#i got some radi vessel au hollow ideas i can make with these two
bubba-draws · 10 months
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A warm embrace
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allykatsart · 7 months
This idea just crossed my mind, and I just had to ask your thoughts: What if in a continued storyline for the PK, he has to learn what his children had to go through? This thought came as I was thinking of the line, "No voice to cry suffering." He'd have to feel their pain without being able to speak out in resistance. Probably not a very good basis for a story but there's that idea out there now
Mortal Radiance AU
I've had this ask for awhile and I've been thinking about it passively.
There's a lot of ways one might continue this. Pale King learning about what Hollow/Ghost struggle with, what it means to be mortal, and learning what restitution means.
His conflicts with Radi would also be interesting. And there WOULD be conflict! The new gravedigger is not so nearly at peace as she may seem. She is grieving the death of her Seer and she is still so VERY angry at all she has lost. She's still learning to have empathy, she's still flawed and still growing all the same.
She is mortal, after all.
Pale King, too, is learning how it is to be brought down to earth. To no longer be a higher being, or a king at all. No one who knew him recognizes him now. He cannot claim a title that is no longer his, he has no voice to do so with. He is as his children were, no one and nothing in a world that has forgotten him. Pale King has yet to truly be humbled.
With his voice being gone, most of Radiance and Pale King's fights would be one sided. She would insult him, desperately longing for a fight, for her anger to be vindicated! But... She is denied. She cannot argue with him, cannot spiral into a rage to hide from the grief eating her up. He has already had everything taken from him, what other punishment could she possibly lay upon him?
Nothing that would change what has happened.
Slowly, she stops antagonizing him, and instead replaces her cruel words with helpful ones. She sees him struggling, and assists. She lets herself weep at the loss of her moth and slowly comes to accept it. And, in the end, she talks to the Pale King.
They are, in some way, the only thing the other has left.
They're the only ones who can truly understand what has happened to the other. It is not perfect, of course, but slowly Pale King stops treating her so coldy. Despite everything, there's a part of him that starts to understand her pain as well.
Then there's the Pale King's children...
Hollow would be conflicted, both wanting to see their father again, but also being terrified of the judgement. They have so many questions they cannot ask, so many things to apologize for that have no answer. Meeting their father would bring pain again...
Next, there's Ghost. Ghost visits the most regularly, mostly to check in on Radi. They seem to be less of a mystery to Radi, now that she understands them a bit more. She'll always make a drink for them if they come over. Sometimes Ghost will bring her new mourners looking for a grave. Often, she gives them what they're looking for.
And then there's Hornet.
Hornet who grew up too fast. Hornet who knew the secret of what the Pale King was. Hornet who protected this fading grave of a kingdom. Hornet who lost her mother..
Hornet's feelings on the Pale King are... Complicated. They get even more complicated now that he's back. Does she see him as a father? Or does she judge him for what he's done? Should she take what he's trying to do into account? Should she even acknowledge him? I don't think Hornet knows the answers to those questions and they would be overwhelming.
In the end, she wouldn't have anything to say to him. It's too much for her. Now, she has new people to protect, a new family to look forward to. And she will not let her father see her pain.
He loves her, though. Pale King, even in mortal form, cares about his daughter. The one child he got to keep. He doesn't understand why she shies away when the other two vessels seem fine with his presence. Then again, she's not a vessel. She's a child with emotions.
It's a messy situation. He wants connection to her, a connection that pains Hornet. She doesn't know how to explain it to him. Ghost and Hollow can't explain, even if they did understand. So, It would be left to the Radiance to try and meditate. To her immense displeasure.
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bubba-draws · 10 months
Hello, could I ask you for some Radiant Vessel Hollow AU stuff? What's the general lore behind that, how did those two end up as they did and just general brainrot on the idea?
Anon this is the best birthday present ever bc i've been thinking about this au for a while now AND I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT AAAA
SO pretty much the au was born from the idea of "Wouldn't it be fucked up if Hollow ended up joining Radi?" partial inspiration comes from this song as well!
(There's a bunch of subtitles in different languages but I'm going with the english one)
To summarize, after years of fighting Radi inside their mind prison, Radi changes tactics and attempts to make Hollow join her, she promises to give them all that was taken from them, the life they deserved
Hollow doesn't fall right away of course, they try to ignore her, fight her, but after years of the same dance and song they start getting tired, no matter how hard they try Radi is never fully gone when they fight, their void not strong enough to rip her apart, and being the only one with them (The dreamers are also in Hollow's mind prison, but they're not anywhere nearby these two) they can't help but lean on her company
The closest thing I could get to describe their relationship at this point is an odd sense of solidarity, in a way both of them were done wrong by the same guy, and while it does take a lot for Hollow to understand this, deep down they knew there was a bit of resentment towards PK, one that grows in intensity the more these two spend together, and it erupts when they succumb to Radi and she turns them into a vessel for her
It's kinda like what Grimm and the Nightmare heart has going on (or at least the general HC most people got) Hollow made a deal with Radi, she will lend her powers and energy to Hollow for them to call anytime they want, to go back so she can see the world through their eyes (disclaimer: not all the time btw ASHFJKAS just when its necessary/Hollow calls her) there's no cycle of rebirth or anything here though, she's also no longer limited to Hollow's mind, she can see the whole Dream Realm now
So yeah, once Hollow is used to their new powers (and body, they got some changes in appearance) they take down the dreamers, escape the black egg, their presence making the infection spread like a wildfire and take down PK :3 (WL escaped, the knights... yeah they dont make it)
There's still some ideas I gotta clean up after this point, but I talked about this with some people and got the idea that yeah, Hollow does take over Hallownest and its people, everyone is infected to some degree? makes them more agreeable to what's going on but its not enough to make them feral anymore, some of the bugs that got modifications through the infection stay like that and while still a bit volatile, they can think enough to understand things
As for their relationship??? It's odd as fuck KJHSDFJKAH there's nothing romantic, that's for sure, it is definetely more similat to a Lord and their subordinate, but theyre like??? very close?? almost familial, when there's no job to do or Hollow needs reassurance Radi becomes the closest thing to a motherly figure they could get (Even if WL loved them there was no way she couldve shown them that) but its not enough for them to call each other family
as for the game events it would completely change, Ghost would arrive to a completely different Hallownest, where everyone is happy and nice, but the more u progress the game u realize shit's fucked up, Hornet is there as well and she came back to Hallownest to seek revenge for her mother
As to what happens to the abyss and pile of dead siblings, i'm still a bit unsure, part of me thinks Hollow wouldnt want to get rid of it but part of me knows Radi wouldnt let them have it open or even go in there, while still void the light she bestowed upon them would present a threat for the shades living there
and that's most of what I got! I still need to think of other things, but if u guys got other questions or ideas I would love love LOVE to hear them!! :D
have a quick doodle of them :3
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