#i forgot that this is your tag on my blog heh cute
c2-eh · 1 year
*pokes head out of hole for affection* 💌
(mutuals send me a 💌 and i will tell you all the reasons i love you)
hi wifeyy <33
i don't really know where to start this one, because there is a lot i love about you ngl. i've been sitting on this for about 20 minutes, because i don't wanna miss anything but let's get started.
i still remember (and i told you that already but sh) when we weren't talking and i always saw you reblogging my posts with the most hilarious tags. or serious and very clever ones and i wondered who the hell is this person i wanna get to know them. and then you put the most outrageous thing there and i was like NOT ON MY WATCH. guess that's what started our journey.
i love how kind, friendly and nice you are to everyone, but also a little menace that will leash out when you see something you don't like (or just for no reason at all). you always find a time to ask me how i am, what's new or anything, really. you care and that warms my little heart every time. you listen to me ramble about stupid, silly or delusional topics, but also never run away when i need someone to talk about serious stuff too. you always give me a word of advice and even if you don't have one, you try to cheer me up. that means a world to me and i appreciate it a lot. i should tell you that more often.
you're my partner in doing crimes (subtle crimes... or i think they were lol). you make me feel safe and i know i can trust you, because you are my friend and lovely person to be around.
i love your humour. it's unique, but also corny at times, which is the best combination ever. you made me laugh probably billion times, since we started talking and it's always with something new. be it a meme, joke, you being dramatic, me being dramatic and you making fun of me. name it, it probably happened.
your comments on my fics were my lifeline back when we didn't talk. you always had the nicest words for me and i still cling onto them when i wanna cheer myself up. i miss it lol.
i value your opinion a lot, because you're so smart and intelligent. you study and tutor and help people around you. you work so hard and do so much for others without expecting anything back, which is a proof you have pure and big heart.
your writing is so good and i love to read everything you write. you really are talented! and your web weaves are also soooo good i love them!
you. are. phenomenal. singer. i cannot even find words. when i first listened to you singing opera i ascended to heaven. you have a voice of an angel and i am your biggest fan !
okay this is getting too long oops sorry. i hope everything in your life turns out perfect. you're a strong woman that is going through life like a champ, no matter what it throws in your way. i hope you're always happy and i love you so much. mwah <3
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electricrogue · 2 years
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I posted 505 times in 2022
31 posts created (6%)
474 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 208 of my posts in 2022
#music baby - 41 posts
#within temptation - 12 posts
#sharon den adel - 8 posts
#i mean - 7 posts
#heh - 7 posts
#everything comes back to teslen - 6 posts
#yes - 5 posts
#well - 4 posts
#the amazing devil - 4 posts
#but still - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#at this rate the border police will pick me up from the airport before i even get the chance to set foot in canada or netherlands
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sharon den Adel isn’t fucking human
... no, really. For context, I was at a music festival in my country - Way Too Far Rock Festival, and believe me that name is earned xD. And Within Temptation were headliners there and I got to see them live (again, it was my third time actually but definitely not the last one) and aaaaah.
First of all, that woman is like fucking quicksilver. Like it was my first time I had a decent enough phone to try and make pictures and I was trying to get a shot of her with the boys but like... one second she was here, then she was on the opposite side of the stage, running like hell from one place to another and I was just trying (and mostly failing) to keep up with her.
Also because of Covid bullshit this was the first time I got to hear the newer songs live (newer meaning Resist and the singles that came after that). And just... It was late and my feet were hurting a bit and I was tired but the second I heard the trumpets in Reckoning and she came on stage I forgot about all of that. It’s such a surge of... life, there’s no other word for it, that you get when she starts singing that it’s fucking unbelievable.
Also fun stuff they played also their most recent single, Don’t Pray For Me, and I feel like I have to punch some people for that. Why, you ask? Because Sharon was like “ok so we wrote this one and then we wrote like a whole ass story about the reason we wrote it and actually it’s about this and that”. And here comes the want to punch people, because she had to do that because people complained. And ok I get religion is a touchy subject, but she didn’t sing about religion, not really. She sang about how when you stuff religion down someone’s throat it becomes an issue, and she’s fucking right about it. And you know what even if she sang against religion, I never heard anyone complain about Weak Fantasy or Cry For The Moon for that matter so yeah. Hypothetically if she wanted she could also be against religion a bit. You know, as a treat.
Also they did Raise Your Banner and they sang it for Ukraine (I will post that separately because it deserves its own post) and God... chills.
Also also there was a real cute moment at the end where Sharon noticed there were kids in the audience and she was like “you know what bring some kids on stage, like the two girls over there and the two boys over here“ and in 30 seconds she had like 20 of them on the stage? Like I hated audiences when I was a kid (I’m not too good about them now either) but to have that done to me when I was a kid? I’m pretty sure I would have become an instant fan. And that is based only on how cute and caring Sharon was with them like some of them were a bit out of their element(totally understandable) but she took care of them and told them were to stay and calmed them down and 20 seconds later they were singing like crazy with her and yeah. Nobody is immune to Sharon that’s all I’m saying.
... and on a final note I wanna kiss whoever designed Sharon’s outfit because damn that was gorgeous. And yes I know Sharon is probably the one who came up with the idea I said what I said. Like the crown and the metal thingie on the arm (I wish she kept those more but it’s probably hard to navigate with them).
6 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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See the full post
7 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Everyone is like "oh it's not the same without Henry" this "Liam and Joey will not have the same chemistry" that... Honestly get Madeleine Hyland to play Geralt instead and all your problems would be solved
9 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
So fair warning chances are this post will piss you off if you're a Nightwish fan. Especially the kind that thinks Tuomas is Mozart or Beethoven reincarnated or something. Also long ass post ahead.
That being said... I went to a concert of theirs yesterday. Am I a Nightwish fan? I wouldn't go that far. Like yes I know their songs well enough to sing along to them and they have nice lyrics I will give them that... But the problem is I don't like Tuomas as a person. I liked Marco even less but he's gone now so yeah that problem was solved. So why did I go to the concert, then? Because basically I was curious to see what the fuss is about. That and I do like Floor no not like that and I figured just because she's singing for a douche doesn't mean I have to skip going to see her live.
Now about the show... Good stuff first. They have nice special effects like fire and smoke and all, probably the nicest I've seen out of all the concerts in this genre that I've been to. This is also because they had the biggest stage, like I know given the space Within Temptation and Epica have nice effects too, but alas people in my country are idiots and Nightwish is the only symphonic metal band most of them know about. Which has the nasty consequence that everyone else is demoted to shittier stages.
Also, Floor is a damn good singer I will give her that. The best they had in some ways, and I say this as someone who is a Tarja fan (yes, this is why I don't like Tuomas, I know it wasn't only his fault she left but the way I see it it was a dumbass cockfight between two idiots - not a fan of Tarja's husband either). But I digress. The nice thing about Floor is that she has a mother fucking impressive range. Like Tarja could hit those high notes and Anette could be creepy and haunting... But Floor can do both. She can go from belting the high notes of Shoemaker to the grunts in Tribal in a heartbeat and I love that for her. If Nightwish would be her band there's a very good chance they'd be my second favorite band in the genre. Second one because nothing will ever top Within Temptation for me but still.
... but the thing is, it's not her band. It's Tuomas' band and that... Is painfully obvious. Like don't get me wrong I know he writes the music and the lyrics and that he's a damn good composer. Not the best and not the Mozart of our times thank you very much. But the thing is, there is a reason why these are called female fronted metal bands. They'd be fucked without the girls. And yes Floor is center stage but Tuomas is also center stage towering over her and the camera focuses on him mostly and everyone is like "oh our good friend Tuomas wrote this when he was drunk on a submarine" or something and yeah. Also what pisses the hell out of me, they never introduced the band. Like every band I know has this moment near the end where the main singer goes through the members of the band and introduces them to the audience. And that seems common sense to me because it's a fucking teamwork and everyone plays their part so they should be at least acknowledged. But that didn't happen. Without any previous knowledge of the band you'd go back home knowing there's a dude Tuomas who wrote Nemo and that's it. And while we're at it do NOT get me started on that song and the very creepy undertones of "I don't mean anything unless you love me" because yeah... Really not liking the implications of that.
Also, and this is not on Floor, she's doing her best... But the change of lead singers hurt them. Like you have songs like Nemo and Sleeping Sun which are Tarja's. Then you have Imaginaerum which is Anette's and nothing Floor does will ever change that. I'm not saying she's bad at singing them because she's not, it's just that you are used to the studio versions and live it sounds differently and you have a moment of wtf happened. Fucking Holopainen happened that's what
You know what the short version of all this is? One that will make sense to probably only four people that follow me but yeah. Nightwish are basically the X-Men of symphonic metal. Like sure they're the most famous in their genre and they are flashy and impressive and all... But they would be better if they let the girl(s) loose more. If you ask me symphonic metal is a kind of thing that needs a woman's touch. And by touch I mean the woman should be in charge. Come to think at it two of the most successful bands in the genre are lead by girls and it worked for them. Delain is basically led by the less smarter Westerholt and look where that got them
11 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Buckle up pals I'm gonna tell you a story. Which is incidentally also sort of a literary analysis of a song so yeah if you're not into that leave while you still can XD. Well, more like a specific part of Drinking Song For The Socially Anxious. This one to be more precise:
And in a moment of total rapture
And with every strength I have
I ask if you play D&D
And your face lights up like you’ve woken up
From this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you,
This is us, this is me, this how we’re meant to be
But your smile tells me I’m safe
And that voice unspoken’s heard
Cos if god made us all in his image
Then god’s a fucking nerd
So basically the story is about what my source blood sister calls the fangirl gene. Like there's people who get remotely excited about stuff and there's people who fall really deep for their calling. (Yes I went there). Whatever said calling is, it can be a tv show or a celebrity or even fucking stamps for all I care. It's not the what that matters. What matters is that society is expecting you to be a functional adult and if you go beyond a level of obsession it looks at you in a weird way. So you tone it down and you don't advertise it too much and you try to sound casual about it because normal people are not interested in you going in hour long rants over stuff, you know?
