives in the context of the Mesobasis. The Placebo and Nocebo effects
They are concepts that represent positive and negative beliefs, respectively, that human beings have and that can influence their experiences and outcomes in life. They are poles
They are opposite in the perception of reality, but often go unnoticed as people rarely reflect on them. Both effects can have a significant impact on
people's lives, affecting health, performance, resilience and relationships. They are a powerful reminder of how the mind can influence the perception of reality and the perception of reality.
people's ability to overcome challenges. In addition, most people often operate in a Mesobasis-like state, where they go through life on autopilot.
without paying conscious attention to their experiences. When one of these effects, either Placebo or Nocebo, peaks, people can enter a pilot state.
automatic in which your emotions and thoughts are adjusted to deal with the situation at that moment, forgetting other important elements. This can occur both in situations
negative as well as positive, reflecting how these effects can influence perception and reaction to reality. The consequences of
Both effects:
Beliefs as Tangible Realities:
A fascinating feature of the Placebo and Nocebo effects is that they can turn beliefs into tangible realities for those who experience them. Often, these beliefs are not
Backed by solid or verifiable evidence, but to the person holding them, they are as real as any proven fact. This highlights the power of the human mind to mold.
the perception and experience of reality.
Irresistible Force and Immovable Object:
The analogy of the irresistible force encountering an immovable object illustrates the dynamics behind these effects. When someone has an unconditional belief in the Effect
Placebo or Nocebo (the irresistible force), and this belief meets the effect itself (the immovable object), inevitable consequences are triggered. This interaction can
be so powerful that it defies conventional boundaries of what would be considered possible.
"Mind over Matter":
The interplay between belief and effect is an impressive example of "mind over matter." This implies that our minds have considerable power to influence our
perception of reality and, in some cases, even in the physical world around us. Some extreme examples include the ability to lift heavy objects with what has been
called "Hysterical Strength" or the development of skills such as Telekinesis, Mediumship or Force Transmission as seen in the Fa Jin. Even perception and interaction
With frequency entities, such as ghosts, spirits or other beings from different planes, they can be attributed to the influence of these effects.
Limiters and Limiters of the Mind, Body and Spirit:
The Placebo and Nocebo effects play crucial roles as limiters and limiters in the human experience. Act as barriers or gateways that can be opened or closed
according to an individual's beliefs and perceptions. On the one hand, they can limit potential by creating self-imposed obstacles based on negative beliefs. On the other hand, they can release
Unlimited potential by stimulating positive beliefs that propel the body and mind toward exceptional achievements. These effects operate on the physical, mental and spiritual levels, shaping
the human experience in its entirety.
Relationship with the Influence Field:
The Placebo and Nocebo effects are not isolated phenomena; they are intricately connected to the Influencer Field that surrounds people. This field is a constant flow of influences.
positive and negative that can affect an individual's beliefs, perceptions, and emotional states. When the influencer field leans towards positive values, it can enhance
Placebo effects and vice versa. This highlights the importance of maintaining a positive influence on the environment to foster healthy beliefs and perceptions.
Impact of Subconscious Beliefs:
Subconscious beliefs play a fundamental role in shaping an individual's reality. Often, these beliefs are deep and ingrained, making them
difficult to change consciously. The Placebo and Nocebo effects operate largely at the subconscious level, meaning they can have a significant impact on form.
in which a person sees himself and his place in the world. This underscores the importance of exploring and understanding subconscious beliefs to facilitate positive change.
Human Interaction and Mental Models:
The interaction between people can be fertile ground for the spread of Placebo and Nocebo effects. Beliefs and perceptions can be contagious, and people can
influence each other in a variety of ways. This means that the conclusions people reach can be influenced by interaction with others and fit into their needs.
Collective mental models. It is essential to be aware of how human interactions can shape our beliefs and perceptions, and to be willing to question and reevaluate.
constantly what we take for granted.
The Need for a Holistic View:
The take-home message is that reality is complex and multifaceted, and judging people or situations by first impressions or superficial beliefs can be misleading. As well as
No ant can see beyond the top of a tree but that does not negate the existence of the sky beyond that crown, nor can we fully evaluate people or situations.
based on a single perspective. A holistic view is needed that involves constantly reviewing and reevaluating to properly understand and utilize the complexity of life and life.
reality that surrounds us.
Socialization Theory:
The socialization theory proposed here suggests that each individual's social interaction and distorted cognitive perception (DCP) are influenced by the dynamics between
Catabasis and Anabasis, and how these forces impact the Mesobasis. Here are several key elements of this theory (28-08-2020):
DCP as Personal Reality: As mentioned in the theory, DCP refers to the personal reality or subjective view of reality that an individual experiences. This perception
It is influenced by sensory signals and the interpretation that the individual makes according to his mental model. In the context of the Mesobasis, DCP reflects how each individual is
it is in a state of equilibrium between the forces of Catabasis and Anabasis.
Interparticular Reality: The idea of an "Interparticular Reality" suggests that when two individuals share similar beliefs and values, they can co-create a shared reality.
This can be related to the Mesobasis, as it represents a state in which two people tune their Energy, Frequency, and Vibration variables to a similar level, which gives them
It allows you to experience an intermediate reality based on your shared beliefs.
Collective Realities: "Collective Realities" represent the interaction of three or more individuals in a broader social dynamic. These realities are formed when values
of Energy, Frequency and Vibration converge between multiple people. In the context of the Mesobasis, collective realities can be seen as a reflection of how interaction
Social media can influence an individual's Mesobasis by aligning their beliefs with those of a larger group.
Organic Mobile Equalizer: The idea that each individual functions as a "living, organic mobile equalizer" highlights people's ability to adapt to their environment and
your social interactions. This can relate to how individuals adjust their beliefs and perceptions to fit into their social contexts and how they can influence them.
in the Mesobasis of others.
Unconscious Frequency Adjustment: It is emphasized that these adjustments in "frequencies" (representing beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, etc.) usually occur in a manner that
unconscious. Individuals adapt their values according to different influences and circumstances, such as environmental factors, personal experiences, interpersonal relationships, and more.
Interconnected Network of Realities: The theory describes life as an "infinite network of interconnected realities." Each individual is a part of this network and has his own reality or reality.
set of values. These individual realities are in constant interaction and change, influenced by internal and external factors.
Analogy of "World as an Organic Version of the Usenet": In this analogy, the world and the reality lived by individuals are compared with the Usenet, an ancient communication network
online. The Usenet was a system in which people shared information and opinions in the form of messages in different thematic groups. When comparing the world with the Usenet,
suggests that the world is a vast system of interactions and communication between individuals, just as the online Usenet was.
Simultaneous Fluctuation: "Simultaneous fluctuation" refers to the fact that these interconnected realities are constantly changing simultaneously. This implies that, as
As individuals adjust their values and beliefs, those modifications have an impact on the entire network of realities. In other words, changes in perception and actions
of one person can affect other people and thus influence the overall dynamics.
Getting along and rejecting: When two people interact, their "Personal Realities" come into play. If both people have similar or identical values, beliefs, and perceptions, it is
They are more likely to get along and connect on a deep level. On the other hand, if their "Personal Realities" are very different, they are more likely to experience friction and clashes in
their interaction.
Law of Inverse Magnetism: This law describes how individuals tend to attract those whose "Personal Realities" are similar or complementary. Values and perceptions
Similar differences act as a magnet that attracts people, while significant differences in "Personal Realities" can lead to dispersion and estrangement. The
Like Attract, Opposites Scatter: This part of the message highlights the idea that, just like in physics, where opposite magnetic poles attract and equals
In social interactions, people with similar "Personal Realities" tend to feel greater affinity and connection, while those with similar perceptions and
Opposing values may experience discord and estrangement.
Leibniz Binary System: The binary system, proposed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, is a number system that uses only two digits, 1 and 0, to represent all information.
In this system, 1 represents a true or active condition, while 0 represents a false or inactive condition. Used in computer science to represent and process data
efficiently. As in the binary system where values are limited to 1 and 0, in personal realities, values that move away from one's own perceptions and beliefs
of an individual are seen as alien or incompatible.
Difference in Values in Collective Realities: Here it is pointed out that the more individual values differ within a group that forms a "Collective Reality," the greater the
Probability of mutual rejection. Values can refer to beliefs, perceptions, opinions, attitudes, and other aspects of the "Personal Realities" of group members.
Examples: Examples are provided to illustrate this idea:
"AUC – AUC (100%)" implies that when the values within the group are identical, the probability of rejection is low, that is, there is a high mutual acceptance.
"ABC – ACD (50%)" suggests that when there is some similarity in values but also differences, the probability of rejection is moderate, which means that some people may
get along while others may not.
"ABC – NXZY (1%)" shows that when the values are very different or practically opposite, the probability of rejection is high, indicating low mutual acceptance.
Probability of Rejection: The probability of rejection is related to the discrepancy in individual values. The more divergent these values are, the greater the chance of
that people in the "Collective Reality" do not relate or have difficulty connecting.
Placebo/Nocebo Impact:
The Placebo effect and the Nocebo effect have significant applications in socialization theory in the context of the Mesobasis, as they influence how people perceive
and respond to their social environment and shared realities. Here are some key applications of these effects in this theory:
Influence on Interparticular Reality: The Placebo effect and the Nocebo effect can influence how individuals relate to and create an "Interparticular Reality". When the
An individual's beliefs are positive and optimistic (Placebo effect), they are more likely to get along and connect with people who share those beliefs. Conversely, if someone
has negative and pessimistic beliefs (Nocebo effect), is more likely to distance yourself from those who share those perceptions. These effects can modulate how they form and maintain
social relations in the Mesobasis. Following the rule of magnetic attraction and repulsion, opposite poles attract and similar poles repulse, this law is reversed in this
context, being that positive or negative influences are attracted to their peers, and not to their antonic values.
Impact on Collective Realities: When a group of individuals share positive (Placebo effect) or negative (Nocebo effect) beliefs, this can influence the formation of
"Collective Realities". For example, a group with a positive and optimistic attitude can create a collective reality that reinforces those beliefs and provides a supportive environment.
On the other hand, a group with negative beliefs can reinforce those perceptions and generate a pessimistic environment. These effects can contribute to cohesion or division within
social groups. From the diversity itself arises the conflict, since each one is bordering with a reality well similar, or different, depending on the values of these.
Adaptation to Social Norms: The Placebo and Nocebo effects can lead people to adapt to shared social norms and values. If an individual is in a
In an environment where the placebo effect and positive beliefs prevail, you are likely to adjust your perception and attitude to fit into that context. Similarly, if an environment is
Dominated by the Nocebo effect and negative beliefs, it is possible for people to align with those perceptions to adapt. See the "Ghettos" or the "Private Cities".
Construction of Social Reality: Ultimately, the Placebo effect and the Nocebo effect can contribute to the construction of social reality in the Mesobasis. These effects
They influence how people interpret social cues, interact with each other, and build their own "reality bubbles" based on shared beliefs. This can lead to
to the formation of communities with similar perceptions and shared values, or to communities with antonime perceptions and totally differential values.
Placebo effect:
The Placebo Effect often originates from positive and optimistic beliefs. It is the result of a mindset in which a person believes that something, whether it is a medical treatment, a practice.
of well-being or a situation in life, will have a beneficial impact. The Placebo Effect is derived from positive and optimistic beliefs. It occurs when someone firmly believes that something, such as
A medical treatment or a situation in life, will have a beneficial effect. This effect may be related to periods of Anabasis, passing the Catabasis or advance in the
Mesobasis. It works as a form of somatization of thoughts and feelings, generating an objective value based on frequency and vibration. The Placebo Effect is not limited to health,
It can impact various fields of life, even if it is not supported by verifiable facts. This effect can influence several aspects of life:
Improvement in health: When a person firmly believes that a medical treatment or alternative therapy will help them, they can experience a real improvement in their health. This may include
a decrease in symptoms and an overall sense of well-being.
Improved performance: In non-medical contexts, positive beliefs can improve performance on personal tasks and goals. People who are confident in their ability to achieve
Some tend to succeed and reach their goals more easily.
Increased resilience: Belief in the ability to overcome obstacles can increase resilience. People who believe they can handle difficult situations tend to adapt better
to life's challenges.
Emotional well-being: The Placebo Effect can also influence emotional well-being. Positive beliefs about life and relationships can lead to greater satisfaction and
Optimistic view of the world.
Nocebo Effect:
The Nocebo Effect originates from negative and pessimistic beliefs. It arises when a person anticipates a negative or harmful impact on a situation, treatment, or experience. The Nocebo Effect
It arises from negative and pessimistic beliefs. It occurs when someone anticipates a negative or harmful outcome in a situation, treatment, or experience. This is often related to
periods of Catabasis, lack of Anabasis or stagnation in the Mesobasis. Like the Placebo Effect, the Nocebo Effect somatizes thoughts and feelings, generating objective value.
in frequency and vibration, but in a negative direction. The consequences can be harmful:
Worsening health: Negative beliefs can contribute to worsening health. When someone expects to feel unwell, they are more likely to experience symptoms and discomfort,
even if there is no underlying medical cause.
Decreased performance: In everyday situations, negative beliefs can lead to poor performance. Lack of confidence in one's ability can cause
People feel insecure and have difficulty achieving their goals.
Reduced resilience: The anticipation of negative outcomes can diminish a person's ability to deal with challenges. This can lead to an increased sense of discomfort
during stressful situations.
Strained relationships: Negative beliefs about others or distrust can lead to conflict and strained relationships. When you expect the worst from people, you're more likely to
interpersonal conflicts are experienced.
Influence Field: Within the context of the Scemiscension, we could consider the "Influence Field" as the general sphere of influences that surround an individual in their environment. Are
Influences can come from various sources, such as circumstances, people, environment and natural elements. Understanding and managing this influential field is essential for making decisions.
informed and maintain a balance in life. This awareness can help people discern between authentic and artificial influences, which is especially relevant in the
current society, characterized by an overwhelming amount of stimuli.
Sensory Vision: "Sensory Vision" can be seen as an ability that allows people to detect subtle layers of information in their environment and better understand the composition
of the perceived elements. This can help discern between authentic emotions and stimuli and those that are artificial or external influences. "Sensory Vision" is not limited to
sight in the traditional sense, but refers to a deeper perception of reality.
Thought Spheres: The ability to perceive "Thought Spheres" could be understood as a way of visualizing the influences and thoughts surrounding a person at a moment.
given. These spheres could represent different ideas, emotions or thoughts that are present in your influential field. Individuals can develop the ability to discern and
Consciously select the spheres of thought that you wish to attract and allow into your lives, which can influence your experiences and decisions.
Anteideas: "Anteideas" are initial conceptions or concepts that are formed in a person's mind when they are in a particular situation or context. These conceptions
They can arise through judgment, imagination, or understanding of something specific. They are like seeds of thought that germinate in the mind before they are fully developed.
in conscious thoughts. "Anteideas" represent the stage prior to conscious thought and may be related to beliefs, opinions or incipient ideas that have not yet been realized.
fully developed. Imagine that you find yourself in a new and unknown situation. Before you can form fully conscious thoughts about that situation, it is likely
Let your mind generate initial "Anteideas" based on your previous experience, prejudices or intuition. These "Anteideas" can influence how you perceive and react to the situation, although
You haven't had time to process it completely yet.
Pre-Thoughts: The "Pre-Thoughts" are a later phase of development of the "Anteideas". They represent the evolution of those initial seeds of thought towards a more
advanced consciousness. "Pre-Thoughts" are inclinations, acceptances or definitions that form in the mind as the person interacts more deeply with an idea,
particular situation or experience. These initial thoughts begin to take shape and gain more substance as attention and reflection are given to them. When an "Anteidea"
It is nourished with conscious attention and allowed to evolve, it becomes a "Pre-Thought". "Pre-Thoughts" may be associated with greater clarity and understanding of
a specific topic, and can influence a person's decisions and actions. They are like intermediate steps between initial perception and the complete formation of a conscious idea.
Subliminal Suggestion Tools (HSS): Subliminal Suggestion Tools (HSS) are a set of skills and techniques that help deal with the elements that different
Periods of Catabasis and Anabasis present or manifest in our lives. As some periods are determinative or indeterminant, one must be aware of when they begin and when
They end up adapting in the best way, and for this, these tools may be the most favorable for this purpose. These tools are made up of Contextual Engineering,
Social Engineering, Persuasion, Manipulation, Lateral Thinking and Vertical Thinking.
Contextual Engineering: Contextual Engineering is an advanced discipline that transcends the conventional analysis of the environment and delves into a deeper study of the elements that
surround our daily lives. This practice focuses on identifying and understanding both the tangible components and the subtle details and qualities that our peripheral senses
They capture the environment that surrounds us. In essence, Contextual Engineering seeks to go beyond the obvious, exploring the less obvious dimensions of the reality that surrounds us. This includes
not only what we can perceive with the naked eye, but also aspects such as subtext, subtleties in communication, nuances in people's personalities and their intentions.
underlying. To achieve a deeper understanding, Contextual Engineering uses detailed observation and precise interpretation of signs and signals, as well as language.
body, which could normally go unnoticed.
Social Engineering: Social Engineering in Mesobasis involves the application of techniques and strategies to understand and manage social dynamics and interpersonal relationships.
during times of change and transition in a person's life. In this phase, people may be experiencing personal challenges, important decisions, or adaptations to new
circumstances. Social Engineering can help foster effective communication, empathy and understanding between individuals facing similar situations. It may involve the
creation of social support networks, facilitation of discussion groups or development of strategies to overcome specific social obstacles that arise during Mesobasis. During
Catabasis, Social Engineering can play an important role in managing personal crises or overcoming emotional obstacles. Can help people connect
with support resources, such as therapists or support groups, and provide strategies to address mental or emotional health issues. Furthermore, Social Engineering can contribute to the
rebuilding damaged interpersonal relationships during difficult times. In Anabasis, Social Engineering can be used to foster collaboration, networking and
personal growth. It can help people establish strong professional and personal relationships, as well as identify opportunities for personal and professional development.
It may also include strategies to improve communication and influence in an ever-evolving social environment.
Persuasion: Persuasion in the context of Mesobasis refers to the ability to influence the beliefs, attitudes, decisions and actions of other people deliberately and
effective. This ability is applied considering the specific dynamics of Mesobasis, which is a concept that involves constant changes and oscillations in people's lives.
Here, Persuasion becomes a crucial tool to navigate and take advantage of these changes constructively. In Mesobasis, Persuasion is based on deeply understanding
to people and their constantly evolving circumstances. To do this, it is essential to use empathy and keen observation to identify their needs, desires and pain points in
each phase of catabasis (descent) and anabasis (ascent). Persuasion has both passive and active applications in Mesobasis, as well as in the periods of Catabasis and Anabasis. Each
approach is purposeful and adaptable to the different situations that may arise in a person's life during these periods of constant change. Active Persuasion involves a
more direct and proactive approach to influencing another person's beliefs or actions. In this approach, the persuader takes an active position by presenting arguments, providing
information and deliberately use persuasive tactics. Some characteristics and applications in the mentioned dynamics are: Key characteristics: Deliberate approach,
direct communication, presentation of solid arguments, use of persuasive tactics. Application in Mesobasis: In moments of change or transition in a person's life, such as
Mesobasis, Active Persuasion can be valuable. It can help guide people in making important decisions or adopt new perspectives when facing challenges or
opportunities. Application in Catabasis: During phases of descent or difficulties (Catabasis), Active Persuasion may be necessary to provide support, motivation and guidance
to people who may be struggling with difficult problems or decisions. Application in Anabasis: In stages of personal growth and development (Anabasis), Active Persuasion
can be used to encourage the exploration of new opportunities, goals and aspirations.
Manipulation: Manipulation in Mesobasis refers to the strategic use of influence and persuasion to guide and guide people in times of change or transition in their lives.
lives. This technique is applied ethically and carefully with the goal of helping individuals make informed and beneficial decisions during this period. The manipulation in
This context is based on a deep understanding of people's needs and desires, as well as empathy towards their personal situations. It may involve the presentation of
information effectively, creating positive scenarios and guiding towards options that are consistent with the goals and values of the person in question. In the Catabasis,
Manipulation can be used to provide emotional and psychological support. This may include using truths to help people understand and process their challenges.
emotions and overcome obstacles. For example, a therapist may use ethical manipulation to guide an individual through a therapeutic process, using truths to
explore and address personal problems. In Anabasis, manipulation can be applied to help people achieve their goals and potentials. It may involve the use of
truths and persuasion strategies to motivate people to take action and seize opportunities for personal and professional growth. For example, a mentor may use
ethical manipulation to guide a student or professional in the development of their skills and the pursuit of ambitious goals.
Lateral Thinking and Vertical Thinking: Lateral thinking and vertical thinking are two distinct cognitive approaches that play a crucial role in Mesobasis and
how people approach the challenges and opportunities in their lives.
Lateral Thinking: Lateral thinking involves a non-linear way of approaching problems and situations. It is characterized by creativity, the search for innovative solutions and
exploration of new perspectives. In Mesobasis, lateral thinking is used to stimulate innovation and adaptation to changing circumstances. The people who employ
Lateral thinkers are able to see unusual connections between ideas and events, allowing them to find out-of-the-ordinary solutions and take advantage of unconventional opportunities.
Lateral thinking plays a crucial role in Catabasis by allowing people to explore new perspectives and approaches to overcome emotional and psychological challenges.
During Catabasis, it is common to face mental blocks, feelings of despair or a lack of motivation. In this context, lateral thinking can be used to stimulate
creativity and problem solving. For example, someone struggling with anxiety might turn to lateral thinking to discover unconventional relaxation techniques.
or creative approaches to managing stress. In Anabasis, lateral thinking becomes a valuable tool for innovation and personal growth. People can
Use this approach to explore unconventional opportunities and develop new skills or perspectives. For example, someone looking to advance their career might
use lateral thinking to identify untapped market niches or unique approaches to product development.
