#i googled interesting ice cream flavors for this
wandafiction · 7 months
Not By Blood, By Choice - Just Us Chapter 18
Warnings: Fluff, Some Angst
Word Count: 2150
Series List | Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
So it's currently Saturday and I am pacing around my room trying to decide what to wear to Wanda's. Now she is cooking for me so I don't need to dress formally because we are not going anywhere, but I still need to put in the effort. I have 3 outfits laid out on my bed, each a little different from the other. Outfit number one is some black high-waisted jeans, white vans and a nice long-sleeved white turtleneck. Outfit number two is some black dress pants with a scarlet dress shirt with some black Oxfords. The final outfit is some blue mom jeans, with a plain blue top, checked shirt to go loosely over the top and the white vans again. 
Wait outfit number one is out, can't wear white if I spill my food that stain is not coming out. Outfit number three is casual but I'm not really feeling it. So outfit two it is. Wow that was easy, sometimes I overthink way too much. It's ridiculous. I grab a nice black overcoat, with a fur collar to match the outfit, and pick out some rings to wear on my fingers and my metal chain around my neck. It's not really casual but it's also not a suit and tie, it's like in the middle and I am happy with that. I look at my watch, which holds so many memories, to see that it was 4 o'clock. I guess this is as good enough time as any to leave seen as Wanda was aiming for food to be ready for 7.
Dorogoy: Hi Wanda, just making sure you're still okay with me coming over early. 
Dorogoy: Also I see you changed my contact name, I like it 😉 going to have to change yours from Wanda to princess now.
Wanda: I should be offended that it isn't already that. And yes come over anytime.
~Wanda~ changed to ~Princess~
Princess: That's better. What time are you heading over?
Dorogoy: I am going to head out now so will be there about 4.30, maybe just after.
Princess: Perfect. Could you maybe bring a bottle of wine to go with the meal, I haven't had a chance to grab one after we drank my last one.
Dorogoy: Of course. Any preferences?
Princess: Whatever you think will go with the food. You have a better wine taste than me.
Dorogoy: A bottle of Chianti it is.
Princess: How much did this one cost you? 🤔😉
Dorogoy: no more than $180
Princess: Is that a lie so I don't freak out?
Dorogoy: No it's not Google it if you want.
Princess: No I trust you…Just...Anyway when are you leaving, I've missed you these couple of days.
Dorogoy: We have messaged each other everyday.
Princess: yes but I missed you, I like cuddling you, you're warm.
Dorogoy: And you are my cuddly Koala.
Princess: I am okay with that.
Dorogoy: Okay, well I'm in the car now so I will be at yours soon. Do you want anything from the shops as I am passing on my way?
Princess: Ice cream!! PLEASE!
Dorogoy: what flavor would you like?
Princess: Pumpkin please.
Dorogoy: interesting choice. See you soon princess.
Princess: What's interesting about my choice?
Dorogoy: Nothing, nothing at all just an observation.
Princess: hmmm…
Princess: See you soon, Dorogoy.
Dorogoy: xx
I hop into the Mustang, Wanda likes the car so might as well keep using it especially if I get to see her smile everytime she sees it. I make my way to the local ice cream parlor that sells ice cream by the gallons. I pull up at the front of the shop, the colorful sign Barton Family Ice cream welcoming me into the shop.
"Y/n!" The small child dashes towards me jumping into my arms as I spin him around, tickling his tummy until he is squirming to get away.
"Nathaniel! How are you trouble?" I place him back onto the ground and he wraps his arms and legs around my right leg and sits his butt on my shoe. 
"Did I hear you say Y/n?" I see Lila poke her head around the kitchen doorway and dashes over to me, hugging around my side before copying Nathaniel's position. I now have two little monsters wrapped around my legs.
"Hello Lila, How are you doing, angel?" She beems up at me at the nickname.
"I'm good, thank you. How are you?" She rests her chin on my knee as she looks up at me, so I ruffle some of her hair and she scowls at me.
"I'm good, thank you. Just here to grab some ice cream for me and a friend. Where is your other broth…?" Before I can finish my sentence I feel another little body wrap their arms around me but this time jumping on my back, luckily I stop myself from falling forward catching myself on the table next to me. "Woah, careful there Cooper I would have squished your siblings if I had fallen."
"Is that a bad thing?" He asks as he rests his chin on my shoulder.
"Yes it would." I look back to him sending him a wink and he muffles his laugh on my shoulder.
"Come on children, be careful. What have I said about these surprise attacks." Laura enters the room, hands on her hips trying to be stern but she can't help the small smile that grows on her face when she sees her children clinging to me.
"It's okay mom. How are you?" Now Laura makes her way over to me and hugs me from the front resting her head on my unoccupied shoulder.
"I'm well. You?" I use my left arm to rub up and down her back gently.
"I'm doing good, better even."
I turn my head to look at the office as I hear the door close, and smile when I see the men who took me in when I was helpless enter the room. His eyes light up when he sees me and I see him almost melt at the sight of his family in a group cuddle. I use my free hand to wave him over to join in the group cuddling session. Clint wraps his arms around his wife lifting his chin to rest on the top of Laura's head. I like this, this is nice. 
"How are you honey?" Clint's voice is gentle, keeping the atmosphere calm in the cuddle.
"I'm good, thank you Dad. What about you? Keeping busy?" 
"Always. No rest for the wicked." We all let out a small laugh as we know he gets at least two days off during the week, but will still do paperwork.
Also I know what you're thinking. Laura my mom, Clint my dad! How because you're sisters with Carol? Yes I am. Clint and Laura are my mom and dad, not by blood but by choice. When Carol left at 16 to join the Air Force shit went downhill for me, but long story short I ran away from home at 12. Laura found me, and offered a place to stay because I was definitely not going back home. When I turned 18 they officially adopted me after I was estranged from my parent. 