But you know what? It's exhausting to pretend to be normal when you're not. And you can't really be friends with people who you have to pretend with because you have this constant fear you'll slip and then they'll judge and you'll have to kill cut ties with them. I didn't do it in the past and God I regret that but I won't make the same mistake again. Like ok maybe you're not into something, I get that, but when someone you like loves that thing, the most you're allowed to say in my book is something along the lines of "eh not my cup of tea but you do you". That's it. Not "ugh why do you like that shit it's for kids" or whatever.
But I digress and this wasn't supposed to be about the bad ones it was supposed to be about the good ones XD. You know gaydars? I suck at that but I like to think I'm pretty good at having a fandar. As in, to know when someone has a thing for something. Again, what isn't that important(of course it's a thousand times better when they're into the same stuff as you are, but it's not mandatory). It's just the way they talk about stuff or they get pissed about stuff because let's be real fangirling can also involve getting pissed off. They care, to sum it up. And honestly? It's so damn refreshing to meet someone like that. Because you see yourself in them, in the way they get excited about stuff and then they go like 'eh whatever' before you think they're mad, in the way they start ranting and there's that little spark in their eyes and gah. It's these things that make you feel safe with them and you just know they're keepers. At least as friends but it can go either way.
70 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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oohfluffy · 2 years
Still You | DKS
Fluffy's note: Hi! This is my fourth series to be posted here in Tumblr. I know it's been a long long time since I went on hiatus due to my super busy college life in architecture school. Many might have left already or forgotten that this blog exists, but I'd still be happy to share this story with the ones who are still here. I'm currently writing this one, so expect slow updates from this turtle author :< hope you guys are all safe and well!
Group: EXO
Member: Do Kyungsoo
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Neighbor!AU
stillness. and then, you came.
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This book cover is edited by yours truly again.  😘
It was a very rainy day.
You couldn't help but to buy a cup of coffee at the cafe right across from your workplace after work. Your boss lashed out at you for a little mistake, everyone's in a bad mood, your blouse got caught on a random metal wire by your desk, and the photocopy machine decided to break as soon as you were clicking its start button.
Fuck, you thought like a mantra. 
Of all the days in the week, why did you have to be so unlucky today? A monday, really?
"That would be ₩5,560, ma'am… Ma'am?" 
"Oh," you cursed in your head as you took out whatever bill you had in your wallet. Your cheeks burned as you felt the stare the cashier was giving you. He must have been calling you thrice now. "Here, I'm sorry."
"No problem. I received ₩6,000."
You unconsciously scratched the back of your neck as you looked up. 
Why didn't I look up earlier?
The cashier had his thick eyebrows furrowed as he pressed his finger tips on the screen in front of him, quickly pulling out the drawer to place the bills he got. His dark hair looked so neat and thick that it made me want to touch and ruffle it. He wasn't smiling, but his cheeks are so plump and—
"Your change, ma'am."
You blinked your eyes a couple of times before you focused on his face. His rounded eyes were staring into yours with indifference, but why the hell did your heart pound so quickly? You snatched the change from his hand before taking your order away. 
"Thanks." You mumbled shyly as you embarrassingly got out of the line. 
Shit, he's cute. I think he's new here? You thought as you bit your lip, placing your cup on the table right by the glass wall facing the sidewalk. You could still see him from this area. You just noticed that most of the customers were old people and a minority were girls, probably from the nearby high school. 
"I couldn't see his name tag. How stupid." You said to yourself as you took a sip from your cup. It was already past 5pm. "Ugh, I need to get home." 
Who the hell forgot her umbrella then? Nam Eunjoo.
"I officially hate this day." 
"Excuse me." 
"Fuck." You exclaimed as you almost spilled your hot coffee. Your eyes were already blazing, ready to release all of the stored stresses and frustrations of this day. "Who the hell—"
"I'm so sorry! Were you hurt? Did it spill? I'll get a mop, first, and I'll refill your cup." 
It was the cute cashier.
"N-No, no need. Uhm, it didn't get to my pants." You were surprised that he panicked, his warm and calming voice raising which still sounded like music to your ears. You quickly took a peek at his name tag.
"So, what did you need, Kyungsoo-ssi?" You were hesitating if you should look into his eyes, but that would mean your cheeks would be on fire. 
"We're offering rentable umbrellas since it's been pouring for a while now." He raised an umbrella on his right hand, still with an unreadable expression. Can't he smile a bit? "Just go to the counter and write your name. It's going to be limited, so if you badly need one, you can take one." He looked at the spilled coffee on your table and frowned. "I'll refill that cup."
"It's really fine, I'll be going after a few minutes anyway." You smiled, trying to look as harmless as you can. "Thanks for the heads up, I'll surely rent one 'cause I badly need one, heh." You awkwardly chuckled as you glanced at his reaction.
He didn't look happy with the spilled coffee.
"I'll drink the rest of this one," You raised the cup as you nodded at him. "Thanks."
"Okay then." He slowly bowed before moving onto the next table.
He's cute, but he could at least look friendly? 
"Am I that annoying today? No one even wants to smile at me. Sucks." You mumbled as you looked out by the glass window. The street lights start to light up, and the number of people walking increases as the sun sets, marking the end of the day. It was just the beginning of the week, but you feel like your exhaustion meter was at its peak already. 
After 10 minutes, you made sure to drink all of the coffee inside that cup, thinking how that cashier guy stared at your spilling— that was his fault anyway. You stood up from your seat, and walked to the counter as he said earlier. You glanced at the side and he was not in sight. 
He must be on break or out of his shift already.
"Excuse me, I'll be renting one please." You told the girl by the counter, who smiled instantly as she handed you the paper full of names with numbers. "I'll be writing only my name, right?"
"Yes, we'll be giving you an assigned number so we can easily take note of who rented the umbrellas." She said in a light manner, so much in contrast to that previous guy. You quickly wrote your name and paid a very reasonable amount. "Thank you. See you again tomorrow."
"Yeah, see you."
You took the umbrella which was lighter than yours and walked out of the cafe. It was still heavily raining, but people were still loud and laughing with the umbrellas over their heads. Some were even running around with their coats serving as a cover, but they were all smiling. 
How lucky.
You quickly spread open the umbrella as you got out, preparing yourself to walk back across the street. The bus station was a few blocks away, but it's better than before where you had to take a taxi to the nearest station from your home. You just need to take this one route—
"Excuse me, ma'am!" You were suddenly pulled back by someone. Someone with a very familiar voice.
"Shit!" You cursed loudly as you felt the cold rainwater slightly wet your bag. You let out a deep sigh before looking back at the person who stopped you. "What the hell do you want now?"
His eyes were glimmering, reflecting the street lights so clearly you nearly got drawn into them. His hair was slightly ruffled, his apron smudged with a few colors, and his cheeks were red. You thought he wasn't around anymore.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I think I made you feel bad. Well, you're not the first one." He awkwardly touched his cheek. You instantly thought that he heard you mumble earlier. Oh god, just let the ground swallow me whole now. "I know this is not much, but here's a freebie as compensation." He handed you a small bag of cookies with a pink ribbon. "I hope you still come back. I'll work on my friendliness."
"Pft." You took the bag of cookies with a big grin, excited with the freebie. Not just the freebie though.  "Well, I'm not holding any grudge, that's just very low. I like the coffee here, and I just work right across the street, so I'll surely be coming back. And yeah," You slightly waved the umbrella in your hand. "I need to return this one."
Kyungsoo widened his eyes as he realized that. He looked at your eyes briefly before looking at the street. You figured that he's embarrassed as well, making you chuckle as you realize you two might be more similar than you thought.
"Thank you for the cookies. I really appreciate the gesture, but you didn't have to. I would have appreciated your words all the same." You smiled.
"Yeah, I'd take note of that." 
And then, he smiled.
It was so beautiful that your mind buffered for a second. 
How lucky. You thought.
this is just the prologue.
☘ Ch.1
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
Go Virge, go!
Kanene’s note: TODAAAAAAAAAY IS A SPECIAAAAAL DAYYYY!!! DO YOU KNOW WHY?? THAT IS RIGHT! BECAUSE TODAY IS @why-not-a-tickle-blog BIRTHDAY!!!! Gooooosh!!!! I know I already did a whole speech before, mah friendo, but you’re just so amazing and lovely! Aaaaaa I’m happy for being your friend! <33
Okay, I got a little carried away! Enjoy the gift! x3
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders and his series Sanders Sides!
* This is a SFW Tickle-Fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Oneshot. Something around 3.800 words.w-)b. Lee!Virgil and Ler!Patton in Human AU.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Since  it’s a gift: Essa fanfic não será traduzida, mals. Thankys for reading, my lollipops, especially you, Livvy!! Have a wonderful and incredible day just like you! 
Patton was confused. A lot.
 And that wasn’t even a whole brand-new thing in his life.
 Patton got confused quite frequently, being honest.  
He got confused when he accidentally fell asleep on the couch and woke up four hours later with all his house painted in the dark of the night and without a single drop of memory about where he is or who he is for some minutes. Patton got confused when his attention was caught in some adorably adorable video of kittens being the best thing in the world and quickly ran to Virgil’s room just to show them to him, not understanding why his friend can’t stop looking at him quizzically until Virgil finally asks why does he has a spoon in the knot of his cardigan and Patton jumps because HIS COOKIES ARE IN THE OVEN AND HOW MUCH TIME HAD PASSED-
 Oh. Wait. That is not what he was talking about. Focus, focus!
