#i got a sun and lotus for solangelo
corujalesbica · 2 years
The sun behind the clouds (solangelo fanfic)
Nico woke up covered in sweat. He couldn't recall what he had dreamt, only that it scared him so bad he could feel his face wet from tears. It was so weird to think there was water coming out of his eyes, because Nico never cried. Not anymore.
The Hades cabin was silent, which was common. It was only a louder place when Hazel visited, which was a rare occurrence due to the distance between them. Sometimes Nico wished he had stayed in Camp Jupiter, just so he could see her, look after her. He used to wonder if Hazel ever felt about him the way he did when he found out Bianca was leaving. It was a nasty thought, and he knew that he shouldn't be comparing them, but couldn't help it sometimes.
Not wanting to leave his bed, the demigod started to mentally list what he had to do for the day. When his mind came up empty of dangerous half blood shit to do, he looked at the calender besides his bed (Leo had placed it there so he wouldn't forget the birthday of the "hottest guy" in camp again, also know as Leo himself.)
In awe, he realized it was his own birthday, January 28th. Nico had one (and only one) truly happy memory of a birthday. He was turning nine, and Bianca took him to the mall. They ate good cake and he played with other children at a nearby playground. That was before they went to the Lotus hotel, just a bit after their mom died and their memories were erased. Rumors of the war haunted the places they went to, even in the US, but Nico was far too young to recall anything.
After that, things went downhill really fast. There were no birthdays in the Lotus hotel, where time passed at the speed of light. Then they went to Westover Hall, and not long after, Bianca died. He ran away. When he was alone, birthdays were meaninless. And then there was now. Turning 15 felt like such a milestone, but also like it wasn't supposed to happen at all.
Nico considered staying in his room all day, but he didn't want anyone to suspect something was off, so he got up to his usual rotine. Will would like to know that it was his birthday, he thought. But he didn't want anyone making a fuss out of it, so he decided to tell his boyfriend that it had been his birthday the next day. Will would also get mad, and Nico found that funny.
Finally, he left the 13th cabin to have breakfast, which had become a habit since his doctor threatened to to murder him if he didn't eat well. ("I will kill you if you die, D'Angelo"). The camp was no different than it had ever been, that is, a complete mess. People laughting and yealling at each other, kids running and satyrs singing to the nymphs. For some reason, Nico found the mess comforting. It brought him back to when he was the naive, messy kid.
He made his usual walk to the Apolo cabin, but he was probably late cause there was no one there. So he went ahead and grabbed himself an apple for breakfast. Austin, Kayla, and the other children of the sun were at their usual place at the Apolo table, but Will was still nowhere to be seen.
So, not wanting to bother, Nico wondered through the day. He ate some more apples, tried (and failed) to climb the lava wall, and talked to Hazel through an Iris message. By the end of the day, he was annoyed. It's not like he wanted to celebrate his birthday, but not seeing his boyfriend at all that day was not what he'd pictured.
So he went back to cabin 7 and knocked. Kayla opened the door and seemed shocked he was there. She furrowed her eyebrows and smiled, the corners of her mouth not quite meeting her eyes. "Is Will here ?" The demigod asked ."Or do you know where he might be ?" Kayla shakedown her head in a silent "no" for both and closed the door. That was strange. She was usually a very warm and talkative person. Inside the cabin, Nico could hear her siblings whispering, Austin arguing with someone.
After searching some more for Will, the boy finally gave up and decided to go to the woods. It was not exactly safe, but he was a son of Hades, and to be honest, after Tartaros, it took a lot to scare him the slightest. There was this spot far deep into the woods only he knew about, a cave hidden by some trees. If you went deep enough to the first tunnel, it would get you to a wider space with a huge whole on the ceiling, so you were able to see the sky. Nico thought that if he wasn't gonna be able to spend the day with the one person he loved that was near, he could very well look at the stars and imagine Bianca being there.
But when he finally got to the open part of the cave, there was someone there already. A blonde boy with the bluest eyes and the biggest heart Nico had ever seen. Walking silently so as not to startle him, Nico got closer and eventually sat down. The rock beneath him was cold, which could've been a bother but at that time, was grounding. Will didn't bat an eye.
" Happy birthday, my love," the half blood said while shedding a tear. "How'd you know ?" Nico was confused. He thought Will was unaware of him turning 15. Besides that, he thought that if Solace did know, he would've made a big deal of it. But right now, the boy beside him wasn't happy or cheerful. Just melancholic.
"Hazel told me," he finally said with a sight. "She wanted to come, you know. But it's too dangerous to travel that far right now, especially if you're alone." His boyfriend finally looked at him. "I'm sorry," he said, crying more. "I didn't want you to spend the day alone. I had so many plans, so many surprises. But with the camps medical department and... and being a cabin counselor... It was too much. I wasn't able to make you happy and I'm sorry."
Nico hugged him. It was a sudden and warm hug, and he hadn't had one of those in so, so long. Will hugged him back, and when they pulled apart he took Nicos face in his hands and met his eyes, saying sorry again with a single look.
"Will... It's ok." The ghost king stared back at his boyfriend's eyes "I don't need you to be my everything. I don't need you to be perfect. I just want you to be real." He paused "For years I've been celebrating birthdays with gods and ghosts, showdowns of the past following my every step as I get older and more tired" He sighs " But being with you is not like those years. You're not an illusion of time or space, but a real person, and I love you... for that."
They had one silent moment, then, that words could not translate. And then William fell into laughter. "You're real too, babe. I literally love you so much." He looked at Nico again."And I'm gonna tell the whole camp the squeleton general they fear is a softie." The son of Hades rolled his eyes at him.
They went back talking and laughing and kissing. Will didn't apologize again, but he did insist in carrying Nico bride style to his cabin to "make up for lost birthday time". But instead of going to the Hades cabin, they ended up at Apolos cabin, Nico red as tomato and complaining about being carried ("there was no need to!"). This time, the door opened like magic and it was dark inside.
Soon as they walked in though, the lights came to life and the Hades son could see a table in the middle of the room, and on top of it a black cake. Children of Apolo, Leo, Lou Ellen, Katie Gardner, the stolls, among others were scattered around the cabin, all suddenly clapping and chanting his name. Wishing him a happy birthday. Saying "Nico DiAngelo" like it was a good thing. Will simply stood behind him, smiling, and when they cut the black cake, it was colorful on the inside.
Will thought he wasn't enough sometimes, and while Nico understood the feeling, he could not disagree more. Will was home. Nothing less. And all those people were part of it. For the first time in forever, the child of the underworld felt appreciated. Cared for. That one surprise among many Will had apparently planned to make him, was more than he'd gotten in years. It was more than enough. And he loved it.
Some solangelo shit to warm our sad gay hearts. Happy birthday to my boy di angelo, may the death queer angels bring fortune to your fictional self.
