#i forgot how much of the listening experience is just me going 'wtf is this podcast
ridethehammett · 1 year
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obviously kirk hammett 🩷
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there’s so many reasons why i love him. he’s super sweet and caring and i relate so much to him because we share a lot of the same experiences. my father would play metallica frequently when i was a child, and his favorite song was enter sandman. i loved this song growing up, but this year when i saw who was playing the badass guitar solo i would pretend to play with my air guitar, i was like oh my god he’s fucking beautiful. i kid you not the whole reason i dug deep into metallica and discovered more about metal in the first place is because an edit of kirk popped up on my fyp!! i just love genuine people and he certainly is one!! probably my favorite rock star of all time i love my husband!! 🫶🏾
dave grohl 🩷
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i really forgot how i got into him it just happened. i think it’s because i was like “wait that’s dave from nirvana, he’s the lead singer of foo fighters wtf!?”but i love his personality so much, he’s so strong. it really hit me with everything he went through, losing the people important in his life and still he kept pushing and helps out others. he’s just very selfless and i love him to pieces. AND HE’S SO CUTE LOOK AT HIM!!
sebastian bach 🩷
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WOOO JESUS. okay. i was scrolling through pinterest one day and saw this man because i discovered rachel bolan existed and he was in a picture with him. i was like sorry rachel, but your friend is way hotter LMFAO. so the more i looked at him i was like wow i need him. i started looking at videos and interviews of him and i fell in love with his personality! he’s so fucking funny, also the whole reason he got kicked out of skid row is fucking insane and i love seb so much.
chris cornell 🩷
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oh jesus, okay. i love chris because you can hear the passion of music in his songs. when i was younger in elementary school my dad would play soundgarden a lot too, his favorite song being black hole sun. i didn’t understand why i felt the way i felt listening to this song being that i was only a kid, but it did something to me. growing up i found myself going back to that song and the more i grew up the more i understood why i felt that way and why my feelings towards that song increased. chris is such a creative mind and i miss him and his beautiful smile dearly.
cliff burton 🩷
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i’m sorry to make y’all cry back to back (also this picture i love it so much bye)
but cliff…oh god. when i first really got into metallica i didn’t know he passed. i was just so attracted to his “don’t give a fuck, society is fake” attitude because that’s kinda how i am. he was himself regardless of what anyone else thought and his smile just always made me happy. and oh my god he’s so talented. but he was just there to live life and do what he enjoyed and i admired that so much.
@gogobo0ts THANKS DEAR! 🫶🏾
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3dollarbillyalls · 2 years
sorry if you already talked about it but would you mind to tell us more about how you've met limp bizkit? I would love to hear it😊
No need to be sorry since I’ve never shared much about it. Only personally.
Well, the first one I met was Leor in 2014, when he wasn’t in the band. He came to Russia with La Coka Nostra. I didn’t listen to them much but I wanted to meet Lee, so I bought a ticket and went to Saint-Petersburg completely ignoring my university responsibilities (don’t be like me I don’t have an education). I bought a toy, Gena the Crocodile, which is a character from Soviet cartoon, because Leor already had the other one, Cheburashka.
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At the day of the show I went to the venue very early so I’d meet Lee. I texted him on Instagram asking if this was possible, he said something like yeah, sure. I was thrilled already. The funny thing: I was waiting near VIP entrance since usually artists went out there, and I couldn’t really see what was going on in the front of the club. I was panicking a little you know… So, at one moment I decided to check something and maybe go around. When I went out of the corner, I saw a bunch of men and was like “Ok, just some old dudes”… Yeah, and Lee was one of them lmao 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He saw me and greeted me, I just ran up to him almost crying of laughter and everything.
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I gave him the toy, we chatted a bit and I was already dying inside from happiness when Lee said something like “let’s go inside, it’s cold here”…
I was like wtf is this really happening to me??? 😳
He showed me backstage; invited me to take pics on the stage and to be at the soundcheck. Guys… I still can’t get over it.
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The first pic was taken on the backstage, and the second one if I remember correctly - during the show. You can see my gift sitting over there 🥺
Also when I wanted to use the bathroom, I was going to jump from the stage but Leor stopped me saying “I don’t want you to break a leg” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Almost forgot! I asked him to draw or write something in my memory notebook. He wrote me a little letter:
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It’s in Russian (yeah, Lee knows Russian): Thank you you are a very sweet girl! Thank you! Friends forever! 😭🥺
The face reveal: extremely happy me and the best DJ of the best band!
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You know this is still one of the best moments of my life and I’m happy I had a chance to experience something like that!
Hell, it’s a long post… Maybe I should make the second part? The other ones were shorter but anyway:)
P. S. Let’s pretend it’s DJ Lethal Thursday already, ok?
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thegeminisage · 10 months
OKAY it's tng update time. i forgot to do it yesterday so today i'm doing four eps. sunday we did "evolution" and "the ensigns of command" and yesterday we caught "the survivors" and "who watches the watchers"
evolution: this one had a slow start and i didn't much care for the guest character of the week but once it got going i actually had fun rooting for him to fail. you SHOOT the nanites? jail for dr whoever! jail for 1000 years!!
wesley was not really annoying in this episode! i was so prepared for the worst when it was like oh wesley's SCHOOL EXPERIMENT has GONE WRONG but it was fine actually!! he was like. normal
i was soooo glad to see beverly crusher again. a season of pulaski really makes her shine in comparison. PLUS she didn't talk about being a woman like the WHOLE time. i mean she kind of did but it was fine except when she got nosey about wesley's dating life lol i mean the woman has been away from her son for a year. also idr whoever was like man not cool beverly for leaving UNFAIR. she got fired. it wasn't her fault. idk if i've ever defended her before. feels weird.
FASCINATED with guinans backstory. when she started talking about her son i was like oh q is her son! of course! no, idiot. a real luke-and-clary moment. iykyk. tho technically q can make himself look like whatever and adoptive still counts. it's fine. they have something going on but idk what
the ensigns of command: this one was SOOOOO good what a breath of fucking fresh air
i LOVED data in this! i loved that he got to do stuff and be important and fail and nobody was mean to him and in the end he succeeded. AND got a love interest. wonderful. treat him really niceys. also that meme about the book being shorter if [character] had a gun. that's data. good for him
also i KNOW he knows how kissing works i didn't forget he fucked tasha yar
this episode was surprisingly funny. you get gradually more and more frustrated with the leader until data dead ass pulls a fucking phaser on him. you get more and more frustrated with the sheliak and it's like kind of funny that they keep hanging up on picard, but then picard rules lawyers them and hangs up on THEM and does the fucking white glove inspection while he metaphorically lets the phone ring off the hook. the longer he took to answer the funnier it got, i was genuinely cracking up. idr what post it was that i said i had yet to see picard's spine and so he was utterly unlikable but i saw it in the episode where data went on trial and i saw it here in a much funnier way. he simply had enough it was fantastic
data and the music!!! he was so sad when picard had to leave and i was very pleasantly surprised when picard took the time to not only listen to the recording later but compliment data on it and encourage his creative side. it's so much nicer than anyone was to data in the first two seasons 🥺
the survivors: this one was...okay. not great but definitely watchable. the mystery definitely kept me hooked bc i wanted to know what was going on, but it would have been much better if we'd had the tools to solve it, the way picard did, instead of the answer just being "this guy is just magic." i did like that his wife turned out to not even be real because that's fucking nuts but like. for what purpose. like we were yelling theories like oh her tea is poisoned! the music box is cursed! and meanwhile it's like no he's just magic. there was no trail of clues to follow at all.
poor deanna in this episode lol. points off for having her naked under that blanket. for what purpose do you need to undress her to treat her...y'all don't do that to riker. that said the psychic torture via music box was kind of metal actually like obviously horrible but i like that she CAN be incapacitated
also, wtf was that at the end where he was like yeah i killed every member of that entire species even the ones who are lightyears away because my magic is that powerful. and picard was just like. alright well we don't have laws that can try you so go back to your planet with your fake wife ig. bye!
who watches the watchers: our rule for s3 is that we're watching all of them until we hit three duds in a row. this one was DEFINITELY a dud
first of all, the breaking of the prime directive was ridiculously sloppy here. SECONDLY, it is ALWAYS a bad idea to have some culture mistake anybody for god. it wouldn't have mattered if every one of those aliens had been white and picard had not been white it STILL would have been racist but it's even MORE racist because they're worshipping AND KNEELING BEFORE a white guy with a british accent. it's particularly insulting too that these are supposed to be "proto-vulcans"
also, if they really were proto-vulcans they would NOT have been rational as presented they would have been off the fucking wall insane with bloodlust. do none of us remember anything about canon. god.
the fantasy racefaking. THEY LOOKED SO BAD LOL
our main side guy was quite annoying and basically just looking for an excuse to kill deanna? should have let him die tbh
anyway it was a stinker. the longer the fake worship dragged on the worse it became.
that being said, s3 has largely been a blast so far. tbh i talked a big game but part of me didn't believe u guys when you said it got better. but it literally did?! and thank god bc i don't know how much more i could have taken lol
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Sunday, July 14th, 2024.
Have you ever left your front door unlocked all night? It's probably happened at some point.
Do you prefer cold or warm weather? Pleasantly warm weather is fine, but I do tend to prefer the cold.
The last advertisement you saw: What was it advertising? I think it was for car insurance or something like that. I just skipped past it without really paying much attention.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid. It seems more sanitary.
Do you wear any perfumes / colognes on a regular basis? I don't. Strong smells often trigger my migraines…along with pretty much everything else about being alive.
Do you have high or low self esteem levels? My self-esteem levels are somewhere in the middle these days. Not despairingly low, but not yet healthily high either. I think it also depends on the situation - sometimes I'm more confident in my abilities, more comfortable with the company, etc; but other times I feel out of my element.
When was the last time you listened to a song on repeat? What was the song? I haven't been listening to any single song on repeat, but I have been listening to the Precession album by Fifty Dollar Dynasty lately.
How do you feel about being in the house alone? It's peaceful, but there does come a point when a sense of dreamy unreality sets in and I would prefer to have the company of my dad.
What was the last compliment you received? I suppose this counts as a compliment… I was getting ready to leave the animal shelter earlier and Alex was like, "thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here." Lucy was scheduled to work today, but she didn't show up. She didn't show up yesterday either. Last Sunday, after I left, I guess Lucy was asking Cassie, "how mad do you think they'd be if I just walked out?" because she wasn't feeling well. Ofc Cassie was like, "wtf, don't you dare, today is my half day and they'll make me stay if you leave." Far be it from me to judge how someone's feeling (if you're sick, you're sick; I'm not going to play the comparison game), but there was also this ~vibe~ about it, like she was just kind of over it. Couple that with her not being there this weekend and…idk whether she's sticking around or not.
Anyway, all that meant Alex had to come in on one of her days off, and things are just kind of a mess lately, and…ugh. I feel for her. She's such a hard worker, always on top of everything, super reliable…so ofc she's the one they're going to call, and ofc she's going to show up. However, she did say that everyone she's talked to wouldn't blame her if she quit, so…I guess it's just a question of when her work ethic + sense of duty + personal pride are surpassed by how done she is with the whole situation. It's part of the reason Amy quit a few weeks back. Orlyn was injured and out for a while and ultimately decided not to come back, so they increased Amy's days/hours to make up for it. I think it was originally supposed to be temporary, but they seemingly forgot about that and let it drag on until Amy spoke up about being burned out (which made them mad?!). Eventually, she got fed up and left. They've just been super short staffed lately, among other things, and it's slowly taking its toll on people. Oh yeah, and Diane is going to be gone for a few days around the end of the month and it's just like...wtf are they gonna dooo...???
