#i got busy this holiday 🙁🙁
kozmicmizuu · 5 months
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hope all of your 2024 goes as good as possible!!!
- Kozu 😼💫
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acaiasahi · 1 year
cw: rant, death n bad friends :(
my bff of like my entire childhood, who is conveniently my cousin, is such a fucking dick. we were bffs n all of a sudden she got a gf that she met online fgs, ditched me to be w her n only msged me when she had problems w her or js problems in general. never to ask abt me or talk to me, even after A WHOLE CHILDHOOD OF FRIENDSHIP 😐 then she got broken up w her gf n all of a sudden she wants to be bffs again.
she literally ditched me, then came back to me to fill the hole her gf caused and guess fuckin what. they got back tgt. and then all of a sudden we're back to "let's leave jaydi alone n pretend they were never in ur life mwahhaha" 🙁 how fucking shitty do u gotta be bro... and the crazy thing is, i literally communicated these feelings to her n she fr said she'd do better.
i literally asked if she wanted to see svt w me n that it was ok if she didn't want to bc ik she doesn't like kpop as much as me but she still said yes and literally the DAY BEFORE THE CONCERT... she said she had work n flaked so i took my mom instead n ngl she was a way better concert buddy <3 anyways, i asked if she wanted to go to another concert, the kehlani show in oakland and she said yes... guess what she did. she fucking sold her ticket, that I BOUGHT, online without even telling me. if i hadn't found out, i would've been seated alone, driven alone, etc. how fucking shitty do u have to be to even do smth like that. she was even like "yes!!! sorry for svt but we'll def see lani, promise!!! <333" bffr.
and when i got fired from my job, it was literal radio silence on her end bc she was too busy w her goofy ass gf to even utter a word to me. and then when i had to give my dog away, she literally answered ONE phone call where i was bawling n she ended it quick bc her gf called like wtf bro. and then when my uncle died, i literally shut down. didn't talk to anyone besides my family and some coworkers if it was needed n all of a sudden, when i'm sad n grieving n not msging back, i'm the bad guy :/ i literally sent a msg to my bffs apologizing for being so distant n "a bad friend" despite me mourning the loss of a loved one. and the fuckin funny thing is, she didn't even fucking respond. what a bitch man.
i shouldn't have apologized in the first place. she was the one who ditched me multiple times to be w this girl she met on the internet n as soon as i started pulling away, i'm the horrible friend who never has time, literally fuck off. ydk how much pain i went thru knowing my uncle, one of my father figures since i was a BABY had passed away n ur too busy w ur lil gf, who btw, is a literal bitch bc she broke up w u for the most selfish reasons n when i told u to not go back bc u deserve better, she basically told u to stop talking to me bc she was butthurt, ANYWAY, u didn't even think to msg me. ask me how i was. how i was coping. if i was ok bc he fucking died during the holidays. THE FIRST HOLIDAYS W/O HIM AND U COULDN'T EVEN BE THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED U MOST. EVEN WHEN U WERE THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING BUT INSTEAD, I WAS THE BIGGER PERSON WHO DID IT.
i'm so fuckin sick of this shit n i'm honestly glad she's not in my life anymore. does it hurt? yeah, but only bc she was in my daily routine. she's showed time n time again that she's a bad friend but i still stayed bc i knew she was going thru a hard time but as soon as i'm going thru an extremely tough time, she bails. right now, i can't forgive u or wish u the best but i just hope this comes as a lesson that ur actions of consequences. be better.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 years
HII I just read chapter 10 of pomegranate ink (really late I know) and it was so good 😭 I love that the next few chapters are gonna be more lighthearted and character focused! I’m gonna read the newest chapter and the ship in the harbor update soon! Are you still on holiday btw? How has Spain been hehe I’d love to hear more about it (you said it was hot but personally I’m loving the summer heat where I am rn lol)! My holiday has been busy but also not tbh, today is a relaxing day just chilling at the hotel though so 😭
HAHAH I had sm fun with chapter 10!! I’ve planning to write it since I started the story…like that scene after Yuta beats Geto is what gave me the idea for the fic!! Chapter 11 is mostly just silliness with a little bit of seriousness/wrapping up plot stuff from JJK vol 0 so yes it’s going to be more lighthearted for a bit which is nice. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for ship in the harbor…I’ve been rereading the childhood arc of SitH and it’s making me so upset because Y/N and the others have all changed so much 🙁 and the next chapter that I’m working on rn is just…it’s going to be rough for sure.