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mrs-nubenueve · 2 years
i mean it y’all i mean it once i have the $$ saved and a design in mind (like 95% of the process lmao) ima get a bokuaka tattoo…like momma may have raised a depressed bitch but she didn’t raise a cowardly bitch
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The Tale of Nico and His Boyfriend - A Solangelo One-Shot
Summary:  Nico di Angelo was fourteen when he became someone’s boyfriend for the first time. He found it to be something equally pleasing and confusing at the same time.
Word Count: 4000 words || Read on AO3
Nico di Angelo was fourteen when he became someone’s boyfriend for the first time.
He found it to be something equally pleasing and confusing at the same time. He knew that so many things have changed already while he was stuck in the Lotus Hotel. He knew that nowadays, it was okay that a boy can be a boyfriend of another boy, just like it was okay that a girl can be a girlfriend of another girl. Knowing that it was something that just so…normal nowadays compared to those days in Italy that he only vaguely remembered, Nico was perplexed, but also relieved at the same time. Yes, there were still people that were being jerks about it. But Nico knew that there were more people who were fine with it, who thought that there was nothing wrong with it.
But still, he found it confusing when Will stood in front of him, looking nervous (which was so not Will) but still had that soft look in his bright blue eyes (which was so Will), and asking him to be his boyfriend.
So what else that Nico could say when he was just so, so confused? “What?” He asked, quite dumbfoundedly.
It was already confusing for him when Will starting to talk with him in those three days in the infirmary, like he was genuinely interested to know more about Nico.
It was already confusing for Nico, that Will chose to spend more time hanging out with Nico instead of with his siblings, doing anything from canoeing in the lake, to watch episodes and episodes of Parks and Recreation in Cabin Thirteen. Or doing nothing but just sitting on by the lake and said nothing but stealing glances and flashing smiles at each other.
In front of him, Will cleared his throat.
Will’s cheeks got brighter and Nico could feel his heart beat faster.
“Well, is that a yes or is that a no?”
(Sometimes Will was that calm, cool Cabin Counselor who was undoubtedly the best healer in their generation. But sometimes Will was also this awkward person who said things that Nico couldn’t understand with reddening face and looked like he himself didn’t have any idea about what he just said.)
“Will, it’s neither a yes or a no. I just.. What did you just ask me?”
Will’s hand flew to the back of his neck and he rubbed it.
“I… You know… I was just… Wondering… Whether.. I was… asking…”
Nico blinked.
He was still confused.
So he asked again.
Will’s hand went back to his side and there was this soft expression on his face. There was this gentle look in his eyes.
“Because I like you, Nico,” he said. “I really, really like you.”
Nico didn’t understand why Will like him. Nico didn’t know why Will ask him to be his boyfriend.
But he knew that he liked Will too. Really really like him.
Nico chewed his lower lip and looked down. Butterflies were flapping their wings inside Nico and there were bubbles in his vein and Nico didn’t know how Will made him this happy just by asking him that question.
Nico lifted his head up and meet Will’s eyes.
“Okay,” he said, almost whispering. “Okay,” he said again because he was so happy, too happy that he could not find other words to say.
But Will understood him anyway. That was just Will. He always understood what Nico meant, even when Nico was a stuttering mess with words, even when Nico couldn’t find any words to say.
Will grinned at him and took Nico’s hand. He held it and his smile at Nico was like how the sun smiled at the morning sky.
Nico held his hand back.
Boyfriends. We’re boyfriends, Nico thought to himself.
Nico was fourteen years old when he had a boyfriend for the first time. He was a bit confused about it, but at the same time, he was happy.
Nico di Angelo was seventeen years old when his boyfriend went to college. And it terrified him.
It was still the same boyfriend that he had three years ago. It was the same boyfriend with whom he shared his first kiss, six months two weeks and two days after said boyfriend asked him to be boyfriends.
He was seventeen and Will was almost eighteen when Will was accepted into New York University in their pre-medical program.
Nico was happy because it was something that made Will so very happy, his smile was wider and his eyes were brighter when he told Nico about it.
But he was terrified.
He was terrified that things would not work when Will would be far away from him.
He was terrified that Will would meet someone else in the college. Someone who might be taller, or more eloquent in talking, or more exciting than Nico. Someone who was better than Nico.
He was terrified that he would lose Will.
So Nico showed up in front of Will’s front door in Tennessee, ignored Will’s rant about the use of shadow-travel, and asked Will.
“You’re not going to break up with me, are you?” Nico asked. Just like that because Nico didn’t know how to sugar coat words, how to make questions sound less intimidating.
Will stared at him. There was that look again in those eyes. The look that made Nico knew that everything will be alright. The look that made Nico believed that no matter how shitty things could be, it would be okay.
“Do you want to?” Will asked him back.
Stupid Will.
Like he even needed to ask the question.
But Nico knew that just like he needed to know that no, Will was not going to leave him, Will also needed to know that yes, Nico would always want to be with him.
So Nico huffed and shook his head.
“No,” he said. “Not in a million years,” he added.
Will pulled him into his arms and Nico pressed his face against his chest, letting himself surrounded by Will’s warmth.
“Good,” Will said. Nico could feel a smile on Will’s lips as Will pressed a kiss on the top of his head. “Because I wanted to be with you for the next million years,” Will said.
Nico was seventeen and Will was eighteen when Will went to start his pre-med program. But they were not breaking up because Nico didn’t want to break up, not in a million years and Will wanted them to be together for the next million years.
Nico was almost eighteen when he told his boyfriend that he loved him.
Nico was almost mad at himself that it took him so long just to say that.
It was New Year’s Eve and Will visited the Camp (and so was Percy and Annabeth and Leo and Jason and Piper and a bunch of other people but Will, Will was coming too and it was all that mattered for Nico). They sat on the beach, body pressed together side by side. Nico was only half-listening to Leo who was rambling about how proud he was about these new kiddos in Cabin Nine and how this firework show would prove how good those kids were. Will was talking to Annabeth about their study but Will’s arm was warm around Nico’s waist, a steady reminder that Will was here, next to him.
Jason started talking to Leo about some sports events that Nico didn’t follow.
(American football still didn’t make sense to him and the sport event that he followed religiously was Serie A where he would watch all games of AC Milan. Sometimes Chiara would join him watching the games even though Chiara has made the worst decision in her life by supporting Inter. But at least both of them still laughing together when Juventus lost a game so that was not so bad)
Percy joined Will and Annabeth’s conversation but Will’s arm was still warm around Nico. Sometimes he rubbed Nico’s side in that soothing way. Sometimes he would spare a second to press a quick, chaste kiss on Nico’s temple or cheek or nose. Just because he could. Just because he knew that Nico liked it when he did it.
(Nico never told Will that he liked those small kisses, but Will just knew it).