 Anyway. Life is confusing, feelings, thoughts, actions, trying your best, keep going, look at the refrigerator just to realize you have no idea of what you were supposed to be searching in the first place, humans…
 Yeah, especially humans.
 Patton stared at the figure of his friend laid on the couch, absently looking at his phone while a piece of smile adorned his face. The movie both decided to watch paused in the background as the one currently in the kitchen waited for the popcorn get ready, his hand held lightly his chin and a frown rest peacefully in his features, mirroring the same expression he always saw on Logan every time he was confronted by a problem whose solution seemed impossible to find.
 It was The Pose of all the incredible genius in the world, right? Therefore, in some moment about now the answers of all his questions should magically pop before him, unfolding and refolding in logic patterns just like in all the mystery series and books.
 Right about noooow…
 Well, it didn’t work.
 Patton pouted, turning to pour the warm and probably delicious snack in big bowls that both would pretend they wouldn't be able to finish before even getting in the middle of the so expected movie. He grabbed the bowls and headed to the other room, reprising the entire day in his mind, a faint echo of Logan saying that could help basing his decision.
 Everything started in the morning with Patton arriving at their breakfast table only to find Virgil, but not his usual Virgil.
 That was a Virgil without his hoodie.
 Not that it was a totally strange thing! Usually by his free mornings he would prefer to wander in the house on his comfortable pajamas, however the thing today is… he wasn’t on his pajamas. He was prepared to fight the world – actually Virgil was just going to work, but he said this sounded more badass - on his black Slipknot shirt, jeans and the hoodie nowhere near to be seen.
 Besides that, today was predominantly cold. Cold enough for the one wearing glasses end up missing his favorite cat cardigan by the time he arrived their house, searching for the so dearly craved cloth in every little corner until Patton came across the scene of his friend - his best edgy, lovely friend cutely wearing it and being equally playfully bratty when tried ask it back, pulling out his tongue out as his form dazed in a chase the moment Patton’s promise of ‘physically fight for it!’ – which was a lie, obviously. He gave up the vestment the very moment his eyes locked in a Virgil playing with the cat ears sewed in it – flew from his mouth.
 And, after getting tired out, they cuddled! Okay, this wasn’t nearly a strange occurrence between both, albeit was one of those rare moments when Virgil was the one who initiated it, laying on his lap with a pout and a sharp look, as if he dared the other to say something (and Patton didn’t!! He swears!! Squeals. Do. Not. Count. As. Words.), feeling comfortable enough to even start a Poking War as they were accommodating themselves on the cushions, rays of giggles, squeaks filling the place for some heartbeats before both decided to metamorphose their last bit of routine into a movie night.
 Which was exactly what they were doing!
 Now, don’t get Patton wrong. He was absolutely delighted by everything! Knowing Virgil felt comfortable, safe enough to act nonchalant around him was so heart-warming he could almost feel himself melt in happiness!
 But there was this signal in the back of his mind. A particularly different gleam in the other’s eyes he had already seen before, however couldn’t quite place its meaning yet. Some words unpronounced amongst his lightly snarky demeanor. Some little thing that made Patton feel playful and happily bubbly as well, except he couldn’t really grab the exact information, the exact why or the exact memory.
 Not yet, at least.
  Virgil was about to fucking quit it.
 No, actually, he was about to fuck quit everything when he woke up of his incredibly, horrible, wonderfully teasy tickle dream. The tingles of the dreamy tickles still ghostly buzzing on his body as he quietly giggled, burying his face in the pillows and kicking about everything on his bed, eyes firmly closed as the memories bathed his mind in a flow made to increase awfully his lee mood.
 And then one of his favorite artists posted some new things on Tumblr, which obligated him to see all their new posts and, who knows, accidentally click in the tag ‘My arts’ of them, which end up with him re-finding other works he had already forgot about, path that consequently leaded to some more reblogs and therefore another bunch of tickle blogs which, of course, made his lee mood at work almost unbearable.
 At least he had the cold to blame if someone questioned about the persistent blush spread on his features.
 After everything, finally: The calm and quiet of home, broken by his determined decision to try to make – somehow - Patton tickle him. His friend was soft and playful by nature, and he already knew Virgil liked tickles (quite of an interesting story involving a meme, a movie and the power going out. Heh. Do not ask about it.) so, I mean, the worst part was already gone, right? It wouldn’t probably be that bad. Virgil would just act naturally, smoothly following a few advices he found in some blogs discussing this topic and hope, for the sake of his life, the Universe wouldn’t follow Murphy's Law for ONCE.
 Of course, that didn’t happen. OF COURSE.
 Virgil tried first to be a bratty. He stole Patton’s cardigan and even ran across the house in an attempt to maintain his new possession. He stretched while laid in Patton’s lap: no hoodie, ticklish spots right there. In the last shot he even let himself giggle every single time his mind wandered to the dark corner designed especially for the subject. The one wearing smudged make up even started a poke war!! A poke war!! What kind of poke war doesn't evolve to a tickle war where he would, so sadly and despise his best efforts, lose spectacularly??
 He crossed his arms and DID NOT pout, blowing grumpily some strands of hair that fell in his vision’s field.
 “I would sell my soul for a tickle.” Virgil growled, his usually careful façade crumbling under the quite persistent thoughts of fingers spidering on his ribs, counting each one of them before lazily dragging the tip of the nails to his quivering tummy, dancing and poking unbothered by his squi-
 “What was that?”
 Virgil squeaked, jumping some centimeters in the air when the voice of his approaching friend filled the room, the words getting stuck in his throat, his head shooting in the other’s direction, wide eyes.
 “What.” He eloquently offered.
 “I was too far, didn’t hear what you said, sorry. Could you repeat, please?”
 Virgil tried – failing - to not blush. Patton was… actually being serious, right? That wasn’t any kind of tease, even if the traitor little demon he usually called brain unhelpfully unlocked all the memories of all the tickle fanfics he read that began with that exact same words. “Nothing. It was nothing.” He promptly ignored the way his voice came out slightly high.
 “Oh, okay!” Patton kindly smiled, putting the popcorn on the coffe table and looking for some space on the couch to lay down while Virgil pressed play, the show’s opening quickly filling the air and silence hanging between both. Patton stopped. Suddenly Virgil felt a shiver run across his whole body, his gaze turning to his friend, only to find the one wearing glasses staring at him intently.
 “You like tickles.”
 The word only was enough to jolt his body back to a sitting position, butterflies starting to wake up, proceeding to fly the most desperate as possible in his stomach, his brain fuzzing, crumbling for answers of How and When and What the Fuc-
 “What? NO! I mean, yes but how- when did you just…”
 “Oh!” Patton gasped and Virgil felt his whole face in flames once the realization of the shiny gleam in the other’s eyes, almost as literal stars shining, hit him. Maybe… Maybe something he had done before finally work? “That is why you initiated a Poke War? Were you trying to make me tickle you? Vee, you just needed to ask!”
 Yep. No. Nope. No way. That was definitely worse.
 Virgil tried to hide himself in his hoodie, deciding he could very much rather perish in his Lee Mood than stare at the pure love and awe gazed right in his direction. His lips curving in a shadow of a smile for a second when he pressed himself further on the furniture, noticing with a grumble leaving his mouth the only armor he owned was the cat cardigan. Hood pulled up and his face firmly pressed on his knees, he ignored the way his excited giggles started to bounce and dance in his throat, resulting in his own body bounce a bit.
 “Knock knock…” Virgil felt a light tapping on his knee.
 “Fuck off.” The hissed answer ran without letting he even think about it, too much occupied in pretending to not notice how much this position left his entire tickl- I mean, sensitive torso vulnerable and how much not seeing what was happening increased second by second the tingles and shivers crazily racing in his skin.
 “Gasp! Virgil!” The one dying in the cat cardigan internally rolled his eyes at the literally audible gasp his friend vocalized, almost being able to see the playful mood taking over his expression as it always has when they swore around him. “I should tickle you for this, Mister Potty Mouth!” Yes. Yes!! Come on, come on! “But I won’t.”
 Hey now, what.
 “What?!” His head shot upwards absurdly fast, a fact which, obviously, he would deny it to the end of his living and non-living days.
 “I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide or ignore your desire for tickles every time you have them! Especially…”
 ‘Please – see? I know how to use some freaking good words. - Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say, Patton. You’re cool, you’re a funny guy, you have good intentions but you have any ideas of what the fuck will happen??’ Virgil found himself almost pleading, the sentences already running in his head, but his lips firmly gripped in the fear to let out more than these simple words.
 “… Since I’m totally okay in tickling you! Oh, wait. Did you just squirm? Aww, Virgil!! That is so, so adorable! You’re blushing, too! Awwwwww!!! Okay, okay, okay, I’m… Imma gonna die of cuteness. You’re truly the most precious being I’ve ever met!!! Wait, what I was just saying…?” 
 ‘I will die! No! I’m already dying! See? You already accomplished what you wanted!! Let’s move on to the next damn part!’
 “Oh right!” Patton lightly hit the side of his head. “I’m glad to tickle you! Truly! All you have to do is…”
 ‘Dude, Patton, Pat-Pat, Popstar don’t…’
 “Ask me! Please, please, please!!” Virgil stared him dead in his eyes, crossing his arms, his cheeks so hot that he was surprised his face didn’t melt yet. “Aw, don’t give me that look, kiddo!” Virgil just narrowed his eyes further. Patton pouted, his ‘Puppy Eyes’ expression – more like an unfair weapon - showing and nailing cracks on Virgil’s resolution.
 They stayed like this for a while, until Patton abruptly lifted his hands, his fingers wiggling on Virgil’s direction, the movement so out of blue that catched his friend out of guard, a true yelp jumping from him before he grumpily growled and let himself fall on the cushions.