Spain was awesome!! I actually just landed back home though haha. It was such a good time except for one incident…but otherwise we did so many cool things that I really enjoyed. My favorite place was definitely Cordoba, it was just so beautiful and there was so much culture!! Plus we watched the horse show at the royal stables which was AMAZING, I love horses and riding so it was so cool to see them. We also got to pet them and stuff and this one stallion kept trying to bite everyone but he LOVED me LMAOOO I itched his scratchy spot and he let me give him hugs and kisses + take pictures of him. He was so beautiful too 🥹 if only he fit in my suitcase LOL 😩
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louvelylouis · 3 years
what am i reading right now
i thought this was a funky little time travelling thing i didnt expect to get emotionally attached to these characters and see them die wtf
also is the other time leaper kisaki? if it is, i wonder how he's leaping. there must be like. another person in on this right? unless there are other ways to time leap?
btw im at the part where naoto and takemichi get shot and i just. cant
kisaki sucks i hope he gets arrested or smth
also mitsuya is really wholesome i cant believe how so many characters are just SO. wholesome (he is one of my favourite characters now <3)
i should probably go study now cause dussehra break ends day after tmr and we've got pre boards right after T-T
how's ur day going?
yooo ur going thru it i see lol. btw good luck with ur preboards omg i got done with mine a week ago.. i assumed ur in 9th grade for some reason tho :') i've been busy with my science project, today is the last day of my durga puja holidays so deadline tmrrw rip :P
sorry to spoil it but kisaki is in fact not the second time leaper sigh. mf would be too powerful then, so good. ur right tho... more than who's the other time leaper, i wanna know who's their accomplice
god that last handshake they do while bleeding to death right???? mann, i almost lost it at there. legit hate kisaki more than mahito :/ he'll get what he deserves soon dw 🙃
yess mitsuya my beloved forever <3 hes so sweet 🙁💗
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theirprofoundbond · 3 years
Extended Author’s Notes: Hidden Things
I thought I would write in-depth about my experience with Hidden Things; it was pretty significant for me, and I want to be able to look back on all of this and revisit the way it felt. (And this is the kind of thing I absolutely devour from other writers, so why not do it myself?)
I signed up for a holiday gift exchange event in the Discord server I hang out in, ficwip (which is fantastic and everyone there is lovely). Minimum word count was 2k, and we had a little under two months to write it.
I found out what my recipient was into (and even did a little sleuthing, and found a special secret ingredient!), and spent some time letting the idea and certain scenes incubate, including The Scene that Makes You Want to Write the Fic. (Good stuff.) A big part of writing for me is spending time away from a computer, letting things unfurl slowly. Long walks and lying in bed before I fall asleep? Writing time, kinda. And if I’m feeling stuck? Back off, close my eyes, watch them do their thing. They always work it out.
This story fought me a little bit. To be fair, I still consider myself to be something of an inexperienced writer. Hell, even thinking of myself as a writer is a new, shy thing. But I could see the beginning very clearly. There is Dean, sitting in a diner, being sad into a cold cup of coffee.
I needed a prologue to get there; something brief, that was all. And it would not work; nothing felt right. I reached a point and it all ground to a halt.
And then things got really busy; there was the pre-Christmas order rush, and I had to make sure I got all things Christmas in the mail to everyone—cards and boxes of wrapped gifts, to people in the UK, US, and Abu Dhabi. But I did it! I was very proud.
And by the time I was done, I needed to write. The final posting/gifting date was December 24. And dropping out of the exchange was not an option—someone was making a gift for me, and someone else was awaiting a gift from me! That lack of wiggle room was part of why I signed up for it in the first place.
So I wrote, for hours and hours and days and days. I sank into it and gave in to the story and you know that feeling where you forget the room around you entirely, and your body? It was that, and it was amazing.
I stopped fighting the story, and that prologue. I cooperated with it, and it turns out my “prologue,” those brief sketches I needed in order to get Dean to that diner? That was actually the 6,200-word beginning of the story. Right, okay! Lesson learned, there: trust your story.
And once I started doing that, god, I swear all I did was follow it. I cannot tell you how miraculous was to watch this thing unfold in my head, and the ways that it—and Dean, and Cas, and all of the other characters—surprised me. I only asked a few things of them, and they did the rest.
I feel like I learned so much about myself as a writer. I learned how to listen to and lean into what is working, and how to see when something is not working. I learned how I approach editing—something that always felt like it had to be “a certain way.” I learned what it feels like to actually be excited to write.
Writing was not perfectly easy and not without stress, with that deadline looming. I didn’t sleep much, the last few days before the deadline; I stayed up late writing, and then falling asleep was hard because my story was loud in my head. The moment I regained an iota of consciousness in the morning, there it was again. And our flat is in a big, old, very cold house; I was as shivery and teeth-chattery as Dean in Part III. My jaw ached for days from unconscious teeth-clenching.
But I wrote my first story.
I have written things, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually finished a story—not like this. This feels like my first story.
And I loved it. I loved it so much. There are three moments in particular, in Hidden Things, that will be in my heart always.
So. It was time to send the story to my beta reader, my dear friend and fellow writer wearingmywings.
I met Jana earlier this year when she beta read Homecoming for me. We quickly became very good friends, and then I beta read her beautiful DCBB story and sun-soaked we rest.
The beta read she did on this story for me was kinda the time of my life. First of all, she was an absolute champion. It was late for both of us, and I was basically shredded. I propped myself up in bed with my laptop and followed along with her comments and reactions, laughing my ass off at some of the stuff she was saying. I even made her cry over the line I’m most proud of!! She literally sent me a picture of the tear in her eye 😂 Eventually I caught up to where she was, and she was like, “omg we're finishing the fic together!! holds your hand” 😊
I spent the day after that doing rounds of edits, and she had my back the whole time. Basically everything she had recommended to me was excellent, and I was blown away by how much the story improved after she’d worked on it.