Nico’s mind started to wander to the years that they have gone through together. About the ups and downs and smiles and tears. About the romantic gestures they did to one another and the fights that they had because both Will and Nico could be idiots and stubborn. About how Nico would always come back to Will anyway and how Will was always there for Nico anyway.
Suddenly people were already shouting about countdown and people were smiling and laughing and those who were with their significant others made themselves even closer than they already were.
“Hey, Will?”
“You know what?”
“I love you, Will.”
“I really love you, Will.”
Happy New Year!
Fireworks were exploding in the sky and people were kissing and cheering and laughing around them
But Will. Will just stared at him and it was dark around them but the sky above was bright with colorful bright colors from the fireworks.
Will just stared at him and his eyes, bright blue eyes, were glassy and he looked like he wanted to cry but he also looked like he wanted to laugh.
Will just stared at him and Nico could only stare back at him and gosh Will was just so so beautiful.
Then Will started to laugh but he also started to cry as he wrapped his arms around Nico’s neck and pulled him into a warm embrace (which was just so so Will).
“I love you too, Nico,” he said.
Nico was almost eighteen when he told his boyfriend that he loved him. And his boyfriend told him that he loved him too.
Nico was eighteen when he spent the night together for the first time with his boyfriend.
It was Nico’s eighteen birthday and Will said that he wanted to spend the day and night with Nico. It was just the first week of his classes anyway and Nico’s birthday was on the Saturday of that first week of the Spring Semester. So on Friday evening Nico showed up at Will’s apartment. He took Will’s hand in his and they disappeared into the shadow, reappearing in front of the door of Hades’ cabin.
It was like one of those lazy summer nights when both of them were still campers, where they watched episodes and episodes of a TV series. This time Will wanted them to watch this animation about Paladins who ride some fancy sophisticated lion robots to save the galaxy.
('Keith is just so you, Nico', Will said. And Nico threw a popcorn at him because no, of course he and that Keith guy had nothing in common.)
Then it’s getting so late and its past midnight already but they were not asleep yet. Lazy kisses and lingering touches. Soft sighs and hands wandering against warm skin. Shallow breath and small moans.
Will never asked him for more before. He only gave what Nico wanted and took what Nico gave him. Will has let him set the pace about how far they would go, and he said he had no problem to wait until Nico was ready.
And tonight, Nico was ready. He wanted this. He needed this.
So Nico pulled back just a bit, just so he had the space to press his palm against Will’s chest and look up into Will’s beautiful eyes.
“Will,” he said, whispering, because he was scared that this delicate moment will shatter if he said something too loud. “Take me,” he said. “I’m ready.”
Will’s eyes were bright and blue (which was just so Will) and there was this fire in those eyes. Will's pressed his lips gently against Nico's forehead.
Nico’s blood in his vein was liquid fire when Will gently pushed him to lay down on the bed.
Nico’s blood in his vein was liquid fire when his bare skin were against Will’s naked skin.
And when Will took him, when Will was inside of him, Will and Nico were fire and they both burnt together.
Nico was eighteen when he spent the night together for the first time with his boyfriend. Nico was eighteen when he and his boyfriend melt into one, burnt into fire together.
Nico was twenty-one when he moved in into an apartment with his boyfriend.
Yes, amazingly, it was still the same boyfriend who was a stuttering mess when he asked Nico to be his boyfriend seven years ago.
Being apart for a while somehow made Nico spent more time with kids in Cabin Nine. At first it was just because he asked for their help about communication devices so he could talk to Will more than just Iris Message. But some of them introduced him to computer programming. And before he knew it, Nico has already spent hours and hours just to learn about this new language.
He told Will about this new thing that he kind of enjoyed and how this language programming was so much easier to handle than the actual language used to verbally talk with real people.
Will started sending him books about it.
Will started sending him links about anything related to it.
And one day, Will told him about this online course that someone could take to have a degree.
Nico told Will that he would think about it. He didn’t tell Will that he already decided.
Will called him on an Iris Message the next week, and ten minutes into the conversation, Will started to ramble.
“You know, Dylan said that he was not going to extend the lease for this apartment for the next year,” Will said.
“Oh? He finds a new place?”
Will shrugged his shoulder. “Maybe. I haven’t asked yet. Maybe I should find a new apartment then but this apartment is really nice, the rent is not expensive and I only have one more year left in the program, so I think moving out will be too much of a hassle.”
“So you don’t want to move out?”
Will let out a sigh and ran a hand over his head.
“Honestly? No. But unless I can find someone to share the apartment with, then-“
“I can be your new roommate.”
Will’s jaw dropped, and he stared at Nico like he didn’t quite catch what Nico just said. And this time, it was Nico that started to ramble.
“I mean, I’ve applied to that online program you told me about last week. And if I got accepted, I could start the coming Fall semester. And yeah, I can still do it from here but I mean now that you told me that you need a new roommate and I think that-“
“I mean Hazel and even Reyna have told me that maybe I should try to live outside of the Camp so yeah. But I mean-“
“I mean, it’s only an idea? If you don’t want to it would be totally fine because-“
Nico stopped. He was half-panting and his heartbeat was stupidly faster than it should be but then he looked at Will.
Will, who had that stupidly wide, annoyingly bright smile. Will, who looked at Nico like Nico was the first ray of sunlight after a rainy day.
“Nico,” Will said. “I’d… I’d love that. It would be awesome.”
Something was bubbling inside of Nico. And Nico couldn’t stop those bubbles from exploding into stupid giggles because this whole idea of moving in into Will’s apartment, this whole idea to live together with his boyfriend, it was just something that Nico could not put into words, something that makes him feel giddy but also warm inside.
Then Will started laughing too and for a while they could do nothing but laughing and smiling and grinning at each other.
Then they started talking again like adults to plan the moving in.
(Because living in an apartment together means they were real adult who would do adult stuff like shopping for groceries and paying the bills and cooking dinner and doing the dishes and also doing the laundry but oh gods they were going to do those adult stuffs together).
Nico was twenty-one and it was a bright sunny day in early August when he unpacked his stuff in the apartment that he shared with Will.
Nico was twenty-four when he no longer had a boyfriend.
Nico finished his online course earlier than what was expected. And as if it was not surprising enough, he got a job. He got a real job as a system developer and he could still do most of his work from home. Will was half-way through in his med school and Nico could not even explain how proud he was of Will, on doing so well.
It was a breezy afternoon in Fall and Will took him for a walk in the Central Park.
Fall was Nico’s favorite season. He loved how trees and leaves turn into bright red, orange and yellow color.
They stopped under a tree by the pond.
Nico fixed the scarf around his neck.
“Cold?” Will asked him as he smiled softly at Nico.
“A little.”
Will reached out for his hand and without even thinking, Nico held his hand back.