 “I can’t.”
 “Of course, you can, kiddo! I’m rooting for ya! Wanna see?” And then he started to fold and unfold his fingers, approaching them to Virgil inch by inch “Go Virge, go! Go, Virge, go! Goooo, Virgeyyyy, go!” Inch by inch. Close and then even closer. The boy with a wobbly smile in his face felt like he couldn’t tear his eyes from the movements, the butterflies seeming to freak out in his stomach in the rhythm of the cheers.
 He hides his face behind his hands. Patton was going to be the end of his existence.
 “Stohop it.” Dammit. He was breaking.
 ‘Come on, guy! You can do this!’ He internally whined.
 “Ooh, is that a beauty giggly giggle what I hear? The cheering should be working then, don’t you think?! We believe in you, Virge-poo! And we can’t wait for when we…” Virgil dared to spy the scene between his fingers, only to see Patton’s hands barely touching his sides, his fingers positioned in a claw shape. “… getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha!!” They suddenly moved, clawing unbearably away and terribly close at each couple of words.
 No. Virgil did NOT squeal nor squirmed closer to the fingers. Fuck you. Nobody asked. That is none of your business anyway.
 ‘Just… just don’t think about it! Pull it off. Like… I don’t know! Like a stupid band aid!’
 “It is going to be so much fun! I didn’t even tickle you yet and you’re already giggling excitedly! Think in all your wonderful, beautiful laughter flying everywhere when I finally tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle you silly!! You’ll be giggling up a storm! Happy gasp! Pun inserted!”
 Virgil obligated himself to take a deep breath and not stare the warm, teasy hands which were oblivious of the intern turmoil caused as they rested on his sides. Their tips very lightly, almost impossible to feel and – even more difficult to ignore - poking the ticklish skin, as if they simply couldn’t bring themselves to stay still. The one laid on the couch and yet hiding his face felt the urge to kick just to get off all the pleasantly nervous energy building up in his body.
 Patton squeaked excited, the teasy grin immediately giving space to the joyful smile. “Of course!” He grazed his fingers up his sides to his ribcage, the nails lightly drawing circles around each one of the ribs, receiving a quick tasering in the middle of them before going up to the next one, letting for a piece of moment Virgil’s bubbly and more high-pitched giggles fill the room alone.
 The cat cardigan owner ran the tip of his fingers up and down, up and down, up and down his sides, watching in complete awe the way the other squirmed at each infinitesimal move. He stopped the movement on his right side, his eyes gleaming behind the lenses as accompanied Virgil adorably wiggling away from the reminiscent tickles, as if he tried to escape from the evil fingers scribbling in that exactly spot which connected his left side to his tummy and leaded cute, sweet titters escape from his gigantic smile.
 A devious plan shinned in his head.
 Patton ceased the tickling in order to give him a breath, smiling at the pout that didn’t take too long before blooming in the other’s features.
 He quickly poked his left side, immediately hearing quiet, bubbly giggles dance across the air as Virgil wiggled to his right, only to be warmly welcomed by scratches of one single finger on his lower back, making his breath stop so fast a snort escape. Virgil widened his eyes, his hands automatically clapping in his mouth at the same time a big, gleaming grin took over Patton’s expression. They stared at each other, fingers never stopping, squirms never ending.
 “No.” His voice was slightly wobbly, giggles beginning to intertwine his words as his friend scribbled softly again. “No no no! You are a- dON’T!- such a dork!!! No!!”
 They initiated the cycle again. Every time Virgil squirmed to escape from the left tingles to the right tickles one more finger was added to the attack, soon leaving the blushed poor victim kicking sporadically when the ten fingers resumed their light, tickly attack. “I’m going t-t-to kick you!!” and then was subdued to the snorts and squeals painting his fast titters.
 The one who wore the cat hoodie which moments before had slipped from his head in the ““fight””, now showing clearly the red strongly flaming his cheeks and the tip of his ears shook his head from side to side, the frown he tried to form being immediately won by the smile taking over his features. Virgil let himself embrace the feeling completely over, laughing freely, almost doesn’t believing this was actually happening.
 That it didn’t matter how much he tried to escape nor squirm, the tickling just followed his movements, just as all his (fake) protests didn’t stop the excited, evil teases pouring from the other’s mouth. Not to tell how only the big, happy gaze from Patton was definitely not helping in the slightest his current state at all!
 He was certain. There was no way out of this. He was going to melt and   d i e.
 And he was loving every single second of this.
 “Aww! Tickle, tickle, tickle, Virge!! Look at the happiness shining in your face!! Someone really, really loves some tickly-tickles, am I right? But don’t worry, Virgey-wiggley! I will give you all the tickles you could ever want! Like here!” He booped Virgil’s bellybutton “Here” A couple of fingers slid on his waistline “And here, and here, and here and everywhere!” Fingers flew quickly, traveling on his hips, collarbone, sides, behind his ears…
 The incapacity to know where Patton would strike next killed every single drop of coherent thoughts of his mind, which could only focus on the tickling and how much it was unbearable and everywhere and it  t i c k l e d . His giggles grew to chortles, his hands flying from his own face to lightly push Patton’s, dislocating his glasses and freeing surprised chuckles mixed with his own squeaks.
 “Virgil!!” Patton ceased the playful attack in order to retire the other’s hands off his face, before both knew they’re wrestling, laughter cutting their acts and weakening their movements. “Virge!! I will go to another spot this way!”
 In a blink of an eye one of his friend’s arms hugged his sides and Patton felt a malefic grin crawling his lips without even noticing its presence. Very much different from Virgil, who in the same heartbeat realized his mistake, using the opportunity of the instant of distraction to lightly push the cookie lover off him, quickly dashing across the house. All his instincts gleaming and sparkling the sign of ‘Survive’ in his veins.
 The only reason of what Virgil forgot about the numbness from spending so much time laid on his legs, resulting in trips that definitely made him lose some crucial speed as he encircled the couch, capturing with the corner of his eyes the scene of Patton jumping of the cushions and following his escape route. The crackling dancing in the air owned by nobody specific.
 His heart beat faster, the joy raced his nerves and made his tummy tingle in advance just for imagining the exact moment where two arms would hug him firmly yet gently from behind and his ears would be set on fire the very same moment Patton would say-
 “Gotcha, Giggly Storm! I gotcha, gotcha ya!!” Patton dug his thumbs right above Virgil’s hips, the remaining fingers clawing the poor, sensitive skin in his back, leading belly laughter to took over his friend’s sentence, his knees buckling and legs uncontrollable kicking as Patton sat with him on the floor, pressing his back on his chest and resting his head on his shoulder.
 “Patton!! Pahahatton, come on, no!” Patton just hummed, two fingers calmly walking on Virgil’s waistline. “Don’t you dare!! Don’t you fuckin- gah!” The nails began to slid in the length of the belly, going from a side to another as elected soft snorts and bouncy giggles.
 “Tickle, tickle, tickle, Virge!! Did you thought you could run away from the Tickle Monster? Poor unfortunate soul ~. Now the Tickle Monster has to give you a bunch of more ticklish tickly tickles just for this, don’t you think?!” And then Virgil felt the tickles speed up to scribbles and clawing and wiggles delivered in every inch of his tummy. Going in random patterns, drawing forms on his sweet spot, up and down, from a side to another, over and over again. Quick enough to make him sporadically squirm and kick, a rain of squeals, yelps and squeals flowing from his lips, yet soft and light enough to let him rest his head on the other’s chest and just enjoy the feeling.
 “Awww! Look at how much shaking your tum-tum is! It is probably so happy in receiving its so much craved tickle tickle tickles, right, Virgey-poo?” The answer was only a blushy Virgil hiding his face on Patton’s neck, giggling nonstop.
 “Nonono!! It’s not!” And, if that move only led to a now very exposed neck to be gifted with some special scratches? They both pretended it wasn’t on purpose.
 Patton just rolled his eyes, playfully exasperated, quietly chuckling when the other jumped with the quick squeeze delivered on his hip.
 It didn’t take long before Virgil let out his first ‘Stop’, which Patton happily obliged, don’t having the heart to move when he realized Virgil’s breath becoming calmer, his eyelashes closing as he snuggled closer to the one wearing glasses.
 The duo knew very well they would probably regret napping on the hard, cold floor later, yet none of them managed to bring themselves to care, especially when Virgil’s quiet snorts with the second tickle dream of the day lullabied Patton to an equally peaceful dream.
  Random non-said thing: Patton only remembered that information because the movie they’re going to watch was one of the trilogy they were watching when Virgil gathered up enough will to tell him he likes tickling.
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kimjoongs-main · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by: @jenuminous (ty bby ily)
tagging: @kimyeongues @linosgf @cheonsajaemin @hyuckiebabyy @bitchendery @moonblssm
1. what takes up too much of your time?
—hmmm probably sleeping, facetiming my friends, writing, reading webtoons, watching stuff on youtube etc
2. what makes your day better?
—that thing parents do when they cut up fruit for you and give you some :( my dad always cuta up watermelon for me whenever i’m stressed out
3. what’s the best thing that happened to you today?
—my cousin and i went out and had a girl’s day, we went to the mall, got our nails done, and just had a great time
4. what fictional place would you like to go to ?
—any place that gives you powers basically, so like bnha for example, or this webtoon i started reading called unordinary
5. are you good at giving advice ?
—it depends on the situation but generally i...guess so??
6. do you have a mental illness?
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis ?
—nope and *knocks on wood* i hope i never have to
8. what musician inspires you the most?
—cl, i just...love her
9. have you ever fallen in love ?
10. what’s your dream date?
—stargazing hands down
11. what do others notice about you ?
—the first thing people usually point out is my height sjdjdjs :’)) i’m tiny tiny
12. what’s an annoying habit you have?