Vertical Thinking: Vertical thinking is based on a more linear and logical approach to solving problems and making decisions. Involves detailed analysis, logical sequence of steps
and careful evaluation of available options. In Mesobasis, vertical thinking is used to strategically plan and make fundamental decisions. The people that
Employing top-down thinking, they are able to break down complex problems into manageable components and systematically evaluate the consequences of their actions. Vertical thinking
On the other hand, it plays a fundamental role in Catabasis by helping people to deeply analyze and understand their problems and emotions. During moments of emotional crisis, the
Vertical thinking is used to break down problems into manageable components and address them logically and sequentially. For example, someone facing personal loss
Meaningfully, you can use vertical thinking to reflect on your grief, identify the stages of the grieving process, and seek therapeutic support specific to each stage. He
Vertical thinking, for its part, plays an essential role in Anabasis by allowing strategic planning and orderly progress. During the search for objectives and the
personal growth, vertical thinking is used to set clear goals, develop detailed plans, and systematically evaluate progress. For example, a student who
As you prepare to enter a prestigious university, you can use top-down thinking to create a meticulous study plan and constantly track your performance.
Vertical Thinking vs. Lateral Thinking: Vertical thinking is a way of approaching situations that is based on following a linear and predefined path. It is like following a set of established rules or guidelines and applying common sense based on current circumstances. However, this can often lead to limited solutions, as the approach is rigid and does not allow for much creativity or flexibility. The analogy of the bird in the cage represents how someone trapped in top-down thinking can feel limited and resigned to their situation, as if their options were limited and his "wings" (his creative and adaptive abilities) were restricted.
Lateral thinking, on the other hand, is much more flexible. Instead of following a predetermined path, look for different directions and approaches to address a problem or issue. situation. The bird analogy shows how lateral thinking can find creative and unexpected solutions. Instead of passively waiting for the door to open the cage (an obvious solution), the bird uses its ingenuity to create new opportunities, such as pushing the cage, attracting attention, or using available items. This illustrates how Lateral thinking can branch out possibilities and overcome obstacles through will, intensity, and concentration rather than simply accepting the current situation.
Semiscension and Shuhari: The concept of Semiscension in Mesobasis is related to the Japanese idea of "Shuhari 守破離", which describes the stages of learning up to mastery. In "Shu", one follows the teachings of a teacher in a strict and disciplined manner. This resembles the period in Mesobasis where one closely follows the "rules" of reality and follows an established structure. In "Ha", the learner frees himself from traditional teachings to begin to incorporate his own ideas and initiatives. This resembles the moment in Mesobasis when we began to question the established "rules" and look for more creative and personalized solutions. Finally, in "Ri", the apprentice has achieved mastery and combines his knowledge and experience to transcend the limitations of traditional teachings. This relates to Mesobasis in the sense that by understanding the dynamics of Catabasis and Anabasis, we can overcome avatarized concepts of these states and find more effective solutions.
Perspective and Differentiation: Perspective is a powerful tool to differentiate between periods of Catabasis and false Anabasis. Sometimes these states can disguise themselves as their opposite variant, which can lead to incorrect decisions or ineffective actions. By observing from invisible angles or identifying blind spots in these periods, we can discern their true nature. This is achieved by applying the right values and the right operations at the right time, which leads to more solving conclusions.
Overcoming Avatarized Concepts: Human beings often express their thoughts and concerns through complaints or complaining, especially during periods of Catabasis or Anabasis. Although these expressions They can be a natural response, learning to live and coexist with these states can help us overcome avatarized concepts. To achieve this, we must pay attention to elements such as telegraph (anticipate), walk (advance), circumvent (overcome obstacles), pivot (change direction), and traverse (overcome challenges). The emphasis is on adapting the intensity and the rhythm of our actions to achieve desired results.
Action Framework: Go no Sen (後の先 – Take the initiative after): In this state, one acts or takes the initiative after another element has already done so. This dynamic can be assimilated to the idea of "Prevention" in Mesobasis. That is, when we perceive that a Catabasic or Anabasic state is already underway, we intervene to prevent its deepening or advancement. This can include measures to prevent a negative state from escalating or a positive state from deviating in an undesirable direction. Sen no Sen (先の先 - Taking the initiative simultaneously): In this state, one acts or takes the initiative at the same time that another element also does so. This can be compared to the "Imitation" in Mesobasis. Instead of waiting for a state to fully develop, one acts simultaneously to influence the direction and outcome. For example, if we perceive that someone is entering a state of Positive Anabasis, we can unite and actively contribute to strengthening that state. Sensen no Sen (先先の先 - Taking the initiative in anticipation of the anticipated): In this state, one acts or takes the initiative anticipating the intention of another element to take a certain action or path. This relates to "Delay" in Mesobasis. Here one is you
signaling and anticipating the intentions of the catabasic or anabasic states to take actions that can influence the desired direction. It's like taking the lead in understanding states and anticipating them.
The Importance of Rhythm and Coordination: In Mesobasis, the Catabasis and Anabasis states can present a chaotic variety of obstacles. Instead of completely immersing ourselves in these states, we must learn to pivot (change direction), avoid (overcome obstacles) and oscillate (balance) between both concepts. This involves adjusting our pace and coordination according to the circumstances to find balance and move forward effectively.
Rest, Rest and Stop: Finally, to achieve an adequate transition between catabasic and anabasic states, we must consider elements such as resting (taking a short break), resting (recovering energy passively) and stop (completely cease movement). These processes are essential to conserve our energy and adapt effectively to Mesobasis.
Intelligence and Ignorance in Mesobasis: Intelligence is the ability to process knowledge, and this knowledge is built from a series of beliefs that converge into demonstrable truths. On the other hand, Ignorance, at its opposite extreme, involves processing ignorance, based on beliefs that lead to lies or fictitious events that cannot be supported by any method or way of demonstration. Both ways of understanding the world seek to justify themselves, even if they sometimes contradict what we really know, either before or after acquiring certain knowledge. In the search for concrete knowledge, various sources are explored, from philosophical perspectives to psychological and epistemological approaches. The intelligence, In this context, it allows our minds to interact with knowledge and apply reason to derive logical conclusions. This reasoning process that leads to knowledge based on causes and principles is known as "Dianoia διάνοια". However, in contrast to intelligence, there is the "Doxa δόξα", which refers to opinion, that is, a set of points of view that are based on elements that lead to a specific conclusion. These elements are often found in the realm of sensitivity, meaning they are more related to perception than to reason. On the other hand, the "Noesis νόησις" is understood as an intellectual activity, the faculty of thinking for itself, and represents the activity intrinsic mental ability to process and understand concrete knowledge. The mind acts as a channel that connects with the "Noosphere νόοςσφαῖρα", a term denoting the sphere of knowledge shared by living beings that make use of intelligence. The interconnection between these living beings is reflected in their constant mental proximity, although it is essential that this proximity be prudent (Phronesis Φρόνησις), since a lack of moderation in this regard, a kind of "excessity" or "Hybris ὕβρις", could trigger undesired consequences. In this perspective, we could understand the Mesobasis as an intermediate state in which the Anabasic elements, such as Phronesis, intelligence, knowledge, the Noosphere and the Noesis, They contribute to enriching understanding and personal growth. These elements promote the development and evolution of the individual by encouraging the acquisition of knowledge and ability to reflect on them. They provide a solid basis for making informed decisions and contribute to the connection between living beings in the search for knowledge. By On the other hand, the Catabasic elements, which include Hubris, ignorance, ignorance, vulgarity and doxa, represent forces that tend to dissolve or weaken this search. of knowledge and understanding. Hubris, in particular, can lead to arrogance and lack of restraint, which can be detrimental to the process of learning and growth. staff. Ignorance and doxa can lead to erroneous conclusions and superficial opinions, hindering the acquisition of deeper knowledge.
Plato and the Two Worlds: In Plato's philosophy, two worlds are distinguished: the sensible world and the intelligible world. The sensible world is accessible through our senses and contains physical objects and their representations, such as shadows and images. However, physical objects are changeable and therefore the knowledge we gain from them is relative and temporal. According to Plato, this world is related to ignorance or non-being, since our perceptions can be confusing and our beliefs, although more precise that images still belong to opinion and do not constitute true knowledge. This notion of two worlds is related to the dynamics of Mesobasis. In the Mesobasis, they address intermediate cognitive and emotional states, and Plato's distinction between the sensible and intelligible world can be understood as a representation of how people can experience and process knowledge. In the sentient world, changing perceptions and beliefs can lead to states of confusion, similar to Catabasis. On the other hand, the intelligible world, where knowledge is more precise and lasting, can represent a state of greater clarity and understanding, close to Anabasis. The dynamics of the Mesobasis fit in this conceptualization because it reflects how our perceptions and beliefs can oscillate between clarity and confusion, depending on various factors. Often, we are in search for knowledge and clarity, but our experiences and environment can throw us into intermediate states where our beliefs are relative and changing.
Free Will and Decision Making: Free will is the belief that people have the ability to make decisions for themselves.
Is more. To make informed decisions, A sufficient level of intelligence is required to allow reasoning about actions and reaching the desired conclusions. This implies that human beings have the power to be "Judge, Jury and Executioner." This means that they can judge elements, express opinions and make decisions, either to defend their own diversity or to rule on elements. that are not directly related to them or their vital proxemia. This decision-making capacity is crucial to deal with the dynamics of Mesobasis, where people They face situations that may require a choice between good and evil, action and inaction, or change and immobility. Morality in Mesobasis becomes especially relevant in the context of free will. The decisions made by people can be influenced by their belief and value system, and these decisions can vary depending on the context and circumstances. Sometimes what may be considered correct in one context may seem incorrect in another, raising questions about relativity. of morality in Mesobasis. However, it is important to note that the exercise of free will may not be as absolute as it might seem. The dynamics of Catabasis and Anabasis, which represent the periods of decline and rise in a person's life, can indirectly influence the decision-making process. During the moments of Catabasis, Where people face challenges, difficulties, or adverse situations, their ability to exercise free will may be limited. The immediate concerns and Tensions can cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive decisions or knee-jerk reactions. On the other hand, in the periods of Anabasis, where people experience growth personal, success, or favorable situations, they are more likely to be able to exercise their free will more fully and thoughtfully. The feeling of well-being and security can give them the confidence necessary to make informed and goal-focused decisions. On the other hand, in periods of Anabasis, where people experience personal growth, success or favorable situations, they are more likely to be able to exercise their free will more fully and thoughtfully. The feeling of well-being and security can give them confidence necessary to make informed and goal-focused decisions.
Proxemic: Proxemics is a concept that refers to the study of how people perceive, use and establish spatial distances in their social and personal interactions. It is a part important non-verbal communication that focuses on how people relate to their physical environment and to others based on distance. In essence, proxemics deals to understand how people regulate their personal and social space in various situations and cultures. This involves the delimitation of zones of space that range from intimate and close even public and distant. These zones vary depending on the cultural, social and personal context, and their observance influences the comfort and level of interaction between people. One of The key concepts in proxemics is the notion of "personal bubble" or "intimate space", which is the closest physical distance a person allows between themselves and others in situations of intimacy or trust. This bubble can vary from culture to culture and person to person, but it is a fundamental aspect in the study of how people interact. They relate and feel comfortable in their surroundings. Proxemia in Mesobasis refers to the separation or distance that an individual maintains in relation to the elements that make up her life and her surroundings. This distance is not limited only to the physical, as in the case of the invasion of personal space, but encompasses the interaction and influence of these. elements in the life of the individual. In this context, proxemia manifests itself in a dynamic and fluctuating way, since it changes according to the decisions and permissions that the individual himself gives to the elements that surround it. Similar to how a person can allow or refuse others to invade their personal space, in Mesobasis, an individual can allow or reject the avatarization of Mesobasic dynamics in her life. For example, an individual may decide to interact with certain elements or people that may lead to negative effects. Catabasics or Anabasics in her life. This interaction can be conscious or unconscious, and the proxemics you establish with respect to these elements will influence the general dynamic. of the Mesobasis of him.
Deserving: Constantly, human beings are faced with the question of what they deserve or do not deserve, and the reasons behind these beliefs. In this process, different dynamics are used, such as rewards and punishments, so
such as opening or closing options. This involves judging what is considered good or bad based on the possible repercussions and consequences, either immediate or in the near future, both for the individual and for the community to which they belong. However, there is another dynamic of socialization that is based on what we could call the "law of profit." In this perspective, human beings value and prioritize what provides immediate or rapid benefits in their environment. Instead of following a strict ethical or moral code, they are guided by simplicity and convenience, seeking to achieve their objectives with minimal effort. This "law of least effort" approach involves that some people help each other not necessarily because they are committed to a specific ethics or morality, but because they see clear advantages in doing so. These benefits They can be personal or they can contribute to the well-being of your community. The Mesobasis is the space in which these decisions are made and executed, and where people balance moral and ethical demands with their immediate needs and desires.
Dynamics of Punishments and Rewards:
Definition: The dynamics of punishments and rewards are social systems that operate as evaluation mechanisms of human actions, considering the consequences that these may have. trigger. In this context, consequences can take two main forms: rewards, which are positive results that encourage certain behaviors, and punishments, which They are negative results that deter or sanction unwanted behaviors.
Additional Explanation: These dynamics are essential in the structuring of society and the formation of shared norms and values. People, in their daily interactions, take decisions based on the anticipation of possible rewards or punishments that may arise as a result of their actions. This constant weighting is related to the concept of Mesobasis, which represents an intermediate state where considerations of restriction (Catabasis) and expansion (Anabasis) are balanced in decision making. In the Mesobasis, the People seek that balance between considering restrictions and opportunities, reflecting the need to adapt to the complexities of daily life and relationships. social. The ability to evaluate and manage these punishment and reward dynamics is essential to navigating the ethical and moral complexities of human life.
The Law of Profit and Minimum Effort:
Definition: The "law of profit" refers to the tendency of some people to prioritize actions that generate immediate benefits or personal advantages, even if this means avoiding additional efforts or not considering long-term consequences. In other words, it involves making decisions based on self-interest or comfort, without giving careful attention. appropriate to long-term outcomes or broader ethical considerations. When people follow the "law of profit" and seek immediate advantages, they are often less willing to invest time and effort in decisions that might require personal sacrifices or a deeper commitment to ethical principles. This can lead to impulsive actions or decisions that, while they may generate benefits in the short term, are not sustainable in the long term or may have negative consequences for others or the community at large.
Additional Explanation: This approach relates to seeking an easier or more convenient path rather than fully committing to a set of ethical or moral values. Here, Mesobasis manifests as people balance their pursuit of benefits with consideration of the restrictions and expansions that may arise from their actions. This approach reflects how people can find themselves in an intermediate state between restriction (Catabasis) and expansion (Anabasis). Although they seek immediate personal benefits, They are still subject to ethical and moral considerations that can restrain their actions or generate internal conflicts. Ultimately, this balance between self-benefit and ethical responsibilities is an example of how Mesobasis plays a fundamental role in human decision making.
Dual Morality and the Allegory of the Cannibal:
Definition: Dual morality refers to the coexistence of contrasting value systems in an individual or a society. The allegory of the cannibal is a narrative that illustrates a conflict morality in which an individual's actions are viewed differently in two different contexts.
Additional Explanation: Dual morality manifests itself when an individual or a society holds two sets of contradictory values. The allegory of the cannibal exemplifies this concept by presenting a cannibal who has lived his entire life
a in a society where cannibalism is the norm. However, when this cannibal travels to a modern society and practices cannibalism, He is arrested and put on trial. This story highlights how moral standards can vary depending on culture and environment.
Destiny and Free Will:
Definition: Fate is the belief that events or actions are predetermined by a specific force or element, which limits free will. Some people They cling to this idea to avoid responsibility for their actions and find purpose in unexplained events.
Additional Explanation: Those who believe in destiny tend to accept events and consequences as inevitable and beyond their control. This can lead to an attitude of surrender to the events and causalities of life, without resistance or attempts to influence them. This perspective contrasts with the concept of free will, where people have the ability to make decisions and affect one's own destiny. The Mesobasis may include those who hesitate between these two perspectives, trying to balance the influence of fate and destiny. free will in their lives through the Catabasis and Anabasis.
Anabasic and Catabasic Substitutes:
Definition: Anabasic and Catabasic substitutes refer to the search for experiences or states similar to expansion (Anabasis) or restriction (Catabasis), depending on the individual needs. These can have various reasons and objectives.
Additional Explanation: In human society, people often seek experiences or states that generate feelings of expansion or restriction, depending on what they need at a moment. given. The motives behind this quest can vary widely, and individuals may opt for Anabasis to gain a sense of freedom and growth or Catabasis to find security and stability. These states reflect the capacity for adaptation and choice of people in the Mesobasis, where they seek to balance their changing needs and desires.
Law of Equivalence and Impact on Identity:
Explanation: People often believe that by judging or applying negative consequences to others for their actions, they can significantly change those people's behavior and, therefore, improving the dynamics of your lifestyle or living pattern. However, in Mesobasis, it is recognized that what happens to one individual does not necessarily affect others. the same way. This is summarized in the expression "What happens to me will not change who you are, because to do so you must allow the change." The law of equivalence states that elements of equal value cancel each other out and that disparate interactions are required to generate significant change and overcome stagnation.
Additional Explanation: In Mesobasis, people understand that change and personal evolution are individual processes that require the will and disposition of each individual. Therefore, imposing punishments or consequences on others may not be effective in changing their essence or identity. Instead, people can focus on their own growth personal and in positively influencing their environment in a constructive way, recognizing that each individual has their own Anabasis and Catabasis journey, and that real change depends on the personal will. The law of equivalence suggests that when two elements have the same value, their influence cancels each other out, meaning that to achieve real change, the Interactions must be different enough to overcome resistance and stagnation. This highlights the importance of diversity and variability in decision making. decisions and human interaction.
The Influence of Anabasis and Catabasis on the Perception of Morals:
Explanation: The perception of what is right or wrong in human society is strongly influenced by the states of Anabasis and Catabasis. People tend to evaluate actions and ethical decisions based on how they affect their sense of expansion or restriction. When an action leads to a state of Anabasis, it tends to be considered "good", while that actions that cause a state of Catabasis are perceived as "bad." This influence of expansion and restriction on the perception of morality is a key component of Mesobasis.
Additional Explanation: Mesobasis recognizes that morality is not an absolute matter, but is subject to the influence of human experiences and emotions. The people are more likely to consider actions that give them a sense of growth, freedom, and Anabasis as morally right, and to condemn actions that make them feel restricted, oppression or Catabasis. This understanding of how emotional states influence the perception of morality is critical to navigating the ethical dilemmas in Mesobasis.
Mesobasic Point of View: Point of view, broadly speaking, refers to the perspective, opinion, or attitude that an individual adopts with respect to a topic, person, object, or entity. Is a subjective representation based on the subject's own inclinations, and this perspective can vary widely between different individuals. Points of view are formed based on of what is perceived as true or real, and truth is made up of elements that can be demonstrated and that coincide with an accepted definition. In contrast, the lie is composed of demonstrable elements that do not coincide with an accepted definition. Our views are also influenced by our feelings and emotions towards something, whether pleasant or unpleasant, sacred or profane, philanthropic or misanthropic. In Mesobasis, both Catabasis and Anabasis can influence our perspectives, predisposing our attitudes and decisions through cognitive biases, manias, obsessions or fixations, reinforcing or disrupting them. Each individual constructs his or her own set of beliefs and opinions that shape the way they interpret reality. Truth, on the other hand, refers to the correspondence of a statement or statement with objective reality and verifiable. In essence, truth is a set of facts or components that can be demonstrated to be accurate and that conform to an accepted definition or standard. The truth It is the opposite of lying, which involves the presentation of false or misleading information that does not match reality. In the search for truth, people look for evidence and solid evidence to support your claims and beliefs, which involves a process of discernment and critical analysis.
Knowledge, in its essence, can be compared to a liquid poured into different containers, representing the diversity of perspectives and approaches that individuals can have. These vessels symbolize the different origins and frames of reference that influence the way a person processes and understands knowledge. Conflict arises when someone defends his own "vessel" or perspective as superior to others, which can lead to debates and disagreements in the search for truth. The interaction between these "containers" and Its content is essential to reach meaningful conclusions. Conclusions, ultimately, represent the end point of a process of thinking, reasoning or argumentation. However, the variety of perspectives and the influence of biases may affect the nature of these conclusions. Biases can distort the decision-making process. decisions and lead to conclusions that are biased toward one extreme or biased in some way. The points of view can be real or unreal, the former coming from a native reality or an original point of view that functions as the source of that point, and the second comes from the change through the filter of the individual's experience itself, which bastardizes its nature in a certain way to achieve or determine an end in a specific way. The metaphor of the omnidirectionally branching tree is a powerful image that represents the diversity of perspectives and approaches in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Imagine a majestic tree with innumerable branches spreading in all directions. directions, without a predefined pattern, growing freely in search of sunlight. This image symbolizes the multiplicity of ways in which people approach knowledge and how each perspective is unique and valuable in its own right. All branches of the tree, although they develop differently and have distinctive bumps and curvatures, are equally legitimate. There is no branch that is inherently better or worse than another. Instead, each branch represents the uniqueness of an individual's experience and perspective. These differences can arise from various factors, such as cultural background, education, life experiences, and personal beliefs. The key to this metaphor lies in understanding that diversity of perspectives enriches our understanding of the world and enriches the process of seeking knowledge. Each branch of the tree seeks its own source of light and, so Similarly, each individual seeks his or her own truth and understanding. It is not about comparing which branch is superior or inferior, but about recognizing and appreciating the differences and learning from them.