(Nico could not even remember holding someone else’s hand other than Will’s. He could not even think about holding someone else’s hands other than Will’s)
“Your hand is always a bit colder than mine,” Will said, gently rubbed some small circles at the back of Nico’s hand with his thumb.
Nico chuckled. “And your hand is always a bit warmer than mine. That’s why I need you to hold it.”
Will bit his lower lip and something flashed in his face.
Will tightened his hand on Nico’s.
“That’s what I have been thinking for quite a while,” he said. He had his eyes down so it was more look like he was talking to Nico’s shoulder.
Nico furrowed his brows down.
Will took a deep breath and he lifted his head up a bit, fixing his eyes at Nico’s.
“I was just… I mean…”
Will stopped and Nico waited.
Will took another deep breath and Nico absently thought that Will’s cheeks were a shade brighter.
“Nico, could I be the one, the only one, who holds your hand forever?”
Nico’s heart stopped beating.
Will was staring at him. And his bright blue eyes were honest and open and soft and just so so Will.
With his free hand, Will pulled out a small box from the pocket of his coat. He kneeled on one knee, flipped the box open.
The silver ring inside the box was a contrast against the black of the box.
“Will you marry me, Nico?”
Will was still holding his hand and he was still staring at Nico with those bright blue eyes.
Nico wanted to laugh and screamed and cried and danced because what, what in the world that he had done that suddenly life became so kind to him like this?
Nico closed his eyes and counted until three. He opened his eyes, Will was still there. His hand was still holding Nico’s hand.
“Yes,” Nico whispered. “Yes, Will.”
Will’s smile was bright and warm and basically just the most beautiful, most wonderful thing that Nico has ever seen.
“Thank you,” Will said with trembled voice. He put the box on the ground and let go of Nico’s hand, only so he could take the ring out, and slid it into Nico’s finger. He kissed Nico’s knuckles, then he stood up.
Will wrapped his arms around Nico’s waist and Nico threaded his fingers through Will’s hair as they kissed and let the world dissolve into nothing but a background of bright colors around them.
Nico was twenty-four when he no longer had a boyfriend. He had a fiancé instead.
Nico di Angelo was twenty-six when he got married to his boyfriend.
Will was standing in front of him on the altar, reading his vow. Nico stared at him and he almost could not believe that this was the same guy that was asking Nico to be his boyfriend twelve years ago.
Twelve years. Twelve fucking years.
Jason, who volunteered himself as the wedding officiant (because apparently this was something that came with the package of him being the Pontifex Maximus or whatever, not that Nico really cared about the details) smiled at Nico.
“Nico, your turn.”
Nico cleared his throat and took out the slightly crumpled paper from his pocket.
He started reading it but his visions were started to get blurry by tears as flashes of moments that he shared with Will for years (twelve years, twelve fucking years!) rolled in his mind.
Somehow he managed to finish reading it.
Liam Zhang stepped forward. The three-year old toddler had a proud smile on his face as he held up the small pillow that held the rings.
It still felt unreal when Will took one of the rings and slid it into Nico’s finger.
Nico still felt like he was dreaming when he took the other ring and slid it into Will’s finger.
“I know pronounced you as husbands,” Jason said. “You may have your first kiss as husbands now.”
And the moment when he felt Will’s lips on his, warm and tender and just so so Will, that was the moment when Nico realized that this was real.
Someone was making a horrible whistling and Nico absently thought that it was probably Apollo or maybe it was Percy or who knew maybe it was Leo.
But Nico couldn’t be bothered to think about who was it.
Not when his husband (husband!) was now kissing him and Nico’s hand just flew to the back of Will’s head, threading his fingers through the golden curls of Will’s hair. Will’s hand was gently holding his cheek and Nico was kissing him back.
It was everything that he ever wanted and much much more than what he ever dared to dream about, to wish for.
When Nico pulled himself back, he could see trails of tears on Will’s cheek. And Nico just could not help it. He just could not stop himself from letting out this bubble of blissful laughter and he knew, he could feel that tears were started rolling down from his eyes too.
He didn’t care.
Not when Will was looking at him like he was handing Will the moon but probably he was also looking at Will like Will was handing him the sun.
Will was indeed, the sun in his life.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Jason said. “I present to you, Will Solace-di Angelo and Nico Solace-di Angelo.”
Will took his hand and Nico held his hand back as they turned around to face the people who came to their wedding.
Nico’s face was hurting from this stupid wide smile that he had. People were clapping their hands. Hazel looked as happy as she was on her wedding day. Hades came in his mortal form. He still looked cold and pale but Nico swore that he could see emotions flickered in his eyes and that was enough for him. Hades never talked a lot anyway and the fact that he was willing to come was already something that let Nico know he was happy for him. Apollo had that glowing smile as he sat next to Annabeth.
Confetti and flowers petals were thrown at them as they walked the aisle with fingers lacing together.
Nico was twenty-six years old when he got married to his boyfriend for twelve years. And it was basically the best, most beautiful day in his life.
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The Color of Our World - A Solangelo One-Shot
Summary: Will's mother once told him that his eyes were the color of the sky. Nico's mother once told him that roses are red, because rose symbolized love, and red was the color of love. Will didn't think that he would ever see the sky as blue, and Nico thought that he might never see a red rose in his life. But maybe they didn't need colors in their life anyway if they had each other. Maybe.
(Word Count: 6100 words || Read on AO3)
Author’s Note: Set in an alternate universe where someone can't see colors until they find their soulmate.
His eyes were blue.
That was what his mother once told Will, when he was 5-year old and wanted to know about everything.
“What about your eyes, Ma?” He asked. “Are they also blue?”
His mother nodded. “They are, like yours.”
Will smiled because he loved his mother. His smile got wider every time people said that his smile looked just like his mother’s. And knowing that there was something else that he also shared in common with his mother made him even happier.
“So I have your eyes,” Will said.
“You do,” his mother nodded. “And you have your father’s hair,” she added, smiling as she ran her fingers through Will’s curly hair.
Will’s smiled faltered as his brows furrowed down. He had never seen his father. He didn’t know whether he liked it, having something in common with someone that he didn’t even know.
“What is its color, Ma?” Will asked.
“It’s…” his mother paused. For a moment, it looked like she was not looking at Will, but at a memory somewhere in the past. A memory that made her lips curl up into a bittersweet smile.
“Your hair, is like the sun, Will,” his mother said. “Your eyes are the color of the sky, and your hair is the color of the sun.”
Will looked out to the window. It was bright. The clouds were white and the sky was a bright shade of gray. Darker than the clouds but was not darker than when it was night.
His mother said that she too, had blue eyes. Like the sky.
“I think my favorite color is blue,” he said, looking back at his mother. “Because your eyes are blue.”
His mother laughed, and pulled him into her warm embrace. She smelt like the cinnamon rolls that she just baked.