Do you like mint or orange flavored chocolate? I like both.
How often do you get spots? Like, pimples? It goes in cycles. My face will clear up, then get really bad, then clear up again…I'm starting to think it might be hormonal.
Do you believe that when your ears burn someone is talking about you? I've never had that experience before, but no, I don't believe that's a thing.
Are you a good host when visitors come over or do you wish they’d leave? We don't really have people over; but when I'm out with others, there's definitely this pull to get back home.
When was the last time you burnt your mouth from eating something too hot? This morning. I was rushing to eat my oatmeal. It was just a slight burn, though, nothing serious. Not like that time I caused a huge burn-bubble to form on the roof of my mouth. D;
What is your favorite foreign language to listen to? (In music or speech) Maybe Japanese for speech and Swedish/Icelandic for music.
Do you prefer instrumental songs or ones with lyrics? I like both.
Name something simple that makes you happy. Delicious iced coffee on a hot afternoon.
What is your favorite instrument to listen to? Guitar or violin.
Pick one: Books, movies or music? Books.
Do you carry a bag around with you often? What does it look like? Yeah. It's just a gray backpack.
Do you like your natural hair color? I'm fine with it.
Do you delete your emails / texts often? I don't bother deleting e-mails, but I will delete texts occasionally.
What was the last book you read about? It's the third book in the Dune series. I feel like I would have to explain the plots from the first two books in order for it to make sense, but I'm just too lazy.
What color are the walls in the room you’re in? White and peach.
Did you dress up last Halloween? As what? I didn't.
Do you have any old friends who you still kinda speak to but it’s awkward? No.
Name one of your favorite memories. Backpacking memories with my dad.
Are you a polite person? Yeah.
When was the last time you used a quote from a movie in real life? I'm not sure.
Have you ever used a chat-up line that actually worked? No.
Can you put your legs behind your head? No.
Do you forget things easily? Small things. Like, on any given day at the animal shelter, I'm bound to forget something.
The last song you listened to: Did it have a male or female vocalist? Male.
Is the heating on in your house currently? No. The swamp cooler is on, though.
Do you often find toothpaste too minty? No.
Have you ever had braces? Do you need them? Yeah.
Are you a subscriber to any magazines? Which? No.
What does your voice sound like? (Loud, quiet, high pitched, etc) It depends on who I'm talking to, but my "normal" voice is medium-pitched and can be somewhat loud, especially if I'm excited or passionate about something.
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captainmarsupial · 4 months
another fanime for the books! the weekend isn’t over, but i most likely won’t be going tomorrow, so im gonna grieve it like it’s over right now even if i do end up going lol. had a ton of fun even if my wallet hates me for buying so much stuff :’D
yesterday we got there kinda late, around 11:30 maybe. registered and then went to get food since we only wanted to check out the artist alley and dealer hall but they weren’t open until 2. so we got tacos and then walked to get some coffee and matcha at academic. artist alley was cool, it was like wading through treacle as always but snagged some really awesome art!
i ended up seeing a print and regretting not buying it, then deciding to walk all the way around the whole thing again to find it and that taking forever. when i finally found it there was a girl there talking to the artist, and eventually she moved aside to let me place my order. she noticed my bag (i wore a clear bag &put some pcs in it) and recognized the kyu pc i’d brought where he’s eating in n out and wearing the paper hat lmao. she was like “IS THAT…….” and it turns out we both love suju TT-TT and 2nd gen groups in general. we fangirled together over snsd a little bit too lol. tbh i get a little nervous showing my suju stuff in public just bc kpop stans are so vicious online. but i was happy to make another 2nd gen friend :))) anyway, besides the print i also got a couple of gifts for my siblings.
then we left and got food again bc we were hungry already. and then returned for dealers hall!
dealers hall was super tame since it was day 1. bart had a booth so we got some merch and freebies including a cute station stamp! also found survive said the prophet’s merch booth n bought a sick ass looking shirt. tbh i was amazed fanime was able to pull them, they’re super good. as for the rest of the hall, i managed to control myself for the most part even tho there was sooo much stuff. after wandering all the aisles we went home, &i managed to squeeze in the gym after all of that.
day2! we got there hella early, like 930? and went to academic again for coffee. then we returned to the artist alley to beat the crowd, and somehow i ended up buying EVEN MORE. a couple more prints, a few mini prints and some jjk stickers. then we went to the car to put our prints away but decided we were already hungry even tho we both ate before leaving home. after lunch we went to this kpop random dance thing, which was fun but i didn’t recognize any of the new gen stuff… after that, we went to one panel about detective conan and another one about jpop oricon hits of the 2000s. soo much nostalgia from that one! i forgot about music i used to listen to like morning musume and arashi and more. and old dramas like hanayoridango. middle school me was very satisfied.
after that we checked out a car hall, got some dinner and snacks, then went to see survive said the prophet! they put on a fucking show. soo good. we were legit lucky that that was just included with our ticket, like wtf. so worth it! &really glad i brought earplugs, bc rock music is louddddd.
after the show we went to one of the dance halls and just spent some time dancing around. a girl gave me a kandi matching my haikyuu hinata cosplay, which was such a sweet experience. i’ve never been to a rave so i’ve never received kandi before! she even gave me a hug lol. maybe that’s standard practice but i thought it was so cute and kind!
then we went home. i made a sandwich bc i didn’t realize how little i’d eaten all day. &now im exhausted afffffff so goodnight!
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shinydixon · 2 years
thank the lord he's getting the questions screened!!! last con was just too much. too much. i was there. it was awkward and you could kind feel the tension in the air between the people who just wanted to appreciate him and have fun and the fans who wanted to be invasive or cringe. i know everybody thought that little kid coming up and singing cute and he handled it very well and the hug really punched me in my ovaries but he really didn't know what to do there for a sec. then you have people asking him what he smells like, asking him if he thinks eddie is dead then trying to goad him into answer shippy questions without making it sound like it was a ship question, a fucking kid asking him about his cigarettes and how long he's been smoking, this girl wasting her question by asking him to perform eddie's monologue like he's some damn monkey in a circus ready to entertain her. and she kept insisting on it! so yeah, it was pretty bad. he was amazing, a gentleman. when i went to give him the photo to sign i couldn't stop shaking, like, i was shaking really badly and it's mostly anxiety but at the time i was also starving because i hadn't eaten anything so that made the shaking worse. he noticed, obviously, signed my photo, and when i went to shake his hand by he held it for a second and said 'it's okay, sweetheart' then said a little bye. he's really really really really kind. and he makes you feel like you matter in a way that i don't think can be faked. it's the same thing with jaime too. it's funny 'cause jaime is much more....hm, i forgot the word in english. i want to say 'loud' but it's not quite the right word. but like, if you'd seen jaime the day before and you see him again in the next, he's like 'OH THERE SHE IS WELCOME BACK DARLING' lol but joe does the same thing in a quiet manner. it's very sweet. i went off topic, sorry. but as i was saying, joe doesn't deserve the treatment he go from fans last weekend. he's not at cons to perform for you, he's not there to be asked about his private life. and he's not there to validate your stupid ship. the thing about asking him ship stuff is that he's never, ever ever ever ever, going to say something controversial. he's not dumb nor crazy. he's not going to say eddisy is a bad ship, he's not going to say steddie is a bad ship, hell, that anon who said they like eddie/nancy here, i'm sure if someone asked him about that he'd be 'wow, yeah, it could work, it could work...' he's NOT going to invalidate a ship or the other. he's a chronically offline man but he's smart and he knows what's going on. ...all that to say that i'm so glad the questons are being screened. SPN took a long time to do it and things got really out of hand before they did it but it worked out and made things a bit less stressful.
First of all, I'm so happy you met him and thank you for share your experience! He's so wholesome 🥺🤍
I think that Jamie is more outgoing with affection, I get it what you're trying to say 😂
Anyway i didn't know about the monologue, wtf? I wasn't brave enough to listen to the panel recording, but thinking about the fact that I could be here listening i kinda feel lucky i wasn't able to go in the end💀
It's better like this, hopefully screening questions will help
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silly-goofy-mood · 2 years
shit what's gonna happen to Hermie 😳
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slaytimesover · 3 years
Getting the C**NTS back together
made up text chat between the euphoria gals, set after the finale & minus (SPOILER) fez getting in the shootout
content: wholesome, tryna be realistic w how they text
March 1st, 2021
Maddy: hey anyone
add cass back i still have the bitch unadded
Kat: bro don’t u know her username
Maddy: no this is my new phone rmb
literally showed u in class today:/ rude mf
Kat: shit sry babe
Maddy: </3
*Kat has changed the chat name to cassies hot tub vomit💯💯*
BB: 🤣🤣🤣Funny ash Nahhhh Kat
Jules: uMM bro how come idk anything abt this…
story time ???
*Kat has added Cassie*
Cassie: Um what the fuck guys….
BB: Can still Smell that shit on me ICL🤣🤣😂
Maddy: 💀💀fucking helpppp
Cassie: Can I ask what the hell is going on
Is this new or smth? Also the names not funny
Jules: new as in … like 3 months old then ye
Cassie: WTF
Not a single one of yall has talked on the other chat for ages is it bc u guys were fucking here?
BB: Ya we have
Jus like u banged Nate for Ages n Shi 💀💀
Kat: out of POCKET
Jules: PFF
no hard feelings tho cass :)
we all wanna meet up soonish
Maddy: yup friday at 8, my place
sorry this fkn introduction was brutal but babe we wanna properly get together again
all 7 of u cunts
Kat: 7? there’s 5 in the gc🤨🤨
Jules: wait wait wait can we like BACJTRACK to the cassie hot tub thing??
Cassie: No Jules we really can’t
Also Maddy are you sure?
Maddy: girl puked her guts out at my party after drinking herself half to death <3
sent me into fkn cardiac arrest ill tell u that
love u though babe
and yes ofc. we outta put this past us
Cassie: MADDY!!! Girl!!!!
no shame in it weve all been there ❤️
Cassie: Shut upppp
Tell me if I’m ever gonna hear the end of that story…
Maddy: @Kat forgot to add em but i want rue rue & lex there too
going full out bitches
Kat: cass keep dreaming lolll
BB: Jule boutta see her Ex Yooooo😫😫
Kat: fuck fuck oh yeah
are yall cool now? i saw u two tgt after the play
BB: Play was Fire Though Lexi Ate🔥🔥🔥
Cassie: …
Jules: uh
that’s the question 😃
Maddy: jules b what happened?
Kat: yeah ive been meaning to properly check in holy crapp
Jules: we aren’t seeing each other anymore in that way, & maybe its for the best but im still processing it yk?
it was… weirdly calm even after the intervention bullshit went down
ig we had an unspoken agreement that we shouldnt be together
even if theres still love between us
its hard to tell where we stand is all im sayin
Kat: shit dude i hope ur okay
Maddy: yeah…
so much respect for u
itll get better n itll be worth it <3 i promise
wish i coulda realised that on my own, ur fuckin fearless
Cassie: I hear you Maddy
I’m happy for u Jules
BB: Go Jule 🙏
Cassie: I mean, if ur all okay then I’ll come
I really want to make amends I don’t know what had gotten into me
I feel terrible
Maddy: a friend told me that in her experience, it was just the right amount of attention at the wrong time, yh? anyways girl i kno u deserve amother chance even if u fucked up
& jules
same goes for u n rue, how abt we all hang out like old times and see where it goes on from there hm? pretty pls
Jules: i cant promise that itll nott be awkward but im down mads!
Maddy: bettt
*Maddy added Rue and Lexi*
Lexi: uh hello
what is this gc name 😭 don’t remind me omg
Kat: 😹😹
Maddy: okay listen up girls, my house 8pm friday, not optional so clear ur shit. no excuses.