The Mesobasis itself can be seen in this simple way: A geometric object with different faces, being illuminated from different angles simultaneously. This casts a shadow, and Thanks to the way the geometric figure is exposed to the light sources, according to its angle of origin, that is the shadow that is projected. Mesobasis can be taken
like this multifacial geometric object, where different shadows are projected and different conclusions are reached, and although the points of view are different, they all come from the same point fountain. Perspective is the way of representing one or more objects on a flat surface, which gives an idea of the position, volume and situation they occupy in space with respect to the environment. eye of the observer. Therefore, when Mesobasis produces lights and shadows through Catabasis and Anabasis, making us reach conclusions through various points of view, It can be said that it indirectly influences our perspective. The way we approach situations are, in origin, points of view that help us understand the different shadows cast on the situation. Let's imagine that the light that is focused on a situation is the cause, and the shadow is the effect, then the situation is the multifaceted geometric object. No matter how many faces you have, if you only focus on one and ignore the rest of the faces coming from the source, the point of view will only be able to partially understand the situation. Just as the problems come from the Catabasis, and the solutions come from the Anabasis, the methods of resolution and intersection from one state to another are coming from Mesobasis itself, the environment where Catabasis and Anabasis function. Each action creates a reaction, which generates an impact, and in Mesobasis we can understand this such as our actions or the Catabasic or Anabasic actions, the reactions of the elements interacted with these concepts and the repercussions reflected both in the individuals, as in the concepts themselves, just like a drop of water falling into a body of water, generating various waves of various sizes.
The Mesobasis resembles an intricate geometric object, a complex entity composed of multiple facets, elements and characteristics. In its structure, we can identify a diversity of components such as faces, edges, vertices, angles, apothems, radii, centers, diagonals, sides, diameters, bases, guidelines, foci, axes, shapes, patterns, projections planar or multiplanar, as well as geometric relationships such as parallel, oblique, perpendicular, arcs, curves, continuous, discontinuous, horizontal, vertical, sagittal, frontal, transversal, and many others. This complexity illustrates that the Mesobasis is composed of a variety of elements that make it intrinsically indeterminate in its entirety, although Catabasis and Anabasis, which are its fundamental components, provide a degree of relative determination. To understand Mesobasis in its entirety, it is necessary to approach it in a systematically, breaking it down into parts, segments and areas. We must take a puzzle-solving approach, where each piece gradually brings us closer to a deeper understanding. of this complex concept. We should not be content with conclusions that quickly fit our pre-existing logic, as biases and perspectives can lead us to erroneous or limited interpretations of Mesobasis. Instead, we must adopt a perspective that allows us to break down the Mesobasis into more manageable segments and understand it in its whole over time, as if we were watching a movie made up of a sequence of frames. This will allow us to approach Mesobasis in a more comprehensive way. and precise. Its inert nature tells us that the Mesobasis has a number of bodies and avatarizations through the Catabasis and Anabasis, at the moment, completely incalculable, but approximately they are enough to define Mesobasis itself as indeterminant, while Catabasis and Anabasis are a little closer to determination. The Mesobasis casts shadows by means of lights through the Catabasis and the Anabasis, leading to various conclusions and perspectives. Perspectives, in essence, are the way in which we represent situations and objects on a flat surface, giving us information about their position and volume in relation to the observer. Mesobasis indirectly influences in our perspectives, since the shadows projected by lights represent our actions and reactions to different elements and concepts. This constant interaction generates a variety of repercussions on individuals and on the concepts themselves.
In fact, Mesobasis itself is likely to function like a Koch Snowflake, where its inert and mechanical nature never ceases, therefore its fractal nature leads to the Catabasis and Anabasis are presented on scales of different sizes and dimensions of the same nature, with the values increased or decreased according to the scale on which they are manifested. These scales are territories where the influence of these concepts varies.
values, depending again on the perspective as such. The Mesobasis does not have a self-consciousness, nor a perspective on its own mechanism, which is why its functioning manifests itself in different ways, and many of them unattainable to limit, measure or contain. It is practically a mandala that expands infinitely, and in those infinities, reaches transfinite figures, thus up to indetermination. The closest thing to being able to establish delimitations with respect to to the Catabasis, Anabasis and the Mesobasis are through effigies of their own origin, elements such as time, space, matter, energy, and much simpler concepts of the vastness of the Mesobasic mechanism. Therefore, to understand how the Mesobasis mechanism acts and functions, a mechanism of infinite gears must be portrayed in a circumference of such vast proportions that we can only visualize a part of it, while it covers the entirety of our vision. Each inert gear works as a tiny representation of the current Mesobasis, and each movement that it produces or occurs in it is what leads it to connect with other gears, transferring the movement, causing actions, which trigger reactions, and which generate repercussions in a totally constant and indisputable way.
Eudemonia and Cacodemonia: In ancient Greek mythology, there were two concepts that we modernly know as "the angel and the demon of the shoulder": Eudaemonius and Cacodemonium. The first represented an entity benevolent, while the second was an evil entity. The word eudáimōn in Greek denotes having a helping spirit and therefore being happy. This word is composed of εὖ (eu), meaning "good" or "good", and δαίμων (dáimōn), meaning "divinity, spirit, divine power, destiny or god". It is interesting to note that the word "daimon" is also related to the Greek term for "demon." In this case, "demon" would be understood as "full of knowledge." On the other hand, a cacodemon, cacodemon or cacodaemon is an evil spirit or, in a modern sense, a demon. The opposite of a cacodemon is an agathodaemon or eudaemon, a benign spirit or angel. The word "cacodemon" comes from Latin and is derived from Greek ancient κακοδαίμων (kakodaimōn), meaning "evil spirit", where "daimon" would be understood as a neutral spirit in Classical Greece and "Tychodaimon" would be a benevolent spirit. These concepts can be understood not so much as individual entities, but as representations of Catabasis (descent) and Anabasis (ascent), concepts that gave rise to several religious conceptions and interpretations. In their essence, Eudaemonia and Cacodemonia represent "Beneficial Knowledge" and "Malefic Knowledge", respectively, related with Catabasis and Anabasis. Additionally, there are synonyms for these names. In the case of the Eudaemonio, it is known as Agathodemon, Guardian Angels or intermediary guardians between the gods (other avatarizations of Catabasis and Anabasis) and human beings. On the other hand, Cacodemons have synonyms such as Fallen Angel, Demon (just) or evil spirits. These concepts can not only be applied to the avatarizations of Catabasis and Anabasis, but also to frequent creatures that are mostly related to these concepts. While on the one hand the Eudemon remembers the virtues and is intrinsically an avatarization of the Anabasis, the Cacodemon remembers the vices and is intrinsically an avatarization of the Catabasis. From them are born the following dualities: Faith and Idolatry, Hope and Despair, Charity and Avarice, Chastity and Lust, Prudence and Folly, Patience and Anger, Sweetness and Hardness, Concord and Discord, Obedience and Rebellion, Perseverance and Inconsistency, Humility and Pride, Generosity and Avarice, Chastity and Lust, Patience and Anger, Temperance and Gluttony, Charity and Envy, Diligence and Laziness. These dualities have been represented throughout history, especially in the Middle Ages, through allegories such as "Psychomachia" or "Battle of the soul", where abstract human virtues fight against personified vices. This conflict is represented in epic poems such as that of Aurelio Prudentius in the 5th century, the Medieval "Roman de la rose" and John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" in 1678. These examples illustrate how the periods of Catabasis and Anabasis, as well as their native elements of these concepts have caused in human beings a constant oscillation between positive and negative values, between successes and failures, their lights and shadows, gradually forming eclipses where strangely they have been able, with brevity, to understand what they are and what they are like, although like the astronomical event, these types of events occur with a relatively low frequency.
In the realm of mystical and esoteric approaches, Eudaemonius and Cacodemonium acquire even deeper and more symbolic meanings. These interpretations are explored in greater detail here:
Eudaemonium as a symbol of the "higher self": In these currents of thought, Eudaemonium is considered a symbol of the "higher self" or the highest and most spiritual part of the person. This "Higher self" represents the connection with divinity, inner wisdom and higher consciousness. It is the part of us that seeks spiritual evolution, enlightenment and elevation of consciousness. Eudaemonium is also associated with intelligence on the "Buddhist plane", meaning that it is related to deep knowledge and understanding of spiritual truths.
Higher esoteric planes: In esoteric spirituality, it is believed in the existence of higher planes or dimensions of reality that are beyond everyday perception. Eudaemonium is considered an entity or energy that resides in these higher planes and that assists in the spiritual evolution of individuals. It is attributed the ability to elevate thoughts and emotions towards higher states of consciousness and spiritual understanding.
Cacodemon and Negative Entities: In contrast, Cacodemon is defined as negative creatures and entities that represent the antithesis of the "higher self."
These entities may include egregores (collective psychic constructs), archons (evil archon beings in certain esoteric cosmologies), boggarts (mischievous or malevolent spirits of Celtic mythology), tulpas (beings created by the power of thought), wandering spirits (lost souls or aimless entities), discarnates (disembodied spirits), astral larvae (negative entities that feed energy), among others.
The "lower self" and involution: Cacodemonia seeks the imposition of the "lower self", which represents the darkest and most negative parts of the human psyche. These negative entities can be related to concepts such as the "Klesa" of Dukkha, which are the mental and emotional afflictions that cause suffering and impede spiritual progress in philosophy buddhist. They are also associated with icy or fiery Narakas, which are concepts in some spiritual traditions that represent states of extreme suffering or hells.
Klesha (Klesa): The "Klesha" or "Klesa" are fundamental concepts in Buddhist philosophy that refer to mental, emotional and spiritual afflictions that cause suffering and They hinder spiritual progress. These afflictions are considered obstacles on the path to enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of suffering, which is one of the main objectives of Buddhism. In Buddhism, they are believed to be the primary cause of the cycle of suffering (Samsara) by keeping humans trapped in the wheel of rebirth. There are many "Klesha" common, and are traditionally described as the following:
Desire (Raga): This affliction refers to insatiable desire and greed for sense gratification and possession of material goods. Desire is considered a source of suffering because it creates attachments and longings that can never be fully satisfied.
Aversion (Dvesha): Aversion encompasses feelings of hatred, anger, rejection and aversion towards people, situations or things that we do not like. This affliction can lead to conflicts and emotional suffering.
Ignorance (Avidya): Ignorance refers to the lack of understanding of the true nature of reality. It is the root of all other afflictions and the cycle of suffering. Enlightenment is sought through overcoming ignorance.
Pride (Māna): Excessive pride or arrogance leads to an exaggerated view of oneself, which results in comparing oneself favorably with others. This can create conflict and distance between people.
Jealousy (Irshya): Jealousy arises when one feels envy or resentment towards the achievements or possessions of others. This can generate suffering and rivalries.
Burning and Icy Narakas: In Buddhism, it is believed in the existence of various states of existence after death, which are determined by actions and afflictions accumulated during life. "Narakas" are states of extreme suffering that are often translated as "hells." There are different types of "Narakas", including "Fiery Narakas" and the "Frozen Narakas":
Burning Narakas (Naraka): These are infernal states characterized by extreme suffering due to heat and fire. It is believed that souls who have committed extremely bad or who have accumulated a large amount of "Klesha" can be reborn in these states. Suffering in the "Burning Narakas" includes the sensation of intense burning and torment related to heat. Its deepest level is Avici.
Frozen Narakas (Niraya): These are hellish states characterized by extreme suffering due to cold and freezing. Souls who have committed especially vile acts and have accumulated a large amount of negativity can be reborn in these states. Suffering in the "Frozen Narakas" involves feeling intense cold and ice-related torment. His deepest level is Mahapadma.
Relationship with the Cacodemon: The Klesas can be related to the concept of Cacodemon in the sense that they represent internal or negative forces that can lead to actions harmful or destructive. Just as Cacodemons are evil spirits in Greek mythology, Klesas can be considered "inner demons" that hinder growth. spiritual. The Narakas relate to the concept of Cacodemon in the sense that both are associated with negative experiences and suffering. The Narakas are places of punishment, while Cacodemons are evil entities that can cause harm. In Mesobasis, Cacodemons are probably the category to which any entity of negative or highly harmful nature, incapable of establishing a real coexistence with other living beings or with an Anabasis, since the word Cacodemonia represents the "Malefic Knowledge", and therefore, all being with sufficient
e consciousness enough to know and have this negative knowledge to use in its favor and against others. other types of life.
Lightning: "Enlightenment" in the context of beliefs and philosophies is a term that encompasses a variety of meanings and concepts in different religious, philosophical and cultural traditions. spiritual.
Enlightenment in Philosophy and Religion:
Buddhism: In Buddhism, "Enlightenment" refers to achieving a state of wisdom and deep understanding of the nature of reality and the elimination of human suffering. HE primarily associated with the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who achieved Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and became the Buddha. In this context, Enlightenment implies the overcoming illusions and realizing the ultimate truth.
Hinduism: In Hinduism, Enlightenment is related to the concept of "Moksha" or liberation from the cycle of reincarnation (samsara). It involves the realization of unity with Brahman (ultimate reality) and overcoming ego and worldly limitations. Enlightenment is achieved through yoga, meditation and self-reflection.
Christianity: In the Christian tradition, Enlightenment refers to the experience of a deep, spiritual understanding of faith and relationship with God. It can manifest as a divine revelation, an epiphany or spiritual transformation that leads to a closer relationship with God.
Enlightenment in Western Philosophy:
Enlightenment: In the context of the 18th century European Enlightenment, the "Enlightenment" refers to an intellectual movement that promoted reason, science, and the emancipation of the human thought of religious and monarchical authority. Enlightenment philosophers such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Kant advocated freedom, equality, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Enlightenment in Modern Spirituality:
New Age and Modern Spirituality: In the realm of contemporary spirituality, "Enlightenment" is often associated with mystical experiences, the expansion of consciousness and the search of the inner truth. Various techniques are practiced, such as meditation, yoga and the exploration of consciousness, with the aim of achieving states of Enlightenment or spiritual awakening.
Enlightenment in the Philosophy of Enlightenment: In philosophy, especially in the work of Immanuel Kant, "Enlightenment" refers to the emancipation of humanity through use of reason and overcoming minority, which is the inability to think for oneself without the guidance of others. Kant called this era "the age of Enlightenment."
Catharism: Catharism, also known as the Cathar or Albigensian movement, was a religious and spiritual movement that flourished in Western Europe, particularly in southern France, during the 12th and 13th centuries. Catharism had some connections with the notion of Enlightenment, although with some significant differences. Here are some of the key characteristics of Catharism in relation to Enlightenment:
Dualism: Catharism was a form of religious dualism. The Cathars believed in the existence of two supreme and opposite principles: the God of Good and the God of Evil. They considered that the material world and the flesh were creations of the God of Evil, while the spiritual world and the search for truth were associated with the God of Good. This duality often It resembles the dualism present in the Eastern Enlightenment and the struggle between light and darkness.
Rejection of the Material World: The Cathars shared a distrust of the material world and considered that spiritual liberation was achieved through asceticism, renunciation to worldly pleasures and the return to the spiritual world. This vision shared certain parallels with the idea that Enlightenment is achieved through the transcendence of the world. material and the search for a deeper spiritual reality.
Search for Spiritual Perfection: The Cathars sought spiritual perfection and strove to live ascetic and morally pure lives. Spiritual purification was a central objective in their belief, which is an aspect that relates to the search for spiritual Enlightenment and the elevation of consciousness in many spiritual traditions.
Belief in Reincarnation: Some Cathar groups held a belief in reincarnation, which implied that the human soul went through cycles of birth and rebirth until achieve final liberation. This belief in reincarnation resembles the idea of spiritual evolution and the development of consciousness found in some traditions of Lightning.
Relationship with Enlightenment: Enlightenment is a state of higher consciousness and deep spiritual understanding. It is related to the search for truth, inner peace
and the spiritual elevation. In this context, the Eudaemonium can be considered as an external or symbolic representation of the spiritual fulfillment and happiness that are achieved through of Enlightenment. In Mesobasis, Eudaemons are probably the category to which any entity of a positive or highly healing nature, capable of establishing a real coexistence with other living beings or with overcoming and learning from a Catabasis, since the word Eudemonia represents "Beneficial Knowledge", and therefore, every being with sufficient consciousness to know and have this positive knowledge to use in your favor and in favor of other types of life.
Throughout history, humans have used different approaches, such as religions, philosophies, psychology and lifestyles, to understand and simplify the concepts of Eudemonia and Cacodemonia. These concepts have been categorized more rigidly to facilitate their understanding. They are not entities in themselves, but rather categories of entities that employ knowledge, whether benevolent or evil, with a positive or negative purpose, broadly speaking. Eudemonia is associated with those figures or concepts that represent the good, the progress and improvement in human life. Examples of Eudaemons include heroes, saviors, and people who have contributed significantly to the advancement of humanity. These figures are often revered and celebrated in various cultures and mythologies as examples of virtue and goodness. Cacodemon, on the other hand, refers to entities or concepts that embody evil, destruction or stagnation. Examples of Cacodemons can be criminals, sectarian leaders, and people who have hindered human progress or caused harm. These figures They are often vilified and considered sources of suffering and evil. This duality between Eudaemonia and Cacodemonia has been reflected in countless mythologies, cultural traditions and stories throughout history. These categorizations help people understand and address the complexity of human actions and the forces that influence the world. TO Through these concepts, societies have sought to better understand the nature of human actions and how they contribute to the progress or decline of humanity. The struggle between these two categories has been a fundamental part of humanity's cultural and spiritual narrative, serving as a tool to examine values, choices morals and the path towards personal and collective fulfillment.
Panoptes Digital - The Omniscient and Omnipresent Machine: "Digital Panoptes", by its translation, "Digitization of All Eyes", refers to an entity or digital surveillance system that shares conceptual similarities with the figure mythology of Argos Panoptes and Bentham's concept of the "Panopticon." Argos Panoptes, in Greek mythology, was a being with numerous eyes that represented omnipresence and omniscience. The Bentham Panopticon is a surveillance structure designed so that a single guard can observe all the prisoners without being seen. In the digital context, this could be interpreted as a surveillance or control system that monitors everything online without being detected.
Human Lyre: The "Human Lyre" refers to the strategy that Hermes used to defeat Argos Panoptes in Greek mythology. Hermes deceived Argos by disguising himself as a shepherd and then he lulled him to sleep with stories and songs. In this context, the "Human Lyre" represents cunning and subtlety in the way you approach the challenge of defeating the Digital Panoptes. Instead To confront him forcefully, the idea is proposed of stunning him, lulling him, or deceiving him to avoid his ability to constantly observe him.
Strategies to defeat Argos Panoptes Digital: Several strategies are proposed to defeat Argos Panoptes Digital. These strategies are influenced by the myth of Hermes and Argos:
Create a Digital Lyre of Hermes: This could be translated as using some type of electronic interference or electromagnetic chanting to distract or confuse the Panoptes' surveillance. Digital, similar to how Hermes distracted Argos with stories and songs.
"Deceiving the appearance of him in the direct vision of Argos": Hermes managed to deceive the perception of Argos by disguising himself as a shepherd and hiding his true identity from him. Instead of facing directly into the watchful gaze of Argos, Hermes chose to adopt an appearance that would not raise suspicion or arouse alarm. This tactic involved deceiving Argos' senses. to avoid constant surveillance of him.
"Skill is better than strength": This expression means that cunning and intelligence are more effective than brute force in certain situations. In the myth, Hermes did not attempt to defeat Argos with violence, but instead he opted for a more ingenious and less confrontational strategy. Once Hermes posed as a shepherd, he used stories and music to calm and lull people to sleep. Argus. This had the effect of relaxing Argos, putting him in a sort of mental "comfort zone" and making him less alert and vigilant. After having lulled Argus with his cunning, Hermes was able to act quickly and undetected to decisively assassinate Argos. This action was carried out in a solemn and effective manner, without giving Argos the opportunity to react or recover from the drowsy state of it.
Destruction of all eyes simultaneously: This strategy involves disabling all Panoptes Digital surveillance systems at the same time, using a tool equivalent to the "Sword of Hermes" of Greek myth. This could be interpreted as finding a weakness in the system and attacking it in a coordinated manner.
Timing and blind spot: It is suggested to take advantage of the moment when the Panoptes Digital flashes, that is, when it is momentarily blind or cannot monitor all areas simultaneously. This allows you to carry out actions without being detected, avoiding your constant gaze and your ability to foresee events.
Stun it so that it cannot distinguish what is happening: This strategy consists of confusing the Panoptes Digital in such a way that it cannot distinguish or understand what is happening, which would decrease its effectiveness as a surveillance system, overwhelming it sensorially.
Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence: These are divine attributes that represent unlimited power, all knowledge and presence everywhere. However, in the context of Panoptes Digital proposes that these attributes are intrinsically related to the numerical, which means that they are based on a certain quantity or multiplicity.
Numerical nullification or affectation: It is suggested that if the numerical or mathematical part of these attributes is nullified, counteracted or affected in some way, then omnipotence is turns omnipresence into impotence, into absence, and omniscience into nescience. In other words, they would lose their divine nature and become ineffective.
Argos Panoptes in the digital age: In this context, Argos Panoptes is associated with the digital age and is described as having millions of eyes and limbs, but only one main body. This implies that although it may have many "ends" or "limbs", they are all connected to a single central body that represents its main entity.
Strategy to beat Argos Panoptes Digital: The proposed strategy is that the "Lyre of Hermes" (a
in reference to the cunning of Hermes) must attack the main body of the Digital Argos to achieve victory. To do so, both the body and mind of the Argos must be found and understood, then acted upon to completely disable its digital presence.
Catabasis and Anabasis in the Digital Panoptes: These two concepts refer to forces opposed to each other in reality. Catabasis represents a descent or involution, while Anabasis represents a promotion or evolution. But not only are they abstract concepts, they could also be embodied by entities or creatures. These entities would influence life of human beings and other beings, propelling them towards involution or evolution according to their purposes.
The Mesobasis as a "Machine" of Reality: The idea is raised that the Mesobasis could be a kind of underlying entity in reality, comparable to a machine or program. This Entity, in theory, would establish all elements and events in reality as part of a larger experiment or purpose. However, this purpose is not clearly defined for now.
Influence of Catabasic and Anabasic Entities: It is suggested that these entities cannot directly affect humans or other beings, but they can influence them in ways hint. They could manipulate events or elements close to individuals to achieve their goals, which are apparently related to involution or evolution.