“One day,” his mother said. “One day, you will see that the sky is blue. And it’s beautiful.” His mother pulled back a little and smiled softly at him. “But one day, you will also see other colors, and all those colors are beautiful too.”
Roses were red.
That was something that his mother once told Nico when he was a 5-year old boy, so young, so excited about everything.
“This is red, Mama?” he asked, slowly running a finger over the petals of the rose that his mom was holding. His father just came and gave her the flowers. But as usual, he had gone already, after patting Nico and Bianca on their shoulders and told them to be good kids for their mother.
“Yes, Nico,” his mother said. “These roses are red, but there are also yellow ones, orange, and pink roses.”
Nico stayed silent for a while, couldn’t imagine that the same kind of flowers could come in different colors. Right now what he was seeing was only roses in the color of dark gray, almost as dark as his hair, darker than the color of his skin.
“Why can’t I see it, Mama?” He asked.
His mother smiled softly as she brushed away Nico’s hair from covering his eyes.
“Because it’s not your time yet, Nico.”
“When can I see it, Mama?”
“When you find the one that you love, when you find the one that loves you the most, then you will see that roses are red, and the sky is blue.”
Nico looked up from the roses.
“I want to see that the sky is blue, Mama.”
His mother smiled and pulled him into her arms.
“You will, tesoro,” his mother said, and kissed him gently on the forehead. “One day, you will find someone, the special someone that will make your world colorful.”
“Like…red roses and green grass and… blue sky and yellow sunflower?” Nico asked, repeating the words that Bianca once read for him.
“Yes, Nico. One day you will see all those colors, and you will see how beautiful they are.”
War didn’t leave much room to think about something else other than the battle that they had to face. Will didn’t have time to think about other things than trying his best to tend those who were hurt, to heal those who needed that. He did notice that the sky looked darker than it used to be. And he vaguely wondered whether war would be less depressing if it was not just black and white and those sad shades of gray.
Probably not. Whatever its color, blood was still blood, and there had been too much blood in this war. In every war.
Tartarus was something that Nico could never put into words. The black is the darkest shade of black and Nico didn’t think he had seen anything in white down here in Tartarus. Like even a color as bright as white was something that did not belong in Tartarus.
As he tried to survive hours after hours, minutes after minutes, Nico vaguely wondered, whether he would ever see the sky again. Whether he would ever see red roses or yellow sunflower.
Probably not. Nico could even barely imagine that he could ever make it through Tartarus. Nico pushed away the stupid thought about colors. Right now he only had time to think about how to survive.
Nico di Angelo was a mystery to Will.
The first time Will saw him in the Battle of Manhattan, Nico was this amazing boy, fearlessly danced with his black Stygian iron sword. Even without colors, even in black and white, the view of Nico fighting the enemies with his sword was the most glorious thing that Will had ever seen.
Two years later, and now what Will was seeing in the infirmary was a pair of fragile eyes, eyes that have seen so many, too many.
“It…doesn’t look good,” Will said, studying the slightly transparent hand that he was holding. “But I think it’s not something that can’t be fixed.”
“Do you think so?”
Sitting on the cot, Nico looked up at Will. And Will saw it there, in his eyes. A vulnerable hope behind those eyes. A look that made Will didn’t want to let go of the hand yet. A look that made Will wished that he could hold that hand a little longer and maybe share some warmth and comfort.
Will looked down again, back at Nico’s hand. If he kept on looking at those eyes, he might get lost and forgot the way back. Or even worse, he might not want to go back.
(A small part of his mind told him that maybe, just maybe, instead of making him lost in nowhere, those eyes would lead him to a new world.)
Will tried to ignore the thought.
“I’ll try,” Will said, glancing at Nico only to flash a smile.
“Will you?” Nico asked again.
This time, Will lifted his head up, and braced himself to lock his eyes at Nico’s. The unspoken question lingered behind those dark eyes.
Can I trust you?
Will nodded. He smiled, his heart fluttering gently.
“I will,” he said, nodded again as he gently tighten his grip on Nico’s hand. “I will try my best.”
For you, I will.
Will Solace was something new for Nico.
And no. It was not just because during those days in the infirmary, Will spent hours just sitting next to him, telling him all these things that Nico had never heard before, all the things that Nico had missed when he was in The Lotus Hotel.
The way Will smiled softly at him, it was something new for him.
(Nobody smiled at him like that before. Like he was something…special.)
The way Will talked to him, with him, it was something new for him.
(Nobody has looked so genuinely interested to know more about Nico before as a person, not just as the son of Hades.)
Soft laughs, gentle touches that never lingered for too long, never long enough, those were something new for Nico
(Never before, anyone had made him felt this strange fluttering feeling in his stomach, a funny pleasant pull in his stomach.)
And how Will was still around, how he looked like he still wanted to be around, that was something completely new for Nico.
Then again, when he lied on his bed, head over his crossed hand, Nico find that he didn’t mind.
Days changed into weeks that slowly turned into months. And every day, there was always something new that Nico learned from Will, that Nico found about Will.
How Will’s smiled always started with a quirk at the left corner of his lips before fully bloomed into a bright smile. Will’s weird obsession with breakfast food. The way Will hummed along to the song on the radio while absently tapping the pen that he’s holding, as he was working with paper works in the infirmary.
Those small things that he carefully filed in his memory, to be kept in that folder labeled Will Solace.
Nico was still a mystery to him.
But as days went by, Will found himself unraveling layers after layers of that mystery.
As time passed by, Will found more and more about Nico.
The way Nico’s brows furrowed down whenever he was concentrating on doing something. That small smile that Nico had when he crouched down to level himself with the younger demigods as he was teaching them sword fighting. How Nico stubbornly refused to call it soccer and insisted to say it as football because as he always said to Will, it’s the real football.
Nico was, and still a mystery for Will. Maybe he would always be.
But Will didn’t mind it that much. Because unraveling layers and layers of Nico’s mystery, was something that he wouldn’t mind spending his time to.
Will took him to the lake that afternoon. As they sat side by side, Nico gazed at the view, and almost surprised to realize that he found the view to be brighter than usual, even when everything was still in monochrome.
“You know,” Will said, swaying his feet as he looked down. “I used to have a crush on Percy.”
Nico could barely hold a small gasp as he turned his head to look at Will.
“You do?”
Will hummed. “But…you know,” he turned his head to Nico. “Used to,” he added, a vague smile on his lips.
“Oh,” Nico said. He licked his lower lip as he looked down. “I… I did to.”
“You do?”
Nico nodded. Then he looked up, meeting Will’s eyes. “Yeah. I did. I used to.”
The left corner of Will’s lips curled up, just a bit, just a hint of a smile.
Nico looked away, trying to tell himself that his heart didn’t have to do this stupid back flip just because that barest hint of a smile.