& im talking to u lex with that fez mf
Lexi: noo stop💀
BB: She Blushin through the screen on Godd LOL
Rue: wait hey what’s going on
Maddy: rue rue
we wanna come together like the olden days & properly have a girls night
think we deserve a celebration after the shit weve been thru this year
Lexi: really?
thats sounds so nice I like that !!
Kat: ur play def sealed the deal for us dude<3
we fr just need a big catch up & some actual fun
Jules: literallyy
Maddy: everyone in fr?
Lexi: yess
Cassie: Yes
Jules: yep!
Kat: ofc
BB: Yass
Cassie: Rue?
Lexi: um I think fez just took her phone hold up
Kat: man said bathbutt😭😭
Rue: TUB*
Sorry55555555555555 that was fe££&&
FEZ TOOK My phone sry guys
Maddy: sadly were not inviting fez </3 shame we can’t meet the bf lexi but rue come join us brooo
Rue: i mean…
we can try
lotsa shit went down between us tho are u all good?
Cassie: Yeah, & we can just take it step by step anyways
Jules: yepp, i wanna see u all
no matter what
Rue: well
ill try n be there
so sure guys:)
BB: YOOOO It Worked
Maddy: ahhhhhh! cant fucking wait
god i missed this bs<3
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
New Episode Update Let’s GOO!!!
Warning : This is just Yume having a mental breakdown, seriously. This episode update was WHACK.
I know we ain’t participating and all but the game reminding you that there’s 10 minutes left to prepare is seriously bad for my heart.
Aah, shiet. Vil is still hurt.
He still has small wounds and scratches that he hid make up. Daddy, I’m worried.
Apparently, yeah, I’m not the only one cause my homeboy, Epel just asked to switch the center role with Vil. THE CONFIDENCE.
Aw, he’s worried about him falling over during stage (And make the performance look bad) Come on, Epel just be honest-
...He finally became the ideal poisoned apple that Vil wanted, huh?
Vil being proud a mom.
But the queen inside him is STRONG.
He’ll embrace the villain in him, OUR QUEEN CAN STILL GO. INJURED, WHO?
...AAND he proceeds to roast Epel again lol Typical Vil.
I love how Epel just accepted a nickname like “Doku Ringo-chan” lol It’s so cute, senior-junior relationship goals right there.
Everyone is actually really confident hahaha
I really wish Deuce’s mom, Ace’s brother, Jamil’s sister, and Vil’s dad were here in person to watch.
Look at Jamil’s solo SD dancing. LOOK AT IT.
I really fucking love Vil’s singing voice aaa
Album when disney.
Is Vil okay.
...aight im hearing some high quality panting here
...dont mind me listening to it a bit too much...
...they’re going to be great reference for some spicy- leave me alone
Vil panting is making me feel SOMETHING.
Unmei no megami is giving me idia ptsd here.
Heartslabyul Senpais are watching their kids, looking all proud *sniff
Oh god, after playing Obey Me, it just occurred to me how similar Cater and Asmodeus’ voices are...
Watch these Senpai dorks act like Ace and Deuce’s second family. Trey being the dad, Riddle being the mom, and Cater being the supportive big bro. It’s so beautiful.
Riddle’s voice is a lot more softer now, I just realized...It’s so soothing...
God i miss u too octavinelle never change
Yeah, why tf did Floyd not audition for this
Bro, can you imagine Nobuhiko Okamoto in the squad as well??? IMAGINE-
Of course, he wasn’t in the mood back then. Of course. Why did i even ask.
Omg i miss u too octavinelle never change
Azul’s gonna overblot again with Floyd’s marketing skills lol
Jade coming in like welp i guess thats that. Too bad, huh Azul?
GOD i miss u too octavinelle never change
I wonder if these mfs knew that Vil just overblotted and malmal was the one who fixed the stage lol
oooh Leona’s sus about something he a sharp boi
Speak up my guy—
still so weird leona taking his job seriously
Malleus looking happier seeing this performance rather than Lilia’s lol
I miss the simpery in Sebek
Silver’s not in the verge of falling into a coma for once wow
Chenya’s so cute.
fcking shotacons man...im not one to talk
Aw, they didn’t show Neige performance...
The simping in the crowd is a MASSIVE mood.
These night raven fuckers better vote for us and not pull a “oh shie my hand slipped lololol” i swear to god- im gonna throw hands
*me holding my phone and pretending to vote as well
Suspense music intensifies be like-
vil pls dont overblot again-
Noooo grim’s tuna cans-
These children do not have the right to be this cute. I wanna take Timmy, Toby, and Shelpie home.
I swear to god one of these dwarves sounds like Cheka lol Is it Toby?
This background music too though im deeeeddd
Jamil impressed about Vil being “calm” and Vil just going “h e h. you dont even know.”
Monsieur Rook. WHAT did you say.
ROOK VOTED FOR ROYAL SWORD. Are you kidding me. You snek how could you- i loved you
WHAT DID I SAY- Ya’ll night raven fuckers shall not slip by their fingers when voting rook.
Vil is in the brink of passing out aaaaa
I have never heard Ace this pissed before whoa- lol he sounds like Deuce in his delinquent mode
Aw...Rook felt that Neige’s performance carries a stronger bond than theirs :’( it’s hard to put the blame on him when he’s saying all these stuff
It’s just like what they said in the past episodes that it’s really hard voting for your own team when you know the opposing team is better.
Aww...He just wanted Vil to believe in himself more...Rook is such a best man. Im crying-
Oh noooo is Vil gonna cry too nooo- daddy turned to baby really quick SOMEONE GIVE HIM AN EMERGENCY HUG
Well- at least...at least the 100 year record of not being able to win is still going, yeah? Um...bad joke? Sorry, i’ll see myself out-
NEIGE NOT NOW AND YOUR VII-KUN BULLSHIT- we’re having a moment here
Neige is such sweetheart but aaaahh— This makes it worse, we can’t even hate him aaa—
MOTHERFUCKER just got exposed by Neige himself lol
Going to Neige’s shake hand events, sending him letters, buying all his merch and shie- HE’S A FULL BLOWN NEIGE STAN
...actually- my japanese is lacking- im not sure lol what is a ブロマイド??? Lol I feel like a clown.
Rook is sweating profusely LOL
...what do you have to say for yourself, monsieur rook.
Wait- huh is that-
Neige fanclub??? Eternal Snow??? What kind of creepy-ass- OH, HE EVEN HAS A MEMBERSHIP NUMBER TOO-
Props to Neige with his :) expression unfaltering.
I’m- I’m speechless.
Vil is just looking down at Rook in disappointment like- “you’re more pathetic than I am”
Queen just went “I think you need this handkerchief more than I do now” THAT’S RIGHT. REPENT MOTHERFUCKER.
Rook crying is cursed.
But damn, I’m kinda liking this new relationship this bitchy relationship they have
Neige just dragged everyone’s ass back on stage and his snow white energy just said “LETS ALL BE FRIENDS AND SING”
What a somewhat happy ending, even though Rook just backstabbed us I’m crying Beauté 100 points!!!
LOL Vil realizing he’s having fun singing with Neige- “SOMEONE JUST END ME RIGHT NOW-“ The desperation in his voice-
I love how Neige’s yahoo yahoo is messing with everyone’s head, even Vil wants to pass out lol
haha Crowley is so depressed lol
He looks like your typical grandpa- and his outfit looks like that one mickey mouse wizard outfit but blue—
Old man just went “we won lol” just to piss Crowley off I like this guy’s energy already-
Crowley being most likely as old as this guy—
ooohh this man just sensed something in this stage- Leona did too, didn’t he???
* Damn. Crowley talking so fast sounds like he’s making a load of bullshit lol
Anyway, I’m just glad that it’s not mickey mouse who’s the headmaster— I would’ve lost my shit.
We’re back in our dorms and I forgot that the squad doesn’t live with us anymore. It’s suddenly so lonely now...
Grim is getting the yahoo yahoo ptsd too lol it’s too goddamn catchy
oooohh shiet- mickey is calling us again
YES we finally got a good picture of this motherfucker
It seems like nothing is disrupting our communication this time, so MC thought to call Grim but—
Grim is not here.
Uuhhh...Grim? Where you’ve gone??? We’re getting flashbacks of the first parts of the game.
Is this because we didn’t win his tuna canss nooo
Legit I’m sad, please baby don’t overblot like this...
He learned a new move though- SCRATCH
Ooh— We’re seeing some Ignihyde scenes here~
Idia getting a lot of emails from bigshot companies whoa—
THAT OLYMPUS—?! EXCUSE ME??? Ortho what- Are we finally getting that Hercules episode—
Damn getting a hot chance in olympus only to put them down the recycling bin oof— Idia why edit : Yume was informed that olympus is kind of a company that sponsored VDC sorry she was mind-fucked at this moment and the ability to understand proper Japanese just went whoosh lol Thanks to @starshiningsirius for pointing it out for Yume~ ♥︎ HONESTLY YUME’S JUST GONNA WAIT FOR ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS AT THIS POINT LOL Don’t trust me for important situation too much lol
Aaaahh...We’re getting this shut-in out of his room in the next episode, are we?
And that concludes the whole Pomefiore Episode! JESUS CHRIST 75 CHAPTERS ALL IN ALL!? How long is the Ignihyde chapter going to be, huh!?
This was a really, really fun episode lol I’d consider this a fan service episode actually cause of all the things we get to experience— The singing, dancing, and the new songs, THE DRAMA. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
But then, the plot thickens, no? What’s going to happen to Grim? In the Ignihyde episode? And those reoccurring memories of us? And our relationship with Tsunotarou lol ALSO WE NEVER REALLY DID FIND OUT WHAT ROOK’S UNIQUE MAGIC IS. DISNEY EXPLAIN—
Thanks for reading this shitpost of Yume losing her shiet lol See you all in the Ignihyde Episode~ ❤
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ii-kanjiiiii · 3 years
A Crazy Day at Miku Expo
A Vocaloid shitpost story
Warnings: swearing, contains Kaito x Meiko
Chapter 1
It was a normal day in the Cryptonloid household, like always. It was 12pm and Meiko was already up because she’s a normal person.
“GET UP YOU IDIOTS WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR MIKU EXPOOO!!!!” she woke the rest of the Cryptonloids up as she was a thoughtful person.
“OH SHIT I FORGOT!!” Miku screamed. Her hair looked like Chuckie Finster from Rugrats but had a much larger mass.
Miraculously, all of them had somehow forgotten that they had a Miku Expo concert in the mystical country of Hajarputa that night. Except for Meiko, because she was a responsible person.
Once they were done packing and getting ready, they went into their private Miku jet which was covered with Miku faces and had big words that said “HATSUNE MIKU” because Miku is the best and owns the world.
Inside, ‘World is Mine’ was playing on loop and the wall was covered in Miku wallpaper and posters. Meiko sat on a Miku couch at the front, because Meiko is queen and is obviously the sexiest one. Kaito, being the simp that he is, sat next to her.
Luka went all the way to the back of the Miku jet and sat in a Miku chair in the corner, away from everyone else as she was tired of everyone’s bullshit.
Miku and the demonic twins were in the middle, just jumping around and throwing shit everywhere as they were still high as fUCK from the FRUIT loops they ate for breakfast.