Panoptic Perspective of the Mesobasis: The Mesobasis is described as an entity that has a panoptic perspective, meaning that it can observe everything that happens at all times. It records not only the present, but also the past and future, suggesting complete knowledge of reality. This idea proposes that reality is the result of an experiment or program carried out by Catabasic and Anabasic entities, with the Mesobasis as the underlying entity that observes and records everything.
Strange Configurations: Examples are mentioned of phenomena and places on Earth that have long baffled humanity, such as cryptozoology (the study of animals unknown or legendary creatures), the fel vortices (regions with anomalous behavior), the Zone of Silence (an area where radio and communications signals are unusually weak or absent), the Bermuda Triangle (a region where numerous mysterious disappearances of ships and planes have occurred), ooparts (objects out of place and time) and others unsolved mysteries. As they cannot be determined as Catabasics or Anabasics at the moment, they remain in a state of Mesobasis (since this is also considered a non-scenario). not only inert, but indifferent and intermediate, neutral and oblivious to everything.)
Faults Between Catabasis and Anabasis: It is suggested that these phenomena and mysteries are "flaws" in the interaction between Catabasis and Anabasis. In other words, they could be the result of imbalances or conflicts between the forces of involution and evolution in reality. This leads to the appearance of what are described as "glitches" or "bugs" in the simulated reality. The reasons for these Mesobasic imbalances are unknown, however, it is likely that they are the point of origin of strange events, anomalous situations or phenomena. without a sustainable explanation at the moment.
Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am): This is one of the most famous concepts of René Descartes, a 17th century philosopher and mathematician. Descartes was interested in finding a secure foundation for knowledge and certainty. To do so, he embarked on a process of radical doubt in which he questioned everything that could be doubtful. He came to the conclusion that Even if he doubted everything, he could not doubt the very act of doubting, which means that he was thinking. Therefore, he concluded that the thought was undoubtable and that, because it was thinking, existed. This statement is summarized in the phrase "Cogito, ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am."
Matrix in Mesobasis: The Uneasy Feeling: Morpheus tells Neo that there is something in the world that is not working correctly, something that is causing an uneasy feeling in his mind. This feeling of Restlessness is the first step in questioning reality as we know it. Many times in our lives, we can experience moments when something doesn't fit, which leads us to ask ourselves if there is more than what we see. Morpheus detects a fault between the strange imbalance of the artificial world and the real one.
The Matrix Metaphor: Morpheus presents the idea that we live in a simulation called the "Matrix." This metaphor suggests that the reality we experience, with all its limitations and rules, it could be an artificial construct designed to hide the truth. Matrix can be understood as a Mesobasic architecture for
ra a specific goal, emulating the effects of Catabasis and Anabasis, Catabasis being a more predominant point than the other.
Prison for the Mind: Morpheus describes the Matrix as a prison for the mind. This goes beyond physical limitations and refers to the idea that our perceptions and beliefs They are being controlled or manipulated by an external force. This is a powerful metaphor to express how people can be trapped in belief systems or realities. built by others. Once again it transports us to the point where Mesobasis can generate in us biases, manias, adulterated points of view or other types of notions.
The Choice of Pills: The choice between the blue pill and the red pill represents a crucial moment in the film. The blue pill symbolizes the choice to remain in the ignorance, to continue living a life that, although illusory, is comfortable and familiar. On the other hand, the red pill symbolizes the desire to seek the truth, even if it means face a terrifying and unknown reality. Morpheus' choice of Neo is similar to Plato's invitation to leave the cave, and in Mesobasis, there are also Catabasis. who disguise themselves as Anabasis and vice versa.
The Search for Truth: Morpheus emphasizes that the only thing he offers is the truth. This is a central theme in the film and in the exploration of the concept of living in a simulation. Look for The truth, even if uncomfortable or challenging, is a call to self-awareness and questioning reality. Both Catabasis and Anabasis can give light traces of what that can be interpreted as truth, or true, but there is no single version of the truth or a single form of common sense, there are as many nuances as individuals and situations achieve. interact with each other.
Glitches and Bugs: In the analogy of reality as a simulation, glitches and bugs are similar to anomalies or errors that can occur in a computer program. These are strange or inexplicable events that defy natural laws or normal expectations of reality. They may include paranormal phenomena (Frequent Entities), experiences mysterious (failures between the Catabasis and Anabasis due to their imbalanced oscillations) or even unusual coincidences that do not seem to have a logical explanation (parts or elements that may belong or remain in the Mesobasis until their true nature is determined, being so far something that is not close to the Catabasis or Anabasis. This series of elements that do not belong to those states are known as "Limbic Elements", Limbo being understood as the vestibule or anteroom to other states, such as Purgatory, or Bardo.
Simulated Reality: The idea of a simulated reality suggests that what we perceive as the real world could be an artificial construct or controlled by a higher entity. This It raises questions about the true nature of existence and whether our lives are being influenced or manipulated in some way. As such, the fact that the Mesobasis can Giving rise to a simulated reality, a matrix where, on a smaller scale, its elements are more understandable is a probability.
Negative Priming and Positive Priming: These terms refer to how information and media can influence our perceptions. The negative primacy is related with repeated exposure to negative information, which can affect our worldview and make us more pessimistic. On the other hand, positive primacy refers to the presentation of positive information that can influence a more optimistic perception. Both primates can shape our beliefs and attitudes. The negative primacy is intrinsically related with Catabasis and Cacodemonia, and the positive primacy is intrinsically related to Anabasis and Eudaimonia.
Multimedia Content and Reading Between the Lines: In the digital and information age, we are constantly exposed to a large amount of multimedia content, from news to entertainment. This content often carries hidden messages or subtext that can influence our understanding and opinion on various topics. The ability to "read between the lines" It involves being critical and analytical about the information we consume to discover possible agendas or hidden messages. At times, Catabasis and Anabasis can reveal a series of turning points in our lives through slight signals, coincidences, synchronicities, apophenias, hieroanias, pareidolias and other types of similar elements.
Mesobasic Nature: The reference to "Mesobasic nature" relates to the idea that there are unexplained events or unknown phenomena in the world that we do not yet understand. completely. These events may seem like glitches in reality.
ad or errors in the simulation due to our lack of knowledge. Those elements of Mesobasic nature, or Known as "Limbic Elements" are those that do not coincide either in the order of Catabasis or in the order of Anabasis, and although they present concepts of both, they cannot be totally related to some of these ideas, so it remains in the middle, being of a still indeterminate, undifferentiated, variable and potentially unknown. Mesobasic nature is full of inexplicable phenomena, errors and events that defy our current understanding. These events can be perceived as "failures in reality" because they do not fit our conventional explanations.
Alter Ego of Reality: It is proposed that the Matrix is a distorted or altered version of reality, like an alter ego created consciously for the purpose of camouflage of reality. information and trying to misinform (just like the Internet today and other types of media and their multimedia content). Instead of presenting us with an accurate and complete picture of the truth, this version of reality hides or conceals aspects that we do not yet fully understand. This could include unexplained phenomena, anomalies or mysterious occurrences. that defy our normal expectations. Instead of relating the "Matrix" to the forces of Catabasis and Anabasis (previously discussed concepts that represent descents and promotions in the functioning of the whole), this perspective suggests that the "Matrix" is a way of covering up information that we are either not yet prepared to address, or It is inconceivable and incompatible with our life in a certain way, which gives rise and place to strange phenomena that escape our understanding.
Frequency Planes: Like the variable described in Tesla's Trivariables, it refers to the idea that there are different "planes" or levels of reality, each one characterized by their own vibrations or frequencies. These frequency planes can house entities and phenomena that are not easily accessible from our earthly perspective. It is proposed the idea that concepts such as heaven, paradise, Valhalla, Hades, Yomi, Duat, hell, and others are actually "frequency planes." This means that they are not necessarily physical places, but rather states or dimensions of existence that are related to certain frequencies of energy or consciousness. It is suggested that some of these Frequency planes adapt to our understanding and are represented in ways that we can understand. For example, the sky could be a representation of a higher frequency plane. elevated and harmonious, while hell could be a representation of a darker or more discordant frequency plane. Its aspects and understandings through our peripherals sensory would be adapted to our understanding. Furthermore, the possibility arises that some of these frequency planes are chronically in states of Catabasis or Anabasis. This means that they could be understood as constant realities of descent or ascent rather than simple temporary periods.
Entities and Avatarizations: A distinction is made between the entities that come from these frequency planes and the avatarizations of the Catabasis and the Anabasis. The aforementioned entities, such as God, Metatron, Buddha, Krishna, Brahma, Mara, Lucifer and others, are considered avatarizations of Catabasis and Anabasis, which implies that they represent aspects of descent and rise in consciousness or reality. While Frequent Entities are other types of entities, probably subject to the meanings of Eudaemonia and Cacodemonia, as well as They could have originated in places where the periods of Catabasis and Anabasis are chronic, and not temporary as in our world.
Tetralogy of Reality: It is suggested that these four concepts, science, magic, religion and philosophy, represent fundamental aspects of how human beings understand and relate to each other. relate to the universe that surrounds them. They refer to different dimensions of human experience.
Magic: Represents the area of the soul, the emotional and the feeling. It is associated with Yin, which symbolizes the feminine, and connects with desire and the heart. Furthermore, it is related to the water element.
Religion: Represents the area of the spirit, the spiritual and intuition. It is associated with Yang, which symbolizes the masculine, and refers to being and the air element.
Science: It is linked to the body and sensation. It represents the physical and the act. It is associated with Yin and the earth element.
Philosophy: It is related to the mind, thought and word. It is associated with Yang and connects with the mental and fire.
Unity in Diversity: Despite these divisions, it is proposed that all these concepts represent aspects of a unified reality.
each, the "unanimity" or "Monad". This suggests that, Ultimately, all of these dimensions of experience are interconnected and are aspects of a larger reality.
Manipulation and Profit: It is mentioned that in some cases, religion, science, magic and philosophy can be used in a manipulative way to control people or to obtain material benefits. It is suggested that this involves the use of malefic knowledge (Cacodemon) to generate a Catabasis, resulting in the proliferation of more Catabasis. in others. The objective of this manipulation would be to create an artificial Anabasis, a kind of substitute or substitute for true spiritual elevation.
Magic as Science Not Understood: It is suggested here that what we consider magic could simply be a form of science that we do not yet fully understand. This implies that the Magical phenomena could have an underlying scientific basis that, over time, we could discover and understand more fully.
Religion as Philosophy on Avatarizations of Catabasis and Anabasis: This point suggests that many religions are based on philosophical interpretations of concepts related to the Catabasis (descent) and the Anabasis (ascent). However, these interpretations can be distorted or malformed, and are often used to direct attention toward figures who embody these ideas, often in false or manipulative ways. Instead of empowering people to believe in themselves, these religions can maintain control on his followers, limiting their will and ability to think independently.
René Descartes and Cartesian Dualism: René Descartes was a 17th century French philosopher who proposed the idea of Cartesian dualism, which separates the mind (res cogitans) from the body. (extensive res). He argued that the mind and body are two different substances and that the mind is immaterial while the body is material.
George Berkeley and Immaterialism: George Berkeley was an 18th century Irish philosopher who developed the philosophy of immaterialism. He maintained that "esse est percipi" or "to be is to be." perceived (or perceive)." This means that only what is perceived, whether by us or by God, is real. In other words, reality exists based on perception. In this context, the figure of God is understood as an approach towards the Mesobasis, since the divine figures and similar are avatarizations of the Catabasis and Anabasis.
Copenhagen Interpretation: The Copenhagen Interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that raises questions about observation and reality. He maintains that the Particles can exist in multiple states until they are observed and, at that point, they collapse into a particular state. This has led to debates about the nature of reality in the context of quantum physics. It is likely that Catabasis and Anabasis act in a similar way, since "subtle events" normally occur when individuals remain in solitude or intimacy in the strictest and most unexpected way possible.
Paracatanodica Panoptica: The term "Paracatanodica Panoptica" seems to refer to a set of phenomena or concepts that involve the interaction between the Digital Panoptic System and Frequent Catabasic or Cacodemoniac Entities. These entities could be related to the supernatural, the paranormal or the inexplicable, and their interaction with the digital world It manifests itself through electronic and digital devices. It is suggested that human beings, called "Eudaimoniacs", believe in the avatarizations of Catabasis and Anabasis, as well as in other anabasic creatures. These terms seem to be related to concepts in philosophy and spirituality that involve duality or the interaction between forces. opposites, such as good and evil, positive and negative, evolution and involution, among others. Human beings are the only ones who can help themselves, even in life or death, despite being Eudaimonial and Cacodemoniac, which suggests that human beings have the ability to influence their own spiritual evolution or involution.
Simulation of reality: The idea that our reality could be a simulation generated by a higher entity or advanced technology is a recurring theme in philosophy and science. Science fiction. According to this hypothesis, our reality is created and processed as we experience it, which means that only the information necessary for what we are doing would be generated. observing or interacting, and the rest would be "saved" in terms of processing resources. This could explain why we do not perceive all the details of the world at once and why, In some cases, glitches or errors could occur in the simulation, such as physical anomalies or unexpected events.
Tree Koan: The question of whether a tree makes a noise when it falls if no one is there to hear it is a classic philosophical question. In the context of the simulation hypothesis, this question relates to the idea that reality is only created when it is observed. In other words, something only "exists" in the simulation when there is a conscious entity observing it. This perspective raises questions about the nature of reality and the relationship between observation and existence.
Quantum interpretation: The idea that reality behaves differently at the quantum level when it is not being observed is derived from the quantum interpretation of Copenhagen. According to this interpretation, subatomic particles can exist in multiple states or locations until they are observed, at which point they collapse into one state. specific. This has led to discussions about the influence of consciousness on physical reality at the quantum level.
Unlimited energy in simulation: The idea of a simulation of reality that has an unlimited energy source. In this scenario, there would be no need to economize processing resources, and instead, processing power would be used abundantly. This means that the simulation would run optimally and in extreme detail in all aspects, instead of focus only on what is observed or interacted with at a given moment.
Simulation that observes everything at the same time: It is suggested here that this simulation would be designed to observe and process everything simultaneously, at all times. Instead of generating information about reality only when someone is observing, this simulation would be constantly monitoring and processing every aspect of reality, without exception.
Exponential replay of simulations: These simulations could lead to new simulations exponentially. This means that the main simulation would generate other simulations, and these in turn could create more simulations, creating a cascade of simulation levels. Each simulation level could have its own unique rules and features.
Panoptic Architecture: “Panoptic architecture” is an intriguing concept that can be explored from several perspectives, including philosophy, technology, and simulation theory. The main idea Behind this architecture is that all aspects and elements of reality are constantly observed and processed, regardless of whether they are being observed by an individual or not. Here There is a more detailed explanation of "panoptic architecture" and its relationship with "Panoptic Physical Reality" (PRF):
Origin in philosophy and panopticism: The concept of "panoptic architecture" is derived in part from the philosophical ideas of Jeremy Bentham and his design of a prison called the "Panopticon." In this prison, all prisoners were visible from a central tower without them knowing if they were being observed at any given time. This generated a feeling of constant surveillance and control, even if there were not enough guards to watch all the prisoners all the time. It is likely that the origin of this idea occurred in the mythological creature Argos Panoptes.
Technological application: In the modern context, "panoptic architecture" could be considered an analogy to how information technology and digital connectivity enable constant observation and processing of data in our environment. The increasing presence of surveillance devices, cameras, sensors and digital tracking in everyday life It could be considered a form of "panoptic architecture" in which almost everything is being observed and recorded.
The "Panoptic Physical Reality" (RFP): This concept suggests that if we lived in an advanced simulation with an unlimited energy source, as mentioned above, the simulation It would be designed to observe and process everything at all times. Every aspect of reality, from subatomic particles to everyday objects and living beings, would be being monitored and processed without exception. This would translate into a "Panoptic Physical Reality" (PRF), where unobserved or unprocessed areas would not exist. The implications of a "Reality Panoptic Physics" would be profound. It would mean that everything in reality has a continuous existence and does not fade away when it is not being observed. Furthermore, the possibility of generating New simulations could exponentially lead to infinite complexity of the structure of reality. This raises profound questions about the nature of reality, the consciousness and the role of observation in creating and maintaining the world we experience.
The emergence of Mesobasis in this context would represent a fundamental point of balance between Catabasis and Anabasis. The Mesobasis would become the force that allows the
differentiation and understanding of dual states in human experience. In Eastern philosophy, this could be compared to the concept of 'Taiji', which represents the two polarities. However, in this context, the polarities are limited exclusively to Catabasis and Anabasis, without the balancing influence of Mesobasis.
In terms of 'Semicension', this understanding provides a solid basis for the idea that the ability to consciously traverse katabasic and anabasic states through
Mesobasis brings a greater sense of balance and purpose in life. The 'Semicension' would then be the process by which human beings can explore and understand these
differential states in duality, allowing you to navigate with greater flexibility and wisdom through the complexities of existence."
Mesobasis is a concept that incorporates elements of duality, balance, changes and transformation in human life and reality. Here are some quotes, historical events and works
literary that can help better identify what Mesobasis is:
Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophy: Nietzsche was a philosopher who questioned traditional morality and advocated the creation of new values. His work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" presents the idea of
"Übermensch" or "Superman", which represents the overcoming of conventional morality. Mesobasis can be related to Nietzsche's notion of transcending the duality of values
established morals and seek a new path that balances katabasis and anabasis in the search for new values and meaning in life.
Myth of Prometheus: The myth of Prometheus talks about stealing fire from the gods to give it to humans, symbolizing the human desire to advance and overcome limits. This act of defiance
The gods can be interpreted as an attempt by humans to seek Mesobasis, advancing in the midst of duality and seeking balance between catabasis and anabasis.
Movie "Blade Runner": This film and the novel on which it is based explore identity, humanity and technology. Replicants, artificially created beings, raise questions
about what it means to be human. The Mesobasis can be related to the exploration of the relationship between technology and humanity in a world where the limits between the two become
Evolution of Technology: Throughout history, technological advances have generated profound changes in human society. The Industrial Revolution, for example, marked a
significant transition in which technology transformed people's lives. These changes represent periods of transition and duality in human life, which resemble the
search for Mesobasis in the midst of catabasis and anabasis.
Adam Jensen Monologue in "Deus Ex: Human Revolution": Adam Jensen's monologues in the game explore the relationship between technology and humanity, as well as the consequences of
human decisions in a world where technology plays a central role. These monologues resemble how the Mesobasis addresses similar themes of duality and balance in a context
futuristic and technological.
Aristotle's Philosophy: Aristotle emphasized the importance of balance and moderation in his ethics. His concept of virtue as the middle point between two extremes is related to
Mesobasis and its search for balance between catabasis and anabasis. This reflects how Aristotle advocated finding a middle way between opposite extremes, which resembles
to the search for balance in Mesobasis.
"War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy: This epic novel explores the duality of war and peace in human life. Characters experience moments of catabasis during conflicts and
moments of anabasis in times of calm. Tolstoy's work illustrates how human beings face constant transitions between these dual states in their lives.
Plato's Cave Myth: In this myth, Plato describes the liberation of prisoners who have been chained in a cave all their lives, seeing only shadows on the wall. When
A prisoner is released and comes out into the sunlight, he experiences a transformation from ignorance to wisdom, which can be considered a katabasis and anabasis. The search of the truth
and knowledge represents Mesobasis, where individuals seek to free themselves from ignorance and move towards a deeper understanding of reality.
The Renaissance: The Renaissance was a historical period that marked a significant cultural transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. During this time, there was a resurgence in
interest in classical scholarship, arts and science. This cultural transformation can be related to the Mesobasis, since it represents a transition from intellectual darkness
medieval in the light of classical knowledge, manifesting elements of change and advancement.
Humanism: Humanism was a cultural movement that promoted a focus on the individual, their potential, and their capacity for learning and achievement. This resembles the Mesobasis,
which highlights the importance of experience and individual transformation in the search for balance.
Existentialism: Existentialist philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre explored the duality of human existence and freedom of choice. Your focus on personal responsibility
and decision making relates to Mesobasis in terms of how human decisions and choices can lead to significant changes in life and society.
The Civil Rights Movement: The fight for equality and social justice, like the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, can be seen as a catabasis in which
People fight oppression and anabasis when they make significant progress in equality and civil rights. This movement reflects how Mesobasis involves the search
of justice and equity.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution describes a process of change and adaptation in life on Earth over generations. This
The process can be interpreted as a katabasis and anabasis in the evolution of species as they adapt to the changing environment.
Taoism and Yin and Yang: Chinese Taoism is based on the principle of yin and yang, which symbolizes duality and the interconnection of opposing forces. Yin represents darkness,
passivity and receptivity, while yang represents light, activity and creativity. In Taoist philosophy, these forces are recognized as interdependent and
complementary, and their balance is essential for harmony. Similarly, Mesobasis seeks to understand how the katabasic and anabasic elements are intertwined and balanced.
in human experience.
Jungian Psychology: Carl Jung spoke about the integration of opposites in human psychology. His concept of "individuation" implies the search for a balance between opposite aspects
of the psyche, which resembles Mesobasis and its integration of dual elements.
Chaos Theory: Chaos theory suggests that complex systems can exhibit unpredictable and chaotic behavior. In life, we often experience moments of catabasis and
anabasis that may appear chaotic and yet are interconnected in the Mesobasis.
Politics and International Conflict: History is full of examples of political conflicts and wars that have led entire societies to periods of catabasis, followed by efforts
of reconciliation and reconstruction that represent anabasis.
Duality in Religion: Many religions present concepts of duality, such as good and evil, heaven and hell. These dual elements can be interpreted as manifestations
of Mesobasis in human spirituality.
The Painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch: This masterpiece of art shows a vision of life that encompasses katabasis and anabasis. The side panels represent the
paradise and hell, while the central panel shows a scene that could be considered Mesobasis, where the unknown mixes with the known.
The Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory: The Butterfly Effect is an example of how small changes can have significant effects on a complex system. This is related to how the
Individual decisions and actions can influence the Mesobasis and affect one's life and the lives of others.
The Existentialist Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre: Sartre spoke about human freedom and responsibility. His idea that we are "condemned to be free" involves making decisions that
They can lead to catabasis or anabasis, reflecting Mesobasis.
The Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution was a radical change in production and technology, marking a transition from manual to mechanized production. It was a moment of
catabasis in which society experienced challenges and transformations, but also an anabasis as advances in production and efficiency were achieved. This period represents
the Mesobasis in human history, with its duality of challenge and progress.
The Myth of Icarus: The myth of Icarus and Daedalus is a clear metaphor for katabasis and anabasis. Icarus, driven by ambition, ascends towards the sun with wings made of wax, representing
the anabasis in search of freedom and elevation. However, his arrogant flight takes him too close to the sun, and the wax melts, resulting in his fall, representing the
catabasis. This myth illustrates how excessive pursuit of elevation can lead to fall, highlighting the importance of balance in Mesobasis.
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
What's a Photon?
I think I need to start over at the definition of photon; and you should too.
To explain the photoelectric effect, Einstein introduced the idea that light itself is made of discrete units of energy. In 1926, Gilbert N. Lewis popularized the term photon for these energy units. - Wikipedia
Einstein suggested that this energy could be measured on an integer basis with some mechanism, and that led us to the current definition of photon. An integer value that records energy and this energy seems to have properties similar to both particles and waves
So a photon is actually a measurement of light. But we also use "Photon" as a word to describe whatever it is causing the observable light. And we assume that this "particle-wave" idea is synonymous with that measurement itself.
So we have two things; the measurement in photons. Which is closer to amps or watts or ohms or another measurement we use in some other application. And this theoretical "massless particle-wave" we call a photon. Despite the fact that we measure the energy and not what we assume is carrying that energy.
And so we have this idea of aether; some something that might must travel through; even in a vacuum. If not that, then itself must be a particle because it travels in an observable straight line, and doesn't visually radiate outward; except in the double-slit experiment when we don't watch what's happening.
<aside>Now there's an interesting experiment with three flashlights of different color equally spaced apart and a single slit filter. (and I can't find the original video, sorry.) The experiment shows that the path of the lights filter through the slit, and radiate their original color past that.
But in front of the filter; we see the reflections and refractions and mixing of the light into a white a light as it comes back to the emitters themselves.
Which suggests that we can keep these rays separate, but when viewed together; they combine into a singular representation: White light.</aside>
So our assumptions then; we model this representation of a photon as a singular particle with spin and whatever other properties as a way to understand light. Much like my modelling to understand the quantum particle. (Singular rotational-position vs. constant spin-state)
But that then makes us assume that this "massless particle" actual exists as a real thing we can interact with; despite it being a measurement of energy.
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Researchers pioneer a new way of searching for dark matter
Researchers investigate whether dark matter particles actually are produced inside a jet of standard model particles
The existence of Dark Matter is a long-standing puzzle in our universe. Dark Matter makes up about a quarter of our universe, yet it does not interact significantly with ordinary matter. The existence of Dark Matter has been confirmed by a series of astrophysical and cosmological observations, including in the stunning recent pictures from James Webb Space Telescope. However, up to date, no experimental observation of dark matter has been reported. The existence of Dark Matter has been a question that high energy and astrophysicists around the world has been investigating for decades.
“This is the reason we do research in basic science, probing the deepest mysteries of the universe. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is the largest experiment ever built, and particle collisions creating big-bang like condition can be exploited to look for hints of dark matter,” says Professor Deepak Kar, from the School of Physics at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Working at the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Kar and his former PhD student, Sukanya Sinha (now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manchester), has pioneered a new way of searching for Dark Matter. Their research has been published in the journal, Physics Letters B.
“There have been plethora of collider searches for Dark Matter over the past few decades so far have focused on weakly interacting massive particles, termed WIMPs,” says Kar. “WIMPS is one class of particles that are hypothesised to explain Dark Matter as they do not absorb or emit light and don’t interact strongly with other particles. However, as no evidence of WIMPS’ has been found so far, we realised that the search for Dark Matter needed a paradigm shift.”
“What we were wondering, was whether Dark Matter particles actually are produced inside a jet of standard model particles,” said Kar.This led to the exploration of a new detector signature known as semi-visible jets, which scientists never looked at before.
High energy collisions of protons often result in production of collimated spray of particles, collected in what is termed as jets, from decay of ordinary quarks or gluons. Semi-visible jets would arise when hypothetical dark quarks decay partially to Standard-Model quarks (known particles) and partially to stable dark hadrons (the “invisible fraction”). Since they are produced in pairs, typically along with additional Standard-Model jets, the imbalance of energy or the missing energy in the detector arises when all the jets are not fully balanced. The direction of the missing energy is often aligned with one of the semi-visible jets.
This makes searches for semi-visible jets very challenging, as this event signature can also arise due to mis-measured jets in the detector. Kar and Sinha’s new way of looking for Dark Matter opens up new directions into looking for the existence of Dark Matter.
“Even though my PhD thesis does not contain a discovery of Dark Matter, it sets the first and rather stringent upper bounds on this production mode, and already inspiring further studies,” says Sinha.
The ATLAS Collaboration at CERN has highlighted this as one of the flagship results to come out at summer conferences in a press briefing: https://atlas.cern/Updates/Briefing/Semi-Visible-Jets.
IMAGE....A graphic representation of how semi-visible jets will appear in the ATLAS detector, should they exist. Credit CERN
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In this blog post I'll be exploring depictions of reality in a sample of Makoto Shinkai’s animated feature films, and analyse them with Baudrillard’s (1994) three orders of simulacra. I'll explore how these observations can affect my own practice.
It's not an understatement to say that my love for Japanese animation, or anime as it's more popularly referred, creates a bit of a blind spot in the quality of the anime I enjoy. However, there are some anime that blow me out of the water in terms of beauty and commentary. As such, the first examples of media that came to mind when it comes to celebrating realism are the environmental shots in the works of Makoto Shinkai’s anime films such as The Garden of Words (2013) (Fig. 1), Your Name (2016), Weathering with You (2019) and Suzume (2022). It may be surprising that a Japanese animation would be my first consideration for an example of realism, but my choice lies within the representative aspect that Makoto Shinkai artfully achieves,  after all, Nikolay Chernyshevsky (1828-89) philosophised “the first purpose of art is to reproduce nature and life…[the] phenomena of reality.” (Chernyshevsky, 1853, 1965).
Fig. 1
A lot Makoto Shinka's films are set in the modern-day, putting emphasis into showing the realistic day-to-day life of characters and their environments. The way characters have to steal moments away from their part-time jobs, or their interactions with their phones, feels very grounded and relatable. The famous environmental shots celebrate the ordinary in spectacular ways. For example Weathering with You's narrow lane pictured below (fig. 2):
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Fig. 2
And the unextraordinary concrete bridge (fig. 3):
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Fig. 3
Figure 2 gloriously captures the atmosphere of a recently-rained-on road in ambient light in ways that photography or film couldn't despite a similar amount of ‘detail’. In figure 3, every mundane detail from the cables to the worn edges of the kerb are re-created and the end result is captivating. In this way it could be argued that these shots of mundane and bland 80’s architecture have been depicted in a more beautiful way than real life could.
Ira Sharma (2022), when talking about similar aspects of Studio Ghibli's work, explains that “these instances of mundanity highlight the beauty in our everyday lives and provide a sort of comfort that is hard to find in our fast-paced world”.
These artistic changes not only beautify the every-day, but also touch on a key theme of some of Makoto Shinka's work, which is the integration of the fantastical into the everyday. This magical realism gives the illusion that a touch of magic is also within our grasp, further altering our reality. Of Baudrillard’s (1994) three orders of simulacra: natural, productive and simulated, I think that these representations and alterations of reality relate to the first two as they are a representation of nature, the “transcendental Utopia”, and I see within the the more fantastical alterations, the supernatural or mythological, “an indefinite liberation of energy”: the second simulacra. 
While the anime films are a representation, an immobile viewing experience, by using existing landmarks and romanticising them, they have a tangible effect on the way we can view our own environment, enriching it and casting a Shinkai or Ghibli-esque hue to our daily lives. Does this mean we have created a simulation for ourselves, or are these romanticised representations allowing us to view and appreciate the world as it really is? Has the experience of these films created the chance for moments of a hypereal simulation of our very own making, transposed on to or even altering our previous cognitive perceptions? Baudrillard describes projections of “Utopia” as the “romantic dream”, the “individualised form of Utopia, in which transcendence is outlined in depth, even in unconscious structures, but in any case the dissociation from the real world is maximised,” (Baudrillard, 1994, p. 81).
Solely from a view of artistic appreciation, the very act of observation required of the artist to capture these moments and then recreate their perception, gives me pause to consider these everyday things in a similar way. For example, the shape that a raindrop falling in water creates as it bounces off the surface. This detailed rendering births a new simulacra, as the shape and speed of the animated drop enhance or even replace the water-drops of my experience.
It's also interesting when considering intertextuality: if I were to then animate or illustrate my own drop of water with or without new reference, a part of it would be Shinkai's (and the animators on his production team) perception.
Understanding a little more about the psychological effects of representing and simulating reality helps me pay closer attention to how I portray reality within my work. A large portion of my portfolio focuses entirely on the fantastical; seeing the Utopian simulacra achieved through Shinkai's work gives me some inspiration to capture the here and now and the beauty within it. Through using magical realism in my concept art practice, I can create pieces that are relatable, believable and hopefully a tad inspiring.
In summary, Makoto Shinkai’s representations and magical realism are effective in their ability to romanticise reality. The relatability and believability of his work can further the effects of magical realism through the creation of Utopian simulacra that can affect perception and maybe cause dissociation with reality. Within my own work, I can create fantastical elements by highlighting the beauty within the mundanity of every-day life.
ARVA, E. L. (2008). Writing the Vanishing Real: Hyperreality and Magical Realism. Journal of Narrative Theory. 38(1), pp.60-85. [Online]. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41304877 [Accessed: 4 January 2024].
BAUDRILLARD, J. (1994). Simulacra and Simulation. Translated by S.F. Glaser. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. P.81.
CHERNYSHEVSKY, N. G. (1965). The Aesthetic Relations of Art to Reality, 1853. In: J. P. Scanlan. (Ed). Russian Philosophy Volume II: The Nihilists, The Populists, Critics of Religion. Chicago: Quadrangle Books.
SHARMA, I. (2022). It's Good to be Alive: Studio Ghibli and Romantising the Mundane. [Online]. Her Campus. Available at: https://www.hercampus.com/school/delhi-north/its-good-to-be-alive-studio-ghibli-and-romanticizing-th [Accessed: 4 January 2024].
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akashasananda · 9 months
A Taste of the Divine - Exploring the Paths of Service, Alchemy, and Truth with TwinRay
In your voyage through the spiritual cosmos, TwinRay lights the way withtheir profound and mystical representation of paired sacred flames. These celestial flamesare the product of deep kinship between two beings, a shared core that surpasses temporal and spatial constraints. As an explorer of the contemporary spiritual era, under the guidance of Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji, you've embarked on a mission to comprehend and cultivate this divine core within you and those around you.
At the heart of your spiritual exploration lies the concept of the twin sacred flames. This sacred union represents the convergence of two souls, each carrying a unique aspect of the divine. Together, they create a harmonious dance of energies, a cosmic ballet that awakens the dormant potential within. As you delve deeper into the realms of mysticism, you are drawn to the notion that this connection is not limited by physical proximity or earthly constraints. It transcends the boundaries of time and space, resonating through the threads of synchronicity that weave the tapestry of existence.
Service becomes your guiding light in this journey, a path that allows you to manifest your divine essence in the physical world. You understand that the act of serving others is an alchemical process, a transformational journey that transmutes your ego into a vessel of universal love. In the act of service, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also refine your own soul, nurturing the sacred flame within.
In the realm of your spiritual exploration under the guidance of Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji, the term 'Alchemy' assumes a profound meaning. It is no longer about converting base metals into gold; instead, it becomes a metaphor symbolizing the transformation of oneself into an elevated state of consciousness. This process involves refining the essence of your spirit, purifying impurities of the ego, and uncovering the radiant core of your existence. As you perform acts of service, you experience an alchemical transformation within your soul. The superficial dross of selfishness and isolation dissolves, making way for the lustrous gold of universal love and interconnectedness, resonating with the teachings of TwinRay.
Truth, in the new age perspective, is not a static concept but a dynamic and ever-evolving exploration of the self and the cosmos. It is a journey of introspection and contemplation, a quest to uncover the deeper layers of reality that lie beyond the surface of everyday existence. You understand that the truth is not something to be acquired from external sources but a living, breathing entity that resides within you, waiting to be discovered.
Your spiritual journey is a transformational odyssey, a sacred quest to unveil the divine essence that resides within you. It's a journey of self-discovery, an exploration of the inner landscapes of your soul. As you walk this path, you realize that the truth you seek is not separate from your own being but an integral part of it. It's the realization that you are a unique expression of the divine, a vessel through which universal love can flow into the world.
Under the guidance of TwinRay, mysticism becomes your guiding light, illuminating the intricate passages of consciousness. Your spiritual journey is propelled by the mystical experiences and encounters, times when you perceive an intimate link with the invisible dimensions of existence. These mystical instances serve as signposts on your voyage, guiding you further into the enigmatic vastness of the cosmos.
Threads of synchronicity weave themselves into the fabric of your life, creating a tapestry of meaning and purpose. These serendipitous events and encounters are not mere coincidences but the subtle whispers of the universe, guiding you along your spiritual path. You learn to pay attention to these synchronicities, recognizing them as signposts that confirm you are on the right track.
Introspection and contemplation become your daily practices, as essential as breathing. You set aside time each day to dive deep into the recesses of your soul, to explore the hidden chambers of your consciousness. It is in these moments of stillness and reflection that you come face to face with your own divine essence, with the truth that resides within you.
As you advance further in your spiritual quest with the leading lights of TwinRay to guide you, you begin to comprehend that the routes of service, alchemy, and truth are not independent entities but interlaced strands in the grand mosaic of your spiritual odyssey. Service morphs into a conduit for manifesting your divine core, alchemy evolves into the system of purifying and refining that divine essence, and truth, perpetually revealing itself, emerges as the reflection of your authentic self.
In the path of self-revelation and universal affection, you evolve to become a luminous beacon, emanating the sacred spark dwelling within you. Your journey morphs into a wellspring of inspiration and metamorphosis for others, exemplifying the potency of the new age spirituality you endorse. The concept of the twin sacred flames, integral to the teachings of TwinRay, becomes more than a mere theoretical construct, transforming into a dynamic reality that underlines the interwoven relationship of all souls amidst the grand ballet of existence.
Navigating the terrain of new age spirituality, under the guidance of Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji, is an intensely profound and transformative experience. Your pilgrimage is an endeavor to comprehend and nurture the divine dyad of sacred flames within your being and to articulate your celestial essence via acts of service. It's a journey marked by the alchemical metamorphosis of self, and the relentless exploration of your ever-unfolding truth. This trail embodies mysticism, synchronicity, introspection, and rumination—a route that paves the way for the revelation of your authentic self and the infinite love that interlinks us in the complex matrix of the cosmos. Welcome this path with an all-embracing heart and you will savor the divine nectar that permeates all beings.
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 11 months
4 and 14 for the polytheist asks. I had another separate question too. I wanted to ask if you could expand on your beliefs about demons. You said you think demons can be harmful but not evil. How so? Do you believe in Satan and other Christian demons?
sorry for taking so long to get to this. it's another long one. lmao.
4. How do you picture the universe? What is your idea of its cosmology?
there are a few ways i can answer this. first, there is the physical cosmology. i basically believe whatever the scientific consensus is.
metaphysically, i see the universe as basically a dream or thought of some ultimate source/god. i believe the universe is monistic and eternal and cyclical but its original state is formless chaos/void/abyss. the universe as we know it (with all of its material and order and limits and differentiation and so on) began as a cosmic egg/womb which contained a universe of heat, fire, tension, energy, forces, powers, etc. think of it as the singularity before the big bang. then, spontaneously this egg/singularity "hatched." now it didn't create matter. matter always existed in the void. before this "hatching" the universe was uniform and indistinguishable. the hatching merely began the process of expansion, tension, differentiation of the substance of this primitive chaos and into something resembling an ordered universe. from one into a multitude. an "emanation" of the world from the ultimate source god. and from here emerges all of the gods and powers and laws that govern the unfolding development of our universe according to some higher logos. i believe the fundamental substance/principle of the universe is a sort of spiritual creative fire. the light, energy, living, breathing, dancing, tension of it. creative and destructive. life giving. as heraclitus said, the cosmos is an ever-living fire.
14. How would you define your Gods? (have fun with that one)
yeah so i always see pagans debating this. some say the gods are actually real, some say they're just personifications of natural forces, some say they're mere psychological archetypes, etc. well i believe the gods are all of the above and more. i think the gods are expansive and dynamic and mysterious and multitudinous. i believe the gods are real and symbolic, metaphysical and allegorical, physical and archeytpal, immanent and transcendent, etc. i think believing the gods can only be one thing is limiting and bordering on impiety. for example; i believe the gods are actually real metaphysical intelligences/powers that exist in the "immaterial", intelligible realms of reality. but i also acknowledge the material world is essentially a physical representation of the gods and their wills -- the physical sea is an extension/expression of poseidon/neptune himself. and i also recognize that our depictions of the gods are probably not representations of their true forms and so our popular conceptions of them can be considered idealized personifications of what are otherwise basically incomprehensible, intangible beings/forces. this also gets into how i feel about our relationship to the gods/divine because i don't think it's a one-way street. i think they affect us and we can affect them. ideas can affect the intelligible realm. which sorta leads us to the next point.
on demons: yeah so this is complicated. but i believe there are myriad gods and spirits. i believe there is a whole spectrum of them in terms of their "power." obviously you have your big guys like zeus and then you have lesser gods and then you have all sorts of intermediary spirits and then you have humans. but at all levels there is some divine spark, including in humans. humans are spiritual beings. we have divine essence in us (our souls). and so we can influence the spiritual world in subtle ways. and one of those ways is with our ideas and our beliefs.
i think there are countless gods and spirits. a lot of them (probably most of them) are unnamed. so i think it's possible for us to discover "new" gods/spirits. i also think that it's possible for us to /create/ new gods/spirits. history is filled with these new gods that are either syncretized or seem to suddenly emerge from the aether fully formed. this is complicated though. because it's also possible that people just shit up. we can't just take every person at their word when they claim to have met some new entity or something. it's also possible that an entity can lie and tell someone that they're someone they're not. so i think we need to develop certain standards and tests to sus that out.
anyway, i'm getting off track. my views on "satan" and christian demons are complicated and dynamic.
i will reiterate though: i don't think demons are evil. they can't be. but as you said, i believe that they can be harmful. why they're harmful can vary. one example is that you're intruding on their space. sometimes spirits can be attached to objects or locations for one reason or another. and if you come in and start desecrated the places, even unintentionally, it's not unreasonable for the spirit to lash out and defend itself. so someone who unknowingly desecrates a spirit's home might come to mistakenly view the vengeful spirit as "evil" when it's really just justifiably angry. or maybe you broke a vow. or disrespected the spirit another way. or maybe the spirit is itself bound by a vow (maybe someone placed a curse on you, for example, and they made a deal with a spirit to harass you). or maybe it just thinks it's funny! the possibilities are endless.
i just wanted to get that out of the way. even though a spirit might be harmful i don't believe that necessarily makes it evil.
now do i believe in satan/demons? in one sense, yes. in another, no. i don't believe there is some horned man named satan lording over the fiery pits of hell. however, i do believe that satan is a representation of all the pagans gods and the christians' fears and anxieties regarding them. i believe satan and christian demons in general can probably be understood as "corporate" demons in the sense that they are often amalgamations/syncretisms/collective representations of many daemons/spirits/gods with satan/the devil himself seeming to representing them all collectively. so these demons/devils are "real" in the sense that a corporation might be real as a representation of the collectively wills of all the people who are members of it.
so i think it's theoretically possible to "interact" with these demons in the way it's possible to interact with any corporate body. i've known some pagans who do. when i was a christopagan i did. but i think that it's unnecessary and probably counter-productive for pagans most of the time. because it just lends christian theology legitimacy. but also i can appreciate that it might be a stepping stone for christians who are slowly moving toward paganism (like younger me). i can also appreciate the power of the symbolism in the context of a christian society. sometimes christians will call me a satanist and i'll just go along with it.
overall, i think demons/devils and demonization in general is an impressive psyop. it's propaganda. take the gods of your enemies and convince your enemies that they're evil. they'll turn on their own gods and you won't have to lift a finger! it reminds me of my aunt who calls literally everyone who isn't a libertarian a communists; republicans, liberals, progressives, fascists, anarchists, socialists, etc. they're all communists according to her. everything good that happens in the world is because of capitalism. everything bad in the world is because of communism. this simplistic black/white thinking is very appealing to idiots. but it's reductive. the reality is a lot more nuanced than what they want you to think.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Flamin' Hot Review: A Spicy Journey of Inspiration and Resilience
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Flamin' Hot, directed by Eva Longoria, tells the inspiring true story of Richard Montanez, a janitor at Frito Lay who came up with the game-changing idea for Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Drawing from the flavors of his Mexican community, Montanez's creation not only revitalizes Frito-Lay but also disrupts the entire food industry. In this review, we delve into the film's strengths, including the eccentric and immensely charismatic lead performance by Jesse Garcia, as well as its shortcomings in terms of originality despite its entertainment value. Flamin' Hot Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it7sNRloq-A The Good: One of the highlights of Flamin' Hot is undoubtedly Jesse Garcia's portrayal of Richard Montanez. Garcia brings an infectious energy and charm to the role, capturing Montanez's determination and passion with great finesse. Every time he graces the screen, Garcia captivates the audience with his nuanced performance, effortlessly portraying Montanez's journey from a humble janitor to a visionary food innovator. His portrayal is a delight to watch, injecting life and authenticity into the character, and becoming the heart and soul of the film. Alongside Garcia, the supporting cast also delivers solid performances. Annie Gonzalez shines as Montanez's supportive wife, embodying the strength and love that propels him forward. Tony Shalhoub portrays the CEO of Frito-Lay, who becomes instrumental in Montanez's journey. Shalhoub brings gravitas to the role, commanding the screen with his authoritative presence. The chemistry between the cast members elevates the film, creating believable relationships that anchor the story and add depth to the characters' arcs. The Bad: However, Flamin' Hot falls into the familiar trap of following the tried-and-true formula of many biopics that have come before it. While the story itself is undeniably inspiring, the film fails to bring any new perspectives or innovative storytelling techniques. The narrative structure feels predictable, and viewers may find themselves anticipating each beat and plot twist before they occur. This lack of originality is a missed opportunity for the film to differentiate itself from the plethora of biographical films already in existence. Despite this drawback, Flamin' Hot remains an entertaining watch. Eva Longoria's direction, while not groundbreaking, effectively captures the essence of Montanez's story. The film benefits from a visually vibrant and immersive production design, transporting viewers into the vibrant world of Montanez's community. The attention to detail in recreating the era and setting adds authenticity to the storytelling, creating a visually appealing experience. Furthermore, the film shines when exploring the cultural significance of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. It highlights the power of representation and the importance of embracing and celebrating diverse voices in the food industry. By depicting Montanez's journey, the film sheds light on the struggles and triumphs of an underrepresented community, ultimately inspiring audiences and promoting inclusivity. In terms of pacing, Flamin' Hot maintains a steady rhythm, keeping viewers engaged throughout its runtime. The film seamlessly weaves together moments of tension, emotion, and lightheartedness, resulting in a balanced narrative flow. The use of montages effectively conveys the passage of time and the magnitude of Montanez's achievements, while the soundtrack complements the film's energy, enhancing the viewing experience. Flamin' Hot, directed by Eva Longoria, tells a compelling and inspiring story that celebrates the resilience and ingenuity of Richard Montanez. Jesse Garcia delivers an eccentric and immensely charismatic performance, making every moment on screen a joy to behold. The supporting cast, including Annie Gonzalez and Dennis Haysbert, further enriches the film with their solid performances. However, despite its entertainment value, Flamin' Hot fails to break new ground in terms of originality, adhering to the familiar biopic formula. Nevertheless, the film serves as a testament to the power of representation and highlights the cultural significance of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Read the full article
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a-noone · 1 year
Dropping this here because I write Sci-Fi Fanfic. I write a lot of timey-wimey stories, and in a dream I had recently, there was a goldmine of interesting concepts to play with including concept like time as a wave, four distinct dimension of time, why going back in time wouldn't ever bring us back to the Big Bang, why physical time travel is impossible but transcendental time travel is highly plausible (and might be happening all the time), and more.