“Percy has green eyes.”
Nico’s heart plummeted into his stomach.
(Will could see it? Will could see that Percy had green eyes?)
He turned his head again to Will. He tried not to but his voice was still slightly trembling. “Really? Can you see it?”
Will shook his head.
Nico’s heart jumped back up and did that stupid backflip again.
“That’s what some people told me. Silena…” there was a slight pause when the name dropped from Will’s lips. “She was the first one who could see colors in the Aphrodite cabin, and she told the kids there about it. And of course, kids in the Athena cabin got the confirmation from Annabeth.”
Nico didn’t really care about how the fact that Percy’s eyes were green was something that kids in the camp were talking about. That’s not the thing that mattered to him, right now.
“Maybe one day, you will see it too…” Will said, gazing back at the lake.
Nico’s brows furrowed down. “See what?”
Will sighed. When he looked back at Nico there was a hesitant smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Maybe one day, you’ll see that his eyes are green,”
Nico stared at Will. There was something clenching his heart. Nico chewed his lower lip and looked down for a second. But when he replied, he had his eyes back at Will.
“I don’t know,” he said. “But I honestly more curious about what color your eyes are.”
The way Will stared at him was something that Nico could not name.
“Why?” Will asked.
“Because… Because it’s you…” Nico said.
Will was probably blushing because his face looked a bit brighter now.
A vague memory of what his mother once told him flashed in Nico’s mind. She once told Nico that when people blushed, their cheeks were a bright shade of red. Softer than the color of a red rose, but brighter than the color of cherry blossom.
Nico wondered whether Will’s cheeks were the color of cherry blossom now.
Will turned his head away from Nico, and following him, Nico gazed back to the lake.
For a while, the soft whispers of the wind and the gentle sound of rippling water were the only ones filling the silence.
Then Nico’s hand was covered by Will’s.
Nico didn’t pull away.
Will didn’t say anything.
Nico wondered whether this warmth that filling in his vein came in color.
Nico thought if it had, it would be his favorite color.
But for now, he could feel the warmth, coming from Will’s hand that covering his and quickly spread into his vein like melted caramel.
And that was enough.
Nico took Will to the roof of the Hades cabin that night.
It’s funny, Will thought to himself. It’s funny to remember how in the early days, even just the smallest physical contact would make Nico cringe.
And now, six months later, they were laying on the roof, side by side, shoulder to shoulder.
Will was more a morning person. But one thing that he had to admit, the sky was beautiful with stars scattered over the black sky. And it was even nicer that the night sky was one of those things that didn’t really need any color to be beautiful.
Nico pointed out to the sky, telling him about the constellation and the stories behind them.
“How did you know about all of those stories?”
A beat of silence passed before Nico answered.
Silence again.
“Do you miss her?”
Will angled his neck a little to look at Nico. Nico still had his eyes at the sky when he gave a single nod.
“Every day,” he said. His voice was soft and the small smile on his lips was bittersweet.
Will looked up again at the sky.
“But I know that she’s out there,” Nico said. “And I still have her in my heart.”
Will gently took Nico’s hand, and held it.
“And you have me next to you,” he said.
Nico didn’t say anything to that, but he held Will’s hand back.
Will took Nico’s hand to his lips, and softly kissed the back of his hand.
“Tell me again about the stars,” Will asked, shifting himself so he could see Nico’s face under the bright moonlight.
Nico started talking again. His voice was gentle, and Nico’s eyes were dark but there was this gentle look in his eyes. Will listened, and it was almost like Nico was singing him a soft lullaby.
Will wondered whether Nico’s voice came in color.
Will thought it might be one of the softest color, most beautiful color ever.
It was not like this was the first time Nico had to leave the camp to do something that Hades asked him to do.
But this was the first time he could not wait to go back to Camp.
He could not wait to go back to Will.
The cool breeze was gently soothing their skin as they sat on the grass. Afternoon sunlight seeping in through the leaves of the trees that they were sitting under.
“I’m glad that you back,” Will said, half-whispering. His eyes were on the flower crown that he was weaving.
Warm air filled Nico’s chest and that tiredness he felt whenever he had to shadow travel faded.
“Oh, really?” Nico asked, half-teasingly.
Will only spared him a glance. His eyes quickly darted from Nico back to the flower crown in his hand that was almost finished now.
“Yeah,” Will finally answered. “It’s just nice to have you back.”
Nico smiled. He didn’t know why but he just wanted to smile.
Will turned, now facing Nico. He held the flower crown in his hand, and a smile on his lips.
“Come here,” he said.
Nico tried not giggle but failing. The warm bubble inside of him was bursting out into some giggles and Will was also letting out that cute laughter and gosh, Nico could just listen to Will laughing like that for the rest of his life.
Nico leaned forward a little and Will put the flower crown on his head.
“There,” Will said.
Will was staring at him with that look again, like Nico was the one hanging the stars in the sky for Will.
(But if Will ask him to do so, Nico would)
“I’m happy that you’re here,” he said again.
“Why? Because you miss me?”
The shade of Will’s face got brighter and he looked away.
When people blushed, his mother once said, their cheeks were bright red, softer than red roses but brighter than cherry blossom.
Nico thought Will was more beautiful than roses or cherry blossom, whatever their color are, whatever Will’s color was.
“So what if I miss you,” Will mumbled. He still stubbornly avoiding Nico’s eyes, fixing his eyes on something on the grass.
“That’s good if you miss me,” Nico said, making Will turning his head back to Nico.
“Why? Why is it good?”
Nico chewed his lower lip and his heart was thumping and why, why Will had to be so beautiful?
“Because…” Nico said, can’t stop himself from staring at Will’s lips. “Because…” Nico tried to continue but his throat was dry and his heart just could not stop beating so fast, too fast. “I miss you too,” Nico finally said.
A beat of silence.
Nico still could not stop himself from staring at Will’s lips and he absently thinking whether it was him that was leaning forward or it was Will because it looked like their faces were closer now or maybe it was-
Will’s voice was trembling with something.
Nico’s voice was trembling too and it might be because of the same thing.
“Are you…” Will’s face was so close now, his freckles were soft dust of darker shade against his skin. “Are you…going to kiss me?” he whispered.
Maybe it was him that was leaning or maybe it was Will or-
“I don’t know. But…” Nico paused and he didn’t know whether he was still breathing or no. “But… I kind of…really want to…”
“Good,” Will said. And his face was so close, too close, but Nico wanted it to be even closer because-
“Because I… I also want to kiss y-“
Nico’s eyes were closed and his lips were pressed against Will’s and maybe it was him that kissed Will first or maybe it was Will that was leaning forward but whatever because-
Nico could not think when everything was reduced into him and Will and how their lips were pressed together so perfectly and gods Will was so warm. Will’s hands were now cupping his cheeks with the warmth that was so familiar. And Nico could not think he did not want to think he only wanted to feel Will Will and only Will and this kiss.