Anyway….that's a story for another chapter…
"Alright, come on I have places to be I'm afraid. Just came here to get me and my friend some ice cream." Laura and Clint let go of me but the children remained wrapped around me so I shuffle across the shop floor making sure not to hurt the two children attached to my leg as I walk. Thank god for the gym.
"A friend, or a friend." Laura asks with a knowing smirk.
"A friend, I hope." I feel Nathaniel pull on my pant trouser, so look down giving him my full attention  
"What's the difference between friend and friend, because friend means friend." I look up to Laura to see if she is going to help me with this one but she just shrugs, great. I look back down to Nathaniel, I can see Lila with a small smirk and I can feel Cooper giggle into my shoulder.
"Well Nate a friend is like someone you hang out with, like Morgan from school. A friend is someone who is a bit more special and you want to do more than hang out." He hums out as he thinks about my answer, which probably wasn't very good.
"So you like a friend, but want to love a friend. Like mommy and daddy, or you and Steph, or you and Sarah!" I swallow the lump in my throat as Nathaniel smiles up at me.
"You remember Sarah." I look up at Clint and Laura who loom sympathetically at me.
"Yes. She was so pretty. Like a pretty princess." 
"She was, wasn't she?" I look up at the ceiling trying to stop the tears from falling.
"Right children that's enough, you have homework to do, so, upstairs. Say goodbye to y/n." Laura claps her hands to hurry the children along as they all give me hugs and small goodbyes and watch as they disappear upstairs. "I'm sorry about Nat, he doesn't quite understand."
"It's okay. Just surprised me he remembered he would have been like 2 when he first met her." She nods with a small smile. "Anyway. Could I get a tub of pumpkin ice cream, a plain chocolate one and also caramel." 
Laura turns to get the ice cream from the freezer, I turn to Clint who has an unreadable expression until it turns into a sad smile and he makes his way over to me bringing me into a tight hug. I finally let the tears fall, and a small sob escapes my mouth. He rubs his hands up and down my back, as I bury my face into his neck as he gently tries to calm me down.
"I miss her dad. So fucking much. I mean I can go for so long and be happy, but then some days I can't even leave the bed. It's been two years." 
"I know kiddo, I know. Nothing I can say will help but I am here whenever you need, and if you ever have a day where you can't move please phone me so I can at least feed you. Promise me you will call." He cups my face with his hands bringing it down as he stands on his tiptoes leaving a peck on my forehead.
"I promise dad." I wipe the tears from my gave, recovered from my little moment as Laura walks in with the three tubs of ice cream. She walks over to me also giving me a small peck, but on the cheek as she is even smaller than Clint. 
"Now does this new friend of yours know anything?" Laura questions.
"No, we have known each other for a week. I'm not ready."
"And that's okay. Just make sure you do tell her, she will figure something is out next month when you disappear to visit her." Clint speaks softly as he gives me fatherly advice.
"I will dad. Thank you." A take in a deep breath, taking the ice cream from Laura. "Right, I'm off. I will see you next week for dinner. Love you mom, love you too dad."
"We love you sweety. Be safe." Laura blows me a kiss as I leave the ice cream parlor. Time to get to Wanda's. 
I climb into my car once again releasing a sob, louder than the last, just glad I had slightly tinted windows so no one outside the car could really see me. I hit the steering wheel a couple of times, hard, until I heard and felt a pop. I placed my free hand over my mouth muffling the small pained shout I let out, as I most definitely just dislocated my thumb. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Resting my forehead against the top of the steering wheel preparing for what I had to do next, I am not going to Wanda's with a dislocated thumb and I am most definitely not going to hospital. 
I sit back in my seat taking a few deep breaths as I grab the tip of my thumb in my other hand. I put my fingers of my damaged hand between my legs, squeezing them shut so it wouldn't move about so much when I popped it back in place.
"1...2...3…" I gritted my teeth as I heard and felt another pop, now able to move my thumb. It was sore, but it was no longer dislocated. A few tears escaped my eyes which I wiped away quickly looking in the mirror to check my make-up.
Thank God for waterproof make-up.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 3 months
Sorry if I'm being too annoying by bombarding you with questions here and there about your take of the Mew species, I just find it so interesting and good that I wanna know everything! I mean, you even have important/historical mews! Like history! As well as their behavior and way of seeing the world, its all so exciting for me >:3 (I might have to make a google doc for all this because my god am I the most forgetful person on the planet)
Anyway, Ima stop annoying you for today and ask 1 more question till I go eepy sneepy
Whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
XD Ur good! Ur good! A lot of Mew's History/Lore actually hasnt been said, some of what you got is just the baseline ^^
Hmm, i am a huge fan of Rainbow Sherbert when im craving pure sweet. If i just want casual i tend to go for Pistachio | French Vanilla | Butter Pecan.
And if i want something a lil more, idk refreshing? Mint Choco or Palletas de aqua.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
Tumblr media
The ritual is complete. Now cast judgement upon me.
Also read below for some explanations-turned-culinary-discussion idk
- So in general I tend to flip-flop between being open to trying new dishes and flavors and having the palate of a 7-year-old. There are definitely some foods out there that I know I don’t like and won’t eat but depending on my mood I’m interested in trying new things, hence the entire ‘if I’m feeling adventurous’ tier. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, kinda just depends.
- As can probably be inferred from the top tier, my two favorite dessert flavors are chocolate and coffee. Espresso is in the ‘pretty aight’ tier because the lack of cream and sweetness could probably throw me off a bit and Dark Cacao is lower for the same reason. Mint Choco is in the ‘feeling adventurous’ tier because I usually don’t like mint but have had desserts that incorporate a nice minty kick to them without being overwhelming. Also I’m one of the few people on planet Earth that actually likes mint chip ice cream.