—i tend to comb my hair back when i’m stressed out or nervous and it makes my hair all tangled
13. do you still talk to your first love ?
14. how many exes do you have?
15. how many songs are in your playlist ?
—i have so many playlists for different moods shdjd, but the number of songs on my phone is around 200
16. what instruments can you play?
—i used to be able to play the violin but i stopped
17. what do you have the most pictures of ?
—my three friends, jaemin heh, and as of right now my godson
18. where would you like to go before you die?
19. what’s your zodiac ?
—cap sun, pisces moon/rising
20. do you relate to it?
—i relate to cap sun and pisces moon sometimes, not so much my rising tho
21. what’s happiness to you?
—feeling nothing but joy, having a hard time keeping a smile off my face
22. are you going through anything right now ?
23. what’s the worst decision you ever made?
—taking ap chem JSJDJDJS
24. what’s your favorite store?
—ooohooohho there’s this cute store i found in the mall at the philippines, i forgot the name but it was something like papemelroti?? but it had these cute little trinkets and stuff for scrapbooking and omg i fell in love
25. what’s your opinion about abortion ?
—woman’s body -> her choice, that’s all i’m saying abt this
26. do you keep a bucket list ?
—i used to when i was 10, but nah
27. do you have a favorite album?
—any album by journey
28. what do you want for your birthday ?
—ummmm money ig?? or maybe a new backpack bc they always break halfway thru the year
29. what are people’s first impressions of you?
—people usually say i’m rlly quiet when they first meet me, and they’re not wrong
30. what age do you seem according to most people ?
—it depends, someone thought i was in college when i was like 16, and someone else thought i was a hs freshman when i was a senior lol
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
—charging on the desk next to my bed
32. what word do you say the most ?
—what, oh, or just keyboard smashes
33. what’s the oldest age you would date?
34. what’s the youngest you would date ?
—idk if i would???
35. what job/career would most people say suit you?
—a teacher, but as much as i love kids i don’t think i could handle teaching them
36. what’s your favorite music genre ?
—mmm i’ve been really into indie lately
37. if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
—not sure, but probably the philippines since i’m from there and i know the language well enough
38. what is your current favorite song ?
—symmetry by jt roach and emily warren, it’s so calming
39. how long have you had this blog for?
—a little over a year now, but i’ve been on tumblr for around 3-4 years
40. what are you excited for ?
—my fam and i are going to a resort tmr and i looked it up and it’s so pretty:((
41. are you a better talker or listener?
—depends on the person, there’s some people who i talk w more, and there’s some people who i just sit and listen to more
42. what was the last productive thing you did ?
—i did the laundry this morning, sweeped the apartment
43. what do you want for Christmas?
—again probably money or a new backpack
44. what class do you get the best grades in ?
—math and bio
45. on a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
46. what can you see yourself doing in ten years ?
—probably being a nurse or traveling
47. when did you get your first heartbreak?
—when my fav teacher revealed to our class abt what she was going thru, it really hurt me to see her so upset
48. what age do you want to get married ?
—in my 30s maybe
49. what career did you want to have as a child?
—i really wanted to be a photographer at one point, but other than that it’s always been a nurse
50. what do you crave right now ?
—sushi, there’s a sushi place a mile from my apartment and im debating whether or not i should go skfkd
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(After “strange”)
(Evie’s walking to the infirmary when she hears cursing coming from the school limo. Ben’s in there trying to get it to work)
Ben (tears streaming down his face): come on come on come ON! YOU STUPID OUTDATED CLAPTRAP HUNK OF JUNK
(Evie walks over to him)
(Evie knocks you n the window. He rolls it down)
Evie: hey there sir swears a lot. Dollar for your thoughts
Ben (voice hoarse): she’s gone. She wrote me a letter. And she’s gone
Evie (mind working a mile a minute): lets go to the boys room hm?
Jay: she left. Whadya mean she left?
(Ben hands him the letter)
Evie: oh this all feels oddly familiar
Carlos: ya think?
Jay: I’m trying trying to decide if this is bad or not.
Evie: oh course it’s bad
Jay: you shut up. I know Mal way better than you do. She wouldn’t run away unless she felt she had no choice.
Evie: she did have a choice. She could’ve ignored it like I told her to. But noooo she let it take hold of her and now
Jay: whoa whoa whoa wait. You told her to do what
Evie: she fainted. She said she thought she needed to start using her magic. She wasn’t 100% sure so I told her not to
Ben: she came to you with a problem and you told her to do nothing
Evie: I believe my words were “when in doubt. Don’t”?
Evie: hey don’t yell at me
Jay: actually I’m on his side. Why would you do that
Evie: because I thought it would help
Jay: well it obviously didn’t. Twelve people are disintegrated and vastly more importantly. Mal is off the map.
(There’s a knock at the door)
Doug: Ben. I thought you might need to see this
Ben (reading a medical report from the tablet): Christian Caryns and Sam Myles are dead
Evie: who?
Ben: they were two of the reporters that were harassing us just before Mal lost her temper
Jay: who cares.
Carlos: heh heh what.
Jay: I’m serious. Who cares
Evie: that’s a little callous
Jay: they’ve hounded her for six months. Everything she’s done has been in the papers and tv and forums and blogs. They turned what happened in Agrabah into a goddamn meme for fuck sakes. She stopped using magic because she was safe. She did it because she thought it was the right thing to do. So no. I don’t care about a pack of dead vultures in Vivian Westwood suits. Who whoever disagrees with me can get the fuck out of my room
(Nobody moves)
Jay: alrighty then. What do we do next
Carlos: go after her.
Evie: what?
Carlos: go after her (realising the magnitude of what he’s saying) go buh >gulp< bah bah BACK (he starts breathing deeply) so she can talk to Ben properly. And so you can apologise for your half assed sistering
Doug: hey that’s not her fault
Vision!Doug: it very much is you little cutie
Jay: alright then. When.
Ben and Carlos: tonight
Jay: ok. But we gotta get you outta those clothes Ben
Ben (tears and snot running down his face, eyes red and bloodshot, suit rumpled and messed up from crying): thank you!
(He starts crying again and pulls jay into a crushing hug)
Doug: I’m proud of you C. There was a time when you’d be plotting Ben’s death for this.
Carlos: I’ve got these cute little stress balls that I throttle in times like these
Evie: and exactly how many have you got through
Carlos: This week? Ninety.
(Devie looks at him skeptically)
Carlos: what? It’s not my fault Ben’s a hugger. Look at jay. Who wouldn’t wanna hug him?
Lonnie: hey guys
Jay: can’t talk. Mal gone. Evie fucked up. Carlos’s stress balls depleted. Ben crying. Oh shit. I forgot. Lonnie I promise you I’ll get you an answer as soon as possible it’s just that
Lonnie: I know. Mal takes precedent. No worries. I know how it is with you guys. I just need to talk to Ben
Ben: yeah
Lonnie: first of all. Nice duds. Second. Your dads on the warpath
Ben: ok. Tell him this from me
Lonnie: sure
Ben: “go choke”
Lonnie: yeah
Ben: “on your own”
Lonnie: yeah
Ben: “saliva you giant douche canoe of a turd blossom”
Lonnie (looking shocked): uhhhh
Carlos: you heard the king
(They start to leave but Doug pulls Ben aside)
Doug: you need a regent.
Ben: oh shoot. You’re right. Uhhhh. Whew. You’re it.
Doug: huh.
Ben: you’re my regent. You’re the chosen one.
Doug: chosen ones end up scarred and/or dead.
Ben: that’s from dangerous quests
Doug: I was gonna nominate Lonnie
Ben: ok then. Lonnie’s your regent. But you’re my regent.
Doug: no
Ben: please
Doug: no
Ben: pretty please?
Doug: the addition of the “pretty” doesn’t make the offer more enticing.
Evie (whispering into Doug’s ear): please
Doug: ok I’m the regent
Lonnie: how come you’d do it for Evie but not Ben
Doug: I’m not dating or in love with Ben
Lonnie: ah but laser tag when we were twelve.
Doug: that doesn’t qualify as a date. That’s the story of how Ben would’ve got a criminal record if he weren’t royalty.
Jay: that reminds me. We need to teach him
Ben: teach me what
Carlos: how to survive
(This is when “say amen” starts)
(After “say amen”)
Doug: try not to take to long.
Lonnie: I have complete faith in you Ben
(The other drive off)
Lonnie: there’s a 10% chance Ben’s going to die.
Doug: time to face the father
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kevuvu · 7 years
30 Questions!
I got tagged! In 2018!! I miss these a ton
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
Tagged by @the-flame-and-hawks-eye
tagging: @chichorie @gammapulse @herosmalgretoi @layzeal @fefbutts @inkbrusher @gardeevoir @thegayngerzone @audyssy @adventurelemons
oh and @8xenon8 bc u suck
# following: 386 
# of followers: 2123! I was stuck at 1800 for over a year tho bc i never posted hah
average hours of sleep: heh..... 8 is usually when i’ll wake up, but it’ll go from 5-14 if I let it
lucky number: I don’t rly have one! I usually go with 2 tho, I like even numbers
instruments: None but I always wanted to learn guitar and piano :O
what are you wearing: a Tessie shirt and cat pyjamas! Oh and a blanket I suppose
dream job: Something with animals that won’t involve blood DFJKDFJKL maybe something with art where I can express my ideas without the pressure of actually drawing :’)
dream trip: Probably Japan! Sometime in spring so I can see a buncha festivals
birthday: August 18th
height: 5′2″ ish, I was 158cm last time I checked
gender/pronouns: she / they
other blogs: The only one I actively use is my art blog @kevuma! However I have a NSFW, two Soul Eater blogs (one for art one for aesthetic), a ship blog, a keroro gunsou blog, and some dead ask blogs i forgot about fkfljkgf
nicknames: Ree, Em, Kuma, uhh Ememeily (or just Meme) Idk any others
star sign: Leo sun, Libra moon, Scorpio rising!
time: 11:20 am
favorite bands: MSI is the first one that comes to mind!
favorite artist: This probably refers to Music Artist but I would die for Kuroblood’s art
favorite tumblr artist: A couple! Suqling comes to mind, geminid is super sweet and has gorgeous art, gosh there’s so many!!