His mother once told Nico that roses were red because roses were the flowers of love and red was the color of love.
For Nico, Will was red, then.
This was not the first time they sat here on the wooden walkway by the lake, legs dangling over the water. But Will’s mind wandered to three years ago, when they were sitting here too, when Nico told him he wanted to see what color were Will’s eyes.
“You said you want to talk,” Nico said without looking at Will. Will turned his head to him. Nico d his eyes on his hands that he folded neatly over his laps.
“Talk, then.” Nico said.
Will knew he had to. He just didn’t know how.
Will took a deep breath.
“I don’t know how to tell you this,” Will said.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”
“You’ve heard about it, then.”
Nico chuckled lightly. “I think the whole Camp heard about it already, Will. Chiron told the news about it to anyone who’s willing to listen. He’s so proud of you.”
Silence for a second.
“And I am so proud of you too,” Nico added, this time with a softer voice.
Will turned his head to Nico, and found him was looking at him too.
A smile graced his face, his hair half-covering his eyes, and with the trees in the background, Nico looked like the most beautiful black and white watercolor painting that Will had ever seen.
“Thank you,” Will said, voice barely a whisper.
“You’re the first one from the Camp to get to the University of New Rome. That really is something big, Will.”
It really was.
Being an all-year-round camper, going to university was something that used to be a dream too good to be true for Will. But then they found out about Camp Jupiter and New Rome and the university there that had this pre-med program that Will did not even dare to dream about before.
Will was just one step away from his dream.
Nico looked away from Will, gazing at the lake.
And it hurt Will that even though they were only inches away, but somehow Nico felt so distant.
“When will you leave?”
His voice was almost cold, a bit bitter and Will could not take it anymore.
“Go with me.”
Will could see Nico’s shoulder got tense.
“Go with me, Nico.” Will said again.
Nico slowly turned his head again. Behind those dark eyes were thousands of questions. Questions that Will might have the answer to, questions that Will might do not know how to answer.
“Go with me. To New Rome. You… you can find something to do there. You can even maybe go to school too, Nico! You’ve learned computer programming for a while now, right? And Jake, even Leo, they said you’re damn good at it!”
“We… we can stay together. Live together. Maybe just a small apartment or whatever. We’ll find something. Just… Just go with me, Nico.”
As words tumbling down from him, Will started to think about how wonderful it would be, to finally live together. He started thinking about watching TV in their living room until they fell asleep, going for groceries and in the evening Nico would cook dinner and Will set up the table and do the dishes. Wil thought Decembers where they would decorate the trees, Will hung up the star at the top of the trees, Nico watching with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand.
Nico said nothing.
He stared at Will, saying nothing. The silence slowly started to feel so heavy in the air.
Will reached out for Nico’s hand and held it.
Nico didn’t hold back.
He didn’t pull away either.
“Will… I…” Nico paused and looked down. “I..”
“Go with me, Nico. Please,” Will said with trembled voice. Nico looked up.
“Will,” he whispered. “You… You deserve better…”
Will blinked because no, it didn’t make sense to him. Nico was already the epitome of perfection. Nico was everything he needed, all that he ever wanted.
Nico’s lips curled up into the vaguest of smile. But Will hated that smile. He hated how that smile brought a shade of bitter sadness in Nico’s eyes.
“Will, you remember that your mother once said, your eyes are blue, like the sky?”
Will nodded.
Nico pulled away his hand, and gently brushed away some hair from Will’s forehead.
“If… I go with you…” he said. He took a deep breath. “If… we stay together like this. You might never see that your eyes are the same color as the sky.”
“So what?”
Something flashed in Nico’s face but Will didn’t care.
“So what if I can’t see that the sky is blue and the trees are green or whatever? I just want to see the sky with you, Nico. I don’t care if everything stays in black in white forever, as long as I can be with you.”
“I don’t know what are the colors of strawberries or butterflies or whatever. I don’t know a lot of things. But I know that I want to be with you, Nico. I know that I love you.”
Nico’s lips were trembling.  Biting his lower lip, he looked away from Will.
“Maybe we’re not meant to be together, Will. Maybe the universe doesn’t want us to be together.”
Will put two fingers under Nico’s chin and guided him to face Will again.
“Then we’ll show the universe that we belong together, Nico.”
There was a thin, glassy layer of tears in Nico’s eyes, and his voice was barely audible.
“You might never see any colors in your life, Will.”
“I don’t need colors in my life, Nico. I need you.”
“You might only see black and white for the rest of your life.”
“You look best in black anyway, Death Boy.”
There was a hint of a smile on Nico’s lips. Barely visible but it was there. And there was a spark of light now in his eyes and Will’s heart was pleasantly fluttering.
“So…” Will said, slowly tracing Nico’s jawline with the pad of his thumb. “Go with me?”
Nico chewed his lower lip and looked down for a second.
When he looked up again, the smile was a bit wider but the light in his eyes were brighter.
“Okay,” he said, then gave Will a single nod. “Okay.”
Will’s heart was soaring up high as he leaned to close the already small gap between them, and pressed their lips together.
They had their first kiss more than two years ago, the warmth and softness of Nico’s lips were so familiar.
Yet the feeling of their kiss was always something blissful.
The first time they kissed, their world was still in monochrome.
More than two years later now and they kissed again and the world stayed in black and white.
But Will didn’t care.
Nico was the color of his world.
Nico held the door for Hazel as she walked out of the coffee shop, then followed her. They just had their weekly coffee hour, which was always something that Nico looked forward to as a part of his life in New Rome. Will was now in his last year of his pre-med program, and his professors already recommending him to continue to med school, promising him that they would help him with anything that he needed for the application process. Nico couldn’t even explain how proud he was to his boyfriend. People kept on saying that he, along with Percy and Jason were the legendary sons of the Big Three. But Will, Will was one of the real role models for other demigods. A role model that showed demigods that they could be a hero too without being extremely well in sword fighting.
Hazel let out a content sigh as she walked next to Nico. It was an afternoon in mid-October, the falling leaves on the pavement marked the season.
“Oh, I just love Fall,” she said, and stopped under a tree. She looked up as she slid her hands into the pocket of her coat.
Nico chuckled. “Despite the fact that it’s getting colder?” He asked.
“Well, the cold is one thing. But the view of Fall is gorgeous,” Hazel said.
Nico nodded as he reached out to Hazel’s scarf and fix it.
“I mean, the leaves that are turning into yellow, orange, red, all the golden colors are jus-“
She stopped with a small gasp. Her eyes were wide when she stared at Nico.
“Oh!” She said, voice a little muffled as she covered her mouth with her hand.