- I’m neutral to positive on most fruits, aside from a lot of tropical fruits, which I happen to really love (pineapple and mango are my two favorite fruits and yes, I am fully aware I’m a freak). That being said, I’m kinda iffy on whether or not I’d like them baked into a cookie. I like things like blueberry muffins but on a textural level that’s hardly the same, so I don’t really know. Hence why most of the fruit-based Cookies are in either the ‘pretty aight’ or ‘feeling adventurous’ tier. Strawberry Crepe’s in the top tier simply because of the inclusion of cream and waffles because they’re, y’know...a crepe-based cookie.
- Flavor explanations for the first tier: For those who don’t know, it’s been stated that Wizard has ice cream in his dough and his hair and scarf are probably ice cream. I like ice cream. I like cookies. That’s about it. The rest of the Cookies (and donut) are pretty self-explanatory, they’re just flavors or desserts I really like.
- Flavor explanations for the second tier: I’m *fairly* certain that Muscle’s mask and armor are supposed to be chocolate syrup, so I put him in the tier with the notion of him being a chocolatey cookie. Devil is based on soda, and I like soda - that’s about all there is there. As for Kumiho and Cream Unicorn, the former is explicitly stated to be marshmallow based and as for the latter I’m pretty sure they’re based on those weird marshmallow unicorn horn things? I forgot the official name, but hey, marshmallows are cool. Once again, the rest is pretty self-explanatory. Also I know Vampire and Sparkling are coded as being based on alcoholic beverages but it’s never been admitted to because the devs are cowards so they’re just being treated as being based on juice and hey I like juice so why not up there
- Flavor explanations for the third tier: I’m sorry but is there genuinely a fortune cookie out there that doesn’t taste like a slightly sweetened piece of cardboard? Have I just gotten all the worst ones throughout my lifetime?
- Flavor explanations for the fourth tier: Knight seems to be based on white chocolate (I don’t really like white chocolate but eh I’ll eat it), Alchemist is widely known to be based on grapes and considering Princess is of Hollyberrian descent I’m certainly operating with the belief she has a berry-based dough. She’s lower than the rest of the berry-based just because I don’t know what type of berry she’s based on, considering her name doesn’t exactly reveal a whole lot. Also, literally all of the flower-based Cookies are in this tier, and while making this I searched up ‘is <x flower> edible’ on Google for each one of them. Turns out, they are, at least in small doses. Google’s now probably convinced I’m planning on undertaking a flower-devouring rampage soon, but oh well. 
- Flavor explanations for the fifth tier: I know I probably look weird putting Gingerbrave so low on the list but the truth is that I...just don’t like plain gingerbread cookies lmao. Also I don’t like gumballs, hence why both Gumball and Candy Diver are on this tier. I dunno much about beets, don’t really care to find out. Don’t like licorice, that’s why both Licorice and Twizzly Gummy are here. Royal Margarine has to have a shitton of that stuff in his dough for it to be his namesake, and while I do like buttery desserts I definitely don’t like it being the dominant flavor. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory - either savory foods or condiments that don’t really belong in your everyday gingerbread cookie or something just outright inedible.
- Flavor explanations for the sixth tier: Out of all the Cookies in CRK these guys are the only ones who I legitimately don’t know what they would taste like. Angel might be based on angel food cake? Maybe? Which if that were the case I’d probably move them up to the second tier, but I can’t remember it ever being stated or even inferred so they’re just going down here. Milky Way’s probably based on something really obvious and I’m just stupid for thinking she has a mystery flavor but I’m putting her down here because I can’t think of anything she’d be based off of (except star jellies? an in-universe consumable? maybe?).
- Flavor explanations for the seventh tier: It’s...what it says. They’re poisonous. Berries from holly won’t kill you as far as I know, unless you take a pretty big quantity of them - pretty sure they just cause nausea in small doses - but in the other case, I mean...Poison Mushroom. Their name is Poison Mushroom. Also I probably should’ve just made an ‘inedible’ tier list and put some of the guys from the sixth tier like Cotton in there but idk man I don’t want to research if cotton balls can actually kill you if you eat them 
- Flavor explanations for the eighth tier: it’s what it says on the tin
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ladyofcrowsandcoffee · 4 months
Get to know you - tag game!
I got tagged by @marlowethebard
Last song you listened to:  The grave by Lowborn
Favorite color:  Purple and Aquamarine
Currently watching: Columbo it's like my 8th rewatch but makes great crafting background noise
Favorite flavor: in ice cream black cherry but in things like candy salted caramel
Current obsession: BG3. Idk what larian put in the TOS to make the brain rot happen this bad but I'm not complaining
Last thing I googled: D&D infernal translator. There's a couple reasons on that
Favorite season: fall especially when it starts getting spooky. Yes I use Halloween decor as home decor so it's spooky season 24/7 it's just hits differently in actual fall
Skill I’d like to learn: something like corset making or learning how to use a new weapon type like spears /axes on horseback
Best Advice: " Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes"- Neil Gaiman or "If you trust in yourself, believe in your dreams and follow your star.... you'll still be beaten by the people who spend their time working hard and learning things and weren't as lazy" - Terry Pratchett the wee free men
Play if y'all want this is a post not a summons for jury duty
@autistichalsin @faerunsbest @auroraesmeraldarose @spacebarbarianweird @courtlyvampyrism
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writingafterdusk · 2 years
anastasia nikolaevna romanova x f!reader fluff blurb
prompt: running fingers through hair + hiding face in neck
note: возлюбленный means beloved/sweetheart/love/dear/true love/admired in russian according to google translate
chaldea in summer is nearly unbearable - you’d think it would be more tolerable, given that it used to be based in antarctica but the heat says otherwise. the fact that you’ve got a russian tsaritza currently cuddled up with you probably doesn’t help, but she’s too cute to refuse.
“goddamn… hot…” she mumbles into your neck, where she’s hidden her face. you’re not certain how doing that helps her beat the heat but really, how could you say something? “i’m going to melt…”
you chuckle as you run your fingers through her long locks. “you’ll get used to it,” you assure her, which causes her to let out a huff right against your neck which sends shivers down your spine.