Suddenly, ‘World is Mine’ stopped playing, and the pilot made an announcement through the plane intercom. Or whatever it’s called lmao I don’t know.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome onboard Flight Miku. We will be taking off from Sapporo to Hajarputa. I am Sonic the Hedgehog and I am your pilot for today. Just kidding bitch, my name is actually うんち(‘Jonathan Harris’ in Japanese). We are expected to reach Hajarputa in about 22 hours. I swear to God, PLEASE put on your seatbelts or you’re gonna fucking die. We also ask that you ensure your seats are in the upright position for take-off, if not you’ll fucking die. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, if not you’ll fucking die as well. Don’t smoke too, cause you’ll get lung cancer and fucking die. Thank you for choosing Miku Airlines. Enjoy your flight. I definitely will not crash this plane. I swear.”
'World is Mine’ was back playing on loop again.
“Well that was comforting,” Meiko said, being a sarcastic piece of shit.
“Lol what? I don’t remember hiring this man,” Miku said. “Lol, whatever,” she shrugged.
Some time after the Miku Jet took off, Kaito and Meiko started fighting over what they would name their non-existent kid that they would never have.
“If she’s a girl, Sakura is the best name!! It represents beauty and optimism,” Kaito said.
“It also represents death,” Meiko argued. “And who the fuck names their kid after a plant? Enaado is the best name!!”
“The fuck kinda name is Enaado?” Len, who was seated far away from them, muttered to himself. Meiko, who was somehow able to hear him, pulled a super soaker gun out of nowhere and squirted him all the way from the other end of the plane.
Some hours later, the vocaloids were bored as heck and ‘World is Mine’ playing on loop was driving them to insanity(except for Miku of course).
“Can you turn that shit off, Miku? I swear to God, if I hear “sekai de ichiban ohime-sama” one more damn time, my internal organs are going to explode,” Luka said, smashing her head against the wall.
“Geez, fine, Luka! You don’t have to be so mean about it, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to appreciate good art,” Miku rolled her eyes, then she changed the song to ‘Popipo’ on loop, which was probably 100x worse.
“YOU’RE my sekai de ichiban ohime-sama, Me-chan~<3” Kaito UwU-ed. She smacked him with a magazine.
Another time skip, Miku wanted to play truth or dare lmao. Luka, Miku and the twins sat in a circle and started playing.
“Oh yeah, by the way, Mei-nee and Kai-nii are in the game too,” Miku said.
“Wtf no thanks,” Meiko immediately said, not looking up from her magazine about self control & anger management.
“No, you can’t escape, Mei-nee,” Miku replied, staring intensely into her soul. She then got a piece of rope out of nowhere and tied Meiko and Kaito to their chairs.
“TRUTH OR DARE, MEI-NEE?” Miku asked, her eye twitching.
“Ugh, fine. Truth,” Meiko replied, as she had no other choice.
Meanwhile, Kaito was having Vietnam war flashbacks as Miku tying him to the chair reminded him of that one time he got kidnapped by Sonic the Hedgehog. (An event that happened in my other fanfic that I’m not going to post.)
“Do you want to make out with Kai-nii?” Miku asked with a stupid shitty grin on her face.
“What the fuck? Oh, HELL NO. I think I already know how this is gonna go,” Meiko muttered.
“AnSwEr tHe qUeStiOn!!!” Miku yelled impatiently, flipping the fucking table.
“Dare!” Meiko quickly said, sweating.
“I dare you to make out with Kai-nii,” Miku said, raising her eyebrows up and down like fucking Mr. Bean.
Upon hearing this, Kaito’s attention was caught and he snapped out of his Vietnam war flashbacks.
“GODDAMN IT!!” Meiko cursed.
“Oh my GOD, Kaito. Don’t give me THAT look,” Meiko said, terrified for her life as she noticed Kaito looking at her with considerable interest.
“Why the hell did you give that dare, Miku? Literally NO ONE wants to see that shit,” Len said, staring judgingly at Miku. He definitely did not have to see his parents smashing their faces together.
“Yeah, Len’s right,” Luka said. “Aight, Imma head out. Bye bitches,” she flipped her fabulous long hair and strolled out elegantly. Once she reached her seat at the far corner of the plane, she opened her laptop and looked at images of the Gingerbread Man from Shrek.
“Shut up Len and just watch the show!” Rin, who was just as delusional as Miku, scolded.
“MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT” the crazy girls started chanting.
I’m so sorry
I really have no idea where this shitty fanfic is going
It was nighttime and the Cryptonloids were sleeping in their beds with Miku blankets and ‘Popipo’ was still playing on loop. Suddenly, the Miku Jet started shaking really hard, then everyone flew out of their beds and hit their heads on the ceiling. After a few seconds, the Miku Jet stopped shaking and everyone fell back to the ground.
“Heh heh, sorry folks. Just a little air turbulence is all,” Pilot うんち announced.
“What the actual FUCK?? “A ‘liTtLE’ aIR tUrBuLeNcE” he said!! I don’t think we should be entrusting that guy with our LIVES!!” Meiko seethed. “I’m going to have a word with him.” she stormed off to the Pilot’s cabin.
“Wait Me-chan, I’ll come too,” Kaito said, and tagged along with her for extra support because he was a good boyfriend.
Once they reached the Pilot’s cabin, she slid open the door and shouted “LISTEN UP, MISTER, DO YOUR DAMN JOB PROPERLY!!”
“Oh, Meiko-san, hello!” the pilot spun his chair around and smiled. “Oh, Kaito, you’re here too! How’s it going, buddy? Has Sonic been bothering you any more?”
Meiko and Kaito’s eyes widened as they realised who the pilot was.
“FUKASE??!!!!” they screamed in shock. His Ronald Mcdonald hair was unmistakable.
“No, I’m うんち. Who the hell is Fukase?” うんち/Fukase said.
“Uh, no, I’m fifteen. Also, the age of consent in Japan is thirteen, sooo I don’t see any problem with it,” he replied.
“WHAT THE HELL DOES AGE OF CONSENT HAVE TO DO WITH FLYING A PLANE???!!” Meiko screamed, ripping her hair out. I really need to stop using scream.
"Umm… with all due respect, Fukase, are you even qualified for this?” Kaito spoke up.
“Yeah, DUH. I’ve had years worth of flight experience from Microsoft Flight Simulator on the Xbox!” he replied. “What kinda dumb shit would hire someone who ISN’T qualified??”
“oH mAN OH GOD OUR LIVES ARE IN THE HANDS OF THAT DUMB KID OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD-“ Meiko was hyperventilating in the corner and hugging her legs, sweat pouring down her face. It was unlike her to freak out like this, she was usually calm and kept her cool. However, this is Fukase we’re talking about, and any rational person would be freaking out and fearing for their lives.
“Breathe, Me-chan, breathe,” Kaito attempted to calm her down. “Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. Nothing bad will happen. Everything is okay,” he assured her, hugging her tightly.
“How would YOU know that???” she asked.
“I don’t,” he replied. “When things get rough, denial is all we have,” he said, giving his Stupid Bakaito Grin™.
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autobee23 · 3 years
I'm usually shy to talk about my gripes about RWBY because in other fandoms I got bullied or talk behind my back saying how horrible of a person I am, but really if I get the backlash so be it.
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The last few seasons of RWBY has gave me such an out of body experience because characters I haven't seen for a while, I have a bad experience keeping up with shows and when I heard you had to pay to watch the episodes for RWBY I just dropped it for a bit then one day went "huh how is RWBY doing now?", and when I saw what happen with Adam I was pretty shocked at this whiplash of his personality change and went "the fuck happen to him?" I remember liking him because he was cool and intimidating but knew when someone threaten his White Fang he backed off, but didn't enjoy he had to work for humans, so when I saw he kill his own like "I wanna have this power so I can make my ex girlfriend so miserable and destroy everything she loves." like the guy didn't give a fuck Blake was in Beacon but now he does give a fuck? The hell?
Then I remember how the FNDM were so angry at Adam for cutting Yang's arm, like he is so irredeemable now because he cut her arm off, and that had me confused because this was showing how powerful Adam was and how Yang's rage got the better of her and had consequences, but the FNDM didn't like it and so CRWBY decided to write him so unlikable to the point he was gonna BOMB Blake's home and everyone in it to make him so evil that when he died by the hand of and I quote "lesbian love" I knew that this was not going to get any better.
And than Ironwood came back in the picture, I was worried they would write him like "I'm pretending to be nice so I can have the relic and back stab these kids", but he actually...Was nice to them? He gave them a place to stay, new clothes, weapon upgrades, and there license so they can get money while trusting them with his secret plans, and I thought 'ok so the kids will be alright here since it's Atlas with the best military and tech to figure shit out', but...Ruby didn't trust him because...He worked with Ozpin...? And he wasn't going to save everyone because he was having trouble getting the stuff he needed because a elect representative for Mantle was causing him the problem. It's a hard pill to swallow that he can't save everyone, but it's better than losing everyone and that's the reality of it, but no.
Team RWBY and friends just did so much shit behind his back and were shocked when he got angry at them, him shooting Oscar was pretty dumb like wtf but then it hit me--he was going to be written so unlikable like Adam, and I was dreading what was to happen to my poor boy Ironwood, Ironwood's character is one of my favorite tropes in other media outlets. Boy they didn't even miss a pace on writing him so out of bonkers, and I got hella angry when I discover he had a semblance that was NEVER mention in the show to make the FNDM stans defend them from anything and everything from any critique, a little side note, I've been on both ends of defending something I like and being critical on the other, it's not fun on either end because people are just assholes when you say something they don't like and won't listen to you.
Can I say how rather ironic it is that Ironwood was gonna bomb Mantle just like how Adam was gonna bomb Blake's home ( I forgot the island's name ) and fans just took it as "they are irredeemable! They wanna bomb innocent lives!", so if this Theodore guy is gonna use a bomb to harm the innocent you'll know he's evil.
The way they handled Penny was...Sloppy, even stans must see that was very sloppy at the least, I'm sure many Penny fans are angry that she had two fake out deaths then turn human and get killed a few episodes later, like why would you do that??? And how she died, was waaaaay stupid and insensitive??? Like suicide is a very touchy topic as is, assistance suicide is even MORE touchy and it was for a sad emotional scene for her and Winter? What the fuck? It could've been emotional, you can make a machine having a soul have an emotional sacrifice!
Huge example? 
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The Iron Giant, he is a giant robot that while not the same situation as Penny learn the concept of ‘soul’ and sacrificed himself to save many lives because he knew even by the smallest of chance, he can survive this attack because he can repair himself if he is in pieces. 
CRWBY could have done something emotional like that with Penny, but for whatever reason they didn’t and it left many disappointed, myself included. For some reason CRWBY doesn’t like many males as the death count so far on screen has been dudes, and gingers--like what the hell did gingers ever done to them? 
Volume 9 is going to be interesting to witness unfold. 
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murple · 3 years
liveblog-ish pt. 2
Once again, some of these are from while I was listening, some are in retrospect. I find that typing while listening takes away from the ~full experience~
Anyways here’s my thoughts from episodes 10 - 15. spoilers, obviously.
