#i got so many of my favs this year oh i can't possibly choose
dailyfigures · 9 months
everyone reblog/reply with your favourite figure you got in 2023! <3
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10 Characters and 10 Fandoms
I was hoping this day would not come. I had hoped I would fly free and clear from having to choose between all the people trapped in my television. But alas...I can avoid it no longer...thanks @lurkingshan
Cause here is the thing, when I think of what drives me batshit, crawling up the wall, tearing at the curtains it is not the characters but the dynamics that I love and cherish.
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
So I guess, without further ado, and in no particular order, here are 10 of my faves and why
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
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I mean...this one seems pretty obvious (coughs in username) but this is my dumb slut, okay? He's beauty, he's grace, he's got Zhou Zishu Derangement Syndrome harder than anyone.
Wen Kexing, how do I love you? Let me count the ways:
Fashion Icon
Crazy Bastard Man
Yi Baiyi's Number One Nuisance
Gay As Hell
Not Once. Not Ever.
Akk - The Eclipse
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Oh Akk, my favorite little war criminal. If I had to pick one single favorite character, it's my boy.
Can't put my finger on why but for some reason I am obsessed with this emotionally repressed gay boy who has difficulty accepting himself and feels pressured to perform actions far outside what a teenager should be allowed to do because adults put pressure on him and because he doesn't want people to be disappointed in him...
Unlike Wen Kexing, Akk has done many things wrong, but he's my sweet cheese, good time boy, and he deserves to be harassed by his rat bastard boyfriend at all times. He's learned, he's grown, he's free of Suppalo and I want nothing but the best for him forever and alwas.
Jim Jimenez - Our Flag Means Death
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Ohhhhh Jim. The Swagger, The Sex Appeal, The Being The Only Competent Member of Stede's Crew. I mean, what is not to love about The Orphan Raised By Nun Grandmother To Be a Killer?
As a fellow Studier Of The Blade, I would welcome the chance to let Jim kill me. Besides the fact they would lay waste to many, as an enby, they automatically earn a spot in my favs list.
Guillermo de la Cruz - What We Do In The Shadows
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Tumblr Users, name a sexier character that Guillermo de la Cruz. That's right! YOU CAN'T!
Gay, serial killer...mmm you know what I'm beginning to sense a trend in my favs list...
eh, we can unpack that later!
My lovely, bumbling, dumbass with posession of the only brain cell in the household. So bright and smiley in the beginning you almost forget that he is 10 years in to literally hunting people to feed to his best friends/mortal enemies/family/tormenters/employers/bumbling idiots that stole him away from Panera Bread. There is no greater personification of the Duality of Man than the man who can lay waste to an entire theatre full of vampires and also spending literal hours closing every possible loophole in Nandor's Dick Length Wish. No greater personification of the Duality of Man than the man who can best Nandor in a gay little fight, and then immediately get pushed into a coffin and shipped to England.
Keyleth - Critical Role
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My beloved, all powerful awkward disaster of a Druid. Keyleth helped me through some difficult fucking parts of my life, and I really appreciate how heavily Marisha allowed Keyleth to embrace and exert her anger where it needed to be released. I love how Keyleth can both bring a building down with her bare hands (literally) and turn into a goldfish and splatter along the rocks (also literally)
I love when character who are hurt or in pain or grieving continue to be kind, and I love when that composure starts to slip.
Ellie Williams - The Last of Us
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I love my baby dyke with all my heart. She's a killer, she's a track star, she makes grown men weep and young kids laugh. She's immune from being mushroomified, and she horrifies Joel's Southern Table Manner Sensibilities. What more can you ask for out of a character?
Tankhun Theerapanyakul- KinnPorsche
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Serves cunt.
Kaz Brekkar - Six of Crows
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Kaz Brekkar is the walking contradiction, and that is why I love him.
Kaz, External Monologue: murder. murder. crime. crime. heist. heist. fuck pekka.
Kaz, Internal Monologue: Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej.
There is just something so juicy about a character who yearns desperately to touch, to hold, to love and is physically incapable of doing so. Also like, shout out to having disabled characters in media of all forms
Raine Whispers - Owl House
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Again, enby, therefore automatically on the fucking list. But also like. COME ON. Look at them. They are so precious, they are so awkward, and they are so badass. This motherfucker can't talk on a stage to save their life, but can lead a goddamn rebel organization?