“i will never. such heat is… unbecoming for a tsaritza.”
“even if it gives us an excuse to get ice cream…?”
that seems to pique her interest. “what flavor would we get? i would prefer to try them all…”
“then that’s what we’ll do, with all the toppings you could ask for,” you say. ana finally pries her face from your neck to look up at you.
“you’d do that for me, возлюбленный?”
“anything for you, my tsaritza,” you reply. suddenly, your lips meet hers as she darts up to give you a soft kiss. she pulls away with a smile tugging at her lips and giggles softly.
“ice cream may be sweet, but you are sweeter…”
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kwockwoc · 7 months
What do you think Nicholas’ favorite flavor of ice cream is? What would his ice cream order be (if he could afford the extra toppings)? 🍨🍨🍨💗
Hey anon, I started writing a minific for this but it got out of hand, so instead you get a prose reply without the fic aspect, sorry 😔
Ice cream thoughts below the cut
Couple of different aspects here.
I think teen Nicholas has his ice cream order down pat – he’s got a fave ice cream store, and he knows which server gives the biggest scoops, and will literally ASK to be served by that guy/girl when they’re there, and WATCHES very closely as the ice cream is assembled. We know he likes extra pickle no sauce on his burger, so I’m thinking he’d be a left-field sort of ice cream guy. I have no idea how American ice cream works so let’s say he can get 3 scoops of different flavours – Nicholas is opting for the sour cherry, the licorice, and the peanut butter. No idea re toppings (gotta admit I had to google ‘what do Americans put on ice cream’ and found this article and now I’m slightly obsessed with the idea, but I lack brainpower to crunch Nicholas’s topping preferences rn).
Adult Nicholas is the kind of guy who always orders the special on the menu when he goes out to eat, so I think he’d also be looking for unusual and interesting ice cream flavours as he gets older. He goes to a farmers market and sees the unique one-of-a-kind ‘heritage apple and honey’ ice cream and buys a punnet. He stops by a provedore and sees the special ‘toasted cardamom and citrus’ ice cream and thinks ‘hey, yeah, okay’. Balsamic strawberry? Sure! Seasonal pumpkin ‘n’ brown sugar? Sounds neat. Devilled egg custard with smoked black tea? Uh… (yeah, I saw this online & apparently it’s real)… hey, why not, Nicholas says, you only live once!
Whereas, Seiji…
Nicholas Cox (husband): hey hon what do u want from carrolls
Seiji frowns at the screen.
Seiji: Why are you at Carroll’s again? We had ice cream yesterday.
Nicholas: I know but I thought u might want some
Nicholas. Call.
“Uh. Hey,” Nicholas’s voice says, and he sounds a little guilty. There are other voices in the background. He’s already in the store.
“Nicholas, we had ice cream yesterday. And the day before,” Seiji adds, before Nicholas can protest, “and last weekend.”
“It’s summer,” Nicholas says plaintively. “That’s when we eat ice cream, right?”
“Sweetheart –”
“D’you want your usual?”
Seiji sighs into the mic. “All right, yes, okay. My usual.” Triple fudge sundae, whipped cream and choc sprinkles, he doesn’t need to say. Nicholas has it memorised.
“Yay!” Nicholas says. He actually said yay. Seiji rolls his eyes. Spending so much time around the kids is impacting Nicholas’s vocabulary.
“What are you ordering for yourself?” Seiji asks. Nicholas’s order is always interesting.
“Pickled mango!”
Seiji’s pretty sure he heard that wrong.
“Pickled mango. Special, this week only,” Nicholas says, his excitement undimmed.
“Okay,” Seiji says, cautiously. “That sounds… nice.”
Okay, you got a minific out of me anyway 😅😉🍨
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 10 months
Ghost Mutuals Tag Game 🦇 Send this to the last ten Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with ten facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other!
Oh my!! Atlas you have NO IDEA how warm n fuzzy this makes me, especially to be perceived in such a cool fandom. Like I'm starstruck honestly lol
1. We're coming up on the anniversary of me graduating college (Dec 9, 2022), I got a bachelor's of science in two majors. Criminology/Criminal Justice and Psychology, aka the reason why I'm so long winded.
2. I bedazzled a denim jacket for my Ghost show based on the lyrics to both Griftwood and Respite on the Spitalfields!!
3. Despite only being a true fan of Ghost for about a year and a half, I knew of them for years. They've been a bucketlist show for me since discovering them in 2017, and my second concert ever was my bucketlist show! My ex was super into Ghost and he saw one of the acoustic sets with Terzo and I have his shirt from said show lol
4. I'm allergic to cats but I used to babysit my former manager's cat on holidays. Star was such a sweetie and I would die a thousand deaths for her.
5. My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, to the point I have a tier ranking of every single mint chip on the market.
6. I'm a huge fan of Fall Out Boy as well, to the point when one of the Magic 8 Ball clues was leaked (Gator Bites), I guessed it totally correct. All based on my favorite line from Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today.
7. I'm super into coffee and I have so many different brewing methods, so many specialty coffees. It started in 2020 and it's spiraled since then lol
8. The only semi-famous person I know is Pete Adams from Baroness, only because his brother taught me world history in middle school lol
9. I got to googling when I first got super into boygenius and Lucy's Tarot birth card is The Emperor.... mine is The Empress. Idk I find it so interesting because were 5 years and 3 days apart.
10. My favorite Ghost album is Opus Eponymous, so it makes sense for Ritual to be my number 1 song on Spotify Wrapped this year
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daileydawnity · 2 years
Baking Log Prologue
Okay, so I haven’t posted anything specific in a really, really long time. So I was thinking: “You know what? Why don’t I share this project I’ve been working on.” And here we are, but before I get into my very first baking log, I wanted to give some information beforehand. I’m calling this the prologue to catch everyone up to speed in what I’m doing. I’ve been working on this project for like 2 weeks with practice bakes and recipe searches and doing alterations. So I just want to get all the prep info out of the way. The next time I share a project or make a Baking Log I won’t need to do this.