Syd will probably made a snide comment that she’s not here so 8xenon8 too i GUESS :/
song stuck in your head: probably that damn dress song by taylor swift
last movie you watched: Pokemon Heroes!
last show you watched: Show? uh geez probably bobs burgers? 
why did you make your blog: This one was a remake of my original, but i made a tumblr bc my fav artist at the time was rping some hetalia nonsense
what do you post: fucking garbage my dude
last thing you googled: i was checking to see if i got nid’s url right sdfklsdfjkldf
ao3: I only use it to fav :’) so I don’t rly post it
do you ever get asks: Sometimes! Mostly of late, I love em tho!!
how did you get the idea for your url: I love calling berries bebbies... it makes me happy... but I wanna change it!! but until then :’)
favorite food: POTATOS >:O so versatile... i love em to bits
last book you read: idfilkdfdfk the fuck is a BOOK my dude, last fic I read was uhh that one rly cute young royai fic uhhhh Espionage!!
top 3 fictional universes: Don’t do this to me... Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda and Xenoblade!
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kuroheishi · 7 years
Tumblr media
aRGH I am so sorry guys this is so hella late, moving to another country is a huge thing and I found time only now to write this thing down, but finally I can throw all of my fierce love on ya 
That’s a huge milestone for me and I am so flattered so many people follow this blog?? However! Before starting to name one by one all the wonderful people I gotta thank in here, I gotta announce that this is going to be a kinda uh... Hiatus post too? From next week everything is going to get even busier when @littlxlamb is gonna come and get me to kindap me, so... I don’t know when I will get again some more free time to be on here. IT MAKES ME SAD TO SAY BYE ON HERE BUT LIFE AAAAAHHHHHH 
WELL ANYWAYS! I’LL COME BACK FOR SURE!! Even if super rarely I’ll always come back online in here because this is like a small second home for me heh.
I am so grateful for these two years in this fandom, Yuu has completely changed my life; I found the Mika in my life heh and I got to learn so much from my muse and I wanna give as much love as he does to the world no matter of how cruel it can be. I learnt and I keep learning so freaking much from the people I have met in here and I just- I don’t know, I love everything of Owari no Seraph, Yuu and all the friendos I found here.
Thank you so much everyone!! 
Thank you to those who have stayed here since the very beggining, all the old and new friendos, it’s like having this huge family and even if sometimes we might even fight like it happens in all families it’s cool to always see you all around, fighting sometimes also helps to make bonds stronger right? 
I am so grateful to everyone who RPed with me or who even sent me just one ask, I appreciate this so very much!! Thank you for the patience, for when I get super heated about Yuu shbjsdhjksdhksd I just can’t help it rubs rubs head! SO THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH THAT!! 
And at last, thank you again to every single follower! YES YOU WHO ARE READING THIS LONG SENTIMENTAL POST POINTS AT! Thank you for the support by following this blog, it means a lot to me ya know? It’s like telling me I am not doing so bad with my Yuu portrayal, that you like what I post/reblog and well- this blog will always be hella important to me, it has a special place in my heart so I’ll never stop to thank all of you!!
It’s a shame we all live in so many different places because I’d treat y’all to some curry or ice cream as a thank you but damn I hope my gratitude can reach you by this long ass post hahaha
If anyone has an Instagram account and idk if you’re interested in crap cosplay or you want to keep better in touch with me during my hiatus period, you can follow me on here:
I post pretty much often there! And it will be easier for me to reply to stuff and all!
Gonna put all the rest on read more because it’s going to be hella l ong, good luck everyone to find your tag down there thumbs up!
Credits for the amazing follow forever banner go to @littlxlamb as usual because damn you’re so talented and thank you for always doing this cool stuff for me ahhhhh you’re too kind to me Nia buries you in a huge a hug!! I don’t know how you knew I wanted all the family in the picture but ahhh thank you!!
P.s. as usual I am so freaking sorry if I forget anyone but my head lately is even more messy with the moving matter, so please forgive me sdhsdghsd
@littlxlamb: HELLO MIKANIA!! It’s two years we know each other and it doesn’t sound real right? But at the same time it’s like woah, only two freaking years?? Since the beginning it has always been weird how well clicked, how we could talk 5ever and be so in sync if that makes sense? AND NOW WE’RE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER I AM SO EXCITED I COULD CLIMB A TREE OR SOMETHING EUDBJSDSD I know it’s gonna be hella hard at the beginning, but I also know that there is no other place I could be if not next you ya know? So I’m gonna roll up my sleeves and work hard for both us! But hey, I’ll tell u this face to face, but thank you for always being by my side since the beginning. Thank you for always supporting me, for giving me a family, for giving me a purpose, thank you for making me laugh and for scolding me when I need it heh I know I’m an idiot sometimes, right? Thank you for being born and for being in my life, I am so glad our blogs brought us this close, that’s why I’ll always be grateful to Yuu, Mika and ons for allowing us to meet. I promise that from next week I’ll fight side by side with you, you are so talented in the things you do that I am sure step by steop you will reach your goals and I will be always there to cheer for you!! I’ll work hard to be your pillar and to make you smile at least once a day AND I AM NOT GONNA FAIL FIST UP!
@brassboundvalkyrie: mama Kiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!! I know lately I haven’t been very active on our fam group chat, but hey never forget I love you okay?? You’re hella awesome and cool, I will never stop reminding you that, I gotta learn from you tbh. But I mean, not only for you writing and cosplay skills, just one day wanna be a mature adult like you, you’re like my adult inspiration if that makes sense A REAL MAMA! I am so happy that you’re finally having a good time with your new work tho!! It’s actually kinda cute how you sound excited about it, so I’m really glad to see you like that heh. And well you know that even if I am not super active on this blog, that I’ll always keep in touch with you through Skype!! SO YOU WON’T MISS ME TOO MUCH HAH 
@rutilisanguinis: BARA PAPA VAMPIRE!! I actually don’t know why Lau but with you it comes more natural to act like this bratty rebellious kid since we have started talking two years ago woah. LAU DAMN THANK YOU FOR CONTACTING ME BACK THEN!! I am so glad we met, you even formed our Skype fam basically and I just wish you all the good things with your health, work and life in general because you deserve it! I hope one day we will meet again for sure, we must!! AH!! Almost forgot to thank you again for the adorable gift, like sdghsdghjsd it made me so flattered that you thought about me?? It was so kind of you ahhhhhhhhhh
@fortisgladio: Lizzie ah damn what can I say about you? I am glad Yuu allowed me to meet someone like you, someone as passionate (IF NOT MORE) than me about ons and especially our precious sunshine boy! No matter if we have similar thoughts about him or not, just thank you so much for how much love you put in everything you write and do!! You’re a wonderful huge bright sun, it’s always uh... I forgot English for a sec hang on lemme check the dictionary- comforting?? Yes that too, and it brightens my day whenever I get to exchange few words with you; seeing you on my dash is always wonderful too, I love your writing so freaking much shakes the pc! You are an ispiration for me, thank you for being my friend and for always being this kind, I really appreciate that so damn much. I just wish for everything in your life to go super well, for you to always find the strength to fight it IF YOU NEED TO PUNCH STRUGGLES I’LL BE BY YOUR SIDE BRUH!! I am just sending you all the love and good vibes because you must get all of the happiness and love!!!!!
@undyingxloyalty: slides huge ice cream in here- KAT LEMME SCREAM TO THE OCEAN ABOUT HOW OF AN AMAZING FRIEND YOU ARE!!! Do you understand how grateful I am that you’re in my fam zone?? Because ahhhhh lately we finally got talk more and I’m so glad we did!! You have always been so freaking supportive with me and I have always wondered, the heck do I deserve such wonderful friends around me?? That’s why I wanna give you back everything you do for me!! All the kinds words always ready to hit me hard, this helpful aura you have around yourself and how I feel chill because I know somehow you’ve always kept an eye on me somehow?? All of that has always given much happiness kay, so I hope I can give you as much of that to you, because I wanna see you happy!! You deserve it sooooooo much! And don’t think I forgot about your stunning writing, I am so flattered I got to write with such a skilled writer as you are, you’re Mika is freaking well portayed that damn I just scream. Thank you for being an ispiration too, remember to stay always cool and safe!! 
@sassyshinoahiiragi: Chelsea damn you’re always such a sweet friend with me! Time zone sucks because it doesn’t help us to catch each other online, but I don’t care just thank you for always being this supportive EVEN TOO MUCH SOMETIMES AJHKSDHKJSDHKJSD still grateful for that tho, I hope I can be as supportive for you?? Like I really wish everything will go well for you, because all the happiness must hit you hard! I miss writing with you, but remember that Yuu and I will always wait for Shinoa and you to come back!! I have always been hella flattered you contacted me and all, that you like my Yuu so thank you so much /////  Even tho I will be on hiatus here, I hope I can get to jump on ya even from England!! SO SEE YOU SOON HEH
@fallenangelmikaela: FLIES FOR A TACKLE HUG!!!!! Okay Alice as you said... We’ve been mutuals for how long? Two years?? Since I have started my blog and heck, for time zone and all we didn’t even get to talk that much til these last months, but I’m so happy we finally got closer kay? Because you’re such a cool friendo and I have so much fun talking to you, RPing with your Mika too!! I even told you that for my Yuu your Mika is like hella important to him!! Thank you for being patient with my noisiness, I have you on Skype and Instagram so I am sure we’ll keep in touch somehow even during my hiatus AND I AM GLAD KAY. Stay always safe and I wish you too much much much happiness, I am still crossing my finger for you and your thing hah, so I am sure one day something super woah and good is gonna happen to you!!