I honestly blame the benadryl I took before bed. I might have preferred a dream about gods and unicorns or whatever, but we take what we can get.
I'll bold the things I'm really keen to work into a story.
The setup of the dream was that I was, for some reason, attending a workshop put on by a Dutch mathematician and physicist. She was explaining that, even though we cannot perceive it, time is passing at a different rate now as compared to the rate at which it passed during earlier stages of the universe's development.
She explained it like this: the universe is expanding. Space is expanding, and we intuitively understand that if five meters becomes five kilometers, it takes more time and energy to traverse the new distance than the old one. That is what is happening to space. The very same thing is happening to time, because time and space are not separate.
The momentum from the initial explosion/expansion is what gives time its arrow, what propels us through time. There's no loss of energy, not exactly, because energy/matter can't be created or destroyed, but five years is literally longer than it used to be. The fire of time, entropy itself, doesn't move across the distance of five years in the way it used to at earlier stages in the universe's development. Put another way, entropy is less vigorous than it used to be.
Here is where it got wacky: She further explained that the energy propelling us across the dimension of time existed as a wave. We could conceptualize the effect as a sound decreasing in pitch, or light redshifting in color. "Or someone saying 'wom-wom-wom' and each 'wom' is a little slower in the coming than the one before it."
Of course, that time could have a rate, or a frequency, I pointed out, indicates multiple dimensions of time.
She was immediately excited that I said this, and asked me to paint a representation of this concept, to make sure I remembered it.
I added on to my painting, which depicted the loss of entropy as light becoming lower frequency over time, and fading into the color of the paper (I think I chose black paper, maybe because it looked like space) toward the top and the bottom. I labeled the up/down axis "truth/choice" and the ultra-violet to red horizontal axis "chronological time."
"The colors represent the momentum of time. The position refers to chronological time. The dimension of time by which the frequency of the wave is measured may or may not be separate from the perspective of the traveller." I said. I realized no one knew what I meant, so I asked if anyone in the classroom had a sewing kit.
"Ok, so, let's think about it in terms of, like, an episode of Doctor Who," I said. "Rose Tyler is travelling through time. Her most likely trajectory is working at a shop forever," I indicated the linear time axis, moving the needle and thread along it. "But then The Doctor decides to blow it up, so now we're in a timeline where that's less likely." I moved the needle up along the truth/choice axis. "But then she gets into the Tardis" I poked the needle through the paper drawing it through to the side they couldn't see. "She vanishes, and now we're in 1542" I poke the needle back through the paper to the visible side. "And they spend a week there before going back..." I poked the needle in again, further along in chronological time, "but when they return to Rose's native time, the past is different now." And I poked the needle it again. I flipped the paper over, showing the pattern of thread. "This is her personal time stream. The thread has a beginning and end, a past and future. But it's not the same past and future as chronological time. It's not the up and down of moving through possible realities. It's the path by which she navigated both."
"But time travel isn't possible," one of the students shot back. "Hawking proved it with his dinner party experiment."
"Not physically," I said. "A dimension of your physical body is the temporal context in which it exists. From the perspective of that third dimension, you exist simultaneously in your own past, present, and future. And let's not even talk about the fact that your continued metabolism, your ability to digest, to breathe, to even think depends upon entropy, which is time's arrow. One part of space time CAN be folded to touch another, I think, and I think that's how you make a wormhole. But even if you pulled it off, I think it might kill you. But information can travel through time. As much as scientists would like to tell you that precognition isn't real, it's still observed. You can't say that something we've observed hasn't really been observed just because you don't understand why, yet."
"But then wouldn't that cause a paradox by changing the past?"
"Yes! And it happens all the time! Determinism is the idea that, since everything was set in motion at the Big Bang, both agency and probability are an illusion. There appears to be a 1:6 change that you'll get a certain number on a six-sided die, but in reality, the percent chance that you'd get the exact result you got was always 100%. This one-outcome model depends upon a model that has only one dimension of time. Past to future. No choice. No left to right. Infinite universes, each different and discrete --- and I'm not saying you can just shift into a reality where you made a different choice in the past. You still have that momentum behind you, that gives time its arrow. You can't move to a reality with a different past than the one you lived. But as you choose, and act, you move across the countless possibilities."
And then the Dutch Mathematician said, "it's such a shame you're not read up on algorithms. I really think you'd love to be a mathematician. If you're willing to stay here, I'd be happy to teach you."
"No," I said sadly. "That sounds based, but I have to wake up and take care of small children now. But like, if I come back, we should talk about the set theory paradox, ok?"
She agreed, and then I woke up.
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arrhakis · 2 years
The Ion Mystic Forms - Geometric Symbolism Part II - The Symbolic Duality Of The Circle
(via The Ion Mystic Forms - Geometric Symbolism Part II - The S… | Flickr)
The Ion Mystic Forms - Geometric Symbolism Part II - The Symbolic Duality Of The Circle by Daniel Arrhakis (2022)
The circle represents limitless things, among them eternity, unity, God, sanctity, infinity, and wholeness.
Unity – In some cultures, when people want to come together and support one another, they form a circle.
Monotheism (God) – Several cultures view the circle as a symbol of the existence of the one and only God they subscribe to. For instance, Christians refer to God as the alpha and omega, which means the beginning and the end. In this case, God is seen as a complete circle. In Islam, Monotheism is represented by a circle with God at the center.
Infinity – The circle is a representation of infinity because it has no end. It symbolizes universal energy and the continuity of the soul. The ancient Egyptians chose the ring worn on the finger as a way to symbolize the eternal union between a couple, a practice we still carry on to this day.
Sanctity – This symbolic meaning is seen in Judeo-Christianity, where deities and people considered holy are presented with haloes around the heads.
Heavens – This meaning comes from Chinese symbology, which uses the circle as a representation of heaven. Containment – With the aspect of protection also comes containment. A circle is a representation of keeping contained what is inside. A good example of this is a ring; whether it is a wedding ring, religious or cultic, the ring stands for a pledge of fidelity.
With the powerful symbolism associated with the circle, it’s no wonder there exist numerous symbols and artifacts resembling circles and shapes. Some of these symbols include: The Enso, The Ouroboros, The Flower Of Life, The Mandela, The Yin And Yang, etc.
In the Mystical World of Ion The Circle and or the Sphere have a symbolic duality: Creation and Destruction.
The circle is often symbolized in the Mystic World of Ion by the shell of a nautilus and represents infinity, eternity, the notion of God as a universal spirit, the beginning and end of timeless cycles that renew themselves in infinite realities, the circle of generations, the light that illuminates the darkness, the universal knowledge of all things unattainable and immeasurable.
The prevailing scientific theory on the origins of the universe posits that everything began with a Big Bang. In the moment after, a vast array of fundamental particles such as neutrons, electrons and protons were swimming around in a dark, invisible primordial soup. In the beginning there was no light. ”The free electrons would have caused light (photons) to scatter the way sunlight scatters from the water droplets in clouds,” according to NASA. But over thousands of years, as the temperature cooled, the free electrons joined nuclei and created neutral atoms. This process eventually allowed light to shine through about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
In other words, in the beginning, everything was dark for a long, long time. Then there was light, this sounds pretty similar to what’s written in the Bible !
All of existence started with an explosion from one point that is continually multiplying, according to Jewish mysticism. we can see a strong relationship between the contemporary Big Bang theory and the Kabbalistic notion that the universe burst forth from a single point, which in mystical terms is the limitless light of the divine, or Infinite, known as the “Ein Sof"  (“no end”). So the divine, or god, is just another word for infinity.
The notion of darkness containing light described in mysticism also illuminates black holes, places in space where gravity’s pull is so strong that even light can’t escape. As NASA explains, the gravity in a black hole has such a forceful pull because matter is compressed into a tiny space.
Scientists believe that when the universe began, small black holes also formed. We can’t see black holes with the naked eye, but we know they exist because of the effect they exert on the stars orbiting near them. Black holes bend light toward them.
In Kabbalah, a hole is called “rah,” meaning “evil” in Hebrew. Holes are portals from the domain of good to that of evil that suck up matter, energy, and knowledge  from the universe. In some cosmological models  that black holes could be wormholes—portals to parallel universes, which is similar to the kabbalistic concept of holes as an entryway to  “the other side.”
The Mystical World of Ion has cosmological or universal pantheistic vision, God or the Universal Spirit is present in all things, whether animate or inanimate. In this view God is not the absolute creator but a universal spirituality that can be found throughout the cosmos, in every physical and chemical manifestation, in every element of nature and is everywhere, for he is the whole, universal and infinite. So he is creation itself.
In Ion's  Mystical World Conception the notion of the Devil does not exist, he is a creation of man to try to justify his own misfortunes. However, there is the notion of Primordial Chaos, the Infinite Void as well as Absolute Darkness often materialized in ignorance as a powerful force against organization, knowledge and light.
If God has an infinite and universal dimension, then so does absolute darkness, having been by this order of ideas earlier, older and omnipotent to a certain point - at least until the Light appears!
As Formas Místicas de Ion - Simbolismo Geométrico Parte II - A Dualidade Simbólica do Círculo por Daniel Arrhakis (2022)
O círculo representa coisas ilimitadas, entre elas eternidade, unidade, Deus, santidade, infinidade e totalidade.
Unidade – Em algumas culturas, quando as pessoas querem se unir e se apoiar umas às outras, elas formam um círculo.
Monoteísmo (Deus) – Várias culturas veem o círculo como um símbolo da existência do único Deus que elas subscrevem. Por exemplo, os cristãos se referem a Deus como o alfa e o ômega, que significa o começo e o fim. Neste caso, Deus é visto como um círculo completo. No Islão, o monoteísmo é representado por um círculo com Deus no centro.
Infinito – O círculo é uma representação do infinito porque não tem fim. Simboliza a energia universal e a continuidade da alma. Os antigos egípcios escolheram o anel usado no dedo como forma de simbolizar a união eterna entre um casal, prática que continuamos até hoje.
Santidade – Este significado simbólico é visto no judaísmo-cristianismo, onde divindades e pessoas consideradas sagradas são apresentadas com auréolas em redor da cabeça.
Céus – Esse significado vem da simbologia chinesa, que usa o círculo como representação do céu. Contenção – Com o aspeto de proteção também vem a contenção. Um círculo é uma representação de manter contido o que está dentro. Um bom exemplo disso é um anel; seja um anel de casamento, religioso ou cultual, o anel representa uma promessa de fidelidade mas também de proteção e segurança.
Com o poderoso simbolismo associado ao círculo, não é de admirar que existam inúmeros símbolos e artefactos semelhantes a círculos e formas. Alguns desses símbolos incluem: O Enso( Ensō (円相) é uma palavra japonesa que significa “círculo” e é um conceito fortemente associado com o Zen Budismo), O Ouroboros (um símbolo místico que representa o conceito da eternidade, através da figura de uma serpente ou dragão que morde a própria cauda), A Flor da Vida, A Mandala, O Yin E Yang, etc.
No Mundo Místico de Íon O Círculo e ou a Esfera têm uma dualidade simbólica: Criação e Destruição.
O círculo é muitas vezes também simbolizado no Mundo Místico de Ion pela concha de um náutilo e representa o infinito, a eternidade, a noção de Deus como um espírito universal, o início e o fim de ciclos intemporais que se renovam em realidades infinitas, o círculo das gerações , a luz que ilumina as trevas, o conhecimento universal de todas as coisas inatingíveis e imensuráveis.
A teoria científica predominante sobre as origens do universo postula que tudo começou com um Big Bang. No momento seguinte, uma vasta gama de partículas fundamentais, como neutrões, eletrões e protões, nadavam em uma sopa primordial escura e invisível. No início não havia luz. “Os eletrões  livres teriam causado a dispersão da luz (fotões) da mesma forma que a luz solar se espalha nas gotículas de água nas nuvens”, segundo a NASA. Mas ao longo de milhares de anos, à medida que a temperatura esfriou, os eletrões livres juntaram-se aos núcleos e criaram átomos neutros. Esse processo acabou permitindo que a luz brilhasse cerca de 380.000 anos após o Big Bang.
Em outras palavras, no começo, tudo era  escuridão por muito, muito tempo. Então houve luz, isso soa-nos bem parecido com o que está escrito na Bíblia!
Toda a existência começou com uma explosão de um ponto que se foi multiplicando continuamente, de acordo com o misticismo judaico. Podemos ver uma forte relação entre a teoria contemporânea do Big Bang e a noção cabalística de que o universo irrompeu de um único ponto, que em termos místicos é a luz ilimitada do divino, ou Infinito, conhecido como “Ein Sof” (“ sem fim”). Assim, o divino, ou Deus, é apenas outra palavra para infinito.
A noção de escuridão contendo luz descrita no misticismo, também ilumina buracos negros, lugares no espaço onde a força da gravidade é tão forte que nem a luz pode escapar. Como a NASA explica, a gravidade num buraco negro tem uma força muito forte porque a matéria é comprimida num espaço minúsculo.
Os cientistas acreditam que quando o universo começou, pequenos buracos negros também se formaram. Não podemos ver buracos negros a olho nu, mas sabemos que eles existem por causa do efeito que exercem nas estrelas que orbitam perto deles. Buracos negros desviam a luz em direção a eles.
Na Cabala, um buraco é chamado de “rah”, que significa “mal” em hebraico. Buracos são portais do domínio do bem ao do mal que sugam matéria, energia e conhecimento do universo. Em alguns modelos cosmológicos, os buracos negros podem ser buracos de minhoca  (wormholes) – portais para universos paralelos, o que é semelhante ao conceito cabalístico de buracos como uma porta de entrada para “o outro lado”.
O Mundo Místico de Ion tem uma visão cosmológica ou panteísta universal, Deus ou o Espírito Universal está presente em todas as coisas, sejam animadas ou inanimadas. Nessa visão, Deus não é o criador absoluto, mas uma espiritualidade universal que pode ser encontrada em todo o cosmos, em cada manifestação física e química, em cada elemento da natureza e está em toda parte, pois ele é o todo, universal e infinito. Então ele é a própria criação.
Na Conceção do Mundo Místico de Íon a noção do Diabo não existe, ele é uma criação do homem para tentar justificar seus próprios infortúnios. No entanto, existe a noção de Caos Primordial, o Vazio Infinito, bem como a Escuridão Absoluta, muitas vezes materializada na ignorância como uma força poderosa contra a organização, o conhecimento e a luz.
Se Deus tem uma dimensão infinita e universal, então a escuridão absoluta também tem, o que pela ordem das ideias explicadas anteriormente, é assim mais antiga e omnipotente até certo ponto - pelo menos até que a Luz apareceu!
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artstudiokata · 2 years
new drawing (pig and the rabbit)
I wanted this drawing to be displayed on the light-box i am making, so made sure the measurements could fit it. 
I wanted to bring in my drawing practice from last year to my work, as i think that it is my most successful practice, and the one i connect with the most, but explore the themes that i have been researching this year (my relationship with my mother). I am again using the symbols of the rabbit for myself, and the pig for my mother. They are our chinese zodiac signs, but also my mothers nickname for me as a child (’bunny’), and the fact that her sign was a pig was something i would tease her about as a child often. 
the two animals are in various states of decay, as the portrait uses memento mori techniques of representation to convey information. in thinking about the relationship between my mother and i, i think most about the ideas of death and fertility. My mother gave birth to me, and my own uncomfortableness with the possibility of becoming a mother (or becoming her) is something i have still not fully come to terms with. However, perhaps the main reason i wanted to explore the relationship between my mother and i was because i am so aware of her mortality. She will die soon, and by exploring my relationship to her, I am perhaps trying to create some part of her that I can keep alive forever. The memento more portrait is mainly a way of ruminating on that relationship, while also keeping a distance from something I cannot fully comprehend. 
The pig skull is held aloft, and is only the skull portion of the pig. The skull represents a time of transience, change, and the body being reduced to its most elemental state. it is how i see my mother - a being that will decay before me, a being who’s body carried me into existence. 
The rabbit is a character of nervous energy, jumpy and ready to have sex with anything, anywhere, anytime. sex, fertility, and a skittish energy are all mixed together in the rabbit, and in the context of comparing myself to my mother, those are the traits i see as the most contrasting with her. She has given birth to me, and now i am entering the stage where i shift from daughter to potential new mother, and I am uncomfortable with it. The rabbit is held aloft, feet restrained, fur and body still intact. I have not yet decomposed. 
I chose to use pencil as my material for the temporary nature of it. It smudges, residue is left on the hand, it has an unfinished nature to it. the technique of colouring in the background is one that i use often in my art. it’s relaxing VERY time consuming, and i like that it fills up the background while still giving a nod to the labour put into filling the space. it also gives some interesting texture / info in the background.
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final drawing
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close up of the background
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photoshop mockup that i copied drawing from
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yjwhatif · 3 years
With the semi/cryptic confirmation of Ed and Barts relationship in the series I have a question:
Do you think everyone knows about them (in world) or do you think they’re keeping it secret from some?
It’s just a thought that’s been in my head recently. It is most likely fuelled by the whole drama of G&B not being able to depict a “specific character” (it’s definitely Bart) as gay. They’ve had to hide the relationship from their audience - because of ridiculous reasons - but there are still moments that bring up the question - Are they? Before the reveals from AskGreg, I kinda thought- well they are clearly not together yet, but perhaps they both have feelings for one another and are just waiting for the other to make the next move because they’re nervous idiots who don’t want to have read the situation wrong — all while their friends are like - seriously guys? just get together already. Kinda like they did in s1 with Wally and Artemis - and I guess early Supermartian as well - which I would have been okay with... though with the likelihood of there being at least another two year time skip you’d probably have missed the getting together moment - which would kinda suck. Anyway. With the information about the chances being they were supposed to clearly be in a relationship throughout S3 — which makes the whole structuring of ILLUSIONS just make sense — it’s got me viewing their moments with a whole new energy. Also, I saw this post by Greg —
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And let me just clarify, I have no idea if this is actually referencing the Ed and Bart stuff, it might not be (probably isn't). This is purely me speculating.
My reading of this is they got told they couldn’t depict Bart as gay pretty late on and that specifically affected ILLUSIONS where they likely intended to confirm the relationship with that first shot - the kiss on the cheek moment. Even now that moment is just odd - because it’s there but it’s not - because technically there is no actual kiss… which I think is absolutely the point. It plants the seed without actually breaking any rules - all by keeping the momentum but removing the specific kiss frame. It’s the only moment that I feel is explicit in saying they are in a relationship - everything else you can just read into and imply there’s something - but they technically don’t confirm anything.