So, 2 major things about why I’m making this cake and how I got the idea. The first thing is that I’ve been baking for a while now and although I’m definitely not a master at it, I’ve enjoyed it and done it enough to feel confident in expanding the kind of baking projects I do. I’ve never made an ice cream cake before and it seemed like the perfect challenge, but I wasn’t sure what kind of ice cream cake I wanted to do.
Second thing is that my birthday was coming up soon and I really wanted to do something for myself. I know it sounds silly, but I wanted to do like a grand gesture but for myself. Not like-self care, but allowing myself to put my heart into something and get lost without so much pressure. I understand that I didn’t have to do this for my birthday and really, you can do these things for yourself at any time. Anyways, with that in mind I wanted to focus on making a cake that catered to my specific tastes. Who knows themselves best but yourself?
With these 2 things in mind, I thought about all the stuff I like and how interesting it would be as a cake. I didn’t want a strawberry cake or a plain chocolate cake or a cinnamon cake. I wanted to play around with flavors and components. I ended up kinda stumbling upon the idea of doing a banana split inspired cake. It embodied everything I wanted to accomplish with this project. (No photos in this log... unfortunately, but the next one will!)
Forming the Idea
Once I got the idea going I had to figure out how I wanted to accomplish this. I also feel like I should mention that when it comes to ice cream cake I’m pretty flexible in what that means. To elaborate, there are ice cream cake enjoyers who believe that ice cream cake is solely ice cream shaped as a cake. There is also another group of ice cream cake enjoyers who believe that it needs cake in order for it to be an ice cream cake. I’m pretty impartial to the controversy and I’ll enjoy either one. With that being said, I definitely was floating the idea of putting cake in my ice cream cake and ultimately decided to do so.
Starting out I wasn’t sure how I wanted to present all the flavors. I definitely wanted like a “classic” banana split cake. I wanted chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavors with a banana component. I did some research around just cakes with the idea first.Maybe I’m alone in this discovery, but when I looked up “Banana Split Cake” in Google Search I got white sheet cakes with whipped topping and crushed pineapples and bananas. I mean, it sounds interesting, but definitely not what I was thinking of. I also looked at different ice cream ideas. I debated if I wanted to make my own Neapolitan ice cream. That way I can layer each ice cream layer on top of each other but I started to make it way too complicated. I also wanted to work with the idea of making some banana flavored cake and putting the ice cream on top. I have an ice cream maker (but old school with the ice and salt) so I could have made my own ice cream, but I really was trying to learn to not overwhelm myself. Really learn to work around my strengths instead of trying to do every single little thing myself.
After about a few days of being stuck on how I wanted to just layer the cake I got big brain thoughts, okay? I asked myself,”Why does the ice cream in a banana split have to stay as ice cream in my cake?” So I was like how about I make 3 different flavored cakes, then put banana flavored ice cream in between all of them. It sounded simple. Especially working with the ice cream since it would be 1 flavor. After looking up how easy it would be to make banana ice cream (just blending frozen bananas) I pretty much decided this is what I wanted to do.
The cake would be layered as such (from top to bottom):
Maraschino Cherries and Crushed Peanuts Chocolate and Caramel Drizzle/Drip Whipped Topping Icing Chocolate Cake Banana Ice Cream Vanilla Cake Banana Ice Cream Strawberry Cake
The Setup
Now it was time to figure out how I wanted to actually make the cakes. I needed a universal cake recipe because I know I have some attention issues. Bouncing from like 4 different recipes would be challenging. I usually use a really nice sponge cake recipe when I make cakes, but it really can’t replace that general cake texture that most people like about cakes. I needed something new. Thankfully the same person who made the first cake recipe I liked had another cake recipe that seemed to be what I was looking for (Thanks a bunch Veena Azmanov!)
That universal cake recipe covered what I needed to make a vanilla and strawberry cake, but nothing to go off of for a chocolate cake. I know. I know!! When it comes to chocolate cake, It’s made a very particular way because when someone wants a chocolate cake, they want it rich and fluffy and usually it’s not made like the other flavors. I couldn’t for the life of me find any recipes or articles going over how to convert a white cake recipe as my base into a chocolate cake.
I wanted my chocolate cake layer to be consistent with the rest of the cake so I was very insistent on trying to convert the universal recipe into one for chocolate cake. What I ended up doing was a little fun conversion myself. Studying the sponge cake recipe, the universal recipe and chatting up ChatGPT over some technical stuff I ended up with this:
273g Cake Flour 37g Cocoa Powder 1/2tsp Baking Soda 1/2tsp Baking Powder 4tbsp Powdered Buttermilk 1/2tsp Salt 300g Baker’s Sugar 280g Butter (unsalted) 5 Eggs 1tsp Vanilla Extract 1c Water 1tsp Espresso Powder
I used powdered buttermilk here because that’s all I have right now and wanted to get as much use out of it. I didn’t adjust the eggs or the butter content of the cake. I asked Chat GPT if the ingredients would even work and it gave me some promising answers. I know using ChatGPT is a little iffy because it only knows if something could work technically and it also makes sure I remember that baking is a science and anything could make my bake go wrong. Even so, I did enjoy using it to troubleshoot and bounce some questions I had against it’s database. With this ingredients list, I made it the exact same way I would if following the recipe for the universal cake. I did a little test bake too and it actually came out quite good! Something I was wondering about is that the cake looked a little oily, but there wasn’t any extra oil to the touch. When I was asking ChatGPT about it, it mentioned that certain cakes like butter cakes can appear glossy. I noted that this might be what’s happening, but if someone who is more seasoned sees this and knows exactly what’s going on and the bot is wrong please help a girl out. I was thinking maybe I added in too many eggs, but maybe too much butter could be the issue too. The banana ice cream was easy. I looked up a few things about how to make it and it’s very, very easy. Like... extremely easy. I don’t have to say much about it. I didn’t really have to look up anything in order to prep for this. I think the only issue I ran into was trying to look for a springform pan in the size that I needed it in. Lastly, I planned to make each layer ~1in in height so I’m not making no higher than a 5 or 6 in cake. There are a lot of layers so I didn’t want it to be a tower of a cake. I’ve seen the big chunky cakes on Facebook, Insta and Reddit. It’s just too much for me. I didn’t want too big or too small of  cake so I opted for an 8in round pan.