(I forget how I formatted it last time so you’re stuck with this)
Ep 10 • Darius? DARIUS!!!! • Dont worry jared I'm just as dense as you. My friend had a crush on me for a year and almost confessed like 3 times and I never noticed • "Not trying hard enough" I'm gonna fistfight this therapist • I'm falling in love with darius by proxy • Oh god oh god camera • HELL YEAH STATIC AND GLITCHES
Ep 11 • WHAT • CASTIO?????? • OH GOD WTF • THIS IS JARED'S LAB PARTNER? THE CREDITS LADY???? • OH GOD • "Some... thing" Aghhhhhhhh • Oh god oh no oh god oh no • "Its" fuck you • Ok I'm gonna shut up and listen • Note from relisten: fuck he's being observed so much • "Creatures like those" this rules out option 1 • NO STAY AWAY FROM GROVE!!! I'm scared of dog sounds but I love him so STAY AWAY • Mr Zimmer sounds like the classic evil podcast man, like cutter • Note from relisten (bc I was too shook and angry the first time): FUCK ZIMMER • Dr rahal????? No he can't be evil too!! • "Human shell"???? • Note from relisten: this puts all the 'curse this flesh prison' in a very different light • Ok I'm gonna listen now
Ep 12 • Yup I knew they were evil therapists • Jared run away with darius. Just. Elope. • Not many notes bc I'm still reeling from ep 11
Ep 13 • IM CRYING THIS IS SO SWEET • Half of the truth is out! Congrats!! • He took that really well, but,,, oh my,,,,, the classic 'staring in horror at your loved one's scars',,,,,,, I have Emotions
Ep 14 • "Pacification of various creatures" fuck • Tbh I forgot abt this guy but he has extreme Long Term Shadowy Big Bad vibes. I feel dread about him • Yes Jamie hacker
Ep 15 • Ace mood. Pls no more details • Oh fuck did past-Jared kill Jamie's friend • I feel like my observations are highly influenced by the fact that I'm listening to this after a year long tma obsession which made me very suspicious of anything that even resembles something nice for the main character. My brain just automatically prepares for the path of deepest tragedy. Anyways I'm still convinced that Jared's past holds some pretty terrible stuff that he'll be horrified by if/when he finds out about it, including but not limited to his involvement in Jamie's friend's death. This is due to both how the blue lady said he changed so much since they last met (which ig could be referring to lots considering the whole "human shell" thing but STILL) and my "we can't have nice things" mentality • (My tone in the previous point was far too stuffy, imagine me saying all that very emotionally and distressedly like the conspiracy theorist I am) • But other than the looming dread, I'm so happy abt jared and Jamie's friendship!! Going from him thinking that he couldn't call her bc they never really talk to inviting her over to his house. Progress!!!!
• I’m completely hooked on this podcast now. Jared sounds like a Friend and I care him so much. I need him and Darius to be okay but at the same time I eagerly await the spooky horror stuff that’s bound to come next
• YIKES after the ep 11 revelation I’m so excited for the next episode,,,,, that feeling of excitement and dread and anticipation and agggghhhhh
• that rec list that said ‘here’s podcasts to fill the tma shaped hole in your heart’ wasn’t lying,,, I daresay this is better than tma. completely different vibes, but more my style (THE PROTAGONIST ACTUALLY HAS FRIENDS!!! GOD I CARE THEM SO MUCH)
• also something I haven’t really mentioned but I’m absolutely LIVING FOR is the sheer amount of queerness....... like, a canon nb protagonist??? with other nb friends???? and they actually like. Talk about gender????? (and also the whole not changing name and pronouns makes me so happy bc I also like my given name and don’t wanna change it, obviously for different reasons than jared, but it’s still nice to relate to) God it just gives me so much good happy feels, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a podcast that has so much good rep, and that’s not even starting about all the other queer relationships and how normal it all is. oh, to live in a queer small town full of cryptids.......
(also just to clarify, jared IS still using he/him, right? bc I’ve seen some fanart descriptions using they/them but I don’t remember hearing him say that he was gonna try that. maybe I missed it. I can be quite oblivious. if so, apologies, my brain decided to blank out at the wrong time and I’ll correct this post)
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angisam · 3 years
Challenge Zimtober
Day 17. Home
Day 1
Previous <—> Next
Here we go. the beginning of the future arc and the incredible experience that Dib had
Oko belong to @owosa and thanks for tranlated it <3
Dib awoke to the strident sound of an alarm. His ship's alarm to be precise.
Confused and with a racing heart, the first thing he did was fall out of bed in a mess of blankets as he desperately tried to get to his feet. When he managed to free himself, he went running to navigation to see what happened. The red lights and the sound of the alarm didn't help reduce his panic.
-"... Holy shit" It was the only thing he could express when he saw the dark mass with an aura of distortion around him. A wormhole was in front of him and his ship was being drawn straight into the center of it.
This was normally not a problem, many ships were designed to use those as shortcuts to travel between the universe. Too bad his ship wasn't one of those ships designed for hyperspace travel.
He knew there was no turning back, the hole was going to suck him in and the chances of the ship not disintegrating were particularly slim but he wasn't going to give up that easily, HA! of course not. He took the controls of the ship and tried to divert its course by turning the power of the thrusters to the maximum. He only managed to win just two seconds before the hole swallowed him completely.
The ship stood still, dancing through space aimlessly, slowly but surely moving away from the wormhole where it had emerged just seconds before. It had all happened too fast to even think other than that for some reason, his ship endured the journey.
Dib was too stunned to congratulate himself on a good job building the ship, so he just sat in his seat about to throw up. It was an indescribable sensation,as he got back to his senses.
We can guess that molecularly separating to rejoin was not a pleasant thing.
He sincerely thought that possibly he had some fused organ.
He approached the commands to find out where the hell he had appeared only to discover that he had run out of power. Well, all was not lost, he simply had to wait for the energy to recharge again…
Oh well, nothing to do anymore. He went back to his small room at the back of the ship and got himself into bed. He had no control over the ship until it reloaded. If he was going to die, let him do it well rested.
Upon awakening, the lights were on which meant that the ship simply reactivated itself. He didn't know what else to do but take pride in building a ship capable of withstanding hyperspace travel without even realizing it. Hah!
He once again went to navigation to locate in which coordinates he was now.
The universe would have to be laughing at him, he was in the damn Milky Way fortuitously close to the solar system, HIS solar system. He literally could have ended up anywhere in the HUGE universe and he had to end up right in the last place where he vowed not to return.
He was just about to change course when he stopped short. Perhaps he could take this opportunity to pay someone a visit. The thought of it left a bitter feeling in him for a bit and made him feel guilty to the point of simply wanting to go ahead with his plan to turn around, but his sister's words echoed in his memories and he resisted the urge. He breathed in and out strongly setting course for planet Earth.
The trip was short and he was easily able to locate the area of ​​the planet where he wanted to land. Everything was going pretty normal until he entered the exosphere and noticed that something was wrong. The atmospheric stabilizer was not responding, SHIT. Which meant that the appropriate speed had to be manually managed to penetrate the ozone layer and well the problem with that was the possibility of bouncing if it did not reach the appropriate speed or that the ship would scorch a bit if it was overshot and the option of go back was no longer available. Well, surely the ship would survive although the landing would be… well rough at best. The decision was made by putting on whatever seatbelt the pilot's seat had.
Sure enough, the landing was horrible but at least it survived the impact and he hoped the ship had suffered no more than he had in mind. Although the biggest surprise was received when he got off the ship.
Before hitting the ground, the only thing he saw was
dense vegetation, so the last thing Dib expected was an immense empty city under that vegetation. Actually that was a lie, the LAST thing he expected to find was a pack of dogs surrounding his ship.
-"....wtf" he said simply, his mind still trying to connect the loose ends. A huge black Great Dane that was almost as high as Dib approached the human and cocked his head to one side as a clear gesture for him to follow in the indicated direction. He stepped back in distrust. Several dogs approached Dib and began to direct him, some chewing on his clothes and others at him.
They pushed insistently with their heads for him to follow.
"Hey! Stop! What are you doing?! " For every step the dogs tried to take with Dib, he took another two backwards, the absurd struggle going on for a while until the Great Dane looked closely into his eyes as a warning growl escaped his throat. He raised his hands in somewhat uncomfortable surrender to have this beast so close to him. After the canine victory, the Great Dane turned around, resuming his march.
It was there that he discovered PAK.
...wait what?!
A closer look made him realize that all the dogs had a PAK. An Irken PAK.
Oh no, it couldn't be true, the earth had been invaded by the irken armada and they used dogs to dominate humans. Dogs, human’s great and only weakness!. HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?!
WAIT. Perhaps there were other simple explanations for this, what about humans? Where were them? It was flat daylight and the street was empty…. They were slaves working in mines drawing resources! And this city was just abandoned! It must be that! If not, why were there dogs with PAKS in an empty city?.
They made him get into a vehicle, leaving the dogs behind except the Great Dane, who sat next to him. During the whole journey he did not move an ear. Dib forgot what it was like to be uncomfortable in a quiet room with someone else, even if he was with this...thing, and spent the whole way fiddling with his hands in an attempt to focus his attention on something.
The fragrant sunlight was replaced by the grim, artificial light from the tunnel they entered. They didn't know where they were taking him but he would be prepared for anything.
The car stopped and without him being able to argue much, Dib was taken out of there, being accompanied by the dog-thing to a large room where there was… By Jupiter. In front of him was an immense irken Control Brain.
His knees trembled and he fell to the ground as he slammed a fist on the ground dramatically.
DAMMIT! THEY DID. THEY CONQUERED EARTH! He was only a couple of years off the planet and they took advantage of his absence to conquer it without him knowing.
Without him noticing, several mechanical arms began to scan him and when they finished, a small holographic figure appeared in front of Dib, that due to his small dramatic act, did not immediately took notice.
"...OKO ?!" And then it all made sense. "YOU HAVE INVADED THE PLANET WITH YOUR DOGS?!"
Oko's hologram tilted her head slightly. "Invading Was Never My Duty." she answered calmly with the same monotonous tone that he remembered.
"Oh... Then why are there ghost towns ?!" There was a moment of silence in which Oko tried to understand what the human in front of her was referring to.
“I Detected A Ship With Various Irkens Elements Approaching The Planet. I Ordered The Humas To Stay On Their Home To Protect Them When I Calculated Where You Would Crash.”
“… Oh well, that also made a lot of sense”…wait a second “Why should humans even listen to you?!"
"Because It Is My Duty" The hologram sensed the growing confusion of the human and there was a movement behind her. In one of the screens of the room, several images began to appear, which left the man stunned.
Happy walking families, futuristic structures, vast plains of vegetation among much more.
"No way... it’s that...the Earth?"
“Yes, Human-Dib. I've Been Taking Care Of It For More Than 7 Centuries.”
“Wha- Wait!…. 7 centuries?! How is it possible?!, it can't be true, I-... "
“I win~"
A spark ran through his
shoulder and he quickly turned his neck towards the voice he had just heard. There she was, leaning on his shoulder, half lying in the air. Alma.
"ALMA?!" In an instant, her face full of pride and glee was replaced by sheer disbelief
Dib also began to make faces of utter disbelief as she tried to utter words that she didn’t know how to choose or could express. He looked at Oko while pointing at Alma, but she made no sign of understanding what was wrong with him. He went back to the Floating Alma and she just shrugged.
After the day he was having so far and for the sake of his sanity, he just shut up and let it go for now.
"Your Arrival Is Certainly Unexpected And Clearly Interesting. This May Be An Important Chance To Convince Your Paternal Unit To Stop Exploiting Resources Of The Planet In An Unsustainable Way.”
Was his father still alive?! Well, at this point he didn’t know why he continued to be surprised.
The talk with “Control Brain” Oko had been intense, he still had too much to assimilate, too ...he still didn't know if all this could even be real. Either way, Dib was following a dog named BFT 222750 who was taking him to his new apartment until a few days passed and Oko determined that everything was in order with him.
Great, he was going to be quarantined.
"So ... can you see me?" Alma had appeared next to Dib, moving in the air in time with him. There was also that.
"Are you real?" he asked.
"I think so, are you?” Dib pinched his nose with his fingers and sighed.
"I don't know, I'm still trying to get out of the shock of all this to think about it...” Dib looked at the specter of his friend. She looked just how he remembered her.
"You are dead?”
"Did you expect me to be alive after more than 700 years?" He could hear a slight laugh coming from the ghost and for a second, the stress of the whole crazy day was gone.