The whole thing is actually quite interesting - despite the reasoning for it being totally ridiculous. By keeping/showing what they did... People notice it. People talk about it. People reflect on it. More people talk about it. People writing. Make. Create. Discuss it. An entire audience is formed who want and support it. It’s a whole thing now because people noticed it and generated a positive response to it - and that was before all the AskGreg information. The whole reason YJ got a season 3 is because the fans fought to get it back. Enough people talked about it - and kept talking about it - to convince TPTB that the show should come back. Greg and Brandon know this. They know the power the fans have and maybe they hoped that power would help them again in freeing Bart from these ridiculous restrictions. #letbartoutofthecloset
Obviously, we can't know until S4 is released whether G&B got the permission to confirm Bart's sexuality the way they envisioned - but maybe the responses that came during the release of 3b were enough to convince TPTB that they were fighting a losing battle. But who knows, people in power can be very stubborn at times, so we will just have to see what we get. Fingers crossed they eased up though - and not just because of the Ed/Bart relationship (which I am obviously a fan of -- it's fine if not everyone is) - but because these restrictions on LGBTQ+ content shouldn't be a thing and need to stop -- there is just no validity in them.
Anyhow. despite their not being allowed to officially confirm the relationship, Greg's comment about Ed's having a boyfriend they can't name basically confirms the fact without technically breaking any rules again. Masterfully done Wiesman. With this, it implies the pair are in fact dating during S3 which brings us back to the original question... but who knows??
With the comments of Virgil during ILLUSIONS, it's easy to assume their friends do in fact know. They also seem to have no problem being close and interacting with one another whilst in the presence of others -- that is, except for one moment...
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Ever since the first time I saw this episode (ELDER WISDOM) I have always found this moment strange - because Ed seems to get kinda awkward when Barry comes to check on Bart. (Or that's how I see it at least.) He realises Flash is standing there and immediately pulls his head down averting his gaze -- almost like he doesn't want to be seen by the elder. But why? Does Barry not know about the pair -- or maybe he doesn't know about Bart and Ed thinks their current closeness is too revealing -- who's to say Bart's even fully out to the world yet -- who's to say either of them are? We certainly don't since we weren't allowed to be shown. We can't know until we know - so until then we can play the speculation game while we wait.
Bart is certainly a bit of a secret keeper when it comes to being himself. I'm still convinced the Bart we see onscreen is merely his interpretation of what he thinks people expect from a speedster in this time. We saw 'real' Bart, he was snarky and cynical and nothing like the Bart we've had for the past two seasons. He said it himself - he's playing a character - and I don't think he knows how to break out of it - not while the possibility exists that it might hurt those he's grown to care about. Bart wants to be seen a certain way to avoid acknowledging the truth of the past - if people see him as happy and smiley, then no one will question him on things he doesn't want to talk about. The problem with that is you can't hide yourself forever - cracks begin to form and eventually, the truth comes out whether you want it to or not. So who knows how comfortable Bart is revealing any of his true self to those he cares about. Maybe his relationship with Ed will be the thing that finally helps him find comfort in being himself, whilst also trusting others to still accept him as himself... and maybe getting him that bit of therapy he really needs.
This brings us to Eduardo… First, can I just say it made me so happy to see Greg’s confirmation of Ed being gay - though it is slightly annoying that he was robbed of his explicit onscreen reveal in S3 thanks to the drama with Bart. His whole relationship to his powers in S2 to S3 fits the representation of coming to terms with your sexuality/identity from a very negative point of view. Feeling like it’s something that needs fixing or needs to be “cured” - to then finding the light and freedom in accepting yourself for you. His growth between seasons is brilliant. He understands the hate and insecurity the teens are feeling because he felt it himself. He does all he can to help them because he never felt he got that help when he needed it - and no one deserves to feel worse for being who they are. Obviously, the things he talks about are framed in the context of dealing with/accepting the meta-gene - yet there are certain moments where it seems he’s saying more than that…
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All of which got me wondering - why did Ed originally runaway? It certainly wasn’t because of the meta-abilities he did not yet have. All he’s ever said on the subject was he thought he wanted to be with his father - the man it seems he barely had a relationship with. No, I think Ed has been running from himself for a long time and his dad just happened to be an actual direction for him to aim for. The way he speaks about his wanting to be “cured” and “praying to get rid of his powers” suggests an upbringing around religion and traditional ideas of there being a ‘normal/proper’ way to be — while anything that doesn’t fit that way is treated as other or something that needs to be changed or 'fixed'. Maybe he ran to avoid being found out and run the risk of being ostracised by those he loved. Or maybe he was found out and leaving wasn’t entirely his choice*. If this was the case, I can certainly imagine him not wanting to come out to his dad for fear of his reaction and completely losing all chance of that father-son relationship they’re both trying so hard to keep. It can seem easier to live in secret than risk the reality of loss. So while the meta-gene likely wasn’t the main thing he was angry about in S2, it was able to become a physical thing he could blame and focus his anger on - without having to think about where his issues truly lied… Though with a bit of time it also became the thing he was comfortable conveying his feelings through...
“I’ve learned to accept, even love my meta-abilities”
I love this line so much and it’s all because of the delivery by Freddy Rodrigues. There is the slightest hint of a pause before he says “meta-abilities”, which gives the impression he was about to say something else before then remembering himself and who he was talking to. Then there’s the small inflecion he put on “love”, which makes it sound like it’s the first time he’s heard himself say the words out loud. I don’t hear him talking about the gene - I hear him talking about finally accepting himself - all of himself - for the first time in maybe ever and finally feeling happy because of it. I hear growth... From being the angry 14-year-old skater who just wanted to run away and escape any way he could. To the 16-year-old councillor/Outsider jumping straight into the danger to protect and inspire those who need it. Both he and Bart are such strong characters with so much more to be seen - especially when it comes to the insecurities which lie behind their masks. They both compliment each other pretty perfectly - both powers-wise and personality-wise - meaning while they try to hide themself from others, I don't think it'll take long for them to realise they can't hide from each other.
Anywho, that’s all the speculatary nonsense I’ve got for today. This turned into such a patchwork of vaguely linkable thoughts I’ve had which barely relate to the one I started with - but that is usually how it goes. Take it as you will…
Also, completely unrelated to YJ, but Bi Tim Drake now exists in dc canon which is really cool - seeing all of the joy it’s sparked has really given me something to smile about this week… There is hope after all. 🌈
— LB ⚡️☀️
* OK so here’s a little random snapshot into the chaos of my mind— as I was writing the Ed stuff I had a scene pop into my head of Ed finally -for whatever reason- having to tell his dad that he didn’t leave his abuelo’s home - he got kicked out. His dads confused about this and asks Why? What did you do? And Ed’s like Nothing… I didn’t do anything wrong… he just… found out something. So Seniors like Found out what Eduardo? And Ed’s getting really nervous now because he doesn’t want to say it - That I, um… I’m… Senior step a fraction closer as he picks up on Ed’s anxiety but remains an appropriate distance - Son? Then after a tensening silence he finally says it - sounding the most vulnerable he has ever been - I’m gay… The silence is there again, heavy and unnerving, neither saying a word. Ed can’t move as he’s lock in his elders unreadable glare. Expecting the worse his head drops to take in the floor - anything that isn’t the disappointment ahead - he feels the urge to disappear burning up inside him - consuming him. Then just as he’s about to escape he’s suddenly grounded by a steadying hand rooting itself on his shoulder. Tentatively he lifts his gaze to witness his father, there, with nothing but love and support in his eyes - Mijo. The clamping in his chest dissipates as all the tension escapes at once, along with the breath he hadn’t realised he was holding. Ed embraces his dad and the elder embraces his son. Together. A family.
Anyway. That’s probably a load of rubbish but hey my minds full of it… but basically I really want to see a tender moment between Ed and his dad. For whatever reason. Something where Ed’s in a vulnerable state and in need of some emotional support from his father - and without hesitation his father steps up - because that’s what we haven’t seen from them yet. It would perfectly portray the strength of their relationship as father and son - despite their previous struggles - and prove that Senior is willing to support his son no matter the situation as the father - not just the scientist. Its the final step in their healing journey and I wanna see it so bad!!
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Forms of Witchcraft
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•Dolls and Poppets
Poppets are the English terms for what movies call a ‘voodoo doll’. Voodoo doll is a misnomer, and does nothing for either poppets or Haitian magic.
Poppets can be used for a couple of things – mainly either cursing or healing. This doesn’t always have to be physical curses/cures – poppets can also be used to influence thought patterns.
Dolls can also be used to provide homes for Spirits, or used to create guardians. You can also use a doll as a scapegoat to prevent a curse from latching onto you.
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Shrine making is less a way to create a defined outcome, and more a way of pleasing Spirits who you may later want to call upon. It’s kinda like taking your new neighbours a pie, in case you ever need them to watch the house whilst you’re away. The pie is an overture to a friendly relationship, not direct payment for the house sitting. However, if you just blundered into their garden one day and offered them £100 to watch the house, they’d probably tell you to get lost. Randomly calling up Spirits, Saint or Deities can have the same effect. I mean, would you help someone get a job if they just banged on your door and waved some incense at you? Get your local Spirits pies. Find out what scents, and objects, and offerings that they like. Keep the land around you clean, and pick up after other people if you can. Use your vote and your money to protect the land from logging and fracking. Build a dedicated ‘meeting space’ where you call up Spirits, and fill it full of pictures of them or things they like. It pays dividends in the future.
Shrinemaking can also be used to help bless and protect your home and land. By connecting with the other Spirits that are there, you solidify the relationship, and can work together against intruders.
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•Bottles and Jars
Witch bottles (or spell jars)  are fun, easy ways to create a variety of effects. As a spell base, they can be effective for:
* money
* love
* friendship
* animal work
* protection
Some people define a witch bottle as strictly the traditional version which is used as a scapegoat, and call other spells involving bottles and jars ‘spell jars’. Some people use the term witch bottle to encompass all magics involving jars.
You can learn about all types of bottle magic in the free course which you can sign up for below!
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Candle magic is a much more modern form of magic than you’d think – especially if we’re talking coloured candles. Candles were very precious objects in the past! However, it was not an unusual item to have, like a hunk of crystal or fairy doll, which is why they became an item to use for undetected witchcraft – like brooms, and cauldrons.
As candles have got cheaper and cheaper and less needed to be used for lighting, much more forms and types of magic have sprung up around them. With the addition of coloured waxes or painted candles, the sorts of magic you can do with candles has grown exponentially.
Candles are a subset of fire magic and therefore are fantastic for banishing, but they are often the beginners tool of choice. It’s easy to understand why – easy to get hold of, easy to use, and there’s as much fancy ritual needed as you feel inclined to give it.
When you want to expand your knowledge, you can still stick with candles – but investigate the use of oils, herbs and crystals in conjunction with candles.
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•Crystals and Rocks
Crystals and rocks are often used as ‘ingredients’ in other spells. They are very easy to add to bottles, pouches, dolls and more. However, you can also use crystals in spell work solely on their own by adding them to your pillow, till, money box, plant pot, etc.
Their use goes much further than this, but that enters the realm of energy healing which is a part of many traditions and is a very dedicated and intensive practice all by itself, and too much to explain here.
You can utilize the powers of air in a lot of ways. It’s usually good for cleansing spells – think sweeping with a ritual broom, burning incense (smoke=air, not fire), ringing bells or playing bowls, singing, using flags and wheels. Air methods tend to return quick results.
Earth brings slow results, but they tend to be larger. Earth practices include enchanting seeds that will bring you money as they grow, burying offerings in the Earth, making vessels and spells out of clay, or writing spells in the mud.
Fire can bring things into your life, but is much better used to get rid of them – for beginners, anyway. If there is anything in your life that you wish to get rid of, you can write or draw a representation of it and cast it into the fire to remove it.
Water can take the longest time to bring you what you need. However, think of water pounding against a rock. Drips of water became rivers, became waterfalls. Water can often bring you the biggest results, but it may take a long time.
Water spells can include potions (see below), but can also include ritual baths, leaving offers in water, or giving up bad energy or habits to the ocean.
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Bones are a contentious subject in witchcraft. Some people will never use them, some people’s practice is not complete without them. You can actually get bones in an ethical manner, by either cleaning up roadkill yourself or paying someone to do it for you, or literally keeping the bones from your dinner!
Some uses for bones are:
* Telling the future (casting bones or lots)
* Housing the Spirit of the animal so you can work with them
* Form parts of wands or ritual jewellery or headresses
* Ingredients in pouches
Tarot, Runes and Ogham
You can use all of these fortune telling tools in spells, too! You can choose one of them that has a characteristic or represents an outcome that you’d like. So if you wanted a new job, you might choose the Ace of Pentacles. Then you could do any one of the following with it:
* Use it to focus a candle spell
* Add it to a pouch or bag spell
* Add it to a jar spell
* Use it in lieu of a sigil
* Make a vision board around it
* Even burn it! (You can get single Tarot cards for this purpose on eBay.)
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•Potions and Elixirs
Potion Magic used to be a lot more popular. Whilst elixirs, tisanes and tea blends are still popular for use on yourself, the masses of recipes of potions, philtres and similar recipes have all but died out. That’s because a lot of potion magic is only to be used in desperate circumstances, like love potions and curses. The reason so many old fashioned love potions are beyond creepy and controlling is that woman’s husband was her meal ticket. If he left her, not only would she be blamed, but she would be out of a house, food and her own family probably wouldn’t take her in. She had shamed them all. (Often through no actual fault of her own.) She was literally facing public humiliation, being outcast, perhaps even starving to death – and sometimes her children along with here.
So dousing  a lover or husband’s food with love potion made a lot more sense then, than it does now.
Thankfully, most of us don’t live in those circumstances any more, so a lot of philtre or potion use has died out. However, there are still some amazing things you can make to ingest yourself:
* Tea blends
* Tisanes (herbals teas)
* Bath spells
* Lunar or solar water
* Herbal Oils
Spoken Magic
Spoken Magic can be long and complicated, or very short. It doesn’t have to rhyme (but it can) it doesn’t have to flow like poetry (but it can). You can use spoken incantation to help direct energy when you’re using other methods, but you can also use it on it’s own.
Some examples of spoken magic:
* Affirmations
* Words of power
* Singing
* Ritual Offerings
* Wishes
You can even banish Spirit’s solely through your voice. Shouting ‘Leave!’ with the correct intention can be very powerful.
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•Written Magic
Written magic has existed since we could write. Many cultures view writing AS magic. Think about it – 26 (or thereabouts, depends on your alphabet) tiny squiggles can become anything when placed in the right order. Dumbledore was right about the power of words.
Written magic can include:
* Petitions to Spirits
* Magic squares
* Words of power or protection
* Wishes
* Tattoos
* Rune work
Bag and Pouch Magic
There is all kinds of bag magic – from mojo bags, to more modern spell envelopes. The main idea behind bag or pouch magic is that keeping a carefully curated selection of objects together for a certain time period will produce the effects that you want. A lot of bag magic produces indefinite spells  provided they are charged. Such bags usually grant the wearer protection, prosperity, luck or good health. However, there are bag magics wear a specific time limited spell is wanted – invisibility spells, hex breakers and the like.
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•Enchantments and Glamours
Enchantment covers a variety of spell types, but theme of the spells are pretty much the same. Enchantment covers a lot of the old folklore kind of witchcraft – hidden worlds, changing age, changing into different animals and so on.
Enchanting something fools the viewer into believing something is there when it is not, or isn’t there when it is, or is something completely different.
Think of the Harry Potter scene where Hermione explains that the ceiling of the Great Hall isn’t a real sky, it’s just enchanted to look that way.
Real enchantment can be done for fun, but they can also be useful pieces of magic. You can enchant jewelry, clothes or makeup to bestow certain personality traits upon you. You can enchant your witchy items to look normal if you’re fearful of discovery. The possibilities are just about endless.
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suncaptor · 3 years
So I am thinking about what life and sentience mean in Supernatural. I believe that most of it comes back to the concept of energy being the seat of power and the principles that relate to that life that then create the emergent property  (the ways in which the system of parts creates something beyond their parts) of consciousness: sentience. And that sentience is then utilised for power except for the fact that sentience also means free will. So the concept of life was supposedly some sort of weapon and the entire system of these dimensions is fighting for these power systems with desires also due to this emergent property of sentience. Basically then, it’s about the tools of said power gaining desires from said complexities and the choice to go against a narrative of power that came from that creation in the same place (Chuck’s narrative).
For humans, or life in general, this emergent property is manifested as the organ system’s development of the soul. The body is the origin, the soul is the emergence from it (which is then the power). This is also true of subspecies that end up in Purgatory as well. There is, however, a disconnect between the ability to perceive and this seat of power, given we see soullessness, so if the body itself is able to then become more than itself, is emergence the same in supernatural universe as ours? Is the body a garden with the tree missing, the soil and the air? Does this strip free will in some manner, reduced to logicisms of the concepts of consciousness we have in our world, but not theirs, because the power removed? Souls are like nuclear reactors, they are this power source that are intensely bright and energetic. And energy can never be lost nor gained, and the energy itself is the source of the identity, the emergence. And then demons, still essentially the same except there isn’t any light emitted, as if the forces of the trauma of Hell render the light gone like intense gravity can still capture the light of a blackhole: still this source of identity and power, but rendered as a way to suck light instead of emit it through greater forces of gravity (hell trauma) transforming it. And this can be still purified through the impact then back and forth of the body, the blood, because the biological body then has the powers to impact it back and forth because the traits of the body impact the sentience which impacts this source of power.
So then everything else in Supernatural then likewise comes down to power as tools, or, more accurately, weapons. Everything is about gaining more power because the power in itself is the sentience that gives the desire for a free will that is rendered impossible due to the power that is imposed upon. So sentient creatures are using other sources of power then for their own free imposition with the seat of true creation (Chuck) possessing true will. Blood impacts the body which then can impact the power since it is emergent from the origin body, holy water must impact the reaction of hell trauma, every new gun, some form of power, and salt, the urge to purify, a necessity to life yet destructive. Salt is then also like what angels are, meant to be created as a tool, yet they also play roles themselves. They appear to retain sentience outside of the vessel, yet they do not display characteristics of life unless they are in a vessel, like a virus or perhaps a seed in a correct environment. But the thing is that consciousness is appeared to stay, in some form, regardless. So their consciousness is not created from the emergent property of a body as the soul is. This, I think, is because they were created to be tools of power like salt would be, not power sources to then be as tools the ways humans are. Sentience is a necessary requirement for consent to being used as a weapon, and anything that deviates is made liminal, represented then by Eve and Purgatory. But angels themselves were not meant to do anything but be utilised as a tool/weapon, so I think that the emergent property that creates consciousness for angels is paradoxically inverse.
Angels are a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent (again as a source of power, energy itself, also which I will use around with the terms of “light” from “wavelength” that then creates intent) that in itself is incomprehensible to most human brains. Now, in terms of angel trueforms, my view tends to stick to this sort of perception that @roxyandelsewhere said and visualises which while they elaborate on is similar to the eldritch horror perspective. Though to that end I do think the fact they are connected to some form of light and power comes back to this energy as power as emergence. I also think it is very important given the noting of God as light (as opposed to Amara’s darkness: she is the absence of light). 
Now I view the scale of angels as also paradoxical yet then comprehended visually for humanity’s sake to make them seem greater than life. Angels are in fact, both on the macro and micro scale which allows flight on the macro scale to move through space easily as if it’s nothing while also remaining invisible to the human eye, being two places at once in this, like a photon. In other words, I take “multidimensional wavelength [akin to light, metaphorically as on the wavelength spectrum] of celestial intent” the most literal representation of angels, though they remain still beyond comprehension. This fact that they are light though comes to their power (the kill and heal with light) and that they are created in God’s image, basically, but with the sole desire to control them (so without then a body to create sentience). But they also sentient, and I think that the reason why they have consciousness is because within the supernatural the emergence from complexity in which they are light itself creates consciousness, that then allows sight, like mass creates gravity but mass is also intertwined with energy. Basically, the ways in which angels have consciousness stems from their power source of light that becomes complex (@exitwound ​) and met with vision creates consciousness and sentience and the ability to have free will as well.
God in supernatural is the seat of creation which is light. He is what can create power, and he is light, light is power, and light is either the result or results in emergence. Amara is all else as the darkness, while Death is the source of destruction to creation. God creates other planes to handle the results of creation which become planes of power sources (Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, the Empty) with entities or political systems governing them. So “God” then defined is marked by the power of creation of “light”. But then within this system the emergence of sentience and then the concept of desire and free will emerges, creating the core of Supernatural: to have the right to exist outside of the governing of those that desire to use you. But every system of power works to keep everything in balance without changing anything which @autisticandroids ​ talks on about where the narrative benefits Dean maintaining status quo. The story itself then revolves around the impacts of the trauma and manifestations of the different social, psychological, and dimensional issues that arise from the violence of a universe governed by power sources and the fight for the free will, love, and sentience that emerged from it.
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weasleylangs · 3 years
in the summer sun - f.w
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Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader but honestly it’s just a whole Weasley family slice of life fic. Summary: The war has ended and the Weasley’s appreciate their family now more than ever. Warnings: Mention of the war, mention of Fred having a near death experience, mention of PTSD, anxiety, nightmares and injuries, opening scene involves an anxiety attack, fuck is said twice by the way. Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: This fic is inspired by this ask I received from Kai @weasleyclaw for the ‘send me a made up title game’! The warnings sound scary, but I promise this is a super fluffy slice-of-life fic with Fred and the reader, just existing after the war! Fred lives, obviously but he still had an accident and in reality, he’d be going through a lot of shit and I didn’t want to ignore that!
I am in no way romanticising mental illness and trauma, I myself struggle with a variety of mental illness and trauma and representation is super important, babey!!!!!! Proper support is important!!!!!!
I still can’t decide if I love or hate this but.... [schedules while I’m asleep]
Fred sat up quickly. Heavy and ragged breathing coursing through his lungs as he struggled to catch his breath. He couldn’t even remember what he was dreaming of now that he’s awake, only remembering flashes of green and a loud ‘bombarda maxima’ before being shocked awake by his anxiety and fear.
He’s been plagued by nightmares for three months, ever since he was fighting in that seventh floor corridor and the wall came crashing down on him. He knows it’s normal to be haunted by these memories, he almost died, for crying out loud, but he would really like to have one night where he sleeps through it without being jolted awake. 