Moving Forward
Now we’re all caught up! Like I said before, writing up a prologue to a baking log isn't something I’m going to be doing for every baking log. I just wanted to catch people who were interested up with what I was doing before I wrote my first one. And don’t worry! I’ll be taking pictures of my process and sharing them here. It’ll be a little embarrassing because I’m still a pretty new baby baker and my kitchen is so small and my counters are completely full. You’re going to see me use cheap containers to hold stuff in. You may see my cakes and if you’re a professional you’re gonna be like “That don’t look right, girl!” but I’m sharing it all. My goal in the end is to just be able to look back and see some progress with these logs. Keep track of the things I do when I bake and just try and keep myself accountable. If you made it this far though, I appreciate you already!
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meitanteisachi · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
Aww, thank you for tagging me, @marshmallowgoop ​! Appreciate it! 😁
Something about fangirl/non-fangirl Sachi below the cut!
Relationship status: It’s complicated -- recently broken up with my boyfriend of four years, but we’re still in contact trying to fix things. (Started out tmi and depressing HAHAH I’m sorry)
Favorite colors: Any shade of red, except bright neon ones. I love pastel colors too, preferably peach and teal!
Favorite foods: Same with Marsh-- potatoes in whatever form = 👌🏼. Additionally, Japanese curry (specifically potato croquette curry from Coco Ichibanya), truffle pasta and truffle soup (recently got into a truffle craze, sorry not sorry), pistachio flavored ice cream!
Song stuck in your head: For Youth by BTS. Why was I not in Busan the other day, damnit!
Last thing you Googled: "Chainsaw Man anime”! Wanted to find a decent ad-less site where I can watch the pilot episode, since it isn’t in netflix nor viu. 
Time: 18:46, Monday. In the car, on my way home from work.
Dream trip: Is and will forever be London. Oh, and Japan - Hokkaido! - with friends and/or loved ones.
Last thing you read: Haikyuu Vol. 21, screaming crying throwing up at Shiratorizawa vs. Karasuno Finals Set 5. Oh god I’m gonna scream again. Tsukki!!!
Last book you enjoyed reading: Same above. Haikyuu manga is life.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Mozzarella sticks! I also like to bake NY cheesecake with my sister- we do every Christmas, and ‘m telling you our version is better than Starbucks 😝. 
Favorite craft to do in your free time: What craft do I do.... I dunno anymore lol. Can’t even call myself a writer at this point. Corporate capitalism has killed my dreams and hobby
Most niche dislike: Canned tuna and sardines. I used to like them before... until I stopped as they'd remind me of a late kitten I took in and fed with only tuna and sardines as advised by the vet, who misdiagnosed it with rickets. :( Anyway it was depressing and long story short, I developed a strong sense of repulsion everytime anyone serves canned tuna or sardines.
Opinion on circuses: Mmm not interested. But if anything, I don’t want animals in circuses. :(
Do you have a sense of direction: I believe so, yeah. I drive around and directions stick to me after three or four times visiting a particular place. I refer to google maps most times, though.
Tagging @imsotiredcanipleasegetabreak @tetsutits @purplellamanator @defectiveconantoy @fanarain @kannra21 @sadisticwoof-dcmk @amjustagirl @artbykevans @quite-a-character , but absolutely no pressure to do this! 😊
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cameliawrites · 2 years
🛠 💖 and 🍦 for the ask game!
Sorry in advance for the long-ass answers here; I got overexcited! 😳🥹❤️
🛠 What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Alas, I am but a simple woman—Google Docs for fics, always.
It’s actually a bit funny, because in my professional life, I hate Google Docs with a fury—Microsoft Word is a thousand times more conducive to the kind of persnickety formatting things I have to do to my legal writing.
But for fic writing, Google Docs lets me invite my friends to come leave comments on my WIPs (🥰), AND I have a very handy extension to convert all my formatting to HTML so I can easily copy and paste it into ao3!
I guess the only other “tool” I use for writing is my Notes app, because I often get ideas for fics or snippets of dialogue late in the night, out on walks, etc.
Just for a laugh, I’ll share this note from when I was drafting my oneshot “someone to watch over me” (& I always associate Winston with this fic for leaving SUCH a kind comment on it that melted my heart):
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So I usually end up writing snippets of dialogue (without any punctuation 😅) and descriptions of scenes, and both of those things shown here ended up making it into the final cut of the fic!
Although I genuinely have no clue what this line—“Well I’m not; Inej mutters, and ignored the knowing grins as she stalked out of the room”—is referring to, because it didn’t make it into the published fic. And the tenses are all fucked up!
Sigh. 2:30 AM Lia is something else.
💖 What made you start writing?
Mmm, the boring answer is that I’ve been writing creatively since I was a child—typical sob story about not having very many friends in elementary school and becoming a voracious reader instead, etc. etc. (Don’t feel bad for me; I have been richly blessed in this life.)
The more interesting answer regards why I decided to start fic writing, which only happened this year.