Nico arched an eyebrow. Hazel slowly pulled her hand down.
“Nico, I’m… I’m sorry…”
Nico tilted his head a little, his lips quirking up a half-smile. “Sorry? What for? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I mean…” Hazel looked uncomfortable. “Well… never mind,” she said, and looked down, avoiding Nico’s eyes.
Nico let out a small laugh.
“Hey,” he said, gently patting her cheek. “It’s okay. You can see colors, I don’t, and nothing’s wrong with that.”
Nico was telling the truth. He was sincerely happy that the bonding that she shared with Frank made her see colors.  Someone with such a beautiful soul like Hazel deserved to see the world that was painted in colors.
Hazel looked up again, meeting Nico’s eyes. And this time, there was a soft look in her eyes, along with a gentle smile.
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“Who? Will?”
Nico thought about lying in grass, his head on Will’s lap as Will played with his hair, reading him a story from a book. He thought about little post-it notes that Will stuck in the mirror when he had to leave earlier than Nico for morning classes. He thought about the flower crown that Will made for him years ago, right before they had their first kiss.
“Yeah,” Nico said. “I think I do,” he said.
Hazel smiled as she cupped his cheek with her hand. “You two belong together, Nico.”
“I hope so,” Nico said. “I can only think of being with him.”
“Then be with him. Forever.”
Nico looked away. Despite the falling ones, most of trees still had their leaves hanging on their branches. No matter what the season was, Fall or Spring, Nico might never see the colors.
But he was with Will now.
He only wanted to be with Will, forever.
With Will next to him, his world was a perfect one, even though in a monochrome one.
It was a beautiful Saturday in early November. The cool breeze was a gentle reminder that Fall was about to give up to Winter. But it was not freezing yet that just a light coat and a thin scarf were enough to provide some warmth. And most of all, Nico’s hand that Will was holding gave him the most comfortable warmth.
Walking side by side, finger lacing together, Will told Nico about his classes and professors, while Nico told him the progress about his this project that he was working with Leo and some other people to catalog the demigods around the states.
They stopped by the lake, still holding each other’s hands.
For a while, Will said nothing and Nico said nothing but nothing needed to be said anyway. What they had between them were bigger than words anyway.
Will hummed.  “What?”
“Are you happy?”
Will turned his head to look at Nico. Nico still had his eyes fixed on the horizon. Years have gone by but still, the sight of Nico was still something that could make Will forgot to breathe for a second.
“I am,” he said. He squeezed Nico’s hand a little. “I am with you. And it makes me happier than I would ever be.”
Nico turned his head, meeting Will’s eyes. The soft small smile on his lips was something that Will had seen for thousands of times, yet it was still something that made Will’s heart skip a beat.
“Good,” Nico said. “Because I am happy to be with you too.”
Without even realizing it, without even thinking about it, Will smiled.
“So,” Nico said as he made a 90-degree turn, so he was now fully facing Will. He pulled his hand away from Will.
Nico stared at Will and for a second, something flashed in his eyes. Something that Will could not really out his fingers on to.
“So,” Nico continued. “What would you say, if I ask you to let me be with you forever?”
Will’s heart skipped another beat.
His brain froze.
In front of him, Nico pulled something a small box from his pocket.
His brain was still freezing when Nico kneeled on one knee in front of him, and flipped the box open.
Will’s hand flew to his mouth as he caught the sight of a pair of silver rings in the box.
“Will,” Nico said. “You once told me that we could show the universe that we belong together. So what do you say, if we show the whole universe that we belong together, forever?”
Will didn’t even know whether he was still breathing or no. He didn’t even have any idea how he still managed to stand.
“William Solace, will you marry me?”
Will covered his face and he wanted to scream and laugh and he felt like he could explode into pieces because of this happiness inside of him.
He slowly lowered his hands. Nico was still staring at him. A smile on his lips, a hope in his eyes.
Will nodded.
“Yes, Nico,” he said, whispering with trembled voice. “Yes.”
Nico’s smile was the most beautiful thing that Will had ever seen.
Nico pulled out one of the rings. He reached out to take Will’s hand, and slipped the ring into his finger.
He stood up, the opened-box in his hand.
Will took the other ring, and slid it into Nico’s finger.
Nico looked up with the brightest of light in his eyes and his smiles, and Will stopped thinking. He stopped thinking and let his emotion take control as he cupped Nico’s cheeks, pulled him into a kiss.
Will vaguely heard the sound of the box fell down to the ground as Nico’s wrapped his neck, returning the kiss. Nico’s fingers sneaked in through Will’s hair, as one of Will’s hand slid down to hold his waist, pulling him closer.
The kiss might last only for seconds or maybe minutes or whatever. Because suddenly time was merely a concept he forgot to understand when he had Nico kissing him like this, when Nico was in his arms like this.
Nico slowly pulled away, his breathing was heavy and Will was half-panting.
Nico placed a hand over Will’s chest.
“Thank you, Will,” he said, and he looked up. “Thank-“
Nico stopped mid-word and inhaled sharply.
Will blinked and in front of him, Nico stared at him with something strange, something that was a mix of disbelief and surprised and so many emotions.
At the back of his mind, Will felt something was so different about Nico but he didn’t bother to ponder about it. Not when in front of him, Nico looked like he was about to cry.
“Nico?” he said, carefully held Nico’s shoulders.
Nico blinked. Then his eyes darted to something behind Will. He let out another gasp, then his eyes were back at Will.
This time he didn’t just look like he was about to cry. There was already pearl of teardrops at the corner of his eyes.
“Will…” he said. “The sky…”
Will blinked again. Confused.
“Look at the sky,” Nico whispered.
Will looked up, and gasped.
He saw it.
The sky was not the usual bright shade of gray. The sky above them was this gorgeous color, soft and pretty with some white clouds on it.
It was beautiful.
Will looked down again at Nico, and this time he realized what was it that was different about Nico. His skin was no longer just another shade of gray. His skin was this pretty color, a warm complement to his hair and his eyes. His lips were this soft color, a pretty contrast over his skin.
Those teardrops were now rolling down from Nico’s eyes but Will knew that he too, was crying.
“Your mother was right,” Nico whispered. His hand was trembling but his touch was warm as he slowly ran his finger right below Will’s eyes.
“Your eyes are the color of the sky.”
Nico nodded. “Yeah. And I guess blue would be my favorite color from now on.”
Will laughed as tears keep rolling down on his cheeks. He pulled Nico again into his arms, and kissed the top of his head.
Will pulled back just a bit and kissed Nico’s forehead.
“You know what Nico?” He said. “I think you, are still my favorite color. You would always be”
(Another) Author’s Notes
I KNOW. I know that I just wrote a soulmate AU last week, but I just can't help it. This plot kept on haunting me.
Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed :D. I’d love to hear what you think abot this :)
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