ALSO LIKE, LET'S DISCUSS THE FUCKING WHISTLE AND THE MONTHS OF FAKING MIND CONTROL?!?!?!??!?! Y'all seriously want to sit here and not claim them as a fav? Okay, but couldn't be me :)
Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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It's Zuko. Need I say more? I will never not love Zuko because I lived through his redemption arc live on my TV. I went from hating this motherfucker's guts to truly deeply loving him in real time and that's all I have to say on that. He's a runner, he's a track star, he's a war criminal, and a baby girl, and truly is the king of kings for doing one nice thing and nearly dying from fever about it.
Well, this has made me realize that most of my favs are gay murderers. Teehee. Please never make me choose my favorite characters again.
If someone tags me in one of these, ask me to do my Top 10 Character Dynamics, please I beg you!!!!1
@bengiyo , @shortpplfedup , @kyr-kun-chan , @moonspiritmars
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icemav86 · 11 months
20 Questions
Homework from @fourtacosandaburrito
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 42 -- I've been on ao3 since 2012 but only writing fic for a little over a year
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 167,583
3. What fandoms do you write for? Top Gun, mostly. I also have some rpf.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? There's an icemav theme here
Can It Be About Us - an icemav cockblock 5+1; 11k
I wanna show you who I am - an icemav first time fic; 10k
you got the peaches, I got the cream - an icemav bakeshop AU; 5k
the well traveled road to you - an icemav later-in-life fake dating fic; 4.4k
three road trips - an icemav road trip/only-one-bed fic; 7k
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do. I love receiving comments (people taking time to tell me they like what I wrote?? amazing) and I like acknowledging the feedback
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's gotta be call your bluff - a canon divergent fic with vampire Ice and mortal Bradley
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't even know how to choose. Most of my fics have happy endings. But maybe I wanna show you who I am because of the effort it took to get there.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only once
9. Do you write smut? Preferably in every fic
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't, but have a TG/SG-1 crossover WIP I may finish some day
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have no idea
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I got a request, but denied it because the translation wouldn't have been hosted on ao3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but anon
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I can't possibly choose between Icemav and Jack/Daniel (SG-1)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? someone asked me to write a short original work for them and it sits open in a tab taunting me
16. What are your writing strengths? well, I suppose whether or not this is a strength is subjective but I think I tend to use a few words as are needed to tell the story I want to tell. Also, I take and learn from beta feedback
17. What are your writing weaknesses? excessive use of he/him when I should use names for clarity, excessive use of "it"when I should specify. Both coming along through the feedback mentioned in #16. Also, I'm impatient and slow. A bad combo for writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? That would not go well
19. First fandom you wrote for? oh, lord. I wrote some really bad popslash back in...gotta be 2003? It was for an nsync exchange and I didn't write again for almost 20 years.
20. Favorite fic you've written? I'm going to pick two: I wanna show you who I am for the story and process and overall good feelings about the fic (written on the beach in the florida keys). And wet because I wanted to write watersports but was nervous to publish this fic. So it's a fav because I did it.
Tag @cristinuke and @scm567 with 0 pressure to do this.
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robotvampire · 1 year
ahh I just finished the first chapter :( I love it!! So many option tho, you had to go crazy with so much coding xD
I love Sameer with all my soul, but I don't really know if I can trust him completely, imagine if his master plan (and a very simple one /sarcasm) failed and he founds out he can't do it, and the only way is going along with the prophecy... I mean, it would be a downfall if you are making me love you and trust you for something even himself dont really, really know if it could work...
And what frustrate me more is that my friends apparently prefer to risk Mc live and go with him, even without knowing him than thinking about the other possibilities
Im curious, so in my mind I choose the option of "No." when Izzy and Jess asked about if Mc would kill Sameer. But I wanted to know all the options XD so that was what I did. I was a little surprise with the "I dont know" Cause, in my mind is the most logic one to do. I mean, I kinda understand that, if mc kills Sameer, the apocalypse it may or may not be near, and that is not a good thing... at least not for humanity xDD, but its not totally fair for Izzy say things as "[…] but at least he knows what he wants" its like, of course he knows what he know he had like +20 years to think about it??? and what is more, we dont really know if he knows something that MC not... there is so many variables to considerer :(... can you really trust someone you met for the first time two days ago? and one of them was not even present?
so right now im kinda tempt to put the worst answer or the idk answer just to mess with them like «fuuuk u friends who think of me as a possible murder but it does not cross their minds to believe that the other person, who you DONT know, could try to kill me» (Its more sad for me cause Jesse is probably my fav character rn, lol, like he is maybe in the same place as Sameer, I think he is such a cute and sweet boy and I want to protect him lol), so, there will be any punishment in the future if you choose the options that lower the friendship score with your friends?