I hadn’t written any sort of creative fiction since…early high school? Maybe? (Around age 14 or 15 or so) before this year, actually! I read the SOC duology about 5 or 6 years ago and loved the books (and I actually remember reading pretty much all the kanej fic that was available on ao3 at the time, lol). This past winter, I decided to do a reread and my kanej hyperfixation reawakened at the same time that law school just broke something in me—I was like, “legal writing is fucking HARD and the feedback is brutal. No silly fanfiction that I publish online is going to be as difficult or miserable as this.” …and it kind of killed off any fear or hesitation or self-doubt I had about diving in. 😂
Literally wrote the first fanfiction of my entire life at age 22 (and I already find it cringy, but I guess that means I’m improving? Lol), and now I’m nearly 70,000 words in and having the time of my LIFE doing it.
When I started, I was of course worried that nothing I wrote would be worth reading—but all of you lovely people have assuaged that doubt time and time again, and I can’t even begin to articulate the difference that’s made in my happiness this year. So thank you. 💗
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I’m a sucker for fluff, so this question really is like asking me to pick the sweetest ice cream flavor.
I would say this little kanej kidfic, though. Everything I write is some level of self-indulgent, but this one is so absurdly saccharine that I can hardly believe I deigned to publish it. 😂 I try not to throw Kaz & Inej’s characterization out the window in favor of romantic tropes, but sometimes I toe the line, lol. I’m often mad at myself about it!
Sorry I’m such a marshmallow. 😅🤍
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
15 16 25 39 44
15: Favorite movie
but i’m a cheerleader. the most movie of all time, it is perfect cinema
16: I’ll love you if
you love animals and/or have super cool interests and/or are some flavor of queer
25: My idea of a perfect date
ice skating, especially if the other person doesn’t know how to skate. i figure skated for 10 years so it would be so fun to hold their hand and help them and show off. then go to a little cafe for warm drinks and pastries
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
idk about favorite ice cream flavor BUT i do love the ben and jerry’s cannoli ice cream. it’s delicious and also is special to me bc it was the ice cream that made me like ice cream again post eating disorder refeeding stage (having to eat a massive bowl of ice cream every single day for months will turn you off it for a bit but then i tried this one and yeah now i like ice cream again). there’s a half eaten pint of this flavor in my fridge rn actually lol
44: A random fact about anything
uh oh god i have forgotten every bit of information i know. ok here we go: julie d’aubigny was this really cool bisexual opera singer/sword fighter from the 17th century and is a very entertaining historical figure i’d recommend giving her a google
wanna be nosy? here’s your chance
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m1shapanda · 2 years
butterfly crystal bubblegum and starry ^^
butterfly: favorite ice cream flavor?
crystal: what is your birthstone?
"The June birthstones are pearl, alexandrite and moonstone." according to google!! my personal fave is the moonstone it's so pretty to me omg
bubblegum: favorite cities?
i've never been a city enthusiast honestly TT i much prefer rural and suburban areas so no fave cities!!
starry: have you ever seen a psychic?
NEVER TT it sounds like it would be such an interesting experience thoughhhh
ask game
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justrainandcoffee · 8 months
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
For Rose!
Hi, darling!! Thanks for sending this! → Ask game
I had to do a little research for the first one because I never thought about it, except the fact I knew she's extrovert (unlike me 🫣.) But I did enjoy reading about it!
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
The one that fits for her is ENFJ. According to Google:
People with the ENFJ personality type, feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, ENFJs strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. These personalities rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy.
ENFJs are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers. Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring people with the ENFJ personality type a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.
When ENFJs care about someone, they want to help solve that person’s problems – sometimes at any cost.
And it fits because she's a suffragette advocating for women's rights and has a school for girls and a institution that helps women and their children who are escaping from an abusive relationship (or house). Later she became politician. So, she was almost her whole life trying to help others. And at any cost, like says there, because she ended in prison twice because of it 💁‍♀️.
🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
This one is a shorter answer 😅.
Maybe vanilla and strawberry. It helps a lot that back then I don't think there was so many options like we have today. If chocolate existed, then, chocolate too.
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
Ohhh! This one is interesting! Maybe sirens or tritons. I couldn't be surprised if more than once she found herself sitting in front of the sea thinking about these creatures.
Probably centaurs, too.
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pipket · 10 months
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Oh my. I've just spotted this and it is quite fascinating. Google is quite interesting indeed. Damien doesn't like me but that doesn't stop me from liking him back. I give him a cheek kiss every time he gets upset. He may look like a bitter person but he's as sweet as a loli flavored ice cream and a summer day. ~ xoxo Pip 🫶
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There exist some suggestions that might assist you in selecting an excellent Indian restaurant
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The client asks that their text be redone in a simple, succinct manner without include any extra information. Indian cuisine has become increasingly well-known all over the world because to its distinctive and aromatic spices. Vegetarians find Indian cuisine appealing due to its diverse range of fruits, nuts, and dairy products. Modern Indian cuisine uses a vast range of spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits in a skillful way to produce tasty and nutritious dishes. Find restaurants nearby! Delicious tikkas, tandoories, curries, and rotis might entice you when you search for "Indian food" on Google Images. To locate Indian restaurants nearby, use local or restaurant search engines. Examine the restaurant's ratings, reviews, menu, promotions, delivery options, and operating hours to choose which place is best for you. You can even make reservations online. Indian dining establishments provide a variety of pricing options for patrons to choose from. Indian buffets are renowned for their tasty, affordable, and savory fare. There are plenty of restaurants