Find yourself a beta reader whose recommendations you will implement 99-100% of the time, yo.
I had loved the story before, but by the time it was done-done? Oh, my god ❤️️
I even ended up making a short playlist for the fic! It’s kinda wild to me how perfect it is; I love it.
I’d never posted anything so big to AO3 before and I was nervous, and Jana was there to walk me through things and reassure me—and make me laugh. She was so supportive.
Me: Hey, can you think of anything else I should tag? Her: Tag pining. Because... that shit has pining.
Jana even made me a beautiful piece of artwork for the fic‽
It was so cool to me that the beta reading experience for this fic was just as rewarding as the writing and posting of it. Just, wow. We definitely became closer friends through the experience, in part because giving your writing to someone else to beta read, no matter how confident you are or no matter how well you know them, really is a nerve-wracking thing. But she did an amazing job and I trusted her, and her recommendations, completely. I also found out that this was the first in-depth beta read she’d ever done, and I couldn’t believe it, because she did an awesome job.
After I’d posted to AO3, I had to do the thing: read it again. Because posting to AO3 is the fanfic writer equivalent of holding your own book in your hands, you know?
And of course I noticed a few errors that I went back and fixed, because that’s just how it goes.
But what struck me was how fast it went by. I couldn’t believe it! It’s a fairly short story at 15.3k, but my god... I had spent so long in those moments... hours and days, mired in Dean’s misery with him, breathless with both his and Cas’ desire. And it was over so fast!
I guess I’m just going to have write a 150k slow burn!!! 😠🔥
As I was lying in bed at like 3 am after posting and re-reading, I was just staring at the ceiling, thinking back on the whole experience. The stress and the nerves and the joy and the sense of discovery and just... what it was like to live in there, in those scenes, and feel them. I couldn’t believe it was over.
But I thought, “I can’t wait to do it again.”
Hidden Things: tumblr post | AO3 | Playlist
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alotofteez · 2 years
Surely you'll find a job and also if you start working you'll earn money and that's important and very essential for life 😌😌😌💖💖💖
LMAO YESSSSS he looks extremely sexy😤😤😤😤😤❤❤
I had read about several theories and they left me thinking too much although I have not yet read a theory of the real, I assume that Halla ateez are those of the real, in addition to Halla yeosang, which I think would be like the one who is always alert and analyzing the situation; the place where it happens as the confrontation between mingi, seonhwa, woo and jonho is the same as in the fireworks (if I'm not mistaken) also behind that constitution comes out where yeo is singing (in fireworks), besides that I think they're the Halla ateez it's is because of the way they "try to get mingi's attention" because it's as if they were demanding something from him, if they were the real ateez I think they would try maybe to catch him or something that will take them to a fight, although in the end they look like they were going to fight but it may be that they also want to take control each one and that makes Halla yeosang happy; well that's what I think of the mv😂❤besides, I don't know much about theories either, and this is the first time I've "created a theory."😂😂😂😂💖💖💖
Thank you, you are super cute and I love talking to you, I'm better with that but I had another problem with my sister's graduation and I feel bad for her🙁💗
HOW WAS YOUR DAY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
omfg when people start pointing things out across their mvs, i'm like how tf does kq plan ateez's lore?? do the boys know?? wHY DON'T THEY JUST SPELL IT OUT FOR US BC IM TOO DUMB FOR THISHDFAGDKHAKJEGN
Throughout the real mv, I was so confused as to why yeosang wasn't shown much and then I realized "ah this is au stuff" 😪 why they gotta confuse me like this??
I used to come up with theories for exo. Like when monster dropped, I dissected the entire mv based on film techniques I was learning about and someone told me I was thinking too hard about it. Then I never theorized about a mv again lol
What happened with her graduation??🥺
My day has been busy; a lot of family things going on because of the holidays. One of my best friends from elementary school through high school got engaged; I know me and her haven't really talked in a few years, so I have a feeling she's not going to invite me to the wedding. I remember her wishing in high school to marry this guy but after we graduated he got married to someone else and had kids (he's several years older than us btw), and she thought her chance was gone. She had a crush on him since we were kids and was head over heels for him, so I would jokingly say, "don't let that marriage stop you." Surprisingly, he got divorced a few years ago and at some point, they started dating. I don't know why he got a divorce andihopeitwasn'tbecauseofmyfriend😬
How was your day, love?
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queensabriel · 7 years
Is a sound of Thunder completed? I want to read it..I'm not a fan of Niall,,like At All, but I do love your writing, especially Ronan so I'm certainly going to give it a try. I want to read your other works too, but unfortunately I don't share any other fandoms I think☹️🙁 Thanks for the wonderful contributions to the fandom
It isn’t completed yet I’m afraid!! Do not fear though it isn’t abandoned - Holidays just got really busy and then I fell down a Yuri!! On Ice hole and got a bit distracted haha
I do have the next chapter in progress though so hopefully it will happen soon!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my writing :D
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