Can we pleeeeease in the future have an interaction with them like: "oh, wow look at this, I didn't kill him, what a surprise" in a sarcastic, sassy way? extra point if we add something like "the only time things got hot was in bed", for romance lol
I love this story and the way you write it, so thanks for your work! and sorry for my mumbling XD
Hello! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!! ☺️ The coding is a bit tedious at times, but there are a lot of stories I want to tell within the story, so it's been worth it! (Not saying I won't want to kick myself in the future, though, lol.)
I can't really comment on your mistrust of Sameer too much without getting into ~spoilers~, but he does have a fairly good reason for believing his plan will work. If he knew of another solution (that didn't involve dragging MC into it), he would absolutely have gone that route.
As far as Izzy and Jesse go, from their perspective, what MC is telling them has to be the truth. It's too outrageous not to be, right? And presumably if Sameer wanted to hurt/kill MC, he would've done it already.
For any of the non-no responses about whether you could kill Sameer, Izzy and Jesse respond negatively because they're thinking about it from their own perspective - that they, and everyone they love (with the exception of MC), would die. They can't fathom that MC could really look them in the eye and say anything other than "no". It certainly can be argued that they're placing too much responsibility on MC's shoulders too quickly, but keep in mind that they've had this information even less time than MC has. I think if they'd waited to ask that question at a later point, they would have been able to respond better. (Though depending on the MC, they may realize that they would NEVER do that and not ask at all.)
There won't be any punishment, per se, at this point if you lower your friendship score with Izzy/Jesse. It may change some of the dialogue, but there's still time to earn those points back. You're not going to get rid of them that easily!
"Wow look at this, I didn't kill him," does sound like something sarcastic!MC would say, so we'll see! 😂
And never apologize for mumbling! I appreciate hearing from folks!! ❤️
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ikram1909 · 27 days
Yeah I think Luka’s fans can be a little too defensive. Some of it I think comes from the fact that most people acknowledge he is an incredibly gifted player but too much of a crybaby, that he complains too much to the refs and sometimes his teammates. So fans can get pretty defensive with any type of criticism of him. I can tell you as a long time Luka fan even I am starting to get more and more irritated with this attitude of his but I’d still defend him most times cause I really want him to succeed and I think he has everything to be historic. I personally haven’t seen them be specially hateful towards Steph (my fav player as well 🫶🏼) but I guess some of it might have to do with the fact that a lot of people still say he is the best point guard in the league and Luka fans think he has already surpassed him
And yeah some older players seem pretty resentful of Steph, although I think it has calmed down a lot through the years and they’ve come around. I think many just don’t like the way the game is played now, all about the three as opposed to when they played where it was more physical and playing at the rim, and they (rightly tbh) blame him for this. Another thing is that he comes from a well off family (his dad used to play in the nba) and many of the most successful players come from a more harsh background, with poverty and violence, and survived and where able to get their family out of this situation through basketball. So there is resentment there for “being born with a silver spoon” and “having the easy way” into the league, even though if you know his story that is obv bullshit. But yeah he’s been doubted and underrated pretty much his whole life for being “too little” or “not athletic enough” and he’s broken all this beliefs and stereotypes of what a basketball player has to look like and be from to be not only successful but historic
(Ps Kendrick Perkins is clueless and a hater, he needs attention like breathing and will say almost any bullshit to get it)
Yeah he does complain a lot and it's a turn off 😭😭 the teammates part is definitely worse tho. I think he just needs to mature in that regard and he'd be set. He has everything that could make him become historic like you said. Perhaps changing teams would help too since he needs help. about the fans, I've definitely seen many fans of his try Steph for some reason like at least so far. Some of them genuinely talk like Steph is a bum it's crazy to me 😭😭
Yeah, it's insane how every reason they came up with to hate on him is completely out of his control 😭😭 he didn't choose his family and he had his own struggles and they aren't less relevant just because they can't relate to them. His story is very inspiring in its own way. I get the whole thing about him changing the game when it comes to the 3 points shots but is it really a bad thing? 😭😭 It's actually impressive how he revolutionised the game, very few people can say they were able to do that. But every other criticism is very much a reach. He didn't have it easy at all. He's been an underdog his entire career and they constantly came up with reason to undermine his achievements. Oh no he doesn't have a fmvp. Oh no he's not clutch. Oh no he was carried by KD (which is funny to me because he literally won before KD and again after him 😭😭) I'm just glad he got to prove all of them wrong time and again.
Yeah Perkins is absolutely an attention WHORE and he knows bringing up Steph's name will get him the clout he's desperate for so he takes advantage of it as much as possible. Gil Arenas too for that matter 😒😒
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