@chiheisxn: dude. buries u under affection. Even tho you always hit me with angst AND YOU KNOW YOU DO, thank you for even doing that. I really appreciate every single ask you send me, you have so much creativity and talent in writing, you’re so funny and yet you can be so heart breaking with your threads that damn. I adore that. I am still so sorry for all the shit that has happened back then, I hate seeing friends struggling and being attacked, so never forget to come to me if someone ever dares to even say a bad words on you kay? Because I am gonna get them so hard, no one should receive hate, especially my FRIENDS and for dumb stuff like jeez. I will miss seeing you around when I’ll be away BUT I WILL BE SURE TO BE BACK TO JUMP ON YOU AND YUU ON YOUR AKANE!!
@thatonecoolnara & @inuzukachii: where you guys at?????? I actually saw Madara mum around lately on here but I didn’t wanna bother, I just keep an eye on you two thanks to socials heh, but I hope you’re both doing great! Just wanted to remind you guys that even if we might be not in touch that I always check on you guys and that I still care for you two a lot kay? Always gonna keep a thought for you two and wishing hard for the best in your life!
@littlepsychedelicdream: Madi-chan damn I am sorry lately we didn’t talk like at all? But probably you’re busy too and I just hope you’re doing well!! We’ve know each other for some years already and hey, never forget that no matter if we talk or not, if life is busy and stuff, you’ll always be this very cool friendo, reliable, sweet, kind and hella fun to talk to! You have a great talent, both in writing and art so I am crossing my fingers so hard for you, I am sure you’ll reach your goals, I believe in you!!
The Squad
@asura-the-black: ahhhhhh bruh!! I hope you’re doing well, but hey just wanted to keep reminding you that I am still glad for all the times we got to RP!! Because your writing is just so stunning, so strong with feels to hit me hard in the heart! Thank you for that and for even discussing with me about headcanons!! My Yuu will always keep your Asuramaru in his heart kay? I hope you’re having fun and that you’re safe!! ONE DAY WE’LL WRITE MORE AGAIN!! I love your blog too much sdjsdksdkds
@poenitet: woah dad, I am gonna tag you with Guren’s blog because that’s how we met heh. I’m sorry lately I’ve been hella busy and we also kinda distanced ourselves but yeah, you’re really kinda Guren style and I keep my distance too if I know I might anger someone ya know, I am just really empathic I guess and since I like talking with you very much I get kinda sad if I feel like I might anger you. You’re such a talented writer and artist honestly that I hope you’ll find your happy path someday! I am glad we got to talk so much about Owari no Seraph and especially about Guren, I have always missed in here someone to write Guren and Yuu’s bond with me, because it just gives me huge feels and idk you’re perfect in that? Your Guren is just the dad for my Yuu that I really cannot describe in proper words how my son feels damn. Just huge fierce love for your Guren, that’s it. Thank you anyways for allowing me to write with you and for showing me your cool drawings, I had much fun!! YOU NERD. 
@elyon-kurae: hey Lily!!! First lemme tell you that I must confess your OC is literally like the first one who caught me properly, I mean, damn I admire people for writing original characters but you also gotta have talent to pull out something cool and girl you have it! That is why, since you are always so super supportive with me, I wish I can give you as much support! Because you write Elyon so freaking well, her personality and all, you are an artist too so I can always wish you to improve in everything you love! Fight your struggles, I know you can do it but never forget to rely on friends when you feel down because people care for you and they’re only glad to help you kay? Call me if you gotta punch trouble, I’ll hurry to kick butts with you!!
@ofsnipcr: FLA DAMN I ACTUALLY GOTTA CONTACT YOU TO ASK YOU IF YOU’RE COMING TO THE CON WOAH. But hey, I still remember the first time you commented under a post of mine, back then the dash was full of new people for me and you offered a hand to me, to get comfy in this new fandom so never gonna thank you for that! You are one of the sweetest friends I know really, you’re so talented and I love your Shinya so much! Your writing is amazing too like how can you do it sdhjsdhsd but yes imma contact you, because it would be so wonderful to meet you finally!! And have fun together heh. Thank you for everything and a huge good luck with everything you gotta do!! Throws tones of good luck and love vibes at!!
@monophagia: Vero, darkness my old friend. Why do I even try to make jokes when I can’t sdgjsdhjsdsd ANYWAYS. Dude, you’re talented kay? So leave the the bad stuff behind your back and just lemme shower you in compliments because beside your amazing writing skills, I mean you’re an ispiration for me when I read your threads, you’re also such a cool artist?? So thank you for even wanting to write with me, I am so flattered sdhjgksdghkjds  SO STAY ALWAYS COOL, I know that Yuu and Saito don’t have much of a uh... Chance to have much interaction I guess? BUT THAT’S WHY AUs EXIST I LOVE YOUR SAITO KAY 
@lordgeales: jii-chan’s kissy friend points at! NO OKAY BESIDE JOKES!! I am sorry we didn’t get to talk much but?? I am very noisy I know shjdshjsdbnsd but I might be shy too kay. Tho you better know that I love your portrayal, your writing YOUR BLOG, thank you for loving so much a character who hasn’t appeared much on the manga yet and for giving it life!! Also you are so sweet, you even thought about me for that crack thing you once sent me on IM and that made me so flattered and happy woah. I hope in the future we will get to RP more too!! 
@lestkarrkingofeurope: ahhhhhhh bruh!! I just wanted to tell you that your blog is FREAKING AWESOME!! Thank you for giving the fandom the blessing of your small King, I am so sorry I didn’t get to make Yuu jump on your muse sdjskjsda but I hope in the future I’ll get to write something with you because I’d be so flattered to! EVEN CRACK STUFF I just love your portrayal, your writing is just too stunning. Keep on with the great work and right! Thank you for working hard with your friends on the ons chapters, translating and editing them for the fandom!! 
@lendmeyourpower: heyyy there!! Just wanted to tell you that I love writing with your Guren!! And to always remind you that your Yuu was my first very inspiration in here when I just started with my blog! Thank you for wanting to write with my Yuu, it made me so very glad and remember I’m always wishing and cheering for your good health! I hope you can get better soon and fight your troubles!!
@ai-kizu-rp: MELY-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thank you for being patient with me and for still keeping in touch with me, I keep seeing your drawings and I am cheering for you to reach higher goals with your talent!! I’ll never forget our funny times on my other RP blog, it’s a shame life doesn’t give as much time anymore to play on all of my blogs and that I focused on Yuu because he’s my spirit animal but sdghjsahgksa I will keep cheering for you from here!!!
@snipec: I have written so much I don’t know anymore what I am doing BUT JUST LEMME SAY THAT YOUR SHINYA IS AMAZING AND I HAVE MUCH FUN WRITING WITH YOU even tho I am always slow as heck BUT HE’S LIKE DAD #2 BECAUSE OF GUREN and you’re also very sweet and I hope we’ll get to interact more in the future aghjshkjsdk YUU WILL EAT TOATS WITH SHINYA ONE DAY
@selfxloathingxvamp: ahhhh hello there!! I am sorry we stopped talking because I disappeared but sdhjgsdhjsgd LIFE KEPT ME BUSY and at some point discord started to lag too so I got annoyed, me vs technlogy is a costant struggle. But hey! I wanted to thank you for being so damn kind to me, it’s always something I appreciate so much EVEN IF U CHALLENGED ME MANY TIMES IMMA ALWAYS FITE U BRUH. And you’re a super fun person to talk to, cool to RP with too! Your writing is on spot with Mika and I still hope that when I will be back I will get to talk more again with you!! Just good luck with yout stuff kay? Always gonna cross my fingers for cool friendos, that’s why I hope you get to meet with @yuichiroisms one day!! It’s cool to have someone you care so much by your side heh, so imma take this chance to tell Eri too that I wish you guys all the best, hope your paths will meet for real real one day!! Just work hard on it and if you need some help on lifting struggle don’t mind calling me, imma directly punch down the wall thumbs up!!!
@crusaderce: u know that Yuu has not accepted yet Crowley as the cuddle buddy for mama Horn right? Yuu staring intensly in the distance. Tho wait besides jokes friendo, with all of your blogs I have seen in this fandom, you write your muses so well! I love seeing how your Crowley is basically a kindergarten done teacher who gotta keep an eye on the brats bugging him sdghsdhjgsdhjksd I HOPE WHEN I’LL BE BACK WE’LL GET TO WRITE MORE TOGHER!! Stay always awesome and safe!!
@ofichinose: ahhhhhhhh friendo your Guren is just so freaking amazing, HONESTLY LIKE ALL THE MUSES YOU WRITE AS!! I am so grateful there is someone like you always fighting for Guren and who  writes such interesting analysis about him, I am glad there is someone like you to defend the dad heh. Also!!! I am so glad I got to write something with your Aoi, because at least for me it sounds so interesting and a huge battle of who’s more determined and stubborn on their ideals! So I am looking forward to seeing how it’s going to develop!! Keep on with the great work!!
@krullish: !!!!!!! Even tho we kinda have never had the chance to interact here so much because of life keeping us busy, time zone and much other crap, always gonna remind you how cool and talented you are!! You were the first blog in here I followed of the fandom and I’m glad I found you!! Thank you for always being kind because that’s a huge thing for me and I’m glad somehow I can keep an eye on you from Instagram because I admire your cosplay skills so much!! Who knows, maybe one day we’ll get to cosplay together with Nia?? It would be hella cool! Good luck with everything you gotta do and keep on with the great work!!