"Welcome home, Dib"
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piracytheorist · 3 years
"cryptic merchant is cryptic, yet like the villagers and the hag is the only one not to lay a hand on him, so he listens to merchant" so now that I'm not sleep deprived I realise (other than the atrocious spelling and grammar, I'm sorry) what low standards for 'I'll listen to what you have to say' Ethan seems to have, like, remember with Moreau? He was taking the flask and suddenly Moreau sees him, 'I'll be taking this', then Moreau begs him to wait Ethan starts to go and stops like 2 or 3 times, listening to him, before M traps him and starts the fight. Idk nice little detail of 'I don't have beef with you until you put your hands on me... but if you do, make sure I don't get up again :) '
I didn't sum up Alcina/Donna/Salvatore's day because I totally forgot, but theirs was a normal af day with a new exotic food item / playmate / mother's attentions usurper's father that had to be dealt with; the only problem is that the food fought back and WON / playmate didn't exactly play by the rules (rule 1 to 2: die) / didn't let himself be dealt with smh :/
Speaking of Moreau! me, looking at his cute crown of sticks: Aww ( : me, reading the devs saying he made the crown from the bones of villagers (probably the ones he experimented on): wwA- D:
(fascinating lil detail but still, b r o )
((Also best of luck finding a better job; it's horrid that they were treating you like that and even paying you less wtf. Good riddance))
Very true that, about Ethan's very low standards about whom he'll stop and listen to. But in trying to find his daughter, he didn't have much choice than to listen to anyone who wasn't actively attacking him. The Duke was right, after all, when he said "You don't have to trust my words, but do you have any better options?" and he knew it. I feel that this adds to the whole horror element, of not knowing whom the heck to trust and whom to expect to backstab you.
But yeah, one of my fave things about Ethan is how he actually acts very rationally in trying to save Rose, trying to avoid confrontation as much as possible but once the other person has started the fight, Ethan won't hold back for one second. Like even how he starts the fight with Moreau, "Ugh, I guess I have to do this", homeboy just wants to get tf out of there but Moreau won't let him and well, he does have a gun.
"the food fought back and WON / playmate didn't exactly play by the rules (rule 1 to 2: die) / didn't let himself be dealt with smh :/"
🤣🤣🤣 I mean, Ethan had to follow a very simple instruction: die. And he couldn't follow it at all! I kinda love how Miranda, during her boss fight is all like "Die! Die! Die!" to Ethan and we're all like "How about YOU die? Hmmm?"
But yeah overall that was a pretty good summary of the other Lords' days. They had absolutely no idea who they were dealing with. Or what Miranda pretty much allowed to happen to them
And yeah, Moreau is like... I think perfectly shown as a deep water creature. On the surface he seems like a poor dude who got rejected by everyone else due to how the Cadou mutated him, but then you get to know more about him and you're like O_O oh. And the depth just shocks you, man. I mean I kinda feel bad for him (especially with the stuff he says during the boss fight) but also like... Jesus Christ he's horrifying. Again, the design and concept is amazing, but also shockingly so.
((And thank you! I do hope I get to find a better job soon, hopefully one that's part-time because I honestly can't handle wasting myself fr eight hours on a job I don't even like))
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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selfcareparker · 3 years
yesss the letter format 💝💓💘💖💞💕💖💞💓 (lovely anon)
my dearest aria (a hamilton reference lmao),
i’m home alone (bc i wanted the house alone to get my head together after my brothers were mean to me 🙃) and i’m so hype LMAO but i’m watching chloe x halle’s tiny desk concert and honestly just vibing. (this is so random) besides zendaya like they are my badass black women role models. my one accomplishment would be to learn to body roll like them LMAO
oh nevermind i can’t have anything nice, my dad just came home 🙃 WHAT A WAY TO START OFF THIS ASK WTFFF
i’m liking tfatws, the second episode was veryyy intense imo but WANDAVISION IS SO GOOD😭 i knew it was going to be my favorite from the really old trailer but it’s really good and i promise it’s not just sitcoms, girl especially cuz you’ll have all the episodes already out- we were having to wait every week😭 BUT ITS SO GOOD I PROMISE HDJSHDJSH lmao reading this i was like “i- the episodes aren’t an hour long” but i feel that, it’s hard for me to watch tfatws bc they are an hour long and i’m like 😐 but wandavision episodes are less than 30mins bc I KID YOU NOT they have the damn 10 MINUTE CREDITS DHDJSJ no i don’t think we’ve talked about this b4 lol but it all depends on the series for me. i binged love island uk in less than a week bc i was so invested and LITERALLY LOVE IT but uh those episodes are like an hour and a half, but say i was binging tfatws (it’s so hard to type that ohmigosh) i honestly would not be able to do it bc of the intensity (you may be like what intensity but if you’ve seen episode 2 by the time you’re reading this.......... isaiah and the scene afterwards is all i have to say, esp me being black it was so tough :/)
girl you’re fine, as long as you’ve experienced it once hahaha i think the reason why it’s so important to my family (this letter feels so personal and extreme HSJSJA IM SORRY) is bc my grandmother loved it and in my family i guess it’s just important to us lol like my mom and dad love it too and we have the literal VHS tapes LMAO, but it only came up recently cuz my youngest brother was watching lion guard HAHA and he wanted to see the originals :) and fun fact (unless you already know) but there’s a lion king part 2 and 1 1/2 and i have all three ON VHS HAHAHA but i love lion king 1 duh (the og) but part two’s music and love story..... is so good. anyway. 🦁
I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING DURING THE WHOLE MOVIE THEATER ENCOUNTER THING HAHAHA AND WHEN SHE WAS SAYING AWKWARD I WAS LIKE WTF THE NOISE LMAOOOO i don’t think there’s a better way to describe that whole situation than ZKDHDJSHAJAJSHDJSNAHA. yeah. yeaaaa at the cinemas (i like the word cinema more than movies 🥰) here they have chips (fries), some have ice cream, nachos, drinks, hot dogs, the cinema we were at had pretzels and like BURGERS I WAS LIKE HUH OKAY and ya know obviously popcorn but i don’t know why the theaters (or cinemas) here do that, it started a long time ago though like yearsssss
PLEASE i have the longest movie watchlist and uhh haven’t seen any of them JDJSKA (istg i use HSJSSKSH as a period - like . ) i’m still hype for cherry but very hesitant (idk if i can handle it) but i’m thinking about watching it in the next couple of weeks? i know it’ll take me forever bc i’m gonna have to keep pausing and shit but idk. i’ve asked around for very specific trigger warnings and time stamps so i REALLY know what’s coming (even if it spoiled the film a bit for me) but i do really wanna see it (i think? writing this now i’m not so sure lol) so whooooooo really knows lol, but chaos walking YES i was really excited about it :))) and about my friend uhh dude you don’t sound mean at all i was literally thinking the same thing but worse HAAKL idk what she was there for???? she bought my ticket tho so 💁🏾‍♀️ whatever
“SIMS ahh, BUNK BEDS ahh” had me cracking up lmao and you know my sims status JAJAHHAJ but i’m gonna become like you, saving every 5 minutes 😭 but that’s exactly what happened to me, i really didn’t know whether to shut it off or not but after 2 hours i was heartbroken lol i’m literally making a list of things i need to redo that wasn’t saved lmao
CAN I JUST SAY UR A MASTERMIND THOUGH??? UR SIMS GAME SOUNDS SO *chefs kiss* IM CRINE university is PAINFULLY long and LITERALLY I FEEEL THAT like you can’t do anything else without failing, i had my sim go to a party once for like a few hours and i felt so dumb afterwards like urgh he should’ve been studying LMAOO just cracking down on work honestly. UR NEIGHBOR!AU IN THE SIMS PLEASEEE i am very much in love with it, yes. (pouring rain has just suddenly begun where i am rn wow ok) i love that you put them on the same lot, that was really really smart and i love that ur living out your sexuality in the sims😭 i was abt to say “now you can say you’ve got experience bc of the sims” but ANYWAY IGNORE ME fhdhs THE ALIEN BABY DHSJSK i hope it’s not a dealbreaker for enisa. that’d be tragic. IM BACK IN UPPERCASE THO BC YES MAKING OUT IN THE SIMS IS SO HOT TO ME??? I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE STFU OH MY GOSH- all the stuff, whispering sweet nothings, and the making out, and JUST ALL OF IT!!! AM I TOUCH STARVED????? there was this time i made my sim just continue to woohoo bc it was turning me on big time. ANYWAY
half way through that i had to go to my grandmothers house (not the one that likes lion king, but uh hmm idk if you remember but i was talking abt my shit family so yeah that grandmother lol) so now i’m finishing this 🥴 and instead of chloe x halle i’m watching a tom interview lmao & if this takes me longer than 30 minutes.... imma cry
I REALLY WANNA ASK- IS IT BC UR GERMAN LIKE YOU CAN JUST WRITE OUT THAT LONG ASS WORD???? i mean i can’t write out supercalafrag- anyway, but that word is a bit nonsense, UR WORD IS A REAL WORD DUDE HDJSHS i love how ur like “maybe i mixed up these words” YEA OK.
lol i had to google what are waveformers lol (lol makes a comeback) and they look like curlers that you would sleep in (here we would call them curlers or uhm i forgot uhhhhhhh rollers i think) but ur fine when am i ever making sense?? i think the best part about these is the chaos yet we understand what the other means 😌
H20 H20 H20 OH MY GOODNESS SHE BROUGHT UP H20 OK MY LIFE WAS H20🥲 I HAVE THEIR LOCKET NECKLACE AND (short storytime) when i was younger i thought they were american despite their accents (idk i was dumb) but then i figured they weren’t when lewis went to go study in america HAHAH ALSO FAVORITE COUPLE CLEO AND LEWIS UGH WATCH ME REWATCH THE SHOW NOW THANKS (also i hated elizabeth so much) but anyway back on topic, when lewis went to go study in the US i looked up where the show took place and all that good stuff and i found out they were australian HAHAH and that started my obsession with accents LMAO the uk :’)) (i’m proofreading AND AUSTRALIA IS NOT A PART OF THE UK LMAOO IM SOO DHSJSSHS) also it is now one of my many goals (besides the body roll HAHAH) to go to mako island (that’s what it’s called right??)
about music, i googled stormzy and i might listen to a song of his.. LOL I WANNA GIVE IT A TRY IMMA DO IT FOR YOU NFDVSFSG lmaoo the german rapper had me cackling (autocorrect once again being helpful and said raper and i’m like nOO) i mean we all have that one person. can’t lie, won’t lie. my one (IM SORRY BUT AUTOCORRECT HAD “MY ONE TRUE ACCOMPLISHMENT” SITTING AND READY HDJSJA I DONT EVEN TYPE THAT wHAT) person out of my white soft boy with brown hair and brown eyes type would beeeee pete davidson. love me some petey. i was gonna say rex orange county as well lmao but i don’t really loveeee him i’m just in love with his music... and wanna be friends with him..... so 👉🏾👈🏾 (i never do that fdshsh)
oh my goodness, i love tattoos too- GASP what are you thinking of getting 🥺 i want tattoos too but i’m too indecisive to figure out what to have & where. especially in my family... idk they aren’t frowned upon but my mom’s not applauding the thought lol, if i got one it would have to be meaningful but i am absolutely in love with (for example) ariana grande’s finger tattoos !! they’re so cute and simple :’) i don’t even know if i can get tattoos? my skin is... interesting. not in a bad way!! just like.... idk how to explain it??? keyloids run in the family & i got a piercing once and it got infected soo :/ the doctor also confirmed that if i wanted tattoos they couldn’t be in color so LMAO
in regards to you not sleeping, i wanted to mention that dumb bird, what was the reason it was up so early aT 4AM???? SIR WHO YOU CALLING TO??? also it’s 11:30pm and idk why i’m tired???