He could feel the pressure in his chest get stronger as he struggled to breathe as he checked the clock on the bedside table. It reads 6:30am and when he looks out the window he realises the sun is already rising and the summer heat is making it into their bedroom. His girlfriend of five years sleeps in the bed next to him, snoring lightly having not been woken up by his oncoming anxiety attack.
Fred struggles to remember the grounding technique she taught him when he had his first attack. She’s his biggest supporter, always there when he needs her, but he wants to get better himself . He doesn't want to rely on her for the rest of his days no matter how often she reminds him it’s okay and that she wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.
He’s got his legs swung over the side of the bed, his body closing in on himself when he feels the bed move and arms wrap around his middle, “Breathe, Freddie, and tell me five things you can see,” she whispers gently in his ear.
His eyes darts around the room, searching as he tries his best to breathe, “The tree outside our window, the lamp, that chair,” he struggles to speak as his breathing is laboured, “your book on my bedside table, my slippers…”
“Good job, my love. Now, four things you can touch.”
His hands grab hers, “Your hands,” he says as he turns to face her, “the duvet, my shirt and…” His hand moves, from her hand to cupping her face, “your hair.” 
This continues, Fred rattling off three things he can hear, two things he can smell and one thing he can taste before he realises his breathing has slowed down, his hands have stopped shaking and while the pressure in his chest is still there, it’s been alleviated and he knows it’ll disappear in a few moments. 
Y/N whispers soft praise in Fred’s ear as she lays him back down in their bed. She’s so proud of the progress he has made in just a short few months. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
He shakes his head, while he barely remembers, he knows it’s the same nightmare as usual. Hogwarts, duelling, wall comes crashing down and Fred almost dies. It’s more of a flashback if anything, that he’s constantly reliving the worst day of his life.
“That’s okay, we can just lay here and rest before we go to your mum and dad’s… If you still feel up to going?” Y/N knows when nights like this happen, Fred usually wants to stay in bed and recoup his energy and try again the next day. 
“No, no, we have to go,” he says and it’s not because it’s an obligation, he truly does want to. After almost dying, after spending almost a year without knowing if Ron, Harry and Hermione were okay, after Bellatrix Lestrange threatened to kill both Ginny and his own mother and with Percy reconnecting with them all, he appreciates family time like he never did before. They all deserve to have happy, carefree and relaxing days and that’s what today is meant to be for them all.
“If you’re sure, my love,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. Fred probably won't fall back asleep, the sun has risen and while he won’t admit it, he’s too scared to try and sleep again. But he doesn’t mind, he’s perfectly content having Y/N fall back asleep in his arms and sometimes, rarely but sometimes, her soft snores lulls Fred into a light, undisturbed sleep.
It’s lunch time by the time Fred and Y/N apparate to The Burrow. Fred’s still recovering physically from his injuries - having your entire body crushed by rubble does that to you, so he happily side-along apparates with Y/N instead of solo floo’ing places. 
When they walk into the house, they’re met with a chorus of hello’s and Molly dragging Fred into a hug and kisses his cheeks repeatedly, and then continues to complain that he has no meat on his bones and that he needs to be eating more while shoving a muffin into his hand. 
George is snickering by the table because someone who isn’t himself is finally being on the receiving end of his mothers affection and he has Angelina Johnson awkwardly beside him. When Y/N raises her eyebrows at him, he mouths a ‘I’ll explain later’ before winking and walking Angelina over to her. 
“Hey, Angie,” she says, pulling the girl into a hug. While they were never close at school, considering Y/N wasn’t a Gryffindor, they still got along when the time arose, “didn’t know my little Georgie here got himself a bird.” 
George groans at the fact Y/N completely ignored him and Angelina blushes as she tries to hide her face behind her hair, but Y/N can see that she’s smiling and not at all bothered by the teasing, “Hey, I’m only teasing, come here!” she says as she pulls the embarrassed girl into a tight embrace. While Y/N drops the subject of Angelina and George finally getting their lives together and dating after years of pining, George knows Y/N is going to corner him later and get the answers out of him.
Hermione and Ginny quickly run down the stairs and grab Y/N, pulling her into a hug as well. Soon enough, the entire family is trying to squeeze inside the living room - including Bill and Fleur who always turn up for the Weasley get together and even Charlie has taken extended leave from his job in Romania to stay and spend the summer with everyone. 
Because of the overcrowding, Ron whistles loudly, grabbing everyone’s attention, “Who wants to play a game of quidditch and let mum have some peace and quiet?” Immediately Harry, the twins, Angelina and Charlie are out the door, already fighting about teams and position. Y/N briefly hears Harry whine ‘I want to be on Charlie’s team but he plays seeker’ as their voices fade. Ginny stays back, wanting to catch up with Y/N for a bit and promises to join everyone later.
Fred loves nothing more than spending time with his siblings. Growing up as a twin, he’s had someone constantly by his side, but he loves his huge family more than anything. George and he spend 5 minutes fighting over who gets to be beater until they just decide they’ll just be on different teams before they realise they don’t have enough siblings for a full team anyway, meaning the beaters are out of the equation.
This causes the twins to just start jokingly fighting over who plays chaser before Ron and Harry has to break it up so they can actually play. 
Fred adores flying. His hair has been growing out and the wind through it as he flies is one of the best feelings in the world, he thinks. It makes him forget all his worries, his only focus is snatching the quaffle out of George’s slimy grip and getting it past Charlie, who’s playing both keeper and seeker for the other team to make up for the lack of players.
“Oi, Ickle Ronnikins,” he calls out from his broom, wobbling slightly as he yells to get his brother’s attention, “mind paying attention to the match and not your girlfriend? George is getting every shot in, mate,” He’s teasing of course. They can see the girls through the window and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t sneaking glances at Y/N.
Meanwhile, the three girls sit at the kitchen table chatting amongst themselves and Bill and Fleur are outside in the garden when Percy and his girlfriend turn up. There’s tension in the air, there always is when Percy turns up. It’s not that no one wants him there, but given his history of being a ‘right prat’ (Fred’s words), everyone is cautious. 
But he goes right up to Molly, pulling her into an embrace and kissing her on the cheek and then turns to his dad and gives him a hug. 
“Hey Gin, Y/N, Hermione,” he gives them a curt nod as they say hello back before pulling the girl beside him closer, “this is Audrey, my girlfriend. Do you guys mind hanging with her while I go find the boys?"
The girls, of course, nod. “How long have you and Percy been together for?” Y/N asks as the girl sits and she hopes she isn’t coming off rude. She’s been with Fred for five years and never met Audrey and Hermione’s been in the Weasley’s lives for even longer, so it’s clearly a recent development. 
“Around this time last year… With everything going on and Percy not being on speaking terms with everyone, we haven’t really had the chance to meet…” she trails off and Y/N senses the awkward tension rising, so she grabs Audrey’s hand in a reassuring matter.
“Don’t stress about that. You’re here now and you’re family,” while Y/N isn’t officially a Weasley, her and Fred have spoken about their future together on numerous occasions so she doesn’t feel like she’s speaking out of turn offering ‘Weasley Family Status’ to Audrey, “I’m Y/N, Fred’s girlfriend.” 
“And I’m Hermione, Ron’s girlfriend,” Hermione adds and before Ginny even speaks, Y/N interrupts her, “You’re obviously a Weasley, Gin,” and the girls all start giggling.
“I’m Ginny, Harry’s girlfriend!” she exclaims proudly when all the girls finally calm down and it only sets them off again.
What the girls don’t notice is that Molly’s watching them, with a smile on her face. She’s always wanted daughters - she loves Ginny and she loves every single one of her sons, but she wishes she had been able to give her a sister. But watching the scene unfold in front of her, how these girls welcome Audrey so easily into their lives, Molly’s eyes well with tears as she realises she has the most wonderful daughter and future daughter-in-laws a woman could ask for. 
“How’s Fred doing?” Ginny asks. Of course, everyone’s suffered from the war, but everyone is constantly concerned about Fred. 
“Between seeing his psychologist and his physical therapy appointments, he’s doing really good,” she says, looking out the window and she laughs as she sees Fred holding Ron in a headlock, shouting something about how rusty he is at keeper, “there’s days it’s hard, and he has really bad nightmares sometimes, and there's days where they make him not want to leave the house but he had one this morning and was determined to get here today. I’m really proud of him.” 
Molly rubs Y/N on the shoulders, almost like a thank you for being there for Fred through it all as she places muffins in front of all the girls and takes her own seat. She takes a moment to scold Arthur for trying to repair the muggle radio playing he’s stolen from work before joining in on the girls’ conversation as they eat. 
The sweet moment is interrupted by a voice that is clearly Percy’s shouting and both Y/N and Audrey’s automatic assumption is that the worst has happened. Especially when Y/N hears the familiar voice of her boyfriend shouting incoherently. 
All the girls rush out the door, expecting to break up a fight but that isn’t what’s happening. Instead, Fred has Percy on the ground, rolling around in dirt and they’re both laughing . Molly has to excuse herself, tears welling in her eyes at the sight of Percy being accepted by his brother. 
“What’s going on here?” Audrey questions. It’s clear she’s still weary, worried that at a moment's notice, Percy’s siblings will turn on him and forget his apology. Fred looks up, winking at Y/N before looking at Audrey and flashes her a cheeky smirk, “Perce said I suck at quidditch.” 
Everyone rolls their eyes at this as Y/N grabs Fred’s hand and pulls him up. She lives with him, so one would think that the time spent apart at The Burrow is no big deal, but secretly Y/N has always been super clingy, wanting to always have Fred in her sights, and it's only worsened now they live together.
“Hi Freddie,” she giggles, tucking herself close to his side despite the summer heat blasting down on them, “I miss you.” she whispers.
Fred lets out a cackle of a laugh, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and leading her to the tree they always sit under as he tells Ginny to take his spot on their makeshift quidditch team. Secretly, he was hoping to get away from the game because he needs a break and maybe an attempted nap under the tree. 
He settles down first, stretching his legs out as he leans against the trunk and then he pulls Y/N down to sit between them and to rest her back against his chest. This has always been their favourite way to cuddle.
“What’s the go with George and Angie? I knew they were going on dates but...” Fred asks, and Y/N shrugs. “He just said he’d fill me in later so I’m still waiting. But she’s at family day, so it must be getting serious.” Fred hums behind her, resting his chin on top of his head as he watches his family on the makeshift field in front of them fight over quidditch rules. George is trying to teach Percy fake rules and Ginny’s smacking him over the head as he laughs at the confused expression on Percy’s face. 
To their right, Arthur’s got the radio working and he’s charmed it to blast 80s muggle music loudly for the entire family to hear. Bill’s dragged Fleur to dance around with him and Arthur’s trying to get Molly to join them. Charlie’s sitting with Audrey and Hermione, probably droning on about dragons as usual and the girls listen intently, gasping when appropriate. 
“What are you thinking about?” Y/N asks. Fred is never this quiet, usually speaking every single thought that comes to his mind without any sort of filter. It’s gotten him in trouble a fair few times, from both his mother and Y/N. 
“I’m just happy,” he says quietly, tucking his head into her neck, and Y/N doesn’t miss the crack in his voice, “I’m so happy I’m here with everyone.” She shuffles in her spot so she can sit and face Fred and he can’t meet her eyes because his own are welling with tears.
“Don’t hide, my love, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she coos as she cups his cheeks in her hands. He leans into her touch and smiles as he sniffles. 
“I know, it’s just…” He trails off and Y/N knows what he’s going to say. He almost wasn’t here and that thought haunts the both of them more often than they’d like to admit. “I know, but that doesn’t matter, because you’re here , and I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am you are,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to his cheeks.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” he says and Y/N’s heart swells. Marriage and lots of ginger babies has always been in their life plan, but hearing Fred say it, so, so vulnerably, almost brings her to tears. “Forever, Freddie, you promised,” she replies and he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on her lips. 
He’s always promised. He promised forever when they were 16 and they’d only been together for a year as they danced at the Yule Ball until 12am. At 17, when he admitted he wouldn’t be finish the school year. He promised once again at 18, before he flew out of Hogwarts with George. At 19, straight after George had his ear cursed off and he was sick with fear because the war was real and happening.
At 20, they were fighting in their school and he’d promised, ‘We're surviving this fucking thing and I’m marrying you as soon as I can.’ 
They pull apart and Y/N is smiling at him, adoration filled in her eyes as Fred feels around in his shorts, clearly trying to grab something. When he pulls it out, Y/N’s eyes catch the small, velvet black box and while she doesn’t want to get her hopes up, her heart is racing.
“I’ve been carrying this everyday, waiting for the perfect time,” he chuckles, shaking his head. You’d think Fred Weasley would have a huge and bizarre proposal, most likely with fireworks and dancing gnomes somehow, but in reality, this is perfect. He’s surrounded by his loved ones, there’s no war and he wants nothing more than to officially make Y/N a Weasley. 
“Is that now, Freddie?” she says and he nods, smiling. Y/N thinks he’s never looked happier in his life. He knows what her answer will be so he doesn’t feel the slightest bit nervous.
“I promised you, we're surviving the war and I’m fucking marrying you as soon as I can, so here I am,” he pops the box open and Y/N gasps. It’s nothing extravagant but she doesn’t mind. Small and classy, just like she’d always wanted and she doesn’t even realise she’s crying until Fred’s hand wipes her tears with his free hand, “Will you marry me?” 
She barely gives an answer, nodding her head violently as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses her lips to his. Their teeth clash and they both laugh at Fred not being prepared to be jumped before getting a verbal response. Y/N pulls away and puts out her left hand, “Of course I’ll marry you.” 
He slides the ring on her finger and it’s a perfect fit. They continue to sit in front of the tree, watching their family but Y/N constantly catches herself looking at the diamond ring sparkling in the sun and she’s decided she’s never been happier as well.
Everything is perfect, because it’s the calm after a very, very long storm and she’s never taking family for granted again.
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Zanele Muholi, Tate Modern
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Walking into the Zanele Muholi exhibition at Tate Modern is like discovering another country.
In 2017 Muholi’s ongoing self-portrait series, Somnyama Ngonyama/Hail the Dark Lioness, was exhibited in London’s Autograph Gallery. In press reviews and posters on the tube that autumn, the images were unmissable and unmistakeable: stark black and white photographs of an impassive face crowned with Brillo pads or clothes pegs, festooned with vacuum cleaner hoses. At the time, Autograph wrote, the artist: “uses her body as a canvas to confront the politics of race and representation… Gazing defiantly at the camera, Muholi challenges the viewer’s perceptions while firmly asserting her cultural identity on her own terms: black, female, queer, African.”
Fast forward to 2020, and Tate Modern’s major Zanele Muholi exhibition. Visiting hours at the museum flicker in and out of existence as we navigate COVID lockdowns – now you can come! No, wait, sorry, you can’t. Try rebooking for a month’s time.
When I finally squeaked in, in early December, I expected more Dark Lionesses. I had a vague idea that Zanele Muholi was a bit like a South African Cindy Sherman.
I was wrong.
This exhibition shows the breadth of Muholi’s practice, of which the self-portraits are just one strand. The range and energy of the work is astounding. Especially given that in 2012 their studio was burgled and five years of work on hard drives was stolen.
Another mental adjustment: Muholi’s pronouns are they/them/theirs.
Born in Umlazi, South Africa, in 1972, at the height of Apartheid, Zanele’s father died when they were a baby and their mother, Bester, a domestic worker, had to leave her eight children for employment in a white household. Zanele was brought up by extended family. They started working as a hairdresser, then studied photography at Market Photo Workshop in Johannesburg, graduating in 2003, and going on to be awarded their MFA in Documentary Media from Ryerson University in Toronto in 2009.
On returning to South Africa they started to document the lives of the LGBTQI+ community.
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Aftermath (2004)
The exhibition opens with a group of deceptively gentle images. In the first, Aftermath (2004), a torso is cropped from waist to knees, hands modestly clasped in front of Jockey shorts, a huge scar running down the person’s right leg almost like a piece of body art. In another, Ordeal (2003), hands wring out a cloth in an enamel basin of water placed on a floor. A third image shows a cropped, seated figure, again waist to thighs, hands folded in their lap, plastic hospital ties around their wrists. These pictures have a softness and beauty which completely belies the fact that their subjects are all survivors of sexual violence and “corrective rape”.
As the caption to the last picture, Hate crime survivor I, Case number (2004) explains, “Corrective rape is a term used to describe a hate crime in which a person is raped because of their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. The intended consequence of such acts is to enforce heterosexuality and gender conformity.” This horrific practice is by no means unique to South Africa, but the term seems to have originated there – feminist activist Bernedette Muthien used it during an interview with Human Rights Watch in 2001 – and its effects on the community resonate throughout this exhibition.
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Ordeal (2003)
They don’t, however, dominate. While the exhibition starts by showing the evils of intolerance of gender nonconformity, Muholi goes on to reclaim, elevate and celebrate that same nonconformity.
With Being (2006 – ongoing) we move on to photographs of naked bodies entwined – again tightly cropped, again soft black and white, but now without outside interference. They are sensual, personal, and owned. A series of portraits of two female lovers, Katlego Mashiloane and Nosipho Lavuta (2007) switches to colour and full figures. The couple sit entwined, laughing: they kiss, and bathe side by side standing in an enamel basin, in a warm, defiant echo of the scene in Ordeal (2003) across the room.
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Katlego Mashiloane and Nosipho Lavuta, Ext.2, Lakeside, Johannesburg (2007)
The series Brave Beauties, started in 2014, is “a series of portraits of trans women, gender non-conforming and non-binary people. Many of them are also beauty pageant contestants.” The queer beauty pageant is many things: a celebration – and redefinition – of beauty, a declaration of independence by contestants, a challenge to “heteronormative and white supremacist cultures,” and an attempt, as Muholi puts it, “to change mind-sets in the communities [the contestants] live in, the same communities where they are most likely to be harassed or worse.”
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Melissa Mbambo, Durban, South Beach (2017). Melissa Mbambo is a trans woman and beauty queen, Miss Gay South Africa 2017
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Roxy Msizi Dlamini, Parktown, Johannesburg (2018)
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Akeelah Gwala, Durban (2020)
These portraits are made collaboratively, Muholi and the subjects choosing clothing, location and poses together. Some of them, like the picture of Roxy Msizi Dlamini (2018) have the quality of a classic glamorous studio shot. Others, like Akeeleh Gwala, Durban (2020), posing in a bikini against a scruffy brick wall in what seems to be a deserted brick alleyway, are a reminder of the vulnerability of the subject. Akeelah Gwala’s “Testimony” in the exhibition catalogue says: “I am 24 years old. I am a transgender woman. Growing up was very difficult because your parents think this is a boy… I was raped when I was 16 years old…” The rapist, a well-known pastor, threatened Akeelah’s family, forcing them out of their home. Akeelah refers to Muholi as “Sir Muholi” and says, “I have taken part in several beauty pageants. I perform because as a Brave Beauty, it is important to be visible and make others know about us and respect us as human beings.”
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Miss Lesbian I-VII, Amsterdam (2009)
The theme of beauty pageants also features in the series of self-portraits Miss Lesbian I-VII, Amsterdam (2009), where Muholi casts themself as a beauty queen, an early identification with the wider community prefiguring Brave Beauties. The 2009 series brings together several of Muholi’s themes: the beauty pageant and the fashion/fashion magazine world; who gets to perform and who gets to watch; who gets to choose what beauty means? And, as an aside that may sound trivial but isn’t, kitchen utensils as headgear.
As the exhibition unfolds, we discover other projects. Muholi describes themselves as a visual activist, and they have a large network of collaborators, including the collective Inkanyiso (“Light” or “Illuminate” in isiZulu), a non-profit organisation focused on queer visual activism. We see images documenting marches and protests, weddings and funerals, and “After Tears” – gatherings held after burials to celebrate the life of the lost loved one.
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Nathi Dlamini at the After Tears of Muntu Masombuka’s funeral, KwaThema, Springs, Johannesburg (2014)
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Death is a constant presence in Muholi’s community and work. The largest space in this exhibition is given to Faces and Phases (2006 – ongoing), a collection of portraits – 500, and counting. The images “celebrate, commemorate and archive the lives of Black lesbians, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.” People appear more than once. Some spots on the walls are empty, marking a portrait yet to be taken or a participant no longer there. One wall is dedicated to those who have passed away.
Not only is this a powerful and moving project, it’s an extraordinarily beautiful set of pictures. As are the last works in the show, the series that started in 2012: Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness.
In this work, Muholi has darkened their skin and whitened their eyes, and composed the picture in the manner of a classical, perfectly-lit studio portrait, posing with found objects as “costume” – a footstool as a helmet, say. There is so much to unpick in these images – references to colonialism, Apartheid, to the politics of race and representation, to femininity and “women’s work”.  Muholi presents us with a kaleidoscope of views of injustice, equal parts beautiful and brutal. The photographs were created in different parts of the world, at different times, combining what could almost be witty accessorising with intense cultural and political commentary.
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Quinso, The Sails, Durban (2019)
The intellectual focus of every picture is slightly different. Zamile, KwaThema (2016) shows Muholi draped in a striped blanket, as used in South African prisons during Apartheid. In Quinso, The Sails, Durban (2019) Muholi’s hair is adorned with silvery Afro combs, a symbol of African and African diaspora cultural pride. In Nolwazi II, Nuoro, Italy (2015) their hair is stuffed with pens – a reference to the “pencil test” whereby, under Apartheid, if a pencil pushed into a person’s hair fell out they were “classified as white”.
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Nolwazi II, Nuoro, Italy (2015)
As mentioned above, Muholi calls themselves a visual activist rather than an artist – though galleries, like Tate Modern, might beg to disagree. Walking through this exhibition, I came away with the impression that their work is on the intersection of art and documentary photography – but also that everything is documentary: everything is story telling, and bearing witness, and the place where “documenting the community” and “expressing oneself as an artist” is continually blurred.
Maybe it’s not just like discovering a new country: maybe Zanele Muholi is showing us a whole new world.
Zanele Muholi is at Tate Modern until May 31, 2021
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