@retentionsx: KASPAR!! I wanted to apologise that we didn’t have much of a chance to interact in the end, but unfortunately when you came around I also got kinda busy, but hey! You’re an amazing person kay? For the few things I got to see of you, you are such a great presence in my dash and I am so glad we met! You’re hella talented, never forget about it! Your Yato, your writing is amazing and thank you so freaking much for brightening my days when you’d be around!! Just thank you so much, I wish you all the happiness because you deserve it!! Throws tones of happy vibes at!!
@all-i-want-is-yuu: friendo!! Just imma throw on you all the good vibes too because I feel like you sometimes don’t believe in your skills when?? Hey you’re a cool person, kind and sweet and that’s already something big! Thank you for being a supportive friend and remember you write super well too!! You’ll have to wait for my reply but looking forward to seeing how it’s gonna develop our thread of Yuu accidentally stealing Mika’s boots snorts
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flashbacks and old posts
I’m consolidating blogs so here’s some fun posts from when i was a senior in high school / freshman in college.
Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
whenever i go to the library
i always find the most embarrassing books at the very beginning so then i have to walk around with them while i peruse the rest of the library.
so then i end up grabbing up bunch of random, potentially interesting books to use as an awkward shield so no one can see that i have a stack of comic books and paranormal research and whatnot.
but then i have to check them out. even though we have self-serve, which i always choose, the librarian is always sitting right there just watching so no one tries anything sinister like stealing library books. and at some point i run out of normal books to check out and then i’m just like. … oh yeah tarot cards? i forgot i grabbed that book. that’s for my… dog… because he can read and he’s really into learning about new… nevermind.
#awkward , #library, #tarot cards, #embarrassing books
Monday, July 30th, 2013
procrastination is an onion
i like to create multi-layered procrastination.
instead of just putting off my summer homework or my online byu classes by watching tv, i like to create mind numbing projects like organizing my gruesome music or kindle collections, or cleaning my room.
but then i don’t want to do those either.
so then i realize that it’s almost august and camp nanowrimo is nearly upon me.
well, i can’t possibly organize my kindle and music collection with less than 48 hours to figure out plot, characters, and most importantly, how about genre.
but then.
it’s really hard to just do that.
so i have to get some creative inspiration, right?
so that’s how i ended up on neopets.
i swear, they used to have the most amazing writing boards and guilds. but now things just trudge along on the boards because there are less users. and i am all about the speed and instant gratification because hey, facebook.
but because the boards are so slow i find myself trying to feed my neopets in the meantime.
and then i’m like, oh i never got the pack rat avatar! i better start finding a bunch of useless items to put in my safety deposit box…
and now i have to work my way all the back down to my summer homework and byu classes by completing everything else first. because my neurosis says so.
my procrastination is an onion.
so many layers and it makes me cry.
#onion  #procrastination  #neopets  #nanowrimo  #camp nanowrimo #layered procrastination  #somebody end this miserable cycle please
Tuesday, December 18th, 2012
captain college
this one time, a girl desperately wanted to go to college.
but then she realized that she would have to do college applications and also ask for letters of recommendation.
that’s a lot of work.
so instead she watched tv and lol’d at the internet.
and spent like half an hour wikipedia captain planet because when i ws younger i thought it was freaking bad ass and captain planet was hot. or something.
the power of heart!
but seriously, can i put this on my application? heh.
#college apps  #applications  #college admissions  #captain planet
Thursday, January 24th, 2013
i am not even a good artist.
cute guy was like oh can i borrow your notes?
so i went to get my notes only to find them covered in doodles.
and not cool ones.
doodles of danny phantom.
…in a slightly suggestive v-neck.
well fuck me it can’t get any worse.
so i go to give the folder to said guy.
and i drop the folder.
papers. everywhere.
i am so slick. and by slick, i mean extremely socially inept.
my only hope is that my doodles are so terrible, that he can’t even tell what i drew.
but somehow, the fact that i also wrote DANNY PHANTOM next to the picture, does not make me feel optimistic.
#danny phantom  #bad doodles  #aww jeez  #socially awkward  #awkward #i like tags almost as much as i liek turtles.
Sunday, September 15th, 2013
Jesus, Marie
My life is a bunch of rocks.
No but really, I’m freaking out. I’m going to college in like three fucking days and its going to be my last day at this amazing parrot sanctuary I volunteer at tomorrow. All I want to do is sit in a corner and play with those fucking parrots and probably get bit at because I am not the best parrot handler but I’m  learning. Beyond the point.
I just feel so unready. All my friends are out there doing that college thing already or they’re like me and have a few days left but they are so ready. They want to meet new people and go to parties and join clubs and hangout with their new roommates. They want to get out and live life like a college student.
And I just don’t.
I just can’t picture it. Me doing laundry, making my own food, sharing a communal bathroom. I can see myself doing all these things, but it’s like watching a movie montage. It’s not actually me.
I don’t know if I can do this.  But dammit I’m not giving up. A teacher told my senior class to look around our classroom and know that while we were all going  to college, at least one person would drop out before they graduated. It wasn’t harsh, it was just a fact. The point was that it’s not for everyone and sometimes people learn that too late.
I’m just terrified that person is me.
But you know what? I love school. I love learning. I love procrastinating by organizing all my notes and color coding them when I could actually be studying which would be a lot more useful. I love commiserating with my friends during all nighters or even just glancing at my Facebook and see that twenty other people in that class are on Facebook at that ungodly hour, doing the exact same thing I’m doing- which is regretting that they put off a giant project or a huge midterm.
I am so excited that I’m going to get  to grow up and prove to my parents they did a good job raising me, despite my flaws: my laziness, my morning crankiness, the fact that I worry about everything.
I think that’s the problem, that last part. I always worry. My worrying has one level: defcon five. I think about how the supervolcano in Yellowstone could erupt at any moment and kill a gazillion people and also me. A heavy fear that wraps around me and my shaking hands inevitably weaves its way through thoughts like my immeninent demise. But it’s also what I do when I think about the scores on my latest math test might be. There’s no panic gradient with me. Just on or off. And it’s rarely off.
But you know what else I’ve learned about my worrying? Even when it is absolutely warranted, like when I get  that math score back-and yep I saw that coming- I hardly flinch.  I mean, “Ouch, I am not so good at this calculus thing” goes through  my mind, but I accept it and move on ridiculously fast, considering how much worry I put into it.
So that’s what I’m doing now. Taking everything and turning into the apocalypse.
College isn’t going to be what movie montage me expected. It’s going to be me figuring out how to talk to my roommate and still sucking at talking to boys and probably using too much laundry detergent and most definitely awkwardly trying to feed myself at 3am because I’m suddenly starving.
It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be different  than anything I’ve ever done before.
But that’s okay. Because I can’t just spend my life sitting in my room wishing  I was 16 again and my biggest defcon five worry was never getting my license and ending up like my aunt who’s trapped walking and riding a bike or bus everywhere.
I can’t just stay where I am right now forever. That wouldn’t be living; it would just be existing.
What I’m saying is dammit. My life isn’t just going to be a bunch of boring rocks. It’s going  to be a fucking kaleidoscope of experiences.
I’m going to go to a college rager, even though I won’t  drink more than two sips of lightweight beer, just because if I don’t go, I’ll always wished I had. And you know what? Maybe I will get drunk and seriously regret it in the morning but at least  then I’ll know it’s not for me, rather than just being too afraid  to find out.
I’m going to join the pre veterinarian club even though I’ve heard it’s cutthroat and that scares me, I have every right to be there. And I’m definitely joining some nerdy fan clubs. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play D&D.
Who’s going to stop me? Myself?
Not a chance.
#jumbled mess  #college  #fuck yeah  #worries  #i can do this #even if i need to take a few xanax  #i got this
Sunday, September 15th, 2013
I feel a lot better now. Like I’m fucking capable of being alive or something.
#post rant #much better
Wednesday, September 25th, 2013
First Week of College
Great first week at UW.
So my life is pretty cool and all my worries about college have been unfounded. That being said, I did shrink some of my cotton shirts in the dryer doing laundry for the first time. Also, the lotion I brought for my legs is something I’m definitely allergic too. Oops. I have two little hives on my legs and both my shins are super itchy. Guess who is buying new lotion tomorrow?
I did almost kill myself in the shower today, though. I went to shave my legs for the first time, but because the shower is just a tiny little rectangle, I had to get creative with my acrobatics. Because I went to a yoga class today, I felt like maybe I could put my leg up on the wall and do a modified wall sit type of thing. So I did that and it seemed like a pretty good idea except for the fact my leg was a little lower than I meant it to be. No problem, I can just hitch my leg up a little higher and then we’re in business.
That’s where my shower took a turn for the worst.
As I was lurching my leg up, I lost a bit of my balance and my back slid down a little. Now I’m stuck. Well, shit.
So I struggle a little more and realize there’s no way I’m getting out of this gracefully. But I can hope, so I decide to slide slowly down the wall of the shower until I reach a point where I can adjust myself and stand up.
Of course, showers are fucking slippery when wet.
For a brief moment, I thought I was going to die.
Whooosh. Clunk. Fuck.
So now I’m sitting on the floor of a nasty ass public shower, butt naked of course and feeling sad about myself because that kind of hurt. I missed my head and whatnot so luckily none of my roommates found me bleeding and unconscious and also naked in the shower an hour later, but still. My dignity is bruised.
Anywho, since I’m already sitting on the floor of the gross shower and the five second rule has gone and past, I just decided to wallow in my self pity and shave my legs on the floor.
It actually worked out quite nicely except for the fact I probably have butt herpes now.
#how i almost died in the shower  #slippery bathroom  #college life #don’t shave your legs like i did #also you can’t get herpes like that but you probably can get something else horrible #can you get herpes in your butt
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