yeah i was never SUPER into justin so i don’t know exactly what albums you’re talking about lol, i do know yummy though.. but everyone did hahaha also i listen to so much pop 🙈 i mean maybe... idk what would count as pop and what wouldn’t. that new person feeling though.. i get that. it’s like who is this new person..? i kinda feel like that with taylor swift (i was never THAT into her either though so it’s like oh wait i didn’t know you from the beginning instead of hello old friend but you’re different lol)
about the concerts, thanks 🥰🥰 that’s so sweet what you did for your mom too, it’s nice seeing them so happy like 🥲 awh AND GLEE IS AND WAS MY LIFE FOR A V V LONG TIME, i’ve been meaning to rewatch it for the longest time lmaooo but i’m just so lazy and it’s such a commitment... i’ll have to get emotionally involved again and idk if i want that rn. but i have a friend on instagram and she runs a glee fan account and it’s such a big part of her life i really don’t think i could ever be THAT obsessed with something. like another one of my friends loves tom holland so much that she changed her mom’s name in her phone to what tom’s mom’s name is in his phone (that was confusing lol) and obviously i’m not judging them AT ALL, it just couldn’t be me lol
CONCERTS LOOK LIKE SO MUCH FUN 😩😩 LIKE THE EXPERIENCE AND THE FEELINGGG URGHSJS i wanna see a few people live like ari and chloe x halle and- hmm.... idk who else FJDSJ rex orange county i guess huh anyway, the experience just sounds so amazing and the atmosphere is just ✨✨✨ yeah
aria do it do it do it do it do it- watch hamilton!! but with subtitles bc you won’t catch half of the things they’re saying without them LMAO (me and my family watched it and they all didn’t like it bc they didn’t know what was happening lol) BUT DONT WATCH IT AT 4AM LMAO ITS LITERALLY 3 HOURS LONG
yes!! superior peter fics 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and it just shows how much of an incredible writer AND PERSON you are through your fics that you can turn a blurb into 2k....... like what.
LMAO the annoying thing, sometimes i feel like i’m bothering people (like right now HAHAH) but i think it’s my antisocial side being like yeaa no one wants to talk to you like you wanna talk to them :’) idk it’s strange!! sometimes i get really ✨insecure✨ and overthink everything LOL like is this too long, im talking too much, i’m swearing too much, oh lord i’m a pain, all that good shit lmao so that’s fun:))
ALSO YOUR BLOG IS SO FUN TO ME HAHAK LIKE ITS JUST YOUR OWN AND I LOVE THAT!!! like you talk about everything and anything on here lol,, and i say that bc what you said lmao how if i was someone else i would want to fuck me so bad😭 i honestly don’t understand how i don’t have people lining up though..... but if no one’s gonna tell you... then you tell yourself, period (and sometimes telling yourself is fucking yourself HSHAJKS OK NEXT)
ohmigosh the realization you had that you graduated last year and are going to uni this year🤧 but the fact that you had a teacher who LEFT THE GROUP CHAT bc she was mad at y’all i- 😭 but yeah about your maths (i always wondered why you guys call it maths and the US calls it math. like i know so many people out of the states, not just in the uk that say maths) teacher- i saw this post that said online school is looking a lot like dora the explorer😭😭 “you have any questions?” 🦗 “okay bye then” lmao and please i love when tests have nothing to do with what you studied like ??? thanks? sometimes i get scared that my teacher will somehow find out that i googled everything? or like my answer is too close to the answer sheet or something. i get sooo nervous lol but i’m already past that point of not being able to do anything myself DHJS i mean i’m still learning like i said!! read the question, read the answer. boom. now i know the answer to the question and i learned!
THANKS 🙈🥰🤧 idk how else to explain my feelings LMAO i feel it’s cool that you find my dance lessons and voice lessons cool so thanks :’)
oh god not headache season 😭😭 allergies are the worst like it’s not even funny. is headache season just when the seasons are changing or is it like... all throughout the summer? cuz i love the summer lmaoo i love the winter too but i just love wearing as little clothes as possible LMAO
GIRL IF THAT BIRD DONT STOP CHIRPING- i am 100% convinced that it is the same bird trying to give you headaches and no sleep and it needs to stfu 😤 and pLEASE ur theme is adorable and pretty and cute but also it just feels like you? idk if i’m explaining this right or if it’s bc i’ve been talking to you for a bit but it’s cute but not innocent in a way that i’m surprised that you write smut and- yeah, that didn’t make sense!! but ur new theme is gonna look pretty too and as long as you like it, it’ll be amazing🥰
yessssss the fact that megan is gonna be ur pfp YES JUST YES
edit: ok i just need to 🥺😭 sometimes u make me wanna cry cuz i feel like you’re just a kind person. i truly mean this, the fact that you celebrate yours & others stretch marks makes me so 🥺🥺🥺 i honestly don’t know anyone who has said they want need more stretch marks and it’s just all very lovely to me :’)) OKAY IMMA STOP BEING SAPPY
#yes my fake tags are back #by popular demand #aka me #and look i have actual tags this time! #i’m seriously craving water ice rn....... huh #but it’s past midnight and i fr fr want a snack #aw man #i wrote that last paragraph while doing my tags yes #and i hope you become responsible for that anon’s orgasm #assuming they had one #and i saw your response to the tom thing and yeaa when they only look like that for something and it’s like aw bae be yourself #i’m gonna shut up now and find a snack but goodnight!! morning?? IDK #IF THESE TAGS END UP AS ACTUAL TAGS I AM SO SORRY HAHAHA #alright proofreading done and i’m gonna go eat cereal
okay i‘m on my way to a driving lesson rn and afterwards i have a zoom uni thing, and then another uni thing lmao. but hopefully i can reply to this in between because i‘ve been dying to talk to you since i got this ask dldjds💘💘💘 (i really like this heart. i had a 💖 phase for a while and now it‘s 💘 (seems like a very romantic heart but.... it is what it is idk dkddj)
^okay that was literally all i wrote before my lesson lmfao. just had the worst driving lesson ever dbdvsnylkxsksj i think i‘ve gotten too used to being good at driving and now i‘ve gotten too cocky with it 🥴 anyway i‘ve had such a stressful day and overall week but tbh i‘m already feeling better bc i can (indirectly) talk to you <333
omg i went to chloe or halle (i don‘t remember who out of the two)‘s instagram the other day and found out that they are not twins alejeleksjsksj but yes oh my god their voices are literally angelic and i can‘t wait to see Halle as Ariel (Arielle??)🥰 and omg it‘s literally 2021 and we‘ve only had......... one(?) black Disney Princess like it‘s about fucking time (I might be forgetting someone, I‘m not too familiar with the new Disney films, but as far as I remember there‘s only Tiana right? (who is literally a frog for 3/4 of the film 😭😭) so yes i‘m here for it too😌😌😌 (obviously she‘s not a cartoon like tiana ekdlek but she‘s a disney princess you know what i mean ddkjdh)
pfkejdj i‘m already overwhelmed with my parents i can‘t imagine having siblings too 😭😭 (sometimes i wish i had siblings but then other times (like after reading what you wrote dksjj) i‘m glad that i‘m an only child lmao like your brothers being mean to you and i remember when you cried and he was just like 👁👄👁 ok. like i’m totally okay being an only child sksjsj———and he doesn‘t listen to music 🤧🤧🤧 (although i guess that‘s good for you because at least he can‘t annoy you by listening to loud music that you hate dmdn)
okay okay i might watch wandavision then??? I‘ll definitely let you know!!! and yes omg i‘m loving tfatws (that really is so fucking hard to type omg) but same i totally get what you mean, i‘m not used to watching action series at all and every episode so far has been like a little movie so i‘m glad that i didn‘t wait until it was all out cause there’s no way i could binge watch that lol) and yes last episode was really intense. i‘m glad that marvel are talking about racism because (from what i‘ve seen) they haven‘t been the best in that department, and i‘m really curious to see what they‘ll do in the next episodes (curious isn‘t the right word but excited isn‘t the right wort either, like i‘m excited but in a neutral way ? i‘ll shut up dslsksj i hate that german has so many words that you cant translate because theres a really good german word that describes how i’m feeling but i cant think of a good translation ugh)
okay i absolutely need to watch lion king (and part 2 and 1/ 1/2 dksksj) AND hamilton, i might even do it soon 👀
BURGERS AT THE CINEMA? EBEEISNDBEKSK i‘ll come to the US just to go and watch a movie lmaooo, i think all the popcorn sizes and drinks are bigger as well, i‘ll come and watch chaos walking with you 😌😌 does next week work?
and yeah i‘ve seen posts with specific time stamps and trigger warning for cherry too so if you haven’t looked on tumblr yet i’ve def seen some! (but ive also seen some on twitter and yeah- i mean idk youve probably looked on tumblr but yeah- then there’s also imdb which doesn’t have time stamps i believe but quite specific warnings, mostly without spoilers!)
Tbh i don‘t think i would have even considered watching cherry if tom wasn‘t in it... (i’m personally fine with most of the triggering topics/things like for some reason i’m just stoic when i’m watching the most tragic films ever dldldldlbut the plot just... idk if it‘s for me you know? just entertainment wise?).... and even with tom in it i‘m unsure skeldls, i‘d totally get if you decide not to watch it but let me know if you do i‘d want to hear your thoughts! <3
SKSLSJJ my sims both finally graduated!! i think i played sometime last week, and i literally got the achievement/notification that i‘d been playing with this household for 24hours.... and that was BEFORE they graduated dldjdldkdksjjs
oh no my tumblr broke and three paragraphs of me talking about sims were deleted 😭😭😭
WAIT NO I TOOK SCREENSHOTSSKSK because i couldn’t press save so i knew they might be gone okay okay okay i‘m a genius
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*move out
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oh no idk if the quality is too bad to read... idk how good your eyes are dkdkdjjd (also sometimes it will be really bad quality for some but not for others so i hope that the you can see the pics in a normal/good quality)
Okay let me continue
OMG THE ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL STUFF IS THE BEST PART ABOUT THE SIMS DIDLDKJIkdkj i kind of miss how in the sims 3 they would be making out basically lying on top of each other if they were on a bed— but in sims 4 when they‘re sitting next to each other and everything that‘s definitely hot too 😌😭 or with hot tubs dkdkdk how one sim climbs on the other sim‘s lap before they woohoo (i used to make them skinny dip in the hot tub and then make out and woohoo so they’re like naked on top of each other even if you can‘t see anything- en e waysss)
Dkdkdkdj so @ Rindfleischet.. blah bla. so it‘s basically just loads of individual words put together/connected and that‘s a really big part of german. so yesterday i had an online Einführungsveranstaltung for uni (like it was a zoom meeting where they just talked about general stuff about the uni and i was really anxious before, idk why, but it turned out absolutely fine so) and that words consists of the two words Einführung (introduction) and Veranstaltung (event) which are also two individual words but you can make a new word (Einführungsveranstaltung, so in english that‘s basically “introduction event“ lmao) by combining those two words. there are obviously some rules like you can‘t just combine random words in a random order but you can basically make infinite words (technically). for example (i feel like i‘m teaching a class just skip this if you don’t care 🙃🙃🙃djdjdkdlns)
for example i could say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer (which is not underlined with red by tumblr because it is a grammatically correct compound word (i think that‘s what they‘re called?)) which is the words introduction + event + participant, so that word just means “participant of an introductory event“ but instead it‘s one word? i hope that makes sense? dkdkkdksks i mean it makes sense in german but idk if it makes sense to you cause idk if i‘m explaining it very well lmao,
(I just deleted a really really long paragraph that i wrote about gender in the german language and grammar, you‘re welcome slsksksj)
my capacity to think has now been used up for the week 🥴🥴🥴 i absolutely do not blame you if you just skipped over that part or can‘t be bothered to (re)read my awful explanation edkflsksjdjdj (again, i had double the amount of words but i just deleted it dkdkdlslsl but what‘s left lf my german lesson is probably confusing enough already😭i‘m sorry🥴)
so to answer your question LEJDKSKJ: it‘s really common to have long words in german, words that are just word+ word+ word + word made into one long word. obv rindfleischetikettierung..... is a very extreme example and it‘s normally just 2-4 words made into one! So yup i think that comes mostly from german and talking german and growing up here and going to school here and everything dmdfnsksx
i think the best part about these is the chaos yet we understand what the other means 😌— YES. YES. Yes. I love that about us 😌😌🥰🥰/ I love us. Yes.