for you to choose from. The perfect dining experience consists of a welcoming ambiance, mouthwatering cuisine, and top-notch service. I completely agree with this statement! When you choose the Indian restaurant in Tikipunga, you will have a ton of amazing options! An optimistic and concise method of gathering data A really authentic dining experience in an Indian restaurant requires advance planning and careful consideration of your preferred food flavor. A wide range of ingredients are used in Indian cuisine, such as rice, fish, vegetables, spices, and marinated meat. It's a tasty and diverse culinary adventure. Cocktails. Indian aperitifs usually consist of deep-fried vegetable patties, creamy soups, and energizing fresh vegetable salads. Yogurt or chutney are good ways to reduce the heat of a dish. Delicious Indian pastries called samosas are packed with aromatic spices, succulent meat, and succulent vegetables. It is then expertly deep-fried to get the perfect golden crispness. The delicious deep-fried treats pakora and samosa are well-known for their tantalizing flavors. Whereas pakora lacks a dough coating, samosas do. Baked samosas are becoming more and more popular among foodies. A simple frying method is all that is required to produce pakoras. Interesting Topics Indian restaurants provide a wide variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian alternatives, one of which is the tasty "full vegetarian meal" (shaka hari). Any dish may be readily made vegetarian by an Indian cook in place of the meat. The main course of the day will be a delectable assortment of vegetables marinated in either yoghurt or coconut milk. It will be replaced with a delicious curry powder-made beef curry. A nice Indian restaurant will include meals like rice, spinach, chicken, and lamb. Choosing Tikipunga's Best Indian Restaurant is Crucial. Indian restaurants are known for their delicious and mouthwatering chicken curries The perfect combination of rice and gravy brings out the flavors of both. These three delicious foods—chapati, paratha, and naan—can all be combined to provide a satisfying, well-balanced dinner. Please help me to make my material more engaging Indian restaurants allow customers to customize the level of spice in their food to suit their own tastes. It can be warm enough for you to feel comfortable, or it might even be scorching. Desserts To round off a nice supper and help with digestion, have a great scoop of fruit-flavored ice cream or a rich custard. Kheer, a delectable Indian dessert made with rice and milk, is enhanced with a hint of aromatic cinnamon. Choosing the Best Indian restaurant in Tikipunga is a good option here. Vegetables that are high in nutrients and in season are essential for a balanced diet A tasty Indian beverage might be a great match for spicy food. Lassi is becoming more and more well-known; it's a delicious yoghurt-based drink that pairs nicely with Indian cuisine.
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vrankup · 1 year
CTR Unveiled: What's Click-Through Rate All About?
Hey there, savvy folks! If you're treading the digital waters and we as the best digital marketing agency in dwarka provides you all the services you can get.  you've probably come across the term "CTR" – that's Click-Through Rate for the uninitiated. Now, don't you worry your curious minds, 'cause we're about to break it down in plain ol' English? Buckle up, 'cause we're diving deep into the ocean of online metrics!
**Alright, What's CTR, Anyway?**
CTR is like the applause-o-meter for your online ads – it tells you how many folks gave your ad a standing ovation by clicking on it.
**Breaking Down the CTR Equation**
But hey, don't let the term "equation" scare you off. We're keeping it simple, promise! CTR is calculated using a basic recipe:
CTR = (Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions) * 100
The ingredients? Stir 'em together, divide, multiply by 100, and boom! You've got your CTR percentage. Think of it like baking cookies – mix, bake, and you get delicious insights!
**Why CTR's the Cool Kid in Town**
Now, I hear you asking, "Why should I care about this CTR stuff?" Great question, my friend!
1. **Ad Quality Check:** A sky-high CTR is like a digital high-five – it means your ad is catching folks' attention. They're not just scrolling past; they're actually interested in what you're offering.
2. **Fine-Tuning Goldmine:** If your CTR isn't looking so hot, that's not a dead end. It's like a treasure map leading you to improvements. Maybe your ad needs some jazzing up or your message isn't hitting the bullseye.
3. **Budget Whisperer:** Hold on, it gets better! In some fancy platforms, like Google Ads, a nifty CTR can actually make your ad budget stretch further. It's like finding a coupon for your digital shopping spree!
4. **Placement Guru:** Ever wonder where to put your ads for the most bang? CTR's got your back. If one spot gets more clicks, that's your sweet spot!
**CTRs Aren't Set in Stone: Factors Playing the Field**
But, brace yourself – CTR isn't a static number. It's a shapeshifter, influenced by all sorts of factors. Check out these game-changers:
1. **Speak Their Language:** If your ad talks the talk of your target audience, they'll walk the clicky walk. Relevant ads win the game!
2. **Action-Packed CTAs:** Those "Buy Now" or "Grab Your Deal" buttons? They're your CTR's best buddies. Clear, snappy calls-to-action are like catnip for clickers.
3. **Eye Candy:** Let's admit it – we're suckers for pretty visuals. A snazzy, well-designed ad is more tempting than a tub of ice cream on a hot day.
4. **Right Place, Right Time:** Think of ads like real estate. Location matters! Placing your ad where your crowd hangs out increases its clickability.
5. **Mobile Magic:** It's a mobile world, folks. If your ad isn't mobile-friendly, it's like showing up to a costume party in your PJs.
6. **Try & Test:** Don't be shy to experiment. A/B testing different ad versions lets you figure out what floats your audience's boat.
**CTR Benchmarks: The "Is My CTR Cool?" Question**
Hold on – before you freak out about your CTR, remember, there's no universal "awesome" CTR. It's like saying all ice cream flavors should taste the same. CTR benchmarks depend on where you're playing – search ads, display ads, social media – they all have their groove.
For instance, a 2% CTR might be rocking in the land of banners, while a 10% CTR for a search ad might be par for the course. Social media? Well, it's a whole different dance floor.
**In a Nutshell: Navigating the CTR Waters**
So there you have it, my digital trailblazers – CTR demystified! It's not just numbers; it's your digital GPS guiding you through the ad wilderness. CTR speaks volumes about your audience's interest, your ad's charm, and how smashing your campaigns are.
Keep an eye on that CTR, dare to experiment, and remember, every click is a breadcrumb leading you closer to marketing glory. May your CTRs be sky-high, your ads totally irresistible, and your marketing voyage one for the record books! Get clicking, legends! ?
we at vrankup, Digital marketing agency in Dwarka | Digital marketing company in Dwarka provide you all the help you can have.
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