okay but your friend changing her mom‘s name into tom‘s mum‘s name (was that right? Dkdkdjh)—— so Justin Bieber once posted something where you could see that his Dad‘s number was saved as „Daddy Cakes“ (which, thinking back, sounds very weird ekejjej) and till this day I have my Dad’s contact name as Tata (which is serbian for Dad lmao), “Tata🍰“ in my phone because of it 😭😭😭😭🙃🙃🙃 it‘s not because of justin anymore like i‘ve just gotten used to it by now but at first i did it because of justin lol........ but nowadays i don‘t think i‘m THAT type of fan of anyone- like you know how people have fandom names (Justin‘s fans are the Beliebers, One Direction fans are Directioners (writing that hurt my soul💔💔💔)) and I wouldn‘t consider myself a fan of anyone like that. like even with tom i wouldn‘t call myself........ does tom even have a name for his fans??? Well if he does, I wouldn‘t call myself that. Like i used to be such a hardcore stan for any celebrity that i liked and now it‘s just... okay, i like em. (She says on her blog where she writes fan fiction about Tom Holland — WJDJEJDKELSKSKKSNSNDXB🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃)
Omg rex orange county!!!!!! I don‘t know that many songs like I‘ve only listened to the album pony, but i love it 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
thanks again for what you said about my fics/writing I‘m🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Pete Davidson Pete Davidson Pete Davidson I‘m-🥰🥰🥰🥰 and I can‘t explain why. But as blissfulparker said the other day (i don‘t want to tag her and make her read through all of this lolll) “I like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death 😍“ (or something along the lines of that) eskkejs okay pete isn‘t that bad, he looks quite good on some days but other days you‘re like... is this man alive? Like i don‘t want to be mean I love Pete so much The King of Staten Island is literally my favourite film ever (although it‘s not my #1 because of how he looks, but i mean he does look good) VUT ALSO
(Okay i was gonna look for a terrible picture of him but he really doesn‘t look as bad as people say??? like. i think he‘s hot. can‘t necessarily explain why. so that‘s that on that.)
i‘m not going chronologically right now (i just keep scrolling up to your ask and replying to whatever i see first sksksksh) so i might miss a thing or two that you said
Okay Stormzy, you really really don‘t have to dkdkdjd like i think you said you don‘t really listen to rap, and uk rap is a whole nother thing from us rap because of the accent i feel like??? (That sentence did not make sense) BUT if you‘re looking for a few songs that aren‘t like RAP rap, then I‘d recommend One Second (feat HER), Superheroes, Own it (which you might know?), ummm maybe the song Lessons?, he has a ton of Lion King references by the way dkdjdj for example in Rachael‘s Little Brother but that‘s like more RAP again if you know what I mean?😭 and it‘s also like 5 Minutes long and tbh i only started liking that song a year after that album came out lmao but Rachael‘s Little Brother is possibly my fav Stormzy song, then there is Shut Up which you absolutely need to listen to just for fun dldjdjd like it‘s just pure fun and also a little funny lmao, especially if you‘re not British (i imagine so at least) cause he‘s like shuTTTT up idk dldkdjdldkjdhdhfjfbfldlsksksks
Vossi Bop is one of his classics, and then maybeee - ok so there‘s Blinded By Your Grace Pt. 2 lmaoobdjsj it‘s very (Christian/) religious but i like it a lot even though i‘m not really Christian (at least not practicing or anything) so idk about your views on religion but i do like the song a lot just by like the sound lmao
Okay so again you absolutely DO NOT have to listen to any, especially not for me dlskdj but I really do recommend the songs Superheroes, One Second and Rachael‘s Little Brother (and all the other ones i mentioned but if you don‘t listen to a lot of his songs you should at least give these three a try <3333) also let me know some of your songs? 🥺 like i dont care who they‘re by but i‘d love to listen to some that you like and Recommend 🥰🥰🥰
Okay so skdjdjdjddhhddhdhjsk... I used to watch all of my series in German (like H2O) bc obviously they were on german tv so they were german- and i knew that most of these actors i saw on tv were american and i was always SO fascinated that they all learned german for this show??? Like I actually thought they were the people‘s real voices and that these English and American actors were learning german so they could re-record the whole ass show and do everything in german dkdkdldjdjjd... i swear I thought that until I was like 14 omg. And then the first time that I watched H2O in the original version i was sooo confused about their accents because to me all actors who spoke english were American?? I mean MOST of those shows are American so I wasn‘t completely off but yeah i was definitely caught off guard when I heard all of their Australian accents for the first time 💀💀😭😭😭
@ math vs maths, math actually makes more sense in my opinion. like you have the word mathematics, then the abbreviation would obviously be math... why would English people randomly add the s from the end??? Or maybe it makes more sense after all because it‘s like plural??? Now I‘m unsure dkdkdkdj but i do say maths because that‘s how i was taught to say it and i hear the word maths more than math but yeah dldkdjs i think math might even make more sense (okay i just tried saying math and maths is easier to pronounce but again tjat might just be me, oh god i‘ll stop talking about that disgusting thing (mathematics).)
not the crickets and dora LMAOOOSNSNSMDNBS yeah that teacher was... a lot. a lot a lot a lot didjjd but she kinda liked me so she always gave me good grades/marks but the people she didn‘t like..... ooft. OOF.
Fksksjsj idek about headache season like i just know that i get headaches from the sun and i‘m allergic to only one.. type of...pollen??? (I don’t understand the science of that whole pollen thing and idek if it’s called pollen in english i just know sex pollen from fan fics😔)and yeah we have this weird wind that makes a lot of people get headaches yeahd dkdkdj. i loved the i just love wearing as little clothes as possible LMAO lllioool i love that i really do. i always struggle so much in the summer cause i never have anything to wear. i feel like i buy so many new summer clothes every year but when i end up looking for an outfit i don‘t ever find anything 😭 (so i just go naked— lmao jk jk) but i‘m generally not the biggest fan of summer so-
OMG THIS FUCKING BIRD ISTG, okay the first time i heard it i went to sleep at like 5 am, so the next day i was like let me go to bed earlier so the bird doesn‘t keep me up, so i went to bed at 4 am (🥲) and THE BIRD JUST STARTED FUCKING CHIRPING SO LOUDLY, so the next day i went to bed at 3 am AND IT FUCKING STARTED AT 3 AM and it‘s still there 😁 every. night.
and since you said you‘ve gotten used to my theme and everything (idk where this transition came from😭) so tomorrow (2nd april) we have our... wait what‘s an anniversary but for a month.? I think month is like mensus in latin OK NO THATS DEF WRONG DKDKDJ wait
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So Tomorrow is our... mensiversary💘💘💘💘💘💘 or at least from the first time you sent an ask. i couldn‘t find it on my tumblr anymore because tumblr is a bit of a bitch but i remember the first thing you ever sent (in an ask) was something lovely about my writing and i always take screenshots of stuff like that, and i found it in my gallery. and i took that screenshot of your ask on the 2nd of march so i‘m assuming that‘s when you sent it 🥰🥰 i feel like i‘ve known you for a week not a month like how is it a month already????? (i mean this in a good way lmao but i really can’t believe that its been a month wtf)
omg no you make me want to cry because i just love you so much 😭😭🥺 but about the stretch mark thing it‘s just.. it‘s not even me trying to empower other women (or anyone else who has stretch marks) to shake off these dumb insecurities that the patriarchy and capitalism have instilled in us— ok no it‘s definitely that too lmao. But i mean I‘ve always loved stretch marks, i‘ve just always loved loved loved them so much so it makes me genuinely sad that people don‘t like them. so yeah. i dont really know how to explain it lol, like i‘m not (only) hoping that people realise that hating your stretch marks is giving the men and the patriarchy what they want per se- (that made no sense) it‘s just because i love stretch marks and think they‘re beautiful and also sexy. idk dldkdjls and omg the fact that you called me kind 🥺🥺🥺 like i don‘t really have a goal in life or anything, but if i had to choose a ‘goal‘ in life it would just be to be kind. (i‘ll end this here otherwise i‘m gonna talk about being kind for 30 more lines—)
And please. Do not ever feel like you‘re annoying me or sending too much. never ever ever. I get so happy when i see that you‘ve sent me an ask. No matter if it‘s a long one like this or just a short one where you‘re saying something about a post that i reblogged or something. I love hearing from/about you and talking to you 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
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P.S: i‘m so sorry for the tags you‘re about to read they make even less sense than this post, also i reached the tag limit dkdkdj but i said some butterfly tattoos look tacky... and the next thing i said was since we‘re already speaking about Ariana- I DID NOT MEAN THAT SHE WAS TACKY dldkdjsj, i meant since you already mentioned some of her tattoos lmao
#lovely anon#<3#ALSO I LOVE YOUR TAGS SM DKDJDKDL#i definitely (accidentally) didn‘t say something about every single thing you said#but this is so long already and i don‘t want to force you to read even more of my shite dldkdjsj#(i dont day shite i say shit but sometimes shite sound funnier)#*say#omg its too mate to speak english what i meant was i‘m sire i forgot to adress some of the things you said but i tried my best iwjwskb#omg adress (address? lmao) sounds so negative i mean i‘m sure i forgot to reply to some things- also *late not mate loool#omg ignore my whole german lesson i cant believe i actually wrote all of that wtf#but it took me like 20 minutes so i don‘t want to delete it 😭#and omg i hope you got to re do everything that your sims game didnt save and that it all worked out the same#😭#I NEARLY DELETED THIS ASK WITJ MY ANSWER OH MYFUCKING GOD MY FUCKING HEART#also i realised i didnt say anything at all about uni but i dont have any news like that Einführungsveranstaltung (😭) I went to was literall#just about schedules and credits and boring stuff mostly lmao#oh and tattoos!!!! it sucks that you might not be able to get the ones that you want/get any :((((( but hopefully you can at least get some#that arent in colour? 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼#so my parents aren‘t that supportive either like they most definitely wouldnt pay for it (even though they pay for a lot of my stuff lmao)#but i think in the end they know that i‘m old enough and they can‘t stop me and they‘d accept it one day so they‘re definitely not THAT bad#maybe your parents will change their mind over time? :(#or maybe youll just get one one day and ig theyll have to get used to it lol#so i want a butterfly (thats the only thing that i‘m sure about) and there are a lot of butterfly tattoos that look really tacky#but speaking of her i actually really like ariana‘s butterfly! but idk if i want that much shading- i have a whole album with like 35 photos#of just butterfly tattoos lol- i‘ll stop here tho. ldkdkd#omg im rereading this all and it‘s so messy good luck dkdkkddl#my tags got messed up and idk how to fix it#wait did i reach the tag limit and you cant even see half of these? 😭😭😭#i‘m so confused about these tags why are they not in the correct order? 😭😭😭 ily snd i‘m so sorry for dropping this post on you none of it#none of it makes sense.
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